christy whitman’s interview with tellman knudson · longer. as a hypnotist change worker and...


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Page 1: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Tellman Knudson · longer. As a hypnotist change worker and healer I am a big believer in the invisible what I mean by that is our senses our eyes

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman’s

intervieW WithTellman Knudson

Page 2: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Tellman Knudson · longer. As a hypnotist change worker and healer I am a big believer in the invisible what I mean by that is our senses our eyes

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Having it all is not about striving for perfection, or about living our lives according to someone else’s standards

or expectations (we’ve done that for far too long).

It’s not about working ourselves to a state of exhaustion, spreading ourselves too thin, or trading inner peace and

contentment for outer trinkets of success.

Been there. Done that too.

Having it all simply means having access to all of yourself, in any moment you choose it, and in every

aspect of life that is important to you.

Go here to learn exactly how you too, can “Have it All”’

Page 3: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Tellman Knudson · longer. As a hypnotist change worker and healer I am a big believer in the invisible what I mean by that is our senses our eyes

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

4 QuesTions wiTh ChrisTy whiTman

C: how do you define your it and your all in your life?

Tellman Knudson: I’ve always been the black sheep weirdo kind of guy. For me, growing up I grew up in New Hampshire in public school and I was the

one with the 2 ½ foot tall Mohawk guy with the eyebrow pierced nose and had a splatter painted car. So for me, it’s not really felt like I fit in any crowd or click or any group that I have attempted to really be a part of so for me it’s really about doing the things that make me excited and we genuinely not caring about people’s reaction to it. It doesn’t mean not caring about people it doesn’t mean not being sympathetic and help helping people to achieve what they want to achieve interesting things that they want to but it means being able to do and say what I want to be able to do and say even if it makes someone else uncomfortable even if someone else might not like it if it’s something that is really important to me and I believe in it. Whether it’s making more money than I grew up with running barefoot when everybody gets freaked out or having a beard down to your belly button at your Internet marketing conference with people are really clean cut and proper. That’s a very important thing to me so for anyone else whatever style is, what your opinion is, beliefs or values are, to fully embrace the and embrace them and all areas of your life even though you are going to be criticized and have some people who don’t agree with you on everything. But being willing to be comfortable in the situations where other people are uncomfortable. That’s hugely important to me. I’m not saying everybody has to be eccentric or a weirdo or an outcast but to be able to have the freedom to do and say what we actually want regardless of what other people say is enormously liberating.

Page 4: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Tellman Knudson · longer. As a hypnotist change worker and healer I am a big believer in the invisible what I mean by that is our senses our eyes

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

C: What is your core belief about yourself or the universe that allows you to have the experience of having it all?

Tellman Knudson: first of all, I am a student of perception and I’ve always felt that it looked at the world a little bit differently than other people and then I

had some amazingly transformative very spiritual awakening experiences with the physical world melted away before me. I’m not talking about my body with hallucinogenic talking about going to do life and all the sudden literally everything shifts around you and what you thought was real no longer. As a hypnotist change worker and healer I am a big believer in the invisible what I mean by that is our senses our eyes our ears our tongue our nose our physical body our ability to perceive the world around us is so small and so limited. If you think about it from a visual perspective, perspective of light waves that we are able to stay with our eyes isn’t infinitesimally small point on the spectrum of light. All the things that we see are all being filtered out the vast majority of the light is all around us we are blind to it and cannot see. The same is found the vast majority of the sound waves passing through our body through the room that you’re right now we cannot hear. The vast majority of temperatures and textures that are available in the world around us that we cannot feel not to mention taste and smell. So as a result I am a big believer that everything we hear taste and think and smell honestly doesn’t even exist it’s all completely imaginary. At least it is a minimal part of the actual reality around us that might as well be imaginary, so I am a big believer of going after your dreams but I don’t mean that in the normal cheesy way, I mean dreams are fantastic dreams are amazing, in your dreams you can do things see things and experience things that you can’t experience and what we know as the physical world so I say literally go after your dreams because if you do and try to do things that you currently believe are not possible and if you go after goals and set your sights on things that you could never possibly accomplish and everyone around he says there is no weight you will ever do that or anybody could ever do that setting gigantic goals and going after your dreams doing the impossible is it for you setting that goal isn’t about you setting the goal it’s about inspiring the people around you and more importantly inspiring the people you have never met or heard of or never connected with, with a dream that is so big so bright so amazing so powerful that you draw the people toward you in order to achieve something that you could have never possibly achieved as an individual. That you were able to create a group of people to accomplish something so graceful and amazing that none of them have been able to accomplish on their own you but if you never

Page 5: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Tellman Knudson · longer. As a hypnotist change worker and healer I am a big believer in the invisible what I mean by that is our senses our eyes

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

had that outlandish goal even if you never achieved the impossible you achieved something so exponential, so much greater than you ever what have been a one man or woman show plodding through life. Is incredibly exciting and the best part is that I have discovered about going after really important things in your life is that people remember the goal you set people remember the dream they don’t remember whether or not you accomplished it from situations. It’s all about imaginations and inspiring yourself and other people what things that are truly great and truly wonderful that is something I tried to do we in the process of hypnotizing 1 billion people about the seventh of the planet absolutely awesome but it’s more inspiring to hypnotist and hypnosis clients than anything else they’ve ever heard of so they are jumping on board with the mission it’s a truly exciting thing so I would really recommend everyone to go after something that is so big that it feels completely impossible and it excites you and people around you and pulls people in to really do something truly amazing.

C: When you are in a place of having it all what is that bottom line essence are feeling for you?

Tellman Knudson: for me, it really started with distance running when I was very young I was a freshman in high school in my legs were all deformed

and bent in all of that stuff I remember the first time I experienced the flow state, the state of awareness where time melts away, where you forget about the outside world and you are completely in the zone. For artists it might be when you are painting or musicians when you are playing or writing a song. For mathematicians it might be an incredibly complex math problem or for chemists it might be when you are experimenting in the lab where literally you move into that dream state you move into the hypnotic alpha beta state of awareness where your dreams are more real than reality and that is the state I try my best to go in as frequently and as long as I possibly can when I’m doing my very best work as a hypnotist, athlete, as a dad I try to move into that state and let the physical world around me drop away to the greatest degree possible I always perform at my best when I’m in that zone.

Page 6: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Tellman Knudson · longer. As a hypnotist change worker and healer I am a big believer in the invisible what I mean by that is our senses our eyes

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

C: Can you offer one piece of advice to help them to get into that space of having it all?

Tellman Knudson: learn self-hypnosis honestly. It’s an amazing tool and it’s completely transformed my life whether you are using hypnosis or self-

hypnosis or NLP or brain waves entrainment or binaural beats or whether it’s meditation or it’s deep prayer or you are using something like tapping there are so many ways that you can enter that zone that state between being awake and asleep where your body’s awake and your brain is functioning but the world around it has shifted a little bit so you are able to be there and focused and alive in a way that most people don’t spend a whole lot of time in and there are many different ways of getting there. My tip is self-hypnosis or hypnosis because I have been working in the field for a long time.

tellman KnudsonA master of internet and email marketing since 2006, Tellman Knudson became a multi-millionaire before the age of 30 using secret mental techniques that he developed while becoming certified in hypnosis.

As the creator of the Listbuilding Club and Black Diamond Line among others, he brought his company from zero to 2.8 million in under 3 years, and has trained over 1 million entrepreneurs in his innovative internet and email marketing strategies.

At the height of his Listbuilding fame in 2009, Tellman took a philanthropic hiatus and ran 564 miles across America barefoot, raising over $300,000 for homeless youth...while running his internet business from a headset.

Today Tellman is using his online marketing mojo to reinvent the world of hypnosis. As co-founder of The New Hypnotists, he has hypnotized over 100,000 people in 1-on-1, group and online sessions. His groundbreaking programs The Prosperity Process, The Wealth Switch and The Millionaire Habits have sold thousands of copies over the past 24 months, helping ordinary people to break free of their money-blocks and begin to live lives of prosperity and abundance.

Page 7: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Tellman Knudson · longer. As a hypnotist change worker and healer I am a big believer in the invisible what I mean by that is our senses our eyes

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Right at this moment, no matter how you are feeling, no matter how in debt you might be, no matter how old you are or how much you weigh, and no matter what the condition of your relationships might be, you have the power to re-create yourself and your life exactly the way you desire it to be – and quite frankly, the way you deserve it to be.

Regardless of how big a gap exists between what you want and what you currently have, within you is the ability to effortlessly and joyfully bridge that gap in virtually every aspect of your life.

You can have it all, how you define it, how you want it. You do have the power to create it.

Go here to learn exactly how you can start having it all today!