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Chrystal Chronicle November 2012 St Mary’s-Greyfriars’ Parish Church Locum Minister: Colin Sutherland Tel 01387 279954

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ChrystalChronicleNovember 2012

St Mary’s-Greyfriars’ Parish ChurchLocum Minister: Colin Sutherland

Tel 01387 279954

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The Chrystal Chronicle November 2012 | 2

Church registerDeaths – “I am the resurrection and the life”September 28: Mr J H Winning, 4 Hillview AvenueOctober 13: Miss S Cannon, Goldielea

Change of address – “We have moved”Mrs J Wardrope from Cardoness Street to Charnwood Lodge

Please let me know of any changes of address. Marion Bennett, 2 Wolfgill Drive, Dumfries DG1 4XY. Tel: 263106.

FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to our November edition. The next issue of the Chrystal Chronicle will be our Christmas/New Year double edition, published at the beginning of December and covering December and January. If you have anything to be included, please pass it on through the church by Sunday November 18. The deadline is Tuesday November 20 at 3pm. Thanks as always.

If you have any articles, please contact me:n Address: 2 Wolfgill Drive, Dumfries DG1 4XYn Telephone: 263106n Email: [email protected]

David Bennett, Editor

Useful phone numbersSession Clerk – David Matheson, 252042 Treasurer – Stewart Williamson, 261257 Gift Aid and freewill offering envelopes – Billy Simpson, 252278

For reflectionThe decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.

(Psalm 19:9b-10)

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The Chrystal Chronicle November 2012 | 3

Dear friends, just back from a good holiday as I write this. Although I have been in the USA before. I had not realised just how big halloween is over there. I know many in Britain now use pumpkins instead of the turnips of my youth, but for weeks before the night people dress up their house and shops with blow up pumpkins ghosts and halloween related items – costumed scarecrows, fake cobwebs etc. Coffee shops have all kinds of pumpkin spiced varieties.

More challenging to me was that many Churches are keen to embrace this, selling pumpkins, pumpkin festivals, and one church was permanently queued around the block as it offered a haunted church tour. It all seems very good natured and good humoured but I need to reflect on whether it is all just good fun, or whether this is demeaning to the gospel. Is God praised and honoured by a church filled with scary looking carved pumpkins, or does it not matter, or does it say that churches can be part of everything?

As we approach Christmas perhaps similar questions should be asked of what we do in our churches in Scotland.

Robert Malloch

From the Interim Moderator

Nominating committeeThe committee has continued to be very busy since being elected. An advert for a new minister was prepared and has appeared in two editions of Life & Work.

The committee was also involved in leading the discussions at the congregational meet-ing which was held on Saturday May 12 in the church hall, and the results of the con-sultation have helped to inform the content of the parish profile which has now been completed.

The profile will be sent out to any applicants interested in the vacancy, and a copy of the pro-file can be viewed on the church website.

The committee are hopeful of some interest in the vacancy in the near future following the publication of the adverts, and will meet regularly to review progress and to consider what fur-ther steps can be taken to help us in our task.

Where possible I will keep members advised through the magazine and website of progress towards finding a new minister, and I will be happy to speak to anybody who wants further information, subject to confidentiality issues with any potential applicant.

Please keep the committee in your thoughts and prayers as we undertake the task of finding the right person to become our new minister.

Rod WilliamsonConvener

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A Fair Trade townIt was great news a few months ago when we learnt that Dumfries had become a Fair Trade Town. This was due to the hard work of a relatively small but enthusiastic group, and the rest of us following buying Fair Trade goods whenever we got the opportunity.

Despite this achievement I wondered if anyone else had my experience of finding the usual Fair Trade goods I was accustomed to buying in the supermarkets seeming to be disappearing.

It is up to us to make sure that the management know we care and by making a polite inquiry every time we find something missing. I know shopping is a time-consuming business but it would not take long to just ask at the inquiry desk each week as to when our Fair Trade favour-ites will return to the shelves. If they know there is a substantial number of people asking this every week, I am sure they would do something to meet that need.

After all, it is all good business for them!Margaret Franks

Hungarian linksAs many people will be aware Stan and I went as part of the group from Dumfries and Kirkcud-bright Presbytery to Hungary last year to meet members of Debrecen Presbytery with a view to a possible linkage/partnership between the two presbyteries. We were hosted by a delightful couple from Arpad Teri church, who have now become close friends.

Earlier this year we received a request from them to form a partnership between their church and St Mary’s-Greyfriars’. The wider Church committee of our Kirk Session has con-sidered and prayed about this request as a partnership is not something that can be entered into lightly and will need a lot of prayer and commitment by all the congregation of St Mary’s Greyfriars’.

In September the committee sought Session’s approval, support and prayers to pur-sue the possibility of a partnership and this was forthcoming. We have emailed Hungary and are keeping World Mission at Church of Scotland headquarters informed.

We ask for your prayers and support for this exciting venture and challenge to us all at St Mary’s-Greyfriars’.

This is a new journey for our congregation and for the congregation of Arpad Teri and we feel sure that there will be further developments very soon.

Liz Tanner Wider Church and Christian mission committee convener

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Christmas BazaarIt is now less than four weeks to the Christmas Bazaar on December 1. Please help make this a fantastic and profitable event for the church. As I promised some time ago here are the details of the conveners of the stalls that we currently know are being held on the day:

Cake and candy Freda Hunter, 262088Holiday gifts stall Anne Twiname, 263241Jewellery Anne Mackie, 249129Handiwork Janet McSherry, 264973 and Helen Holland, 256131Raffle Alistair Millar, 263640 Calendars etc Loftus BrownHamper David Cannon, 720394£1 lucky dip stall Louise Jardine, 261051 and Maureen Woods, 255426Teas Janette Kirkpatrick, 253456Books Liz and Stan Tanner, 261486As can be seen, we are holding a raffle this year and I have been asked to request donations

for this stall by Alistair. We are also looking for donations to all stalls and if you have any items to be donated,

please contact any of the conveners if you are unable to deliver these items to the hall on the evening of Friday November 30 between 6pm and 7.30pm, or if you wish to volunteer to assist.

Janet McSherryShining brightly …Once more I am asking ladies (and gents) to have a clearout of any unwanted, unused, even unloved, bits and pieces of jewellery which may be cluttering up your cupboards and drawers. Think how good you will feel after a whole bag of goodies leaves your house and lands in the Church hall, ready to raise funds for us to use.

And don’t forget the fun generated at the Bazaar, when you are doing your Christmas shop-ping, and bagging a bargain at the same time. Thanks in advance!

Anne Mackie

Ceilidh thanksOur thanks go to everyone who attended, danced and assisted with the above dance which was held on Saturday 30th September. The grand sum of £540 was raised for Church Funds. Thanks again for all your assistance.

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Dear Quiet, We’ve been friends since before birth I suppose. I imagine I first heard you in the swoosh-swoosh of my mother’s heartbeat before I ever saw the sun.

Then you came to my crib, rocked me to sleep at night; lifted me into the new morning each day. I liked that very much. I sought you out by climbing high into a backyard tree. The curve in that limb made a seat, remember? You and I would sit for hours with only the song of the wind swirling around us and the words of a book to keep us company.

But then I grew and people began to tell me things about you. Not directly perhaps, but still they did all the same. I learned that the world thought a lot more of your cousin Noise. You seemed soft, shy, a silhouette on the backdrop of life. Noise was centre-stage – bold, brash. So I am ashamed to say this now, I started spending less time with you. Maybe it wasn’t cool (and I so wanted to be cool).

Maybe I feared being left out as you often seemed to be. Perhaps you even made me a lit-tle uncomfortable. Whatever the reason, I drifted away. You, sweet Quiet, remained loy-al and sought me out – as I was driving, taking a holiday, welcoming a new day. Often I simply overlooked you, choosing instead to turn up the radio or fill my schedule with Noise.

But lately, Quiet, I’ve been missing you. You feel a bit like an old friend who has popped into my awareness again and I find myself thinking: “We used to be so close. What happened? I re-ally liked her.”

And now I’ve realised that no-one ever took your place. Even now I’ll be standing in the mid-dle of a party, going to a meeting, or ending a busy day and I’ll catch myself thinking, “I wish Quiet could be here.” Then I feel a dull ache in my chest, a hunger almost, and I remember what it’s like to be together. I think of your gentleness. The way you open up the closed doors in and around me. How the world feels brighter – as if all the colours have been turned up – when I am with you.

Then I recall, Quiet, how you hardly ever come alone. First it’s you and then not long after it’s Him. Your silence is like a red carpet laid out for His Presence in my life; my heart. At some moment you are there and then you fade without me even noticing and it’s the two of us, my Love and I. It has taken me a long time to realise but now I know - when I am missing you, I’m also missing Him.

So, dearest Quiet, thank you for your persistence. I’m sorry for not valuing you as I should. I know now that you are one of the best friends I’ve been given in this life. What I am trying to say, trying to ask, is “Will you please come back to me, lovely Quiet?”

I’m here, at last, waiting for all you have to say to me.

A note to Quiet

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The Guild held its opening evening on October 2 when we were entertained by the Baptist Church choir. This was a very special occasion and much enjoyed by all present.

On October 16 Donald Henderson gave an illustrated talk on Local Heroes of the Titanic. November 6 will be an in-house meeting on the Guild theme for this year, Faith to Proclaim.

The Church of Scotland Guild has embarked on fundraising for six new projects over the next three years based on “Whose we are and whom we serve” (nearly £800,000 was raised for the last six projects over the last three years) and on November 20 we will welcome a speaker from one of the new projects: Mary’s Meals. This is an open meeting when members of neighbouring Guilds are invited to join us and of course any member of our own congregation will be made most welcome.

Guild week is from November 18-25 and the Guild will be providing a soup and roll lunch in the hall after the service on Sunday November 18 (the service that day is in the hall).

Guild update

In the gardenThe church gardening club autumn session is well under way, and the meeting on October 3 was ably led by Duncan Ford, the Hoddam ranger, who held his audience in rapt attention with his orni-thological deliberations and most interesting photographs of garden birds and their idiosyncrasies.

The following get-together in the hall was a photographic extravaganza, based on the mem-bers’ visit to Keir Mill on a lovely June afternoon. The garden and the old mill were very pleas-antly displayed thanks to contributions from members Bill Holland and Andre Barallon.

We look forward to our meeting on November 14, when we have Mr Graeme Muir from St George’s Church, who will take on Body, Mind and Spirit. Everyone is welcome to our meetings.

Buzz updateOn September 24 we welcomed Avice McQueen and her sister Carol, who gave us a talk on crafts, showing us how to make boxes of every shape and size, and how to decorate them with lovely materials and ribbons. They had some lovely cross-stitch and showed how to frame them – they would make fantastic presents. It was a lovely afternoon, followed by tea.

At our meeting on October 8 we welcomed Bette Archibald and Mary White, who are volunteers for the Red Cross. They work in Headway, doing therapeutic care. They demonstrated their work on some of our ladies, massaging their hands, back and shoulders. It made you feel very relaxed! There are 35,000 volunteers all over the country working in homes and hospitals – they do a wonderful job.

Our new syllabus starts on November 5, with Ian Wilson talking on the Falklands, Antarctica and South Georgia. Anyone is welcome, new members especially – come and join us!

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For the children

Blythswood shoeboxesPlease note that even if you haven’t managed to get your filled shoebox to church by November 4 you can still bring them to the church or hall for November 11 – the lorry comes on Novem-ber 12. Remember also that donations of money are equally welcome as it costs nearly £4000 to transport a load of boxes. Thank you!

Fair TradeThe Fairer World Fair is on Saturday November 10 from 10am-3pm in St George’s Church Hall, and again a wide range of stalls offering fairly traded goods and information will be available in the main hall.

The Fairtrade Cafe will run from 10am-2pm with the usual selection of home baking and drinks –soup and roll lunches (from around noon) will also be available.

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Human trafficking warningTo be silent on human trafficking is to be unfaithful to our calling the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland warned on Anti-Slavery Day in October.

The Right Reverend Albert Bogle gave his support to the Transparency in UK Com-pany Supply Chains (Eradication of Slavery) Bill, currently passing through the House of Commons. The Bill aims to tackle slavery, forced labour, human trafficking and abu-sive child labour following the example of legislation enacted in other parts of the world.

Mr Bogle said: “The Church of Scotland’s approach to human trafficking is ‘to be silent is to be unfaithful.’ We have a commitment to the dignity of every human being, created in God’s image, and with bias to the marginalised, vulnerable and poor means that if we do not speak out against such monstrous injustices we are not living up to our calling.”

The Eradication of Slavery Bill is supported by the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Re-sponsibility, of which the Church of Scotland a member. Human trafficking and the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014 was the focus of a report to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland earlier this year.

Gathering for SyriaThe Church of Scotland hosted a Gathering for Syria, a national event for Scotland to express

solidarity with the people of Syria and to share hope for peace and reconciliation, on Tuesday October 30 in St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh.

The event aimed to draw together members of the civic and faith communities, including religious leaders and politicians.

Commenting on the Gathering, Very Rev Dr Andrew McLellan, Convener of the Church of Scotland’s World Mission Council and Former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, said: “Many people in Scotland are distressed at the continuing violence in Syria that we hear about every day.

“We hope that this Gathering for Syria can be at least one way in which we can show our sympathy with all those who are suffering, including many Christians.”

Scottish Government Minister for External Affairs and International Development Humza Yousaf said: “The continuing violence in Syria is horrific: the Scottish Govern-ment condemns it and supports the efforts of the international community to resolve this crisis.

“The Church has an outstanding record of promoting peace and I commend its efforts in bringing together communities across Scotland to support efforts to find a resolution.”

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From the treasurerSeptember 2012 (5 Sundays)Open plate £ 415Weekly freewill offerings £ 2609Banker’s orders/cheques £ 1445Collection boxes £ 6Total £ 4475

2012 total to date £ 39,9072011 total to date £ 38,620Increase £ 1287 3.34%

Stewart Williamson, Treasurer

Finance committeeAt a recent meeting the finance committee of the Kirk Session considered the Financial Budget for the year ended December 31, 2012, which had been agreed earlier in the year, and which has now been amended to incorporate the changes arising from the vacancy, and other matters such as increasing fuel costs.

On current estimates it looks like there will be a deficit for the year of around £6300, com-pared with the deficit of £2812 last year and the original budget for the year which showed a surplus of £46.

A review of income over the last 12 months or so shows that there was an increase in congre-gational giving following the Stewardship campaign last year but this has now dropped away, particularly following the charge now being vacant from around May and June of this year. It is particularly important during a vacancy period for the church to continue functioning as nor-mal as the search goes on for a new minister, and the Finance Committee would ask members to prayerfully consider their givings to the church at this time and for the future with the projected financial results as detailed above.

The Kirk Session are earnestly considering ways to reduce the deficit, both for this year and with a view to setting a budget for next year, and any suggestions from members of the congre-gation would be most welcome.

Rod WilliamsonFinance committee convener

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Flower rotaNov 11 J McSherry/M CoyNov 18 H GrayNov 25 VacantDec 2 B Archibald

Anyone wishing to donate flowers please contact:Norna Francis 250199Moira Cannon 720394Betty Jardine 257691Margaret McCafferty 268673Margaret Thomson 253484

We would be most grateful if you could let us know of anyone who is ill, at home or in hospital. The list for 2012 is on display in the vestibule.

FLOWER THANKSn Please relay my thanks for the lovely flowers I received from church after the Har-vest Festival which I had to miss. They were a beautiful surprise.

Margaret Franksn I have also been asked to pass on thanks for gifts received and visits after the Har-vest service on October 21 from Mrs Little, Locharbriggs; Mrs Wood, Heathhall; and Mrs N Watson, Westpark Cottages.

Marie Derby sends a very big thank-you for the flowers, good wishes, cards and phone calls following her recent stay in hospital.

n I would like to say thank you to the lady who helped me when I fell going into church last month, and also to Emma Fisher and Ann Irvine for their phone calls.

Marion Galln Thanks also for flowers from Mrs P Sharp of Barnton Place, and Moira and David Cannon.

Christian Aid: As promised, the total amount raised for Christian Aid work from the September coffee morning is currently £1463, with probably a few more donations to be received. Carol singing is at Homebase on December 8 – time to be confirmed.

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Harvest thanksThe harvest thanksgiving service took place in the church hall on Sunday October 21. The weather was kind and there was a good turnout. The “flower ladies” showed all the gifts to advantage and we thank them for their hard work, not just at Harvest time, but throughout the year.

Many thanks to all who brought gifts of pot plants, cut flowers, jams and jellies, fruit and veg-etables, and to those who helped to distribute. We feel sure that the recipients will enjoy their gifts and know that they are not forgotten.

Lorna White

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY November Monday 5 – Buzz: Falklands, Antarctica and South Georgia, Ian Wilson Tuesday 6 – Guild: A Faith to Proclaim, Janette and Janet Wednesday 14 – Garden Club Monday 19 – Buzz: A Scottish Medley, Robert Lind Tuesday 20 – Guild: Guild Project, Mary’s Meals Friday 23 – Scottish night with guest artistes, Barbour Hall, Glencaple, 7.30pm Wednesday 28 – Garden Club Thursday 29 – Service and soup in the hall, 12.15pm

December Saturday 1 – Christmas Bazaar Monday 3 – Buzz: Christmas Cake Decorating, Margaret McCafferty Tuesday 4 – Guild: Christmas Taste and Try

Date to add? Get in touch – details on page two.

Coming up …Christmas musical evening: come along to the hall on the evening of Sunday December 16 at 6.30pm and join in the celebrations for the Advent/forthcoming Christmas season. This is a very informal event led by the Choir with communal singing and recitations, followed by re-freshments. Entry by donation to church funds.Watchnight service: Tea and coffee will be served in the church hall from 10.15-11.15pm before the service. Come along and enjoy refreshments.