chronicling america · 2017. 12. 13. · voi*. xx.n°-6,0*32. new-york, friday, august 24, 18ri0....

Voi*. XX.N°- 6,0*32. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 18ri0. PRICE TWO CENTSt ihb Nirw::j^£_'rRIBUNJt _____ n-T#U MAIIaV Tlllliill ,.^S5jiB£r«VBBT BjOBNINO ANB BVBN1RB II FWBUB-*-**---' JkrwOATi rxcarra*' wt A8SOC1ATION, __.».aiieii-"-,«i t>.a»aa *______*. __¦»__»*«* at FB» *-u,jJJLMBt*. ori-a>iivB vaa uirr-aau-, tVC^^beetimtrttt 1_H o*bU pswooA. Mai! |^*gjjy^i imtm tm adrane*; Bl for Ba BaoitUa HIW-TIBI WBIKLI TBUtTNB, TvBBT LABGB PAPEB BOB THB tWUNTRT, 11IB11 '-T 8*TVBJ>»t Mohbibo atthe low arloo of Bl SraataaT w advaaca Throo Caipte t far |l; Fire Copfea for C- fat 4>F»ea for BB); Twoaty Copiea, to oaa addrea. (and ¦___¦ Bnar ±m"r at tho rato of ? 1 p*i aannin), BB); Twenty Smktt to aflflroaa el ooeh Mbaerihor (and any larger aorabe. tt tWaaaof fll Mtwh). IK An; peraen aandUg oa a etafc e*. a jnoro wiil be eotitled to aa axtra oopy BnbaeriplioM BBB Tbb Wbbbvv TaiBtra* eoot OJIX DOL- kmymmtj m _nor* win -»e a CfliaBioB-v* at aay ttoo- . la ¦*- adva-rtaaea-eria ia Taa Wnni TaiBTrra o**t QJIB aaa iKD TWXNTV-FIVE CENT* PEJ. UHl for Sarflrrr HoUUt UBartod iat hii Uaa B*. ___B-vII.frBBB_I.Y TKIBI7WB. S tahflohod every VflBMA. aad F.-oav Bobhibo, Prtco |l B*f __B*wb; Two Copiea for |», Five Copiea. lor flll tb. TBB KHEW-VOBK TBIB1MB BOB ECROPZAl*. CIRCULATION, kmA oa tbo doyartnr. of aaeh MaU j*__~J^1^ M B5 ail uuiflJ-Tf"ail' I---'-"*"1 Blngl* Cmotte, rtve Mllllilll ayot ai I* THB WBtW-VOBB TBIBrNB BSB CailalFOBNIA, 0RE0ON ABD THB SANDWTCH IBLAltDB, m _. to MbBabod oa th. departure of aaak. MaU Stoamor for Aipdn- a .IBpaaaa *^ ^ .IBCME. No. 1*4 Naaau* , N-aw-Torlt fipuial JfoticcB. %itT«X»*. * "^Tc-'W^.AMrFrerd^ WiuiU E Pabob. SeereWry.____ WM_KA«raBe Ceatral VmtamtUttm.-h. meeting;of thi* raimuTttrrvTill be held tt Ue Rerubttcan headqua-ten No. bit. Comn.lttea_t.iii'. KVENINO, Aaa 14. at » o'cloeJt. A Kt^Uce I. riqurird 8 B DllcHER. tsMMSB L StlUi RlTTBBHAND, 6oc'y._ I^B ___!___! .llaawr arr r.ady for cUtiibutlon at the AmocU- ir^mlmTs^!mtS**roVc* MBSCBM* aa.atKTI, A M A_ ~H__vl__a pul^tT^Tfro-n ".. ?f^-?rRi"H""o mmm -P-tc-kl-Bfl t*__»|a)By the ,{.^7* J-Vi-i. iV kkkr SaB UOuDVl-AK-S Tnteution tf \ ULt AN./.tl> Kt bKER lei bUhard l oibfona, we hereby notify he manufacti_ren,anl £rSa-^t of Billhvd Tableo that we wlll hii ordeni or BUBvd with \ ulcanlaed Caoutchouc or IndU Rubber Cn-_Woi>i and for tbe ordlr.ary Caontchone _uihio*_i, v.-ith a SHa W apply them to Biulard Tar lea lier.ufter -vrry bilhard i££eL olTuiiei iaed Rubber will bear la,t>eddrd in each cnihion SaUpthe eanae oft'HAKLKS OOODY K.AR th- Paientee, and the dale cf the PaW rt and partie* puichaaing thrte coahioni of ut JrtU he required to aUach U. every table in . oontplcuoui paK-e a »itallic pUU (v.hl.-h we wl!! furuUh) bea__it.g the wordta-- -^larWi Ooodyeai . P.Unt Oranted Jme 15 1»44 Exteaded JuDr 15 l_*a." All paruei mtnu.acturlng Bi'lvard Tabln avl.n the cdinarr \ uloa:iUa*a-Ruoberc uthiont after thtt date. oi-partu-t S^g .r vendirg thr anie »ithout tbe etteer etemp. ffl*fi*»K ev right atd wi.l be proMcntod aoeordingly PHfiLAN 8 *ATVNT'tC)MHI.NAllC..N t 1-8H10NB can only be ot.tnned ^ab.e._o«m.etu-ed by PHELAN k COLL/ndER. B^twT«rAii|. 14. lea-J. Noa o3. «¦ *»'¦ t rotby il- Pk*taj,,"_MPROVF.D BILLIARD TABLE8 And Combinat-ou Cushlo..*. I'HELaS i. coi.lf.ndkr, So.e Manofa.-turera. Noi, ta to 69 Croiby-.t, New York We alve ¦.tlee io lhe mauuracta.rer* aud purchawr. uf Mbard tabln tbat we have aold ta M*.*r». Phetan k Collender Oie axelnOve rlgnt to the na ai.d app'icatlon of Charlet Oood- TaaTi UTenUon cf ToleaniBed C aout'tonc. or Ii.d.a Rub'ver, ta>r whach a iMaUut wa. iaaued to the inventor. dated June 15, 1844. aadtxtenaed June 15. 1858, foi biiliard Ublea. And manufao- tureri of bnhaid tablet are hereby no ihed that ail fnture pur- .baaei of vuk iniaed rubher fur bi.lia.d table* M made from Me-an Pbr_an and Coll.udrr|a 4nd aU lufringert ou Uii* rWita.lL he waaec'uled by at to the full eiU-Dt of the Uw. ^riVVVullK BELT1NU AND PACKINU COMPANY. Augattl, MM_ to Uoa*ekeepera.--A large qjantity of . rv tiTiiiable HorSr.lloLD Fl RNlTCRr. ».11 b- Mid at ¦rivt'a t«*» during tl* pra^out week at one-bali ita value. at No. 16 t-i-iloapiac* Ci Eigutbat, a few doon we*A of B.oadwuy. D.<ili open from 7am to 7 p. m. lhe aaaortmrDt it vrry lorre, ootnaiiiaig avorylbbig noeeuaarT to geutaael hvut-kevepiug, U _,*.!} atyie aod valirlv 11 wviood, blaot walajt a_.d LuaUoiaxiy FaiUr and Chai.ibri raiuiture, ln auitei or liugie [aie-e*-, ilrd- Ont Pier aud Mantle Mlnon, Btatuary. Oil paLiaingt, Table tt_fl M«r,e e uinaBienU, and a inuititude of articlei ol um and beauty too nnmeroui to mention. N. B..ThU ii utA ao aurtion hou^. or made Fumi Bua. jpuicbaeera asu have tl.eir good* aent home Iree of eharge Debt of the Americao Iloard of roinii.ianionern f*r Forelan _tlls*ion».-,Ihe aebt of the A. a C. t M ia b**all of which apaclal elfoiti bare been made, U prsvlded for within ibonl B2.000. Thii aum U a porVb-H uf tae am .u.t wtlch wm aaanmed by the triendi ofthe Board lu thii city. The ¦adwiiined, aa a Commnte* baving the matter u eharge. have breu utaab'e U) w*e, ueraouaily, who, aa tney iuppo*e with |e aid ihia |4KKi woia aud they ie*peetfully aek that, without Cr» auDviUtlou, eoutributloiia or pledrea be teut to eiioerot an. atithoutdelay, aa the ttme h- aiiived fai cioaii.* tue *»¦- u,^tx A R. WETAIORE, WM K. DODUE., O. E. WOOD. Now-lort, Aug. 21. li*6e.._ "\rlde-Awitke Torehll«ht*-RF_D. WHITE, and BLl'E all in one torcb. Homethlog new aud he_.n-.llul. Cum- Wide-Awaket and otbrra, rail and aee tbrm. LEWIa k Co.. Nu. IM Tearl-at WMe>Avtakr CluBa tluough lhe country ean obuin, at theWweat pne Mi UKB6, ToRCH 16, and OFFICERS BOLOKED La.nTEKNB E. A. MANN, roomi of the Young ¦ob'i Repubhsan l nion, No, 659 Broadway._ " rreacB'a t'onl. aj Wa-hlna jUatelalae-Cueiiualed Md IndilpeniaMe !- Price ouly «1". Depot No. IM Broadway, aai ni i of CanaJ-it AgrnU wanted ln all part* of lhe L'nitod Maln* kmtti tot a CiicuW. Audiea Boa No i.f'ti Poil-Ot&oe, SiwToA Citv Pkt FRENCH. JDaT-rttJ Publicationa. ELECTION Ri:TURNS in DEIAIL.-The POLITICAL T>:\T-BOOK for 1860.1 vol cloth, eor.talm the ele. ll"), ret.r.,* of all tbe Pre-idrntial Election. »lu,-_B 1336 Bo. aie tX Tho Tribun* Offi.e. Prlco $1._ PRE8S.- Bt D APPLETON it Co, THF. FIVE ORKAT MfiNARCI'IFH Or THK WORLD. Bt Bawrtnwn. AL sTlN 8 PKoMNC K <>¥ lehHPafD- ENCF. DEFINF.D. THE ILLLSTRATED IUKSE DOC¬ TOR. By Mayhew. _ ILLIN0I8DECLABES for FHEE TKKRITO- R1E8 throngh Legiila'.lve Reoolvet. Soe POLITICAL TFXT BOOK for 18B0 1 vo) eloth, t'*. page*. Kor aie at the Tribane Wfcee. Piice fl. Sent hy mail, prepaid, on reoeipt of .rico. ______^^____ rpiIE WEEKLY TKIBUNE FOB AUG. K. The New-York Weekly for thia tv**k oontain* tbe following: I LE-aT'ING ARTICLF8: The te* taMSBMl Tbe l_priain| of the Weit; Tl.e Milk tn thr Coeo* not: Tbe Syracuae Auction; Tbe Dcugla Nctnlri*- tiona Did You Fver'Tbe New-Vork Rep.blle.u H»ate Tl ket. Tbe Kt*'-' T'utb; Wi.o ii < MMafll I.eugla* Dumb; The Tn th of the Ru.iuea., Tbe Hou Her.chel V. Johnaon, Editor... Paiagr.pbt. B..REVIEW OF THF. WEEK: (Hviug ln a coudenied and form the latetl and iinp-irtant erent* that have tra'.ajrired in 'he <"ity and 8ubti*-bi, aud the l ulted Sutei, Ceuiral America, Mexico, acd Europe. II1..COL0N1ZATI0N-NEW-EN0LAND; Addreilby Uorace Orealey-. oa tl.e uf tl..: ('nilrunial Olebration of tbe Town uf An.l.ent. N. IL, ou Wedi.»»dB), M*v eo, MM 1V..VIS1TOF THE PRINCE Of WALEI I ln Two ProTlr.eei The C.-lebra'I -na iu N'.« wirk and at Prin e Edward lalaud; Currr-pundeucr of'The N Y. Tribune V.PICTL'RFS IN PAUIS. VI..THE BOFTS AT S1RAC! >E Cotreapondena e o! TbeN Y. T.ibun.-. VII. THF 8TATK Of DELAWARE < orretpo, fa Tho N. Y. 'Tribune. VIII. HFALTH ANI) DI8EARE. IX..MR. SEWARD IN NEW I .\c_LAND;* iu and Boaton. X.THE CROP8. XI..THE BAIBI 01 MMl Tl.e National, But?, and County tairtand (att t 8howa XII..DROITH IN KAN8A8: . oneaponderfee .,) Ttie N. r. ft XIII..TRAVEI..S ATHOMK] By Ilayard Taylor XIV..LINOLN AT HOME: C orrrtoondenoe ol Th* N. ) Her.ld. >¦> P'HTkS Ktr.gtietor Knari-e] KnUrinr Hor. r,c--. AprU.lHey,; To tl.e Wind F.iryLoro, or.L'.lio.r. XVI. THE BOCITOM TKKKT. XVI1..LATEIT NEWB RECEIVED BT TELEORAPH: '-»* "-epuuiim, >iate ( ouvoiitioii Re nomination t Jb*.,"0,|*i'ai.d Lieut, trrt'tn W ati.r..gioi, l-.ou. Pike'a P- Tbe Pon* ''-,"- ¦', alet. DeUiiltingP...t- Uian IV111..A0BK LT. RAL 11, Xix .Poi.n x*. nUMOMALi XXI..MIS<ELLANE01B IUI..MABBIAOBfl AM) I)k«ths XXilI..(OMmRUALMAn _ft-< Ui v H '. ""''- MakeU, .- Reported :or ILe N. y ' tJo"»* VTLTZa Th,r«ro«^fcr*i- T.-r.foral-2 J;r;,', . -..?V.'da.a.u. Copy to the 1.^1. * LM °{ ')hr 1Ju"lx''d- Bfl MMfb Doiiy Tiibuu- Mt^N^/V' . A rOORAPHfl ,t PRIVATE SALE^Wc- An.ii .ilo.o Ant"g.«p_.», ...v 0f 1..-.-..1 'b- De. iui.(..,., of iDdei- Z, , ...d .»o_aral __.. a '. ¦U'J\' *J'd '¦t'"" °< -Matl". tn,ii duri.ig and «i..oe l'.. I"¦ < hi_*_<i.r. Al.o, u>a.,y et tha ....,-t colebraled l.ilhoi., and A.ti.U. Klua of KiflUvdi _<_"**. Fa-.-iimil,. Ili,.p»p!,ir. ... ru whi.-t. wlll be told .l«jn*af« .<:. o y »t i, « p,i . . uttixed. fallll|*M '»" ¦>. !"mJ .*" *.,.. ir f, in.rtfed hj u.ail toaiiy addrra. I'.ANOH MKRWIN 4. I Irvlng Noa B*4 aud 5ta> Broadway. IT_HIB DAY ie PlTBLI8HED, price $5 50, 'B JllO A>_» vOMTME xx. -. or tiib FNCYCLOPdilDlA J.RTTANNICA, EISt^L BiUUTM EDITION. lllllOIBIlin BY nT-IEBOUS ENORAVIN93, _Dd cert'luliMl. among other lnport.nt artlelea lhelollowln|: Ht'_M .NSHIP Hy Capt Hall. Revt*ed and enlarged bT8EN_C_ JT-ioL.) AND SEPTI'AO.jNT. By F. W. Far rar M A Fellow of TtluH v College. Cembrtdge. HAKF.BI'EARE. Ry thou... l>e Qoilncy. 8-iELLHY. By Oeorge Macdf-ald, anthor of Within and BBlPBinUllNO. By Audrew Murray, __-ie.f Enfl__.r en Insm.Urof-._b__-y.Por_a.ou_c M_VU*_Ua ... M PHOOTINO. By the author ot tbe Oakleigh BbooUng M IL1ES. Bv the anthor oftbe article " Italy." SILK. By WillUm Eelkln, NoUl..«ua_- SIN DU. By E. li. Eaatwick, author of Handbook o SLAVERY. BjWI!.*m BpaJdiug, late Profettor of Loglo In tbe l'i.iveitit> of Bl Arid'ew. SM>TH lAdaui). By J K. M'< ulloch. BMIIKF. H, Willl.m Frirhrira. l.L D F. R. 8. 80CRATE9. By the Biab f of Hereford. SOMNAMHl'LlBM. Hy Allen Tbomton, M. D., Profetaor of".a ln the tiilvertity of .ilinnw. SPAIN (Statiitici cf) A_ D BWifZERT. _ND. By Dr. Nort.n Shavc, Serretaiy ofthe Roytl Oeograp riical Society. SPaLDIN J iW'iblam) By Ch .r.ea Miciaren, F. R. 8. E. FPINMNG. By JatoeiNrwIandt, C. E. BPINOZA Bv Johu Downe. A. M 8rt)HR(| By«eorp).rq,^a.Grah.rn BQI'ARINO By WTIliata .V.l »ce LL.D., Lste Professoi of M.theii..tlc. Inthe t'ulvei.ity of Edi.ibur.b. STAKL Mad.ii.e dn) By Uutt-va __*»!, Uarrow School. 8TAMMERISO. By Jt.n- Iluut, M.D. BTATK8. Hy Kdward Sant, CE. S1EAM AND STEAM ENGINE. By Daolel Kinoear 'sTEaM"nAVIOATION. By Robert Mairay, Englneer- Suivcyo: to tl c Hotrd of Trade. STErsOGRAPHY. By Iiaac Pitmtn. 8TKPHF.N8ON (Oeor(te «nd Rcl.ert). By J. R. Lelfchild, anthor ofthe B»t_. " Mine. aud Mlulng " BTEBE08COPR By Sir David Ilrewiter, K.H., fce. 8TVuv'AHT 'Dng'ld). Hy Jobn Veitch, AM. TONK-MABONBY ANI) SloVE, hy Arthor Athpltel, BTKKNY.TH OF MATERIAL8. By Joba RoMsen, late Profeiicr of Natunl Philotophy ln tbe I'nivemty of Edlnburgh. SUGAR. Hv Charles Tomlmion, anthor of .' Cyclopwdla of ffl-Ri-'ERY By _sa_B Miller, MD, Proft.or of Burgary lo the ti.iver.lty of Edioburgh. SVV EDEN (S;_ i*_ci). Ht David Kty, F.R.O.8. 8" I KT (Jonathar). By Kicb.rd Oaraett. 9YDENHAM (Dr) Hy John Brown, MD. .YDNEY. By W .Ul.ii. W-estgarth 8YK1A Ry Rev J. L. Porter, author of "Handbook of Syrlaand the_oly M^^ uaowN k qq, Botion PARIS, LONDONTand NEW-YORK MEDI- CAL ADVlSi-R and PHYsIOLOOICAL yVORK-400 ptret neariy 100 Enpavitiga. Price 01. Mailed free bv H. O. LAWREN' E No. 1 Ve*ey-»t., A*ur Iloute. It lUte* tbe mott oerUlu treataeut for Nervoui DebiUty. local and generah MenUl Depre.iiou, uid Lo_ of Me_o_r, cured by orijiiial and painle** tn-tnieut, _n*ttcude_ by ritk or the loaa of time, by tne tncom- au_i_ie-lu thli apecwlty-M LARMONT, Pbyifolau and Sur- ieoL, Author, fcc, No. 647 Broadway, np lUlr* New Vork. from 9a.tD.t-.fip m. (Saturday aud Sunday excepted); Tbnra- day evcrilnga 7 to 9. See tbe Uiu-dred. of tettl-BOBialt is hi* pop- nlar book________________ HON.TRANITS granoer, Prt-ldentof AntiMnaonie National Convention. Caudi- dile for V ice -preaident in lWiri._ See POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK For 1880. 1 vol., cloth. For sale at The Tiibune Office for 01. Sent by BBBB. prepiid, on i.-ccipt of price._____.__.__.______ HON..TOHN IIICKMAN of Pc-utisj lvania. SeePOLIlICAL TEXT-BOOK Kor I "Xi 1 vol, eloth. FonaleatlheWbune Offloe. Prioe Bl. Sent by mail on ne-eipt of price ^__T_i1T- MARION HARLAND. One vol. fl*-. Tbe Couileraiid EnquLer, la a rcvlew of NEMESIS, tay*: " ii. all tbe ahaaaela.tfm ot a POWERl-l'L NOYEL, '.t will conipmre d.vor«blj with the be.t productioet of t watou tbat bst produred tome of tbe MOST Rl< __________ hook, that btte appenred for t long time." DER-Y fc JACKSON, PubUiben, No. 4B8 Bro.dw.y, N. Y, AK'iliN VAN Bl'liLN. THE POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK for 1-4,, vol. .'.oth. Containtacfcayter on MARTIN VAN BLREN, aud hii ttto- 8 .so. ai.d d. 1. BM, Eor talc at The Tnbnne office. Prite Ql._ HON. W. A. UKJHAM. THE POLITICAL TEXT BOOK lor l.'O. 1 vo!,c.'.th. . i t.i lafaea BS i e t.f Hon W' A. Orauatn of North Cuollua, \V bit luidldtte 1or V lcf Preaident lu 18.V2. Kor t_e at thi- Olhoe for *1. -3ent Dy maU, prep-ld, on reoelpt of price. ____________________________ THB CO__fE8SION8 AND EXPERIENCE OK AN INV'ALID-Publiabed for tbe benetit .ad at a _HB_M to young niiii whu anrler Irom Ner.oua Debiiity. ature Uecay, fcc aupplyiug '.b* meaoa of Self-Core. By one who cured hluiself. .Iter being pu. to great expeinw tbronth med- lia! iuipoaitiou «od .jiiackery. Single copiei may be h»d of tbe anthor, NATHANIEL MA i'FAIR, eaa Bedford, KlugiCounty, N. Y Ly incioiiiig t poit-paid .ddreiwd euveh,|H». rpilL POLITI< AL TEXT-BOOK X Kor 1_-), 1 voi, cloth, 248 page*, toLtaiii* an article on gov. BANKI 01 M v. SAciirSETTS. For tiie at TLe Trihaaa uti.ce ttt f 1._ 1"~".IE HON. ANDRKW JOHNSON of TeMiiet- tee, tupported foi 1'iesideut iu Demociallc Naliouai Cou- ttutitiu Ll 1 tb POLITICAL TEXT BOoK for 1-60. 1 vol tb tti Ml P»gea. Koi tale at the Tril.uiie Oth... i'.ice _, l. Sent by umil, pre¬ piid, ou iiceipt of piice. HON. R. M. T. HUSTER of Vir«inia sup- p irted for President lu Democra'.lc National Conveution lu 1B_ .>. See FOLICAL 1EXT-BOOK For leix., 1 tol cloth 2W pt,ea. For tale at thia Office for 01 Sent by mail, prepaid, on re- fetpt ri price. iODW ORT1 f'» " JOLRN AL fur BKAS8 I)' BAM)b," new nuroher every mmitb, oonlaln* Muaic for Brua Bandi. Parta|aepan_e.. II. B. Dndwerth, 6 Attor-pito*. 1?DViABD EVERETT. J THL POLITICAL TEXT BOOK iOi 1 _a 1, 1 VOI. Cloth, Contaitia a r hai .er on tbe LDE OK EDWARD EVERETT. Foi tai eat Tbe Tiibune office for $L A NEW MEDICAL BOOK FOR ALL..Dr. __fc HAMMOND'S New Book treati fnlly on Premiaura Loctl De.-ay, General Nervoui Exbauriloi. Belf-Induted C.0 .i.niptioi.. aud ali otl,. r Speci-1 Di*. _-*ei of luapflrtanoe to the aex- a. By ( haulbs D Hamk ..nd. M. D., tormerly Pro- feaaor of Anatomy aud Pathology in tht Stracuae Medical Col¬ lege, New Yoik, fcc. " Dr Uammondi Bcok li worth overy oue'a owtlug.".Krom The New-Yetfc llou.e Jounsal. Prioe f.1, u.ailed: thi-.p edition, 90cenU: poatate, 6 centa Sold by RllHSfc'i-Ol'&KY, No. 121 Nassau .t.; LAWRENCE, No. 1 Veaay-H.. A.tor House; OODKREY, No. .Bl Broadwyr, New- York. May k!io he had ot the ...thor, at hia roon.i, Broad¬ way, core.rof Bcnd-st (Parml.y buildinta, hrst floor, up al.Lra), froiu 9 to and t to 9, eveuiug. Couaultatlou en Krancala. I"<KM-. JOHN A. DLX \Jl Advo _t<-d Prei«lom foi the Territorlei lfl tbe L'nlted 8u.tet. Se. POLITICAL TEXT BOOK . For llaeX). 1 vol. cloth. Formleat the Trib.uie Oflice. Price 01. 8eut by uudl, piepaid r.t ie(.-![ of pr I'e._ CEND tc Ui-adquarU-rH aud «et your CAMl'AIGN k-. MK.DALH. Pi.NS, Ac, at Mauufactur.-_ s pilcei Bupply- Ib8 Deakra aal Jea-ars *_s»aol bj tbe tnou.aud *A a bbssbm Ji.,,,1,,,1. l.,st ol itylea sud pricet f-nt ou .ppllat. )u. At- di.aa JNO. O. WELL8. corner of Paik-roa tnd Beekman. t<l N. ANDBEW JACKSON. , .,,,.. _," I Tfll POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK PwlB", 1 vol clcth 2V;i.*ge., , ., vr .nNt ('.._._.. t Chapteron GEN. MClBATB' For Mle tt thli Oibc. for fll Sent by mail, pi.-p'._. O" re- {Ul' e.________^_ L^VERY LAWVER bllOULO JiAVE a _OFf. THK IiKMMON~8IiAVI. OA8E. Tbe full HUtory of tbe Leu.u.00 Slara Caae, troai R* orlgU, to IU Baal dre l_uu b, tbe Court of Appeala, BBflBBB-lIBBSf»BB Of Judge Mat. hefoie 8*8- M e caae WM 8r.t b-ard the opfn- tou of U.e Hupi. rue Co.rt, ibe poli.t. aad ..guuieut* ofXtur.e. O'C-ucr, W,. M. Ev_it*,ai_ Jasafh Biuut ln the Oourt o. App. ti., ...d the opi ion. uf Jadg-B BSBBJ VV rltbt, _od,h«. Tbe great la - Ugal and pt__- W*^ab»m- tolved, the bolduea. wtlb -_-* tbe Usue. were made, .ud BS ahi-iiywith whi.ii the aasamasBwm soriaaaal sahseh-lss, Mi, , thU oue of Uie ruuart m\mfmi tB ar.d uBlverariij MSfltB) -,, triil. H.t BfBS took p'aoe iu tbl. con.try. FTloe P»r oopy. b"__u, p-» IB, OU if Bari bf _f **.* J ^u" u'UJt b. 8ri io t^tr^^^ MJmZ. New- York_ ¦ IKliMllLLV. .InHNHnN ..f(J.-r_!i, 11 ^%V_iV_iT_-i^* ttaalaluBaebaptar JoHNBON, of Oa the Deaal- oandi- d.t-1j, V i,_ I'leaialeul _ _._ ., Por ?.'.- »t Tlie THhnre oflic-s, PrKe tl _ WALT WIIITMAN- LKAVKH OF OBABS. ....Kor _!.- at .11 Book»t"re.; prioe S IB Sent by BBall lo auy _uldre_» la United HUOe., prel.»ld,8>l ~. rHAYt.H fc ELliKID.lE, No. 118 Waab'u A_>, Bo.too, _*. BJAMPAIGN D0CUMENT8. __.!!_! ___^_____U* »tt*Dt,OB BJ tho M_-da|of th* Republlcoa " th* following Bat oi MflBBBBS. THE POLITIOAIa TEXT-BOOK FOR 1860. Ivol.eloth. Price fll. L1FT ANr PUBUC BBBVICEB OF HON. ABBAHAM LINOOLN (InthorUed edition) By D. W. BARTLETT. Boand Ib cloth, with Stool Portrait, 154 pne*. Prfoo BL Poitage prepaid. An abridged Edition. paper oevera, 25 centa. BLAVEBY INHISTORY'lBTcoantOnrow.M. Tho work beau «.f M.very aa a dlatinrtlTe Meial dltaaaa., in all timea aad natiuni; keglr.ntng with BUvery among the anel.nt Egyptiam down to the Roaiani. 1 T0i. I2m0., eloth. Prieo BL LINCOLN'd AND DOOOLtHB 8PEKCHE8 ta tbe great UllnoU Campalgn of 1158, royal ocUto, 208 p^^ boand in eloth, price fOceoUj or, 70 couU by mail; Bitchod, 15 oe..U a oopy. B30 per hundrod. Poatage 10 oenta. THE LEMMON B1__AVE CAflE.Foll Hiatory ofthe Catw, with oplniono of the Jndgea aud argumenU of eouuaeL Prieo 15 ceuti; per 100, $16. Poitage 5 conta. THE CA8E OF DRED 8COTT-A large pamphlet of 1(1* pagea. Poitage paid. Ono oopy, 25 eenU; four ce_de«. Bl twelve oopiea, ti Ib. «w_»ob.»i, THE TRIBUNE ALMANACfor laSO cotHala. PopuUr Vote for Pratident by SUlei, Reluin «f ElecUoua. P-t-i-. /-_.__a_ paid), 13 cenU, L_ copiea, fll; l'B cople*. *.. i_~"-*a*e HELIERS IWPEND1NO CR18I8 OF THE 80IJTH (( ouiprndiam). Pri_-B 20 ceiiU; |18 per IOO; B160per l.iWO, REPUBLICAN BONOSTER' 1 _. M TUE BOBOL1NK M1NS1REL. rriee 10 oonto THE WIDFa-AvVAKB VOCALI8T, f - ***. , oontaU.lng Word. and Muilc. I Foetage paid. REPUBLICAN POCKET-PI8TOL PriceSooaU. Poatag* TUE BARBAB1TIE8 OF 8LAVERY.~Mr. SornW. ,*. cent tpeech ln the fc.ri.ate, wim Uammond'* " lLLU-STKA- TlON^'iuSeiai-Weoklj Tribune ofjuuo 8. Prk* 4 M*flg p*. eopj. |2pt.r hundred. Pcotage 1 cent per copy addilional CAMPAION TRACT8. Ptaaaa rar r.BTie flaii attb.itio* U the remarfci on Poat¬ age Ou lhawe d.H utuenl*. aa i* required. L THE IRREPRE83IBLE l.ONFLKT. Uot. Seward'i Rocbetter Bpe-ch of laM; with Charlea OConoi'i Union Meeting Speech, I.t, 185S. II. TUE DEMOCRATIC LEADER8 FOR DISUNION Speeeb of Henry Wil»ou of Maatach-itetU, in the Benate, Jao. ___>, ia-b0. III. THF. ADMIKSION OF KANSAS; Oov. Seward'i great Speech, ln Senate, Feb 19, 1880 IV. NATIONAL POLITICS; Spoech of Abraht.m Lincolu ol IUinoU, at thr Coonei lurtitute Naw-York, Feb. 27. lboO; Jamea R Doullttlr'i \ Uidicatioh of Wiaeontln. V. LAND FOR THE LANDLKSH: The Hon. Oaluaha A Orow'i epeeoh, In lhe Houae, Feb. *. lfitrd VI THE LIKE OF ABRAHaM LINcOLN-By aa lliinoii Ripni.ll.aui, who knowi well the mau and hia hiatory. A large eompact pauiphltt of 32 double column pagei, for g.-naral circu- Ulioti aa a campalgu da.t-.iii. i.t Price 4 ..,.'.* a oopy, 40 oer doten, $. ot) per hundred, fll" per thoataud lf required by mail, una ceni addiuouai u.u.t be wai to prepay poatage >I1. PBOTECTION OF HOME LABOR AND HOME PROI.Ue.TTONi. NKCK88ARV TO THE PROHPriRITY OF THE aMERIcAN FARMER. By Henry Carey Haird .Tho abora are ynnted on lair typo and good paper. eocb fom ing a large tract of 16 pagea, exeept No. 6, wnich l* double alae and prl- e. Tbe othen ar* aold ln quantitioi of One lhootai.d, or over, for om clll por oopy; aad Uto Tbouaand aay bo made up from the llet above givm, aa tho buyer may denre. In imailer quantitiee, Bl 15 per hunair-d 15 eeaU per BMM tlngiv 4 ceut*. By mail. poaUge mepald, 5 oonla paw copy, 10 t. M per doien, B1 60 per 1"0, *>1J 50 per l.Ot-0 WUl uot our Repubhean friend* aid ui to " rirculate, tbe doea- meun I" Now ia the Ume wueu thouaanda of miudt oaa bo raathed atd infiuaucod. Addreaa THE TRIBUNE. Tribune Buildiuga, New-York STEPHSN A.*DOirG LAS. THE POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK for 1360, 1 vol cloth, Contilnt a cbapter «n the eareer ol BTE-PHEN A. DOUOLAS. For tale at Tte Tiihune offii-e Price Bl._ ON. .IAMKS l-l.THi.iE of Ke-ntiirky..ffefl POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK for 1860, 1 roL, cloth, pp. For aale lt Tlie Tribune OMo* for fll. H Now Reapt II PBOTBCTIOH TO HOME I.AROR AND ¦0MB I-aoUL CTI NECKN9ARY TO THE PROS PER1TY OFTHE AMERICAN FARMER; By Ua-iaT Ca- bky Baiar," l> the titie of a Urge, full tr»ct of lixteen colunm pagea, »o which we aik tbe att. ntio-n of the irionda of Kiee-Labor thlougbout tbe eountry Tbere ii not a faroier of any jvairt M tt noue wbo enn read .1.1. pSBJaat without .Ignal tnrtruetion aad probt, w> matter though he ibo ild dia-rnt fiom that viow of Fo-iiic*l Economy aud NaUoi*i Poli.-.y wbl.Ii it h BafaBas Ntv.-r wa* the rub.oui utture of ihat lyitem of Agri cultur. whieb pow. a trw rade. bulky rtaplt-i for a dLUnt mar krtiooievIvUlyexlJbitedlUulnll.i. tract, while uo ordinary Urmer con rrodit without and teetet how W. be a bolter farmei tban he hai ever yet beau. We beg Oir frlendi everywhere to order at leaat a ipeclmet. of thU trtet. f.r we a-e *are they rannot read lt widiing tboir neirhbori U, do otL. rvaUe. MM 4 cent. a . ngle t>opy, 25 MflM P«r daaoa, 11 25 per huudr.d, »10 per tbou.uiA U required by mail, ooe cent e*rb in addiUon, to pay poaUge. »._*_. Addreu THK TRinUNE, New*York H-QNTllILLAKD l-HlLMOKE.-TlIr: I'O- I ITlfiAL TKXT-BOOK for 1860. 1 vol., cloth, «p*|; eonuln.Tcb.p'.er ou ex Pre.Ueut FiUmOte. fSt fll >0. .aie at The Trlbuue Otfi4ve._-L. nPUE'HON. HANNIBAL HAMLIN. I M' THE POLITICAL TKXT-BOOK .' FotIIM, 1 vol eloth. 25«Paiel itttttm^rnVmSmU'tm?*'' for aie at Tb'^Tribune Offiee._ (UN. HA31 HOU8TON. .«--WR^&°l^^-oo« Kor BM. For aie at tbii uflioo. Price »1._ COL JOHN C. FKEMONT. 0L' THE POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK For 1860 eonUb.. . ch.pter on l"-'***0*1 °' Kor a*l* at Th.. Tribune Ottice. Price »l ~" " gfrtialllBal -BW rltWCj QoobB^ O OOLD PEN8, P> N »'fu";N0V Barfk Vu."^ ktuL°.A^.^^ BEADfl ,f every deacript,,,,^ "' So lcfiPe.rl.t-. N* v Fw_1^^^_S_lZ original rolor. It b.* been ^'^b^°llTtilod iu . tdnglo ln prif.cip.l citia. o. New -^*_«J* %"^ No iieit i. BM BBBM to a.-cou:pii«b aBMatBI ¦». bea-.t.ful and irV or M reu bul the Hia*at^. w^ -»_»;LitaDtaCPo_iii dye, whieh Uke browu aud bla.k. «M- pJ^k rolor to ,he balr; M* P*_ rr<Kk., .muu ",,d S1!" '.iCin* waahli'l. *"° ipo'.ri*»t ot too Kfe^ub'^'JVordl^ry ^^iX It I. mlracu ^ttMJfeoa^ ^rtSS5S *s7aU»Ma*a a!aa-al- MMMbl eri throughout li.o asM___-; v^~-r~~r- t-0 , c a a,,v li.k uad; onre bliing wnae. i. printing._ T -.- itafl< I'-Vl-'IIDELL'''.W'-elili-'K C*,U\ _i:«ffia&if^a,*^_SS C'""'-ra _^_____*fci_, Bill Haadl, PorUaiU ke. at BELLl -a, No.-__,< VK.LOPK8, a\'- (EaUh...l,'"iM--> Uo Bporiimen. __ FI81IINQ TACKLE. THOM II H lATr * &KN-ST NEAR BROADWAY ISJrp <__ ooltt, _ QPBOIAL NOTICE. DE FORE8T, ARM8TRONG A Co., DRY OOODS MERCHANTS, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW AND 8PAC10U8 WAREROOMS, Noa. rs, rr, ra, hi, hs, sad na DUANE-ST., Niih Bboadwat. W hera Ihey will ofler for a»le t new .nd elegant atock ef DRY GOODS for tiie r'tll, tuited lo tii lectiont of tbe eountry. They ue open Ing we~k!y AMOSKEAO aiid WAMSUTTA PKINTS. in new and deairable itylea The*. eelebrated Prtott are the C H E A P | 8 T and BEST now aold ln the I'u.ted SUtei, tnd tbey beg BBBB to call the pertieukr ittention OF DEALER8 to them. A T THE NEW RETAIL STOKE, No. 5B1 BROADWAY, eppotiU the Metr. p ,.!'. ... i I .'. OPENINO OF NEW FALL. GOODS, A RETAIL. We beg leave to aB_eau_n to oor patroni and Udlei vlitllug the city that we are now oftering ail the lateet noveltiea in 8ILK8, PAR18 DRESS OOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE8, MANTILLA8, Ac. ALSO, BALMORAL 8KIRT8. ln large variety. ALSO, A new make of KREDNICH KID OLOVT.S, made expretaly for nt, and atid to he tbe beit glore ever ofl'ercd to tbia country. EDWARD LAMHKBT tt Oo. AL8TED A RTILER, , . Not .'2 and M MI'RRAY-RT., New-York, laraajBaa tnd Jobbei. of CLOTH8. CASSIMERES, VE.T- INiiS, hi d every ttvle tnd qua'.ily of Goods uaed by Clotbleri tnn Nercbant Tatlora for M>;n's .nd Boy.' ww. H Uoolfl, 6l)OC0, __T. IADIE8' FRENCH 8HOES. J JKFPERS of No. 978 Bro _dw»y wonld retp_.tfn.y toliotl tbt ltdiet of New York tnd from all part* of tbe L'nlon, U call ....I txamlne bll elegant tMOiiment of Krench BOOTS and SHOES, and embroidered Tollet tnd Bridal 8LIPPER8. Prieat eomrtecturtte witb the titnee JEKKER8 No 978 Broadway, opp. Mi__npoli_n. dfc~_> SHOES and GA1TERS at JONES'8, Noa *WtJ 10 and 12 Aun it Anewrtyle, and waxranted to givt perfKt satlafactlon. COants. AMORT nopoetoMo BUUnrfad Woman vviahi- a aituttion in lome leapecUble fatui'y at WET Ni'llSE. Sbe h.a lott ber B.b«. ilx uiouth, old. Hai the beit of refereoce. Ctn be teen for two d.yi tt No 1021 at near 7th av.. frox 10 a. m. till * in the eveuing or can be aeen tt her own reaidence, No. 120, on the Blooii.lnudale Rotel. Can ba i«en till luiied. rANTED.SITUATIQNS in the city or coun- try at good COOK and LA.NDRES-i at VVAITER and CHAMhERMaID. andU do Httl'SEWORK, by very comp. tei.l Glrli. Call at E. CARROLL.8, No. 69 r.tb-at. .V .V .ANTED.By two raCaUe Prot<Mtant English vf.itii* Woiueii, liluttion* at Cook, W'atber, and Ironer. ( n..aid and Waitlng. or Auiitint Laundry N uae and Ke.'i-t-rest. Will to tepartU; do general houaework if reqolred. Best reference No objecilooi to the conntry. A ateady aitu. tion pre.erred to high avtge*. Two amsll girli wtnt litnation* to i.-.ind bild.-eii, ot do light houaework; #3 00. Call at No 1A-) %b at.. noar Broadw.y, for twod-y.._ SALESMAN WA1_TKI>.Tb b «t_m_m_- DKY OOODS 8TORE. Ooe .-.u-iiit-d with clty Ad- drva. SALESMAN. Box No. Bt, c it Otkat._ -TO PRINTERS..W'nnted a MAN of ability, 1 khoroughlv compete.i lo tske entire CHARGE OF A JOB OKEl.E. Addreat SRANK.LIN Tiibune Othce._ TB_ VELISbTf,' ENTfl WANTED Ry a Man- n'»ct.iriug ei'ibllahoieut, to citnvta. the EasUru State-.. Addrea. MfcRCANTILE TR\ V K.Lr.B, Tribuue Oflice. \\T A N" Tl-"b.Aini___fl______T~- C PEELN- v v TENDENT la a Daily Mii.l'.u School .ucce-faUy est.b- Hrhed intbi.Mry, an An.erican (le,,tleman. from *) to 40 yeart of age. of rduc.tion .nd re&nement. aud »c<Bst'iuicd U laipart tnd sy>teu,tti-te inatrncllcn te yo.'.bful inlndi. uooe but a meui- heirf in Ettugelhal Cburch ue.d apply ; ia_rv llheral to one sd*|ted foi the plaoe. Addiess i.t.niedi.sly, MAN'HATTAN, Boi No. 1,4a. Po.l-O0i.-av_ l^A_n_D.Afc«-8le _fU_IC TEACHER, good TI Plani.t aud Triallt WUl give liberal talary. Kor ftutber paiUcul.r* tpply ttii* dav tt the Mutl: Store of ' YlORACK WATERS, No. B_ Broadway. WANTEI).A FirBt-rat,' COaL-OIL MAKER tnd REKINER To one tl.oroutiily competent (none rli .--need apply) sieadv en.i.lojinent and good waget will be given. Apply lo O. 8 e DANIS, Room No. S, Triulty Building. C .an.-8 for Bueiius a Xfl-rt. COrrON FACTORY FOB SALE..The Cotton Flktoiy .1, Ol......l__.t Co N. Y. briol.tiu. to A <4|-Ith'. e.t*U. I. offrreil for a»le on <i_v...t-g»_. Urrns 11 con- Uini about -..Ca, spiudles, .0 lo ooma, .ud aaaasaSefl with it 84 if dwelling houae*. ApplT to R- FLFMINO, at MbbIIui, i.r J C. SMITH, 1. Bro«l tt, N Y. FOR 8ALE.The McBRIDE CABINET, con- tiatlng of an exUnsive and coileetion nf*, Sbeilt yeolngicel OpaaBaaaa, Indi.n AaBflsltlaa, wivh . gr»*l rutety ahelas IMsssBsaseM Curio*ltie*. Will aold at thr BM oflei thnt may be made within the entuing (K) dtyi. Thr Cabinet and Book* of Dr.arinjf ar« ready for e> aintnttion. JOHN P. P. PECK, Adm'rof Jaruet McBride, deceated. HtmilUn, Oulo, Aug 1, lSbO._ MI'ST hc OLD.A valnablo and BMpeO.Mfl BL'SINESS con- ected w-ith tbe office of a Commiaalouer for H 8UU.. havint t lart* patronate. Thlt ll . aafe aud anre hu-iie-.. «nj avlil be aold cbeao lu conaeuuenca) of other en- p«eu,tuU. Apply toCOMMISSIONER. Room No. I, office of the Coojinonwealth Eire Iniurance Cou.pany, No I Walltt. I.'AKTZ ROCK MILL for SALE-Couceded Ihe beat and ouly MU1 af aflSBS to uiinera, redu.-ing U i.n palpahle powd.-r. w itli hsrd.-ned. ahifting. grindicg aurfacea eatily lepltt-ed auti hea'ing, tlmple, and free from aU cotuplicationi. ¦1001 k SOL'TIIWICK, No. B N__*:i it QHIKOLB-MAI'IIINES !~SH1N(1LE-M A- kyrlllNF.S, KOR SAI.E.S.....0 oftbe he.i Sblogle-Ma. Ithm tot tiving ,.nd ihavtaf shioglet ever invented Addrc-u M. A. 8.. Poat-OBi'-e, New York. 4*-IVIUUI SPECI-LPABTHBB Wimteil B S> /. I f\ /. with thli aj.iount, tn a CarTlage-furotahi __ I-.ardw.TcEaUbliir'n.ept, to tak« Ibe plue of a tencral D»tt!...r. rbo n-Ure* Jan I, Ilt 1. AdJress (whi ih wlil be rtricllj cenudei.ti.l| to HARDWABE, Uot No. lTTT.ibuue oti aa Q CAUT10N..I lierel.v cauti.m Um uul.lic fr.un r-ei-itt or BSfS l.tii.g B GHECK ob the BRO \DWAY BANK, dat. d At pri 25 1 BB. lor ) oul il.ndt_l D.illir. .. I. V I). it. lei, ai I l.tae h_t or u iilald tbe same, aud hive -t-rpe.*! payiueut. PATRICK M. BAKHAN, No. 131 M B. SPEXUL NOTICE.To the AN 1)RE W 8 P AM II. Y. A me, tlng of tbe d-.cetd.nU ot' tbe early aetUora of ii.i. eeaatry. hy u.e aamaofANDBEYV d, arlll l.e l.e..l at iVfclr l.lM.K.hD, Conn.. eatheBsh Inat for the p nio«ol*.iil ...coinii'i-,n llv oi tl. r «f a l'ouin,itt.-e of Twenty of the uame- SOLOHON AN I.REW S, M. I) of Pertb Aiuboy, ... J. Orru t ,.p i hi CoaaissMBBBS or ) P. Ht.c ('HalllTIB- Arin CoB«Bf T.,,> Ro-ll'AKk.NBVt Yi, .k Aug II, MO ) ^O TIIE IIEDICAL PBOFE_4310N. . The Coiumlaalf ne'* of I'ubii: C'hail lei .nd ('orrectlor- will n elve apphciloua from MEDll Al. Sl'LUENTS, Uialoale* froui Maf'hal Coileir. ofeuilurnce, forthe aoritiona, nowvar-tnt. of AHSIJ-TANT PlIYSIi UNS al Ra-.-.!.- laland Homral for th> Tir tln eiil Of Children. au I «t laland ilo.pltal. on Hlackwel!'. laland, Ioi tht Treatu.eni ol AJnlts. Also faa tbe p_.|tlou*o /..ii-ai.t Phyticlant *t tl.e Litutlc Aavlnui, aud oue A. aistsi.t rl.y.i isn st laland lloapilal ou Bltckwell'. tll- ve.u-le. ai!l t.*8 on the Ilt of 8.-p-.e nber next Ap| h .uis aiii piesei t iheir t"itln,oi, a* to theU o,u_.j&ua UmII to Ih* unde..i.i,t.d Couiiiiisaiouera. 8 I.RAP1R. M II. GKISSEIL, JAS. B.NK HOLSON, 1SAAC BELL lr Coi'i Jl-.l't, 11. 'I iUti-ituI tlci-co. now on hand a lariin and aplendid of MU. .1 Ab BOXES blaylng I, I, 8, 4, i, I. I HS Inr.ei, ainii if* t ired ny th" best uiak.ra tt \\ I have now nn hand a l_r_.« and aplendid VT »« nln.elit ot IJII.-.II Al. ItllXV.-l ,]..!.. I 1 1 iil I, 1B, 12,16, M and switzi:ri_iAni_. Mandollnaa, Oveiture KtptaMlvM, ke., _.-., aoeomaantaaeai* tt KLl TE, BELLS URUMS, and CAST AGNEITES. .I..u. bo.n I'pera. Pop-ilar Ainerlan Meh'diei, N--gr., M.-Io-Um, aU lOY MIBICAL BOaEB, I'l.ylng 1 2. I, -nd 4 tuu... HA 1.1 AUI) k MAHTIN ImporUr*, MutUal Bcxe. rapalrvd No. 21 Mald.o laat, New-Yerk- B -3L_r.n9«_-iunts. ABNUM"AMERICAN MU8EUM. Under tho penoual *upervUios of P. T. BARNPM BEBT VEN1ILATF.D LECTURE-ROOM in lhe woild, and deligbti'ully cooi and pleaaant LAaif WEEK BUT ONE OF THE OIANT BABY! ALDINO FAMILY! WHAT 18 ITI LIVINO SKELETON! All of which tbo maiiagement U coupolled to remove, to giv* room to OTHER BRILLIANT ATTRACTIONB. TtiOM wbo have not aeen thoae liviug wonden can hara no idea how great tbey are They mnttaoe them aoon. or tbey will he f.rever tno late. Tbey will bo on eahibitlon at all bouri, day and evening. together wilh the J LADY WllTH LONO HAIR. flowlrif graeeftilly ever her ihoulden and back, and TRAlLINO ON THE FLOOR A8 HHE WALKS. THE OREAT LIVINO BLACK BEA LION, The only ani att of tbe kb.d ever aeen ln tbe' Atlantic Statea, and lhe moit extraordinary creature llrtng. He welghi l.f 00 pound*. eati bO ponnd* flih daily, aad requiiea 16 baireli cf iea water e-e-ery 14 bouri. TUE FINE8T AQUARIA IN THE WORLD Filled with branti'lll LIVINO FISII, LIVINO BEAL.fcc, ai ANOEL I18H, RED 8NAPPEBS, tc Ite TIIE FAMOI'S LK.HTNIVO CALCl'LAToR, MONSTER 8NAKF.4. KORTIJNE TELLER, w#,. BABY ANACONDA8, HAPPY FAMILY, ORFAT VARIETY OF NEW WAX FIOURE8, Including that of TOMMY, ofthe Japau.te Embaay. Engaged for oue weak, the celebrated WREN FAMILY, A COMPANY OF .IUVENILE COMEDIANS, OF TWELVE YOUTHFUL PERFORME1B, who bara eheited the UIUHEHT ENCOMIUMS OF THE PRESS and tbe public lu every part of thii conntry. Tbey will AFPFAR EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENINO thia week, in a great Tartetr of DANCE8, DUETS, COMIC SON08, OPERETTAS, DRAMA8, ke. All theae, bealde all the Wondera and Noveltiei ofthe MtiMum ra.lleition. which embracea not l**a than 85O.O00 CURIOS1TIE8, from averr rort ofthe world, are all. yoa, ALL TO BE SEEN FOR 21 CENTS. Oi-dreu under 10 yeara, 15 eent*. MI'SELM OPEN from 7 a m. till ln p. m. Lectore Room performancea at S and 7) o'elock p. tu. NIBLO" OARDEN. "" JAMF.S M NIXON.Letaee and Manager NIXON'8 ROYAL EC.U8TRIAN TROUPE. Zoyara, tbe Hanlona, Quagli-ni, Sehwelan. Charlton, Dtrrer nay.Tentlind, and ali tbe .-U...-TH! HSDAY and FRIDAY KvENINOB. La-xt Nigbta uf CINDERELLA. THOMAS 1IANI.ON on L'Ecbelle l'eril,-uie. The BaOTHERSin Aa- touuding FeaU. Paiiaa or Aj)Mii*i»a.Famllv Circle (entrance on Croaby-it \, 25c.; Pirquetto Biid Dreu Clrcl**, 50c.; Orchevtra Chairi. 01; Private li.nea, B5 and *n. In tbe evening.Doon open at 7 o'elock; to commence at 8, preein-ly. MAllNEE on SATl'BOAY. at I o'elock. when, by ipecial requert, THOMAS and GEOROE HANLuN will appear on the Trapaae. Ihe GYMNASTlC TCJURNAMENT, by amateur ..nd gyimiatic puplla, will rommence on MONDAY EVENINO. the 27th init, an* terminate on SATURDAY, Sept 1 A PrUo given to championi each night Alio a view of the PHY8ICAL < I i'.KK.I I.I M. Ui v. aaleh hity perfonnera will appear. LAURA KEENE" THEATER and Manager.Mr. Joibph Jbtvbbaoi Stage Macaaer.Mr. Jaum* SLnmund* Moiical Dlrector...Thoa Baker BcenlcArtiit..J.E. Hatw Prompaor.T- k. Ciina CONTINUED 8UCCE8S. FRIDAY, Aug. 24, And every evening tiil fartner notloo, OUR aMjERICAN COU8LN. Bn JOHN WOOD.aa.Florence Mi. .108 JEFFERSON.aa.Am Trenchard Mr. E A. SOTHERN.aa.Lord Dondreary Mr. CorLOOCK...aa.Mu/cott Mr.PF.TER8.aa.Blnney Mr. J. BUKNETT.aa.Coylt Mr. 8TODDART.aa.8ir Edward Mr*. CHANFRAU.u.Eugenl* Mn. VININO.u.Mra. Moontcheirlngtoi Mia JEFIERSejN.m.AuguiU BM MlaSARA 8TEVEN9.ia.Mary Mereditb New and Beantlml Seenrry by HAYES. TUE AMERICAN COU8IN POLKA. By THOMAS BAKER, wlll be performed every erenlng Doort open at 7J commence at 8 preciiely. SeaU aay he lecured oue week ln advance WALLACK" THEATER. FAREWELL OF THE FL-"*RENCE8. BENEKiT OF MR. W. J, FLORENCE. The front of tbe tbe*ter will bo RRIi.LIANTLY ILLIMINATED lo bcucr of the ol NATIONAL CADETS. (Siaty N'iuth Reglmeut) LINDSEY BLUES! NEW-YORK FLORENCE ASsOCIATION THIS r '. EMNO, Friday, Ang 14, 1860, W 111 be giveu the gre..t military drama. eali.d THE [I.I8H HUSSAR! Edward O'N'rll, tl.e Humtr.Mr W. J. Floren.e To bo by tlie b.-a-illfa.l Protean piece called THRICE MARRIEDf! \ iviau Rippl. a| Aitiat.Mr. W. J. Florence ('.il-.ita. uai aevr.ol other cbaraeter*, wi h emigi and aaa**..M.i W. J. Florence To witb tbe gre-t eo.uic drama c*lled LORD FLaNNIUAN Klannlgan, with Maa.Mr W. J. Florence Hulda. a Yankee giil. with *ouga. Mn W. J. Florence During tfce ent.rtainment, IRISH ME!.. DIES, " LINI13EY BLI'KB QI ICKSTEI-,-' and " FLOREN E AS30CIATION Pl'LKA." by Ibe orcheatra T.a-MOBROW, Satnrdiy-Poiitlvely LA8T NIOHT ofthe FLOBENCEB. A great bill. Doon open at 7J; commence at 8 o'elock. IALACE OARDEN8. Foartc-eiith tt. near 6th av. THIS (Friday) EVENINO ORAND MI'SICAL EN¬ TERTAINMENT by tbe lullowing rmin.ut arti.ta: hlUNOR MONTANAR1,. The grraieal livbig BUFFO SINOER, Received nightly by the mo.t faahionable and appreclalivo audietuci with the moit etthuiiaatic applaute aud delight, Misi JULIA MEL\ ILLE, from tne Engliih Opera, Mr. OEO. CROZIER, Tenor, from the Londin Coucerti, Mr. J. F. 8TRATTON, Couduetor, of the Orcheitra, Mr. H REYER. l-.-_.i-r. Mr. W. 11. CURRIE, Coudu.-tor of tbe Piano. and J. F. 8TRATTON'S PAL.vCE OARDEN ORCHESTRA. Admitiion ti eenti C V. DE FOREST. ProprUtor. N. B. HOLMAN JUVEMLE OPERA TROUPE are en ga*ed, and will appear on MONDAY, the 27th latt._ WINTER GARDEN7! T I THIS AND EVERY EVENINO, AT 8. THE P8YCHOMANTKUM. IN (ONABvil'BNCB nr THB EMPHATIC 8UCCE8S, TORNADOES OF APPLAUSE, AM INTENSE OESTICULATIONS OF ECSTACY A-i K.VBM >'., PROFKhSOR ANBERSON PROFESSOR ANDERSON PROFE8SOR ANUERHON WILI MKeFAT TBB l.tMS PBU.lttA.IBB Of HIS UKBAT BMTBKTAI.-.MK.ST, A NIOHT IN WONDER WORLD, A NIOHT IN WONDER WORLD, THIS EVENINO and E.ERY EVENINO during the week Commence ut H o'elock. Secure teaU at Box Ortiee d iring day. Open from 8 a. m. to 4 p m. ORAND DAY PERFORMANCE ON SATURDAY AT2. [J8BELPOBF OALLERY. No. 318 BROADWAY. Thii uiaghlltO'-i.t collr.-.tioi. o|ien day aud evoolug, and conUiiia SOHN'S greal Painting nf 'DIANA SURPRISED AT THE BATH;" STEINKRrcK'dgrra; Painting->f TUE ADOllATION OF TIIE MAU1," BECKER'8 great Palntlng of -THE ReaPEKB' RETt'RN HOME;" With over One Huudred atd Tweuty choice Palntingt and Htat:,, ,. Aduiiaion, 25 centa HOOLEY & CAMPi.ELL* MIN8TREL8. R M Hooley. 8 C. Campbeli. k O. W. H. OrirBn. Pro prirtor*. UmjueatioiiaLly tlie r-if at Uiented troupe ln exiatenre, ai Hooley and Camp.-11'a Opora Ilouto, Nu. 5«5 Broadway, op- potlte Nlblo'i Oarden. Second Week. Crowded Honte*. Mou day Evening Auguat 20, and every evening. all tke newett fea tu.e* of Etbiaiplan MiottraUy, with Burleaque Opera, Con.ejy, Trapedy, tnd raice, by tbe gr.-at tttti. Blieh, I'uiwuith. Eagene, la.upb.ll, l.iittni. O.lvelra, HoolaT, Donnlker Mellvilie Reeve*, /.l.e. ko., 40. Ei.dtng aveulng with a new anl Uujhable alVrpiece. For full pattia-iilari ire prngran me. Doon open at 7 tt. romniMC* at 8 o'i Irn-k 11. ket* 25 ceut* Private Buxel t i H~1.0W^.t' (iREAT 1'lCTl'RE Tbo *p!< tidid vtowoi New-York from Hohokoa, by tbe rol- . biated landacapl.t, OEO L. HRoWN,.-alW " BAY AND ( ITY OK NEW-YORK AT SUNRISK," it now ou view at the ( RAYON ART OALLERY, rorn.r Broadway anl Hlh it. Adinitton.e _:.. entt. oEO. WARD N1CHOL3. -THE CELEBRATED BLONDIN. whiwe won- A derfu feaU on tl.e tiglit r pe have a.tor.lahed *o mmjitt Nlagara FaUa, vaill appea_r .horUy lu New* _ort, at JO-Afca a WOOD. _ D N EW-YORK HlsroKK'AL B00 I E T Y. THE ABHOTT O^J^Ji'lL0* KOYPT1AN ANTIQiniES Wlll rrmait. for * iho.t tit...- en exhibttlon at NoOO BROADWAY. Open Dav ai.d Evenit.f. A .ttti'llZ. F"* ll.u.l.->'ifl of the Sorirlyorily wlll be^nltted w t notit ch.rte, en ril,ll.!tl..i. .'f tbe uieuiber^i llckrt, _rhlcu la .lot t.aua.'.iiallo. V^o-.totbeEgyptlat. Colleetlon wlll receive tlekett of lu. tr,.l,.,-.i iu ci.ii* to ine 8o--iety'« Oal'ery of Art, 2d-.v., curnei trodurtliw. irau. .|,KH)KHU, Dr PKVSTER.) ufinnai WILLIAM C I'HIME, SCommltteo. t.r DKt.K Ki MOORE, J M~ U8ICONUIE i 1.N I l.'AI. I'AUK. 8F.CONI) 8EA.SON. |i Ur wea(b.i I.¦ liu., ti.ere wlll ba * iraid PROMFNADF. i uNc KKTon lhe Mail, lu the Contral P*ik, on SATI RDAY K.NlK.Nal-ip r... HARVEY B. DODWORTH, Canduotor CABD.-LAURA KY.TWR" THEATER. Mr. BOTHERN begt te taaeaaee that Ma FAREWELL BENEPIT sad LAST APPEARANCE bnt fonr ln NeW-Yo.k. wtll _ke p'a:e oo MONDAY, therriblna*., oo whleb o_>-«aioe tw worli-faaoai AMERICAN COUBIN * wiU be performed. beina p__-Uv«ly ifc» where lt wtll ever rea-ttented by the eretetd EXTRAORDLlABY CAST. N B .Boa Book now open MR. J. C. FREDEKBK8, The emloeBt Tn... diaa .nd E_.atio_._t, Wllldvta Orrnad SHAKESPEREIAN AND POEIICAL ENTERTAINMEBT (Entirely from mauioryl, At Hope Chapel, on MONDAY EV ENINO, Ae* Tl, Prevluu. to bl* deptrtare fat Eawfe. Adiuuuoa 60 Onta. 0W ob Free Ethibition, B choiee o___«___ob ol N Olt, PAINTINGS, Bt WHITLOCK'S OALLERY Bl Canal-et, weat MBteaflaep. INTERNATIONAL ART IN8TITUTI0N EXHIBITION OF PAINTIN08, No 684 Broadw.y, corner of Ath at, Open from ina.mtf.Tpm. Admixioa 16 cuU ftj.__irfi_ma. «* "LM8HIN0 BANK8, AHOYl -Thecoimnodi- l oo,, wfetnd fut teatteamer CROTON Capt R. fl. HOEKMIRE, atilated by Capt. NATHAN ANDBRSON, Jr, havb'g been put ln eompIeU order. wili tonttnue her lajalac trip.U tbe Kfahliig Rank, EVERY DAY, except SATURDAY, le.ving Jiuie. *11p. E. R. ti 7..10 a _., Broo.»at 7| FiBtn BL, Brooklyn 8 Sprlng at. .. R., -I. Pier Na 4, N R. 9. A taa <'"tilion Band on Beard. aUo. J_.frtari.ii.-riU Bait aod Flakl _g Ttckle ,nppH»d. Far*. for tne Fxearrion. EAcent* tffordLng a Bne a«il and view of the Bay, Itlaad*. aad KorBfloatlraa PLEASANT SUNDAY EXCU__SIONI^LEJ. WOOD and OLEN COVE, roppln*tt BAYL -Tb' DOCK, oppotite WhlUstone, CITV I8LAN. and NEtV-ROCHELLE -Stoauier MAYKI.OWER b-te. Ctttvuloo-ot EVERY HUN- DAY st 8:80; Deiancy, B:4i; ll'b. *__, 9:10| r7th, 8.18. A fine Orova tt Glen W oid free to the Paneofert. Fara fer tha .huli- Excorsion SO cenU. Uoar6 an_ t.oon.9. BOABD WANTED in a privatv family io th. n.ighborhoodof 80tb it, and 8th tv. Addre*. 0. P., at Trionne Office.____________ TOLET, with or without BOARD, ia 58__-st., near 2d av., a handiomely furnltbed PARLOR. la ahouaa where there are uo boerdera. Laration very BsflfBat aad qu-et. J H. DOCGHTf, No. 1M Bewety. -IO L1RPENARD-RT., near Broadway..B«*__i _kO fer KamiUet or Single emoni, eheap, trttn er witheiri Board. Lodging* 14 ot*. Watcbman up ali night. SpaaBh, Qonit* to ttt. PJRNISIIED H0C8E.To Ra-nt a fumisLe.! English btiement HG1.8E ln Maditon ar. Addreat Baa l,-4_>, P. O. LARGE HALL TO LET.On the seeond floor of Not. 841 and tl_ Broadway for mntical r»bearta_, Htert- ry K_ieilet, claaa-ieaebing, or otber tiinllar avening ote. Appiy ou the uie-ni-_i, iu the iltao Wareroomt of "__ '_ J M. FELTON. FFICE to LET.A well-lkhted and a_x__ai-__j OPFICE, on tbe leeond floor of tha Tribane Bojiingi, Apply U BAKER k QODWIN, No. ISprucaat._ 1^0 RENT..A MACHINE SHOP, Noa. 69 and TU VV.ter-.t. Brooklyn, with 11 hor*a power eogioe, __he_, drill*,mdeverytniogelte6tted forathopof th. kind Thetoolt, moet of tbem, are a* good m uow Io.iolre of JOHN BEN90N No. 25 Old-ihp, N. Y. fical (EotaU for Bale. ARMALL FURNIRHED HOUSE Wanted in tbe country; muit not be mor. thau one hundred mile. liom New York. Adthe Box No. 8,-fll._ FARMS tor SALE, CHEAP..We will eapplf taSSM of good Farudng L aud ln tha 8UU of Miatoafl, aot jver 101) niUet trom St. Louia, for the low price of 80 oeaU per tere. Title guartnUed. and wtrranUe deedt tlTen. laaMaa rtanp for a plot aad particul.ri, to 8. E. BILBROUOH fc Co., United Land Agent*. St. Lcnia. Mlttomi FOR RALE.A COUNTRY REAT near the of Mmnarei.e.-k, within an hour of the citT, about one mile fioii, ll>« dei.ot. a- .-as by New Havan Railroad. Thia property conaiaU of about J5 acieaof Laad, on the water. aad coiiio andlug a fine view of tbe Soand a aew aod _r.ode.rn t,oiX Houae, Outou-ldintt, Garden, fcc it ln complete oider, tnd a v. ry de.iral.le Iccat on for a person doing 8BB_BB_S fat tha oRy aad wisblng to raaiJe in tbe cooutiy. Tbe preaent oc:uaai_ b. L-.e obtiged to remove. thia property will be cflertd at maoa le*. than coat- For fuitner per lculart apply on tbe premiae*. or toL M. HOKFMAN, jc, No. 17 Poeri-B. FOR RALE~orEXCHAN(vE--<)ne or two tood H0LSE8 and LOTS connecUd, on SUUn Itlaad, w_Ube put Into any tood merchandiae toited to We*4ern trade. Al* diettEMIGRANT, Tribune Office, wilh full parB-ulara. FORTY or F1HYACRE8 of choice LAND, fer Rnral Re.i.l.,,,-*.. Market Garden or a Pr-it Farm. lo Couuty, oue hour irou. lha city by rali or rlvar, foc SALE very cbe.p. For j-rticul.r* refer to BOLON BOBINSON, Tribnne Offioa. JHneical Inotrninrnio GREATLY IMPROVED Pl__NO-F0RT£. LIGHTE & BRADBURYS, Btscr-LcrrBBB* or A NEW 8CALE OVEBBTRLNO BA8S PATENT INSCLATED FULL IRONFRAME ORAND tudSQUARE PIANOFORTEB, No. 421 Brooiii. *t- PIANOS TO RENT. AH. OALE A Co., PIANO-FORTE8, No. o 107 Batt __<-_., InviU .Itentl.u to lhali aaw 8ea_a PIANOB. Ou.rauteed to give entire laf.iftotlon. ACCORDEONR. Harne, Pianoa, Me.o___-_B- Oni- tart, Flniet, Vlalint String. for all faet, the i a**artment of Muaic aad Mu*ic*l lattnimeaU la tha eountry, ahoh-taleor ra_iU. at pricea. Caunlry erdera pramptly filled. MILLETT"8 Mutie Store, Na. .. Broadway. LBERT WEBER*" new ovei-truag, iroa frame PIANOEORTES, warraated Bnawpataad la every reipect, and told at the loweit pricea at tha Mait_*a<__y, Be. 186 Wett Broadway, BBBB Canal-aa. BEST and CIIEAPEST PIANOS..T. H. CHAMBERS'8 Iron-Fraana Overatraag PIANOS, al tha Blble Uoute, corner of »th it and Ath-ar._ BARMORE" eelebrated improved over-«tr___g pretrium PIANOS, the beat ln Bte, wkfraided fo: i yeara, manuftctnred at Md Bl___her-tt_A tplenHdJ-oeUve for fllB. CH I CkYEI N O 6.80N8 BAHTrACTFBBBt OF GRAND, 6QCARE, and t'PRIOHT PIANOB, Wareroomi, No. _H Broadway. C fcBout have been twarded Tbirt; -elgbt Priae MedaU b* tba luperiority of tbeir mannfactcre for the paat H yeara, A'.io for Sale, MASON fc HAMLIN'S 8UPEEIOB MELODEONS tnd HARMONIUMO. Kor Pailort Chorchet. Yettriea, aad Lodgea, At wholewle and retaH. PIANOS TO RENT. H~ALLET, DAV 18 A Co.'b ORAND »nd 8UCARE PIANOS.l-oiigkiiotsna* the a_at PIANOB ,.Je PBJ-T1-8 M_I.ODEofts. Good BBCO-_-____ P1AN08, very low. Plauoa aud Melodeon* to LET. ' ' T. 8. BERRY, No 458 Broadway, Ma.-hie Buildliig, eotaar Oraaa-B. J&, C. fTsCHER, No. 856 Broadwaj, aear . 14th-*-, o»er tta great barg ain a « _T a-ofV«-»'» ¦¦1 celebratod iron framed over strung PIANOS, *'^',,V^ Improved paUnt Dameer. Alto, saaaaal aiij_ IIII Ftanoa _,_ Melodeona MaiiufacUry, No 8_ Wtet t-B-a. LINDEMAN A R0N8, No. 036 Hr-.adway, riMeMwat-eturt_.«-tBb_*e_ lBmr?__g_!!,__g_g highly lecomuiended by the fo.lowlug BSBtaml BUriS. Oaata- Satter Carl Anach- U John N. Pattitor. Max Maiet-iefc, W. <_. Dietrich, Johu Buekert. OntUt J.Stoetfhel._ _ PIANOS.PIANOR. HA/ELTON BBOTHKRS. Maniifacturen of ut** TUE FULL IRON KRABj: AN^VER-TRbNO BABB I«i AU. IT1LB4 US A'kaBB, AT VERY MODERATE PRU .;«...._-_ TTmanaam No- ¦> Broadway. R"~_^UVER'» SALE of PIANOEORTES.- By order of Il.e Hon. Judge Leonard, ef tbe "-££». ourt of the Clty of New York. a large at-ort aeat »f»eaa8yB fSo_ii, inp-tlnandoarvadoMes, *iMle aadj\nk\t "gj c.rved. _d serpentlce moldinra, potrl. tnlltd *.«_"'? JgCJ frult, fcc Theieptauo. tw 1lr-t_|.ta, in Une andIOB^ ara .,, .nd to none. *nd wtll he wid .t 88 -'='V..!!^^. -h_---l- bcelit of thecnditor. of thelaU Hrm '.'.^_Tatx_-_~r3 foiU manufacturer.. Can he teeu at tbe *"./.".'"__ faTDoosM fc Co., No. _58 Bowertr no tr Ith *k-Tar_««. Nea-York, Aug. 80, lfc«0. JO_N McDONALD, B*.alvar. NOTM _L Al! penotii htvlng claim* *t_aln*t tke Ut- f.rm of COOPBIIk ATHERTON, Plaii'lorte aiaiiifaotarer. of thia elU, a~ hereby nolitied to pre- ut tbeui tu ibe uudvi* _;i_t. »¦ km .. liow.r».N. Y. NewVml, Auguat*?, I»'- ... M,,)uSALo, Bjaoriver^ STEINWAY A 80N . WLDMBDl^J ENT OVFRSTl'NO «J"A»-»-^.w\AW*,tSS13 now eontldered the ba*t PUno* pianuiactuied. and ».-an_at. {"W^K Noa Bt- M Wriker-at. near Broadway^ AtificclIantoM. M7__5i-iCBadiT.'o. of o. f-^gStt I'rt.e.P.Uat 8w.rd M^iri-*|i_fe_2 Lodget. t bapurt. fcc WM. M FBICB,JlBa_J~;--»_-t__ rpORCHLIOHTN. "HOMAN CAMDLt8, I ROl RETS, and a geoeral *__B-BBB_¦___, .|U. tUfUyt,

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Post on 28-Mar-2021




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Page 1: Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 13. · Voi*. XX.N°-6,0*32. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 18ri0. PRICE TWO CENTSt ihb Nirw::j^£_'rRIBUNJt,.^S5jiB£r«VBBT _____ n-T#UBjOBNINOMAIIaV

Voi*. XX.N°- 6,0*32. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 18ri0. PRICE TWO CENTSt

ihb Nirw::j^£_'rRIBUNJt_____ n-T#U MAIIaV Tlllliill

,.^S5jiB£r«VBBT BjOBNINO ANB BVBN1RBII FWBUB-*-**---' JkrwOATi rxcarra*'

wt A8SOC1ATION,__.».aiieii-"-,«i t>.a»aa o» *______*. __¦»__»*«*

at FB» *-u,jJJLMBt*. ori-a>iivB vaa uirr-aau-, tVC^^beetimtrttt 1_H o*bU pswooA. Mai!|^*gjjy^i imtm tm adrane*; Bl for Ba BaoitUa

HIW-TIBI WBIKLI TBUtTNB,TvBBT LABGB PAPEB BOB THB tWUNTRT,11IB11 '-T 8*TVBJ>»t Mohbibo atthe low arloo of Bl

SraataaT w advaaca Throo Caipte t far |l; Fire Copfea forC- fat 4>F»ea for BB); Twoaty Copiea, to oaa addrea. (and¦___¦ Bnar±m"r at tho rato of ? 1 p*i aannin), BB); TwentySmktt to aflflroaa el ooeh Mbaerihor (and any larger aorabe. tttWaaaof fll Mtwh). IK An; peraen aandUg oa a etafc e*.

a jnoro wiil be eotitled to aa axtra oopy BnbaeriplioMBBBTbb Wbbbvv TaiBtra* eoot OJIX DOL-

kmymmtj m _nor* win -»e a

CfliaBioB-v* at aay ttoo-. la ¦*-adva-rtaaea-eria ia Taa Wnni TaiBTrra o**t QJIB

aaa iKD TWXNTV-FIVE CENT* PEJ. UHl forSarflrrr HoUUt UBartod iat hii Uaa B*.

___B-vII.frBBB_I.Y TKIBI7WB.S tahflohod every VflBMA. aad F.-oav Bobhibo, Prtco |lB*f __B*wb; Two Copiea for |», Five Copiea. lor flll tb.


kmA oa tbo doyartnr. of aaeh MaUj*__~J^1^M B5 ail uuiflJ-Tf"ail' I---'-"*"1 Blngl* Cmotte, rtveMllllilll



to MbBabod oa th. departure of aaak. MaU Stoamor for Aipdn-a .IBpaaaa *^^ .IBCME.

No. 1*4 Naaau* , N-aw-Torlt

fipuial JfoticcB.

%itT«X»*. * "^Tc-'W^.AMrFrerd^WiuiU E Pabob. SeereWry.____WM_KA«raBe Ceatral VmtamtUttm.-h. meeting;of thi*

raimuTttrrvTill be held tt Ue Rerubttcan headqua-ten No. bit.Comn.lttea_t.iii'. KVENINO, Aaa 14. at » o'cloeJt. A

Kt^Uce I. riqurird 8 B DllcHER. tsMMSBL StlUi RlTTBBHAND, 6oc'y._

I^B ___!___! .llaawr arr r.ady for cUtiibutlon at the AmocU-ir^mlmTs^!mtS**roVc*MBSCBM* aa.atKTI, A M A_~H__vl__a pul^tT^Tfro-n ".. ?f^-?rRi"H""ommm -P-tc-kl-Bfl t*__»|a)By the ,{.^7* J-Vi-i. iV kkkrSaB UOuDVl-AK-S Tnteution tf \ ULt AN./.tl> Kt bKER

lei bUhard l oibfona, we hereby notify he manufacti_ren,anl£rSa-^t of Billhvd Tableo that we wlll hii ordeni or with \ ulcanlaed Caoutchouc or IndU RubberCn-_Woi>i and for tbe ordlr.ary Caontchone _uihio*_i, v.-ith a

SHa W apply them to Biulard Tar lea lier.ufter -vrry bilhardi££eL olTuiiei iaed Rubber will bear la,t>eddrd in each cnihionSaUpthe eanae oft'HAKLKS OOODY K.AR th- Paientee, andthe dale cf the PaW rt and partie* puichaaing thrte coahioni of ut

JrtU he required to aUach U. every table in . oontplcuoui paK-e a

»itallic pUU (v.hl.-h we wl!! furuUh) bea__it.g the wordta---^larWi Ooodyeai . P.Unt Oranted Jme 15 1»44 ExteadedJuDr 15 l_*a." All paruei mtnu.acturlng Bi'lvard Tabln avl.n

the cdinarr \ uloa:iUa*a-Ruoberc uthiont after thtt date. oi-partu-tS^g .r vendirg thr anie »ithout tbe etteer etemp. ffl*fi*»Kev right atd wi.l be proMcntod aoeordingly PHfiLAN 8*ATVNT'tC)MHI.NAllC..N t 1-8H10NB can only be ot.tnned^ab.e._o«m.etu-ed by PHELAN k COLL/ndER.B^twT«rAii|. 14. lea-J. Noa o3. «¦ *»'¦ *» t rotby il-

Pk*taj,,"_MPROVF.D BILLIARD TABLE8And Combinat-ou Cushlo..*.

I'HELaS i. coi.lf.ndkr,So.e Manofa.-turera. Noi, ta to 69 Croiby-.t, New York

We alve ¦.tlee io lhe mauuracta.rer* aud purchawr. ufMbard tabln tbat we have aold ta M*.*r». Phetan k CollenderOie axelnOve rlgnt to the na ai.d app'icatlon of Charlet Oood-TaaTi UTenUon cf ToleaniBed C aout'tonc. or Ii.d.a Rub'ver, ta>r

whach a iMaUut wa. iaaued to the inventor. dated June 15, 1844.aadtxtenaed June 15. 1858, foi biiliard Ublea. And manufao-tureri of bnhaid tablet are hereby no ihed that ail fnture pur-.baaei of vuk iniaed rubher fur bi.lia.d table* M madefrom Me-an Pbr_an and Coll.udrr|a 4nd aU lufringert ou Uii*rWita.lL he waaec'uled by at to the full eiU-Dt of the Uw.^riVVVullK BELT1NU AND PACKINU COMPANY.Augattl, to Uoa*ekeepera.--A large qjantity of. rv tiTiiiable HorSr.lloLD Fl RNlTCRr. ».11 b- Mid at¦rivt'a t«*» during tl* pra^out week at one-bali ita value. at No.16 t-i-iloapiac* Ci Eigutbat, a few doon we*A of B.oadwuy.D.<ili open from 7am to 7 p. m. lhe aaaortmrDt it vrry lorre,ootnaiiiaig avorylbbig noeeuaarT to geutaael hvut-kevepiug, U_,*.!} atyie aod valirlv 11 wviood, blaot walajt a_.d LuaUoiaxiyFaiUr and Chai.ibri raiuiture, ln auitei or liugie [aie-e*-, ilrd-Ont Pier aud Mantle Mlnon, Btatuary. Oil paLiaingt, Tablett_fl M«r,e e uinaBienU, and a inuititude of articlei ol um andbeauty too nnmeroui to mention.N. B..ThU ii utA ao aurtion hou^. or made Fumi

Bua. jpuicbaeera asu have tl.eir good* aent home Iree of ehargeDebt of the Americao Iloard of roinii.ianionern

f*r Forelan _tlls*ion».-,Ihe aebt of the A. a C. t Mia b**all of which apaclal elfoiti bare been made, U prsvldedfor within ibonl B2.000. Thii aum U a porVb-H uf tae am .u.twtlch wm aaanmed by the triendi ofthe Board lu thii city. The¦adwiiined, aa a Commnte* baving the matter u eharge. havebreu utaab'e U) w*e, ueraouaily, who, aa tney iuppo*e with|e aid ihia |4KKi woia aud they ie*peetfully aek that, without

Cr» auDviUtlou, eoutributloiia or pledrea be teut to eiioerotan. atithoutdelay, aa the ttme h- aiiived fai cioaii.* tue *»¦-


Now-lort, Aug. 21. li*6e.._"\rlde-Awitke Torehll«ht*-RF_D. WHITE, andBLl'E all in one torcb.Homethlog new aud he_.n-.llul. Cum-

Wide-Awaket and otbrra, rail and aee tbrm.LEWIa k Co.. Nu. IM Tearl-at

WMe>Avtakr CluBa tluough lhe country ean obuin, attheWweat pne Mi UKB6, ToRCH 16, and OFFICERSBOLOKED La.nTEKNB E. A. MANN, roomi of the Young¦ob'i Repubhsan l nion, No, 659 Broadway._"

rreacB'a t'onl. aj Wa-hlna jUatelalae-CueiiualedMd IndilpeniaMe !- Price ouly «1". Depot No. IM Broadway,aai ni i of CanaJ-it AgrnU wanted ln all part* of lhe L'nitodMaln* kmtti tot a CiicuW. Audiea Boa No i.f'ti Poil-Ot&oe,SiwToA Citv Pkt FRENCH.

JDaT-rttJ Publicationa.ELECTION Ri:TURNS in DEIAIL.-The

POLITICAL T>:\T-BOOK for 1860.1 vol cloth, eor.talmthe ele. ll"), ret.r.,* of all tbe Pre-idrntial Election. »lu,-_B 1336Bo. aie tX Tho Tribun* Offi.e. Prlco $1._




ILLIN0I8DECLABES for FHEE TKKRITO-R1E8 throngh Legiila'.lve Reoolvet. Soe POLITICAL

TFXT BOOK for 18B0 1 vo) eloth, t'*. page*. Kor aie at theTribane Wfcee. Piice fl. Sent hy mail, prepaid, on reoeipt of



The New-York Weekly for thiatv**k oontain* tbe following:

I LE-aT'ING ARTICLF8: The te* taMSBMlTbe l_priain| of the Weit; Tl.e Milk tn thr Coeo*not: Tbe Syracuae Auction; Tbe Dcugla Nctnlri*-tiona Did You Fver'Tbe New-Vork Rep.blle.uH»ate Tl ket. Tbe Kt*'-' T'utb; Wi.o ii < MMafllI.eugla* Dumb; The Tn th of the Ru.iuea., TbeHou Her.chel V. Johnaon, Editor... Paiagr.pbt.

B..REVIEW OF THF. WEEK: (Hviug ln a coudeniedand form the latetl and iinp-irtanterent* that have tra'.ajrired in 'he <"ity and 8ubti*-bi,aud the l ulted Sutei, Ceuiral America, Mexico,acd Europe.

II1..COL0N1ZATI0N-NEW-EN0LAND; AddreilbyUorace Orealey-. oa tl.e uf tl..: ('nilrunialOlebration of tbe Town uf An.l.ent. N. IL, ouWedi.»»dB), M*v eo, MM

1V..VIS1TOF THE PRINCE Of WALEI Iln Two ProTlr.eei The C.-lebra'I -na iu N'.«wirk and at Prin e Edward lalaud; Currr-pundeucrof'The N Y. Tribune


TbeN Y. T.ibun.-.VII. THF 8TATK Of DELAWARE < orretpo, fa


iu and Boaton.X.THE CROP8.XI..THE BAIBI 01 MMl Tl.e National, But?, and

County tairtand (att t 8howaXII..DROITH IN KAN8A8: . oneaponderfee .,) Ttie N.

r. ftXIII..TRAVEI..S ATHOMK] By Ilayard TaylorXIV..LINOLN AT HOME: C orrrtoondenoe ol Th* N.

) Her.ld.>¦> P'HTkS Ktr.gtietor Knari-e] KnUrinr Hor. r,c--.

AprU.lHey,; To tl.e Wind F.iryLoro,or.L'.lio.r.XVI. THE BOCITOM TKKKT.XVI1..LATEIT NEWB RECEIVED BT TELEORAPH:'-»* "-epuuiim, >iate ( ouvoiitioii Re nomination

t Jb*.,"0,|*i'ai.d Lieut,trrt'tn W ati.r..gioi, l-.ou. Pike'a P- t« Tbe Pon*''-,"- ¦', alet. DeUiiltingP...t-Uian


_ft-< Ui v H '. ""''- MakeU,.- Reported :or ILe N. y '

tJo"»* VTLTZa Th,r«ro«^fcr*i- T.-r.foral-2J;r;,', .-..?V.'da.a.u. Copy to the

1.^1. * LM °{ ')hr 1Ju"lx''d- Bfl MMfb Doiiy Tiibuu-

Mt^N^/V' .A rOORAPHfl ,t PRIVATE SALE^Wc-An.ii .ilo.o

Ant"g.«p_.», ...v 0f 1..-.-..1'b- De. iui.(..,., of iDdei-Z, , ...d .»o_aral

__.. a'. ¦U'J\' *J'd '¦t'"" °< -Matl". tn,ii duri.ig and «i..oe l'..

I"¦ < hi_*_<i.r. Al.o, u>a.,y et tha ....,-t colebraledl.ilhoi., and A.ti.U. Klua of KiflUvdi_<_"**. Fa-.-iimil,. Ili,.p»p!,ir. ... ru whi.-t. wlll be told

.l«jn*af« .<:. o y »t i, « p,i . . uttixed. fallll|*M '»" ¦>. !"mJ

.*" *.,.. ir f, in.rtfed hj u.ail toaiiy addrra.I'.ANOH MKRWIN 4. I

Irvlng Noa B*4 aud 5ta> Broadway.

IT_HIB DAY ie PlTBLI8HED, price $5 50,'B JllO A>_» vOMTME xx.-.

or tiib


lllllOIBIlin BY nT-IEBOUS ENORAVIN93,_Dd cert'luliMl. among other lnport.nt artlelea lhelollowln|:Ht'_M .NSHIP Hy Capt Hall. Revt*ed and enlarged

bT8EN_C_ JT-ioL.) AND SEPTI'AO.jNT. By F. W. Farrar M A Fellow of TtluH v College. Cembrtdge.

HAKF.BI'EARE. Ry thou... l>e Qoilncy.8-iELLHY. By Oeorge Macdf-ald, anthor of Within and

BBlPBinUllNO. By Audrew Murray, __-ie.f Enfl__.r en

Insm.Urof-._b__-y.Por_a.ou_c M_VU*_Ua ... MPHOOTINO. By the author ot tbe Oakleigh BbooUngM IL1ES. Bv the anthor oftbe article " Italy."SILK. By WillUm Eelkln, NoUl..«ua_-SIN DU. By E. li. Eaatwick, author of Handbook o

SLAVERY. BjWI!.*m BpaJdiug, late Profettor of Loglo Intbe l'i.iveitit> of Bl Arid'ew.SM>TH lAdaui). By J K. M'< ulloch.BMIIKF. H, Willl.m Frirhrira. l.L D F. R. 8.80CRATE9. By the Biab f of Hereford.SOMNAMHl'LlBM. Hy Allen Tbomton, M. D., Profetaor of".a ln the tiilvertity of .ilinnw.SPAIN (Statiitici cf) A_ D BWifZERT. _ND. By Dr. Nort.n

Shavc, Serretaiy ofthe Roytl Oeograp riical Society.SPaLDIN J iW'iblam) By Ch .r.ea Miciaren, F. R. 8. E.FPINMNG. By JatoeiNrwIandt, C. E.BPINOZA Bv Johu Downe. A. M8rt)HR(| By«eorp).rq,^a.Grah.rnBQI'ARINO By WTIliata .V.l »ce LL.D., Lste Professoi of

M.theii..tlc. Inthe t'ulvei.ity of Edi.ibur.b.STAKL Mad.ii.e dn) By Uutt-va __*»!, Uarrow School.8TAMMERISO. By Jt.n- Iluut, M.D.BTATK8. Hy Kdward Sant, CE.S1EAM AND STEAM ENGINE. By Daolel Kinoear

'sTEaM"nAVIOATION. By Robert Mairay, Englneer-Suivcyo: to tl c Hotrd of Trade.STErsOGRAPHY. By Iiaac Pitmtn.8TKPHF.N8ON (Oeor(te «nd Rcl.ert). By J. R. Lelfchild,

anthor ofthe B»t_. " Mine. aud Mlulng "

BTEBE08COPR By Sir David Ilrewiter, K.H., fce.8TVuv'AHT 'Dng'ld). Hy Jobn Veitch, AM.TONK-MABONBY ANI) SloVE, hy Arthor Athpltel,BTKKNY.TH OF MATERIAL8. By Joba RoMsen, late

Profeiicr of Natunl Philotophy ln tbe I'nivemty of Edlnburgh.SUGAR. Hv Charles Tomlmion, anthor of .' Cyclopwdla of

ffl-Ri-'ERY By _sa_B Miller, MD, Proft.or of Burgary lothe ti.iver.lty of Edioburgh.SVV EDEN (S;_ i*_ci). Ht David Kty, F.R.O.8.8" I KT (Jonathar). By Kicb.rd Oaraett.9YDENHAM (Dr) Hy John Brown, MD..YDNEY. By W .Ul.ii. W-estgarth8YK1A Ry Rev J. L. Porter, author of "Handbook of

Syrlaand the_olyM^^ uaowN k qq, Botion


ptret neariy 100 Enpavitiga. Price 01. Mailed free bv H. O.LAWREN' E No. 1 Ve*ey-»t., A*ur Iloute. It lUte* tbe mottoerUlu treataeut for Nervoui DebiUty. local and generah MenUlDepre.iiou, uid Lo_ of Me_o_r, cured by orijiiial and painle**tn-tnieut, _n*ttcude_ by ritk or the loaa of time, by tne tncom-au_i_ie-lu thli apecwlty-M LARMONT, Pbyifolau and Sur-ieoL, Author, fcc, No. 647 Broadway, np lUlr* New Vork.from 9a.tD.t-.fip m. (Saturday aud Sunday excepted); Tbnra-day evcrilnga 7 to 9. See tbe Uiu-dred. of tettl-BOBialt is hi* pop-nlar book________________HON.TRANITS granoer,

Prt-ldentof AntiMnaonie National Convention. Caudi-dile for V ice-preaident in lWiri._

See POLITICAL TEXT-BOOKFor 1880. 1 vol., cloth.

For sale at The Tiibune Office for 01. Sent by BBBB. prepiid,on i.-ccipt ofprice._____.__.__.______HON..TOHN IIICKMAN of Pc-utisj lvania.

SeePOLIlICAL TEXT-BOOKKor I "Xi 1 vol, eloth.

FonaleatlheWbune Offloe. Prioe Bl. Sent by mail on

ne-eipt of price


One vol. fl*-.Tbe Couileraiid EnquLer, la a rcvlew of


" ii. all tbe ahaaaela.tfm ot a

POWERl-l'L NOYEL,'.t will conipmre d.vor«blj with the be.t productioet of t watou

tbat bst produred tome of tbeMOST Rl< __________

hook, that btte appenred for t long time."DER-Y fc JACKSON, PubUiben,

No. 4B8 Bro.dw.y, N. Y,


for 1-4,, vol. .'.oth.Containtacfcayter on MARTIN VAN BLREN, aud hii ttto-

8 .so. ai.d d. 1. BM,Eor talc at The Tnbnne office. Prite Ql._HON. W. A. UKJHAM.

THE POLITICAL TEXT BOOKlor l.'O. 1 vo!,c.'.th. .

i t.i lafaea BS i e t.f Hon W' A. Orauatn of North Cuollua,\V bit luidldtte 1or V lcf Preaident lu 18.V2.Kor t_e at thi- Olhoe for *1. -3ent Dy maU, prep-ld, on reoelpt

of price. ____________________________

THB CO__fE8SION8 AND EXPERIENCEOK AN INV'ALID-Publiabed for tbe benetit .ad at a

_HB_M to young niiii whu anrler Irom Ner.oua Debiiity. Uecay, fcc aupplyiug '.b* meaoa of Self-Core. By one

who cured hluiself. .Iter being pu. to great expeinw tbronth med-lia! iuipoaitiou «od .jiiackery. Single copiei may be h»d of tbeanthor, NATHANIEL MA i'FAIR, eaa Bedford, KlugiCounty,N. Y Ly incioiiiig t poit-paid .ddreiwd euveh,|H».

rpilL POLITI< AL TEXT-BOOKX Kor 1_-), 1 voi, cloth, 248 page*,

toLtaiii* an article ongov. BANKI 01 M v. SAciirSETTS.

For tiie at TLe Trihaaa uti.ce ttt f 1._1"~".IE HON. ANDRKW JOHNSON of TeMiiet-

tee, tupported foi 1'iesideut iu Demociallc Naliouai Cou-ttutitiu Ll 1 "¦ tb

POLITICAL TEXT BOoK for 1-60.1 vol tb tti Ml P»gea.

Koi tale at the Tril.uiie Oth... i'.ice _, l. Sent by umil, pre¬piid, ou iiceipt of piice.

HON. R. M. T. HUSTER of Vir«inia sup-p irted for President lu Democra'.lc National Conveution


For leix., 1 tol cloth 2W pt,ea.For tale at thia Office for 01 Sent by mail, prepaid, on re-

fetpt ri price.iODW ORT1 f'» " JOLRNAL fur BKAS8I)'BAM)b," new nuroher every mmitb, oonlaln* Muaic for

Brua Bandi. Parta|aepan_e.. II. B. Dndwerth, 6 Attor-pito*.


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LDE OK EDWARD EVERETT.Foi tai eat Tbe Tiibune office for $L

A NEW MEDICAL BOOK FOR ALL..Dr.__fc HAMMOND'S New Book treati fnlly on PremiauraLoctl De.-ay, General Nervoui Exbauriloi. Belf-Induted C.0.i.niptioi.. aud ali otl,. r Speci-1 Di*. _-*ei of luapflrtanoeto the aex- a. By ( haulbs D Hamk ..nd. M. D., tormerly Pro-feaaor of Anatomy aud Pathology in tht Stracuae Medical Col¬lege, New Yoik, fcc. " Dr Uammondi Bcok li worth overyoue'a owtlug.".Krom The New-Yetfc llou.e Jounsal. Prioef.1, u.ailed: thi-.p edition, 90cenU: poatate, 6 centa Sold byRllHSfc'i-Ol'&KY, No. 121 Nassau .t.; LAWRENCE, No. 1Veaay-H.. A.tor House; OODKREY, No. .Bl Broadwyr, New-York. May k!io he had ot the ...thor, at hia roon.i, _» Broad¬way, core.rof Bcnd-st (Parml.y buildinta, hrst floor, up al.Lra),froiu 9 to and t to 9, eveuiug. Couaultatlou en Krancala.

I"<KM-. JOHN A. DLX\Jl Advo _t<-d Prei«lom foi the Territorlei lfl tbe L'nlted8u.tet.


For llaeX). 1 vol. cloth.Formleat the Trib.uie Oflice. Price 01. 8eut by uudl,

piepaid r.t ie(.-![ of pr I'e._CEND tc Ui-adquarU-rH aud «et your CAMl'AIGNk-. MK.DALH. Pi.NS, Ac, at Mauufactur.-_ s pilcei Bupply-Ib8 Deakra aal Jea-ars *_s»aol bj tbe tnou.aud *A a bbssbmJi.,,,1,,,1. l.,st ol itylea sud pricet f-nt ou .ppllat. )u. At-

di.aa JNO. O. WELL8. corner of Paik-roa tnd Beekman.


PwlB", 1 vol clcth 2V;i.*ge., , ., vr .nNt('.._._.. t Chapteron GEN. MClBATB'

For Mle tt thli Oibc. for fll Sent by mail, pi.-p'._. O" re-

{Ul'e.________^_L^VERY LAWVER bllOULO JiAVE a _OFf.THK IiKMMON~8IiAVI. OA8E.

Tbe full HUtory of tbe Leu.u.00 Slara Caae, troai R* orlgU, to

IU Baal dre l_uu b, tbe Court of Appeala, BBflBBB-lIBBSf»BBOf Judge Mat. hefoie 8*8- M e caae WM 8r.t b-ard the opfn-tou of U.e Hupi. rue Co.rt, ibe poli.t. aad ..guuieut* ofXtur.e.

O'C-ucr, W,. M. Ev_it*,ai_ Jasafh Biuut ln the Oourt o.

App. ti., ...d the opi ion. uf Jadg-B BSBBJ VV rltbt, _od,h«.

Tbe great la - Ugal and pt__- W*^ab»m-tolved, the bolduea. wtlb -_-* tbe Usue. were made, .ud BS

ahi-iiywith whi.ii the aasamasBwm soriaaaal sahseh-lss,Mi, , thU oue of Uie ruuart m\mfmi tB ar.d uBlverariij MSfltB)-,, triil. H.t BfBS took p'aoe iu tbl. con.try. FTloe P»r oopy.

b"__u, p-» IB, OU if Bari bf _f **.* J^u" u'UJt

b. 8ri iot^tr^^^ MJmZ. New- York_¦ IKliMllLLV. .InHNHnN ..f(J.-r_!i,11̂%V_iV_iT_-i^*ttaalaluBaebaptar .« JoHNBON, of Oa the Deaal- oandi-d.t-1j, V i,_ I'leaialeul

_ _._ .,Por ?.'.- »t Tlie THhnre oflic-s, PrKe tl



Kor _!.- at .11 Book»t"re.; prioe S IBSent by BBall lo auy _uldre_» la United HUOe., prel.»ld,8>l ~.

rHAYt.H fc ELliKID.lE, No. 118 Waab'u A_>, Bo.too, _*.

BJAMPAIGN D0CUMENT8.__.!!_! ___^_____U* »tt*Dt,OB BJ tho M_-da|of th* Republlcoa" th* following Bat oi MflBBBBS.THE POLITIOAIa TEXT-BOOK

FOR 1860.Ivol.eloth. Price fll.


(InthorUed edition)By D. W. BARTLETT.Boand Ib cloth, with Stool Portrait, 154 pne*. Prfoo BL

Poitage prepaid.An abridged Edition. paper oevera, 25 centa.

BLAVEBY INHISTORY'lBTcoantOnrow.M. Tho workbeau «.f M.very aa a dlatinrtlTe Meial dltaaaa., in all timea aadnatiuni; keglr.ntng with BUvery among the anel.nt Egyptiamdown to the Roaiani. 1 T0i. I2m0., eloth. Prieo BLLINCOLN'd AND DOOOLtHB 8PEKCHE8 ta tbe greatUllnoU Campalgn of 1158, royal ocUto, 208 p^^ boand ineloth, price fOceoUj or, 70 couU by mail; Bitchod, 15 oe..U aoopy. B30 per hundrod. Poatage 10 oenta.THE LEMMON B1__AVE CAflE.Foll Hiatory ofthe Catw,with oplniono of the Jndgea aud argumenU of eouuaeL Prieo

15 ceuti; per 100, $16. Poitage 5 conta.THE CA8E OF DRED 8COTT-A large pamphlet of 1(1*

pagea. Poitage paid. Ono oopy, 25 eenU; four ce_de«. Bltwelve oopiea, ti Ib. «w_»ob.»i,

THE TRIBUNE ALMANACfor laSO cotHala. PopuUr Votefor Pratident by SUlei, Reluin «f ElecUoua. P-t-i-. /-_.__a_

paid), 13 cenU, L_ copiea, fll; l'B cople*. *.. i_~"-*a*e

HELIERS IWPEND1NO CR18I8 OF THE 80IJTH(( ouiprndiam). Pri_-B 20 ceiiU; |18 per IOO; B160per l.iWO,REPUBLICAN BONOSTER' 1 _. MTUE BOBOL1NK M1NS1REL. rriee 10 oontoTHE WIDFa-AvVAKB VOCALI8T, f -


oontaU.lng Word. and Muilc. I Foetage paid.REPUBLICAN POCKET-PI8TOL PriceSooaU. Poatag*TUE BARBAB1TIE8 OF 8LAVERY.~Mr. SornW. ,*.cent tpeech ln the fc.ri.ate, wim Uammond'* " lLLU-STKA-TlON^'iuSeiai-Weoklj Tribune ofjuuo 8. Prk* 4 M*flg p*.eopj. |2pt.r hundred. Pcotage 1 cent per copy addilional

CAMPAION TRACT8.Ptaaaa rar r.BTie flaii attb.itio* U the remarfci on Poat¬

age Ou lhawe d.H utuenl*. aa i* required.L THE IRREPRE83IBLE l.ONFLKT. Uot. Seward'iRocbetter Bpe-ch of laM; with Charlea OConoi'i UnionMeeting Speech, D« I.t, 185S.II. TUE DEMOCRATIC LEADER8 FOR DISUNIONSpeeeb of Henry Wil»ou of Maatach-itetU, in the Benate, Jao.

___>, ia-b0.III. THF. ADMIKSION OF KANSAS; Oov. Seward'i greatSpeech, ln Senate, Feb 19, 1880IV. NATIONAL POLITICS; Spoech of Abraht.m Lincolu ol

IUinoU, at thr Coonei lurtitute Naw-York, Feb. 27. lboO; JameaR Doullttlr'i \ Uidicatioh of Wiaeontln.V. LAND FOR THE LANDLKSH: The Hon. Oaluaha A

Orow'i epeeoh, In lhe Houae, Feb. *. lfitrdVI THE LIKE OF ABRAHaM LINcOLN-By aa lliinoii

Ripni.ll.aui, who knowi well the mau and hia hiatory. A largeeompact pauiphltt of 32 double column pagei, for g.-naral circu-Ulioti aa a campalgu da.t-.iii. i.t Price 4 ..,.'.* a oopy, 40 ..ei.laoer doten, $. ot) per hundred, fll" per thoataud lf requiredby mail, una ceni addiuouai u.u.t be wai to prepay poatage>I1. PBOTECTION OF HOME LABOR AND HOME

PROI.Ue.TTONi. NKCK88ARV TO THE PROHPriRITYOF THE aMERIcAN FARMER. By Henry Carey Haird.Tho abora are ynnted on lair typo and good paper. eocb

fom ing a large tract of 16 pagea, exeept No. 6, wnich l*double alae and prl- e. Tbe othen ar* aold ln quantitioi of Onelhootai.d, or over, for om clll por oopy; aad Uto Tbouaandaay bo made up from the llet above givm, aa tho buyer maydenre. In imailer quantitiee, Bl 15 per hunair-d 15 eeaU perBMM tlngiv 4 ceut*. By mail. poaUge mepald, 5 oonla pawcopy, 10 t. M per doien, B1 60 per 1"0, *>1J 50 per l.Ot-0WUl uot our Repubhean friend* aid ui to " rirculate, tbe doea-

meun I" Now ia the Ume wueu thouaanda of miudt oaa boraathed atd infiuaucod. Addreaa

THE TRIBUNE.Tribune Buildiuga, New-York


for 1360, 1 vol cloth,Contilnt a cbapter «n the eareer ol BTE-PHEN A. DOUOLAS.For tale at Tte Tiihune offii-e Price Bl._

ON. .IAMKS l-l.THi.iE of Ke-ntiirky..ffeflPOLITICAL TEXT-BOOK for 1860, 1 roL, cloth, pp.For aale lt Tlie Tribune OMo* for fll.

HNow Reapt



bky Baiar," l> the titie of a Urge, full tr»ct of lixteen

colunm pagea, »o which we aik tbe att. ntio-n of the irionda of

Kiee-Labor thlougbout tbe eountry Tbere ii not a faroier of

any jvairt M tt noue wbo enn read .1.1. pSBJaat without .Ignaltnrtruetion aad probt, w> matter though he ibo ild dia-rnt fiom

that viow of Fo-iiic*l Economy aud NaUoi*i Poli.-.y wbl.Ii it hBafaBas Ntv.-r wa* the rub.oui utture of ihat lyitem of Agricultur. whieb pow. a trw rade. bulky rtaplt-i for a dLUnt mar

krtiooievIvUlyexlJbitedlUulnll.i. tract, while uo ordinaryUrmer con rrodit without and teetet how W.

be a bolter farmei tban he hai ever yet beau. We beg Oir

frlendi everywhere to order at leaat a ipeclmet. of thU trtet. f.r

we a-e *are they rannot read lt widiing tboir neirhboriU, do otL. rvaUe. MM 4 cent. a . ngle t>opy, 25 MflM P«r daaoa,

11 25 per huudr.d, »10 per tbou.uiA U required by mail, ooe

cent e*rb in addiUon, to pay poaUge. »._*_.

Addreu THK TRinUNE, New*York

H-QNTllILLAKD l-HlLMOKE.-TlIr: I'O-I ITlfiAL TKXT-BOOK for 1860. 1 vol., cloth, «p*|;eonuln.Tcb.p'.er ou ex Pre.Ueut FiUmOte. fSt fll >0.

.aie at The Trlbuue Otfi4ve._-L.nPUE'HON. HANNIBAL HAMLIN.I M'

THE POLITICAL TKXT-BOOK.' FotIIM, 1 vol eloth. 25«Paielitttttm^rnVmSmU'tm?*''for aie at Tb'^Tribune Offiee._

(UN. HA31 HOU8TON..«--WR^&°l^^-oo«Kor BM.For aie at tbii uflioo. Price »1._


For 1860 eonUb.. . ch.pter on l"-'***0*1 °'

Kor a*l* at Th.. Tribune Ottice. Price »l~"


gfrtialllBal -BW rltWCj QoobB^O OOLD PEN8, P> N »'fu";N0V Barfk Vu."^ *»ktuL°.A^.^^BEADfl,f every deacript,,,,^"' So lcfiPe.rl.t-. N* v

Fw_1^^^_S_lZoriginal rolor. It b.* been ^'^b^°llTtilod iu . tdnglo lnprif.cip.l citia. o. New-^*_«J*%"^ No iieit i.BMBBBM to a.-cou:pii«b aBMatBI ¦». bea-.t.ful and irVor M reu bul the Hia*at^. w^ -»_»;LitaDtaCPo_iii dye, whiehUke browu aud bla.k. «M- pJ^k rolor to ,he balr; M* P*_rr<Kk., .muu ",,d S1!" '.iCin* waahli'l. *"° ipo'.ri*»t ot too

Kfe^ub'^'JVordl^ry ^^iX It I. mlracu

^ttMJfeoa^^rtSS5S *s7aU»Ma*a a!aa-al- MMMbl

eri throughout li.o asM___-; v^~-r~~r-t-0 , c a a,,v li.k uad; onre bliing wnae. i.

printing._T -.- itafl< I'-Vl-'IIDELL'''.W'-elili-'K C*,U\_i:«ffia&if^a,*^_SSC'""'-ra _^_____*fci_,Bill Haadl, PorUaiU ke. at BELLl -a, No.-__,<

VK.LOPK8, a\'- (EaUh...l,'"iM-->

Uo Bporiimen. __



ISJrp <__ ooltt,_



TO THEIR NEW AND 8PAC10U8 WAREROOMS,Noa. rs, rr, ra, hi, hs, sad na

DUANE-ST.,Niih Bboadwat.

W hera Ihey will ofler for a»le t new .nd elegant atock efDRY GOODS for tiie r'tll, tuited lo tii lectiont of tbeeountry. They ue openIng we~k!y


WAMSUTTA new and deairable itylea The*. eelebrated Prtott are the

C H E A P | 8 Tand

BESTnow aold ln the I'u.ted SUtei, tnd tbey beg BBBB to call thepertieukr ittention

OF DEALER8to them.


eppotiU the Metr. p ,.!'. ... i I .'.



We beg leave to aB_eau_n to oor patroni and Udlei vlitllugthe city that we are now oftering ail the lateet noveltiea in


ALSO,BALMORAL 8KIRT8. ln large variety.

ALSO,A new make of

KREDNICH KID OLOVT.S,made expretaly for nt, and atid to he tbe beit glore ever ofl'ercd

to tbia country.EDWARD LAMHKBT tt Oo.

AL8TED A RTILER,, . Not .'2 and M MI'RRAY-RT., New-York,

laraajBaa tnd Jobbei. of CLOTH8. CASSIMERES, VE.T-INiiS, hi d every ttvle tnd qua'.ily of Goods uaed by Clotbleritnn Nercbant Tatlora for M>;n's .nd Boy.' ww.


Uoolfl, 6l)OC0, __T.

IADIE8' FRENCH 8HOES.J JKFPERS of No. 978 Bro _dw»y wonld retp_.tfn.y toliotl

tbt ltdiet of New York tnd from all part* of tbe L'nlon, U call....I txamlne bll elegant tMOiiment of Krench BOOTS andSHOES, and embroidered Tollet tnd Bridal 8LIPPER8. Prieateomrtecturtte witb the titnee

JEKKER8 No 978 Broadway, opp. Mi__npoli_n.

dfc~_> SHOES and GA1TERS at JONES'8, Noa*WtJ 10 and 12 Aun it Anewrtyle, and waxranted to givtperfKt satlafactlon.


AMORT nopoetoMo BUUnrfad Woman vviahi- aaituttion in lome leapecUble fatui'y at WET Ni'llSE.

Sbe h.a lott ber B.b«. ilx uiouth, old. Hai the beit of refereoce.Ctn be teen for two d.yi tt No 1021 at near 7th av.. frox10 a. m. till * in the eveuing or can be aeen tt her own reaidence,No. 120, on the Blooii.lnudale Rotel. Can ba i«en till luiied.

rANTED.SITUATIQNS in the city or coun-try at good COOK and LA.NDRES-i at VVAITER and

CHAMhERMaID. andU do Httl'SEWORK, by very comp.tei.l Glrli. Call at E. CARROLL.8, No. 69 r.tb-at.


.V.ANTED.By two raCaUe Prot<Mtant Englishvf.itii* Woiueii, liluttion* at Cook, W'atber, and Ironer.

( n..aid and Waitlng. or Auiitint Laundry N uae andKe.'i-t-rest. Will to tepartU; do general houaework if reqolred.Best reference No objecilooi to the conntry. A ateady aitu.tion pre.erred to high avtge*. Two amsll girli wtnt litnation*to i.-.ind bild.-eii, ot do light houaework; #3 00. Call atNo 1A-) %b at.. noar Broadw.y, for twod-y.._SALESMAN WA1_TKI>.Tb b «t_m_m_- DKY

OOODS 8TORE. Ooe .-.u-iiit-d with clty Ad-drva. SALESMAN. Box No. Bt, c it Otkat._-TO PRINTERS..W'nnted a MAN of ability,1 khoroughlv compete.i lo tske entire CHARGE OF A JOB

OKEl.E. Addreat SRANK.LIN Tiibune Othce._TB_VELISbTf,' ENTfl WANTED Ry a Man-

n'»ct.iriug ei'ibllahoieut, to citnvta. the EasUru State-..Addrea. MfcRCANTILE TR\ V K.Lr.B, Tribuue Oflice.

\\T A N" Tl-"b.Aini___fl______T~-CPEELN-v v TENDENT la a Daily Mii.l'.u School .ucce-faUy est.b-

Hrhed intbi.Mry, an An.erican (le,,tleman. from *) to 40 yeartof age. of rduc.tion .nd re&nement. aud »c<Bst'iuicd U laiparttnd sy>teu,tti-te inatrncllcn te yo.'.bful inlndi. uooe but a meui-

heirf in Ettugelhal Cburch ue.d apply ; ia_rv llheral to one

sd*|ted foi the plaoe. Addiess i.t.niedi.sly, MAN'HATTAN,Boi No. 1,4a. Po.l-O0i.-av_l^A_n_D.Afc«-8le _fU_IC TEACHER, goodTI Plani.t aud Triallt WUl give liberal talary. Kor

ftutber paiUcul.r* tpply ttii* dav tt the Mutl: Store of' YlORACK WATERS, No. B_ Broadway.

WANTEI).A FirBt-rat,' COaL-OIL MAKERtnd REKINER To one tl.oroutiily competent (none

rli .--need apply) sieadv en.i.lojinent and good waget will begiven. Apply lo O. 8 e DANIS, Room No. S, Triulty Building.

C .an.-8 for Bueiiusa Xfl-rt.

COrrON FACTORY FOB SALE..The CottonFlktoiy .1, Ol......l__.t Co N. Y. briol.tiu. to A

<4|-Ith'. e.t*U. I. offrreil for a»le on <i_v...t-g»_. Urrns 11 con-

Uini about -..Ca, spiudles, .0 loooma, .ud aaaasaSefl with it 84if dwelling houae*. ApplT to R-

FLFMINO, at MbbIIui, i.r J C. SMITH, 1. Bro«l tt, N Y.


tiatlng of an exUnsive and coileetion nf*, Sbeiltyeolngicel OpaaBaaaa, Indi.n AaBflsltlaa, wivh . gr»*lrutety ahelas IMsssBsaseM Curio*ltie*. Will b« aold at thrBM oflei thnt may be made within the entuing (K) dtyi. ThrCabinet and Book* of Dr.arinjf ar« ready for e> aintnttion.

JOHN P. P. PECK, Adm'rof Jaruet McBride, deceated.HtmilUn, Oulo, Aug 1, lSbO._MI'ST hc OLD.A valnablo and BMpeO.Mfl

BL'SINESS con- ected w-ith tbe office of a Commiaalouerfor H 8UU.. havint t lart* patronate. Thlt ll . aafe aud anre

hu-iie-.. «nj avlil be aold cbeao lu conaeuuenca) of other en-

p«eu,tuU. Apply toCOMMISSIONER. Room No. I, office ofthe Coojinonwealth Eire Iniurance Cou.pany, No I Walltt.

I.'AKTZ ROCK MILL for SALE-CoucededIhe beat and ouly MU1 af aflSBS to uiinera, redu.-ing U i.n

palpahle powd.-r. w itli hsrd.-ned. ahifting. grindicg aurfacea eatilylepltt-ed auti hea'ing, tlmple, and free from aU cotuplicationi.

¦1001 k SOL'TIIWICK, No. B N__*:i it

QHIKOLB-MAI'IIINES !~SH1N(1LE-M A-kyrlllNF.S, KOR SAI.E.S.....0 oftbe he.i Sblogle-Ma. Ithmtot tiving ,.nd ihavtaf shioglet ever invented Addrc-u M. A. 8..Poat-OBi'-e, New York.

4*-IVIUUI SPECI-LPABTHBB WimteilB S> /. I f\ /. with thli aj.iount, tn a CarTlage-furotahi __I-.ardw.TcEaUbliir'n.ept, to tak« Ibe plue of a tencral D»tt!...r.rbo n-Ure* Jan I, Ilt 1. AdJress (whi ih wlilbe rtricllj cenudei.ti.l| to HARDWABE, Uot No. lTTT.ibuueoti aa


CAUT10N..I lierel.v cauti.m Um uul.lic fr.unr-ei-itt or BSfS l.tii.g B GHECK ob the BRO \DWAY

BANK, dat. d At pri 25 1 BB. lor ) oul il.ndt_l D.illir. ..

I. V I). it. lei, ai I l.tae h_t or u iilald tbe same, aud hive

-t-rpe.*! payiueut. PATRICK M. BAKHAN, No. 131 M B.

SPEXUL NOTICE.To the AN 1)REW 8 PAMII. Y.A me, tlng of tbe d-.cetd.nU ot' tbe early aetUora of

ii.i. eeaatry. hy u.e aamaofANDBEYV d, arlll l.e l.e..l at iVfclrl.lM.K.hD, Conn.. eatheBsh Inat for the p nio«ol*.iil...coinii'i-,n llv oi tl. r «f a l'ouin,itt.-e of Twenty of the uame-

SOLOHON AN I.REW S, M. I) of Pertb Aiuboy, ... J.

Orru t ,.p i hi CoaaissMBBBS or )P. Ht.c ('HalllTIB- Arin CoB«Bf T.,,>

Ro-ll'AKk.NBVt Yi, .k Aug II, MO )^O TIIE IIEDICAL PBOFE_4310N. . The

Coiumlaalf ne'* of I'ubii: C'hail lei .nd ('orrectlor- willn elve apphciloua from MEDll Al. Sl'LUENTS, Uialoale*froui Maf'hal Coileir. ofeuilurnce, forthe aoritiona, nowvar-tnt.of AHSIJ-TANT PlIYSIi UNS al Ra-.-.!.- laland Homral forth> Tir tln eiil Of Children. au I «t laland ilo.pltal. on Hlackwel!'.laland, Ioi tht Treatu.eni ol AJnlts. Also faa tbe p_.|tlou*o/..ii-ai.t Phyticlant *t tl.e Litutlc Aavlnui, aud oue A.aistsi.t rl.y.i isn st laland lloapilal ou Bltckwell'. tll-ve.u-le. ai!l t.*8 on the Ilt of 8.-p-.e nber nextAp| h .uis aiii piesei t iheir t"itln,oi, a* to theU o,u_.j&uaUmII to Ih* unde..i.i,t.d Couiiiiisaiouera.


Coi'i Jl-.l't, 11.


iUti-ituI on hand a lariin and aplendidof MU. .1 Ab BOXES blaylng I, I, 8, 4, i, I.

I HS Inr.ei, ainii if* t ired ny th" best uiak.ra tt

\\ I have now nn hand a l_r_.« and aplendidVT »« nln.elit ot IJII.-.II Al. ItllXV.-l ,]..!.. I 1 1 iil

I, 1B, 12,16, M andswitzi:ri_iAni_.

Mandollnaa, Oveiture KtptaMlvM, ke., _.-., aoeomaantaaeai*tt KLl TE, BELLS URUMS, and CAST AGNEITES. I'pera. Pop-ilar Ainerlan Meh'diei, N--gr., M.-Io-Um, aUlOY MIBICAL BOaEB, I'l.ylng 1 2. I, -nd 4 tuu...

HA 1.1 AUI) k MAHTIN ImporUr*,MutUal Bcxe. rapalrvd No. 21 Mald.o laat, New-Yerk-


ABNUM"AMERICAN MU8EUM.Under tho penoual *upervUios of


in lhe woild, and deligbti'ully cooi and pleaaantLAaif WEEK BUT ONE OFTHE OIANT BABY!


LIVINO SKELETON!All of which tbo maiiagement U coupolled to remove, to giv*


TtiOM wbo have not aeen thoae liviug wonden can hara no

idea how great tbey are They mnttaoe them aoon.or tbey will he f.rever tno late. Tbey will bo on eahibitlon atall bouri, day and evening. together wilh theJ LADY WllTH LONO HAIR.flowlrif graeeftilly ever her ihoulden and back, and


The only ani att of tbe kb.d ever aeen ln tbe' Atlantic Statea, andlhe moit extraordinary creature llrtng.

He welghi l.f 00 pound*. eati bO ponnd* flih daily, aad requiiea16 baireli cf iea water e-e-ery 14 bouri.

TUE FINE8T AQUARIA IN THE WORLDFilled with branti'lll




Including that of TOMMY, ofthe Japau.te Embaay.Engaged for oue weak, the celebrated


OF TWELVE YOUTHFUL PERFORME1B,who bara eheited the

UIUHEHT ENCOMIUMS OF THE PRESSand tbe public lu every part of thii conntry. Tbey will

AFPFAR EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENINOthia week, in a great Tartetr of


All theae, bealde all the Wondera and Noveltiei ofthe MtiMumra.lleition. which embracea not l**a than

85O.O00 CURIOS1TIE8,from averr rort ofthe world, are all. yoa,

ALL TO BE SEEN FOR 21 CENTS.Oi-dreu under 10 yeara, 15 eent*.

MI'SELM OPEN from 7 a m. till ln p. m.Lectore Room performancea at S and 7) o'elock p. tu.



Zoyara, tbe Hanlona, Quagli-ni, Sehwelan. Charlton, Dtrrernay.Tentlind, and ali tbe .-U...-TH! HSDAY and FRIDAYKvENINOB. La-xt Nigbta uf CINDERELLA. THOMAS1IANI.ON on L'Ecbelle l'eril,-uie. The BaOTHERSin Aa-touuding FeaU.Paiiaa or Aj)Mii*i»a.Famllv Circle (entrance on Croaby-it \,

25c.; Pirquetto Biid Dreu Clrcl**, 50c.; Orchevtra Chairi. 01;Private li.nea, B5 and *n.

In tbe evening.Doon open at 7 o'elock; to commence at 8,preein-ly.MAllNEE on SATl'BOAY. at I o'elock. when, by ipecial

requert, THOMAS and GEOROE HANLuN will appear onthe Trapaae. Ihe GYMNASTlC TCJURNAMENT, by amateur..nd gyimiatic puplla, will rommence on MONDAY EVENINO.the 27th init, an* terminate on SATURDAY, Sept 1 A PrUogiven to championi each night Alio a view of the PHY8ICAL< I i'.KK.I I.I M. Ui v. aaleh hity perfonnera will appear.

LAURA KEENE" and Manager.Mr. Joibph Jbtvbbaoi

StageMacaaer.Mr. Jaum* SLnmund*Moiical Dlrector...Thoa Baker BcenlcArtiit..J.E. Hatw

Prompaor.T- k. Ciina


And every evening tiil fartner notloo,OUR aMjERICAN COU8LN.

Bn JOHN WOOD.aa.FlorenceMi. .108 JEFFERSON.aa.Am TrenchardMr. E A. SOTHERN.aa.Lord DondrearyMr. CorLOOCK...aa.Mu/cottMr.PF.TER8.aa.BlnneyMr. J. BUKNETT.aa.CoyltMr. 8TODDART.aa.8ir EdwardMr*. CHANFRAU.u.Eugenl*Mn. VININO.u.Mra. MoontcheirlngtoiMia JEFIERSejN.m.AuguiU

BMMlaSARA 8TEVEN9.ia.Mary MereditbNew and Beantlml Seenrry by HAYES.


wlll be performed every erenlngDoort open at 7J commence at 8 preciiely.SeaU aay he lecured oue week ln advance


BENEKiT OF MR. W. J, FLORENCE.The front of tbe tbe*ter will bo

RRIi.LIANTLY ILLIMINATEDlo bcucr of the ol



W 111 be giveu the gre..t military drama. eali.dTHE [I.I8H HUSSAR!

Edward O'N'rll, tl.e Humtr.Mr W. J. Floren.eTo bo by tlie b.-a-illfa.l Protean piece called

THRICE MARRIEDf!\ iviau Rippl. a| Aitiat.Mr. W. J. Florence('.il-.ita. uai aevr.ol other cbaraeter*, wi h emigiandaaa**..M.i W. J. FlorenceTo witb tbe gre-t eo.uic drama c*lled

LORD FLaNNIUANKlannlgan, withMaa.Mr W. J. FlorenceHulda. a Yankee giil. with *ouga. Mn W. J. FlorenceDuring tfce ent.rtainment, IRISH ME!.. DIES, " LINI13EY

BLI'KB QI ICKSTEI-,-' and " FLOREN E AS30CIATIONPl'LKA." by Ibe orcheatraT.a-MOBROW, Satnrdiy-Poiitlvely LA8T NIOHT ofthe

FLOBENCEB. A great bill.Doon open at 7J; commence at 8 o'elock.

IALACE OARDEN8.Foartc-eiith tt. near 6th av.

THIS (Friday) EVENINO ORAND MI'SICAL EN¬TERTAINMENT by tbe lullowing rmin.ut arti.ta:hlUNOR MONTANAR1,.

The grraieal livbig BUFFO SINOER,Received nightly by the mo.t faahionable and appreclalivo

audietuci with the moit etthuiiaatic applaute aud delight,Misi JULIA MEL\ ILLE, from tne Engliih Opera,Mr. OEO. CROZIER, Tenor, from the Londin Coucerti,

Mr. J. F. 8TRATTON, Couduetor, of the Orcheitra,Mr. H REYER. l-.-_.i-r.

Mr. W. 11. CURRIE, Coudu.-tor of tbe Piano.and



ga*ed, and will appear on MONDAY, the 27th latt._WINTER GARDEN7!T I THIS AND EVERY EVENINO, AT 8.







THIS EVENINO and E.ERY EVENINO during the weekCommence ut H o'elock.Secure teaU at Box Ortiee d iring day. Open from 8 a. m. to 4



Thii uiaghlltO'-i.t collr.-.tioi. o|ien day aud evoolug,and conUiiia


STEINKRrcK'dgrra; Painting->fTUE ADOllATION OF TIIE MAU1,"

BECKER'8 great Palntlng of-THE ReaPEKB' RETt'RN HOME;"

With over One Huudred atd Tweuty choice Palntingt andHtat:,, ,. Aduiiaion, 25 centa

HOOLEY & CAMPi.ELL* MIN8TREL8.R M Hooley. 8 C. Campbeli. k O. W. H. OrirBn. Pro

prirtor*. UmjueatioiiaLly tlie r-if at Uiented troupe ln exiatenre,ai Hooley and Camp.-11'a Opora Ilouto, Nu. 5«5 Broadway, op-potlte Nlblo'i Oarden. Second Week. Crowded Honte*. Mouday Evening Auguat 20, and every evening. all tke newett featu.e* of Etbiaiplan MiottraUy, with Burleaque Opera, Con.ejy,Trapedy, tnd raice, by tbe gr.-at tttti. Blieh, I'uiwuith. Eagene,la.upb.ll, l.iittni. O.lvelra, HoolaT, Donnlker Mellvilie Reeve*,/.l.e. ko., 40. Ei.dtng aveulng with a new anl UujhablealVrpiece. For full pattia-iilari ire prngran me. Doon open at 7tt. romniMC* at 8 o'i Irn-k 11. ket* 25 ceut* Private Buxel t i

H~1.0W^.t' (iREAT 1'lCTl'RETbo *p!< tidid vtowoi New-York from Hohokoa, by tbe rol-

. biated landacapl.t, OEO L. HRoWN,.-alW" BAY AND ( ITY OK NEW-YORK

AT SUNRISK,"it now ou view at the

( RAYON ART OALLERY, rorn.r Broadway anl Hlh it.Adinitton.e _:.. entt. oEO. WARD N1CHOL3.

-THE CELEBRATED BLONDIN. whiwe won-A derfu feaU on tl.e tiglit r pe have a.tor.lahed *o mmjittNlagara FaUa, vaill appea_r .horUy lu New* _ort, at JO-Afca a




Wlll rrmait. for * iho.t tit...- en exhibttlon atNoOO BROADWAY.

Open Dav ai.d Evenit.f. A .ttti'llZ. F"*ll.u.l.->'ifl of the Sorirlyorily wlll be^nltted w t notit ch.rte,en ril,ll.!tl..i. .'f tbe uieuiber^i llckrt, _rhlcu la .lot t.aua.'.iiallo.V^o-.totbeEgyptlat. Colleetlon wlll receive tlekett of lu.

tr,.l,.,-.i iu ci.ii* to ine 8o--iety'« Oal'ery of Art, 2d-.v., curneitrodurtliw. irau. .|,KH)KHU, Dr PKVSTER.)ufinnai WILLIAM C I'HIME, SCommltteo.t.r DKt.K Ki MOORE, J


|i Ur wea(b.i I.¦ liu., ti.ere wlll ba * iraid PROMFNADF.i uNc KKTon lhe Mail, lu the Contral P*ik, on SATI RDAY

K.NlK.Nal-ip r...HARVEY B. DODWORTH, Canduotor


begt te taaeaaee that MaFAREWELL BENEPIT


bnt fonr ln NeW-Yo.k. wtll _ke p'a:e ooMONDAY, therriblna*.,

oo whleb o_>-«aioe tw worli-faaoaiAMERICAN COUBIN *

wiU be performed. beina p__-Uv«ly ifc»where lt wtll ever b« rea-ttented by the eretetdEXTRAORDLlABY CAST.

N B .Boa Book now open

MR. J. C. FREDEKBK8,The emloeBt Tn... diaa .nd E_.atio_._t,


At Hope Chapel, on MONDAY EV ENINO, Ae* Tl,Prevluu. to bl* deptrtare fat Eawfe.Adiuuuoa 60 Onta.

0W ob Free Ethibition, B choiee o___«___ob olNOlt, PAINTINGS,

Bt WHITLOCK'S OALLERY Bl Canal-et, weat MBteaflaep.


Open from ina.mtf.Tpm.Admixioa 16 cuU

ftj.__irfi_ma.«* "LM8HIN0 BANK8, AHOYl -Thecoimnodi-

l oo,, wfetnd fut teatteamer CROTON Capt R. fl.HOEKMIRE, atilated by Capt. NATHAN ANDBRSON, Jr,havb'g been put ln eompIeU order. wili tonttnue her lajalactrip.U tbe Kfahliig Rank, EVERY DAY, except SATURDAY,le.ving Jiuie. *11p. E. R. ti 7..10 a _., Broo.»at 7| FiBtn BL,Brooklyn 8 Sprlng at. .. R., -I. Pier Na 4, N R. 9. A taa<'"tilion Band on Beard. aUo. J_.frtari.ii.-riU Bait aod Flakl _gTtckle ,nppH»d. Far*. for tne Fxearrion. EAcent* tffordLng aBne a«il and view of the Bay, Itlaad*. aad KorBfloatlraa


oppotite WhlUstone, CITV I8LAN. and NEtV-ROCHELLE-Stoauier MAYKI.OWER b-te. Ctttvuloo-ot EVERY HUN-DAY st 8:80; Deiancy, B:4i; ll'b. *__, 9:10| r7th, 8.18. Afine Orova tt Glen W oid free to the Paneofert. Fara fer tha.huli- Excorsion SO cenU.

Uoar6 an_ t.oon.9.

BOABD WANTED in a privatv family io th.n.ighborhoodof 80tb it, and 8th tv. Addre*. 0. P., at

TrionneOffice.____________TOLET, with or without BOARD, ia 58__-st.,

near 2d av., a handiomely furnltbed PARLOR. la ahouaawhere there are uo boerdera. Laration very BsflfBat aad qu-et.

J H. DOCGHTf, No. 1M Bewety.-IO L1RPENARD-RT., near Broadway..B«*__i_kO fer KamiUet or Single emoni, eheap, trttn er witheiriBoard. Lodging* 14 ot*. Watcbman up ali night. SpaaBh,

Qonit* to ttt.

PJRNISIIED H0C8E.To Ra-nt a fumisLe.!English btiement HG1.8E ln Maditon ar. Addreat Baa

l,-4_>, P. O.

LARGE HALL TO LET.On the seeond floorof Not. 841 and tl_ Broadway for mntical r»bearta_, Htert-

ry K_ieilet, claaa-ieaebing, or otber tiinllar avening ote. Appiyou the uie-ni-_i, iu the iltao Wareroomt of"__'_ J M. FELTON.

FFICE to LET.A well-lkhted and a_x__ai-__jOPFICE, on tbe leeond floor of tha Tribane Bojiingi,

Apply U BAKER k QODWIN, No. ISprucaat._1^0 RENT..A MACHINE SHOP, Noa. 69 and

TU VV.ter-.t. Brooklyn, with 11 hor*a power eogioe, __he_,drill*,mdeverytniogelte6tted forathopof th. kind Thetoolt,moet of tbem, are a* good m uow Io.iolre of

JOHN BEN90N No. 25 Old-ihp, N. Y.

fical (EotaU for Bale.

ARMALL FURNIRHED HOUSE Wanted intbe country; muit not be mor. thau one hundred mile.

liom New York. Adthe Box No. 8,-fll._FARMS tor SALE, CHEAP..We will eapplf

taSSM of good Farudng Laud ln tha 8UU of Miatoafl, aotjver 101) niUet trom St. Louia, for the low price of 80 oeaU pertere. Title guartnUed. and wtrranUe deedt tlTen. laaMaartanp for a plot aad particul.ri, to 8. E. BILBROUOH fc Co.,United Land Agent*. St. Lcnia. Mlttomi

FOR RALE.A COUNTRY REAT near of Mmnarei.e.-k, within an hour of the citT, about

one mile fioii, ll>« dei.ot. a- .-as by New Havan Railroad. Thiaproperty conaiaU of about J5 acieaof Laad, on the water. aadcoiiio andlug a fine view of tbe Soand a aew aod _r.ode.rn t,oiXHouae, Outou-ldintt, Garden, fcc it ln complete oider, tnd av. ry de.iral.le Iccat on for a person doing 8BB_BB_S fat tha oRyaad wisblng to raaiJe in tbe cooutiy. Tbe preaent oc:uaai_b. L-.e obtiged to remove. thia property will be cflertd at maoale*. than coat- For fuitner per lculart apply on tbe premiae*. or

toL M. HOKFMAN, jc, No. 17 Poeri-B.

FOR RALE~orEXCHAN(vE--<)ne or two toodH0LSE8 and LOTS connecUd, on SUUn Itlaad, w_Ube

put Into any tood merchandiae toited to We*4ern trade. Al*diettEMIGRANT, Tribune Office, wilh full parB-ulara.

FORTY or F1HYACRE8 of choice LAND,fer Rnral Re.i.l.,,,-*.. Market Garden or a Pr-it Farm. lo Couuty, oue hour irou. lha city by rali or rlvar, focSALE very cbe.p. For j-rticul.r* refer to

BOLON BOBINSON, Tribnne Offioa.

JHneical InotrninrnioGREATLY IMPROVED Pl__NO-F0RT£.




No. 421 Brooiii. *t-


AH. OALE A Co., PIANO-FORTE8, No.o 107 Batt __<-_., InviU .Itentl.u to lhali aaw 8ea_a

PIANOB. Ou.rauteed to give entire laf.iftotlon.

ACCORDEONR. Harne, Pianoa, Me.o___-_B- Oni-tart, Flniet, Vlalint String. for all faet,

the i a**artment of Muaic aad Mu*ic*l lattnimeaU la thaeountry, ahoh-taleor ra_iU. at pricea. Caunlry erderapramptly filled. MILLETT"8 Mutie Store, Na. .. Broadway.

LBERT WEBER*" new ovei-truag, iroaframe PIANOEORTES, warraated Bnawpataad la every

reipect, and told at the loweit pricea at tha Mait_*a<__y, Be.186 Wett Broadway, BBBB Canal-aa.

BEST and CIIEAPEST PIANOS..T. H.CHAMBERS'8 Iron-Fraana Overatraag PIANOS, al tha

Blble Uoute, corner of »th it and Ath-ar._BARMORE" eelebrated improved over-«tr___g

pretrium PIANOS, the beat ln Bte, wkfraided fo: i yeara,manuftctnred at Md Bl___her-tt_A tplenHdJ-oeUve for fllB.


GRAND, 6QCARE, and t'PRIOHT PIANOB,Wareroomi, No. _H Broadway.

C fcBout have been twarded Tbirt; -elgbt Priae MedaU b*tba luperiority of tbeir mannfactcre for the paat H yeara,


MELODEONS tnd HARMONIUMO.Kor Pailort Chorchet. Yettriea, aad Lodgea,

At wholewle and retaH.PIANOS TO RENT.

H~ALLET, DAV 18 A Co.'b ORAND »nd8UCARE PIANOS.l-oiigkiiotsna* the a_at PIANOB

,.Je PBJ-T1-8 M_I.ODEofts. Good BBCO-_-____P1AN08, very low. Plauoa aud Melodeon* to LET.

' ' T. 8. BERRY, No 458 Broadway,Ma.-hie Buildliig, eotaar Oraaa-B.

J&, C. fTsCHER, No. 856 Broadwaj, aear

. 14th-*-, o»er tta great bargain a « _T a-ofV«-»'» ¦¦1celebratod iron framed over strung PIANOS, *'^',,V^Improved paUnt Dameer. Alto, saaaaal aiij_ IIII Ftanoa_,_ Melodeona MaiiufacUry, No 8_ Wtet t-B-a.

LINDEMAN A R0N8, No. 036 Hr-.adway,riMeMwat-eturt_.«-tBb_*e_ lBmr?__g_!!,__g_g

highly lecomuiended by the fo.lowlug BSBtaml BUriS. Oaata-

Satter Carl Anach- U John N. Pattitor. Max Maiet-iefc, W. <_.

Dietrich, Johu Buekert. OntUt J.Stoetfhel._ _




TTmanaam No- ¦> Broadway.

R"~_^UVER'» SALE of PIANOEORTES.-By order of Il.e Hon. Judge Leonard, ef tbe "-££».

ourt of the Clty of New York. a large at-ort aeat »f»eaa8yBfSo_ii, inp-tlnandoarvadoMes, *iMle aadj\nk\t "gjc.rved. _d serpentlce moldinra, potrl. tnlltd *.«_"'?JgCJfrult, fcc Theieptauo. tw 1lr-t_|.ta, in Une andIOB^ ara

.,, .nd to none. *nd wtll he wid .t 88 -'='V..!!^^. -h_---l-bcelit of thecnditor. of thelaU Hrm '.'.^ foiU manufacturer.. Can he teeu at tbe *"./.".'"__faTDoosM fc Co., No. _58 Bowertr no tr Ith *k-Tar_««.Nea-York, Aug. 80, lfc«0. JO_N McDONALD, B*.alvar.

NOTM _LAl! penotii htvlng claim* *t_aln*t tke Ut- f.rm of COOPBIIk

ATHERTON, Plaii'lorte aiaiiifaotarer. of thia elU, a~

hereby nolitied to pre- ut tbeui tu ibe uudvi* _;i_t. »¦ km ..

liow.r».N. Y.NewVml, Auguat*?, I»'-

... M,,)uSALo, Bjaoriver^STEINWAY A 80N . WLDMBDl^J

ENT OVFRSTl'NO «J"A»-»-^.w\AW*,tSS13now eontldered the ba*t PUno* pianuiactuied. and -» ».-an_at.

{"W^K Noa Bt- M Wriker-at. near Broadway^AtificclIantoM.

M7__5i-iCBadiT.'o. of o. f-^gSttI'rt.e.P.Uat 8w.rd M^iri-*|i_fe_2Lodget. t bapurt. fcc WM. M FBICB,JlBa_J~;--»_-t__

rpORCHLIOHTN. "HOMAN CAMDLt8,I ROl RETS, and a geoeral *__B-BBB_¦___, .|U. tUfUyt,