chronicling america · 2017. 12. 18. · /inantiol. nashau bank diyidend.-a semi-anni ai. dividend...

/inantiol. NA Sh AU BANK DIYIDEND.-A SEMI- ANNI AI. DIVIDEND d KOl'R PER t ENT M the . apitel ..<>« k o4this Bank will be paid la ihr Stoc*li<,ldrri or n. *r lojpil regirr-aetitativi . ou ana after the 16ih nut until which date the Tranaf.-r H-x.ka will »erlnaad .New-York. July 3. ltVf.. By order of the B< ard. R A TOOkKK, Cathler. TK>LKIrO, WABASH AM) WESTERN RAIL- X ROAD COMPANY flat'¦ the Toledo and llliooU and the Lake Erie, Wabaah and St. Louis Railroad Companies).. Th. Sto. V holder* snd Bondholder, of this Company are requested k* attend a MEETING bs be held at the oflice of the Company No. 54 V\ 11 ham tt. corner of Pine sr.. on THURSDAY, the 9th «?ay of July lust., st I o'clock p m to learn of the present con- dition of the Company, and to decide on otbe- mailers of impor tance -July* i. 1S.V7. CITY' and COUNTY BONDS..The subscriber, offer foi sale .T. LOUIS CITT 81X PER CENT BONDS, fire and twruty five years to run. ST LOI'IS COUNTY SEVEN PER CENT ANTICIPA¬ TION BONDS, fire years run LEE COUNTT, IOWA, EIOHT PER CENT BONDS, twents years to run. CITT OK KEOKUK, HJWA, EIOHT PER CENT BONDS, twsauty years to run. The last two Bonds guaranteed by the Keoknk, Furt Des M'-lues and Minnesota Railroad CITY OP KEOKUK TEN PER CENT ANTICIPATION BONDS one, two end three years to run, seeur-i by a special tax for to* payment of principal ant interest CITT 0> DAVENPORT, IOWA, TEN PER CENT BONDS, twenty yesra to run. CITY OP BURLINGTON. IOWA, EIOHT AND TEN PER CENT BONDS, twenty years to run. The principal aud latertst of all above Bonds payable in the City of New York. rail part ii i.iaj. reo be bad on application to _E. W. ( LARK, POPPE It Co., Ne. U Wallet. PllTsevac.h, Foev Wavk* akd Chicago R R. Co No 87 William sr.. New Yber, June 28, 1857. J PAYMENT of INTEREST..The Interert due oa the lat day of July next eg the following Securities, will I* paid oe and alter that dsy at this, oa preaentatioa of the proper Coupons, vix: BONDS OK THE OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAIL¬ ROAD COMPANY, l*t Mortgage. BONDS OK THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH to the Ohio end Pennsylvania Railroad Company. BONDS"OK THE CITY OK ALLEGHENY to the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. BONDS OK STARK COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. BONDS OK KICHLAND COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio and Feuusvlvania Railroad Company. BONDS' OK ALLEN COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio aud In- diaua Railroad Compeuv. BONDS OK CRAWFORD COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio and Indiana Bailnad Companv BONDS OK VAN WERT COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio and Indiana Railroad Company. BONDS OK ALLEN (OUNTY, INDIANA, to the Ohio and Indiana Railroed Company. BONDS OK THE KORT WATNB AND CHICAGO RAlLaOAD COMPANY. 1st Mortgage. CONSTRUCTION BONDS Or THE PITTSBUROH, KORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD COMPANY. _JOSEPH K KDGERTON. The President. NOTICE.The Interest, due in New York July 1, on the following Securities, will be paid by DUNCAN. SHERMAN it Co.; CITT OF WHEELING BONDS. CITY OF BUKKALO BONDS CITY OF CLEVELAND WATER LOAN BONDS CJTY OF CHICAGO WATER LOAN BONDS. CITY OF CHICAGO SPECIAL LOAN on a-couut of Water Works. CITY OK UTICA BONDS. CITY OK KEOKUK BONDS CITY OK HAN KRAM 184 O 10 # CENT FIRE BONDS. CJTY OK SAN FRANCISCO 6 *> CENT CIVIL BONDS. DETROIT AND PONTIAC RAILROAD 8 fret. BONDS. MOBILE AND OHIO RAILROAD INCOME BONDS. BUFFALO AND STATE LINE RAILROAD BONDS. BLACK RIVER AND UTK A RAILROAD BONDS. BUFiALO AND NIAGARA KALLS RAILROAD BONDS, aaaumed bv tbe New York Central Railroad Compaiiy. c NEW-YORK STATE Bj f CKNT STOCK, laaiied on ac- ,i.i t of the Auburn and K :,. .t. Railroad Company. NORTHERN CROSS RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE 8 k' CENT BONDS. ALBANY CITY BOND«. BUFFALO WATER-LOAN BONDS. WATXRTOWN, WISCONSIN, GAS-LIGHT COMPA¬ NY'S Bt/NDS._I_ Pakk Kirs Ikscravce Co. No. 237 Broadway, cor. Park-plane. N. Y.. June 4. law. ) EblVlDEND..a semi-annual dividend of six fG) " per rent Las this day becu declared, pevabl" ou aud after lat July next. The Transfer Booka will be dosed from 20th last, to 1st of July inclusiv«. WM. J AFFRAY, Secretary. DIVIDEND.CONTINENTAL BANK..A Dividend of four per eaat baa been *VCaarod to the Stock¬ holders of this Bank on and after the fitb of July n-xt. Jane «., 1857._B. K. WARNEP, Cashh r. MrcHAMcs' ami Traders' Savings Ivstitction, New YiiKX. June 3D, ip.57. I DIVIDEND NOTICE..Depositnrs are hereby notified that a SEMI-ANNUAL" DIVIDEND, at the rate of SIX PER CENT net anuum on all aume ol *.ViC aud under, and Kit E PER CENT |- r aaatxta on all sums over »500, which ahall have beeu,1 at least three months Od the 1st o( July next. v,ill be paid to aWfrafitora ou and aftef MON¬ DAY, July 2*i. Interest led called for will le- eerileil to the credit of depositors as prim ipi,!. Bank open on Monday, Wednetdav, Thursday and Saturday. Al.KRED T. CONK LIN, President. Jam! a P. BaIBBT, Secretary. WxVSBVOWl and Rome Railroad Co., ) Tri am ki.r'- Okho W aTERTowx, July 1, 1M7. i TbIVIDEND NOTICE.-**-SI.k-kJiol.lers are hero 1 / by notilicd that a CASH DIVIDEND of KOUR PER (TNT he* been dccUi.d, payable on aud utter the FIF¬ TEENTH DAY of JULY ii,»f. The Transfer Book* will U- cloeed from the Firat day of Julv to the day of payment. Stock¬ holder., whose Si. k is re*i.t<"red iu N'w-YorR, will re. iw their DiviJ. .ids at the People'. Bunk, Canal at iu that ity. It E. HUNOEBFOBP. Treasurer. MiKcitA.M»' ESCHABS! Bask i\ tiii: Cnv 01 > Ni.vv , okk, June BJL 1857. I IVVIDEND.. The Board ».r Directors <if this \9 Bank have declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of KOUR (1) PER CENT oa the capital stock, payable ou and after the 10th dsy of July next. Bv order. E. J. OAKLEY, Caihicr. People'* Hans, New-York, June 2»?, lflV7. DIVIDEND..The People's Bunk lias declared a Dividend of FOUR TER CENT out of the profitef the laat six nmtitbs, |*yalde to the Stockholder* on aril »fter the 6rst day of July. The Transfer Books Hoard till I hat date. G. W. LEAKE, ('adder. Citv BaMl Jane SB, Htt7. DIVIDEND NOTICE..a Divideul of five DOLLABS per *h«re hat this day been d< cUred on the Capita: Sto< k ol this Bank, payable to the gtei kk J*Wl Of tticr iepeteeatati**tXj on or alter th» icth day el July pros In.,, ut the Hanking llouw until which lime Ho- Tiaasi, r liookt will ilo-ed. Bv older oft.,- Board t IRre^tore, 9E0. FIELD, Cashier. WlLLIAMM CRUIl CtTV Klar. IXttrRABCI Co.. I BaooKt.vx, E. D July 1837. } DIVIDEND .The Hour I of Directors have lliis day cftl»red a «enii annual dividend of SIX PER CENT, pav«ble on and aller the Hah ictt. The Trai:*fer book* will be closed until that dttc By order of the Board. 4H. OIROUX, Se.'y. ITIDElfD..TBtj MECHANICS' and TRADERS' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, effle* No. 14 W all st l ave dav d.elared a aemi-aiinual IHVIDE.MD of NINE PVR CENT, payable .,n the 9th tust. The Transter Hook wili be closed until that ua'e .New York. Inly 2, 1857. _JAMES It. I.QTT, Se.ietrtry. OlIUXol THK llARMaaV FlkK I\>1 ram i. Co., 1 No. c BBAVaa ST, Maw York, July Z, Wit. \ TTWOL BOARD of DIRECTORS ol this COM- J PAN\ have TO-DAY do tared a DIVIDEND ol SEVEN TER ( ENT, pavahleou d«m*ii.l. R. O. GLOVER S, tary. MAKKi:iM.ÄNK~Dl VI Dl:Nd".The BÖ;,7,1 of Directors ,,f this Bank have this day declared a Dividend oi Kit R 11) FEB. CENT, payable on and after July 10. Too Transfrr Book will be- rioted k.util that state, Bv orwer, June», 1857 it. 11. HAYDOCK, Cashier. MANHATTAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION. Ho. 644 Bnmslway, June 24, 1857..INTEREST NOTICE Interest at the rate of C per cent p. r anuum ou sums of sfrSHO aud eoder, end 5 paar cent on emu over that aun.nut, will be paid to ail deposit..ra in thia Inatilution i.-i>'nl>-d thereto) on and after MONDAY, July 20. Interest not e«lled for will draw the taioe *s principal E. J. BROWN. PretidenL A. A. Al> ori>. Secrvttiry. _ Oriicx or the rropi.r** Kirk laettBaaci Co., s Ntw-Yoax, June 2R r".7. ) THE BOARD cf DIRECTORS hare THIS DAY .i. .. a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND uf SIX (6) PER ( ENT p*)ab)e ou and alter tit* lat -lav of July next. By order,_W. K. I NDKRHlLL, Secretery. PiiKMX Ba>r. Nr-.v Yoax, Junr 27, 1857. rpHE HOARD of DIRECTORS of thi. Bank X here thU day declared . *eml annual DIVIDEND of Foa (4) l'ci Cent, payable on and alter tbe l*t uf July next. _JOHN PARKER, Cashier. 1TOE PARK BANK-DIVIDEND..A semi- aaaaal DIVIDEND ef FOUR TER CENT on the capital .lock betlhi* day been declared, payable on tbe lOtfa day of July next. The transler butdi* will be rbes-d from the let until tbe l- ptoaitao..New-York, June JO, 1857. _('HAS. A. MACV, Caehler. Orrtcr. or thi MaBQIjnrTa1 Inacran,.!- Co., { Cemrt Fulton 4 Greenwich ats., N. York, July 6, la'4i. } I^HE WARD of DlUEOTOl.S haveTHIS DAY X de, 'ared e SEMI ANNUAL DI \ 1DEND of Ten (10) Per Cent, pay sh e oa end after Jaly llth. The trat.iter book* will be rloaetl uoti! after that date. J. L DOUGLAS. SVc'y. JJEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD 8EVEN < PER CENT BONDS.-The untletaigaed offer fat aal« the BBVEM PER CENT COUPON BONDS of thi* Companv (lata l**ur). having twruty yean to rua. letnrest payable aeuif *'*»'-"* tia* «r*t day* of February aud A., gust, at the Cot*- pai.y'a Ag.t.. > la tell oily. DUNCAN, SHERMAN A Co. ^tTTY OF QÜIHCY. ILLINOIS..The C00*> \J PONS of the CITY OK O.UINCY, do- l*t July, will be paid** our other es anc1 tt Mr-^d at WOODRUKF k Co. OgtH' at vat* (lu.i WKatiav Uatraaacr. Co, > Greet Wtwtrra Builduatw. :u Piue.-at.. N Y 22.1 Juu*. 1857 J I^IIE Semt-Aruiual Iutereet Dividend on the ¦ Capital Stock of tie- GBKAT WKSTK'.RN MARINE IN¬ SURANCE COMPANY will lar paid at thi*. ffic .n aai after l*t of J; 'y. The Transfer Bo k* will be cW I till that date. _DOUGLAS BOBINSON, retaty. OFFICE PANAMA KAILKOA1» ( 0 , n. k- Weil et-New York.Jutjr «. DOt.-DIVIDEND N JtlCF .The Boarrd of Director* of this (. mpany Lave tiiltdiv 1, t-laird a DIVIDEND of SIX (f) PEB CENT out of tat i- g. of e road for the last all months, pitableon aalafl r the IJtb lea*., to Iba- stockholder* or their l.-f*l reprcoulativ . whotAC'e ' a' t> e V . < -I. I h. k. r ..!, e., 4l^*«U«: AUGtsTl » HOFFMAN. Tr-. Ii ADRIAN II MULLEIt. A-.-tior.t. will *>U .mimt tVgiaAM ITOCKt m Asse**«**,** Ute Mm chenfa' F.xehsnge in lh« .".ily of N-»w York, .-a V* EDSF-sUkT, Ulf Hb «Ut of July, at 'H «'rlo-k. neoieiv f. \ iriiale 6* Coupon Hon««. 11*. and '87 »C I ..istsaabs. Coqprm Kendl 1*67, 'W, '«4 an! '** f.« («c To: neas«e 6«, Co'ipoo Bond« '»Ä . M.tsJO ( a:iforoi*7s. Coupon Bends IM6I *nd 187f 11 . » Sf rka wiii be MM by virtue of M a*t of the re! A wen, My of the S'ete of Illinois, entitled .' An net to establish . General Systsm of ile-iking." said St .cks b»mg tb» Assets of Um >'¦¦¦ k tii rttf Hvi.k Danville, lümoie. now in liqn.datioa. JESSE K OVBOU [2.214] Auditor of the State of Hi- .i |fabircb*'BaviaoalaaTiTfTioa eeraerMae eudftti at DIWDEND NOTICE..Hie Trustee*, at thi« h .titntia*stave declared a DIWDEND at the rate of IIX If) I'KR CF.NTcm dep.4lt* between 05 and »'s», and FIVE < U aa larger ¦¦¦ i payable after WEDN'FSDvY. tld ii -t i AT dividends not drawn wiil b* added t<> the principal, and I e«r intereat n such. By order. THOMAS B. STILI.MAN. Preside, t |saA( T Smith, Se r>»ary_ DIVIDEND..The Jonin City I mumm ('<.¦' OhV . No. 1 Montgomery it.. Jersey City. Cth JuIt. 1857' It. t'..ard of Directors, nave tbi. dsv declared a SE.Ml-A.N- M AL DIWDEND of FIVE (M PER CENT, payable on it mend. JESSE PAL lm1er. Secretary. J' racy City, July 6. 1857._^^^^^^ OtfTON, CONCORDüd MONIREAL RAIL ROAD COMPANT.-Tbe COUPONS ou the Bunds of . Compabv. one 1st .Inly. 1R57 will be paid by J. A. UNDERWOOD k SON, No. 18 Exchange place. OFFICE PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANV. No. 88 WUl st-NEW York. June 30. 18.57 -The Semi- Annual Intereat on the CONVERTIBLE BONDS of thi* Ci mpany, due on the lit of JULY, will bv paid on the pr. sen- ration of the Conpona at the Office of the Company, on and after that date. The Bo.-a. for the trauafer of Stock will be closed from THIS DAY totb« 7tb of July inclusive. AUGUSTUS HOFFMAN, Treasurer. Omer or the Michigan BOVTsTBU AM9 Northern) 1- ,n. Railroad Company, No. 18 William st. > Nrw York, Jone29, 1857. ) THE STOCK TRANSFER HOOKS of this Company will be rioted on the ».:.- June, at 3 o'clock p.m. preparatory to the establishment of a Registry of the Mei k M the Company, and will open on the 20th day of July. By order of the Board,_J. M. HOPKINS, Secretary- Omer or tht fieeci*! Fiee-Insi-raik e C». i Corner of Canal and Thompson «ts. J AT «n ELECTION held at the office of the Com¬ pany on the 18th June, bet, for Director* of this Com¬ pany, the following named Gentlemen wore chosen for the en¬ suing year: Richard Varii k, Henry Demare.f, David F Baker. D. Jackson Steward, James S. 11 r on wer, Matthias Bloodgood, Fri eine» Campbell, Jot ham C. Meeker, William Moir, Samuel Birdaall, Solomon Banta, Edward D Nelson, Edward L. Lynch, George Warner, Mattloet Clark, Peter R Christie, John W Lewis, Christopher Owyer, James S. Lewis, Tbomaa Williams, John Moneypeuny, Cornelius St-phens, Edward P Clark, William Hertrel, Sin on Shindler, Mortimer Browu, William M. Wilson, Um D. Wait bum, Philip J. Bonesteel, Abraham Lergttt, John P. Yelverton, Alfred Barmoro, Lyman Chspin. Gideon De Angelis. Ahm. R. Van Nest, At a subsequent meeting of the Board. RICHARD VARK K, can . * as unanimoutly reeiectud President. New York, June 20, 1S.',7._W. F. UNDERHILL, Secretary. Bank Department, Albany, July 13, lkVV JOTICE iB hereby riven, ptirstiant to tlie stallte 1 in auch case made ana provided, that all the circulating es i.sued to W. B. PECK, an individual Banker (FARM- MIS' HANK OF HAMILTON COUNTY, Arietta),' must ho peaented at the office of the Superintendent ot the Banking icjmrtiru rt of the State ( New York for payment, within two years from the date hereof, or the funds deposited for the re¬ demption of the circulating notes issued to the said Ranker will kssSVag tip. M. SC1IOONMAKER jvl7 lawTu2 R Sup-'rinnnrient. T New-York, June in. 1177. HE AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK..The SECOND INSTALLMENT <>f 4-2S per share, on the In- crii -.d cepilal .tock of this Bank, lias fn-eii ordered by Jhe l!<-nrd of Directors to be called for, payable on the 1st day of July next, with interest from May 1, last. Any stockholder mav have the option of paying the remaining r|i5o per share re¬ quired to make full psid stock, between the Ist und 10th of July, by «<id!i:g interest as above. R. S. OAKLEY, Cashier. In AST RIVER SAVINGS BANK, No. 3 Cham- J ber*-»t., two doors from Chatham at .Opun every day from lu o'clock a m. until 2 o'clock p. m., aud on Thursday evening from I to 7 o'clock. Six per rent interest allowed on sum* fiom $5 to 05011: 5 per cent ou eiiuis over All sums de¬ posited on or before the lith of July will draw interest from th« 1st PETER H. TITUS, President, Chai. A. Wiiitvrv, Secretary. M-~ A~R IN E r 8' SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 3d av., corner of Pih-st..Deposits made on or before SATURDAY, the llth of July, will bear Interest from tbe first ofjulvat tbe rate of SIX per CENT on sums of 01 to 0'HKIi and FIVE per CENT on sums over t>5Cti. Bank op<-n DAILY tn m «i o'clock a. m to 2 o'clock p. m.; and on WEDNESDAY and SATUBDAY from B to 8 o'clock p. m. THOMAS B. STILLMAN. President P W Pacs > Isaac T. Smith, Ser'y. Chs».'Milis, ) vi'-' pr' *id' ,,t'' o/llii M l*MB HotTSATOXII R MLnosn Compan t, 1 RRinr.rpoRT, Juue 28, 18i7. J VOTICE to BONDHOLDERS..The COU- lV PONS due on the 1st prox. on the Bonds of this Company will l>e paid on presentation at the offies- of KETCtiUM, MOW I £ Co., in the City ol New-York, or at the Treasurer** office in the City of Bridgeport. At the animal mi eting of the Stockholders in February last, it was resolved to pay off in rash 050,000 of the out standing Lords falling due Jan. I, 1K58, fmru the net income of the road in 11:57, and to create a m w issue lor the balance, bearing date Jan. 1, 1857, ot + .'>> "o which should retain the same perfect se. nrtty w blob bad been given for the original Bond, of 0300,- Otki, of which new issue it was decided to make *>'0,000 payable .Ian. 1, 185H. t >.i Jau. 1, lfcbO. 051',000 Jan. 1. 050.000 Jan. 1, luvend OaO.IHH) Jan. 1. 1863, and thua extinguish the » I.' le mortgage debt within the period prescribed. In pursy- anci ol thia resolution the New Ronds have been prepared aud alnady negotiated to the extent of OUMjOaW, ehlei] in ex¬ change for the old bonds, which have (eaa canaeled and charged off. leaving 091,000 yet to be exchanged or otherwise disposed of Holders of the remainder of the old boaxdg are In \ ir. i to exHiniue the new issue, and to exchange for them their old bonds, should they feel disposed, and on such terms that tbe in\ eetnxeal w III pay them I: per cent per annum. The New Bonds iH-ing pea able at sundry It will be seen that those w rs'liternplate exchanging will have a better choice now. as to the time during which they may wish to con- timie the investment, than by deferring it to a later period. Exchanges enn be made with Messrs. KETCHUM, HOWE k Co., N'-w-York, or with the undersign'd at Bridgeport. H NICHOLS, Tn-eenri-r. 1^1 IE TRUSTEES ol tlu« IRVING SAVINGS INST1TITION have ordered that interest be paid deisos- ltors fin the la.t three and six mmitbs ending June 30, 1857, at th> rate of fi per reut on all sums entitled thereto, payable on and after MONDAY, 2uth July. All interest will be credited to ¦leisisitots aa principal. WALTER W. CONCKLIN, Presideiit. V, L. Bl'XToN, Secretary. IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. % 1 Warn mat., near Orecnw ich.Open daily from 10 a m te XOsffj, und 4 to 7 on Mondays, Thursdays stid Saturdays. In- - icst ot 8 per cent on sums from rbl to* s>500. DapeOM made on or t. lore the llth will draw iuterest from the 1st. WALTER W. CONCKLIN. Pt-sident MV'li^l^hicoPre.iaen,.. V. L. Bl'xtok. Secretary. SAVINGS BANK. . INSTITITION' fTTr THE SAVlNOd OF MERCHANTS' CLERKS AND OT HERS, No 516 Broadway opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel Money deposited on or before SATURDAY, llth July, will draw inter) at fr< m 1st July. Open daily from If to 2 oVlm k. and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 5 to 7 o'clock p. m. MOSES fat GRINNELL, Preahb nt. Amiri w Warner, Secretary. \|E(TIANK'.S' and TRADERS' SAVINGS iTl INSTITUTION. No «f Oraud st, corner of Will.-: -I Oi-ii Monday. U e.lnesdav, Thiirsdsv und Saturday. SIX Pr H CENT INTEREST on "sum. from +5 to »5tO. H\K PER CENT on sums over 0500 All sums posited prt vious to the llth ot July will draw- interest Crom the 1st. ALFRED T. CONKLIN, Tres»urer. James P. HatciiT, Secretary. ROSE HILL SAVINGS BANK, corner of 14th- st. and 8th av . All sums from 05 to +]'->. depoaited in this Rank on or before the 10th July next, will DRAW IN- TF.REST at 6 per ceut from 1st Julv. WM F. HÄVEMEVER. Pr...ld.-sit. JAS R KEELER, Vice President Jacor RRlNEFRHoir, Secretary. OrricE or the Commissioners or the Sheivc Fi nk. ) IxniAaAPoLis, Ian., Mat 2,% 1857. I NOTICE.To the HOLDERS of INDIANA FINE PER CENT BONDS ISSUED FOR BANK CAPITAL .The Commissioners or the Sinking Fund will re¬ ceive sealed proposals at tbe office of Messrs. W1NSLOW, LANIER A Co., up to WEDNESDAY, the eighth day of July, 1HV7. f. .i the sale to them of Two Htiudred Thvusand Dsdlars, or sir. less amount of Bonds of the State of Indiana, Issued tor Bank Capital, bearing Five per Ceut interest and falling due tu 1054, 1865 or HXA which, if the offers are acoepted, will be paid for on the following day._E. DUMONT, President DISSOLUTION.-Tlio firm of DREXEL, SATHER k CHURCH, of San Francisco and Sacrameat. 4 alifomia, is, from this day, dissolved by limitation, F. M. DREXEL, of Philadelphia, retiring tuensfrom. W. ssrs SATHFR k CHURCH, aa per advertisement bolow, v. lil continue tbe business as heretofore, and are authorised to collect and settle all claiau* lu California, and F. M. DREXEL w ill scttli the business ou the Atlantic aide. Any outstanding drafts will be paid on presentati.m at Lb* rcipectivt places upon which they are drawn. F. M. DREXEL, P. SAT1IER, June», 1857. _ E. W. CHURCH. NOTICE OF NEW FIRM. P. RATHER and E W. CHI RCH have this dav formed a »«aartnerebip under toe name of SATHER k CUl'RCH.aud will continue the RANKING BUSINESS, as heretofore con¬ ducted by the late Srtr. ^ P. BATHER. Sau Francisco, June 23, 1857. E. W. CHURCH. SATHER k CHURCH. Bankers. Corner oi Rattere and Clav sts., Draw BILLS OF EXCHANGE at sight in sums to soil, as follows: On New fork.Paysble at tbe American Exchange Bank. Ou Bsartou.Payable at Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank. On Philadelphia.. .Parable by Brexel k Co. On Reitiiaor*.Pa>able by Jobustoa. Bros, k Co. Ou Cincinnati.Payable bv A J. Wheeler, esq. Ou St. Louis..Payable b> Haskellh Co., FUi hange Bauk. Ou Pittaburgh. Pa.Paysble bv E. V. Jones, csq., Cashier On Louisville. Kv.Payable by A. V. Unat k (V On Chariest*!*),S.C 1'avablr bv II. W. Connor k Co. On N. Oilcans, La Payable by Brown, Jobs-won h C >. Also. Fx. hange on LolldoU Fiaukfort ou thr Maine. ) ,.,_ Mnitga.t. (te-rmauy. P.,r. h..e ( FFTIFir ATFS OF DEPOSIT and other FX- 4 II ANOE at c urvrut rates, and traatsart a a-ssrsl b.vnki SO HI SINES*. P S ATM ER. l_ _ F W. CHI RCH. i sla 'raaeaaoo. M_K. DAVID Dl'NCAN hat THIS DAY bo- eatnc a a*etnber ot o r bras. DCITCAN SUFRMVNh Ca ^ew Y*rk. Ju'gi. lovr H ¦> DtrARtvEsT, State Niw Y'»**,. ) BJ.BABV J Iii jr 1. 1157. ( nPHE MIDDUSTOWli BAN Kl hu» this dir filed. 1 ln'n..<fTvr a ti.etre of th* *ppotntn.»-it of THK PARK bsNJi o »he f ilj ot New York, ** ag- Lt for th' rcdrmptiou at itt cir-ulating not-a, tugcthr- «iti a r, tcoetion of IM ap- I -.Hu t »f Tb» Iforth River Baak at im b agent agreeable to ti e Ott entitled "Ab art to ¦»"ml th« ¦.»-.». ecti reitst****'to r[ Banks Banking Auw itt wns BBil lBdmd-.el litnkcr. pasted AP" |7- S JA Mr: a M. COOK. Superintendent. BANK FAILlT.Es . south boyaltox BANK OK \ KRMONT-N .tea on tbr abur Buk er- at F.\AN.s- EXTENSIVE CLOTHING W4RE- HOl SE. N *. 66 ar.d Fi.itM. at et ItCSsBtBOB that,1o!;»i, hl tuito» tit for 3-muv r Clothing,. (tuatx Skumtro. iCc. r oval mail steamship lebanon.. ete. Consuners arr informed »hat th« LEBANON uiUcom- .BBg llaahtlBaalg on WEDNESDAY MOR.MNO. tbr >tb hart. All rooda lor which« arr Bot res atTi » (D bat arnt t.. tbr Butidrd \\ airhouu Jrrecv Ci't. and be tubieet t<> tie._t, CUSARD. No « Bowling Green. For liverpool.Steamship lebanon, T. k. Commander. Thia new and powerful atcaner will tail lim. thr Bri'iah and North Amernan Royai Mail »am Parket Company a Dock, at Jereey City, ou THURSDAY, the » th ictt., at 1 o'clock p. m. Pesiage-money for tiratrlae* pa« « :ers only, fi r whom thrrr ia rxrellent acommodatiun, »75, including proviair.n» and (teward'a fee. but witboi.t wioaa or tiqtM n, which an t«e obtained onboard. FreUht taken at rea .onable ratet. Apply to E. I IN AK II. Ma 4 K »hn» Green. FoITlTVERPOOL..The New Umted* Statae Mail SletmsMo COLUMBIA. M. Brrry, Commander, will defart with ttv I nitrd Slatet Mailt for Ea'rope, ptitirely on SATURDAY July 1«, at 12o'rloek m.. from her berth at the foot of Canalst. For freight or paaaage, bating utrqualed ac ummodetii ai for elrtanoand comfort apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, No. Wall rt. Pattengf ri will pirate he on board at 11 o'clock a. m. AM let¬ ters mint peat through tbr Pott-OOVe | any otbert will be re¬ turned Notice .The tteamw of thit line have water tight oompart- gnentt. The ATLANTIC, will tocrerd the COLUMBIA and tall on the 1st of Antust, and the BALTIC, the 1Mb of Angutt. No expente hag been tpered to make the shipt of thit Use la all rreprctt as i - as new. The thorough examination givea tbrra provri their mr>de of ronatrurtien yet uorqualed. taiTEAM between NEW-YORK and GLASGOW. k 7 .KDINBUROH, t.50n tuna, William Cumarine, Cogamta- der; HEW-YORK, 2,150 tunt, Robert Cralg. Commeodr*-| GLASOOW, I,<«2 tutu John Dimcan, Commander. TV OUt- gow and New-York Steamship Company intend tailing these new tad powerful iteeiaert from New-York to Oletgow dareot, as foklowt: rioM »Em-roix. raoat c.i.ascow. New-York. Saturday, June 2", 12 noon. Edinburgh. ...June 0. Bdinbnrgh. Saturday. July II, 12nooa. Olatgow.July 1 Glatgow, V < dneiday, Aug. 5, 12 noon. New- York.... Jaly 21. New-York. Saturday. Aug. 22, 12 noon. Edinburgh....Aog. *. Ediuburgli, Saturday, Se|t 5, 12 noon. Olatg.w.Sept ». raves or passace. First Class, B75; Tliird Class, found with Cooked PrsTitioaa 9-Sn. Ab experienced Surgeon atta. bed to each Steamssr. For freigtit or passage apply to JOHN McSYMON, Ne 17 Broad¬ way New-York City Bült or Gold only received for Pa**avge- CROSKEY a* CO." LINE of STEAMERS ¦ara*aaa NEW-YORK, SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON sud BREMEN. The magnihrent British ateamahipt QUEEN OK THE SOUTH..Capt. Beel.2,221 tunt bordrtL INDIANA..I ait. Baker...2,*Mtuui burden. AROO.Capt. Benson..2,314 tunt burden. JASON.Capt. Britton..2,667 tunt burdea. Owned by the European and American Steam Shipping Co., of Londrn and S< nthatnpton, an- appointed to tali from NE W- Tf)RK on rvery alternate WEDNESDAY for LONDON and BREMEN, toüchiog at Southampton to land paeeengeri aad mails fot England aud Kram e. They will remaia one day at London and then proceed to Bremen. Returning, they_will leave BREMEN for NEW-YORK < u every alternate SATURDAY, atopfiing only at Southampton. These steamihips arr of the flrat class, and have auperior atv c<in,modatioiia for passengers. They will take a liiniteu uauibef of third rlast or steerage passengers. A surgeon it attached to each ship. The ratra of freight to London will be but little higher tha thoae of aailing si. j a. rate1 OS SASSACt. Fkrst Cabin.0*» Second Cabin_&50 I Steerage.BS* The .t. am ship AROO will sail from New-York on WEDNES¬ DAY, June 24, and will be succeeded by the JASON, July I, end «LEEN OK THE SOUTH, July 22. For freight or passage, apply to C. H. SAND, No. II South WnHem-tt, SATURDAY.Ort, 1», laCT SATURDAY_Oct. 24, 1857 SATURDAY.Nov. 7, lav? SATURDAY.Nov. 21, IftVT SATURDAY.Drr. 6,1857 rf«HK NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL UNITED 1 STATES MAIL STEAMERS -The thipt eompottug this llDe are: The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Cept. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. Jaeica West These ships having been bellt by contra, t exprattly for the Government service, every care bat beru taken in their con¬ struction, at aian in their engisri, to insure strength andtpeedt and their ace.mmndations for passengers are uueqtialled fur ele¬ gance and comfort. Price of pattage fron, New-York to Literpool, In Bret raMa, tf-130; In second do., 8)75. Exclusive me of extra tired state room. ajSiS. Krom Liverpool to New-York, 30 and 20 guinea*. An i xperie-ticf.-d surgeon attached to each ship. No berth* oaa he s,, nred until paid fur. The ship* of thi* line bare tiuprovtsd water tight bulkhead*. PROPOSED DATES OF SAILINO. raoM kkw-vork. raoat LivvKroon, SATURDAY.July 4. 1837! WEDNESDAY.. July 8,183» SATURDAY.July 18, 1857! WEDNESDAY..July 71. Into SATURDAY.Aug. I, 1RVJI WEDNESDAY..Aug. 5,1857 SATURDAY*.... .Aug. 15, 1*57 WEDNESDAY. .Aug. Iis, U5I SATURDAY.Sept. 12, 18.j7 WEDNESDAY..Sept. 2, 13.91 SATURDAY.S-pt. 28, 10571 WEDNESDAY..Sept. 30, 18.53 WEDNESDAY..O.-t. 14, 1&V» WEDNESDAY..Oct. 28, IRCT WEDNESDAY..Nu». II, 1X53 WEDNESDAY.. Nor. 25, IMI WEDNESDAY.. Deo. 9, IS53 WEDNESDAY..Dee. %\ kia« For Fn iitht or Paaiage, «pply to BDWABD K (YlLLINS, Nn. ffl \V«!l .t, hi Y. BROWN. SHIPLEY k Co., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD at Co., No. 27 Auatiu Friart, 1. -n k a B. O. WAIN WRIGHT it Co., Pari». T)ie owners oI these ahip* will not be accountable for gold, aih-er, bullion, apecle, Jewelry, precious ttouet or metals, uulet* bills of lading are ligued therefor, and the value thereof re¬ pressed the rein. I^HE LIVERPOOL AND NEW-YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S Clydo- boiM iron screw tteauahip* CITY OK BALTIMORE.2 »,:t t.s.C*pt. R. Leiten. CITY OK WASHINGTON....2,3lsitiiB*....Capt. P. C. Petria. CITY OK MANCHESTER ...2J(9tuua-Capt. J. Kennedy. KANOAROO.l,874tuua.Cept. Jeffrey. The undrnioted or other vessels are iutaanlrd to tail et follows: From Liverpool. CITY OF BALTIMORE.Wrdncdty.June W CITY OK WASHINGTON....Wednesday.July 1 KANGAROO.Wedue*d*y.I # 15 Aud every alternate Wedr.etday Krom Nfi«-York. CITY OK ttALTIMORE.Thursday.I lly 9 CITY OK WASHINGTON.Thursday.July 23 KANOAROO.Tbnnday.August 6 And every alternate Thursday. RATES OF CABIN PASSAGE.Krom New York and Piitla deipbla, +7." from Liverpool, Jl guinext, 17 guinea*, and 15 gnineat, eccirdiug to the accommodation In thr State Room*, all having tbe tame privileg-. In the MbBB, Iucludiug Stew¬ ard's Fee a. Tbird Class pASsrecr.xs..A limited number of third elate pe*seiiget* will be taken, and found in u. mach provisions at required. Krom Philadelphia and New-Y.-rk, 04BJ| from t.iv- erp<d. »411. Certifu ate* of patSBfe wii! be l.-i.rd h- re to parties who are desiroas of blingfng out their friends, at eorrc.-poudiiK rate*. These steamers are constructed wi'h Improved water-tight (Departments. Each vr**.-l rarries an experienced Surgeon, aud tveiy attention paid to the comfort au l arc uumodatiuu uf ptstcngert. Drafta on Liverpool from V upward. Specie taken by these veisela at usual rttrf. All gcr.dt si ut to the Agents will be 1 rwardrd with economy and dispatch. For Freight or Pattage apply at the Office .f the Company, JOHN O. DALE. No. 15 Broadway, Naw Y. rk Agent, or WM INMaN.Nq*. 1 aid 1.1 Tow.r Buildings, LiveeooolAgBat. STEAM to SOUTHAMPTON and HAVHK.. Tbe magnificent Itram*hip VANDERBILT, (,400 twaa, arfll sail: Fr<HTi NEW-YORK for iFrons HAVRE sad BOJ/TH BOlTHAMliTON k HAVRE. AMPTON for NEVV-YTJRB. Battardav.Aug. 1 Wednesday.Jaly A Bew-rdsy.Sept. 12 Wsnlueaday.Aug )». IWecueedey.Sept. 30. ratcB or pAttAoa. First oabia, aeeording to locatioa of a'ate-room...0li*) to $l3k. Beeond cabin.07* Specie delivered In London and Pane. For passage or freight, apply to D, TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling green, New York. Letter* for F.ntlanl and Europe, prepaid, each 25 cent* pel half oonce, (by iccloture of poctag* atampi if from otatt e-H»s) will be received at No. S Bowling green. New-York, cp to lit c'clock of the morning of *aütng. GREAT REDUCTION in FARE to EUROPE -Firat Cabin. 080; Second Cbtn. 05s and 055.-Ia the nnt-rlitt paddle wheel etetunship* ARIEL, 2.0*3 tnne. tad NORTH STAR 1,500 tunt, to tall u ea Pier No. 3, North River etDiot.rrtd.riy. rairylng the UNITr'D STATES MAILS, viai Leave NEW-YORK for SOUTH-1 Bremen for Sontbau.ptoj AMPTON and BREMEN. ARIEL.- NORTH STAR.Saturday, Jnly II r iitptoa *>r ITw-York. Wed.,Jely It Wed., Aug II Wed, Sept. Passer,gets for HAVRE taken over without eatre charge. For passage or freight, tpply to D. TORRANCE. Agent. No. 5 BowUngjrreea, X T. oval mail steamship persia, for I IYERTOOL .The PERSIA. C. H. E. Jedkin*, oora- mandcr. will sail from tbr stream with thr mail* and passen¬ ger, tor Europe on WEDNESDAY, the 8tb in»t Luggage sot wanted during tar voyage fan be tent over the day before. A steamer will leave the Company's dock at Jersey City with tbr pas »engen *t Si and 7 o'clock a m. The ARABIA will tail on tbe 22d July. _E. CUNABD. No. 4 Bowling Greea. Steam to soithampton and antwerp. .The tplrndid and powerful new iron iteimthtp CON¬ STITUTION, E PiMiglu romruandrr. ttill aVpart for ANT¬ WERP, iailing at SOUTHAMPTON, ou THURSDAY, Jul* 16, rtom Pier No 30 North River. rates or passage. ncURktM rxotisiovc In first Cabin.0*0 ...... t.d in ,1,. 55 In third Cabin. 35 This steamer has five wain'igi.t cmptttnient*, and larriet an experienced «irteon Fi t freight or paasare. having *up.<i,.r ¦i ;.. for and ateeregr peatnget«, *ppiv to AUGUST BELMONT, No. 7 lUn,¦>. r Crftinratei of pattage trO I* itatst d here to pert ire who are dfireni of bttnging out tbrir frieudt. et the twliowiag rates- In first Cataia.OH* la aeeetKi C.Sis. an . In third Cabin. fO loSttrrage. 35 PRINT8.-30Q MADDER PBJNTB Wo.Atdt.y. Fatale by ratet Firat-rlaaa Latgjht aad Dork Tm\ New etyle* casing la trsea ehe e by NtSMITH k tNa, Me Tt Br jalwag Öilca bn faction H \\ ii . is A jrti ei AUCTION NOTICE..Mwiuiineut HOUSE¬ HOLD FURMTI KI entern»*/ io !be story rr.i dence No 2JC W est I4th Pdf sa> et poblie auction, tu- cetb, THIS IM,. July 7, Ii l*\ u clock, the enter* i .utents >f *a J bouse. c>r.t stiug. io part, .leeoetly riaewood seven octave Pleno-Fortc. licht» in.aid with peerI; two superior rosewood Parlor Suites, covered in §»110, »od two. «staut r..«ewood Suites tr. a-:k p'»w)> larrcd ro~-wood C- ater Iii Sof» Tsbiee, large Pier and Oval Prr ach pl»:e Mirrors lieev» lace Window Cur taint end Con.i. . s rosewood Secretary Bookcase, lined witb latinwo' d. eVgant o.srwood Pureres witk plate I es* doon asd kack: ralrat »r d Rin« i CargsrtBj elegant China \ eses. Orwolii Clocks, Fanen and Bui'jue Figures, costly Ou Paint- in|a, embracing sa-iot;s subjerfa; together with . large and exte-siie variety of Dia<r»g-ru.»a Furniture, nag Extension Teblea nf in r.ud 15 feet Chit:* Tea and Dinner Seta, ivory and pearl Cut.ery Silver Were, consisting of Tea and Dinner Ser vice, Catt.r. Salver. Spoons FoBBe, Csk- Basket., heavy rrys- tel-cut Olaea Ware, Ite. Ala<>. all the Bedroom Furniture » hirh u of the moat o-tlv description ; richly carved rosewood and mahogany Bedsteads. Bureaus and Waebs'ands to match: n sg. ihre-: French Chini To:!»t Sets; 1J pore hair Mattresses, Bo!,».rs and Pillows: Bed Spreads. bedroom Carpets. Mir- f 'fs Co bs; Stair Carpsti. O:! Cloths rosewood and bronre I'a Stand;' Bssement r uroiture. ' .. the whole of wbteb was asastlj n s ie to order, and of rhe best J»tcr:p*.ioa. The above sale is positive._ A. at. Mbbwib, Auottotaaee T BANGS, BKOTIIER Sc Co.-TTtvda StJe- Rooms, No. 13 Park-row. B SPECIAL und rtttra. live AUCTION SALE «f OIL PAINTINGS. BOOKS, ate., THIS EvENINi,. at 71 o'clock, by TUNIS MORRELL. Auctioneer, at Ho, ill Broedwav. corner of W orth St..The attention of Speculators in the above, as a ell as all disposed to attend, is called to this sale, which shall give entire satisfaction to all the purchase rs. TRADE SALE of 10.000 CAaen BOOTS. SHOES end BROOANn. at Aertinn, oa six months' credit.Oa 1 HURSDAY, July Id, le*7, at 9 o'eloek, at store of AARON I LAFLIN, Fine. It?!*, 171, 173and 175 Pearl at, Boston -LORINO a. PIJILLlPS. Auctioneers.Will be sold at PuWie Auction, 10,'C" esses Boots, Shoes and Brogens, comprising a general as sortment of frasb msaufacti:red and seasonable Good* sdapted to the Sc.athera. Western, sud Now England Trade. Liberal privileges will be given where there are Duplicates. Teems: A3 bibs over *28", six mouths, satiafeetnry notes; under +.<»i, eesh. less 4 per cent. Catalogues and samples reedy for exam¬ ination on Monday Morning. July 13 Dm (ßooös- BLEACHED GOODS..1.000 caae-i, coiupraitif every width sad quality, for ssl» by NESMITH k Co., No. 71 Broadway. B ROWN GOODS..tjOO bait* heavy, ruedi'ii and tine, for sale by NEfJMITi! h Co., N.. 71 Broad was ellNA, Calcutta, Manilla and Emm Irniia GOODS, wholesale and retail. A full assortment Baa ONLY be found at FOUNTAIN'S India Store. No. «53 Broad way. Also, a large assortment of Pine-Apple G >odi. LACE MANTILLAS! BRODIE'S BLACK FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, POINTS, BASQUES, ETC., All marked down to Wholesale Prices. Old No. 51, new No. 300 Canal at., I sud No. 63 Lispeuard'st, NE WEEK MORE F55 CHEAP DRV GOODS..As the builders are not prepared to cotntucuce alterations before Monday the 13th, LEBOI TILLIER BROTHERS will ke. p their Canal at. Store op.ii UNTIL SATURDAY NEXT, wb.u It must be rinsed to rebuild. They will offer all goods at the lowest pll. es possible. LAW NS, OROANDIES. BARSOI ROBES, SILKS, RIB- RONS, SHAW LS and an iuim. use assortment >f uil.roiJ.irid Collars, Setts, Bands, Ice. No. 305 (old No. 60) Csnsl-st, 4 doors from Broadway. ROCHDALE, GONIC and ONTARIO BLAN- KET8..A large apartment of the Blanke'.s nude at those Mills, consisting ol !>, 10, 11, I* snd 13-4, ill wo«! and unloa; also, Crib, Negro and Coating Blankets, and I'.orse Kerseys. Foe sale h> NHSM1TH It Co., f o. 71 Broadway. SEAMLESS HOSE..A complete) aaeortment of AH W ool and Union HALP-HOSR, manufactured at the United States Seamless Hosiery Company's Works, constantly on hand. These goods are made with double heuls ami toee, said are equel to anything of the kind rvermade. For sale by NBSMITH fe Ca., No. 71 Broadway rHITE-R0CK COMPANY'9 LINSE YS, COATING CItBCKS, fine SHIRTINOS jnd Water- Twlat SHIRTJNO. For sale by NESMITH a Co., No. 71 Broadway. Clotijmg. IEFFBBI, tf No. 467 BROADWAY, LADIES' FRENCH SHOES. JEFFERS hss just opened a magnificent stock of Lediss' and Misses' French SHOES, BOOTS and TOILHT SLIPPERS, to which he would call the espei ial attention of his customers, aud woeld iuvite a visit to his establishment from Coautry Mer¬ chant*. His wholesale stock is equal to any demand. £nilMng iHaUrialo. ENCAUSTIC TILES.For Vestibule,-, HaJJb. Hearths, Dkalag rooms, Conservatories. (k*> OA RN KIRK CHaVMRY-TOPS. DRAIN-PIPES, ha For aale by _MILLER k CO A TEH No. 3TH Pearlat, N. T. GARNKIRK and AMERICAN CHIMNEY TOPS: also, best Glared aud \ .trim d DRAIN PIPES, at Long Islsnd Pottery Depot, No. gt Nassau st E. U. QUINN. flliscellancono. LYON" MAGNETIC PO W DEB. FREE FROM POISON, Foe the Destruction of BEDBUGS end ROACHES, MOTHS and FLEAS, ANTS aad MUSKETOES, FLIES and PLANT INSECTS. INSECTS on FOWLS and AN IM A I.« LYONS MAGNETIC PILLS, For the Destructlou of RATS and MICE. Principal Depot No. 424 Broadway. Beware of Peddler*. Bewareiof Counterfeit*. LOVET* WAHPENE, an Indian V^pSS Extrs. t, the only prepsratioa that w ill restore gray balr to Ita original rotor, cure baldness, and remove alt scurf aud dandruff from the scalp. All orders promptly attended to at No. 85 Blee.k. r st, where ref. is-n.e will Ik- girt n. STEAM MANUFACTURED CONFF.CTION- ERY -PLAIN and FANCY CANDIES, Gl'M DROPS. LICOfXCE DROPS, FRUIT DROPS, ROCK CANDY, JUJUBE PASTE ke. At Wholesale <r. the lowest tertus. 1 0. IIODGKINS, Msr.iiaacturer. No. 154 (ire. um ich, bet. Courtl&ndt aud Liberty. N. B A small vacuum pan lot sale. inarijinnrrt, #c. MACHINERY..\V.hsi1 worth Plan.'rn, Steam En¬ gines, Sew Mills, Engine Lathes. Drills. Steläa. H u rs, Machine Belting, ke. For .ale at the Machine Warehouse. No. Itj Greenwich street._A. L. ACKEMAN. PAPER MACHINERY CHEAP.-A u""k1 «ixty- two ineb Cvlinder Ma. bine. A small aKatxaj i.ngiue to drive it. A rood Rag Engine. Also, Gesring, I' - '. JESSl P 4. MOORE, No. 27 North Ctb St.. Philadelphia. Paints, CDils, CSlaeo, «^c. REFINED LARD OIL, for Bumto« and Ma- chiuery free from gum, bums brightly, d'>es not rut the wick. Also, CObURN PURE TALLOW OIL, which will oat wear Sperm, stands eolder weather and burns well. Wag. ranted as above. Bsrrels 3" ro 40 gallons. Only Ag^nt, _JOHN W. QCINCY, No. MB VVdüw-s*. IHih ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD COMPANY. Ja. .Manu fait urers of WHITE LEAD, dry and In oil. Importers aud Crushers of Linseed Oil. Fun. Wliite Zinc Paint prepared from the best French Oxide, and ground In rrt ! LinssedOil. Red Lead and Litharge of extrs fine quality. 1 he trade and rornsiimers supplied on the nine' Uberal terms by ROBERT COLGATE h Co., Ueaeral Agents for the Compxoy, No 287 Peart St. New York. Gtpamboatg ano Uailroaös. OrriCE or the New Yobk axo Nrw-llAvrv RsilbosdCo i No. 37 Canal-st, New-York, June 22 1B57 { NOTICE..Owing to the inclentoncy of the weather having retarded the work apon the new depot at 27tb-et the bsuisge of the passenger ears of the New-York and New Haven Railroad Co. to and from Caual st. will eonunue antil Wrdnosdav, the 15th day of July next, and be diaoon- tun ed en and sfter that date. J. jj, HOYT, Sup't TtfEW-YOEK and CONEY ISLAND, landinx; at ll FORT HAMILTON -The nevj* and splendid ateTmer AURORA. Cspt. Anaiag Smith, will leave as follows for the .ea.on. Amos .t. at »| a. m , I2| and*34 p. m.; Spring st at 31 a. an. and K'l and ¦ p. m Pier No. 3 North Riser at 10 a. m' .ud 1 and 4 p. m; Cones I.l.ui, last trip, at bl p. m Fare to F<at Hamilton snd Coney Island, 25 cents.for which a retrra ticket will be gis. n. Full fsre for children. INDEPENDENT LINE between NEW-YORK, X BOSTON PROVIDENCE, BRISTOL snd NEWPORT . Stesmer GOVERNOR Csnt Chss Heering, will leave New- Test from Pi.r No. 27, foot of Rcdrvison st. N R every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY, st I o'elo«» p a Fare beta een New A ork aad Boston.g>3 Pieigbt taken it reduced rates. W .H BYRAM, Agent on th | Wbxrf. CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY.. Connectiai at New Hampton wl'b tie Delaware Las-ka- wanna and W esters Railroad, and at Kastoa with the Letuxn valley Rail-rmai. - 11 'MM E RA RR ANOF! ME NT.Cearaea dag Maylt.tW.- « ?w"!I'i?'k for *-"Iöu *nd Intennedlau p!aa«i froa Pies 52" .HoTtb M'T""r aSTsta», mt. ttm. snl3 a p. m tor aVMavas rW» byabo.e trains, audat 5;15p.ok, ^ ' The above »rams aaaaect at Et.rah-.u wl'h tratos oa the Q<im*lmit-*t at 7:» and . a. m aud i » an 1 p cm. rassenger. faf UeUelewsra Lstehaaraaea aal Weetera BVsaV eoadartli lean a* 7-BO a an esjiy For Lsaklgk a.,-. Rallo^t at It a oedy. JOHM J Vr* SM« *>sar-. I?OR GUV COVE, OLE* WOOD, ' Bttwlaf*) Landing.SLIGHT'S DO« K. WHlt^ON*. GREAT fjlUn Hid SAND'S POINT BlPt99" CROTON, Cap* II Wood. ber,«t,ttel aa*a brtefott "4 Spwt* wi. ru PHrK SI !I' . tho above point*. !. »»«b O'» ¦* W*'JL *J &«. co. enJ OLKN COTE at 7 e tad NE W-TOR It «* Inm. T7i. Bob: «ü! ilHlli. on or ebont th» let July. to run DxuU- Trp« affording a f .-Man' <*il to tb- veriou* p >int* I .n the root*, DM Public II .t*.s tad Or nd* «'. whii ii ».-<. 00» I ha complete order tor eUitora Pan? t Glen Cqv*,3 «b-.l.iag*. I )R KIRK INLAND.-On and .*lW .July :.. tbs nut 8' ttaer HERO wiDeaanaat reg ila.-lr with the Laaaj I ItlaaM Ra Iraad morning and o»»mDg. tu aad fr..m Fire lalan 1 I PatMlBlin llaalatllT Vorhat» a iil and 3 30 p 111 ib Tbomp I ton, and, -Suing, einte iu New-York *l9:2u a m. a.idip. ¦ I re.prcti» W. _ I FÖiTbosTON and PROVIDENCE m NHW- jT PORT and PALL BIVER--r.i* «pieiidid tu i aapetior I ¦teemer MFTROPOI.IS. Capt. Bniwn, leave* New York I ,rr'v TtTESD \ Y. THI'HSDAT and .SATURDAY, at I «'dock I r tal; ant the »MPIRE STATE. Capt. Hravton. leave* Now- I York *r*ry MONDAY, WEDNESDAY an 1 FRIDAY, at* I o'eicek r. from Pier No. 3 N. R near the Bit".7 both I toe. birg %t Newport each wiy. I Hereafter no roomt wlU b~ r-ttr1 1 is te,- ired to any appsV I tut anti! the tajre thai! hare bee«i. paid for | Freight to Bortoa it forwarded tor Jib with treat iBipetoh by an Exnret* Freight Train _ WM. BORDEN, Agant, gat. To aad 71 Weot-ti^ I FOR BOSTON, via NORWICH and WOB- jT CESTER.Daily at *> p. m.. from plm i»t of Conrtlan*' I gt, by tbe favorite »teemer CONNECTICUT. Wra. WT e»a on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, and be I the new and splendid steamer COMMONWEALTH. Capt WO I Haan, on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, to I Allyn't Point; thence by new and handeomelysfinisod^ ala- teen wheeled cart for Worcester. Boeton, Provldeiico, Lew- I l^nce, Lowell. Naahi-a. Cmcrd. White Mountain*, end every I other ac tion of New-EutlanJ. Stateroom* can be eu*eg«d b' j applying on board, or to E. S. MARTIN, Ageat, et bit foot of Cuurtlendt rt._ I THE REGlTiAR MAIL LINE, via STONING TON, for BOSTON end PROVIDENCE.Inland route- I tbe ahortett and most -Hreet.carrying the Eatteru Mail. The ttetmert PLYMOUTH ROCK. Ctpt. Jeel Stone, end I C. \ ANDEKBILT. Ltpt. W. H. Frarer, in connection wit* | the St'.uiugton end Providence end Botton and Providence I Rai'.roali. HailM New-York daily, S lt.. excepted, fros* I Fler No. 2 North River, firtt wharf tbove Battery place, at I I o'clock p. m., and St ,-t u at 2:30 p. m., or on the arrival of I tbe mail train a hieb leavne Botton at 3:30 p. m. Tbe C. VANDERBILT. from New York. Monlay. Wedaee I day and Friday. From Stoninatou, Tuetday. Th-i.-sdey aas I .eturday. The PLYMOUTH ROCK. Beta New Tek. Titextia«, Taute I dav and Saturday. From Stouuigtoo, MouJay, Wrd ietday. I end Kj P,.-.,.i -r. proceed from St-iniofton per Railroad to Provi I dnnee and Botton, in the Etprett Mail Tr«iu, tea« hing aald I eiaoe in advam e of th»te by other routet. and in ample time I (it all tbe early moruing linet ttttXtXMOae North eud»Eaet. I Paetetiger. that prefer it remain on board the tteauier, eie-»y 1 I Bdfht'i re.t unditttirbed, bn-akfatt if detir.-J, and leave St<<n- I bxgton in the 7:15 a. m. train, couue, Uu| at Provideu?* with the II a m. train for Boston. A bacia|,e matter aceompauiet the tteerner and trala thrrmsB | each way. j For pattage, bertht, ettte roomt or fr-lfht, apply on board tbe I tteerner. or at the freight Otfiee, Pier No. 2 North River, or el the office No. 1U Battery plai t I FLUSHING RAILROAD.Leave* Fulton-Mar- k. t wharf, by tteamer Island City, at 6.ii, t end 10 a ca., and 1, 4 and 6 p. m.; the cert leave Flushing (L. I.) at the tame | boats, meeting- tu.l exchanging pattougert with the boat et I Buater'l Point. Through in 30 minuter Fare. 25 ceutt. _ WM M SMITH. Receiver. I REAT AMERICAN ROUTE vi» MICHIGAN RAILROAD to Chictgo. St. Louis, Rock Itlsnd, St Paul, I Mirwauk'-e, Kansas City, and all places Weaeand lo Hh-west, I rat Nrw Tork and Erie, New-York I'etitral, Araerl.-aa Lakt I Shore, Orett Wettern Kailwty, end Michigan Soothem Reil- I roads, forming the thortett, quieket, and most pleasant route tc I the Op at West. The Road between Detroit and Adriaa is now I op- 11. and train, tat) r in connecting at Adrian withexpresa tralne I to Chicago and the West. For further Information apply at the I Comatuiv's Otfl. .-. No. 1Ü3 Broadway, for. of Dey tt. _JOfl» F. PORTER. Agent GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE.- The Through Ticket and Freight Offine of the GREAT WHSTERN RAILWAY, MICHIGAN CKN'TRAL RAILROAD, ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, OALKNA AND CHICAGO U. RAILROAD, CHICAGO, BURLINGTON AND QUINCY RAILROAD to Chicago, Milwaukee, Galena. Dubuque, Rock Island, Bor- I Ungtou, tjnincy, St. Lonit, Cain. auJ Nebraska, and all other points West and Soutb-wett, Via SUSPENSION BRIDGE or BUFFALO. It at No. 173 BROADWAY, N. Y.. Comer of Coirtlandt-at._DARIUS CLARK, Agent. AR L E M BAH LB 0 A B I SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. Commeucing WEDNESDAY, Jon« 3. 1&57. Trtlnt leave Depot comer of White aed Centre-att: 74 a ax.- I Croton Fallt Traut, connecting with Hoe of itagrt for Lake I Mahopac. 9* a m .Kapresa Mail Traiu for Albany, connecting at Croton Fall with line of stages for Lake Mah.vpen, at Pardy't I ter Bidgelield. et Brewtter'a for Danbery. at Cliatham Fonr Con ,-ra with Wettern Railraad for Albany, Trey, Saratoga and I die West 24 p. m . Millettoa Train, ttopping at all atationt I H p. m..Williams Bridge Train, stopping at all ttationt. t>i p I m White Plaint Traia, itopping at til atationt. Leave 28th-st. Station: a} a m WiHiams Bridge Train. I stopping tt ail atationa 11 a. m.Willlamt Bridge Traiu, atop | ping at til atetione. llf a m..White Plaint Train, ttoppiug et I ell ststiout. ..'« p. m..Wilhams Bridge Train, stopping at al I ttationa 3 p. m..Croton Falia Train, stopping at all stetlona I . p. m..Williams Bridge Train, atopping at all ttationt. WM. J. l A MIT. HI. 1., Superintendeat. UDS0N RTVER RAILROAD..From Ma; 25, W./7, traiut will leave Cbambera-at. Sution as followsi I Express treiut, 6 a m. and 3:15 p. m Albauy Pataeuger tralne I I a m., 12m. audS-JOp. m.; for Sing Siug, 10:30a. m and 4 1 fog Pooghkeepsie, 7 am. and 1 lud 7 p m. 1 for Peektkill, 5.-S* I p. m. The Foughkeepeie, Peektkill and Siiig Sing traiua ttor I at tbe way tttiiooa. Pastengert taken at Chambers, Canal, I Chrlatopher and Thirty firtt etreett. Traint for New York le»r* I Troy at 4:35, Band 10:40 a m. and 4:30 p m., and Albany et I li45, 8:15 end 10:4<i am. end 4:40 pm A. F. SMITH. Super!ttendent. NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD.For PHI LA- DELPHIA aad the SOUTH and WEST, via JERSEY I CITY..Mail and Bxprett Linet: Leave New-York t and Ii I a m. and 4 and 6 p. m.; fare, $3; 12 m., $2 Bl ttopulng at a I way stations. 11 and 4 go to Keuslngtoa. Through TsukeU I sold for Ciu, iunaU (*'.7 and »1* 50) aud the West, nod m I Baltimore. Washington, Norfolk, it, eud throagb b^ggag* I thec'ted to WashiagtoB in I a ¦ and d p. in. , W. WOODRUFF, Attltttnt Sup'L No Beggtf* will be received for any train uulett deliverer I end check*J 15 aanatei lo advance of the tame of leering LAND ROUTE-NEW-YORK TO PROVI- DENCB. he.-On end after April 1, BXPRF.Sg TRAIN I of the ProrideBee. Hartford aad Fishkili Bailroed will leave I Har'.forJ on the arrival there of tbe kit pre aa 'Train <sf the N* ./ I Turk aud New Haven, and New-Haven, Hertford aui.aring I kid Rai.: «is whiah leave New York a . a aa. I _SAMUEL NOTT. Superlatendent I laJKW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD..Of l>e atid after Monday, Jne 15. lim, and until farther.-e, I Pwseugrr Train* wia tetve Pier 1 vu Duaneat., a* followe I tie. 1 I DUNKIRK RXPRrtMS, 6 a. m., for Dunkirk. R1/I FAI.O EXPRESS, tt 6 a m for|B itTtlo. MAIL, at 9 a. tn., for Dunkirk aud Balfalo aai tnterme. 1 tlete aUtiona. ROCK1 AND PASSKNOER. at 3:30 p. m.. from foot at Chemi en sr., rla Pletmont tot Suf/eru'* and lntenru-diaU I ttetloua WAY PASSEN0FR, at 4 p. m for Newbjrgh. MilJletown I aad Int. riucd'ato statloiia EMIGRANT, et 5 p. tu., for Dunkirk tuJ Bulxlo aud |,;t^r. I gtrdttte attttiont. 1 THE ABOVE TRAINS RUN DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). 1 NIGHT FXl'RESS, at 5 p.m., for Dunkirk, ev,-, y day NIGHT EXPRESS, at5p. m., tor Buffalo, .-^e-r d.v These Exprest Traint tonneot at KImira with -.o- Kliotre. Otnandalgua and NlM*ra F».ls Railroad, for Niagara Falle-at Btnghamtou with the Syraee** aud Binghaiuton Railroad 'tot Syracuse; at Corning with Buffalo, Cornmg, end Now-York Bei1ro*J. for Rochester; at Great Bend with Delaware, Lack* wanna aad Westeru Railroad for Seranton; at Hortielltvui* with the Buffalo tnd New-York City Railrotd for Buffa'u-at Buffalo and Dunkirk with tbe Lake Shore Railroad for Cleve land, Cincinuatti, TJtdo, Detroit, Chicago ke. _HOMBR RAMSDELL, Pre*1 lent »4TEW-Y0RK and NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD. IN SI MM ER ARRANGEMENT, MAT HM7 Patsonger Station, kn New-York, comer Br >edwayaad Ceua. alreet, comer 26tb-*t. and 4th-av TRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK .For N*w-Hareu, 7 end I a m., (ex.) 1 BttSLMa 4 (ex.) and4:30 p. m. For Brldgeport.7 and Bt*a'.turd. Falihiiid, Southpott end Wettport 7am.: 12-SO ; i7 P .?- Kur Norwtlk, 7, B, a m.; U;*», 3:30, 4 (ex.)': iÄ. b V'J iJ.f-,.f?»B*ri« »"d Greenwich, 7,8, am.: 12:3«, 3:30 4:3«,, ML ItlA p. m. For Stamford, 7, 2, (ex.. Aa.m.; 12:30, 3:3«, 4 (ex.L 4:30, 5:15\ 6:15, p. nZ For P.^t hMt S IB luUrm,-di,te Stt'.lon*, 7,9, a m. j 12:30, 3:30, 4:30. C(jVNECTINOTRAIN8-For Borto0, 3 a. m., (ex.) 4. a m (ex). For Htrtford *ud Springfield, t a m., («x ) tr^psm 4,p BV. (ex). I-or Coaaectlcut River Reilroad, to Moot reel 8 J. m., (ex.) and 4 p.m., (ex.) to Northemoton. For Canal Baifroad, B a m (ex.) and 12:3» p. m', to Horthirop loa. ror New- LoiuJon Railroad, 8 a m., 4 p. m For Bousatouic R*ilro.d/ 8* ra.. 4. p ta. For Naagatuck Rail- »^'«^.»»-. J*i»b»dS:», p.a. KorDxubury eud Nor- walk Railroed. 7, 9, a m., eud 4 p. m. _JAMES H. HOTT, 8ap't P«r5K.g4 RAILROAD.Tbe OREAl tenoBt AtJ w.y direct. Tha Road alto coa«e»et^lU.Ä arttb daily line of Steemere to ell por.t la the Wette« ItiVera S?^",^^ w'th ÄSla^iÄMta l**KNorth wertem Lake*; mtling the mutt direct, cheapei* aS Rooka, Drv Good* (ta boxet, bale* and UnkVh \ n^'if* Drng* (In boxe* and bale*). Feather*, For* to.. ) 100 Ct.***..Domeatto Sheetiag, Shirtlog end 1 TtcAiag (moriglntl bal.-tl, Druga (in oe.k.)rHard- ! «e **uua TKU Lu'w'Jl*ke*' " bolM''^V'oW I Wo* Pbibb Cl*»» .Anvil*,' sVerl,' Cba'la*' Vka 'oasktV ) . Heap, Becoueed Pork. Salted (loo** or In sacks, > ^ r"l'-*9 Tob*. co mauufiutured, eeoept Cigert or out, ke J **'.. FevaTa (Las» -Coffee, Flab, Baeon, Beef andi Pork (in ea*k* or boxee, Eastward), Lari an-l I piqenteg* M&M Sod* Aea, German Ckxy Tw, f UaTfc Pitch. Ro*!b, *.*. ' ') FLOOB-ai a> bbl. nutll farther notlee. K at a 58 ceutt f> lia> B until furtaer noMoe. ¦.JjJJJ-** aot eaeaeJjag 300 wetrfat. utfl Sartbe. Sa eblpptng Good* frnta aay point etat of PMladtipit* be ate B «".'« V" PT-'H» - Ftä Pena.rlvani» lUUW" % Rood, oonngnej to tb. Ig-nt. ol taU Baad at Ptaiadalphta^» PltUbirga ¦ til be forwarded wlthat! deteatioa Fari^ht Actkvx.Harrlt, Wormier ACo. Mline811 T IF. See* k Co.. St. Loult, J. s Ml-foaeUA sT^CraatX' hi., Dum.anQL B>U a. Co aad Carter k H, t^M^ PF-J ¦¦ C. Mt^driat. Madison. ltd.; Sprtgmau k Brjtm aai gS**t <^-.nmmmmmti H. W. teeettiraxAvtta ^TrninJ Ktl^tatS 2* « B^j^eTrOaT ¦0. « Attoc Hatten Hew-Torfc. aad No. 1 lHtC - «*--' %or- O-o C »ra0*i*rat* P^Wb, ^ PENNSYLVANIA «A/LSOlö - rar oheat central «o- w tv1 MiKtlnni " u >¦»! oo«ti«<»U»l P.U-» irst. w*t§ mavis u; i (rata St Low's, Mo AsJ"«., Gas*w* aad ( .»»«,. TB.: FranktOr*. ! 11p4' <. Mi TW.rü". By : Twrrw Ilten* .»all* 1. Ufey -iu wi I lud,».in» n ; CtaWn-xU IFay-o* .prtn«4-.J B»!M .uta:n«s, Ban »»«11 T-dedu Ctsveiasid r , .wxnbu« Zart, »rllli Meeeiitoa an) OH«; also «t» Iba MB »tu'».* a»aU frona and to N'alWa«, Dt Leeses, u-, .i.t - -I Or -usna* TbrouaB J »... 1' r the Esst oaa be ba4 at aar a< aa- eWsa> ¦uittil .. «d pieces Ib .«» West. Pesarngeig . «>I1 ''" « Vit *0 irVee«. snoss *t pediMosas m| r,. .1 rtahie r >*tf betwca in* Saat sasd Waat f R.'M NsjW-YoRR TO CIN! 1NNATI in H HOOgR PROM NSW YORK TO CHICAOO IN * !I0I/r4~ prom OW VORK to 8T. LOUII im 0* HO' R* Fare tt l»w at by aar otbar Roste .e* Leu Ibtlls U. h* bJtels ¦>< tais slty Tkif««. <* f rtaer Worms*»*, mey kal at BV, *J. ffb-PBNNiUVANIAlUILROAn. No. t Astor Hoiss«, Broadway. J. l. rix!ott * [ONO ISLAND RAILROAD.fammr 4,. A raug-awens-tAS-aBdersexceptcsil-Treiueg.^ Lee*, Brok.ya f.»r <ira-.p/wt at . a ... .»loaWo,4aia|*i a a, for Ki. rrt,.-»J at » a an. and 3:.*» P ¦.; for Noslh Isgta it Beat aad J:Mp n.; for Fermingdele at * a as., ä A sad Ii ut .; for Syoeset at iv a *»., and 4 S> p m ; loa Haaapaeaad atI« a in 4, * aod « p Bs. far Jemao-e at I «ad Ida «v, aad 4, 4 hW, «. aa 11 p- aa._ VEW-YORK and ER IF RAILROAD Wit IV PANY'S EXPRESS.OBBrast Omca, N>. 1T5 Broad .ray NT -The New York aod Erie Ra lraad t^aapaay am noworeoared to do a regular Express busim-s*. p ^ HOMEK KAMSDELL PraallaM Caaa. A Pi Wat, Bapt at» pre aa._ MEW WIDE-GAUGE ROUTE fron. NEW- 11 YORK to ROCH ESTE!-The ROCHEBTBR aad GBNKSKE VALLEY RAILROAD Uaoa ones,. a»i. laja» BsftaOSJ wtth Ihr Buffalo, Coming and New Y..rk, end Nes». Tork ard Krte Kaiiroeda, forma a dir~< rawta wwea New-Turk '"t!^ oftblamnK t«wMW w'»b »h* taprrtor oaer- fort UfllIii by Uie wide aara r-nl-n it oy far «a daatro ble between the aboee named eiaiet f ,k.-t.eenbep'oeered at the New York and Erie Railral Ttoket OIBre. foot of Duaae et, and No ¦ Br^iway abw la Jaraey City. Be«(a<e rh<-rfced thrmigh.- Fraiibta will oe trantp-rteg batwoau New Yoak aa« aar witi disnatrb Any Informeii-a detlrel In regarä taaraai hew Tort and Erfe Raüroai. Eri. Bi^lidalgl; or C. ». TATrAN. Hann aa Kr.-uli! Afent. No. lafl HroaoVa» TC tVabM ou -.he »utfalo. Coraina and N-w Y^rk Rat.road » loaJ.y J. A. REDMELD, 3 .^rlaUait-ag lUcoiral. ROMAN El E IPALSAM..Tliia cthhwtrf wii- edv tor weak aad Inflamed ey»» waa eonttantlt uaad, wtfb abjMl warMI. hr a dutlujuiahed .v-nliat eunng a long proto« . m il arrct, ai.d ¦ ay be ronmtautlT relied upou at the Pen Lett »al».- that < au be naVaV In ra.e'a where the en II.It ara ia ('.mid it art* almoit like magic in relieving all irr.tatioo. aud usually ettectt a cn plet. cure alt.r a few appl cali. n. P.apar. d aud eold bv A. B. k D. SANDS. Drugaiata, Nj. 1J< Kulten tt., New Y..rk. ITJater (Tnrc MOUNT PROSPECT WATER-CURE, Bm<- bamton. Eight hour* ri'ie from the city by N. Y. and En* Riilrosd > ialtort will titid thia one of the pleaaeuteat P'aeat la Wie I'nlou. Board * I per week. AddrofgJ.H NORTH. M 0 Cejal Xoticco. IN PURSUANCE of au order of the Summit* of the County of New-York. Notice i..hereby giv-o w all p.r.e... haviaj claima agaiu»t ANDREAS TRY*, lateof tho fity of New-York, grocer, d.-c--a«ed, to preaent the tame wiXa. voarhrn thereof, |o the aubtcnber, at the »tore of E k. A. BCHABBEHAR, No. 2J3 Hudtoi. nt. In the City ot New-York, on or Im fore the twenty tixth day ef ReptaBlblf uuat Dated Hew York, the 23.1 day at Man*, ir»7. MATlllAS HOPKK, _ ) CARL E SCIIAIIRKHAR. Egecjtjr*. ERNEST A. SCllABBSHAll. > oi 24 UwfimTu IN PURSUANCE of an order of tlio Surrogate of the County el New YorV. notice ia hewbygiren toad persona haruig claims against WILLIAM K Ew, late of the ( rty of New-iork, d.-cea.ed. t<i present the same, with v itaHl er» thereof, to the »obsenber, at hi* office, No. Jfjf Hudson at, in the ( Ity of New Yolk, on or before th. fifteenth day ef July near .Daicd New-York, the twelfth day of January, 18.W. jl3 lawtoi'i'u* TERENCE" BOYLE, Egejutor. IN PURSUANCE of an order of tire Suro»t|aU of the OaoutT of Mew York, ntic is hereby given to al persons having claims against Hl'OH EARLY, late of the City of New York, contractor, deceased, to present the same wita Touchers thereof to the subscriber, at the office of P. Cahill, No. II WaR-at., in the Htr of New York, on or before tho »h day of August neat. .Dated New York. thc2id day of Kebruary, It*. MARGARET EARLY. Eae.-utria, and f 24 UvtCiuTu DANIEL KENNEDY. Eicutor IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surrogate of the Count) of New-York, notice is hereby given to al petaoa* having claim, agitin.t CHARLES P. WOOSTER. late of the CM] of New York, ( aptain in the Cited States Army, deceased, to picseul tue same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at fo-r residence. No .97 Cesiirt street in the City of Brooklvn N. Y on or tore the thirtieth day of November neat .Dated New York, the twenty fifth day of May, 18SJ. my2« lawfm.T MARIA STEBHINS, Admlnistratrla. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the- Bwngfi vf the County ef New-York, notice is hereby given to all per¬ sons having rial mi against JOHN BLACK, latoof the City of New York, confectioner, de< eased, to pre.i ut the sasue, with vouchers thereof, te the suh.ciihers, at the bouse of Joliu B Blaik, No. 14* in the City of New York, oa ef before the sixth djy of August in-it Dated New York the 2d d*v of February, lfc7. JOHN It. 111.ACK Administrator, ft lawfiu.Tu"_E. D BLACK. Admiuistratria. SUPREME COURT -ELEANOR ft*. MILLS I'lalntin', agaiust ELEANOR BRADLEY, JAMES 1 BRADLEY and MARY bis wife, Amanda M Fordern Wll lean E. Brsdl.y. Georg* Wright aud Jane M his wife, Divil \. R Blake and Frances G. his wife. George W. Bradley Jo'in B. Bradley Oscar F. Bradley and John N. Mills. Defendant* Svinmnns for relief.(Com. not ser )-To the above named Defendants and each of them: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the compl-int In this action, which was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond at Ru hmoud. in arid County on the 11th day of Juue instant and t*aetvea roay of y..ut answer to the said romplalnt on the s b- nler. at hi. office, No. 37 WaU-strisef, in the City of New York, wi'bin twenty days after the service of this sum n IBB* on you. Ml !u«ive of the day of such service and if *OSJ fail to MUWerth* said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plsintitt In this action will apply to the Court for the reiie. de- minded in the comnlsirit Dated June II I8.T7 CHARLES H. GLOVER, FliintifTe Attornea-. Jel6 lawBwTu * SUPREME COl'RT-Citv and County of New- Yoik -CORNEUt S BAKr.fta.;d HENRY m BAKER agtiuat CHEW IRKBLY. Summons fit a miuey demand on contract .To the Defendant above named: Youar» knroby Stan moncd and required to answ er the complaint in this action, ot which a opj is herewith seiv. d upon you, aud to serve a copy of Von* answer to the said csmplsiut on the subacribora, at their office, Number 1!/A Broadway, in the Cltv of N<-w York, within twenty days aft. r the .-r\ice hereof, egdüsiv* of tho day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said cogiiplaiut within the time nforoei.l. the pj lintitfs in this sstioa willtake iudgrnerit ar;airu>t you for the sum of tn - hundred dollars wi' h .ntere.t from the Id day of June, 18.57, beside the cost of this aetioc aud of protest..Dated New York, June IV IW7. CLARK k CORNWALL. Plaintiffs' Attorneys, No l<e'i Broadway. The romp'air.t in th s notion was tiled in the office of tke Ork of the City snd Countv of New-York on the 30th day 04 Juue, 1867 CLARrv It CORNW ALL. Pl'tLV Atfy* flM lawCwTu_ ' SUPREME COU RT.City and County of New- l ork.- ABB S. lya, snd Jeremiah Loder, A to Im-titterof the goods. i.c of John M Seelye. deeeesed. Plaintiffs, against Andrew Hoogland, Executor, and Rachel Parr, Exi eutril of John F. Parr, deceased. Mary R. Davies. per sonally. and as Adn.inibtratrixof David Davies, deceased. Jam.<* Hogg aod F'.li/ab. th Hogg his wife. Jonathan J. Jouet ani Mary Joins his wife, Thomas Edw aids and Catharine Edwards hu wife, Samuel Cole aud Ann Cole his wife. Johu Davies aud Oneuney Davies his wife. El'/abeth Davies Rachel Davies, Maria Davies and Snadre. b Da\iee .Suiiiih.mis.Toth- Defend ants, THOMAS EDWARDS an I CATH ARINE EDWkRDi his wife. S AMI EL COLE and ANN COLE his wife, ant SHADRACII DAVIES, and each one of them: Yon are hereby .summoned and required to answer the complaint In thieecMon. whi. h will be fiied i i the office of the Clerk of the City sad County of New-Yo k. and to eerve a copy of your answer te the said complaint on the subscriber, at Iii« office, No. Cedar st, in said city, within twenty days after the service f this ««av n-.ons on you, exclusive of the day of such servieo. aadif yoa fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, th* plaintiffs in this action will apply t > the Court for the relief de matded in the complaint. ISAAC POMEROY. P'eintittV Attorney, No. 7!» Coder it., New York. Tl .- complaint in the above entitled action was Sled ia te* office of the Clerk of tin City and County of New York, at th* Cily 11*11 iu a*id city, outh Hth day of June ]»Vr-N>* York. June 12. Ib57. ISA*;C POM<4ROT. J'10 law ll'wTu' Attorney for Plaintiffs. SUPREME COURT.City and County of New- York -SETH W BENEDICT against CHEW SaSEILY Stimmous for a money demand ou contract..To the defeadsui al«ove uansed: IMbn hereby summoned aad required t > answer the romp.aint in this action, of which a copy is beta w ith served upon jou and to serve a copy of your answer t* the said complaint, on the subscribers at their office at Number IM Brosdway ia the City of Now York, witmn twenty days after the aervice hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, t'.d It you fall to answer the aaid complaint within tue usa . aloresaid. the p'aintiff in this actiori will tak* judgment aiaiast Sl! 1^^,' '^i0' *VLmtw*4B&?&* ^thT.ter<trresa the I3th day ot June. ISST, betides the cost of this eetiw - Dat. d. New York. Juue l«. 18A7. CLARK k CORNWALL, Plaintiff's Attorney*. No. 196 Broadatr Tlie complaint iu this action was file t ia the Offlaaa ofth* Clerk . f the City and Count) of New Yoik. on the 30th dar af '"Äaaffü _ CLARK k CORNWALL j.oei.wCwTu PlalnUff's Attorueya THt Canadian.Parliament..During the recent »eeeion of the Canadian Parliament, M bdU were im tro.lueed. and Ä7 paaaed. Of thoee introducetl, only twent) tbree appear to have originated ia the W"1- lativ a, and of tho-e hnt eisthteeu paeeesJ. Tho number of büla introdut ed by Upper Canadh mm tu rn waa f oaeiderably greater thao ttsose itttrodueeal by n en.he re Irun other *ertions of the Province. itlV öi!!^ wen» introduced by the niemben from Upper Caoac'a, while only 21P were introduced from I#ower Canada, end of tn<? bills that piweed \'& were intre duced by Upper Ceanada mcmberB, again** NIn charge of tl e Ix>wer Canada member*. The differ enco ii mainly mswl« grp by private biUs; thswe heiagj a larger numbe r of indiutrtal -Jawihtioa- II UpP« tba* in lo>wer Cauad«,, ee«kuig net* of LnC*>*poratWfl The paolific Osttroter of the legiaiatitja u owias} to ten* DsTvaieccss of privat* ball le^ettoti e c^wvif ewl a. al; (be 8lat"»i «e arali m* tu Cavaada

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Page 1: Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 18. · /inantiol. NAShAU BANK DIYIDEND.-A SEMI-ANNI AI. DIVIDEND d KOl'R PER t ENTMthe. apitel ..« k o4this Bank will be paid la ihr Stoc*li



. apitel ..<>« k o4this Bank will be paid la ihr Stoc*li<,ldrri or

n. *r lojpil regirr-aetitativi . ou ana after the 16ih nut until

which date the Tranaf.-r H-x.ka will »erlnaad .New-York. July3. ltVf.. By order of the B< ard. R A TOOkKK, Cathler.

TK>LKIrO, WABASH AM) WESTERN RAIL-X ROAD COMPANY flat'¦ the Toledo and llliooU and theLake Erie, Wabaah and St. Louis Railroad Companies)..Th.Sto. V holder* snd Bondholder, of this Company are requested k*attend a MEETING bs be held at the oflice of the CompanyNo. 54 V\ 11 ham tt. corner of Pine sr.. on THURSDAY, the 9th

«?ay of July lust., st I o'clock p m to learn of the present con-

dition of the Company, and to decide on otbe- mailers of importance -July* i. 1S.V7.

CITY' and COUNTY BONDS..The subscriber,offer foi sale




twsauty years to run.The last two Bonds guaranteed by the Keoknk, Furt Des


BONDS one, two end three years to run, seeur-i by a specialtax for to* payment of principal ant interestCITT 0> DAVENPORT, IOWA, TEN PER CENT


PER CENT BONDS, twenty years to run.The principal aud latertst of all above Bonds payable in the

City of New York.rail part ii i.iaj. reo be bad on application to

_E. W. ( LARK, POPPE It Co., Ne. U Wallet.

PllTsevac.h, Foev Wavk* akd Chicago R R. Co ,»No 87 William sr.. New Yber, June 28, 1857. J

PAYMENT of INTEREST..The Interert dueoa the lat day of July next eg the following Securities, will

I* paid oe and alter that dsy at this, oa preaentatioa ofthe proper Coupons, vix:BONDS OK THE OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAIL¬


end Pennsylvania Railroad Company.BONDS"OK THE CITY OK ALLEGHENY to the Ohio

and Pennsylvania Railroad Company.BONDS OK STARK COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio and

Pennsylvania Railroad Company.BONDS OK KICHLAND COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio

and Feuusvlvania Railroad Company.BONDS' OK ALLEN COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio aud In-

diaua Railroad Compeuv.BONDS OK CRAWFORD COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio

and Indiana Bailnad CompanvBONDS OK VAN WERT COUNTY, OHIO, to the Ohio

and Indiana Railroad Company.BONDS OK ALLEN (OUNTY, INDIANA, to the Ohio

and Indiana Railroed Company.BONDS OK THE KORT WATNB AND CHICAGO



NOTICE.The Interest, due in New York July1, on the following Securities, will be paid by



aaaumed bv tbe New York Central Railroad Compaiiy. cNEW-YORK STATE Bj f CKNT STOCK, laaiied on ac-,i.i t of the Auburn and K :,. .t. Railroad Company.NORTHERN CROSS RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE


NY'S Bt/NDS._I_Pakk Kirs Ikscravce Co.

No. 237 Broadway, cor. Park-plane. N. Y.. June 4. law. )

EblVlDEND..a semi-annual dividend of six fG)"

per rent Las this day becu declared, pevabl" ou aud afterlat July next. The Transfer Booka will be dosed from 20thlast, to 1st of July inclusiv«. WM. JAFFRAY, Secretary.

DIVIDEND.CONTINENTAL BANK..ADividend of four per eaat baa been *VCaarod to the Stock¬

holders of this Bank on and after the fitb of July n-xt.Jane «., 1857._B. K. WARNEP, Cashh r.

MrcHAMcs' ami Traders' Savings Ivstitction,New YiiKX. June 3D, ip.57. I

DIVIDEND NOTICE..Depositnrs are herebynotified that a SEMI-ANNUAL" DIVIDEND, at the rate

of SIX PER CENT net anuum on all aume ol *.ViC aud under,and Kit E PER CENT |- r aaatxta on all sums over »500,which ahall have beeu,1 at least three months Od the1st o( July next. v,ill be paid to aWfrafitora ou and aftef MON¬DAY, July 2*i. Interest led called for will le- eerileil to thecredit of depositors as prim ipi,!. Bank open on Monday,Wednetdav, Thursday and Saturday.

Al.KRED T. CONK LIN, President.Jam! a P. BaIBBT, Secretary.

WxVSBVOWl and Rome Railroad Co., )Tri am ki.r'- Okho W aTERTowx, July 1, 1M7. i

TbIVIDEND NOTICE.-**-SI.k-kJiol.lers are hero1 / by notilicd that a CASH DIVIDEND of KOUR PER(TNT he* been dccUi.d, payable on aud utter the FIF¬TEENTH DAY of JULY ii,»f. The Transfer Book* will U-cloeed from the Firat day of Julv to the day of payment. Stock¬holder., whose Si. k is re*i.t<"red iu N'w-YorR, will re. iw

their DiviJ. .ids at the People'. Bunk, Canal at iu that ity.It E. HUNOEBFOBP. Treasurer.

MiKcitA.M»' ESCHABS! Bask i\ tiii: Cnv 01 >Ni.vv , okk, June BJL 1857. I

IVVIDEND..The Board ».r Directors <if this\9 Bank have declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND ofKOUR (1) PER CENT oa the capital stock, payable ou andafter the 10th dsy of July next. Bv order.

E. J. OAKLEY, Caihicr.

People'* Hans, New-York, June 2»?, lflV7.

DIVIDEND..The People's Bunk lias declared a

Dividend of FOUR TER CENT out of the profitef thelaat six nmtitbs, |*yalde to the Stockholder* on aril »fterthe 6rst day of July. The Transfer Books Hoard till I hat date.

G. W. LEAKE, ('adder. Citv BaMl Jane SB, Htt7.

DIVIDEND NOTICE..a Divideul of fiveDOLLABS per *h«re hat this day been d< cUred on

the Capita: Sto< k ol this Bank, payable to the gtei kk J*Wl Of

tticr iepeteeatati**tXj on or alter th» icth day el July prosIn.,, ut the Hanking llouw until which lime Ho- Tiaasi, r

liookt will \» ilo-ed. Bv older oft.,- Board t IRre^tore,9E0. FIELD, Cashier.

WlLLIAMM CRUIl CtTV Klar. IXttrRABCI Co.. IBaooKt.vx, E. D July 1837. }

DIVIDEND .The Hour I of Directors have lliisday cftl»red a «enii annual dividend of SIX PER

CENT, pav«ble on and aller the Hah ictt. The Trai:*fer book*will be closed until that dttc

By order of the Board. 4H. OIROUX, Se.'y.


14 W all st l ave dav d.elared a aemi-aiinual IHVIDE.MDof NINE PVR CENT, payable .,n the 9th tust. The TransterHook wili be closed until that ua'e .New York. Inly 2, 1857.

_JAMES It. I.QTT, Se.ietrtry.OlIUXol THK llARMaaV FlkK I\>1 ram i. Co., 1

No. c BBAVaa ST, Maw York, July Z, Wit. \

TTWOL BOARD of DIRECTORS ol this COM-J PAN\ have TO-DAY do tared a DIVIDEND ol SEVENTER ( ENT, pavahleou d«m*ii.l.

R. O. GLOVER S, tary.

MAKKi:iM.ÄNK~Dl VI Dl:Nd".The BÖ;,7,1 ofDirectors ,,f this Bank have this day declared a Dividend

oi Kit R 11) FEB. CENT, payable on and after July 10. TooTransfrr Book will be- rioted k.util that state, Bv orwer,June», 1857 it. 11. HAYDOCK, Cashier.


Interest at the rate of C per cent p. r anuum ou sums of sfrSHOaud eoder, end 5 paar cent on emu over that aun.nut, will be

paid to ail deposit..ra in thia Inatilution i.-i>'nl>-d thereto) on

and after MONDAY, July 20. Interest not e«lled for will drawthe taioe *s principal E. J. BROWN. PretidenL

A. A. Al> ori>. Secrvttiry._

Oriicx or the rropi.r** Kirk laettBaaci Co.,s Ntw-Yoax, June 2R r".7. )


( ENT p*)ab)e ou and alter tit* lat -lav of July next.By order,_W. K. I NDKRHlLL, Secretery.

PiiKMX Ba>r. Nr-.v Yoax, Junr 27, 1857.

rpHE HOARD of DIRECTORS of thi. BankX here thU day declared . *eml annual DIVIDEND of Foa(4) l'ci Cent, payable on and alter tbe l*t uf July next.

_JOHN PARKER, Cashier.

1TOE PARK BANK-DIVIDEND..A semi-aaaaal DIVIDEND ef FOUR TER CENT on the capital

.lock betlhi* day been declared, payable on tbe lOtfa day of Julynext. The transler butdi* will be rbes-d from the let until tbel- ptoaitao..New-York, June JO, 1857.

_('HAS. A. MACV, Caehler.

Orrtcr. or thi MaBQIjnrTa1 Inacran,.!- Co., {Cemrt Fulton 4 Greenwich ats., N. York, July 6, la'4i. }

I^HEWARD of DlUEOTOl.S haveTHIS DAYX de, 'ared e SEMI ANNUAL DI \ 1DEND of Ten (10) PerCent, pay sh e oa end after Jaly llth. The trat.iter book* willbe rloaetl uoti! after that date. J. L DOUGLAS. SVc'y.

JJEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD 8EVEN< PER CENT BONDS.-The untletaigaed offer fat aal« the

BBVEM PER CENT COUPON BONDS of thi* Companv(lata l**ur). having twruty yean to rua. letnrest payable aeuif*'*»'-"* tia* «r*t day* of February aud A., gust, at the Cot*-pai.y'a Ag.t.. > la tell oily. DUNCAN, SHERMAN A Co.

^tTTY OF QÜIHCY. ILLINOIS..The C00*>\J PONS of the CITY OK O.UINCY, do- l*t July, will bepaid** our other es anc1 tt Mr-^d at WOODRUKF k Co.

OgtH' at vat* (lu.i WKatiav Uatraaacr. Co, >Greet Wtwtrra Builduatw. :u Piue.-at.. N Y 22.1 Juu*. 1857 J

I^IIE Semt-Aruiual Iutereet Dividend on the¦ Capital Stock of tie- GBKAT WKSTK'.RN MARINE IN¬

SURANCE COMPANY will lar paid at thi*. ffic .n aai afterl*t of J; 'y. The Transfer Bo k* will be cW I till that date.



Weil et-New York.Jutjr «. DOt.-DIVIDEND N JtlCF.The Boarrd of Director* of this (. mpany Lave tiiltdiv 1,t-laird a DIVIDEND of SIX (f) PEB CENT out of tati- g. of t» e road for the last all months, pitableon aalafl r

the IJtb lea*., to Iba- stockholder* or their l.-f*l reprcoulativ .

whotAC'e ' a' t> e V . u« < -I. I h. k. r ..!, e.,

4l^*«U«: AUGtsTl » HOFFMAN. Tr-.


ADRIAN II MULLEIt. A-.-tior.t. will *>U.mimt tVgiaAM ITOCKtm Asse**«**,** Ute Mm

chenfa' F.xehsnge in lh« .".ily of N-»w York, .-a V* EDSF-sUkT,Ulf Hb «Ut of July, at 'H «'rlo-k. neoieiv

f. \ iriiale 6* Coupon Hon««. 11*. and '87»C I ..istsaabs. Coqprm Kendl 1*67, 'W, '«4 an! '**f.« («c To: neas«e 6«, Co'ipoo Bond« '»Ä. M.tsJO ( a:iforoi*7s. Coupon Bends IM6I *nd 187f11 . » Sf rka wiii be MM by virtue of M a*t of the re!

Awen,My of the S'ete of Illinois, entitled .' An net to establish. General Systsm of ile-iking." said St .cks b»mg tb» Assets ofUm >'¦¦¦ k tii rttf Hvi.k Danville, lümoie. now in liqn.datioa.

JESSE K OVBOU[2.214] Auditor of the State of Hi- .i

|fabircb*'BaviaoalaaTiTfTioa eeraerMae eudftti at

DIWDEND NOTICE..Hie Trustee*, at thi«h .titntia*stave declared a DIWDEND at the rate of

IIX If) I'KR CF.NTcm dep.4lt* between 05 and »'s», andFIVE < U aa larger ¦¦¦ i payable after WEDN'FSDvY. tldii -t i AT dividends not drawn wiil b* added t<> the principal,and I e«r intereat n such.

By order. THOMAS B. STILI.MAN. Preside, t

|saA( T Smith, Se r>»ary_

DIVIDEND..The Jonin City Imumm ('<.¦'OhV . No. 1 Montgomery it.. Jersey City. Cth JuIt. 1857'

It. t'..ard of Directors, nave tbi. dsv declared a SE.Ml-A.N-M AL DIWDEND of FIVE (M PER CENT, payable on itmend. JESSE PAL lm1er. Secretary.

J' racy City, July 6. 1857._^^^^^^OtfTON, CONCORDüd MONIREAL RAILROAD COMPANT.-Tbe COUPONS ou the Bunds of

. Compabv. one 1st .Inly. 1R57 will be paid byJ. A. UNDERWOOD k SON, No. 18 Exchange place.

OFFICE PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANV.No. 88 WUl st-NEW York. June 30. 18.57 -The Semi-

Annual Intereat on the CONVERTIBLE BONDS of thi*Ci mpany, due on the lit of JULY, will bv paid on the pr. sen-

ration of the Conpona at the Office of the Company, on andafter that date. The Bo.-a. for the trauafer of Stock will beclosed from THIS DAY totb« 7tb of July inclusive.


Omer or the Michigan BOVTsTBU AM9 Northern)1- ,n. Railroad Company, No. 18 William st. >

Nrw York, Jone29, 1857. )

THE STOCK TRANSFER HOOKS of thisCompany will be rioted on the ».:.- June, at 3 o'clock

p.m. preparatory to the establishment of a Registry of the

Mei k M the Company, and will open on the 20th day of July.By order of the Board,_J. M. HOPKINS, Secretary-

Omer or tht fieeci*! Fiee-Insi-raik e C». iCorner of Canal and Thompson «ts. J

AT «n ELECTION held at the office of the Com¬pany on the 18th June, bet, for Director* of this Com¬

pany, the following named Gentlemen wore chosen for the en¬

suing year:Richard Varii k, Henry Demare.f, David F Baker.D. Jackson Steward, James S. 11 ron wer, Matthias Bloodgood,Fri eine» Campbell, Jot ham C. Meeker, William Moir,Samuel Birdaall, Solomon Banta, Edward D Nelson,Edward L. Lynch, George Warner, Mattloet Clark,Peter R Christie, John W Lewis, Christopher Owyer,James S. Lewis, Tbomaa Williams, John Moneypeuny,Cornelius St-phens, Edward P Clark, William Hertrel,Sin on Shindler, Mortimer Browu, William M. Wilson,Um D. Waitbum, Philip J. Bonesteel, Abraham Lergttt,John P. Yelverton, Alfred Barmoro, Lyman Chspin.Gideon De Angelis. Ahm. R. Van Nest,At a subsequent meeting of the Board. RICHARD VARK K,

can . * as unanimoutly reeiectud President. New York, June20, 1S.',7._W. F. UNDERHILL, Secretary.

Bank Department, Albany, July 13, lkVV

JOTICE iB hereby riven, ptirstiant to tlie stallte1 in auch case made ana provided, that all the circulatinges i.sued to W. B. PECK, an individual Banker (FARM-

MIS' HANK OF HAMILTON COUNTY, Arietta),' must hopeaented at the office of the Superintendent ot the Bankingicjmrtiru rt of the State ( New York for payment, within two

years from the date hereof, or the funds deposited for the re¬

demption of the circulating notes issued to the said Ranker willkssSVag tip. M. SC1IOONMAKERjvl7 lawTu2


TNew-York, June in. 1177.


crii -.d cepilal .tock of this Bank, lias fn-eii ordered by Jhel!<-nrd of Directors to be called for, payable on the 1st day ofJuly next, with interest from May 1, last. Any stockholdermav have the option of paying the remaining r|i5o per share re¬

quired to make full psid stock, between the Ist und 10th of July,by «<id!i:g interest as above. R. S. OAKLEY, Cashier.

InAST RIVER SAVINGS BANK, No. 3 Cham-J ber*-»t., two doors from Chatham at .Opun every day from

lu o'clock a m. until 2 o'clock p. m., aud on Thursday eveningfrom I to 7 o'clock. Six per rent interest allowed on sum*

fiom $5 to 05011: 5 per cent ou eiiuis over All sums de¬posited on or before the lith of July will draw interest from th«

1stPETER H. TITUS, President,Chai. A. Wiiitvrv, Secretary.

M-~ A~R IN E r 8' SAVINGS INSTITUTION,3d av., corner of Pih-st..Deposits made on or before

SATURDAY, the llth of July, will bear Interest from tbe firstofjulvat tbe rate of SIX per CENT on sums of 01 to 0'HKIiand FIVE per CENT on sums over t>5Cti. Bank op<-n DAILYtn m «i o'clock a. m to 2 o'clock p. m.; and on WEDNESDAYand SATUBDAY from B to 8 o'clock p. m.

THOMAS B. STILLMAN. PresidentP W Pacs >

Isaac T. Smith, Ser'y. Chs».'Milis, ) vi'-' pr' *id' ,,t''

o/llii M l*MB HotTSATOXII R MLnosn Compan t, 1RRinr.rpoRT, Juue 28, 18i7. J

VOTICE to BONDHOLDERS..The COU-lV PONS due on the 1st prox. on the Bonds of this Companywill l>e paid on presentation at the offies- of KETCtiUM,MOW I £ Co., in the City ol New-York, or at the Treasurer**office in the City of Bridgeport.At the animal mi eting of the Stockholders in February last, it

was resolved to pay off in rash 050,000 of the out standingLords falling due Jan. I, 1K58, fmru the net income of the roadin 11:57, and to create a m w issue lor the balance, bearing dateJan. 1, 1857, ot + .'>> "o which should retain the same perfectse. nrtty w blob bad been given for the original Bond, of 0300,-Otki, of which new issue it was decided to make *>'0,000 payable.Ian. 1, 185H. t >.i Jau. 1, lfcbO. 051',000 Jan. 1. 050.000Jan. 1, luvend OaO.IHH) Jan. 1. 1863, and thua extinguish the» I.' le mortgage debt within the period prescribed. In pursy-anci ol thia resolution the New Ronds have been prepared audalnady negotiated to the extent of OUMjOaW, ehlei] in ex¬

change for the old bonds, which have (eaa canaeled andcharged off. leaving 091,000 yet to be exchanged or otherwisedisposed of Holders of the remainder of the old boaxdg are In\ ir. i to exHiniue the new issue, and to exchange for them theirold bonds, should they feel disposed, and on such terms that tbein\ eetnxeal w III pay them I: per cent per annum.The New Bonds iH-ing pea able at sundry It will be seen

that those w rs'liternplate exchanging will have a betterchoice now. as to the time during which they may wish to con-

timie the investment, than by deferring it to a later period.Exchanges enn be made with Messrs. KETCHUM, HOWE kCo., N'-w-York, or with the undersign'd at Bridgeport.

H NICHOLS, Tn-eenri-r.

1^1 IE TRUSTEES ol tlu« IRVING SAVINGSINST1TITION have ordered that interest be paid deisos-

ltors fin the la.t three and six mmitbs ending June 30, 1857, atth> rate of fi per reut on all sums entitled thereto, payable on

and after MONDAY, 2uth July. All interest will be credited to¦leisisitots aa principal.

WALTER W. CONCKLIN, Presideiit.V, L. Bl'XToN, Secretary.IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. %1 Warn mat., near Orecnw ich.Open daily from 10 a m te

XOsffj, und 4 to 7 on Mondays, Thursdays stid Saturdays. In-- icst ot 8 per cent on sums from rbl to* s>500. DapeOM madeon or t. lore the llth will draw iuterest from the 1st.


MV'li^l^hicoPre.iaen,..V. L. Bl'xtok. Secretary.


OT HERS, No 516 Broadway opposite the St. Nicholas HotelMoney deposited on or before SATURDAY, llth July, willdraw inter) at fr< m 1st July.Open daily from If to 2 oVlm k. and Tuesdays, Thursdays

and Saturdays from 5 to 7 o'clock p. m.MOSES fat GRINNELL, Preahb nt.

Amiri w Warner, Secretary.

\|E(TIANK'.S' and TRADERS' SAVINGSiTl INSTITUTION. No «f Oraud st, corner of Will.-: -IOi-ii Monday. U e.lnesdav, Thiirsdsv und Saturday. SIXPr H CENT INTEREST on "sum. from +5 to »5tO.H\K PER CENT on sums over 0500 All sums d« positedprt vious to the llth ot July will draw- interest Crom the 1st.

ALFRED T. CONKLIN, Tres»urer.James P. HatciiT, Secretary.

ROSE HILL SAVINGS BANK, corner of 14th-st. and 8th av .All sums from 05 to +]'->. depoaited in

this Rank on or before the 10th July next, will DRAW IN-TF.REST at 6 per ceut from 1st Julv.

WM F. HÄVEMEVER. Pr...ld.-sit.JAS R KEELER, Vice President

Jacor RRlNEFRHoir, Secretary.OrricE or the Commissioners or the Sheivc Fi nk. )

IxniAaAPoLis, Ian., Mat 2,% 1857. I


CAPITAL .The Commissioners or the Sinking Fund will re¬ceive sealed proposals at tbe office of Messrs. W1NSLOW,LANIER A Co., up to WEDNESDAY, the eighth day of July,1HV7. f. .i the sale to them of Two Htiudred Thvusand Dsdlars, orsir. less amount of Bonds of the State of Indiana, Issued torBank Capital, bearing Five per Ceut interest and falling due tu1054, 1865 or HXA which, if the offers are acoepted, will be paidfor on the following day._E. DUMONT, President

DISSOLUTION.-Tlio firm of DREXEL,SATHER k CHURCH, of San Francisco and Sacrameat.

4 alifomia, is, from this day, dissolved by limitation, F. M.DREXEL, of Philadelphia, retiring tuensfrom.W. ssrs SATHFR k CHURCH, aa per advertisement bolow,

v. lil continue tbe business as heretofore, and are authorised tocollect and settle all claiau* lu California, and F. M. DREXELw ill scttli the business ou the Atlantic aide.Any outstanding drafts will be paid on presentati.m at Lb*

rcipectivt places upon which they are drawn.F. M. DREXEL,P. SAT1IER,

June», 1857._


NOTICE OF NEW FIRM.P. RATHER and E W. CHI RCH have this dav formed a

»«aartnerebip under toe name of SATHER k CUl'RCH.audwill continue the RANKING BUSINESS, as heretofore con¬ducted by the late Srtr. ^ P. BATHER.Sau Francisco, June 23, 1857. E. W. CHURCH.

SATHER k CHURCH. Bankers.Corner oi Rattere and Clav sts.,

Draw BILLS OF EXCHANGE at sight in sums to soil, asfollows:On New fork.Paysble at tbe American Exchange Bank.Ou Bsartou.Payable at Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank.On Philadelphia.. .Parable by Brexel k Co.On Reitiiaor*.Pa>able by Jobustoa. Bros, k Co.Ou Cincinnati.Payable bv A J. Wheeler, esq.Ou St. Louis..Payable b> Haskellh Co., FUi hange Bauk.Ou Pittaburgh. Pa.Paysble bv E. V. Jones, csq., CashierOn Louisville. Kv.Payable by A. V. Unat k (VOn Chariest*!*),S.C 1'avablr bv II. W. Connor k Co.On N. Oilcans, La Payable by Brown, Jobs-won h C >.

Also. Fx. hange on LolldoUFiaukfort ou thr Maine. ) ,.,_Mnitga.t. (te-rmauy.

P.,r. h..e ( FFTIFir ATFS OF DEPOSIT and other FX-4 II ANOE at c urvrut rates, and traatsart a a-ssrsl b.vnki SOHI SINES*. P SATM ER. l_ _

F W. CHI RCH. i sla 'raaeaaoo.

M_K. DAVID Dl'NCAN hat THIS DAY bo-eatnc a a*etnber ot o r bras.

DCITCAN SUFRMVNh Ca^ew Y*rk. Ju'gi. lovr

H ¦> DtrARtvEsT, State o» Niw Y'»**,. )BJ.BABV J Iii jr 1. 1157. (

nPHE MIDDUSTOWli BAN Kl hu» this dir filed.1 ln'n..<fTvr a ti.etre of th* *ppotntn.»-it of THK PARKbsNJi o »he f ilj ot New York, ** ag- Lt for th' rcdrmptiouat itt cir-ulating not-a, tugcthr- «iti a r, tcoetion of IM ap-

I -.Hu t »f Tb» Iforth River Baak at im b agent agreeable to

ti e Ott entitled "Ab art to ¦»"ml th« ¦.»-.». ecti reitst****'tor[ Banks Banking Auw itt wns BBil lBdmd-.el

litnkcr. pasted AP" |7-SJA Mr:a M. COOK. Superintendent.

BANK FAILlT.Es . south boyaltoxBANK OK \ KRMONT-N .tea on tbr abur Buk er- at F.\AN.s- EXTENSIVE CLOTHING W4RE-HOl SE. N *. 66 ar.d I» Fi.itM. at et ItCSsBtBOB that, 1o!;»i, hltuito» tit for 3-muv r Clothing,.

(tuatx Skumtro. iCc.

roval mail steamship lebanon..ete. Consuners arr informed »hat th« LEBANON uiUcom-.BBg llaahtlBaalg on WEDNESDAY MOR.MNO. tbr >tbhart. All rooda lor which« arr Bot res atTi » (D bat arnt

t.. tbr Butidrd \\ airhouu Jrrecv Ci't. and be tubieet t<>

tie._t, CUSARD. No « Bowling Green.

For liverpool.Steamship lebanon, T.k. Commander.Thia new and powerful atcaner will

tail lim. thr Bri'iah and North Amernan Royai Mail »amParket Company a Dock, at Jereey City, ou THURSDAY, the» th ictt., at 1 o'clock p. m. Pesiage-money for tiratrlae* pa«« :ers only, fi r whom thrrr ia rxrellent acommodatiun, »75,including proviair.n» and (teward'a fee. but witboi.t wioaa or

tiqtMn, which an t«e obtained onboard. FreUht taken at rea

.onable ratet. Apply to E. I IN AK II. Ma 4 K »hn» Green.

FoITlTVERPOOL..The New Umted* StataeMail SletmsMo COLUMBIA. M. Brrry, Commander, will

defart with ttv I nitrd Slatet Mailt for Ea'rope, ptitirely on

SATURDAY July 1«, at 12o'rloek m.. from her berth at thefoot of Canalst. For freight or paaaage, bating utrqualed ac

ummodetii ai for elrtanoand comfort apply toEDWARD K. COLLINS, No. 5« Wall rt.

Pattengf ri will pirate he on board at 11 o'clock a. m. AM let¬ters mint peat through tbr Pott-OOVe | any otbert will be re¬

turnedNotice .The tteamw of thit line have water tight oompart-

gnentt.The ATLANTIC, will tocrerd the COLUMBIA and tall on

the 1st of Antust, and the BALTIC, the 1Mb of Angutt.No expente hag been tpered to make the shipt of thit Use la

all rreprctt as i - as new. The thorough examination giveatbrra provri their mr>de of ronatrurtien yet uorqualed.taiTEAM between NEW-YORK and GLASGOW.k 7 .KDINBUROH, t.50n tuna, William Cumarine, Cogamta-der; HEW-YORK, 2,150 tunt, Robert Cralg. Commeodr*-|GLASOOW, I,<«2 tutu John Dimcan, Commander. TV OUt-gow and New-York Steamship Company intend tailing thesenew tad powerful iteeiaert from New-York to Oletgow dareot,as foklowt:

rioM »Em-roix. raoat c.i.ascow.New-York. Saturday, June 2", 12 noon. Edinburgh. ...June 0.Bdinbnrgh. Saturday. July II, 12nooa. Olatgow.July 1Glatgow, V < dneiday, Aug. 5, 12 noon. New- York.... Jaly 21.New-York. Saturday. Aug. 22, 12 noon. Edinburgh....Aog. *.Ediuburgli, Saturday, Se|t 5, 12 noon. Olatg.w.Sept ».

raves or passace.First Class, B75; Tliird Class, found with Cooked PrsTitioaa

9-Sn. Ab experienced Surgeon atta. bed to each Steamssr. Forfreigtit or passage apply to JOHN McSYMON, Ne 17 Broad¬way New-York City Bült or Gold only received for Pa**avge-


NEW-YORK, SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON sud BREMEN.The magnihrent British ateamahipt

QUEEN OK THE SOUTH..Capt. Beel.2,221 tunt bordrtLINDIANA..I ait. Baker...2,*Mtuui burden.

AROO.Capt. Benson..2,314 tunt burden.JASON.Capt. Britton..2,667 tunt burdea.

Owned by the European and American Steam Shipping Co.,of Londrn and S< nthatnpton, an- appointed to tali from NEW-Tf)RK on rvery alternate WEDNESDAY for LONDON andBREMEN, toüchiog at Southampton to land paeeengeri aadmails fot England aud Kram e. They will remaia one day atLondon and then proceed to Bremen. Returning, they_will leaveBREMEN for NEW-YORK < u every alternate SATURDAY,atopfiing only at Southampton.These steamihips arr of the flrat class, and have auperior atv

c<in,modatioiia for passengers. They will take a liiniteu uauibefof third rlast or steerage passengers.A surgeon it attached to each ship.The ratra of freight to London will be but little higher tha

thoae of aailing si. j a.

rate1 OS SASSACt.Fkrst Cabin.0*» Second Cabin_&50 I Steerage.BS*The .t. amship AROO will sail from New-York on WEDNES¬

DAY, June 24, and will be succeeded by the JASON, July I,end «LEEN OK THE SOUTH, July 22.For freight or passage, apply to

C. H. SAND, No. II South WnHem-tt,

SATURDAY.Ort, 1», laCTSATURDAY_Oct. 24, 1857SATURDAY.Nov. 7, lav?SATURDAY.Nov. 21, IftVTSATURDAY.Drr. 6,1857

rf«HK NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL UNITED1 STATES MAIL STEAMERS -The thipt eompottug thisllDe are:The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge.The BALTIC, Cept. Joseph Comstock.The ADRIATIC, Capt. Jaeica WestThese ships having been bellt by contra, t exprattly for the

Government service, every care bat beru taken in their con¬

struction, at aian in their engisri, to insure strength andtpeedtand their ace.mmndations for passengers are uueqtialled fur ele¬gance and comfort.

Price of pattage fron, New-York to Literpool, In Bret raMa,tf-130; In second do., 8)75. Exclusive me of extra tired stateroom. ajSiS. Krom Liverpool to New-York, 30 and 20 guinea*.An i xperie-ticf.-d surgeon attached to each ship. No berth* oaahe s,, nred until paid fur. The ship* of thi* line bare tiuprovtsdwater tight bulkhead*.

PROPOSED DATES OF SAILINO.raoM kkw-vork. raoat LivvKroon,

SATURDAY.July 4. 1837! WEDNESDAY.. July 8,183»SATURDAY.July 18, 1857! WEDNESDAY..July 71. IntoSATURDAY.Aug. I, 1RVJI WEDNESDAY..Aug. 5,1857SATURDAY*.... .Aug. 15, 1*57 WEDNESDAY. .Aug. Iis, U5ISATURDAY.Sept. 12, 18.j7 WEDNESDAY..Sept. 2, 13.91SATURDAY.S-pt. 28, 10571 WEDNESDAY..Sept. 30, 18.53


For Fn iitht or Paaiage, «pply toBDWABD K (YlLLINS, Nn. ffl \V«!l .t, hi Y.BROWN. SHIPLEY k Co., Liverpool.STEPHEN KENNARD at Co.,

No. 27 Auatiu Friart, 1. -n k aB. O. WAINWRIGHT it Co., Pari».

T)ie owners oI these ahip* will not be accountable for gold,aih-er, bullion, apecle, Jewelry, precious ttouet or metals, uulet*bills of lading are ligued therefor, and the value thereof re¬

pressed the rein.


boiM iron screw tteauahip*CITY OK BALTIMORE.2 »,:t t.s.C*pt. R. Leiten.CITY OK WASHINGTON....2,3lsitiiB*....Capt. P. C. Petria.CITY OK MANCHESTER ...2J(9tuua-Capt. J. Kennedy.KANOAROO.l,874tuua.Cept. Jeffrey.The undrnioted or other vessels are iutaanlrd to tail et

follows:From Liverpool.

CITY OF BALTIMORE.Wrdncdty.June WCITY OK WASHINGTON....Wednesday.July 1KANGAROO.Wedue*d*y.I # 15Aud every alternate Wedr.etday

Krom Nfi«-York.CITY OK ttALTIMORE.Thursday.I lly 9CITY OK WASHINGTON.Thursday.July 23KANOAROO.Tbnnday.August 6And every alternate Thursday.RATES OF CABIN PASSAGE.Krom New York and Piitla

deipbla, +7." from Liverpool, Jl guinext, 17 guinea*, and 15gnineat, eccirdiug to the accommodation In thr State Room*,all having tbe tame privileg-. In the MbBB, Iucludiug Stew¬ard's Fee a.Tbird Class pASsrecr.xs..A limited number of third elate

pe*seiiget* will be taken, and found in u. mach provisions at

required. Krom Philadelphia and New-Y.-rk, 04BJ| from t.iv-erp<d. »411.

Certifu ate* of patSBfe wii! be l.-i.rd h- re to parties who are

desiroas of blingfng out their friends, at eorrc.-poudiiK rate*.These steamers are constructed wi'h Improved water-tight

(Departments. Each vr**.-l rarries an experienced Surgeon,aud tveiy attention paid to the comfort au l arc uumodatiuu ufptstcngert.

Drafta on Liverpool from V upward.Specie taken by these veisela at usual rttrf.All gcr.dt si ut to the Agents will be 1 rwardrd with economy

and dispatch.For Freight or Pattage apply at the Office .f the Company,JOHN O. DALE. No. 15 Broadway, Naw Y. rk Agent, or

WM INMaN.Nq*. 1 aid 1.1 Tow.r Buildings, LiveeooolAgBat.

STEAM to SOUTHAMPTON and HAVHK..Tbe magnificent Itram*hip VANDERBILT, (,400 twaa,

arfll sail:Fr<HTi NEW-YORK for iFrons HAVRE sad BOJ/TH

BOlTHAMliTON k HAVRE. AMPTON for NEVV-YTJRB.Battardav.Aug. 1 Wednesday.Jaly ABew-rdsy.Sept. 12 Wsnlueaday.Aug )».

IWecueedey.Sept. 30.ratcB or pAttAoa.

First oabia, aeeording to locatioa of a'ate-room...0li*) to $l3k.Beeond cabin.07*Specie delivered In London and Pane.For passage or freight, apply to

D, TORRANCE, Agent,No. 6 Bowling green, New York.

Letter* for F.ntlanl and Europe, prepaid, each 25 cent* half oonce, (by iccloture of poctag* atampi if from otatte-H»s) will be received at No. S Bowling green. New-York, cpto lit c'clock of the morning of *aütng.

GREAT REDUCTION in FARE to EUROPE-Firat Cabin. 080; Second Cbtn. 05s and 055.-Ia the

nnt-rlitt paddle wheel etetunship* ARIEL, 2.0*3 tnne. tadNORTH STAR 1,500 tunt, to tall u ea Pier No. 3, North RiveretDiot.rrtd.riy. rairylng the UNITr'D STATES MAILS, viaiLeave NEW-YORK for SOUTH-1 Bremen for Sontbau.ptojAMPTON and BREMEN.



iitptoa*>r ITw-York.Wed.,Jely ItWed., Aug IIWed, Sept.

Passer,gets for HAVRE taken over without eatre charge.For passage or freight, tpply to

D. TORRANCE. Agent. No. 5 BowUngjrreea, X T.

oval mail steamship persia, forI IYERTOOL .The PERSIA. C. H. E. Jedkin*, oora-

mandcr. will sail from tbr stream with thr mail* and passen¬ger, tor Europe on WEDNESDAY, the 8tb in»t Luggage sotwanted during tar voyage fan be tent over the day before.A steamer will leave the Company's dock at Jersey City with

tbr pas»engen *t Si and 7 o'clock a m.The ARABIA will tail on tbe 22d July.

_E. CUNABD. No. 4 Bowling Greea.

Steam to soithampton and antwerp..The tplrndid and powerful new iron iteimthtp CON¬

STITUTION, E PiMiglu romruandrr. ttill aVpart for ANT¬WERP, iailing at SOUTHAMPTON, ou THURSDAY, Jul*16, rtom Pier No 30 North River.

rates or passage. ncURktM rxotisiovcIn first Cabin.0*0...... t.d in ,1,. 55

In third Cabin. 35This steamer has five wain'igi.t cmptttnient*, and larriet

an experienced «irteon Fi t freight or paasare. having *up.<i,.r¦i ;.. for and ateeregr peatnget«, *ppiv to

AUGUST BELMONT, No. 7 lUn,¦>. r

Crftinratei of pattage trO I* itatst d here to pert ire who aredfireni of bttnging out tbrir frieudt. et the twliowiag rates-

In first Cataia.OH*la aeeetKi C.Sis. an .

In third Cabin. fOloSttrrage. 35

PRINT8.-30QMADDER PBJNTBWo.Atdt.y. Fatale by

ratet Firat-rlaaa Latgjht aad DorkTm\ New etyle* casing la trsea ehee by NtSMITH k tNa, Me Tt Brjalwag

Öilca bn factionH \\ ii . is A jrti ei

AUCTION NOTICE..Mwiuiineut HOUSE¬HOLD FURMTI KI entern»*/ io !be story rr.i

dence No 2JC W est I4th Pdf sa> et poblie auction, tu- cetb,THIS IM,. July 7, Ii l*\ u clock, the enter* i .utents >f *a J

bouse. c>r.t stiug. io part, .leeoetly riaewood seven octave

Pleno-Fortc. licht» in.aid with peerI; two superior rosewoodParlor Suites, covered in §»110, »od two. «staut r..«ewood Suitestr. a-:k p'»w)> larrcd ro~-wood C- ater Iii Sof» Tsbiee, largePier and Oval Prr ach pl»:e Mirrors lieev» lace Window Curtaint end Con.i. . s rosewood Secretary Bookcase, lined witb

latinwo' d. eVgant o.srwood Pureres witk plate I es* doonasd kack: ralrat »r d Rin« i CargsrtBj elegant China \ eses.

Orwolii Clocks, Fanen and Bui'jue Figures, costly Ou Paint-in|a, embracing sa-iot;s subjerfa; together with . large andexte-siie variety of Dia<r»g-ru.»a Furniture, nag ExtensionTeblea nf in r.ud 15 feet Chit:* Tea and Dinner Seta, ivory and

pearl Cut.ery Silver Were, consisting of Tea and Dinner Service, Catt.r. Salver. Spoons FoBBe, Csk- Basket., heavy rrys-tel-cut Olaea Ware, Ite. Ala<>. all the Bedroom Furniture» hirh u of the moat o-tlv description ; richly carved rosewoodand mahogany Bedsteads. Bureaus and Waebs'ands to match:n sg. ihre-: French Chini To:!»t Sets; 1J pore hair Mattresses,Bo!,».rs and Pillows: Bed Spreads. bedroom Carpets. Mir-f 'fs Co bs; Stair Carpsti. O:! Cloths rosewood and bronre

I'a Stand;' Bssement r uroiture. '.. the whole of wbteb

was asastlj n s ie to order, and i» of rhe best J»tcr:p*.ioa. Theabove sale is positive._

A. at. Mbbwib, AuottotaaeeT BANGS, BKOTIIER Sc Co.-TTtvda StJe-Rooms, No. 13 Park-row.B


71 o'clock, by TUNIS MORRELL. Auctioneer, at Ho, ill

Broedwav. corner of W orth St..The attention of Speculatorsin the above, as a ell as all disposed to attend, is called to thissale, which shall give entire satisfaction to all the purchase rs.

TRADE SALE of 10.000 CAaen BOOTS. SHOESend BROOANn. at Aertinn, oa six months' credit.Oa

1 HURSDAY, July Id, le*7, at 9 o'eloek, at store of AARONI LAFLIN, Fine. It?!*, 171, 173and 175 Pearl at, Boston -LORINOa. PIJILLlPS. Auctioneers.Will be sold at PuWie Auction,10,'C" esses Boots, Shoes and Brogens, comprising a general assortment of frasb msaufacti:red and seasonable Good* sdaptedto the Sc.athera. Western, sud Now England Trade. Liberalprivileges will be given where there are Duplicates. Teems:A3 bibs over *28", six mouths, satiafeetnry notes; under +.<»i,

eesh. less 4 per cent. Catalogues and samples reedy for exam¬ination on Monday Morning. July 13

Dm (ßooös-

BLEACHED GOODS..1.000 caae-i, coiupraitifevery width sad quality, for ssl» by

NESMITH k Co., No. 71 Broadway.

BROWN GOODS..tjOO bait* heavy, ruedi'iiand tine, for sale by NEfJMITi! h Co.,

N.. 71 Broadwas

ellNA, Calcutta, Manilla and Emm IrniiaGOODS, wholesale and retail. A full assortment Baa

ONLY be found at FOUNTAIN'S India Store. No. «53 Broadway. Also, a large assortment of Pine-Apple G >odi.


MANTILLAS, POINTS, BASQUES, ETC.,All marked down to Wholesale Prices.

Old No. 51, new No. 300 Canal at.,I sud No. 63 Lispeuard'st,

NE WEEK MORE F55 CHEAP DRVGOODS..As the builders are not prepared to cotntucuce

alterations before Monday the 13th,LEBOI TILLIER BROTHERS will ke. p their Canal at.

Store op.ii UNTIL SATURDAY NEXT, wb.u It must berinsed to rebuild. They will offer all goods at the lowestpll. es possible.LAW NS, OROANDIES. BARSOI ROBES, SILKS, RIB-

RONS, SHAW LS and an iuim. use assortment >f uil.roiJ.iridCollars, Setts, Bands, Ice.

No. 305 (old No. 60) Csnsl-st, 4 doors from Broadway.

ROCHDALE, GONIC and ONTARIO BLAN-KET8..A large apartment of the Blanke'.s nude at those

Mills, consisting ol !>, 10, 11, I* snd 13-4, ill wo«! and unloa;also, Crib, Negro and Coating Blankets, and I'.orse Kerseys.

Foe sale h> NHSM1TH It Co., f o. 71 Broadway.

SEAMLESS HOSE..A complete) aaeortment ofAH W ool and Union HALP-HOSR, manufactured at the

United States Seamless Hosiery Company's Works, constantlyon hand. These goods are made with double heuls ami toee,said are equel to anything of the kind rvermade. For sale by

NBSMITH fe Ca., No. 71 Broadway


Twlat SHIRTJNO. For sale byNESMITH a Co., No. 71 Broadway.

Clotijmg.IEFFBBI,tf No. 467 BROADWAY,

LADIES' FRENCH SHOES.JEFFERS hss just opened a magnificent stock of Lediss' and


which he would call the espei ial attention of his customers, audwoeld iuvite a visit to his establishment from Coautry Mer¬chant*. His wholesale stock is equal to any demand.

£nilMng iHaUrialo.

ENCAUSTIC TILES.For Vestibule,-, HaJJb.Hearths, Dkalag rooms, Conservatories. (k*> OA RN KIRK

CHaVMRY-TOPS. DRAIN-PIPES, ha For aale by_MILLER k COATEH No. 3TH Pearlat, N. T.

GARNKIRK and AMERICAN CHIMNEYTOPS: also, best Glared aud \ .trim d DRAIN PIPES, at

Long Islsnd Pottery Depot, No. gt Nassau st E. U. QUINN.





LYONS MAGNETIC PILLS,For the Destructlou ofRATS and MICE.

Principal Depot No. 424 Broadway. Beware of Peddler*.Bewareiof Counterfeit*.

LOVET* WAHPENE, an Indian V^pSSExtrs. t, the only prepsratioa that w ill restore gray balr to

Ita original rotor, cure baldness, and remove alt scurf auddandruff from the scalp. All orders promptly attended toat No. 85 Blee.k. r st, where ref. is-n.e will Ik- girt n.




JUJUBE PASTE ke.At Wholesale <r. the lowest tertus. 1 0. IIODGKINS,

Msr.iiaacturer. No. 154 (ire. um ich, bet. Courtl&ndt aud Liberty.N. B A small vacuum pan lot sale.

inarijinnrrt, #c.

MACHINERY..\V.hsi1worth Plan.'rn, Steam En¬gines, Sew Mills, Engine Lathes. Drills. Steläa. H u rs,

Machine Belting, ke. For .ale at the Machine Warehouse. No.

Itj Greenwich street._A. L. ACKEMAN.

PAPER MACHINERY CHEAP.-A u""k1 «ixty-two ineb Cvlinder Ma. bine. A small aKatxaj i.ngiue to

drive it. A rood Rag Engine. Also, Gesring, I' - '.

JESSl P 4. MOORE, No. 27 North Ctb St.. Philadelphia.

Paints, CDils, CSlaeo, «^c.

REFINED LARD OIL, for Bumto« and Ma-chiuery free from gum, bums brightly, d'>es not rut the

wick. Also, CObURN PURE TALLOW OIL, which willoat wear Sperm, stands eolder weather and burns well. Wag.ranted as above. Bsrrels 3" ro 40 gallons. Only Ag^nt,

_JOHN W. QCINCY, No. MB VVdüw-s*.


WHITE LEAD,dry and In oil. Importers aud Crushers of Linseed Oil. Fun.Wliite Zinc Paint prepared from the best French Oxide, andground In rrt ! LinssedOil. Red Lead and Litharge of extrsfine quality. 1 he trade and rornsiimers supplied on the nine'

Uberal terms by ROBERT COLGATE h Co.,Ueaeral Agents for the Compxoy,

No 287 Peart St. New York.

Gtpamboatg ano Uailroaös.OrriCE or the New Yobk axo Nrw-llAvrv RsilbosdCo i

No. 37 Canal-st, New-York, June 22 1B57 {

NOTICE..Owing to the inclentoncy of theweather having retarded the work apon the new depot at

27tb-et the bsuisge of the passenger ears of the New-York andNew Haven Railroad Co. to and from Caual st. will eonunueantil Wrdnosdav, the 15th day of July next, and be diaoon-tun ed en and sfter that date. J. jj, HOYT, Sup't

TtfEW-YOEK and CONEY ISLAND, landinx; atll FORT HAMILTON -The nevj* and splendid ateTmerAURORA. Cspt. Anaiag Smith, will leave as follows for the.ea.on. Amos .t. at »| a. m , I2| and*34 p. m.; Spring st at 31a. an. and K'l and ¦ p. m Pier No. 3 North Riser at 10 a. m'.ud 1 and 4 p. m; Cones I.l.ui, last trip, at bl p. m Fare toF<at Hamilton snd Coney Island, 25 cents.for which a retrraticket will be gis. n. Full fsre for children.

INDEPENDENT LINE between NEW-YORK,X BOSTON PROVIDENCE, BRISTOL snd NEWPORT .Stesmer GOVERNOR Csnt Chss Heering, will leave New-Test from Pi.r No. 27, foot of Rcdrvison st. N R everyTUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY, st I o'elo«» p a

Fare beta een New A ork aad Boston.g>3Pieigbt taken it reduced rates.

W .H BYRAM, Agent on th | Wbxrf.

CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY..Connectiai at New Hampton wl'b tie Delaware Las-ka-

wanna and W esters Railroad, and at Kastoa with the Letuxnvalley Rail-rmai.


11'MM E RA RR ANOF!MENT.Cearaeadag Maylt.tW.-« ?w"!I'i?'k for *-"Iöu *nd Intennedlau p!aa«i froa Pies52" .HoTtb M'T""r aSTsta», mt. ttm. snl3 a p. m tor aVMavasrW» byabo.e trains, audat 5;15p.ok,

^ '

The above »rams aaaaect at Et.rah-.u wl'h tratos oa the

Q<im*lmit-*t at 7:» and . a. m aud i » an 1 p cm.

rassenger. faf UeUelewsra Lstehaaraaea aal Weetera BVsaVeoadartli lean a* 7-BO a an esjiy For Lsaklgk a.,-. Rallo^tat Ita oedy. JOHM J Vr* SM« *>sar-.

I?OR GUV COVE, OLE* WOOD,' Bttwlaf*) Landing.SLIGHT'S DO« K. WHlt^ON*.GREAT fjlUn Hid SAND'S POINT BlPt99"CROTON, Cap* V» II Wood.ber,«t,ttel aa*a brtefott "4 Spwt* wi. ru

PHrK SI !I' . tho above point*. !. »»«b O'» ¦* W*'JL *J&«. co. enJ OLKN COTE at 7 e tad NE W-TOR It «*

Inm. T7i. Bob: «ü! ilHlli. on or ebont th» let July. to

run DxuU- Trp« affording a f .-Man' <*il to tb- veriou* p >int* I

.n the root*, DM Public II .t*.s tad Or nd* «'. whii ii ».-<. 00» I

ha complete order tor eUitora Pan? t Glen Cqv*,3 «b-.l.iag*. I

)R KIRK INLAND.-On and .*lW .July :.. tbsnut 8' ttaerHERO wiDeaanaat reg ila.-lr with the Laaaj I

ItlaaM Ra Iraad morning and o»»mDg. tu aad fr..m Fire lalan 1 I

PatMlBlin llaalatllT Vorhat» a iil and 3 30 p 111 .» ib Tbomp I

ton, and, -Suing, einte iu New-York *l9:2u a m. a.idip. ¦ Ire.prcti» W.



FÖiTbosTON and PROVIDENCE m NHW-jT PORT and PALL BIVER--r.i* «pieiidid tu i aapetior I¦teemer MFTROPOI.IS. Capt. Bniwn, leave* New York I

,rr'v TtTESD \ Y. THI'HSDAT and .SATURDAY, at I «'dock Ir tal; ant the »MPIRE STATE. Capt. Hravton. leave* Now- IYork *r*ry MONDAY, WEDNESDAY an 1 FRIDAY, at* Io'eicek r. from Pier No. 3 N. R near the Bit".7 both I

toe. birg %t Newport each wiy. IHereafter no roomt wlU b~ r-ttr1 1 is te,- ired to any appsV I

tut anti! the tajre thai! hare bee«i. paid for |Freight to Bortoa it forwarded tor Jib with treat iBipetoh by

an Exnret* Freight Train _

WM. BORDEN, Agant, gat. To aad 71 Weot-ti^ I

FOR BOSTON, via NORWICH and WOB-jT CESTER.Daily at *> p. m.. from plm i»t of Conrtlan*' I

gt, by tbe favorite »teemer CONNECTICUT. Wra. WTe»a on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, and be Ithe new and splendid steamer COMMONWEALTH. Capt WO IHaan, on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, to I

Allyn't Point; thence by new and handeomelysfinisod^ ala-teenwheeled cart for Worcester. Boeton, Provldeiico, Lew- I

l^nce, Lowell. Naahi-a. Cmcrd. White Mountain*, end every I

other ac tion of New-EutlanJ. Stateroom* can be eu*eg«d b' japplying on board, or to E. S. MARTIN, Ageat, et bit

foot of Cuurtlendt rt._ I


tbe ahortett and most -Hreet.carrying the Eatteru Mail.The ttetmert PLYMOUTH ROCK. Ctpt. Jeel Stone, end I

C. \ ANDEKBILT. Ltpt. W. H. Frarer, in connection wit* |the St'.uiugton end Providence end Botton and Providence IRai'.roali. HailM New-York daily, S lt.. excepted, fros* IFler No. 2 North River, firtt wharf tbove Battery place, at I Io'clock p. m., and St ,-t u at 2:30 p. m., or on the arrival of Itbe mail train a hieb leavne Botton at 3:30 p. m.

Tbe C. VANDERBILT. from New York. Monlay. Wedaee Iday and Friday. From Stoninatou, Tuetday. Th-i.-sdey aas I.eturday.The PLYMOUTH ROCK. Beta New Tek. Titextia«, Taute I

dav and Saturday. From Stouuigtoo, MouJay, Wrd ietday. Iend Kj

P,.-.,.i -r. proceed from St-iniofton per Railroad to Provi Idnnee and Botton, in the Etprett Mail Tr«iu, tea« hing aald Ieiaoe in advam e of th»te by other routet. and in ample time I(it all tbe early moruing linet ttttXtXMOae North eud»Eaet. IPaetetiger. that prefer it remain on board the tteauier, eie-»y 1 IBdfht'i re.t unditttirbed, bn-akfatt if detir.-J, and leave St<<n- Ibxgton in the 7:15 a. m. train, couue, Uu| at Provideu?* withthe II a m. train for Boston.A bacia|,e matter aceompauiet the tteerner and trala thrrmsB |

each way. jFor pattage, bertht, ettte roomt or fr-lfht, apply on board tbe I

tteerner. or at the freight Otfiee, Pier No. 2 North River, or elthe office No. 1U Battery plai t I

FLUSHING RAILROAD.Leave* Fulton-Mar-k. t wharf, by tteamer Island City, at 6.ii, t end 10 a ca.,

and 1, 4 and 6 p. m.; the cert leave Flushing (L. I.) at the tame |boats, meeting- tu.l exchanging pattougert with the boat et IBuater'l Point. Through in 30 minuter Fare. 25 ceutt.


WM M SMITH. Receiver. I

REAT AMERICAN ROUTE vi» MICHIGANRAILROAD to Chictgo. St. Louis, Rock Itlsnd, St Paul, I

Mirwauk'-e, Kansas City, and all places Weaeand lo Hh-west, Irat Nrw Tork and Erie, New-York I'etitral, Araerl.-aa Lakt IShore, Orett Wettern Kailwty, end Michigan Soothem Reil- Iroads, forming the thortett, quieket, and most pleasant route tc Ithe Op at West. The Road between Detroit and Adriaa is now Iop- 11. and train, tat) r in connecting at Adrian withexpresa tralne Ito Chicago and the West. For further Information apply at the IComatuiv's Otfl. .-. No. 1Ü3 Broadway, for. of Dey tt.

_JOfl» F. PORTER. Agent

GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE.-The Through Ticket and Freight Offine of the



to Chicago, Milwaukee, Galena. Dubuque, Rock Island, Bor- I

Ungtou, tjnincy, St. Lonit, Cain. auJ Nebraska, andall other points West and Soutb-wett,


Comer of Coirtlandt-at._DARIUS CLARK, Agent.


Commeucing WEDNESDAY, Jon« 3. 1&57.Trtlnt leave Depot comer of White aed Centre-att: 74 a ax.- I

Croton Fallt Traut, connecting with Hoe of itagrt for Lake IMahopac. 9* a m .Kapresa Mail Traiu for Albany, connectingat Croton Fall with line of stages for Lake Mah.vpen, at Pardy't Iter Bidgelield. et Brewtter'a for Danbery. at Cliatham FonrCon ,-ra with Wettern Railraad for Albany, Trey, Saratoga and Idie West 24 p. m .Millettoa Train, ttopping at all atationt IH p. m..Williams Bridge Train, stopping at all ttationt. t>i p Im White Plaint Traia, itopping at til atationt.Leave 28th-st. Station: a} a m WiHiams Bridge Train. I

stopping tt ail atationa 11 a. m.Willlamt Bridge Traiu, atop |ping at til atetione. llf a m..White Plaint Train, ttoppiug et Iell ststiout. ..'« p. m..Wilhams Bridge Train, stopping at al Ittationa 3 p. m..Croton Falia Train, stopping at all stetlona I. p. m..Williams Bridge Train, atopping at all ttationt.

WM. J. l A MIT. HI. 1., Superintendeat.UDS0N RTVER RAILROAD..From Ma;25, W./7, traiut will leave Cbambera-at. Sution as followsi I

Express treiut, 6 a m. and 3:15 p. m Albauy Pataeuger tralne II a m., 12m. audS-JOp. m.; for Sing Siug, 10:30a. m and 4 1fog Pooghkeepsie, 7 am. and 1 lud 7 p m. 1 for Peektkill, 5.-S* Ip. m. The Foughkeepeie, Peektkill and Siiig Sing traiua ttor Iat tbe way tttiiooa. Pastengert taken at Chambers, Canal, IChrlatopher and Thirty firtt etreett. Traint for New York le»r* ITroy at 4:35, Band 10:40 a m. and 4:30 p m., and Albany et Ili45, 8:15 end 10:4<i am. end 4:40 pm

A. F. SMITH. Super!ttendent.


CITY..Mail and Bxprett Linet: Leave New-York t and Ii Ia m. and 4 and 6 p. m.; fare, $3; 12 m., $2 Bl ttopulng at a Iway stations. 11 and 4 go to Keuslngtoa. Through TsukeU Isold for Ciu, iunaU (*'.7 and »1* 50) aud the West, nod m IBaltimore. Washington, Norfolk, it, eud throagb b^ggag* Ithec'ted to WashiagtoB in I a ¦ and d p. in.

,W. WOODRUFF, Attltttnt Sup'L

No Beggtf* will be received for any train uulett deliverer Iend check*J 15 aanatei lo advance of the tame of leering


of the ProrideBee. Hartford aad Fishkili Bailroed will leave IHar'.forJ on the arrival there of tbe kitpreaa 'Train <sf the N* ./ ITurk aud New Haven, and New-Haven, Hertford aui.aring Ikid Rai.: «is whiah leave New York a . a aa. I

_SAMUEL NOTT. Superlatendent IlaJKW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD..Ofl>e atid after Monday, Jne 15. lim, and until farther.-e, IPwseugrr Train* wia tetve Pier 1 vu Duaneat., a* followe Itie. 1 I

DUNKIRK RXPRrtMS, .» 6 a. m., for Dunkirk.R1/I FAI.O EXPRESS, tt 6 a m for|B itTtlo.MAIL, at 9 a. tn., for Dunkirk aud Balfalo aai tnterme. 1

tlete aUtiona.ROCK1 AND PASSKNOER. at 3:30 p. m.. from foot at

Chemi en sr., rla Pletmont tot Suf/eru'* and lntenru-diaU IttetlouaWAY PASSEN0FR, at 4 p. m for Newbjrgh. MilJletown I

aad Int. riucd'ato statloiiaEMIGRANT, et 5 p. tu., for Dunkirk tuJ Bulxlo aud |,;t^r. I

gtrdttte attttiont. 1



NIGHT FXl'RESS, at 5 p.m., for Dunkirk, ev,-, y dayNIGHT EXPRESS, at5p. m., tor Buffalo, .-^e-r d.vThese Exprest Traint tonneot at KImira with -.o- Kliotre.

Otnandalgua and NlM*ra F».ls Railroad, for Niagara Falle-atBtnghamtou with the Syraee** aud Binghaiuton Railroad 'totSyracuse; at Corning with Buffalo, Cornmg, end Now-YorkBei1ro*J. for Rochester; at Great Bend with Delaware, Lack*wanna aad Westeru Railroad for Seranton; at Hortielltvui*with the Buffalo tnd New-York City Railrotd for Buffa'u-atBuffalo and Dunkirk with tbe Lake Shore Railroad for Cleveland, Cincinuatti, TJtdo, Detroit, Chicago ke.


»4TEW-Y0RK and NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD.IN SI MMER ARRANGEMENT, MAT 2«HM7 Patsonger Station, kn New-York, comer Br >edwayaadCeua. alreet, comer 26tb-*t. and 4th-avTRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK.For N*w-Hareu, 7 end I a

m., (ex.) 1 BttSLMa 4 (ex.) and4:30 p. m. For Brldgeport.7 andBt*a'.turd. Falihiiid, Southpott end Wettport 7am.: 12-SO

; i7 P .?- Kur Norwtlk, 7, B, a m.; U;*», 3:30, 4 (ex.)':iÄ. bV'J iJ.f-,.f?»B*ri« »"d Greenwich, 7,8, am.:12:3«, 3:30 4:3«,, ML ItlA p. m. For Stamford, 7, 2, (ex..Aa.m.; 12:30, 3:3«, 4 (ex.L 4:30, 5:15\ 6:15, p. nZ For P.^thMt S IB

luUrm,-di,te Stt'.lon*, 7,9, a m. j 12:30, 3:30, 4:30.C(jVNECTINOTRAIN8-For Borto0, 3 a. m., (ex.) 4. a m

(ex). For Htrtford *ud Springfield, t a m., («x ) tr^psm4,p BV. (ex). I-or Coaaectlcut River Reilroad, to Moot reel 8J. m., (ex.) and 4 p.m., (ex.) to Northemoton. For CanalBaifroad, B a m (ex.) and 12:3» p. m', to Horthiroploa. ror New- LoiuJon Railroad, 8 a m., 4 p. m ForBousatouic R*ilro.d/ 8* ra.. 4. p ta. For Naagatuck Rail-»^'«^.»»-. J*i»b»dS:», p.a. KorDxubury eud Nor-walk Railroed. 7, 9, a m., eud 4 p. m.

_JAMES H. HOTT, 8ap't


tenoBt AtJ w.y direct. Tha Road alto coa«e»et^lU.Äarttb daily line of Steemere to ell por.t la the Wette« ItiVeraS?^",^^ w'th ÄSla^iÄMtal**KNorth wertem Lake*; mtling the mutt direct, cheapei* aS

Rooka, Drv Good* (ta boxet, bale* and UnkVh \ n^'if*Drng* (In boxe* and bale*). Feather*, For* to.. ) 100

Ct.***..Domeatto Sheetiag, Shirtlog end 1TtcAiag (moriglntl bal.-tl, Druga (in oe.k.)rHard- ! «e **uua

TKU Lu'w'Jl*ke*'" bolM''^V'oW I Wo*Pbibb Cl*»» .Anvil*,' sVerl,' Cba'la*' Vka 'oasktV ) .Heap, Becoueed Pork. Salted (loo** or In sacks, > ^ r"l'-*9Tob*. co mauufiutured, eeoept Cigert or out, ke J **'..

FevaTa (Las» -Coffee, Flab, Baeon, Beef andiPork (in ea*k* or boxee, Eastward), Lari an-l I piqenteg*M&M Sod* Aea, German Ckxy Tw, f UaTfcPitch. Ro*!b, *.*.

' ')FLOOB-ai a> bbl. nutll farther notlee.K at a 58 ceutt f> lia> B until furtaer noMoe.

¦.JjJJJ-** aot eaeaeJjag 300 t» wetrfat. utfl Sartbe.Sa eblpptng Good* frnta aay point etat of PMladtipit* be ateB «".'« V" PT-'H» - Ftä Pena.rlvani» lUUW" %

Rood, oonngnej to tb. Ig-nt. ol taU Baad at Ptaiadalphta^»PltUbirga ¦ til be forwarded wlthat! deteatioaFari^ht Actkvx.Harrlt, Wormier ACo. Mline811 T

IF. See* k Co.. St. Loult, J. s Ml-foaeUA sT^CraatX'hi., Dum.anQL B>U a. Co aad Carter kH, t^M^PF-J ¦¦ C. Mt^driat. Madison. ltd.; Sprtgmau k Brjtm aaigS**t <^-.nmmmmmti H. W. teeettiraxAvtta ^TrninJKtl^tatS 2* « B^j^eTrOaT¦0. « Attoc Hatten Hew-Torfc. aad No. 1 lHtC - «*--'

%or- O-o C »ra0*i*rat* P^Wb,^


rar oheat central «o- wtv1 MiKtlnni " u >¦»! oo«ti«<»U»l P.U-» irst. w*t§

mavis u; i (rata St Low's, Mo AsJ"«., Gas*w* aad ( .»»«,.TB.: FranktOr*. ! 11p4' <. Mi TW.rü". By : Twrrw Ilten*.»all* 1. Ufey -iu wi I lud,».in» n ; CtaWn-xU IFay-o*.prtn«4-.J B»!M .uta:n«s, Ban »»«11 T-dedu Ctsveiasid r ,

.wxnbu« Zart, »rllli Meeeiitoa an) OH«; also «t»IbaMB »tu'».* a»aU frona and to N'alWa«, Dt Leeses,u-, .i.t - .¦ -I Or -usna*TbrouaB J »... 1' r the Esst oaa be ba4 at aar a< aa- eWsa>

¦uittil .. «d pieces Ib .«» West.Pesarngeig . «>I1 ''" « Vit *0 irVee«. snoss *t pediMosas m|

r,. .1 rtahie r >*tf betwca in* Saat sasd Waatf R.'M NsjW-YoRR TO CIN! 1NNATI in H HOOgRPROM NSW YORK TO CHICAOO IN * !I0I/r4~

prom OW VORK to 8T. LOUII im 0* HO' R*Fare tt l»w at by aar otbar Roste.e* Leu Ibtlls U. h* bJtels ¦>< tais sltyTkif««. <* f rtaer Worms*»*, mey b« kal at BV,

*J. ffb-PBNNiUVANIAlUILROAn.No. t Astor Hoiss«, Broadway.J. l. rix!ott *

[ONO ISLAND RAILROAD.fammr 4,.A raug-awens-tAS-aBdersexceptcsil-Treiueg.^ Lee*,

Brok.ya f.»r <ira-.p/wt at . a ... .»loaWo,4aia|*ia a, for Ki. rrt,.-»J at » a an. and 3:.*» P ¦.; for Noslh Isgtait Beat aad J:Mp n.; for Fermingdele at * a as., ä A sadIi ut .; for Syoeset at iv a *»., and 4 S> p m ; loa HaaapaeaadatI« a in 4, * aod « p Bs. far Jemao-e at I «ad Ida «v,aad 4, 4 hW, «. aa 11 p- aa._VEW-YORK and ERIF RAILROAD WitIV PANY'S EXPRESS.OBBrast Omca, N>. 1T5 Broad.ray N T -The New York aod Erie Ra lraad t^aapaay am

noworeoared to do a regular Express busim-s*.p ^ HOMEK KAMSDELL PraallaMCaaa. A Pi Wat, Bapt at» pre aa._MEW WIDE-GAUGE ROUTE fron. NEW-11 YORK to ROCHESTE!-The ROCHEBTBR aadGBNKSKE VALLEY RAILROAD Uaoa ones,. a»i. laja»BsftaOSJ wtth Ihr Buffalo, Coming and New Y..rk, end Nes».

Tork ard Krte Kaiiroeda, forma a dir~< rawta wwea New-Turk

'"t!^ oftblamnK t«wMW w'»b »h* taprrtor oaer-

fort UfllIii by Uie wide aara r-nl-n it oy far «a daatro

ble between the aboee named eiaietf ,k.-t.eenbep'oeered at the New York and Erie Railral

Ttoket OIBre. foot of Duaae et, and No ¦ Br^iway abw la

Jaraey City.Be«(a<e rh<-rfced thrmigh.-Fraiibta will oe trantp-rteg batwoau New Yoak aa«

aar witi disnatrb Any Informeii-a detlrel In regarä taaraai

hew Tort and Erfe Raüroai. Eri. Bi^lidalgl; or C. ». TATrAN.Hannaa Kr.-uli! Afent. No. lafl HroaoVa»TC tVabM ou -.he »utfalo. Coraina and N-w Y^rk Rat.road »loaJ.y J. A. REDMELD, 3 .^rlaUait-ag


ROMAN El E IPALSAM..Tliia cthhwtrf wii-edv tor weak aad Inflamed ey»» waa eonttantlt uaad, wtfb

abjMl warMI. hr a dutlujuiahed .v-nliat eunng a long proto«. m il arrct, ai.d ¦ ay be ronmtautlT relied upou at the PenLett »al».- that < au be naVaV In ra.e'a where the en II.It ara ia

('.mid it art* almoit like magic in relieving all irr.tatioo. audusually ettectt a cn plet. cure alt.r a few appl cali. n.

P.apar. d aud eold bv A. B. k D. SANDS. Drugaiata, Nj. 1J<Kulten tt., New Y..rk.

ITJater (Tnrc

MOUNT PROSPECT WATER-CURE, Bm<-bamton. Eight hour* ri'ie from the city by N. Y. and En*

Riilrosd > ialtort will titid thia one of the pleaaeuteat P'aeat la

Wie I'nlou. Board * I per week. AddrofgJ.H NORTH. M 0

Cejal Xoticco.

IN PURSUANCE of au order of the Summit*of the County of New-York. Notice i..hereby giv-o w all

p.r.e... haviaj claima agaiu»t ANDREAS TRY*, lateof tho

fity of New-York, grocer, d.-c--a«ed, to preaent the tame wiXa.

voarhrn thereof, |o the aubtcnber, at the »tore of E k. A.

BCHABBEHAR, No. 2J3 Hudtoi. nt. In the City ot New-York,on or Im fore the twenty tixth day ef ReptaBlblf uuat DatedHew York, the 23.1 day at Man*, ir»7.



oi 24 UwfimTu

IN PURSUANCE of an order of tlio Surrogateof the County el New YorV. notice ia hewbygiren toad

persona haruig claims against WILLIAM K Ew, late of the( rty of New-iork, d.-cea.ed. t<i present the same, with v itaHler» thereof, to the »obsenber, at hi* office, No. Jfjf Hudson at,in the ( Ity of New Yolk, on or before th. fifteenth day ef Julynear .Daicd New-York, the twelfth day of January, 18.W.

jl3 lawtoi'i'u* TERENCE" BOYLE, Egejutor.

IN PURSUANCE of an order of tire Suro»t|aUof the OaoutT of Mew York, ntic is hereby given to al

persons having claims against Hl'OH EARLY, late of the Cityof New York, contractor, deceased, to present the same witaTouchers thereof to the subscriber, at the office of P. Cahill,No. II WaR-at., in the Htr of New York, on or before tho »hday of August neat. .Dated New York. thc2id day of Kebruary,

It*.MARGARET EARLY. Eae.-utria, andf 24 UvtCiuTu DANIEL KENNEDY. Eicutor

IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surrogateof the Count) of New-York, notice is hereby given to al

petaoa* having claim, agitin.t CHARLES P. WOOSTER. lateof the CM] of New York, ( aptain in the Cited States Army,deceased, to picseul tue same, with vouchers thereof, to thesubscriber at fo-r residence. No .97 Cesiirt street in the City ofBrooklvn N. Y on or tore the thirtieth day of Novemberneat .Dated New York, the twenty fifth day of May, 18SJ.my2« lawfm.T MARIA STEBHINS, Admlnistratrla.

IN PURSUANCE of an order of the- Bwngfi vfthe County ef New-York, notice is hereby given to all per¬

sons having rialmi against JOHN BLACK, latoof the City ofNew York, confectioner, de< eased, to pre.i ut the sasue, withvouchers thereof, te the suh.ciihers, at the bouse of Joliu BBlaik, No. 14* in the City of New York, oa efbefore the sixth djy of August in-it Dated New York the 2dd*v of February, lfc7. JOHN It. 111.ACK Administrator,

ft lawfiu.Tu"_E. D BLACK. Admiuistratria.


BRADLEY and MARY bis wife, Amanda M Fordern Wlllean E. Brsdl.y. Georg* Wright aud Jane M his wife, Divil\. R Blake and Frances G. his wife. George W. Bradley Jo'inB. Bradley Oscar F. Bradley and John N. Mills. Defendant*Svinmnns for relief.(Com. not ser )-To the above namedDefendants and each of them: You are hereby summoned andrequired to answer the compl-int In this action, which wasfiled in the office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond atRu hmoud. in arid County on the 11th day of Juue instant andt*aetvea roay of y..ut answer to the said romplalnt on thes b- nler. at hi. office, No. 37 WaU-strisef, in the City ofNew York, wi'bin twenty days after the service of this sumn IBB* on you. Ml !u«ive of the day of such service and if *OSJfail to MUWerth* said complaint within the time aforesaid, theplsintitt In this action will apply to the Court for the reiie. de-minded in the comnlsirit Dated June II I8.T7

CHARLES H. GLOVER, FliintifTe Attornea-.Jel6 lawBwTu *

SUPREME COl'RT-Citv and County of New-Yoik -CORNEUt S BAKr.fta.;d HENRY m BAKER

agtiuat CHEW IRKBLY.Summons fit a miuey demand oncontract .To the Defendant above named: Youar» knroby Stanmoncd and required to answ er the complaint in this action, otwhich a opj is herewith seiv. d upon you, aud to serve a copyof Von* answer to the said csmplsiut on the subacribora, attheir office, Number 1!/A Broadway, in the Cltv of N<-w York,within twenty days aft. r the .-r\ice hereof, egdüsiv* of tho dayof such service; and if you fail to answer the said cogiiplaiutwithin the time nforoei.l. the pj lintitfs in this sstioa willtakeiudgrnerit ar;airu>t you for the sum of tn - hundred dollars wi' h.ntere.t from the Id day of June, 18.57, beside the cost of thisaetioc aud of protest..Dated New York, June IV IW7.

CLARK k CORNWALL.Plaintiffs' Attorneys, No l<e'i Broadway.

The romp'air.t in th s notion was tiled in the office of tkeOrk of the City snd Countv of New-York on the 30th day 04Juue, 1867 CLARrv It CORNW ALL. Pl'tLV Atfy*flM lawCwTu_ '

SUPREME COU RT.City and County of New-l ork.- ABB S. lya, snd Jeremiah Loder,

A to Im-titterof the goods. i.c of John M Seelye. deeeesed.Plaintiffs, against Andrew Hoogland, Executor, and RachelParr, Exi eutril of John F. Parr, deceased. Mary R. Davies. personally. and as Adn.inibtratrixof David Davies, deceased. Jam.<*Hogg aod F'.li/ab. th Hogg his wife. Jonathan J. Jouet ani MaryJoins his wife, Thomas Edw aids and Catharine Edwards huwife, Samuel Cole aud Ann Cole his wife. Johu Davies audOneuney Davies his wife. El'/abeth Davies Rachel Davies,Maria Davies and Snadre. b Da\iee .Suiiiih.mis.Toth- Defendants, THOMAS EDWARDS an I CATH ARINE EDWkRDihis wife. S AMI EL COLE and ANN COLE his wife, antSHADRACII DAVIES, and each one of them: Yon are hereby.summoned and required to answer the complaint In thieecMon.whi. h will be fiied i i the office of the Clerk of the City sadCounty of New-Yo k. and to eerve a copy of your answer te thesaid complaint on the subscriber, at Iii« office, No. 7« Cedar st,in said city, within twenty days after the service f this ««avn-.ons on you, exclusive of the day of such servieo. aadif yoafail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, th*plaintiffs in this action will apply t > the Court for the relief dematded in the complaint.

ISAAC POMEROY. P'eintittV Attorney,No. 7!» Coder it., New York.

Tl .- complaint in the above entitled action was Sled ia te*office of the Clerk of tin City and County of New York, at th*Cily 11*11 iu a*id city, outh Hth day of June ]»Vr-N>*York. June 12. Ib57. ISA*;C POM<4ROT.J'10 law ll'wTu' Attorney for Plaintiffs.

SUPREME COURT.City and County of New-York -SETH W BENEDICT against CHEW SaSEILY

Stimmous for a money demand ou contract..To the defeadsuial«ove uansed: IMbn hereby summoned aad required t >

answer the romp.aint in this action, of which a copy is betaw ith served upon jou and to serve a copy of your answer t*the said complaint, on the subscribers at their office at NumberIM Brosdway ia the City of Now York, witmn twenty daysafter the aervice hereof, exclusive of the day of such service,t'.d It you fall to answer the aaid complaint within tue usa .

aloresaid. the p'aintiff in this actiori will tak* judgment aiaiastSl! 1^^,' '^i0' *VLmtw*4B&?&* ^thT.ter<trresathe I3th day ot June. ISST, betides the cost of this eetiw -Dat. d. New York. Juue l«. 18A7.

CLARK k CORNWALL, Plaintiff's Attorney*.No. 196 BroadatrTlie complaint iu this action was file t ia the Offlaaa ofth*

Clerk . f the City and Count) of New Yoik. on the 30th dar af'"Äaaffü _

CLARK k CORNWALLj.oei.wCwTu PlalnUff's Attorueya

THt Canadian.Parliament..During the recent»eeeion of the Canadian Parliament,M bdU were imtro.lueed. and Ä7 paaaed. Of thoee introducetl, onlytwent) tbree appear to have originated ia the W"1-lativ a, and of tho-e hnt eisthteeu paeeesJ. Thonumber of büla introdut ed by Upper Canadh mmtu rn waa foaeiderably greater thao ttsose itttrodueealby n en.he re Irun other *ertions of the Province. itlVöi!!^ wen» introduced by the niemben from UpperCaoac'a, while only 21P were introduced from I#owerCanada, end of tn<? bills that piweed \'& were intreduced by Upper Ceanada mcmberB, again** NIncharge of tl e Ix>wer Canada member*. The differenco ii mainly mswl« grp by private biUs; thswe heiagja larger numbe r of indiutrtal -Jawihtioa- II UpP«tba* in lo>wer Cauad«,, ee«kuig net* of LnC*>*poratWflThe paolific Osttroter of the legiaiatitja u owias} to ten*DsTvaieccss of privat* ball le^ettoti e c^wvif ewla. al; (be 8lat"»i «e arali m* tu Cavaada