chronicling america€¦ · r i f i tile sun thursday december 19 1895 louse race no lottery...

r I f I TIlE SUN THURSDAY DECEMBER 19 1895 lOuSE RACE NO LOTTERY ioitAiiA DICTVX jv THE MOll llU IMHK CASKS The < Intlce Alio Sara It In Not IlIeK1 ror i > Man to Mnkte st Bel with an Attaint aare nnd R cord It If No Uoar lnie Argument 01 the writs of habeas corpus ob- tained ¬ far counsel for BamtiM n Lawrence 1reildent of theJWestchester Ilaclne Asaoclsv lon and Joseph Btnrpls a bookmakers clerk was held before Justice Incraham In the Cham- bers ¬ of Over and Termlner yesterday Pros dent LAwrence who WAS arrested lint month was charged with contriving a lottery pool et Inv Mid mftlnttnInnusftnce at Morris Florals Is accused of bookmaklntc In rlolatlon of the law Justlctt Ingraharns decision In the nutter will settle the question as to the consti- tutionality ¬ of the PercyOrar Racine law Assistant District Attorney LIndsay appear for tho people white Former District Attrnoy rleol represented Sturels and Joseph 8 Auer ¬ Kuhn Hot ant John 1 Bowen appoar for M r Lawrence Peter Iaoys repro irntntlro woe aUo present Mr Auerbach be- gan ¬ the argument by reciting the history of the rorcyOnxy law and tho causes which led up to Its passage by tho Legislature Ho declared that tho law was framed for the ayowe pur- pose ¬ of prletoa tho patrons of liorso Auerbach said tho case against II Lawrence was Instigated not by representative citizens but by I crowd of dis- appointed ¬ gamblers The PercyGray law pro hibited these gamblers from pursuing their Ille- gitimate calling Mr Lindsay sold that Mr Auerbach deviate from the main contention of the had Ignored thochargeof contrivinga lottery Justice Ingraham Interrupted at this point and fall It Is Idle to talk about horse racing being a tottery A lottery as every one knows Is where everything depends upon chance A horse race dependllpn sne trenth orendurance and things further apart than a liorne race and a lottery I have decisions hero to how your Honor that a horse race I Is a game of chance std Mr Llnd ay OhI I said the Justice youlmay show de- cisions ¬ to prove anything but to say that a horse race Is a lottery I an absurd misuse of tho Kngllsh language The case of President Lawrence rested while DcLancey Nlcoll areueil In behalf of Bturclf the bookmakers clerk Mr Nlcoll I suld the I law could not be construed In Sturglsa cue In any manner that would mako him a bookmaker Justice Ingraham agreed with MrNlcoll ap- parent ¬ for he declared that the recordlngof a dozen bets on a race did not make- a man a bookmaker and even If It should bo shown that ho was a bookmaker and that his net were unconstitutional there was no statute- on the books for punishment for the offence- S He said tbo Legislature had failed to provide- any punishment for bookmakers under the law Mr Root arguing for Mr Lawrence sold the Constitution was amended reference to pool selling for the express purpose of doing away with taking the money from clerks mid other worllua people who could ill afford to lose Pool selling had become a lottery and mnny people wore led Into the temptation of risking their money In horse rachl however there certainly was an chance as there was chance In Insurance or any legitimate business Tho Westchcster Racing Association wu not run to make money Cer- tain ¬ fees were charged for necessary expenses but the object was to promoto the breeding of good horses There were no profits In the Mor- ris ¬ Park raco track The association had noth- ing ¬ to do with I I pool selling In the sense that pool selling l was a public nuisance Justice Ingraham said Ho did not think It was Illegal for a person to make a bet with another person whom be knew and record the same providing money was passed between them lie said ne thought such a transaction was within the law He took the briefs submitted by both sides and reserved decision rILi JOaN CAMPBELL 001 A Humor that Col Ruppert Will Inv a- New Trainer nod Vockey At the end of the year there are likely to b mnny changes in the big racing stables In East It II rumored that Cot Ruppert will have a new trainer and jockey John Campbell who prepared both Diablo and Castaway II for the Brooklyn Handicaps which both won In tbelr respective years Intends it Is said to leave the Huppert stable The Colonel will also have to engage a firstclass jockey a Johnny Lamb Is too sick to don the pigskin AmonI the moo who are mentioned asblnl flit the pla of Campbl are lieu who Dwyer with success Ho als handled Shelby Tuttle and other bore C Cornehlesen Matt Allen and are 111 spoken of The lit ter was the trainer the Oneck stable which the late Dr Gideon L Knapp was tho chief owner IiissaId that theOnock string may bo soon sold at auction If this Is true there will undoubt ¬ edly be a strong competition for the services of Sam Doegctt who rode for tho stable It Is also said In raclnl circles that Frank D Hoard who Is one principal owners of tho Erie Stables has his eye on Uoegett for next season Of the crack Eastern August Helmont ba the first claim for the services of Griffin W Thompson has engaged young Clay ¬ ton Taral and olmms are not signed yet but both are likely t secure Urstclass engagements How They Finished at fifvr Orleans I NEW ORLEASS Dec 1 ISThe Crescent City Jockey Clubs races today resulted as follows First Race Threequarters ot mile Lillian E 3 to 1 and 4 to 5 won Rosalind U lo 2 placesecond Xrwnoutf third Tune 1I4K second Itacr Seven and a halt furlongs fir Work 6 to 2 and 3 to 0 won overollo 2 to 0 plaoe second Tom Buyre third 1H4W Third I ie1Wrt of a mite Percy 20 to 1 and A to 1 won F Smith U to 6 place c- on Nlllalblr Time 114 lteOoe mile and quarter Wolseytfto 6 M Cats 4 to 1 place Second Uncle Jim Time aOSM nrth RaceThrecquarteraet mile Saybrook 10 to 1 and a to won John 6 t 0 place seconds han l Han tblrii Time It ISM The iTmulln nt FrlneoR- AV Fa4cIscoDrc l8Thsweather was threaten InK today hut tie rain held on unti the end or the raclne A big crowd was The track was muddy lint the racing I fr good Tlreooiiuf six faiuritrs WOI Mimmnrlu First IHo furlongs Adoph fpreklIIO Bentiii 110 I won Hazard 107 second Mount Mctircgor I 1U7 laekln I to 5 third Time I 1001 l Irlln Second RacoNI furlongs Genre illller 104 Cochranc H to I won Highland 104 Cborn t to 1 second Carmel 107 Macklln 30 to 1 third Time tl8M Third Kacu One mile Sister Mary 101 Domett 1 to 4 won Roma 100 T Moane i2 to I second bantlozn 115 ichorn I to 4 third Time 147 Fourth flaeeMx furlongs Collins 104 Chorn 3 In 1 on Shield Hearer rrJV Hloane 84 to 1 sec- ond Julia I 104 I third Tlmelru Fifth Roeo One and onesixteenth miles over tour hurdles lob Itoy 1S5 Finn 4 to I won Dellrlnger 114 11 toesecond Cicero 1401 to0 third Time vaaii Ulith Itace One and onesixteenth miles over toOl hurdles JOCI4U Ilenncssy 8 to 8 won O 123 Cairns i 11 In 1 second Alexis 125 Am brose 30 to I third Time20334 Winners sit Ht Asaph- WAiiitnTo Dec 18The following are the results of the races at 8t Asnoh 10 day First Hace t cult a halt furlongs inwslmrp 3 tot and even you Cody out puce second Uallln o thir I 111 Ii lceJt a Collusion 6 to I and a Tlnir to I woo 030 I tn to 1 place second Oak third Third ItareFivcelhtht 20lo a mile Salltbury 8 tt> 1 and U to 1 won Iuclle 1 place Mcond Iama craw third Time lOit Fourth laeIlx and a half furlongs Ionoma Mir 13 6 to I lwon Ionce da out place second Ktaffa third lime i2114 Lon Fifth Uace Half mile Deceitful a to 5 and won Irlo U to 1 place second i Eclipse Jr Olt Time HUtli HateSevenelxnths a mile Seatucket 8 o I to 6 and 2 to 0 MOD lkolO to 2 place second Vaiitlyke third unto I New roan tile Horse World Tho fast colt Ills IKhnus who died suddenly at Fleetwood Park day was 100kNlpon by local horsemen as the making of He woe owned by John Penman who bought him a few weeks ago for SI110 after Ilvlll him n record of 22Il4 in hU mall race OraDgoburl Ills Highness was Lizzie by wnu Wike lieorge his grandam els ter to Mambrlno King ful Uunebsill Note Tho Atlantic Association will bole a meeting at noon the Fifth Avenue Hotel lt 13 oclock Steve Ferluln1naKer Irwin played short- stop for for tour seasons before Allen appeared In thu club The Pittsburgh Club having failed to secure Fred Ely will probably play hick Pad a on of the Itonnoke Va Club at short stop Iatldoit was signed to cover second base several weeks ago It has been sete that a Pennsylvania that League club located at Ihtladolphln iiluylngat the Philadelphia grounds when tho s National League train l Is away rite club will be under the lanalemen of Hilly tiharslg The deal btween Pittsburgh and ¬ delphia I 110f Pittsburgh was lD Phi to exchange for Taylor and Cross the Philadelphia ofllclals refused to part with Cross and offered Taylor and llallman but the offer was refuted The Philadelphia play era wi probably agsln so to Hampton Va for Majch oprlol practice leaving Philadelphia on k I J i ZIG iT rING MeUnffle Kstoeksi Out Ryna 1st the Nlath Bound A private glove contest which was scheduled for ten rounds was decide In the gymnasium of the Rldgewood on Tuesday evening The principals wero two wellknown amateu lighters Eddie MoDuflle champion ot the Queens County A CM and Jack Ryan the champion of the Glendale A C The r l boxed for a gold watch and chain MeUnffle weighed 110 4 pounds and Ryan 1Jl pounds Many wagers were made on the result the betting being about even McDuffle fought fast from the ODd had the better of the argu- ment up ltrt end of the third round Then Ryan who had fought on tho defensive cut loose rushed his opponent and started the claret running from McUuflloa nose with 1 straight lefthander It was a tossup otter that lor two rounds Then McDufllu came again and scored a clean knockdown In the sixth round Ryan was dazed after that and McDuffles support CM cheered him to the echo Ryan continues to flU uwaybotng very weak McUuflle punched- his man as he pleased In the eighth round the Ulendnle lad being unable to defend him- self ¬ The left i In the wind and the right In the face did the trick In the ninth round McDudle knocked Ryan down and out and won the ama ¬ teur featherweight championship of Queens county Chicago Chtefof Police Hay Hnlllvam and hyatt Are Huaubeemn CiiicAni Dec 18 Under orders of Chief of Police Bndenoch tho police have stopped the boxing exhibitions between Puter Maber and Rums bbs boxing partner Yesterday a delega- tion ¬ waited on the Chief and the Utter said that he Intended to stop all sorts of boxing In Chi- cago ¬ and that under no circumstances would he permit Matter to continue his exhibitions Why Mr Chief asked Manager lack of tho Opera house has a permit been Issued for Hulllvnn and Ryan to box Uocauso answered the Chief 0 they are a couple of hasbeens fat and out of condition and unable t do each other any kind of Injury Jimmy Decry and Pedlar Palmer Will Me Matched CHiCAnn Dee 18 Jimmy Barry the Chicago lor pound champion will bo matbo tomor ¬ row against Pedlar Palmer conqueror of Hilly Pllmmer Parson Davies has receive offers for the fight which he has conclude t accepl The contest will take Peter Maher whoso exhibitions at a local theatre were stopped yesterday by the po¬ lice left for the East today In a bud humor Fighting Ooulp- Gcorle Reynolds of this city says that he wi toilers challenge and articles to box at 131 pounds In a limited round but Constant Reader Jersey City They fought at North Judson Imt on Feb 1 1880 The con- test ¬ were resulelln a draw sixtyfour rounds Frank Bosworth who was formerly Bob Fltzslmmonss sparring partner and lately box- ing Instructor at the New Manhattan A C I Is said to bo seriously ill with pneumonia- C1NtlcNATiDec 18 Jimmy Ryan and Mark Carroll middle weights metatho Olympic Club last night for a lenroUul Carroll was no match for Ryan was knocke out In the second round larry Nenmler of England who was in this a few Year ago has Issued a chal ¬ lunge through tho Spnrtdio Life to meet any man In the world at 148 pounds Tom Tracey of Australia preferred Watson Deles the Rnmor or at New Cup Cliullenaer LONDON Deo 18 George L Watson has In ¬ formed tho Yttthltna HorM that the rumor that the Hendersons of Glasgow had received an or- der ¬ for a yacht designed by hint to compete for the Americas Cup Is entirely unfounded Yachting News of Interest Royal Phelps Carrolls big centretxmrd cuter Naraboe was launched at City Island on day last after being overhauled antI titled out for a cruise lu Southern waters The sloop yacht Whtlcawar belonging to the estate of the lute George F Randolph has been sold to Dr F H Hoynton of New York She Is now being overhauled at the Greenport Basin and Construction Company The Orange Lake Ice Yacht Club of Newbnrga ha elected the follovlngofnccrs Commodore C Htgglnson ViceCommodore Wlllett Kldd Secretary nnd Treasurer A N Chambers Measurer C A Dixon Regatta Committee Dr Wlllett Kldd Frank U Wood Alonso Krom Charles A Dixon and B B Moore Charles L Davis has designed a finkeel yacht- for 0J Field of the Indian Harbor Yacht Club iho will bo 40 feet over al 20 feet 6 Inches on the water line and have a draught 6 She havo a trunk cabin and will b- elled feet wi with stateroom closets and ample room She will be named Ethclwynn H- and will be built by the Spauldlng HI Lawrence BeAt Company of Ogdcnsburg 1 N The schooner yacht Luello owned by L A Shaw of Providence and Daniel Lauton had a rough experience a few days ago She sailed from Boston Nov 2H on a cruise to Florida On Dec 6 she started to cross and was caught In a gab Site rode out the storm near Cross Rip Lightship losing her mainsail and Jib while her boom and wheel wcru slashCl before she reached Nantucket Harbr Clnbof At the annnallueotnl following of the Pavonla Yach elected Commodore D W Kohn ViceCom ¬ modore lame Johnson Fleet Captain R H- McFnrlnnd Measurer A1 Curtln Fleet Sur- geon ¬ Dr L llautnan Secretary W F Tobin Corresponding Secretary W A Mil- er Treasurer B F MacClatn Trustees W J Kent JSmith JHennessey F G Agens and J W Strober House Committee JA Den nln W Willis W i B Adams L Mlddolsdorf and A o i hell Anchorage Committee A F loc A J Kreymeycr and R D Broley Dele- gates ¬ to the New York Yacht Racing Assocla lon James Johnson A J Krrymeyer and George James Jliml ami 1 Stream In speaklnl of tho coming Dunravon Investigation I Is now un ¬ derstood that the Inquiry will private not even members of the club being admitted We- are surprised that In view of the Importune of the matter abroad the committee has decided to make the Inquiry private The Interests of the defence which presumably has nothing to conceal demand the fullest publicity through- out ¬ the entire proceedings and there should b nothing In tIm evidence which In the interest either side must be suppressed or oncealed from tho pu bile The press at least should nave full liberty to attend and report the proceed logs Without questioning the good faith and good judgment of Ihp Cup Committee In falling to mikn public on Instant Lord Dunravens first charges It is evident that hind this been done the mater ronld never havo assumed Its nresent phase Bile Huootloa The prize shoot of the Empire Rifle Club b gan last evening at the pettier range flowery The prize money amount t SUO and wi be divided ns follows prize 35 prize 20 third prize 18 fourth prize 15 fifth prize 110 sixth prize Is seventh prize SO eighth and ninth prizes 5 tenth prize 1 1 eleventh and twelfth prizes 12 each The conditions of tho shoot are a fol lows Any i2callbre rifle to be used regula- tion tweltIVfrlnl target two but tickets t govern al Scheutzrn lund rules There was quito a sharp competition lastnlght- n secure the prlzu for the lowest score made during the exhibition Tho shooter who oblll tilt entitled U Si i and for ond dbtnctoiis there Is also a prize of 12 Charles Buyer who In a pretty fair shot did not isu his sharp eye with tiny discretion last night and as a consequence helonly scored 40 pInt In two attempts The following is the tite shooting poislblo lO points frflt L 13 liuss C 74 74 M II Kngle I Zettlt- rt C 74 741 I L Hack Zettler II 74 73 O homey YVIIIIainnbiiriili BUoutlnzSociety 78 7H John Uletz Jr Krnnlre It C 7111H KatsaeK Empire It C 7S 71 It dandier Kmplre I itcC 70 flu i L derby 8067- Uharlet Ikycr 40 New Jersey A CVi DIe Indoor Carnival An interesting programme of xports has been arranged by the Now Jersey A C for Its earn I val in Madison Square Garden on Fob 1 next Fin two Important features wi be the two mile sueplechnae scratch the tenmile run scratch The other events will be Kittyyard run handicap 440 yard run onemile run handicap oyurd hurdle handicap standing step and jump scratch tt0yard run handicap iHt l yaru novice scratcn onemile walk handicap i broad jump handicap quarlerofamfle tndlny school of llrookl I I a Jersey flly anti New sanction I bicycle I race handicap under I A W No Ice Yuchtlnc on O ran to Lake Nnwmnioii Dec lRTho Ico yacht racing at Orange Lake was Interfered with today by the taw there being considerable water on the Ice expected that Commodore Hlgginsons large boat Windward would bo tested today Hho han been changed from acathoattoasloopr- igiied yacht und carries TUB feet of canvas Tho Shadow also belonging to Commodore lQllnoula the only boat In the fleet with blOt having BOO eol oolr The stockholders of the Morris County Golf Club will bold a meeting this afternoon at 2 oclock at 32 Liberty street The company that Is to build the Improvements on the golf coiise at Morrlstown und tuke thu title to the property wilt be fully organized The notice Is signed by O U Frallnghuysen and Alexander 1 Tiers of thu stockholdcro committee n HiMMERSLODGH Spaol- alReduction BROS Salef- or tho holidays A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN A FIRST CLASS TAILORMADE OVPltCOAT AT A NOMINAL PRCE WE IA V MARRED DOWN Alt OUR PiNE CARR MILTON AND PATENT IlEAVrR OVERCOATS TO 25 SOLD HERETOFORE HV US AT 30 AND M DOTH SIrE AND SATIN LINED ALSO ALL Owl FINEST KERHKT OVER COATH SILK AND SATIN LINED SOLD mmE TOFORE AT 21 AMD 9750 TO 520 BOTH STORES HAMMERSLOIi- Bloockor H BROS St corner Greene Itlet llroadwayand fUh ave Elevated It n > also Broadway corner Rector St pOftnnn < ood Indoor Games For ChristmasCh- ess Checkers Dominoes Backgammon Cards Dice EAHTKIIN AOKNTS FOB Kalamazoo Duplicate Whist Combination Sets Fourteen Games Just the present to make- Thousands of Other Suitable Presents Skates Sleds Boxing Gloves Footballs Indian Clubs Dumb- bells ¬ and Uniforms for all Athletic Sports Boys Pneumatic Bicycles wood- en ¬ rims Price 2500- AGSPAIDINGBROS IUOUK NASSAU HTUKET Uptownriepot SpaldlngRldwcll 22 1 and 33 Wrst fortysecond f 2000 BICYCLES 22 UP Nothing better to holiday present MOO Juvenile bicycles I ball hearings regular I Ull bicy- cles sale rcI 8211 larger size fio fig ladles sOd nuns regular 100 bicycles 13760 Mi and 4ll- BOObecondhaud and torn a I 85 Wi- dely comiietltloii Established H IlEHALU CYCLE CO lltNowauilinear Foal O c r r L- I F4i- Lu amire ajgigi rocost1asesa Min 2 zPiaristn- TE AESW II iUt IIUU Mfl 5a Do not bo deceived by Infring- ement ¬ of name package or cIgar eto THE ONLY GENUINE SWEET C CHPOBHL CKKIflEHES- Heni the fno nlinllc nlKnaitara of on the package sand on aeh elRsirette TAKE NONE TVITnOTT r iy Vtf tlttnt Ic A BOY DOESNT CARE Clothes are just clothes to him as long as his father or mother buys them for him A wide awake boy will be hard l tim best of garments- but so far as good goods and strong seams can withstand his robust efforts we have headed him off We make his clothes as stylish as they- are durable end as warm as they are stylish- No gift is more highly prized by a boy than a now Suit Reefer Cap Leggins or Gloves Mothers say our prices are the lowest in Brooklyn I < G O CALEB V SMITH Manager Fulton St corner Da Kalb Av BROOKLYNO- pen every evening until Chri- stinasPIANOS f 0 EIKUANT Nr- WDUNHAM UPRIGHTS 200 Cub or 1 225 on time 7 MONTHLY- A number of slightly used pianos from 3D to lisa PIANOS JIKNTKD f 3 MONTHLY JACOB BROTHERS 103 Broadway Hrooklyn Warerom 1041 IJroadway Hrooklyn 48 Jaiksou av IJHK Islaud City Fatter pm 041043 West siuih st New York The Jacob Brothers Piano rptiitisM br teachers and eminent artists lricrp inoderatetrnis easy OFEN ilUB I p r fff TV A tInt olrl Mast HIde O1 ST RT 42 EASTWell furnished rooms wit i J good board transients tablet board Wet Hide I OTH ST B8 WESTFront end rear rooms with J i board closets bath also nrstclass table boordj references YllTli8TT25 fiR wI furnished Tirie and H small rooms house table bON bar oplonal i TTlTS i sn WESTSulfe linexpeoteilly JL 1 vacated altotluglo room rom8 I references ehan- ld2WJi 414 WUSTCall and Inspect my newly room with or without board OxculMneandappointmentsflrstclansi fsfirwESTEieitantly d new management CQTH ST iins 817 AND 1111 WF8TIIanrtsoniehr J O furnished rom excellent table Trench cui- sine table board Jurnijslud gloomc VpnrtratnWt0 t u Knit SIlO I OTIJ KAST Laritii and small rooms hot wntor Ac liouso heated nTH8Tim EAHrlargpand small rooms well l board terms moderate early brcaktt 7 of IT hIt MS AKTVKiirnrshedrooms for Lthousekeeping and other ron R ZjOfiisT 307 KAHTSlcily tnrnlhromn anti eJ good board 4 per week Vet Hide mr AV044 near 17lh stlane and small I well warm sunny rooms quiet house con- venience I tlTIl HI WEHTSlngle and double rooms well I furnished I warm house 58 and 01 Sirs I I lEN IINZ I OTIt HT 41 VmTinqtilet reflned houso o 1 MI comfortable single room references required- OH711 RT 1 137 WEST Wellfurnished large and w small rooms warm comfortable house f2- upnard imfll BTTlill o WKST6no larRowiSFfurnTslied- VF hack room tuonentlimen or couple iinTH HT 8SH WEST Wellfurnishwl I room for- t Kentlemelt private house Xl BT ST liSOWKST Two wellfurnisled rooms cleal warm houRo with bath Ac moderate OOD ST 400 WKST HandHiimrly furnished rooms O singly en Utile firstclam board moderate O tTH ST l VFsfHandsomel furnished rom tf large small references jtfK1 41 WEST Comfortable furnished rooms quiet private house Tit STi 45 WEsYfhe Wllton cosoy and home h I like steam heated rom I per week upward 45111117 I I WEBTIargeand house nmali heated rooms T Soil WE81Weil furnished rooms warm- s s comfortable house mmlernto prices s rTll RT inn WESTSlngUi and double rooms lltJ heatod hot and cold water every conrcnlencej excellent board moderato g urnijsheii oomsi Co IZt t foohllln N A usAt BT 134 Drldcn I minuter Slostdeslrablo front room well furnished In private house ref- erences f unujslmt flntti So get TJKR furnished flats go to headquarters over TOO to select from nny location nn delay I de- partment ¬ 4JU bth av between 31st soil 32d ste cfhlt and gVpartmcnto Sot- ONVRNIENT tt I XX7ATIOXr excellent plan M ant llftht V rooms six rooms and bail nrlvutn hail anil reasonable rent nt UAS and Hut Vet lB7th otjutl- or Hu Nicholas av from 923 to 8211110 rooms nnd bath ntOVtanl 1t7 West I 1JiHh tit I8to tCI- Y1IATS AXirAIARTjiENTsr llirnrnlshiHl l ati for JTiilshrd In desirable kHatlnus rout Still to 8300U FOLSOM silirliins Itriadwny cor 1Jih i P- tI KXIXrtTON 110Two law niomsTconiuCtTng J Jd floor gas terms reasonable Inquire In store owner VICTORIA FLATS TTlh sT bet Silt and Oth avsFuvv roolu autO hath i halls redecorated low rents janllor attetidaiuT W IWNFh 1S4 nth av- TH Am4 toi20 flats or six rooms anil bath 9 all Improvements steamheated halls Janitor AcTT1I RT ihII lYESktart1entlorTx rooms llghtjjiau owner onjiremlsps- QT 1 II ST sail WKST bstweerTYth anil 8th v I O Kleennt llits 4 light rooms Improvements alt decorated new building just opened 61H and 11 Janlnir- OUTII ST SIS Wt WKSTrteiant I linfurnishod hT3 O and 4 rooms fmrrovemfnts new bulldlti- K77THfiTSllEAST7 j ni pecr bli l Hats six sevcTi 4 I rooms Improvement 81t110 920 tOT i ST Tr TO KS KAST = i rooms and bath ffil- otVS eFJ ala ut 78 tAt 00th St cor Park av 1 room ant hath new houses Madison uv andusth- lUjU to 820 1 OrTll8T24HEAKTApartnienls of three and 1 O four room r all light rooms cheap rent wtlUit Qowtst to ttTtttij D ESIIIA11LE HOUSES furnished and unrurnlshed In doHlrahle locations rent 91200 0000- FO1SOM lHOTIIKRKb2n Uroodwoy cor 12lhs- tSo ft for ttiitrt UflOst A flOUT nOOO RQUAUE FEET lillOUKD 11 FIRST AV NEAR 35TII ST both fronts Onestory frame mluht sipaiato long or short lease IILKIXJKEII I ill Joda I3 UlIllN0S store lofts oftlees and studios to let In desirable location FOLSQM tlllOTHEUS nan Rroadway cot Igth st I AltOS store am7Tm ement 75x135 410 to 444- J Canal nbc ndlolnlui building 4U3 Canal with elevator Apply at 1H7 Fulton kt- AUGK J lofts curlier of Vestry ami IreTmOch staTt 4 strain louverand elevator Apply 1H7 Fulton st COTS to let to suit soy demand r 4 RULANIi 4 WH1T1NO B Reekman st ICK IICHT STORKS in the newly nnlshed build Ins tiS7 2d av rent very low Janitor OTDRE 654 WEST 60TII ST In which for o number Oof years o lliuor business has been successfully carried on to let tIm former tenant having purchased a house or hU own Soo housekeeper OTOHKS new tulilullng MadIson oVIsnil USIti stT 7 bakery grocer cigars Ac also cor UOth st and lark c- vrI1t SI 45 EAT one bloek from 1th ovSlore I suitable tailor lilies tailor drcmtmaker full plateflans frout In new white builiilnit three mirrors cellltic tci floon steam heat alt n mllos TIlE WM S ANUrllSON COMPANY 24 East 42il St Ural estate gor Snlr OARniNO IIOfSE handsomely furnished for sale J > on account of sickness OALIFOltNIA box 110 Sun uptown fflce 1285 lirnad way H A VINO 800 acres of land on thus D 1 t WlT n wish to sell part of It land Is very high and level situated on Long Hill Chatham henllhlist place In he United states suitable for KenllemanH residence LH minutes from New York will divide lu SIte ten or fifteen acre plots or sell In large trans cheap IIUD1I NUSinTT 062 GrundHt New York T aflOEit Roost HOUSE and plot 92700 9100 down J near depot WAIIRFN 123 Liberty O ACirrS Irlnceion F0io peach trees good ZO buildings 91400 9700 cash WAUHKN 123 Liberty st tnl Estate or 2zhcQtI- Olt RAIK Fourstory brick utoro and tenement In JMlthnr 1 between 42d and 4Udati will Ia sold at a bargain owner going away SSIIINMA- Xglrnl 73 Broadany Crtatt or flltollfl ll1lld 1IUsltNcl nriinil opportunity to secure a lion Cheap 8 room smell union ut cash rMjuirto hoi one payable same an rfttt OKU WOUTI f FlU- Hjfutate cr htlccw jctci ANYSOIIPlt Industrious uorklnftman or clerk 1k with ery Illtln rash can own H wellbuilt new house of 6 rooms bath furnace tub4 rouge4c for 10 monthly on u 50 foot riot 1urilculari anti- ticketsof jilAICII 11 ANKONH- AHIIKOILK I IIKIIIIITti I V J BBtJRY PARK N J For sale n i orncr diiubio A lot and dwelling most dcMrable purl of town Apply to owner DO llroadnay N Y room 18- 4IKNA Fl V X liluniikoini ills piuu for sale 1 II WKATHEItlir K CO Ill llrnodway- KAC1L ct AdiolnlnK lots sold for 9100 4 left iI line village MUITII 2111 0 llruadway room 24- 1Jutatf or alc or QXCltlhilfl- tI XCnANOIKtirlty lor country countrr fur city 4 money mloan I IRVINO- III Muillcin av ror 42J iiiltt tiIiautrc A ttlli WANffU fur so etiabllshml iToiiy news L paper n man with 950UU ami thuublllt to takn charge of the business maiiUKimiiil n i iii llnd a deMra ilo npportunliy Andre giving references and f i lerlemo HAIIV MjWHlAlKlt Cur 119 Mm onic- eanil tutcluc Fgi1 l wefklv NO TRASH caTfor- 11IAMOMIH auluire H W h Ill i IMiilden lane SyAiCJIE riKm2 All goulsguiarantttui Office urntture lIKMIiH AND OKFICEF- ORNITURK IN OltkAT VARIETY M AN OF AC TUlltU 1 Y T U iJKLLEW 111 FULTON UT a an r t r J GRAND KEHTAVRANT DE PARTS Escargot de llourgogne Mallard Duck to Cuisine Franoatx Imported French Winos SB universIty Plnee bet 11th and Htk- Ht N if z1L H BROADWAY 40TH ST tt V- Everythlnsr new and first class throughout FINEST CAFE IN TUB CITY Snore singly or en suite l Irge outsiderooms 9k Entrance to restaurant on 40tli st HOTEL VAN TWlLLERtSV- TI ST ASh IKXINOTON AV Newly built fireproof hotel conveniently located coble cars pass thn door pleasant sultua for families ill modern Improvements electric elevator eleetrl lights aol gas European plan entirely new man- agement rooms front 84 per week up 1 IsTItUCK Manager THE DUNMORE 230 WiST 4al KT- KUHOIKAR 1LAN Furnished Kulie- sWllllAli If VALIQUETTtt- VTEW FRENCH and Italian renwurant nneit tabli I > dholu for SOt 1114 id cc near 10th st- pf orcinu otrl HOTEL VICTORIALONDONno- RlIEtTssnFhtgAND AVENV- ErftAPtItItIg SIQVARL Situated In the must cuncnient and fashionable posi- tion nnd contains n large number nf sItting anti bed rooms en suite and sIngle and doublo bedrooms orchestra plays durlnx luncheon dinner anti upper service table dhntc nr n la earl- ersopsletorTIIEGORHUN HOTELS LTD I Witztcr tort WARREN WH TE Niilplnir SPPIIIgS irgiiiia The Oldest Summer Itenort In the ITnltsl I Htnte EntahlUlied In 17O4 Often nil tho Year- C W tlIIrN ib MON Owners A rmprleton mtuatcd on the summit of this Three Top Itange at an elevation of Blim fu bore the tea Kirelleut fishing boating anti bathing For further partlcu tars iwldrcsi thn proprietors Mineral waters for salt at all tretclass drug stores oilr 1oticticnud Lttctingi SOCIETY OF TAMMMYO- R COIUMHIAN ORDER nROTITERS A special meetIng of the Institution will hn held tn the Council Chamber of the great Wig- wam ¬ on Saturday orenlnff Pi c 21 TO PIM VACANCIES IN THE HOARD OP RACIIEM3- TO INSTALL SACIIEMSELECT and to transact any other business that may come he fore the Society at half an hour after the setting ot the sun General and punctual attendance Is re quested Dy order of the Grand SACHEM JOHN n McOOIPRICK Secretary Manhattan fiainon of Snons lOOt Moon year of Discovery 401th of Independence 120th and of Insti- tution the 107th gUnlirnl- AIIIIITV i 011 liltHMrlIIlUl Kant IRthstT near id uv mallon only MIKUUIM IC 15 > cars i In lilt Is Iuutluero48ulrpralleIutb sexes iilondhkln I ulcer hiintihriiil IUIMmouth legspains back laud bimix cheathr I Inns Uldneypbladder stunt gravel Irrltutlon painful urination fcvHllngt strlclurtisulifi Sly miiliodcuruit ncrvouit dtbllitv- w Hknrs haul drivn limi munlmNl phviifis trim lull uug I Impedliuuniitto nusrrts steak undeveloped or ifanti lIP cite s eOII HIbjIlTII first Ihu stops ills CtufllKti tuulululIaltS eIlrrs euirauutei 11 to ii tVi ii o or call > iin rlnr irvaiinent mlvlcn frro MBUKINi i5a- OIII II 1C llHMIIKKraiiiiat Unlvruiliy CIty ot > uw Vork iiiiidlialilipurtuient I yiarsMn clallitt- liullMas Hiif men only suns ulcirn akin bliiodI tlls Ilinigts filrct hirlcturcs kldntt > blaildrr polthn cure fur Iur lull drblllly weak iimleviloiii d I nriiahx I InipidlrncntH 10 inirrluKe orKanlo upukiHM Iir I I IHISIUr LuiiranH u iiilik i rinaneni i rurHlnalli- llsfiituii I iKciillnr I lo non 11171cc leer 11 years Mt I 171 Weil liiin it liitncrn nih and 7th ave Triatmenl- nnd advli fnr MKliKINK tl l Ilinirs U u Oj Kim days tl to U No rhttrr unlcix cured Olll lilt JltiV 41 year u oprrlullfit la dltie MrH 11 men mil I> julfkiit I inrnuinint cure KUnrnnifid In ull IIIMIIJIII lilnod lln kid ny blad iir rtoni Kratl iti ikHr mrvous ilebllity bal drriuno Imitiitlminth to innrriHifc Ac Ofllio over o 3cunil IVU Kail 17lli st near I nlim siiunrc Hours iitiili Htindiosli I lu I cllul ito I treatment and ml a lei fn1 MrillilnH VH- A A A QIICK IKT l IliuM i 1 CUrl in illKianiof men ilingfrous CIISLH stejtet 7 relIct nt nrcoj Ihnw iliHlrlntf only first class sclentlne- irfatnutnt I Hliould CHll The hell og Hii clalUt IT lhuNul U tIt ijli West a7llin li loJIi 7lotl bnndnjs 1 Ill to I UK AND Hits HKINIIAUIi kpnclslNIs female if U rfKUliirltlcs ID year oxperlcnce VOO West Slid formerly mil I rxliiKiu- nl tllcoMlAI I K lt ulinv lliriiriifatinHitofall I fu F muloii i i l iliit I 1I7W 47th si forniorly U4Ih- iLAJ1IKK ti Chichetlfrj Eiglish PcnnyroyRi pijt l 9r the cleat au 11111 aA 11e eturnMnj S4 f Clilcbeslcr Cbciulmrco i- Z hA Ill ES 1 IllVMCIAN I expert ciinllileutlul aiN vln i roniiiltutlM free Inxior MIIH l Ill Ill 1114 ISO Fast 4bli it slat ion West 43u1 t t XIAIIIlSI > llYSir IAVM UVi484- ntor IJway expert advIce fUNbULIAllOS 1fI1Xi i v tk IO WLZ- OTUed Teams Compete In the American National Tournament A mal crowd loeII the American National tournament games at the lermania AIembl floom- atisyahast night The three competing clubs are In the dllloo and have no chance to win a eonr prIze scores nesT eastE- tilox S < D ttore I CCo 0 r S I scor- F DosldU O 4 138 JohsnImer2 7 154 4 4 lR3 La hiesu2 I a 138 C Uorel1 4 3 14 0 113 3 6 12 A leIJr1 4 4 Ddol 8 4 11 C DIJer I 6 18- 1Totall129 i r ease Totaic14 i i ii uo cATHoLIc it t S a I cnr S c ore p Doteld1 It I 17 I lorI8 6 I 9 I 18- 0DrchI6 Il- AClonrlr I I 159 Fiernlrigs0 4 14 10 Merroy4 I 5 10 7 I 11 11 I 17- 1Totl9241 7M rotale14i1120 760 Titian ease CTC cuuoue Y 55 I A SSJ3Srore- Johanimcyr5 I S n S 9 I 1100018 I 4 3 La ItcoU I S 4 9 11- 111PriorfI 4 8 186Fieinltlgs8 3 2 117 4 5 138 Merreyii I A Iljer1 t llltJ 3 4 146 yR- nTtI118IH P 141 731 Totali181718 7S9 The hamilton Ink tram was easily defeated I- nto flank Clerks Lgue gmes at Thumanos allea- laitnight The Ir sins ease 1nonL rAor ilAVlTO- eSflScore SS n r- Trilgerl I I 1760SburbI a ii 14 I 2 Mooney 9 I 101 McDoulalO I I 159 I I 5- 11Fsrrier7 0 US- 4 11 I 0 10 Dike I 1 P 1- 0Totl2 33 Hi 70 Totals9 192 120- ACoO Jane sROAIcTILL liCSflT- OCSI1Seer SflSor- Wright8 8 I 17O h y2 4 4 14- 11CummingsC 2 123 Mooo I 4 4 IRA 1owers4 1 8 lal VIar 4 4 17- Ornt 2 4 1147 WilliS I 1 4 311 I 1 170 Dike 1 8 133- Totata H 19 HI 778 TotalS 2121 701 THultO 01- CUTL AIOAL rang Sr SVor- eWrightI 4 8 Terwiliiger3 I I l3- Cflmmtllgl2 b 2 6 123 Major 1 1 14- 0Powers1 I 14 1 MDoual2 4 143- 5 Hrant3 I 11 I I tK- 2311Ie0 7 1118 I 3llert I Totals 6123 lUl Totats13 11 18 770 The Auroras etnd two games In Carrutbems na- tional tournament Brooklyn iast nigh The scores nS IUlr- 1aa I ttnitIsER- SBScere B Sre Di 0 7 S 150 nrenmn2 7 1 lenrck2 4 4 144 Ir4Ier1 3 4 143 O 4 1 I 102 lInker1 6 4 uOIMeahm 1 1 MCnalb I IS 3 104 lorfordI 0 11 Totl02718 713 Totl11227 81- 7rro aAME WVRLT nEKIrn B 0rr I I 1 Score Seaton0 5 5 a2 Grenmn1 1 la- 2Eulrll 4 6 135 1 115 a 3 188 trazerl 4 5 lOS Lurkbfrl 6 2 177 Meachani2 2 0 122 U1lon3 7 0 102 Story I 1 1 I TOlals1 09 2010 714 Totals5 11 600 THIRD GAME ACItOR- At WAVERIT X B Start S t1 cO r 116 s 0 223 Seaton I I 153 4 3 1113 Esqulrol 1 I IBS JohnsonU fi I IHA Livingston 4 r 131 Jerl 4 124 Ijiuckharl 2 Ut 4 3 lUI larlon2 3 1 I II Totals15 13 830 Total Hi 123 701 Tbe Orientals defeated the South Paw ond Apollo teams In the Arlington national tourneyIlrooltlynlait night The BorFIR GUlF SOUTH TAW i Arouo- US SSBScnr- eIMartinS a Heart 1 2 lIHlaln8 I 1 171 HerschlnK4 I 2 170 lowe 8 4 17i1tlrane9 H n tOt landell 2 fi I 1H7 Hooi 3 4 3 iS- SJenkins2 7 174 tinnlnger4 fi 1 loU Total16231 SH5 Totals15X218 827 srroxu OAHE 01rt rL n ore I n Score 8 1j g t 200 mi 3 g 2 2 m 6 2 171 1 6 131 4 6 1 4 5 14 7 2 lOS Meniiinger 1 4 4 Totals 128711 81111 Totals 120 11 783 ThIRD GAMY oRlLKTAt SOUTH PAW- S S 1 S I N flSeore Cordes J 1 Marlin5 1 9 3- UClinch2 I ItO hiierschenkl I 1 15- 11lttumpfei1 I I hIll t irs 1rmal 2 172 htnndeiL 1 t I 169- 2 1 236 Jenkln7 2- 2Totll11 28 6 1101 Tolh1U IS 18 1172 The New York A C trawlers I visited Jersey City last night and rolled two gomes against the Jerspyllty Club In the 110f tho Athletic Howling League The scores J Tonic A C JrRI cn etra- S S n Score S Sll Score Carter 1 2 165 Nswklrk1 4 6 112 Crbwel 7 2 170 lluaon 0 7 0 lIft n11 1 3 lS4tliass I I 4 151 2 171 WallieiglLt I 11 Clule6 4 I 2i2 Meyer 1 4 6 1 I Total12110 81t Totali 4 25 18 184 srcorn OMIt XEW YORK A C I JERSET CITY ClfO- fi S 11Score SSB5cm Crter1 4 3 178Newklrk 1 3 1 IllS 0 U l 1116htusoo8 3 103 Dell 2 1 8 177llass U II 0 111- 7llil Drown 4 I I Wadlelgha I I l 170 Cllle 5 141 Meyer U itt 2 Totals 1H 23 14 H43 Totals 116 74 1 The results of the two rle role In the Morris and Essex League series nllh Riverside A C alleys were Final OMIt nOIEIU A < SlyggilOg A c 8 II < I H n- Nomanl Score 8 4 Cadi 6 8 Tayler2 I 8 5114 Imlb1 4 a 14 117 H 387 War1 II 4 6 illS Reese6 Chelter1 8 3 111 1Iron1 I 1 I 11 Totals i 24 18 m Totals142318 50i BtCOSD east aOUYILB A c RIKIIO a c I n Score 11 n Scars Norman 11 8 14 Cadls Ii 6 0 22- 2Taylor8 I 1 Smith 6 4 1 214 Ward2 I 1U 1011 II IHO Dudley 1 1 I I In- 3Cbeltera 1 100 Pleon9 0 1- 0Totalt i i 8517 Totals 22 i i The Seventeenth Ward leant forfeited two games In section B of the United howling Clubs tournament I ot mum a Koblsdorfs Harlem alleys lost night The aore PIcK CLIO s SB Score a SBKnre Miller 1 4 fi 137 hlompel4 I 4 181 lertnon 8 B I 175 U Kaler1 I 1UU- 1S3 IIbrr1 I 2 10IteIU1 8 7 Feliel 12U arh1 I 1 1 II 122 I LKler1 I 161 Totals 7 O i 8 Totlis11 l 17 318 723 The alenmoro and Annex teams broke even In the wentysixih Word tournament Brooklyn lost night The scores I riM ease GltnmoreIIohl Dlermonn 184 Eschrnan- 3D Tledemonn li6OJeIr 133 Total 706 ADBex8kggs t 123 Weber Cook 100 rinloy 1 048I- XCO1D 1 oy- Oenlorelbl 128 I mrmann 08 Eschmon 14t 116 Total 8U4 Annex akexis lull Koemmer 13 Weber 16U Cook J2B Flnloy its Total 7118 The UnIversals won two games lost night In Eaters Oak Hall tourney Ilrooiljo The scores FUST OAME Leo Lyceum Daly IBO Keenon 120 OConnor fill ONell 146 Total 6bo- VBlTcrsolUuval 1W Van Wyck 188 J l- et Cormlck 141 Biandorff UII T MeCormsek 18 Total 744 IUD OAKK truolWlhoa181 ToMI11 Kills 148 Canning III Ix o LyceumWolr l I Mi OConnor 1841 Oogglnt 1801 OVdll 8j 1112 Total 77- IroquoisEllia I 102 Doyle 128 Wilson 184 Con Ding 188 Outer 173 Total 708 UnlverralDuval llll Von J McCor mock 13H W mandorrr 16 0 T kct LOB Total 7K7- Ily winning the two games in the tournament of tb- AssocltedCyclingIiub5of I Long Island on Tuesday night the Pequod Club Wheelmen took the lead The sooresi nn T OMIt repuodRaker133 Mites 186 Erreger 188 Fo- rreetioocarrib Totol 786- DushwlckTerry 1711 Rudd 11B Dixon 1S8- Langerman 18li Morgan 108 Totals 647 SKCOin oMit 1ennodnAker 110 Miles 185 Erreger IBlt For rest lOll Cart lilfl Total 714 DusnwlclMorgan 1414 Rudd 129 Dixon 168 Faust tin Terry 118 Total tu The following were the mulls In the MlhoArtls tournament games rolled at the National Hall alleys last night men I MlnerUormoten 104 StIller 1551 FIsher I 122 snyder 127 I lrI- Llt ivhumacher ft 107 rteeder- 1SB onipentlne I 107 Faber al Bchrenk lIlt Tola OPO Hires OAr Schumacher A EtlllngerIarman tSHilleeder loll > aronsntlne ItU Faber 154 Hchrcnk i lift Total894 Donaldson Ilroi Raciirl 140 Hchnreloek lOB Boengen 110 Illmer 182 Rust ino Total 7H1- Tiitnu hAste Donaldson Drosllachael 110 chneelock 120 fiaengen illS Illmer 113 Rust 1NO Total TX- SRlen ft MlnerDormagen 80U Hells 114 SIllier 129 Fisher 131 Snyder 144 Total 724 The following are the scores rolled In the Uncle 8am National tournament at Fracnktes alleys last night nun JANE 1loneer Utter 127 Ilenlng 170 Glenc 131 Wolf 128 Henry 133 Total Ort- 3ClvllBervle So1Aker107 Roehm 130 Thomas 140 Dcnocke 173 Trllsch 124 Total 004- K rOXII flAME flvll Service No lAckcr 143 Roehm 1BI len ecke208 Trltsch137 Klskamp 173 Total biG AcmelIcNally 181 Armsteod 133 Krenmcr 172 Doral ill Total 701 Tiimn oAM- rrionVrUtler 168 Plenlmj 163 Olenr 111 Wolf 131 Henry 1 IB Total 078 Acme McNally 185 81 Oxx 1C- 5Kreamer lib human 167 tI7J llnwllnn Game Tonight American NationalLinden drove Orchard anti Fnipirc Atliloilo LeagueNew York A C vs Elizabeth A C- at New A C alleys United Ron lInt Clubs ftectlen 1Oolden Rod civil Service and Vest Shore UntIe San Sat nallmplrr Fidelia and llanhat liii II V Harlem llepuhllcan ClubKismet New York No 2 and Knickerbocker slmuklinrmVn Union Clover and Flatbush- Rrooklyn Royal Arcanum Fulton Council Fort Green Council and Lomr Idand Council Arlington Fearless Adnlpnl and Arlington No 2- Tncnty > txth WardKickers vs Woodbaven ot- apltol KaIser alleys lemplolnn Defender and Wllloughb- vCaslnonouleiard Columbia and Farmers Northern Now Jersey Y M C A IveaguoOrange vs Palace at Orange nllcja Morris and Essex LeanuoColumbla Club vs North- ern Republican duo at Columbia Club alleys Essex County League Orange Tab unit prudential Central League New Jersey A C vs Talulleld at New Jersey A C alleys CHESS HtelnlU Unreal Plllabary In the Ht Peter bur Tournament ST PETEIIRIIUIIO Dec 11PIIY In the Inter ¬ national chess masters tournament was re- sumed ¬ at the local chess club yesterday after ¬ noon and finished early this morning Pills bury suffered his first defeat at thin hands of Stelnltz while Lasker beat Tschlgorln Stein Itz and Tschlgorin had tho white pieces PIIIs bury played the Iltroffdefence against atelnltz and the latter managed t win In spite of being- at a disadvantage at one tIme after sixty moves Tschlgorln offered an Evans Uarabit to Ma- sker ¬ which tho latter accepted Eventually and after having neutralized whites attack Las ker sacrlUce a piece and won after twentyfive The games ended tho first round of the tour- nament ¬ The score up to Unto Is a follows tb9 a E g- Pn a lf 3 H Fmnuellker u I I 2 U I 2 WIIIm8telnUz 111 II I 0 I 0 I 1 Tohlrorln 1 j l Llt I I 2 d A Game Between Tlpwnhnta and Showislter Again Adjourned At the Manhattan Chess Club yesterday play in tile thirteenth game of the LlpschntzSbo walter match which was adjourned after Lip schlltzs fiftyfirst movo nn Monday night was resumed The game was again adjourned after the 101st move Alit 1ETJCS CbrlRtliini ShowIng Their Skill U Gym hnMtn Tho gymnasium of tho Twentythird street Branch of the Y M f A was fairly crowded lat night the attraction being the first all rnanil Indoor athletic contests of the branch members Tho events Included exercises with dumb bells 01 parallel bars side horse high horizontal and 1 quarter of n mile potato raiu There were sixtyone entries In each event tho largest number over received by the brunch I In nn exhibition of this kind Inch competitor had to make 15 points nut of A ponsl Ile 100 In tbe potato race the contestunts hurl dispose of seventeen potatoes II better time than two minutes to bo entitled nny points rhu total points nimlo by each man follow Kf Shortnwicr IS F I Starkie 80 Wlulo- R 3 E It 11 Id J Zllorman 82 I 1 SI Kelly ii- C Koch T tIU 1111 hO suer- i l 8 It 77 4 It 77 i Ji 1 lilllfiicr f 3 Nit Angus I 70 i n 01 Vogel g- iGJ Dvyer 711 AiMndorf 75 F Jlehlalel 74 J Jalllll 73i J II ORrlen 73 I t 72 O- legmum 71 W J cuddy 7 A W Weston 71 A L Thompson 70 A W Sweltzer I 70- E Srhjchanowskl 70 K H llerger BO J V Oetts 6H- W i Klein 66 E K lloyiston W II n Shaw 117 It II- liunlup 07C EDOW 17 i 51 RIekey D7 IIi nensler 137J McCauley 85 WT Bllken 118 J Craven 658 Jourrret05 An Interetnllame of basketball was played second teams which resulted In favor of the former bya score of It to J Tho lineup kArat Tenm VmUiorm Ketond Teittt- toi Forward Whfoler- tiikiii Forward Jnlmsim- lejirnofT Cvnlre Mavit- Paumgard Defiiue AUadl- ullclacCen Defence Sturmer- rioals I Rose Ruscb Meyerhoff Abadle Umpires W 11 Reed Jr aol J Ilaarcn Iledford Athletes The fourth of the series of events In the In ¬ door Pentathlon athletic competitions of the Bedford branch Brooklyn Y M C A were decided on Tuesday evening at the gymnasium of the branch C V Williamson lends In the pints scored to date with A W luyster sec ¬ The two events which comprised last Tuesdays programme bar vaultlnennd putting the twelvepound shot werewolconteote Tha point made In four sets a tolowl r 370 Luyster 630 tJfr Stevens 443 Hwlft 464 Williamson Le Forge 474 Cyplotfi42 Frrrei ale Dorsrh 541 Hlnman 425- Ifairfeld 122 tInt bill 155 Christie I 71 Hamilton 123 lIon Ketiss 112 11 luvt Prafealilonnlil Stay Uo n Part aflhe L A IV Not Yeiir Whllo the members of the Unclog Commltteo- of the L A V and tho Jjflo Hoard of Trade who held A conference on Tuesday evening In relation to the racing situation for next season refuse to dlvulco what decision was arrived at a HUN reporter was told yesterday by n promi- nent official of tho L A W that it has been practically derided to suggest that professionals bo admitted t the league next year and that three classes A n ntid professional bo main ¬ tamed While the racing situation is rather compl cated ut present It seems evident that W lbs decided to hold to Its present system of racing with perhaps some new rules and allow race meet promoters their choice of hold- ing ¬ race fur any class they may ceo tit The report that the manufacturers will not sup ¬ port racing teams next season I H lot believed It Is understood that If class Ii Is retained H- Seeemi likely tho manufacturers will still em- ploy ¬ their racing men but pay smaller salaries The Pennsylvania division of thu L A W Is said to favor the reelection of A C Wllllscm to the Presidency O C Drown I Is mentioned I tho successor to O H Orr as Chairman of unclog Board of thin Canadian Wheelmen Association Charley Murphy has mae pond record upon tho track this year gained tho hal a mllocompetltlon record of the world tied mile and also the mile exhibition record It Is said that Murphy hR won prizes to tho value of 4000 this season Tile mileage record of tho member of the Bloomfleld Cyclers to date fol ¬ IS lows C W Smith 0005 L A Hrady- Coiftett 4100 U A Beach 62 I M II G I r 2r04 ii c 11IUe lI6 J F ftOIt 2800 C I King 15111 Brady V C ICimier 18013 A M I 9010 The Pennsylvania division of tile li A W has elected tho following delegates to the Na- tional ¬ Assembly Thomas Hare C A Dlmon H n tarden and P S Collins Philadelphia A T Nelson Harrisburg JJ McKee Iletble item 1 K Hardor Clearfleld W1lclall MeKecsport W S Ncsbltt Mertens Erie and C A Godfrey Scranton The Le Hay Wheelmen ot City has elected the following ofllcers President S W Williams Vicepresident V Htirkc Treas liter II Rochford Uncording Secretary E tiruene Financial Secretary If Moran Cor- responding ¬ Secretary W Williams Tho Riverside Wheelmen have elected T J Miller and J F Fitch club delegates to the annual meeting of the New York State Division of tile LA W fo be held on Dec 30 ItsJlported that the wheelmen of Syracuse not to make application to the National Assemblyfor the league meet for 00 Fool JJ CThe rule which you refer to requiring- a bal to strike tho cushion after the cue ball the pyramid scarcely ever involves the player in tho forfeiture of a scratch when he bursts the holla Furthermore he Is oolle to all balls pocketed on the break if ho cals any particular hall for any particular pocket- A smashing blow at the pyramid provided the cue bal or an object tall strikes u cushion af ¬ terward fulfils all that the rule calls for The player delivering snob a blo1 obTloaslr Tires t his opponent a really sonorous chance to him Ho should therefore not b P1nlshe but rather lauded for bold play stroke could carcoly over Incur a be- cause It scatters thin balls forfeit the green The rule woe made not to put a penalty on such bold play but to stop what Is coiled baby safetyplay tho tactical art of the timorous player Public iJotiecs 1 > OST OFFICE NOTICE Should be read DAILY by all interested as changes tony occur nt any lime Furign malls for the weekending Dec2I will close PROMPTLY In nil IOMHI nt this onire aS follows TKANSATLANTIU MAILS BATURDAYAl l A M fur FKMK SW1TZER- IANII ITALY RIAIN rOIUUOAL TURKEY KliVIT nnd IIR1TIKII INDIA per steamship iJl Champagne sla Havre letters for other parts of Europe luSt bo directed per La Champagne ot- II I A M for EtROli per Kleanvshlp fampanla via cjiiernttnwn at 11 A > t for NORWAY direct iwr stcnmsblp Hckla letters must bf directed pr Ibtiai at 11 A M fur NETHERLANDS direct I er steamship Ytcnilum via Rotterdam tidier must bo directed iicr Yecndam j After the rinsing of tIlts Supplementary Tran > atlantl3 Stalls ntmou above additional supplementary malls are orcned on the piers of thn American English French and lerman steamers and re- mnlu OIMMI until within ten nimble of the hour of saltIng of steamer MAILS Foil SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA WKVT INDIES Ac THURSDAY 1 1 M supplementary 180 I P M for NASStr nnd SANlIAilO steamship Santf ago nt 2 r H supplementary SIO P M l for IirHSIUDA per steanuhln Alfred DumolK FRIDAY At Ki AM nuppltmcntnry I II I A M for CIIION and PANAMA prr ulcamshlp Alllanca let- ters ¬ nitwt bo illnrtcd jicr Alllanc at 10 A M- supplemilllnrv 11 A M1 for CENTRAL AMEItICA except Costa Itlca and GUatemala and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS per steamship Alllanca v- Culon ia helter fur liuatenmla must h directed per Alllaucai at III A II for MEXICO per steamship C cumlal via Progrerto ann Vera Criic letters must lio dlrncted per C Venial at 4 I P M for lA PLAIA COlSTUIhH direct per steam Mulp Elena nt 4I M for COSTA met per steam sama via llmon nt 5 P Jlfor FOIlTUXi ISLAND and IIAYTI pir steamship Clarinet SATlRDAY At 10AM supplementary 1030 A MI forFOUTlNE IhLANI JAMAICA und IARTIIA lENA PIT steamihlp Adirondack letters for CoHlit Ittca and iither parts of Colombia must be- dlriHtfd per Adirondack nt IOHI AM fur CAMIKCIIK CIIIAPAN TAIIA8CO TITXPAM anti YUCATAN per stiamihlp Yumiirl llrllcni for itttcr partt of Mexico and for Cuba roust 1 edl- rcctyd per YiimurlM at I Ili 51 supplementary lVi I PM fur VESKUEIA critACOA anti HAVAMII per steamship curacoa vlafuracoO lund > laracalbiMlINrs fur otlur tart of Colom- bia must ln reeled per iirLCoat at 1 1 M- snpplnmentary I 3i P MI for TUItKS ISLAND CAPE IIAYTI and SAN UOMINfiO tier steamship New York at i P M for I1OCAH luLl 70110 rsttnmer from New Orleans SUNDAY At 3 I PM for IIIUUFIELDS per steamer front New Orleans Stalls for Newfoundland by rail tn Halifax and thence by menintr clow nt this office dnlly at W3- DPM Stalls fur Nlnitelrm by rail to notion and thence by steamer close at this office dally at Ni- PM Malls for Cllbu ouO at this oftlcn dully nk 7111 A M for fnrwnrdlnK i ly stinUHrs iialllnt I Mondoys nnd Thursday from Inn Tampn Ha Mall fur Mexico ovi rlanil unttKn hpiclitlly ad t rret fur iii 110111 II Klcnmcr 1110 at I thU onioa dlllyntTOn A M- TRANSPACIFIC MAllS Mails for China and IHPUII tier iiciiiii hli China I drum Han Franrlsrui cloi e hen dully up In Inc 25 at II1IU I M Stalls for Huwall- t er stiunikhlp AustralIa from San lrancliutu- cloto hi re dally up to Dec 2J lut IOu I M Molls for the Nocloty Islands per ship Tropic lOrd fruit San FrnncUroi clo tier dally up to Dei UA at 1IOPM Malls for China aol Japin per s anv Still Victoria from Tncomai close here dally up- lo lIce > Jul at ll3f p M Malls for Chin soul Japan specially ftdrireatcd only pr steamship Empresi uf I India from Van couven close hire dally up to Dec 10 at 811111 SI t Stall for Australia except thosn for West Australia uhlrh are forwHrded a la Europe New 7enland Hawaii FIJI anil Nanioan Islands 4 per siranikhtp Alamiila from Situ Kmuclsco close lcrt tally up I to Ion 4 at 1110 P M or on- nrrlal ut New urk uf nteamlilt ti nina with Itrltlsh malls for Australia SinUs fur Austral except Vest Australia IIitt nH stilt FIJI Islands per steamship Warrlmoo from Vancouver clow- neiodally after Jan 1 and up to Jan Iat 680- Trauspaclftimalls 1 Ii sri forwarded to tort of sailing dolly and I tho f clieiluli uf dcnliiK is arranged un the presumption uf their uulnterriipiril overland transit ItezUtcrfd mail clinptat C I P M previous hay I CIIAUIKN W DAYTON PiMtlilosler Post Oftlce New York N Y lute 1 1H Ibllfl

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Page 1: Chronicling America€¦ · r I f I TIlE SUN THURSDAY DECEMBER 19 1895 lOuSE RACE NO LOTTERY ioitAiiA DICTVX jv THE MOll llU IMHK CASKS The

r If I




The <Intlce Alio Sara It In Not IlIeK1 rori> Man to Mnkte st Bel with an Attaintaare nnd R cord It If No Uoar lnie

Argument 01 the writs of habeas corpus ob-


far counsel for BamtiM n Lawrence1reildent of theJWestchester Ilaclne Asaoclsv

lon and Joseph Btnrpls a bookmakers clerkwas held before Justice Incraham In the Cham-bers


of Over and Termlner yesterday Prosdent LAwrence who WAS arrested lint monthwas charged with contriving a lottery pool etInv Mid mftlnttnInnusftnce at MorrisFlorals Is accused of bookmaklntc In rlolatlonof the law Justlctt Ingraharns decision In thenutter will settle the question as to the consti-tutionality


of the PercyOrar Racine lawAssistant District Attorney LIndsay appear

for tho people white Former District Attrnoyrleolrepresented Sturels and Joseph 8 Auer ¬

Kuhn Hot ant John 1 Bowen appoarfor M r Lawrence Peter Iaoys reproirntntlro woe aUo present Mr Auerbach be-


the argument by reciting the history of therorcyOnxy law and tho causes which led up toIts passage by tho Legislature Ho declaredthat tho law was framed for the ayowe pur-pose


of prletoa tho patrons ofliorso Auerbach said tho caseagainst II Lawrence was Instigated not byrepresentative citizens but by I crowd of dis-appointed


gamblers The PercyGray law prohibited these gamblers from pursuing their Ille-gitimate calling

Mr Lindsay sold that Mr Auerbach deviatefrom the main contention of thehad Ignored thochargeof contrivinga lotteryJustice Ingraham Interrupted at this point andfall

It Is Idle to talk about horse racing being atottery A lottery as every one knows Is whereeverything depends upon chance A horse racedependllpn sne trenth orendurance and

things further apart than aliorne race and a lottery

I have decisions hero to how your Honorthat a horse race IIs a game of chance std MrLlnd ay

OhII said the Justice youlmay show de-cisions


to prove anything but to say that ahorse race Is a lottery Ian absurd misuse of thoKngllsh language

The case of President Lawrence rested whileDcLancey Nlcoll areueil In behalf of Bturclf thebookmakers clerk Mr NlcollI suld the Ilawcould not be construed In Sturglsa cue In anymanner that would mako him a bookmakerJustice Ingraham agreed with MrNlcoll ap-


for he declared that the recordlngofa dozen bets on a race did not make-

a man a bookmaker and even If It should boshown that ho was a bookmaker and that hisnet were unconstitutional there was no statute-on the books for punishment for the offence-

S He said tbo Legislature had failed to provide-any punishment for bookmakers under the law

Mr Root arguing for Mr Lawrence sold theConstitution was amended reference to poolselling for the express purpose of doing awaywith taking the money from clerks mid otherworllua people who could ill afford to lose

Pool selling had become a lottery andmnny people wore led Into the temptation ofrisking their money In horse rachl howeverthere certainly was an chance asthere was chance In Insurance or anylegitimate business Tho Westchcster RacingAssociation wu not run to make money Cer-tain


fees were charged for necessary expensesbut the object was to promoto the breeding ofgood horses There were no profits In the Mor-ris


Park raco track The association had noth-ing


to do withI I pool selling In the sense that poolsellingl was a public nuisance

Justice Ingraham said Ho did not think It wasIllegal for a person to make a bet with anotherperson whom be knew and record the sameproviding money was passed between themlie said ne thought such a transaction waswithin the law He took the briefs submittedby both sides and reserved decision

rILi JOaN CAMPBELL 001A Humor that Col Ruppert Will Inv a-

New Trainer nod VockeyAt the end of the year there are likely to bmnny changes in the big racing stables In

East It II rumored that Cot Ruppert will havea new trainer and jockey John Campbell whoprepared both Diablo and Castaway II for theBrooklyn Handicaps which both won In tbelrrespective years Intends it Is said to leave theHuppert stable The Colonel will also have toengage a firstclass jockey aJohnny Lamb Istoo sick to don the pigskin

AmonI the moo who are mentioned asblnlflit the plaof Campbl arelieu who Dwyer withsuccess Ho als handled Shelby Tuttle andother bore C Cornehlesen Matt Allenand are 111 spoken of The litter was the trainer the Oneck stablewhich the late Dr Gideon L Knapp was thochief owner

IiissaId that theOnock string may bo soon soldat auction If this Is true there will undoubt ¬

edly be a strong competition for the services ofSam Doegctt who rode for tho stable It Isalso said In raclnl circles that Frank D Hoardwho Is one principal owners of tho ErieStables has his eye on Uoegett for next season

Of the crack Eastern August Helmontba the first claim for the services of Griffin

W Thompson has engaged young Clay ¬

ton Taral and olmms are not signed yet butboth are likelytsecure Urstclass engagements

How They Finished at fifvr Orleans I

NEW ORLEASS Dec 1ISThe Crescent City JockeyClubs races today resulted as follows

First Race Threequarters ot mile Lillian E 3to 1 and 4 to 5 won Rosalind Ulo 2 placesecondXrwnoutf third Tune 1I4K

second Itacr Seven and a halt furlongs fir Work6 to 2 and 3 to 0 won overollo 2 to 0 plaoe secondTom Buyre third 1H4W

ThirdI ie1Wrt of a mite Percy 20 to1 and A to 1 won F Smith U to 6 place c-

on Nlllalblr Time 114lteOoe mile and quarter Wolseytfto

6 M Cats 4 to 1 place Second UncleJim Time aOSM

nrth RaceThrecquarteraet mile Saybrook 10to 1 and a to won John 6 t 0 place secondshanl Han tblrii Time It ISM

The iTmulln nt FrlneoR-

AV Fa4cIscoDrc l8Thsweather was threatenInK today hut tie rain held on unti the end or theraclne A big crowd was The track wasmuddy lint the racingI frgood Tlreooiiuf sixfaiuritrs WOI Mimmnrlu

First IHo furlongs Adoph fpreklIIOBentiii 110 I won Hazard 107second Mount Mctircgor I 1U7 laekln I to 5third Time I1001l Irlln

Second RacoNI furlongs Genre illller 104Cochranc H to I won Highland 104 Cborn t to1 second Carmel 107 Macklln 30 to 1 thirdTime tl8M

Third Kacu One mile Sister Mary 101 Domett1 to 4 won Roma 100 T Moane i2 to I secondbantlozn 115 ichorn I to 4 third Time 147

Fourth flaeeMx furlongs Collins 104 Chorn 3In 1 on Shield Hearer rrJV Hloane 84 to 1 sec-ond JuliaI 104 I third TlmelruFifth Roeo One and onesixteenth miles over tourhurdles lob Itoy 1S5 Finn 4 to I won Dellrlnger114 11 toesecond Cicero 1401 to0 thirdTime vaaii

Ulith Itace One and onesixteenth miles over toOlhurdles JOCI4U Ilenncssy 8 to 8 wonO 123 Cairns i 11 In 1 second Alexis 125 Ambrose 30 to I third Time20334

Winners sit Ht Asaph-WAiiitnTo Dec 18The following are the results

of the races at 8t Asnoh 10 dayFirst Hace t cult a halt furlongs inwslmrp 3

tot and even you Cody out puce second Ualllnothir I111IilceJta Collusion 6 to I and a

Tlnirto I woo

030 Itn to 1 place second Oak thirdThird ItareFivcelhtht 20lo a mile Salltbury 8 tt>

1 and U to 1 won Iuclle 1 place Mcond Iamacraw third Time lOitFourth laeIlx and a half furlongs Ionoma

Mir 13 6 to Ilwon Ionce da outplace second Ktaffa third lime i2114 Lon

Fifth Uace Half mile Deceitful a to 5 andwon Irlo U to 1 place second i Eclipse Jr OltTime

HUtli HateSevenelxnths a mile Seatucket 8oI to 6 and 2 to 0 MOD lkolO to 2 place secondVaiitlyke third unto I

New roan tile Horse WorldTho fast colt Ills IKhnuswho died suddenly at Fleetwood Park

day was 100kNlpon by local horsemen as themaking of He woe owned by JohnPenman who bought him a few weeks ago forSI110 after Ilvlll him n record of 22Il4 in hUmall race OraDgoburl Ills Highness was

Lizzie bywnu Wikelieorge his grandam elster to Mambrlno King ful

Uunebsill NoteTho Atlantic Association will bole a meeting


the Fifth Avenue Hotel lt 13 oclock

Steve Ferluln1naKer Irwin played short-stop for for tour seasonsbefore Allen appeared In thu club

The Pittsburgh Club having failed to secureFred Ely will probably play hick Pad a on of theItonnoke Va Club at short stop Iatldoit wassigned to cover second base several weeks ago

It has been sete that a Pennsylvania thatLeague club located at Ihtladolphlniiluylngat the Philadelphia grounds when tho

s National League train lIs away rite club willbe under the lanalemenof Hilly tiharslg

The deal btween Pittsburgh and ¬delphia I110f Pittsburgh was lD

Phitoexchange for Taylor and Cross thePhiladelphia ofllclals refused to part withCross and offered Taylor and llallman butthe offer was refuted The Philadelphia playera wi probably agsln so to Hampton Va forMajch oprlol practice leaving Philadelphia on

k IJ i

ZIG iTrINGMeUnffle Kstoeksi Out Ryna 1st the Nlath

BoundA private glove contest which was scheduled

for ten rounds was decide In the gymnasiumof the Rldgewood on Tuesday eveningThe principals wero two wellknown amateulighters Eddie MoDuflle champion ot theQueens County A CM and Jack Ryan thechampion of the Glendale A C The r lboxedfor a gold watch and chain MeUnffle weighed110 4 pounds and Ryan 1Jl pounds

Many wagers were made on the result thebetting being about even McDuffle fought fastfrom the ODd had the better of the argu-ment up ltrtend of the third round ThenRyan who had fought on tho defensive cutloose rushed his opponent and started theclaret running from McUuflloa nose with 1straight lefthander

It was a tossup otter that lor two roundsThen McDufllu came again and scored aclean knockdown In the sixth round Ryanwas dazed after that and McDuffles supportCM cheered him to the echo Ryan continuesto flU uwaybotng very weak McUuflle punched-his man as he pleased In the eighth roundthe Ulendnle lad being unable to defend him-self


The left iIn the wind and the right In theface did the trick In the ninth round McDudleknocked Ryan down and out and won the ama ¬

teur featherweight championship of Queenscounty

Chicago Chtefof Police Hay Hnlllvam andhyatt Are Huaubeemn

CiiicAni Dec 18 Under orders of Chief ofPolice Bndenoch tho police have stopped theboxing exhibitions between Puter Maber andRums bbs boxing partner Yesterday a delega-tion


waited on the Chief and the Utter said thathe Intended to stop all sorts of boxing In Chi-cago


and that under no circumstances would hepermit Matter to continue his exhibitions

Why Mr Chief asked Manager lack oftho Opera house has a permit been Issued forHulllvnn and Ryan to box

Uocauso answered the Chief 0 they are acouple of hasbeens fat and out of conditionand unable tdo each other any kind of Injury

Jimmy Decry and Pedlar Palmer WillMe Matched

CHiCAnn Dee18 Jimmy Barry the Chicagolor pound champion will bo matbo tomor¬

row against Pedlar Palmer conqueror ofHilly Pllmmer Parson Davies has receiveoffers for the fight which he has conclude taccepl The contest will take

Peter Maher whoso exhibitions at alocal theatre were stopped yesterday by the po¬

lice left for the East today In a bud humor

Fighting Ooulp-

Gcorle Reynolds of this city says that he witoilers challenge andarticles to box at 131 pounds In a limited roundbut

Constant Reader Jersey City They fought atNorth Judson Imt on Feb 1 1880 The con-test


wereresulelln a draw sixtyfour rounds

Frank Bosworth who was formerly BobFltzslmmonss sparring partner and lately box-ing Instructor at the New Manhattan A C IIssaid to bo seriously ill with pneumonia-

C1NtlcNATiDec 18 Jimmy Ryan and MarkCarroll middle weights metatho Olympic Clublast night for a lenroUul Carroll was nomatch for Ryan was knocke out In thesecond round

larry Nenmler of England who was in thisa few Year ago has Issued a chal ¬

lunge through tho Spnrtdio Life to meet anyman In the world at 148 pounds Tom Tracey ofAustralia preferred

Watson Deles the Rnmor or at New CupCliullenaer

LONDON Deo 18 George L Watson has In ¬

formed tho Yttthltna HorM that the rumor thatthe Hendersons of Glasgow had received an or-


for a yacht designed by hint to compete forthe Americas Cup Is entirely unfounded

Yachting News of InterestRoyal Phelps Carrolls big centretxmrd cuterNaraboe was launched at City Island on

day last after being overhauled antI titled outfor a cruise lu Southern waters

The sloop yacht Whtlcawar belonging to theestate of the lute George F Randolph has beensold to Dr F H Hoynton of New York She Isnow being overhauled at the Greenport Basinand Construction Company

The Orange Lake Ice Yacht Club of Newbnrgahaelected the follovlngofnccrs Commodore

C Htgglnson ViceCommodore WlllettKldd Secretary nnd Treasurer A N ChambersMeasurer C A Dixon Regatta Committee DrWlllett Kldd Frank U Wood Alonso KromCharles A Dixon and B B Moore

Charles L Davis has designed a finkeel yacht-for 0 J Field of the Indian Harbor Yacht Clubiho will bo 40 feet over al 20 feet 6 Inches onthe water line and have a draught 6

She havo a trunk cabin and will b-elledfeet wiwith stateroom closets and ample

room She will be named Ethclwynn H-

and will be built by the Spauldlng HI LawrenceBeAt Company of Ogdcnsburg 1N

The schooner yacht Luello owned by L AShaw of Providence and Daniel Lauton had arough experience a few days ago She sailedfrom Boston Nov 2H on a cruise to FloridaOn Dec 6 she started to crossand was caught In a gab Site rode out thestorm near Cross Rip Lightship losing hermainsail and Jib while her boom and wheelwcru slashCl before she reached NantucketHarbrClnbof

At the annnallueotnl followingof the Pavonla Yach

elected Commodore D W Kohn ViceCom ¬

modore lame Johnson Fleet Captain R H-

McFnrlnnd Measurer A1 Curtln Fleet Sur-geon


Dr L llautnan Secretary WF Tobin Corresponding Secretary W A Mil-er Treasurer B F MacClatn Trustees W JKent JSmith JHennessey F G Agensand J W Strober House Committee JA Dennln W Willis Wi B Adams L Mlddolsdorfand A oi hell Anchorage Committee A Floc A J Kreymeycr and R D Broley Dele-gates


to the New York Yacht Racing Assoclalon James Johnson A J Krrymeyer andGeorge James

Jliml ami1 Stream In speaklnl of tho comingDunravon Investigation I Is now un ¬

derstood that the Inquiry will private noteven members of the club being admitted We-are surprised that In view of the Importune ofthe matter abroad the committee has decidedto make the Inquiry private The Interests ofthe defence which presumably has nothing toconceal demand the fullest publicity through-out


the entire proceedings and there should bnothing In tIm evidence which In the interesteither side must be suppressed or oncealedfrom tho pu bile The press at least should navefull liberty to attend and report the proceedlogs Without questioning the good faith andgood judgment of IhpCup Committee In fallingto mikn public on Instant Lord Dunravensfirst charges It is evident that hind this beendone the mater ronld never havo assumed Itsnresent phase

Bile HuootloaThe prize shoot of the Empire Rifle Club bgan last evening at the pettier range

flowery The prize money amount tSUOand wi be divided ns follows prize 35

prize 20 third prize 18 fourthprize 15 fifth prize 110 sixth prize Isseventh prize SO eighth and ninth prizes 5

tenth prize 11 eleventh and twelfth prizes 12each The conditions of tho shoot are afollows Any i2callbre rifle to be used regula-tion tweltIVfrlnl target two but tickets tgovern al Scheutzrn lund rules

There was quito a sharp competition lastnlght-n secure the prlzu for the lowest score made

during the exhibition Tho shooter who obllltilt entitled U Sii and forond dbtnctoiis there Is also a prize of 12Charles Buyer who In a pretty fair shot did notisu his sharp eye with tiny discretion last nightand as a consequence helonly scored 40 pIntIn two attempts The following is thetite shooting poislblo lO pointsfrfltL 13 liuss C 74 74 M II KngleI Zettlt-rt C 74 741IL Hack Zettler II 74 73 O homeyYVIIIIainnbiiriili BUoutlnzSociety 78 7H John UletzJr Krnnlre It C 7111H KatsaeK Empire It C 7S71 It dandier KmplreI itcC 70 flu i L derby 8067-Uharlet Ikycr 40

New Jersey A CVi DIe Indoor CarnivalAn interesting programme of xports has been

arranged by the Now Jersey A C for Its earn I

val in Madison Square Garden on Fob 1 nextFin two Important features wi be the two

mile sueplechnae scratch the tenmilerun scratch The other events will be

Kittyyard run handicap 440 yard run onemilerun handicap oyurd hurdle handicap standing

step and jump scratch tt0yard run handicapiHtlyaru novice scratcn onemile walk handicap i

broad jump handicap quarlerofamfletndlny school of llrooklI I a Jersey flly anti New

sanctionI bicycleI race handicap under I A W

No Ice Yuchtlnc on O ran to LakeNnwmnioii Dec lRTho Ico yacht racing at

Orange Lake was Interfered with today by thetaw there being considerable water on the Ice

expected that Commodore Hlgginsonslarge boat Windward would bo tested todayHho han been changed from acathoattoasloopr-igiied yacht und carries TUB feet of canvasTho Shadow also belonging to CommodorelQllnoula the only boat In the fleet with

blOt having BOO eoloolr

The stockholders of the Morris County GolfClub will bold a meeting this afternoon at 2oclock at 32 Liberty street The company thatIs to build the Improvements on the golf coiiseat Morrlstown und tuke thu title to the propertywilt be fully organized The notice Is signed byO U Frallnghuysen and Alexander 1 Tiers ofthu stockholdcro committee





Salef-or tho holidays












St corner GreeneItlet llroadwayand fUh ave Elevated It n > alsoBroadway corner Rector St

pOftnnn <ood

Indoor GamesFor ChristmasCh-

ess Checkers DominoesBackgammon Cards Dice

EAHTKIIN AOKNTS FOBKalamazoo Duplicate Whist

Combination Sets FourteenGames Just the present tomake-

Thousands ofOther Suitable Presents

Skates Sleds Boxing GlovesFootballs Indian Clubs Dumb-bells


and Uniforms for allAthletic Sports

Boys Pneumatic Bicycles wood-


rims Price 2500-AGSPAIDINGBROS

IUOUK NASSAU HTUKETUptownriepot SpaldlngRldwcll 22 1 and 33

Wrst fortysecond f2000 BICYCLES 22 UPNothing better toholiday present MOO Juvenile

bicycles I ball hearings regularI Ull bicy-cles sale rcI8211 larger size fio fig ladlessOd nuns regular 100 bicycles 13760 Mi and 4ll-BOObecondhaud and torn a I 85 Wi-dely comiietltloii Established H IlEHALUCYCLE CO lltNowauilinear Foal O c


r L-


F4i-Lu amire ajgigi rocost1asesaMin 2 zPiaristn-

TE AESW II iUt IIUUMfl 5aDo not bo deceived by Infring-



Heni the fno nlinllc nlKnaitara of

on the package sand on aeh elRsiretteTAKE NONE TVITnOTT

r iy Vtf tlttnt


A BOY DOESNT CAREClothes are just clothes to him as

long as his father or mother buysthem for him A wide awake boywill be hard ltim best of garments-but so far as good goods and strongseams can withstand his robustefforts we have headed him off Wemake his clothes as stylish as they-are durable end as warm as theyare stylish-

No gift is more highlyprized by a boy than a now SuitReefer Cap Leggins or GlovesMothers say our prices are the

lowest in Brooklyn

I <G O


Fulton St corner Da Kalb AvBROOKLYNO-

pen every evening until Chri-



200Cub or 1 225 on time

7 MONTHLY-A number of slightly used pianos from 3D to lisa


JACOB BROTHERS103 Broadway Hrooklyn

Warerom 1041 IJroadway Hrooklyn48 Jaiksou av IJHK Islaud City

Fatter pm 041043 West siuih st New YorkThe Jacob Brothers PianorptiitisM br teachers and eminent artistslricrp inoderatetrnis easy


I p

rfff TV A

tInt olrlMast HIde

O1 ST RT 42 EASTWell furnished rooms witi J good board transients tablet board

Wet Hide

I OTH ST B8 WESTFront end rear rooms withJ i board closets bath also nrstclass table boordjreferencesYllTli8TT25 fiR wI furnished Tirie andH small rooms housetable bON bar oplonali TTlTS i sn WESTSulfe linexpeoteillyJL 1 vacated altotluglo room rom8 I references


414 WUSTCall and Inspect my newlyroom with or without board

OxculMneandappointmentsflrstclansifsfirwESTEieitantly dnew management

CQTH ST iins 817 AND 1111 WF8TIIanrtsoniehrJ O furnished rom excellent table Trench cui-

sine table board

Jurnijslud gloomc VpnrtratnWt0 tuKnit SIlO

IOTIJ KAST Laritii and small rooms hotwntor Ac liouso heated

nTH8Tim EAHrlargpand small rooms welll board terms moderate early

brcaktt7 of IT hIt MS AKTVKiirnrshedrooms forLthousekeeping and other ron RZjOfiisT 307 KAHTSlcily tnrnlhromn antieJ good board 4 per week

Vet Hide

mr AV044 near 17lh stlane and small I wellwarm sunny rooms quiet house con-

venienceI tlTIl HI WEHTSlngle and double rooms wellI furnishedI warm house 58 and 01 SirsI IlENIINZI OTIt HT 41 VmTinqtilet reflned houso o1 MI comfortable single room references required-

OH711 RT 1137 WEST Wellfurnished large andw small rooms warm comfortable house f2-

upnardimfll BTTlill o WKST6no larRowiSFfurnTslied-

VF hack room tuonentlimen or coupleiinTH HT 8SH WEST WellfurnishwlI room for-

t Kentlemelt private houseXl BT ST liSOWKST Two wellfurnisled rooms

cleal warm houRo with bath Ac moderate

OOD ST 400 WKST HandHiimrly furnished roomsO singly en Utile firstclam board moderate

O tTH ST lVFsfHandsomel furnished romtf large small references

jtfK1 41 WEST Comfortable furnished roomsquiet private house

Tit STi 45 WEsYfhe Wllton cosoy and homeh I like steam heated rom Iper week upward

45111117II WEBTIargeandhouse

nmali heated rooms

T Soil WE81Weil furnished rooms warm-s s comfortable house mmlernto prices

s rTll RT inn WESTSlngUi and double roomslltJ heatod hot and cold water every conrcnlencejexcellent board moderato

gurnijsheii oomsi Co IZt t foohllln

N A usAt BT 134 DrldcnI minuter Slostdeslrablofront room well furnished In private house ref-


funujslmt flntti So getTJKR furnished flats go to headquarters over TOO to

select from nny location nn delayI de-partment


4JU bth av between 31st soil 32d ste

cfhlt and gVpartmcnto Sot-


ttI XX7ATIOXr excellent plan

Mant llftht

V rooms six rooms and bail nrlvutn hail anilreasonable rent nt UAS and Hut Vet lB7th otjutl-or Hu Nicholas av from 923 to 8211110 roomsnnd bath ntOVtanl 1t7 West I1JiHh tit I8to tCI-

Y1IATS AXirAIARTjiENTsr llirnrnlshiHll ati forJTiilshrd In desirable kHatlnus rout Still to 8300UFOLSOM silirliins Itriadwny cor 1Jih iP-

tI KXIXrtTON 110Two law niomsTconiuCtTngJ Jd floor gas terms reasonable Inquire In store

ownerVICTORIA FLATS TTlh sT bet Silt and

Oth avsFuvv roolu autO hath i halls redecorated lowrents janllor attetidaiuT W IWNFh 1S4 nth av-

TH Am4 toi20 flats or six rooms anil bath9 all Improvements steamheated halls JanitorAcTT1I RTihII lYESktart1entlorTx rooms

llghtjjiau owner onjiremlsps-QT1 II ST sail WKST bstweerTYth anil 8th vI O Kleennt llits 4 light rooms Improvements alt

decorated new building just opened 61H and 11Janlnir-OUTII ST SIS Wt WKSTrteiant Ilinfurnishod hT3

O and 4 rooms fmrrovemfnts new bulldlti-K77THfiTSllEAST7j ni pecr blil Hats six sevcTi4 I rooms Improvement 81t110 920tOT i ST Tr TO KS KAST=i rooms and bath ffil-

otVSeFJ ala ut 78 tAt 00th St cor Park av 1room ant hath new houses Madison uv andusth-lUjU to 8201 OrTll8T24HEAKTApartnienls of three and1 O four room r all light rooms cheap rent

wtlUit Qowtst to ttTtttijD ESIIIA11LE HOUSES furnished and unrurnlshed

In doHlrahle locations rent 91200 0000-FO1SOM lHOTIIKRKb2n Uroodwoy cor 12lhs-

tSo ft for ttiitrt UflOstA flOUT nOOO RQUAUE FEET lillOUKD

11 FIRST AV NEAR 35TII ST both frontsOnestory frame mluht sipaiato

long or short lease IILKIXJKEII I ill JodaI3 UlIllN0S store lofts oftlees and studios to let

In desirable locationFOLSQM tlllOTHEUS nan Rroadway cot Igth st

I AltOS store am7Tm ement 75x135 410 to 444-J Canal nbc ndlolnlui building 4U3 Canal with

elevator Apply at 1H7 Fulton kt-

AUGKJ lofts curlier of Vestry ami IreTmOch staTt4 strain louverand elevator Apply 1H7 Fulton stCOTS to let to suit soy demandr 4 RULANIi 4 WH1T1NO B Reekman st

ICK IICHT STORKS in the newly nnlshed buildIns tiS7 2d av rent very low Janitor

OTDRE 654 WEST 60TII ST In which for o numberOof years o lliuor business has been successfullycarried on to let tIm former tenant having purchaseda house or hU own

Soo housekeeperOTOHKS new tulilullng MadIson oVIsnil USIti stT7 bakery grocer cigars Ac also cor UOth st and

lark c-vrI1t SI 45 EAT one bloek from 1th ovSloreI suitable tailor lilies tailor drcmtmaker fullplateflans frout In new white builiilnit three mirrorscellltic tci floon steam heat alt n mllosTIlE WM S ANUrllSON COMPANY 24 East 42il St

Ural estate gor SnlrOARniNO IIOfSE handsomely furnished for saleJ> on account of sickness OALIFOltNIA box 110Sun uptown fflce 1285 lirnad way

H A VINO 800 acres of land on thus D 1 t WlT nwish to sell part of It land Is very high and level

situated on Long Hill Chatham henllhlist place Inhe United states suitable for KenllemanH residenceLH minutes from New York will divide lu SIte ten orfifteen acre plots or sell In large trans cheap

IIUD1I NUSinTT062 GrundHt New York

T aflOEit Roost HOUSE and plot 92700 9100 downJ near depot WAIIRFN 123 Liberty

O ACirrS Irlnceion F0io peach trees goodZO buildings 91400 9700 cashWAUHKN 123 Liberty st

tnl Estate or 2zhcQtI-

Olt RAIK Fourstory brick utoro and tenement InJMlthnr1 between 42d and 4Udati will Ia sold ata bargain owner going away



73 Broadany

Crtatt or flltollfl ll1lld

1IUsltNcl nriinil opportunity to secure a lionCheap 8 room smell union ut cash rMjuirto hoi

one payable same an rfttt OKU WOUTI f FlU-

Hjfutate cr htlccw jctciANYSOIIPlt Industrious uorklnftman or clerk1k with ery Illtln rash can own H wellbuilt newhouse of 6 rooms bath furnace tub4 rouge4c for

10 monthly on u 50 foot riot 1urilculari anti-ticketsof jilAICII 11 ANKONH-

AHIIKOILK IIIKIIIIITtiI V JBBtJRY PARK N J For sale n i orncr diiubioA lot and dwelling most dcMrable purl of town

Apply to owner DO llroadnay N Y room 18-4IKNA Fl V X liluniikoini ills piuu for sale1 II WKATHEItlir K CO Ill llrnodway-

KAC1Lct AdiolnlnK lots sold for 9100 4 leftiI line village MUITII 2111 0 llruadway room 24-

1Jutatf or alc or QXCltlhilfl-

tI XCnANOIKtirlty lor country countrr fur city4 money mloan IIRVINO-

III Muillcin av ror 42J

iiiltt tiIiautrcA ttlli WANffU fur so etiabllshml iToiiy news

L paper n man with 950UU ami thuublllt to takncharge of the business maiiUKimiiil n iiii llnd a deMrailo npportunliy Andre giving references and f ilerlemo HAIIV MjWHlAlKlt Cur 119 Mm onic-

eaniltutclucFgi1 l wefklv NO TRASH caTfor-

11IAMOMIH auluire H W h Ill iIMiilden laneSyAiCJIE riKm2 All goulsguiarantttui

Office urntturelIKMIiH AND OKFICEF-


a an r t r


Escargot de llourgogne Mallard Duck to

Cuisine Franoatx Imported French WinosSB universIty Plnee bet 11th and Htk-

Ht N if


Everythlnsr new and first class throughoutFINEST CAFE IN TUB CITY

Snore singly or en suite lIrge outsiderooms 9kEntrance to restaurant on 40tli st


Newly built fireproof hotel conveniently locatedcoble cars pass thn door pleasant sultua for familiesill modern Improvements electric elevator eleetrllights aol gas European plan entirely new man-agement rooms front 84 per week up

1 IsTItUCK Manager


KUHOIKAR 1LANFurnished Kulie-

sWllllAli If VALIQUETTtt-VTEW FRENCH and Italian renwurant nneit tabliI> dholu for SOt 1114 id cc near 10th st-

pf orcinu otrl


Situated In the must cuncnient and fashionable posi-tion nnd contains n large number nf sItting anti bedrooms en suite and sIngle and doublo bedroomsorchestra plays durlnx luncheon dinner anti upperservice table dhntc nr n la earl-ersopsletorTIIEGORHUN HOTELS LTD


Witztcr tortWARREN WH TE

Niilplnir SPPIIIgS irgiiiiaThe Oldest Summer Itenort In the ITnltsl I

Htnte EntahlUlied In 17O4Often nil tho Year-

C W tlIIrN ib MON Owners A rmprletonmtuatcd on the summit of this Three Top Itange

at an elevation of Blim fu bore the tea Kirelleutfishing boating anti bathing For further partlcutars iwldrcsi thn proprietors

Mineral waters for salt at all tretclass drug stores

oilr 1oticticnud Lttctingi


R COIUMHIAN ORDERnROTITERS A special meetIng of the Institution

will hn held tn the Council Chamber of the great Wig-


on Saturday orenlnff Pi c 21



and to transact any other business that may come hefore the Society at half an hour after the setting otthe sun General and punctual attendance Is requested

Dy order of the Grand SACHEM

JOHN n McOOIPRICK SecretaryManhattan fiainon of Snons lOOt Moon year of

Discovery 401th of Independence 120th and of Insti-

tution the 107th



011 liltHMrlIIlUl Kant IRthstTnear id uv mallon only MIKUUIM IC 15 > cars iIn lilt

Is Iuutluero48ulrpralleIutb sexesiilondhklnI ulcer hiintihriiil IUIMmouth legspainsback laud bimix cheathr IInns Uldneypbladderstunt gravel Irrltutlon painful urination fcvHllngtstrlclurtisulifi Sly miiliodcuruit ncrvouit dtbllitv-w Hknrs haul drivn limi munlmNl phviifis trimlull uug IImpedliuuniitto nusrrts steak undeveloped orifanti lIP cite s eOII HIbjIlTII first Ihu stops illsCtufllKti tuulululIaltS eIlrrs euirauutei 11 to ii tVi ii o orcall > iin rlnr irvaiinent mlvlcn frro MBUKINi i5a-

OIII II 1C llHMIIKKraiiiiat Unlvruiliy CItyot > uw Vork iiiiidlialilipurtuient I yiarsMn clallitt-liullMas Hiif men only suns ulcirn akin bliiod I tllsIlinigts filrct hirlcturcs kldntt > blaildrr polthncure fur Iur lull drblllly weak iimleviloiii dI nriiahxI

InipidlrncntH 10 inirrluKe orKanlo upukiHM IirI IIHISIUr LuiiranH u iiilik i rinanenii rurHlnalli-llsfiituii


iKciillnr Ilo non 11171cc leer 11 years Mt I171Weil liiin it liitncrn nih and 7th ave Triatmenl-nnd advli fnr MKliKINK tll Ilinirs U u Oj Kimdays tl to U No rhttrr unlcix cured

Olll lilt JltiV 41 year u oprrlullfit ladltie MrH 11 men milI > julfkiit Iinrnuinint cureKUnrnnifid In ull IIIMIIJIII lilnod lln kid ny bladiir rtoni Kratl iti ikHr mrvous ilebllity bal

drriuno Imitiitlminth to innrriHifc Ac Ofllio over o3cunil IVU Kail 17lli st near I nlim siiunrc Hoursiitiili Htindiosli Ilu I cllul ito Itreatment and mla lei fn1 MrillilnH VH-

A A A QIICK IKTl IliuM i 1CUrl in illKianiof men ilingfrous CIISLH stejtet 7relIct nt nrcoj Ihnw iliHlrlntf only first class sclentlne-irfatnutntI Hliould CHll The hell og Hii clalUt ITlhuNul U tIt ijli West a7llin li loJIi 7lotl bnndnjs1Ill to I

UK AND Hits HKINIIAUIi kpnclslNIs female ifU rfKUliirltlcs ID year oxperlcnce VOO West Slidformerly mil I rxliiKiu-

nl tllcoMlAI I K lt ulinv lliriiriifatinHitofallI fuF muloii i i l iliit I1I7W 47th si forniorly U4Ih-

iLAJ1IKKti Chichetlfrj Eiglish PcnnyroyRi pijtl 9r the cleat au 11111

aA11e eturnMnj S4 fClilcbeslcr Cbciulmrco i-

Z hA Ill ES 1IllVMCIANI expert ciinllileutlul aiNvlni roniiiltutlM free Inxior MIIHl Ill Ill 1114

ISO Fast 4bli it slat ion West 43u1 t

t XIAIIIlSI > llYSir IAVM UVi484-ntor IJway expert advIce fUNbULIAllOS 1fI1Xi

i v tk

IO WLZ-OTUed Teams Compete In the American

National TournamentA mal crowd loeII the American National

tournament games at the lermania AIembl floom-atisyahast night The three competing clubs are Inthe dllloo and have no chance to win aeonrprIze scores

nesT eastE-

tiloxS < D ttore I CCo0

rS Iscor-

F DosldU O 4 138 JohsnImer2 7 1544 4 lR3 La hiesu2 I a 138

C Uorel1 4 3 14 0 1133 6 12A leIJr1 4 4

Ddol 8 4 11 C DIJer I 6 18-

1Totall129 i reaseTotaic14 ii ii

uo cATHoLIc it tSa I cnr S c orep Doteld1 It I 17 IlorI8 6

I9 I 18-

0DrchI6 Il-AClonrlr I I 159 Fiernlrigs0 4 1410 Merroy4 I 5 107 I 11 11 I 17-

1Totl9241 7M rotale14i1120 760Titian ease

CTC cuuoue Y 55 I A

SSJ3Srore-Johanimcyr5I S n S9 I 1100018 I 4 3

La ItcoU I S 4 9 11-111PriorfI 4 8 186Fieinltlgs8 3 2 117

4 5 138 Merreyii IAIljer1 tllltJ 3 4 146 yR-

nTtI118IHP 141

731 Totali181718 7S9

The hamilton Ink tram was easily defeated I-nto flank Clerks Lgue gmes at Thumanos allea-laitnight The Ir sins ease

1nonL rAor ilAVlTO-eSflScore S S n r-

Trilgerl I I 1760SburbI a ii 14

I 2 Mooney 9 I 101McDoulalO I I 159 I I 5-11Fsrrier7 0 US-

4 11 I0 10 Dike I 1 P 1-

0Totl2 33 Hi 70 Totals9 192 120-


OCSI1Seer SflSor-Wright8 8 I 17O h y2 4 4 14-11CummingsC 2 123 Mooo I 4 4 IRA

1owers4 1 8 lal VIar 4 4 17-Ornt 2 4 1147 WilliS I 1 4311 I 1 170 Dike 1 8 133-

Totata H 19 HI 778 TotalS 2121 701THultO 01-


Sr SVor-eWrightI 4 8 Terwiliiger3 I I l3-Cflmmtllgl2

b2 6 123 Major 1 1 14-

0Powers1 I 14 1 MDoual2 4 143-5Hrant3 I 11 I I tK-

2311Ie0 7 1118I 3llert ITotals 6123 lUl Totats13 11 18 770

The Auroras etnd two games In Carrutbems na-tional tournament Brooklyn iast nigh The scores



ttnitIsER-SBScere B SreDi 0 7 S 150 nrenmn2 7 1

lenrck2 4 4 144 Ir4Ier1 3 4 143O 4 1 I 102lInker1 6 4 uOIMeahm 1 1MCnalb I IS 3 104 lorfordI 0 11

Totl02718 713 Totl11227 81-

7rro aAMEWVRLT nEKIrnB 0rr I I1ScoreSeaton0 5 5 a2 Grenmn1 1 la-

2Eulrll 4 6 135 1 115a 3 188 trazerl 4 5 lOS

Lurkbfrl 6 2 177 Meachani2 2 0 122

U1lon3 7 0 102 Story I 1 1 I


2010 714 Totals5 11 600THIRD GAME


WAVERITX B Start St1 cO r116 s 0 223 Seaton II 1534 3 1113 Esqulrol 1 I IBS

JohnsonU fi I IHA Livingston 4 r 131Jerl 4 124 Ijiuckharl 2 Ut4 3 lUI larlon2 31 I IITotals15 13 830 Total Hi 123 701

Tbe Orientals defeated the South Paw ond Apolloteams In the Arlington national tourneyIlrooltlynlaitnight The BorFIRGUlF

SOUTH TAW i Arouo-USSSBScnr-eIMartinS

a Heart1 2 lIHlaln8 I 1 171

HerschlnK4 I 2 170lowe 8 4 17i1tlrane9 H n tOt

landell 2 fi I 1H7 Hooi 3 4 3 iS-SJenkins2 7 174 tinnlnger4 fi 1 loU

Total16231 SH5 Totals15X218 827srroxu OAHE

01rt rLn ore I n Score

81j g t 200 mi 3g

22 m

6 2 171 1 6 1314 6 1 4 5 147 2 lOS Meniiinger 1 4 4

Totals 128711 81111 Totals 120 11 783ThIRD GAMY


Cordes J 1 Marlin5 1 9 3-UClinch2 I ItO hiierschenkl I 1 15-11lttumpfei1 I I hIll t irs1rmal 2 172 htnndeiL 1 t I 169-

2 1 236 Jenkln7 2-

2Totll11 28 6 1101 Tolh1U IS 18 1172

The New York A C trawlersI visited Jersey City lastnight and rolled two gomes against the JerspylltyClub In the 110f tho Athletic Howling League ThescoresJ Tonic A C JrRI cn etra-

S Sn Score S Sll ScoreCarter 1 2 165 Nswklrk1 4 6 112

Crbwel 7 2 170 lluaon 0 7 0 lIftn11 1 3 lS4tliass I I 4 1512 171 WallieiglLt I 11Clule6 4 I 2i2 Meyer 1 4 6 1I

Total12110 81t Totali 4 25 18 184srcorn OMIt

XEW YORK A C I JERSET CITY ClfO-fi S 11Score SSB5cmCrter1 4 3 178Newklrk 1 3 1 IllS

0 Ul 1116htusoo8 3 103Dell 2 1 8 177llass U II 0 111-

7llilDrown 4 I I Wadlelgha I Il 170Cllle 5 141 Meyer U itt2Totals 1H 23 14 H43 Totals 116 741

The results of the two rlerole In the Morrisand Essex League series nllh Riverside AC alleys were

Final OMIt

nOIEIU A < SlyggilOg A c8 II < IH n-

Nomanl Score8 4 Cadi 6 8Tayler2 I 8 5114 Imlb1 4 a 14

117H 387War1 I I4 6 illS Reese6Chelter1 8 3 111 1Iron1 I1 I 11

Totals i24 18 m Totals142318 50iBtCOSD east


I n Score 11 n ScarsNorman 11 8 14 Cadls Ii 6 0 22-2Taylor8 I 1 Smith 6 4 1 214Ward2 I 1U 1011 I I IHODudley 1 1 I I In-3Cbeltera 1 100 Pleon9 0 1-0Totaltii 8517 Totals 22iiThe Seventeenth Ward leant forfeited two games In

section B of the United howling Clubs tournamentIot mum a Koblsdorfs Harlem alleys lost night Theaore PIcK CLIO

s SB Score a SBKnreMiller 1 4 fi 137 hlompel4 I 4 181lertnon 8 B I 175 U Kaler1 I 1UU-

1S3IIbrr1I 2 10IteIU1 87

Feliel12Uarh1 I 11 I I 122 ILKler1 I 161

Totals 7Oi8Totlis11l 17 318 723

The alenmoro and Annex teams broke even In thewentysixih Word tournament Brooklyn lost nightThe scores I

riM easeGltnmoreIIohl Dlermonn 184 Eschrnan-

3D Tledemonn li6OJeIr 133 Total 706ADBex8kggs t 123 Weber

Cook 100 rinloy 1 048I-

XCO1D 1oy-Oenlorelbl 128 I mrmann 08 Eschmon

14t 116 Total 8U4Annex akexis lull Koemmer 13 Weber 16U

Cook J2B Flnloy its Total 7118

The UnIversals won two games lost night In EatersOak Hall tourney Ilrooiljo The scores


Leo Lyceum Daly IBO Keenon 120 OConnorfill ONell 146 Total 6bo-VBlTcrsolUuval 1W Van Wyck 188 J l-


Cormlck 141 Biandorff UII T MeCormsek 18Total 744IUD OAKK

truolWlhoa181 ToMI11Kills 148 Canning III

Ix o LyceumWolr l I Mi OConnor1841 Oogglnt 1801 OVdll 8j1112 Total 77-

IroquoisElliaI 102 Doyle 128 Wilson 184 ConDing 188 Outer 173 Total 708

UnlverralDuval llll Von J McCormock 13H W mandorrr 16 0 T kct LOB

Total 7K7-

Ily winning the two games in the tournament of tb-AssocltedCyclingIiub5ofI Long Island on Tuesdaynight the Pequod Club Wheelmen took the lead Thesooresi nn T OMIt

repuodRaker133 Mites 186 Erreger 188 Fo-rreetioocarrib Totol 786-

DushwlckTerry 1711 Rudd 11B Dixon 1S8-Langerman 18li Morgan 108 Totals 647

SKCOin oMit1ennodnAker 110 Miles 185 Erreger IBlt For

rest lOll Cart lilfl Total 714DusnwlclMorgan 1414 Rudd 129 Dixon 168

Faust tin Terry 118 Total tuThe following were the mulls In the MlhoArtls

tournament games rolled at the National Hall alleyslast night

menI MlnerUormoten 104 StIller1551 FIsherI 122 snyder 127I lrI-Llt

ivhumacher ft 107 rteeder-1SB onipentlne I107 Faber al Bchrenk lIltTola OPO

Hires OArSchumacher A EtlllngerIarman tSHilleeder loll>

aronsntlne ItU Faber 154 Hchrcnki lift Total894Donaldson Ilroi Raciirl 140 Hchnreloek lOB

Boengen 110 Illmer 182 Rust ino Total 7H1-

Tiitnu hAsteDonaldson Drosllachael 110 chneelock 120

fiaengen illS Illmer 113 Rust 1NO Total TX-SRlen ft MlnerDormagen 80U Hells 114 SIllier

129 Fisher 131 Snyder 144 Total 724

The following are the scores rolled In the Uncle8am National tournament at Fracnktes alleys lastnight

nun JANE1loneer Utter 127 Ilenlng 170 Glenc 131 Wolf

128 Henry 133 Total Ort-3ClvllBervle So1Aker107 Roehm 130 Thomas

140 Dcnocke 173 Trllsch 124 Total 004-K rOXII flAME

flvll Service No lAckcr 143 Roehm 1BI lenecke208 Trltsch137 Klskamp 173 Total biGAcmelIcNally 181 Armsteod 133Krenmcr 172 Doral ill Total 701

Tiimn oAM-

rrionVrUtler 168 Plenlmj 163 Olenr 111Wolf 131 Henry 1 IB Total 078

Acme McNally 185 81 Oxx 1C-5Kreamer lib human 167 tI7J

llnwllnn Game TonightAmerican NationalLinden drove Orchard anti

FnipircAtliloilo LeagueNew York A C vs Elizabeth A C-

at New A C alleysUnited Ron lInt Clubs ftectlen 1Oolden Rod civil

Service and Vest ShoreUntIe San Sat nallmplrr Fidelia and llanhat

liii II VHarlem llepuhllcan ClubKismet New York No 2

and KnickerbockerslmuklinrmVn Union Clover and Flatbush-Rrooklyn Royal Arcanum Fulton Council Fort

Green Council and Lomr Idand CouncilArlington Fearless Adnlpnl and Arlington No 2-

Tncnty > txth WardKickers vs Woodbaven ot-

apltolKaIser alleys

lemplolnn Defender and Wllloughb-vCaslnonouleiard Columbia and FarmersNorthern Now Jersey Y M C A IveaguoOrange vs

Palace at Orange nllcjaMorris and Essex LeanuoColumbla Club vs North-

ern Republican duo at Columbia Club alleysEssex County League Orange Tab unit prudentialCentral League New Jersey A C vs Talulleld at

New Jersey A C alleys


HtelnlU Unreal Plllabary In the Ht PeterburTournament


national chess masters tournament was re-


at the local chess club yesterday after ¬

noon and finished early this morning Pillsbury suffered his first defeat at thin hands ofStelnltz while Lasker beat Tschlgorln SteinItz and Tschlgorin had tho white pieces PIIIsbury played the Iltroffdefence against atelnltzand the latter managed twin In spite of being-

at a disadvantage at one tIme after sixty movesTschlgorln offered an Evans Uarabit to Ma-


which tho latter accepted Eventually andafter having neutralized whites attack Lasker sacrlUce a piece and won after twentyfive

The games ended tho first round of the tour-nament


The score up to Unto Is afollows

tb9 a

E g-

Pn a lf3


Fmnuellker u I I 2U I 2

WIIIm8telnUz111 II I 0 I

0 I 1Tohlrorln1 j l

Llt I I 2 d

A Game Between Tlpwnhnta and ShowislterAgain Adjourned

At the Manhattan Chess Club yesterday playin tile thirteenth game of the LlpschntzSbowalter match which was adjourned after Lipschlltzs fiftyfirst movo nn Monday night wasresumed The game was again adjourned afterthe 101st move


CbrlRtliini ShowIng Their Skill U Gym

hnMtnTho gymnasium of tho Twentythird street

Branch of the Y M f A was fairly crowded

lat night the attraction being the first allrnanil Indoor athletic contests of the branchmembers Tho events Included exercises withdumb bells 01 parallel bars side horse highhorizontal and 1 quarter of n mile potatoraiu There were sixtyone entries In eachevent tho largest number over received by thebrunch I In nn exhibition of this kind Inchcompetitor had to make 15 points nut of A ponslIle 100 In tbe potato race the contestunts hurl

dispose of seventeen potatoes II better timethan two minutes to bo entitled nny pointsrhu total points nimlo by each man follow

K f Shortnwicr IS F I Starkie 80 Wlulo-R 3 E It 11 Id J Zllorman 82 I1 SI Kelly ii-CKoch T tIU 1111 hO suer-i

l 8 It 77 4 It77 i Ji1 lilllfiicr f 3 NitAngusI 70 i n 01 Vogel g-iGJ Dvyer 711 AiMndorf 75 F Jlehlalel 74 JJalllll 73i J II ORrlen 73 I t 72 O-

legmum 71 W J cuddy 7 A W Weston71 A L Thompson 70 A W SweltzerI 70-E Srhjchanowskl 70 K H llerger BO J V Oetts 6H-W

iKlein 66 E K lloyiston W II n Shaw 117 It II-

liunlup 07C EDOW 17 i 51 RIekey D7 IIi nensler137J McCauley 85 WT Bllken 118 J Craven658 Jourrret05

An Interetnllame of basketball was playedsecond teams which

resulted In favor of the former bya score of It toJ Tho lineupkArat Tenm VmUiorm Ketond Teittt-toi Forward Whfoler-tiikiii Forward Jnlmsim-lejirnofT Cvnlre Mavit-

Paumgard Defiiue AUadl-ullclacCen Defence Sturmer-

rioalsI Rose Ruscb Meyerhoff Abadle UmpiresW 11 Reed Jr aol J Ilaarcn

Iledford AthletesThe fourth of the series of events In the In ¬

door Pentathlon athletic competitions of theBedford branch Brooklyn Y M C A weredecided on Tuesday evening at the gymnasiumof the branch C V Williamson lends In thepints scored to date with A W luyster sec ¬

The two events which comprised lastTuesdays programme bar vaultlnennd puttingthe twelvepound shot werewolconteote Thapoint made In four sets atolowl

r 370 Luyster 630 tJfr Stevens443 Hwlft 464 Williamson Le Forge 474Cyplotfi42 Frrrei ale Dorsrh 541 Hlnman 425-Ifairfeld 122 tInt bill 155 ChristieI 71 Hamilton123 lIon Ketiss 112

11 luvtPrafealilonnlil Stay Uo n Part aflhe L A IV

Not YeiirWhllo the members of the Unclog Commltteo-

of the L A V and tho Jjflo Hoard of Tradewho held A conference on Tuesday evening Inrelation to the racing situation for next seasonrefuse to dlvulco what decision was arrived ata HUN reporter was told yesterday by n promi-nent

I ¬

official of tho L A W that it has beenpractically derided to suggest that professionalsbo admitted t the league next year and thatthree classes A n ntid professional bo main ¬

tamedWhile the racing situation is rather compl

cated ut present It seems evident thatW lbs decided to hold to Its present system ofracing with perhaps some new rules andallow race meet promoters their choice of hold-ing


race fur any class they may ceo tit Thereport that the manufacturers will not sup ¬

port racing teams next season IH lot believed ItIs understood that If class Ii Is retained H-Seeemi likely tho manufacturers will still em-ploy


their racing men but pay smaller salariesThe Pennsylvania division of thu L A W Is

said to favor the reelection of A C Wllllscm tothe Presidency

O C Drown IIs mentioned I tho successor toO H Orr as Chairman of unclog Board ofthin Canadian Wheelmen Association

Charley Murphy has mae pond record upontho track this year gained tho hal amllocompetltlon record of the world tiedmile and also the mile exhibition record It Issaid that Murphy hRwon prizes to tho value of4000 this season

Tile mileage record of tho member ofthe Bloomfleld Cyclers to date fol ¬ISlows C W Smith 0005 L A Hrady-


4100 U A Beach 62 I M

II G I r 2r04 ii c 11IUe

lI6 J F ftOIt 2800 C IKing 15111Brady V C ICimier 18013 A MI

9010The Pennsylvania division of tile li A W

has elected tho following delegates to the Na-tional


Assembly Thomas Hare C A DlmonH n tarden and P S Collins PhiladelphiaA T Nelson Harrisburg J J McKee Iletbleitem 1 K Hardor Clearfleld W1lclallMeKecsport W S NcsblttMertens Erie and C A Godfrey Scranton

The Le Hay Wheelmen ot City haselected the following ofllcers President S WWilliams Vicepresident V Htirkc Treasliter II Rochford Uncording Secretary Etiruene Financial Secretary If Moran Cor-responding


Secretary W WilliamsTho Riverside Wheelmen have elected T JMiller and J F Fitch club delegates to the

annual meeting of the New York State Divisionof tile L A W fo be held on Dec 30

ItsJlported that the wheelmen of Syracusenot to make application to the

National Assemblyfor the league meet for 00

FoolJ J CThe rule which you refer to requiring-

a bal to strike tho cushion after the cue ballthe pyramid scarcely ever involves the

player in tho forfeiture of a scratch when hebursts the holla Furthermore he Is oolleto all balls pocketed on the break if ho calsany particular hall for any particular pocket-

A smashing blow at the pyramid provided thecue bal or an object tall strikes u cushion af¬

terward fulfils all that the rule calls for Theplayer delivering snob a blo1obTloaslr Tires this opponent a really sonorous chance tohim Ho should therefore not bP1nlshebut rather lauded for bold playstroke could carcoly over Incur a be-cause It scatters thin balls forfeitthe green The rule woe made not to put apenalty on such bold play but to stop what Iscoiled baby safetyplay tho tactical art ofthe timorous player

Public iJotiecs


Should be read DAILY by all interested as changestony occur nt any lime

Furign malls for the weekending Dec2I will closePROMPTLY In nil IOMHI nt this onire aS follows


IANII ITALY RIAIN rOIUUOAL TURKEYKliVIT nnd IIR1TIKII INDIA per steamship iJlChampagne sla Havre letters for other parts ofEurope luSt bo directed per La Champagne ot-III A M for EtROli per Kleanvshlp fampanla viacjiiernttnwn at 11 A > t for NORWAY directiwr stcnmsblp Hckla letters must bf directed prIbtiai at 11 A M fur NETHERLANDS directI er steamship Ytcnilum via Rotterdam tidiermust bo directed iicr Yecndam j

After the rinsing of tIlts Supplementary Tran > atlantl3Stalls ntmou above additional supplementarymalls are orcned on the piers of thn AmericanEnglish French and lerman steamers and re-mnlu OIMMI until within ten nimble of the hour ofsaltIng of steamer


THURSDAY 1 1 M supplementary 180 IP Mfor NASStr nnd SANlIAilO steamship Santfago nt 2 r H supplementary SIO P Ml forIirHSIUDA per steanuhln Alfred DumolK

FRIDAY At Ki AM nuppltmcntnry IIII A M forCIIION and PANAMA prr ulcamshlp Alllanca let-ters


nitwt bo illnrtcd jicr Alllanc at 10 A M-

supplemilllnrv 11 A M1 for CENTRAL AMEItICAexcept Costa Itlca and GUatemala and SOUTH

PACIFIC PORTS per steamship Alllanca v-


helter fur liuatenmla must h directedper Alllaucai at III A II for MEXICO per

steamship C cumlal via Progrerto ann Vera Criicletters must lio dlrncted per C Venial at 4 IP

M for lA PLAIA COlSTUIhH direct per steamMulp Elena nt 4 I M for COSTA met per steamsama via llmon nt 5 P Jlfor FOIlTUXi ISLANDand IIAYTI pir steamship Clarinet

SATlRDAY At 10AM supplementary 1030 A MIforFOUTlNE IhLANI JAMAICA und IARTIIAlENA PIT steamihlp Adirondack letters forCoHlit Ittca and iither parts of Colombia must be-dlriHtfd per Adirondack nt IOHI AM furCAMIKCIIK CIIIAPAN TAIIA8CO TITXPAM antiYUCATAN per stiamihlp Yumiirl llrllcni foritttcr partt of Mexico and for Cuba roust 1 edl-rcctyd per YiimurlM at IIli 51 supplementarylVi IPM fur VESKUEIA critACOA antiHAVAMII per steamship curacoa vlafuracoOlund > laracalbiMlINrs fur otlur tart of Colom-bia must ln reeled per iirLCoat at 1 1 M-

snpplnmentary I 3i P MI for TUItKS ISLANDCAPE IIAYTI and SAN UOMINfiO tier steamshipNew York at i P M for I1OCAH luLl 70110rsttnmer from New Orleans

SUNDAY At 3 IPM for IIIUUFIELDS per steamerfront New Orleans

Stalls for Newfoundland by rail tn Halifax andthence by menintr clow nt this office dnlly at W3-DPM Stalls fur Nlnitelrm by rail to notion andthence by steamer close at this office dally at Ni-PM Malls for Cllbu ouO at this oftlcn dully nk7111 A M for fnrwnrdlnK ily stinUHrs iialllntI Mondoys nnd Thursday from Inn Tampn HaMall fur Mexico ovi rlanil unttKn hpiclitlly adt rret fur iii 110111 II Klcnmcr 1110 at IthU onioa

dlllyntTOn A M-

TRANSPACIFIC MAllSMails for China and IHPUII tier iiciiiii hli China

Idrum Han Franrlsrui cloi e hen dully upIn Inc 25 at II1IU I M Stalls for Huwall-tt er stiunikhlp AustralIa from San lrancliutu-cloto hi re dally up to Dec 2J lut IOu I M Mollsfor the Nocloty Islands per ship Tropic lOrd fruitSan FrnncUroi clo tier dally up to Dei UA at1IOPM Malls for China aol Japin per s anvStill Victoria from Tncomai close here dally up-lo lIce > Jul at ll3f p M Malls for Chinsoul Japan specially ftdrireatcd only prsteamship Empresi uf IIndia from Vancouven close hire dally up to Dec 10 at811111 SIt Stall for Australia except thosn forWest Australia uhlrh are forwHrded a la EuropeNew 7enland Hawaii FIJI anil Nanioan Islands 4per siranikhtp Alamiila from Situ Kmuclscoclose lcrt tally upI to Ion 4 at 1110 P M or on-nrrlal ut New urk uf nteamlilt ti nina withItrltlsh malls for Australia SinUs fur Australexcept Vest Australia IIitt nH stilt FIJI Islandsper steamship Warrlmoo from Vancouver clow-neiodally after Jan 1 and up to Jan Iat 680-

Trauspaclftimalls1 Ii

sri forwarded to tort of sailingdolly and Itho f clieiluli uf dcnliiK is arranged un thepresumption uf their uulnterriipiril overland transit

ItezUtcrfd mail clinptat C IP M previous hayICIIAUIKN W DAYTON PiMtlilosler

Post Oftlce New York N Y lute 11H Ibllfl