chronology of total hip joint replacement and materials ... · pdf filechronology of total hip...

Chronology of Total Hip Joint Replacement and Materials Development Sumit Pramanik 1 , Avinash Kumar Agarwal 2,# , and K. N. Rai 1 1Department of Material Science Programme 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India # Corresponding Author’s email: [email protected] The development of hip joint materials is one of the most challenging problems to prostheses technology in this millennium. Several types of materials have been developed for this purpose. The materials like glass, polymer (poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene / PTFE or Teflon and ultra-high-molecular-weight-polyethylene or UHMWPE), metal (stainless steel, CoCr alloy, and CoCrMo alloy), ceramics (alumina, zirconia, Ti-coated ceramic alloys, and high isostatic pressed alumina or HIPed Al 2 O 3 ), composite, and apatite materials have been tried with partial success. Currently, Hydroxyapatite (HA) is being used quite frequently all over the world. Hip joint replacement techniques have been discussed under four different classifications i.e. hip arthroplasty, femoral stem, acetabular cup, and finally, total hip arthroplasty (THA). Chronology of technical improvement over first generation alternative joint bearing technologies before 1950s, have been presented by Charnley and other scientists. Before 1960s, there was hardly any technique with predictable results. The modern Charnley’s low-friction UHMWPE- on-metal technique was the actual invention of the total hip replacement (THR) technique. The main objective of this paper is to list all the efforts in the direction of total hip replacement technique and material development chronologically. All historical and recent efforts for developing suitable materials and various designs have been covered in detail. Towards the end of the paper, the current trends and direction in material development techniques and the areas of research have also been emphasized. Introduction The hip joint consists of a ball and socket joint. The top of the thighbone (femur) is a largest bone of human body, called femur joins with the horizontal pelvic coxal bone and lower end of that is fixed at the knee. The ball (femoral head) at the top of the thighbone fits into a portion of the pelvic bone forms the cup (acetabulum) or socket as shown in Figure 1(a). Between joining surfaces of the acetabulum and femoral lies a smooth glassy substance called cartilage. It provides frictionless cushion for constrained motion to femoral head within acetabular socket as shown in Figure 1(b). Any failure eminating from acetabulum to femoral bone produces most common hip joint diseases in human body. Humans suffer from the various hip joint problems namely osteolysis, osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture neck of femur, other Trends Biomater. Artif. Organs, Vol 19(1), pp 15-26 (2005) Actabulu Lumbar Vertebrae Ischium Hip Joint Sacrum Ilium Coccyx Pubis Femur Pubic Symphysis Figure 1(a): Front View of Pelvic Bone inflammatory arthritis, developmental dysplasia, Paget’s disease, arthrodesis (fusion) takedown, tumour, road accidents, soldier’s injuries etc. Meaning of the medical terminology of some of these diseases is discussed below.

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Chronology of Total Hip Joint Replacement and Materials Development 15

Chronology of Total Hip Joint Replacement and Materials Development

Sumit Pramanik1, Avinash Kumar Agarwal2,#, and K. N. Rai1

1Department of Material Science Programme2 Department of Mechanical EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India# Corresponding Author’s email: [email protected]

The development of hip joint materials is one of the most challenging problems to prostheses technology in thismillennium. Several types of materials have been developed for this purpose. The materials like glass, polymer(poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene / PTFE or Teflon and ultra-high-molecular-weight-polyethylene or UHMWPE), metal(stainless steel, CoCr alloy, and CoCrMo alloy), ceramics (alumina, zirconia, Ti-coated ceramic alloys, and highisostatic pressed alumina or HIPed Al2O3), composite, and apatite materials have been tried with partial success.Currently, Hydroxyapatite (HA) is being used quite frequently all over the world. Hip joint replacement techniqueshave been discussed under four different classifications i.e. hip arthroplasty, femoral stem, acetabular cup,and finally, total hip arthroplasty (THA). Chronology of technical improvement over first generation alternativejoint bearing technologies before 1950s, have been presented by Charnley and other scientists. Before1960s, there was hardly any technique with predictable results. The modern Charnley’s low-friction UHMWPE-on-metal technique was the actual invention of the total hip replacement (THR) technique. The main objectiveof this paper is to list all the efforts in the direction of total hip replacement technique and material developmentchronologically. All historical and recent efforts for developing suitable materials and various designs havebeen covered in detail. Towards the end of the paper, the current trends and direction in material developmenttechniques and the areas of research have also been emphasized.


The hip joint consists of a ball and socket joint.The top of the thighbone (femur) is a largestbone of human body, called femur joins withthe horizontal pelvic coxal bone and lower endof that is fixed at the knee. The ball (femoralhead) at the top of the thighbone fits into aportion of the pelvic bone forms the cup(acetabulum) or socket as shown in Figure 1(a).Between joining surfaces of the acetabulum andfemoral lies a smooth glassy substance calledcartilage. It provides frictionless cushion forconstrained motion to femoral head withinacetabular socket as shown in Figure 1(b).

Any failure eminating from acetabulum tofemoral bone produces most common hip jointdiseases in human body. Humans suffer fromthe various hip joint problems namelyosteolysis, osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis,rheumatoid arthritis, fracture neck of femur, other

Trends Biomater. Artif. Organs, Vol 19(1), pp 15-26 (2005)


Lumbar Vertebrae


Hip Joint

Sacrum Ilium




Pubic Symphysis

Figure 1(a): Front View of Pelvic Bone

inflammatory arthritis, developmentaldysplasia, Paget ’s disease, arthrodesis(fusion) takedown, tumour, road accidents,soldier’s injuries etc. Meaning of the medicalterminology of some of these diseases isdiscussed below.

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16 Sumit Pramanik, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, and K. N. Rai

Osteolysis: It is local loss of bone tissue andappears because of wear. Destruction of bonetakes place especially by bone resorptionthrough removal or loss of calcium. Osteolysismay be evident in neoplastic, infectious,metabolic, traumatic, vascular, congenital andarticular disorders [1].

Osteoarthritis (OA): It is degenerative arthritisdisease because, a “wearing out” involving thebreakdown of cartilage in the joints and is oneof the oldest and most common types ofarthritis. It is characterized by breakdown of thejoint’s cartilage. Cartilage is part of joint andcushions ends of the mating bones. The bonesget deformed, and even small movements willcause friction between the ball and the socketof the hip, causing severe pain.

Avascular Necrosis: This is caused by lack ofblood supply into bone. This condition mayultimately lead to bone death. Pain usuallydevelops gradually and may be mild initially. Ifavascular necrosis progresses, bone and thesurrounding joint surface may collapse causingincrease in pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): This involvesinflammation in the lining of the joints and/orother internal organs. RA produces chemicalchanges in the synovium that cause it to becomethickened and inflamed. In turn, the synovialfluid destroys cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritistypically affects many different joints and it is achronic inflammatory joint disorder.

Fracture neck of Femur: This is simply thefracture of the neck of femur. The structure ofthe head and neck of femur is developed for thetransmission of body weight efficiently, withminimum bone mass, by appropriate

distribution of the bony trabeculae in theneck. The incidence of fracture neck of femur ishigher in old age.

Developmental Dysplasia: DevelopmentalDysplasia of the hip is a condition in which thefemoral head has an abnormal relationship tothe acetabulum. It includes frank dislocation(luxation), partial dislocation (subluxation), orinstability of the hip, wherein the femoral headcomes in and out of the socket. Radiographicabnormalities reflect inadequate formation ofthe acetabulum. Since many of these findingsmay not be present at birth, the termdevelopmental more accurately reflects thebiologic features than the term congenital.

Paget’s Disease: It is a metabolic bonedisorder of unknown origin. This normallyaffects older people. Bone is a living tissue andis constantly being renewed. Paget’s diseaseof bone causes increased and irregularformation of bone. The bone cells, which areresponsible for dissolving body’s old bones andreplacing them with new ones, become out ofcontrol.

Arthrodesis (Fusion) Takedown: Arthrodesismeans surgical fixation of joints by promotingfusion through bone cell proliferation. It providespotential of a painless, stable base of support.Most frequent complication of arthrodesis isnon-union. Etiology of non-union includes boneloss, persistent infection, incomplete boneapposition, limb misalignment, and inadequateimmobilization.

Tumour: The surgical problems encounteredwith osteoid osteomas of the proximal femurare unique. En bloc surgical excision is oftenmade difficult by problems in defining thetumour boundaries. This can lead to extensiveresection requiring internal fixation or bonegrafting, and increased risk of complications[2].

The diseases described above lead to severedisability. As a result people are forced to seeksurgical and involving bone replacement inorder to get rid of their suffering and keep theirjoints mobile. Sometimes the problem of painis severe and the condition of the hip joint isvery bad, leading to a need for artificial hip jointreplacement. Several variations on design,

Figure 1(b): Acetabular Cup over Femoral Head

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Chronology of Total Hip Joint Replacement and Materials Development 17

materials, and techniques of this jointreplacement are still being experimented withsince 1840, across the continents. Some of thepioneering efforts in this direction are presentedhere in chronological order.

Chronological Development

According to shape and design constraint, hipjoint techniques can be classified mainly intofour. These are (i) Hip Arthroplasty, (ii) FemoralStem, (iii) Cup Arthroplasty, and finally, (iv) TotalHip Arthroplasty (THA). The first generation ofalternative joint bearing technology wasdeveloped in before 1950s. Surgeries wereundertaken for hip joint replacement inorthopaedics by Charnley’s using low-frictionUHMWPE-on-metal design. This designsuffered from the problems of high wear ratesand low useful life of joints. Techniques usedbefore 1960s, gave no more predictable result.After 1960s, the THA technique gave excellenceresults. This modern technique was the actualinvention of the Total Hip Replacement. Metal-on-Metal (MOM) and Ceramic-on-Ceramic(COC) joints were developed to improve wearrates and joint strength. Today, however, MOMand COC joints have received increasedattention due to their potential in reducing thewear rate of arthroplasties, especially for youngactive patients. Nevertheless, the proliferationof current MOM and COC alternative bearingtechnologies for hip replacement has beenlimited due, in part, to stringent manufacturingrequirements, contributing substantially highercost relative to designs incorporating UHMWPE.The survivorship of MOM and COC designs isespecially sensitive to implantation technique,and thus these alternatives are perceived as“less forgiving” than UHMWPE bearings for anorthopaedic surgeon who may perform only afew THA procedures per year. Widespreadclinical adoption of MOM and COC has alsobeen limited due to additional unique risksrelated to long-term toxicity (in MOM bearings)and implant fracture (in COC bearings). Theseare not encountered with hip replacementsincorporating UHMWPE. Viewed primarily foryoung and highly active patients, alternativeMOM and COC bearings are not expected toreplace UHMWPE bearings in the near future.

Hip Arthroplasty Technique

This is the replacement of only acetabular partover the femoral head. The acetabular part canbe fixed and femoral head can move. Shape ofthis prosthesis is like hollow hemisphere.

Carnochan (1840) was the first surgeon, whothought that hip joint could also be replacedartificially. A wooden block was installedbetween the damaged ends of a hip joint inNew York by Carnochan. Later on, several otherbiological and foreign materials were used.These included as skin, fascia, muscle, pigbladder, and gold foil. Unfortunately, all thesesurgeries led to unpredictable, painful resultsand failures.

A surgeon in Boston, Massachusetts, Dr MariusN Smith-Petersen, MD, introduced the mouldarthroplasty (1925). He used [3] a reactivesynovial like membrane that he found around apiece of glass in a workman’s backyard. Theoriginal design was ball-shaped hollowhemisphere of glass as shown in Figure 2,which could fit over the ball of the hip joint. Theobjective was to stimulate cartilageregeneration on both sides of the mouldedglass joint. Smith-Peterson intended to remove

Figure 2: The Bell Shape of the MouldArthroplasty Introduced by Marius Smith-Petersen, 1925 [3]

the glass after the cartilage had been restored.Glass provide new smooth surface formovement. While proving biocompatible, theglass could not withstand the stresses ofwalking and quickly failed. This led to use ofother materials, such as Viscaloid (a celluloidderivative, 1925), Pyrex (1933), Bakelite (1939),and later that year, an alloy of Cobalt-Chromiumis called Vitallium (1936). Vitallium turned outto be inert and durable material for this type ofsurgery. This was a significant of 1936. ThisVitallium material was very strong and resistantto corrosion, and continued to be employed invarious prostheses since that time. However,

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surface quality of this alloy was less thanadequate, hence, pain relief was not aspredictable as expected and hip movementremained limited for several patients.

Femoral Stem Technique

This is a technique where artificial femoral stemcan be inserted into marrow cavity of the femurwith / without any cementing. Here only femoralhead can be replaced and acetabulam can bemoved over the fixed ball. The shape of theprostheses is given in Figure 3 and 4. It is alsocalled Hemiarthroplasty. Hemiarthroplasty orpartial hip replacement is a procedure in whichonly head of the femur (ball of the ball and socketjoint) is changed with a metallic implant. Thisis still a common surgery for fracture of the neckof femur among elderly people above age of 80years.

Figure 3: First Judet Stem Installed in 1946,Failed Due to Wear Debris of the Acrylic [5]

Figure 4: Austin-Moore Original Prosthesis,having Long Stemmed Designs [4]

Self- locking Fenestration

Gluck introduced femoral stem in 1890, whichwas experimented with the ivory joint and foundthat human body could not tolerate large foreignobjects. In 1919, Delbet used a rubber femoralhead to treat femoral neck fractures. Grovesplaced an ivory nail to replace the articularsurface of the femoral head, in 1926. Later on,this technique became a model for short-

stemmed femoral prosthesis. In 1939,Frederick R. Thomson of New York and AustinT. Moore of South Carolina separately developedreplacements for the entire ball of the hip. Thesewere used to treat hip fractures and also certainarthritis cases. This type of hemiarthroplastyaddressed the problem of arthritic femoral headonly. The diseased acetabulum (hip socket)was not replaced. This prosthesis consisted ofa metal stem that was placed into the marrowcavity of the femur, connected in one piece witha metal ball fitted into the hip socket. Bohlmanand Austin T. Moore (1939) collaborated for thefabrication and implantation of a custom made12-inch-long Vitallium femoral head prosthesisfor a patient with a recurrent giant cell tumour.This prosthesis functioned well and later oninfluenced the development of long stemfemoral head prosthesis [4].

Dr. Jean Judet and his brother, Dr. Robert Judet(1938) of Paris, attempted to use an acrylicmaterial to replace arthritic hip surfaces. Thisacrylic provided a smooth surface, butunfortunately became loose after implantation.The Judet brothers developed the first short-stemmed prosthesis in 1946 as shown inFigure 3. Designed on the basis of Groves nail,it was made out of poly-methyl-methacrylate

(PMMA) with a head that was 32

of a sphere

attached to a short stem. Later versions of thisdesign, made of Vitallium were partiallysuccessful. The idea of Judet brothers inspiredDr. Edward J. Haboush of The Hospital for JointDiseases, New York City to utilize a “fast settingdental acrylic” to actually glue the prosthesis tothe bone. Short-stemmed prosthesis firstintroduced by Judet brothers [5] failedsubsequently due to acrylic wear debris.

F.R. Thompson and Austin T. Moore developedthe most popular long-stemmed prosthesis in1950s. The Austin-Moore prosthesis hadfenestrations for self-locking as shown in Figure4. This feature later became the impetus forbiological fixation. These were used to treat hipfractures and certain arthritis cases. This typeof hemiarthroplasty addressed the problem ofarthritic femoral head (the ball) only. Thediseased acetabulum (hip socket) was notreplaced. But this was a highly successful

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technique, which is used even today becauseof its cheap cost and higher rate of success.

Austin-Moore Prosthesis was later used in theMcKee-Farrar total hip. McKee’s first designsof a metal-on-metal joint from the 1950semployed screw fixation. Later versions ofMcKee’s design, referred to as the McKee-Farrarprosthesis, were clinically introduced in the1960s. The McKee-Farrar prosthesis [6]employed cement fixation as shown in Figure5, whereas the McKee’s Ring prosthesis [7]developed in the 1960s, employed screwfixation as shown in Figure 6. At that time, therewas no effective method of securing thecomponent to the bone. Large number ofpatients developed pain because of looseningof the implants. The desired results were stillnot achieved.

Figure 5: McKee-Farrar Prosthesis EmployingCement Fixation [6]

Figure 6: McKee’s Ring Prosthesis EmployingScrew Fixation [7]

Cup Arthroplasty Technique

Originally, the mould arthroplasty had a brimaround its edges to provide stability. But, thisbrim encouraged undesirable fibrous tissuesand limited motion. Thus high revision rateinspired the development of hemispherical true-arc cup design by Otto E. Aufranc. This designremoved the brim and added congruous innerand outer contours. This model was called CupArthroplasty. This design was a milestone inhip surgery and its principles inspired laterdevelopments. In the cup arthroplasty, it wasobserved that the cup would occasionally getstuck in the acetabulum and would allow motiononly between femoral head and the fixed cup.This led to development of fixed cup in theacetabulum, otherwise known as the hip-socketarthroplasty. Despite good results by Gaenslen(1952), McBride (1955) and Urist (1957), thisprocedure failed to become popular.

Total Hip Arthroplasty Technique

This is the technique where acetabulum cupand femoral head both can be replaced.Femoral arthroplasty ’s relative failure toaddress problems on the acetabular side ofthe joint combined with the problems of cuparthroplasty and the failure of the hip socketarthroplasty, led to the development of the totalhip arthroplasty.

Many peoples needed surgery to relieve theirsuffering due to pain and joints immobility.There were some early surgeries to removearthritis spur calcium deposits and irregularcartilage in an attempt to smoothen thesurfaces of joints. This led to the need to searchfor some materials, which could be utilized toresurface or even replace the hip. The propertyof the cartilage in hip joint is not dissimilar tothat of cartilage in the lower limb. Their importanttribological feature is being high water content.Type II collagen and proteoglycan extra-cellularmatrix binds water, and retain it in the tissueover long periods of static loading. The role ofchemically bound water, first described byMcCutcheon (1959), is critically important inlubrication of the joint, which was first describedas a sponge hydrostatic or self-pressurizedlubrication [8].

The tribology of the natural joint has been

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studied extensively over the last 30 years.However, there remains a considerablescientific challenge to fully understand thestructure and fundamental relationships in bothhealthy and diseased natural joints. The majorelements of the natural synovial joint [8] are theunderlying bone, articular cartilages (in knee,meniscus), synovial fluid, tissues that constrainand articulate joint, ligaments, and tendons asshown in Figure 7 for lower limb joint.

Figure 7: A Schematic Diagram of a NaturalSynovial Joint in the Lower Limb [8]

Phillip Wiles (1938) performed the first hiparthroplasty. It was a MOM total hip made ofstainless steel as shown in Figure 8. Heperformed 6 operations in London with the firstMOM total hip arthroplasty. Its failure was due toloosening. The onset of World War II had a bigeffect in slowing down progress in this area oftotal hip arthroplasty [3].

Figure 8: Phillip Wiles Metal on Metal Total HipArthroplasty [3]

Sven Kiaer (1950) introduced acrylic cement tothe orthopaedic profession. The McKee-Farrartotal hip arrived on the scene in 1951. Its laterversions included modifications that allowedincreased range of motions and a fixed stemusing acrylic cement [3].

In England, a very innovative surgeon, JohnCharnley, was on total hip replacementproblem. In 1958, Charnley aggressivelypursued effective methods of replacing both thefemoral head and acetabulum of the hip and hedeveloped a conceptual low friction arthroplastyafter analysing animal joint lubrication. Herealized that a cartilage substitute wasnecessary in order to allow artificial joint tofunction at extremely low friction level as seenin nature. His first attempt was to use Teflonshells on the surface of the femoral head andacetabular components [9]. The rapid failure ofTeflon parts led to development of a new designwith a small diameter metallic femoral headattached to acrylic-fixed stem, which articulatedwith a thick walled Teflon shell as shown inFigure 9. This new design failed quickly due tothe poor wear characteristics, and led togeneration of huge amount of wear debris.These wear debris promoted massiveinflammatory reactions in the joints andtravelled to various parts of the body via blood[9, 10].

Figure 9: Total Wear-Out of a Teflon Socket byAfter 3 Years use, Charnley [4]

Due to these difficulties, Charnley wanted analternative solution. Thus, in order to obtainfixation of polyethylene socket as well as thefemoral implant to the bone, he borrowed PMMAfrom his dentist friend. This substance, knownas bone cement, was mixed during the

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operation and used as a strong grounting agentto firmly secure the artificial joint to the bone.This was really the birth of “Total HipReplacement (THR)”. This led to furtherdevelopment of a socket made of HighMolecular Weight Polyethylene (HMWPE) withwear properties that were 500 to 1000 timesbetter than Teflon as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: The UHMWPE Socket Articulated witha Highly Polished Stainless Steel Ball [4]

Many variations to his original design weredeveloped after 1961. Charnley was performingsurgery regularly with good results. Thousandsof people were successfully relieved of their hippain with long term success. The queen ofEngland knighted him for his immensecontribution to the humanity.

Muller [5] further developed Charnley joint asshown in Figure 11. This design used a 32 mmhead, rather than a 22 mm head and wasbanana-shaped, allowing easy insertionwithout having to perform a trochantericosteotomy.

Figure 11: Banana-ShapedCurved Prosthesis forEasy Insertion [5]

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, there wasinterest in the “double cup” or surface-replacement arthroplasty. All versions of thetechnique shared a similar intrinsic defect: athin shell of polyethylene that wore rapidly,producing large amounts of wear debris, earlyloosening and massive osteolysis. As a result,most orthopaedic surgeons generallyabandoned surface replacement arthroplasty.

The tapered wedge cross section and lateralcement flanges were designed to producecompressive stresses instead of hoopstresses in the cement mantle. The Charnleyflanged stem was introduced in 1975 as shownin Figure 12.

Figure 12: The CharnleyFlanged Stem introduced in1975 [11]

Later, cemented MOM made of Co-Cr-MoMcKee-Farrar (1973-1976) total hiparthroplasties (THAs) were clinically and radiographically evaluated over a long-term follow-up.

During these developments the potential of highdensity polyethylene was realized in earlierstages. Its use therefore, induced quantumjump in improving prostheses designs. Ahistorical chronology on this subject is indicatedbelow.

Chronology of UHMWPE use for JointDevelopment by Charnley

1958 Charnley develops the technique ofLow Friction Arthroplasty (LFA). UsingPTFE as the bearing material,Implants were fabricated by Charnleyin his home workshop and in themachine shop at Wrightington andchemically sterilized.

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1962 Charnley adopts UHMWPE for use inhis LFA. Components were chemicallysterilized.

1968 Production of the Charnley LFA by ChasF. Thackray Ltd., of Leeds, UK. TheUHMWPE was gamma irradiated.

1969 General commercial release of theCharnley LFA by Chas F. Thackray Ltd.,of Leeds, UK. UHMWPE weremarketed as gamma irradiated (in air)with a minimum dose of 2.5 MRad.

1970 Commercial release of the Poly II-Carbon Fibre Reinforced UHMWPE forTHA by Zimmer, Inc.

1972 Use of alumina ceramic headsarticulating against UHMWPE in Japan.

1980-84 Development of Silane-Cross-linkedHDPE by University of Leeds,Wrightington Hospital, and Thackray.

1980s Commercial release of Hylamer(Extended Chain Re-crystallizedUHMWPE) for THA by DePuyOrthopaedics.

During the 1980s and early 1990s, asepticloosening and osteolysis emerged as majorproblems in orthopaedics that were perceivedto limit the lifespan of joint replacements [12].The potential for extremely low clinical wearrates, necessary to reduce the risk of osteolysis,has led to renewed interest in developing newCOC (alumina and zirconia ceramics) designsfor hip arthroplasty during the 1990s.

After widespread introduction of hip and kneeprostheses in the 1970s, little attention was paidto tribological function of these devices till 1980.It was felt that the majority of these would notwear out or fail mechanically. During this period,concern was mainly focussed to causes ofloosening, stress shielding or cement failure.Afterwards considerable attention focused onthe wear, wear debris, and adverse biologicalreactions in the artificial hip joints.

Over the last 40 years, several different bearingcombinations have been used in jointreplacements. Various materials like MOM,COC, PTFE-on-metal, and polyethylene-on-metal have been used in this surgery. However,

UHMWPE material was used most frequentlyon metal or ceramic femoral head in the hipjoint beyond 1990s. Alternative bearingmaterials for the hip, such as alumina ceramicon alumina ceramic and cobalt chrome alloypairings were also employed [8].

Metals/ alloys with porous coated surface toencourage bone growth infiltration are nowbeing evaluated. Figure 13 shows one suchhydroxyapatite coated acetabular cup.CeramTec AG (Plochingen), Germany, which isworld’s largest supplier of ceramic hip jointshas sold 1.3 million BIOLOX® Forte (medicalgrade alumina ceramic) femoral heads for hiparthroplasty between 1995 and 2002 [13].

Figure 13: A Hydroxyapatite coated acetabularcup [14]

Direction of Hip Prosthesis MaterialDevelopment

Various hip prosthesis materials have beendeveloped in the past with partial success butthey eventually failed. In the present times, trendin hip prosthesis material research is towardshaving porous coating surfaces with excellentbiocompatibility and good mechanicalproperties.

Advantage of conventional total hip prosthesisis that it is cheep and technically very easy to fitinto skeletons of different sizes and shapes forimmediate weight bearing. Surgeons have hadvery long experience with this method, andcomponents made from modern cross-linkedpolyethylene improve the wear-resistanceresults. However, the cement ages anddisintegrates in long term and polyethylenewear debris cause “polyethylene disease”,osteolysis.

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The large number of materials used in thiscurrent research from its birth is discussedbelow.

Wood: Wooden prosthesis produces very largewear particles in the body fluid.

Glass: It provides very high surface finish butdoesn’t withstand a high body load.

Plastic: Plastics have superior surface finishand very low co-efficient of friction. But it haslow strength, and produces very fine weardebris, which are absorbed by bone and blood,leading to adverse effects in brain.

Wear debris generation is one of the mainproblems with modern hip replacements. Theparticles of polyethylene from the cup liner areattacked by body’s immune system, destroyingthe bone in and around the implant, eventuallyleading to loosening of the implant. Wear debrisinduced osteolysis is caused by adversecellular reactions with wear particles in the body.Wear debris’s cellular reaction is presented inFigure14.

inflammation and osteoclastic bone resorption[8, 15]. It was reported [15] that the macrographactivation is dependent on the volumetricconcentration and size of wear particles. Theparticles in the size range 0.3 to 10 µm are mostactive biologically.

Metal-on-Metal: Metallic prosthesis has highstrength and toughness. However, it causesproblem in human body due to corrosion, wearand adverse reaction with host tissues. Themetallic ions produce soluble metallic salts thatenter the body fluids like blood and urine. Nickelis usually eliminated quickly from the body byurine, whereas Cobalt and Chrome stay longerin the body, Chromium is retained even inbody’s tissues [16, 17].

Ceramic-on-Ceramic: The advantages of COCover MOM implants is that COC implants showless wear than MOM implants. The mostcommon ceramics Al2O3 and ZrO2 exhibit highmechanical strength and good biocompatibility.COC components demonstrate significantlylower wear compared to conventional metal-on-plastic prostheses. Therefore, theseimproved wear characteristics extend life of theimplant. Table 1 shows the comparative wearof different types of implants. However, ceramicsimplants have very low fracture toughnessvalues compared to metals or polymers, whichturn is undesirable for an implant.

Table 1: Wear volume reducing with usingceramics [18]

Materials for Cup-on-Head Wear Volume(mm3 / year)

UHMWPE-on-Metal 56

Cross linkedUHMWPE-on-Metal 2.8

MOM 0.9

COC 0.004

Bioceramic: More recently, in last two decades,there has been considerable interest inbioceramic materials like hydroxyapatite (HA).Development of this material has stabilized theFemoral Stem Technique [14]. Development ofmedical grade hydroxyapatite and various otherapatite materials are under research for hip jointprosthesis development.

Figure 14: Representation of particle cellinteractions [8]



Particles > 10

Giant cells




Osteoclast PGE2



Wear debris are generated in the joint dispersedinto surrounding fluids and tissues, where theyare phagocytosed by macrophages. Theseactivated macrophages release cytokines suchas tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α),prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) etc., which act uponosteoblasts and osteoclasts to cause

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Porous Coating on Metal or Metal alloy: Porouscoating surface can provide uncemented jointsand tissues can grow into the pores of theimplant coatings. It provides stable and strongbonding to the joint. At the same time, fracturetoughness of the implant in good because ofthe metallic joint. Acetabular shell design isimportant for long-term performance of ceramiccoated metallic hip joint implant. This implantis a cementless prosthesis, which is fixed tothe bone without using bone cement. Additionaltechnology such as Arc Deposition andHydroxyapatite (HA) coating are an essentialpart of the shell design.

♦ Arc Plasma Deposition [19] is a titaniummetal coating process, which is applied tothe outer surface of the acetabular shell. Itprovides a roughened, textured surface onthe acetabular shell, which help provideinitial fixation of the implant onto the bone.

♦ Hydroxylapatite (HA) is a naturally occurringsubstance that closely resembles naturalbone. Bone mineral stores calcium andphosphorous supplied by body, twominerals critical to one’s health. HA materialis highly biocompatible and it has broughtgreat success in orthopaedic applicationsfor last two decades.

The HA coatings have been applied not only tometals such as Ti alloys or Ca-Cr-Mo alloy, butalso to carbon implants, sintered ceramics andeven polymers [20]. Strong interface bondingbetween Si3N4 ceramic and Ti metal has beendeveloped [21]. Fracture toughness is anessential parameter for this type of ceramiccoated joint. Gan et al. determined interfacialshear strength (tmax) using a simplified equalityfor a film of thickness (d), tmax= pdsf / 1.5», where» is the average steady-state crack spacing andsf is the tensile strength of the film. sf wasdetermined experimentally by measuring thestrain (µf) at which cracks were first detected toform and multiplying by the film modulus [22].The interface generated when the patellartendon was attached to a hydroxyapatite (HA)coated implant was examined by Pendegrasset al. using light microscopy and a quantitativehistomorphological in vivo analysis [23].

Chronological of hip joint replacementtechniques and materials development have

been discussed in detail in this paper and asummary of implant developments presentedshortly below.

Date Design and Material Used

1840 Hip Arthroplasty: Carnochan replaced hipjoint by wooden block.

1890 Hemiarthroplasty: Gluck introduced ivoryjoint.

1919 Hemiarthroplasty: Deblt used rubber inplace of femoral head.

1925 Hip Arthroplasty: Smith-Peterson usedglass. Another material was viscaloid(celluloid derivative).

1926 Hemiarthroplasty: Grooves used in ivorynail to replace articular surface of ball.

1933 Hip Arthroplasty: Material used was Pyrex.

1936 Hip Arthroplasty: Material used wasVitallium (Co-Cr alloy).

1939 Hip Arthroplasty: Material used wasBakelite.

Hemiarthroplasty: Bohlman and Austin T.Moore used 12-inch-long Vitallium ball.

1938-46 Hemiarthroplasty: Dr. Judet brothers firstdevelop the stemmed prosthesis.

1950s Hemiarthroplasty: F. R. Thompson andAustin T. Moore used long stemmedprosthesis.

1950 Total Hip Arthroplasty: Sven Kiaerintroduced acrylic cement.

1951 Total Hip Arthroplasty: Used by McKeeFarrar.

1952 Acetabular Cup: Used by Gaenslen.

1955 Acetabular Cup: Used by McBride.

1957 Acetabular Cup: Used by Urist.

1958 Acetabular Cup: John Charnley introducedlow-friction arthroplasty by Teflon.

1961 Acetabular Cup: Sir John Charnleyintroduced low-friction arthroplasty byPMMA.

1970 THA: Pierre Boutin first implanted alumina-on-alumina ceramics.

1973-76 THA: McKee Farrar used CoCrMo alloy.

1977 THA: Willert used Hip and Knee prosthesis.

1980s THA: Tribological function.

1990s THA: New COC (alumina and zirconia)Design.

1992 THA: Sedel used COC (Alumina).

1994 THA: Fisher reduced wear, wear debrisand typical biological reactions.

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1995 THA: Muller used cobalt chrome alloypairings.

2000s HAP & THA: People are interested onHydroxyapatite materials with poroussurface to encourage bone in growth andgrowth of bone.


This study provides the chronology of hip jointprosthesis design and advanced materialsdevelopment. The main causes for the hip jointdiseases are loosening of implant due to weardebris, unstable implant, and adverse reactionof prosthesis with host tissue. Since, allpolymer, metal, ceramics and their combinationof materials are failed to give a stable long term

success in the joint part, porous coating on thehigh strength and toughened metal/alloys arebeing used to get a stable joint.

Porous metal surfaces are designed toencourage bone ingrowth and Hydroxyapatitecan be used as a suitable material for bonereplacement. New century brought in widerrecognition to the role of functional biomaterials,biological activities, and tissue engineering inthe replacement and repair of diseasedtissues. Medical grade advanced materials likeporous coated metals/ alloys and polymerceramic composites are being investigated andconsidered for stable long term success in hipjoint replacement.


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