chs%20bulletin%20jan feb14

Cliſton High School Bullen 013. January/February 2014 1 013. January/February 2014 Bullen Well done to all of Y9 for taking part in Flying Start and learning about the forces on aeroplanes in flight from Airbus engineers as well as about budgets, team work, moments and glier! Good luck to our team at the regional finals. Nursery children have been busy making balloon propelled cars. Aſter exploring online to find methods with staff, they found ways of making beer cars and modified their designs, tesng them outside. Y1 and 2 enjoyed Winter Forest School this week. They learnt the new skill of lopping laurel, used the laurel to construct dens and heated water using a ‘Kelly Kele’ to make warming hot chocolate to drink. News - more pictures and full stories on the news pages at www.cliſ Y6 enjoyed a visit to Undercover Rock for one of their ‘Wow Days’ to launch a new topic on Mountains. Their experiences of indoor climbing, safety and using harnesses will help them discuss in class. Even more new clubs and workshops for 2014! There has been a flurry of announcements of new clubs, taster sessions, trips and workshops this month to add to the already jam-packed extra-curricular offering at CHS. A brand new Y4-6 Boys and Girls Hockey Club with our highly experienced professional coach, Mike Lea, already has posively bursng Monday aſternoon sessions. Chess Club and Eco Club taster sessions for Y3-6 are paving the way for new regular clubs in the future while A level Art & Design students have a digital photography workshop with professional photographer Ruth Garner to help improve their ability to realise creave ideas. An excing and rare opportunity to work with a very special material is coming up for Y9-13 with a Silver Clay workshop with our ceramics and creave specialist, Mrs Nuer, where students will gain experience in working with texture and ulmately create a quality piece of craſtsmanship. We are looking forward to more lovely pictures in our news pages when they have finished. With more news inside about a forthcoming sports tour and holiday camps, it is a very busy Spring at CHS!

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Clifton High School Bulletin 013. January/February 2014


013. January/February 2014


Well done to all of Y9 for taking part in Flying Start and learning about the forces on aeroplanes in flight from Airbus engineers as well as about budgets, team work, moments and glitter! Good luck to our team at the regional finals.

Nursery children have been busy making balloon propelled cars. After exploring online to find methods with staff, they found ways of making better cars and modified their designs, testing them outside.

Y1 and 2 enjoyed Winter Forest School this week. They learnt the new skill of lopping laurel, used the laurel to construct dens and heated water using a ‘Kelly Kettle’ to make warming hot chocolate to drink.

News - more pictures and full stories on the news pages at

Y6 enjoyed a visit to Undercover Rock for one of their ‘Wow Days’ to launch a new topic on Mountains. Their experiences of indoor climbing, safety and using harnesses will help them discuss in class.

Even more new clubs and workshops for 2014! There has been a flurry of announcements of new clubs, taster sessions, trips and workshops this month to add to the already jam-packed extra-curricular offering at CHS. A brand new Y4-6 Boys and Girls Hockey Club with our highly experienced professional coach, Mike Leatt, already has positively bursting Monday afternoon sessions. Chess Club and Eco Club taster sessions for Y3-6 are paving the way for new regular clubs in the future while A level Art & Design students have a digital photography workshop with professional photographer Ruth Garner to help improve their ability to realise creative ideas. An exciting and rare opportunity to work with a very special material is coming up for Y9-13 with a Silver Clay workshop with our ceramics and creative specialist, Mrs Nutter, where students will gain experience in working with texture and ultimately create a quality piece of craftsmanship. We are looking forward to more lovely pictures in our news pages when they have finished. With more news inside about a forthcoming sports tour and holiday camps, it is a very busy Spring at CHS!

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Clifton High School Bulletin 013. January/February 2014


Congratulations to Mrs Lee and Mrs Williams who are now qualified Numicom trainers. The innovative Numicom Intervention programme involves a multi-sensory approach to number representation and achieves magnificent results.

Reception children had a visit from Mrs Harvey to talk about her job as an anaesthetist. She brought a screening tool to show which parts of everyone’s hands had been missed by soap - very interesting!

Y12 have been thinking about their Futures and Skills with insightful Morrisby psychometric testing and visiting guest speakers talking about university applications and gap years. Exciting times!

Coming up... PA Quiz - 14th March Come along and test your knowledge at the PA quiz night. Teams of up to six, entry £10 including a fish & chip supper.

Junior Discos - 2nd April Afternoon and evening discos for all our Early Years and Junior children. This year the Nursery children will also have a taster of this ever popular event. Permission slips will follow in due course.

Join the committee! There are currently important vacancies for a Treasurer and a Class Reps Liaison on the PA Committee. These are vital roles that play an integral part of how the PA operates. We are also able to welcome more general committee members at this time so that we can continue to provide excellent events for the enjoyment of parents, children and staff and raise valuable funds for the school. Please contact Jo Cheeseman ([email protected]) if you are interested in becoming involved.

Parents’ Association update

News - more pictures and full stories on the news pages at

Fantastic Christmas Fair and Super Ski-wear Sale The PA extend their thanks to everyone involved in making the Christmas Fair a success. £1901.73 was raised, as well as £352.75 from Christmas tree sales, which will be fed back into the school. They could not have organised the event without help from parents, staff and children. Special thanks go to Mr Richards and his team of Elves, to Mr and Mrs Doubleday for creating a beautiful Grotto, to Mr Cleaver and the Junior Choir and to Mrs Owen, Mrs Sutcliffe and Mrs Clements for lovely crafts. Refreshments were super and thanks also go to the catering team.

Thank you too to all parents who came to the PA Coffee Morning and Ski/Winter Wear Sale this week on Thursday morning. Special thanks to those who donated items and to Mr Fletcher and Sarah Cuthill for lovely cakes and biscuits. The event raised £52.08 through donations and sales. It is always lovely to get parents together and to enjoy the sense of community that is so special at our school. We will be running similar events in the near future and hope that you will join us next time for tea, cake and fun! If you would like to know more or get involved with the PA, please contact Jo Cheeseman on [email protected].

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Clifton High School Bulletin 013. January/February 2014


Congratulations to Mr Psarros, Assistant Head - Sixth Form who attended his Degree Congregation at the University of Bristol yesterday to receive his Masters of Education (MEd) in Educational Leadership, Policy and Development.

Great news that author Chris Riddell, who visited Y4-6 back in September, has won the 2013 Costa Children’s Book Award for Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse. Mr Riddell’s Goth Girl illustration that he drew here will be displayed in the Library.

Nursery class got the new term off to an exciting start with the grand opening of a new play Hat and Bag Shop ‘selling’ a selection of props to support the children’s role playing games and money language learning.

Rugby Awards Dinner Don’t forget the inaugural CHS end-of-season Rugby Dinner on Thursday 27th March. The evening will include a fully spectator supported floodlit seniors match at 5pm, a meal for the senior players and reception for spectators, parents and junior players, a full awards ceremony and guest speaker. Book with the School Office by 14th February - don’t miss it!

Well done, rowers! We have just received the exciting news that William Gee and Jack Norris in Y8 are now part of the Bristol City Rowing Squad and are taking part in some fantastic regattas and races. We look forward to some pictures and updates from their forthcoming spring season soon. Congratulations and good luck, boys!

Holiday Sports Camps Holiday sports camps will take place in the Easter and Summer holidays for children in Y3-7. Camps are open to CHS pupils and those from other schools and will include a variety of sports using the excellent facilities of the CHS main school site including the pool. The first camp will be 7th-11th April - full details and booking form are on the website.

Barbados Sports Tour We were delighted to announce the 2015 cricket and netball sports tour to Barbados before Christmas. More details and booking forms will be available imminently for this exciting opportunity for next year’s Y6-13 pupils in February half term, 2015.

German language practice… and chocolate! Thirty-five very excited Y7, 8 and 10 pupils spent four days in Germany during the holidays visiting the Cologne Christmas markets and the Lindt factory. They stayed in a lovely hotel fifteen minutes’ walk from the centre of Cologne and had a fantastic time sampling German foods and ‘Kinderpunsch’ and using their German language skills.

The group visited the Lego store, climbed to the top of the Cathedral tower, enjoyed five markets including the Engelmarkt, a beautiful angel-themed market, and visited the Lindt factory where they became master chocolatiers. Everyone had a great time as Leah and Rosie testify:

"This trip was the cherry on the cake for me this Christmas."

"The German trip is an opportunity you don't want to miss!"

Sports news Cologne trip

News - more pictures and full stories on the news pages at News - more pictures and full stories on the news pages at

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Clifton High School Bulletin 013. January/February 2014


Don’t forget 13th February

House Week Mufti Day

Y6 play: ‘The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents’

17th-21st February


27th February

Y2-6 Music Soirée

5th March

Information evening: ‘Managing the Teenage Years’

Parents’ Association meeting

7th March

Y2 Rugby Tournament

14th March

N-R Open Morning

U9 Football Tournament

PA Quiz Night

21st March

Sport Relief Mufti Day

25th March

Y7-13 Spring Concert

27th March

Rugby Union End-of-season Awards Evening

2nd April

PA Discos for N-Y6

4th April


Remember to check the school calendars and website regularly for more details plus news, events and dates.

Copies of all letters home are on the website. The School Office can give you details to access the parents’ area.

Contact us:

Tel: 0117 973 0201

Email: [email protected]

To report an absence: [email protected]

Bulletin Board