chucky leblanc's first email to me

----- Original Message ----- From: "charles leblanc" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected] > Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 12:28 PM Subject: HELL ANGELS FROM MONTREAL LOOKING FOR CHARLES LEBLANC????? With all the excitement of the story of the bureaucrat who wanted to get rid of my column? I forgot to tell you readers a few stories that happened to me last week. Friday, I went in the Gallery at the Legislautre and once again sat beside Dorothy Dawson. It was too hot for me to stay in there so therefore I left. Once at the door, a woman asked me which side were the Liberals and the P.C. S? She told me that she was from Grand Bay! I said - Ok? You must read my column then? She quickly said - Are you Charles?? And waited a few seconds and said- Charles LeBlanc??? I like to hear this because I m always curious to know the amount of people who does read my column? I like having that little piece because the owner of the River Valley News- Diane Bormke allows me to write about any issues I want to write about. HEY??? IF YOU MISSED IT???? Here s a transcript of what Dr.Furlong said last week on Melanson Live!!! Denis Melanson - Just a very quick Question of what Charles was saying. Is Ritalin a quick fixes? Dr. Furlong - Ohhh Yes, I think Ritalin is over prescribed and I think that s an issue for the Medical Profession. It s only prescribed by the Medical Profession. However? I , myself even seen now teachers who send parents and children to my office suggesting they should be on Ritalin and because not all of them all on because not all of them are truly hyperactive. Well? You have to have an accurate diagnosis in order to at least some hope that the therapy is going to work because for over activity disorders and active kids Ritalin will have no affect. Denis Melanson - OK and that s the last word we ll hear about Ritalin tonight!!!!

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  • ----- Original Message ----- From: "charles leblanc"

    To: Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 12:28 PM

    Subject: HELL ANGELS FROM MONTREAL LOOKING FOR CHARLES LEBLANC????? With all the excitement of the story of the bureaucrat who wanted to get rid of my column?

    I forgot to tell you readers a few stories that happened to me last week.

    Friday, I went in the Gallery at the Legislautre and once again sat beside Dorothy Dawson.

    It was too hot for me to stay in there so therefore I left.

    Once at the door, a woman asked me which side were the Liberals and the P.C.S?

    She told me that she was from Grand Bay! I said - Ok? You must read my column then?

    She quickly said - Are you Charles?? And waited a few seconds and said- Charles LeBlanc???

    I like to hear this because Im always curious to know the amount of people who does read my


    I like having that little piece because the owner of the River Valley News- Diane Bormke allows

    me to write

    about any issues I want to write about.


    Heres a transcript of what Dr.Furlong said last week on Melanson Live!!!

    Denis Melanson - Just a very quick Question of what Charles was saying. Is Ritalin a quick


    Dr. Furlong - Ohhh Yes, I think Ritalin is over prescribed and I think thats an issue for the

    Medical Profession.

    Its only prescribed by the Medical Profession.

    However? I , myself even seen now teachers who send parents and children to my office

    suggesting they should

    be on Ritalin and because not all of them all on because not all of them are truly hyperactive.

    Well? You have to have an accurate diagnosis in order to at least some hope that the therapy is

    going to work

    because for over activity disorders and active kids Ritalin will have no affect.

    Denis Melanson - OKand thats the last word well hear about Ritalin tonight!!!!

  • Friday afternoon, I bumped into Madeleine Dube Minister of Education and told her what the

    Dr.Furlong told the T.V. Audience.

    I must admit that I wasnt please because the day that my protest ended???

    The Department of Education sent a memo telling the teachers that they cannot suggest to the

    parents that their kids should be on Ritalin.

    Let me see if I can locate the letter in my email???

    I FOUND IT!!! HERE IT IS!!!!!

    To: "Charles Leblanc"

    CC: "Dawn Bowie" , "McInerney,

    Terry (ED)" , "'Lydon, Barry

    (ED)'" , "Dumas, Pierre (ED)"

    , "Mitchell, Pam (DHW/SME)"

    , "Whitenect, Barbara (DHW/SME)"

    , "David Balmain

    ([email protected])"

    Subject: FW: Medications - Ritalin

    Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 15:03:00 -0400

    Dear Mr. Leblanc,

    I am responding to your recent e-mail to Terry McInerney, on behalf of our Assistant

    Deputy Minister, English Educational Services Division, with whom you met some weeks ago.

    I am also including a copy of the e-mail that was sent to superintendents and directors of

    education in the

    English public school system. You may be interested in knowing that this is a reiteration of the


    that I sent to the same group, including Student Services administrators approximately two years


    You have also requested results concerning the meeting held with the ADM and Pierre Dumas

    and other

    interested individuals. It is important to note that the Expert Report on Behaviour Disorder was


    and conducted by the Department of Health, under the direction of Ms. Marcella Laaper,

    Director of Child

    and Adolescent Services. Ms. Barb Whitenect is currently in that position. In essence, given that

    this report

  • was initiated and developed by the Department of Health and Wellness, any further action to be

    taken on this

    report must be initiated by the Department of Health and Wellness. Officials of the Department

    of Education who

    participated on that committee did so at the invitation of the committee chair from the

    Department of Health

    and Wellness.

    You will note that I have also copied this e-mail directed to you to individuals within the

    Department of Health and

    Wellness who should be the primary contacts for any further action concerning that report.

    Should you have any further

    questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Robert E. Gerard Student Services

    Phone: 506-444-47117

    Fax: 506-457-7835

    -E-mail: [email protected]

    -----Original Message-----

    From: Phillips, Deanna (ED) On Behalf Of McInerney, Terry (ED)

    Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 1:29 PM

    To: (ED) Superintendents (Eng.)

    Cc: (ED) Directors of Ed (Eng.)

    Subject: Medications Ritalin

    Recent stories in the Telegraph Journal and other media have heightened the public's awareness

    of the drug Ritalin,

    a drug which is generally used to assist in the treatment of ADD/ADHD among children of

    school age and adults.

    While educators have a definite role to play in the referral process for children who are

    displaying characteristics

    associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and in assisting the medical and

    psychological profession

    diagnoses of this disorder, teachers are to refrain from suggesting to parents that prescription

    medication of any sort

    should be used in the management of students' behavior.

  • The diagnoses and prescription of medication for disorders that impact on a classroom's Positive

    Learning Environment remains

    the responsibility of the medical profession. Principals are asked to remind teachers that the

    Department of

    Education recognizes that teachers have an important role to play in the referral process.

    Suggesting to parents that they

    may want to consider discussing their child's attention difficulties with their family doctor comes

    as a result of a

    collaborative process involving the school-based student services team who have considered in-

    depth the child's strengths

    and needs. Teachers are encouraged to share their observations with the school-based student

    services teams, and with physicians.

    Teachers can also serve as an important source of information in the monitoring by the physician

    of appropriate dosage of medication.

    Please share this information with principals, who will share with their staff.


    -----Message d'origine-----

    De : Dumas, Pierre (ED)

    Envoyi : 23 fivrier, 2004 15:58

    @ : 'charles leblanc'

    Cc : Dawn Bowie; Liveilli, Guy (ED); Lavoie, Marcel (ED);

    Whitenect, Barbara (DHW/SME); David Balmain

    ([email protected])

    Objet : Midicaments Ritalin

    Monsieur LeBlanc,

    En riponse au courrier que vous m'avez fait parvenir le 16 fivrier dernier, permettez-moi de vous

    informer qu'une note a iti

    envoyie aux directions ginirales de tous les districts scolaires francophones de la province le 4


    Cette dicision avait iti prise lors de notre rencontre avec vous et des reprisentants du ministhre de

    la Santi et du mieux-jtre et

    de la Sociiti midicale. Comme le rapport du comiti spicial d'experts sur les comportements

    perturbateurs itait sous la direction

    du ministhre de la Santi et du mieux-jtre et plus pricisiment coordonni par madame Marcella

  • Laaper, anciennement directrice

    des services aux enfants et adolescents et prisentement ` la retraite, toutes autres actions reliies `

    ce rapport devront jtre prises par

    ce ministhre.

    Si vous avez d'autres questions, n'hisitez pas ` communiquer avec moi.

    Pierre DumasDirecteur adjoint, services aux ilhves Direction des services pidagogiques

    Til.: (506) 453-2750

    Fax : (506) 457-7835

    Courriel: [email protected]


    Directions ginirales

    ORIGINE : Guy Liveilli

    COPIE(S) : Roger Doucet Marcel Lavoie Pierre Dumas

    DATE : Le 4 fivrier 2004

    OBJET : Troubles de l'hyperactiviti avec dificit del'attention / Ritalin

    Suite ` la couverture midiatique qui a refait surfaceau sujet du Ritalin et des ilhves ayant des

    troublesde l'hyperactiviti avec dificit

    de l'attention (THADA), je vous saurais gri de bien vouloir rappelerces quelques points au

    personnel visi de votre district.

    De par leurs observations, les enseignants peuvent certes avoir un rtle important ` jouer dans

    leprocessus d'identification des ilhves

    ayant destroubles de l'hyperactiviti avec un dificit del'attention, tout en itant une source valabled

    'information pour le midecin lors du dosage

    d'unmidicament. Leur rtle est donc de faire part de leurs observations ` l'iquipe des services aux

    ilhves et au personnel midical s'il y a

    lieu. Il faut cependant souligner que le personnel enseignant ne doit en aucun cas suggirer aux

    parentsun midicament ou une consultation

    chez un midecin dansle but de modifier le comportement de l'enfant. Lediagnostic et la

    prescription de midicaments ne sontpas

    du ressort de la profession enseignante mais biende la profession midicale.

    En vous remerciant de votre collaboration, je vousprie de recevoir l'assurance de ma

    consideration distinguie.

    Le sous-ministre adjoint, Guy Liveilli

  • Now if you dont believe me what Dr.Furlong said this??? Listen to Melanson Live on Monday

    at 5:30pm!!!!

    Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to use the computer at the Library. I was told

    by security that

    two rough looking individuals walked through the doors and asked for a Charles Leblanc? They

    described the

    guys as rough looking and one of them had a long gray beard with a leather jacket!

    At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.

    Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and he was in front of the Legislature with

    his blowhorn.

    For you people who dont know the bigot? Hes the one who started the Anglo Society. I seen


    preaching to three young kids and of course I butt in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why dont you

    bigot go home?

    Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and they asked politely Where can we locate a

    Charles LeBlanc???

    In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at me. I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot


    At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I guess that hes running at an independent in

    the riding of Fundy Royal.

    The guy have been living in the area of Boston and he's been following my updates on the

    internet. I'm telling you that the

    information highway is a great way to spread the message to the rest of the world!

    We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to see the bigot, me and David Amos together

    debating our own little concern issue.

    We all have our own issues and its too bad that we cannot unite and fight but thats the way

    Canadians do things. They remind silent

    until the Government really pissed them all and go out and vote the party in power out of office.

    You can read my past column at

    Click on the forum section


    I also paste my update in a forum call HERE but unfortunately they always delete my updates

  • from their forum.

    I believe its a forum only for certain elite people. Makes you think its own by the


    OKThats about it and this is Saturday and Im at the Library so many of you will received

    this update during

    the weekend but some of you will only receive this on Monday. Excuse the style and grammar of

    this update because I

    just send the darn thing to you people on the information Highway!!!

    Heres a few comments that I received during the last 24 hours!

    1- LOL,LOL,LOL,...Does he think that he can take away your freedom of speech....tell him to

    bring it on!

    You do have 51% backing can write whatever you want about whoever you want as

    long as you

    are not lying and thats the way it is. Is Ed Kelly a lawyer?

    Tell him to make your day and do whatever he wants and there are a lot of computers, ect

    around that you would

    not need his. Is he jealous of your friendship with Dianne? Something is wrong....and the reason

    that he must of gave up

    his column is because his letters do not make any sense when you read them. What does he want

    you to do apologize to the

    300 people on your list for what...your the victim...remember that....someone called you, you did

    not call them... you

    have more contacts and ways of finding out then he does and thats his problem....let me know

    what you are going to do

    2- Hi Charles....another reason why Tanker shouldn't cross the floor...checkout the latest media

    release by Tanker and Jody...



    A day after a Miramichi Liberal MLA said a Liberal Government wouldn't rule out bed cuts in

    Miramichi, his Leader has said

    he wouldn't reverse the Lord Government's decision to eliminate 298 beds in the province.

    Speaking on CBC Radio yesterday, Shawn Graham said changes are necessary and he wouldn't

    reverse the bed cuts as long as seniors

    who don't need to be in the hospital are moved to a nursing home.

  • Two Tory MLAs came out swinging in the Legislature today against the Liberals over the

    government's health plan. PC Caucus Chair

    Jody Carr and Party Whip Tanker Malley, MLA for Miramichi Bay du Vin, said more and more

    they are hearing Liberal members agree

    with the health plan."Shawn Graham said on CBC yesterday he'd cut the same 298 bed cuts if

    more seniors were moved into nursing homes,"

    said Mr. Carr, MLA for Oromocto Gagetown. "The ironic thing is we are doing more to

    improve nursing homes.$90-million dollars will be

    invested toward nursing homes. We have built two new homes with a few more slated for

    construction including the Village of Gagetown.

    We have also committed to a multi-year renovation plan to upgrade10 nursing homes."

    Mr. Malley repeated again in the legislature Miramichi Liberal MLA John Foran's comments on

    CBC Radio that if the Liberals were in government

    he couldn't rule out 27 bed cuts in Miramichi."This, after signing petitions and asking me to

    cross the floor," said Mr.Malley. "Once again, why would

    I want to cross the floor with the likes of those two? The Liberal Leader just doesn't get it. If he

    supports our plan to redirect funding to provide better

    services for New Brunswickers, then just say so. Don't raise fears and false innuendo just for his

    own political gain when he supports bed cuts."

    "The previous Liberal government over 12 years did not build one single nursing home," said

    Mr. Carr. "And they wonder why there are so many seniors

    in hospitals who could be in a nursing home. We know they wouldn't reverse our decisions

    because they know a balanced approach will improve services.

    We can't stay in the 80's and fear monger like the Opposition. We are proud of our health plan.

    We're focused, showing true leadership, and we're finding

    real solutions to better health care - not just for today but for many, many years to come," he

    continued. The four year plan was released Wednesday. It will

    secure our province's health care system and make it sustainable into the future. It will help

    those working in the health care system to make long-term plans

    for investment where care is needed most and to implement changes that need to be made. The

    goal is to improve the overall health and well-being of New

    Brunswickers by building a sustainable health system that delivers the right services, in the right

    way, at the right time at a cost taxpayers can afford.

    "To turn back the clock would be difficult. And what we're saying today is that we're going to

    take the beds out of the system, which are mainly occupied by seniors.

    So what I would say today to you Terry is if we can put in place a strategy that deals with

    moving those senior citizens out of the beds that are being occupied

    for acute care into long term care then the status quo will remain."

  • Shawn Graham, CBC Radio, June 10, 2004.[CBC TV Political Panel, June 11, 2004]

    SEGUIN Okay let me just... I want to pin this down. I'm gonna come to you in one second but let

    me get ask - let me get Shawn on this. Would

    you reverse the cuts?

    GRAHAM No, we're not going to go out and say today that we're against the minister's plan


    SEGUIN So you would not reverse the cuts?

    GRAHAM No, what we're saying today is there has to be put in place in a long-term care

    strategy care, Terry, so that seniors, where we

    eliminate the beds that are being occupied by seniors in nursing homes, are given a bed or - sorry

    - are being discharged out of hospitals,

    they're being given a bed in a nursing home and that's where the plan fails.-30-

    3- Thanks for the update about Dr. Furlong......interesting. I missed show as I was in PEI at a


    We are sooooooo far behind in NB!!!! All is well

    4-So are you still writing the column for the Grand Bay paper? I hope so because I enjoy

    reading them! Have a Good Weekend

    5-You mean there were grammar mistakes in your update? Really? Haha, just some sarcastic

    Friday kidding from your friend.

    Ray Charles died yesterday. One of my favourites, he was a giant in the music world.





    KING: We're going to spend a few moments with Brian Mulroney, the former prime minister of


    joining us from Montreal. You remember that evening -- Brian.

    BRIAN MULRONEY, FMR. CANADIAN PRIME MIN.: I do indeed, Larry. St. Patrick's Day

    1985. The Shamrock Summit in Quebec City, just

    in shouting distance of where the Irish first landed, those coming to Canada, first landed in

    Canada in the early 1830's. So I remember it well.

  • KING: It was quite a night. How close were the two of you?

    MULRONEY: Well, we had a wonderful relationship. George Schultz, I gather, is with you, and

    he could testify to the fact, of course, that

    President Reagan was a gentleman, a great gentleman, and he made it very easy for new leaders.

    I came on the block four years after he had

    been sworn in, had been inaugurated, and he made it -- it was a piece of cake, to be welcomed

    and to work with him very closely, both on

    bilateral matters, the hemispheric free trade concept, the Canada-United States free trade

    concept, but also internationally with that tremendous

    agenda we had in those years. The Soviet Union, with nuclear missiles pointed at us, and the

    work in NATO and so on, it was --

    he made it easy to work with him.

    KING: Have you spoken with Mrs. Reagan -- Brian.

    MULRONEY: Yes, Nancy and I, we speak regularly and have over the years, and as it

    happened, yesterday I spoke with Nancy.

    I called Nancy because I had heard, of course, that things weren't going well, and it was

    Nancy indicated that things were pretty tough and indeed after I hung up, Larry, within half-an-

    hour President Reagan had passed on.

    KING: I would guess you'll be attending his funeral in Washington on Friday. Are you going to

    come out for the burial, too, in California?

    MULRONEY: We're certainly going to be in Washington for the funeral.

    KING: But you don't know about California yet?

    MULRONEY: I don't know about the rest of the program yet. All I've heard is about


    KING: What was his special quality, from your viewpoint?

    MULRONEY: Well, you know, Larry, in leaders I think there are basically two kinds. You can

    be a transactional leader or you can be a

    transformation leader, and Ronald Reagan was the epitome of a transformation leader, someone

    who profoundly changed this country and

    changed the world for the better. And what was most surprising was that he was able to do this,

    to make history in an extraordinary way, and

    yet retain that simplicity and charm and almost in some ways a sense of quiet Irish innocence

    about the manner in which he conducted himself

    with other people. So you had this very powerful leader who conducted the foreign policy and

  • the national policy of the United States of America,

    and on the other hand you had this gentle, thoughtful, warm and very entertaining human being

    who was the person you dealt with. I think that was his

    great charm and the reason for his great success.

    KING: Did he exceed your expectations?

    MULRONEY: You know, I think probably Ronald Reagan may have exceeded everyone's

    expectations except Nancy's. Nancy probably was the

    only one who knew the great things of which he was capable from the earliest years. But for the

    rest of us, unless there are exceptions of whom

    I'm unaware, for the rest of us he was a delight to work with who just kept getting better.

    KING: Thank you for sharing this with us, Brian. Great seeing you again, by the way.

    MULRONEY: Good to see you, Larry. Thank you for having me and delighted to be with you.

    KING: My pleasure. Good guy. Brian Mulroney, the former prime minister of Great Britain



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