church email: [email protected] church website: www...

1 Nellie Revelle Office Manager Office Hours: Monday-Thursday Email: [email protected] Stan Pesis, Pastor Office Hours: Wednesday-Saturday St. Paul’s Lutheran Family 1201 North Saliman Road—Carson City, NV 89701 775.882.3020 * Fax 775.882.3533 Church Email: [email protected] Church website: Volume 28, Issue 2 March, 2012 Bits & Pesis Bits & Pesis Bits & Pesis Bits & Pesis Vicki Hamilton Eucharistic Minister By Appointment Ken Elverum Council President Email: [email protected] Traci Trenoweth Council Vice President LENT / EASTER SCHEDULE Midweek Soup Suppers (6:00 pm) and Communion Services (7:00 pm) will take place on the following Wednesdays: 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28 4/1/12 - Palm Sunday - Passion Narrative Sunday School Procession with Palms Communion services at 8:00 and 10:30 am 4/5/12 - Maundy Thursday Communion service at 7:00 pm 4/6/12 - Good Friday Worship service at 7:00 pm 4/7/12 - Easter Vigil Candlelight/Communion service at 7:00 pm 4/8/12 - Pancake Breakfast 8:30 - 10:30 am * Friendship Hall (sponsored by Youth Group) 4/8/12 - Easter Egg Hunt 9:30 am - no Sunday School today! 4/8/12 - Easter Communion services at 8:00 and 10:30 am Dear Friends, The church year is traditionally divided up into a num- ber of seasons. Beginning with Advent, starting in late Novem- ber or early December, we then move to Christmas, a rather short season of one or two Sundays, depending. After Christ- mas we enter the season of Epiphany, which means something like revealing or unveiling. Epiphany, the season we are just finishing, reveals that the savior proclaimed in the Old Testa- ment is a savior for all people. We have just celebrated the Transfiguration of Our Lord (February 19) where our gospel reading from Mark 9:2-9 seems to be more about veiling or obscuring than about reveal- ing. Yet I would propose that beginning with that lesson our gospel lessons for the Lenten season invite us to look beyond the superficial to consider, anew, what Jesus’ presence among us really brings. Our readings for the first two Sunday’s in Lent will come from Mark and then we move to readings from John. If you take a look at them as a whole you will notice that the sequence of events does not run smoothly. They do, however, altogether move us toward Holy Week, where we again are forced to ask the difficult question of just what is going on. I do not believe this sort of question is best responded to with a simple answer. Instead we are invited to a place of personal reflection or, better yet, into a conversation with other believ- ers. As a community of followers of Jesus is our intent to come up with responses to the question, “Just exactly what hap- pened?” Perhaps as we journey together through this season we are really meant to consider instead the question, “Just exactly how are we to be followers of Jesus?”. On to other matters. Most of you should be aware by this time that St. Paul’s has made a decision to change our fiscal year to a July 1-June 30 period. We have four months then to prepare a budget for that new budget cycle. If you are part of a committee that needs to consider budget requests for this budget please be ready to participate in conversations about those requests. At the last council meeting in February the council recognized that in the same way St. Paul’s needs ongoing and dependable commitments from those who financially support the congregation, our commitments to others, i.e. F.I.S.H., Ad- vocates to End Domestic Violence, our Sierra-Pacific Synod, Continued … the ELCA and the seminaries and other agencies it supports, and others, also deserve consideration in the same manner. I invite you to please help us accomplish that by remembering to give regularly throughout the year. Such support, even when talking about money, is invaluable. The Grace and Peace of our Savior be with you,

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Page 1: Church Email: Church website: www · 3/27/12 - Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins meeting at the home of Sarah


Nellie Revelle

Office Manager Office Hours: Monday-Thursday

Email: [email protected]

Stan Pesis, Pastor Office Hours:


St. Paul’s Lutheran Family 1201 North Saliman Road—Carson City, NV 89701

775.882.3020 * Fax 775.882.3533 Church Email: [email protected]

Church website:

Volume 28, Issue 2

March, 2012

Bits & PesisBits & PesisBits & PesisBits & Pesis

Vicki Hamilton

Eucharistic Minister By Appointment

Ken Elverum

Council President Email: [email protected]

Traci Trenoweth

Council Vice President


Midweek Soup Suppers (6:00 pm) and Communion Services (7:00 pm)

will take place on the following Wednesdays: 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28

4/1/12 - Palm Sunday - Passion Narrative Sunday School Procession with Palms

Communion services at 8:00 and 10:30 am

4/5/12 - Maundy Thursday Communion service at 7:00 pm

4/6/12 - Good Friday Worship service at 7:00 pm

4/7/12 - Easter Vigil Candlelight/Communion service at 7:00 pm

4/8/12 - Pancake Breakfast 8:30 - 10:30 am * Friendship Hall

(sponsored by Youth Group)

4/8/12 - Easter Egg Hunt 9:30 am - no Sunday School today!

4/8/12 - Easter Communion services at 8:00 and 10:30 am

Dear Friends,

The church year is traditionally divided up into a num-ber of seasons. Beginning with Advent, starting in late Novem-ber or early December, we then move to Christmas, a rather short season of one or two Sundays, depending. After Christ-mas we enter the season of Epiphany, which means something like revealing or unveiling. Epiphany, the season we are just finishing, reveals that the savior proclaimed in the Old Testa-ment is a savior for all people. We have just celebrated the Transfiguration of Our Lord (February 19) where our gospel reading from Mark 9:2-9 seems to be more about veiling or obscuring than about reveal-ing. Yet I would propose that beginning with that lesson our gospel lessons for the Lenten season invite us to look beyond the superficial to consider, anew, what Jesus’ presence among us really brings. Our readings for the first two Sunday’s in Lent will come from Mark and then we move to readings from John. If you take a look at them as a whole you will notice that the sequence of events does not run smoothly. They do, however, altogether move us toward Holy Week, where we again are forced to ask the difficult question of just what is going on. I do not believe this sort of question is best responded to with a simple answer. Instead we are invited to a place of personal reflection or, better yet, into a conversation with other believ-ers. As a community of followers of Jesus is our intent to come up with responses to the question, “Just exactly what hap-pened?” Perhaps as we journey together through this season we are really meant to consider instead the question, “Just exactly how are we to be followers of Jesus?”. On to other matters. Most of you should be aware by this time that St. Paul’s has made a decision to change our fiscal year to a July 1-June 30 period. We have four months then to prepare a budget for that new budget cycle. If you are part of a committee that needs to consider budget requests for this budget please be ready to participate in conversations about those requests. At the last council meeting in February the council recognized that in the same way St. Paul’s needs ongoing and dependable commitments from those who financially support the congregation, our commitments to others, i.e. F.I.S.H., Ad-vocates to End Domestic Violence, our Sierra-Pacific Synod,

Continued …

the ELCA and the seminaries and other agencies it supports, and others, also deserve consideration in the same manner. I invite you to please help us accomplish that by remembering to give regularly throughout the year. Such support, even when talking about money, is invaluable.

The Grace and Peace of our Savior be with you,

Page 2: Church Email: Church website: www · 3/27/12 - Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins meeting at the home of Sarah


If you are aware of someone in a hospital,

nursing home, convalescing at home, or

needing special prayers, please keep us

informed by calling the church office.

LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYERS FOR: Jennifer, Betty, Ella, Helene, Debbie, Brian & Ann, Michael, Jerry, Paul, Shirley, Dick, Meghann & Austin, Mildred, Murv, Rolf, Marge, Matthew, Buzz, Monte, Bishop Mark Holmerud, Mary Lou, Willa, Alice, Fred, Jim, Bill & Caroll, Steve & Jane, Mollie, Pat, Dana, Kyle, Judy, Chuck & Darlene, Gwen, Joycie, the families of Rev. Kenneth Bergmann, Lee Nielson, Julane Hanson ... and all those we name in our hearts.





All names placed on our Sunday morning ALTAR PRAYER LIST remain for a total of 4-weeks at which time we ask that you please call to renew your request(s).

ALL prayer requests will be taken by our Office Manager, Nellie Revelle, by calling 882-3020. You may leave a confidential voice mail message if you wish.

Please indicate whether your prayer request is for the ALTAR PRAYER LIST, the TELEPHONE PRAYER CHAIN

or BOTH!!! … Thanks!

The MARCH edition of our newsletter was prepared for mailing by Nita Menveg, Peggy Truttman, Ellie Week, Evelyn Luterick, and Mary Neumann …

.. and our weekly bulletins were folded by Peggy Truttman…

… and our weekly CD mailings were processed by Nita Menveg …


??? DID YOU KNOW ?????? DID YOU KNOW ?????? DID YOU KNOW ?????? DID YOU KNOW ???

St. Paul’s Sunday servicesSt. Paul’s Sunday servicesSt. Paul’s Sunday servicesSt. Paul’s Sunday services

are available on audio CDare available on audio CDare available on audio CDare available on audio CD

Would you or someone you know like a CD copy of our Sunday service? To add someone to our weekly mailing

list, please call the church office.

LEE GROUP Life Enrichment for Everyone

(aka: Lutheran Eager Eaters)

LEE GROUP will meet in Friendship Hall for a potluck luncheon on Thursday,

3/1/12, starting at 11:30 am. Please plan to join us!

Hope to see YOU at LEE

Madaline Yoho, President

LADIES’ BOOK CLUB Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.

Please mark your calendar and join us!

3/27/12 - Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins meeting at the home of Sarah Jevne

4/24/12 - Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, by Oliver Sacks - meeting at the home of Gloria Randle

MIXED CHOIR is rehearsing on Sunday afternoons

(12:00 - 1:30 pm) during Lent

… for all the prayers, cards, meals, visits, and last but definitely not least … for all your words of comfort and healing when I recently tried to take an acrobatic back-flip off my back porch steps … not realizing that I was just too darn old to be trying those kinds of things!

I just want everyone to know that I am healing and will hopefully get my full vision back. Right now I still have double vision, so it is a little bit difficult to walk and talk at the same time. So much for multi-tasking! Doc says it could take 2-3 months for the vision to come back to nor-mal. Most of the bruising is gone, which is thankful. I would have scared the worst Halloween costume! THANKS AGAIN for all your well wishes … EVERYONE!!

-Pat Newcomb

My heartfelt thanks for all of the prayers, well wishes, gifts, cards, visits, meals, phone calls, taxi service, love and concern. I am happy to say that my hip replacement surgery was successful and I am recovering nicely. How wonderful it is to be the recipient of so much TLC from family and friends! I returned to work on 2/1, perhaps walking a little slower than before (still using my cane) but I am making great progress. Many thanks to ALL of those persons who filled in at the office to help “get the job done” during my absence.

-God bless you all … Nellie Revelle

*** BY REQUEST *** (from the chili cookoff)

Cream Puff Dessert - by Judy Webster

Copies of this mouth watering recipe are now available in the church office!

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Pray for our St. Paul’s family members who actively serve in the armed forces:

Heather (Johnson) Brown Manny Ceja - Peter Elverum - Tim Gridley

Olivia Lesperance - Brandon Luterick Sarah McGee - Ike Moellendorf - Sam Osterholt - Jono Pesis

Chris Steyn - Sam Weirton

as well as those family members who serve as Firefighters and Peace Officers:

Mark Dickens - John Gould Brian Hillenbrand - Tina Sherman - Andy Steyn


Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM

Holy Communion is celebrated: at 8:00 AM on the 2nd & 4th Sunday

at 10:30 AM on the 1st and 3rd Sunday at both services on the 5th & festival Sundays

Healing and special services are noted in the church calendar

Sunday School for ALL ages 9:00-10:20 AM (September through May)


Ages 3 through Jr High 9:00 - 10:20 AM

(September through May)

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Ends Sunday, 3/11/12

Don’t forget to set your clocks AHEAD

one hour before retiring on Saturday night!

ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN FAMILY mourns the loss of:

Julane Hanson - (10/18/1931 - 1/25/2012) - passed away after being diagnosed with a brain tumor in November of 2011. Medica-tion and radiation could not contain the malig-

nant tumor. A memorial service celebrating Julane’s life was held on February 7 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Gardnerville, NV, with graveside rites at the Eastside Me-morial Park in Gardnerville. Julane was a Daughter of Norway, Queen Maude Lodge, Carson City. Memorial donations may be made to the LWML at Trinity Lutheran Church or to the Queen Maude Lodge. We remember her husband, Harold, and the Hanson family.

Rev. Kenneth E. Bergmann - (1/29/1930 - 11/22/2011) - previous pastor of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Ox-nard; and former pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Fam-ily ,Carson City, NV (1977-1984) - died in Ventura, CA, of complications from a long-term heart condition. In lieu of flowers, contributions to Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church (Oxnard) will be appreciated. We remember his wife, Louise, and the Bergmann family.

Lee Nielson - (6/6/1936 - 11/20/2011) - Marta Marsh’s mother - passed away at her home in Carson City, sur-rounded by her family. A memorial service celebrating Lee’s life was held at St. Paul’s on January 21, 2012. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Lee’s honor to the American Cancer Society. We remember her daugh-ter, Marta, and the Nielson family.

Our thoughts and prayers are with these families during their time of sadness.

May our Lord grant you His comfort and peace.

The kids are learning about Baptism, relating their own Baptism to the story of John the Baptist in which he bap-tized Jesus. They are also learning the Lord’s Prayer and since Lent is beginning we are learning about helping oth-ers and the sacrifices Jesus made for us. We are also learning many songs and getting ready for Palm Sunday when we will process in at the beginning of the service singing “All Glory Laud and Honor.” We have a newly decorated Sunday School bulletin board in Friendship Hall and have Hope Chowanski to thank for helping me out with this task. Hope is a very talented lady and always willing to lend us a hand at Sunday School. We appreciate her efforts as well as all of the others who are always there for us whether it be bringing snacks for the kids or helping with crafts by giving us that extra pair of hands. We appreciate all of you! We will be having our annual “Easter Egg Hunt” at the Easter breakfast in between the first and the second ser-vice on Easter Sunday. The children should bring a bas-ket ready to gather eggs hidden in the garden. There will be a couple of special eggs that will bring the “finder” a special prize. Details on those special eggs will be an-nounced at the hunt. The approximate time will be 9:30-9:45 for start time. No Sunday school will be in session on that day but please come and enjoy!

Submitted by Renee Woslum, Sunday School Superintendent

Gloria Randle, St. Paul’s Financial Sec-retary, has announced her retirement! Effective immediately, Peggy Saville will assume the responsibilities that Gloria has so capably handled for many years. St. Paul’s wishes to thank Gloria for her outstanding service and dedication to

our church family. We also wish to extend a warm wel-come to Peggy as she steps into this new role.

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I f your name and birth date are not shown, or if there are any corrections or additions, please call the church office. Thank you for helping

us keep our family birthday list current!

Celebrations For:


Microwavable soups Individual juice boxes Non-refrigerated pudding Single serving trail mix Easy Mac Single serving beef jerky Peanut Butter/Cheese Crackers / Power Bars Cheese/Beef sticks

Non-refrigerated individual cartons of milk Granola Bars Instant Oatmeal Fruit cups Hot cocoa Veggies (plastic containers) Canned/Freeze Dried meats


is available in the church entry for your donations. Monetary gifts

should be made payable and mailed to FOOD FOR THOUGHT

The following list is provided for sug-gested items for the food basket:


More and more seniors are texting and tweeting which means a STC (Senior Texting Code) has been established. If you qualify for senior discounts, this is the code for you:

ATD - at the doctor’s BFF - best friend fainted

BTW - bring the wheelchair BYOT - Bring your own teeth CBM - covered by Medicare

CGU - can’t get up CUATSC - see you at the Senior Center

DWI - driving while incontinent FWBB - friend with beta blockers

FYI - found your insulin GGPBL - gotta go; pacemaker battery low

GHA - got heartburn again IMHO - Is my hearing-aid on?

LMDO - laughing my dentures out LOL - living on Lipitor

LWO - Lawrence Welk’s on OMMR - on my massage recliner

OMSG - oh my; sorry gas ROFL-CGU - rolling on the floor laughing; can’t get up

TTYL - talk to you louder WAITT - who am I talking to?

WTFA - wet the furniture again WTP - where’s the prunes?

WWNO - walker wheels need oil GGLKI - gotta go; laxative kicking in

2 Richard Lowther 3 Kim Neiman 3 Debbie Revelle 4 Dennis Yeskie 5 Michelle Stevens 6 Sarah Jevne 6 Lin Nary 7 Fred Steinle 9 Nicholas Gesick 10 William Houk II 10 Paul Larson 11 Ryan Revelle 12 William Cullen 12 Jazmin Grant 12 Herb Schmalenbach 15 Ellen Harrell 15 Kristin Holland 18 Evelyn Luterick 20 Jim McComb 21 Matthew Hamilton 21 Monique Hautekeet 22 Ken Elverum 24 Marilyn Maruca 24 Jeanne Russell 25 Emily Helsley 30 Katie Anderson 31 Ken Beaton 31 John Fischer 31 Nicole Hironaka 31 Don Kovisto

To Doug Thunder - for repairing our front doors … again! Doug (and Pat) continue to share their time and talents to keep our

church home and furnishings in good operating condition.

To Bill Massie - for continuing to haul our trash and recy-cling to the dump each week, thereby eliminating our monthly pick-up costs. Bill is often found here at St. Paul’s doing various chores/repairs … and is usually ac-companied by his wife, Caroll. PS - Bill also makes an awesome cappuccino!

To Clay Woslum - for delivering our monthly newsletters to the Post Office for processing. First class pick up and delivery … and always service with a smile!

To Nita Menveg and Glenn Laursen - for recording, burning, processing and mailing our Sunday service audio CD’s during Nellie’s absence … both quietly and effi-ciently managing our CD Outreach program!

As a reminder … there are NO altar flowers during L ent

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Enrollment in this FREE program is ongo-ing and is funded through Thrivent Bank. If you wish to have your offerings electroni-cally transferred to St. Paul’s or if you have any questions, please contact Wayne Kinder at 882-6538.

OR … for account information please call

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 800-847-4836


Treasurer’s Report Unrestricted (General) Funds

1/1/12 - Beginning balance (+) $17,104 *Transfer from Restricted Funds (+) $2,175

Receipts (+) $18,505 Expenses (-) $21,002

1/31/12- Ending balance (=) $16,782 *Altar Flowers - $721.23, Lawn Maintenance -

$307.17, Choir Director - $586.33, Nursery - $559.78

Financial Secretary’s Report (January 1 through January 31, 2012)

The approved budget for Jan-June 2012 is $113,270 To meet this budget we need $4357 per week

(this amount is unrestricted funds)

YTD (year-to-date) - which is 5 weeks we have received $18,505

vs. $21,785 that was budgeted This is ($3,280) or (15%) short.

Respectfully submitted, Gloria Randle, Financial Secretary



are due in the church office NO LATER THAN 3/15/12


SCHEDULING of ALL church events and meetings MUST be arranged through the church office with dates/times placed on the master calendar. It is important that the master calendar be kept current and without conflict at all times.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (Vicki Hamilton and Nellie Rev-elle) are available for in-home communion visits on an appoint-ment basis. Please feel free to call and leave a confidential voice mail message on extension 4.

CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL will meet on Tuesday, 3/13/12, at 7:00 pm. Council members are asked to notify Presi-dent, Ken Elverum, if they CANNOT attend.

ST. PAUL’S STITCHERS meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 9:00 AM at the church. Please join us!

AIM BIBLE STUDY meets in Friendship Hall on Thursdays at 5:30 pm.

CONFIRMATION CLASS meets on Wednesdays at 3:15 PM.

A "BIG" thank you to Linda Wilson and her committee for the great job on our annual Chili Cook-off in February. A good time was had by all that attended and of course, congratulations to those champion chili makers* we have at St. Paul's! The entertainment was also good and Caroll Massie put together a good show for us. Thanks, Caroll. With the free will offering and silent auction, we raised $414.00 which will be used to support WELCA’s benevolences throughout the year.

Our next big event will be the Rummage Sale in April (4/21). So, we hope everyone is saving their "goodies" for the our biggest fund-raiser. As we get closer we will ask for help with the set-up, including sorting and pricing as well as working the sale and the clean-up. We can also give you details about when we can start accepting your dona-tions. We won't be able to accept anything until the week before the sale as we are unable to store any items at the church. We look for-ward to this interesting and fun yearly event. We hope to see you there!


Come, celebrate! Sunday, March 18, Potluck Luncheon

St. Paul’s Lutheran Family is blessed with many indi-viduals who freely and graciously give of themselves in service to our church family and to the community at large, doing God’s work with their hands and hearts.

On Sunday, March 18, the Stewardship team is hosting a potluck luncheon following the 10:30 service to cele-brate all those who share their time and talents with oth-ers. This will be an open potluck: hot dishes, side dishes, salads, breads, desserts, we will feast on what-ever is brought… and be thankful.

We hope to see you there!

WELCA ADULT BIBLE STUDY with Vicki Hamil-ton will NOT be held on 3/5 … next class is scheduled for Monday, 4/2, at 1:15 PM. Mark your calendars and plan to join us!

Submitted by Renee Woslum

WELCA President

*This year’s chili winners were:

1st Place - Judge’s Choice - Connie Bisbee 2nd Place - Rich Kowalczyk

People’s Choice - Mary McFarland

Page 6: Church Email: Church website: www · 3/27/12 - Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins meeting at the home of Sarah


(St. Paul’s Congregational Council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM)


Ken Elverum, Council President Email: [email protected]

STEP INTO SPRINGSTEP INTO SPRINGSTEP INTO SPRINGSTEP INTO SPRING … a program pro-viding new shoes and socks for kids in need. It’s time for the annual shoe drive for Carson City School District students’

“Kids in Transition Program.” Funding comes from donations given by you, members of other faith communities, and other community organizations. We hope to complete fundraising by 3/23/12, for shoe delivery around Easter. Please make your checks payable to “CCSD”“CCSD”“CCSD”“CCSD” and mark “Step into “Step into “Step into “Step into Spring”Spring”Spring”Spring” in the memo section of your check. Please mark all cash donations accordingly. Volunteers are also needed to help purchase shoes. If you can help in any way or need additional information, please contact Betty Razor at 841-2208 (evenings).


Little is known of Saint Patrick's early life, though it is known that he was born in the 4th century, into a wealthy family. His fa-

ther and grandfather were deacons in the church. At the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken captive to Ireland as a slave. According to his confession, he was told by God in a dream to flee from captivity to the coast, where he would board a ship and return to Britain. Upon returning, he quickly joined the church and studied to be a priest.

In 432, he again said that he was called back to Ireland, this time as a bishop. Irish folklore tells that one of his teaching methods included using the shamrock to explain the Christian doctrine of the Trinity to the Irish people. After nearly thirty years of evangelism, Patrick died on 17 March 461, and according to tradition, was buried at Downpatrick.

Family and Community Outreach Lenten Potluck Soup Suppers

and Communion Services

St. Paul’s annual Lenten Potluck Soup Suppers and Com-munion Worship Services will be held Wednesday eve-nings, February 29, March 7, 14, 21, and 28. Supper be-gins at 6:00 p.m. in Friendship Hall with a communion ser-vice in the sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. Note: the soup suppers are truly potlucks, consisting of whatever folks bring to share. Soups, breads and crackers, salads, and desserts...all are welcome! Please invite your friends and family, and join us for companionship, conver-sation, and soul- food throughout the Lenten season.

REMINDER … all groups / commit-tees using Friendship Hall are asked to PLEASE put the tables back to their origi-nal placement (which is six-feet apart) … NOT 4-feet; NOT 5-feet; NOT 7-feet

… but 6-feet! Please refer to the table/chair chart posted on the bulletin board. THANK YOU!!

I am pleased to report to you that we are now two months into our transition to a new budget cycle that will commence this coming July. Although we are slightly behind where we expected to be at this time, gifts to St Paul’s are continuing to be received fairly steadily and the financial health of our congregation appears to be healthy at this time. We have started to develop the next annual budget and a meeting was held by the Finance Committee near the end of February with additional meetings scheduled for March and April. The congregational information meeting for the budget will be held on April 22, 2012 and hopefully the budget will be adopted at St Paul’s annual meeting which will be held on June 3, 2012. If you wish to have any input into the budget process, please check the newsletters and bulletins about future meetings, or contact me or any other council member.

Other matters of concern to the council at its recent meeting have been to develop policies and procedures to govern the retention of various church documents and the preparation of a wall of pictures of church members serving in our armed forces. It has come to the attention of the council that there are no written guidelines that specify which documents should be maintained by the church, where they should be stored, or for how long they should be retained. A subcom-mittee of the council is addressing these issues, but if you have any experience or expertise in such matters please con-tact me or the parish secretary.

Finally, the council would like to recognize church members, or the sons or daughters of church members, currently serving in the armed forces of the United States. If you are, or have such a person in your family, it would be greatly appreciated if you could bring a picture of the person to the church office so we can include them in the display. Thank you very much. Yours in prayer, Ken Elverum, Council President

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St. Paul’s Lutheran Family (ELCA) NON-PROFIT ORG . 1201 North Saliman Road U.S. POSTAGE PAID Carson City, Nevada 89701-3240 CARSON CITY, NV PERMIT #88 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED



St. Paul’s Lutheran Family’s highest priority is to proclaim the good news of God’s love for all people through the incarnation, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Baptized into the family of Christ we commit ourselves to love and care for one another and to provide a safe home in which we celebrate God’s love for us. In the midst of our sorrow and pain, we also embrace laughter, fellowship, work, and love for this family of God.


If you have any address corrections ... or ...

if you would like to be removed from our mailing list for any reason, please notify the church office ASAP.


MARCH, 2012

Page 8: Church Email: Church website: www · 3/27/12 - Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins meeting at the home of Sarah


St. Paul’s Lutheran Family (ELCA)St. Paul’s Lutheran Family (ELCA)St. Paul’s Lutheran Family (ELCA)St. Paul’s Lutheran Family (ELCA)

1201 N Saliman Road * Carson City, NV 897011201 N Saliman Road * Carson City, NV 897011201 N Saliman Road * Carson City, NV 897011201 N Saliman Road * Carson City, NV 89701

Each year St. Paul’s decorates the chancel with lily plants for our Easter ser-Each year St. Paul’s decorates the chancel with lily plants for our Easter ser-Each year St. Paul’s decorates the chancel with lily plants for our Easter ser-Each year St. Paul’s decorates the chancel with lily plants for our Easter ser-vices. We invite you to participate by using this form together with your vices. We invite you to participate by using this form together with your vices. We invite you to participate by using this form together with your vices. We invite you to participate by using this form together with your check for $10.00 per plant made payable to:check for $10.00 per plant made payable to:check for $10.00 per plant made payable to:check for $10.00 per plant made payable to: ST. PAUL’S / LILIES.ST. PAUL’S / LILIES.ST. PAUL’S / LILIES.ST. PAUL’S / LILIES.

Please place this form in the Sunday offering plate, send it by mail, or deliver Please place this form in the Sunday offering plate, send it by mail, or deliver Please place this form in the Sunday offering plate, send it by mail, or deliver Please place this form in the Sunday offering plate, send it by mail, or deliver it to the church office. All plants may be picked up anytime after the 10:30 it to the church office. All plants may be picked up anytime after the 10:30 it to the church office. All plants may be picked up anytime after the 10:30 it to the church office. All plants may be picked up anytime after the 10:30 AM Easter service. If you prefer, your plant(s) may be given to a convales-AM Easter service. If you prefer, your plant(s) may be given to a convales-AM Easter service. If you prefer, your plant(s) may be given to a convales-AM Easter service. If you prefer, your plant(s) may be given to a convales-cent home or someone on our church’s visitation list.cent home or someone on our church’s visitation list.cent home or someone on our church’s visitation list.cent home or someone on our church’s visitation list.


IN HONOR OF:___________________________________________________________________IN HONOR OF:___________________________________________________________________IN HONOR OF:___________________________________________________________________IN HONOR OF:___________________________________________________________________

IN MEMORY OF:__________________________________________________________________IN MEMORY OF:__________________________________________________________________IN MEMORY OF:__________________________________________________________________IN MEMORY OF:__________________________________________________________________

GIVEN BY:________________________________________________________________________GIVEN BY:________________________________________________________________________GIVEN BY:________________________________________________________________________GIVEN BY:________________________________________________________________________

PHONE NUMBER: ________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ________________________________________________________________

NUMBER OF PLANTS ______ My check/cash in the amount of $_________________NUMBER OF PLANTS ______ My check/cash in the amount of $_________________NUMBER OF PLANTS ______ My check/cash in the amount of $_________________NUMBER OF PLANTS ______ My check/cash in the amount of $_________________

□ Please deliver my plant to a convalescent home Please deliver my plant to a convalescent home Please deliver my plant to a convalescent home Please deliver my plant to a convalescent home

or person on the church’s visitation list!or person on the church’s visitation list!or person on the church’s visitation list!or person on the church’s visitation list!

Please note that the Please note that the Please note that the Please note that the DEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINE for all orders is 3/29/12 ... Thank You! for all orders is 3/29/12 ... Thank You! for all orders is 3/29/12 ... Thank You! for all orders is 3/29/12 ... Thank You!