church tech 2.0

1 Church Tech 2.0 Beyond the Basics

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Post on 15-Feb-2017




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Church Tech 2.0Beyond the Basics


Your church probably has employed technology for years in operations, communications and worship. But if you haven’t updated your technology in a while, it’s probably time. Fresh, innovative solutions can help you: • Attract and keep members• Enhance engagement during and after services• Offer new giving options


When it comes to church technology, are you ready to go beyond the basics?

Here are some ideas that can help.


Attract and Keep Members


Most churches have a website, send emails and maintain a social media presence. But if they aren’t mobile-friendly and engaging, they aren’t doing the job for you. It’s time to take a fresh look at how you’re using technology to communicate with members and gain new ones.


Website → optimized for mobile

Three-quarters of Americans own smartphones and half use tablets, according to the Pew Research Center, so it’s important that your website be mobile-friendly.

People often switch from one device to another, so the experience from mobile to desktop/laptop and back needs to be seamless.

To take the next step:

Search for information on “responsive web design,” which optimizes websites for use across a variety of devices

Church Tech Today offers good information on mobile-friendly websites, including a how-to for beginners


Social media → focused on engagement

Is your social media strategy best described as “post it and forget it”? If so, consider further engagement with visitors and followers:

Ask and answer questions

Respond to posts and share them

Regular monitoring of your Facebook page or Twitter feed helps you react quickly to comments and understand what’s on the minds of your members and guests.

To take the next step:

• Schedule a few minutes each day to check social media and respond to posts

• Set an electronic reminder until checking and responding becomes a habit


Email → market like an expert

Are you using your email program to reach potential new members in addition to your current ones?

That means:

Regularly adding and verifying email addresses on your list

Crafting email messages to visitors that tie their interests to church programs or ministries

Adding links in your emails that take readers to information on your website

Allowing people to opt-in or opt-out of receiving emails from you — take a few minutes to review email rules and best practices

To take the next step: Find tips for getting started and on writing

and designing emails for church audiences on the United Methodist Communications website

Search for “email marketing best practices” to learn more about sending emails like an expert


Enhancing Engagement During and After Services


Great sound systems and video projection have transformed worship services. Nowadays, a host of other technologies can help worshipers further enjoy and learn from the experience — during services and throughout the church.


Projected lyrics → Spotify playlists

It’s fine to project lyrics on a screen, but if worshipers don’t know the tunes, participation in singing — a key element of any service — is difficult.

Help them by publishing Spotify playlists on your website so they can listen anytime they like and learn songs for Sunday services, choir practice and fellowship.

To take the next step:

Search “music playlists for churches” and you’ll find hundreds of examples and instructions


Attending Services → Livestreaming

Nearly nine in 10 pastors say they believe it is theologically acceptable for a church to provide faith assistance to people through the Internet, according to a Barna Group study.

So it’s not surprising that a growing number of churches are making worship even more high-tech by livestreaming services over the web.

It helps them reach the unchurched, minister to the sick and simply provide convenience to busy people.

To take the next step:

Research “livestreaming for churches” to find companies that focus on services for faith-based organizations

Consider free streaming services such as Facebook Live if your church is on a tight budget


Notes on a bulletin → notes on a mobile device

Silencing cellphones during church services is still a must, but putting them away altogether may not be.

More and more churchgoers are using their smartphones to follow readings and take notes during services.

Apps now take that a step further and offer mobile options for bulletin announcements, prayer requests, event information, e-Giving and more. If your church is posting playlists, streaming services or offering electronic giving, members can easily access them through their smartphone apps.

To take the next step:

Search “mobile apps for churches” to research the latest options

Explore how a church giving app can work for your church


Paper sign-in → computerized child check-in

Safety and security in classrooms of all types is a big concern today. Long lines and paper sign-in sheets are making way for computerized check-in systems integrated with church management software. Systems can include:

Detailed information about each child

Individual ID barcodes

Photos of those authorized for pickups

Kiosk and mobile solutions also offer convenience and faster check-in for parents — and peace of mind during services and events.

To take the next step:

Assess your current check-in process and church management software (ChMS). Many ChMS systems can help you take the leap to computerized check-in.


Offering New Giving Options


Members and potential members who are visiting your church website on laptops and using smartphones to read your emails also want to use those devices to give to your church.


Online giving → the next generation of giving tools

With the ever-increasing use of online bill payment and smartphones, today’s givers are ready for new opportunities to set up convenient recurring donations or give in the moment.

For example, churches can embed a simple, easy-to-use giving form on their websites. It takes little technical expertise and just a few minutes to place a customizable form anywhere on your site. Members and guests can donate or pay for events, afterschool programs, sports and other activities securely and conveniently.

For smartphone users, churches can offer the option to use their same login credentials to give via a companion mobile app that’s free for them to download and use.

Such options may well attract a wider audience, including more millennials.

To take the next step:

Contact Vanco to learn more about Give+ Online and the Give+ Mobile app.


Setting the Scene for Change


Some technology upgrades won’t be obvious to your members, but others will.  How your church plans, prepares for and implements technology changes, congregation-facing and otherwise, can mean the difference between success and failure.


Understand your congregation

Not all churches need all this technology. Choose what will help yours the most.

To learn more about e-Giving preferences, review our Churchgoer Giving Study

Survey your own church members to understand their technology needs, wants and level of comfort — and how to respond to them. We’ve developed a brief, seven-question survey you can use.


Assess your resourcesImproving technology doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. Some options are free, and many, such as e-Giving, are easy to set up. But you will find that implementation will go more smoothly with people dedicated to the work. Ask yourself:

Can your staff take on additional work? Does someone have the necessary skills, or will he or she need training?

Do you need to hire someone new?

Do you have experienced volunteers to train staff or help with the work?

Remember, with good planning and legwork, technology can actually free up time for church staff to focus on other work.


Get your leadership on boardThis is particularly important if you’re not sure how your staff or congregation might receive a new technology.

Schedule presentations and hands-on demonstrations with church boards, committees and influential small groups

Talk with influential individuals, too, even if they aren’t part of an official group


Implement flawlesslyWhen technology updates are implemented smoothly, the more likely they’ll be a hit with both staff and members.

Focus on and finish one upgrade before you start the next

Communicate about the change as often as necessary

Plan demonstrations and training so everyone can understand how to use the new technology


For more on Vanco’s secure giving and payment solutions for churches: 

Visit or call us at

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