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  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    Leading global excellence in procurement and supply

    Further your career in procurement and supply

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    Throughou he world, CIPS qualificatons are recognised

    as driving leading-edge hinking and professionalism in

    he indusry.

    Each of our qualificatons has been developed by working

    closely wih our indusry parners o make sure hey reflec

    curren, emerging and bes practce in procuremen and

    supply chain managemen.

    The resul is a range of professional awards ha will ruly

    help you o reach your career poental and give you a

    significan compettve edge.


    Conens3 Benefis...

    ...of professional qualificatons. Your

    career advanage

    4 Sudying wih CIPS

    The worlds larges professional

    organisaton for procuremen and


    5 CIPS qualificatons

    Designed o suppor your professional

    developmen as your career progresses

    6 Sudy anywhere...

    ... in he world. A range of flexible

    optons o sui you

    7 Supportng your sudies...

    Everyhing you need for profiable


    8 The righ qualificatons for youCIPS offers five qualificatons o suppor

    your professional developmen in

    procuremen and supply

    10 CIPS Certficae in procuremen and

    supply operatons

    11 CIPS Advanced certficae in

    procuremen and supply operatons

    12 CIPS Diploma in procuremen

    and supply

    13 CIPS Advanced diploma in

    procuremen and supply

    14 CIPS Professional diploma in

    procuremen and supply

    15 Your nex seps

    The pah o your professional


  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    A Guide o CIPS Qualificatons


    Benefis......of professional qualificaions.Your career advanage.

    Achieving professional qualificatons is a major

    invesmen in your fuure. I akes hard work and

    commimen bu he rewards are grea. The work you

    pu in now will make a real difference in your curren

    role and hroughou your career in procuremen and


    Be he bes you can be

    A professional qualificaton will enhance your curren skills and

    practces and equip you wih new skills, providing you wih heprofessional ools o excel in your chosen field.

    Enjoy greaer rewards

    Our sudens ell us ha a professional qualificaton is well worh he

    invesmen. Those wih a professional qualificaton and membership

    of a professional body may be able o earn an additonal 152,000

    during heir career.

    Ge ahead of he compettonA professional qualificaton demonsraes your serious inen and

    commimen o being a beer professional manager. This is a huge

    advanage when youre looking o progress in your career.

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    A Guide o CIPS Qualificatons


    Sudying wih CIPSThe worlds larges professional organisaton forprocuremen and supply.

    CIPS is he charered body dedicaed o he

    procuremen and supply profession

    We se he sandards giving us credibiliy, expertse,

    knowledge and resources ha are second o none. By

    applying hese sandards we can mainain he inegriy

    of CIPS and make sure he profession benefis from

    consisenly high levels of compeence wihin is


    CIPS is ruly global

    CIPS has a global communiy of over 88,000 people in

    150 counries. Our members range from hose jus

    embarking on heir careers, righ hrough o Chief

    Procuremen Officers and Board Direcors. Many

    multnatonal businesses specify CIPS as heir global

    sandard, making our qualificatons indispensable

    around he world.

    CIPS qualificatons are fully recognised


    CIPS qualificatons are buil around sandards

    identfied by he profession as essental for saff a

    differen levels wihin organisatons. These have been

    mapped agains qualificaton frameworks from around

    he world, giving you a serious advanage wherever

    youre based.

    Accredied worldwide

    CIPS qualificatons are designed o mee he highes

    sandards o ensure he profession can claim

    consisenly high levels of workforce compeence. The

    CIPS Awarding Body is regulaed by Ofqual in England

    and Norhern Ireland; CIPS qualificatons are

    recognised eiher on he Qualificatons and Credi

    Framework (QCF) or he Natonal Qualificatons

    Framework (NQF). CIPS is also regulaed by he Welsh

    Governmen, Tevea, SAQA and ACTT.

    The Charered Instue of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) is he worldwide cenre of excellence

    for procuremen and supply managemen. We use our expertse o ensure our qualificatons

    are robus and relevan hroughou he world.

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    A Guide o CIPS Qualificatons


    CIPS qualificaionsDesigned o suppor your professional developmenas your career progresses.

    Where youll sar and how youll progress

    Where you begin your sudies depends on your

    qualificatons and experience. CIPS Certficae and

    Advanced certficae in procuremen and supply

    operatons are for hose in operatonal roles. Our

    Diploma qualificatons are aimed a hose managing he

    procuremen and supply functon. We advise sudens

    o progress hrough he qualificatons in sequence o

    provide he underpinning knowledge needed o move

    up he qualificatons ladder.

    If you already have qualificatons...

    If you already have a relevan degree or qualificaton,

    you may be able entled o some exemptons from CIPS

    unis. You can find full deails of our exempton policy

    and process a

    No previous qualificatons?

    You can sar o sudy wih CIPS if you have no previous

    professional qualificatons or experience; our Certficae

    and Advanced certficae in procuremen and supply

    operatons are available o all.

    If you are no sure where o sar, conac

    +44 (0)1780 756777

    CIPS qualificatons are inernatonally


    CIPS qualificatons are equivalen o:

    CIPS qualificatons consis of unis ha we have developed by working closely wih employers

    o make sure hey respond o curren business requiremens.

    Professional diplomain procuremen and


    Bachelors(honours)degree. NVQ Level 6 (UK)SAQA NQF level 8 (SA), NZQA level 7 (NZ)

    AQF Vocatonal graduae certficae/ Graduae

    diploma (VET/AUS) TQF level 6 (TEVETA)

    Advanced diploma

    in procuremen

    and supply

    Second year honours degree, NVQ level 5, HND (UK)

    SAQA NQF level 7 (SA), NZQA level 6 (NZ)

    AQF Advanced diploma (VET/AUS) TQF level 5


    Diploma inprocuremen

    and supply

    Firs year degree or HNC, NVQ level 4 (UK)SAQA NQF level 6 (SA), NZQA level 5 (NZ)

    AQF diploma (VET/AUS) TQF level 4 (TEVETA)

    Advanced certficae

    in procuremen and

    supply operatons

    A level, NVQ3, Foundaton sudies (UK)

    SAQA NQF level 5 (SA), NZQA level 4 (NZ)

    AQF certficae IV (VET/AUS) TQF level 3 (TEVETA)

    Certficae in

    procuremen and

    supply operatons

    GCSE or NVQ2 (UK)

    AQF certficae III (AUS)

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    A Guide o CIPS Qualificatons


    Sudy he world. A range of flexible optons o sui you.Wherever you are in he world, you can

    sudy for your CIPS qualificaton. Simply

    choose from one of he following optons:

    CIPS sudy cenres

    CIPS has a nework of more han 200 regisered sudy

    cenres across he globe, allowing you o sudy a a

    respeced college or universiy, or wih an approved

    CIPS raining provider. Tuiton is provided by qualified,

    experienced professionals.

    Our sudy cenres offer a range of flexible learning


    Par-tme raditonal classroom learning, during

    evenings or in he daytme

    Inensive classroom or workshop sessions

    Disance learning wih uor suppor

    You can ake a look a our range of sudy cenres a Then simply conac

    your preferred cenres direcly for deails on heir

    programmes, fees, sar daes and tmeables.

    Self sudy

    Some people prefer o work hrough heir qualificaton

    on heir own or may no be able o aend a augh

    course. You can enrol o self sudy using our course

    books or enrol wih he CIPS Learning Academy which

    provides prined and e-learning resources. For more

    advice, please conac our cusomer services eam a

    [email protected].


    All he unis in CIPS qualificatons are assessed by an

    examinaton, alhough some of he unis also have

    an alernatve non-examined opton.

    We hold hree examinaton series each year around

    he world, wih an additonal wo series currenly

    available in some counries. You can find exam

    tmeables, a lis of exam cenres and fees, and

    exemplar examinaton papers a

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    A Guide o CIPS Qualificatons


    Supporing......your sudies. Everyhing you need for profiable learningAll sudens who sudy CIPS qualificatons

    need o become a CIPS member. Throughhis membership youll benefi from

    professional developmen resources o

    suppor your sudies and your career.

    Supply Managemen monhly journal

    Feauring news, views and artcles ha cover all areas

    of procuremen and supply, along wih case sudies

    and oher sources of .

    Sudy packs and recommended reading

    These have suppored housands of sudens o

    achieve heir CIPS qualificatons. You can find a lis of

    recommended reading a .

    Qualificatons Updae quarerly newsleer

    Produced specifically for CIPS sudens, wihinformaton on exams, sudy tps and news from he

    suden nework.

    CIPS Inelligence

    A huge bank of research papers and essental

    professional resources o boos your performance in

    your career and your sudies.

    CIPS websie is your firs por of call for informaton on

    CIPS, membership and qualificatons. I includes a

    suden zone and is an essental reference poin forsample assessmens and exam tmeables.


    Available via CIPS CPD is an online ool

    ha allows you o manage your contnuing

    professional developmen actviy.

    CIPS member neworks

    An invaluable opporuniy o nework wih ohercolleagues hroughou he profession via CIPS branch

    evens and CIPS social neworks including Facebook,

    Twier, and LinkedIn.

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    A Guide o CIPS Qualificatons

    The righ qualificaionsCIPS offers five qualificatons o suppor your professional developmen in procuremen and supply. These

    qualificatons have been developed wih he help of global organisatons o reflec he needs of indusry

    and o ensure we cover all he compeencies and capabilites ha are so essental o he profession.

    CIPS Certficae in procuremen and

    supply operatons

    The ideal qualificaton if youre jus

    sartng your career in procuremen or

    if procuremen and supply are par of

    your role. I will enable you o

    recognise and describe he key

    processes in procuremen and build

    your professional knowledge and

    compeence. You don need any prior

    experience or qualificatons o sar

    your sudies a his sage.

    For more informaton see page 10

    CIPS Advanced certficae in

    procuremen and supply operatons

    Designed for hose in an operatonal

    procuremen and supply role who

    need he capabiliy o carry ou

    procuremen and supply asks. No

    qualificatons or experience are

    necessary, bu if you have he CIPS

    Certficae or CIPS Inernatonal

    Certficae youll find his qualificaton

    builds on your curren professional


    For more informaton see page 11

    CIPS Diploma in procuremen

    and supply

    A valuable managemen ool for hose

    moving ino junior and middle

    managemen procuremen roles or

    hose supervising he procuremen

    functon. I focuses on how

    organisatonal procedures and

    processes perform in procuremen

    and supply, including negotatng,

    planning, risk managemen and

    daa analysis.

    For more informaton see page 12


    CIPS Certficae in

    procuremenand supply operatons

    CIPS Advanced certficae

    in procuremen and

    supply operatons CIPS Diploma in


    and supply

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    A Guide o CIPS Qualificatons

    for you ...your roue o MCIPS

    CIPS Advanced diploma in

    procuremen and supply

    Provides senior buyers and

    conrac and supply chain

    managers wih he expertse o

    improve organisatonal

    procuremen and o fulfil

    organisatonal objectves. I gives

    you he knowledge base o reduce

    cos, improve qualiy, manage he

    supply chain and deal wih

    legal issues.

    For more informaton see page 13

    CIPS Professional diploma in

    procuremen and supply

    Aimed a senior procuremen

    professionals and heads of

    deparmen. I is argeed a

    building sraegic procuremen

    compeence, giving managers he

    abiliy o formulae sraegic

    directon and advice, in erms of

    change managemen,

    sakeholder managemen and

    eam leadership.

    For more informaton see page 14


    MCIPS is recognised worldwide as he

    global sandard for op qualiy

    procuremen professionals. I is aprofessional accrediaton for hose

    working in procuremen and supply. To

    achieve MCIPS, you mus complee (by

    assessmen or exempton) he Diploma,

    Advanced diploma and Professional

    diploma in procuremen and supply.

    You also need 3 years experience in a

    positon of responsibiliy in he

    procuremen and supply profession.


    CIPS Advanced diploma

    in procuremen

    and supply

    CIPS Professional

    diploma in procuremen

    and supply


  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final



    CIPS Certficae in procuremenand supply operatons

    Youre a career sarer or your role includes procuremen and supply.

    The Certficae in procuremen and supply operatons focuses on giving you he

    skills you need o recognise and describe he key processes in procuremen, and

    building your professional knowledge and compeence

    Learning Oucomes

    You will develop robus knowledge in creatng quoatons and conrac and ender

    documenaton, including e-sysems, assessing quoatons, addressing cusomer

    enquiries and supplier selecton, performance issues and reviews. For more

    informaton, you will find our deailed Uni Conen Guide a

    Enry requiremens

    There are no enry requiremens. You don need any prior professional qualificatons

    or experience.

    Topics covered:






    Many employers

    are now focusing

    more on jobspecific



  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final



    CIPS Advanced certficae inprocuremen and supplyoperatons

    Youre in an operatonal procuremen and supply role

    The Advanced Certficae is designed o help you develop he capabiliy o carry ou

    purchasing and supply asks.

    Learning Oucomes

    You will develop he robus knowledge o: undersand and apply demand managemen

    hrough manual or IT based sysems, carry ou sock valuaton and ordering, arrange

    supply logistcs and he necessary paperwork, and implemen new conracs, including

    queries on performance, and financial managemen and conrac review. For more

    informaton, you will find our deailed Uni Conen Guide a

    Enry requiremens

    No qualificatons or experience are necessary. If you have he CIPS Certficae or CIPS

    Inernatonal Certficae youll find his qualificaton builds on your curren professional

    undersanding, and we encourage you o ake he Certficae in procuremen and

    supply operatons firs.

    Topics covered:




    Invenory and logistcs


    A CIPS

    qualificaton will

    mos definielygive you ha

    compettve edge.

    L. RIOBA

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final



    CIPS Diploma in procuremenand supply

    Youre moving ino a junior or middle managemen procuremen

    role, or you supervise he procuremen functon.

    The Diploma in procuremen and supply is a valuable managemen ool which

    focuses on how organisatonal procedures and processes perform in purchasing and

    supply, including negotatng, planning, risk managemen and daa analysis.

    Learning Oucomes

    The Diploma addresses planning and forecastng for fuure demand, forward planning

    for conrac developmen, negotatng volumes, margins and sandards, creatng and

    conrolling specificatons, and conrac managemen. I also covers he supply markeand chain, negotatng wih suppliers, conflic resoluton and performance review. For

    more informaton, you will find our deailed Uni Conen Guide a

    Enry requiremens

    You will need o have compleed eiher he CIPS Certficae in procuremen and supply

    operatons, he CIPS Advanced certficae in procuremen and supply or he CIPS

    Inernatonal advanced certficae in purchasing and supply. Alernatvely, you will need

    eiher wo years experience in a business environmen, wo A-level qualificatons /

    inernatonal equivalens.

    Topics covered:


    Business needs


    Negotatng and


    Managing conracs and


    I can definiely

    say a CIPS

    qualificatonhas added value

    o my career .


  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final



    CIPS Advanced diploma inprocuremen and supply

    Youre a senior buyer, conrac manager or supply chain manager.

    The Advanced diploma in procuremen and supply is designed o give you he

    expertse o improve organisatonal procuremen and o fulfil organisatonal

    objectves. I helps you develop he knowledge base o reduce cos, improve qualiy

    and tmescales, manage he supply chain and deal wih legal issues.

    Learning Objectves

    The Advanced diploma focuses on cos reducton and added value of purchases and

    supplies, improving tmescales and sock conrol, managemen and innovaton in he

    procuremen and supply process, and developing legal and risk managemenexpertse. For more informaton, you will find our deailed Uni Conen Guide a

    Enry requiremens

    You will need o have achieved he CIPS Diploma in procuremen and supply or he

    CIPS Foundaton diploma in purchasing and supply. For more deails please visi

    Topics covered:


    Managing risks


    compettveness of

    supply chains

    Caegory managemen


    Operatons managemen

    CIPS is a mus if

    you are looking fora sep up in career


  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final



    CIPS Professional diploma inprocuremen and supply

    Youre a senior procuremen professional or head of deparmen.

    The Professional diploma in procuremen and supply is argeed a building

    sraegic procuremen compeence, giving managers he abiliy o formulae

    sraegic directon and advice, in erms of change managemen, sakeholder

    managemen and eam leadership.

    Learning Objectves

    The Professional diploma focuses on giving you he sraegic acumen o align

    functonal, organisatonal and supply chain sraegies, and o devise and implemen

    change managemen. The course develops your skills in areas including leadership ofsakeholders, he procuremen functon, eams and relatonship managemen, and

    projec and financial managemen. For more informaton, you will find our deailed

    Uni Conen Guide a

    Enry requiremens

    You will need o have achieved he CIPS Advanced diploma in procuremen and supply

    or he CIPS Advanced diploma in purchasing and supply.

    Topics covered:


    Corporae and business


    Sraegic supply chain


    Supply chain diligence

    Programme and projec


    Legal aspecs inprocuremen and supply


    Saying up-o-dae

    wih new and

    emerging issuesis imporan.


  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    A Guide o CIPS Qualificatons

    Your nex sepsThe pah o your professional qualificatonsChoose a qualificaton

    We hope his guide has helped you o find ou abou

    he righ qualificaton for your role and he sage

    youre a in your career in procuremen and supply. If

    you would like more deail on he course conen o

    help make your decision, you can download our Uni

    Conen Guides from

    Conac your local approved sudy cenre

    Once you have chosen which CIPS qualificaton you

    wan o begin, visi o find a convenien

    sudy cenre which offers your preferred mehod of

    learning. You can enrol on your qualificaton of choice

    direcly wih he sudy cenre.

    If you would like o discuss he self-sudy opton,

    please conac our cusomer service eam on

    +44 (0)1780 756777 or your regional office.


    To ake CIPS qualificatons all sudens need o be CIPS

    members. CIPS membership gives you access o a

    whole hos of additonal professional developmen

    resources o suppor your sudies and career

    developmen. If youre no already a member you can

    enrol a he CIPS websie

    Find ou more

    You will find answers o many oher questons a our

    websie a

    For any oher questons conac our cusomer

    services eam on +44 (0)1780 756777 or

    [email protected]

    Or you can conac your regional office. See overleaf

    for conac deails.

  • 8/13/2019 Cips Qualsguide Final


    CIPS Group Eason House, Eason on he Hill, Samford, Lincolnshire, PE9 3NZ, Unied Kingdom

    T +44 (0)1780 756777 F +44 (0)1780 751610 E [email protected]

    CIPS Africa Ground Floor, Building B, 48 Sovereign Drive, Roue 21 Corporae Park, Irene X30, Cenurion, Preoria, Souh Africa

    T +27 (0)12 345 6177 F +27 (0)12 345 3309 E [email protected]

    CIPS Ausralasia Level 8, 520 Collins Sree, Melbourne, Vicoria 3000, Ausralia

    T 1300 765 142/+61 (0)3 9629 6000 F 1300 765 143/+61 (0)3 9620 5488 E [email protected]

    CIPS Middle Eas & Norh Africa Office 1703, The Fairmon Hoel, Sheikh Zayed Road, PO Box 49042, Dubai, Unied Arab Emiraes

    T +971 (0)4 327 7348 F +971 (0)4 332 5541 E [email protected]