circle days 2013


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Page 2: Circle Days 2013


2013 Your Fast Forward YearBY JENNY LYNCH

As a fire sign you thrive off inspiration. As a ram, you tend to push to make things happen. Yet this year, life takes on such a fast pace, that even YOU might find it challenging to keep up!

There are no retrograde phases for your planetary ruler Mars, in 2013. Mars has a two year cycle, yet Mars will move quickly, covering 9 signs in just one year.

Therefore we could call this a fast moving year. When you will accomplish a great deal, in a very short amount of time.

Sarah Jessica Parker (born March 25, 1965) is an American Actress, model, singer and producer.










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APRILOn Friday, April 5, a sexy Mars-Venus meet-up will take place in your sign, setting you up for a memorable weekend. Talk about hot - the last time these star lovers got this close was in 2010. This could be bonding time for you and your significant other; Or, if you are single and available, you’re likely to encounter someone that sets your heart on fire.

On April 10, a new moon will take place in your sign, giving you an added does of confidence and charm.

Life takes on a positive spin, mid-month when a double conjunction takes place in your sign. Circle April 19, as a fortunate day for you! Your ruler Mars will meet with the Sun, while Mercury meets with surprising Uranus. You’ll need to be ready for action then. What takes place next, could change your life around.

On April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your transformational sign. This marks a harvest time. If you’ve been working hard, you’ll now begin to see results.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, your money sign. This could send a pile of cash, directly to your bank account. This is an especially favorable time for financial affairs, because you will have a total of five planets in your money sector. It’s possible that an investment will pay off, or that you will earn a high paying commission then.

On May 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in Sagittarius, your worldly sign. If there was ever an ideal time to vacation, it would be now. Circle May 28, as perfect travel day for you! Venus will meet with Jupiter, creating a happy-

go-lucky vibe. Even a weekend getaway could be in the cards.

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, your communication sign for the first time in two years. It's likely that you will be able to influence others more powerfully after that time. If you are a writer or socially inclined, you may find your fan-base takes a giant step up. This would be a perfect time to begin a blog, website or promote your services to the public. Even if you are the very best in your profession, no one will know until you market yourself!

Then on June 19, the Sun will meet with Jupiter, while Venus meets with Mercury in your domestic sector. Circle June 19, as one of your happiest days of the year! A turn of fortunate events could take place, helping to bring you closer to your dreams.

JULYOn July 8, a new moon will take place in your domestic sector, helping you to lay down foundation for a fresh new beginnings. Mars moves into Cancer, your domestic sign on July 13. Mars is not at it's best in Cancer, so you may feel overly emotional during this phase. If feelings come up the first 2 weeks of the month, let them. They need to be recognized and released.

On a better note, you may want to Circle July 19, as a day when you can resolve emotional issues and improve family relations. Mars will meet with Jupiter in clan sign Cancer, while spiritual Neptune is trine, marking a time to forgive and forget.

Perhaps the trickiest part of the month will be from July 24-31. Mars will be at war with Pluto




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and Uranus then. Expect a power struggle to emerge on July 25, when Mars will oppose Pluto in Capricorn, your authority sign. By the end of the month, Mars will be in harsh formation to Uranus in your sign. It's possible you will want to make a clean break of things then. Mars will be ‘out of bounds’, possibly throwing you off balance. It would be best for you not to make any irrevocable decisions. Things will turn around soon, and if you don't issue ultimatums, you will have the upper hand and more options in the end.

AUGUSTFirst came war, now comes love! If last month proved difficult and trying, you will now begin to feel better. Venus will form a favorable aspect to Mars on August 3, creating perfect conditions for love and romance. This will be a time, when you can better your current relationship, or if you’re single, you may find someone new entering your life around the time of the new moon.

Circle August 6, as a favorable romance day. On August 16, Venus will enter Libra, helping to smooth things out and bring more balance with others. By the end of the month, on August 28, your ruler Mars will enter Leo, your passionate sign, breathing new life to your projects and setting you up for a fabulous fall.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in Virgo, your wellness sector. This will help you to focus on creating a healthier life style, and reduce stress. You will also find it easier to zero-in on work related projects. Mars will be in good aspect to Uranus in your sign, mid month.

Uranus is known as the planet of surprises, so you will find something to be excited about then. If you are looking for a better paying position, or own a business, something fortunate may occur now. Circle September 14, as your lucky break day. It’s possible you will hear of a new opportunity around this time.

OCTOBEROn Friday, October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your partnership sign. Since new moons promise fresh beginnings, you may find new people entering your life soon. If you are in business for yourself, you may decide to take on a partner or find more clients coming your way. Even your personal relationships will improve as a result of this new moon.

Circle October, as your best day to make an important decision. Mercury will meet with serious Saturn then, helping you make the right choice. On October 22, Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio, your credit card sign. It will be best to put off large purchase’s, until next month, when Mercury goes direct. It’s possible you will find a better deal then.

NOVEMBERNovember is all about power-gaining it or reclaiming it! This could be a time when you move up the ladder, as well.

On November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, summoning your inner strength. You might be amazed by how efficient you become at work this month. Mars will be in Virgo, the perfectionist until December 8. During this phase, you will find it easy eliminate old or worn out things, in favor for new things that promise to make your life easier. This could include upgrading your technology, improving your work space, or more personal




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concerns; such as changing your diet or fitness routine.One special day that stands out will be November 8, when Mars connects to the Sun-Saturn meet-up. This will boost your confidence and help you to become more organized, which in turn will help you gain respect from higher-ups. Venus will meet with Pluto in Capricorn, your career sign the following week.

Circle November 15, as an important professional day for you! You will be in the spotlight then. You may suddenly be promoted, gain recognition or win a reward. This will be one of your best career days all year.

DECEMBEROn December 2, a new moon will take place in Sagittarius, your worldly sector. Making this an ideal month to travel, teach, share your thoughts and feel more connected with others. You may also find yourself very open to metaphysics, yoga or meditation during this time. Then on December 8, Mars will enter Libra, your partnership sign, until July 26, 2014. Over the next 7 months, you will be learning relationship lessons. Unless you live on an island alone, you need to be able to get along with others. This is your chance to master relationships and bring them up a level.

From December 24 to January 1, 2014, Mars will be at odds with both Uranus and Pluto. Circle December 24, as a challenging relationship day for you. Let's say you are trying to make holiday or vacation plans and your family or significant other, disagree! You will be better off going with flow, instead of digging in your heels in then. On a more positive note, the Sun will enter Capricorn, your professional arena on December 21. By

the time of the new moon, on January 1, 2014, you will have total of five planets in your career arena. This is a good omen for the year to come. If you do the work this year, 2014 will put you on the map!




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2013 Your Transformational YearBY JENNY LYNCH

2013 begins and ends with Venus in Sagittarius, your transformational sign.

Your life will improve a great deal this year.

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (born 5 May 1988) better known simply as Adele, is an English singer-songwriter, musician and multi-instrumentalist.










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APRILOn April 10, a new moon will take place in Aries, your private sector. For the first two weeks of this month you will want to devote time to your personal needs. It could also be that you are working behind the scenes on a creative project.

On April 15, once Venus enters your sign, you’ll feel ready to step out and shine. By April 21, you will have a total of three planets in your sign, boosting your confidence big time.

Still, one difficult day will be April 22, when Venus will oppose Saturn in your partnership sector. It's possible this will create relationship drama, or if you don't have a partner you may feel lonely. It could also be that people you are close to are going through a rough patch. Not to mention the lunar eclipse taking place in Scorpio, your opposite sign! Circle April 25 as a challenging day! You may decide to end a relationship, or at least take a break. If so, no worries, things will get better for you soon.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in your sign. You will then have four planets in your sign, it’s seems like nothing can stop you now. This eclipse will be like a super new moon, removing obstacles and promising a fresh beginning. If you were born near the 10th, you will feel it all the more.

On May 20, the Sun will enter Gemini, your money sign, shifting your focus towards financial concerns. Circle May 28, as a favorable money day! A triple conjunction will take place between Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in your money house. You haven’t been this lucky in a very long time, so if an offer comes your way - go for it!

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter Gemini and remain there until July 14. During this phase you find it easy to zero-in on money matters. If you’re in business for yourself, you may find you make more money than you have in a long time.

On June 8, a new moon will take place in Gemini, bringing a total of four planets in your money sign. This will help you set the stage to succeed. Perhaps the best news will be the lucky Sun-Jupiter meet-up mid-month.

Circle June 19, as one of your luckiest days of the year! Jupiter will enter Cancer, your communication sign, on June 25. If you area creative type, you may find something that inspires you then.

JULYOn July 8, a new moon will take place in Cancer, your communication sign. This could help to improve relationships with siblings or neighbors. Another high note will be that Saturn will turn direct in your relationship sign, on the very same day. If you need a favor, ask for it then.

Circle July 8, as a favorable day for you! Your planetary patron Venus, will touch base with change-maker Uranus, it looks like things are going your way!

Then on July 20, a lucky Mars-Jupiter meet-up will take place, marking an ideal time, to schedule a business meeting, or hear favorable news. This is especially true, because Mercury the messenger, will go direct on the very same day. On July 22, the Sun will enter Leo, your family and domestic sign, shifting your focus towards personal concerns.




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AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place in Leo, your domestic and family sign. Since new moons offer new beginnings, it’s likely you will decide to make improvements in your personal life after this time. This could mark a time to redecorate, put your house on the market or look into relocation options.

But this month is not just about making personal changes, because Venus will be in Virgo, your sign of true love. Circle August 3, as a romantic day for you! Venus will connect with Mars, promising a perfect date-night. Then on August 17, your ruler Venus, will enter Libra, your wellness sign. This marks a time when you will benefit from a new diet or health professional. Singles may find a romance brewing with a co-worker.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in Virgo, your romance and creative sign. This marks a favorable time for star-crossed lovers and artistic types. Virgo also rules your house of children, so this could be when you enjoy them more than ever. It could also be when you decide to begin a family.

Circle September 18, as a monumental day for relationships! A rare triple conjunction of Venus, Saturn and the North node of destiny will take place in Scorpio, your partnership sign. This hasn’t happened in over 200 years! For singles, this is a sign that you could be meeting a fateful lover.; or, if you already have a partner, something special could be taking place for you two.

Then on the very next day, a full moon will take place in Pisces, your communication sign. It’s possible that you will hear important news, or be ready to make an announcement then.

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your wellness sign, helping you make healthy choices. This could be when you decide to give up guilty pleasures, for activities or foods that fuel you.Then on October 7, your ruler Venus will enter Sagittarius, your transformational sign.

Circle October 15, as a turn around day for you! Venus will connect with change-maker Uranus, it will be easy for you to make favorable transitions then.

On October 21, Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio, your relationship sign, signaling a time to address long-lasting issues. If for example, you’ve been putting up with things, this could be when you no longer can! Mercury will turn direct on November 10, but will remain in Scorpio until December 5. During this phase, you will be gifted 6 weeks time, to improve your relationships.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your relationship sign. The following week on November 10, Mercury will turn direct in Scorpio, your partnership sign. This will help to smooth things out. If a misunderstanding has caused you worry, you will begin to feel more confident after this time. If it seems, someone you're interested in has brushed you off, don't take it personal. They were probably stressed out about work, and will most likely resurface soon.

Venus will meet with Pluto in Capricorn, your travel sector mid month. Circle November 15, as the best day for a romantic getaway. It's likely you will be lost in the swirl of romance then. Or if you're single, expect to meet someone with an accent now.




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DECEMBEROn December 7, Mars will enter Libra, your wellness sign, and will remain there until July 26, 2014. During this phase, you discover new ways to heal yourself and reduce stress. Mars is a planet of work and action, so it's likely you will be very busy at this time. Still, you will find plenty of energy to keep up. You might decide to join a new gym or yoga school.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your travel sign. Venus will turn direct on February 1, 2014, but will remain in Capricorn, until March 5, 2014. If you ever thought about relocating to a distant country, this might when you will. It's possible that you will travel for work or school as well.

If you have been dreaming of far away beaches, you will finally find the time to get there. Circle December 31, as a perfect day for an exotic vacation. The new Moon will take place then, creating perfect conditions to travel.




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2013 Your Lucky YearBY JENNY LYNCH

2013 begins with Jupiter in your sign, bringing good luck your way.

In June, after Jupiter enters Cancer, your money sign, it promises even more good fortune.

Angelina Jolie (born June 4, 1975) is an American actress and film director.










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APRILOn Friday, April 5, a Mars-Venus meet-up will take place in Aries, your social sign. The last time these planets, got this close was in 2010. This could be bonding time for you and a close friend, or if you are single, one of your friendships could transition into a budding romance.

Once the new moon takes place on April 10, you will benefit from circulating. Mercury will enter Aries on April 14, shifting your focus towards groups and networking. If you are in business for yourself, this would be an ideal time to promote your products or services.

Circle April 20, as a favorable day to meet new friends. A brilliant Mercury-Uranus meet up, promises to introduce you to someone fun and exciting.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, your twelfth house of letting go of your past. You will then have a total of five planets in Taurus, helping you toss what you no longer need. An added advantage will be that Venus will enter your sign the following day, creating perfect conditions to upgrade your life and everything in it.

Once the Sun enters your sign on May 20, you’ll feel ready for a fresh new start. You will be unstoppable, from May 23 to May 29. During this phase you will have a total of four planets in your sign, putting you in the spotlight.

Circle May 28, as a winning day for romance. Venus will meet with Jupiter in your sign. The last time these two got together was in June 2012. But then Venus went retrograde and never caught up with Jupiter at the same

exact degree. Only this time they will! If you were born near June 14th, you'll feel it all the more.

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter your sign and remain there until July 14. During this phase you find more energy than you've had in a long time. The last time Mars was in your sign was June 2011, when Jupiter was in Taurus your retreat sector. This time Jupiter will be in your sign, creating one of your most successful times. Looking back, it seems you haven't been this lucky in years.

Perhaps the best news will be the Sun-Jupiter meet up in your sign. Circle June 19, as one of your luckiest days of the year! The following week, on June 26, your ruler Mercury, will turn retrograde, in Cancer, your money sign, marking a time to review financial concerns.

JULYOn July 8, a new moon will take place in your money sector. This moon could help you find better credit terms or stick to a budget. Mercury will be retrograde until July 21, possibly causing a delay regarding money matters. If you are waiting for a commission check or rebate, you will find it after that time.

Mercury will go direct the very same day that Mars meets with Jupiter. This will be an ideal time meet with a financial advisor. If you are looking to start a new business or apply for a better paying position this is your green light to go ahead. Circle July 21, as a favorable money day for you!




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AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place in Leo. It will be easy to share your thoughts with others, if you've been thinking of writing a book or starting a blog, this would be an ideal day.

On August 16, Venus will enter Libra, your creative sign, helping you to make the most of your talents.

A Sun-Mercury meet-up will take place in Virgo, your domestic sign the following week. Circle August 24, as your best day to make home improvements. This could include redecorating, placing your home on the market, moving, or even relocating.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in Virgo, your family sign. This will help to improve your family relations. Still two tricky days stand out; September 13, when Mercury forms a harsh aspect with Pluto, and September 15, when Mercury will oppose Uranus. Take it in stride, if others disagree with you then. You will find relations better after the weekend.

On September 19 a full moon will take place in Pisces, bringing closure to difficult situations. By the end of the month, Mercury will enter Scorpio, your self-improvement sign. Circle September 29, as a favorable day to begin a new diet, exercise routine or find a perfect health professional. Saturn will be in favorable aspect to Pluto, providing structure, for long-lasting change.

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your romance and creative sign. This marks an ideal time to revitalize your relationship, or develop a talent. Then on October 7, Venus will enter Sagittarius, your relationship sign, helping to enhance your partnerships. Or if you’re single, this wouldbe a perfect month to meet a new love interest.

On October 21, Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio, your wellness sign. Mercury will turn direct on November 9, but will remain in Scorpio until December 5. During this phase, you will be gifted 6 weeks time, to improve your health and eliminate stress from your day-to-day. You may find you sleep better by taking a yoga or fitness class in the evening, instead of early in the day, or by changing your diet or exercise routine. Whatever the case, this marks a time to find solutions.

Circle October 29, as a day to discover what works best for you. Mercury will meet with Saturn then, helping to create a winning plan.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse till take place in Scorpio, your work and wellness sign. A few days later on November 9, Mercury will turn direct in Scorpio. If you’ve put in some effort, you will now begin to see results!

Circle November 14, as a turning point for you! A powerful Venus-Pluto meet-up, will take place in Capricorn, your transformational sign. It’s likely many aspects of your life will begin to change for the good after this time.




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DECEMBEROn December 3, a new moon will take place in Sagittarius, your relationship sign.

Then on December 7, Mars will enter Libra your true love and creative sector and will remain there until July 26, 2014. During this phase, you will be learning how to cultivate your talents and relationships, to make the best of them.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your credit card sign. It will be best to stick to a budget during the holidays. Venus will turn direct on February 1, but will remain in Capricorn, until March 5. If you are living too large, you may need to consolidate. It's also possible that you will be able to find ways to reduce debt during this time. Circle December 31, a day to make perfect money resolutions!




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2013 Your Career YearBY JENNY LYNCH

2013 begins with change-maker Uranus in Aries, your career sector.

By April 10, you will have a total of five planets in Aries, your professional sign, helping you to take on a larger role or change the direction of your life completely.

Liv Tyler (born July 1, 1977) is an American actress and model.










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APRILOn Friday, April 5, a Mars-Venus meet-up will take place in Aries, your publicity sector. The last time these planets, got this close was in 2010. Circle April 8, as a favorable romance day for you! If you are single, you may attract a VIP stranger across a crowded room. You will be looking good and you might find several offers coming your way.

On April 10, a new moon will take place in Aries, clearing obstacles in your path. This is one of your best times to shine in the public, so be ready for complements and accolades. On April 15, Venus will enter Taurus, your social sign. Over the next few weeks you will find many occasions to celebrate with friends.

On April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your pleasure sign. It's possible that you will be thinking of starting a family or a creative project then.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, your social sign. You will then have five planets in your house of friends. You may hear exciting news from someone close or find that you’re suddenly more popular. Since eclipses act like super new moons, it’s likely to bring positive changes.

Circle May 10, as a favorable day to meet new friends! This would be an ideal month to join meet-up or network your skills as well.

On May 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in your wellness sign. It might be time to put an end a guilty pleasure. A few days later, on May 28, a Venus-Jupiter meet-up in your retreat sector, helps you relax and renew. This would also be a perfect week to take a spa vacation.

JUNEOn June 3, Venus will enter your sign, marking a time to step out and sparkle. Venus will be attracting wonderful people and things your way. And if you are single,this would be an ideal month to let others know you’re available. Another positive note is that Mercury will also be in your sign. You will feel less shy and more outgoing than usual. Circle June 19, as a favorable personal day! A Mercury-Venus meet-up in your sign, will give you enough charm to mix business with pleasure. It could also be a perfect day to interview for a new position. You’ll be pervasive enough to make a memorable impression!

On June 23, a powerful full moon with take place in Capricorn, your relationship sign. This could make you emotional. It will be easy to take things personal, but best not to. By the end of the month Jupiter will enter your sign for the first time in twelve years. Jupiter will remain in your sign until July 2014. Circle June 25, as the beginning of a lucky streak for you! Although you may not feel this right away, because Mercury will go retrograde in your sign the very next day.

JULYLet's back up to last month's full moon. What disappointed or upset you then, will most likely resurface early this month. On July 8, the new moon will take place in your sign. The following day, retrograde Mercury will meet with the Sun, helping you to share your thoughts and feelings. Circle July 9, as a turning point for your relationships.If money has been an issue, you will find things improve after July 20, when Mars meets with lucky Jupiter in your sign. It's possible that an new opportunity will surface at that time. Mercury will also begin to move forward on the very same day.




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AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place in Leo, your money sign. New moons mark times for new beginnings. A few days later, on August 8, Mercury will enter Leo helping you make wise decisions about your income or financial investments.

On August 21 the full moon will take place in Aquarius, your transformational sector. It's possible that you will discover ways to reduce debt or stick to a budget plan then. Mars will enter Leo at the end of the month and will remain there until October 15. During this phase, you will be able to master money challenges and may benefit financially. Circle August 27, as a favorable money day.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in Virgo, your communication sign. This marks the beginning of a learning phase for you. It's possible that you will decide to sign up for a course or begin a blog at this time. You might even feel called to teach your trade.

On September 18, a triple conjunction of Venus, Saturn and the North node of destiny will take place in Scorpio, your house of true love. If you’re single you may find someone special entering your life around this time. If, you already have a significant other, or children, something important or fated could be taking place in their lives.

The very next day, a full moon will take place in Pisces, your worldly sector. You may feel more adventurous at this time. Circle September 25, as a day to take risks. Venus will trine lucky Jupiter in your sign; promising a fortunate outcome.

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your domestic sector. After that time, you'll feel ready to improve your living space and family relations.

On October 7, Venus will enter Sagittarius, your wellness sector. Even your relations with coworkers will improve then.

On October 18, a lunar eclipse will take place in Aries, your professional sector. A job offer may suddenly surface, or difficult boss might leave.

Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio, your romantic sign, on October 21. It's possible you will hear from an ex over the new few weeks.Circle October 30, as a karmic connection day. The Sun and love planet Venus, will meet with the North node of destiny, placing you in just the right place, at the right time.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your romance sign. This marks the beginning of a pleasurable phase for you.Then on November 10, Mercury will turn direct in Scorpio. After a few weeks of wondering, you will now begin to feel certain about your feelings and potential in love. Venus will meet with transformative Pluto in Capricorn, your relationship sign mid-month. Circle November 14, as a turning point for your relationships. It's possible that you will feel ready to make a commitment then, or meet someone new.




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DECEMBEROn December 3, a new moon will take place in Sagittarius, your wellness sign. This would be an ideal day to begin a new diet or exercise routine. Most of all, you need to discover way to reduce stress.

On December 7, Mars will enter Libra, and will remain there until July 26, 2014. During this phase you will begin to take charge of family and home matters. In fact, you might even be asked to take control over things. Let's say you have a parent that needs your attention, or a sister that needs direction. You won't hesitate to guide them at this time.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your partnership sign. Venus will remain there until March 5, 2012. During this phase, you will need to find solutions that allow you to get along better with others.

Circle December 28, to formulate a sustainable plan. What worked before, no longer can! On January 1, a new moon will take place in your house of relationships. In total you will have five planets in Capricorn, assisting you to make powerful and favorable partnership transitions.




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2013 Your Retreat and Travel YearBY JENNY LYNCH

By April 10, 2013, you will have five planets in Aries, your travel sign. This could prompt you to put another stamp on your passport or change your zip code.

On June 26, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your retreat sector. Jupiter will remain there until July 16, 2014, when it enters your sign. During this phase your focus will be on making gains in your inner life, possibly through traveling or relocating.

Jennifer Lawrence (born August 15, 1990) is an American actress.









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APRILOn Friday, April 5, Venus will meet with Mars in passionate Aries, marking a favorable day for love and romance.

Then on April 10, a new moon will take place in Aries. This will help you decide the best possible way to advance your career. If you've been thinking ways to market yourself, a new idea may surface around the time of this new moon. On April 16, the Sun will meet with Mars in Aries, helping you to put your plans into action.

On April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your domestic sector. Both the Sun and Mars will be opposite Saturn at the end of the month, marking a time of long lasting change. Circle April 29, as a day to bring closure to challenging family or living situations! This could be when new energy, replaces the old. When a nagging situation, develops into a fortunate outcome. For example, an annoying neighbor could move and you could become best friends with the new one!

MAYThis will most likely be a busy month for you. On May 1, Mercury will enter Taurus, your professional sign. The following week, on May 7, Mercury will meet with Mars in Taurus. It's possible that you will find a new opportunity or project surfaces at that time.

On May 10, a new moon will take place in Taurus, bringing a total of five planets to your career sector. If you have been looking for a new position, you may now hear favorable news. This could also mark a time when you begin to take on the position of a leader.

By mid month, you will find your popularity soars. Your ruler the Sun, will enter Gemini, your social sign on May 20. A few days later, Mercury will meet with Venus in Gemini. Circle May 28, as your best day to party! Venus will meet with Jupiter then, creating perfect conditions for fun. If you are single, this could be a promising day to meet someone.

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, your social sign. It's likely that you will begin to make important business contacts after this time. Mars will remain in Gemini, until July 13.

On June 8, a new moon will take place in Gemini, marking a time to meet new friends. Circle June 19, as a promising day to meet someone special. Your ruler, the Sun will meet with lucky Jupiter then.

On June 23, a full moon will take place in Capricorn. Since Pluto will be with the moon, it's likely that you will feel ready to put and end to some things, in effort to usher in the new. This could include jobs, relationships or habits, you've outgrown. It's time to stretch beyond your current limitations.

On June 27, Venus will enter Leo, bringing you back into the swing of things. You will most likely feel refreshed and positive at this time. On June 27, Mercury will go retrograde in Cancer, your retreat sector; gifting you time to bring your body, mind and soul together.

JULYOn July 8, a new moon will take place in Cancer, marking time to refresh yourself, gain balance and insight. On July 18, Mercury will end it's retrograde phase and begin to move




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forward. After learning important lessons, you will now begin to make wiser choices.

On July 22, a full moon will take place in Aquarius, your relationship sign. Also, on the very same day your ruler the Sun, will enter your sign. This marks an important turning point for your partnerships. Full moons often bring closure. It's possible that you will feel the need to reboot your relationship then. If someone seems to be holding you back, you may feel friction. You need others to keep up with you after this time. Circle July 22, as a turning point for your relationships.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in Virgo, your financial sector, promising a fresh new start for money matters. Venus will enter Scorpio, your domestic sign on September 10. It's possible you will feel ready to redecorate to entertain after this time.

Once the full moon takes place in Pisces on September 19, you may find ways to finance home improvements. Circle September 25, as a lucky money day for you. Venus will be in favorable aspect to lucky Jupiter then, helping you make perfect deals or find bargains.

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your communication sign. After that time, you'll feel ready to study a new subject or share your thoughts.

This could also be a busy time to formulate connections thru the Internet. On October 7, Venus will enter Sagittarius, your romantic sector. If you are looking for love, you may find it on line.

On October 18, a lunar eclipse moon will take place in Aries, your worldly sector. You may feel ready to travel for pleasure or find a romance brewing with someone from a distant country.

Mercury will go retrograde on October 21. It's possible a family member will require you attention at this time. Mercury will return to direction motion mid November, releasing you from family and domestic concerns.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your personal sign. Since eclipses act like super new moons, this could help to clear and bring a fresh new start to family and domestic concerns.

On November 17, once the full moon takes place in Taurus, your professional sign, you may receive favorable career news.

On November 22, the Sun will enter Sagittarius, your sign of true love. You will find life becomes far more enjoyable after this time.

Circle November 29, as your most romantic day of the year. The Sun will be in good aspect to Uranus then, signaling an exciting and creative time.




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DECEMBEROn December 3, a new moon will take place in Sagittarius, setting you up for month of fun.

Then on December 7, Mars will enter Libra, your communication sign and will remain there until July 26, 2014. During this phase you may decide to begin a blog, journal or write a memoir. You will also find your relationships with siblings begin to improve.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your transformative sign. Venus will remain there until March 5, 2012. During this phase you will need to find solutions or ways to enhance your life. It's possible that you will connect with a spiritual teacher or someone that will have a powerful impact on you.

Circle December 21, as a favorable day to set new intentions. By December 31, you will have a total of five planets in Capricorn, assisting you to make a powerful and favorable transition, just in time for the New Year!




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2013 Your Relationship YearBY JENNY LYNCH

On March 10, you will have over half of the solar system (six planets), in Pisces, your relationship sign.

Then in June, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your social sign.

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, dancer and actress.










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APRILOn April 10, a new moon will take place in Aries, bringing the total to five planets in your transformational sector. You will most likely feel ready to make important changes after this time.

Circle April 14, as day to try something new! Your ruler Mercury will enter Aries then, peaking your interests in new possibilities. On April 15 Venus will enter Taurus, your worldly sign. This could be when when you decide to travel or market your talents.

On April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your communication sign. Since lunar eclipses are known to bring endings, this could be when a nagging situation, develops into a fortunate outcome.

MAYThis will likely be a busy month for you. On May 1, your ruler Mercury will enter Taurus, your worldly sign.

The following week, on May 7, a Mercury-Mars meet-up, helps you decide on future plans. If you are interested in relocating or going back to school, you may suddenly determine your best course of action then.

Circle May 10, as pivotal day for you! A solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, in total you will have a five planets there. Your next natural step, should be crystal clear!

On May 28, a lucky Venus-Jupiter meet up will take place in Gemini, your professional sign.  This will be one of your luckiest career days all year.

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, your professional sign, and will remain there until July 13. During this phase you may find many opportunities to advance in your career. Perhaps your greatest challenge will be to choose the right one!

On June 8, a new moon will take place in Gemini, your career sign. Something fortunate may take place around this time. It could be that a difficult boss will leave the company, or that you will soon be promoted. Circle June 19, as a promising professional day! A golden opportunity may emerge then.

On June 26 your ruler Mercury will go retrograde in Cancer, your social sign. It’s possible that a friend may need assistance then. Jupiter will enter Cancer on the very same day, meaning what goes around, comes around. It’s time to extend your generosity.

JULYOn July 8, a new moon will take place in Cancer, your friendship sign. New moons, mark a time of new beginnings; so it's possible you find new friends after this time.

On July 18, Mercury will end it's retrograde phase and begin to move forward in your social sector. After almost four weeks of re-evaluating your inner circle, you may decide to implement changes then. If you feel a friend has taken advantage of you, you may decide to replace them with more supportive ones. This is especially true, because Jupiter exalted in Cancer, only wants the best for you.

Circle July 22, as a turning point for your friendships. The Sun will enter Leo, your spiritual sign, while the full moon takes place in Aquarius, your wellness sector. Full moons




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often bring closure, so if you feel you've outgrown some friendships, it's likely you will decide to end them, in favor for more rewarding ones that can uplift you.

AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place in Leo, your retreat sign. A few days later, on August 8, your ruler Mercury will also enter Leo, marking a time to catch up with yourself. It's possible that you will become boarder-line psychic then; able to read the minds of others.

On August 16, Venus will enter Libra, your money sign. You may begin to benefit financially after this time.

Circle August 24, as a favorable money day for you! It seems the planets will help you make a wise decision.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in your sign. New moons, mark a time of new beginnings; so it's possible you will feel ready and refreshed at this time.

On September 10, Venus will enter Scorpio, your communicative sign. It could be that you feel ready to share your thoughts, by blogging or writing then. It’s also possible that you will make an important connection on line, because of the once in a life time triple conjunction of Venus, Saturn and the North node of destiny due on September 18.

Once the full moon takes place in Pisces, your partnership sign, on September 19, you may find ways to improve your relationships. Circle September 25, as a favorable day for partnerships. Venus will be in good aspect to lucky Jupiter then.

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your money sign. After that time, you find you benefit financially.On October 7, Venus will enter Sagittarius, your domestic sector. If you are looking to make home improvements, you may find deals at this time.

On October 15, Mars will enter you sign in the first time in two years. You may feel an extra surge of energy then. On October 18, a lunar eclipse will take place in Aries, helping you to reduce debt or secure favorable loans. Your ruler Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio, your communication sign on October 21. You may need to upgrade your computer or phone during this phase. If so, Circle October 29, as the best day invest in new technology. Mercury will be with Saturn then, helping you to make a long-lasting purchase.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your communication sign. This could been when you get serious about a writing project or hear important news from a sibling or about your neighborhood.On November 11, your planetary ruler Mercury, will turn direct and meet with the Sun in Scorpio, your communication sign. If you feel you’ve been wasting time watching television or reading Face Book, you suddenly decide you have better things to do.

Then on November 15, a Venus-Pluto meet-up will take place in Capricorn, stirring your romantic and creative energies. Circle November 27, as a perfect party day - just in time for the holidays! Your ruler Mercury will be in favorable aspect to jovial Jupiter, promising excitement and fun.




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DECEMBEROn December 3, a new moon will take place in Sagittarius, shifting your focus towards family and domestic concerns.

On December 7, Mars will enter Libra, your financial sector, and will remain there until April 14, 2014. During this phase you will find ways to improve your income or to profit from investments.

On December 17, a full moon will take place in Gemini, your professional sign. It’s possible this will cause a bit or drama or shake up. It could also mean that you will have to work overtime to fill in for a peer.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your romance sign. Venus will remain in Capricorn until February 2. This will gift you plenty of time to make important relationship decisions. It’s possible that a child will need more attention, or that you decide it’s time to begin a family during this phase.

Circle December 31, as a day to celebrate! A new moon will take place in Capricorn, your pleasure sign, promising a wonderful start for your New Year!




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2013 Your Career YearBY JENNY LYNCH

Kate Elizabeth Winslet (born 5 October 1975), an English actress and singer.

On April 10, you will have five planets in Aries, your relationship sign.

After June 26, lucky Jupiter will enter Cancer, your professional sign, marking a favorable time for your career.










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APRILThis month begins with a sizzle. A Venus-Mars meet up will take place on Friday, April 5. Circle April 6, as an ouch-hot day! Whenever these two get together, things become dreamy and steamy.

On April 10, a new moon will take place in Aries, your partnership sign. By then you will have a total of five planets in Aries! You will finally find the results you've been waiting for at this time. New moons mark beginnings. If you are single, this is a sign that you may be meeting someone one. If you are in business, you’ll begin to attract more clients.

On April 15, your ruler Venus will enter Taurus, your transformational sign. It's possible that your relationship will deepen or that you will feel ready to make important personal changes then. It could be time to toss out the old, to make room for the new.

On April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your money sign. You may feel financially relieved after this time. The moon will be near Saturn, helping you make wise decisions. Since lunar eclipses are known to bring endings, this could be when a difficult money situation takes a favorable turn.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, your transformational sign. In total you will have a five planets there, helping to remove obstacles, and previous limitations. If you’ve been thinking of purchasing a big-ticket item, you may find resources available to you now.

Circle May 10, as an important investment day for you. A new moon will take place in Taurus, creating perfect conditions to make an

investment. This could include purchasing a home, or simply investing money or time into improving your personal life.

On May 20, the Sun will enter Gemini, your worldly sign. You may feel adventurous or ready to travel. If so, Circle May 28, as a favorable day to try something new. Your planetary patron Venus will meet with lucky Jupiter then, marking a marvelous day for romance and travel. This may end up being your most favorite day of the year!

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, preparing you to advance your professional goals. Mars will remain in Gemini, until July 13. During this phase you may find many opportunities emerge. You might be offered a new position that requires you to travel or relocate. It could also feel ready to take a course that will qualify you for a better position.

On June 7, Venus will trine Saturn, it's possible you will receive favorable news then. Circle June 26, as a promising professional day. Lucky Jupiter will enter Cancer, your professional sign, marking a favorable time for your career.

However the following day, June 27, Mercury will go retrograde in Cancer. It's possible that Mercury may cause a delay during this time. If so, no real worries. Jupiter will be in your career sector until July 16, 2014. During this phase you will be able to establish yourself, and grow your reputation.  

JULYOn July 8, a new moon will take place in Cancer, your professional sign. New moons, mark a time of new beginnings; so it's possible you hear of a career opportunity near that time.




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On July 18 Mercury will end it's retrograde and turn direct. On July 19, Mars will enter Cancer for the first time in almost two years. Your professional efforts will begin to pay off now. Circle July 21, lucky day for your career. A lucky Mars-Jupiter meet up will take place in your professional sector. This will be one of your best days all year, to promote yourself or begin a new assignment.

On July 22, a full moon will take place in Aquarius, your pleasure sign. It's likely you will feel very warmhearted towards your children and loved ones then.

AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place Leo, your network arena. It's likely you will begin to make favorable contacts after this time.

On August 16, Venus will enter your sign, marking a time when you will receive many social invitations. Venus will remain in Libra until September 10. During this phase, you may decide to try a new look. There could be many ways to upgrade your appearance and style, without breaking the bank. Ask a friend for advice if you need to.

Then on August 22, the Sun will enter Virgo, your privacy sector. This would normally be a time to relax and renew, but with Mars storming into your social sector, you will likely be mixing business with pleasure. Circle August 24, as a day to hear surprising news. Mercury will meet with the Sun then, possibly sharing a secret.

SEPTEMBEROn September 10, your ruler Venus will enter Scorpio, your money sign. If you’re in business for yourself you may find you make more money this month. This would also be a

favorable time to invest in something you love. A new piece of art, or an expensive outfit could be in the cards.

On September 19, a full moon will take place in Pisces, your credit sector. It's possible you will benefit from this moon somehow. You might be able to improve your credit status, or settle a long term debt. Venus will meet with Saturn that day, helping you make a wise financial decision. Circle September 26, as a favorable money day! Venus will connect with lucky Jupiter, promising to deliver a bargain. This would also be a perfect date night, or find someone willing to pick up your tab.

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in your sign. Normally a new moon is a good omen, but this moon will be in harsh aspect to change-maker Uranus and transformative Pluto, indicating a rough patch for you. You may need adjust on several levels, to keep up.

On October 7, Venus will enter Sagittarius, your communication sign. This could mark a time to upgrade technology or your vehicle. On October 9, Mercury will meet with the Sun in your money sector. This would be an excellent time to begin a budget or make an investment. On October 15, Mars will enter Virgo, your sleepy sign for the first time in two years. You may feel a need to focus on your inner self during this phase. On October 18, a lunar eclipse will take place in Aries, your relationship sign. This could bring partnership issues to the fore. You will have to be patient to make the best of things.

On October 21 Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio, gifting you time to review your finances. You may even decide to create an at-home business over the next few weeks. If so,




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it will be best to wait until Mercury turns direct on November 10, before you begin. Circle October 30, as a favorable day to make new connections. The Sun will meet with the north node in Scorpio, possibly putting you in touch with an advisor or benefactor.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your money sign. This is a good omen for things to come.

On November 5, Venus will enter Capricorn, your domestic sign. You'll feel keen to make personal improvements then. On November 11, Mercury will turn direct and meet with the Sun in Scorpio, helping you make a wise decision.

By mid month something amazing will happen for you. Circle November 15, as one of your best days ever! A powerful meet-up between Venus and Pluto will take place. You could be excited about family news or be ready to make an announcement.

DECEMBEROn December 7, Mars will enter your sign, and will remain there until April 14, 2014. During this phase you will find ways to become fully empowered and reach your potential. On December 17, a full moon will take place in Gemini, your travel sign. It's possible that you will decide to vacation then.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your family sign. Venus turn direct on February 1, but will remain in Capricorn until March 5, 2014. A very long time indeed. This will gift you plenty of time to improve family relations or make home improvements.

If you are thinking about moving, it will be best to wait until February to do so.

Circle December 31, as an important turning point for you and your family. Mercury will meet Pluto at the time of the new moon in Capricorn. You will then have five planets in structure Capricorn, helping you lay down solid foundations for 2014.




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2013 Your Romance YearBY JENNY LYNCH

On March 10, you will have over half of the solar system (six planets and Chiron the wounded healer in Pisces, your true love sign.

Then in June, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your travel and worldly sign.

Scarlett Johansson (November 22, 1984) is an American actress, model and singer.










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APRILOn Friday, April 5, a Venus-Mars meet-up will take place in Aries, your wellness sign. This would be an ideal time for a spa getaway. Aries also rules your house of work, so if you’re single, this could start up a romance with a co-worker.

Once the new moon takes place on April 10, you will have a total of five Aries. This marks the beginning of a very productive time for you.  If you are in business for yourself, this will likely be a very busy month for you.

On April 20, Mars will enter Taurus, your partnership sign, helping you take the lead in relationships. Circle April 21, as a turning point in your partnerships. You may feel ready to change a situation or find others depend on you more after this time.

On April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in your sign. The moon will be near Saturn at this time, helping you make wise decisions. Since lunar eclipses are known to bring endings, this could be when you bring closure to a difficult situation. It can also be when you change your habits for the good.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, your partnership house. You will then have a total of four planets in your relationship sign. If you are available, you may find someone new entering your life shortly after this time. Or if you already have someone close, you will find your relationship begins to improve.

Circle May 11, as a favorable day for your partnerships. This would be an ideal time to brain storm together or begin a new project. Communicative Mercury will meet with the

Sun, helping you to formulate a successful plan.

By the end of the month, Venus will meet with lucky Jupiter, in Gemini. It's possible that you will decide to go into business with someone, or that your partner’s finances improve after this time.

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, and will remain there until July 13. During this phase you may find many opportunities emerge. Gemini rules your credit cards and shared money, also personal development. It could be that you are able to find ways to relieve debt, consolidate or improve your financial status as a result. It might also be when you feel ready to make a major investment. This could be a home, a car or something more personal like, a spa vacation or yoga certification course. If so, Circle June 19, as a favorable day to make a long-lasting purchase. Jupiter will be with the Sun that day, guiding you towards the best possible choice.

On June 26, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your worldly sign, for the first time in twelve years. Jupiter will remain there until July 16, 2014, gifting you a whole year to advance yourself through study, teaching or by traveling.

On June 27, Mercury will go retrograde in Cancer and will remain in Cancer until August 8. During this phase you may experience a total recall. If there was something you always wanted to study or a place you've always wanted to visit, you may decide it's finally time. If so, put your plans into action after July 20, when Mercury turns direct.




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JULYJuly promises to be a pivotal month for you. On July 8, a new moon will take place in Cancer, stimulating your interest in world events.Then on July 19, Mars will enter Cancer, possibly making you feel passionate about global affairs. This could be a time when you feel politically active or inspired to take action.

On July 20, Mars will meet with Jupiter in Cancer, for the first time in twelve years. You've learned a lot since then. It's possible that you will feel ready to teach, share or publish. On July 22, the Sun will enter Leo, your public sign, helping you take on a leadership role.The very same day the full moon will take place in Aquarius, your domestic sign. It could be that family members will be disagreeable or prove difficult then. Circle July 27, as a challenging day. Mars will face off with Uranus and Pluto at the end of the month, marking a testy time.

AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place Leo, your professional sign. You may find yourself in the spotlight then. This is also considered a good omen for professional advancement, so it's possible something favorable will happen for your career after this time. Even your personal life should improve, as a result of this month's blue moon.

Circle August 20, as a favorable turning point for home and family matters. The full moon will again take place in Aquarius, promising a second chance to make things better.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in Virgo, your social sign, marking a time to make new connections. Then on September

10, Venus will enter your sign, helping you attract just the right people. September 14, could be your lucky day. Mars will form a favorable aspect to surprising Uranus, what ever takes place then could change the entire course of your life. Circle September 19, as a karmic connection day. Venus will meet with Saturn in your sign, while the full moon takes place in your house of true love. Even if you're not looking for romance, you could still meet someone that will become very important to you. They could even be a past life connection.

OCTOBERMercury will meet with Saturn in your sign, three times over the next 5 weeks, indicating an important time for decision making. The three dates are October 8, October 29 and November 25. During this time, you be able to review your circumstances and improve them. Still October could be a challenging month for you! On October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra your retreat sector. Normally this would mark an ideal time to relax and rest up, but this moon will likely not allow you to. The moon will be in harsh aspect to Uranus and Pluto, indicating stress.

On October 7, communication planet Mercury will meet with structured Saturn in your sign, creating perfect conditions to find solutions and come to agreement with others. Also on October 7, Venus will enter Sagittarius, your money sign. This could help you financially. On October 15, Mars will enter Virgo, your networking sector. If you have a service or product to promote, you will find marketing more effective after this time.

On October 18, a lunar eclipse will take place in Aries, your wellness sign. This might be when you can finally relax. On October 21 Mercury will go retrograde in your sign, helping to slow life down. Mercury will be retrograde




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until November 10, gifting you a chance to catch up to recent changes.

Circle October 29, as an important day review your options. Mercury will meet with Saturn that day. Also the Sun will meet with the North node in Scorpio, possibly putting you in touch with an advisor or benefactor.

NOVEMBERThis will be a powerful month for you! For the first time in twelve years, you will have four planets in your sign. On November 1, Mercury will meet with the Sun, and form a favorable aspect with your ruler Pluto, helping you to map out future plans. Then on November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in your sign. This is a good omen for things to come, including big changes.

On November 8, Jupiter will turn retrograde in Cancer, your worldly sign. It’s possible you will see things in a different light after this time. This will be especially true around November 10, when Mercury will turn direct in your sign. On November 14, a passionate Venus-Pluto meet-up will take place in Capricorn, your communication sign. It’s likely that you will feel the need to share your feelings that day. If you’re single, you might meet someone on line or from your neighborhood.

On November 17, a full moon will take place in Taurus, your partnership sign. Since full moons mark a harvest time, it’s possible that you need to know exactly where you stand with others. If a relationship doesn’t seem promising, you may decide to end it. If you are getting along with your significant other, you may decide to make a deeper commitment. Whatever the case, things should be crystal clear by then end of the month.

Circle November 25, as a day to make wise decisions. Mercury will meet with Saturn in your sign then, so you will be able to think with your head, instead of your heart. If something doesn't add up, you'll be the first to speak up.

DECEMBEROn December 3, a new moon will take place in Sagittarius, your money sign. This will mark the beginning of a favorable financial trend for you.

On December 7, Mars will enter your Libra, your behind-the-scenes sign, and will remain there until April 14, 2014. During this phase, you will be able to develop your personal power. On December 17, a full moon will take place in Gemini, your transformation sign, clearing obstacles and past limitations.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your communication sign. This could cause misunderstandings, especially with your siblings. It's best that talk on the phone or in person, instead of texting or emailing after this time. Venus turn direct on February 1, but will remain in Capricorn until March 5, 2014. If you're a writer, this will be a favorable time to perfect your craft.

On December 24, Mars will oppose Uranus in Aries, your work sector. It's possible that you will feel pressured during the holidays!

On New Year’s Eve, a powerful new moon will be surfacing in Capricorn. The moon will meet with the Sun and Pluto, but will be in harsh aspect to Uranus and Mars. Circle December 31, as a day to relax! Life can only get easier after this time. You will find relationships with neighbors and siblings improve in the coming year.




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2013 Your Romance YearBY JENNY LYNCH

On April 10, you will have five planets in Aries, your romantic sign. Jupiter will be in your partnership sign until June, when it enters Cancer, your sign of sharing and bonding.

Kate Holmes (born December 18, 1978) is an American actress.











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APRILOn April 7, Venus will meet with Mars in Aries, your romantic sign, for the first time in two years. It's likely that you will be in a very passionate mood then. Once the new moon takes place on April 10, you will have a total of five Aries! This marks the beginning of a very amorous and creative time for you. If you are an artist, you will find your fan base grows at this time. If you are single, you may find an ideal mate surfaces now.

On April 20, Mars will enter Taurus, your wellness sign. From that time on, you will be focused on improving your health.

Circle April 21, as a turning point in your partnerships. You may feel ready to change a situation or find others depend on you more after this time. Venus will oppose Saturn that day, bringing a serious tone to your relationships.

On April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in your sign. The moon will be near Saturn at this time, helping you make wise decisions. Since lunar eclipses are known as harvest times, this could mark an important development for you.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, your wellness sign. This would be an ideal day to begin a new diet or find a health professional. Venus will enter Gemini, your relationship sign on the very same day. If you are available, you may find someone new entering your life shortly after this time; or if you already have someone close, you will find your partnership becomes more enjoyable over the next month.

Circle May 28, as a favorable day for you! A Venus-Jupiter meet-up will take place then,

creating a happy-go-lucky vibe. The last time both Venus and Jupiter were together in Gemini was last May. They got close, but never exact. So this will be the first time in 12 years that you will be this fortunate!

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, your relationship sign, and will remain there until July 13. During this phase you may take the lead in your partnership; or if you're single, this marks a time when you feel ready to partner up with someone.

Circle June 18 as a lucky day for you. A Sun-Jupiter meet-up will take place, while Mars connects with surprising Uranus. This could be an especially exciting day for you, when you decide to try something new with your partner.

If you are ready to make a major investment together, talk it over on June 20, when communicative Mercury meets with pleasurable Venus. On June 26, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your credit and joint money sector, for the first time in twelve years. Jupiter will remain there until July 16, 2014, gifting you a whole year to improve or consolidate financial matters.

On June 27, Mercury will go retrograde in Cancer and will remain in Cancer until August 8. During this phase you may benefit from reviewing investments or setting up a budget. If so, put your plans into action after July 20, when Mercury turns direct.

JULYJuly marks a turning point for you. Circle July 20, as a favorable money day! Mercury will turn direct, and Mars will meet with your ruler Jupiter in Cancer, your credit and investment




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sign, for the first time in twelve years. You've learned a lot since then, so it's likely you will begin to make more profitable decisions after this time. This is especially true, because Mars and Jupiter translate to 'fortunate action'.

On July 22, the Sun will enter Leo, shifting your focus towards worldly concerns. It's possible that you will be traveling, teaching or publishing after this time. On the very same day the full moon will take place in Aquarius, your communication sign. This could be when you re-connect with a sibling or old friends.

AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place Leo, your worldly sign. This would be an ideal time to go on vacation, publish a blog or teach a class. On the very same day, your ruler Jupiter will oppose Pluto for the first time in 12 years. Uranus will be near by, so it's likely you will be in the mood to shake things up then. This combination could make you restless, ambitious and a bit impatient. On a good note, it will put you in touch with strong desires to create change.

On August 16, Venus will enter Libra, your friendship sign. You are bound to be popular for the next few weeks and may find new friends as well.

Once the Sun enters Virgo on August 24, your focus will shift towards professional concerns. It could be time to look for a new position or take on a larger role at work.Circle August 30, as a favorable day for your career. Your ruler Jupiter will be in good aspect to Mercury in Virgo, your professional sign, helping you gain recognition then.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in Virgo, your professional sign. This will help to boost your career. If you are in business for yourself, you may receive favorable press or find a VIP client then.

On September 10, Venus will enter your Scorpio, your behind-the-scenes sign. This would be an ideal time to rest and renew. On September 22, the Sun will enter Libra, your networking sign, marking a time to promote your services or talent.

Circle September 19, as an inspiration day for you! Venus will meet with Saturn and the North node of destiny then, in Scorpio, your spiritual sign. The last time this happened was in 1806! Truly something extraordinary will be taking place then. These planets will be in favorable aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, your money sign. It's possible that you will begin to discover a way to make your financial dreams can come true.

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your social sign. This marks the beginning of a positive phase, when you will benefit from friends and acquaintances. This will be especially true, after October 7, when Venus enters your sign for the first time this year.

On October 15, Mars will enter Virgo, your professional sign. It’s likely you will be very busy with work. It could also be time to advance yourself, so be on the lookout for new opportunities surfacing then.

Circle October 16, as a favorable day for romance. Venus will touch base with surprising Uranus, something exciting could




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take place for you then. On October 18, a lunar eclipse will take place in Aries, your true love sign. Plan a special date for that day, or if you are single, this would be a time when you could meet someone new.

Communication planet Mercury will go retrograde on October 22, in Scorpio, your privacy sign. It's possible that you will hear a secret then, or have one of your own.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, marking a time to improve your and spiritual well being. You will find many ways to heal yourself over the next few months, so take your time and enjoy.

On November 8, your ruler Jupiter will turn retrograde in Cancer, your transformational sign. Jupiter will go direct on March 7, 2014, gifting you plenty of time to explore options to enhance your personal life. On November 10, Mercury will turn direct, this might be when you get a clear idea or make a wise decision.

Circle November 14, as a favorable investment day. A powerful Venus-Pluto meet-up will take place in Capricorn, your money sign, you might decide investing in your health to be the very best thing. This will be especially true because a few days later, on November 17, a full moon will take place in Taurus, your wellness sign. This would be an ideal time make self improvements, find a solutions to long term challenges or even a new health professional.

DECEMBEROn December 3, a new moon will take place in your sign, bringing fresh new energy your way. You may notice your confidence to be at an all time high then.

On December 7, Mars will enter Libra, your friendship sign for the first time in 2 years. Mars will be in Libra for a very long time, until April 14, 2014! It's likely you will take charge of a group situation, or find your social circle amps up during this phase. On December 17, a full moon will take place in Gemini, your relationship sign, bringing clarity to your partnerships. If you feel you need to push the envelope for more commitment, do so, but in a very nice way.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your money sign. This could cause delays or concerns about finances. If so, this marks a perfect time to review financial matters, formulate a personal budget or business plan. Venus will turn direct on February 1, 2014, but will remain in Capricorn until March 5, 2014; gifting you time to review or improve your options.

On New Year’s Day, a powerful new moon will take place Capricorn. The moon will meet with the Sun and Pluto, but will be in harsh aspect to Uranus and Mars. This could cause social tension. Keep focused on creating financial abundance in your new year, and you'll be ahead of the game.




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2013 Your Relationship YearBY JENNY LYNCH

On March 10, you will have over half of the solar system (six planets and Chiron the wounded healer) in Pisces, your social sign.

Then in June, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your relationship sign.

Michelle Obama (born January 17, 1964) is the wife of, Barack Obama, the first African-American First Lady of the United States.











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APRILOn Friday, April 5, a Venus-Mars meet-up will take place in passionate Aries. It's likely that you will be in a very affectionate mood then, why not book a weekend getaway?

Once the new moon takes place on April 10, you will have a total of five Aries! This hasn't been the case in a very long time. It's possible that you may be thinking of moving or taking a room mate in. It could also be that something exciting is taking place for you and your family.

On April 20, Mars will enter Taurus, your house of true love. This marks the beginning of a very amorous and creative time for you. If you are an artist, you may be inspired to create a new work of art; or, if you are single, you may find an ideal mate surfaces now.

Circle April 24, as a passionate day for you! Venus will form a favorable aspect to Pluto in your sign, setting your heart on fire! The following day, on April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in your Scorpio, your social sign. The moon will be near Saturn at this time, indicating a friend may need your support.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, your romantic sign. This will set you up for a wonderful month ahead. Venus will enter Gemini, your wellness sector on the very same day. It's likely that co-workers will be in a good mood, during this phase. It could also indicate that a promising new assignment is coming your way. Or, if you’re available, this could signal someone new entering your life. Since Gemini rules your daily routines, you might meet them at the gym or at work.

Circle May 11, to start a new wellness plan. Communication planet Mercury will meet with

the Sun, helping you make healthy choices. This would also be an ideal day contact a health professional or begin a new diet.

By May 28, Venus will meet with Jupiter, creating a happy-go-lucky vibe. The last time both Venus and Jupiter were together in Gemini was last May. They got close, but never exact. So this will be the first time in 12 years that you will be this fortunate, in terms of work and health. If possible, find a workout buddy to help you stay on track.

JUNEFor almost all of June, idealist Neptune will be in favorable aspect to your ruler Saturn. This could ease money concerns, or help you find ways to earn more. It's also likely that you will be able to benefit from your friends. While Saturn is helping you make contact with others, Neptune seems ready to introduce you to entrepreneurial and visionary types. This will be a great month to socialize.

On June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, your work and wellness arena, and will remain there until July 13. During this phase you with find plenty of energy to meet your goals. It's possible that you will feel ready to take on a leadership role at work or begin a new sport. Anything physical should work well for you now. If you're single, try an outdoor meet-up adventure.

Circle June 26, as a favorable day for relationships. Jupiter will enter Cancer, your partnership sign for the first time in twelve years! Jupiter will remain there until July 16, 2014, gifting you a one full year to create harmonious conditions for love and peace. Jupiter could also bring a brand new relationship!

On June 27, Mercury will go retrograde in Cancer and will remain in Cancer until August




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8. During this phase you may benefit from creating a marketing plan to reach a broader cliental. Otherwise, review or update your current relationship needs. Whatever you choose, put your plans into action after July 20, when Mercury turns direct.

JULYCircle July 8, as an important turning point for you. After five long months, Saturn, your planetary ruler will turn direct. Saturn went retrograde on February 18, and it's likely this has caused delays and uncertainly for you. You might have been forced to revise your plans or develop an entirely new one. Whatever the case, you will now be able to move forward, confidently!

One special day that stand out, will be July 21. Mercury will turn direct, and Mars will meet with Jupiter in Cancer, your partnership sign, for the first time in twelve years. Something unexpected and fortunate could happen for you then.

On July 22, the full moon will take place in Aquarius, your money sign. This could be when you find a promising backer, discover a good investment or become debt free!

AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place Leo, your transformational sign. This marks the beginning of a promising transition for you. If you're ready to dive into self exploration, a retreat or travel adventure could be especially rewarding now. If you are more concerned about property or financial matters, you will find they take a favorable turn, after this time.

Circle August 16, as an important career day. Venus will enter Libra, your public sign, helping to polish your professional image.

Since you will be highly favored and popular for the next few weeks, this would be an ideal time to upgrade your professional image, contact a headhunter, or circulate your resume.

On August 24, the Sun will enter Virgo, your worldly sector. You may become more interested in global affairs or decide to take on a larger role, by teaching or blogging then. If so, begin on August 30, when lucky Jupiter forms a favorable aspect to communicative Mercury.

SEPTEMBEROn September 10, Venus will enter Scorpio, your social sign. This marks a positive time to make new friends or network with others.

Circle September 18, as a magical day to make important connections! Venus will meet with Saturn and the North node of destiny then for the first time in over 200 years Seriously, the last time this happened was in 1806! It all takes place in your social arena, so you might meet someone truly extraordinary then. On September 22 the Sun will enter Libra, your professional sign, shifting your focus towards career concerns. By the end of the month, ruler Saturn will be connecting to powerful Pluto in your sign. This could be when you connect with VIPs or perfect solutions. Things will begin to move quickly next month and you will too!

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your professional sign. This marks the beginning of a positive phase, when you can grow your reputation or find new promising  opportunities. This will be especially true, after October 7, when Venus enters your social sign for the first time this year. It's possible that a




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friend will recommend you for an upcoming position, or that you will be able to network your services after this time. Be on the lookout for new opportunities surfacing then.

Circle October 9, as a day to mix business with pleasure. Mercury will meet with serious Saturn in Scorpio, your social sign.

Communication planet Mercury will go retrograde on October 22, but will return to direct motion on November 11. It's possible that you will hear a surprising secret about someone close or hear from an old friend during this phase. On October 18 a lunar eclipse will take place in Aries, your personal sign, possibly causing domestic tensions. Full moons are known as harvesting times, so it could also bring closure to recent difficulties. By the end of the month, Mars will be in favorable aspect to powerful Pluto in your sign, helping you gain an upper hand.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your social arena. Eclipses act as announcements for what's to come. It's likely you will hear news about a friend or decide to join a group after this time. On November 8, Jupiter will turn retrograde in Cancer, your relationship sign. Retrogrades are famous for creating misunderstandings. If you find communication breaks down between you and your partner, or even a client; it will be best to be patient as things may turn around in just a few days.

On November 11, Mercury will turn direct and the Sun will meet with Jupiter in your partnership sign. This should help to clear up matters. Circle November 14, as a favorable day for relationships. Venus will meet with Pluto in your sign, marking a kiss and make up

time. If your are single, you may find a new romance surfacing on the horizon.

On November 22, the Sun will enter Sagittarius, your privacy sign. It will be best rest and renew for the next few weeks. Things will pick up soon, just in time for the holidays.

DECEMBEROn December 7, Mars will enter Libra, your career arena for the first time in 2 years. Mars will be in Libra for a very long time, until April 14, 2014! It's likely you will very busy with work during this phase. This could also mark a time, when you feel ready for a promotion. On December 17, a full moon will take place in Gemini, your work and wellness sign. You might find a new assignment coming your way over the next two weeks, or find your work situation becomes less stressful.

Then on December 22, Venus will go retrograde in your sign. This could cause delays or personal concerns. Venus will turn direct on February 1, 2014, but will remain in Capricorn until March 5, 2014. During this phase, you may want to review your options, before making new commitments. It could also be when you decide to change or refresh your personal style. A new diet or website, could work wonders now.

Circle December 27, as a favorable communication day. A Sun-Mercury meet-up will take place in your sign, helping you to communicate confidently and effectively.

On New Year’s Day, a powerful new moon will take place in your sign. The moon will meet with the Sun and Pluto, but will be in harsh aspect to Uranus and Mars. It isn't easy to create change, but it looks like you will be determined to make great strides in 2014!




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2013 Your Creative YearBY JENNY LYNCH

On March 10, you will have over half of the solar system (six planets), in Pisces, your money sign.

Then in June, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your work sign. Time to get busy!

Sara Blakely (born February 21, 1971) is a the founder of Spanx. She is the world's youngest self-made female billionaire.











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APRILOn Friday, April 5, a Venus-Mars meet-up will take place in Aries, your travel and communication sign. This would be an ideal time for a weekend getaway, or if you’re single, you might meet someone new on the Internet or in your neighborhood.

Once the new moon takes place on April 10, you will have a total of five Aries! This hasn't been the case in a very long time. This could be when you buy a new computer, car or if you are a creative type - make a name for yourself! This would also be a perfect time to update your website or social media. It’s possible that something exciting is taking place in the lives of your siblings or in your neighborhood.

Circle April 20, as surprising day for you! Mercury will meet with your ruler Uranus, while Mars meets with the Sun in Taurus, your personal sector. This could mark a call and response time for you. Whatever you hear then, may require immediate action.

On April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in your Scorpio, your professional sign. This signals big changes will be taking place on the work scene soon. A difficult boss may be leaving, or you may be up for promotion. Since this eclipse will near serious Saturn, whatever takes place will be in your best interests.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, your domestic and family sign. New moons offer opportunities to refresh things, so it's likely that investing in family or home improvements will work out well now. Venus will enter Gemini, your creative sign on the very same day, helping you to find perfect items to redecorate. If you are available, this could signal someone new will be entering your life

soon. Since Gemini rules your children, something special may be happening for them, or you might decide it's time to have one.

Circle May 24, as one of your happiest days of the year! Mercury will meet with Venus, and Jupiter, creating a happy-go-lucky vibe between you and your loved ones. The last time both Venus and Jupiter were together in Gemini was last May. They got close, but never exact. So this will be the first time in 12 years that you will be this fortunate. Plan something fun like a picnic, party or weekend getaway to celebrate!

JUNELooks like there's no end to good times! On June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, your creative and romance arena, and will remain there until July 13. Over the next 6 weeks, you will find it easy to express yourself, romantically and creatively. This is an excellent time to start a new project or develop a talent.

Then on June 8, a new moon will take place in Gemini. Jupiter will be near to this month, adding excitement and pleasure.

Circle June 17, as a day to try something new! Action planet Mars will be in favorable aspect to your ruler Uranus, daring or inspiring you to take the initiative, especially regarding any group activity. The lucky Sun-Jupiter meet up takes place the very same day, promising a fortunate outcome.

On June 25, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your wellness sign for the first time in twelve years! Jupiter will remain there until July 16, 2014, gifting you a one full year to focus on improving your health. Jupiter could also help you find a more rewarding job over the next year.




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On June 27, Mercury will go retrograde in Cancer and will remain in Cancer until August 8. During this phase you may benefit from reviewing work-related and self-improvement options. This could be when you discover new ways to eliminate stress, find a perfect diet plan, head-hunter or health professional. Whatever the case, you will find solutions or results after July 20, when Mercury turns direct.

JULYOn July 8, a new moon will take place in Cancer, your work and wellness sign. If you have been dealing with a difficult coworker, this moon can smooth things out for you. It will also give a boost to your health. The very same day, Saturn will turn direct in Scorpio, your professional sign. Saturn went retrograde on February 18, and it likely caused delays and uncertainly for you. You might have been dealing with a difficult boss, or other career concerns. Whatever the case, you will now be able to move forward and confidently!

On July 13, Mars will enter Cancer for the first time in 2 years. You will feel an abundance of energy then. You might decide to take the lead in a work related project or kick up your fitness routine. On July 18, your ruler Uranus will turn retrograde. This could make you nostalgic about the past. You might also suddenly hear from old friends you've been out of touch with.

Circle July 21, as promising day for you. Mercury will turn direct, and Mars will meet with Jupiter in Cancer, for the first time in twelve years. Something unexpected and fortunate could happen for you then. The following day, July 22, the full moon will take place in your sign. This could be when you hear of a new position opening, other news you've been waiting for.

AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place Leo, your partnership sign. This moon promising a fresh new start for all your relationships.

One day that stands out will be August 14, when communicative Mercury forms a favorable aspect to your ruler Uranus. If you need to schedule an important meeting, or just want to clear the air, that would be the best time to do so. On August 16, Venus will enter Libra, your worldly sign. It's likely that you will hear news from someone that lives far away or decide to make travel plans after this time.

Circle August 25, as a perfect vacation day. Venus will be touching base with expansive Jupiter, in your pleasure sign.  Looks like you'll be very busy next month, so take time off while you can.

SEPTEMBEROn September 10, Venus will enter Scorpio, your professional sign. Since you'll be in the spotlight, gaining lot’s of attention, you'll need to be camera-ready then. This marks an ideal time to brush up your public image. New business cards, new head shots, or time spent revamping your website or social media would be a good investment now.

Circle September 18, as an important career and networking day for you! Venus will meet with Saturn and the North node of destiny, for the first time in over 200 years. Seriously, the last time this happened was in 1806! The action takes place in your career arena, so you might suddenly find yourself in the right place, at the right time. On the very same day a full moon will take place in Pisces, your money sign. Full moons mark a harvest time, so if you've been working hard, this moon can bring financial rewards.




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OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your worldly sign. This marks a time when you can grow your reputation by publishing, marketing, teaching or through social media. This will be especially true, after October 7, when Venus enters Sagittarius, your social sign for the first time this year. It's possible that a friend will recommend you for an upcoming position, or that you will be able to network your services after this time. Be on the lookout for new opportunities surfacing.

Circle 16, as a day to mix business with pleasure. Venus will be in favorable aspect to your ruler Uranus, helping you to make surprising new contacts.

On October 18 a full moon will take place in Aries, your communication sign. Full moons are known as harvesting times, so it could also bring closure to difficulties with siblings or neighbors.

On October 22, communicative Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio, your professional sign, but will return to direct motion on November 12. During this phase it would be best to wait things out, instead of making irrevocable career or business decisions. Things may turn around soon or you may hear news, that will help you gain the upper hand next month. It's possible that you will hear a surprising secret about someone at work too.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your career arena. Since eclipses act as announcements for what's to come, it's likely that you will hear news about a professional matter after this time.

On November 8, Jupiter will turn retrograde in Cancer, your work sign. Retrogrades are famous for creating misunderstandings. If you find communication breaks down between you and a coworker or client; it will be best to be patient as things may turn around in just a few days.

Circle November 12, as a favorable professional day for you! Mercury will turn direct in your career sector, while the Sun meets with lucky Jupiter. You will then know, exactly where you stand with others. This will give you the clarity you need to make important decisions. On November 22, once the Sun enters Sagittarius, your social sign, you'll be ready to celebrate the holidays in style!

DECEMBEROn December 7, Mars will enter Libra, your worldly sign, for the first time in 2 years. Mars will be in Libra for a very long time, until April 14, 2014! It's likely you will become very interested in global affairs or decide to travel during this phase. This will also be an ideal time to sign up for a certification course, that will qualify you for a better paying position in the near future. Or, if you are a freelancer, you may decide market yourself so that you can reach a larger cliental.

On December 17, a full moon will take place in Gemini, your pleasure sign. Since full moons mark harvest times, this could be a joyous time for you or your children. This is especially true, because the very next day, your planetary ruler Uranus will return to direct motion. Uranus went retrograde on July 18, so this is the first time in 5 long months that you will feel so carefree.




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Circle December 18, as favorable personal day! This is your best time to unwind, relax and enjoy. Then on December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your retreat sign.  Venus will turn direct on February 1, 2014, but will remain in Capricorn until March 5, 2014. During this phase, you will benefit most from spending alone time, instead of keeping busy with others.

On New Years' Day, the new moon will take place near powerful Pluto in Capricorn, setting you up for a healthy new year.




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2013 Your Wellness YearBY JENNY LYNCH

On March 10, you will have over half of the solar system (six planets and Chiron the wounded healer in Pisces, your relationship sign.

Then in June, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your renew and wellness sign.

Eva Mendes (born March 5, 1974) is an American actress, model, singer and home ware designer.










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APRILOn April 5, Venus will meet with Mars in Aries, your money sign, for the first time in two years. It's likely that you will be in a generous mood, or find someone ready to spoil you.

Once the new moon takes place on April 10, you will have a total of five Aries! This marks the beginning of a fortunate financial turn around time for you.

Circle April 18, as a favorable day to make an investment. Mars will meet with the Sun, marking a time to take action. If you need to renew your gym membership, this is a good time to invest in your health. Or if you need a new computer or car, buy one after April 20, when Mars enters Taurus, your travel and communication sector.

A few days later, on April 25, a lunar eclipse will take place in Taurus. This eclipse will be near Saturn at this time, helping you make wise decisions. Since lunar eclipses are known as harvest times, this might be when you find closure to a difficult situation or decide to reward yourself with a big ticket item.

MAYOn May 9, a solar eclipse will take place in Taurus, creating a fresh new start with siblings and neighbors. Venus will enter Gemini, your domestic sign on the very same day. This would be an ideal time to begin a home improvement project, put your house on the market or have a family meeting. Since new moons offer fresh beginnings, anything you do should work out well.

This will be especially true on May 11, when communication planet Mercury meets with the Sun and helps you formulate a plan or come to agreement with others. By the end of the

month, Venus will meet with Jupiter in Gemini, your personal sign. The last time both Venus and Jupiter were together in Gemini was last May. They got close, but never exact. So this will be the first time in 12 years that you will be this fortunate. Circle May 28, as a favorable day for you and your family! It's possible you or a family member, will have a reason to celebrate then!

JUNEOn June 1, Mars will enter Gemini, your domestic sign, and will remain there until July 13. During this phase you may decide to upgrade your home, move or take the lead in family matters. Circle June 8, as an important day to make personal decisions. The new moon will take place in Gemini, creating perfect conditions for new beginnings.On June 18, the Sun will meet with Jupiter, it's possible that you will find winning solutions then.

By the end of the month, on June 26, Jupiter will enter Cancer, your creative and children sign, for the first time in twelve years. Jupiter will remain there until July 16, 2014, gifting you a full year to develop your talents, fall in love or focus on children.

On June 27, Mercury will go retrograde in Cancer and will remain in Cancer until August 8. During this phase you may benefit from reviewing your options, before making irrevocable decisions. If you've always wanted to start a family, you may finally decide it's time to begin. Whatever the case, put your plans into action after July 20, when Mercury turns direct.

JULYOn July 8, a new moon will take place in Cancer, your house of true love. If you're




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single, this is a sign that a new love interest is on the horizon.

On July 13, Mars will enter Cancer, you will then have a total of four planets in your house of pleasure!

Circle July 20, as a favorable day for romance! Mercury will turn direct, and Mars will meet with Jupiter in your romance sign, for the first time in twelve years! You've learned a lot since then, so it's likely you will begin to make the best possible decisions after this time. This is especially true, because Mars and Jupiter translate to ‘fortunate action.’ On July 22, the full moon will take place in Aquarius, your retreat sign. Marking a time to relax and renew, or escape with a lover behind the scenes.

AUGUSTOn August 6, a new moon will take place Leo, your wellness arena. On the very same day, Jupiter will oppose Pluto for the first time in 12 years, burning your ambition. Uranus will be near by, so it's likely you will be in the mood to shake things up then. This combination could make you restless, ambitious and a bit impatient. On a good note, it will put you in touch with strong desires to create change.

On August 16, Venus will enter Libra, house of shared money. It's possible that your partner's money situation will take a favorable turn then, or that you will benefit from the backing of others.

Once the Sun enters Virgo on August 22, your focus will shift towards relationship concerns. Circle August 28, as a favorable romance day for you. Mars will enter Leo, your romantic sign, igniting your passions and desires.

SEPTEMBEROn September 5, a new moon will take place in Virgo, your relationship sign, shifting your focus towards improving partnerships. This could include your significant other, or business partners. Since new moons mark new beginnings, it's possible you will benefit from others now. A client could recommend you, or be in a position to do a favor for you.

On September 10, Venus will enter your Scorpio, your worldly sign, marking a time to promote your services or talent. If you are in business for yourself, you may receive favorable press or find a VIP client. Circle September 19, as an auspicious day to grow your fan base. Venus will meet with Saturn and the North node of destiny in Scorpio, your worldly sign. The last time this happened was in 1806! Truly something extraordinary will be taking place then. It's possible that something you post on Face Book, goes viral.

OCTOBEROn October 4, a new moon will take place in Libra, your joint money sign. It's possible that you will be able to find better credit card terms, consolidate or relive debt after this time. Or if you're one of the few who has no money concerns, it's likely you will find others that want to invest in you.

On October 15, Mars will enter Virgo, your partnership sign for the first time in 2 years. You may feel ready to take the lead in your relationship, or find more clients coming your way, even a backer could surface out of the blue. Circle October 18, as a favorable day for money! A lunar eclipse will take place in Aries, your money sign, creating perfect conditions to toss your worries behind.




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Communication planet Mercury will go retrograde on October 22, in Scorpio, your travel sign. It's possible that you will decide to visit an old friend or place you've always wanted to.

NOVEMBEROn November 3, a solar eclipse will take place in Scorpio, your worldly sign. Yes, it's a time to travel, but it's also a time to focus on your spiritual life. Since eclipses mark a time of new understanding, it's possible that you will learn more this month than you have in years.

On November 8, Jupiter will turn retrograde in Cancer, your domestic and family sign. You may feel the need to make personal improvements after this time. If you feel uncomfortable at home or with family relations, this marks a time to remedy things.

On November 11, Mercury will turn direct and meet with the Sun for the second time in Scorpio, helping you make a wise decision. Circle November 17, as an important day to initiate solutions! A full moon will take place in Taurus, helping you formulate favorable agreements.

DECEMBEROn December 3, a new moon will take place in Sagittarius, your professional sign. This marks the beginning of a favorable career trend.

On December 7, Mars will enter your Libra, your investment sign, and will remain there until April 14, 2014. During this phase, you will find others more willing to back your plans.

On December 17, a full moon will take place in Gemini, your transformation sign, clearing obstacles and past limitations. It's likely that you can persuade family members over then.

On December 22, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn, your friendship sign. This could cause misunderstandings, within your social circle. It will be best to talk in person or over the phone, instead of texting or emailing after this time. Venus will turn direct on February 1, but will remain in Capricorn until March 5, 2014. Gifting you plenty of time to reevaluate your friendships.

On New Year’s day, a powerful new moon will take place Capricorn. Meaning, that you may be moving in new social circles soon.




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