citizen (berea, ky.). (berea, ky) 1904-09-29 [p ]

THE CITIZEN Berea and Vicinity GATHERED FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES H IIII I I I IFI I II fffffff Born Sept 28th to Mr and Mrs W II Itolx n daughter W A Ppwoll of Sand Gap was a Borea visitor Saturday Bow A P Smith of Scienco Hill is in town for a few days Tuesdayin C M See has purchased home in Lexington Mud will move there soon Fears were entertained tho first ol the week that Marshall Tatum would pot live The filling of tho silo has made busy times for the farm department the past week Miss Xannio Baker of Lexington is visiting her uncle James L Baker for a few days- P S Dearborn and family returned Tuesday from a three weeks visit with friends at Butler Ky John Wagers successful candidate in rnco for Democratic assessor lately was a Berea visitor Tuesday James E Hulett has just weathered a siege of typhoid fever and was in town Sunday for the first time in eight weeks Willie Dalton has a good position as clerk in Carnahams general merchandise store Akron Neb He writes enthusiastically of tho kind treatment accorded him by all Crosbysfamous early this week for Welch This means the lest at a lower prim than you have been paying See his ad opposite Win Reynolds of Flat TCiver Mo was married to Miss Jennie Evans of Blue Lick Wednesday Sept 21 at 4 oclock at the home of the bride They left for tho homo of tho groom Thursday An addition of two stories is being put on tho rear of the building oc ¬ cupied by Pettus store and tho black ¬ smithshop The lower floor will 0- 0us by tho Durham meat shopand upper as a dwelling- A telephone line to Whites Station branching ofT from tho Paint Lick lino at E T Fishs will have tho following subscribers I C Davis J J Moore Judge Good loo Leslie Adams These con ¬ nections are all free to town and county subscribers A now switch board is being installed at Paint Lick D C Fullington wife and daughter arrived Saturday night to visit old friends in Berea Jackson and Estill counties and the old homestead in Tenn Mr Fullington made tho race at the timo of the opening of tho Cherokee reservation to settlers and secured for his share a choice location near Kiowa This was 21 years ago and he reports the country as now wellsettled and prosperous Time greatest drawback to tho settlers is time scarcity of timber and that means also scarcity of fuel Soft coal is 8 to 10 per ton For Sale A farm of 70 acres adjoining town limits on the waters of Silver Creek Well improved Good Buildings call on JP Bicknell Berea Ky tIItMlIIttlfIIt I I It11I1 H i College Items HERE AND THERE i1It1Mt11IIrII t1ttIII I The material for the waterworks has begun to arrive Miss Corwiu and Mrs Frost left Tuesday for a visit to Camp Nelson Wesley Frost will attend Obcrliu tho coming year Ho left Monday morning Miss Sadio of Warren 0 sister of James Young camo Monday to enter school Hiram Miller a student hero last year is in tho militia stationed at Yellowstone Park Wyo Sec Giunblo made a buisness trip to Lexington Wednesday to engage stone cutters for the now library build ¬ ingUtilo Dulce did not givo up tho ghost as was first reported A reor ¬ ganization was effected last Friday night WinTosh and John Burdotto arrived safely at Lansing Michvudare entered for a years work at tho Agricultural College there- After tho first of October oxeditor Racer and wife will bo pleased to have all friends address thom at lOt Museum St Cambridge Muss A new J0 horse power bailer has arrived It will lo installed be bido tho old one which is inadequate I I I I IJI + I I HuH I I I 1 I I II I II for tho proposed electrical mind heat ¬ ing systems to bo in use in tho near future The editor would lo pleased to receive moro nuns items from old students not in Berea A short letter can contain a great deal of information for your friends who read TilE CITIZEN In front of tho Treasurers office is exhibited splendid specimens of tall corn raised by tho College on poor land with tho help of agricul ¬ tural science farmer ought to have his lays educated along agri cultural lines Rev A E Thomson and Dr Ilub hen loft for Williamsburg today They will attend anti participate in tho Congregational Assn meeting beginning tonight nnd ending Sat urday and tho C B Convention Saturday night to Claudo DoKaun nnd Miss Ethel IJichardson start Friday as delegates from Berea to tho CE gathering When to See College Officers The President Treasurer Secre ¬ tary Dean of Women and other College Ollicers lire to be seen in their others every morning directly after College Prayers at 945 The President amid Mrs Frost nro also at homo nearly every night at i half past six and glad to have college workers students or citizens call socially or on busiuews- NATURALIZATION LAW Two Hundred and Sixty Alleged Of- fenders ¬ Arraigned in New York Now York Sept 28Charged with violations of tho naturalization laws 260 alleged offenders were arraigned Tuesday at a special session of the criminal branch of the United States circuit court Tho federal grand jury also handed down 148 additional in- dictments in naturalization fraud casesOnly 150 of tho accused wero ablo to plead during the days session and sentence was suspended in all but fivo casesA plea of guilty was entered by M O Wlcr of Brooklyn whose citizen- shIp ¬ papers wero obtained irregu ¬ larly He paid a fine of 500 A aim ¬ liar plea was also Interposed In be- half of A O Pratt a civil engineer who appeared as WIers witness in tho securing of tho latters papers Pratt paid a fine of 300 Assistant United States District At ¬ tornoy Marx said Tuesday that 1400 certificates of citizenship irregularly secured were surrendered by their holders during tho 30 days beginning August 25 and ending September 25 That tho possessors of fraudulent pa ¬ pers might not suffer tho federal offi ¬ dais allowed 30 days in which they might be surrendered SPECIAL TRAIN DITCHED About 25 Persons Were Injured Some Seriously St Louis Sept 28A passenger train on tho St Louis Iron Moun ¬ tain railroad known as tho Hot Springs special was ditched near Piedmont Mo 125 miles from St Lou Is Tuesday and about 25 persons in ¬ juredA special train brought tho victims to this city whero they wero met by ambulances and taken to the hospital or to their homes Physicians who came back with the injured now state that none of them will die Tho accident was caused by heavy rains of tho past few days which wash ¬ ed away tho earth about the tics Un ¬ der tho weight of tho train the rails spread overturning the cars Tho passengers escaped through tho win ¬ dows UNDER THE CHICAGO RIVER All Tunnels In the City Must Be Al ¬ tered By April 15 1906 Washington Sept 28 Secretary Taft under authority of tho act of congress of April 27 last Tuesday served notices on tho city of Chicago and the street railway companies own- Ing or controlling the tunnels at La Salic Van Buren and Washington streets under tho Chicago river Chi ¬ cago to alter all the tunnels so that there shall bo a depth of water of at least 22 feet over them April 15 1906 is fixed as tho date when the lowering shall bo completed ALLEGED POLL ROOM RAIDED One Man Fell Fifteen Feet and Was Seriously Injured Now York Sept 28ln a raid on an alleged pool room and bucket shop in 42d street by agents of tho antipolicy society and the police Tuesday ono man in seeking to evade arrest was seriously injured by falling 15 feet to the sidewalk from a window of the room and 11 others wore arrested charged with being accessories to tho crime of grand larceny Tho Injured man is alleged ta kg the principal EMPLOYERS WIN Nino Thousand Workmen Re- turned to Work Without Union Regulations THEY WENT BACK AS INDIVIDUALS They Also Agreed For a Reduction in Pay From 10 to 20 Per Cent Three Branches of the International Harvester Works and the Pullman Co Reopened Their Shops After a Shut Down Chicago Sept 27Ntno thousand men returned to work without union regulations of any sort Monday when tho three Chicago branches of tho In ternational harvester works and tho Pullman Co reopened their shops aft or a shut down of two weeks Tho men not only returned to their former places as Individuals but they also agreed to reductions In pay of 10 to 29 per cent Before tho shut down the International harvester works rec- ognIzed tho labor unions but with tho announcement of a resumption of work Monday came tho statement that tho company would not renew Its agreement with tho trades unions and that the plants would bo operated on a basis of 57V hours a week Instead of 54 with no Increase In wages Tho men accepted tho ultimatum of tho company without any serious man ¬ ifestation of discontent and all of the old employee who could obtain work accepted tho new regulations i Monday night a call was Issued for a special meeting of representatives of all unions having members employ ¬ ed by the International Harvester Co to consider tho conditions at tho threo plants but the general belief IB that tho men will remain at work under tho now conditions The case of the employes of tho Pullman Co Is different from that of the harvester company Inasmuch as tho Pullman Co has Ignored all trades unions since the strike In their plant In 1S94 Tho Pullman Co announced Monday that it would reopen its shops but at a wago reduction of 10 to 20 per cent Less than 2000 workers were given their former positions but theso men willingly accepted tho de- crease in pay and several thousand of tho former employes left tho yards of tho company Monday night bitterly disappointed because they could not icturn to work even at tho reduction In wages It Is the intention of the Pullman Co to have Its plant In full operation by next Monday Work was resumed Monday only in the car re- pair shops WHY HE FIRED THE STORE Said It Would Give Work to Many In Replacing the Stock St Louis Sept 27 According to statements by tho police William WIl kle who Monday surrendered himself has confessed that ho had tried to burn tho Lammert Furniture Cos store on August 8 Tho nro resulted In a loss of 80000 Wllkie who calls himself a socialist Is an employe of tho Lammert Co Wllklo told the po ¬ lice that he tried to burn tho store for tile reason that It would give work to many men In replacing tho stock RELEASED FROM JAIL Thos Haggerty Bernard Flaherty and John Noon Go Free Parkersburg W Va Sept 27 Judgo John Jackson In tho United States court Monday dismissed the chargo of contempt against tho miners and others arrested recently at tho mine of the Pcnna Consolidated Coal and Coko Co of Preston county and released from jail Thomas Haggerty Bernard Flaherty and John Noon who wore confined In default of ball to await their hearing Tho charge was technically incorrect Auto and Street Car Collide Plttsburg Sept 27A collision be- tween W L DIxons automobile and an Avalon street car Monday evening resulted In the serious Injury of W L DIxon James Wilson and Oeorgo E Turner DIxon and Wilson will be lamod for life- Cotton Growers Meet St Louis Sept 27Moro than COO cotton men attended tho convention of the southern cotton growers which met In tho palaco of agriculture Pres- Ident ¬ Harvlo Jordan of tho Southern Cotton Growers Protective associa ¬ tion presided Their Wages Reduced Monossen Pa Sept 27At tho Na ¬ tional tlnplate works of tho American Sheet and Tinplato Co Monday tho tonnage men of the hot mills signed a new scale effective October 1 which provides for a reduction of 12tJ per cent Union Iron Works Sold San Francisco Sept 27Tho Union Iron works one of tho properties of tha former United States shipbuilding corporation was sold at public auc ¬ tlon Monday by order of tho federal court of the district of Now Jersey White Service Restored Richmond Va Sept 27Atter a fight of nine months waged by the while messenger boys the Negro messenger servlco of tho Western Union hero has boon abandoned and the white iwrlci mtprgd I r JAPANESE MOVING r Crossed the Hun River CO Miles Above Mukden on the Way to Tie Pass RUSSIANS FORTIFYING FOKOMAN Tut Shows That Gen Kuropatkln is Preparing to Check tho Flunk Jllg Movement of Japs The Entire Absence of News From Port Arthur It Is Feared Indicates a Closer Blockade ThereCan ¬ nonading at Anlva Mukden Monday Sept 26 by way of Peking Sept 28Tho Russian cav ¬ aIry west of tho railroad report an Important Japanese movement and a threatened attack No change east- ward Is reported Four divisions of Japanese remain at Dontalaputzo threo divisions aro supposed to bo near the Yen tal mino and two others west of them Gen Mlschenko reports that he penetrated to tho Ycntal mines and found only small detachments of Jap- anese there St Petersburg Sept 28Tbe war commission adjourned early Tuesday evening without issuing further news from tho front Tho Mukden telegram to tho Berlin Lokal Anzclgcr retorting that tho Japanese had crossed tho Hun river CO miles nbovo tho city Is believed to refer to scouting parties of Japanese whoso presence there was recorded In the press dispatches of September 26 The movement of Japanese forces on tho Line river which was reported In a dispatch from Gen Saklmroft to the general staff on September 26 Is all the more significant since Sianchan Is tho starting point of roads leading to Tie Pass Mukden and Slnmlnttn Tho announcement that the Russians are fortifying Fakoman 25 miles northeast of Mukden shows that Gen Kbropatkln Is preparing to check tho flanking movement on TIo Pass from the west In ease Slnmlntln should have to bo evacuated Tho entire absence of news from Port Arthur It Is feared Indicates a closer blockade there Hitherto dis ¬ patches from Gen Stoesscl have been coming through semiweekly Tho admiralty has not received any details of tho reported sea light off Anlva at tho southeastern extremity of Sakhalin Tho Vladivostok squad- ron ¬ It Is understood Is still in tho harbor The cannonading at Anlva was probably a Japanese attack on blockade runners- A telegram received here from Da town reporting that reservists are be lag transported along tho Caucasian coast brings tho first Intimation that troops there aro being mobilized There aro only two army corps In tho Caucasus and ono of these havo ap- parently been ordered to tho far east Prlnco SvtatopolkMtrsky was re ¬ ceived In audlenco Tuesday by tho emperor Tho princo will assumo chargo of tho ministry of tho interior September 29 SICK AND WOUNDED JAPS The Number Under Treatment In Ja ¬ pan Is Placed at 45000 Toklo Sept 28 Unofficial esti ¬ mates placo tho number of sick and wounded Japanese soldiers under treatment In Japan at 45000 Tho mil itary hospitals at Toklo Osaka and Hiroshima contain 10000 each Nine thousand have recovered sufficiently to be sent to mountain and health re- sorts Tho system of handling and treating the sick and wounded Is work Ing splendidly and tho death rate Is exceptionally small MAJ THOMAS ADAMS He Was Struck By a Street Car and Died From His Injuries San Francisco Sept 28MaJ Thos Adams C9 assistant Inspector gen ¬ eral at tho Presidio died Tuesday at tho Central Emergency hospital as the result of the fracture of tho skull sus ¬ tained last Saturday night when ho was accidentally struck by a street car lie was a native of Kentucky and a graduate of West Point In point of service ho was tho oldest art- illery officer on tho coast Col Charles Morton Married St Louis Sept 28Col Charles Morton of tho Seventh United States cavalry stationed at Chickamauga Park and Mrs Sabina P Pemberton of Pasadena Cal have been married at the home of Capt F R Rico In this city Cholera In Russia Moscow Sept 28Tho municipal authorities of Moscow on account of tho appearance of cholera at 8amatoff and Nizhni Novgordo have adopted ex ¬ traordinary measures to treat and Iso lute any cases which may break out here Lady Curzons Condition Critical London Sept 28A dispatch from Walmer Castlo to a local news agency says It Is learned on good authority that Lady Curzon has undergone a chango for tho worso and that her con ¬ dition Is critical International Vegetarian Congres- sSt Louis Sept 28Tho fifth Inter- national vegetarian congress opened Tuesday on tho exposition grounds As this was the first congress hold In America tho foreign delegation wa LargeiJJrl rrs + bsmlst + l u This Wav Sinners I 1 If you mire not buying nil your wants of im I will toll you why you should Wo have tho largest cleanest nnii host selected stock of DRY GOODS and SHOES in Madison County The largest and choicest stock of G nOCEltI ES thin side of L > x5nglou and tho cheapest drug store on earth SOME PRICES Gold Medal Flour 1Vashhurn Crosby Co 76c Obelisk Flour Ballard Ballard Co 76c Meal 05C Granulated Sugar 5c Dry Salt Sides 8b Dry Salt Fat Backs 711e Arbucklos Coffee 2 for 250 Other goods in proportion at WELCH7S w d er Ir- Ilww ntw- KJ t tt- c 4I etrrerlrr y ItltKII 1 1< 11 HIM il 1 barn I 14a r Nd4Ml 0E51o SWI IINt11M rd 1KIIKIIKKl Atrl- suU = l5aw Pairs HIOl = 1rlili7U lnllS ej- J minrtt HUM tall > 110 rf I M I wr Pall Tilt HKASOH3 f- tv J iI 11 uakt aiifMlUiinmi rnt r lnl Sl1lbal Ace uiLet IHUUlkH U tnn 11110 VCII W Iilnas OlshI1irrtMff IVI > M tv nlo rtl j JtIl t U 1l of olbrr mat A fo t1 I t4 Iwt lit 1 ornbartf5J11Indrr UaJt ff tke fc r larnri la htdmi Palmt CewI A r J tow a Cell anJ Nat alj4sf r1- M IN IIM s4 l NI1 M1 tI1- v tMtMeteyulld 1 uua rD llilt ltr Uu MI rGr rer 1MIMIr NrMytM ILMIr 5I Coyle HayesM- ain Street Bcrca Ky COL D Q COLSON DEAD Was Taken III With Nervous pro tra tlon and Sank Rapidly Mlddlesboro Ky Sept 8Col D O Colson former congressman from tho Eleventh district and colonel of the Fourth Kentucky regiment during tho SpanishAmerican war died Tues day night at 8 oclock Ho was taken suddenly III Monday evening with nervous prostration and sank rapidly to the end Ho was ono of tho most prominent republicans In the state THE ELKS ORDER Their Property Is Not Exempt From Taxation In Wisconsin Madison WIs Sept 28Tho su ¬ promo court Tuesday rendered a de ¬ cision holding that under Wisconsin laws the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of America is not a bo novolont organization and therefore apy property It holds is not exempt from taxation under tho statutory pro visions exempting benevolent associa- tions ¬ Army Changes Chicago Sept 28Drlg Gen F D Grant relinquished command of tho de- partment of tho lakes hero Tuesday and left for Now York to assumo com mand of tho department of the oast Gen Grant will bo succeeded by Brig Gen Frederick Funston In chargo of tho department of tho Columbia Defective Boilers Condemned Chicago Sept 28Three big plants of tho Pullman works the hammer freight and Calumet shops wore or- dered closed by Chief City Boiler In ¬ spector J C Blanoy who found and condemned 20 defective boilers In the establishments Three Children Cremated Iowa Falls la Sept 28Threo children of Charles N Bird Ruth Edith and Ernest wore burned to death In a fire which destroyed their homo near Robinson this county Mrs Bird was rescued after oho had been badly burned I Mother Dont Suffer With Neuralgia KluMiinatliiin Pains ill thn hack etc ParacMinph relieve and cures such ailment because it 0x < nit the point induciw sweating smith draws out all furor anti tuflum mntion It HoothiM It elms It cures Keep n Ixilttit in your home You- ueellL every daj S K Welch Jr Druggist FOR SALE GOOD M I LOU COW OO llhodus Uonn Ky tf IS HLILDING LOTS in Bons U longing to the John O Free estate SM cinl imliirmnonti to purchaser of ntim tract J P Hicknoll llttrea Ky FOR RENT AN H ROOM HOUSE ou Center Street Good wnll Kanlflii and barn Call on or write to J J Bun anise Itaroa Ky tf A Boys Wild Rldo For Lifo With family around expoetiaft him Jnliloll but thin wonderful medicine Run in ¬ mutant relief and soon cured him lie writes I now shop soundly ovary night Like marvelous euro of I Consumption Pneumonia Hronchitis Coughs Coldn and Grip Provo iU rnatchltvM merit for all Throat and Lung troubles Guaranteed bottles Mta and 100 Trial bottles free at Cant Fed Drug Co + See theI New Dressmaker Over limn Post Office Junt from Lexington with the latest Makes Spoclality ofI WaistsSkirts and Wraps For Ladies Misses and children Mrs Jennie Searcy Bores Ky A Closo Shnvo i Often causes H burning stinging sea nation makes time face rod and sore Parncamph will relieve such troubles instantly Keeps the face smoottundI healthy and prevents InllmmatlonI Moral UsoParAcamphnftrr shaving S E Wolch Jr Druggist Prominent Citizen Assassinated Knoxvlllo Tenn Sept 27Sam De Armond a prominent citizen of Kings- ton the county sent of Roano county Tonn was assassinated by an un known man Monday night while pass ing tho court house at that placo Krats Trial Postponed Butler Mo Sept 27Tho trial of Charles Krats member of the St Lou Is council for bribery was continued again Monday by Judgo Walter W 3 roves because of tho III health of Krati who Is critically sick 0 j

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Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1904-09-29 [p ] Dean of Women and other College Ollicers lire to be seen in their others every morning


Berea and Vicinity


HIIII I I I IFI I I I fffffffBorn Sept 28th to Mr and Mrs

W II Itolx n daughterW A Ppwoll of Sand Gap was a

Borea visitor SaturdayBow A P Smith of Scienco Hill

is in town for a few days

TuesdayinC M See has purchased home in

Lexington Mud will move there soonFears were entertained tho first ol

the week that Marshall Tatum wouldpot live

The filling of tho silo has madebusy times for the farm departmentthe past week

Miss Xannio Baker of Lexingtonis visiting her uncle James L Bakerfor a few days-

P S Dearborn and family returnedTuesday from a three weeks visitwith friends at Butler KyJohn Wagers successful candidate

in rnco for Democratic assessorlately was a Berea visitor TuesdayJames E Hulett has just weathered

a siege of typhoid fever and was intown Sunday for the first time ineight weeks

Willie Dalton has a good positionas clerk in Carnahams generalmerchandise store Akron Neb Hewrites enthusiastically of tho kindtreatment accorded him by all

Crosbysfamousearly this week for Welch Thismeans the lest at a lower prim thanyou have been paying See his adopposite

Win Reynolds of Flat TCiver Mowas married to Miss Jennie Evansof Blue Lick Wednesday Sept 21at 4 oclock at the home of the brideThey left for tho homo of tho groomThursday

An addition of two stories is beingput on tho rear of the building oc ¬

cupied by Pettus store and tho black ¬

smithshop The lower floor will 0-0us by tho Durham meat shopand

upper as a dwelling-A telephone line to Whites

Station branching ofT from thoPaint Lick lino at E T Fishswill have tho following subscribersI C Davis J J Moore JudgeGood loo Leslie Adams These con ¬

nections are all free to town andcounty subscribers A now switchboard is being installed at Paint Lick

D C Fullington wife and daughterarrived Saturday night to visit oldfriends in Berea Jackson and Estillcounties and the old homestead inTenn Mr Fullington made tho raceat the timo of the opening of thoCherokee reservation to settlers andsecured for his share a choice locationnear Kiowa This was 21 years agoand he reports the country as nowwellsettled and prosperous Time

greatest drawback to tho settlers istime scarcity of timber and thatmeans also scarcity of fuel Soft coalis 8 to 10 per ton

For SaleA farm of 70 acres adjoining town

limits on the waters of Silver CreekWell improved Good Buildings callon J P Bicknell Berea Ky

tIItMlIIttlfIIt I I It11I1 H

i College Items


i1It1Mt11IIrII t1ttIII I

The material for the waterworks hasbegun to arrive

Miss Corwiu and Mrs Frost leftTuesday for a visit to Camp Nelson

Wesley Frost will attend Obcrliutho coming year Ho left Mondaymorning

Miss Sadio of Warren 0sister of James Young camo Mondayto enter school

Hiram Miller a student hero lastyear is in tho militia stationed atYellowstone Park Wyo

Sec Giunblo made a buisness tripto Lexington Wednesday to engagestone cutters for the now library build ¬

ingUtiloDulce did not givo up tho

ghost as was first reported A reor ¬

ganization was effected last Fridaynight

WinTosh and John Burdotto arrivedsafely at Lansing Michvudareentered for a years work at thoAgricultural College there-

After tho first of October oxeditorRacer and wife will bo pleased tohave all friends address thom at lOtMuseum St Cambridge Muss

A new J0 horse power bailerhas arrived It will lo installed bebido tho old one which is inadequate


for tho proposed electrical mind heat ¬

ing systems to bo in use in tho nearfutureThe editor would lo pleased to

receive moro nuns items from oldstudents not in Berea A short lettercan contain a great deal of informationfor your friends who read TilECITIZEN

In front of tho Treasurers officeis exhibited splendid specimens oftall corn raised by tho College onpoor land with tho help of agricul ¬

tural science farmer oughtto have his lays educated along agricultural lines

Rev A E Thomson and Dr Ilubhen loft for Williamsburg todayThey will attend anti participate intho Congregational Assn meetingbeginning tonight nnd ending Sat

urday and tho C B ConventionSaturday night to Claudo

DoKaun nnd Miss Ethel IJichardsonstart Friday as delegates from Bereato tho CE gathering

When to See College OfficersThe President Treasurer Secre ¬

tary Dean of Women and otherCollege Ollicers lire to be seen intheir others every morning directlyafter College Prayers at 945

The President amid Mrs Frost nroalso at homo nearly every night at

i half past six and glad to have collegeworkers students or citizens callsocially or on busiuews-


Two Hundred and Sixty Alleged Of-


Arraigned in New York

Now York Sept 28Charged withviolations of tho naturalization laws260 alleged offenders were arraignedTuesday at a special session of thecriminal branch of the United Statescircuit court Tho federal grand juryalso handed down 148 additional in-dictments in naturalization fraudcasesOnly

150 of tho accused wero abloto plead during the days session andsentence was suspended in all but fivo

casesAplea of guilty was entered by MO Wlcr of Brooklyn whose citizen-shIp


papers wero obtained irregu¬

larly He paid a fine of 500 A aim ¬

liar plea was also Interposed In be-half of A O Pratt a civil engineerwho appeared as WIers witness in thosecuring of tho latters papers Prattpaid a fine of 300

Assistant United States District At ¬

tornoy Marx said Tuesday that 1400certificates of citizenship irregularlysecured were surrendered by theirholders during tho 30 days beginningAugust 25 and ending September 25That tho possessors of fraudulent pa ¬

pers might not suffer tho federal offi ¬

dais allowed 30 days in which theymight be surrendered


About 25 Persons Were Injured SomeSeriously

St Louis Sept 28A passengertrain on tho St Louis Iron Moun ¬

tain railroad known as tho HotSprings special was ditched nearPiedmont Mo 125 miles from St LouIs Tuesday and about 25 persons in ¬

juredAspecial train brought tho victims

to this city whero they wero met byambulances and taken to the hospitalor to their homes Physicians whocame back with the injured now statethat none of them will die

Tho accident was caused by heavyrains of tho past few days which wash ¬

ed away tho earth about the tics Un ¬

der tho weight of tho train the railsspread overturning the cars Thopassengers escaped through tho win ¬



All Tunnels In the City Must Be Al ¬

tered By April 15 1906

Washington Sept 28 SecretaryTaft under authority of tho act ofcongress of April 27 last Tuesdayserved notices on tho city of Chicagoand the street railway companies own-

Ing or controlling the tunnels at LaSalic Van Buren and Washingtonstreets under tho Chicago river Chi ¬

cago to alter all the tunnels so thatthere shall bo a depth of water of atleast 22 feet over them April 151906 is fixed as tho date when thelowering shall bo completed


One Man Fell Fifteen Feet and WasSeriously Injured

Now York Sept 28ln a raid on analleged pool room and bucket shop in42d street by agents of tho antipolicysociety and the police Tuesday onoman in seeking to evade arrest wasseriously injured by falling 15 feet tothe sidewalk from a window of theroom and 11 others wore arrestedcharged with being accessories to thocrime of grand larceny Tho Injuredman is alleged ta kg the principal


Nino Thousand Workmen Re-

turned to Work WithoutUnion Regulations


They Also Agreed For a Reductionin Pay From 10 to

20 Per Cent

Three Branches of the InternationalHarvester Works and the Pullman

Co Reopened Their ShopsAfter a Shut Down

Chicago Sept 27Ntno thousandmen returned to work without unionregulations of any sort Monday whentho three Chicago branches of tho International harvester works and thoPullman Co reopened their shops aftor a shut down of two weeks Thomen not only returned to their formerplaces as Individuals but they alsoagreed to reductions In pay of 10 to29 per cent Before tho shut downthe International harvester works rec-ognIzed tho labor unions but with thoannouncement of a resumption ofwork Monday came tho statement thattho company would not renew Itsagreement with tho trades unions andthat the plants would bo operated ona basis of 57V hours a week Insteadof 54 with no Increase In wages

Tho men accepted tho ultimatum oftho company without any serious man ¬

ifestation of discontent and all of theold employee who could obtain workaccepted tho new regulations i

Monday night a call was Issued fora special meeting of representativesof all unions having members employ ¬

ed by the International Harvester Coto consider tho conditions at tho threoplants but the general belief IB thattho men will remain at work undertho now conditions

The case of the employes of thoPullman Co Is different from that ofthe harvester company Inasmuch astho Pullman Co has Ignored all tradesunions since the strike In their plantIn 1S94 Tho Pullman Co announcedMonday that it would reopen its shopsbut at a wago reduction of 10 to 20per cent Less than 2000 workerswere given their former positions buttheso men willingly accepted tho de-

crease in pay and several thousand oftho former employes left tho yards oftho company Monday night bitterlydisappointed because they could noticturn to work even at tho reductionIn wages It Is the intention of thePullman Co to have Its plant In fulloperation by next Monday Work wasresumed Monday only in the car re-pair shops


Said It Would Give Work to Many InReplacing the Stock

St Louis Sept 27 According tostatements by tho police William WIlkle who Monday surrendered himselfhas confessed that ho had tried toburn tho Lammert Furniture Cosstore on August 8 Tho nro resultedIn a loss of 80000 Wllkie who callshimself a socialist Is an employe oftho Lammert Co Wllklo told the po¬

lice that he tried to burn tho storefor tile reason that It would give workto many men In replacing tho stock


Thos Haggerty Bernard Flaherty andJohn Noon Go Free

Parkersburg W Va Sept 27Judgo John Jackson In tho UnitedStates court Monday dismissed thechargo of contempt against tho minersand others arrested recently at thomine of the Pcnna Consolidated Coaland Coko Co of Preston county andreleased from jail Thomas HaggertyBernard Flaherty and John Noon whowore confined In default of ball toawait their hearing Tho charge wastechnically incorrect

Auto and Street Car CollidePlttsburg Sept 27A collision be-

tween W L DIxons automobile andan Avalon street car Monday eveningresulted In the serious Injury of W LDIxon James Wilson and Oeorgo ETurner DIxon and Wilson will belamod for life-

Cotton Growers MeetSt Louis Sept 27Moro than COO

cotton men attended tho convention ofthe southern cotton growers whichmet In tho palaco of agriculture Pres-Ident


Harvlo Jordan of tho SouthernCotton Growers Protective associa ¬

tion presided

Their Wages ReducedMonossen Pa Sept 27At tho Na ¬

tional tlnplate works of tho AmericanSheet and Tinplato Co Monday thotonnage men of the hot mills signed anew scale effective October 1 whichprovides for a reduction of 12tJ percent

Union Iron Works SoldSan Francisco Sept 27Tho Union

Iron works one of tho properties oftha former United States shipbuildingcorporation was sold at public auc ¬

tlon Monday by order of tho federalcourt of the district of Now Jersey

White Service RestoredRichmond Va Sept 27Atter a

fight of nine months waged by thewhile messenger boys the Negromessenger servlco of tho WesternUnion hero has boon abandoned andthe white iwrlci mtprgd I



Crossed the Hun River CO Miles

Above Mukden on theWay to Tie Pass


Tut Shows That Gen Kuropatkln isPreparing to Check tho Flunk

Jllg Movement of Japs

The Entire Absence of News FromPort Arthur It Is Feared Indicates

a Closer Blockade ThereCan ¬

nonading at Anlva

Mukden Monday Sept 26 by wayof Peking Sept 28Tho Russian cav ¬

aIry west of tho railroad report anImportant Japanese movement and athreatened attack No change east-ward Is reported Four divisions ofJapanese remain at Dontalaputzothreo divisions aro supposed to bo nearthe Yen tal mino and two others westof them Gen Mlschenko reports thathe penetrated to tho Ycntal mines andfound only small detachments of Jap-anese there

St Petersburg Sept 28Tbe warcommission adjourned early Tuesdayevening without issuing further newsfrom tho front

Tho Mukden telegram to tho BerlinLokal Anzclgcr retorting that thoJapanese had crossed tho Hun riverCO miles nbovo tho city Is believed torefer to scouting parties of Japanesewhoso presence there was recorded Inthe press dispatches of September 26

The movement of Japanese forceson tho Line river which was reportedIn a dispatch from Gen Saklmroft tothe general staff on September 26 Isall the more significant since SianchanIs tho starting point of roads leadingto Tie Pass Mukden and SlnmlnttnTho announcement that the Russiansare fortifying Fakoman 25 milesnortheast of Mukden shows that GenKbropatkln Is preparing to check thoflanking movement on TIo Pass fromthe west In ease Slnmlntln shouldhave to bo evacuated

Tho entire absence of news fromPort Arthur It Is feared Indicates acloser blockade there Hitherto dis ¬

patches from Gen Stoesscl have beencoming through semiweekly

Tho admiralty has not received anydetails of tho reported sea light offAnlva at tho southeastern extremityof Sakhalin Tho Vladivostok squad-ron


It Is understood Is still in thoharbor The cannonading at Anlvawas probably a Japanese attack onblockade runners-

A telegram received here from Datown reporting that reservists are belag transported along tho Caucasiancoast brings tho first Intimation thattroops there aro being mobilizedThere aro only two army corps In thoCaucasus and ono of these havo ap-parently been ordered to tho far east

Prlnco SvtatopolkMtrsky was re¬

ceived In audlenco Tuesday by thoemperor Tho princo will assumochargo of tho ministry of tho interiorSeptember 29


The Number Under Treatment In Ja ¬

pan Is Placed at 45000

Toklo Sept 28 Unofficial esti ¬

mates placo tho number of sick andwounded Japanese soldiers undertreatment In Japan at 45000 Tho military hospitals at Toklo Osaka andHiroshima contain 10000 each Ninethousand have recovered sufficientlyto be sent to mountain and health re-sorts Tho system of handling andtreating the sick and wounded Is workIng splendidly and tho death rate Isexceptionally small


He Was Struck By a Street Car andDied From His Injuries

San Francisco Sept 28MaJ ThosAdams C9 assistant Inspector gen ¬

eral at tho Presidio died Tuesday attho Central Emergency hospital as theresult of the fracture of tho skull sus ¬

tained last Saturday night when howas accidentally struck by a streetcar lie was a native of Kentuckyand a graduate of West Point Inpoint of service ho was tho oldest art-illery officer on tho coast

Col Charles Morton MarriedSt Louis Sept 28Col Charles

Morton of tho Seventh United Statescavalry stationed at ChickamaugaPark and Mrs Sabina P Pembertonof Pasadena Cal have been marriedat the home of Capt F R Rico Inthis city

Cholera In RussiaMoscow Sept 28Tho municipal

authorities of Moscow on account oftho appearance of cholera at 8 amatoffand Nizhni Novgordo have adopted ex ¬

traordinary measures to treat and Isolute any cases which may break outhere

Lady Curzons Condition CriticalLondon Sept 28A dispatch from

Walmer Castlo to a local news agencysays It Is learned on good authoritythat Lady Curzon has undergone achango for tho worso and that her con ¬

dition Is critical

International Vegetarian Congres-sSt Louis Sept 28Tho fifth Inter-

national vegetarian congress openedTuesday on tho exposition groundsAs this was the first congress hold InAmerica tho foreign delegation waLargeiJJrl rrs + bsmlst+ l


This Wav Sinners I


If you mire not buying nil your wants of im I will toll you why

you should

Wo have tho largest cleanest nnii host selected stock of DRY GOODS

and SHOES in Madison County The largest and choicest stock ofG nOCEltI ES thin side of L > x5nglou and tho cheapest drug store on earth

SOME PRICESGold Medal Flour 1Vashhurn Crosby Co 76cObelisk Flour Ballard Ballard Co 76cMeal 05CGranulated Sugar 5cDry Salt Sides 8bDry Salt Fat Backs 711eArbucklos Coffee 2 for 250

Other goods in proportion at

WELCH7Sw d er Ir-

Ilww ntw-KJ t tt-

c 4Ietrrerlrry ItltKII

1 1< 11 HIM

il 1 barn I14a r




suU = l5aw Pairs

HIOl = 1rlili7U lnllSej-

Jminrtt HUM tall > 110 rf I M I wr PallTilt HKASOH3 f-

tv J iI 11 uakt aiifMlUiinmi rntr lnl Sl1lbal Ace uiLet IHUUlkHU tnn 11110 VCII

W Iilnas OlshI1irrtMff IVI> M tv nlo rtl jJtIl t U 1l ofolbrr mat A fo t1 I t4 Iwt lit 1

ornbartf5J11IndrrUaJt ff tke fc r larnri la htdmi Palmt

CewI A r J tow a Cell anJ Nat alj4sf r1-M IN IIM s4 l NI1 M1 tI1-v

tMtMeteyulld1 uua rD llilt ltr Uu

MI rGr rer 1MIMIrNrMytM ILMIr 5I

Coyle HayesM-

ain Street Bcrca Ky


Was Taken III With Nervous pro tratlon and Sank Rapidly

Mlddlesboro Ky Sept 8Col DO Colson former congressman fromtho Eleventh district and colonel ofthe Fourth Kentucky regiment duringtho SpanishAmerican war died Tuesday night at 8 oclock Ho was takensuddenly III Monday evening withnervous prostration and sank rapidlyto the end Ho was ono of tho mostprominent republicans In the state


Their Property Is Not Exempt FromTaxation In Wisconsin

Madison WIs Sept 28Tho su ¬

promo court Tuesday rendered a de¬

cision holding that under Wisconsinlaws the Benevolent and ProtectiveOrder of Elks of America is not a bonovolont organization and thereforeapy property It holds is not exemptfrom taxation under tho statutory provisions exempting benevolent associa-tions


Army ChangesChicago Sept 28Drlg Gen F D

Grant relinquished command of tho de-partment of tho lakes hero Tuesdayand left for Now York to assumo command of tho department of the oastGen Grant will bo succeeded by BrigGen Frederick Funston In chargo oftho department of tho Columbia

Defective Boilers CondemnedChicago Sept 28Three big plants

of tho Pullman works the hammerfreight and Calumet shops wore or-dered closed by Chief City Boiler In ¬

spector J C Blanoy who found andcondemned 20 defective boilers In theestablishments

Three Children CrematedIowa Falls la Sept 28Threo

children of Charles N Bird RuthEdith and Ernest wore burned todeath In a fire which destroyed theirhomo near Robinson this county MrsBird was rescued after oho had beenbadly burned


Mother Dont SufferWith Neuralgia KluMiinatliiin Painsill thn hack etc ParacMinph relieveand cures such ailment because it0x< nit the point induciw sweatingsmith draws out all furor anti tuflummntion It HoothiM It elms It curesKeep n Ixilttit in your home You-

ueellL every daj S K Welch JrDruggist


GOOD M I LOU COW OO llhodusUonn Ky tf

IS HLILDING LOTS in Bons Ulonging to the John O Free estate

SM cinl imliirmnonti to purchaser ofntim tract J P Hicknoll llttrea



AN H ROOM HOUSE ou CenterStreet Good wnll Kanlflii and

barn Call on or write to J J Bunanise Itaroa Ky tf

A Boys Wild Rldo For LifoWith family around expoetiaft him

Jnlilollbut thin wonderful medicine Run in ¬

mutant relief and soon cured him liewrites I now shop soundly ovarynight Like marvelous euro of I

Consumption Pneumonia HronchitisCoughs Coldn and Grip Provo iUrnatchltvM merit for all Throat andLung troubles Guaranteed bottlesMta and 100 Trial bottles free atCant Fed Drug Co


SeetheINew DressmakerOver limn Post Office

Junt from Lexington withthe latest MakesSpoclalityofIWaistsSkirts

and WrapsFor Ladies Misses and children

Mrs Jennie SearcyBores Ky

A Closo Shnvo iOften causes H burning stinging seanation makes time face rod and soreParncamph will relieve such troublesinstantly Keeps the face smoottundIhealthy and prevents InllmmatlonIMoral UsoParAcamphnftrr shavingS E Wolch Jr Druggist

Prominent Citizen AssassinatedKnoxvlllo Tenn Sept 27Sam De

Armond a prominent citizen of Kings-ton the county sent of Roano countyTonn was assassinated by an unknown man Monday night while passing tho court house at that placo

Krats Trial PostponedButler Mo Sept 27Tho trial of

Charles Krats member of the St LouIs council for bribery was continuedagain Monday by Judgo Walter W3 roves because of tho III health ofKrati who Is critically sick
