citizenship badge work stage 2 team 4

Citizenship Stage 2 Badge Work – Team 4 ( Health) Citizenship Stage 2 - Literacy

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Citizenship Stage 2 Badge Work – Team 4 ( Health)

CitizenshipStage 2 - Literacy

Page 2: Citizenship Badge Work Stage 2 Team 4

What is Literacy ?Literacy is defined as the ability to read and write.

Literacy Facts There are a total of 796 million adults who lack minimum literacy skills and 67.4 million children in the world are out of school.

Today, one in five adults is not literate and two-thirds of them are women.

In Singapore, education is compulsory ever since 2003 and children born after 1st Jan 1996 have to attend national primary school.

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What will happen if there is no literacy skills in society?

There will be:

Poor Social Development, as literacy is a tool of personal empowerment and also for social development.

Low Life Expectancy, there is something in common between literacy and poverty, low life expectancy, and political oppression (E.g. How long a person can live.)

Political oppression (E.g.  human rights violations, surveillance abuse, police brutality, imprisonment, involuntary settlement, stripping of citizen's rights.)

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Literacy & Educational Acts (Slide 1)International Literacy Day - September 8• Reminds international community of the status

of literacy and adult learning globally.

Room to Read - John Wood, founded “Room to Read”,

• A company that built over 13,000 libraries and over 1,550

schools and financially supported 13,500 impoverished (poor) girls in many countries.

• Countries involves Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, India, etc.

• More info can be found on (


(the one in white shirt)

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Stones into school – Founded by Greg Mortenson • Over past 16 years, Greg Mortenson, through his non-profit

Central Asia Institute (CAI), has worked to promote peace through education by establishing more than 130 schools, in remote religions of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

More info can be found on (

Literacy & Educational Acts (Slide 2)

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BBLC (Boys’ Brigade Learning Centre) - Cambodia • Established in 2003, Prayut Village, Puok Commune, Puok District, Siem Reap Province Cambodia.

• The BBLC had been equipped with classrooms, a library, basic sanitation and accommodation facilities and generator to supply the Centre with electricity since it has been constructed.

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