city of antioch (ca) proposal for police oversight commission

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  • 8/14/2019 City of Antioch (CA) Proposal for Police Oversight Commission


    H Or&lncc SrC.ffie ffiafue#E :Sfl+=iScsim l-Tb rifi?,Fr of Antioe4 Catifcnia *art {ris ffidifrffis* ss dtiw** # F+= # aa-E=+ +.q}i:epolicb:

    ta) To gnarde axqoal Sffid*m $f,{&r k'F f* e #e:# &mck*W t* t** {,"ffi ==Ccretifilticn and ArtiEIs Sns" k6sfi ? ef& f*k*e **sti*dkai;{b} }o gnrmtre *p pqffi af ifis krr e *$ &k&d Asaffifuetr * ibscoaetitr*ifi sad.4rticla on*, *wtim ? of fu c*Iifuefe c*u#s*on);&) To e*f,cm* &e riSH of tk prytu t8 sftf {4rt*eie 0*q ffi J trf

    g:laiM $&k*# {elifl:F=:cCm$iettbei;(d) 3o e,*fsrce r*c rig$* of tu pwlrl* :u pcivacry {tut*Ek e*. Sae I *f, & Cal"R*kCss$in$imh{e} Tb e&rce ee p{rbtrc ;mIieiffi of& cf *si:kb ** ffi, oftaf*s#1*nbilks#by privary csrcerci *s @$aera*ed ir tbe k*m@fo* &'mti*a* Asto'tk **lifsr*: F;:blisRccsds Ac* and t& Artirele I Seti*a 3 +f fu C*li&ryb C**:e*a*;ft To prett fu rigbG d peace officess ad frcir cdlec#reinrg fuir rigFfr( nrlltr Sc igb{it polkbf -*q'C4dE

    Serti:aZA Civiiian- Peticc S!rcesigbt Carrrsissim shll be eM m &Iiosts:{e} Fo*r xmrbcrs full h atscFd in t&e ml*c &sxracr and &. &e sarns fue m mmbers mf ih+Asioah Ci$ C*unsil x WeciM ine$ CosBa Cosa Cmnty lemieipal C*de;{h} Sq* ffib6r $Mlfos $dffithy fu mli#tv* begs$Ri Egs#" if aay. repmtiug Ge"*rs*f t&e Affi pnlfue @mrf w&o ue pe*c* cfus ia my lx#rruKr tk mllesiveamgatning aggrf ds*ffiin# is. ffis$rfu vith i& con#nw d/s bybnnq if pea*ecfficm cffu A.lffi plicc deFeffi ar*mrcprffibd bry * e*Ihcdive btrHairriry agent,&em sch pw & r*$ k neen tgr|fiW. ery e drytrm# ftar m Effis t*Itrl 30 dryspricr la s &fs s &r fuim by a'vrli:i$et sdimm &Il be f*i$E*s tc !.{rt* for arcpr*entdire tn ifre *r:umlssfum in ew h bc ksind by lnreisip*l erdiwce; &etsrm of sdd soslcisis @ shslt k fu src as tk ffi frr ry fu mk pf fucowisdsrs.Section 3.the mfuity ddmie of&E Ctvilim*Ffilirn CwrsigE tutustu &li be m&llanrsr{a} Tq rccptm,, and isign dfueretimtn a.@ amd iffimfugc, oaq&ass ftffi tbs p*tic atl*rgc iff|otsbg a@*lms cfpdiae m@{b} To receirq fid in ils disarcticn m adnffi$Rrd;ares*ig$' e{sr$hforl't &om ry officersemploled bry ACid rqrdiq tu &isiffi d ryr*im d&e Anlioc& PsticePganeoq(c) To rccrirrr f,rr iE b dsr*n luves*g* ffi cleiac fuF&nqg poEice ni#. roi:coudw cmctrnirg ee &isiseafion ad ryavisioe offte ^*alio&Foliee l}ryartrce*q(4 To rweive a copy *f alt ffi slnins* fil6d wilh th Cfrf ClE*! ltfai& qikire frld xi& thsAltioeft Potee Deill*over*, erf all filrsuits fu se m*fual ffie ffird rym fu {fity affu*ioch, d nfi grilvres* filed tE officers agefu$ e frffiCIrrs 6 rysaliffiy Swswml" oftbe Antisch Folfue}ryrtm# seish $h*l} bs prcvidaS s ibe Clwiseim rrehfo lhkqf fi*]

    cakndmdayq(e) To *ilire &E s*rvfus afths Sstinsh ?clim srywtrrffi mditr s hire {as wplqles ur misdfryeilfut sril*rams ac aee&d) Privae lffiEsfigmrs effil$Ed Q, ib tsixw of $wsrity &

  • 8/14/2019 City of Antioch (CA) Proposal for Police Oversight Commission


    fnctt- k'ri= dfu ftligr** Deg# *.w.m F5*==- === ======:=-,p To iiu fr ofuad fu fu sr*Es lf *#gr4ks= #cmC *=:=::.== =-=====i==ngrrfrit cryErE, EFEir kffi*m.W* # *Es f"xss= rye = ::+- ===cist ffi b*s*igs$s ofco*ry# as ryeM *e dadire {+i e# qe}. *F*e;69 To hid lffiry ta tuis e**s #y Fsl&e* ry tr e*g t*c'*fe"rys# #g@E stu policc drp*5n*t fog viesd wg larre $:cs *r tqrlMEm r#ie$ t* k p+E"-eeeprueuC(h} r" =ubq*ra and mquire the mdmre *f wi&ffiw, *ed &e p#a*4* s+'* ad g*E=prtineut to *e fufu*igati*:r ascl gs +fui*lEaer "*q*kc tu es* +===:== :+ ** e*enep.missiblebYlm;{i} b" *gIHm'sE&; Ifs'*-*ft#iffnF ffi}ES fiikg**w resrd*s$ piie*" *5lis${:d*etinctudicg 511t st lisdfcd to rewenddlms f's dweg s $eig*i*e *f t* slak*&l$ilEliq ** **pfoy* gienrqfllffi ffi ** *Fftr 6fu;stg?ss Strr ff,for b fu eic5Cmcih0) To reftr sr*. maams tbet ths f,rwlissicn snnc *e *ri*l#i*ns e}f bm e fu Sise'i6tAss*y oi** eu*ry afcsea ka, s e* *rxwy Cwal ef tle fus sf felif+mia"

    @.d/o{ to tu F#al it** of f11yestiga*ffi a#is EJeiM $w kpwxlt ef &i= ic}rrceercloaL To uo& rf'rffic ro fu prefic F'l b &e r*s oeda ay Tt ,erials *i1fo? tF r*=:*- *leFrb, dt ffhi i* f'E* A.d i cnc#rin ri& tu A*bch Citl' A::coeya o .{!sl frdQa.rcd IcgI "trr"E{ fu a #' cptoie if dcracd. wy to F#t1trc ,ieFt ofrb psfo a idoiation uecessary t* Ae *ffiioois! of a &et +*d cFR:l scissr-Seim 4

    Ia naking desisb*s reg6ding &a biring or contrdsttug *'f investigative pryt*nnei *::* arxitiay assis*E=:s-&e CaEsmi*siatt sheq csffTtlt:

    Tks cslle*ive b*rugising repftssfidive for ee Aatioce Fdics DcpartanenqtBa Cootra Csst" C0rsfir; Crfufu-lFeesso lffisiigffis Affi*saiffi {tr my }pcal sirs:isafefus* irrvmrigffis ascciation[The tr)isfricr lxrcetors md Digict flotffiols *f *hc calif,unia s.ssscifitioe of Lic*ns*dhtesfiggtors rwiiting *ifhfu &e C"orsfy af fr*ffia Cmb;Th;;E*S* ktg*ti"S ttp*--r#f-* frr kwigeffis ry$ry bv- tb-*ft* *f tlrcC.*rry p-blirf*6ig4 &4. &* Omo af*s AlE"ffi !\ftXio lleends SarvhAnv oiher sssfii*ior q. esisu $hieh ia ths diss[$e* sf&e fimmisBlm wcul* *+ s*mmry;i;d;;g;og Hd"d;.ffi.d"g kdt*ro deffiroine tu. co@ene,ba&roun4n-1"fuS "--ftfi*oq rq[il#"o" eAn"tn*, mrluqedw of d*ry erensil ryt$-Sectign5"ta) Tbe Frryto of Anriach ihshre tb it i5 fu s*s6 Faffiuy to mM tuff*igF*i@s ed te F{8Mttbe ligb of &e FEblic to fre greffi "mm{*itU*" -US;:"O$" Pdes? is in#sffiisedt wi$! *t*socioiogical phwrca tm.*u d* re cf $ifgs{s' MffidtS twE, pem Efuh Te #Sse tke:esgfts of tbo *Code of SiI# ro &e gre# enw pw.r]b}e, po*lrryA wlm dralt h &trid'k sad:u,esider:d b7 tu Cocmisen in pcdfteiag a= ^** "6rs 6c Ftl.g-ttrG uizd as e fuvestigatiYebl*lb&frisg{rdiG

    The po$grap&i$ tsely ard vrtu*arilytakenfA- i"fibr:* iu rfrrriniqrsed fu a Frivab lffiresrigstr ticm*ed by-tb6 Blrlra* of $ecarity *ndisve*i#[d Services of &e Catifsrria Deparment rf Consuper A&*sThe pfiygrryhsr is crtifid byth Ansricau Pclygr# Ass$cidtim and&e }'I*issa[ ?olygraFhAssocidion




  • 8/14/2019 City of Antioch (CA) Proposal for Police Oversight Commission


    {.-bi }*t ofrg. eryh')ed by fu Aaffi P*Es @ *s =Rq;** iE- =:i-= tr: -1=-=:?ffi 4":-;"ob* pit1 a "g;gl&* *g*aiss*4 or {s & sge # g.se1====:-e*: + *e Fe* ffi+ss *=jE +-5R*F- '"iAry civilias victim rn#or rnliE*ess whw shre arc c,digd;'4= a gl:*su:e =S;-=. a'-=*i =i:rrjscn&d andlar by peane afficer wihnssm e s* *'=x:=:=+fi fue **cis#* ia e=i*:*g, af** *i?+*x'*ng;

    {1) the Pease $ffiff$tr ef Rig@ pr,ne*#s fu *6gl}rt*e,ffise eLq& fufug e p{pffi *ffiom"tl: ;*k* *p*lYgr4htZl i'offin eiriden*,e is adrci-ssihSe *a C*n:misicn if tbe p*f=$ry3 is tu*te :*4volrmmilyuh*(jl A "t*U* *ln*o ka$ ths riSS to pmcure xqtd sMto fu Clmmimfuee$"Iy$rytu rst[*

    g*$3ey ermffiifig' $tls i$ " C"m*la lieensed griysts :nvgligatsr with sryti$ffEStsns koe ?heAm*pican [email protected];sioq {ASA} aad he Nstisaat Fot}grspb. Asocia*is* {}tFAi- "ens)ramiffiitr]s ii"g h* caqdrxM ip sfrsordem wi& tbe *$tasdarls q$Fr**iqs'and *C*dr +fEthid cftu AP.A- r'{4} Ira wi&cs i* indigent a*d cmnac ei?-sd their *vrn 5*$pa$. drs ealrffie"sise w*l arrmga apa'lYgrEPh eJrasrinalioa for ihest

    (c) If a civilizn w:tnss is iliterare, S Conrrr.helru sbn sail-!' a$vtrse ile wit8sss of lile foregciagfr6, sbil q recsd fre afuositi

  • 8/14/2019 City of Antioch (CA) Proposal for Police Oversight Commission


    ry*.(fu iEE$d86txs as-igt=d b |k ki:sb sr'E b tE6i'd *, =:5;43= s:* :*r-==P csrEnEs STimind&eas undlaspace*rimsi*d-F$ iq* ==-.t =h--.:eftnse coffsrwo* retrde ponce *isco&id ciyi .lgi*= *estig =

  • 8/14/2019 City of Antioch (CA) Proposal for Police Oversight Commission


    Catgsiac and 6134 of tbc d&o&fils :*ge Af*e s:"g*- Wk +: # E= = 1-E*=r-.r=. -E:= ==;ggg FE= ==.E=wmogfully coErvicte4 the figrres bc@e eq:.*a ss* ry"dfogb g[if*- We * = =--== =::+= ry3=:==:=-=== f_==-*v=:=hese diryrities fiom_rcE$ring. Y4_u: *ee w*g sf {"s *swe* **p=555 *q,e"**5x*xe-*, *:*= ===.=E# =vinujly nonc oftlemhaB everhcard ofthe ?-ili grridcl&r- E**aI*a*e*m*me;r*ffiewe *c***deg$ *s*4*gt*d E==-G*ting to tfuc point of"datrble b3iatr u** ".@rd.**qrffis5* 3**tt+*+a B=r+w5*q =H*= e* fu=_-=E====== =*"sra*ticq is $&flE we really need to be * lssss ** tile is**sffit ers dffirtd ed ee g-q*?ry . = ==r=s=r= a*ouvictedTh* 1999 gprfdelin*s for eye*'ibess idffisi**s lalhi*=h e*w pr*xn*iaae*{5 by a tasF; ekr** ge*x**i+rsa$r cnfarcemat, and othwsthrryghoEt thc $dtsd States t+&i*h :s*'de.*d *&*a-*=**g*! Jnsr*t Reg*== r-q*GdcsiF tedurigues hnip prevmt iems idcgtifimi**s *?deh led ts, ths ss*\riag*E *f:b* ie*ses! =c thq ganlty $*iog fte* {all too rnany mses slarsd a*er so$vistifir amd prknn sfrtencg$ by g}Hrt rawits were basss oid{trtifications and m*imy}I havc built ree bmic vahre judgeab iats &is propost For ae" rc*k s=d fij= =-=== +ff**= jesr1,public scruriny ovq tlcir owa grievmm witb mesge{nerrr to grotect tfogm ton unci':a intjssilc b:. ibad politicians" For tirb rcdptt, i hanc baifr b regresentatioc 6r tte ofrccrs ftcrtrseh.e$ aod erpadcd th:cop sf tfte'lnlicc manmissios" tc imlsde ur&arity b irldiga*s md addres$ tgec gri*va***. Asat;*judgment fs reryect far tlrc vetrs' dght to slsct sommissipr, nembErs aad by-pa*s *e mag*ral-*ouncxysms inthe nsual comrnisic*-Cartais espe'ts af *is Brwpceat a6o whc g*s hired rs cas&rgiev+stigatiors arud h*rc th*y *r* t+ betratm*bas*d upon thc simple fact fihat polic* deprmmx amn*t ths fibuutnin* clf all wisdom- pilsate f*v*stigabrs havbaini*g ad diftreat approacbes" often gaind after a ftffer in law enfercemsal A combiuatiango tfte ieve*fgnrion ir bg M. a ffi*xt*onni$sion will hai,r* b*t& *q$c* *a gstva* inveseigatoEs r**by side in a &arato g+t tbe b*st *f sn wcrlds-The xquir+nasqt thaf vistiw of Informgim. Fractices Act vi,oldkrns b* sst[fied acd qsesris{rsd sesr$s tikebut &e tAfF bad tn's Lieutcu@t$ "'iuvwtiga&" illicif ascss$ to persocal rsaords CIf mrcr ?SS pensoand aanr-Sovsnor Amsld $cfuxwrre**ggr isdudCId)" lvi&olrt svcf, bs{ks*}g * insm cr questi*x t}tlad they done s*1, they wryuld &air,*lcar*ed tbnt the dlegal aceunsnnnn by ao LAPD invcstigntor 6f my horaeoinctdedwi& $wastiler$ eefugF{iuftsd c*ry eaq ebviorrs* sr*mract ktr-

    AffiIrgE^&tl*ffi*.*rn&-T*rk&-ffid fuSrFfrm*udE Yailry#fwtk* *rydts@d&eti{rli@I egrn@' erTYs*tg, Scr**I Fs-fred&st d tirbe@$66 ky Br{!.f ,f 6GI{44tr, Gief {ftil nkHs f*re@$rlbr rk C*" I"SIAC Cis* R*gsCoaonissiea, Bolrd mrmbcr of theAled.r Cmiihr .bfu C*r$liae", sdftnss FM Ifffi Frr*st & SusreRighe $ffiffi of Tk msrryWr SddI.or$ 69.

    For further infolreation:J"B" Tnskcr & S,suciatrsF.*. Hex 433 Termn*e CA 9fl50&*433Teh 3l0,SlAgSS Far: 31t!.6I8.195$janbfueker@*