city of gatineau

City of Gatineau CNS project Data acquisition and operational architecture

Upload: dylan-copeland

Post on 01-Jan-2016




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City of Gatineau. CNS project Data acquisition and operational architecture. CNS proposed architecture. Use internal software to manage the 911 phone number database. Use in-house phone capabilities to issue the CNS calls (PRI lines). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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City of Gatineau

CNS project

Data acquisition and operational architecture

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CNS proposed architecture Use internal software to manage the 911

phone number database. Use in-house phone capabilities to issue

the CNS calls (PRI lines). Utilize GIS functionalities to validate

address structure found in the 911 phone number database by creating aliases.

Providing strict guidelines and user profiles for CNS services.

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Type of emergencies to use CNS

Any situation that may effect the life, the security or the health of Gatineau’s population. Storms Chemical plume / contamination Water related hazard Extreme weathers (cold or hot) Epidemic / Pandemic Other life or health threatening situations Other security measures

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CNS – Step 1Reception / Validation of 911 database

First time Reception of database estimated to more than

120 000 numbers for Gatineau from 3 sources (Bell / Videotron / Rogers) but mainly from Bell. Phone number and address is sufficient.

Validation of address structure and creation of aliases.

GIS geo-positioning on the addresson the address and not the X-Y coordinates provided by some carriers.

Addition to 911 database (Street number). Creation of a new GIS layer for the phone


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CNS – Step 1Reception / Validation of 911 database

Database update Reception of new, modified or deleted

numbers from the 3 same sources on a daily or weekly basis.

Automated mechanism for validation of address structure and creation of aliases.

Automated GIS geo-positioning Automated addition to database (Street

number) Adding the numbers to the GIS layer

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CNS – Step 2Extraction and messaging

Defining the sector Extracting the numbers from the

GIS layer. Issuing a phone list Creating a message Include the message to the list Generate de CNS calls (locally or


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Validating the street names

911 Database addresses Our naming structure Our street number

Marguerite-Bourgeois Marguerite-Bourgeoys 2162

Marguerite D’Youville Marquerite-D’Youville 2160

Jeande La Fontaine Jean-de la Fontaine 379

Jean de la Fontaine Jean-de la Fontaine 379

Rue Bourgeau N Bourgeau Nord 42

Rue Bourgeau S Bourgeau Sud 43

Bourgeau Bourgeau Nord 42

Elizabeth O Elisabeth Ouest 1834

Elizabeth E Elisabeth Est 1833

Elisabeth Elizabeth 127

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Our street structure


Cities are the only governing bodies for issuing and naming streets.

We have to cleanse the 911 database each time data is downloaded before it can be use in a CNS system with GIS address positioning. Therefore we request that the 911 database (addresses and numbers only) be maintained locally in our GIS system.

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Our street structure

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Defining a sector for CNS

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Extracting the numbers

12 Rue Arbutus,81968212005 Rue Forest,81968218106 Rue Forest,81968438129 Rue Forest,819684711210 Rue Forest,819684279711 Rue Forest,819684380811 Rue Forest,819684565513 Rue Forest,819682984313 Rue Forest,819684449914 Rue Forest,819682553916 Rue Forest,819684945617 Rue Forest,819684539519 Rue Forest,819682877621 Rue Forest,819685021322 Rue Forest,819682855124 Rue Forest,8196852348

26 Rue Forest,81968292883 Rue Lake,81968439645 Rue Lake,81968508155 Rue Lake,81968508156 Rue Lake,81968473107 Rue Lake,81968509238 Rue Lake,81968502539 Rue Lake,819684003410 Rue Lake,819684905611 Rue Lake,819685205712 Rue Lake,819684440814 Rue Lake,819682003615 Rue Lake,819682186517 Rue Lake,819684682518 Rue Lake,819685193419 Rue Lake,8196850085

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Creating a message

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Issuing the CNS

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Issuing the CNS

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911 extraction

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Issuing the CNS

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After calls are issued, a detailed and statistical report are generated for every CNS.

By providing the 911 database on a regular basis without the names, we believe that the confidentiality issue is addressed.