cl1400 miranda and subtypes 2016

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  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    CL 1400 Miranda class Light Cruiser and subtypes

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    RH 1350 Anton Heavy Research essel!"riginally classi#ied as a Light Cruiser$ Research$ the Anton %as #irst co&&issioned in '''($ during the period )no%n as *+he ,reat A%a)ening-!

    .t %as intended to be in the #ore#ront o# that e/pansion e##ort! At that sa&e ti&e$ tar#leet %as itsel# e/panding in response to the changing and

    gro%ing goals o# the 2 political$ econo&ic$ and territorial!+o &eet that de&and #or a larger #orce$ the MC authorised appropriations #or the develop&ent and testing o# hundreds o# vessel types$ see)ing a

    path#inder design to base subse6uent types on! +he Anton %as one o# these e/peri&ents!At that ti&e$ ship design concepts %ere rapidly evolving and beco&ing &ore sophisticated! +he technologies involved %ent through a revolution$

    and advances in all #acets ca&e so rapidly that &any ships %ere obsolete even be#ore co&pletion!+he Anton %as changed no #e%er than 1' ti&es be#ore tooling and &achining began! 7ven so$ the ship re6uired alteration during trials and sa%

    &any &ore changes a#ter co&&issioning!

    8hen #irst launched$ the class had a 39year standard duration$ %ith resupply re6uired at 19year intervals$ sharply li&iting their e/ploratory &ission!+hey could not get &ore than : &onths travel ti&e #ro& a supply source$ and there#ore could only advance as #ast as the #rontier e/panded! ;y

    ''50$ all %ere either deco&&issioned$ or selectively re#it to various Miranda con#igurations! ;ratain$ Lantree$ Lincolns9clothing! As designs crystalli?ed$

    thin)ing changed$ and the urya class #rigate %as authorised #or that role$ #reeing the ne%ly9na&ed Miranda class cruiser #ro& those e/pectationsand &ission re6uire&ents$ but the hull shape and basic design %as retained #or both classes! +he original speci#ications %ere so&e%hat &odi#ied #or

    use as the urya$ &ostly de9e&phasi?ing research space!+he Miranda version %as &odi#ied &ore e/tensively #ro& the original plans$ using the transverse bay as the cargo bay and replacing the #or&er port

    shuttle bay %ith labs and sensory and co&puter capacity!ince the Miranda %as co&&issioned three &onths earlier than the urya$ in epte&ber o# ''44$ the overall class %as na&ed Miranda$ rendering

    urya a subtype o# Miranda! +his %as in contrast to the Constitution #a&ily$ %here the tole&y and several other related classes are re#erred to as

    Constitution design #a&ily$ since all derived #ro& the sa&e pro@ect$ despite other classes co&&issioning prior to the Constitution! +he Mirandadesign *#a&ily- is one o# happenstance$ not intent!

    CL 1400 Miranda

    2R 1=50 urya

    +his %as the largest class o# starships to be constructed by the 2ederation prior to the Agilis A =55 class! +he design o# these ships is relativelysi&ple and the class as a %hole is )no%n #or its e/cellent record o# operational reliability! +hese ships %ere used e/tensively as convoy escorts in

    the ''50s and '':0s because o# their design si&ilarity to tole&y ++ 3=019class transporttugs! +%enty9seven o# these #rigates %ere assigned to

    the tar 2leet Reserve 2orce in ''53 and re&ained under 7R2 @urisdiction until '':4! +%enty9t%o ships 2R 1=:09=1 %ere uprated bet%een

    ''(39(( to #or& the Avenger 2H 1=:0 heavy #rigate class! +he re&aining 1: ships %ere gradually assigned lesser tas)s as starships o# the Baran

    22 3'01 and no/ 2R 1D40 classes began entering service!

    ClassE Construction o# these #rigates %as originally proposed in Fove&ber ''3=! tar 2leet %as see)ing to procure a large nu&ber o# &ediu&9si?e

    starships to patrol borderspace areas! +his de#initive &ission pro#ile %as assigned to the later Agilis9class peri&eter action ships! ;ureau o#

    pacecra#t design criteria re6uired that the ships be si&ple$ easy to &aintain$ and ine/pensive to operate! "riginally (' ships oi the approved design%ere authori?edG this nu&ber %as reduced to '= on 15 Fove&ber ''41! 7leven additional ships %ere authori?ed t%o &onths be#ore construction

    began! +hirty9t%o ships %ere co&pleted in ti&e to see action in the 2our ears 8arG 2R 1=5095:$ 1=5D9:'$ and 1=::9(5 all sa% e/tensive action

    during the con#lict! +he ralaya 2R 1=55 %as destroyed near ;eta Aurigae in ''4D by lingon9allied %arships!

    Classi#icationE +hese ships %ere originally classi#ied as #rigates 2R 1=5091D'1 on 1: April ''40G #inal nu&ber o# vessels authori?ed %as 3D$

    approved on 14 Ianuary ''4' and assigned hull nu&bers 1=509==!

    +he Resolution %as originally authori?ed as 2R 1=50G reassigned hull nu&ber 1=(( in Bece&ber ''41 so as to place her at the end o# theprocure&ent list!

    BesignE +he e/ternal design o# these ships is based on the tole&y class! .nternally$ ho%ever$ these ships are very di##erent$ %ith a pronouncede&phasis on &odular asse&bly and &ass production! All &a@or co&ponents and their respective integrated syste&s %ere e/haustively tested in

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    the starship Resolution be#ore co&pletion o# the JleadJ ship! +he Resolution %as a Betroyat BH 11009class heavy destroyer chosen to be the

    testbed #or the urya #rigate design as a cost9saving &easure! +he Resolution %as uprated again in ''(4 to Avenger speci#ications!

    All but the #irst #ive ships o# this class %ere originally e6uipped %ith Buotronic co&puter syste&s 2R 1=50953 and 1=(( %ere out#itted %ith

    Monotronic syste&s %hen builtG they had Buotronic syste&s installed in ''50 and ''51! Buotronic ... syste&s %ere #itted in 2R 1=50954$ 1=5:9

    5D$ and 1=='9== during ''(:9(D!

    +he original co&ple&ent %as to have been '=5 44 o##icers K'41 cre%! +his %as increased in the design phase to 3'0! All ic)ers9built ships

    including the three re&aining active ones %ere designed %ith additional berthing #acilities allo%ing a co&ple&ent o# 335!

    +he +ac2leet ship Foshiro$ built by 7&press pacecra#t Besign$ has subtly di##erent di&ensions and is s&aller than the other ships at 135$000

    &etric tons standard! he also carries sophisticated tactical and %ar#are counter&easures e6uip&ent!

    urya class ships %ere designed %ith J@ointedJ engine support pylons$ giving the& an additional e/plosive bolt location #or %arp engine e@ection!

    All 1: o# these ships are o#ten grouped %ith the si&ilar Coventry 2R 1'30 class in #orce level discussions!

    ;uildersE All ne%9build ships o# this class %ere constructed %ithin nine 7arth9years! even di##erent construction #ir&s 10 di##erent yards %ere

    contracted$ %ith the 7&press and odiac #acilities per#or&ing Class "ne starship construction #or the #irst ti&e!

    8eaponsE +hese ships %ere originally e6uipped %ith '1!5 7 dilithiu& laser e&place&ents 4 ban)s! +hese %ere replaced %ith the current

    phaser ar&a&ent beginning in ''55! +he Foshiro %as to have received a R.F9: phaser syste& a#ter her assign&ent to +ac2leet in ''5D! lans to

    install the syste& %ere dropped later that yearG i&proved counter&easures e6uip&ent %as installed instead!

    Fo&enclatureE 2R 1=(: %as originally na&ed .ndo&itableG %as rena&ed Far +a) hir on 04 Ianuary ''4(!

    Number Name Builder Laid Down Launched Commissioned

    NCC-1'50 %urya )ic#ers %hi*buildin+ ,rou* Ltd. New London. /n+land. /arth 1( ar 22"2 12an22"" 1" Dec 22""NCC-1'%1 llusi!e )ic#ers %hi*buildin+ ,rou* Ltd. New London. /n+land. /arth 1& Dec 22"3 21 %e*t 22"5 10 ar 22"$NCC-1'52 Antrim %tar leet Di!ision. Baltic 4ards. Lenin+rad. /arth 03 eb 22"" 15 No! 22"5 0$ ay 22"$NCC-1'53 Durmito! %tar leet Di!ision. Baltic 4ards. Lenin+rad. /arth 2$ une 22"" 360 ar 22"$ 1" %e*t 22"$NCC-1B5" 7anaris )ic#ers %hi*buildin+ ,rou* Ltd. New London. /n+land. /arth 1( Au+ 22"" 12 ay 22"$ 30 No! 22"$NCC-1'55 8ralaya %tar leet Di!ision. %an rancisco 4ards. /arth 10 A*r22"5 0' an 22"& 13 une 22"&NCC-1'5$ 9ashira %tar leet Di!ision. %in+a*ore Na!al 4ards. /arth 10 A*r22"5 12 eb 22"& 1( uly 22"&NCC-1'5& Andalucia %tar leet Di!ision. %in+a*ore Na!al 4ards. /arth 1(:uly 22"5 0$ A*r 22"& 13 %e*t 22"&NCC-1'5' Brilliant %tar leet Di!ision. %in+a*ore Na!al 4ards. /arth 1& %e*t 22"5 2' une 22"& 23 Dec 22"&

    NCC-1'5( Thetis %es#on Trella 6%tarcra;t Desi+n %ection. Cha+ala. Tellar %D "5&'0$ %D "&$10' %D "&('0"NCC-1'$0 A!en+er )ic#ers %hi*buildin+ ,rou* Ltd. New London. /n+land. /arth 12 No! 22"5 1( Au+ 22"& 03 eb 22"'

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    NCC-1'$1 Coura+eous )ic#ers %hi*buildin+ ,rou* Ltd. New London. /n+land. /arth 1& No! 22"5 1$%e6

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    +he verdlov 2R 1'3= %as lost %ith &ini&u& cre% aboard on stardate 40''! he %as conducting per#or&ance evaluations #or the #ailed ;951series %arp units %hen the engines redlined and ble% apart! ubse6uent tar 2leet .n6uiry ;oard deter&ined the cause to be #aulty seals in several

    anti&atter contain&ent bottles!

    Classi#icationE 2R 1'3093D %ere originally classi#ied as heavy #rigates 2H 1'3093DG they %ere changed to #rigates on 30 Fove&ber ''44! 2R1'40943 %ere ordered as #rigates!

    BesignE +hese ships %ere built to an i&proved urya class design %ith superior %arp geo&etries$ advanced co&puter syste&s and greater

    e&bar)ed cra#t capacity! +he designs o# the no/$ Baran$ and Avenger classes are based on e/trapolations Jo#

    the Coventry and urya #rigate designs! Coventry class ships have their ;94( series %arp engines &ounted on short support pylons %hich #eeddirectly into the pri&ary hull! +his engine location creates a s&aller %arp bubble in hyperspace and provides so&e%hat better acceleration ti&es!

    +he co&puter installations %ere assigned to the various shipbuilders by tar 2leet %hile still in the contracting phase o# develop&ent! Buotronic ..

    syste&s or their e6uivalent are no% provided basic Buotronic syste&s %ere #itted %hen built! +hese units %ere surpassed %hen the 5uryas %ere

    bac)#itted %ith a Buotronic ... upgrade! Also$ the installation o# three &ar)edly di##erent co&puter syste&s by #our contractors caused so&e

    proble&s %ith ship9to9ship co&puter co&&unications that too) so&e ti&e to correct! +he hangar dec)s in the #irst ten ships are 45 &eters long$ '5

    &eters %ide$ and D!5 &eters highG in 2R 1'4094' the hangar dec)s are 4= &eters long$ '3 &eters %ide$ and 11 &eters high! +hese ships can

    acco&&odate as &any as 30 &ediu&9si?e cra#t under certain conditions! +he .ndus %as designed %ith one large hangarG each o# her bay doors

    opens into the sa&e &assive landing hangar co&ple/! Her cra#t capacity is co&&ensurately larger!

    ! 8eaponsE +his class %as #itted %ith a highly integrated net%or) o# de#ensive syste&s! +he JCla% "neJ #ire control unit and JLyn/J %eapon syste&are co&panion designs$ each inoperable %ithout the other! +hese %ere to have been &ated %ith the rentice9cha#er entry rotective 7nvelope

    7 progra&$ but repeated delays in the delivery o# that syste& #orced the installation o# the considerably less9sophisticated J;9entryJ design! A

    retro#it o# the ignaal9designed JCorvus ++OJ de#lector progra& %as considered in ''5D$ but %as decided against a#ter ;ureau o# pacecra#t

    inspections indicated that the J;9entryJ units %ere per#or&ing ade6uately! +he Ashanti %as test ship #or the M) '0 J7&perorJ series MBC

    &ulti9directional phaser cannon! A single unit$ installed #ro& '':D to ''(4$ %as &ounted above the shipNs i&pulse engines!

    Moderni?ationE 7ight Coventrys %ere &oderni?ed during '':19 :' to i&prove their AB anti9ship de#ense capabilities see

    listing! A olt Jselective9targetJ de#lector spire and e/tended9range sensors %ere installedG the Constant %as additionally #itted

    %ith RL series energy absorption plates on her pri&ary hull! lans to &oderni?e the #ive re&aining ships %ere cancelled in early


    Current speci#ications o# Coventry classE

    Bisplace&entE 150$000 &etric tons standard 141$000&t light$ 15:$000&l #ull loadFCC91'34$ 1'1($ 1'3D$ 1'40E 14=$D00 &etric tons standard 140$000 &t light$ 155$500 &t #ull load

    "verall ri&ary Hull FacellesLengthE '4!1& 153!5& 15'$:&

    ;ea&E 1'(!1& 1'(!1& 1D!D&

    Bra#tE 54!1& 3'!=& 1=!1&

    ropulsionE +%o ' ;94( Mod 3 dilithiu&9energi?ed anti&atter circuerential %arp drive units yste& contractorE Cochrane 8arp

    Byna&ics$ Minos al Ri@il$ Alpha Centauri ..2our 4 ;7 subato&ic uni#ied energy i&pulse units yste& contractorE carba) ropulsion yste&s$ Cairo$ 7arth

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    JAsa)sJ che&ical co&bustion reaction control syste& yste& contractorE "rage .@e)$ A)sa@a)$ Andor

    elocityE 8arp :$ standard 8arp =$ &a/i&u&

    AccelerationE Rest9"nset Critical Mo&entu&E 1'!03 sec

    "nset Critical Mo&entu&98arp 7ngageE '!11 sec

    8arp 198arp 4E 1!=3 sec

    8arp 498arp :E 1!01 sec

    8arp :98arp =E '!54 secBurationE 4 7arth years$ standard 11 7arth years$ &a/i&u&

    Co&ple&entE 315 51 o##icers K ':4 cre%

    FCC91'3'$ 1'35$ 1'43E 3'1 5' o##icers K ':D cre%

    7&bar)ed cra#tE 10911

    FavigationE Ji&&insFavtorJ 8arp Celestial ,uidance yste& contractorE rin?henri !F$$ Rio de Ianeiro$ 7arth

    Co&putersE FCC91'30$ 1'31$ 1'33$ 1'3:$ 1'3=$ 1'4'E JCo&&odoreJ Buotronic .. yste& contractorE 2arranti Mne&onics$ ;er)shire$7arth

    FCC91'3'! 1'35$ 1'41$ 1'43E JBaystro&J Buotronic 11G

    JMicasJ upport ubsyste& yste&s contractorE Baystro& Co&puter yste&s .nc!$ Lunaport$ LunaFCC91'34$ 1'3($ 1'3D$ 1'40E JReynaurJ Co&bination +A30

    yste& contractorE lessey ,roup$ 7sse/$ 7arth

    hasersE 5 ban)s o# ' each 9 RtF9: independent t%in &ount yste& contractorE Agusta Ansadado .nc!$ 2u?es$ enus

    hoton torpedoesE ' tubes 9 JA%aitJ direct yste& contractorE Racal 8er#t 2!M!C!$ tratos$ Ardana

    Be#enseE J;9entryJ #orce #ield and de#lector control syste& yste& contractorE 2rentice9cha#er .nc!$ Marsport$ Mars

    JCla% "neJ #ire control syste&G JLyn/J sensor and %eapon syste& yste&s contractorE ignaal 7lectronic 7nterprises .nc!$

    Mediterranea$ 7arth

    FCC91'3'934$ 1'3:$ 1'3($ 1'40$ 1'4'$ 1'43E olt +5A de#lector spire yste& contractorE al AchaP Conglessu&$ +a)uv$ +ellar

    Li#e supportE C+93Centris arti#icial gravity generatorJMollu)enJ radiation shielding pac)age yste&s contractorE Cristobal M$ Manila$ 7arth

    JA&bri/J %aste regeneration syste&s yste& contractorG Iullundur9Lahore Ltd!$ ;o&bay$ 7arth

    13 2R.,A+7E JC"7F+RJ CLA

    Fu&ber Fa&e ;uilder Laid do%n Launched Co&&issioned

    FCC91'30 Coventry Rapier Byna&ics ,roup$ Rio de Ianeiro$ 7arth 'D Iuly ''45 0: May ''4( 1( Ian ''4=

    FCC91'31 ocorro Fe% ort Fe%s hi buildin Louisiana 7arth 01lul ''45 30 Mar ''4( '3 Bec ''4(QFCC91'3' antander tar 2leet Bivision u et ound ards 7arth 14Au ''45 '0 A r ''4( 0D 2eb ''4=QFCC91'33 Assurance Fe% ort Fe%s hi buildin Louisiana 7arth 30 Fov ''45 11Au ''4( 0D A r ''4=

    FCC91'34 Bahl ren Athinai9olos Ltd! Athens 7arth '3 e t ''45 1' lul ''4( 0( A r ''4=FCC91'35 Ien Miri tar 2leet Bivision u et ound ards 7arth 0= Mar ''4: '' "ct ''4( 01 Iune ''4=

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    QFCC91'3: Constant Ra ier B na&ics ,rou Rio de Ianeiro 7arth 13 Fov ''45 '1 Au ''4( 'D A r ''4=QFCC91'3( Ashanti Athinai9olos Ltd! Athens 7arth 01 2eb ''4: 14 "ct ''4( 0D Ma ''4=FCC91'3= verdlov Fe% ort Fe%s hi buildin Louisiana 7arth 01 une ''4: 1D 2eb ''4= 01 e t ''4=FCC91'3D 7.tanin Athinai9olos Ltd! Athens 7arth 11 Iul ''4: 0' 2eb ''4= '( e t ''4=QFCC91'40 Resur ent Athinai9olos Ltd! Athens 7arth 0: Bec ''4: 1D Au ''4= 0D Mar ''4DFCC91'41 Auri a tar 2leet Bivision u et ound ards 7arth 1D Fov ''4: 30 Iul ''4= 0' Ian ''4DQFCC91'4' Carriacou Ra ier B na&ics ,rou Rio de Ianeiro 7arth '0 Ian ''4: 03 "ct ''4( 01 Ma ''4=QFCC91'43 .ndus tar 2leet Bivision$ uget ound ards$ 7arth 15 Ian ''4( '= "ct ''4= 0( Iune ''4D

    QAB9&odi#ied ships

    22 1'44 tar%ind class #ast #rigate!

    .n ''4:$ tar#leet re6uested 3 #urther ships o# the Coventry class$ receiving authori?ation #or only one! .n ''50$ the re6uest %as revived$ this ti&e

    #or urya or Coventry types! .n ''51$ si/ ships %ere approved$ and hull nu&bers assigned$ #ollo%ing on #ro& the Coventry series$ 1'44 1'4D!Bue to scarce resources #ollo%ing the 2our ears 8ar$ the tar%ind %as built to a s&aller &odel than the Coventry and designated a separate

    subclass! tar%ind has a shorter e/tended hull$ shorter %arp support pylons$ and s&aller overall pro#ile! .t %as also the #irst #rigate type to receivethe ne%ly9developed phaser as constructed$ rather than during re#it! 8hen tar#leet began developing the ne% &ission pro#ile #or #rigates that

    involved carrying Marines$ the tar%ind class %as one o# the last to receive any$ due to its cra&ped 6uarters! 8hen the re#it occurred$ tar%indclass #rigates received the s&allest unit stationed on a #rigate$ '5 Marines$ in an open9bay berthing carved #ro& the cargo bay!

    +he tar%ind>s per#or&ance &erited #urther units$ typically assigned to border units and piracy suppression!

    Fu&ber Fa&e ;uilder Laid do%n Launched Co&&issioned

    1'44 tar%ind ''5'

    1'45 Chinoo)

    1'4: +rade%ind ''53

    1'4( Monsoon

    1'4= +yphoon

    1'4D Hurricane ''54

    1'50 ephyr

    1'51 Aer#en ''55

    1'5' 8est%ind1'53 Forth%ind

    1'54 irocco

    1'55 Cyclone

    1'5: +ornado

    1'5( ea ;ree?e



    eregrine 1D3:oyu? 1D41

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    22 3'00 Baran223'13 Barter 223'31 Becisive3'50 oyu?

    1D:: resta

    1D:( "tlichny1D:= Alesha

    1D:D +ash)ent1D(0 +allinn

    1D(1 Ad&iral .sa)ov1D('

    1D(3 ara

    1D(4 ynda1D(4 )ory

    Fu&ber Fa&e ;uilder Laid Bo%n Launched Co&&issioned tatus

    FCC93'01 Baran class Arias Mastac$ ri&e Boc)yards$ Baran B 5D15!3 B :0(5!1 B :10=!(3 A3F

    FCC93'0' Haruna .shi)a%a@i&a Hari&a .ndustries$ o)oha&a$ 7arth 0( May ''(4 : Iune ''(5 03 Bec ''(5 A"

    FCC93'03 7ten Arias Mastac$ ri&e Boc)yards$ Baran B :0:=!'5 B :1DD!3' B :'0D!: A3FCC93'04 insonn tar 2leet Bivision$ Ca&eron Faval 2acility! Beneb B (1354' B ('55!= B ('D3!34 A"

    FCC93'05 erNrath Hie&dahr9Can Ri/i)$ Andor B =003!4 B =111!'D B =1(3!=1 Lo9Nt

    FCC93'0: Bace Arias Mastac$ ri&e Boc)yards! Baran B :1(0!( B :'== 'D B :35=!(1 A'FCC93'0( idd tar 2leet Bivision$ Ca&eron Faval 2acility$ Beneb B ('00!5 B (30'!4= B (3D1!=4 A1F

    FCC93'0= tar) .shi)a%a@i&a Hari&a .ndustries! o)oha&a$ 7arth 1( Iune ''(5 'D lune ''(: '3 Fov ''(: A'

    FCC93'0D Bi Iahar Hie&dahr9,an Ri/i)$ Andor B =10='( B =''3!54 B ='D1!(3 A'F

    FCC93'10 ;roo)e ic)ers hipbuilding ,roup Ltd!$ Cu&bria$ 7arth 05 Mar ''(5 11 Apr ''(: 04 "ct ''(: A4

    FCC93'11 oryu .shi)a%a@i&a Hari&a .ndustries$ o)oha&a$ 7arth 0( uly ''(: 01 Aug ''(( 1D 2eb ''(= A"

    FCC93'1' Atalanti ic)ers hipbuilding ,roup Ltd!$ Cu&bria!7arth 15 Apr ''(: 0' May ''(( 0D "cl ''(( A'FCC93'13 Barter




    Ri hi)

    Bun ta)


  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016



    FCC93'31 Becisive


    FCC93'50 oyu? classChineaCavenaugh;o?e&an.&ariAcreeatsinisloan+aheri

    +hese ships$ along %ith the no/ 2R 1D40 class$ are the &ost capable #rigates currently in tar 2leet service$ %ith e/cellent astrionics and

    i&pressive o##ensive and scienti#ic capabilities! +hey di##er #ro& the conte&porary no/ class pri&arily in not having the J7&perorJ series &ulti9

    directional phaser cannon MBC or the Bobis %eapon syste&! +hey are e6uipped$ ho%ever$ %ith the highly sophisticated oincare B,.

    ciential ensory Bata9,athering S .nterpretation e/ploratory suiteG as a result$ they are o#ten assigned to research tas) #orces #or brie# #orays into

    une/plored 2ederation treaty territory!

    ClassE "riginal 13 ships ordered on 15 Fove&ber ''(3! 2ive additional ships %ere authori?ed in ''(5 22 3'1391(G the construction o# the last

    #our ships 22 3'1491( %as de#erred later that year in #avor o# the slightly &ore capable no/ class! 22 3'13 %as cancelled in 2ebruary ''(:!

    +he erNrath 22 3'05 %as destroyed in a border s)ir&ish a#ter con#ronting a lingon %arship %hich %as apparently a renegade! upport vessels

    %ere too #ar distant to provide assistance in ti&e! 2orty9seven o# the 345 cre% escaped in shuttlecra#t and li#eboats! +he tar) 22 3'0= %asseverely da&aged on stardate (D55!5 %hen de#ense cra#t o# the ,orn Hege&ony #ired upon %hat they reportedly believed %as an unidenti#ied ship

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    that did not respond to hailing &essages! +hirty9three o# the shipNs cre% %ere lost and the 2ederation #iled a #or&al protest! +he #rigate %as repairedat o)oha&a$ arriving on 1( "ctober ''=0 and returning to space in Ianuary ''=1 reco&&issioned on 1' March ''=1!

    Classi#icationE +hese ships %ere ordered as #rigates 2RG changed to #ast #rigates on 01 August ''(5 to e&phasi?e their lac) o# J&egaphaserJ units

    in co&parison to no/ and Avenger classes!

    BesignE +he Baran design is based so&e%hat on a scaled9do%n Avenger arrange&ent$ having a shorter raised9hull section and no upper %eapons

    carriage! +he '5 no/9class #rigates have the sa&e hull$ propulsion$ and au/iliary syste&s! Co&bination %ide9angle de#lector e&itter units

    8AB7 and selective$ high intensity sensors are &ounted in bo/9li)e con#igurations on the upper hull! +he last three ships have these units in the

    i&proved$ bo% position! +hese ships %ere also #itted %ith e/tended landing plat#or&s belo% their hangar bay doors these %ere not #itted on the

    no/ class! +hese plat#or&s provide a larger landing9target ac6uisition area$ enabling the ships to acco&&odate a %ider variety o# e&bar)ed cra#t!

    +he ;roo)e and Atalanti are #itted %ith one landing plat#or& on the port bay only! +he plat#or&s vary in length #ro& 1' to 1( &eters!

    +he navigation$ co&puter$ and %eapon syste&s o# these ships are a&ong the &ost sophisticated in the 2leet! +he J2as#a/BatatacJ co&puterco&bination is one o# the &ost e##icient and trouble9#ree syste&s ever installed in a Class "ne starship! +he JArtosJ Favigational ,uidance uite is

    #itted in several other classes$ including the no/$ Avenger$ and several dreadnought types!+he Bace 22 3'0: is scheduled to replace the erNrath in +ac2leet in the near #uture! he %ill be bac)#itted %ith the Close9in Be#lector hield

    yste& C.B and the J;J variant o# the Hycor9designed cloa)ing and stasis counter&easure unit! "ther Barans &ay also receive C.B on a

    selected9vessel basis!7ngineeringE +hese ships are e6uipped %ith the Model 4 version o# the LF9:4 linear %arp drive engine! +hese units are designed to produce &ore

    e##icient engine #lu/ and a tighter$ &ore co&pact %arp bubble! +heir operational speci#ications are ideally suited #or use %ith s&aller$ single9hullships such as these! carba) R+ i&pulse units have been #itted to the Barans and other classes o# si&ilar si?e! everal ships have reported

    per#or&ance proble&s %ith these engines$ ho%ever$ and a retro#it o# the &ore po%er#ul RF series is being considered!

    8eaponsE +he basic Baran design provides #or the subse6uent installation o# additional %eapon syste&s$ speci#ically the M) :0 MBC at the sa&elocation as on the no/ class! A torpedo ar&a&ent %as not #itted in anticipation o# approval o# the JHarrierJ MBC progra&! +hese units %ere

    designed %ith superior speci#ications than the J7&perorJ series! 8ith the continued postpone&ent o# the JHarrierJ progra&$ ho%ever$ these ships&ay receive J7&perorJ MBC units li)e their near9sisters! .n addition$ the #or%ard upper and lo%er phaser e&place&ents could be replaced by the

    M) D JavistantJ "BC o&ni9directional phaser cannon!+he Cetis co&puter %eapon syste& is #itted! +he RA9+A eripheral Range Actuated #ire control unit is an independent syste& %ith an

    e/tre&ely sensitive target ac6uisition progra& though not as sophisticated as +ACAR units!

    Fo&enclatureE +he na&es Baran$ Haruna$ oryu$ and Atalanti %ere originally assigned to additional ships o# the Ascension BF '5'0 dreadnoughtclass %hich %ere cancelled in ''('! Reassigned to 22 3'01$ 3'0'$ 3'1$ and 3'1' on 1' epte&ber ''(3!

    Current speci#ications o# Baran classE

    Bisplace&entE 13D$000 &etric tons standard 135$000&l light$ 41$000&t #ull load

    "verall ri&ary Hull Facelles

    LengthE '43!:& 145!0& 154!=&

    ;ea&E 141!'& 141!'& 1'!:&

    Bra#tE 4D!:& 3'!5& 1(!=&

    ropulsionE +%o ' LF9:4 dilithiu&9energi?ed anti&atter linear %arp drive units yste& contractorE Cochrane 8arp Byna&ics$ Minos al Ri@il$ Alpha Centauri ..

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    +%o ' R+ subato&ic uni#ied energy i&pulse units

    AR particle bea& &aneuvering thrusters yste&s contractorG carba) ropulsion yste&s$ Cairo$ 7arth

    J+rentisJ pulsed laser reaction control syste& yste& contractorE "rage .@elt$ A)sa@a)$ Andor

    elocityE 8arp ($ standard 8arp 11$ &a/i&u&

    AccelerationE Rest9"nset Critical Mo&entu&E 5!:= sec

    "nset Critical Mo&entu&98arp 7ngageE 1!1D sec

    8arp 198arp 4E !== sec

    8arp 498arp (E !(: sec

    8arp (98arp 11G '!0= sec

    BurationE 5 7arth years$ standard$ 1D 7arth years$ &a/i&u&

    Co&ple&entE 345 =5 o##icers K ':0 cre% FCC93'01E 331 =1 o##icers K '50 cre%

    7&bar)ed cra#tE 4K

    FavigationE JArtosJ 8arp Celestial ,uidance yste& contractorE Mandor .ndustries Ltd!$ Balhala&$ Belta .

    Co&putersE J2as#a/J Buotronic 111G Batatac upport ubsyste& yste&s contractorE 2arranti Mne&onics$ ;er)shire$ 7arth

    hasersE FCC93'01$ 3'03$ 3'0:E : ban)s o# ' each Q R.M91 "C independent t%in &ountG FCC93'0'$ 3'04$ 3'05$ 3'0(91'E : ban)s o# ' each 9 R.M91'C independent

    t%in &ount yste&s contractorE Agusta Ansadado .nc!$ 2u?es$ enus

    hoton torpedoesE Fone

    Be#enseE JLancelotJ pri&ary #orce #ield and de#lector control syste& yste& contractorE rentice9cha#er .nc!$ Marsport$ Mars

    Cetis %eapon syste&G RA9+A #ire control add9on yste&s contractorE Raa)uv$ ,a?i%ahaida$ AndorC,CCB cloa)ing generation$ penetration$ and stasis counter&easure syste& yste& contractorE Hycor$ 8oburn$ 7arth

    Li#e supportE M;95 arti#icial gravity generator yste& contractorE Cristobal M$ Manila$ 7arth

    JRastisJ radiation protection pac)age yste& contractorE +id@i)@aAtar Associated .ndustries$ Rastaribi$ Regulus

    JCeri/J %aste regeneration syste&s yste& contractorE lullundur9Lahore Ltd!$ ;o&bay$ 7arth

    2291D3: eregrine

    .ntrigued by the plan#or& o# the Ro&ulan ;ird9o#9rey #irst encountered in ''::$ a tea& at tar#leet RSB in the

    ''=0s set about applying Ro&ulan design principles to one o# our o%n starships! sing a ne%9build Miranda Classhull as a basis$ and christened 7R7,R.F7 in de#erence to its bird9o#9prey design origins$ the ship proved

    highly &aneuverable at %arp speeds than)s to the %ide9span nacelle struts! A#ter e/haustive testing$ eregrine %as

    declared a success and put into regular service$ although no other ships o# her class %ere ever built!

    le#tE +he eregrine in Mars orbit bet%een deploy&ents! .n an e&ergency$ the nacelles could @ettison$ leaving the%ings intact! +heoretically$ the %ings could have added li#t to at&ospheric #light during a crash landing! Happily

    this %as never put to the test!

    RightE +he eregrine sa% so&e action during the &any lingon

    incursions o# the ''=0s!

    Here a lingon burst hits one o# eregrineNs counter&easures

    decoy drones

    %hile she brings her nose9&ounted photon torpedo tubes9 another borro%ed Ro&ulan design ele&ent 9 to bear!

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    2H ':'00 2ra> ,>)ha class heavy #rigate

    .n ''D3$ the Andorian branch o# 2B produced a &odi#ied Miranda design! 7/ternally$ it rese&bled the harris class$ appearing as a short e/tended

    hull %ith the distinctive Andorian engine loc) supports curving in%ard beneath the hull and the roll9bar integrated into the support struts$underslung bet%een the engines! 8arp &aneuvering %as slightly i&proved over the Miranda class$ and #irepo%er nearly &atched a Cyane

    con#iguration! ro#ile &ass is s&aller$ ho%ever$ si&ilar to a no/ type! MC authorised construction o# '5 units!

    27 ':'': 2or&idable class 7/ploratory 2rigate

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    .n ''D4$ a#ter the resta progra& began building$ the MC reversed its previous decision to end Miranda develop&ents %ith the resta$ andordered '5 units o# the 2or&idable class! A year later$ this %as increased to (:$ due to tensions %ith the lingon and Ro&ulan 7&pires$ and

    incidents %ith the ,orn and +holians! +he 2or&idable %as seen by MC as a %or)able co&pro&ise bet%een 7/plorer and 2rigate &ission pro#iles$

    capable o# e/ploration$ allo%ing it to pass the Council$ yet also able to &ilitarily deter aggression and border incidents! 7ventually$ (4 %ereco&&issioned!

    .t %as designed to a lo%9end Cyane pro#ile$ %ith the : hull9&ounted phaser ban)s and 1 rear9arc photon torpedo launcher deleted! +he "BCs&ounted on the roll9bar %ere originally #itted %ith both a &egaphaser linear inter&i/ conduit$ and a standard phaser #eed$ allo%ing the& to be used

    in either &ode! Bespite this co&plication$ the reduced ar&a&ent si&pli#ied #ire control$ reducing both the cre% re6uire&ent and o##ensiveco&putational capacity needs! +his cleared space #or labs and science sensors$ and increased co&puter resources #or other applications! 2urther

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    space %as &ade by &oving cre% #ro& stateroo&s to open9bay berthing$ and reducing standard Marine co&ple&ent to '5$ in addition to slightlyincreasing the saucer depth!

    A#ter 279':'41$ the &egaphaser linear inter&i/ conduit %as deleted$ leaving only the standard phaser #eed conduits to po%er the "BC &ounts!

    +he 2or&idable class bears a si&ilar relationship to the Cyane class as the +i)opai does to the 7nterprise .. class! +hree units 27 ':'30 enerable$27 ':'3D alorous$ and 27 ':'43 Redoubt have been bac)#itted %ith a Costias LRB see 7ndurance attached bet%een the %arp asse&blies on a

    single short strut and inverted! .# it proves success#ul$ the change &ay be &ade to other 2or&idables or other Miranda subclasses!

  • 7/26/2019 CL1400 Miranda and Subtypes 2016


    Miranda hull % Constellation lo%er %arp asse&blyMiranda %o roll bar

    Miranda % Constellation upper %arp asse&bly

    Miranda % #ull Constellation %arp asse&bly

    Constellation % e/tended la&inated hull

    Miranda % AC7$ LF5'$ etc