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  • 7/30/2019 Class 1ict Tb & Wb


    1 | P a g e

    Text Book Series



  • 7/30/2019 Class 1ict Tb & Wb


    2 | P a g e



    Introduction to information tools

    UNIT 1: Sources of Information 110

    Lesson 1: Definition of Information 14

    Lesson 2: Identifying Sources of Information 57

    Lesson 3: Tools for Sending and Receiving Information 810

    UNIT 2: Mouse Clicking 11 -12

    Lesson 4: Parts of the Computer 11 -14

    Lesson 5: The Computer Mouse 1517

    Lesson 6: Holding and Clicking the Mouse Correctly 1819

    Lesson 7: The Desktop and Icons 2022

    Lesson 8: Identify Icons on Desktop Using Mouse Pointer 2324

    UNIT 3: Home Row Keys of the KeyboardLesson 9: The Keyboard 2528

    Lesson 10: Identify Home Row Keys on the Keyboard 2934

    Lesson 11: Learning to Type Home Row Keys 3538


    Introduction to Communication Tools

    UNIT 2: Tools for Communication 4047

    Lesson 12: Definition of Communication 4043

    Lesson 13: Communications Tools and Their Uses 4447

    UNIT 2: Forms of Communication 4047

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    Lesson 14: Identity Forms of Communication 48

    A Verbal Communication 4950

    B Body Language 5152

    C Writing Communication 5355

    UNIT 3: Dragging Of Mouse (1) 5667

    Lesson 15: Dragging Items Using Mouse 5658

    Lesson 16: Starting Microsoft Paint Application 5960

    Lesson 17: The Paint Tools Box 6162

    Lesson 18: Drawing Objects 6364

    Lesson 19: Drawing Letters of the Alphabets 65

    UNIT 4: Top row keys of the keyboard

    Lesson 20: identifying letters the QWERTY row 6668

    Lesson 21: identifying the top/ Qwerty row keys 69 71


    Introduction to technology tools

    UNIT 1: Technology Tools 7374

    Lesson 23: Uses of Technology Tools 7576

    Unit 2: Dragging Of Mouse Tools (2)

    Lesson 25: Drawing and Colouring Shapes 7779

    Unit 3: Home and Top Row Keys 8081

    Lesson 26: Typing Words Using Home and Qwerty Keys 80 81

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    Introduction to Information Tools

    UNIT 1: Sources of Information

    Lesson 1: What is information? Information is something told. For example news,

    messages, announcements and stories. Information can be given through gong,

    gong, reading of news on the television, teaching in a classroom and telling of


    Other ways of giving information.

    1. Putting the pupils in a group.2. Group discusses a short topic.3. Let each group tell the whole class about what they have discussed. By the

    end of the day, each will end up given different information to themselves.

    Answer the following questions

    1. Information is something .2. We listen to news from the ..3. An example of information is ..


    What are sources of information? It means places where we get information from

    examples are:

    1. Teaching2. Letters3. Music4.


    5.News papers6.News7. Films8. Bulletins9. Announcement

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    Tools for sending and receiving information, examples of these tools are:

    1. Radio: News announcement.2. Television: news, announcement, films, drama.3. Calculator: working calculations.4. Telephone: sending and receiving messages.5. Computer: information, sending and receiving messages.6. Microphone: talking to large audience.7. Camera: sending pictures.8. Talking drum: sending messages.


    1. Draw any two tools for sending information.2.Name the tools you have drawn.3. Tell the class how each of them is used to send or receive information.

    Mouse clicking

    Parts of the computer.

    What is a computer? A computer is an electronic machine. Every machine is used

    to do work. A computer is also used to do work. There are other electronic

    machines. A computer is different from the other machines. It is a very useful

    machine. A set of a computer has four main parts. They are:

    1. The system unit.2. The monitor.3. The keyboard.4. The mouse.

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    There are other parts of the computer, these are:

    1. Printer.2. Speakers.3.

    Scanner.4. Joystick.

    5. Right pen.LESSON 5: THE COMPUTER MOUSE.

    In this lesson, we shall learn about the mouse. Computer mouse looks like the real

    mouse we see in our homes. The mouse has two main buttons. There is the right

    mouse button and the left mouse button.

    Some mice have scroll wheels in- between the right and left buttons. It is good toplace the mouse on a flat object called the mouse pad. It makes the mouse work

    well and let it last long.


    The mouse is used to do many things on the computer.

    1. The mouse has a pointer that goes round the computer screen.2. It is used to start or close programs on the computer.3. It is used to select items on the screen.4. It is used to play computer games.5. It is used to draw and move objects on the computer screen.

    When you press on any of the mouse buttons, you will hear a sound try it and see.

    Is there any click, click, click sound when you press any of the buttons with your

    finger, we say you are clicking the mouse button.


    Answer the following questions.

    1. A computer is a machine.2. It is used to do many useful things. True /false3. The has a pointer on the monitor.4. When you press the mouse button you hear the ..sound.

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    Lesson 6: holding and clicking the mouse correctly.

    In this lesson, we shall learn about how to hold the mouse correctly.

    To hold the mouse correctly, follow the steps:

    1. Place your palm flat on the mouse.2. Bend your fingers so it curves around the mouse.3. Let your thumb be firm to the right side of the mouse.4. Let your little finger be firm on the left side of the mouse.5. Raise the two fingers that come immediately after your thumb and open

    them a bit apart.

    6. Let the first finger after the thumb click on the right button and the nextfinger click on the left button.

    7. The buttons are clicked one after the other.


    1. Describe how to handle the mouse well on the mouse pad to your classteacher.

    2. Handle the mouse and call your class teacher to come around to observe it.Lesson 7: The desktop and icons

    What is desktop? It is the first screen on the monitor when you put on your

    computer. What can you see on the desktop? There are some small pictures

    arranged on the monitor. They are called icons. Icons are small pictures that

    represent programs, files, documents and folders that are stored on your computer.

    Examples are:

    1. My Documents2. My Computer.3. My Network Places.4. Internet Explorer.5. Recycle Bin6. Start Button

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    The icons on the desktop can be more depending on the programs, files, folders

    and documents stored on your computer.


    Answer the following questions.

    1. The first screen on the monitor when you put on the computer iscalled.

    2. The small pictures arranged on the monitor arecalled

    3. Icons are small pictures that represent parents and children in thehouse..

    4. My school, my documents and recycle bin which of them is not among theicons on the desktop?

    5. Icons on the desktop can be more than what we have on the screen.True/false.

    Lesson 8: using the mouse pointer to identity icons on the desktop. I hope you

    can now hold your mouse correctly? You can also click on the right and left

    buttons well. In this lesson we are going to learn about how to move the mouse

    pointer form one icon on the desktop to another and click on each of the icons.

    Activity 3:

    Sit by your computer. Open your desktop. Can you see each of the icons on your desktop? Hold your mouse firmly on the pad and drag it slowly. What do you see on your screen? You can see a pointer moving from one

    place to the other while you drag the mouse. This pointer is called the mouse

    pointer. When you place the pointer well on an icon, it means you want to

    select that icon.

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    Try the following: select an icon using the left button and click on it ones.Select another icon and do the same. Do you know the name of what you are

    doing? It is called single clicking. Practices it over and over again.

    UNIT 3


    What is a keyboard? Keyboard is one of the computer parts. It is a board with

    many keys fixed on it. A normal keyboard has about 105 keys. These keys help us

    to write something onto the computer.

    The keys on the keyboard are arranged in four groups.

    Function keys. Alphanumeric keys. Cursor control keys. Numeric keypad.1. Function keys: The first 12 keys vertically arranged on the keyboard are

    called function keys. It has been labeled from F1 to F12. The function keys

    are used to perform special commands and functions.

    2. Alphanumeric keys: These are the keys that have the alphabets, numbers andsymbols. They are the keys used to type texts like letters, numbers and

    symbols onto the computer. ]

    3. Cursor control keys: They are arranged inbetween the alphanumeric andthe numeric keys. They are used to move the cursor to specific areas on the


    4.Numeric keypad: They are used to feed numbers or figures onto thecomputer. The numeric keypad works just like the ordinary calculator.


    1. Keyboard is one of the parts of the computer. True/false.2. The keyboard helps us to something onto the


    3. The keyboard keys can be grouped into

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    In our last lesson we learnt about the keyboard. What do we learnt about the

    keyboard? We learnt that the keyboard helps us to write things into the computer.

    In this lesson we are going to learn about something important on the keyboard. It

    is called the Home Row Keys. Where can we find the home row keys on the

    keyboard? It can be found in the middle of the alphanumeric keys. They are:

    A S D F G H J K L ; :

    Whenever we want to write something into the computer using the keyboard, we

    start form the home row keys. When we write something into the computer using

    the keyboard, it is called typing.

    Typing is the correct way of striking a key on the keyboard or type some simple

    words using the notepad application and watch what appears on the monitor.

    To open note pad:

    1. Start2. All programs3. Accessories4.Note pad (click).

    It is wrong to use one and the same finger in typing all the keys on the keyboard.

    All the (10) fingers are fixed on the keyboard keys to type letters into the

    computer. Each key on the keyboard has a special finger that strikes it. To begin

    typing, all your ten fingers should be fixed on some eight permanent keys.

    These permanent keys are called the home keys. Why are they called home keys?

    They are called home keys because whenever the fingers move up or down to

    strike different keys, they come back to rest on these same keys.

    Whenever we leave our homes to go to school or when we go out to play, where do

    we come back to? Of cause we come back home. So these keys are the home of the

    fingers during typing. What are these home keys? They are:

    A S D F = for the left hand fingers

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    ; L K J = for the right hand fingers.

    All these keys are found on one row on the keyboard. This is why we call them the

    home row keys. The other keys on the same row are: G and H.

    Look on the keyboard and identify the home row keys. How are they arranged on

    the keyboard?

    From left to right we have:

    A S D F G H J K L ;. These keys are called the home row keys.

    EXERCISE 10:

    Answer the following:

    1. Home row keys are on the ..of the keyboard.2. When we write something on the computer using the keyboard, we call


    3. Which of these set is the right home row keys? ..a. A B C D E F G H ;b. A C E G I K M O Qc. A S D F G H J K L ;

    4. When we strike a key on a keyboard it is seen on the 5. It is use only one finger in typing.


    We use all our ten fingers to type letters on the computer .

    7. When we want to start typing, eight of our fingers must be onthe

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    LESSON 11:

    Learning to type the home row keys

    Naming of fingers


    Finger (1) = little finger Finger (1) = little finger.

    Finger (2) = ring finger Finger (2) = 4th finger.

    Finger (3) = middle finger Finger (3) = middle finger.

    Finger (4) = index finger Finger (4) = index finger.

    Finger (5) = thumb Finger (5) = thumb

    Fingers and keys on the home row keys.

    Left hand finger keys Right hand fingers keys

    A S D F G H J K L ;

    Left finger (1) = A Right finger (1) = ;

    Left finger (2) = S Right finger (2) = L

    Left finger (3) = D Right finger (3) = K

    Left finger (4) = F Right finger (4) = J

    Left finger (4) = G Right finger (4) = H

    Left thumb = bar Right thumb finger =

    space bar.


    Write the correct key against each finger.

    Left finger (1) = Right finger (1) =

    Left finger (2) = Right finger (2) =

    Left finger (3) = Right finger (3) =

    Left finger (4) = Right finger (4) =Left finger (4) = Right finger (4) =

    Left and right thumb = Right thumb =

    Activity 4:

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    Practices to strike each key by the right finger.

    Typing letters of the home row keys.

    Type each line (5) times.

    aaa aaa aaa aaa

    sss sss sss sss

    ddd ddd ddd ddd

    fff fff fff fff

    ggg ggg ggg ggg


    Introduction to communication tools

    UNIT 1

    Tools for communication

    Communication is a way people exchange ideas, news, and information with

    others. It involves giving information and receiving response. When you talk to

    your friends you exchange ideas and information with them. Again, when you talk

    to your friends, parents, teachers and other people and they also talk to you, you

    are communicating with them.


    Answer the following

    1. When we talk to our friend we exchange ..with them.2. Good friends always another.

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    3. .is a way people exchange idea.4. When we talk to people we are .. with them.5. Communication involves giving and receiving


    LESSON 13:

    Tools for communication and their uses.

    Maxwell is in school. Maxwell wants to speak to his mother at home. How can he

    do this?

    Maxwell can either write a letter to his mother or he can call her by using the

    telephone. What two tools can Maxwell use to communicate with his mother?

    1. Writing a letter.2. Using a telephone.

    A letter and a telephone are all tools for communication. What other tools can you

    use to communicate with people? Let us look at these tools. They are all tools for


    1. People.2. Television.3. Telephone.4. Computer.5. Radio cassette player.6. Megaphone.7. Talking drum.8. Bell (Dawuro)

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    EXERCISE 13.

    Complete each tool, point to each and tell how you can use it to communicate

    for example:

    1. We can use the tle.ho.e for conversation.2. We can use the r.di.. for announcement and news.3. We can use the .eevsi....n fornews and announcements.4. We can use the c.muer to send messages.5. We can use the to speak to a large audience.6. We can use the ta..kig dr..m for announcements.7. We can use the bl.. (Dawuro) for announcements.8. What tool did Maxwell use to communicate with his mother at home?

    UNITE 2

    Forms of communication.

    We can group the forms of communication into three. These are:

    1. Verbal communication.2. Writing communication.3. Body language communication.1. VERBAL COMMUNICATION:

    Verbal communication involves sound. When people are communicating, they talk

    to each other. They produce sounds when they talk. Some examples of verbal

    communication are conversation and teaching.


    Answer the following.

    The three forms of communication are:

    a. communication.b. communication.c. ..language.

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    When people talk, they produce

    An example of verbal combination is .

    Circle the verbal communication in these words.

    a.Noddingb. Posterc. Talkingd. Teachinge. Signsf. Smilingg. Singingh. Story telling

    2. BODY LANGUAGE.There is no sound in this form of communication. This is because people do not

    open their mouths to talk. They use the movement of some parts of their body to

    communicate to others.

    Examples of body language are: weeping, smiling, moving the shoulders,

    movement of the hand, winking of the eye, nodding the head, showing serious look

    on the face and many others.


    Answer the following.

    1. In body language communication sound is produced ..2. People use their mouth to talk in body language .3. In body language people move their body to


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    3. WRITING COMMUNICATION:There is no sound in writing communication body parts.

    Examples of writing communication are letters, class exercise and home work.

    Writing communication is also done through posters, signs and symbols.

    What are posters used for?

    1. To show directions.2. To make announcements. Some of the signs used in writing

    communications are road signs, traffic and sign boards.

    Say whether the following are true or false.

    1. Sound is produced in writing communication .2. There is movement in the body parts in writing communication


    3. Which of the following is not an example of writing communication talking,home work, and letters?


    Dragging items using the mouse: In this lesson we shall start to use the mouse to

    work on the computer. We shall use the mouse to drag items and draw objects


    Let us sit by our computer and open Microsoft paint application. To start Microsoft


    Steps: on the desktop.

    1. Go to the taskbar and click on start.2. Select all programs3. Select accessories4. Click on paint

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    Answer the following questions.

    1. Go to the taskbar and click on sar2. Select all rogr..ms3. Select Click on


    The paint application enables us to make simple drawing and painting. On the

    paint window, we have:

    1. The title bar (minimum, maximum and close icons)2. The menu bar.3. A tool box4. A drawing board or working space5. A colour box6. Status bar

    EXERCISE 18:

    Complete the following words in the paint application program.

    1. T.t.e B r2. B.a.d3. C..o..ou. B.x4. en.. Ba..5. T .l. B..x6. Sat.s Bar


    There are a number of tools in the paint tool box. Each of the tools performs

    different function. When we move the mouse to each tool, the name of the tool is


    Let us name some of the tools

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    1. Eraser2. Pencil3. Line4. Rectangle5. Rounded rectangle6. Fill with colour7. Curve8. Polygon ellipse


    The following words are tools the paint application program. Complete them.

    1. E ..a.or2. ..i..e4. F..llwi..h c.lo..r6. Cre7. Po..ygn8.


    Dragging items using the mouse. Let us begin to draw our object using the paint

    application. Steps:

    1. Go to the tool box and click online.2. Go below the tool box and click on the line width.3. Drag the pointer to the drawing board and draw your line.

    To draw another line, release the mouse button, click on it again and draw. Try to

    draw many short lines as possible at different angles.

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    To draw a free form line:


    1. Go to the tool box and click on pencil.2. Drag the pointer to the drawing board and draw your free form line.

    To draw a curve:


    1. Go to the tool box and click on curve.2. Go below the tool box and click on the line width.3. Drag the pointer to draw a line.4. Click on where you want one arc of the curve to be.5. Drag the pointer to adjust your curve.


    We can use the paint application tool box to draw the letters of the alphabet using

    free hand and the mouse.


    1. Go to the tool box and click on pencil tool.2. Drag the pointer to the drawing board and draw your first line of the letter.3. At the end of the line, release the button.4. Click on the button again and place it at where you want to continue from to

    draw your next line or curve of the same letter.

    5. Release the button at each end and continue.

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    Exercise 20:

    Use the mouse and paint application to draw A B C D to Z.

    UNIT 4

    Top row keys of the keyboard.


    In lessons 10 and 1, we leant about the home keys and the home row keys. We also

    leant about using the right fingers to type the right keys. Do you remember the

    right fingers used in typing all these keys?

    A S D F G H J K L;

    Let us practice this by typing these letters 5 times.

    1. ass sdd dff ;ll lkk kjj add sff dgg djj hss2. kff lld sjj gdd fll kgg jss all skk fjj ssk3. fjj hdh gkh dkl shh agl djj faa gll djj haa4.jjk ffg ssj llh aag ddk kdg ;gh fsa jgd skf

    In this lesson, we are going to learn more about the keyboard keys. This time

    we shall move up on top of the home row keys. The top row keys are made up of

    6 letters. They are Qwerty row.

    There are 10 letters on the qwerty row. Let us write down all the letters ofthe

    QWERTY row.

    QWERTY U 10 P

    1. the first 6 keys of the top row keys are:a. ..b. ..c. ..d. e. ...

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    2. Write the first 6 letters of the top row key.

    3. Fill in the missing letters to make the home keys complete.QE ..YU.O..

    LESSON 21:


    A fingers and keys on the top row keys.


    Introduction to technology tools

    UNIT 1


    Technology is the use of the right modern tools and equipment to make work easy.

    Some technology tools are:

    1. Telephone2. Radio3. Tractors.4. Radio cassette recorder5. Television6. Thermometer7. Facsimile (FAX)8. Computer9. Xray

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    Lesson 23: Uses of Technology Tools

    We use technology tools to make our work easy. Without technology tools, work

    will be difficult and waste a lot of time. How do you think the following tools are

    used to make work easy?

    Radio Television Computer Fax machine Radio cassette recorder Tractor Xray Radio Thermometer

    Uses of the technology tools.

    1. We use computer for typing letters and to communicate that is for sendingand receiving information.

    2. We use telephone for conversation.3. We use tractor to work on farms.4. We use weighing scale for weighing things.5. We use the xray to take photograph of the inner body parts of human

    beings to examine the body.

    6. We use radio for news and announcements.7. We use the fax machine to send information.8. We use thermometer to measure body temperature.

    Answer the following question.

    1. We use technology tools to make our work 2. Without technology tools work will be .

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    Complete the following

    3. We use the telephone for cover.a..tion.4. We use the computer to type ltt.rs5.

    We use the radio for n..w6. We hear an..oun.emen..s from the television.

    7. We use thermometer to measure ..m..era..ure.UNITE 2

    Dragging of mouse (2)

    LESSON 24:

    Dragging the mouse pointer to draw shapes. In lesson 18 we learnt about dragging

    the mouse to draw lines and curves. In this lesson we are going to drag the mouse

    pointer to draw shapes.

    Let us go to the Microsoft paint application.


    A.To draw a rectangle or a square steps:1. Go to the tool box and click on the rectangle tool.2. Go blow the tool box and click on the line width.3. Drag the pointer to the drawing board and draw your rectangle.B.To draw an ellipse or circle steps:1. Go to the tool box and click on ellipse tools.2. Go to the tool box and click on the line width.3. Drag the pointer to the drawing board and draw your ellipse or circle.

    C.To draw a polygon:1. Go to the tools box and click on the polygon tool.2. Go below the tool box and click on the line width.3. Drag the pointer to the drawing board and draw a line.

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    4. Release the button.5. Click at any position where you want a new line to join the old line.6. Release the button again.7. Click at the position where you want another new line to be.8. Continue with the clicking at new positions until you get your polygon.

    UNIT 3

    Home and top row keys of the keyboard.

    Lesson 25: typing words using the home and Qwerty Rows.

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    Work Book Series


    Class One

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    Complete the following words

    1.Te-----eph--------e2.---------our--------e3.M--------sic-----an4.L------bra-----y5.An------ounce------en------6.L-----t-------e------- box7.






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    T-----l------in------- dru-------


    14. Draw any two tools of information.

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    15. Name the tools you have drawn

    16. Tell the class how each of them is used to send orreceive information.

    17. A set of computer has four main parts list them.

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    Identify these parts of the computer by completing their names.


    Ke------bo------r-------d s-----an-----e-------


    Mo-----s----- -------o------i-------or

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    s-------st-------m u-----it

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    22. Label the parts of the mouse

    23. Mention (5) things that the mouse can do.a...b.c...d.e...

    Complete the following words

    24. Pr------n----er25. -----o-----se26. E-----ec----ron-----c

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    27. Sy-----t----m un----t28. Jo-----st-----ck29. Poi-----t----r30. K----y---- -----ard31. Sca-------n----r32. -------i------k33. Mo----itor------34. -----hu----b35. C------rv------e36. H-----nd------e37. Mention three (icons) you have seen on the desktop.


    38. Label the keyboard with the following words.i. Function keysii. Alphanumeric keys

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    iii. Cursor keysiv. Numeric keypad

    Choose and underline the correct answer.

    39. This picture is a

    a.Keyboardb.Pianoc.Type writer.40. The keyboard is one of the parts of the computer.


    41. The keyboard help us to ..somethingonto the computer.


    42. The keyboard keys can be grouped


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    c.443. When we write something on the computer using the

    keyboard, we call it


    44. When we strike a key on a keyboard, it is seen onthe..

    a.System unitb.


    c.Monitor45. The small pictures arranged on the monitor are


    a.Iconsb.My documentsc.Start button

    46. Where can we find the home row keys on thekeyboard?


    47. It is to use only one finger in typing.a.Rightb.Wrong

    48. We use all our ten fingers to type letters on thecomputer keyboard.


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    b.False49. Which of the fingers types the following letters: A, D,

    G, and S.


    50. When we talk to our friends we have exchange.with them.



    51. Good friends another.a.Fight withb.Insultc.Talk to

    52. Communication involves giving andreceiving response.


    53. Which of the tool can Mary use to communicate fasterwith her father?a.Letter writingb.Telephone.

  • 7/30/2019 Class 1ict Tb & Wb


    40 | P a g e

    54. Which of these pictures is not use for communication?



    Television computer

  • 7/30/2019 Class 1ict Tb & Wb


    Complete the following.

    55. We can use the t-----le-----ho-----e for conversation.56. We can use the r-----di----- for announcement and


    57. We can use the -----e-----ev-----si-----n for news andannouncements

    58. We can use the c------m-----u------er to send messages.59. We can use the m-----cr-----pho-----e to speak to a

    large audience.

    60. We can use the ta------ki-----g dr----m forannouncements.

    61. When people talk, theyproduce



    62. State the three types communication.a. communication.b. communication.c.. Communication.