classification of mosses

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  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses



  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses




    Mosses belong to the group of plants call Bryophytes which never produce

    flowers or seeds They have a long history of evolution co!pared to flowering

    plants" with fossil record dated bac# $$% !illion years ago in the &ilurian period

    Most of the !osses are s!all" non'vascular" land plants" but so!e !ay be as large

    as ()c! tall and so!e are se!i'a*uatic

    The !osses share a uni*ue life cycle in having a first generation of

    do!inant ga!etophyte The ga!etophyte for!s the green leafy structure we

    ordinarily associate with !oss Mosses are essentially land plants" and they

    depend on a fil! of water for the !ale cell +sper!ato,oid- to be transported to the

    fe!ale cell" both which are produced on the ga!etophyte .hen conditions are

    right" the ne/t generation" the sporophyte or spore'bearing structure is grown

    The sporophyte is typically acapsule growing on the end of a stal# called the seta

    The sporophyte has no chlorophyl and it grows parasitically on

    its ga!etophyte !other The sporophyte dries out and releases spores that grow

    into a new generation of ga!etophytes" if they ger!inate

    In general" when we are tal#ing about !osses" we are generally referring to

    the ga!etophyte generation of the !osses0 life cycle

    Mosses do not have veins to transport water and food" instead" all parts of

    the plant are used to absord water and nutrients 1ence" !osses are found !ostly

    at places where there are a consistent supply of water Mosses

    have rhi,oids instead of roots" which are branched threads .hile the rhi,oids can

    absorb water" they are !ainly used to anchor the plant

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  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    ORD2R &3145N462&

    The &phagnales is an order of !oss with only four living genera7

    4!buchanania" 2osphagnu!" 8latbergiu!" and &phagnu!

    8igure7 a clu!p of Sphagnum" peat !oss

    84MI69 &3145N4C242

    This fa!ily of this plant grows in swa!ps where the te!perature is lower

    at high altitudes" such as in Dieng 1yaline cell wall has a ring'shaped or spiral

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    thic#ening" hyaline cells that hold water 3eat !oss leaves have a straight trun#

    and branches for!ing a rosette at the end The sporogoniu! short'ste!!ed with

    foot haustoriu! +tool nutrient absorption- which later developed into

    pseudopodiu! It spore capsule has closed but there are no peristo!e Colu!ella

    is he!ispherical

    8igure7 Sphagnum fimbriatum


    This order of plants reddish brown to greenish brown for!ing s!all tufts

    The leaves falcate to secund'falcate" ovate'lanceolate to lanceolate This order

    have the strong costa " la!inal papillaefor the other characteristisc also include to

    dioicous" where the calyptras is tiny" ca!panulate'!itrate" seta lac#ing"

    sporophytes i!!ersed to e!ergent on a ga!etophytic pseudopodiu!" peristo!e

    and operculu! absent

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    8igure4ndreaea nivalis 1oo#

    84MI69 4DR24C242

    This plants of this fa!ily is reddish brown to greenish brown for!ing

    s!all tufts 6eaves falcate to secund'falcate" ovate'lanceolate to lanceolate" %:;

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    s!all si,e and is probably under collected because of its higher elevation

    tendencies 1abitat 4ssociations7 4ndreaea nivalis for!s reddish'brown !ats on

    a!p boulders in strea!let gullies" e/posed roc# outcrops" boulders ne/t to !elting

    snow" dry cliffs" sandy soil over boulders" and da!p cliff faces in alpine to

    subalpine areas in the 3acific Northwest 4lthough referred to as a granite !ossE

    this genus often occurs on igneous roc#s It !ay for! large !ats or s!all patches

    and !ay or !ay not be abundant when found

    8igure. Andreae rupestris

    ORD2R 4NDR2BRI462&The distribution restricted to the northwestern part of Canada and adFacent

    4las#a" grows on calcareous roc#s" in colder cli!ates" contrasting with the acidic

    granite preference of 4ndreaea

    ORD2R 8UN4RI462&

    The order consists of two fa!ilies" Disceliaceae " with a single species"

    and 8unariaceae &o!e species are annual and only grow for a few wee#s when

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    conditions per!it 4n order of the true !osses +subclass Bryidae- The 8unariales"

    often annuals or biennials and so!eti!es ephe!eral" are for the !ost part

    characteri,ed by a unifor!ity of ga!etophytic structure in contrast to a variability

    of sporophytic characters Reduction in sporophytic characters is often associated

    with disturbed habitats and a shortened life cycle

    84MI69 8UN4RI4C242

    This fa!ily of the plant !inute to !ediu! si,e which usually growing on

    soil This also have light'green or yellow of color which gregarious of for!ing

    loose tufts This have the long seta" slender is tough" reddish brown" stal#'li#e

    structure and the leaves" ape/ is acute to acu!inate" costa single" s!ooth and

    rather thin'walled

    Funaria hygrometrica

    Life Cycle

    This fa!ily have the sa!e reproduction too vwith the co!!on life cycle

    of the !oses li#e this figure below

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    8igure7 The ife cycle of fa!ily funariaceae

    ORD2R BR9462&

    This order is tree !osses which rese!ble s!all evergreen trees and are

    found in da!p" shady places throughout the Northern 1e!isphere The branches

    clustered at the top of the shoot The reddish'brown capsules +spore cases-" borne

    on the fe!ale plant" have lids with long bea#s and !ature in the fall

    Bryum capillare

    84MI69 BR94C242
  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    3lants a*uatic" for!ing loose floating !ats" trailing fro! a single point of

    attach!ent" light to dar# green &te!s usually elongate The leaves unistratose"

    rather flaccid &eta very short Capsule i!!ersed to e!ergent" oval cylindrical


    Usually attached to sub!erged roc#s and wood in slow to fast flowing

    strea!s or in ponds" but !ay be e/posed for short periods when water levels drop

    &outh 4frican plants are believed to be introductions fro! 2urope

    ORD2R BUGB4UMI462&

    Buxbaumia +Bug !oss" Bug'on'a'stic#" 1u!pbac#ed elves" or 2lf'cap

    !oss- is a genus of twelve species of !osss +Bryophyta- It was na!ed in

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    3lants of Buxbaumia have a !uch reduced ga!etophyte" bearing a

    sporophyte that is enor!ous by co!parison In !ost !osses" the ga!etophyte

    stage of the life cycleis both green and leafy" and is substantially larger than the

    spore'producing stage Unli#e these other !osses" the ga!etophyte of Buxbaumia

    is !icroscopic" colorless" ste!less" and nearly leafless It consists e/clusively of

    thread'li#eprotone!atafor !ost of its e/istence" rese!bling a thin green'blac#

    felt on the surface where it growsThe plants are dioicous" with separate plants

    producing the !ale and fe!ale organsMale plants develop only one !icroscopic

    leaf around each antheridiu!" and fe!ale plants produce Fust three or four tiny

    colorless leaves around each archegoniu!

    Because of its s!all si,e" the ga!etophyte stage is not generally noticed

    until the stal#ed sporangiu!develops" and is locatable principally because the

    sporangiu! grows upon and above the tiny ga!etophyte The e/tre!ely reduced

    state ofBuxbaumiaplants raises the *uestion of how it !a#es or obtains sufficient

    nutrition for survival In contrast to !ost !osses"Buxbaumiadoes not produce

    abundant chlorophylland is saprophyticIt is possible that so!e of its nutritional

    needs are !et by fungithat grow within the plant

    The sporophyte at !aturity is between $ and

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    This order have the best !osses vascular syste! to transport water fro! the

    ground leaves" ste!s cells having speciali,ed in transporting water and plant

    epider!is waterproofing" so that unli#e typical !osses where water is transported

    by capillarity through the epider!is" the transport in these species is internal

    84MI69 3O69TRIC4C242

    The 3olytrichaceae is a co!!on fa!ily of !osses Me!bers of this fa!ily

    tend to be larger than other !osses with a thic#ened central ste! and a rhi,o!e

    The leaves have a !idrib that bears la!ellae on the upper surface &pecies in this

    group are dioicous 4nother characteristic that identifies the! is that they have

    fro! (A to :$ peristo!e teeth in their sporangiu!

    4 thic#ened central ste! and a rhi,o!e The leaves have a !idrib that bears

    la!ellae on the upper surface In this fa!ily the hard leaves with la!ellar !any

    e/pansions will !a#e the sheet retains water surface and increase photosynthesis


    This !oss live wildly and beco!e the co!!on hair cap !oss that is easy to

    find 3referring to live in lightly shaded areas with !oist slightly acidic soil" it

    can also survive in areas of full sunlight provided the soil is !oist The co!!on

    hair cap !oss can also grow in areas of poor soil and slow drainage


    The fe!ale shoots develop the eggs and the !ale shoots develop the sper!

    In the spring" raindrops splash the sper! fro! the !ale shoots to the fe!ale

    shoots where they then travel into the egg During the su!!er spores are releasedand carried by the wind .hen the spore reaches a habitat it can survive in" it

    ger!inates and the process starts over again

    One of the e/a!ple of this fa!ily isPolytrichum commune

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    ingdo! 7 3lantae

    3hylu! 7 Bryophyta

    Class 7 Bryopsida

    Order 7 3olytrichales

    8a!ily 7 3olytrichaceae

    5enus 73olytrichu!

    &pecies 7 Polytrichum


    Life Cycle of Polytricaceae

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    ORD2R T2TR431ID462&

    This order has single fa!ily Tetraphidaceae represented by two genus

    Tetraphis and Tetradontiu! Tetraphis is northen 1e!isphere genus"

    inhabitingconiferus forests The s!all plants grow on deco!posing wood" prat

    ban#s and rarely on sandstone

    84MI69 T2TR431I4C242

    The leaves are s!all but those on the upper ste! are big bright green" ovate

    and costateThis plants are !onoceous" the archegonia and antheredia are on

    ter!inal separate branchesThis order has A genus7 Tetraphis and

    Tetrodontiu!This !oss can live in !oist place that have aciditic or neutral 31

    One of the e/a!ple of tetraphiaceae is etraphis pellucida

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    The !orphology of

    etraphis pellucida are

    &te! are not rhi,o!es"

    costa slender" capsule long'

    e/serted and leave s!all



    Kingdom: Plantae

    Division: Bryophyta

    Class: Bryopsida

    Order: Tetraphidales

    Family: Tetraphidales

    Genus: Tetraphis

    Species: Tetraphis


  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses







































    4ctually we got another source about the !osses classification" here below thegraph

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    Andreaeopsida the ranite !osses

    This is a s!all" cool'cli!ate class of siliceous'roc#dwelling !osses


  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses


    pseudopodiu!" a character in co!!on with &phagnopsida" a stal# produced at

    capsule !aturity fro! the ga!etophyte tissue Of ecological significance" it is

    autoicous +having !ale and fe!ale reproductive organs in separate clusters on the

    sa!e plant- This ensures there will be others around to acco!plish fertili,ation

    8igure AAndreaea rupestris" Class 4ndreaeopsida"

    ga!etophyte with sporophyte showing four valves of capsule and

    pseudopodiu! of ga!etophyte


    This class li#ewise is co!prised of a single genus" 4ndreaeobryu! +8igure

    (-" which has been considered by !ost to belong to the 4ndreaeopsida" but

    recently separated in the treat!ent by Buc# and 5offinet +A%%%- It differs in being

    dioicous +having !ale and fe!ale reproductive organs on separate plants- andpossessing a seta Its calyptra is larger" covering the capsule" and the capsule is

    valvate" but unli#e the 4ndreaeopsida" the ape/ erodes" so the valves are free" not

    Foined at the ape/ The distribution is narrow" restricted to the northwestern part of

    Canada and adFacent 4las#a" where it grows on calcareous roc#s" contrasting with

    the acidic granite preference of 4ndreaea

  • 7/21/2019 Classification of Mosses



    ( 4ndreaeobryu! !acrosporu! with valvate capsules 3hoto fro! Biology (A