classroom management luk wing-shing 陸永成 tmcc holm glad college...


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Page 1: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

Classroom Management

LUK Wing-shing 陸永成

TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

Page 2: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

Classroom Management

How old is Mr. LUK ? A. 23 B. 33 C. 43 D. 53

Page 3: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

Classroom Management

Where is Mr. LUK living? A. Kowloon Tong B. Kwun Tong C. Kam Tin D. North Point

Page 4: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

Each audience please join two nearby audiences forming a group of 3 to discuss

what would be the three most important elements of classroom management and

name three skills that you want to learn in this talk.

Then report your findings.

Page 5: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

QUESTION How many decisions a teacher have to

make within one school day? A. 100 B. 200 C. 500 D. 2000

Page 6: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

There would be no time to think,

you can only react by your instinct.

So, be prepared.

Page 7: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

1. Rules and Regulations

上課詩三首 老師講課要留心 用耳用眼更用神 不准交談不准寫 手勢示範要看真

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1. Rules and Regulations

遇有疑難須發問 舉手之前要想真 老師叫名才起立 清楚說話究原因

Page 9: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

1. Rules and Regulations

習作快做不要等 閒時溫習更安心 上課之前先預備 帶齊須用之物品

Page 10: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

1. Rules and Regulations

they are the law in the classroom,

BUT only for those who respect

this law

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1. Rules and Regulations

Fair Firm Friendly

Page 12: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

1. Rules and Regulations

A little bit understanding and

Humor would resolve a lot of conflicts.

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2. Why we attend school? - just satisfy them

高高興興的上學 開開心心的回家 勤勤力力的讀書 順順利利的升班

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2. Why we attend school? - just satisfy them

老師來姍姍 學生懶懶閒 精神齊抖擻 同來抓時間

Page 15: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

3. Instruction technique people learn through different senses audio visual physical emotion experiential just entertain your audience and give precise instructions

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People are basically good. To connect with and validate their own self-worth, they need to find their own inner treasure.

Page 17: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

Purpose of Punishment 1.          Deter the others

2.          Isolate to ensure peace and order

3.          Pay the right price (consequence)

4.          Rehabilitation

5.          Compensation

6.          Reconciliation

Page 18: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

Reward and Punishment Use these two tactfully Be relevant to the behavior Build up your own authority Give choices, ask for suggestions, at least

three What have you learnt from this?

Page 19: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

5. Mutual respect

People connect on the basis of being similar and grow on the basis of being different.

We are all manifestations of the same life force.

Healthy human relationships are built on equality of value.

Page 20: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

6. Keep them busy 讀書五部曲 上課留心聽 作業做到足 每日勤溫習 考試早讀熟 題目先預習 齊來創紀錄

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7. Know your audience as a whole and as an individual

中國註名散文作家 魯迅 創作一個角色時會同時考

慮 這個角色的一生和他 / 她


Page 22: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

8. Personal iceberg of Satir Model Behavior

Coping Stances Feelings

Feelings about feelings Perceptions Expectations Yearnings Inner Self

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9. Tradition, Culture and Atmosphere

Understand the School Tradition, Culture and Atmosphere

Be sensitive to the culture and those taboos. Be aware to the atmosphere and find whatever support you need. Also find out what expectations they have on you.

Page 24: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

10. Own your own feelings Feelings belong to us. We all have them.

Know them and treat them as friends.

Page 25: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

10 Keys to be an Effective Teacher

1. We can't do everything, but we can do something.

2. If we cannot get our expected result, change ourselves.

Page 26: Classroom Management LUK Wing-shing 陸永成 TMCC Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學

10 Keys to be an Effective Teacher

3. The most important element is our own personality, which is reflected in our way of handling our work and relating with others. Skills are only extension of our personality.

4. Learn to appreciate instead of to criticize.

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10 Keys to be an Effective Teacher

5. If we do not believe our student can change, they would most likely be unable to change.

6. Our ultimate goal is to help our student, not to get rid of them. It may be the last chance for them to receive help from you. Do treasure it!

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10 Keys to be an Effective Teacher

7. Always look for a small changes. 8. Developing positive is usually much

easier than removing negative -- it makes no difference to the ultimate result.

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10 Keys to be an Effective Teacher

9. There is always a positive motivation behind a negative behaviour. Look for it!

10. Always make reference to "normal behaviour" at a particular stage of development of a young person.

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Teaching is an ART

Style Character Skill Experience Learnable

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Contact - LUK Wing-shing

You may call me through Tel.: 27274311 or E-mail: [email protected]