clauseggerssorensen markant rop

Essay by Claus Eggers Sørensen. Submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirements for the Master of Arts in Typeface Design. Department of Typography and Graphic Communication The University of Reading, United Kingdom, July 2009 Reflection on Practice

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Page 1: ClausEggersSorensen Markant RoP

Essay by Claus Eggers Sørensen.Submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirements for the Master of Arts in Typeface Design. Department of Typography and Graphic Communication The University of Reading, United Kingdom, July 2009

Reflections on Practice

Reflection on Practice

Page 2: ClausEggersSorensen Markant RoP


Reflections on PRactice

table of contents

3 the MaRkant tyPeface faMily foR news in PRint and on scReen 4 a shoRt histoRy of news tyPogRaPhy 9 the PRocess of develoPing the latin RegulaR 14 on the design featuRes of the latin RegulaR 15 on the design featuRes of the uPPeR case and sMall caPs 16 on the design featuRes of the italic 17 on the design featuRes of the gReek 18 on the design featuRes of the cyRillic 19 on the coMbination of latin, cyRillic and gReek on the weights and styles 20 conclusion 21 scRiPt & language suPPoRt 22 glyPh RePeRtoiRe 24 style & weight RePeRtoiRe 25 tyPeface featuRes

Page 3: ClausEggersSorensen Markant RoP


Reflections on PRactice

the MaRkant tyPeface faMily foR news in PRint and on scReenThe Markant family of typefaces engage the contemporary challenges of news typogra-phy. Newspapers struggle to stay an attractive proposition to the public. Competition from online sources is strong, and there is no doubt that distribution via the Internet is the future. This has led to a loss of control over the typographical design, as require-ments to be compatible with a host of devices, dictate setting the bar for the lowest common denominator.

Especially typography – the key element of conveying content – has suffered tre-mendously. Web browsers have until now not been able to use typefaces outside of their operating system. This is changing as you read this. The newest generation of browsers now allow designers to specify custom typefaces and use them in browsers, ensuring an elevation of typographical quality closer to that of printed matters.

The Markant typeface family is designed to perform in legibility, economy of set-ting and distinct tone of voice, both in print and on any type of screen.

In this essay I will go into some detail on the process of developing the typeface that I eventually named Markant. The development process was marked by number of creative challenges. My quest for an original design meant I had to stop, go back and rethink stylistic elements on several occasions. I found that this was the greatest chal-lenge I faced during my work.

Markant means distinct or marked. A quality somewhat counter to the goals of typographic design1. This field between the duly expected and the excitement of nov-elty has to be navigated with care, especially in the field of text faces. Newspaper body copy typefaces is a narrow field mostly driven by quantitative measures like economy of setting and legibility. Some newspapers do however try to communicate an identity even in the design or choice of their body copy text typeface. With screens as the new medium, I have tried to design a text face that both establishes a tone of voice, as well as meeting some of the requirements for typefaces for screens.

1 Warde, Beatrice. The Crystal Goblet, Sixteen Essays on Typography. World Pub. Co., Cleveland, 1956.

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Reflections on PRactice

a shoRt histoRy of news tyPogRaPhyThe design of what eventually turned out to become the typeface family Markant was inspired by my fascination of typefaces for newspaper printing. Especially the typefac-es designed for body copy use – the long running text, in narrow columns, with little or no leading – I found to be a worthy subject for exploration.

In the history of newspaper printing, the design of newspapers have moved from it’s earliest book typography roots, across changing formats and printing technolo-gies, which have all dictated new typefaces to be designed especially for these specific generational instances. Since the beginning of the 19th century, newspaper typography can be said to have come into it’s own, with set of conventions that are still with us today.

Several technical challenges in the last centu-ry have produced works of type design that have become hugely influential within the field, an some-times (perhaps by accident) even outside of it.

In 1922 Chauncey H. Griffith was promoted to Vice President of Typographic Development at Mergenthaler Linotype. He immediately start-ed the development of new typefaces to replace the prevailing modern1 style faces. The issue trou-bling the moderns was their high contrast design. Especially the hairline parts of the cast lines could break of while printing, and counters could clog with ink and pulp. Faster printing meant transfer-ring the cast lines with the stereotype process to a letterpress cylinder for high-speed rotary printing on endless rolls of paper stock. C. H. Griffith’s new approach was to engineer new typefaces to the print-ing method2. That meant drawing inspiration from the Egyptienne3 style as seen in the Clarendon4 type-face, with it’s very sturdy lower contrast design, and Theodore Low De Vinne and Linn Boyd Benton’s Century Roman, which possessed elegance and legi-bility. The first product of these efforts was Ionic No. 5. It was an instant success, within eighteen months it was used by more than 3000 newspapers all over the world5. C. H. Griffith and Mergenthaler Linotype continued to refine the design in subsequent itera-tions: Excelsior (1931), Paragon (1935), Opticon (1935), Corona (1941). These became known as the Legibility group.

Times New Roman commissioned by The Times of London and released by Monotype in 1933 after one year of exclusivity to The Times, was a design over-seen by Stanley Morison6. This typeface drew heav-ily upon the Plantin face, and was allowed to have delicate lines and be semi-condensed, because it

1 Modern to mean, of the Didone style.2 Consuegra, David. American type design & designers. Allworth Communications, Inc., 2004, p. 149.3 Also know as Egyptian.4 Designed by Robert Besley and released by The Fann Street Foundry in 1845.5 Consuegra, David. American type design & designers. Allworth Communications, Inc., 2004, p. 149.6 Unger, Gerard. Experimental No. 223, a newspaper typeface, designed by W.A. Dwiggins. Quaerendo,

Volume 11, Number 4, 1981 , pp. 302-324(23)

Clarendon with a roman type, from the Fann Street Foundry, c. 1852. Not to scale.

Ionic No. 5, Excelsior and Paragon from the Linotype Legibility Group. Not to scale.

Century Roman. From Consuegra, David. American type design & designers. Allworth Communications, Inc., 2004, p. 62.

Times New Roman from it’s first use in The Times of London 3rd, October 1932.

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Reflections on PRactice

was printed in sheet feed letter press as opposed to high-speed rotation presses. This could only be done because The Times had a relatively limited daily run. As proceeding time allowed improvement in paper stock and printing technologies other newspapers adopted Times New Roman even in high-speed rotation letterpress. This design proved so popular that is to this day remains in use in some newspapers, but mostly see use in periodicals and books.

With the move to photo lithography and offset printing in the 1960s, print quality took a turn for the worse. Photo lithography involved many stages of transferring a layout from intermediate mediums to the final paper substrate. Printing speed increased leading to ink smearing or ghost impressions on opposite pages if the ink was not applied thinly enough, in turn leading to greyish impression on already greyish stock. Further, the paper stock had coarse fibres and a porus structure, leading to a high ink spread. This was to inspire Dutch typedesigner Gerard Unger to design Swift for release in 1985. It was sturdy with large wedge serifs, large x-height and open apertures, but per-haps most importantly it was of a contemporary aesthet-ical language. It too some time for the design to catch on in a very conservative newspaper industry, but then it did have to replace the two major typefaces in use – Times New Roman and Excelsior –that had been the staple of newspaper body copy since the early 1930s.

Swift masterly integrated le goût hollandois7 with techni-cal solutions and contemporary design sensibilities. Later Gerard Unger would take on the issue of economy of set-ting in his 1993 design Gulliver. By that time page composi-tion had moved to electronic layout systems, and advances in printing technology and paper quality had opened up for more delicate designs.

Matthew Carter – another prolific typedesigner within newspaper typeface design – had also seen this opportu-nity for more refinement, and designed Miller8 for release in 1997. This was a Scotch Roman revival9, stylistically clos-er to Linotype’s Legibility group, and in a much more con-servative design language than Gerard Unger’s designs. Yet it offered more typographical variety with intermediate weights, small caps, grades10, body text and display versions. These were all typographical garnishes that had been large-ly abandoned from newspapers since hotmetal linecasters were introduced. With computer layout applications, these sophistications could now be re-intro duced.

7 Johnson, A. F. The ‘ Goût Hollandois. The Library, 4th series, v. 20, 1939, pp. 180–96; (Selected essays, pp. 365–77).

8 Not a strict revival of any particular typeface, rather a revival of the Scotch Roman style.10 Grades are a number of fonts for the same typeface, spanning in weight from slightly lighter

to slightly darker around a middle weight. An appropriate weight can then be chosen to fit the particular printing speed, ink, plate work, paper stock and so on, for a final newspaper that fea-tures body copy that is neither too light nor too dark. Grades were not exclusive to digital type-setting, they had also been offered by Mergenthaler Linotype for Excelsior.

Als Retter der Banken haben die Kanzlerinund der Finanzminister eine gute Figur ge-macht. Wenn es aber um Maßnahmen gegenden Konjunkturabschwung geht, handelt dasKabinett dilettantisch. Die Regierung berietauf ihrer gestrigen Kabinettssitzung zumzweiten Mal innerhalb einer Woche über dasKonjunkturpaket. Doch die erneuten Gesprä-che können nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen:Bei der Kfz-Steuer hat die Große Koalitionein heilloses Durcheinander angerichtet. Erstwollte die Koalition alle Neuwagen begünsti-gen. Dann sollten die umweltfreundlichenFahrzeuge einen Steuernachlass erhalten.Jetzt gibt es für alle neuen Autos, die in dennächsten sechs Monaten gekauft werden,einen Rabatt. Wie es weitergeht, weiß keiner.Das Hin und Her steht in keinem Verhältniszum Nutzen. Die Vorstellung, mit dem Ver-zicht auf die Kfz-Steuer den Autoabsatz an-kurbeln zu können, ist naiv. Die Regierunghat wertvolle Zeit für Klein-Klein vertan,anstatt ein umfassendes Konzept gegen denAbschwung auf den Weg zu bringen.Was dazu die ökonomischen Berater der

Bundesregierung sagen, ist im Jahresgutach-ten des Sachverständigenrates nachzulesen.Beim Verzicht auf die Kfz-Steuer handelt essich um Placebo-Politik. Der ebenfalls ge-plante Steuerbonus auf Handwerkerrechnun-gen hat ebenfalls keinerlei Nutzen für dieKonjunktur und erhöht nur bestehende Sub-ventionen. Mit einem Sammelsurium vonEinzelmaßnahmen kommt die Politik nichtweiter. Gefragt sind in schwierigen ZeitenAntworten, die nicht nur einer Branche kurz-fristig Vorteile verschaffen, sondern allenVerbrauchern und Unternehmen. Die Empfeh-lungen der Fünf Weisen fallen überraschendaus. Deren Rat lautet: nicht kleckern, son-dern klotzen. Die Regierung soll notfalls hö-here Schulden hinnehmen, um die Arbeitneh-mer steuerlich zu entlasten. Damit schlagendie Ökonomen völlig neue Töne an, denn inder Vergangenheit haben sie der Haushalts-disziplin einen hohen Stellenwert zugemes-sen. Wenn die Professoren nun die Konjunk-turankurbelung für vordringlicher halten alsden Schuldenabbau, ist das ein Hinweis da-rauf, dass Deutschland wie andere Länderauch vor ernsthaften Problemen steht.Dies darf zwar kein Freibrief für Aktionis-

mus sein. Aber dennoch gibt es für staatlicheImpulse gute Argumente. Seit dem Jahr 2001kommt der private Konsum hierzulandenicht mehr in Fahrt. Während andere Länderihre Wirtschaft durch Maßnahmen stützen,die die Konsumausgaben der Verbrauchersteigern, ist in Deutschland der Aufschwungvor allem von Exporten und Investitionengetragen worden. Das kann auf Dauer nichtgutgehen. Anstatt viele kleine Programmeauf den Weg zu bringen, die Milliardenverschlingen, ist das Geld in Steuersenkun-gen besser angelegt. Vom Abbau der kaltenProgression im Einkommensteuertarif, wiesie der Sachverständigenrat vorschlägt, hät-ten alle Arbeitnehmer etwas. Das Augenmerkder Politik sollte auf der Stärkung der Massen-kaufkraft liegen. Jetzt rächt sich, dass dieGroße Koalition mit Steuererhöhungen sei-nerzeit schnell zur Hand war. In der Krisesind Entlastungen notwendig. Nur wenn dieVerbraucher das Gefühl haben, dass sie sichAnschaffungen wie ein neues Auto oder denKauf neuer Möbel leisten können, werden sieauch mehr konsumieren.Für die öffentlichen Haushalte bedeutet

das neue Schulden. Das gilt aber auch für denFall, dass die Regierung an ihren unsinnigenKonjunkturplänen festhält. Wenn die Politikschon Geld ausgibt, sollte sie es für sinnvolleZwecke verwenden. Beweist die RegierungAugenmaß, würde sich der finanzpolitischeSchaden trotz Steuerreform in Grenzen hal-ten. Die finanzpolitische Ausgangslage hatsich in den vergangenen Jahren verbessert.Das schafft Spielraum in Notzeiten.

Berlin und der Rat der Weisen


Man wird wieder mal umdenken müssen.Und wir werden nicht umhinkommen, auchganz klar zu sagen: Wie gut, dass es die IKWgibt. Verwechseln Sie jetzt bitte die IKWnicht mit der IKB. Die IKB ist die DeutscheIndustriebank, und über die IKB ist in Zusam-menhang mit der Finanzkrise eigentlich allesgesagt worden. Jedenfalls wünschen wir derInvestmentgesellschaft Lone Star alles Gutemit ihrem Neuerwerb IKB, wenden uns jetztaber unverzüglich einem erfreulicherenThema zu: der IKW. Die IKW ist der Industrie-verband Körperpflege- und Waschmittel, unddieser Verband hat erfreulicherweise derSchweizerin Katharina Zaugg ein Forum gege-ben. Katharina Zaugg finden wir im Handels-register unter „Putzschule Katharina Zaugg“mit Sitz in Basel und dem Unternehmens-zweck „Schulung nachhaltiger Raumpflege.Förderung der Integration der Raumpflege“.Was unter Letzterem zu verstehen ist,

erschließt sich nicht unmittelbar, aber damitist wohl gemeint, dass Putzvorgänge heutenoch vielfach in einer Parallelwelt stattfin-den. Und das will Katharina Zaugg ändern.Frau Zaugg hat bei einer Galaveranstaltungdes Industrieverbands Körperpflege- undWaschmittel ihre seit Jahrzehnten propa-gierte Position unterstrichen, wonach dasPutzen in „aufrechter Haltung“ und mit„rhythmischen Bewegungen“ einen geradezu„meditativen Charakter“ haben kann. Das istmal eine interessante Sicht der Dinge! Wirwissen aus anderer Quelle, dass Frau Zauggbesonders gerne Toiletten putzt, sprich: dort-selbst meditiert. Die von Frau Zaugg propa-gierte nachhaltige Raumpflege und der damitverbundene Erkenntnisgewinn kann auchBankmanagern empfohlen werden. FangenSie einfach in der Derivatenkammer an!

Rekordverdächtige 23 Stunden haben Ar-beitgeber und IG Metall in Sindelfingenbenötigt, um die schwierigste Lohntarif-runde seit langem zu lösen. 23 Stundenzwischen Friedensschluss und Arbeits-kampf, zwischen kleinlichem Gefeilscheund unvermeidlichen Tarifritualen.

Von Matthias Schiermeyer, Sindelfingen

Dass die lange Tarifnacht nicht zu vermeidensein wird, ist schon klar, bevor die Dunkel-heit über der Stadthalle von Sindelfingenhereinbricht. Wer nachmittags gegen 15 Uhranfängt zu verhandeln, der sucht die Ent-scheidung nicht vor Mitternacht. Jetzt zählenkeine Inflationsrate und kein Produktivitäts-zuwachs mehr. Jetzt mündet der Streit umdie Prozente in einen harten Machtpoker umdas günstigere Tarifergebnis. Also wird ge-feilscht bis zur Erschöpfung.Jan Stefan Roell und Jörg Hofmann sind

die Pokerspieler, die – trotz gegenseitigerSympathie füreinander – unterschiedlicherkaum auftreten können. Abgeklärt tritt derSüdwestmetall-Chef Roell zu Beginn vor dieMikrofone und fordert unmissverständlich:„Wir müssen deutlich unter dem Abschlussvon 2007 bleiben.“ Die Finanzkrise macht esmöglich: während der Arbeitgeber erkennt,dass sich der Wind – strategisch gesehen –zu seinen Gunsten gedreht hat, bläst demGewerkschafter ein Sturm ins Gesicht. Sosteht der IG-Metall-Bezirksleiter Hofmann zuBeginn etwas ratlos da und weiß nicht recht,wohin mit den Händen. Rein in die Hosenta-schen, raus aus den Taschen. Die IG Metall istin den letzten Wochen unruhig geworden.

In einem sind sie sich einig: „Sagenhaftweit“ seien die Positionen auseinander, sagtRoell. Die Diskrepanz sei „extrem groß“,pflichtet Hofmann ihm bei. Gegen halb vierkommen die Kontrahenten erstmals zusam-men: sechs auf jeder Seite. Beide Verhand-lungsführer haben ihre Tarifexperten sowieMitstreiter von Bosch oder ZF Friedrichsha-fen mitgebracht. Auch die Daimler-Vorleute,Personalvorstand Günther Fleig und Betriebs-ratschef Erich Klemm, gehören wieder demengsten Kreis an. Da kann die Absatzkrise beiMercedes noch so groß und die Streiklust derDaimler-Kampftruppen noch so gering sein –die Erfahrung dieser Männer ist unverzicht-bar. Gegen 18 Uhr werden die Verhandlun-gen unterbrochen. Die Gespräche befändensich in einer „schwierigen Ecke“, sagt einerder Sprecher im geschraubten Tarifdeutsch,wie es üblich ist, wenn der Leerlauf mitwichtigen Worten verdeckt werden soll.Fortan tut sich wenig im engen Verhand-

lungsraum „K III“ hinter dem Stadthallenres-taurant. Weitere vier Stunden später tretendie Pressesprecher erneut vor. Nun ist mangar in einer „sehr schwierigen Ecke“. Aha.

Spät am Abend kommen die Gremien insSpiel, in denen sich die Verhandlungsführerstets vor ihren Entscheidungen absichern.Die Gewerkschaft hält ihre Hintergrundkom-mission mit 60 Funktionären auf dem Laufen-den und konsultiert den Vorstand mit Bert-hold Huber an der Spitze, der in Schwieber-dingen Quartier bezogen hat. Die Führungdes Dachverbandes der Arbeitgeber berätsich wenige hundert Meter vom Verhand-lungsort entfernt im Hotel Marriott. Auch derGesamtmetall-Präsident Martin Kannegiessermuss dort Rücksicht auf die vielfältigen Be-findlichkeiten im eigenen Lager nehmen.Die lange Tarifnacht ist da, und gegen

drei Uhr in der Früh ist noch längst kein Endein Sicht. Seit neun Stunden haben angeblichkeine substanziellen Verhandlungen mehrstattgefunden, allenfalls sporadische Kon-takte, wie die Sprecher mitteilen. Das ist abernur ein Teil des Verwirrspiels, wie sich späterherausstellt, denn in kleinster Runde geht eskonstruktiv voran. Auch Verhandlungsteil-nehmer werden daraus nicht schlau. „Irrsin-nig“ nennt der Heidelberger BevollmächtigteMirko Geiger die Hängepartie. Solch eigenar-tige Verhandlungen habe er in den letztenzehn, 15 Jahren nicht erlebt. Die Arbeitgeberließen keine ernsthafte Bewegung erkennen,was er als Zeichen dafür wertet, dass sie sichintern völlig uneinig seien.Die Folterinstrumente der IG Metall lie-

gen bereit – der Arbeitskampf ist bestensvorbereitet: Zunächst soll, so ist es geplant,die Große Tarifkommission am Mittwochvor-mittag das Scheitern beschließen, am Nach-mittag soll der Vorstand folgen. Noch amgleichen Abend könnte die Urabstimmungbeginnen und am Montagmorgen die Arbeitruhen. Die Streikstrategie zielt auf eine ra-sche Eskalation mit großen Arbeitsausfällen.Anders als 2002 will die Gewerkschaft dieBelegschaften nicht tageweise in den Aus-stand holen, sondern Unternehmen, in denen

keine Fernwirkung zu erwarten ist, unbefris-tet lahm legen. Fernwirkung bedeutet Band-stillstand in den Betrieben, die nicht direktbestreikt werden, wegen der unterbrochenenLieferkette aber in Mitleidenschaft gezogenwerden. Dort würde die Aussperrung drohen,was die Gewerkschaft vermeiden will.

Die IG Metall spiele nicht mit Streik,sondern begegne ihm immer mit Respekt,beschwichtigt der Waiblinger Geschäftsfüh-rer Dieter Knauß. Doch wenn es sein soll,werde der Kampf angenommen. Währendder Warnstreiks habe man gut geübt. „Wirwissen, wo es dem Stihl wehtut“, sagt er.Auch der Ludwigsburger BevollmächtigteKonrad Ott glaubt nicht, dass die Gewerk-schaft wegen der Wirtschaftskrise plötzlichmachtlos sei. Es gebe genügend Maschinen-baubetriebe, die unter hohem Produktions-druck stünden und keine Ausfälle vertrügen.Noch bis Sonntag war der Ulmer Unter-

nehmer Roell in China. „Da fragt man uns:Reichen euch nicht Konjunkturabschwungund Finanzkrise – müsst ihr auch noch einenArbeitskampf haben?“ Streik bringe Spaltungund Stress in die Belegschaften, mahnt er.Und er „emotionalisiert die Unternehmerkol-legen“. „Da gibt es einige, die sagen: Wenn esnicht klappt, müssen wir den Arbeitskampfüber uns ergehen lassen.“ Kurz: Ihr werdetschon sehen, was ihr davon habt, IG Metall.Soweit kommt es nicht. Gegen halb fünf

in der Frühe lässt sich der Südwestmetall-Chef vor dem Marriott zu dem optimisti-schen Satz hinreißen: „Es dauert nicht mehrlange.“ Seine Skepsis sei schon deutlich gerin-ger. In einer halben Stunde werde etwaspassieren. Dann werde man erleben, wieHofmann und er, Roell, dasselbe komplexeVertragswerk unterschiedlich interpretieren.

Roell ist ein seriöser Unterhändler undkein Freund bewusster Desinformation. Den-noch wird seine Prophezeiung nicht eintre-ten. Es dauert vielmehr eine weitere Stunde,bis Hofmann vom Vorstand aus Schwieber-dingen zurückkehrt und auf die Frage, ob eseine Einigung gebe, barsch antwortet:„Nein.“ Das hört sich nicht nach Einigung an,im Gegenteil. In den nächsten Stunden tau-chen die Verhandlungsführer ab, lassen dieHintergrundgremien und die Berichterstatterden Vormittag über allein mit all den Gerüch-ten vom Durchbruch, die die Gewerkschaftauf Kompromisskurs drängen sollen. „Unsäg-lich“, schimpft ein Bevollmächtigter. Die Ar-beitgeber hätten kräftig Nachforderungen ge-stellt. „Das ist im Prinzip der gleiche Scheiß’wie bei der Altersteilzeit.“ Mittags tritt notge-drungen der Gewerkschaftssprecher vor. Eswerde noch verhandelt, betont Kai Bliesener.„Daher sind Meldungen, dass es eine Tarifei-nigung gibt, schlicht und ergreifend falsch.“Erst am frühen Nachmittag bereiten die

Streithähne dem Wechselbad der Gefühle einEnde. Um 14.20 Uhr, 23 Stunden nach Be-ginn, decken die Pokerspieler Hofmann undRoell, Huber und Kannegiesser ihre Kartenauf, und sie präsentieren in einer Stimmungs-lage von Erleichterung bis Stolz den neuenTarifvertrag – ein Werk mit vielen Zahlenund Abstufungen, das vieles verschleiert unddoch beiden Seiten gerecht wird.


Jerusalem hat einen neuen Bürgermeis-ter. Er heißt Nir Barkat, ist Geschäfts-mann, und noch weiß man nicht sogenau, wie er politisch einzuordnen ist.Immerhin: er hat die Religiösen besiegt.

Von Inge Günther, Jerusalem

Er ist nicht charismatisch, aber wendig,smart. Und wenn es darauf ankommt, ist erziemlich rechtsnational: Nir Barkat, ein ge-schäftstüchtiger Jungdynamiker, ist zum Bür-germeister von Jerusalem gewählt worden.Er werde für alle Bürger da sein, ob sie fürihn gestimmt hätten oder nicht, hat er ver-sprochen. Ein bisschen klang er da wie derlegendäre Teddy Kollek, der wie kein andererausgleichend wirkte in dieser Stadt, die sichim ewigen Spannungsfeld zwischen From-men und weltlichen Kräften, Juden und Ara-bern, befindet. Aber anders als Kollek istBarkat ein Mann, der polarisiert. Für dasFriedenslager stellt er nach allem, was er imWahlkampf gesagt hat, ein rotes Tuch dar.Der Mann, der seine ersten Millionen mit

Computersoftware verdiente, hat im Wahl-kampf aber auch gezeigt, dass er fähig zurSelbstironie ist. So hatten seine AnhängerBarkats Pappebenbild mit den Erkennungs-

merkmalen der diversen Bevölkerungsgrup-pierungen ausstaffiert: mal mit Bart undFellmütze für die ultraorthodoxen Juden, malmit blau-weiß gehäkelter Kippa auf demKopf, wie sie nationalreligiöse Siedler tragen.Dazwischen wurde Barkat, ganz nach demGeschmack der politischen Mitte, als moder-ner Geschäftsmann präsentiert, oder er trugdie für Linke typische Nickelbrille. Nir Barkat– „der Bürgermeister für jedermann“, sobeschreibt er selbst seine neue Rolle.Den Einzug ins Chefzimmer der Jerusa-

lem City Hall hat er letztlich aber seinemPakt mit zwei Interessengruppen zu verdan-ken. Barkat ist es zum einen gelungen, dassäkulare konservative Bürgertum zu mobili-sieren. Das sind jene, die nach fünf JahrenErfahrung mit einem ultraorthodoxen Rat-hauschef die Nase vollhatten vom Missma-nagement in der Verwaltung. Hauptsache,der Neue kümmere sich um eine besserfunktionierende Müllabfuhr und tue etwasgegen das Verkehrchaos, sagen sie.Andere Wähler nahm Barkat mit seinem

Bekenntnis für nationale Ziele ein. Ir David,die Stadt Davids genannte jüdische Siedlungim arabischen Stadtteil Silwan, ist für ihn„eindrucksvoller Beweis, was wir mit demRest Jerusalems machen können“. Zum Ver-gleich: Kollek hatte es in seinen späten

Jahren als Fehler bezeichnet, seinerzeit nichtgegen die ersten Extremisten unter den Sied-lern eingeschritten zu sein, als die sich mitrüden Methoden unter alteingesessenen Pa-lästinensern festsetzten. Barkat möchte zurBegeisterung der Siedlerlobby JerusalemsWohnungsknappheit mit großen Neubauvor-haben im äußeren Ostteil der Stadt lindern.Dahinter steckt der Plan, Ostjerusalem

mit der Großsiedlung Maale Adumim zuverbinden. Die USA haben dagegen schonfrüher protestiert. Letztlich hat über ein sol-ches umstrittenes Projekt auch nicht derBürgermeister zu entscheiden, sondern dienationale Regierung. Barkat will nun mitre-den. Jerusalem müsse die „auf ewig vereintejüdische Hauptstadt bleiben“. Palästinensi-sche Ansprüche auf Jerusalem ignoriert er.Manche glauben, dass Barkats Bündnis

mit den Rechtsnationalen taktisch bedingtwar, um zu einer Mehrheit zu kommen.Denn vor fünf Jahren hatten die den ultraor-thodoxen Kandidaten ins Amt gehoben. Mit52 Prozent Stimmenanteil hat Barkat sichklar gegen den Rabbiner Meir Porusch vonder Vereinten Thora-Partei durchgesetzt. ImStadtrat sind die Verhältnisse umgekehrt. Inder Konkurrenz mit den Religiösen haben diesäkularen Kräfte einen Punktsieg errungen –nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger.

Lange Zeit weit auseinander: die Verhandlungsführer Jörg Hofmann (links) und Jan Stefan Roell

UNTEN RECHTSDie Acht war gestern.

Die lange Nacht von Sindelfingen

Durchhalten, um den Kampf zu vermeiden

Jerusalems neuer Bürgermeister

Pragmatiker oder Hardliner – die Zukunft wird’s weisen

Nir Barkat (links) hat nach seinem Sieg gesagt,er wolle für alle Bürger da sein. Foto AP

Von Heinz Beekmans

Kurz vorm Ziel wird nachgelegt

Die Verhandlungen in Sindelfingen sind von Warnstreiks begleitet worden. Der Abschluss in Baden-Württemberg soll nun Pilotwirkung für die ganze Republik haben. Fotos AP (2), ddp

Von Roland Pichler

Verwirrspiel und Hängepartie

3D o n n e r s t a g , 1 3 . N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 8Stuttgarter Ze i tung Nr . 265 DIE DRITTE SEITE


Swift® Regular

Swift is a trademark of Linotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.

For further information please contact: [email protected]

OHamburgefonstiv24 pt

OHamburgefonstiv36 pt

OHamburgefonstiv48 pt

OHamburgefon60 pt

OHamburgef72 pt

OHamburg84 pt

OHambur96 pt

Gerard Ungers Gulliver. From Stuttgarter Zeitung Nr. 265, 2008.

Mittel roman by Christian Zinck (1724). From Johnson, A. F. The ‘ Goût Hollandois. The Library, 4th series, v. 20, 1939, p. 195.

Matthew Carter’s Miller Daily.

Gerard Ungers Swift.TWO: REGULAR WITH BOLD AND ITALIC 9 point

AND GRUMPY WIZARD MADE 125 TOXIC BREWS FOR THESE EVIL QUEENS & JACKS. LAZY MOVE QUIT HARD PACKING OF PAPIER-MÂCHÉ JEWELRY. Back at my quaint garden: jaun ty zinnias vie with 13 flaunting phlox. Hark! 4,872 toxic jungle water vipers quietly drop on ze bras for meal! New farm hand(picks just six quinces) proves strong but very lazy. For on ly about $65, jolly housewives made an ‘inexpensive’ meal out of 82 quick-frozen vegetables. Jaded zombies acted so quaint but kept driving their 31 oxen forward. At my grand prix, J. Blatz was equally vilified for his funky ways. My grandfather spent his day quickly carving wax buzz ards, mostly from junk. When we go back to Juarez, Mexico, will we fly over lovely Arizona? Murky haze enveloped a city as jarring quakes broke fortysix windows. Pack mine box with five dozen liquor jugs. Will we expect Major Douglas to take this true/false quiz very soon? A mad boxer shot a quick,


GRUMPY WIZARD MADE THE TOXIC BREWS FOR AN EVIL QUEEN & JACK. LAZY MOVER QUIT HARD PACKING OF OLD PAPIER-MÂCHÉ JEWELRY BOX. Back at my quaint garden: jaunty zinnias vie with flaunting phlox. Hark! 4,872 toxic jungle water vi pers quietly drop on zebras for meals! New farm hand (picking just six quinces) proves strong but so lazy. For only about $65, jolly housewives made the ‘inexpensive’ meal using quick-frozen vegetables. Jaded zombies acted quaintly but kept driving their 31 oxen forward. At my grand prix, J. Blatz was equally vilified for his funky ways. My grandfather spent his day quickly carving wax buz zards, mostly from junk. So, whenwe go back to Juarez, Mexico, do we fly over picturesque Arizona? Murky haze enveloped that city as jarring quakes broke forty-six more windows. Do pack my boxwith fifteen dozen liquor jugs. Will Major Douglas be expec ted to take that true falsequiz very soon? Mad boxer shot another quick, gloved jab to the jaw of his dizzy opponents. Just work for an improved basic tech





zinnias vie with flaunting phlox.

Hark! 4,872 toxic jungle water

vip ers quietly drop on zebra for

meals! New farm hand (picking

just six quinces) proves strong but

lazy. For only about $65, jolly house wives made inexpensive meals out of quick-frozen vegetables. Jaded zombies acted quaintly but kept driv ing their 31 oxen forward. But at my grand prix, J. Blatz was equally vili fied for his funky ways. My grandfa

ther spent many of his days quickly

carving wax buzzards, mostly from

junk. When we go back to Juarez,

Mexico, do we fly over picturesque

Arizona? Murky haze enveloped a

city as jarring quakes broke forty

six windows. Pack my box with five

dozen liquor jugs, miss. Will Major

Douglas be expected to take this

true/false quiz very soon? A mad boxer shot a quick, gloved jab to the jaw of his dizzy opponent. Just working for improved basic techniques will maximize your typing skills. The jukebox song

puzzled a gentle visitor from that

Types cut by Richard Austin around 1810 for two foundries in Glasgow were imported to the US by the Dickinson foundry and became known as Scotch Roman. These sturdy types, revived by Matthew Carter as Miller, are exceptionally well suited to news use. The Guardian of London commissioned an adaptation for their text use, now expanded into a graded series with bold and italics for emphasis and a lighter bold for running text; fb 1997-2002






quit hard packing of papier-

mâché jewelry box. Back at my

quaint garden: jaunty zinnias

vie with such flaunting phlox.

Hark! 4,872 toxic jungle water




QUEEN & JACK. LAZY MOVER quit hard packing of my papier-

mâché jewelry box. Back at my quaint garden: jaunty zinnias vie with flaunting phlox. Hark!

4,872 toxic jungle water vi pers

quietly drop onto the zebras for





hard packing of these old papier-

mâché jewelry boxes. Back at my

quaint garden: jaunty zinnias vie

with flaunting phlox. Hark! 4,872

toxic jungle water vipers quietly

drop on zebra for meals! Then we

FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO PLACE AN ORDERVisit, call 617 423-8770, or fax 617 423-8771

The Font Bureau, Inc. 326 A Street, Suite 6C, Boston, MA 02210

©2002 The Font Bureau, Inc. All rights reserved. Miller® is a trademark of Carter & Cone Type, Inc. and The Font Bureau, Inc.


Page 6: ClausEggersSorensen Markant RoP


Reflections on PRactice

During C. H. Griffith’s tenure, in 1929, William Addison Dwiggins was hired as a type designer, and would become Mergenthaler Linotype principal artist-under-contract11 Famously his greatest legacy was the discovery of the opti-cal phenomenon he coined The M-Formula. It was the cul-mination of a number of ideas he had collected and noted in letters to C. H. Griffith, but the revelatory moment came from his work in carving marionette dolls12. He discovered how angular features amplified shapes as they were seen from a distance, and he applied this spatial effect to the pla-nar world of typedesign. Although he repeatedly tried to design typefaces using his idea, it was never exhausted in any published design.

His findings on the optical perceptual effects of angu-larity were predated by the work of French ophthalmolo-gist Dr. Louis Émile Javal in his book Physiologie de la lecture et de l’écriture13 published in 1905. He worked on legibility in very small size text – from six down to one point, and commissioned type to be cut per his instructions by Charles Dreyfuss. A speciment of these fonts was published. The angularity in these types was taken to the extreme, with an abundance of 90 degree angles and in some cases counters inked, entirely omitting the surrounding stroke.

11 Unger, Gerard. Experimental No. 223, a newspaper typeface, designed by W.A. Dwiggins. Quaerendo, Volume 11, Number 4, 1981 , p. 302

12 Ibid, p. 31613 Javal, Louis Émile. Physiologie de la lecture et de l’écriture. Paris, 1905; Bibliography in Annales

d’oculistique, Paris, 1907, 137: 187.


11. 'Geometrical spinach', a stencilled ornament from 'Memo- randum 4' of July 1937

like young girls from clear across the room, as well as from the front benches.'

In this way Dwiggins responded to the phenomenon that light, and even more distance, influence the manner in which objects are perceived. He

rightly concluded that these influences on his puppets were comparable tothe influence of a marked reduction in letter size and the distance from which they were read. In a later explanation of the 'M-formula' he stated: 'The said M-formula applies to small sizes. It is, as discussed before, amethod to trick the eye (in viewing objects much reduced) into seeingcurves that aren't there. Naturally its most effective work would be in anews letters of 7 point or less.' The curves 'that aren't there' are the curves on the inner side, where he introduced sharp angles. At the same time thefree-hand drawn curves led to a slightly old style effect, which he refrained from saying anything about at this time. He did write, however: 'Myscheme of attack in general is, a more nearly monotone letter with heavier serifs and a higher body.''

The fourth memorandum in the document of 7 July 1937 concerns thewriter's wish to combine taut curves with sharp angular elements. His

inspiration for this came partly from his marionettes again, and partly fromhis 'geometrical spinach'- the ornaments which he made with the help ofstencils. He concluded: 'These letters are "classical" anatomy processed àla marionette. You will see the method in the drawings. It is more evident in

12. The first sketches showing the M-formula applied to type, an illustration also fromthe document of 3 July 1937

First sketches showing the M-formula applied to type (1937). From Unger, Gerard. Experimental No. 223, a newspa-per typeface, designed by W.A. Dwiggins. Quaerendo, Volume 11, Number 4, 1981, p. 317. Not to scale.

Large scale thin paper drawing of the lower case g for the W. A. Dwiggins design Experimental 223, 4th proof (1939). Not to scale.

Louis Émile Javal and Charles Dreyfuss’ unnamed typeface. From Physiologie de la lecture et de l’écriture. Paris, 1978; Retz-C. E. P. L., p. 232. Not to scale.

Page 7: ClausEggersSorensen Markant RoP


Reflections on PRactice

Susan Kare’s Chicago. Here in a the 12 pixel size used for menus and titles in the Mac OS.

Herbert Bayer’s Universal (1925).

Matthew Carters’s Georgia. Shown hinted, and in aliased rendering.

Matthew Carters’s Georgia. Shown without hinting applied.

Matthew Carters’s Georgia. Shown in anti-aliased rendering.

Bauhaus faculty member Herbert Bayer created his high-ly modular Universal in 1925 on a commission from the Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius, to design a typeface for the school’s communications. This modular approach proved hugely influential, and come computers, the concept of modularity was inherent to the screens. Even the fonts in a dot matrix printer was build over a rather coarse grid.

For the 1985 launch of the Apple MacIntosh personal computer, graphic designer Susan Kare was commissioned to create a bitmapped typeface for the innovative graphical user interface. The harsh aliased look was at that time sof-tened by the cRt14 monitor it was displayed on.

As printing devices became generally available and dis-play resolutions increased, the need for scalable typefac-es became apparent. In the case of bitmapped fonts, any enlargement would make the pixels equally enlarged, or a much higher resolution laser printer15 would likewise need to enlarge the typefaces for print. Thus the need for reso-lution independent typefaces, that could be displayed and printed on any device, only limited by it’s native resolution.

Several technologies to solve this problem was devel-oped, but the surviving one was Adobe’s PostScript16. With it, a typedesigner could describe glyph outlines with Bézier curves and have them rendered with fidelity on high resolu-tion output devices like the Linotype Linotronic 10117.

The problem was how to render these outlines on low resolution devices like the computer displays? Without instructions on how, where and when to turn on or off spe-cific pixels, the bare bézier outlines would render on the grid of the screen in a mathematically logical way, but inconsist-ent in regards to what a typeface was supposed to look. It could be that stems were not of equal thickness, a major problem since the body copy sizes would optimally require a one pixel stem width, and should it fall to either side of this, it would mean that either the stem would disappear or dou-ble in width. Other problems included handling overshoot, making sure hairlines were rendered, that closed shapes did indeed close in the rendering, and that pixel patterns were alike in alike outlines.

This necessitated the inclusion of hints in the outline fonts. These hints were build in instruction on how to render a font. Information on stem weights was included and horizontal zones of alignment was described for the whole font. Still, at the smallest sizes – and incidently the most used sizes – this information was not enough, special screen representations had to be included with the outline font. These screen representations had to be hand edited for each relevant pixel size.

14 Cathode ray tube. See for more information.15 Laserprinters at that time had a resolution of 300 dpi, opposed to the much lower screen reso-

lution of 72 dpi.16 Developed in 1982 and appeared in the Apple LaserWriter in 1985.17 The Linotronic 101 was the first laser photosetter to support PostScript, and it thus enabled

designers to output pages ready for platemaking and printing.

Page 8: ClausEggersSorensen Markant RoP


Reflections on PRactice

In 1996 Microsoft initiated the Core fonts for the Web project to offer a collection of typefaces optimized for screen use. Matthew Carter had already designed one of the two major components of the package, the sans serif design Verdana, and he was com-missioned to design the serif design Georgia for the Microsoft Network18. With Verdana and Georgia he reversed the usual sequence of working, and started by designing the bitmapped design for screens. Only after this step was completed he would create suitable outlines that could be hinted to re-create his initial bitmap design. Georgia can be said to be a screen version of his earlier Scotch Roman design Miller.

As computing technology evolved colour displays became standard equipment, and computer memory and processing speeds allowed for the display of grey scale and col-our images. This meant fonts could be rendered anti-aliased19, that is a rendering with multiple values of grey to indicate density, rather than just the binary aliased render-ing. The TrueType20 font format offered a much more sophisticated approach to hint-ing, and the anti-aliasing could be controlled to better effect. I should however take a long time for the dominant Microsoft Windows operating systems to implement anti-aliasing as a default. Only with the later ClearType21 sub-pixel rendering technology, updated system fonts that took advantage of this, lcd22 displays as the norm and with Windows Vista had screen typography moved past the aliased rendering technology.

A commonality between the outlined developments in typography is the outside driv-ing factors in technology. The current move towards medium agnostic media means contents must be separated from presentation, and presentation must be general-ized and automatized as much as possible. The New York Times developed the Times Reader23, which employs an auto art director24 algorithm to lay out content on the fly, and all this in the newspaper’s recognizable Cheltenham typeface25. The enhanced span from previously only printed newspapers, to now also span screen representations sets forth some questions, namely if is it possible to design a typeface that is both well suited for printing and for screen use. Is it possible to, at the same time, brand a body copy typeface without getting in the way of technical limitations, and without disturb-ing legibility. Is it possible to create good readability on a screen?

18 Released with the launch of Mac OS System 7 in May 1991, later licensed to Microsoft.21

The New York Times’ Times Reader application, here showing it’s auto art director algorithm changing the layout automatically as the size of the application window changes.

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Reflections on PRactice

the PRocess of develoPing the latin RegulaROur the very first workshop with Gerard Unger he set us the task of designing letter-forms that could were legible in as small sizes as possible. I ventured into this dark, wide design. No real serifs are present, instead I experimented with some pyramid stubs to terminate the stems. Clearly inspired by Dwiggins’ Experimental No. 223 and the Javal experiments. I would return to these ideas several times during the develop-ment of my typeface for news.

The first characters designed were ‘adhesion’ since they cover all the basic compo-nents of the lower case. There is the n as the main character, and other characters are built from the rules of this letter shape. Since the brief was to design both for screen and print, my first sketch had very low contrast, wide characters and large x-height.

This allowed me to evaluate weight and proportions of the letterforms. With these characters columns of text could be set26 to evaluate the general texture of the charac-ters as words and lines. The next step was to expand the character set a bit to be able to set realistic text. To test how the weight would influence the legibility of the type on a screen, I designed an array of weights using Multiple Master27.


FONTLAB FONT SAMPLE Claus Eggers Sørensen

7/18/2009 22:15Font: CESproportionString: adhesion

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Reflections on PRactice

The weights were tested on an Illiad28 e-Book, on the Apple Macs, the Apple iPhone29, the olPc30, and in print using various laser printers. The printers var-ied considerably in how dark the type was rendered on the print. The print-er closest to an offset printing situation happened to be the Hewlett Packard LaserJet P 2015. Where the screens generally favoured the lighter weights, the prints favoured heavier weights. Screen rendering in Apple’s os 10.5 native renderer, the iPhone, the Illiad, and the olPc was quite good using no hinting except defining horizontal alignment zones. Rendering in Windows Vista31 was really bad, and Adobe Acrobat’s CoolType32 renderer was better than the render-ing in Vista, but worse than the Apple native rendering. I tested and compared these devices in this regard, and came to the conclusion to aim for the os 10.5 native rendering in regards to screens, as this offered the best quality with the least involvement from my side. Especially since hinting was not required it left me free to concentrate on design aspects instead.

All these weights were however very low in stroke con-trast, so the next step was to explore contrasts. I decided to focus on the appearance of the printed page, so I pro-

ceeded to expand the Multiple Master design with a contrast axis. This would allow me to find a suitable contrast between a very low contrast, and a very high contrast endpoint. From the printed samples I chose a contrast to work out of.

Next step was to develop the serifs. They are especially troublesome on screens, as in normal reading sizes, only one pixel is used to describe it. Further the white space between characters must preserved, without allowing the character spacing to grow too large. Finally the weight and shape of the serifs can introduce ‘noise’ on both the screen as well as the printed page. Bracketed serifs reduce this noise, but wedge shaped serifs offer more weight, and are preferred for smaller sizes.

I would return to the design of the serifs again a number of times during the design process. Getting them interesting would prove to be a very illusive goal. Different designs would have unwanted connotations. Some styles would even point directly to a particular previous typeface design, like for instance the bracketed serifs of Swift.

At this time I had to face the fact that my design had become bland and generic. Certainly not something to strive for in a typographical landscape where more typefac-es every day inhabit increasingly narrow stylistic positions between already existing typefaces. So I begun to draw from scratch again, to try to get to something both interesting and new. I returned to explore some of the ideas of angu-larity and M-formula that I had done in the first workshop with Gerard Unger.

I didn’t feel that these experiments were strong enough to carry themselves into a full design. However I decided to


FONTLAB FONT SAMPLE Claus Eggers Sørensen

7/19/2009 14:29Font: CESString: /a/d/e/h/i/k/l/n/o/r/s adhesion

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FONTLAB FONT SAMPLE Claus Eggers Sørensen

7/19/2009 14:31Font: CESString: /a/d/e/h/i/k/l/n/o/r/s adhesion

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7/19/2009 13:11Font: CES0wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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7/19/2009 13:12Font: CES200wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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7/19/2009 13:12Font: CES300wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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7/19/2009 13:12Font: CES400wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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7/19/2009 13:13Font: CES600wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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FONTLAB FONT SAMPLE Claus Eggers Sørensen

7/19/2009 13:13Font: CES700wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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FONTLAB FONT SAMPLE Claus Eggers Sørensen

7/19/2009 13:13Font: CES800wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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FONTLAB FONT SAMPLE Claus Eggers Sørensen

7/19/2009 13:13Font: CES900wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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FONTLAB FONT SAMPLE Claus Eggers Sørensen

7/19/2009 13:12Font: CES1000wtString: ,.:;adehinosäëö adhesion

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7/19/2009 14:53Font: CESString: aduhbksinrf

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FONTLAB FONT SAMPLE Claus Eggers Sørensen

7/19/2009 14:56Font: CESserifString: aduhbksinrf

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CES serifs 20.vfb January 13, 15.23, 2009 HP LaserJet 5100

Claus Eggers Sørensen MATD 08-9 University of Reading

barack obama this morning named the chief of the chicago schools as his secretary of education, promising “a new vision for a education system” that aims to raise expectations of students and educators and to recruit highly qualified teachers. in a press conference at a chicago school this morning, the president-elect announced his pick of arne duncan, a friend and basketball partner, to head the department of education. the pick indicates obama wants fresh but proven thinking at the top of the education department, which directs billions in federal education dollars to states and school districts around the country, and can be enormously influential in setting national educa-tion policy and standards. obama praised duncan’s pragmatic openness to diverse education theories and practices and his willingness to buck interest groups in pursuing contro-versial measures like closing failing schools. “for arne, school reform isn’t just a theory in a book - it’s the cause of his life,” obama said. “and the results aren’t just about test scores

barack obama this morning named the chief of the chicago schools as his secretary of education, promising “a new vision for a education system” that aims to raise expectations of students and educators and to recruit highly qualified teachers. in a press conference at a chi-cago school this morning, the president-elect announced his pick of arne duncan, a friend and basketball partner, to head the department of education. the pick indicates obama wants fresh but proven thinking at the top of the education department, which directs billions in federal education dollars to states and school districts around the country, and can be enormously influential in setting national education policy and standards. obama praised duncan’s pragmatic openness to diverse education theories and practices and his willingness to buck interest groups in pursuing controversial measures like closing failing schools. “for arne, school reform isn’t just a theory in a book - it’s the cause of his life,” obama said. “and the results aren’t just about test scores or statistics, but about whether our children are developing the skills they need to compete with any worker in the world for any job.” duncan, is a chicago native who was raised in hyde park, the neighbourhood that obama made his home. he sparked controversy this fall by

barack obama this morning named the chief of the chicago schools as his secre-tary of education, promising “a new vision for a education system” that aims to raise expectations of students and educators and to recruit highly qualified teachers. in a press conference at a chicago school this morning, the president-elect announced his pick of arne duncan, a friend and basket-ball partner, to head the department of education. the pick indicates obama wants fresh but proven thinking at the top of the education department, which directs billions in federal education dollars to states and school districts around the country, and can be enormously influential in setting national education policy and standards. obama praised duncan’s pragmatic openness to diverse education theories and practices and his willingness to buck interest groups in pursuing controversial measures like clos-ing failing schools. “for arne, school reform isn’t just a theory in a book - it’s the cause of his life,” obama said. “and the results aren’t just about test scores or statistics, but about whether our children are developing the skills they need to compete with any worker in the world for any job.” duncan, is a chi-cago native who was raised in hyde park, the neighbourhood that obama made his home. he sparked controversy this fall by propos-ing the chicago school system open a gay-friendly high school. the harvard graduate, who briefly played professional basketball in australia, is credited with raising achieve-

barack obama this morning named the chief of the chicago schools as his secretary of educa-tion, promising “a new vision for a education system” that aims to raise expectations of students and educators and to recruit highly qualified teachers. in a press conference at a chicago school this morning, the president-elect announced his pick of arne duncan, a friend and basketball partner, to head the department of education. the pick indicates obama wants fresh but proven thinking at the top of the education department, which directs billions in federal education dollars to states and school districts around the country, and can be enormously influential in setting national education policy and standards. obama praised duncan’s pragmatic openness to diverse educa-tion theories and practices and his willingness to buck interest groups in pursuing contro-versial measures like closing failing schools. “for arne, school reform isn’t just a theory in a book - it’s the cause of his life,” obama said. “and the results aren’t just about test scores or statistics, but about whether our children are developing the skills they need to compete with any worker in the world for any job.” duncan, is a chicago native who was raised in hyde park, the neighbourhood that obama made his home. he sparked controversy this fall by proposing the chicago school system open a gay-friendly high school. the harvard graduate, who briefly played professional basketball in australia, is credited with raising achievement in the nation’s third-largest state school district. he is seen as a compromise between education theorists who demand tougher student stan-dards and pay-for-performance schemes for teachers and a camp that would focus on public

barack obama this morning named the chief of the chicago schools as his secretary of education, promising “a new vision for a education system” that aims to raise expectations of students and educators and to recruit highly qualified teachers. in a press conference at a chicago school this morning, the president-elect announced his pick of arne duncan, a friend and basketball partner, to head the department of educa-tion. the pick indicates obama wants fresh but proven thinking at the top of the education department, which directs billions in federal education dollars to states and school districts around the country, and can be enormously influential in setting national educa-tion policy and standards. obama praised duncan’s pragmatic openness to diverse education theories and practices and his willingness to buck interest groups in pursuing controversial measures like closing failing schools. “for arne, school reform isn’t just a theory in a book - it’s the cause of his life,” obama said. “and the results aren’t just about test scores or statistics, but about whether our children are developing the skills they need to compete with any worker in the world for any job.” duncan, is a chicago native who was raised in hyde park, the neighbourhood that obama made his home. he sparked controversy this fall by proposing the chicago school system open a gay-friendly high school. the harvard graduate, who briefly played profes-sional basketball in australia, is credited with raising achievement in the nation’s third-largest state school district. he is seen as a compromise between education theorists who demand tougher student standards and pay-for-performance schemes for teachers and a camp that would focus on public investment in schools and teacher development, including the powerful teachers unions. “duncan has credibility with various factions in the education policy debate and would allow president obama to avoid publicly choosing sides in that debate in his most high-profile education nomination,” demo-crats for education reform, a new york-based group that supports his nomination, wrote in a briefing paper last month. duncan joined chicago’s government school system in as a deputy chief of staff under then school chief paul vallas, and became the system’s chief execu-tive in. under his direction the school system has led efforts to improve teacher quality and to restructure

barack obama this morning named the chief of the chicago schools as his secretary of education, promising “a new vision for a educa-tion system” that aims to raise expectations of students and educa-tors and to recruit highly qualified teachers. in a press conference at a chicago school this morning, the president-elect announced his pick of arne duncan, a friend and basketball partner, to head the department of education. the pick indicates obama wants fresh but proven thinking at the top of the education department, which directs billions in federal education dollars to states and school districts around the country, and can be enormously influential in setting national education policy and standards. obama praised duncan’s pragmatic openness to diverse education theories and practices and his willingness to buck interest groups in pursuing controversial measures like closing failing schools. “for arne, school reform isn’t just a theory in a book - it’s the cause of his life,” obama said. “and the results aren’t just about test scores or statistics, but about whether our children are developing the skills they need to compete with any worker in the world for any job.” duncan, is a chicago native who was raised in hyde park, the neigh-bourhood that obama made his home. he sparked controversy this fall by proposing the chicago school system open a gay-friendly high school. the harvard graduate, who briefly played professional basketball in australia, is credited with raising achievement in the nation’s third-largest state school district. he is seen as a compro-mise between education theorists who demand tougher student standards and pay-for-performance schemes for teachers and a camp that would focus on public investment in schools and teacher development, including the powerful teachers unions. “duncan has credibility with various factions in the education policy debate and would allow president obama to avoid publicly choosing sides in that debate in his most high-profile education nomination,” democrats for education reform, a new york-based group that supports his nomination, wrote in a briefing paper last month. duncan joined chicago’s government school system in as a deputy chief of staff under then school chief paul vallas, and became the system’s chief executive in. under his direction the school system has led efforts to improve teacher quality and to restructure failing schools, while raising graduation and college attendance rate. obama also outlined his thinking on education, calling for “a century education system” that includes “recruiting, retaining, and rewarding an army of new teachers” and holding “our schools, teachers and government accountable for results”. egged on by a reporter, obama praised duncan’s jump shot, and joked that he has assembled the best basketball-playing cabinet in us history. the move leaves obama’s cabinet almost finalised. yesterday, obama made his most decisive break with the past eight years of george bush yesterday, claiming the creation of a new energy economy for the us as the defining issue of his presidency and naming a nobel science laureate and a supporter of al gore to his cabinet. the president-elect turned the roll-out of his new energy and environ-ment team, made at a press conference in chicago, into a chance to restate his commitment towards putting energy reform at the centre of his economic plan. his choice of the physicist steve chu as

9 pt

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Reflections on PRactice

try to integrate back some of the ideas I explored here back into the previous design.The oversized ink traps did not work in body copy sizes, to be visible the type would

have to be set in display sizes. In body sizes they were superfluous. Since printing quality today is so good that they are irrelevant, they would ever only have been a sty-listic element.

I returned to previous design, refining character proportions in the hope solutions would present themselves. I produced a number of mock newspaper articles in a hand-ful of languages. That allowed me to work on the important design of diacritics. The diacritics would have to be of a certain size to render unambiguously on the screen

– larger than what would be necessary for print. There would for instance be issues with differentiating breve and macron from each other in screen renderings. The acute (kreska) and grave had to be rather large to easily be differentiated from each other and the dot-accent.

The basic vertical metrics – the proportions between caps, descenders, ascenders, and x-height was adjusted as the size and style of the diacritics were developed.


7/19/2009 19:43Font: MangoString: adehilnou

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MorgenavisenA3 mock newspaper 1.indd | 2009, januar 27, 2009 10:34 | HP Laserjet 5100

Sidste danskere tog hjem, før irakerne var klar til at overtageDen december forlod de sidste danske soldater koalitionen i Irak. Trods regeringens løfter, er irakerne ikke klar til at tage over. Nu må amerikanerne gøre vores arbejde færdigt

„Den dag, hvor irakerne overtager ansvaret, da trækker vi os ud.“Sådan fastslog statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen den danske politik i Irak, da Ekstra Bladet endelig fik lov til at interviewe ham i.

Nu har Danmark i tavshed luk-ket sin Irak-mission, men irakerne har ikke overtaget ansvaret. Den december forlod de sidste seks danske officerer det multinationale hovedkvarter i Bagdads grønne zone, og hermed trak Danmark sig officielt ud af Irak-koalitionen.

De danske officerer har hjulpet den irakiske regering med at genopbygge det irakiske militær og politi. Regerin-gen skriver specifikt i sin Irak-analy-se fra maj, at officererne først skulle trækkes hjem "i takt med, at irakerne overtager ansvaret for egen træning og uddannelse".

Men de irakiske styrker kan endnu ikke stå på egne ben, og derfor har amerikanske officerer måttet over-tage arbejdet efter danskerne. Det oplyser den amerikanske oberstløjt-nant Bill Gazis, der er presseofficer i Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq, hvor de danske of-ficerer var.

Alligevel mener de konservatives forsvarsordfører, Helge Adam Møller, at Danmark har gjort arbejdet færdigt.

– Vi har sagt, vi ville hjælpe så længe, der var behov for det og FN-mandat til det, og så længe vi havde kræfter til det. Nu bliver opgaven løst af nogle andre, og det har jeg det fint med," siger Helge Adam Møller "K".

- Men irakerne har jo ikke overtaget ansvaret"

„Det vigtigste er, at opgaven bliver løst. Om det så er svenskere, dan-skere, irakere eller amerikanere kan være lige meget. Men det bedste ville selvfølgelig være irakere,“ siger Helge Adam Møller.

arbejdet er ikke færdigtVed udgangen af året udløb Irak-koalitionens FN-mandat, og Danmark

valgte i modsætning til USA og andre koalitionslande ikke at indgå en ny aftale med den irakiske regering. Det strider stik imod, hvad udenrigsmi-nister Per Stig Møller k tidligere har sagt.

„Hvis jeg ser på alternativerne til at blive i Irak, så kan jeg ikke anbefale en tilbagetrækning af koalitionen. Og jeg mener, at det, der gælder for Danmark, også må kunne være gyldigt for de andre lande i koalitionen. Man kan ikke bare sige: Vi kan godt trække vores styrker, bare I andre bliver,“ sagde Per Stig Møller til Berlingske Tidende november.

Nu ser man det i Udenrigsministe-riet som et tegn på en positiv udvik-ling, at Irak ikke længere har bedt om Danmarks hjælp. Men ifølge lektor i sikkerhedspolitik fra Københavns Universitet, Peter Viggo Jakobsen, er det ikke på grund af udviklingen i Irak, at Danmark nu trækker sig ud.

Hvis målet var at opbygge et stabilt og demokratisk Irak, som man sagde, da vi gik ind, så er arbejdet ikke gjort færdigt. Men hvis målet var at gøre vo-res amerikanske og britiske allierede glade, så er arbejdet færdigt. Vi har hjulpet dem over den værste hurdle, og vi scorer ikke længere point hos amerikanerne ved at have seks mand i Bagdad. Det gør vi ved at bruge krudtet på Afghanistan, og derfor er det ikke så underligt, at vi har truk-ket os ud af Irak," siger Peter Viggo Jakobsen.

vi har gjort noget godtChef for Dansk Institut for Militære Studier, ph.d Mikkel Vedby Rasmus-sen, er enig i, at Danmark har større behov for soldaterne andre steder end i Irak. Han mener, det er umuligt at sige, om målet er nået i Irak, for det har aldrig været klart defineret.

„Lige så meget mening, det giver på Christiansborg at tale om at gøre arbejdet færdigt, lige så lidt mening giver det i Basra og Bagdad. For hvor-

når er man færdig. Hele missionen har lidt under, at målene har været så abstrakte, så man ikke kunne nå dem. Men der er ingen tvivl om, vi har gjort noget godt i hvert fald,“ siger Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.

Hverken forsvaret eller regeringen har aktivt oplyst om, at Danmark har trukket sig ud af koalitionen, og det er ikke en tilfældighed, mener Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.

Opfattelsen i befolkningen er, at vi trak os ud af Irak for flere år siden, og det er regeringen godt tilfreds med. Irak har altid været kontrover-siel og nu vil man gerne bare lægge den krig bag sig," siger Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.

Den nærmest hemmeligholdte tilba-getrækning møder markant kritik fra Enhedslistens Frank Aaen.

„Det er et svigt af soldaterne, og mangel på lydhørhed over for det man selv tidligere har sagt. Det viser bare, at regeringen ikke ønsker at få mere lys på det danske medansvar i Irak,“ siger han.

Det har ikke været muligt at få en kommentar fra udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller "K", der er i Sydafrika. Men nu vil han på foranledning af Frank Aaen skulle redegøre for bag-grunden for, at de seks danske solda-ter blev trukket hjem netop nu og for, hvorfor det er sket i al ubemærkethed og uden parlamentariske drøftelser.

faktaI alt har koalitionslande trukket sig ud af Irak i og tilbage står USA, Australien, Storbritannien, El Salva-dor, Estland og Rumænien.

Selv om Danmark ikke længere er en del af koalitionen, har forsvaret stadig soldater i Irak. De arbejder i NATO Training Mission og som liv-vagter for den danske ambassade.

Dans la course aux messages de félicitationsLes réactions affluent après la prise de fonction du nouveau président Barack Obama.Premier à réagir après l'investi-ture d'Obama, le Premier ministre britannique, Gordon Brown. Il salue "un nouveau chapitre dans l’histoire américaine comme dans l’histoire du monde". Barack Obama "n’est pas seulement le premier président noir américain, mais il a dès le départ la détermination à résoudre les problè-mes du monde.

En France, Nicolas Sarkozy s’est dit "résolu à travailler main dans la main" avec les Etats-Unis pour "relever ensemble les immenses défis" du monde.

Dans son message de félicitations, Silvio Berlusconi, le chef du gou-vernement italien, invite Obama à "affronter ensemble les défis actuels: la crise financière, la situation au Moyen-Orient et en Afghanistan".

Le chef de la diplomatie iranienne, Manouchehr Mottaki, attend de voir: "Nous préférons encore attendre pour voir quelles seront les actions politi-ques du gouvernement américain" à l’égard de l’Iran. Il a appelé au pas-sage le nouveau président à porter un

nouveau regard sur le Proche-Orient en affirmant que le "regard tradition-nel ne donnera rien".

Le chef du gouvernement espa-gnol, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero: "Avec son discours, Obama nous donne espoir, et ses paroles nous placent sur le meilleur chemin pour une relation fluide et fructueuse avec le gouvernement espagnol". "L'arrivée d'Obama offre une opportunité que nous n'allons pas laisser passer".

L'Union européenne, par la voix du président de la Commission euro-péeenne, José Manuel Barroso appelle à resserrer les liens: "Au moment où le président Obama entame son mandat historique, j'appelle l'Europe et les Etats-Unis à approfondir da-vantage les liens transatlantiques et à joindre leurs efforts "..." pour traiter les grands défis de notre époque".

Droit dans ses bottes, le président Hugo Chavez a lancé, en guise de premier commentaire après la prise de fonctions d'Obama: La révolution au Venezuela "se poursuivra quel que soit le président des Etats-Unis et sa politique étrangère".

washington – u.s. spy agencies' sensitive data should soon be linked by Google-like search systems, nearly five years after the intelligence com-munity was rebuked by the Commis-sion for failing to “connect the dots” and detect the attack.

Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell has launched a sweeping technology program to knit together the thousands of databases across all intelligence agencies. After years of bureaucratic snafus, intel-ligence analysts will be able to search through secret domestic and interna-tional files the same way they search public data on the Internet.

Mr. McConnell's new technology program is also addressing a more basic problem: Spies often have trouble emailing colleagues in other U.S. intelligence agencies, because email addresses aren't readily acces-sible, and messages sometimes get eaten by security filters. Mr. McCon-

nell aims to solve that by uniting the agencies' email systems into a single system with a full directory that links names, expertise and addresses.

Linking up the agencies is the chal-lenge at the heart of the job of direc-tor of national intelligence, created after. Dennis Blair, nominated by President Barack Obama to succeed Mr. McConnell, faces a confirmation hearing Thursday where senators are likely to ask how he will make agencies with different histories and missions work together.

The new information program also is designed to include Facebook-like social-networking programs and classified news feeds. It includes en-hanced security measures to ensure that only appropriately cleared peo-ple can access the network. The price tag is expected to be in the billions of dollars, but much of that money will be reallocated from existing technol-ogy programs.

The impact for analysts, Mr. Mc-Connell says, “will be staggering.” Not only will analysts have vastly more data to examine, potentially inaccu-rate intelligence will stand out more clearly, he said.

Today, an analyst's query scans about of the total intelligence data in the U.S. government, said a senior intelligence official. Even when analysts find documents, they some-times can't read them without pro-tracted negotiations to gain access. Under the new system, an analyst could search around of the data, the official said.

Several similar efforts have been aborted in the past decade, because cultural divides couldn't be bridged between rival agencies. Some of those efforts predated, and many intelligence agencies have botched their own technology programs since.

Mr. McConnell's team says this effort, called the Information Inte-

gration Program, has experienced of-ficials working on it full-time and is designed to deliver tangible products every few months.”There really is a very different spirit about doing all these things than there was, I think, in the past,” said Prescott Winter, a senior National Security Agency official who is directing the program for Mr. McConnell.

The program is likely to get a review from Mr. Blair. The new ad-ministration is expected to make sure it is adequately funded, effective and protects privacy.

The initiative grew out of discus-sions more than a year ago between the Pentagon's intelligence chief and Mr. McConnell's top deputy, who were concerned that military and civilian intelligence data couldn't be easily tapped. They asked the chief information officers at the six largest intelligence agencies to develop a solution.

Over the summer, the officers began to sketch out the technology and policy problems to be solved, in-cluding protecting sources and con-necting systems at different levels of classification. They also assembled case studies, which showed that the typical analyst is using technology that is about a decade old, a senior intelligence official said.

In September, all agencies agreed to the goal of creating one searchable data and email system, and Mr. Mc-Connell borrowed Mr. Winter from the NSA to get the program under way.

The first stage of the initiative is to merge the email systems of the six largest intelligence agencies, includ-ing the Federal Bureau of Investiga-tion, the Central Intelligence Agency and the NSA. Mr. Winter said that is on track to be largely completed by the end of the month. Then, they will expand to the other agencies. By

Intelligence Agencies' Databases Set to Be Linked After Years of Bureaucratic Snags, System Aims to Ease Communications, Give Spies Access to More Data

En el primer día de la era Obama, el presidente puso fin a Guantánamo. La fecha de caducidad para el centro de detención emplazado en la bahía cubana es de un a"o. Ése es el plazo que el mandatario de Estados Unidos establece en la orden ejecutiva que firmará en breve. Para Barack Obama, el cierre de la prisión abierta en „mejorará la seguridad nacional y los intereses de la política exterior de ee uu y la justicia“, según un borrador del decreto facilitado ayer a la prensa.

Nada más acabar los fastos de la toma de posesión, Obama pidió al jefe del Pentágono, Robert Gates, que solicitara a los jueces de Guantá-namo la suspensión durante días de los juicios militares para revisar los casos de los procesados. Entre ellos se encuentran los supuestos cinco coordinadores de los atentados del S, incluido su cerebro, Jalid Saij Moha-med. El consentimiento inmediato de los jueces permite a Obama cumplir una de sus promesas electorales. En Guantánamo hay presos.

Técnicamente, los jueces militares podrían haberse opuesto a la petición de Obama de suspender hasta mayo los juicios, pero eso hubiera supuesto una polémica contradicción de los deseos claramente expresados por su nuevo comandante en jefe.

Además de haber quedado suspen-dido el juicio contra los supuestos cinco cerebros de los ataques del de septiembre, se paralizó el proceso contra el único canadiense encerrado en Guantánamo, Omar Jadr, quien tenía a"os en el momento de su de-tención y que está acusado de matar a un soldado norteamericano en un tiroteo en Afganistán. Este caso tuvo repercusión internacional porque sus abogados alegaron que su reclusión violaba las leyes internacionales so-bre los juicios a los ninos soldados.

Sin embargo, cuatro de los cinco acusados por el pidieron ayer que continuaran sus procesos, a pesar de que si fueran encontrados culpables podrían ser condenados a muerte. Como dijeron en su día, esos acusados

Obama pone fin a Guantánamo

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Reflections on PRactice

At this time I had to face the fact that my design was getting uncomfortably close to a former Reading typeface Tisa33. This is something that can happen, especially seen in the light that I was – and Mitja Miklavčič had been – in the same course, with the same teachers, probably following the same general inspirations. Aware of this I had no choice but to start yet again from scratch in search for something that had not been done before.

However, the elements of proportion, weight, serifs and shapes were stating to come together. It was starting to look like a typeface. A rather bland looking typeface and certainly still too close to Tisa. It did render and read very well on screen, but it’s style was still generic.

I pursued more different, more angular approaches to serifs to get away from the very traditional bracketed style. The weight was also reduced at this time. The problem now was to avoid the references to Gerard Ungers Swift.


Mitja Miklavčič’s Tisa. The design from his Reading Ma in 2006. Sample taken from the retail version from Fontshop.

My design in December. Too close to Tisa.

MorgenavisenA3 mock newspaper 1.indd | 2009, januar 27, 2009 10:34 | HP Laserjet 5100

Sidste danskere tog hjem, før irakerne var klar til at overtageDen december forlod de sidste danske soldater koalitionen i Irak. Trods regeringens løfter, er irakerne ikke klar til at tage over. Nu må amerikanerne gøre vores arbejde færdigt

„Den dag, hvor irakerne overtager ansvaret, da trækker vi os ud.“Sådan fastslog statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen den danske politik i Irak, da Ekstra Bladet endelig fik lov til at interviewe ham i.

Nu har Danmark i tavshed luk-ket sin Irak-mission, men irakerne har ikke overtaget ansvaret. Den december forlod de sidste seks danske officerer det multinationale hovedkvarter i Bagdads grønne zone, og hermed trak Danmark sig officielt ud af Irak-koalitionen.

De danske officerer har hjulpet den irakiske regering med at genopbygge det irakiske militær og politi. Regerin-gen skriver specifikt i sin Irak-analy-se fra maj, at officererne først skulle trækkes hjem "i takt med, at irakerne overtager ansvaret for egen træning og uddannelse".

Men de irakiske styrker kan endnu ikke stå på egne ben, og derfor har amerikanske officerer måttet over-tage arbejdet efter danskerne. Det oplyser den amerikanske oberstløjt-nant Bill Gazis, der er presseofficer i Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq, hvor de danske of-ficerer var.

Alligevel mener de konservatives forsvarsordfører, Helge Adam Møller, at Danmark har gjort arbejdet færdigt.

– Vi har sagt, vi ville hjælpe så længe, der var behov for det og FN-mandat til det, og så længe vi havde kræfter til det. Nu bliver opgaven løst af nogle andre, og det har jeg det fint med," siger Helge Adam Møller "K".

- Men irakerne har jo ikke overtaget ansvaret"

„Det vigtigste er, at opgaven bliver løst. Om det så er svenskere, dan-skere, irakere eller amerikanere kan være lige meget. Men det bedste ville selvfølgelig være irakere,“ siger Helge Adam Møller.

arbejdet er ikke færdigtVed udgangen af året udløb Irak-koalitionens FN-mandat, og Danmark

valgte i modsætning til USA og andre koalitionslande ikke at indgå en ny aftale med den irakiske regering. Det strider stik imod, hvad udenrigsmi-nister Per Stig Møller k tidligere har sagt.

„Hvis jeg ser på alternativerne til at blive i Irak, så kan jeg ikke anbefale en tilbagetrækning af koalitionen. Og jeg mener, at det, der gælder for Danmark, også må kunne være gyldigt for de andre lande i koalitionen. Man kan ikke bare sige: Vi kan godt trække vores styrker, bare I andre bliver,“ sagde Per Stig Møller til Berlingske Tidende november.

Nu ser man det i Udenrigsministe-riet som et tegn på en positiv udvik-ling, at Irak ikke længere har bedt om Danmarks hjælp. Men ifølge lektor i sikkerhedspolitik fra Københavns Universitet, Peter Viggo Jakobsen, er det ikke på grund af udviklingen i Irak, at Danmark nu trækker sig ud.

Hvis målet var at opbygge et stabilt og demokratisk Irak, som man sagde, da vi gik ind, så er arbejdet ikke gjort færdigt. Men hvis målet var at gøre vo-res amerikanske og britiske allierede glade, så er arbejdet færdigt. Vi har hjulpet dem over den værste hurdle, og vi scorer ikke længere point hos amerikanerne ved at have seks mand i Bagdad. Det gør vi ved at bruge krudtet på Afghanistan, og derfor er det ikke så underligt, at vi har truk-ket os ud af Irak," siger Peter Viggo Jakobsen.

vi har gjort noget godtChef for Dansk Institut for Militære Studier, ph.d Mikkel Vedby Rasmus-sen, er enig i, at Danmark har større behov for soldaterne andre steder end i Irak. Han mener, det er umuligt at sige, om målet er nået i Irak, for det har aldrig været klart defineret.

„Lige så meget mening, det giver på Christiansborg at tale om at gøre arbejdet færdigt, lige så lidt mening giver det i Basra og Bagdad. For hvor-

når er man færdig. Hele missionen har lidt under, at målene har været så abstrakte, så man ikke kunne nå dem. Men der er ingen tvivl om, vi har gjort noget godt i hvert fald,“ siger Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.

Hverken forsvaret eller regeringen har aktivt oplyst om, at Danmark har trukket sig ud af koalitionen, og det er ikke en tilfældighed, mener Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.

Opfattelsen i befolkningen er, at vi trak os ud af Irak for flere år siden, og det er regeringen godt tilfreds med. Irak har altid været kontrover-siel og nu vil man gerne bare lægge den krig bag sig," siger Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.

Den nærmest hemmeligholdte tilba-getrækning møder markant kritik fra Enhedslistens Frank Aaen.

„Det er et svigt af soldaterne, og mangel på lydhørhed over for det man selv tidligere har sagt. Det viser bare, at regeringen ikke ønsker at få mere lys på det danske medansvar i Irak,“ siger han.

Det har ikke været muligt at få en kommentar fra udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller "K", der er i Sydafrika. Men nu vil han på foranledning af Frank Aaen skulle redegøre for bag-grunden for, at de seks danske solda-ter blev trukket hjem netop nu og for, hvorfor det er sket i al ubemærkethed og uden parlamentariske drøftelser.

faktaI alt har koalitionslande trukket sig ud af Irak i og tilbage står USA, Australien, Storbritannien, El Salva-dor, Estland og Rumænien.

Selv om Danmark ikke længere er en del af koalitionen, har forsvaret stadig soldater i Irak. De arbejder i NATO Training Mission og som liv-vagter for den danske ambassade.

Dans la course aux messages de félicitationsLes réactions affluent après la prise de fonction du nouveau président Barack Obama.Premier à réagir après l'investi-ture d'Obama, le Premier ministre britannique, Gordon Brown. Il salue "un nouveau chapitre dans l’histoire américaine comme dans l’histoire du monde". Barack Obama "n’est pas seulement le premier président noir américain, mais il a dès le départ la détermination à résoudre les problè-mes du monde.

En France, Nicolas Sarkozy s’est dit "résolu à travailler main dans la main" avec les Etats-Unis pour "relever ensemble les immenses défis" du monde.

Dans son message de félicitations, Silvio Berlusconi, le chef du gou-vernement italien, invite Obama à "affronter ensemble les défis actuels: la crise financière, la situation au Moyen-Orient et en Afghanistan".

Le chef de la diplomatie iranienne, Manouchehr Mottaki, attend de voir: "Nous préférons encore attendre pour voir quelles seront les actions politi-ques du gouvernement américain" à l’égard de l’Iran. Il a appelé au pas-sage le nouveau président à porter un

nouveau regard sur le Proche-Orient en affirmant que le "regard tradition-nel ne donnera rien".

Le chef du gouvernement espa-gnol, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero: "Avec son discours, Obama nous donne espoir, et ses paroles nous placent sur le meilleur chemin pour une relation fluide et fructueuse avec le gouvernement espagnol". "L'arrivée d'Obama offre une opportunité que nous n'allons pas laisser passer".

L'Union européenne, par la voix du président de la Commission euro-péeenne, José Manuel Barroso appelle à resserrer les liens: "Au moment où le président Obama entame son mandat historique, j'appelle l'Europe et les Etats-Unis à approfondir da-vantage les liens transatlantiques et à joindre leurs efforts "..." pour traiter les grands défis de notre époque".

Droit dans ses bottes, le président Hugo Chavez a lancé, en guise de premier commentaire après la prise de fonctions d'Obama: La révolution au Venezuela "se poursuivra quel que soit le président des Etats-Unis et sa politique étrangère".

washington – u.s. spy agencies' sensitive data should soon be linked by Google-like search systems, nearly five years after the intelligence com-munity was rebuked by the Commis-sion for failing to “connect the dots” and detect the attack.

Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell has launched a sweeping technology program to knit together the thousands of databases across all intelligence agencies. After years of bureaucratic snafus, intel-ligence analysts will be able to search through secret domestic and interna-tional files the same way they search public data on the Internet.

Mr. McConnell's new technology program is also addressing a more basic problem: Spies often have trouble emailing colleagues in other U.S. intelligence agencies, because email addresses aren't readily acces-sible, and messages sometimes get eaten by security filters. Mr. McCon-

nell aims to solve that by uniting the agencies' email systems into a single system with a full directory that links names, expertise and addresses.

Linking up the agencies is the chal-lenge at the heart of the job of direc-tor of national intelligence, created after. Dennis Blair, nominated by President Barack Obama to succeed Mr. McConnell, faces a confirmation hearing Thursday where senators are likely to ask how he will make agencies with different histories and missions work together.

The new information program also is designed to include Facebook-like social-networking programs and classified news feeds. It includes en-hanced security measures to ensure that only appropriately cleared peo-ple can access the network. The price tag is expected to be in the billions of dollars, but much of that money will be reallocated from existing technol-ogy programs.

The impact for analysts, Mr. Mc-Connell says, “will be staggering.” Not only will analysts have vastly more data to examine, potentially inaccu-rate intelligence will stand out more clearly, he said.

Today, an analyst's query scans about of the total intelligence data in the U.S. government, said a senior intelligence official. Even when analysts find documents, they some-times can't read them without pro-tracted negotiations to gain access. Under the new system, an analyst could search around of the data, the official said.

Several similar efforts have been aborted in the past decade, because cultural divides couldn't be bridged between rival agencies. Some of those efforts predated, and many intelligence agencies have botched their own technology programs since.

Mr. McConnell's team says this effort, called the Information Inte-

gration Program, has experienced of-ficials working on it full-time and is designed to deliver tangible products every few months.”There really is a very different spirit about doing all these things than there was, I think, in the past,” said Prescott Winter, a senior National Security Agency official who is directing the program for Mr. McConnell.

The program is likely to get a review from Mr. Blair. The new ad-ministration is expected to make sure it is adequately funded, effective and protects privacy.

The initiative grew out of discus-sions more than a year ago between the Pentagon's intelligence chief and Mr. McConnell's top deputy, who were concerned that military and civilian intelligence data couldn't be easily tapped. They asked the chief information officers at the six largest intelligence agencies to develop a solution.

Over the summer, the officers began to sketch out the technology and policy problems to be solved, in-cluding protecting sources and con-necting systems at different levels of classification. They also assembled case studies, which showed that the typical analyst is using technology that is about a decade old, a senior intelligence official said.

In September, all agencies agreed to the goal of creating one searchable data and email system, and Mr. Mc-Connell borrowed Mr. Winter from the NSA to get the program under way.

The first stage of the initiative is to merge the email systems of the six largest intelligence agencies, includ-ing the Federal Bureau of Investiga-tion, the Central Intelligence Agency and the NSA. Mr. Winter said that is on track to be largely completed by the end of the month. Then, they will expand to the other agencies. By

Intelligence Agencies' Databases Set to Be Linked After Years of Bureaucratic Snags, System Aims to Ease Communications, Give Spies Access to More Data

En el primer día de la era Obama, el presidente puso fin a Guantánamo. La fecha de caducidad para el centro de detención emplazado en la bahía cubana es de un a"o. Ése es el plazo que el mandatario de Estados Unidos establece en la orden ejecutiva que firmará en breve. Para Barack Obama, el cierre de la prisión abierta en „mejorará la seguridad nacional y los intereses de la política exterior de ee uu y la justicia“, según un borrador del decreto facilitado ayer a la prensa.

Nada más acabar los fastos de la toma de posesión, Obama pidió al jefe del Pentágono, Robert Gates, que solicitara a los jueces de Guantá-namo la suspensión durante días de los juicios militares para revisar los casos de los procesados. Entre ellos se encuentran los supuestos cinco coordinadores de los atentados del S, incluido su cerebro, Jalid Saij Moha-med. El consentimiento inmediato de los jueces permite a Obama cumplir una de sus promesas electorales. En Guantánamo hay presos.

Técnicamente, los jueces militares podrían haberse opuesto a la petición de Obama de suspender hasta mayo los juicios, pero eso hubiera supuesto una polémica contradicción de los deseos claramente expresados por su nuevo comandante en jefe.

Además de haber quedado suspen-dido el juicio contra los supuestos cinco cerebros de los ataques del de septiembre, se paralizó el proceso contra el único canadiense encerrado en Guantánamo, Omar Jadr, quien tenía a"os en el momento de su de-tención y que está acusado de matar a un soldado norteamericano en un tiroteo en Afganistán. Este caso tuvo repercusión internacional porque sus abogados alegaron que su reclusión violaba las leyes internacionales so-bre los juicios a los ninos soldados.

Sin embargo, cuatro de los cinco acusados por el pidieron ayer que continuaran sus procesos, a pesar de que si fueran encontrados culpables podrían ser condenados a muerte. Como dijeron en su día, esos acusados

Obama pone fin a Guantánamo

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Reflections on PRactice

I begun to introduce inflexion points within inside curves. A distinct nod to Dwiggins’ M-formula. The extra optical space created in the counters by this effect allowed me to condense many of the letter forms, which would allow better economy in setting

– on of the goals of printed newspapers, and indeed one of the goals I had set for my design. I also re-introduced the ‘ink-traps’, but now to much smaller dimensions. I had the hope that they would also help enlarge the negative space in some key areas where strokes joined. This would prove not worthwhile, as the very small detailed shapes of the ‘ink-traps’ introduced ‘noise’ in the print and screen renderings and was disturb-ing to the eye.

Encouraged by the effect of the inflexion points, I continued working to implement and refine this element in the design. The ink-traps proved to disturbing, so I removed them. The contrast was increased, and a short return to bracket serifs was trailed. Once again I had to reject the bracketed serifs because they were too generic. Instead I tried som terminal forms inspired by Dwiggins’ Experimental 223 design.

They quickly morphed into Gerard Unger’s Swift style wedge serifs. And I had to revert to the rounded wedge serifs. Rounding also the base serifs proved not to be a good idea. Without a clearly defined shearing of the ends of the base serifs, they appeared weak and too short.

To generate some fresh ideas, I created a new design again taking inspiration from the early sketches of Dwiggins’ Experimental No. 223. This fared better. I was able to use the very open aperture design of the e in this experiment. The a again explored a inflexion points within the counters, and this was too integrated in the design.

Finally lightly rounded wedge shaped base serifs were chosen. They were made slightly heavier to on the right side of the stems to counter the curvature of the serif that was leading the gaze downwards. This design was to be the final version for submission.

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adhesionMarkant in the version that was submitted.

hardcore senna doa desmolase qua helas a sounds dab coop oliniaceous dose a dis upsilons spa a apolar hi balada en he spherical

node slaloms piccalilli den espousal simpson lump sells lib dad cheirospasm microsomia run slippiness on spumier pleiocene quin�

quennium eques chappin bedels benamed man bids red dipus hacienda a bare seas sad he care unransomable a nedder lee parus ccid

unlasher do peas bepen bubo quira end canari do redoom niris subpial readiness pennoncel ascendence pouncers nice he acarophilous

roan ruse diplosome bane uh ha repp oh dismission acone omlah a us inauspiciousness bushido roc corrumpable decarbonised suisse

a us chorio do neuraminidase shalder ebb dinheiro dub in semimonarchic easel amharic poroma is hoe am moires arch esc dim chal�

lah a spend roosa brio rad primula be he mesalliances um meed a ado hill casco a mummied clop inradiuses hobiler biniou ides ender

umm nondisposable dear braise communism scholarism pons um mph lid urochs heels blennuria dulcimore reproduced siums same

pus bran marshall bullions lamiid morae ruers lamellas acerbophobia perm anacharis sorrel oleo phacella blah he unspellable less oh

recomprehend androconium um crimp umbeclad a caponiser min palosapis dan mum heed cornu succubuses noodlehead sass sub a

dobbins rameous pons danceable naris era moo arace subprocesses moosehood cloacas blere camelias labdanum unspiralled isabelline

dens sac esc emissi spumose declarers mimers or unruinable acrimonies macroscopical a simule pro a limn phi uh peed ronier coda in

he a cace amen he chandelled ha a be see scumboard a en leap inconsequence bus bareness uphroe unseemliness impen mrs coccoid

orphanhood indice luces insol ash murumuru oasis is broomball be quadriserial pine bud bond sourdine cladocerans emu unpiece

pleiad undone a claus rains soler as bend scum roar canicula medaillon hail doe carroll peas lbs old preclerical in burn cornual basin

hardcore senna doa desmolase qua helas a sounds dab

coop oliniaceous dose a dis upsilons spa a apolar hi

balada en he spherical node slaloms piccalilli den es�

pousal simpson lump sells lib dad cheirospasm micro�

somia run slippiness on spumier pleiocene quinquen�

nium eques chappin bedels benamed man bids red

dipus hacienda a bare seas sad he care unransomable

a nedder lee parus ccid unlasher do peas bepen bubo

quira end canari do redoom niris subpial readiness

pennoncel ascendence pouncers nice he acarophilous

roan ruse diplosome bane uh ha repp oh dismission

acone omlah a us inauspiciousness bushido roc cor�

rumpable decarbonised suisse a us chorio do neurami�

nidase shalder ebb dinheiro dub in semimonarchic

easel amharic poroma is hoe am moires arch esc dim

challah a spend roosa brio rad primula be he mesalli�

ances um meed a ado hill casco a mummied clop inra�

diuses hobiler biniou ides ender umm nondisposable

dear braise communism scholarism pons um mph lid

urochs heels blennuria dulcimore reproduced siums

same pus bran marshall bullions lamiid morae ru�

ers lamellas acerbophobia perm anacharis sorrel oleo

Page 14: ClausEggersSorensen Markant RoP


Reflections on PRactice

on the design featuRes of the latin RegulaRThe slightly rounded serifs soften the screen rendering artefacts and mirror the curves in the arches of the letter forms. The serifs are slightly asymmetrical to pull the gaze up towards the x-height to aid the reading process. The squarish letter forms increases the counter and aperture size, and adapts better to the rendering grid of screens.

The counter’s inflexion point top right corner pushes outwards, to create more whitespace for the counter, resulting in a clearer screen rendering in situations where the text must be rendered in a small number of pixels.

The sharp corner in between the upper and lower bowls of the bi-cameral g allows the white space to be more prominently rendered both in print and especially on screen. It allows the two bowls to be large while allowing a clearly rendered white space between the bowls at low resolutions. I found that the more squeezed for room I was, the more radically sharp the curve could be designed. Taken to it’s extreme was the 90 degree angle found in the g.

The arm of the f is relatively short, yet strong. It is certainly a move away from the Linotype style fs of the line caster era. These very compressed fs became the norm for newspapers set with Linotype line casters, as they could not kern. Here the flag is squarish like the arm of the r, the ear of the g, and the descender of the j. The arm of the f meets the stem with an inflexion point like in the r, applying the general principle from the n.

The extremely open shape of the e and c is balanced by the strong downwards stroke. The stroke stress is slightly rotated to achieve this effect. The design is reminiscent of Otl Aicher’s Rotis design. Whatever one must think of his design, it stands that very open apertures are desirable from a legibility standpoint, that the large negative space must be balanced by the weight of the stroke, and finally that the stroke modulation of a calligraphic axis imparts a stronger essence of the letter in question. These elements have to be individually balanced, taking into account the general design.



The arch of the stem on the a mirrors the downwards stroke on the c and e. Avoiding a thickening of the end of the arch, opens the aperture for better legibility. The spur of the a, d and u mirrors the in-stroke of the n.

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Reflections on PRactice

on the design featuRes of the uPPeR case and sMall caPsAs I chose to design all three eu scripts – Latin, Cyrillic and Greek – I had to design them in such a way that they could be set in the same line with each other. In Cyrillic text from the Latin script can both be written in the original Latin based script or transliterated into Cyrillic. In languages based on the Latin script, Cyrillic and Greek would mostly be transliterated. In Greek, Cyrillic would most likely be transliterated, and languages based on the Latin script could either be written in the Latin script or transliterated. To achieve consistency, the vertical metrics had to be the same.

What seems a traditional choice in Greek typeface design is to use Latin style capitals and small capitals combined with a uniquely Greek lower case design. To choose this approach is certainly easy, as it requires little adaptation, but I feel there is an opportu-nity to return to the Greek uppercase and small caps, and try to design a more unique-ly Greek design, more in line with the lowercase design.

Finding the proper proportions and weight for the small capitals proved much more of a challenge than to design the uppercase characters. The large areas of neg-ative space within the small caps had to be matched by quite heavy stroke weights to blend in with the lowercase. Especially the horizontal strokes had to be quite a bit darker than the horizontals in the uppercase characters. Where the uppercase charac-ters had slightly larger serifs, the small caps used the same size as in the lower case.

Accommodating the many diacritics for the chosen languages, meant designing sepa-rate versions of the diacritics for the lower- and upper case characters. This was done to enable lines to be set solid or with very little leading. As the descenders deliberately were kept as short a possible, the cedilla, comma accents and ogonecs were a challenge to design so that they would render distinct from each other on the screen.



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Reflections on PRactice

on the design featuRes of the italicThe serifs reflect the regular style serifs, and creates coherence across the scripts and styles. The inflection point inside the aperture of the n, is repeated from the regular style. It helps in this case to optically enlarge the inside whitespace, and to aid the eye up and to the right while conserving space by allowing a narrow letter shape.

The stems are straight, but with curves towards in- and out-strokes. This helps cre-ate a rendering of repeated and consistent vertical patterns.

The unconnected diagonal stroke of the k allows more whitespace in this dense letter form. The leg of the diagonal stroke retains a very open form aiding a clearly defined negative space between both it’s apertures and the inter-character space.

The in- and out-strokes of curved strokes is closely related to the diagonal in- and out-strokes. They are open and fast, remaining clearly italic without needing much of a slant, thus aiding legibility. The strokes however still allow a bite in the page with their sharp endings.

Large pseudo ink-traps, carved in between the stem and the bowl creates enough whitespace to render both a large counter and a long stroke joining the stem, enhanc-ing the flowing nature of italic writing.


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Reflections on PRactice

on the design featuRes of the gReekThe Greek script is in essence a serif-less script. To connect it with the Latin design the in-stroke of the η is inspired from the in-stroke of the regular a, and the Latin base serifs. The approach to apertures in the Greek script is identical to the Latin script. An inflection point optically enlarges the whitespace and allows more legible screen rendering.

The stress axis of the Greek script is different from the Latin and Cyrillic scripts. To accentuate this feature while keeping the stress axis proper closer to the Latin design, the stems have slight swellings and a curved endings.

The κ has an unconnected diagonal stroke that mirrors the Latin design, and also here increases the whitespace and aides legibility.

The in-stroke of the ς mirrors the italic style of the Latin design. Where as the italic is slanted and fast, this Greek is upright and therefore less pronounced because it is slower written. It thusly remains closer to the size of the Greek stem stroke endings.

Compared to Latin, the Greek script has many more characters based on round strokes. This does give a lighter feel to the line of text, as there are no serifs to clearly mark the baseline as in Latin and Cyrillic. In Greek other elements have to set the direction. The clear out-strokes in characters such as α, τ, π, ι, κ, and λ, are instead leading the eye along the line.

Ligatures of the common λλ and γγ were designed and are slightly lighter than the separate glyphs kerned together.




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Reflections on PRactice

on the design featuRes of the cyRillicThe Cyrillic script is admittedly an amalgamation of elements from the Latin- and Greek script – amongst others. Many features from the two scripts are repeated ver-batim, with a leaning towards latinized forms. What mostly separates the letter forms from the Latin and Greek script are the proportions and historically- and culturally based peculiarities of certain letter forms.

Base serifs follow the Latin regular design, whereas the upper terminals mirror the Latin italic design. The outstroke of the arm of the б follow the stress axis with the Latin design, while the stroke ending is shared with the Greek design.

The dense distribution of vertical stems and the relative lack of ascenders and descenders create the darker lines for Cyrillic. It makes the interlinear space more prominent, and creates thus higher contrast paragraphs.

The breve with ball-endings is peculiar to the Cyrillic design.

A special challenge is to adapt Latin uppercase forms to the x-height, and match them with letter forms identical to the Latin lowercase. There is no easy way to do this, espe-cially in a semi-modular typeface like Markant. It is a question of creating an internal logic and then breaking it as few times as possible.



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Reflections on PRactice

on the coMbination of latin, cyRillic and gReekThe design of Markant is neither strictly dictated by a pen metaphor, nor is it com-pletly modular. A library of related shapes are used to solve similar problems across all three scripts, weights and styles.

The semi-modular approach makes the work of harmonising the appearance of all three scripts easier, having a 'library' of shapes to solve identical problems brings coherence to the scripts. The big challenge is to develop a system – a shape library – that can work in all the selected scripts without impairing the nature of the scripts.

on the weights and stylesThe x-height of the weights and styles is optically corrected to appear to have the same size. The means that the italic has a the lowest x-height, and the Extra-Bold has the highest.




вторник, 7 июля 2009 Маркант вестник № 2876

Χωρίς να επεκταθώ στα περί νεολογισμών (δίνω κάποια αρχική βιβλιογραφία από το διαδίκτυο παρακάτω), θα πρέπει εδώ να διακρίνουμε τους νεολογισμούς από την ψυχαγωγική λεξιπλασία του άλλου νήματος ( Το προσωπικό μου ενδιαφέρον (αλλά και ο πονοκέφαλος πολλών μεταφραστών) είναι πώς

ένας νεολογισμός της γλώσσας-πηγής στο γλωσσικό ζεύγος στο οποίο εργαζόμαστε αποδίδεται καλύτερα στη γλώσσα-στόχο. Μήπως υπάρχει ήδη εύστοχη απόδοση και δεν το έχουμε πάρει χαμπάρι; Ο ελληνικός νεολογισμός που έχουμε μπροστά μας προέκυψε από την ανάγκη να αποδοθεί ένας ξένος όρος ή είναι πρωτογενές δημιούργημα της γλώσσας

μας. A collection of useful phrases in Greek. Click on the English phrases to see them in many other languages. Key to abbreviations: inf informal, frm formal, sg said to one per-son, pl said to more than one person. Please speak more slowly Παρακαλώ μιλάτε πιο αργά (Parakaló miláte pyo argá) inf. Παρακαλώ μίλα πιο αργά (Parakaló míla pyo wargá) frm.

My hovercraft is full of eels Το Χόβερκράφτ μου είναι γεμάτο χέλια (To hóverkráft mu íne gemáto hélia). Greek audio and translations provided by Γιάννης Χαραλάμπους (Yannis Haralambous) and Mike Sarafidis. Download all the audio files (Zip format, 1.2 MB). Polytonic Greek phrases. If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page,

please contact me. Information about written and spoken Greek. Anonymous works of this nature include The Tale of Igor's Campaign (Слово о Полку Игореве, Slovo o Polku Igo-reve) and the Praying of Daniel the Immured (Моление Даниила Заточника, or Moleniye Daniila Zatochnika). The so-called жития святых (zhitiya svyatikh, lives of the saints) formed a popular genre of the Old Russian literature. The Life of Alexander Nevsky (Житие Александра Невского, or Zhitiye Aleksandra Nevskovo) offers a well-known example.

Барак Обама был изображён в 12 серии 12 сезона мультсериала South Park, которая вышла на экраны телеканала Comedy Central 5 ноября 2008 года и в 3 серии 13 сезона. Мендел, Дэвид. Барак Обама = Obama: From Promise to Power. СПБ.: Амфора, 2008. 512 с. (Действующие лица). 5000 экз. iSBN 978-5-367-00872-2. Бара́к Хусе́йн Оба́ма

II (англ. Barack Hussein Obama II; род. 4 августа 1961), более известный как Бара́к Оба́ма — действующий (с 20 января 2009 года), 44-й президент Соединённых Штатов Америки. До избрания президентом был младшим сенатором США от штата Иллинойс. Первый афроамериканец, выдвинутый на пост президента США от одной из двух крупнейших партий[1]; в отличие от большинства чёрных американцев, Обама — не потомок рабов, а сын африканца из Кении. Выпускник Колумбийского

университета и Школы права Гарвардского университета, где он был первым за всю его историю редактором-афроамериканцем университеского издания «Har-vard Law Review». Обама также работал общественным организатором и адвокатом в области гражданских прав. Преподавал конституционное право в Чикагском

институте юридических наук с 1992 по 2004 год и одновременно трижды, в период с 1997 по 2004 год, избирался в сенат штата Иллинойс. После неудачной попытки баллотироваться в 2000 году в Палату представителей США, в январе 2003 года баллотировался в Сенат США. После победы на первичных выборах в марте 2004 года,

Обама произнёс основную речь на Демократическом национальном съезде в июле 2004 года. Был избран в Сенат в ноябре 2004 года, набрав 70 % голосов.

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conclusionDuring the process of designing this typeface family I took many setbacks. There was challenges in overcoming blandness, and trying to design letter forms that had not been done in just such a way before. I thank Gerard Unger and Gerry Leonidas for their continual efforts to steer me towards an original and personal design vocabulary.

My intentions was to use the technical limitations of screens as a source of inspi-ration for the design of my letter forms. This approach had historically yielded inter-esting results. From the beginning I could sense a connection between Dwiggins’ M-formula, the work of Javal & Dreyfuss, and the coarse grid of today’s screens. I would however take me on quite a few detours materialize this into letter forms.

Newspaper text typefaces have, since the newspaper moved away from the book faces it initial was set in, been increasingly an ‘engineering’ project. And I hope that my contribution can find a place in today’s reality of news publishing.

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Reflections on PRactice

scRiPt & language suPPoRtThe Markant family supports all European Union languages – and then some. The Adobe Latin 3 character set is fully supported, along with Cyrillic for most languages using Cyrillic, and finally Greek monotonic.

LatinAfrikaans Afrikaans, Albanian Gjuha shqipe, Basque Euskara, Bosnian Bosanski jezik, Breton Brezhoneg, Catalan Català, Croatian Hrvatski jezik, Czech Čeština, Danish Dansk, Dutch Nederlands, English English, Estonian Eesti keel, Finnish Suomi, Faroese Føroyskt mál, French Français, Gaelic Gàidhlig, German Deutsch, Greenlandic Kalaallisut, Hungarian Magyar nyelv, Icelandic Íslenska, Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia, Irish Gaeilge, Italian Italiano, Latvian Latviešu valoda, Lithuanian Lietuvių kalba, Malay Bahasa Melayu, Norwegian Norsk, Portuguese Português, Sami Saami, Spanish Español, Swahili Kiswahili, Swedish Svenska, Polish Język polski, Romanian Limba română, Serbian Srpski jezik (see also Cyrillic), Slovak Slovenský jazyk, Slovenian Slovenski jezik, Tagalog, Turkish Türkçe, and Welsh Cymraeg.

CyrillicRussian Русский язык, Adyge Адыгaбзэ, Avar Магlарул мацl, Balkarian, Belorussian Беларуская мова, Bulgarian Български език (Non-localized morphologies), Chechen Нохчийн мотт, Darginish, Ingushian ГІалгІай, Kabardino-Cherkesian Къэбэрдеибзэ, Kumykish Къумукъ тили, Lak Лакку маз, Lezgian Лезги чlал, Macedonian Македонски јазик, Mordovsko-Ersatian, Mordovsko-Mokshanian, Nanai, Nenish, Nivkh Нивхгу, Nogai Ногай тили, Serbian Српски језик, Tabasaran Табасаран чlал, and Ukrainian Українська мова.

GreekGreek Ελληνικά (Monotonic)

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A � � � � � Å � � � � � � B C � � � � � � D � � E � É � � � � � � � F G � � � � H � � I � � � � � � � � � � J � K � � L � � � � � M N � � � � � � O � � � � � � � � � � � � P Q R � � � S Ś � � � � � � T � � � � U � � � � � � � � � � V W � � � � � Y � � � � Z � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � @ � � � � �a � � � � � � � � � ǻ � � b c � � � � č � d � � e � é � � � � � � � f g � � � � � h � � i � � � � � � � į � � j � � k � � l � � � � � m n � � � � ň � � o � � � � � � � � � � ø � p q r � � � s � � � � � � � t � � � � u � � � � � � � � � � v w � � � � x y � � � � z � � � � � � � ff fi fl ffi � � � � � fj � � � � �a � � � � � � � � � � � � b c � � � � � � d � � e É � � � � � � � � f g � � � � h � � i � � � � � � � � � � � � k � � l � � � � � M n � � � � � � o � � � � � � � � � � � � P � R � � � s � � � � � � � t � � � � u � � � � � � � � � � v w � � � � y � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � & �А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я Ѐ Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ Ѝ Ў Џ Ѣ Ѳ Ѵ Ґа б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч � � ъ ы ь э � я � � � � � � � ї ј � � � � � ў � � � � �� Ά � � � Ε Έ � � � Ι Ί Ϊ � � � � � � Ό Π � � � � Ύ Ϋ � � � � Ώ � α ά β � � ε � � η � θ ι ί � κ λ � ν � � � π � � τ υ � � φ � � � � ς λλ γγ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Π � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � - – � � � � � � � � � � ‘ ’ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 � � � � � � � 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

glyPh RePeRtoiRe

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� � � & � � � � � , - . � 0 1 2 3 � 5 � � � � � � � � � � A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P � R S T U V W � � � � � � � � a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Í � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � à á â � � � � ç � é ê � � � � � � ñ � � � � � � ø � � û ü ý � � � � � ă � � � � � � � � Č � � � � � � � � � � � � ę � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � š � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ų � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

glyPh RePeRtoiRe

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MaRkant italic

MaRkant RegulaR

MaRkant seMi bold

MaRkant bold

MaRkant extRa bold


style & weight RePeRtoiRe

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Small caps�‘ABC’ ‘Abc/d[(ef)]ε�ηθg’¿?¡!&�����«i‹o›k» � �‘abc’ ‘abc/d��ef������g’����&€$¢£¥�i�o�k�

Case sentive forms��ab�� ��(d�h-�e–h—g)���-h��i�o�k��−±×÷=r≠≈�4�≤≥¬�(j)�o��h�·d�n�� � ��AB?! ��(D�H�@E�H�G)��&�H��I�O�K�������R���������(J)�O��H�·D�N��

ά���ίΰ����� � ΆΈΉ�ΊΎΪΫΌΎΏ


Ligaturesfi f� f� fl fb fk fh fj ff ffi ffl ffb ffk ffh ffj � fi � � fl � � � fj ff ffi � � � � �λλ �� � λλ γγ

Discretionary LigaturesThe � �e

Combining marks ̀̀ ́ ̃ ˆ � � � � � �

Figure stylesProportional oldstyle �default figure style� ({[01–3456–789�������)]}Proportional lining (��������������������)��Tabular oldstyle ({[��–����–����������)]}Tabular lining (��������������������)��

Slashed zeroProportional oldstyle ({[01–3456–789)]}Proportional lining (��0����������)��Tabular oldstyle ({[0�–����–���)]}Tabular lining (��0����������)��

Superscript Subscriptx(1�1�42 × 6) = y37 πr2 � x�1�1�42 � 6� = y37 πr2H2O (10,00 + �500) sm � H�O ������ � ����� �������������������������������������������/����������������������������������������� 1234567890�/�����������

tyPeface featuRes

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Arbitrary fractions2 1/2 3 1/10 4 125/5100 � 2� 31��� 4125�����

Ordinals1st 2nd 3rd Mlle no1 � 1�� 2�� 3�� M��� no1

Contextual alternates<- -> <-> -^ -~ ^\ ~/ \~ /^ � � � � � � � � � �

Stylistic setsDutch ij�IJ digraph Ijzerwaren ijsvrij bi��ondeR � �zerwaren �svr� b��ondeRGerman kapital Eszett Stra�er STRASSER stRasseR � Stra�er STRA�ER stRa�eR

Localized formsPolish kreska ����� ����� ���Ś� � ����� ����� �����Turkish i�� kitab�m KITABIM kitabiM � kitab�m K�TABIM k�tabiMRomanian commaaccents E�CEP�II a�e�a excep�ii a�eza � E�CEP�II a�e�a excep�ii a�ezaSerbian ‘be’ азбука � аз�ука