clayton mitchell ed tech 505 evaluation proposal rfp

 1 Evaluation Proposal of: Determining Instructional Purposes training program For Far Wes Laboratory By Best Academic Division Inc. Des Moines, Iowa 2720 2 nd  St. 50311

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8/13/2019 Clayton Mitchell Ed Tech 505 Evaluation Proposal RFP 1/5


Evaluation Proposal of:Determining Instructional Purposes training program

For Far Wes Laboratory

ByBest Academic Division Inc.

Des Moines, Iowa 2720 2nd St. 50311

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In the summer of 2012 the Far West Laboratory (FWL) for Educational Research andDevelopment issued a request for proposal (RFP) for an evaluation of its DeterminingInstructional Purposes (DIP) training program. This proposal from Best Academic Division

(BAD) Inc. of Des Moines Iowa, is in response to that request.

Far West Laboratory

Far West Laboratory for Educational and Research Development had developed a set oftraining units intended for school administrators and graduate students in educationaladministration. The focus of these units is to train individuals in the skills related to the effective planning of school programs.

FWL is has developed these materials to be used either individually or in combination.The three units address the topics of goal setting, problem analysis, and deriving objectives,respectively. The units are designed to be offered either as concentrated short-term workshops or

as a group of lessons to be covered over a period of several days or weeks. The unit trainingcoordinator requires no prior knowledge of the subject matter, but the coordinator must have aworking knowledge of the units they are coordinating for. The assumption being that thecoordinator has worked through the relevant training materials on their own or in a previoustraining session.

The purpose of the evaluation of the DIP training program is to provide information onthe marketing and sale of the units. Additionally the evaluation should be able to be used byFWL as a tool by witch to help school administrators make decisions about the purchase of theDIP training program units. Lastly FWL would like to determine the efficacy of the DIPmaterials so as to help the company decide if it should dedicate marketing resources to thetraining package. Because the DIP training program materials have not been previously used, asample of trainees must be first trained using the materials in order to guide the evaluation process.

Evaluation Methods

The evaluation of the DIP training program will consist of the following data sources.

  Pre and post test Pre and post test scores of the trainees using the DIP training programunits will be collected and compared to gauge how well the materials achieve the desiredoutcomes of the units. The tests will be developed by BAD Inc. based on the desiredoutcomes set fourth in the training programs. The purpose of the pre test is to gauge thelevel of understanding of the material being covered prior to the introduction of the DIPunits. This pre test will serve as the baseline for each trainee by witch to compare the posttest results against. The posttest will be used to measure the trainees knowledgeacquisition from the DIP units as well as a vehicle by witch to assess the effectiveness ofthe DIP units based on stated outcomes.

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  Observation of DIP training sessions In order to determine if the DIP training programare a set of materials that FWL should commit marketing resources for, there must be realworld testing of the materials to derive the data from. BAD Inc. will identify three groupsof trainees that will work through the unit materials. Each unit will take approximately 3days to complete. BAD Inc. will also train and employ the unit coordinators that will

facilitate the unit trainings. The coordinators will not be a part of the evaluation processto ensure bias free results of the sessions. During the training sessions BAD Inc.evaluation specialists will observe the unit training specifically looking for: unit flow,time on task, pacing of training, participant engagement with the material, and potential problem areas.

  Survey of trainees After the trainees have completed each unit, a survey about the DIPtraining program will be conducted. The surveys will focus on the trainee’s attitudes

about the DIP program. The attitudes that the survey will focus on will be the overalleffectiveness of the materials, the usefulness of the training units in relation to preforming required job duties, and the functionality of the training materials with

regards to time on task. These surveys will be conducted in conjunction with the pre and post unit tests to help identify if any biases by the unit coordinators were introducedduring the working of the unit materials. These surveys will also serve as a form ofsummative evaluation of the evaluation process. Revisions will be made to the evaluation process as necessary. 

  Interviews with school administration Interviews with target sample schooladministration will be conducted by BAD Inc. The focus of these interviews will be twofold. The first focus of the interview will be to ascertain the likelihood of theadministration to purchase the DIP training program for use in their district. The secondfocus of the interview is to help identify potential candidates for the evaluation of the

training materials. Incentives of $50 per interview will be offered per school district.

Task Schedule 

The task schedule for the proposed project is provided in detail on page 4. The generalschedule for the project will be a starting date of August 15st 2012 with a completion date ofApril 11th 2013.

Bidder Qualifications

Best Academic Division Inc. is specialized in the development and evaluation educationand educational materials and related technologies. BAD Inc. has been an industry leader sinceits inspection in 2005. BAD Inc. is uniquely qualified to evaluate the Determining InstructionalPurposes training program for Far Wes Laboratories as we have worked extensively with schooldistricts across the United States and Canada as well as with other educational providers andeducational publishing business. Our focus on the evaluation of modern educational practicesusing the latest technologies has built a reputation for BAD Inc. that is second to none. Ourcustomer satisfaction is our primary goal and what drives us each and every day.

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Project Personnel

Fulano Mengano, a senior evaluation specialist at BAD Inc., will serve as the primarycontact between FWL and BAD. Mr. Mengano will have the responsibility of meeting with the

FWL team to discuss the evaluation process, coordinating the BAD evaluation personnel and presenting evaluation results to FWL. Mr. Mengano has worked for 12 years in the field of program evaluation and is one of the founding partners for BAD Inc. Mr. Megano received hisB.S. in Semantics from the University of Waterloo and a master’s degree in Education from

George Mason University.

Dr. Maxy Zplik, will serve as the primary instructional designer for the pre and post testwell as the survey and interview portions of the data collection. He will also be responsible forsupervising the training of the BAD evaluation staff that will be responsible for the datacollection process. Dr. Zplik has been working in the field of instructional design for over 20years. He began his career at Anansi University in Nairobi Kenya. He later moved to Coyote

College in New Mexico where he served as the primary instructional designer for the College.Dr. Zplik has been with BAD Inc. for the past five years and has served as the primaryinstructional designer for most of our clients.

Additional evaluation specialist staff will be utilized by BAD Inc. to observe the trainingsessions of the DIP units, and to conduct the surveys and interviews proposed.

DIP trainers will be identified and trained by BAD Inc. based on the location of the unit participants. The DIP trainers will be contractual employees of BAD Inc. for the sole purpose ofthe DIP unit training.

Task Schedule

The proposed task schedule for this evaluation

Task Schedule Who Completed By Date

Initial interview with FWL Mr. Mengano Aug. 15th, 2012

Report back to BAD team Mr. Mengano Aug. 20th, 2012

Provide initial evlauation proposal to FWL Mr. Mengano Sep. 20th, 2012

Feedback on Review of porposal FWL Oct. 4th, 2012

Revisions based on FWL feedback - Final Draft BAD Inc. Oct, 25th, 2012

Create evaluation materials and criteria Dr. Zplik Dec. 1st, 2012

Conduct interviews of Scholl administration BAD Inc. Dec. 12th, 2012

Identify sample participants for DIP training BAD Inc. Jan. 24th, 2013

Conduct and observe DIP sessions BAD Inc. Feb 14st, 2013

Session trainee data collection BAD Inc. Feb 21stst, 2013

Summarized findings submittedt to FWL Mr. Mengano Mar. 7th, 2013

Feedback on findings from FWL FWL Mar. 21st, 2013

Completed final report to FWL Mr. Mengano Apr. 11th, 2013

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The proposed budget for this evaluation

Personnel Salaries Details Fee

Fulano Mengano, principle consultant 75 Days @ $275/day $20,625Dr, Maxy Zplik, InstructionalDesigner 30 Days @ $200/day $6,000

Evaluation specialist staff 30 Days @ $125/day $3,750

Evaluation specialist staff 30 Days @ $125/day $3,750

Evaluation specialist staff 30 Days @ $125/day $3,750

DIP trainers 27 Days @ $75/day $2,025

Administrative assistant 20 Days @ $100/day $2,000

Total Personnel $41,900


Airfare to FWL $900

Food and lodging 27 Days @ $225/day $6,075

Car and fuel $1,500

Total Travel $8,475


Materials, supplies, printing $1,000

Total Supplies $1,000

CommunicationsTelephone, internet, video

conferencing $1,625Total Communications $1,625


Interview incentives 30 @ $50 $1,500

Misc. $500

Total Incidentals $2,000