clean and green hydrocarbons ignite publish

Clean & Green Hydrocarbons Krzysztof (Kris) Palka

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Clean & GreenHydrocarbons Krzysztof (Kris) Palka

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Our Vision:


We want the same thing you want.


An energy industry that’s better for the

planet, and for people, and for profit.

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The green origin of hydrocarbons !

If you consider that forces of nature created them, they are green. Hydrocarbonswere created by a combination of: !

• the sun’s energy • CO2 • photosynthesis • phytoplankton and plants • zooplankton and animals • anoxic conditions • pressure and temperature • and a lot of time

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Easy access toabundant energy !

Humanity has flourished with tremendous help from fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas.

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How didhydrocarbons become dirty? !

Because we burn them as fuel. Hydrocarbon combustion generates both GHG emissions and pollution. When we had fewer people and fewer activities, this was not significant. !

But now, we are overwhelming nature’s ability to deal with the results of hydrocarbon combustion. !

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and… we burn them to create more hydrocarbons !

It’s a vicious cycle.

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Hydrocarbons are an inefficient and non-renewable source of fuel



less than20% of its

energypotentialis used.

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The future canbe optimistic !

Humanity will make better choices… eventually. !

We can wait until the crisis sets in… or we can be proactive...the choice isin our hands.

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Imagine… clean & greenhydrocarbons !

Clean and green hydrocarbons used as a source material for recyclable and reusable products, not as a fuel. !

Produced without GHG emissions, pollution, harmful plasticizers or fresh water.


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“It’s better to help create new order than be a victim of it”

Wallace Pratt

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Where do we start?

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Let’s take a look at an oil battery treater !


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25% better for Planet, People and Profit !


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70% better for Planet, People and Profit !


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Change starts witheach of us !

We don’t need to wait for change to happen on a grand scale to see a difference. Change starts with you, at home. Today. !

• Reduce, reuse and recycle • Walk, bike, public transportation • Use high efficiency natural

gas furnace and appliances • Install solar panels on

the roof of your house • Use LED lights • Drive an electric car !

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Let's focus our efforts on a much better future for our industry, for our province,

and for our country. !

Do it for you, for me,and for our children


Let’s do it together! !

!Krzysztof (Kris) Palka

Visuals:Wes Pohl