clean groundwater for stuttgart › de.hrzg.amt-fuer... · 2016-04-04 · second largest in europe...

After Life Communication Plan Ulrike Schweizer Drees & Sommer Hermann Josef Kirchholtes 30.09.2015 updated: 15.03.2016 MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

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Page 1: Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart › de.hrzg.amt-fuer... · 2016-04-04 · second largest in Europe and are strictly pro-tected. CHC are so called volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons

After Life Communication Plan Ulrike Schweizer Drees & Sommer Hermann Josef Kirchholtes 30.09.2015 updated: 15.03.2016

MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

Page 2: Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart › de.hrzg.amt-fuer... · 2016-04-04 · second largest in Europe and are strictly pro-tected. CHC are so called volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons

MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

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1 Overview of the MAGPlan project

The project acronym “MAGPlan” stands for “Management plan to prevent threats from point sources on the good chemical status of groundwater in urban areas”.

In MAGPlan, an integral management plan was developed exemplarily, the task of which it is to reduce the impacting of CHC from contaminated sites on the mineral water of Stuttgart recharging the mineral springs of Stuttgart. This management plan is also called the groundwater management plan.

The mineral water resources of Stuttgart are the second largest in Europe and are strictly pro-tected. CHC are so called volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons. According to annex 2 of the di-rective 2006/118/EC of the European Parlia-ment and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the protection of groundwater against pollu-tion and deterioration (Groundwater Directive), a threshold value for CHC is determined.

Despite the site-specific remediation measures, which were started thirty years ago and re-moved about 25,000 kg CHC in the inner city of Stuttgart, the contamination of the deeper aqui-fers has not changed significantly. Since 1988

no sustained decline in CHC concentration could be observed in the mineral springs and spas.

Building on these premises, the MAGPlan project applies the concept of „Integral man-agement of contaminated sites“. It focuses on the spatiotemporal analysis of CHC migra-tion and the associated degradation and transformation processes between the con-tamination sources and the mineral springs and spas. Due to the complex hydro-geological conditions, new and advanced investigation strategies and methods are used which, in combination, allow for multiple lines of proof. The over-arching principle is an iterative-adaptive ap-proach with gradual improvement of the level of knowledge.

The results of the in-tegral investigation of the groundwater and the contaminated sites and the measures required to ensure a good groundwater status are summarized in the groundwater man-agement plan. In reports, maps, data bases, and with a computer-based visualization tool, it provides the basis for an optimal treatment of CHC contaminants in groundwater. The management plan sets priorities for contaminated site remediation. The numerical transport model provides the opportunity to analyze different remediation scenarios for individual sites and to make predictions of future contaminant migration. Sites with a

Page 3: Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart › de.hrzg.amt-fuer... · 2016-04-04 · second largest in Europe and are strictly pro-tected. CHC are so called volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons

MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

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particularly high remediation priority can be identified. Furthermore, interactions between contamination sources and receptors in the project area can be included in the risk as-sessment and the evaluation of the sites.

The remediation feasibility study as part of the groundwater management plan describes the measures to be taken in order to achieve the remediation targets. For those sites with high priority, additional investigation and remediation efforts will be developed. Through the contribution of political committees, the groundwater management plan has received a binding character. The Stuttgart City Council acknowledged the implementa-tion and financing of the groundwater management plan developed in MAGPlan on 1st July 2015.

The strategy of integral contaminated site management will function as an important guideline and a trend setting component for groundwater protection in Europe and Stutt-gart in future. They were published by extensive dissemination activities among experts and also in Stuttgart’s public. The public relation activities ask for understanding of the necessary activities and try to encourage persons concerned to fight against deficits of groundwater quality in the same way. Hence the project contributes an important part to implement the directive 2000/60/EC (Water Framework Directive) of the European Un-ion.

The project costs of MAGPlan sum up to 3.5 Mio. Euro. The costs occurred in the project period 1 January 2010 to 30 September 2015 were co-financed with a coverage of 50% by the financing instrument LIFE (LIFE+ 2008 Environment) of the European Commis-sion. As partners involved were the Department for Environmental Protection of the City of Stuttgart (Co-ordinating Beneficiary) and the State Agency for Environment, Meas-urements and Nature Conservation of Baden-Württemberg (LUBW).

Page 4: Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart › de.hrzg.amt-fuer... · 2016-04-04 · second largest in Europe and are strictly pro-tected. CHC are so called volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons

MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

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2 Selection of implemented communication activities The communication strategy aims at:

periodic information of target groups

raising of public awareness for groundwater protection

improvement of the acceptance for necessary actions and strengthening the

individual responsibility.

Hence, various communication activities were planned and carried out during the project

lifetime 2010 to 2015. In the process, different target groups were addressed and

reached. The activities for the general public as target group were drafted and imple-

mented by communication experts. The technical experts involved in the project were

responsible for the presentations and articles for professionals.

Enclosed are several important activities. A complete summary is documented in the

final project report (annexes 7.3.3, 7.3.4 and 7.3.8).

Description Timeframe Target Group

Information boards at construction sites of groundwater monitoring wells informing about the LIFE project and participants

2011 - 2014 Public, neighbours, press

Give aways as writing pads, bags at semi-nars, symposia and at Europe Days

2011 - 2015 and after project finaliza-tion

Public, experts

Press releases in local press and the Offi-cial Journal of the City of Stuttgart

2011 - 2015 and after project finaliza-tion

Public, experts

Project website online 2010, up- Public, experts

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MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

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Description Timeframe Target Group

dates 2011 and 2016

Project films published at the homepage and by private TV stations

2013, 2015 Public

Professional articles in technical journals 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 (3)


Newsletters including explanations about the current achieved project results

2013 and 2014 Councillors, public, experts

Book with the capacious documentation of the implemented strategies and measures, the achieved results including the ground-water management plan

2015 Experts

Vitreous Aquifer: Compilation of a strata model which was exhibited at different lo-cations

Since 2013 Public, experts

Presentations at symposia and seminars 2010 (1), 2011 (1), 2012 (4), 2013 (6), 2014 (4), 2015 (3)


Final conference 2015 Experts

Layman’s Report: Generally understand-able summary of the project results

Since 2015 Public

Page 6: Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart › de.hrzg.amt-fuer... · 2016-04-04 · second largest in Europe and are strictly pro-tected. CHC are so called volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons

MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

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3 After-Life Communication Measures

At the end of the MAGPlan project, the experts as well as the broad general pub-lic will be informed about the project results by targeted communication meas-ures. These activities will support the application of the strategic and technical approaches in similar cases as well as reaching the goals of the Water Frame-work Directive. For Stuttgart in particular, the activities identified as necessary will be implemented in the following years as documented in the groundwater man-agement plan.

3.1 Implementation by the City of Stuttgart

Dissemination of press information and tweets on further remediation measures by press office (measures acknowledged and approved by City Council)

Schedule: ongoing

Target group: general public in the metropolitan area of Stuttgart

Contact: Sven Matis, Head of Press Office, phone: +49 / (0)711-216 91686,

[email protected]

Budget: 0 €

Linking the Stuttgart website ( (not available in English) with the project website (

On the homepage of the City of Stuttgart the Lay-

man’s Report, explanations concerning the project results as well as

a link to the project’s website are available.

Schedule: May 2016

Target group: general German speaking public

Contact person: Sven Matis (contact details above)

Budget: 0 €

Supply several events with MAGPlan media (e.g. Layman’s Report at the open day in the city hall, Europe Day)

Schedule: ongoing

Target group: citizens of Stuttgart

Contact person: the respective event teams, e.g. Claudia Schulcz, External Affairs, phone:

+49 / (0)711-216 60711, [email protected]

Budget: 0 €

Page 7: Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart › de.hrzg.amt-fuer... · 2016-04-04 · second largest in Europe and are strictly pro-tected. CHC are so called volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons

MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

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3.2 Implementation by the Department for Environmental Protection

Presentation of the project at symposia, conferences and internal events (e.g. FH-DGG, ITVA, BDG, GAB, Altlastenforum (af), Fortbildungsverbund)

Experts and other persons interested in the field of environmental protection are informed about

the project and its results at public and internal events. Important dissemination materials are the

Layman’s Report as handout and the book “Chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe im Grundwasser“ as

extensive project documentation. The dissemination material is distributed e.g. at the State’s

status meeting about contaminated sites on 20 October 2015 (about 150 participants from sev-

eral public authorities of Baden-Württemberg) and at the symposium of contaminated sites of

GAB and af for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg on 22/23 June 2016 in Neu-Ulm (about 250


Schedule: 2015 to 2017

Target group: experts in Germany and the neighboured countries

Contact person: Hermann Josef Kirchholtes, Department for Environmental Protection,

phone: +49 / (0)711-216 88717, contact [email protected]

Budget: 0 €

Creation of a set of PowerPoint slides to present MAGPlan at respective events

Schedule: until end of 2015

Target group: speakers

Contact person: Hermann Josef Kirchholtes, contact see above

Budget: 0 €

Presentation of the project at universities (e.g. within lectures or general studies)

Schedule: 2016 to 2019

Target group: students specialized in geology and civil engineering

Contact person: Wolfgang Ufrecht and Hermann Josef Kirchholtes, Department for Envi-

ronmental Protection, phone: +49 / (0)711-216 88675, [email protected]

Budget: 0 €

Providing a list of references for scientists

Schedule: 2016

Target group: scientists and experts

Contact persons: Wolfgang Ufrecht and Hermann Josef Kirchholtes (contact details above)

Budget: 0 €

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Extension of the list of questions for young people’s microsite (e.g. questions about the project)

To contact young people especially, the “Microsite” was compiled at http://www.grundwasser- This website informs about the MAGPlan project and animates to deal with groundwater

protection using an online quiz. The Layman’s Report is provided as a download.

Schedule: 2016

Target group: young German speaking people

Contact person: Hermann Josef Kirchholtes with online support by Drees & Sommer

(Sebastian Knörndel, phone: +49 / (0)711-1317 2335, [email protected])

Budget: 0 €

Dissemination of the second project film (e. g. editorial departments of science programs on TV)

Schedule: 2016

Target group: public

Contact person: Hermann Josef Kirchholtes and supported by Schawa-Media

(Renate Visintin, phone: +49 / (0)711-66 4300, [email protected])

Budget: possibly costs for film service provider (approx. 900 €)

Publication of the results in German journals „TerraTech“, the special edition „Alt-lastenspektrum 06/2015“ and in the international journal “Science of the Total En-vironment”

The journals and articles are provided in printed form and online. The articles inform about the

project and its results in a condensed way.

Schedule: November, December 2015

Target group: experts in Germany and around the world

Contact persons: Wolfgang Ufrecht and Hermann Josef Kirchholtes (contact details above)

Budget: 0 €

Compilation of a summary of the MAGPlan project description in English language

to disseminate the results in the neighboured countries (e.g. the Netherlands, Bel-

gium, France, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Croatia)

Different experts participating in the final conference and the complementing workshop pointed

out the importance of the MAGPlan strategies and technologies. They suggested publishing a

short version of the project results. As a consequence, an English summary will be compiled

which will give a comprehensive overview about the most important innovative strategies and


Schedule: January to May 2016

Target group: experts in Europe

Contact persons: Wolfgang Ufrecht and Hermann Josef Kirchholtes (contact details above)

Budget: 8.620 €

Page 9: Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart › de.hrzg.amt-fuer... · 2016-04-04 · second largest in Europe and are strictly pro-tected. CHC are so called volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons

MAGPlan Clean Groundwater for Stuttgart

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Road show of the Vitreous Aquifer with the distribution of information material (e.g. to baths in Stuttgart “Stuttgarter Bäderbetriebe” and to museums in Stutt-gart)

Schedule: 2015 to 2017

Target group: broad public

Contact persons: Wolfgang Ufrecht and Rainer Sonn, Raum-

sonnde, phone +49 / (0)7151-90 34 043, [email protected]

Budget: external costs for installation, dismounting and transporta-

tion of the strata model (about 400 € per event)

Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Call 1 proposal: Integrated Approach to Management of Groundwater quality in functional urban Areas submitted 03.12.2015

The proposed project aims at the development of integral groundwater management strategies

for spacious groundwater contaminations in CENTRAL EUROPE countries. This project is based

on the idea of the MAGPlan concept to develop appropriate management plans for the partner’s

cities and states for local implementation. The project supports the transfer of the MAGPlan re-

sults within the CENTRAL EUROPE region.

Schedule: 01.09.2016 to 31.08.2019

Lead Partner: Central Mining Institute (Poland), 14 partners from Germany, Czech Repub-

lic, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia

Stuttgart responsible for WP T3 (Management strategy and guidance)

Target group: municipalities, institutes and technical administrations in the CENTRAL


Contact person: Hermann Josef Kirchholtes (contact details above)

Budget: 2.959.471,81 € (applied for the total budget)

Distribution of the Layman’s Reports und the final documentation „Chlorierte Koh-lenwasserstoffe im Grundwasser“

The Layman’s Report is disseminated in digital form by professional networks (e.g. altlastenforum

Baden-Württemberg, MAGPlan TSPP, partners of the INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE project

AMIIGA) or on websites (,, http://www.grundwasser- The printed version is distributed at events (e.g. Europe Day, symposia, show boxes at

the vitreous aquifer). The final documentation is distributed on

Schedule: 01.09.2016 to 2017

Target group: public, experts

Contact person: Hermann Josef Kirchholtes (contact details above)

Budget: 0 €

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3.3 Implementation by LUBW – State Agency for Environment, Measurements

and Nature Conservation

Presentation of the results at training seminars of Baden-Württemberg (Landes-fortbildungen), at the “Fortbildungsverbund” and at the altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg / GAB Bavaria.

Schedule: ongoing

Target group: experts

Contact person: Iris Blankenhorn, LUBW, phone: +49 / (0)721-5600 1441,

[email protected]

Budget: 0 €

Dissemination of press information about further activities (e.g. remediation) via the LUBW website

Schedule: ongoing

Target group: experts (also technical administration) from Ba-

den-Württemberg, Austria and Switzerland

Contact person: Michael Weiller, LUBW, phone: +49 / (0)721-

5600 1245, [email protected]

Budget: 0 €

3.4 Implementation by the Transnational Science & Policy Panel

Distribution of Layman’s Report in the working environment of the TSSP partici-pants

Schedule: to May 2016

Target group: public and persons concerned

Contact person: Hermann Josef Kirchholtes (contact details above)

Budget: 0 €

Distribution of the short MAGPlan project description and translation into the re-spective languages of the TSPP participants

Schedule: ongoing

Target group: experts in Europe

Contact person: Hermann Josef Kirchholtes (contact details above)

Budget: 0 €

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The paper in hand reflects the author‘s views and the LIFE Programme is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Compiled with the support of the finincing instrument LIFE of the EU

3.5 Implementation by the Transnational Science & Policy Panel

Drees & Sommer Ulrike Schweizer Untere Waldplätze 28 70569 Stuttgart Germany

Project information

Project location City of Stuttgart



Project start and end date 01.01.2010 to 30.09.2015

Total project duration (in months) 69

Total costs 3.445.250 €

EC contribution 1.722.625 €

Project website

Mail [email protected]


City of Stuttgart

Department for Environmental Pro-


Contact person:

Mr Michael Schweiker


Gaisburgstraße 4

70182 Stuttgart


Phone.: +49 (0)711-216 88628

Fax: +49 (0)711-216 88620


State Agency for Environment,

Measurements and Nature Conser-

vation Baden-Württemberg

Contact person:

Ms Dr. Iris Blankenhorn


Griesbachstr. 1

76185 Karlsruhe


Phone.: +49 (0)721-5600 1441

Fax: +49 (0)721-5600 1521

Phone +49 (0)711-1317 2312 [email protected]