
Clean Code Hendrik Van Belleghem Belgian Perl Workshop 2007

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Slides for talk on Clean Code given at the 2007 Belgian Perl Workshop. Reference: Damian Conways Perl Best Practices


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Clean CodeClean Code

Hendrik Van Belleghem

Belgian Perl Workshop 2007

Hendrik Van Belleghem

Belgian Perl Workshop 2007

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It’s all Bruces fault!

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Obviously? PragmasObviously? Pragmas

warnings strict

subs : no barewords! refs : no symbolic references! vars : no undeclared variables!

warnings strict

subs : no barewords! refs : no symbolic references! vars : no undeclared variables!

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Obviously? Variable namesObviously? Variable names

Variable names should be Short

but not too short $i, $a, $o

Unambiguous $i, $data, $line

Variable names should be Short

but not too short $i, $a, $o

Unambiguous $i, $data, $line

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Obviously? Variable namesObviously? Variable names

Variable names should definitely not be generated by Acme::MetaSyntactic:

$thwacke # batman $flrbbbbb # batman $bondelschwaartz #pynchon $ununquadium # elements

Variable names should definitely not be generated by Acme::MetaSyntactic:

$thwacke # batman $flrbbbbb # batman $bondelschwaartz #pynchon $ununquadium # elements

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It’s all BooK’s fault!

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Obviously? Variable namesObviously? Variable names

Scalars are single $item

Hashes and arrays are plural @items

Mark booleans with test $found_match

Add reference prefix/suffix $item_ref

Scalars are single $item

Hashes and arrays are plural @items

Mark booleans with test $found_match

Add reference prefix/suffix $item_ref

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Braces.. bad?Braces.. bad?

Array definitionmy @list =

( ‘larry’,

‘damian’ );

Any other block?for my $coder ( @list )

{ print “hi $coder\n”; }

Array definitionmy @list =

( ‘larry’,

‘damian’ );

Any other block?for my $coder ( @list )

{ print “hi $coder\n”; }

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Array definitionmy @list = (




Any other block?for my $coder ( @list ) {

print “hi $coder\n”;


Array definitionmy @list = (




Any other block?for my $coder ( @list ) {

print “hi $coder\n”;


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Stay away from $_Stay away from $_

$_ as default argument?-X, abs, alarm, chomp, chop, chr, chroot, cos, defined, eval, exp, glob, hex, int, lc, lcfirst, length, log, lstat, oct , ord, pos, print, quotemeta, readlink, ref, require, reverse, rmdir, sin, split, sqrt, stat, study, uc, ucfirst, unlink

Implicit use m//, s///, y/// for(), map {}, grep {}, while(<>)

$_ as default argument?-X, abs, alarm, chomp, chop, chr, chroot, cos, defined, eval, exp, glob, hex, int, lc, lcfirst, length, log, lstat, oct , ord, pos, print, quotemeta, readlink, ref, require, reverse, rmdir, sin, split, sqrt, stat, study, uc, ucfirst, unlink

Implicit use m//, s///, y/// for(), map {}, grep {}, while(<>)

default input and pattern matching space

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Postfix ifPostfix if

buy("secret lair") and

buy("sharks with lasers")

and $mini_me = clone()

if $goal eq "world domination";

if ($goal eq “world domination”)

{ buy(“secret lair”);

buy(“sharks with lasers”);

$mini_me = clone();


buy("secret lair") and

buy("sharks with lasers")

and $mini_me = clone()

if $goal eq "world domination";

if ($goal eq “world domination”)

{ buy(“secret lair”);

buy(“sharks with lasers”);

$mini_me = clone();


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C style loopsC style loops

for (my $slide = 1; $slide < 25 ; $slide++)

{ present($slide); }

for my $slide (1..25)

{ present($slide); }

Cleaner Easier to read

for (my $slide = 1; $slide < 25 ; $slide++)

{ present($slide); }

for my $slide (1..25)

{ present($slide); }

Cleaner Easier to read

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Put POD in the source file.. At the end

Check your POD! Podchecker

Use POD templates & stubs NAME, VERSION, SYNOPSIS,..

Put POD in the source file.. At the end

Check your POD! Podchecker

Use POD templates & stubs NAME, VERSION, SYNOPSIS,..

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String eval is badString eval is bad

Don’t overuse eval.. Period String eval is recompiled on execution

Use block instead

Are you taint-checking??

Don’t overuse eval.. Period String eval is recompiled on execution

Use block instead

Are you taint-checking??

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Bareword filehandles Cannot be localized Passing it to a sub?

Try typeglobs

Better: indirect filehandles From 5.6 onwards

open my $filehandle, ”<filename” or die $!;

Bareword filehandles Cannot be localized Passing it to a sub?

Try typeglobs

Better: indirect filehandles From 5.6 onwards

open my $filehandle, ”<filename” or die $!;

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IP addresses?$ip =~ /$RE{net}{IPv4}/

MAC addresses?$ip =~ /$RE{net}{MAC}/

Credit cards$number =~ /$RE{zip}{VISA}/

IP addresses?$ip =~ /$RE{net}{IPv4}/

MAC addresses?$ip =~ /$RE{net}{MAC}/

Credit cards$number =~ /$RE{zip}{VISA}/

For all your extraordinary regexp needs

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Regexp::Common?Regexp::Common?For all your extraordinary regexp needs

It’s all Abigails fault! Dutch Tall Strapping hunk of


It’s all Abigails fault! Dutch Tall Strapping hunk of


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Regexp DelimitersRegexp Delimiters


What does this do?

harry s truman was the 33rd u.s. president;

harry s |ruman was |he 33rd u.s. presiden|;

harry($string =~ s{ruman was }{he 33rd u.s. presiden}xms);


What does this do?

harry s truman was the 33rd u.s. president;

harry s |ruman was |he 33rd u.s. presiden|;

harry($string =~ s{ruman was }{he 33rd u.s. presiden}xms);

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Keep it simple! $foo =~ s{foo}{bar}g; $html =~ s/<(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>//gsx

Add comments to big Regexp chunks

Use \A and \Z instead of $ and ^

Keep it simple! $foo =~ s{foo}{bar}g; $html =~ s/<(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>//gsx

Add comments to big Regexp chunks

Use \A and \Z instead of $ and ^

s{ < # opening angle bracket (?: # Non-backreffing grouping paren [^>'"] * # 0 or more things that are neither > nor ' nor " | # or else ".*?" # a section between double quotes (stingy match) | # or else '.*?' # a section between single quotes (stingy match) ) + # all occurring one or more times > # closing angle bracket }{}gsx; # replace with nothing, i.e. delete

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Inheritence precedence? Inheritence precedence?

Catch all method

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Original code Duplicated code

Move to subroutines

Duplicated subroutines Move to packages

Original code Duplicated code

Move to subroutines

Duplicated subroutines Move to packages

No overkill!

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Write tests first Test::Simple & Test::More Test for failures Test the obvious & not so obvious Find a bug? Write a test!

Write tests first Test::Simple & Test::More Test for failures Test the obvious & not so obvious Find a bug? Write a test!

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Version controlVersion control

Multiple developers Undo Generate patches Merging/branching

CVS, Subversion, RCS, Perforce, BitKeeper, git

Multiple developers Undo Generate patches Merging/branching

CVS, Subversion, RCS, Perforce, BitKeeper, git

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Compile time definition No runtime changes

Except with eval

Global variables only Output to named filehandle

Compile time definition No runtime changes

Except with eval

Global variables only Output to named filehandle

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Unknown magic Unpredictable behavior Eg: Tie::Scalar::RestrictUpdates limits changes

Slow Change variable behavior through code

Unknown magic Unpredictable behavior Eg: Tie::Scalar::RestrictUpdates limits changes

Slow Change variable behavior through code

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As Module As command line tool As website :

DIY Configurable

As Module As command line tool As website :

DIY Configurable

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As Module

use Perl::Critic;my $file = shift;my $critic = Perl::Critic->new();my @violations = $critic->critique($file);print @violations;

As Module

use Perl::Critic;my $file = shift;my $critic = Perl::Critic->new();my @violations = $critic->critique($file);print @violations;

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As command line tool As command line tool

lenore:~$ perlcritic -stern Code before strictures are enabled at line 3, column 1. See page 429 of PBP. (Severity: 5)Code before warnings are enabled at line 3, column 1. See page 431 of PBP. (Severity: 4)Always unpack @_ first at line 11, column 1. See page 178 of PBP. (Severity: 4)Subroutine does not end with "return" at line 11, column 1. See page 197 of PBP. (Severity: 4)Always unpack @_ first at line 27, column 1. See page 178 of PBP. (Severity: 4)Subroutine does not end with "return" at line 27, column 1. See page 197 of PBP. (Severity: 4)Always unpack @_ first at line 32, column 1. See page 178 of PBP. (Severity: 4)Subroutine does not end with "return" at line 32, column 1. See page 197 of PBP. (Severity: 4)

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Perl::CriticPerl::Critic As website : As website :

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Perl::CriticPerl::Critic As Module As command line tool As website :

DIY Lots of policies


As Module As command line tool As website :

DIY Lots of policies


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Thank you!Thank you!


(domo arigato, Mr Roboto)


(domo arigato, Mr Roboto)