clear your head trash

© 2012 Head Trash. You may download and make a single copy of this copyright work for your own private and non-commercial use only. All other rights are expressly reserved, and all other use prohibited except with the prior written consent of Head Trash You can email us at [email protected] Clear your Hea Tras Learn to clear your head trash with Reflective Repatterning An introduction headtrash

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Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 1

© 2012 Head Trash. You may download and make a single copy of this copyright work for your own private and non-commercial use only. All other rights are expressly reserved, and all other use prohibited except with the prior written consent of Head Trash You can email us at [email protected]

Clear your Hea! Tras"

Learn to clear your head trash with Reflective Repatterning

An introduction

h e a d t r a s h

Page 2: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 2

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.

Tabl# of Content$

3 Hello and welcome to Head Trash



7 What is head trash?

8 What is Reflective Repatterning?

11 How to clear your head trash using Reflective Repatterning

Step 1: Identify your head trash

Step 2: Rate it

Step 3: Put your hands into position

12 The TAT™ pose

13 Step 4: Follow these statements in your mind

14 Step 5: Check how intense your issue is feeling

Step 6: Treat the opposite of that issue for you

15 Quick reference guide

16 Fear

17 Stress

18 Anger

19 Frustration

20 Feeling trapped

21 What next

Page 3: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 3

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.

Hell! an" welcom# t! Hea" Tras$

Thank you for taking an interest in our work. We are confident that what you will learn in this document has the potential to make a massive impact in your life.

But, before we start we need to make sure that you read some important stuff. This is for your protection as well as ours. First there’s our DISCLAIMER, and then the OFFICIAL WARNING. Once you’ve read them, but more importantly, understood them, you can jump right in and start clearing your head trash.

This Guide is designed to give you a flavour of how using Reflective Repatterning can help you to manage and clear your head trash. But please bear in mind, if your head trash is big and complicated, then you will be better off working with a qualified practitioner, as they will be best placed to help you to untangle and treat it. Reflective Repatterning is pretty extensive and can be used for all sorts of head trash; what we’re sharing with you here is merely the tip of the iceberg. If you want to find out more about Reflective Repatterning there are plenty of videos on our YouTube channel that we’ve created to answer most of your questions. Just visit HeadTrashTV on YouTube for FAQs, testimonials and success stories.

Find out more out at

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Wha% i$ Hea! Tras"?Head Trash [noun]: the accumulated subconscious patterns of thought and behaviour that prevent you from being awesome.

Page 4: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 4

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.


We’re sharing the information in this Guide so that you are able to gain a better understanding of how we clear head trash. In sharing this information with you, we will be introducing you to our preferred technique, Reflective Repatterning. Reflective Repatterning is a modality that was created and developed by Chris Milbank and consists of touching specific points on your face and holding the back of your head while putting your attention on a series of statements.

Reflective Repatterning is a new healing approach in the field of energy psychology and this means that we haven’t had the chance to fully research its effectiveness, or indeed its risks and benefits. If you decide to proceed with using what we share with you in this Guide, then you must agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with using Reflective Repatterning as a result from reading this Guide. You’re an adult, so please remember to act like one and take responsibility for your actions.

Here are a few points that we want to REALLY MAKE SURE that you understand:

The information presented in this Guide is not intended to represent that Reflective Repatterning is used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder.

We are in no way suggesting that Reflective Repatterning is a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.

Head Trash makes no warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding any outcome from you using Reflective Repatterning for any particular issue or problem.

Head Trash accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained in this Guide, but we are in no way seeking to exclude non-excludable liabilities.

Head trash strongly advise you to seek appropriate professional advice before implementing any protocol or opinion expressed in this Guide, including using Reflective Repatterning.

The hand position we recommend and use, was originally developed by Tapas Fleming. Ms. Fleming uses it in a modality that she developed called the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) and she refers to this hand position as the TAT Pose. We are in no way affiliated or linked to Tapas Fleming, so if you’d like to find out more about her technique and her work, please visit her website at

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Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 5

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.

And finally…

Head trash can be complicated. Some problems that you may be experiencing will be entwined with others, and in turn, so will they. If you think you’ve got a tangled web of head trash, we recommend that in the first instance, you work with a qualified Head Trash Clearance practitioner, so that they can untangle it effectively and tie up any loose ends that might arise. As the saying goes, if you’re going to do something, do it properly!

If you want to find a list of qualified practitioners, then please visit our website at

Now before you continue, we need to make sure that you agree to the following;

My decision to use the information in this Guide is of my own free will and is not subject to any outside pressure from my peers or otherwise.

I understand and agree that the information presented in this Guide is for my own personal use.

I agree to assume and accept fu ll responsibility for any and all risks resulting from reading this Guide and using Ref lective Repatterning as a result from reading this Guide.

I understand that if I want to share this Guide or the Ref lective Repatterning method with others, I can direct them to the Head Trash and Ref lective Repatterning www.Ref websites.

In order to use Ref lective Repatterning with others, I understand that I need to become a qualif ied Ref lective Repatterning Professional.

I choose to continue reading this Guide on this basis.

OK… you still with us? We’ve just got some official warnings to run by you next, and then you’re good to go!


Page 6: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 6

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.


Bubbling IntensityWhen clearing an issue, you may find that the issue you’re working on intensifies temporarily. That is because you’re working on it. Like when a kettle comes to the boil, there’s a period of bubbling intensity as the water reaches boiling point. Then very soon, calm is restored as the kettle switches off and all we are left with is the dissipating steam. So, if you’re working on anger, you’ll get angry for a bit. And if you’re working on frustration, you’ll get frustrated. Get it? When you detox something, it’s got to come out, so let it come out and don’t attach any-thing to it – it’ll be pure emotion. You might even get some tears as you wash away your old patterns and energy.

Hide & SeekWhen you have cleared a problem it’s possible that it may make room for another previously buried problem to come to the surface. Problems have a habit of hanging around in groups or hiding behind each other. When one is cleared, it sometimes makes room for the hidden ones move forward in the queue. This is good because it means that you are making progress and your head trash is being cleared. But things might get emotional for a while. It all depends on what’s going on for you.

No miracles here!Head trash is like the trash at home. Just because you have one clear out, doesn’t mean it won’t fill up again with different stuff. Life is full of challenges and changes and there are plenty of opportunities for our head trash to build up again. Don’t expect miracles.

Mental ill healthDo not use Reflective Repatterning if you are under psychiatric care, using psychotic drugs or seeking medical help for any forms of mental illness. If you’re in doubt about your mental health or fragility contact your GP or medical supervisor first.

Fade to greyAs a result of clearing an issue, it is possible that any vivid or traumatic memories, or intense feelings, may fade, which could hinder your ability to provide a detailed legal testimony in relation to a traumatic experience. Get your legal stuff done first!

Radical, Rude & RevolutionaryThis Guide contains fresh ideas, different perspectives and controversial language, which could lead to expanded perceptions, a newfound zest for living and a loss of unhelpful limiting beliefs. Therefore this Guide may irritate those suffering from excessive uncertainty, chronic parochialism or inflammation of self-importance. If in doubt, consider which doctors to consult.

Page 7: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 7

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.

Wha% i& hea" tras$?

Head trash is many things to many people and we all experience it differently. But we think of head trash as being anything that stops you from being awesome. So, things like…

The little voice in your head that won’t shut up and always churns out negative chatter

Big scary images in your head that show you the worst possible outcome for something, thereby preventing you from doing it, or doing it well

Limiting thoughts and beliefs about yourself that hold you back

Fears and phobias that prevent you from doing and enjoying things

Self-sabotaging thoughts and patterns of behaviours that turn you into your own worst enemy

Emotions that you carry around with you ALL the time. Things like stress, anger, frustration etc

Emotions that you display inappropriately, either excessively or consistently

When you have head trash, most of the time there is something going on your mind – the negative chatter, the big scary images. And often, it’s accompanied by a feeling in your body; tension in your shoulders, racing heart beat, sweaty palms etc. Many traditional therapies work with the mind, but to truly clear head trash, you have to clear it from mind AND body. To do this, you need to work with the energy system; your energy system is the interface between the mind and the body.

When you clear head trash using the energy system it clears it from both, thereby ensuring that you have no residue of the issue. Techniques that work with the energy system are part of a field of work called Energy Psychology, a new form of psychology that is becoming more and more widespread. Reflective Repatterning is part of this very exciting new field of work.

Hea! Tras" [noun]: the accumulated subconscious patterns of thought and behaviour that prevent you from being awesome.

Page 8: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 8

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.

Wha% i& Reflectiv# Repatternin'?

Reflective Repatterning works on the principle of balancing opposites and on the understanding that until we address both ends of an issue, we cannot experience true balance. When we are in balance we are free to experience true freedom, choice and flexibility, and in doing so we are able to take the most appropriate and healthy course of action for all those concerned.

Freedom choice and flexibilityThis is the Holy Grail for us in the Head Trash team. If we can help bring you closer to acting with utter freedom, choice and flexibility then we’re happy. The way we see it, head trash prevents people from acting with freedom, choice and flexibility. Let us explain.

If you have a fear, let’s say a fear of flying, then you will do what you can to avoid taking a plane. Avoiding airports or taking planes isn’t very freeing is it? You’re not really in a position of choice when your options for going on holiday are being reduced by your fear. The same would go for any fear; we deliberately take steps to avoid doing something [because it’s too scary], so in fact we’re being forced to follow a particular route of action.

And what about any limiting thoughts or beliefs that you may have? Thoughts like I could never do that are likely to stop you from deciding to take certain routes of action, thereby limiting your freedom, choice and flexibility in certain situations.

The same could be said of a subconscious or default pattern of behaviour. When we respond angrily to little Jonnie accidentally spilling the milk, were we really making a decision in that moment to be angry (a choice) or was it an automatic response that we couldn’t help? Are we able to be flexible in how we respond [i.e. not always showing anger] depending on what might be the most appropriate in that moment?

Often, it’s our inability to act with freedom, choice, and flexibility that causes us stress and angst.

Love it, hate it!When we have head trash around an issue, usually we hate that issue. In fact, we might hate it so much, that we pile a load of hate energy onto it. The same could be said for anything that we truly love. We love it so much that we put a lot of energy into loving it. This excess energy means that we find it difficult to experience the opposite as we’re stuck at one end.

Most healing therapies work on clearing the negative aspect of an issue. After all, if you were suffering from stress or depression, you would be quite comfortable hating it. But there’s probably a part of you that loves it too. You might like a bit of stress because it helps you to hit your deadlines, or when you’re depressed, other people do stuff for you, saving you the trouble. So, if you’re to clear an issue, then you need heal both the part of you that hates it, and the part of you that loves it. Reflective Repatterning works on both the positive and negative aspect of an issue, loving and hating it. And then it’s opposite.

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Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 9

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Top tip: you can spot if you have a lot of LOVE or HATE energy for something by the way you react. A highly charged and emotional reaction to anything indicates an area where there may be imbalance and excessive LOVE or HATE towards that thing. This highlights an issue that needs to be healed.

It’s all about oppositesWe might think that we don’t want to experience the opposite, but for true balance we must be able to, even if we don’t go there much. For example, let’s say you love honesty and integrity in yourself and others, and when you experience a lack of it in others, it drives you mad. You might probably think that there is no way that you could lie and be a fake, and you’d be right; you’re stuck at the honesty end. But what if a horrid man comes up to you in the street demanding all your money. In this instance it would be really helpful to lie, wouldn’t it? But could you?

Think about it.

But we don’t stop there. We also address the issue in others.

Other peopleLet’s say that you had an issue with rudeness. As far as you’re concerned, you’re never rude and what you hate more than anything is other people being rude. In fact, when you witness other people being rude, or worse still, someone is being rude to you, it winds you up so much that you end up being pretty rude back. So while you despise rudeness in others, you’re probably guilty of it to some degree. Sound familiar?

It would be easy for us all to agree that a part of us hates rudeness, so we would need to clear that within us. But, for the sake of balance, we also have to acknowledge that a part of us loves rudeness. After all if we didn’t like it so much, we wouldn’t happily take part. So, no matter how small, we also have to clear the charge within us that loves it.

But the issue doesn’t end there. Just healing rudeness in ourselves isn’t going to clear the issue fully. We also need to work with the issue in others, because as long as we live in a world occupied by other people, any issue we have is going to affect us if other people can also have that issue. In the case of rudeness, seeing someone else being rude could cause you stress as you imagine things you could be saying in your head to shut them up. But when someone is rude to you, this stress is even worse; your body might go all tense and you feel like punching them. But what if you’re accidently rude to others? How would that make you feel? Or maybe you do it on purpose (even though you deny it!).

You see, all these other aspects of your issue would normally be ignored in many other healing therapies. The thing is, other people can be a huge source of stress for us, so to effectively clear any head trash that involves others, we need to incorporate new aspects into our healing; other people being rude, other people being rude to you; and finally you being rude to others.

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Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 10

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This little diagram might help…

Where1 Within You experiencing the issue2 Others Other people experiencing the issue3 To others Making other people experience the issue4 From others Other people making you experience the issue

So, in the case of rudeness and being rude, this would look like this:

Loving and hating rudeness, and me being rude Loving and hating other people being rude Loving and hating me being rude to other people Loving and hating other people (or events) being rude to me

We cannot clear an issue if we cannot love it, accept responsibility for it, love others having it, love others giving us it and love giving it to others. Until we can, do or think that, we still hold some charge of the problem. But, in order to maintain balance, we also need to work with the opposite of the problem in this way too.

By addressing all these aspects of the issue, we help you to get a lot nearer to clearing 100% of the issue. Even the most effective healing therapies that currently exist only work with you hating your issue, and they’re only ever going to clear about 10% of the issue. Reflective Repatterning will clear up to 100% of the issue.

Within Others

To others

From others

Page 11: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 11

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.

How t! clear your hea" tras$ usin' Reflectiv# Repatternin'Before you begin, make sure you’ve read our DISCLAIMER and OFFICIAL WARNING.

Step 1 Identify your head trash

Maybe you’re worried about something or you’re feeling something that doesn’t make you feel very good. You might be nervous, feeling anxious or frustrated, or worried about an up and coming event. Maybe you’re feeling emotional or can’t let go of something in your mind. Or, there might be something that you really hate or have a fear of, such as injections or flying.

As you think about your issue, note how you describe your issue. For example, you might say to yourself “I just feel really misunderstood about this and it’s upsetting me” So, here your issue would be feeling misunderstood. If you’re worried about all the work you’ve got to do you might be thinking “I’ve just got too much to do and not enough time to do it in”. In this instance, you would work with having too much to do and not enough time.

Or at its simplest, you might want to work on an emotion directly; anger, frustration or sadness etc.

Step 2 Rate it

Spend some time thinking about your issue. As you do, notice what you are most aware of. Do you have images or sounds in your mind? Do you feel something in your body? Maybe you have tension or shortness of breath. If you have thoughts in your mind, note if they are moving or still; if moving, fast or slow? Does it feel heavy or light in your mind? Does it feel dark or light in your mind? And finally, as you focus your attention on your head trash, how intense is that feeling that you have? Out of ten give yourself a rating, ten being very intense.

You might want to make a note of what you experience in your mind and body when you think of your issue. Why? Well because as you work on it, it will change and it’ll be a good reminder when you look back to see how you were at the start. As with any journey, it’s always nice to be reminded of how far you’ve come

Once you’ve identified the nature of your head trash and given it a rating, you’re ready to make a start.

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Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 12

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Step 3 Put your hands into position

Close your eyes and put your hands into the TAT™ pose.

Place one hand at the back of your head horizontally so it is cupping the back of your skull where your head meets your neck.

Use either hand; whichever is most comfortable for you.

Then place your other hand on the front of your head putting your thumb in the corner of one eye, your ring finger in the corner of the other eye. It’s almost like pinching the bridge of your nose, but with very little pressure.

Reminder: have you read our disclaimer? Make sure you do!

Now imagine the point where your eyebrows meet and the middle finger should naturally rest 1 2cm above that point. Your index finger and little finger are left unused.

Page 13: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 13

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Step 4 Follow these statements in your mind

Take each statement in turn and repeat it in your mind while thinking of the problem you’re working on. The sentence might need to be tweaked depending on the issue you’re working with.

Stay with each phrase for about 2 minutes, or until you feel done.

I love, adore and enjoy _____

I hate and despise _____

____ is a wonderful thing

____ is a terrible thing

I love other people ____ [being/doing/experiencing the issue]

I hate and despise other people _______ [being/doing/experiencing the issue]

I love and adore making other people _____ [experience the issue]

I hate and despise making other people ______ [experience the issue]

I love other people (or events and things) making me _____ [experience the issue]

I hate and despise other people (events and things) making me ____ [experience the issue]

While you’re clearing an issue, other emotions or issues may come up for you. That’s OK. Issues are usually tangled up with other issues. Whatever emotion or feeling that may come up for you, make a note of it, and work on that next. Negative issues and emotions are often stored in your body somewhere. That means that while you’re clearing them, you may notice some feelings or sensations in your body as the energy is released. This is normal in energy psychology. In clearing an issue you may or may not experience some of the following;

Bubbling up of emotions that may be linked to what you’re working on

Tingling sensations in your body as you release the energy from where it’s being stored

Big sighs or yawns as you clear the energy

Tears coming out of your eyes as the energy is released

Images or sounds in your mind

Whether you do or don’t, either is fine. Any emotions that come up for you need to be tackled too. Make a note of them so that either you work on them on your own or with a qualified practitioner.

Page 14: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 14

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Step 5 Check how intense your issue is feeling

Close your eyes and think about the issue you have just worked on. As you think about it, notice what you are mostly aware of. If you experienced any images or thoughts before; what are they now?

What about any feelings in your body; how are they now?

How do you feel about your issue now?

And what rating out of ten would you give it now?

If you’re still experiencing some feeling around this issue, say a 4 or 5 out of ten, then ask yourself where you notice this the most in your body. How would you describe it now? Often the issue has shifted slightly. If so, go back to Step 1.

Step 6 Treat the opposite of that issue for you

As we mentioned earlier, for you to experience true balance, and to really clear the issue you have just worked on, you need to treat the opposite.

So now take some time to work out what the opposite of your issue is for you. This might be immediately obvious, or not. Now, it doesn’t necessarily need to be the dictionary definition of the opposite, it’s what YOU think is the opposite. For example, someone who might want to clear depression and depressing feelings, the opposite of this can vary. For some it might be calmness, while for other it might be happiness or joy. All these are quite different. So make sure you pick the opposite as it is for you.

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Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 15

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Quic( referenc# guid#

To help make it easier for you at home, here is an easy to follow 1 page summary:

Step 1 Identify your head trash and how you describe it in your own words.

Step 2 Rate it

Step 3 Put your hands into the TAT position

Step 4 Follow the Reflective Repatterning statements in your mind

Step 5 Rate it again, noting any changes or shifts

Step 6 Identify the opposite of your issue and heal that going back to Step 1

To get you started, we’ve pulled together the phrases for you for some common head trash themes over the next few pages.

These might be a great place to start until you familiarise yourself with the technique.

Over the next few pages you will find the phrases for:

FearStres&AngerFrustratio)Feelin' trappe"

Page 16: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 16

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Fear is perhaps the root of all negative emotions. Let us explain. Rejection is a fear of being left out. You get angry because you fear a consequence of an action or lack of action. Frustration is based on a fear of someone or something not completing something in a certain way or within the time limit. When the mind imagines the worst possible consequences it is a fear. Jealousy is a fear that someone loves someone else more than you. But there is also generalised fear which keeps us on high alert in the fight or flight state.

In a fight or flight state our adrenal glands pump adrenalin and cortisol to the heart. We do quick, shallow, mid chest breathing or even hold our breath; this shuts down our healing and digestive systems. It’s a body response that is designed to help us to save our lives (run from the sabre-tooth tiger or kill it) but we seem to be stuck in it.

Not only is the fear state the base of all negative emotions but it is also the base of stress, which in turn affects the body. When we resolve our fears all other emotions lessen a few degrees. Remember fear is also of something that hasn’t happened yet.

Where do you notice the fear in your body when you think about it? What about any thoughts or images that come to mind? How intense would you say your fear is? Is it a specific fear that you’d like to work on? If so, be specific.

Now hold the TAT pose with eyes closed and go follow the statements below.

I love fear, fearing and being fearful / being scaredI hate fear, fearing and being fearful / being scaredI love, adore and enjoy all my fears / scary thingsI hate and despise all my fears / scary thingsI love and enjoy my (name a specific fear)

I hate and despise my (name specific fear)

I love other people’s fears / other people being fearfulI hate other people’s fears / other people being fearfulI love other people and events (or things) making me fearful / scaring meI hate other people and events (or things) making me fearful / scaring meI love making other people feel fearful / scared (scaring other people on purpose)

I hate making other people feel fearful / scared (scaring other people on purpose)

Fear is a wonderful signal to be carefulFear is a horrible signal that scares me

What is the opposite of fear for you? For some people it might be being calm, confidence or fearless. Decide what it is for you and treat that using the framework above or the one on page 15.

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Stress is the accumulation of lots of negative emotions, which in turn are, triggered conflicts in values. For example, maybe you like freedom and somebody is trapping you. You feel trapped, stifled and frustrated about the whole thing, and eventually the frustration builds into anger. This conflict gets added to other negative emotional states and ultimately builds into emotional stress.

Stress can be managed with activities such as breathing exercises, meditation and yoga, but any conflicts will still remain. To remove stress entirely, the causes need to be identified and healed in turn.

So whilst fear is the base of all negative emotions, when left unresolved they lead to stress, which leads to anxiety (panic attacks, tranquilising addictions like drink drugs etc) and then depression. It is very important to clear stress as well as the causes of stress to prevent a potentially fatal chain reaction.

What is stress like in the body and where is it located? How is it in your head; are your thoughts and internal chatter jumbled? In a frenzy whirling around? Clear, quick, or slow? Which way are they moving? Is your head dark grey, or light? Heavy or light? How stressed do you feel out of ten?

Now hold the TAT pose with eyes closed and go through the statements below.

I love adore and enjoy stress and being stressedI hate and despise stress and being stressedMy stress is a wonderful thingMy stress is a horrible thingI love other people being stressedI hate other people being stressedI love stressing other people for the fun of itI hate stressing other people for the fun of itI love other people and events stressing meI hate other people and events stressing me.

Now, what is the opposite of stress for you? For some people it might be calm, or joy or happiness. Decide what it is for you and treat that using the framework above or the one on page 15.

Remember, for true balance, we always have to treat the opposite too!

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Anger is a need to express oneself fully. Say, if someone is not listening or if they’re refusing to budge on something we might use anger to get our point across. But anger is funny; some people when they get angry they blow up and 10 minutes later all is fine. They’ve expressed themselves but somehow they’ve lost the ability to do it calmly and rationally. On the other hand there are those who struggle to express it; they hold it back and it goes inwards affecting their body. They hold it in because they have a fear about expressing their anger; maybe they hate to upset people with their point of view, or they’re worried about getting emotional. In holding their anger in, these people are creating huge (and dangerous) amounts of emotional stress in their vital organs causing the organ and blood to go more acidic thus creating dis-ease. Then, one day, whoosh! It comes out big time! They were probably giving the silent treatment to others for days, weeks or months while they could not express themselves.

The important thing with anger is not only clearing the state but also looking at all the causes of anger on a day-to-day basis. There’s little point in pulling the plug out while the taps are still on, but similarly, don’t turn the tap off if the pressure is going build in the taps and force the pipe to burst. Where do you feel your anger? What causes it? Make a list. Do you notice that you chat away inside your head as if having lots of arguments with someone who isn’t there and, when they are there you are already angry with them?

When you can express yourself fully with confidence you will not need to be angry in the same emotional way.

Now close your eyes, hold the TAT pose and go through the statements below.

I love adore and enjoy anger and being angryI hate and despise anger and being angryAnger is wonderfulAnger is terribleI love people being angryI hate people being angryI love adore and enjoy making people angry on purposeI hate and despise making people angry on purposeI love people and events making me angryI hate people and events making me angryI love needing angerI hate needing anger

Now you need to treat the opposite. So, what is the opposite of anger for you? For some people it might be being calm, relaxed or happy. Decide what it is for you and treat that using the phrases above or the one on page 15.

Page 19: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 19

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Frustration can be aimed at ourselves or other people and things and is when someone or something not performing as well as expected. We often make things up in our heads as to how things should be, when they should be done and how. We most often experience frustration when our expectation is not met.

Frustration is a lower form of anger, many feel the frustration like an incompleteness with touches of anger. This might be felt across the face or in the head, however some will feel it across the chest shoulders or tummy area.

As frustration builds up it will eventually become anger if its not released or healed. Dr Richard Bandler, the co-founder of NLP, once said “Disappointment takes adequate planning”. If we plan for something in a particular way then we are disappointed when it doesn’t pan out as we had planned. This disappointment normally leads to frustration. We may say inside our heads why didn’t they just-----------? or why do they have to do __________ this way? As frustration affects the liver, frustrated beings will need to pay particular attention to their liver; do cleanses and optimum nutrition, avoid fatty foods, alcohol and cigarettes as these over burden the liver. A combination of withheld unexpressed frustration and toxins can make someone quite ill.

Using Reflective Repatterning to clear the emotional content of frustration and its counterpart opposite will leave the person feeling more chilled and relaxed, however in the long term it would be good to use RR to heal all that unnecessary pre planning of expectation.

If you want to heal frustration in your life, follow these phrases in your mind as you focus on your thoughts and feeling around being frustrated. For a quick reminder on the steps you need to take visit page 15.

I love adore and enjoy frustration and being frustratedI hate and despise frustration and being frustratedFrustration is wonderfulFrustration is horribleI love frustrated peopleI hate frustrated peopleI love adore and enjoy frustrating people on purposeI hate and despise frustrating people on purposeI love people, events and things frustrating meI hate people, events and things frustrating me

What is the opposite of frustration for you? Maybe it’s free, calm or being satisfied? Or something else? Decide what it is for you and replace frustration in the above phrases with whatever the opposite is.

Page 20: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 20

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.

Feelin' trappe"

A sense of feeling or being trapped is a fear; we don’t want to be cornered by a 16-foot high man-eating troll, we would rather have an escape route. Most fears of being trapped not usually about survival but can be equally scary for some. Often, if we fear being trapped we will love freedom; we will be trapped within ourselves always longing for more freedom and that is because we feel trapped. We can feel trapped in a relationship, or maybe people and events can be over bearing with too many rules and too much rigidity. Often this is a perception. People that get the trapped feeling trap themselves because they cant stand up to those that are overpowering. You see over- powering people attract weaker, more sensitive people and vice versa.

A good way to set your self free (apart from obviously clearing trapped and freedom with Reflective Repatterning!) would be to clear any fears and anxieties around fully expressing yourself to friends, work colleagues, bosses, customers, strangers, lovers etc, Those that seek freedom are not free. Are they trapping themselves by suppressing emotions, morals, values or beliefs? Expressing your suppression is a great idea but it takes guts and courage. If you feel trapped you will dislike it immensely but attract it into your life. Typical huh?

If feeling trapped resonates with you, then take some time to gather your thoughts and feelings about being trapped. Where do you notice it in your body when you think about it? What about any thoughts or images that come to mind? How intense would you say your feeling is?

Now hold the TAT pose with eyes closed and go through the statements below.

I love adore and enjoy being trappedI hate despise and detest being trappedBeing trapped is wonderfulBeing trapped is dreadfulI love other people being trappedI hate other people being trappedI love trapping other people on purpose I hate trapping other people on purpose I love other people trapping meI hate other people trapping me

What’s the opposite of feeling trapped for you? Is it being free?

Top Tip: Some other value conflicts that are worth healing are inaction/action, dependence/independence and right/wrong.

Page 21: Clear Your Head Trash

Clear your Hea! Tras": An Introduction 21

© 2012 Head Trash, all rights reserved, no unauthorised copying except for private non-commercial purposes.

Wha% n*%?

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Need advice?If you want a bit of advice on how best to tackle your head trash, we have an advice line for you to call. For availability and more information on this please visit

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Book a sessionOr, if you’re finding that your head trash is a bit too much for you to deal with on your own, then why not get in touch and let us do the clearing for you.

We offer a range of head trash clearance sessions depending on what’s going on for you. Just visit for more information. Or you can email [email protected]

Do you want to learn Reflective Repatterning?We offer a number of training courses for those who want to learn how to use Reflective Repatterning, for themselves or for use with their clients. If you’d like to find out more about our training please visit

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