client innovation and delivery update april 2015 … to the latest edition of the client innovation...

© 2015 IBM Corporation IBM Infrastructure Services Client Innovation and Delivery Update Issue 16 – April 2015 A regular look at new capabilities we are driving with our outsourcing clients and an ‘under the bonnet’ look at deployed continuous service improvements.

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© 2015 IBM Corporation

IBM Infrastructure Services

Client Innovation and Delivery UpdateIssue 16 – April 2015

A regular look at new capabilities we are driving with our outsourcing clients and an ‘under the bonnet’ look at deployed continuous service improvements.

© 2015 IBM Corporation2

Issue 16 – April 2015

Client Innovation and Delivery Update

Welcome to the latest edition of the Client Innovation and Delivery Update (CIDU)created for IBM’s Infrastructure Services outsourcing clients in the UK & Ireland. The update includes summary articles with follow-up links and contacts – ranging from ‘under the bonnet’ delivery-focused continuous service improvements to wider innovation agenda topics and client examples.

From a service innovation perspective, this issue highlights new tooling and automation initiatives as well as the specific program aimed at supporting our retail clients in peak business trading periods. On client innovation we highlight a number of client case studies, introduce the 2015 IBM Global Technology Outlook and review a new Executive Study on Innovation.

As always, please let us know what you think of this edition by visiting this link:

This previous and previous CIDU editions are available online at

Starting this quarter, we are looking to deliver CIDU content on a number of additional channels and formats which will make the content easier to access. More details will be available from your account teams. As usual, we also welcome your ideas.

Danny WilliamsIBM Chief Innovation OfficerGlobal Technology Services

UK and Ireland

Stephanie LaHive IBM Client Excellence Executive, Global Technology Services

UK and Ireland

© 2015 IBM Corporation3

Issue 16 – April 2015

In this issue….

Delivery Innovation Updates

p 4 Dynamic Automation – IPsoft deployment

p 5 Smart Cloud Control Desk

p 6 Retail peak readiness programme

p 7 Optimising performance and capacity management with Cirba

Innovation Agenda Updates

p 8 IBM Global Technology Outlook 2015

p 9 Latest IBM Executive Study on Innovation – ‘More than Magic’

Client Examples

p 10 IBM and Shop Direct extend partnership

p 11 Use of Watson Analytics for Web Security

© 2015 IBM Corporation4

Issue 16 – April 2015

Dynamic Automation: IPsoft deploymentImproving service quality and cost efficiency in server management

To meet the rising client expectations for service quality and efficiency, the future model of IT infrastructure management will rely on greater and more sophisticated levels of automation. IBM is investing heavily in this area drawing upon analytics, IBM Research, best practices and advanced tools. A current phase in this progressive transformation is IBM’s global deployment of third-party tool IPsoft.

Leveraging four global ‘IPcentres’ deployed on SoftLayer, the IPsoft solution can react to server incidents, deploy corrective actions and close service tickets – all using ‘virtual engineer’ automation. Early deployment uses a standard set of virtual engineers with more developed in line with expanded scope and projected benefits.

Dynamic automation using IPsoft is being deployed by IBM in UK and Ireland as part of a global roll-out. Experience shows dramatic results achieved in terms of the percentage of server incident events ‘auto-resolved’ or ‘auto-assisted’, reduced mean-times to resolve them and consequent reductions in incident escalation. This all means that service managers and engineers can focus on more complex challenges and value add activities.

Client benefits:

� Improved IT service – fewer disruptions

� Improved efficiency and speed in dealing with incidents

� Reduced incident escalation

� Leverage global expertise of IBM and IPsoft

For more on this topic, please talk to your account team who will contact the IBM subject expert, James Morris.

© 2015 IBM Corporation5

Issue 16 – April 2015

Smart Cloud Control DeskA major overhaul of service management tooling to improve the end-user experience

Powerful and intuitive tools are critical to effective IT service management particularly because of the rising expectations of today’s users – be they end users, service desk advisors or service managers and analysts.

To ensure its leadership in this area, IBM has recently overhauled the service management suite it uses for its IT outsourcing clients and launched Smart Cloud Control Desk (SCCD).

SCCD is being deployed in the UK and Ireland – and is a natural progression for those accounts already supported by ISM (Maximo).

New and enhanced features include:

� Increased speed and performance

� Redesigned user interface –‘understand a ticket in five seconds’

� Enhanced self-service functions including live chat and mobile device support

� Enterprise ‘app store’ with automated deployment, licence management etc.

� Cloud deployment via SoftLayer

Client benefits:

� improved end-user experience and productivity –including mobile support

� faster resolution of service requests, incidents, problems and changes using ITIL-aligned processes

� improved service quality

For more on this topic, please talk to your account team who will contact the IBM subject expert, Keith Delaney.

© 2015 IBM Corporation6

Issue 16 – April 2015

Retail Peak Readiness ProgrammeIBM’s strategy to support outsourcing clients in the retail sector during seasonal peak demands

IBM provides IT support to many leading on-line and high street retailers and their supporting partners. Given their highly seasonal business activity and the progressive shift to on-line channels, IBM leverages its expertise to deliver a customised assurance programme to retail clients specifically geared to Christmas and New Year peak trading


The process is a year-long one of joint IBM/client activity commencing with peak trading ‘lessons learnt’ through to risk reviews, performance and capacity planning. In addition to client-specific plans, IBM develops common tools, processes and infrastructure plus shares best practices across accounts.

When it comes to peak period, the programme comprises many activities within a daily management system:

� interlocks with clients

� health checking, reporting and trend analysis

� coordination through a virtual command centre

� specific interlocks across all IBM divisions

Crucial too are the communications which each account undertakes to ensure that all team members - whether on-shore or off-shore - are fully aware of critical client business activities such as sales and product launches.

Client benefits:

� on-line and in-store channels able to handle peak loads and drive client revenue

� reliable IT service so that staff can focus on customer needs

� assurance for the IT team that critical systems and risks are under continuous scrutiny

For more on this topic, please talk to your account team who will contact the IBM Service Excellence team.

© 2015 IBM Corporation7

Issue 16 – April 2015

Optimising performance and capacity management with CirbaSoftware defined infrastructure control to optimise virtual server estates

In large virtual server estates, IT managers are always conscious of the need to balance workloads to minimise the risks of insufficient capacity for critical systems whilst avoiding under-used ‘stranded’ capacity. To address this for its infrastructure services clients, IBM has run very successful ‘proof of concept’ projects across the globe on a range of accounts using the third-party Cirba tool ( and is currently deploying it further.

Client benefits:

� improve service quality – mitigate potential performance risks

� Optimise efficiency of virtual server estates

� Conduct more reliable performance and capacity forward planning

The software-defined infrastructure control allows for automated monitoring of workloads and easily assimilated feedback as to which infrastructure components are operating within or outside specified policy frameworks.

In this way, under-utilised and over-utilised clusters, hosts and VMs can be readily identified together with recommendations on corrective actions.

In addition, the Cirba tooling enables scenario analysis by forecasting, projecting and reserving workloads and infrastructure. It also provides recommendations to performance analysts to optimise software licensing costs by ‘license stacking’.

For more on this topic, please talk to your account team who will contact the IBM subject experts, Martyn Heaton & Roger Graves

© 2015 IBM Corporation8

Issue 16 – April 2015

IBM Global Technology Outlook 2015Data transforming industries

Every year, IBM’s top researchers identify significant technology trends and disruptive technologies that hold the greatest potential to transform industries, businesses and society over the next 3-to-10 years.

Key topics for the 2015 Global Technology Outlook (GTO) include:

� Cloud Data Foundation - how to respond to the increase in volume and types of data stored in the cloud

� Industry Data Curation – building a data ecosystem that combines your organisation’s data with open data to derive more insight

� Transforming Healthcare Through Personalised Systems of Insight –how the rapid growth of exogenous data is transforming healthcare to take personalised medicine to the next level

� Payments Insights and Digital Cash – the benefits of accelerating the digitisation of cash payments, which comprise 85% of retail payments today

� Ad-hoc Infrastructure and Data – the volumes of data generated by wearables, video and the Internet of Things are becoming more challenging to move, so processing has to move to the edge, where it is generated

� Neuromorphic Computing – a new processor architecture based on the human brain that can process the data generated at the edge using significantly less power

GTO content is not publicly accessible but to arrange a tailored presentation of GTO 2015 please have your IBM account team contact the subject expert Danny Williams.

GTO 2015: It’s all about the data

© 2015 IBM Corporation9

Issue 16 – April 2015

Latest IBM Executive Study on Innovation – ‘More than Magic’The most successful organisations drive innovation differently to their competition

Innovation is alive and well. A new study, conducted by the IBM Institute for Business Value and the Economist Intelligence Unit, reveals that outperforming organisations approach innovation differently from their peers. Responses from more

than 1,000 C-suite level executives reveal that three separate categories separate outperformers from the rest:

1. Organisational structures and functions that support innovation – The most successful organisations align innovation activities directly with business objectives, pursue ‘open’ innovation structures and create specialised innovation teams.

2. Cultural environments to make innovation thrive – The most successful organisations maintain a clear focus on innovation across all business activities, encouraging innovative behaviours and finding ways to sustain innovation momentum.

3. Processes to convert ideas into value – The most successful organisations source new ideas from diverse locations, often leverage big data and analytics; fund innovation separately and measure value rigorously.

The report includes many practical recommendations which can be used by our clients to drive real business outcomes.

Download the full report here For more on this topic, please talk to your account team who will contact the IBM subject experts, Tony Morgan and Danny Williams.

© 2015 IBM Corporation10

Issue 16 – April 2015

Client example: IBM and Shop Direct extend partnershipTechnology aids Shop Direct’s path to becoming a world class digital retailer

Our clients often ask us what changes and innovations we’re working on with other organisations. This time, we’re highlighting how IBM and Shop Direct are working together to move the multi-brand digital retailer to a hybrid cloud model to increase flexibility and quickly respond to changes in demand as it grows.

With a number of digital department stores including flagship brand, Shop Direct is one of the UK’s largest online retailers, delivering more than 48 million products a year and welcoming over a million daily visitors across a variety of online and mobile platforms.

The hybrid cloud infrastructure will provide capacity on demand so that Shop Direct can rapidly react to market changes and quickly deliver new innovations to their customers and staff.

In addition, IBM will provide new, enhanced end user services for Shop Direct employees and partners across a broad range of devices to improve satisfaction as well as productivity. Windows and Mac devices will be supported equally, and an innovative IT Bar will provide walk-up technical support. Secure mobile device management will enable BYOD and unlock the power of tablets and smartphones to support a mobile workforce.

You can read the IBM press release at for more information.

To learn more about how IBM hybrid cloud solutions can help your business succeed, get in touch with your IBM account team.

© 2015 IBM Corporation11

Issue 16 – April 2015

Client example: Use of Watson Analytics for Web SecurityPractical example of application of advanced analytics capabilities to repel a Denial of Service attack

Service delivery and support teams are often the unsung heroes of IT departments – and for our IT sourcing clients

the IBM team often make up a large part of the team.

This article is the first of a series highlighting innovative approaches taken by individuals and service teams to support the services provided to IBM’s clients.

This time we highlight the work of David Challoner, a Senior IBM Performance and Capacity Expert, to address a Denial of Service attack on a key client website. David explains below how he applied IBM Watson Analytics capabilities to very quickly identify the issue and return the service to normal protecting the client’s business.

“The client’s website was hit with spamming traffic to which the IBM service team was immediately alerted by our monitoring systems. There was little information from external sources that could be used to analyze the incident available to the IBM team. However, there was a huge amount of raw data available in the form of various web server logs.

I had been using Watson Analytics for innovative service improvements for the client and realized that there was a potential application for Watson to address this problem.

In parallel to the standard approach to address this issue, we loaded the log files into Watson and applied filters to the data. Watson itself provided a number of very useful starting points for the analysis. One option was a breakdown chart of IP address by packet size. We modified this to focus on the originating IP address, return packet size and specific error information.

This allowed the IBM team to very quickly analyse a huge amount of data and identify specific IP addresses. These were then verified against identified attack sites. We blocked these and service returned to normal.” David Challoner

For more on this specific story please talk to your account team who will contact the IBM subject expert, David Challoner.

To nominate a member of your own service team for a future story, please let your account team know.

David Challoner

© 2015 IBM Corporation12

Issue 16 – April 2015

Questions and/or Feedback?

As always we welcome questions, feedback and input.

Please take a minute to visit the link below to provide feedback and suggestions for future editions.

Please also contact your IBM account team oremail Danny Williams [email protected]