climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · supplementary information for climate change...

Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen, Jari Valkama & Jon E. Brommer This document includes: -Supplementary Figures S1-S4 -Supplementary Tables S1-S6 -Supplementary Methods Data collection Genetics Capture-Mark-Recapture modelling and model selection The role of phenotypic plasticity for the temporal change in frequency of color morphs Temporal trends in pre- recruitment selection on tawny owl colour morphs Population-genetic model Predicted effects of further climate change on colour polymorphism in tawny owls -Supplementary References

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Page 1: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Supplementary information for

Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird

Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen, Jari Valkama & Jon E. Brommer

This document includes:

-Supplementary Figures S1-S4

-Supplementary Tables S1-S6

-Supplementary Methods

Data collection


Capture-Mark-Recapture modelling and model selection

The role of phenotypic plasticity for the temporal change in frequency of color morphs

Temporal trends in pre- recruitment selection on tawny owl colour morphs

Population-genetic model

Predicted effects of further climate change on colour polymorphism in tawny owls

-Supplementary References

Page 2: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

a b

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005









p B



its -


p B




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Frequency of brown fledglings t-2









ncy o

f b


n a


Supplementary Figure S1. Pre-recruitment selection on tawny owl colour morphs

The figure shows the relationship between frequency of brown nestlings and frequency of

brown breeding adults. Data consists of fledglings and recruits that were deduced to be brown

or grey based on observed ratios described in Figure 2 in the main text. a) Bubble plot

showing the difference in the proportion of local recruits that are deduced to be brown (prop

B recruits) minus the proportion of fledglings that were deduced to be brown (prop B

fledglings). Positive values indicate that local recruits are more likely to be brown than

expected on the basis of the proportion of brown fledglings (pre-recruitment selection in

favour of brown). A larger size of the plotted bubble indicates a larger sample size (number

of individuals). b) The frequency of brown adults as a function of the frequency of brown

fledglings produced two years earlier (t-2). See Supplementary Methods for statistics.

Page 3: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010










n b


n im




1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

















Supplementary Figure S2. Immigration and recruitment of tawny owl colour morphs

Bubble plots showing temporal variation in the proportion of brown immigrants (a) and

recruits (b) between 1981 and 2008 in the study population. Bubble size refers to sample size.

A shift in frequency of the brown phenotype should result in a simultaneous shift in the

frequency of brown immigrants and recruits if these are neutral properties of the population

dynamics. The proportion of both immigrated and locally recruited brown individuals

increased moderately over the study period (Immigration, binomial GLM: year, b = 0.030 ±

0.003 s.e.m., z = 9.84, p < 0.0001; Recruitment; binomial GLM: year, b = 0.067 ± 0.015

s.e.m., z = 4.37, p < 0.0001).

Page 4: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

0 50 100 150 200










0 50 100 150 2000.1




p B



0 50 100 150 200






p B



Average BB + Bg


a b


Supplementary Figure S3. A population-genetic model. Output of a population-genetic

model assuming selection against the brown morph with a survival advantage for the

heterozygous brown morph. We assume that there is a one locus – two allele inheritance with

the allele for brown (B) dominant over grey (g). There is survival selection against the brown

morph, which after 50 time steps changes into a pattern where selection against the brown

morph diminishes over time (panel a). We further assume that survival for the heterozygous

brown morph (Bg) is 9% higher than the survival for the brown morph (which is the average

of the survival of genotypes Bg and BB weighted by their frequency in the population). The

brown morph never has a higher survival than the grey morph, but because the heterozygous

genotype has a high survival, an equilibrium frequency of the B allele is reached where it

remains in the population (panel b, first 50 time steps). Diminishing selection against the

brown morph (from time step 50 onwards) is associated with an increase in the frequency of

the B allele (panel b) and the brown morph (panel c).

Page 5: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Supplementary Figure S4. Climate change predictions and colour polymorphism

Conceptual figure of the fitness of brown and grey tawny owls in different environments as

predicted by the theory of evolution of genetic polymorphism. The left part of the graph

represents the temporal pattern observed in the data (drawn from Figure 3c in the main text)

and the right part represents the predicted trend based on empirical studies (listed in

Supplementary Table S6) as the climate gets warmer. The error bars are standard errors of the

estimated survival probability.

Page 6: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Supplementary Table S1. Hardy-Weinberg frequency table. The table shows all possible

mating crosses of a 1 locus 2 allele system and the frequency of the offspring genotypes each

cross produces. Phenotypic morphs of the crosses are denoted as brown (B) or grey (G)a.

Because of the full dominance of the B alleleb, certain phenotypic crosses can refer to several

genotypic crosses. For each genotypic cross, the probabilities of producing the three different

offspring genotypes are presented.

Mating Genotypes of offspring

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Phenotype Genotype Frequency Freq. BB Freq. Bg Freq. gg


B B BB BB P2 1 0 0

B B BB Bg PQ 0

B B Bg BB QP 0

B B Bg Bg Q2

G B gg BB RP 0 1 0

B G BB gg PR 0 1 0

B G Bg gg QR 0

G B gg Bg RQ 0

G G gg gg R2 0 0 1

a Alleles are denoted in italics where the dominant allele is for brown (B), and the recessive

allele is for grey (g).

b The frequency of the B allele in the population is p, and the frequency in the population of

genotype BB is denoted as P (p2), frequency of Bg is denoted Q (2p[1-p]) and of bb as R


Page 7: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Supplementary Table S2. Observed and expected number of pairs of mating crosses.

Colour morph crosses do not take into account the sex of the parent only their plumage colour

(G = grey, B = brown). Expected numbers of offspring morphs are denoted between brackets

and are generated under the assumption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and full dominance

of the ‘brown’ allele over the ‘grey’ allele at a single locus.


Parents Offspring

--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------

Cross N obs N exp N Grey N Brown


B B 15 16.05 4 (9.14) 55 (49.86)

G B 43 40.90 81 (79.34) 91 (92.66)

G G 25 26.05 83 (87.00) 4 (0.00)

Total 83 168 (175.48) 150 (142.52)

G2 = 0.2197, P = 0.86a G1 = 0.308, P = 0.58


a G test statistic (with degrees of freedom in subscript) denoting deviation between observed

(N obs) and expected (N exp) number of crosses.

b G test statistic (with degrees of freedom in subscript) denoting deviation between the total

number of grey and brown morphs observed and expected. See text for alternative approaches

for testing the offspring’s morph frequencies.

Page 8: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Supplementary Table S3. Annual number of captured male and female tawny owls. This

data from the study population consist of 1065 observations of 466 individuals and is used in

the capture-mark-recapture analyses.


Year N males N females_

1981 4 7

1982 25 25

1983 29 30

1984 15 16

1985 23 24

1986 22 25

1987 4 4

1988 15 15

1989 23 25

1990 12 12

1991 21 21

1992 22 24

1993 14 17

1994 24 24

1995 25 25

1996 11 11

1997 14 14

1998 14 15

1999 26 27

2000 21 21

2001 23 24

2002 27 27

2003 25 26

2004 11 11

2005 15 16

2006 22 23

2007 8 8

2008 26 27_______

Page 9: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Supplementary Table S4. Correlations between tawny owl survival and climate.

Different time windows (5-44 days) and their correlations between snow depth and tawny

owl annual survival, and between temperature and tawny owl annual survival during 1981-

2008. Using a sliding window approach, annual average temperature and snow depth during

all possible windows of a given length were considered as explanatory variables. Survival

estimates ( ) are taken from a full time-dependent CMR model tpt.

________Snow depth________ ________Temperature______

Window length (days) rPearson Window dates rPearson Window dates

5 -0.40358 23-27.12a 0.56525 25-29.12

6 -0.38524 23-28.12 0.56812 24-29.12a

7 -0.37017 22-28.12 0.56642 24-30.12

8 -0.35563 22-29.12 0.55771 23-30.12

9 -0.33797 22-30.12 0.54951 22-30.12

10 -0.32542 22-31.12 0.5412 22-31.12

11 -0.3132 21-31.12 0.52859 21-31.12

12 -0.30779 18-29.12 0.51749 21.12-1.1

14 -0.27298 22.12-4.1 0.51219 23.12-5.1

15 -0.28641 17-31.12 0.49955 21.12-4.1

16 -0.25784 22.12-6.1 0.51562 22.12-6.1

18 -0.26417 18.12-4.1 0.50669 21.12-7.1

20 -0.25184 16.12-4.1 0.48641 14.12-2.1

21 -0.25084 17.12-6.1 0.48594 19.12-8.1

22 -0.2184 20.12-10.1 0.48217 20.12-10.1

24 -0.21508 12.12-4.1 0.44972 12.12-4.1

27 0.19776 18.12-13.1 0.44844 19.12-14.1

28 0.19096 22.3-18.4 0.43786 22.12-18.1

30 -0.1857 1.4-30.4 0.42496 30.5-28.6

32 -0.18454 12.12-12.1 0.4359 10.12-10.1

33 -0.19242 24.3-25.4 0.44815 29.5-30.6

36 0.16598 7.3-10.4 0.41674 23.12-27.1

40 -0.1921 24.3-2.5 0.36855 11.2-22.3

44 -0.16566 25.2-9.4 0.41651 27.5-9.7 aThe time window periods producing the highest correlation are in bold. This period around

New Year is the time when a permanent snow cover is formed and a steep decline in winter

temperature begins in Southern Finland40


Page 10: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Supplementary Table S5. Within- and between-individual variation in coloration as a

function of winter climate. Estimates from linear mixed models on the within- and between-

individual effects of snow depth in preceding winter on plumage coloration (score 4-14) in

tawny owls with individual ID as random effect. Shown are (1) a standard model with

combined within- and between-individual effect, and (2) and (3) are models with within- and

between-individual effects separated. Significance testing is reported for the slope of the

fixed effect(s).

Model Estimate ± s.e.m. t d.f. P

1: y = ß0 + ßCa + u + e

Intercept 8.36 ± 0.14

C (Combined effects) -0.03 ± 0.01 -2.80 591 0.005

2: y = ß0 + ßW(obsb-mean

c) + ßB(mean

c) +u + e

Intercept 8.86 ± 0.21

W (Within-individual effect) -0.02 ± 0.01 -1.36 590 0.18

B (Between-individual effect) -0.11 ± 0.02 -4.06 590 0.0001

3: y = ß0 + ßW(obs b) + ßB(mean

c) +u + e

Intercept 8.86 ± 0.21

W (Within-individual effect) -0.02 ± 0.01 -1.36 590 0.18

B (Between-individual effect) -0.09 ± 0.03 -3.21 590 0.001

a Within- and between-individual effects are combined

b ‘obs’ stands for an individual’s observed value in a given year

c ‘mean’ stands for an individual’s mean value from each observation

Page 11: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Supplementary Table S6. Climate change predictions and colour polymorphism.

Different environmental factors which are predicted to change due to climate warming and to

cause a change in fitness of colour morphs in future. Both direct effects of climate change

and indirect effects of climate change on biotic interactions are predicted to alter morph-

specific selection pressure in future. See Supplementary Figure S4 for an illustration of the

predicted change in fitness of colour morphs in a climate change scenario based on the

empirical studies listed in this table.


Environmental factor Predicted Reference Predicted Reference

climate effecta fitness effect



Temperature + 21 G < B 28, 36, 42-43

This study

Snow depth - 21 G < B 28

This study

Vole cycle amplitude - 22 G > B This study

0 23 G = B This study

Humidity + 21 G < B 28, 36

Parasite richness + 2, 41 G < B 17, 30, 44

_________________________________________________________________________ aincrease is denoted by ‘+’, no effect by ‘0’ and decrease by ‘-’

bG = B, no fitness difference predicted between grey (G) and brown (B) morphs; G > B,

selection against brown predicted; G < B, selection against grey predicted.

Page 12: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Tawny owl data collection and colour scoring. Tawny owls were studied by authors KA

and TK in a study area of about 250 km2 in southern Finland (60º 15N´, 24º 15E´). The study

area is dominated by mixed forests, agricultural areas and small freshwater courses and was

established in 1977-78. From 1980 onwards approximately 125 nest boxes in suitable habitats

were available for tawny owls to breed in. Considerable effort was put into finding the nests

of all tawny owls in the study population by searching for natural nest sites and new boxes set

up by private individuals in the approximate area where hooting individuals had been

recorded earlier in spring and where a breeding thus was expected. The same monitoring

scheme was used by KA and TK during all years and the effort remained similar in all years.

Practically all breeding male and female owls in the area were caught, ringed, measured and

their plumage coloration scored by KA and TK using a semi-continuous scale. The colour

scoring method is described by Savolainen45

and focuses on the degree of brown

phaeomelanin pigmentation in four different parts of the plumage: facial disc 1-3 points,

breast 1-2 points, back 1-4 points, and general appearance 1-5 points. This gives a score from

4 (grey) to 14 (red). A low score indicates less pigmentation and grey dominated plumage,

whereas a higher score indicates higher degree of reddish-brown phaeomelanin pigmentation.

All colour scoring was done by KA, TK or (mainly) by both. Because each individual was

colour scored in every year it was caught by the same observers, repeatability and changes in

colour as an individual ages can be studied. A previous study of the same tawny owl

population has found that this colour scoring method is highly repeatable for both sexes

(females: repeatability r = 0.90; males: r = 0.92), that plumage colour score is not affected by

age and sex, and that the frequency distribution of colour morphs is bimodal for both sexes18

(see also Figure 1 in the main article). Based on this distribution we categorised individuals

into two morphs, either grey (colour less than 10) or brown (colour 10 or more). More

information on the monitoring scheme and the colour scoring procedure is given in Brommer

et al18

and Karell et al24


As a reference point to the colour morph data from the study population, author PK colour

scored 126 tawny owl skin specimens that have been collected 1915-1980 by the public and

stored by the Natural History Museum, University of Helsinki. Colour scoring was done in

Page 13: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

the same way as in the study population. At the time of colour scoring the Museum

specimens, author PK had been trained for four years by KA and TK in using this method.

Skin specimens in the collection are mainly victims of the traffic or of other accidents. Data

on bird skin specimens are informative on temporal trends in colour morph frequencies36


National level individual tawny owl data was obtained from the Finnish Ringing Centre and

has been collected by amateur owl ringers all over Finland. We extracted the data on all

records of adult ringed and recaptured tawny owls in Finland to which colour morph (grey or

brown) had been assigned during 1961-2008 (30 % of all data, 3194 / 10601 records).

Climate and prey abundance data. Weather data were obtained from the Finnish

Meteorological Institute. We used daily measures of temperature (T) and snow depth (cm)

collected at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, which is located c. 50 km from the center of the study

area. Extraction of estimates of temperature and snow depth relevant for tawny owl survival

is described in the section on capture-mark-recapture modelling.

Voles are the main prey of tawny owls and their abundance varies drastically between


. Snap trapping of small mammals was carried out each October during the years

1981-2008 by KA and TK within the study area in order to estimate the abundance of prey.

Snap trapping was conducted in two localities on each trapping event: one in the eastern part

of the study area and one in the western part of the study area. Each trapping locality consists

of open (field/clearcut) habitat and forest habitat. Traps were set as a transect with a total of

48 traps / habitat (96 traps per replicate). All traps were triggered for two consecutive nights

(192 traps for two nights yields 384 trap nights in total per trapping). Mainly field voles

(Microtus agrestis) and bank voles (Myodes glareolus) were caught in the traps, but also to

some extent wood mice (Apodemus flavicollis) and shrews (Sorex araneus). We include all

species in the analysis of prey abundance (number of individuals caught per 100 trap nights).

We use this autumn prey abundance to estimate the over-winter food availability. Similar

autumnal prey abundance indices have been found to explain over-winter survival variation

in the closely related Ural owl46


Page 14: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Animal model. Estimation of heritability of plumage colour scores was based on a Restricted

Maximum Likelihood (REML) linear mixed model on the individual’s average colour score,

where the additive genetic effects were estimated using pedigree-derived estimates of

relatedness across all individuals (‘animal model’)19


We considered the linear mixed model

c = Xß+ Zu + e, (S1)

where c is a vector with the average colour score of all the individuals (possibly categorised

by an additional state variable), ß denotes a vector of fixed-effects, u a vector of random

effects which each are related to the appropriate individual through design matrices X and Z

respectively. The vector e contains the effect of residual variance not attributed to model

terms. Equation (S1) can be solved for the genetic (co)variance matrix G for the vector u by

using information on the coefficient of co-ancestry ij between individuals i and j, which is

directly obtained from the pedigree. The variance-covariance matrix of additive genetic

effects is equal to G = A A2, where A has elements Aij = 2 ij. The additive genetic effects and

residual effects are assumed to be normally distributed with mean of zero. As fixed effects we

considered sex and the year the individual started breeding. However, none of these effects

were significant which provides further evidence that tawny owl plumage colouration is a

real polymorphism14


In our analyses, we used the reduced pedigree where 167 individuals whose phenotype was

measured and who had at least one relative with a measured phenotype in the pedigree were

included. Extra-pair paternity is low in this species20

, and we are thus confident in inferring

relatedness on the basis of the social pedigree. Sex, age (1, 2, 3 years) and year of first

breeding were tested as fixed effects, but were not significant, and were not included in the

final models. Because the additive genetic effects are estimated only on the basis of these

individuals, including other (non-related) individuals does not change the results, especially

since none of the considered fixed effects were significant. This basic animal model based on

the colouration scoring method (see Figure 1 in main text) revealed that plumage colouration

was 79.8 ± 13.8 (s.e.m.) % heritable.

Page 15: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

Inferring Mendelian genetics based on nestlings and their parents. Because the estimated

heritability was high, and because the distribution of colour scores is so clearly bimodal (see

Figure 1 in the main article), allowing the separation of two colour morphs, we wanted to test

whether a ‘major gene’ could be responsible for creating this pattern. The colour scoring

method is only applicable in individuals that have obtained their full adult plumage. Tawny

owls (and owls in general) fledge from their nest well before they attain all adult

characteristics. The colour morph was scored (by author PK) of 318 nestlings in 83 nests

during 2006-2009 when the oldest nestling was 25 days old (i.e. close to fledging). On the

basis of the coloration of the interior part of the tertiary wing feather, these offspring was

categorised as either grey (no brown pigmentation) or brown (brown pigmentation present).

Their parents were previously caught and colour scored and categorised into brown or grey as

explained above. Note that colour scoring of the parents was done by a different researcher at

another time point than the colour scoring of offspring, and the offspring are thus

characterised independently and without reference to the colour score of the adults. Because

we only started to colour score offspring recently, we only have data on seven individuals

that recruited back into the breeding population (three males and four females) that were

categorised into colour morphs as offspring. Four of these recruits were given the colour

score 6 (grey), one was given the score 8 (grey), and two were given the score 13 (brown).

For six out of seven individuals the colour morph categorisation as offspring and adult

corresponded, and only the individual with adult colour score 8 (which is close to the

threshold value for being considered a brown morph) was wrongly scored as a brown morph

offspring. Given the data at hand we assume that the characterisation of offspring colouration

corresponds well with colour scoring as adult (see also Gasparini et al17


Tawny owls mate random with respect to colour18

, which is a critical requirement for

applying the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. We first show random mating also with respect to

the inferred Mendelian genetics. Under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, mates are a random

‘draw’ from the genotypes present in the population. The expected frequencies of the

different genotypes mating are presented in Supplementary Table S1. The frequency of the

dominant ‘brown’ allele (p) can be easily derived from the observed frequency of the double

recessive ‘grey’ allele, which is the proportion of observed grey phenotypes (=(1-p)2) Of the

166 (2 x 83) adults involved in the crosses, 55.36% are grey (Supplementary Table S2), thus

p = 0.2515. The frequency of the different crosses follows the expected distribution closely

Page 16: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

(Supplementary Table S2), indicating that mating is random with respect to our Mendelian

genetics model.

We next calculated the expected frequency of offspring genotypes per mating between

phenotypes. This was done by multiplying the expected genotypic frequencies of each cross

with the expected frequency of offspring genotypes (both given in Supplementary Table S1)

and applying the thus obtained ratio to the total offspring produced by that particular

phenotypic cross. For example, the three genotypic crosses that underlie the phenotypic cross

‘B G’ produce a ratio of brown:grey offspring of (PR+RQ) : RQ. One cannot compare

observed and expected value if the expected value equals zero (which is the expected

proportion of brown offspring from a ‘G G’ cross, Supplementary Table S2). We therefore

calculated the G-test statistic between the observed and expected brown offspring across all

crosses, which showed a good model fit (Supplementary Table S2, Figure 2 in the main text),

and which is the test statistic reported in the text. We further explored whether these findings

were robust to different approaches for generating expected values. Firstly, following the

above-outlined approach, but ignoring the ‘G G’ cross (which contains a ‘0’ expected

value) produces a good fit for the other two crosses (G2 = 4.2432, P = 0.12). Second, we

assumed that the reproductive output of each cross is similar (justified since Brommer et al18

showed no difference in reproductive output across colour morphs, see also supplementary

results below). Thus, we may derive the expected numbers of offspring morphs directly on

the basis of the full Hardy-Weinberg frequency table (Supplementary Table S1) and the

assumption that the ‘B’ allele occurs with frequency 0.2515 (see above). Expected numbers

of brown and grey offspring are then generated using this frequency distribution multiplied

with the total number of offspring (as opposed to the cross-specific number offspring). This is

a method that is thus highly independent of the actual data (since it requires only information

on the proportion of grey adult individuals and the total number of offspring produced), yet

produces a satisfactory fit to the observed frequencies of brown and grey nestlings (G1 =

1.314, P = 0.25).

Repeating the above, but assuming that the allele for grey morph is dominant over the allele

for brown leads to the following expected number of offspring (following the order and

terminology of Supplementary Table S2, the number expected (observed) offspring that are

grey (G) or brown (B), cross BxB: 0 (4) G / 59 (55) B; BxG: 95.7 (81) G / 76.3 (91) B; GxG:

75.1 (83) G / 11.9 (4) B; G-test over the last two crosses with non-zero expected numbers: G2

Page 17: Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird · Supplementary information for Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird Patrik Karell, Kari Ahola, Teuvo Karstinen,

= 12.98, P = 0.0015). Clearly, there are more brown offspring observed than expected when

assuming full dominance of the grey allele over brown (see Figure 2 in the main text).

We further implemented a purely additive genetic model. This approach used information on

the colour score (4 to 14) of the adults. Offspring colour score were predicted on the basis of

the mid-parent colour score (standardised to a mean of zero) and assuming a heritability of

80% (based on the results from the animal model). That is, offspring colour = 0.8 * midparent

value + N(0, SDerror), where N(0, SDerror) is a normally distributed random value with mean of

zero and a standard deviation SDerror = SQRT[Var(mid-parent value) – Var(0.8*mid-parent

value)]. Offspring colour score was then classified into two morphs using the same criteria as

for adults (colour score 10 is brown). This procedure was repeated 10,000 times, and the

average predicted number of grey and brown offspring for each cross was used as the

expected value. This purely additive model fitted the data poorly (number expected

(observed) offspring that are grey (G) or brown (B), cross BxB: 0 (4) G / 59 (55) B; BxG:

132.1 (81) G / 39.9 (91) B; GxG: 87 (83) G / 0 (4) B; G-test over the one cross with non-zero

expected numbers: G1 = 70.9, P < 0.0001). In this particular case, the colour scores of the

adults were such that the additive model predicted that all offspring from monomorphic

crosses were the same morph as the parents; thus, these crosses are not informative for

testing. However, focusing on the heteromorphic (BxG) cross, it is clear that there are again

more offspring of the brown morph observed than expected (see Figure 2 in the main text).

We conclude from the above exercises based on comparing fledgings’ morphs with their

parents’ morphs that we find evidence for genetic dominance of brown over grey, whereas

dominance of grey and purely additive genetic effects are not supported by this data. While

this modelling is not exhaustive, it does show that the tawny owl phenotypic morph has a

genetic architecture that relies on few genes with large effects.

We used individual capture history data on 466 tawny owls (1065 observations) from 1981-

2008 for the capture-mark-recapture (CMR) modelling, because vole abundance data

gathering was initiated in 1981 and this vole data was tested as a covariate in the CMR

modelling. The data is summarized in Supplementary Table S3. Survival of adult grey and

brown tawny owls was estimated using CMR methodology on live encounters data

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(Cormack-Jolly-Seber model, CJS) using the program MARK38

. With the CJS model one can

separate survival probability ( ) from recapture probability (p) using a maximum likelihood

approach. In explaining the CMR models, we adhere to a short-hand notation where the

interaction (e.g. between colour and temperature (col*temp), also includes the main effects of

these variables; hence, col*temp = col + temp + col*temp).

In order to extract relevant climate variables for tawny owl survival we first estimated time-

specific (t) survival and recapture based on a basic model (t)p(t). We then used a sliding-

window approach to find the time period during which survival correlated best with climate

(average temperature and snow depth). Mean temperature and snow depth during all possible

time windows between 5 and 44 days were considered and the Pearson’s r correlation

coefficients compared. Annual survival of tawny owls was highly correlated with temperature

and snow depth (Supplementary Table S4). A relatively short time window of five and six

days prior to the turn of the year correlated best with the tawny owl survival estimates.

Consistency among time windows was high for both snow depth and temperature as all the

highest correlations across window sizes were always in the same period, around the turn of

the year (Supplementary Table S4). In particular, 75% (18/24) of the tested time windows

correlated with snow depth and 83% (20/24) correlated with temperature and these were all

centred around the same time period (Supplementary Table S4). We therefore conclude that

early to mid winter severity in terms of both snow depth and temperature is important for

tawny owl adult survival in the study population. It is during these best fitting selected time

periods when a permanent snow cover is being formed and when cold spells are likely to


and it is also during this time period when snow depth and temperature is expected to

change largely in the near future according to climatological models of the IPCC applied to


. Hence, variation in climatic estimates during the selected periods reflects a period

sensitive to climate change and to overall length and severity of the winter. Measures of

temperature and snow depth from the time window which correlated best with annual tawny

owl survival were selected as covariates for further modelling (Supplementary Table S4).

We first tested the goodness of fit of the full colour morph (col) and time dependent (t) model

(col * t)p(col * t) using program U-CARE48

in order to assess whether the data meets the model

assumptions. The results of the global goodness of fit test indicated that the data met the

assumptions of homogeneity (2

141 = 143.55, P = 0.42). We then entered the data into

program MARK37

with sexes pooled and colour morph (col) as grouping variable. We

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estimated over-dispersion in the full time dependent model by running 500 bootstrap

simulations of this model and calculated the value by dividing the observed model deviance

with the mean deviance of the simulated models. A value of 1.19 obtained from the

bootstrap simulation was entered into all models to adjust for over-dispersion. We ran all

models nested under the full model (N = 25) and models were ranked by their QAICc value.

The best model, i.e. the model with the lowest QAICc value, was a model with colour morph

and time dependent survival and time dependent recapture ( (col + t)p(t)) which was selected

for further analyses. In order to check that there are no survival differences between sexes we

run a similar model with sex differences accounted for ( (col +sex+ t)p(t)). This model received a

poorer fit with higher QAICc value than the above mentioned model without sex differences

( QAICc > 4, see also below for a climate constrained model). Also earlier analyses of a part

of the same data set (years 1981-1995) found that models coding for sex or sex * vole cycle

phase did not receive high QAICc support24

, and another previous CMR analysis of data from

the same population found that colour dependent survival was the best model for both


. Since we found no main effect of the variable ‘sex’ then allowing interactions with

variable ‘sex’ should not improve model fit. Hence, we proceeded with modelling by

focusing on the variable with the highest main effect (i.e. colour morph), which reduced the

number of candidate models. This way we describe model space without the need to model

each of the candidate models.

We tested for the effects of real covariates by replacing the dummy variable ‘time

dependence (t)’ in model (col + t)p(t) with interactions of colour morph and prey abundance

(col*vole), temperature (col*temp) and snow depth (col*snow) in both survival ( )

estimation as well as recapture (p). The full constrained model was

(col*vole+col*temp+col*snow)p(col*vole+col*temp+col*snow) (S2)

In order to reduce the number of potential candidate models nested under the full constrained

model we followed the model selection criteria described in Karell et al24

: First we tested all

nested models for survival while keeping recapture rate constant at p(col*vole+col*temp+col*snow).

The models with highest QAICc (deltaQAICc < 2, N = 4) were selected and all potential

recapture models under the full constrained model were tested while keeping constant. In

total 150 constrained models were considered. We applied model averaging on the candidate

models to get a more conservative estimate of and p.

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We compared the best model ( (temp + col*snow)p(t), described in detail in Table 1 in the main

text) with a similar model which included sex differences ( (temp + sex*col*snow)p(t)). The model

accounting for sex differences received a poorer fit ( QAICc = 7.9), which indicates that the

climate variables have a similar effect on the survival of both sexes. Recapture probability

was not explained by prey abundance, temperature or snow depth as none of the models

including these variables received any support.

We obtained estimates of survival and recapture probabilities through model averaging which

are shown in the main results (Table 1, Figure 3 in the main text). Model averaging calculates

an average value over all models in the candidate model set with common elements in the

parameter structure, weighted by normalized QAIC model weights [exp(- QAIC ⁄ 2) ⁄

(exp(- QAIC ⁄ 2))]. Although averaging is performed over all candidate models, the

weighting by QAIC model weights ensures that the information in the best fitting models

contributes most. In our case, 99.4 % of support stems from the four best models (Table 1 in

the main text) and the averaging can therefore be considered to mainly describe the common

features included in these models (i.e. colour morph – snow depth interaction). For more

information on the modelling approach, see Burnham & Anderson39


In order to estimate the effect size of the climate covariates included in the best predictor

model for survival ( (temp + col*snow)p(t)) (Supplementary Table S5) we followed the guidelines

described in Grosbois et al49

. In CMR models the effect size of a covariate is calculated as the

difference in deviance between the constant model ( (col)) and the covariate model ( (temp +

col*snow)) divided by the difference in deviance between the constant model ( (col)) and the

time dependent model ( (col+t)). This statistic implied that the covariates retained in the best

predictor model ( (temp + col*snow)P(t)) accounted for 38.5% of the temporal variation in survival

of tawny owl colour morphs. We conclude that snow depth and temperature are very

influential in predicting survival differences of tawny owl colour morphs in our study


We further tested whether the correlations between annual survival and the best time window

of snow depth and temperature only arose as an artefact due to annual variability in snow

depth and temperature in this short time window by running the best five models (Table 1 in

the main text) with a longer time window of 20 days for both snow depth and temperature. A

longer time window may differ from and be more relevant than a shorter time window if it

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picks up different or biologically more meaningful signals of winter anomalies across years.

We chose a 20 day time window because it is reasonably well correlated with annual survival

(Supplementary Table S4), although the correlations are a lot weaker. The results show that

the results are qualitatively the same as in Table 1 in the main text, only the difference

between models gets smaller (QAICc < 2 between all five models). The two best models,

(temp + col*snow)P(t) and (col*temp + col*snow)P(t) are retained as the models with the best fit and the

covariates “temp + col*snow” from the best model still account for 25.5% of the temporal

variation in survival when the values from a 20 day time window is selected as covariate.

Model averaging of these five models with covariates from the 20 day time window show

qualitatively the same results as Figure 3a-c in the main text.

We used a within-subject centering statistical procedure50

to evaluate the role of phenotypic

plasticity in explaining the observed change in frequency of the color morphs as snow depth

decreases. The method is a basic linear mixed model approach in which the within-subject

effect (i.e. phenotypically plastic response) is disentangled from the between-subjects effect

(individually fixed response). We used individual color score data (range 4-14) from 1054

observations of 462 tawny owls (1982-2008) and snow depth in the previous winter (snow t-

1) as an explanatory variable to test if individuals become browner over time (phenotypic

plasticity) or if coloration is fixed within an individual. Snow depth values were the same as

those used in the CMR models (Supplementary Table S4). We then subtracted the

individual’s mean value of snow t-1 from each observed snow t-1 value (snow t-1 –

mean(snow t-1)), which gives a within-individual centred value. The between-individual

variation component was calculated as the mean snow t-1 –value for each individual

(different observations of the individual were given the same mean value. Individual ID was

used as a random effect and the models were run as linear mixed effects models with normal

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errors. We then compared a model with combined within- and between-individual effect, a

model with within- and between-individual effects separately, and a model with within-

individual effect and a within- vs between-individual effect difference (see van de Pol &


for details). We found that the within-individual effect (i.e. individuals become

browner as snow depth decreases) is non-significant, whereas the between-individual effect

(i.e. individual coloration is fixed) was highly significant (Supplementary Table S5).

We found no evidence that reproductive success would have improved over time for brown

individuals compared to grey ones. Linear mixed models showed no trend over time where

either morph would have improved their fledgling production when analysed separately for

females (LMM year: F1,285 = 1.24, P =0.26, colour: F1,285 = 0.06, P = 0.80, year * colour:

F1,285 = 1.26, P = 0.26) and males (LMM year F1,274 = 1.45, P = 0.23, colour: F1,274 =

1.81, P = 0.18, year * colour: F1,274 = 1.481, P = 0.22).

The capture recapture survival analyses (Table 1 in the main text) consider adults that are part

of the breeding population. In order to assess whether selection on the brown morph occurs

prior to the onset of breeding (i.e. between fledging and recruitment), we retrospectively

classified offspring into colour morphs. Since colour scoring was not done on offspring

before 2006 we used the observed proportions of grey and brown nestlings from 2006-2009

(N = 318 fledglings, Supplementary Table S2) to calculate the production of grey and brown

fledglings of all breeding pairs in the population during the whole study period. Note that by

doing so we do not apply the Mendelian genetics model we developed above, but instead

retrospectively apply the frequency distribution of offspring morphs of the observed data

itself. The proportion of fledglings that this way were deduced to be brown increased over

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time (N = 28 years, rSpearman = 0.73, P < 0.001). We found no evidence of selection against

brown individuals between fledging and recruitment as the proportion of deduced brown

recruits did not deviate from the proportion of brown fledglings (rSpearman = 0.15, N = 23, P =

0.49, Supplementary Figure S1a). It takes about two years for a tawny owl fledgling to recruit

in the breeding population24

. We indeed found that the proportion of brown adults in the

population in a given year correlated well with the proportion of brown offspring produced

two years earlier (rSpearman = 0.66, N = 26, P < 0.001, Supplementary Figure S1b). This high

and strongly linear relationship demonstrates further a general absence or at least low

importance of selection on colour morph prior to the onset of breeding. An increase in the

proportion of reproducing brown individuals directly increases the production of brown

individuals, which in turn explains the proportion of brown adults in the population two years

later. Furthermore, both the proportion of brown immigrants and local recruits followed the

same temporal trend as the trend in the study population (Supplementary Figure S2), which

suggests that morph-specific immigration or recruitment is not responsible for the temporal

change in morph frequency in the population.

In conclusion, these analyses support the contention that the main temporal change in

selection is through survival selection (as opposed to fecundity selection) on adults.

Fitness advantage of a heterozygote is one classical population genetic model that allows for

the maintenance of genetic polymorphism despite selection. In our case, we measure

selection on the brown morph, but this morph may consist of two genotypes. We constructed

a population-genetic model that allows disentangling the selection on the morph from

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selection on the genotype to study consequences for the evolutionary dynamics. As above

(‘Genetics’ section), we assume a one-locus two allele Mendelian model with the phenotypic

morph determined fully by the allele for brown (B) being 100% dominant over grey (g).

Hence, the brown morph consists of genotypes BB (homozygous brown morph) and Bg

(heterozygous brown morph), whereas all grey individuals are gg.

There are thus 9 different pair combinations (crosses), the number (n) of each of these can be

denoted in the vector

, (S3)

The frequencies of the brown morph and the frequency p of the B allele in the population can

be calculated directly from the vector n. When pooling males and females,


where n(t) denotes the total number of pairs at time t.

We assume that the survival is specified for each morph, and denote morph as either grey (G)

or brown (B). Survival of the grey morph from time step t to t+1 is denoted as sG(t) and

survival of the grey morph as sB(t). Hence,

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, (S4)

where sBB and sBg are the survival for the homozygous and heterozygous brown morphs.

Equality (S4) is valid for a variety of values sBB and sBg, and is further dependent on the

frequency p of the B allele in the population at time t. This is because the survival of the

brown morph is the weighted average of the survival of the brown genotypes (average

weighted by their frequency in the population, equation (S4)). Hence, in order to produce a

tractable model, one needs to a priori assume a certain relationship between two of the

survival parameters in equation (S4). We further need to construct a dynamics model that

takes into account the frequencies of the different genotypes, because this partly defines their

survival until equilibrium is reached. In addition, survival is of course bounded between 0

and 1 and thus not all mathematical solutions to equation (S4) are biologically possible.

We here assume (1) that sB is given (e.g. because we can estimate the survival of the

phenotypic morph), (2) that sG > sB, and (3) that sBg > sB > sBB. Such a situation would occur

in case pleiotropic effects associated with the B and g alleles affect the survival of the

genotypes. Having one allele g gives the heterozygote an advantage over the homozygous

brown individual. We here implement this by assuming that

sBg(t)= c sB(t), (S5)

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and using equation (S4) to solve for sBB(t). We assume this functional relationship because of

its simplicity, and not to imply that this is the underlying biological mechanism. Also other

(e.g. non-linear) functions are likely to produce qualitatively the same pattern. The crux is

that the heterozygous genotype that produces the brown morph may have a survival

advantage over the homozygous brown genotype, but yet – on average – the survival of the

brown morph is below that of the grey morph.

We assume that there is no selection operating prior to being a breeding adult (see section

above). Thus, the frequency of the genotype of the offspring follows directly from applying

the rules of Mendelian inheritance (Supplementary Table S1) to the vector n. The frequencies

of offspring genotypes produced can be denoted as rBB(t), rBg(t) and rgg(t) (which sum to 1).

For simplicity, we assume that an offspring recruits either to the breeding population the next

year, or dies (only breeding individuals have overlapping generations). Once an individual is

a breeding individual, it stays so until death. The dynamics are based on pairs (equation (S3)),

although we here assume the same dynamics for each sex and an equal sex ratio at birth. A

certain amount of bookkeeping is required. Basically, the number of a given cross in t+1 is

determined by three different transitions. (1), Both members of a pair can survive, (2) one

member can die, in which case a new partner will be drawn at random from the offspring

produced, and (3) offspring may form an entirely new pair. For simplicity, we here assume

that a scalar cOff determines the number of new pairs, but including density dependence by

assuming a fixed number of territories does not change the results. Dynamics can be specified

as below, where to simplify notation the time-dependence of all the s and r values is dropped.

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nBBxBB(t+1) = (sBB sBB + 2 sBB (1-sBB) rBB) nBBxBB(t) + sBB (1-sBg) rBB nBBxBg(t) + sBB (1-sgg) rBB

nBBxgg(t) + (1-sBg) sBB rBB nBgxBB(t) + (1-sgg) sBB rBB nggxBB(t) + cOff rBB2

nBBxBg(t+1) = (sBB sBg + sBB (1-sBg) rBg + (1-sBB) sBg rBB) nBBxBg(t) + sBB (1-sBB) rBg nBBxBB(t) +

sBB (1-sgg) rBg nBBxgg(t) + (1-sBg) sBg rBB nBgxBg(t) + (1-sgg) sBg rBB nggxBg(t) + cOff rBB rBg

nBBxgg(t+1) = (sBB sgg + sBB (1-sgg) rgg + (1-sBB) sgg rBB) nBBxgg(t) + sBB (1-sBB) rgg nBBxBB(t) + sBB

(1-sBg) rgg nBBxBg(t) + (1-sBg) sgg rBB nBgxgg(t) + (1-sgg) sgg rBB nggxgg(t) + cOff rBB rgg

nBgxBB(t+1) = (sBg sBB + sBg (1-sBB) rBB + (1-sBg) sBB rBg) nBgxBB(t) + (1-sBB) sBB rBg nBBxBB(t) +

sBg (1-sBg) rBB nBgxBg(t) + sBg (1-sgg) rBB nBgxgg(t) + (1-sgg) sBB rBg nggxBB(t) + cOff rBg rBB

nBgxBg(t+1) = (sBg sBg + 2 sBg (1-sBg) rBg) nBgxBg(t) + (1-sBB) sBg rBg nBBxBg(t) + sBg (1-sBB) rBg

nBgxBB(t) + sBg (1-sgg) rBg nBgxgg(t) + (1-sgg) sBg rBg nggxBg(t) + cOff rBg2

nBgxgg(t+1) = (sBg sgg + sBg (1-sgg) rgg + (1-sBg) sgg rBg) nBgxgg(t) + (1-sBB) sgg rBg nBBxgg(t) + sBg

(1-sBB) rgg nBgxBB(t) + sBg (1-sBg) rgg nBgxBg(t) + (1-sgg) sgg rBg nggxgg(t) + cOff rBg rgg

nggxBB(t+1) = (sgg sBB + sgg (1-sBB) rBB + (1-sgg) sBB rgg) nggxBB(t) + (1-sBB) sBB rgg nBBxBB(t) + (1-

sBg) sBB rgg nBgxBB(t) + sgg (1-sBg) rBB nggxBg(t) + sgg (1-sgg) rBB nggxgg(t) + cOff rgg rBB

nggxBg(t+1) = (sgg sBg + sgg (1-sBg) rBg + (1-sgg) sBg rgg) nggxBg(t) + (1-sBB) sBg rgg nBBxBg(t) + (1-

sBg) sBg rgg nBgxBg(t) + sgg (1-sBB) rBg nggxBB(t) + sgg (1-sgg) rBg nggxgg(t) + cOff rgg rBg

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nggxgg(t+1) = (sgg sgg + 2 sgg (1-sgg) rgg) nggxgg(t) + (1-sBB) sgg rgg nBBxgg(t) + (1-sBg) sgg rgg

nBgxgg(t) + sgg (1-sBB) rgg nggxBB(t) + sgg (1-sBg) rgg nggxBg(t) + cOff rgg2

Clearly, the above transitions are most easily implemented in a matrix M, such that n(t+1) =

M n(t).

Implementation of the model. As outlined above, differences in survival between

heterozygous and homozygous brown individuals can be implemented in several ways. As an

example, we consider the situation where sG = 0.70 and sB = 0.68 and cOff = 3. In case c in

equation (S4) equals 1 (the same survival for the heterozygous and homozygous brown

morph), the brown allele is extinct in c. 200 time steps. In case the homozygous brown morph

BB is assumed to have a survival advantage (c < 1), the brown allele B goes extinct. This is

because the most abundant brown morph (BB) typically mates with gg thereby producing

100% Bg offspring, which have a low survival. In general, genetic polymorphism can be

maintained only in case c >1.

In the example provided in the main text, we assume that c in equation (S5) equals 1.09 (the

heterozygote has 9% higher survival than the average for the morph). The initial vector of

pairs n(0) consists of 500 pairs of the heterozygous browns (Bg x Bg). With these values, the

above described model converges rapidly to an equilibrium where the frequency of the brown

morph in the population is 0.3078 (frequency p of the B allele is 0.1575). The brown morph is

thus maintained in the population, despite selection (on the level of the phenotype) acting

against it. This is because the heterozygous brown morph (Bg) has a high survival (0.7412),

but the homozygous brown morph (gg) has an extremely low survival (0.0254). We then

disturb this equilibrium situation by introducing increasing survival over 100 time step to sB =

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0.6999. Thus, selection against the brown morph essentially disappears over time, which

captures the qualitative pattern observed in the tawny owl population (see main text). Again,

there is net selection against the brown morph throughout this period. However, because the

survival of the heterozygote (Bg) brown morph is high, the overall frequency of the brown

morph increases to 0.4187 (p = 0.2182) in 100 time steps and later attains its new equilibrium

frequency of 0.4581 of the brown morph (c. 50% increase) in the population with p = 0.2408.

We note that a survival advantage of the heterozygous brown morph over the homozygous

one provides an explanation for two puzzling aspects of the tawny owl system. Firstly, it

provides a possible explanation for how the brown morph can be maintained in the

population despite having a lower survival than the grey morph (Supplementary Figure S3).

Secondly, it provides a mechanism by which the frequency of the brown morph may increase

in a population as a result of diminishing selection against the brown morph, while never

assuming a selective advantage of the brown morph over the grey one (Supplementary Figure


Further remarks concerning the population-genetic model. The pattern shown in the

example holds for a variety of scenarios, as long as c is such that (1) the survival of the

heterozygous brown morph is above that for the grey morph (and lower than 1). Thus,

overdominance of color alleles in terms of survival is required. (2), The survival of the

homozygous brown morph must lie in the interval [0, 1], which is only possible within a

certain range of c.

How does this model relate to the situation in nature? The model is of course a simplification,

and ignores stochastic variability (including drift) and the fact that offspring have overlapping

generations. It also assumes full genetic control over the color morphs (ignoring minor genes

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or the small impact of the environment). The dynamic nature of the model hampers applying

it to real data. The model is dynamic because the frequencies of the genotypes feed back into

determining their survival (given that morph survival is fixed, equation (S5)). Reaching

equilibrium state requires some time, and the outcome of imposing diminishing selection

depends strongly on the initial genotype frequencies. For these reasons, our model should be

considered to provide a conceptual link between diminishing selection on the brown morph

and an increase in frequency of the brown morph in a one locus – two allele system.

In Figure 3c in the main text we show how a milder climate reduces the selection against the

brown morph. We further show in Figure 5 that the change in frequency of the brown morph

(Figure 4b) is explained by the change in survival selection. Hence, climate change-driven

natural selection on a melanin-based colouration trait has lead to evolutionary change in the

population. However, as the climate continues to get warmer in future also other

environmental factors (than winter climate) can potentially have impact on the fitness of the

morphs. In Supplementary Figure S4 we show in a conceptual figure based on the theory of

maintenance of genetic polymorphism26

how natural selection driven by environmental

change is, due to the consequences of a warming climate, expected to alter the genetic

composition of a colour polymorphic population in future. Further evolutionary change is

expected in addition to the direct effects of a warmer winter climate, because also humidity,

prey population dynamics, and disease and parasite richness, are expected to change due to

further global change (Supplementary Table S6). All environmental factors presented in

Supplementary Table S6 have been found to have colour morph-specific fitness effects and,

therefore, based on those studies it is predicted that the (melanistic) brown morph of the

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tawny owl would further increase in frequency in Northern environments as a consequence of

climate change.

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