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  • 8/9/2019 Climatevchangevvulnerability and Mountain Ecosystem


    Climate Change Vulnerability

    o Mountain Ecosystemsin the Eastern Himalayas

    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability

    in the Eastern Himalayas Synthesis Report

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    Climate Change Vulnerability oMountain Ecosystems in the Eastern


    International Centre or Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal, June 2010


    Karma Tse-ring

    Eklabya Sharma

    Nakul Chettri

    Arun Shrestha

    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability

    in the Eastern Himalayas Synthesis Report

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    Mountains are among the most ragile environments on Earth. They are also rich repositories o biodiversity and water

    and providers o ecosystem goods and services on which downstream communities (both regional and global) rely.

    Mountains are home to some o the worlds most threatened and endemic species, as well as to some o the poorest

    people, who are dependent on the biological resources. Realising the importance o mountains as ecosystems ocrucial signicance, the Convention on Biological Diversity specically developed a Programme o Work on Mountain

    Biodiversity in 2004 aimed at reducing the loss o mountain biological diversity at global, regional, and national levels

    by 2010. Despite these activities, mountains are still acing enormous pressure rom various drivers o global change,

    including climate change. Under the infuence o climate change, mountains are likely to experience wide ranging

    eects on the environment, natural resources including biodiversity, and socioeconomic conditions.

    Little is known in detail about the vulnerability o mountain ecosystems to climate change. Intuitively it seems plausible that

    these regions, where small changes in temperature can turn ice and snow to water, and where extreme slopes lead to

    rapid changes in climatic zones over small distances, will show marked impacts in terms o biodiversity, water availability,

    agriculture, and hazards, and that this will have an impact on general human well being. But the nature o the mountains,

    ragile and poorly accessible landscapes with sparsely scattered settlements and poor inrastructure, means that research

    and assessment are least just where they are needed most. And this is truest o all or the Hindu Kush-Himalayas, with the

    highest mountains in the world, situated in developing and least developed countries with ew resources or meeting the

    challenges o developing the detailed scientic knowledge needed to assess the current situation and likely impacts o

    climate change.

    The International Centre or Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) undertook a series o research activities

    together with partners in the Eastern Himalayas rom 2007 to 2008 to provide a preliminary assessment o the

    impacts and vulnerability o this region to climate change. Activities included rapid surveys at country level, thematic

    workshops, interaction with stakeholders at national and regional levels, and development o technical papers by

    individual experts in collaboration with institutions that synthesised the available inormation on the region. A summary

    o the ndings o the rapid assessment was published in 2009, and is being ollowed with a series o publication

    comprising the main vulnerability synthesis report (this publication) and technical papers on the thematic topics climate

    change projections, biodiversity, wetlands, water resources, hazards, and human wellbeing.

    Clearly much more, and more precise, inormation will be needed to corroborate the present ndings. Nevertheless,

    this series o publications highlights the vulnerability o the Eastern Himalayan ecosystems to climate change as a result

    o their ecological ragility and economic marginality. It is hoped that it will both inorm conservation policy at national

    and regional levels, and stimulate the coordinated research that is urgently needed.

    Andreas Schild, PhDDirector General, ICIMOD

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    From July 2007 to December 2008, the International

    Centre or Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)carried out a rapid Assessment o Climate Change

    Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the Eastern

    Himalayas, with support rom the MacArthur Foundation.

    This synthesis report is the outcome o this work.

    The Eastern Himalayas (EH) lie between 82.70E and

    100.31E longitude and 21.95N to 29.45N latitude,

    covering a total area o 524,190 The region

    extends rom the Kaligandaki Valley in central Nepal to

    northwest Yunnan in China, and includes Bhutan, parts

    o India (North East Indian states, and the Darjeeling hills

    o West Bengal), southeast Tibet and parts o Yunnan in

    China, and northern Myanmar. These ve countries have

    dierent geo-political and socioeconomic systems, as well

    as diverse cultures and ethnic groups.

    The project undertook various research activities to assess

    the climate change vulnerability o mountain ecosystems

    in the EH. Activities included surveys at country level,

    thematic workshops, interaction with stakeholders at

    national and regional levels, and development otechnical papers by individual experts in collaboration

    with institutions that synthesised the available inormation

    on the region. Available climate models were used to

    develop climate predictions or the region based on the

    observed data. The ndings are summarised in detail

    in this synthesis report, ollowing publications o a briesummary in 2009, preparation o an internal in depth

    report, and individual papers, all o which eed into this

    synthesis. The six technical papers produced on thematic

    areas are being published separately and are included

    on a CD-ROM with this synthesis.

    Recent scientic opinion led by the Intergovernmental

    Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is that global climate

    change is happening and will present practical

    challenges to local ecosystems. The analysis and

    predictions showing an increase in the magnitude o

    climate change with altitude (in terms o both temperature

    and variation in precipitation). The study explored the

    impact and uture projections o changing climatic

    conditions and showed the critical linkages between

    biodiversity, ecosystem unctioning, ecosystem services,

    drivers o change, and human wellbeing. The study

    highlights the regions vulnerability to climate change as a

    result o its ecological ragility and economic marginality.

    This is in line with the broad consensus on climate change

    vulnerability, and need or adaptation o conservationpolicy at national and regional levels.

    Many actors contribute to the loss o biodiversity such as

    habitat loss and ragmentation, colonisation by invasive

    Executive Summary

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    species, overexploitation o resources, pollution, nutrient

    loading, and global climate change. The threats to

    biodiversity arising rom climate change are very acute

    in the EH as the region is rich in threatened and endemic

    species with restricted distributions. Fragmentation and

    loss o habitat directly impinge on the survival o species,

    especially those that are endemic to the region. Species

    in high altitude areas especially in the transition zone

    between sub-alpine and alpine are more vulnerable to

    climate change. In addition, the regions wetlands are

    being aected by the erratic weather observed in many

    parts o the region.

    The assessment also looked at the perception o climate

    change by the people in the region. People see climate

    change as a big threat and challenge. They perceive

    climate change to be a result o excessive human

    activity and, to a certain extent, natural cyclical climaticvariation. The majority o the respondents rom the region

    associated climate change with foods, landslides,

    increases in temperature, land degradation, the drying o

    water sources, pest outbreaks, and ood shortages.

    The assessment revealed a gap in our knowledge on

    the climate change vulnerability o mountain ecosystems

    in the EH and the inadequacy o human resources

    and institutional setups, as well as a lack o policy

    imperatives to address the issues. The lack o systematic

    research, monitoring, and documentation on the status o

    biodiversity in the region was highlighted in all the studies

    undertaken or this assessment. The region also lacks

    adequate scientic evidence to determine the impact o

    climate change on human wellbeing with any certainty.

    Equally, the majority o available research ocuses on the

    adverse impacts o climate change and overlooks both

    the adaptation mechanisms adopted by the local people

    and the new opportunities presented. The enormous

    challenge or the region is to adapt to the impacts o

    climate change by integrating responses and adaptation

    measures into local level poverty reduction strategies.

    In the process o assessing climate change vulnerabilities

    in the EH, ICIMOD has been able to network, initiate,

    and advocate or biodiversity conservation with regional

    cooperation on critical areas. This assessment is expected

    to advance our thinking about climate variability and

    change, and the vulnerability and adaptation o important

    impact areas, with a view to developing uture strategies

    on both conservation and development. It indicatesshortcomings and identies research gaps in relation

    to biodiversity, wetland conservation, the resilience o

    ecosystems and their services, and hazards assessment,

    and points out the unreliability o trends and model

    projections due to the lack o country-wise consistent data

    related to climate change. The research gaps and lessons

    learned provide a good platorm or initiating concrete

    projects and activities on biodiversity and climate change

    in the Eastern Himalayas. It is also hoped that the rapid

    assessment will be helpul in guiding the MacArthur

    Foundation, ICIMOD, and their partners in developing

    new strategies and plans or research on biodiversity

    conservation and enhancing human wellbeing.

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    Executive Summary

    1 Introduction 1Background 1

    The Eastern Himalayas Study 1

    Knowledge o Climate Change 2

    Mountain Ecosystems 5The Eastern Himalayas 6

    Drivers o Change, Ecosystem Stresses 8

    Analytical Framework 10

    2 Climatic Trends and Projections 13Introduction 13

    Trends 14

    Projections 16

    3 Sensitivity o Mountain Ecosystems to Climate Change 23Introduction 23

    Sensitivity o Biodiversity 23Sensitivity o Hydrology and Water Resources 26Sensitivity o Human Wellbeing 31

    4 Potential Impacts o Climate Change and Implications orBiodiversity and Human Wellbeing 33

    Introduction 33

    Impacts on Ecosystems and Consequences or Biodiversity 33

    Impacts on Water, Wetlands and Hazards, and Consequences or Biodiversity 37

    Impacts on Human Wellbeing 43

    5 Responses to Climate Change 47Stakeholder Perceptions o Climate Change 47

    Vulnerability o Biodiversity to Climatic Threats 49

    Vulnerability in the EH 54

    Response, Adaptation and Mitigation 60

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    6 Gaps and Needs 69Capacity Building and Training Needs 69

    Knowledge Gaps and Potential Research Areas 70

    Policy and Governance 74

    7 Conclusion 77

    Reerences 79


    Annex 1: Protected areas with indicators o vulnerability in order o vulnerability rank 90Annex 2: Ecological region ranked by vulnerability 94

    Annex 3: Administrative units ranked by vulnerability 96

    Annex 4: Knowledge gaps and research priorities or dierent systems in each country 100

    Acronyms and Abbreviations 103

    Acknowledgements 104

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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    1 Introduction


    Climate and natural ecosystems are tightly coupled,

    and the stability o that coupled system is an important

    ecosystem service. Chapter 13 o Agenda 21, which

    was adopted at the United Nations Conerence on

    Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de

    Janeiro in 1992 (UNEP 1992), explicitly recognises

    that mountains and uplands are a major component o

    the global environment. The Chapter sets the scene by

    stating the role o mountains within the global ecosystemand expresses serious concern about the decline in the

    general environmental quality o many mountain areas.

    Since Agenda 21, mountains have no longer been on

    the periphery o the global debate on development and

    environment, but have moved to centre-stage.

    The Eastern Himalayas (EH) are considered multiunctional

    because they provide a diverse range o ecosystem

    services (provisioning, regulating, cultural, supporting);

    this also makes them useul or studying the relationshipbetween loss o biodiversity and loss o ecosystem

    services. The worlds most diverse mountain orests are

    ound among the peaks and valleys o the EH (CEPF

    2007). Rapid changes o altitude over relatively short

    horizontal distances have resulted in rich biodiversity with

    a wide variety o plants and animals, oten with sharp

    transitions in vegetation sequences (ecotones), ascending

    into barren land, snow, and ice.

    The survival o these ecosystems and the wildlie

    within them is being threatened by human activitiessuch as timber harvesting, intensive livestock grazing,

    agricultural expansion into orestlands, and, above

    all, by climate change. Mountain areas are especially

    susceptible to global warming, which is the result o rising

    concentrations o greenhouse gases (GHGs) generated

    by human activity in the atmosphere. At the same time

    landscapes and communities in mountain regions are

    being aected by rapid socioeconomic changes like

    outmigration. Identication and understanding o the key

    ecological and socioeconomic parameters o mountain

    ecosystems, including their sensitivities and vulnerabilities

    to climate changes, has become crucial or planning and

    policy making or the environmental management and

    sustainable development o mountain regions, as well

    as downstream areas (APN 2003). The welare o hal

    a billion people downstream is inextricably linked to the

    state o natural resources in the Eastern Himalayas.

    The Eastern Himalayas Study

    The study presented here was concerned with establishing

    a correlation between biodiversity, ecosystem unctioning,

    and ecosystem services or human wellbeing and wasmotivated by concern about climate change and its

    eects on the supply o a range o ecosystem services.

    The project was unded by the MacArthur Foundation and

    implemented by ICIMOD. This synthesis report provides a

    review o the climate change assessment with a ocus on

    impact areas considered important or addressing climate

    change vulnerability in the mountain ecosystems o the

    EH. A brie summary was published in 2009 (Sharma

    et al. 2009) and the six technical papers produced on

    thematic areas are also being published separately in

    this series. The EH is a priority area or the MacArthur

    Foundation and the assessment was made to help guide

    the MacArthur Foundation, ICIMOD, and their partners

    in developing new strategies or biodiversity conservation

    and enhancing human wellbeing.

    The regional assessment was conducted by an

    interdisciplinary team at ICIMOD together with support

    and contributions rom various stakeholders, partners,

    and the countries concerned. This report synthesises the

    assessment sector-by-sector ndings rom the technicalpapers generated as part o this project, and other

    documents, using an applied research methodology. As

    such, it both collates previous studies and inormation,

    and extrapolates toward the specic requirements o

    ICIMOD and the MacArthur Foundations biodiversity

    and ecosystems assessment. It also attempts to assess the

    trends, perceptions and projections o climate change

    and variability, as well as the impacts o climate change

    on biodiversity conservation, and identies which impacts

    might be most important or the EH, taking into account

    the degree o uncertainty related to each category o

    impact. The ultimate aim is to reach a broad consensus

    limate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH

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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report


    Box 1: The IPCC

    During the course o this century the resilience o many

    ecosystems (their ability to adapt naturally) is likelyto be exceeded by an unprecedented combinationo change in climate and change in other globalchange drivers (especially land use change andoverexploitation), i greenhouse gas emissions and

    other changes continue at or above current rates. By

    2100 ecosystems will be exposed to atmospheric CO2

    levels substantially higher than in the past 650,000years, and global temperatures at least among thehighest o those experienced in the past 740,000years. This will alter the structure, reduce biodiversity

    and perturb unctioning o most ecosystems, andcompromise the services they currently provide.

    Source: IPCC (2007a)

    on conservation policies, practices, and governance in

    climate change adaptation, with a view to developing

    a uture strategy on both conservation and development.

    This report also identies actions that could be taken to

    reduce the regions vulnerability, and summarises data

    and research priorities needed to guide interventions

    addressing climate change issues.

    Five questions guided the assessment process:

    What is the status o mountain ecosystems in the1.

    EH, and what are the current stresses and issues that

    provide the context or determining the impacts o

    climate change?

    How might changes in climate and climate variability2.

    exacerbate or ameliorate these stresses or create

    new ones?

    How much will the provision o ecosystem services in3.

    the EH change due to the eects o climate change?

    What actions might increase the regions resilience4.

    to climate variability; and what are the potential

    strategies or coping with risk and to take advantage

    o new opportunities created by climate change?

    What are the priorities or new inormation and5.

    policy-relevant research areas to better answer the

    above questions?

    Underlying the approach in this assessment is the

    question: What aspects o ecosystems are important topeople in the EH? Unortunately, our understanding o

    how people depend upon ecosystems and how people

    value dierent aspects o ecosystems is incomplete.

    Aspects o ecosystems that we believe are important

    to the people o the EH, based on currently available

    inormation, were emphasised.

    The ollowing activities were undertaken:

    Review o major reports with a general and specic

    ocus on the Eastern Himalayan region and otherdiverse proessional contributions

    Contact and consultations with regional stakeholders

    Downloading and compilation o historical

    climatology, time series, and climate change

    scenario results or the EH, and synthesis o the broad

    trends as documented in recent regional and global


    Synthesis and categorisation o climate change

    impacts on biodiversity in the EH and biodiversity

    management actions that address these impactsIdentication o potential data and knowledge gaps,

    and exploration o potential areas o research

    This assessment specically ocuses on the ollowing

    impact areas considered sensitive to climate change:

    biodiversity and impacts o climate change,

    water, wetlands and hazards, and

    threats to human wellbeing.

    This synthesis provides an in depth analysis o the existing

    knowledge and inormation on: 1) the current trends,

    perceptions and projections o climate variability and

    climate change; 2) the potential or major positive or

    negative climate change impacts; 3) the vulnerable

    aspects and eatures o mountain ecosystems in the EH; 4)

    options to make the EH more resilient to climate change;

    and 5) priorities or improving such regional assessments

    through new research initiatives to close knowledge gaps.

    The assessment also attempts to consolidate past eorts

    in climate change studies and come out with a clear

    perspective on a uture course o action. The synthesiswraps up with possible policy options and governance

    mechanisms to address the vulnerabilities associated with

    climate change in the priority impact areas. Gaps in our

    current knowledge and understanding are translated into

    recommendations or research agendas in the Eastern


    Knowledge of Climate Change

    There is a growing consensus in the scientic community

    that climate change is happening (Box 1). Researchsummarised in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

    Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4)

    indicates that in the Himalayas global average surace

    temperatures are increasing, and snow cover and ice

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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    extent are decreasing (IPCC 2007a). While the absolute

    magnitude o predicted changes is uncertain, there is a

    high degree o condence in the direction o changes

    and in the recognition that climate change eects will

    persist or many centuries. The report noted that the

    average global surace temperature has increased by

    nearly 1C over the past century and is likely to rise by

    another 1.4 to 5.8C over the next century. Such simple

    statements, however, mask the highly variable, site-

    specic, and complex interactions among climate change


    Climate change and the Convention on BiologicalDiversity

    There has been ongoing interest in the potential impacts

    o climate change on biodiversity in the EH over the

    past decade or more. All ve countries o the Eastern

    Himalayas (Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal)are signatories to the 1992 Convention on Biological

    Diversity (CBD), and their commitment was renewed

    during the World Summit on Sustainable Development

    (WSSD) in 2002. In 2004, the CBD adopted the

    Programme o Work on Mountain Biological Diversity with

    the overall purpose o achieving a signicant reduction o

    loss o mountain biological diversity by 2010.

    The broad objectives o the CBD and the Ramsar

    Convention on Wetlands are mutually compatible(conservation and wise use) and scope exists or close

    cooperation between the two agreements at all levels.

    Ramsar has been designated as the lead partner o the

    CBD in relation to inland water ecosystems. Natural

    ecosystems play a critical role in the carbon cycle, and,

    hence, act as sources and sinks or greenhouse gases.

    They are also extremely vulnerable to the impacts o

    climate change. The nature o the national activities in the

    CBD ramework may thus have signicance or reducing

    global climatic change and adapting to its eects.

    Cooperation between countries in the Eastern Himalayasunder these two agreements to address climate change

    challenges is, thereore, essential.

    Climate change, ecosystem services and humanwellbeing

    Atmospheric warming aects other aspects o the climate

    system: pressure and composition o the atmosphere;

    temperature o surace air, land, water, and ice; water

    content o air, clouds, snow, and ice; wind and ocean

    currents; ocean temperature, density, and salinity; andphysical processes such as precipitation and evaporation.

    Climate aects humans directly through the weather

    experienced (physically and psychologically) day to day

    and the impacts o weather on daily living conditions,

    and indirectly through its impacts on economic, social,

    and natural environments. The potential or climate

    change to impact on biodiversity has long been noted

    by the IPCC, various other bodies (Feenstra et al. 1998),

    and research biologists (e.g., Peters and Lovejoy 1992).

    Climate change, including variability and extremes,

    continues to impact on mountain ecosystems, sometimes

    benecially, but requently with adverse eects on the

    structure and unctioning o ecosystems. Fortunately,

    the unctioning o many ecosystems can be restored i

    appropriate action is taken in time. The linkage between

    climate and human wellbeing is complex and dynamic as

    shown in Figure 1.

    The concept o ecosystem services introduced by the

    Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA 2005) ormsa useul link between the unctioning o ecosystems and

    their role or society, including the dynamics o change

    over space and time. Most services can be quantied,

    even i no single metric is applied across their entire

    range. Impacts o climate change on ecosystem structure,

    unctioning, and services have been observed (Parmesan

    and Yohe 2003; IPCC 2007a, c) which in turn aect

    human society mainly by increasing human vulnerability.

    Humans rely on ecosystems, because they depend on

    ecosystem services (de Groot 1992; Daily 1997; MEA

    2005). Ecosystems oer provisioning services (e.g., ood,

    reshwater, uelwood, biochemicals), regulating services

    (e.g., climate and disease regulation, pollination),

    cultural services (e.g., spiritual, recreational, aesthetic

    value, inspirational), and supporting services (e.g., soil

    ormation, nutrient cycling, primary production). They

    infuence our security, basic materials or a good lie,

    health, social relations, and, ultimately, our reedoms and

    choices in short, our wellbeing (MEA 2003).

    Clearly, the human economy depends upon the services

    perormed or ree by ecosystems. Natural ecosystems

    also perorm undamental lie-support services without

    which human civilisations would cease to thrive. Many

    o the human activities that modiy or destroy natural

    ecosystems may cause the deterioration o ecological

    services the value o which, in the long term, dwars the

    short-term economic benets to society. We are bound to

    the human perspective, even i we recognise the intrinsic

    value o ecosystems and biodiversity. Social systems

    and natural systems are inseparable because ecosystemservices weave people into ecosystems (Figure 2).

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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report



    Temperature Precipitation Atmosphericcomposition



    Asafeenvironment Resiliencetoecologicalshocksorstressessuchas

    droughts, foods, and pests Securerightsandaccesstoecosystemservices

    Basic material or a good lie

    Accesstoresourcesforaviablelivelihood(includingood and building materials) or the income to purchasethem


    Adequatefoodandnutrition Avoidanceofdisease Cleanandsafedrinkingwater Cleanair


    Good social relations

    Realisationofaestheticandrecreationalvalues Abilitytoexpressculturalandspiritualvalues Opportunitytoobserveandlearnfromnature Developmentofsocialcapital Avoidanceoftensionandconictoveradeclining

    resource base

    Freedom and choice

    Abilitytoinuencedecisionsregardingecosystemservices and wellbeing


    values doing and being


    Provisioning services

    Food and odder, bre, uel, timber, pharmaceuticals,biochemicals, genetic resources, reshwater and air

    Regulating services

    Invasion resistance, herbivory, pollination, seed dispersal,climate regulation, pest and disease regulation, naturalhazard protection, erosion regulation, food regulation,water purication

    Cultural services

    Spiritual and religious values, knowledge system,education and inspiration, recreation and aesthetic values,sense o place

    Supporting services

    Primary production, provision o habitat, nutrient cycling,soil ormation and retention, oxygen production, watercycling

    BIODIVERSITY (ecosystem, habitat, species)



    Figure 1: Linkages between climate change, biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human wellbeing (adapted rom MEA 2003)

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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    Figure 2: Role o ecosystems in assessment o climate change eects on human wellbeing(modied rom Metzger and Schrter 2006)

    Mountain Ecosystems

    An ecosystem is an interdependent, unctioning system

    o plants, animals, and microorganisms. An ecosystem

    can be as large as the Tibetan Plateau or as small as a

    waterhole at the ringe o a subtropical orest. Ecosystems

    are o undamental importance to environmental

    unctioning and sustainability, and they provide manygoods and services critical to individuals and societies.

    These goods and services include: i) providing ood,

    bre, odder, shelter, medicines and energy; ii) processing

    and storing carbon and nutrients; iii) assimilating

    waste; iv) puriying water, regulating water runo and

    moderating foods; v) building soils and reducing soil

    degradation; vi) providing opportunities or recreation

    and tourism; and vii) housing the Earths reservoir o

    genetic and species diversity. In addition, natural

    ecosystems have cultural, religious, and aesthetic value as

    well as an intrinsic existence value. Without the support othe other organisms within their own ecosystem, lie orms

    would not survive, much less thrive. Such support requires

    that predators and prey, re and water, ood and shelter,

    clean air and open space remain in balance with each

    other and with the environment around them.

    Mountain ecosystems are ound throughout the world,

    rom the equator almost to the poles, occupying

    approximately one-th o the Earths land surace. Beyond

    their common characteristics o high relative relie andsteep slopes, mountains are remarkably diverse (Ives et

    al. 1997) and globally important as centres o biological

    diversity. On a global scale, mountains greatest value

    may be as sources o all the worlds major rivers, and

    many smaller ones (Mountain Agenda 1998).

    Climate is an integral part o mountain ecosystems and

    organisms have adapted to their local climate over

    time. Climate change has the potential to alter these

    ecosystems and the services they provide to each other

    and to human society at large. Human societies dependon ecosystem provisioning, regulating, cultural and

    supportive services or their wellbeing. The goods and

    services provided by mountain ecosystems sustain almost

    hal the human population worldwide, and also maintain

    the integrity o the Earth system through the provision o

    vital environmental regulation and rejuvenation unctions.

    Production agriculture and extractive orestry are the

    mainstay o ood security and subsistence livelihoods in

    mountain regions. Livelihood strategies are built around

    indigenous knowledge and traditional practices o

    ecological sustainability in natural resources management.

    Mountain arming systems integrating arable agriculture,

    horticulture, livestock, and silviorestry have moderated

    utilisation with conservation ethics to ensure that

    ecosystem services are not exploited beyond their

    renewable capacities. Unortunately, these practices

    are losing their relevance as a result o globalisation, at

    the expense o customary rights to ecosystem services.

    Without policy support or, and legal recognition o,

    traditional practices, mountain communities are conrontedwith limited livelihood options and less incentive to

    stay in balance with surrounding ecosystems. Problems

    associated with modernisation, like GHG emissions, air

    Climate change Ecosystems

    Food securityHumanwellbeing









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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report


    Table 1: Percentage share o the aerial extent o the EasternHimalayas by country

    Country Areas % o EH area

    India Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram,Manipur, Tripura; and DarjeelingHills o West Bengal


    Myanmar Chin and Kachin states 17.90

    Nepal Kaligandaki Valley, Koshi Basin,Mechi Basin


    Bhutan Whole country 7.60

    China ZhongDian, DeQin, GongShan,Weixi, FuGong


    pollution, land use conversion, deorestation, and land

    degradation, are slowly creeping into mountain regions.

    The out-migration o the rural workorce has brought

    economic activities in some rural areas to a standstill.

    Thus, landscapes and communities in mountain regions

    are being simultaneously aected by rapid environmental

    and socioeconomic threats and perturbations.

    With the advent o a globalised world, the mutual

    relationship between humans and mountains is now

    threatened by a growing population and its increasing

    demands on ecosystem services, which are beyond

    tolerance thresholds. Traditional resilience is being rapidly

    eroded leading to dependence on external inputs and

    the overexploitation o selective resources, threatening

    their sustainability. Rapid changes to ragile ecosystems

    driven by both natural and anthropogenic determinants

    pose unprecedented threats, not only to the livelihoodso the local people, wildlie, and culture, but also to the

    billions living downstream, and ultimately to the global

    environment. Besides demographic and socioeconomic

    changes, the political economics o marginalisation

    imposes an additional layer o vulnerability. The inherent

    environmental ragility o mountain ecosystems and the

    socioeconomic vulnerability o mountain people have

    brought the issues o mountain ecosystems to the top o

    the global sustainability agenda.

    The Eastern Himalayas

    The EH covers an area o 524,190, stretching

    rom eastern Nepal to Yunnan in China, between

    82.70E and 100.31E longitude and 21.95N and

    29.45N latitude. The limits o the region as dened

    or the purposes o this study are shown in Figure 3. The

    region extends through parts o ve countries (Table 1)


    The Eastern Himalayan region (EH), with its mountains,valleys, and food plains, is physiographically diverse

    and ecologically rich in natural and crop-related

    biodiversity. It is also signicant rom geopolitical,

    environmental, cultural, and ethnic perspectives, and in

    terms o its ecosystems and the tectonic orogeny o the

    encompassing Himalayan mountain system. The lowlands

    are characterised by braided rivers emerging rom deeply

    dissected oothills and converging into slow meandering

    rivers urther downstream. The ecological diversity o

    the EH is, in part, a unction o the large variation in

    topography, soil, and climate within the region. The

    human population is also unevenly distributed: the highest

    population densities are ound in the Nepal Terai, West

    Bengal, and the Assam Duars, and in dispersed pockets

    in the Brahmaputra basin, Meghalaya, Tripura, and

    Manipur. During the past 30 years, the human population

    o the region has increased at approximately 2.1%

    annually (WWF 2005), with higher rates in and aroundurban centres, and low or sometimes negative growth

    rates in many o the rural and isolated areas.

    The ocus o this study on the EH refects its position as a

    globally signicant region or ecosystem biodiversity, and

    the enormity o its services command area in geopolitical,

    demographic, and socioeconomic terms. A common

    eature o the Eastern Himalayan region is the complexity

    o its topography. Orographic eatures include rapid

    and systematic changes in climatic parameters (e.g.,

    temperature, precipitation, radiation) and environmental

    actors (e.g., dierences in soil types).

    The region lies between China and India, the two

    countries with the astest economic growth rates and

    largest populations in the world; hence, there is a

    great risk o ragmentation o ecosystems as economic

    development supersedes environmental concerns. The

    region has multiple biogeographic origins, being at

    the intersection o the Indo-Malayan Realm, Palearctic

    Realm, and the Sino-Japanese Region. It also marksthe rontier o the collision between the monsoonal and

    mountain systems associated with intense thunderstorms

    and lightning. The region is steeped in metaphors and

    held in reverence as the Water Tower o Asia, with the

    Himalayas as a whole providing about 8.6 x

    106 m3 o water annually to the region and downstream.

    It is also reerred to as the Third Pole. The Himalayas

    have the largest concentration o glaciers outside the

    polar caps covering 33,000 km2 (Dyurgerov and Meier

    1997). The EH region also contains numerous hotspots

    o biodiversity. For all these reasons and more, the EH

    region warrants protection in order to maintain ecosystem

    integrity and adaptability (Figure 3).

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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    Figure 3: The Eastern Himalayan region as defned or the study


    The abundance o terrestrial ecosystems in the region

    are grouped into 25 ecoregions, including the category

    rock, snow, and ice, based on past biogeographical

    studies (WWF 2004). These ecoregions are nested

    within two higher-order classications: biomes (7) and

    biogeographic realms (2), which together provide

    a ramework or comparison among units and the

    identication o representative habitats and species

    assemblages. The eocregions provide crucial habitatsor wildlie and the vegetation communities are home to

    hundreds o endangered plant species.

    Flora and auna

    The EH contains some o the largest contiguous blocks o

    orest habitat in the HKH region with a diverse array o

    communities and species. The diversity o trees provides

    the basis or the wide range o orested community

    types dominated by deciduous as well as evergreen

    communities o hardwood orests in the tropics and sub-

    tropics; deciduous/evergreen and broad/needle-lea

    orests in the temperate zone; and dominant needle-

    lea, meadows, scrub, and coniers in the alpine zone.

    Extensive stands o riverine evergreen and deciduous

    orests orm unique habitats or rare plants and animals on

    the Brahmaputra and Koshi foodplains.

    Less well known are the Eastern Himalayan broadlea

    and conier orest ecoregions, which blanket the lowlands

    to the inner valleys o the Himalayas in northern India,

    Nepal, and Bhutan (CEPF 2007; WWF 2006a). These

    middle-elevation orests are located between 800 and

    4000 m.

    Temperatures vary widely throughout the year, and rainollows the monsoon season. The weather is warm and

    wet rom the rst hailstorms o April to the last monsoon

    drizzle sometime in October, and mushrooms grow

    everywhere. But, rom the beginning o autumn, the

    months may go by with scarcely any rain, although snow

    can blanket the high altitude areas anytime during the

    winter. These conditions are ideal or broadlea evergreen

    trees at the lower elevations, and or deciduous trees and

    coniers higher up. At certain elevations, where conditions

    are neither too cold nor too dry, the trees themselves are

    draped with all kinds o small plants: orchids, lichens,

    and erns. The orests here are vibrant with lie and

    provide homes or a tremendous diversity o plant and

    animal species.

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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report


    Among the peaks and valleys o the EH, mammals as

    varied as the Bengal tiger, snow leopard, sloth bear,

    rhino, elephant, takin, and red panda make their home

    in the worlds most diverse sub-tropical and temperate

    orests. The EH is home to a number o extraordinary

    mammals like the lesser panda, clouded leopard, and

    rare golden langur, as well as leeches and orb-weaver

    spiders. Many kinds o birds inhabit these orests

    some just passing through and others breeding. They

    include black-necked cranes, Kashmir fycatchers, striped

    laughing thrushes, Blyths tragopans, Himalayan quails,

    and iridescent re-tailed sunbirds.

    Wetlands and reshwater ecosystems

    Wetlands and marshes play a role in nutrient cycling,

    water storage, provide crucial sh and wildlie habitats,

    and remove pollutants rom water. Several types o

    wetlands exist in the EH, rom ephemeral streambeds

    to huge lakes ed by either meltwater or precipitation.

    Wetlands and marshes provide important ecosystem

    services: they contribute to the fow o mountain streams

    and river systems, provide habitat or wetland fora

    and auna, serve as carbon sinks, regulate foods, and

    puriy water. Many o the wetlands in the region are

    designated as Ramsar sites and wetlands o signicance

    in recognition o their vital role in maintaining natural

    processes and providing services.

    The importance o reshwater ecosystems to residents o

    the EH is dicult to quantiy, in part because o the deep

    attachments that many people have to streams, rivers, and

    reservoirs in their community. Freshwater resources have

    multiple, sometimes conficting, values. These include

    shing, swimming, boating, water supply, beauty, food

    control, navigation and transportation, and hydropower.

    Freshwater ecosystems support aquatic plants and

    animals, as well as organisms in wetland and terrestrial

    ecosystems that depend upon reshwater. Freshwater

    ecosystems, like orest and wetland ecosystems, arestressed by habitat alteration, pollution, and non-native

    invasive species. Stream habitat alterations include dams,

    road crossings, channelisation, and loss o stream bank

    vegetation. Dams are built to supply water or human

    uses, to control fooding, and to generate electricity.

    Dams also alter stream fow, sedimentation, temperature,

    and dissolved oxygen concentrations, impairing the

    ability o streams and rivers to support native auna,

    especially reshwater sh, aquatic plants, and benthic

    microorganisms. The largest electricity-producing structuresare in mountainous areas and in uture dams are likely

    to occur in greater numbers in Bhutan, Nepal, and

    Arunachal Pradesh.

    Hazards and disaster

    The rate o retreat o glaciers and the thawing o

    permarost has rapidly increased in recent times.

    The region has witnessed unprecedented melting o

    permanent glaciers during the past three decades, with

    the vast Himalayan glaciers showing the ast rate o

    retreat, resulting in increases in glacial runo and glaciallake outburst foods (GLOFs), and an increased requency

    o events such as foods, mudfows, and avalanches

    aecting human settlements. GLOFs have occurred in

    the EH at various locations in Nepal, India, Bhutan, and

    China. GLOF events can have widespread impacts on

    socioeconomic systems, hydrology, and ecosystems.

    Recent studies suggest that loss o glacier volume, and

    eventual disappearance o many glaciers, may cause

    water stress to millions o people in India and China. As

    glacier mass reduces, the reduced volume o runo will

    have serious consequences or downstream hydropower

    and land use systems including agriculture.

    Other key water-related natural disasters include droughts,

    foods, landslides, wildres rom lightning, thunderstorms,

    and cloudbursts.

    Earthquakes pose another risk in the region and can

    ampliy the potential impacts o climate change and

    exacerbate vulnerability. Frequent slope ailure, mass

    wasting, and landslides along the Himalayan oothillsare evidence o these reinorcing stresses causing

    ecological damage and economic losses. The Main

    Himalayan Seismic Belt, a 50 km wide zone between

    the Main Boundary Thrust and the Main Central Thrust,

    is seismically the most active in the region. Massive

    earthquakes (M>8) have occurred along the detachment

    surace that separates the under-thrusting Indian plate rom

    the Lesser Himalaya (1897 Assam, 1905 Kangra, 1934

    Bihar-Nepal, 1950 Assam). The regions between the

    epicentres o these earthquakes, known as seismic gaps,

    are potential sites or uture big earthquakes.

    Drivers of Change, EcosystemStresses

    Climate change has synergistic eects with many o

    the biggest existing impacts on biodiversity. Many

    authors stress that potential climate change impacts

    on biodiversity will occur in concert with other well-

    established stressors. A ew specic examples evident in

    the EH are highlighted in Box 2.

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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    Impacts can be assessed using the concept o proximate

    cause (the specic biophysical event that causes the loss

    o genetic, species, or ecosystem diversity), intermediate

    cause (the human act that triggers the biophysical

    event), and ultimate cause (the underlying economic,

    social, or policy reason motivating the human act).

    Much o our current attention is ocused on proximate

    and intermediate causes. Proximate causes tend to be

    amenable to technical solutions; ultimate causes generally

    require major economic, political, and cultural solutions.

    The ultimate causes o biodiversity impact are growth-based economics, excessive personal consumption and

    associated waste, and excessive per capita energy use.

    However, a great deal o energy is expended in stopgap

    solutions to address proximate causes, winning a ew

    biodiversity battles, but losing the war.

    Ecosystems in the EH are being impaired and destroyed

    by a wide variety o human activities. The survival o the

    ecosystems and wildlie in the EH is being threatened by

    human activities like timber harvesting, intensive grazing

    by livestock, and agricultural expansion into orestland.

    The EH has environmental and socioeconomic problems,

    common to the entire Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH)

    region in sectors such as water, agriculture, and land

    use; ecosystems and biodiversity; and human wellbeing.

    The majority o the problems in these sectors are related

    to management issues and are exacerbated by the

    associated impacts o climate change.

    Rapid and unsustainable economic and population

    growth in the region is imposing increasing stress

    on the natural environment. The economic level o

    a country determines to a large extent its resource

    requirements, in particular its requirements or energy,

    industrial commodities, agricultural products, and

    reshwater. Threats to ecosystems are driven by rapid

    growth in population, economic production, and social

    consumption behaviours, and by the ailure to appreciate

    the monetary terms o the services and refect this in scal

    policies. The consequence o changes taking place in

    the structure and unctioning o ecosystems due to humanimpacts render them more vulnerable to climate change

    stresses, as their underlying resiliency and unctional

    integrity have been severely eroded by non-climatic

    intererence. Threats include the alteration o the Earths

    carbon, nitrogen, and other biogeochemical cycles

    through the burning o ossil uels and the heavy use

    o nitrogen ertiliser; degradation o armlands through

    unsustainable agricultural practices; squandering o

    reshwater resources; poisoning o land and waterways;

    and overharvesting o wild ood, managed orests,

    and other theoretically renewable systems. As a result,

    environmental deterioration in mountains is driven by

    numerous actors, including deorestation, overgrazing by

    livestock, and the cultivation o marginal soils leading to

    soil erosion, landslides, and the rapid loss o habitat and

    genetic diversity. The obvious outcomes are widespread

    unemployment, poverty, poor health, and bad sanitation

    (Price et al. 2000). These problems are amplied by

    the unequal impacts o ecosystem degradation and the

    unequal distribution o benets rom ecosystem services.

    The latter is a paradox in that ecosystem services avourthe rich and powerul when pristine, and afict the poor

    when degraded.

    Rising population levels weigh heavily upon the resources

    available per capita. Water supply is one o the major

    challenges, because o the growing demand or water

    driven by high population, increasing urbanisation,

    and rapid economic and social development. With the

    expansion o human settlements and rapid economic

    growth, water has been increasingly used or the

    treatment and disposal o waste, exacerbating water

    shortages and reducing water quality. The replacement o

    orests and wetlands by urban and agricultural ecosystems

    generally increases the input o sediment, nutrients, and

    Box 2: Synergistic eects o climate change and other

    ecosystem stressors in the EH

    Habitat loss and ragmentation:1. With temperaturerises and reduced precipitation, alpine meadows andshrubs may migrate to places higher up the mountains.However, this process will be constrained by

    environments that do not have soils o sucient depthor anchorage and nutrient storage. Wetlands willshrink in response to high evaporation, which is urtherexacerbated by the expansion o settlements and otherhuman activities.

    Invasive species:2. The rising temperature o waterbodies renders them more suitable habitats or

    invasive species that outcompete native species andsynergistically interact with climate change to threatennative organisms.

    Species exploitation:3. Synergistic action between

    commercial harvesting and climate change will havedetrimental impacts on subtropical and temperatetimber orests.

    Environmental contamination:4. Nutrient enrichmentrom agricultural runo could act synergistically withwarming water temperatures due to climate change to

    enhance eutrophication in reshwater systems.

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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report


    toxic chemicals into rivers, streams, lakes, and estuaries.

    Drainage (or agricultural and urban purposes) is the main

    threat to reshwater wetlands, besides pollution and non-

    native invasive species. While non-native invasive species

    can orce out more benecial native marsh plants, high

    levels o chemical pollutants can accumulate in wetlands

    as pollutant carrying sediments are trapped in wetland


    The EH suers rom both water overabundance and

    extreme water shortages and acute moisture stress during

    the dry months, which adversely aect the ecology and

    agricultural production. A change in the onset, continuity,

    and withdrawal patterns o the southwest monsoon in

    recent years has also led to considerable spatial and

    temporal variations in rainwater availability. At least hal

    o the severe ailures o the Indian summer monsoon since

    1871 have occurred during El Nio years (Webster et al.1998).

    Forest ecosystems are stressed by habitat change and

    ragmentation, which occurs as humans subdivide

    orest plots into ever smaller and more isolated sections.

    Fragmentation can result in reduced genetic diversity

    within populations, loss o species, and increases in

    undesirable, non-native, and weedy species. Large

    continuous orest patches still exist in the regions

    subtropical and warm temperate broadlea areas, but

    orests in the regions tropical belts and foodplains are

    now heavily ragmented. Forests are also threatened by

    the invasion o non-native species. Pollution can also

    stress orest trees, especially in urban, industrial, and

    heavily populated areas. Non-native ungal diseases

    and insect pests can severely stress orests and cause

    the eective extinction o previously dominant trees and

    threaten others. The most irreversible o human impacts

    on ecosystems will most likely be the loss o native


    Stream fows are moderated in vegetated watersheds

    because rain is absorbed into the ground and slowly

    released into streams. Stream channelisation and wetland

    loss increase the EHs vulnerability to precipitation

    changes. An increase in the requency or intensity o

    storms could exacerbate existing problems. In heavily

    paved urban areas, increases in peak fows during

    storms scour stream banks, which decreases reproductive

    success, while reduced stream fow during dry periods

    reduces available habitats or sh and aquatic insects.

    According to the IPCC (2007a,b,d) increases inhydrological variability (such as greater foods and

    longer droughts) could result in increased sediment

    loading and erosion, degraded hillsides and watersheds,

    reduced water quality, and reduced stability o aquatic

    ecosystems, with the greatest impacts occurring in urban

    areas with a high percentage o impervious surace

    area. Sediments reduce water clarity, smother bottom

    organisms, and clog waterways; excessive nutrient input

    causes eutrophication; and toxic chemicals aect plants

    and animals. These changes may reduce productivity and

    biodiversity in streams and rivers (IPCC 1998).

    Increased temperature is the most-oten cited primary

    climate change driver. While this highlights the key role

    o temperature and heat accumulation in ecological

    systems, it also refects the reality that uture climate

    change predictions related to temperature are the most

    certain, ollowed by those or precipitation and other

    climate variables (e.g., wind patterns, relative humidity,

    solar radiation, cloud conditions). There is less certaintyregarding derived variables (e.g., soil moisture, potential

    evapotranspiration), i such projections are available at


    Changes in long-term climate patterns and climatic

    variability are likely to have signicant eects on natural

    ecosystems, and a particularly large impact on the

    already-stressed ecosystems o the eastern Himalayas.

    For example, the traits o successul invasive species tend

    to increase their resilience to a variety o disturbances,

    including climate and non-climate stresses, and climate

    change could work in concert with other stresses to urther

    reduce populations o rare and endemic species, while

    increasing populations o already abundant, widespread

    species. Table 2 describes how climate variability and

    change might impact on ecosystems already weakened

    by other stresses.

    Analytical Framework

    Climate change is one o many possible stressors on

    biodiversity. Climate change may maniest itsel as a

    shit in mean conditions or as changes in the variance

    and requency o extremes o climatic variables. These

    changes can impact on biodiversity either directly or

    indirectly through many dierent impact mechanisms.

    Range and abundance shits, changes in phenology,

    physiology, and behaviour, and evolutionary change

    are the most oten cited species-level responses. At the

    ecosystem level, changes in structure, unction, patterns

    o disturbance, and the increased dominance o invasive

    species is a noted concern. Having a clear understandingo the exact impact mechanisms is crucial or evaluating

    potential management actions.

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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH




    Table 2: The potential or adverse ecosystem impacts when changes in climate and climate variability interact with existingstresses

    Ecosystem Existing stress Interaction with climatic changes


    Non-native invasive species

    Air pollution

    Climatic changes will probably tend to avour invasive species over rare andthreatened species.Adverse interactions with climatic changes

    Forests Fragmentation Fragmentation may hinder the migration o some species, and the loss o geneticdiversity within ragments will reduce the potential or populations to respond tochanging conditions through adaptive evolution.

    Wetlands Habitat loss Habitat loss reduces the resilience o wetlands to the negative eects o storms,because wetlands play a role in moderating destructively high stream fows andpollution runo.


    Habitat degradation: streamchannelisation, altered streamfows in urban areasPollution: nutrients, sediments,toxic substances

    Straightening o stream channels reduces resilience to destructively high fows.Increases in the requency or intensity o storms could exacerbate this problem.Increased precipitation could increase pollution runo.

    In this synthesis, the assessment o biodiversity impacts

    is structured using an Ecosystems/Species X Terrestrial/

    Freshwater ramework, i.e., assessing biodiversity impacts

    at ecosystem and species levels within unctional terrestrial

    and reshwater systems. In short, this involves making

    specic linkages along the continuum rom climate

    change stressors to impact mechanisms and biodiversity

    management endpoints. Figure 4 presents an overview

    o the analytical ramework o climate change impacts on

    biodiversity that shape the structure o this synthesis.

    Limiting actors

    One o the key diculties in any attempt to understand

    climate change in the EH is to account or the modiying

    eect o the high Himalayan range on weather and

    climate, the complexity o the physiographic environment,

    and the natural variations and cycles o the large-scale

    monsoonal circulation. Despite these climate change

    assessment challenges and major uncertainties, certain

    conclusions are emerging. O particular relevance to

    the EH is the conclusion that climate change eects in

    the region are expected to occur aster and be more

    pronounced than the global average (IPCC 2007a,d).

    Figure 4: Conceptual ramework or the assessment o climate change impacts on biodiversity

    mEcosyst iversity

    divSpecies rsity

    divGenetic ersity

    limate change stressors Impact mechanisms Biodiversity

    Freshwater Terrestrial

    Changes inphenology/physiology


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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    Table 3: Climatic eects o mountain actors

    Factors Primary eects Secondary eects

    Altitude Reduced air density, vapour pressure; increased solarradiation receipts; lower temperatures

    Increased wind velocity (mid-latitude); increasedprecipitation (mid-latitude); reduced evaporation;physiological stress

    Continentality Increased annual/diurnal temperature range; modied cloud/precipitation regimes

    Snowline altitude rises

    Latitude Seasonal variation in day length and solar radiation totals Snowall proportion increases; annual temperaturesdecrease

    Topography Spatial contrasts in solar radiation/ temperature regimes andprecipitation as a result o slope and aspect

    Diurnal wind regimes; snow cover related totopography

    2 Climate Trends and Projections


    Due to the complexity o the topography and the

    orographic eatures, it is more dicult to understand

    climatic characteristics in the mountains than in the

    plains. Existing knowledge o the climatic characteristics

    o the EH is limited by both paucity o observations and

    the limited theoretical attention paid to the complex

    interaction o spatial scales in weather and climate

    phenomena in mountains. In order to determine the

    degree and rate o climatic trends, there is a need orlong-term data sets, which are currently lacking or most

    o the EH. Research has tended to ocus on the infuence

    o barriers on air fow and on orographic eects on

    weather systems, rather than on conditions within the

    mountain environment. As much as climate shapes the

    mountain environment and determines its constituent

    characteristics, so do the mountains in turn infuence

    the climate and related environmental eatures through

    altitude, continentality, latitude, and topography, each

    o which aects several important climate variables. Theroles o these actors are summarised schematically in

    Table 3. The mountain ecosystems not only signicantly

    infuence atmospheric circulation, they also exhibit a great

    deal o variation in local climatic patterns. These climatic

    dierences are expressed in vegetation type and cover,

    and geomorphic and hydrological eatures.

    The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) o the IPCC

    concludes that changes in the atmosphere, the oceans,

    and glaciers and ice caps show unequivocally that

    the world is warming. It ur ther concludes that majoradvances in climate modelling and the collection

    and analysis o data now give scientists very high

    condence (higher than what could be achieved in the

    Third Assessment Report) in their understanding o how

    human activities are contributing to global warming. This

    was the strongest conclusion to date, making it virtually

    impossible to blame natural orces or global warming.

    The average temperature increase across the globe

    during the 20th Century has been around 0.74C.

    These changes have been accompanied by changes

    in precipitation, including an increase in precipitation

    at higher latitudes and a decline at lower latitudes, and

    an increase in the requency and intensity o extreme

    precipitation events. Floods and droughts have also been

    observed to be increasing in requency and intensity, and

    this trend is likely to continue.

    Projections o temperature increases in the 21st Century

    have been made on the basis o established and

    plausible scenarios o the uture. A warming o about

    0.2C is projected or each o the next two decades

    and the best estimate o temperature increase by theend o the 21st Century is placed at 1.8C to 4C.

    These projections are based on the assumption that no

    specic action is taken to mitigate GHG emissions. Hot

    extremes, heat waves, and heavy precipitation events will

    become more requent, uture tropical cyclones (typhoons

    and hurricanes) are likely to become more intense, with

    larger peak wind speeds and more heavy precipitation

    associated with ongoing increases in tropical sea-surace

    temperatures. Increases in the amount o precipitation are

    very likely at high-latitudes, while decreases are likely in

    most subtropical land regions (by as much as about 20%

    in the A1B scenario in 2100) (IPCC 2007a).

    limate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH

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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report


    A growing number o studies on past climate and model-

    based projections have been reported in recent times at

    dierent spatio-temporal scales, some o which cover the

    EH in part or as a whole. There are several constraints

    and issues that need to be resolved at the policy,

    institutional, and eld levels to improve the observational

    and prediction basis or accurate and conclusive

    statements on climate variability and change. There is

    a need to probe deeper into the dynamics o mountain

    climate systems in search o signs o climate change.

    There has been limited coordination in such eorts across

    the EH region, and the dierent countries in the region

    have interpreted the existing observational and prediction

    results within their respective political boundaries only,

    despite the act that climate systems are large-scale


    For this vulnerability assessment, it was necessary torefect on climate trends and projections determined at the

    country level rom a large compilation o national reports.

    In this synthesis, climate variability reers to day-to-day,

    year-to-year, and decade-to-decade patterns o weather

    and climate; climate change reers to longer trends,

    usually measured by temperature and precipitation.

    Historical climatic conditions provide the context or

    potential uture changes.

    Past inormation was consolidated and the latest updates

    incorporated, and a synthesis review made with a

    reassessment o climate trends and change projections

    to the end o this century . The ndings conrm earlier

    studies that temperatures will continue to rise and rainall

    patterns will be more variable, with both localised

    increases and decreases. The gures or the EH are not

    a drastic deviation rom the IPCC outcomes or the South

    Asian region. Nonetheless, they reinorce the scientic

    basis or the contention that the EH is undergoing a

    warming trend.


    Few studies provide an exclusive and comprehensive

    analysis o the EH. There is a need or a concerted eort

    to ormally document the magnitude and direction o

    climate trends that have taken place. Dash et al. (2007)

    observed that during the last century the maximum

    temperature increased over North East India by 1C

    during winter and 1.1C during the post-monsoon

    months. There have been small increases in rainall

    during winter, pre- and post-monsoon seasons. They alsonoted a decreasing trend in high-intensity depressions

    and cyclonic storms, but increases in the number o low

    pressure areas during the monsoon. Conversely, another

    study reported a slightly negative trend o -0.008 to

    -0.06C in the annual mean temperature in North East

    India rom 1960 to 1990 (APN 2003).

    There have been investigations into climate trends and

    characteristics in the Himalayan regions o southwest and

    northwest China using time series data o varying lengths

    (Yunling and Yiping 2005; Yin 2006). In the southwest

    region covering the counties o Deqin and Weixi o the

    Hengduan mountain range, over the observation period

    o 41 years, the mean annual air temperature increased

    at the rate o 0.01C/yr to 0.04C/yr. The changes in

    precipitation, however, are very dierent and complex.

    At some locations, mean annual precipitation decreased

    by 2.9 to 5.3 mm/yr, and at others by 5.8 to 7.4 mm/

    yr. Trends in air temperature were more signicant in the

    dry season than in the rainy season, with precipitation

    showing the opposite behaviour. Climate trends dieredrom climate element to climate element, region to region,

    and season to season.

    Signicant warming has been observed on the Tibetan

    Plateau (Liu and Chen 2000), with warming more

    pronounced at higher altitude stations, than lower

    ones. The unexpected observed decreases in potential

    evapotranspiration (PET) in Tibet AR has been linked to

    reduced wind speed under the decreasing strength o the

    Asian monsoon (Chen et al. 2006).

    An increasing rate o warming with elevation was also

    observed in a similar study encompassing the whole

    physiographic region o Nepal using climatological

    data rom 1977 to 2000 (updated rom Shrestha et al.

    1999). The altitudinal dependency was less clear during

    the post-monsoon period, with the middle mountain

    region recording the highest positive trend (Table 4). The

    results suggest that the seasonal temperature variability is

    increasing and the altitudinal lapse rate o temperature

    is decreasing. Unlike temperature, precipitation does notshow any consistent spatial trends. Annual precipitation

    changes are quite variable, decreasing at one site and

    increasing at a site nearby.

    In Bhutan, the analysis o available observations on

    surace air temperatures has shown a warming trend o

    about 0.5C rom 1985 to 2002, mainly during the non-

    monsoon seasons. Temperatures in the summer monsoon

    season do not show a signicant trend in any major part

    o the country. Rainall fuctuations are largely random

    with no systematic change detectable on either an annualor monthly scale (Tse-ring 2003).

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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    Table 4: Regional mean temperature trends in Nepal 19772000 (C/year)

    Seasonal Annual

    Regions Winter Pre-monsoon Monsoon Post-monsoon Jan-Dec

    Dec-Feb Mar-May Jun-Sep Oct-Nov

    Trans-Himalaya 0.12 0.01 0.11 0.10 0.09

    Himalaya 0.09 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.06

    Middle Mountains 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.08

    Siwalik 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.04

    Terai 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.04

    Source: updated rom Shrestha et al. (1999) and Xu et al. (2007)

    Table 5: Changes in primary climate change drivers and climate system responses in the Eastern Himalayasrom 1977-2000

    Climate change drivers Biophysical responses to climate changeAverage annual temperature increased by 0.01C in theoothills, 0.02C in the middle mountains, and 0.04C inthe higher HimalayasNight-time temperatures increased across most o the EH inspring and summerAnnual precipitation changes are quite variable, decreasingat one site and increasing at a site nearby

    Duration o snow cover reduced and snow disappears earlierLess snowallFlow in river basins reduced/increasedGlacier retreat 20-30 m/yearNet primary production (NPP) increasedWetlands contractEarly spring and late autumn fowering

    The technical papers written or this assessment capture

    much o the detail on how the climate o the EH changedduring the 20th Century using a set o indicators including

    primary climate change drivers (e.g., temperature,

    precipitation), climate system responses (e.g., receding

    glaciers, hydrological systems, water-related hazards),

    and ecosystem responses (e.g., ecotone shits,

    phenological changes, ecosystem structure, unction, type

    and distribution, decoupled trophic levels). Some o the

    changes detected in the primary climate change drivers

    and climate system responses are summarised in Table 5.

    Examination o observational records rom dierentsites distributed across the region, and an analysis o

    the Climate Research Unit, University o East Anglia,

    United Kingdom, dataset on global historical time series

    (Mitchell et al. 2004) show that the global climate has

    already changed signicantly. In the EH, the annual mean

    temperature is increasing at a rate o 0.01C/yr (0.01-

    0.04C yr-1) or higher. The warming trend has been

    greatest during the post-monsoon season and at higher

    elevations. Increases in temperature during the period

    (1977-2000) have been spatially variable indicatingthe biophysical infuence o the land surace on the

    surrounding atmospheric conditions. In general, there is

    a diagonal zone with a south-west to north-east trend o

    relatively less or no annual and seasonal warming. This

    zone encompasses the Yunnan province o China, parto the Kachin State o Myanmar, and the North Eastern

    states o India. Eastern Nepal and eastern Tibet record

    relatively higher warming trends. Warming in the winter

    (DJF) is much higher and more widespread. In addition, a

    signicant positive trend with altitude has been observed

    throughout the region. High altitude areas have been

    exposed to comparatively greater warming eects than

    those in the lowlands and adjacent plains.

    The temperature trends in the three elevation zones are

    given in Table 6. The analysis suggests the ollowingmajor points:

    The Eastern Himalayan region is experiencing1.

    widespread warming. The warming is generally

    higher than 0.01C/yr.

    Table 6: Temperature trends by elevation zone or theperiod 19772000 (C/year)

    Elevation zone Annual DJF MAM JJA SON

    Level 1: ( 4000 m) 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.03

    Source: Shrestha and Devkota (2010)

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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report


    Table 7: Perceived changes in primary climate change drivers and climate system responses in the Eastern Himalayas

    Climate change drivers Biophysical responses to climate change

    Temperatures have been rising across the entire region, with winterand spring temperatures rising more rapidly than those in summerThe daily temperature range has gone downTotal annual precipitation has increased in some areas anddecreased in others

    Longer growing seasonReduced snowall in requency and amountTree line moving to higher elevationIce elds contractingBiomass increase in wetlands

    The highest rates o warming are occurring in winter2.

    (DJF) and lowest or even cooling trends are observed

    in summer (JJA).

    There is progressively more warming with elevation,3.

    with the areas >4000 m experiencing the highest

    warming rates.

    The results rom the stakeholder workshops and the

    questionnaire survey on peoples perceptions o climate

    change in the region are presented in the technical

    report on biodiversity (Chettri et al 2010). Some o the

    perceived changes in primary climate change drivers and

    climate system responses are summarised in Table 7.


    A considerable amount o work has been done to predict

    uture climates by downscaling General Circulation

    Model (GCM) outputs using statistical or dynamic

    methods. In most cases, the results are not comparable

    due to dierences in the choice o GCMs, spatial and

    temporal resolutions, emission scenarios associated with

    diverse socioeconomic assumptions, and the ormats

    in which the results are published, although all o them

    describe plausible models o uture climate meaningul

    to the research context. For this assessment, climate

    scenarios were reconstructed specically or the EH

    domain using data generated by recent model runs

    at regional and global levels. The climate scenariosdeveloped are summarised rst to put the remaining

    results into perspective.

    Regional projections

    The current spatial resolution o general circulation models

    (GCMs) is generally too crude to adequately represent

    the orographic detail o most mountain regions and

    inadequate or assessing uture projections in the regional

    climate. Since the mid-1990s, the scaling problem

    related to complex orography has been addressedthrough regional modelling techniques, pioneered by

    Giorgi and Mearns (1991), and through statistical-

    dynamic downscaling techniques (e.g., Zorita and von

    Storch 1999). The ollowing discussion o potential

    ecological responses to changes in climate and climate

    variability primarily uses the Indian Institute o Tropical

    Meteorology (IITM) regional climate scenarios, which are

    based on a transient HadCM3 model downscaled using

    HadRM2 and PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates or

    Impacts Studies; Hadley Centre) regional climate models

    (RCMs) run under two uture GHG emission scenarios

    (A2 and B2 o the SRES [Special Report on Emissions

    Scenarios]). This approach, which applies general

    methods in accordance with the IPCC Data Distribution

    Center guidelines on the use o scenario data or impacts

    and adaptation assessments (IPCC-TGCIA 1999), allows

    us to identiy both potential trends and the range o

    uncertainty around them. The discussion is rather general

    and presumes no major surprises due to uncertainties

    regarding the rate, magnitude, spatial distribution, and

    seasonality o temperature and precipitation changes.

    In order to accommodate some level o sensitivityanalysis, the RCM simulation runs were supplemented

    with data rom the IPCCs SRES runs perormed with

    three Coupled General Circulation Models (GCMs), the

    HadCM3, CGCM2, and CSIRO Mk2, interpolated to

    higher temporal and spatial resolution or the development

    o WorldClim ( (Hijmans et al.

    2005). The GCM results are given as 30-year monthly

    mean changes (i.e., no inormation is presented about

    changes in inter-annual or inter-daily variability). All

    data is extracted as change values, expressed either in

    absolute or percentage terms using the 1961 to 1990

    model-simulated baseline period. Results are, thereore,

    generally reported as the change between the 1961

    to 1990 30-year mean period, and the uture 30-year

    mean periods (2020s, 2050s or 2080s). These time

    periods represent 30-year mean elds centred on the

    decade used to name the time period, e.g., the 2020s

    represent the 30-year mean period 20102039, the

    2050s represent 20402069 and the 2080s represent

    20702099. For all the models, the response to the

    middle orcing emission scenarios A2 and B2 wasreerred to, and uture climate change was presented or

    two 30-year time slices centred on the 2020s and 2050s

    or WorldClim using HadCM3, and 2050s and 2080s

    or HadRM2 and PRECIS, each relative to the baseline

    period 19611990. Among the three models, the

    HadCM3 provided the closest match to observed data.

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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    Figures 5 and 6 show maps o the spatial variation o

    mean annual temperature change and mean annual

    precipitation change, respectively, or each scenario

    at each uture time period based on the interpolatedHadCM3 (2020s and 2050s) and PRECIS (2080s)

    simulation runs. By the 2080s, the mean annual

    temperature change or all o the EH is shown to be

    in the range o +2.9 to +4.3C and the mean annual

    precipitation change in the range o 13 to 34%. The

    PRECIS simulation indicated a slightly higher warming

    in winter than in summer . Changes in monsoon

    precipitation showed enormous spatial variability

    predicted to range anywhere between minus 20% to plus

    50% o the baseline period.

    The mean projected annual temperature and precipitation

    changes under three GCMs plus PRECIS, three time-slices,

    and two SRE scenarios are summarised in Table 8, to

    present a wider range o uture climate scenarios. The

    dierences across the scenario results reinorces the need

    to explicitly recognise and account or the uncertainties

    that exist in projections o uture climate. That said, the

    results are generally consistent with those reported by

    the IPCC or the northern hemisphere (IPCC 2001a)

    although the magnitude o climate change is predictedto be greater or the EH than that projected by the IPCC

    or the Asia region both or the mid and or the end o

    the century. Future winters are likely to experience larger

    temperature increases above the current level. Such

    increases will be greater under the SRES A2 emission

    trajectory, which describes the region as geared towards

    economic development with a regional orientation instrategic approaches. Precipitation changes will be

    greater in winter and spring, while the monsoon season is

    not expected to experience signicant changes in mean

    conditions. There are important seasonal dierences

    and trends that are not generally refected in these

    annual maps. The seasonally dierentiated values are

    summarised in Table 9. Any specic impact assessment

    that is sensitive to seasonal climate trends would need to

    generate maps and data specic to the season o interest.

    Temperature scenarios vary across space and over time,but show a clear trend towards warming with average

    projected increases rom 0.80 to 0.99C (2020s)

    to 2.06 to 2.22C (2050s) across the A2 and B2

    scenarios calculated with HadCM3, and rom 0.49

    to 1.11C (2020s), and 1.43 to 1.90C (2050s) or

    A2 across GCMs, with the greatest increase in the high

    altitude area. All the GCMs indicated a higher rate o

    warming at higher elevations.

    The spatial variation o changes in precipitation wasconsiderable with enormous contradictions between the

    models in the pattern o changes. HadCM3 projected

    a decrease in precipitation along the northeastern

    Table 8: Summary o plausible uture climates considered or the assessment o the Eastern Himalayas in terms o character,magnitude and rate

    Time slice Exposure Climate model/SRES scenario

    HadCM3/A2 HadCM3/B2 CGCM2/A2 CSIROMk2/A2

    2020s T (C) 0.99 0.80 0.49 1.11

    P (%) 5.43 4.55 47.05 12.40

    2050s T (C) 2.22 2.06 1.43 1.90 P (%) 14.07 6.23 60.80 18.96

    2080sa T (C) 4.3 2.9

    P (%) 34 13

    a Values rom PRECIS RCM runs; T = mean annual temperature change; P = mean annual precipitation change

    able 9: Climate change projections for the Eastern Himalayas based on RCM outputs

    Temperature change (C) HadRM2 PRECIS (B2) PRECIS (A2) Precipitation change (%) HadRM2 PRECIS (B2) PRECIS (A2)

    Winter (DJF) 3.2 3.6 5.3 Winter (DJF) 57 23 35

    Spring (MAM) 2.0 2.6 3.8 Pre-monsoon (MAM) 46 8 46

    Summer (JJA) 3.0 2.8 3.8 Monsoon (JJA) 17 28

    Autumn (SON) 3.2 2.5 4.3 Post-monsoon (ON) 15 12 18

    Annual 2.9 2.9 4.3 Annual 18 13 34

    Notes: HadRM2 is used for 2050s for 2xCO2

    and PRECIS for 2080s for A2 and B2 SRES scenarios.

    Source: Shrestha and Devkota (2010)

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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report


    Figure 5: Spatial variation o mean annual temperature changes (C) over the EH


    Notes: A2 and B2 scenarios are simulated by HadCM3 (2020 and 2050) and PRECIS (2080).Changes are relative to the 19611990 model-simulated baseline period.Maps in the 2080s row show mean annual and winter temperature changes under the B2 scenario.

    0.00 0.110.12 0.220.23 0.340.35 0.450.46 0.570.58 0.680.69 0.800.81 0.820.93 1.031.04 1.151.16 1.261.27 1.381.39 1.491.50 1.611.62 1.721.73 1.85

    0.00 0.090.10 0.190.20 0.290.30 0.380.39 0.480.49 0.580.59 0.680.69 0.780.79 0.880.89 0.970.98 1.071.08 1.171.18 1.271.28 1.371.38 1.471.48 1.58

    0.00 0.200.21 0.410.42 0.610.62 0.820.83 1.031.04 1.241.25 1.441.45 1.651.66 1.861.87 2.072.08 2.282.29 2.482.49 2.692.70 2.902.91 3.113.12 3.33

    0.00 0.190.20 0.390.40 0.590.60 0.790.80 0.991.00 1.191.20 1.391.40 1.591.60 1.791.80 1.992.00 2.192.20 2.392.40 2.592.60 2.792.80 2.993.00 3.20










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    Climate Change Vulnerability o Mountain Ecosystems in the EH


    Figure 6: Spatial variation o mean annual precipitation changes (%) over the EH

    Notes: A2 and B2 scenarios are simulated by HadCM3 (2020 and 2050) and PRECIS (2080).Changes are relative to the 1961-1990 model-simulated baseline period.Maps in the 2080s row are or monsoon season (JJA).

    -7.03 5.56-5.55 4.07-4.06 2.58-2.57 1.10-1.09 0.390.40 1.871.88 3.363.37 4.844.85 6.336.34 7.817.82 9.309.31 10.79

    10.80 12.2712.28 13.7613.77 15.2415.25 16.74

    -23.08 -20.10-20.09 -19.10-17.09 -14.11-14.10 -11.12-11.11 -8.13-8.12 -5.14-5.13 -2.15-2.14 0.850.86 3.843.85 6.836.84 9.829.83 12.8112.82 15.8015.81 18.8018.81 21.7921.80 24.79

    -14.84 10.94-10.93 7.03-7.02 3.12-3.11 0.790.80 4.704.71 8.628.63 12.5312.54 16.4416.45 20.3520.36 24.2624.27 28.1728.18 32.0932.10 36.0036.01 39.9139.92 43.8243.83 47.74

    -10.53 8.77-8.765 7.00-6.99 5.23-5.22 3.46-3.45 1.69-1.68 0.080.09 1.851.86 3.623.63 5.395.40 7.167.17 8.938.94 10.70

    10.71 12.4712.48 14.2414.25 16.0116.02 17.79





    A2 B2

    A2 B2


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    Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability in the EH Synthesis Report


    ringes o the region, while the CSIRO-Mk2 projected a

    decrease along the southeaste