climb via, descend via, and speed adjustment phraseology & procedures

Presented to: By: Performance Based Navigation Policy & Support Group, AJV-14 Date: Federal Aviation Administration Climb Via, Descend Via, and Speed Adjustment Phraseology and Procedures AJT/E/S March 16, 2012

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Page 1: Climb via, descend via, and speed adjustment phraseology & procedures

Presented to:

By: Performance Based Navigation Policy & Support Group, AJV-14


Federal AviationAdministrationClimb Via, Descend

Via, and Speed Adjustment Phraseology and Procedures


March 16, 2012

Page 2: Climb via, descend via, and speed adjustment phraseology & procedures

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2Climb Via , Descend Via & Speed Adjustment Phraseology and Procedures

“Climb Via” is new phraseology designed to provide controllers with a single instruction that authorizes pilots to navigate a SID/RNAV SID vertically and laterally, complying with all published restrictions. Climb via is used by ATC AFTER departure to join or rejoin a SID/RNAV SID and also to amend published vertical restrictions.

“Climb Via” procedures and phraseology are

consistent with existing “Descend Via” procedures and phraseology.

What is climb via?

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CLIMB VIA – Used in an ATC clearance to authorize a pilot to navigate vertically and laterally on a SID or RNAV SID. The pilot is responsible to meet all published speed and altitude restrictions. Climb can be made at the discretion of the pilot.

What is climb via?

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Climb Via Implementation


ATC assigns altitudes on the majority of conventional SIDs and some RNAV SIDs. Recently, more RNAV SIDs are being published with altitude restrictions along the lateral path and a final (or “top”) altitude to maintain in lieu of ATC assigned altitudes. Climb via provides an efficient means to either issue or amend these published altitudes.

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Clearance to climb via authorizes pilots to:



Climb via authorizes the pilot to climb (at pilot discretion) to the published or ATC assigned altitude and comply with all published restrictions. ATC is responsible for obstacle clearance when issuing a “climb via” clearance until aircraft are established on the lateral and vertical path of a SID/RNAV SID.

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Climb Via - Vertical Navigation

“….via (transition) maintain FL230 or lower filed altitude.”

The published final altitude of the procedure can be found in the narrative, usually on page two of the procedure

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Climb Via- Vertical Navigation

Changing the final altitude:

If it is necessary to assign an interim altitude, or assign a final altitude not contained on a SID/RNAV SID, the provisions of subparagraph 4-5-7h may be used in conjunction with subparagraph 4-5-7a.

“Climb via the JOHNN Two Departure, except after BARET maintain flight level one niner zero”This clearance authorizes climb to a new assigned altitude and requires

compliance with ALL other published restrictions

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Climb Via - Vertical Navigation

When issuing a climb via clearance, the aircrew will climb to comply with altitudes published on the procedure or as amended by ATC.

When issuing speed or altitude adjustments or combined speed/ altitude adjustments in conjunction with a clearance to climb via charted procedures with published speed and/or altitude restrictions, specify the point at which the restriction begins, ends, or changes the charted restrictions.

“Climb via the SUZAN Two departure, except cross Mkala at or above seven thousand.”

“Climb via the SUZAN Two Departure, maintain two three zero knots until MKALA.”

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Climb Via - Vertical Navigation

CAUTION: Clearance to maintain an altitude after issuing a climb via clearance will authorize an unrestricted climb to the new altitude and cancel all remaining published altitude restrictions (FAAO JO 7110.65, Para. 4-2-5b, 4-5-7h).

“Climb Via the BOACH FOUR DEPARTURE, maintain FL 230”

Do not use this combination of clearances as they are contradictory!!

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“United Seven Eleven leaving four thousand for FL 240, climbing via the STAAV FOUR DEPARTURE.”

Climb Via - Vertical Navigation

Pilots cleared for vertical navigation using the phraseology “climb via” must inform ATC, upon initial contact, of the altitude leaving, and the assigned SID. Advise the controller of any assigned restrictions not published on the procedure.

“United Seven Eleven leaving four thousand climbing via the STAAV FOUR DEPARTURE.”

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Descend Via - Vertical Navigation

Pilots cleared for vertical navigation using the phraseology “descend via” must inform ATC, upon initial contact, of the altitude leaving, the runway

transition if assigned, and any assigned restrictions not published on the procedure.


“Delta Fifty Five, leaving FL190 descending via the FRAZI ONE ARRIVAL runway 26 transition”

Change to air crew reporting requirements with Descend

Via procedures

Amended:“Delta Fifty Five, leaving FL190 for eight thousand, descending via

the FRAZI ONE ARRIVAL runway 26 transition”

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Descend Via - Vertical Navigation

When issuing a descend via clearance, the aircrew will descend to comply with altitudes published on the procedure or as amended by ATC.

When issuing speed or altitude adjustments or combined speed/ altitude adjustments in conjunction with a clearance to descend via charted procedures with published speed and/or altitude restrictions, specify the point at which the restriction begins, ends, or changes the charted restrictions.

“ Descend via the HARIS One Arrival, except after BRUNO,

maintain one zero thousand.”

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Climb Via / Descend Via - Vertical Navigation

For aircraft on direct routing to a STAR/RNAV STAR or SID/RNAV SID waypoint/fix, paragraph 4-5-7h.1 requires controllers to assign an altitude to cross the waypoint/fix if no published altitude is depicted.

Controllers should assign an altitude that will insure obstruction clearance and permit normal climb/descent to the next published altitude on the procedure

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Climb Via - Vertical Navigation

If it is necessary to change a published altitude on a STAR/RNAV STAR or SID/RNAV SID, the provisions of subpara 4-5-7h may be used in conjunction with subpara 4-5-7a.





“Climb Via the SHEAD SEVEN DEPARTURE, except after DBIGE climb and maintain flight level two three zero.”

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Climb Via - Vertical Navigation

If an aircraft has been vectored off of a SID, use “resume” phraseology to rejoin the procedure and assign a new altitude when compliance with published altitude restrictions are no longer required.

“Resume the BOACH FOUR DEPARTURE, climb and maintain FL230”

(Para. 4-5-7h.4. NOTE, Para. 5-6-2f)

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Issue with the vector an altitude to maintain and all appropriate altitude restrictions when:

1. The vector will take the aircraft off an assigned procedure which contains altitude instructions, i.e., instrument approach, nonradar SID, FMSP, etc.

Paragraph 5-6-2c Reminder

“United Seven Eleven leaving four thousand climbing via the STAAV FOUR DEPARTURE.”

“United Seven Eleven, turn right heading three-one-zero, climb and maintain one-five thousand.”

Since the RNAV procedure contains the altitude instructions and/or restrictions (traditionally issued by the controller), once the aircraft is vectored off the procedure, the pilot must be given alternate altitude instructions, until returned to the procedure.

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Climb Via - Lateral Navigation

When cleared to a waypoint depicted on a SID/RNAV SID with a published altitude restriction.

“Proceed direct BOACH, climb via the BOACH FOUR DEPARTURE”



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Climb Via - Lateral Navigation

When cleared to a waypoint/fix without a published altitude


(No altitude published)

“Proceed direct HITME, cross HITME at or above one zero thousand, climb via the BOACH FOUR DEPARTURE”

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Climb Via - Lateral Navigation




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Speed Control

Speed Adjustment Development The Air Traffic Organization (ATO) identified a need for standardized

phraseology to address speed restrictions/adjustments in SIDs/STARS/RNAV and SIDs/RNAV STARs

Solutions: Add speed restrictions to “descend via” and “climb via”

Restrict application and redefine “resume normal speed”

Add “resume published speed” definition and application

Add “delete speed restrictions” and “comply with restrictions”

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Speed Control

Speed Termination / Published Speed Restrictions

Current phraseology has proven inadequate for speed restriction / adjustment / termination. “Resume Normal Speed” has caused confusion for both pilots and controllers as it is applied to procedures with published speed restrictions.

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Speed Adjustment Phraseology Changes

OLD“RESUME NORMAL SPEED” – Used by ATC to advise a

pilot that previously issued speed control restrictions are deleted. An instruction to resume normal speed does not delete speed restrictions that are applicable to published procedures of upcoming segments of flight, unless specifically stated by ATC. This does not relieve the pilot of those speed restrictions which are applicable to 14 CFR Section 91.117.

NEW“RESUME NORMAL SPEED” – Should only be used to

terminate ATC assigned speeds in instances where an aircraft is flying a procedure or route without published speed restrictions. This does not relieve the pilot of those speed restrictions which are applicable to 14 CFR Section 91.117.

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Speed Adjustment Phraseology Changes“COMPLY WITH RESTRICTIONS” – Used by ATC to instruct a pilot to comply with restrictions applicable to the charted procedure or route being flown or when joining or resuming a procedure or route with published speed and altitude restrictions.

“RESUME PUBLISHED SPEED” – Used by ATC to advise a pilot to resume published speed when aircraft are cleared to climb or descend via a charted instrument flight procedure that contains published speed restrictions. It is issued to terminate a previously issued speed adjustment where speed restrictions are published on a charted procedure.

“DELETE SPEED RESTRICTIONS” – Used by ATC to advise a pilot when published speed restrictions on a charted instrument flight procedure are no longer required.

Note: Speed restrictions may be published to meet procedure development criteria. When deleting published restrictions, ATC is responsible for obstacle clearance and airspace containment until aircraft are established on a route where no published restrictions apply.

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Speed Termination Published Speed Restrictions

Speed termination/restriction phraseology:

Instruct pilot to comply with restrictions when navigating on a SID/RNAV SID, STAR/RNAV STAR that contains published restrictions (does not authorize pilot discretion climb/descent):

“Resume the DAWGS FIVE DEPARTURE, comply with restrictions”

When no published speed restrictions to a charted route or procedure are affected:

“Resume normal speed”

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Speed Termination Published Speed Restrictions

Speed termination/restriction phraseology

Instruct pilot to comply with speed restrictions applicable to the charted route or procedure:

“Resume published speed”

Advise pilot when published speed restrictions on a charted procedure are no longer required:

“Delete speed restrictions”

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Speed Restriction Phraseology - Examples Comply with published restrictions with exceptions:

CLIMB/DESCEND VIA (SID/RNAV SID/STAR/RNAV STAR), EXCEPT AFTER (waypoint name) MAINTAIN (assigned speed/altitude)

“Descend via the KEPEC TWO ARRIVAL, except after NIPZO maintain one eight zero knots”


9000 210KZALLE

Maintain 250 KIAS until ZALLE

“Climb via the DAWGS Four departure except maintain two four zero knots until ZALLE”

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Speed Restriction Phraseology - ExamplesRejoining at fix/waypoint without a published altitude restriction:


“Cross LEETZ at one-three thousand at two three zero knots, then climb via the LEETZ TWO DEPARTURE”


No speed or altitude is published

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Speed Restriction Phraseology - ExamplesSpeed adjustments for procedures with published speed restrictions: MAINTAIN (speed) until (fix/waypoint), THEN CLIMB/DESCEND VIA (SID/RNAV SID/STAR/RNAV STAR)

“Maintain two three zero knots until LEETZ, then climb via the LEETZ TWO DEPARTURE”.

“Maintain maximum forward speed until ZELMA, then resume published speed.”

“Climb via the LEETZ TWO DEPARTURE, delete speed restrictions”

When deleting published restrictions, ATC is responsible for obstacle clearance and airspace containment until aircraft are established on a route where no published restrictions apply.

Speed restrictions may be published to meet procedure development criteria


12000 230KIAS


No Speed Restriction Published



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When an arriving aircraft on a STAR is cleared to descend to a level lower than the level or the level(s) specified in a STAR, the aircraft shall follow the published vertical profile of a STAR, unless such restrictions are explicitly cancelled by ATC. Published minimum levels based on terrain clearance shall always be applied.


When ATC issues an amended altitude without specifying the point at which the restriction begins, ends, or changes the charted restrictions (i.e., using the word “except”), thereby canceling altitude restrictions contained in the SID/STAR, the possibility exists that international air crews may comply with intermediate published restrictions, including leveling off during a climb or descent.

Canadian/ICAO Procedural Differences

Controllers should be alert to possible flight crew misunderstanding with international air crews.


When a departing aircraft on a SID is cleared to climb to a level higher than the initially cleared level or the level(s) specified in a SID, the aircraft shall follow the published

vertical profile of a SID, unless such restrictions are explicitly cancelled by ATC.