clojure concurrency

(do “Concurrency in Clojure”) (by (and “Alex” “Nithya”))

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Concurrency concepts (STM) in clojure with comparison to existing implementation of concurrency in imperative languages


Page 1: Clojure concurrency

(do “Concurrency in Clojure”)

(by (and “Alex” “Nithya”))

Page 2: Clojure concurrency


Introduction Features Concurrency, Locks, Shared state STM Vars, Atoms, Refs, Agents Stock picker example Q&A

Page 3: Clojure concurrency


What is clojure?

– Lisp style

– Runs on JVM/CLR

Why Clojure?

– Immutable Persistent Data structures

– FP aspects

– Concurrency

– Open Source

– Short and sweet

Java Libraries




Byte code

public class StringUtils { public static boolean isBlank(String str) { int strLen; if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { if ((Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i)) == false)) { return false; } } return true; }}

(defn blank? [s] (every? #(Character/isWhitespace %) s))

Fn name



Page 4: Clojure concurrency

Immutable data structures

Functions as first class objects, closures

Java Interop Tail Recursion


(def vector [1 2 3]) (def list '(1 2 3)) (def map {:A “A”}) (def set #{“A”}) (defn add [x] ( fn [y] + x y) )

Page 5: Clojure concurrency

Lazy evaluation - abstract sequences + library– “cons cell” - (cons 4 '(1 2 3))


Ins to generate the next component seqItem


(defn lazy-counter-iterate [base increment] ( iterate (fn [n] (+ n increment)) base))

user=> (def iterate-counter (lazy-counter-iterate 2 3))user=> (nth iterate-counter 1000000)

user=> (nth (lazy-counter-iterate 2 3) 1000000)3000002

Page 6: Clojure concurrency

Mutable objects are the new spaghetti code

– Hard to understand, test, reason about

– Concurrency disaster

– Default architecture (Java/C#/Python/Ruby/Groovy)

State – You are doing it wrong




Object 2



Page 7: Clojure concurrency

Mutable Variables

Identity points to a different state after the update which is supported via atomic references to values.

location:Chennai location:Bangalore

Values are constants, they never change

(def location (ref “”) ) Identity - have different states in different point of time

States value of anidentity

Page 8: Clojure concurrency

Interleaving / parallel coordinated execution Usual Issues

– Deadlock

– Livelock

– Race condition

UI should be functional with tasks running Techniques - Locking, CAS, TM, Actors


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One thread per lock - blocking lock/synchronized (resource) { .. }

Cons Reduces concurreny

Readers block readers What Order ? - deadlock, livelock Overlapping/partial operations Priority inversion

public class LinkedBlockingQueue<E>

public E peek() { final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock; takeLock.lock(); try { Node<E> first =; if (first == null) return null; else return first.item; } finally { takeLock.unlock(); }



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CAS operation includes three operands - a memory location (V), expected old value (A), and a new value (B) Wait- free algorithms Dead locks are avoided

Cons Complicated to implement JSR 166- not intended to be

used directly by most developers

public class AtomicInteger extends Number public final int getAndSet(int newValue) { for (;;) { int current = get(); if (compareAndSet(current, newValue)) return current; } }

public final boolean compareAndSet(int expect, int update) {

return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update);


Compare And Swap

Page 11: Clojure concurrency

Enhancing Read Parallelism

Multi-reader/Single -writer locks

– Readers don't block each others

– Writers wait for readers

CopyOnWrite Collections

– Read snapshot

– Copy & Atomic writes

– Expensive

– Multi-step writes still

require locks

public boolean add(E e) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;

lock.lock(); try {

Object[] elements = getArray(); int len = elements.length;

Object[] newElements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, len + 1);

newElements[len] = e; setArray(newElements);

return true; } finally {

lock.unlock();} }

Page 12: Clojure concurrency

Threads modifies shared memory Doesn't bother about other threads Records every read/write in a log Analogous to database transactions ACI(!D)

– Atomic -> All changes commit or rollback

– Consistency -> if validation fn fails transaction fails

– Isolation -> Partial changes in txn won't be visible to other threads

– Not durable -> changes are lost if s/w crashes or h/w fails

Software Transaction Memory

Page 13: Clojure concurrency



Clojure Transactions


Mr B


R ~ 40 U ~ 30

(defstruct stock :name :quantity)(struct stock “CSK” 40)


R ~ 30

Buy 10

Buy 5

Sell 10

CSK ~ 30

TxnFail & RetryR - 40 U ~ 35

R - 30 U - 25

U ~ 40

Transaction Creation - (dosync (...))

Page 14: Clojure concurrency

Clojure STM

Concurrency semantics for references

• Automatic/enforced

• No locks!

Clojure does not replace the Java thread system, rather it works with it.

Clojure functions (IFn implement java.util.concurrent.Callable, java.lang.Runnable)

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Pros Optimistic, increased concurrency - no thread waiting Deadlock/Livelock is prevented/handled by Transaction manager Data is consistent Simplifies conceptual understanding – less effort

Cons Overhead of transaction retrying Performance hit (<4 processor) on maintaining committed, storing in-

transaction values and locks for commiting transactions Cannot perform any operation that cannot be undone, including most I/O

Solved using queues (Agents in Clojure)

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Persistent Data Structures

Immutable + maintain old versions Structure sharing – not full copies

Thread/Iteration safe Clojure data structures are persistent

Hash map and vector – array mapped hash tries (bagwell) Sorted map – red black tree

MVCC – Multi-version concurrency control Support sequencing, meta-data Pretty fast: Near constant time read access for maps and


(actually O(log32n))

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32 children per node, so O(log32 n)

static interface INode{ INode assoc(int shift, int hash,

Object key, Object val, Box addedLeaf); LeafNode find(int hash, Object key);}BitMapIndexedNode

Page 18: Clojure concurrency

Concurrency Library

Coordinating multiple activities happening simutaneously

Reference Types





Uncoordinated Coordinated

Synchronous Var Atom Ref

Asynchronous Agent

Page 19: Clojure concurrency

Vars Vars - per-thread mutables, atomic read/write

(def) is shared root binding – can be unbound

(binding) to set up a per-thread override

Bindings can only be used when def is defined at the top level

(set!) if per-thread binding



(def x 10) ; Global object

(defn get-val [] (+ x y))(defn fn []

(println x)(binding [x 2] (get-val))

Can’t see the binded value

Page 20: Clojure concurrency


Safe use mutable storage location via thread isolation

Thread specific Values

Setting thread local dynamic binding


Used for constants and configuration variables such as *in*, *out*, *err*

Manually changing a program while running (def max-users 10)

Functions defined with defn are stored in Vars enables re-definition

of functions – AOP like enabling logging

user=> (def variable 1)#'user/variable

user=> (.start (Thread. (fn [] (println variable))))niluser=> 1

user=> (def variable 1)#'user/variableuser=>(defn print [] (println variable))user=> (.start (Thread. (fn [] (binding [variable 42] (print)))))niluser=> 1

(set! var-symbol value)

(defn say-hello [] (println "Hello")) (binding [say-hello #(println "Goodbye")] (say-hello))

Page 21: Clojure concurrency


Augmenting the behavior

– Memoization – to wrap functions

Has great power

Should be used sparsely

Not pure functions (ns test-memoization)(defn triple[n](Thread/sleep 100)(* n 3))

(defn invoke_triple [] ( map triple [ 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1]))

(time (dorun (invoke_triple))) -> "Elapsed time: 801.084578 msecs"

;(time (dorun (binding [triple (memoize triple)] (invoke_triple)))) ->

"Elapsed time: 401.87119 msecs"

Page 22: Clojure concurrency


Single value shared across threads

Reads are atomic

Writes are atomic

Multiple updates are not possible

(def current-track (atom “Ooh la la la”))

(deref current-track ) or @current-track

(reset! current-track “Humma Humma”

(reset! current-track {:title : “Humma Humma”, composer” “What???”})

(def current-track (atom {:title : “Ooh la la la”, :composer: “ARR”}))

(swap! current-track assoc {:title” : “Hosana”})

Page 23: Clojure concurrency


Mutable reference to a immutable state

Shared use of mutable storage location via STM

ACI and retry properties

Reads are atomic

Writes inside an STM txn

Page 24: Clojure concurrency

Refs in Txn

• Maintained by each txn

• Only visible to code running in the txn

• Committed at end of txn if successful

• Cleared after each txn try

• Committed values

• Maintained by each Ref in a circular linked-list (tvals field)

• Each has a commit “timestamp” (point field in TVal objects)

Page 25: Clojure concurrency

Changing Ref

Txn retry( ref-set ref new-value)

( alter ref function arg*)


( commute ref function arg*)

Order of changes doesn't matter

Another txn change will not invoke retry

Commit -> all commute fns invoked using latest commit values

Example:Adding objects to collection

(def account1 (ref 1000))(def account2 (ref 2000))

(defn transfer "transfers amount of money from a to b" [a b amount] (dosync ( alter a - amount) ( alter b + amount)))

(transfer account1 account2 300)(transfer account2 account1 50)

;@account1 -> 750;@account2 -> 2250

Page 26: Clojure concurrency



Invoked when the transaction is to commit

When fails -> IllegalStateException is thrown( ref initial-value :validator validator-fn)

user=> (def my-ref (ref 5))#'user/my-ref

user=> (set-validator! my-ref (fn [x] (< 0 x)))Nil

user=> (dosync (alter my-ref – 10))#<CompilerException java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid Reference State>

user=> (dosync (alter my-ref – 10) (alter my-ref + 15))10

user=> @my-ref5

Page 27: Clojure concurrency


Called when state changes Called on an identity


( add-watch identity key watch-function)

(defn function-name [key identity old-val new-val] expressions)

(remove-watch identity key)

user=> (defn my-watch [key identity old-val new-val] ( println (str "Old: " old-val)) ( println (str "New: " new-val)))

#'user/my-watchuser=> (def my-ref (ref 5))#'user/my-refuser=> (add-watch my-ref "watch1" my-watch)#<Ref 5>user=> (dosync (alter my-ref inc))Old: 5

Page 28: Clojure concurrency

Other features...

Write Skew Ensure

Doesn't change the state of ref Forces a txn retry if ref changes Ensures that ref is not changed during the txn

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Agents share asynchronous independent changes between threads

State changes through actions (functions)

Actions are sent through send, send-off

Agents run in thread pools

- send fn is tuned to no of processors

- send-off for intensive operations, pre-emptive

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Only one agent per action happens at a time

Actions of all Agents get interleaved amongst threads in a thread pool

Agents are reactive - no imperative message loop and no blocking receive

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(def my-agent (agent 5))

( send my-agent + 3)

( send an-agent / 0)

( send an-agent + 1)

java.lang.RuntimeException: Agent is failed, needs restart

( agent-error an-agent)

( restart-agent my-agent 5 :clear-actions true)

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Parallel Programming

(defn heavy [f] (fn [& args] (Thread/sleep 1000) (apply f args)))

(time (+ 5 5));>>> "Elapsed time: 0.035009 msecs"(time ((heavy +) 5 5));>>> "Elapsed time: 1000.691607 msecs"


(time (doall (map (heavy inc) [1 2 3 4 5])));>>> "Elapsed time: 5001.055055 msecs"(time (doall (pmap (heavy inc) [1 2 3 4 5])));>>> "Elapsed time: 1004.219896 msecs"

(pvalues (+ 5 5) (- 5 3) (* 2 4))(pcalls #(+ 5 2) #(* 2 5))

Page 34: Clojure concurrency

– Process

Pid = spawn(fun() -> loop(0) end)

Pid ! Message,


– Receiving Process


Message1 ->


Message2 ->



after Time ->



Immutable Message MachineMachine



Actors - a process that executes a function. Process - a lightweight user-space thread.Mailbox - essentially a queue with multiple producers

Page 35: Clojure concurrency

Actor Model

In an actor model, state is encapsulated in an actor (identity) and can only be affected/seen via the passing of messages (values).

In an asynchronous system like Erlang’s, reading some aspect of an actor’s state requires sending a request message, waiting for a response, and the actor sending a response.


* No shared state

* Lightweight processes

* Asynchronous message-passing

* Mailboxes to buffer incoming messages

* Mailbox processing with pattern matching

Page 36: Clojure concurrency

Actor Model


Lots of computers (= fault tolerant scalable ...)

No locks

Location Transparency

Not for Clojure

Actor model was designed for distributed programs – location transparency

Complex programming model involving 2 message conversation for simple reads

Potential for deadlock since blocking messages

Copy structures to be sent

Coordinating between multiple actors is difficult

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