clover ssttiil. stars also ali kinds nortli grain, yakima ...€¦ · vdouuuuu0 that are sure...

VDO 0 that are sure uuuUu to*row! BEST r.RAIIK OF Alfalfa, Clover __* Timothy, Also ali kinds of Seed Grain, Chop Feed, and Mill Feed. Nortli Yakima Mill Co's Store Yakima Avenue ** ** ** Opposite Postoffice. NOKTH YUMA AM) VICINITY. Mre. Bell, mother of Wm. Bell, has re- turned to her home on the Sound. M. S.-horn's vehicles make a friend every time he sells one. li-tf The last, mail to he carried to the Wenae will be on the SOth of this month. Remember we save you Irom 16 to I'D percent, on teas. Kinsey A Co. Another car of Studebaker wagons is now iieing loaded at the factory for the Yakima Hardware Co. Hanna Yakotowit, an Indian girl 15 years of age, died nn Monday and was buried at Toppenish Tuesday. Dr. Dulin welcomed bis wife and child from Prosser, al the depot Tuesday after- noon, where they have been visiting Mr. Dulin's parents. Oscar (Jain, county attorney of Walla Walla, was in attendance on Urn superior court Tuesday, in connection with tbe 1. In..i-i..u bond case. You run no risk when you buy a Stude- baker bnggv, as tbey are fully guaran- teed at M. Schorn's, Front street, one block south ol depot. li-tf Mrs. Fechter, the wife of the mayor, is quite proficient in amateur photog- raphy. Snap ebota of County Attorney Rudkin and several other iriends of Mr. and Mra. Fechter have developed flnelv and are ipiite up to the average profes- sional work. The county attorney's pro- file as he is angling for trout, adorns the treasurer's office, tbe property of Charlie Donovan. I. W. Allen and family, who have been For Sale or F'xchange—F'ive-acre fruit ranch in Whittier, California, \2 miles from Los Angeles. Good buildings. Ad- dress, J. R. Wallace, North Yakima, Wash. 14 2t The St. Paul it Tacoma lumber mill at Tacoma came uear being destroyed by tire ou Sunday. Tiie partial loss waa fully covered by inaurance. The Woodmen of the World have an entertainment tonight at Masonic ball. An address will be delivered by (ieorge Weber on "Woodcraft and ita objects." W. B. Leslie and family arrived last week from Hoxie, Kansas, and will make North Yakima their future home. Mrs. Leslie is a daughter of Mra. Blanker. Still we grow. Eastman Kodaks are aa popular aa ever. We have tbem in different sizes at different pricea. If you contemplate buy- ing a camera get the best. Wallace-Co- burn Hardware Co. Speaking of Governor Rogers' "Story of an American Farm," the Seattle Times says: "This hook ought to be read by every adult in the State of Washington— and there are sufficient conditions and characters contained in tbe story to hold the minds of children, even though the problems discussed and the objects sought are intended for older people" Sheriff and Mra. H. L. Tucker returned ; on Tuesday's flyer from Spokane. The Sheriff conveyed Mrs. Mary Harris to tbi asylum at Medical Lake—the third insane person taken there during bis in- j cumbency of the office. .visiting Mrs. Hatch, of Zillah, the past whiter, have moved to tbie city that the younger members msy enjoy Yakima's excellent schools. Mr. Allen ie irom lowa, and says Washington winters are quite a contrast to what be has heen ex- periencing iv that Btate. Still we grow. "Bill," eaid a hobo at the North Yak- ima railway water tank the other day, "thia is a great age of invention, but I wonder why they don't invent s man that, like the moon, is always s quarter, or a half or altogether full every month ..I the year. It takes money to buy > whiskey." "Boots" Feamster, wbo left here on account of a little unpleasantness with 11. L. Tucker, having taken several shots at that gentleman when he, "Boots," was under the influence of liipior, writes from Manila that he is upholding hia country's Hag among the "gorillas." Wastkii— To make fifty more sets of artili 'ial teeth at $!) 60 tier set. You can- not afford lo miss this chance. If you are needing dental work call on Dr. Stephen-ion, over Janeck's Drug Store, Nortli Yakima. 14-lit 11. V. Bean wears a pleasant smile once more, his wife and daughter having arrived last week from Kllensburg. They have taken apartments in the Kershaw block. Still xc grow. Keene, the jeweler, says be has sold ] $210 worth of diamonds co far tbia . month. Diamonds are April birth- j si.mes. * Charles R. Donovan is to he married to Miss Anna Ditter at the Catholic . church next Wedneaday between 8 and '.I : a. tn. Are yoifregistered for tbe school elec- tion? If not, call immediately on City Clerk Doust in Briggs' music store. Male and female registers he tbem. We sre headquarters thia year for ko- dak films, plates and photographic sup- plies. Our prices are right, too. Wal- lace-Coburn Hardware Co. F'llenßluirgy weather baa prevailed during the month of April to a greater extent than ever before in tbe memory nf the oldest inhabitant. W. K. Bond and family, of Holland, , Mich., are recent arrivals in Yakima, ] who will locate here permanently. Mr. i Bond has been identified with education- I al work in that state for a number of years and comes to Washington in the bapee of improving bis health. Still we i grow. Fun Saik— A wide-tired wagon and hayrack, also double set work harness, cheap. Impiire at thia office. Go aud Bee the old maids gro«v young again at Mason's opera bouse next Wednesday evening. Nicholas McCov, the pioneer cattle- man, has returned from Victoria, B. C. Watch Keene's bargain window. Any article tbia week for 60 centa. Tiik Hi kai i> is only $1 per year. I>___7__________\_^^ j^f* Build up your System r JP§^ Purify the Blood .... fr \% Sim's Swirl 1 The BEST Spring kj W i*J tonic manufactured £) f|J|/ Clears the Complexion and t] SJkI fM removes that tired feeling, £j vw'"'' wi .' ' Pnt op and ssid by tie tj NO. YAKIMA DRUG STORE, I Alex. D. Sloan, Prop. rj See Keene's .Mi-cent wiudow. Any ar- ticle lor Me. John Reed, of Sunnyai.le, was in tlie city on Saturday last. Mrs. A. Wilinarth of l'endleton and; Mre. F. Maguilty of Seattle are registered at Hotel Yakima. Married, at Pendleton, Ore., Monday, April 24, Roy Tnston ol I'roeser and Mabel Fry ol North Yakima. A. V. Fawcett of Tacoma has been Jap- pointed by tbe governor a member of the I state fair commission vice Oscar Drum- heller, resigned. Byron 1,. Aldrich, Jr., who came to I lead bis orchestra at the Jefferson ban- quet, bas returned to Kllensburg and * North Yakima.-Tacoma Newa. Col. I'at I>\u25a0 .ithu says there will be i •J.OuO to li.OiH) newspapers, directly, and 12,000,, represented at the Na- tional Editorial Association which meets ' in Portland, Oregon, in July next. A runaway team, starting from Ditter .t Mechtel's grocery store, last Saturday created some excitement on the avenue. Two ladies were in shopping, when their 1 horses took fright at a flapping awning. Seveml stockmen published a card in i ths Proeser Record calling for a spring round up of range stock, Imt J. C. l,on-j egan, (irant Wright, William Kincaid, I Morgan Bros., C B. McAlpin and .1. 11. I.owry protest against starting belore May Bth, Howard Wright's folks received a let-, ter from him last Friday, written at Manila, in which he states that he etood near Ralph Van Buskirk when the latter received his death wound. He writes that be bas bad glory enough and wants to c„me home. Drs. Sloan and Porter had a flying trip to Cle Klum last Saturday evening on a special engine sent up after them to take them to Cle-Kluni to dress the wounds of an insmie man who jumped through the .•nr window of passenger train No. I.— Roslyn Miner. I. H. Dills informed a Hkkai.ii reporter on Monday last, when asked about the exclusive publication ot an alleged real j estate deal last week in which be was a principal, that the publication of the irs.l** was premature, as no money had passed or papers beeu made out in rela- t. .v thereto. A recent Portland paper tontained an account of a projected railroad up tbe Columbiarivsr (romQobsltoKsnoewlck. It appears that two companies are con- tending for the right-of-way and when this is settled further steps will be taken j in the matter. If the road is pushed I through it will connect with the Astoria | road st Gobel thus giving direct route to j that place.—Pasco News-Recorder. An enormous mail, delayed by eastern storniß, srrived Saturday morning audi the poet otlice force was overloaded with \u25a0 the white man's burden. The officials ; in the post otlice were non-committal as to Ihe exact amount of the mail received i and variously estimated it from thirty- tive sacks to several car loads. On Monday last a once prosperous, j pioneer Yakima farmer, owner of lv)' a'-res ol line farming land which had been foreclosed, applied to County Couimis- eioner Horsley for medicine for his family at tbe county's expense. Bad luck bas followed bim like grim late until be is almost resdy lor the poor bouse. S. J. Sherwood, of Dodge county, I Minneeota, who bss been visiting bis; brother, C. A. Sherwood of this city, the! past two weeka, returned to hia home on While here Mr. Sherwood pur-1 chased tbe Beck place in Fruitvale and I witb bis family will return in October to | remain permanently. Still we grow. Among tbe notable business changes! in tbia city is tbe sddition of tbe name of Charlie Wenner to tbe tirm of Moore & I Moore. He has bought s bslf interest in this popular stationery and noyelty etore. Mr. Wenner haa had a complete business I education sod by his genial snd a. con modating ways has made a host of friends. Hs wss formerly connected , with Coffin brothers and later wss man- ; sger of the Hotel Yskims. Tbe style of the new firm will be Muore .v Wenner. Double-hooked Flies **mi.pa_J We have them. You will catch every fish that strikes by using them. = = FISHING TACKLE We have the finest and largest assortment ever shown in North Yakima. SSTTiiL. IMIOOIRE <Sc 'Vw rJn__Z_<T__>T_E__nlZ 9 stArs C3GX*O©3G)OOSXiXIXD2X9O<^^ eautiful Millinery j tter and Prettier Effects than ever. \ usual, we are abreast of the times in the my .if uprlnir Millinery,sml flume J who vlsitot during our Earner opening kiin* that we sre putting nut haiul- j ' snmer hcaitger than ever l*ef.ire OarßSSStal pri.le la that we trim im two hats J | alike. If you want the VKUV I.ATKsr you will not overlook aa t Mr. and Madam Conolly. 1 at Stroot. |[ EtX;X*iXDO3GOGXIXIX^^ M. Schorn sells standard vehicles only. lu-tf .lay Sedgwick was in town Tuesday on N. P. railway business. Another interesting Manila letter, from G. S. Palmer, was crowded nut, but will appear next week. li 11. Shaw of Spokane, N. P. claim agent, is in the city adjusting claims against the company lor damages. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Mil.ld, at Zillab, on April M, a son. Mr. Mudd was serv- ing on the jury and was apprised of the good news hy letter. There will be an "old maids' conven- tion" at Mason's opera bouse on Wednes- day, May 8, lor the benefit of the Presby- terian church. It promises to be very amusing. Ttie kindergarten concert to-morrow . Friday) evening will be a delightful en- tertainment. Apart from the worthy ob- ject of tbe concert, to benefit the kinder- garten, it will be a pleasurable one to all who are lucky enough to attend. Ad- mission 2'ir ; children 16c. I.OST. —Sunday afternoon on corner 2nd and Yakima Aye, Silk 'Kerchief with monogram It I, A in one corner Please return to B. L. Aldrich or W. 1.. Conolly. John Gray, of the Natchez., was mar- ried on Monday, April L'4th, to Miss Elisabeth Biviiiglon, of Berkshire, Kuglan.l. Plie wedding took place at St. Michael's rectory, Key. 11. M. Bart- Isti officiating. Mr. Grays many friends in this vicinity wish himself and bride mn h happiness. That the hens of the valley are en- deavoring to maintain Yakima's fain . in hen fruit it evidenced by ttie fact tbst 0. R. Harris sold to hum tirin, last month, $531 worth of eggs. The hens are not patrio'ic or public-spirited eniiigh, boar* ever, to label tbeir lavs "Yakima pro- ducts.'' Ttie Wonder is the only place in town where you can get tbe celebrated Bielield make in Suits, Jackets ami Capce, and at the same prices asked in Chicago and other eastern cities. These garments are OOrrsct iv every respect. 11l We are now carrying a very handsome line of I.a lies' and Gentlemen's Shoes in al! the late-it tops and shapes and will give free, two pairs of tine hose with every pair of shoes, ranging in price from 12.60 to $.i.(l!l per pair. Coins Bnos. , Geo. 11. !•'. iton, of the N. P. land de- partment, Tacoma, wae in North Yaki- ma purchasing supplies for bis lliM-acre Sunnyside ranch Lace Ctrl-is mi Draperies As spring house renovating progresses we aro invariably re- minded of the fact that our curtains and draperies are mil looking as new uud bright us they did v vein* ago, uml we find it w ill be necessary to replace tbem with new ones.. An Important Question Answered. The Important question thatnow presents itself Is: Where can I tind tlie best assortment of new styles al the most lea**, onable prices'" The majority of tbe older residents of thii. county would unhesitatingly reply At Ditta. Urn*, nf cuurm. To those to whom we have not yet hud uu opportunity to show our stock we extend an invitation to visit our store and Bee what we have to offer. We think we eim interest you ... Information on Timely Topics. !f yoii'ie thinking oi !.,ue Curtains or I"orders, Oor stock ..Hers YOU lu.uiy advantages over uny other in the city, as it i- the largest and baa lately been replenished with a great, many new styles uml deiigDl, and at very tempting prues We offer a very good qu dity Lace Curtain, pretty patterns .'!'._, yards long, per I OO An extra tine quality .1 inches wide. :i'. varils long *fl _~* and I SO par pair, Better qualities with overlook stltco binding, very choice patterns. White or SOTU, 80 iiches wide. -.',', yard* long, nt $li OO to *«t OO a pair Some More Good News for Ladies. Portieres iv tuptstry or Chenille from 'J-_ ."»(\u25ba to $8 00|a pair. We have als i received a large assortment of ">i |iucb SStitl tinished Kauey Brocatelle. suitable for Bofa or lounge covering. I'rice-i are from SAc to $1 a yard. Fancy Art Denims in many new patterns and colors at 1. ..- to .{.">: a yd. Silkaliues. Japanese Crepe and Tinsel Draperiei in a greal variety from tOo to _Ti I per yard. All kinds of Dotted Swisses, Madras. Fishnets and I'otnt d' El pill for Curtains and Sash Curtains a' from 1 - to ."SOo a yard. Ditter Bros. YAKIMA AVENUE.

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Page 1: Clover SSTTiiL. stArs Also ali kinds Nortli Grain, Yakima ...€¦ · VDOuuuUu0 that are sure to*row! BEST r.RAIIKOF Alfalfa, Clover __* Timothy, Also ali kinds of Seed Grain, Chop

VDO 0 that are sure

uuuUu to*row!



__* Timothy,

Also ali kinds of SeedGrain, Chop Feed,

and MillFeed.

Nortli Yakima Mill Co's StoreYakima Avenue ** **

** Opposite Postoffice.

NOKTH YUMA AM) VICINITY.Mre. Bell, mother of Wm. Bell, has re-

turned to her home on the Sound.

M. S.-horn's vehicles make a friendevery time he sells one. li-tf

The last, mail to he carried to theWenae will be on the SOth of this month.

Remember we save you Irom 16 to I'Dpercent, on teas. Kinsey A Co.

Another car of Studebaker wagons isnow iieing loaded at the factory for theYakima Hardware Co.

Hanna Yakotowit, an Indian girl 15years of age, died nn Monday and wasburied at Toppenish Tuesday.

Dr. Dulin welcomed bis wife and childfrom Prosser, al the depot Tuesday after-noon, where they have been visiting Mr.Dulin's parents.

Oscar (Jain, county attorney of WallaWalla, was in attendance on Urn superiorcourt Tuesday, in connection with tbe1. In..i-i..u bond case.

You run no risk when you buy a Stude-baker bnggv, as tbey are fully guaran-teed at M. Schorn's, Front street, oneblock south ol depot. li-tf

Mrs. Fechter, the wife of the mayor,is quite proficient in amateur photog-raphy. Snap ebota of County AttorneyRudkin and several other iriends of Mr.and Mra. Fechter have developed flnelvand are ipiite up to the average profes-sional work. The county attorney's pro-file as he is angling for trout, adorns thetreasurer's office, tbe property of CharlieDonovan.

I. W. Allen and family, who have been

For Sale or F'xchange—F'ive-acre fruitranch in Whittier, California, \2 milesfrom Los Angeles. Good buildings. Ad-dress, J. R. Wallace, North Yakima,Wash. 14 2t

The St. Paul it Tacoma lumber mill atTacoma came uear being destroyed bytire ou Sunday. Tiie partial loss waafully covered by inaurance.

The Woodmen of the World have anentertainment tonight at Masonic ball.An address will be delivered by (ieorgeWeber on "Woodcraft and ita objects."

W. B. Leslie and family arrived lastweek from Hoxie, Kansas, and willmake North Yakima their future home.Mrs. Leslie is a daughter of Mra. Blanker.Still we grow.

Eastman Kodaks are aa popular aaever. We have tbem in different sizes atdifferent pricea. If you contemplate buy-ing a camera get the best. Wallace-Co-burn Hardware Co.

Speaking of Governor Rogers' "Storyof an American Farm," the Seattle Timessays: "This hook ought to be read byevery adult in the State of Washington—and there are sufficient conditions andcharacters contained in tbe story to holdthe minds of children, even though theproblems discussed and the objectssought are intended for older people"

Sheriff and Mra. H. L. Tucker returned ;

on Tuesday's flyer from Spokane. TheSheriff conveyed Mrs. Mary Harris totbi asylum at Medical Lake—the thirdinsane person taken there during bis in- j

cumbency of the office.

.visiting Mrs. Hatch, of Zillah, the past

whiter, have moved to tbie city that theyounger members msy enjoy Yakima'sexcellent schools. Mr. Allen ie iromlowa, and says Washington winters are

quite a contrast to what be has heen ex-periencing iv that Btate. Still we grow.

"Bill,"eaid a hobo at the North Yak-ima railway water tank the other day,"thia is a great age of invention, but Iwonder why they don't invent s manthat, like the moon, is always s quarter,or a half or altogether full every month..I the year. It takes money to buy

> whiskey."

"Boots" Feamster, wbo left here onaccount of a little unpleasantness with11. L. Tucker, having taken several shotsat that gentleman when he, "Boots,"was under the influence of liipior, writesfrom Manila that he is upholding hiacountry's Hag among the "gorillas."

Wastkii— To make fifty more sets ofartili 'ial teeth at $!) 60 tier set. You can-not afford lo miss this chance. If youare needing dental work call on Dr.Stephen-ion, over Janeck's Drug Store,Nortli Yakima. 14-lit

11. V. Bean wears a pleasant smileonce more, his wife and daughter having

arrived last week from Kllensburg. Theyhave taken apartments in the Kershawblock. Still xc grow.

Keene, the jeweler, says be has sold] $210 worth of diamonds co far tbia. month. Diamonds are April birth-

j si.mes. *Charles R. Donovan is to he married

to Miss Anna Ditter at the Catholic. church next Wedneaday between 8 and '.I: a. tn.

Are yoifregistered for tbe school elec-tion? Ifnot, call immediately on CityClerk Doust in Briggs' music store.Male and female registers he tbem.

We sre headquarters thia year for ko-dak films, plates and photographic sup-plies. Our prices are right, too. Wal-lace-Coburn Hardware Co.

F'llenßluirgy weather baa prevailedduring the month of April to a greaterextent than ever before in tbe memory nfthe oldest inhabitant.

W. K. Bond and family, of Holland, ,Mich., are recent arrivals in Yakima, ]who will locate here permanently. Mr. iBond has been identified with education- Ial work in that state for a number ofyears and comes to Washington in thebapee of improving bis health. Still we igrow.

Fun Saik— A wide-tired wagon andhayrack, also double set work harness,cheap. Impiire at thia office.

Go aud Bee the old maids gro«v youngagain at Mason's opera bouse next

Wednesday evening.

Nicholas McCov, the pioneer cattle-man, has returned from Victoria, B. C.

Watch Keene's bargain window. Anyarticle tbia week for 60 centa.

Tiik Hi kai i> is only $1 per year.

I>___7__________\_^^j^f* Build up your System r

JP§^ Purify the Blood .... fr

\% Sim's Swirl 1The BEST Spring kj

W i*J tonic manufactured £)f|J|/ Clears the Complexion and t]SJkI fM removes that tired feeling, £j

vw'"'' wi.' ' Pnt op and ssid by tie tj

NO. YAKIMA DRUG STORE, IAlex. D. Sloan, Prop. rj

See Keene's .Mi-cent wiudow. Any ar-ticle lor Me.

John Reed, of Sunnyai.le, was in tliecity on Saturday last.

Mrs. A. Wilinarth of l'endleton and;Mre. F. Maguilty of Seattle are registered

at Hotel Yakima.Married, at Pendleton, Ore., Monday,

April 24, Roy Tnston ol I'roeser andMabel Fry ol North Yakima.

A. V. Fawcett of Tacoma has been Jap-pointed by tbe governor a member of the Istate fair commission vice Oscar Drum-heller, resigned.

Byron 1,. Aldrich, Jr., who came to Ilead bis orchestra at the Jefferson ban-quet, bas returned to Kllensburg and *North Yakima.-Tacoma Newa.

Col. I'at I>\u25a0 .ithu says there will be i

•J.OuO to li.OiH) newspapers, directly, and12,000,, represented at the Na-tional Editorial Association which meets 'in Portland, Oregon, in July next.

A runaway team, starting from Ditter.t Mechtel's grocery store, last Saturdaycreated some excitement on the avenue.Two ladies were in shopping, when their 1

horses took fright at a flapping awning.

Seveml stockmen published a card in i

ths Proeser Record calling for a springround up of range stock, Imt J. C. l,on-jegan, (irant Wright, William Kincaid, IMorgan Bros., C B. McAlpin and .1. 11.I.owry protest against starting beloreMay Bth,

Howard Wright's folks received a let-,ter from him last Friday, written atManila, in which he states that he etoodnear Ralph Van Buskirk when the latterreceived his death wound. He writesthat be bas bad glory enough and wants

to c„me home.

Drs. Sloan and Porter had a flying tripto Cle Klum last Saturday evening on aspecial engine sent up after them to takethem to Cle-Kluni to dress the wounds ofan insmie man who jumped through the.•nr window of passenger train No. I.—Roslyn Miner.

I. H. Dills informed a Hkkai.ii reporteron Monday last, when asked about theexclusive publication ot an alleged real jestate deal last week in which be was aprincipal, that the publication of theirs.l** was premature, as no money hadpassed or papers beeu made out in rela-t. .v thereto.

A recent Portland paper tontained anaccount of a projected railroad up tbeColumbiarivsr (romQobsltoKsnoewlck.It appears that two companies are con-tending for the right-of-way and whenthis is settled further steps will be taken jin the matter. If the road is pushed Ithrough it will connect with the Astoria |road st Gobel thus giving direct route to jthat place.—Pasco News-Recorder.

An enormous mail, delayed by easternstorniß, srrived Saturday morning audithe poet otlice force was overloaded with \u25a0

the white man's burden. The officials ;in the post otlice were non-committal asto Ihe exact amount of the mail received i

and variously estimated it from thirty-tive sacks to several car loads.

On Monday last a once prosperous, jpioneer Yakima farmer, owner of lv)'

a'-res ol line farming land which had beenforeclosed, applied to County Couimis-eioner Horsley for medicine for his familyat tbe county's expense. Bad luck basfollowed bim like grim late until be isalmost resdy lor the poor bouse.

S. J. Sherwood, of Dodge county, IMinneeota, who bss been visiting bis;

brother, C. A. Sherwood of this city, the!past two weeka, returned to hia home While here Mr. Sherwood pur-1chased tbe Beck place in Fruitvale and Iwitb bis family will return in October to |remain permanently. Still we grow.

Among tbe notable business changes!in tbia city is tbe sddition of tbe name ofCharlie Wenner to tbe tirm of Moore & IMoore. He has bought s bslf interest inthis popular stationery and noyelty etore.Mr. Wenner haa had a complete business Ieducation sod by his genial snd a. conmodating ways has made a host offriends. Hs wss formerly connected ,with Coffin brothers and later wss man- ;sger of the Hotel Yskims. Tbe style ofthe new firm will be Muore .v Wenner.

Double-hooked Flies **mi.pa_JWe have them. You willcatch every fish that strikes by using them.

= = FISHING TACKLEWe have the finest and largest assortment ever shown in North Yakima.

SSTTiiL. IMIOOIRE <Sc 'VwrJn__Z_<T__>T_E__nlZ9 stArs

C3GX*O©3G)OOSXiXIXD2X9O<^^eautiful Millinery jtter and Prettier Effects than ever. \

A» usual, we are abreast of the times in the my .if uprlnir Millinery,sml flume Jwho vlsitot u« during our Earner opening kiin* that we sre putting nut haiul- j 'snmer hcaitger than ever l*ef.ire OarßSSStal pri.le la that we trim im two hats J |alike. If you want the VKUV I.ATKsr you willnot overlook aa t

Mr. and Madam Conolly. 1at Stroot. |[EtX;X*iXDO3GOGXIXIX^^

M. Schorn sells standard vehiclesonly. lu-tf

.lay Sedgwick was in town Tuesday onN. P. railway business.

Another interesting Manila letter, fromG. S. Palmer, was crowded nut, but willappear next week.

li 11. Shaw of Spokane, N. P. claimagent, is in the city adjusting claimsagainst the company lor damages.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Mil.ld, at Zillab,on AprilM, a son. Mr. Mudd was serv-ing on the jury and was apprised of thegood news hy letter.

There will be an "old maids' conven-tion" at Mason's opera bouse on Wednes-day, May 8, lor the benefit of the Presby-terian church. It promises to be veryamusing.

Ttie kindergarten concert to-morrow. Friday) evening will be a delightful en-tertainment. Apart from the worthy ob-ject of tbe concert, to benefit the kinder-garten, it will be a pleasurable one to allwho are lucky enough to attend. Ad-mission 2'ir ; children 16c.

I.OST. —Sunday afternoon on corner2nd and Yakima Aye, Silk 'Kerchiefwith monogram It I, A in one cornerPlease return to B. L. Aldrich or W. 1..Conolly.

John Gray, of the Natchez., was mar-ried on Monday, April L'4th, to MissElisabeth Biviiiglon, of Berkshire,Kuglan.l. Plie wedding took place atSt. Michael's rectory, Key. 11. M. Bart-Isti officiating. Mr. Grays many friendsin this vicinity wish himself and bridemn h happiness.

That the hens of the valley are en-deavoring to maintain Yakima's fain . in

hen fruit itevidenced by ttie fact tbst 0.R. Harris sold to hum tirin, last month,$531 worth of eggs. The hens are notpatrio'ic or public-spirited eniiigh, boar*ever, to label tbeir lavs "Yakima pro-ducts.''

Ttie Wonder is the only place in town

where you can get tbe celebrated Bielieldmake in Suits, Jackets ami Capce, andat the same prices asked in Chicago andother eastern cities. These garments areOOrrsct iv every respect. 11l

We are now carrying a very handsomeline of I.a lies' and Gentlemen's Shoes inal! the late-it tops and shapes and willgive free, two pairs of tine hose withevery pair of shoes, ranging in price from12.60 to $.i.(l!l per pair. Coins Bnos. ,

Geo. 11. !•'. iton, of the N. P. land de-partment, Tacoma, wae in North Yaki-ma purchasing supplies for bis lliM-acreSunnyside ranch

Lace Ctrl-is mi DraperiesAs spring house renovating progresses we aro invariably re-minded of the fact that our curtains and draperies are millooking as new uud bright us they did v vein* ago, uml we findit will be necessary to replace tbem with new ones..

An Important Question Answered.The Important question thatnow presents itselfIs: Where

can I tind tlie best assortment of new styles al the most lea**,

onable prices'" The majority of tbe older residents of thii.county would unhesitatingly reply At Ditta. Urn*, nf cuurm.

To those to whom we have not yet hud uu opportunity toshow our stock we extend an invitation to visit our store andBee what we have to offer. We think we eim interest you ...

Information on Timely Topics.!f yoii'ie thinking oi !.,ue Curtains or I"orders, Oor stock

..Hers YOU lu.uiy advantages over uny other in the city, as it i-the largest and baa lately been replenished with a great, manynew styles uml deiigDl, and at very tempting prues

We offer a very good qu dity Lace Curtain, pretty patterns.'!'._, yards long, per I OOAn extra tine quality .1 inches wide. :i'. varils long *fl _~*

and I SO par pair, Better qualities with overlook stltcobinding, very choice patterns. White or SOTU, 80 iiches wide.-.',', yard* long, nt $li OO to *«t OO a pair

Some More Good News for Ladies.Portieres iv tuptstry or Chenille from 'J-_ ."»(\u25ba to $8 00|a

pair. We have als i received a large assortment of ">i |iucbSStitl tinished Kauey Brocatelle. suitable for Bofa or loungecovering. I'rice-i are from SAc to $1 a yard. Fancy ArtDenims in many new patterns and colors at 1. ..- to .{.">: a yd.

Silkaliues. Japanese Crepe and Tinsel Draperiei in a grealvariety from tOo to _Ti I per yard. All kinds of DottedSwisses, Madras. Fishnets and I'otnt d' Elpill for Curtains andSash Curtains a' from 1 - to ."SOo a yard.