
1 CLS ‘Election Primer’ Voting is the most basic form of citizen engagement. Make sure you are an informed voter in this municipal election – find out about your candidates, and make sure to vote. Voting day is Monday, October 25, 10 am – 8 pm. Find your ward, and where to vote, here: &parID=0 The election is an opportunity to let the candidates know what your priorities are, and to ask them about their ideas, plans, and experience. Find the list of candidates here: e/dsp_candidate_showall&title=Liste%20de%20candidats&lang=en Click on their name for their contact information, and website for those that have one. Some candidates can also be found on Facebook. Candidates’ responses to four surveys are available on-line. These are: 1. The Good Green Questions for Candidates survey: 2. The Sudbury Cyclists Union survey: 3. The Downtown Village Development Corporation interviews and survey: DowntownSudbury.asp 4. The Chamber of Commerce survey: Note that not all candidates responded to these surveys. The CLS invited all candidates for Council to take a Sustainable Community Pledge. Two mayoral candidates and twenty councillor candidates took the pledge. They are: John Rodriguez, Derek Young Peter Albers, Jacques Barbeau, Claude Berthiaume, Rickey Goudreau, Richard Paquette, Ron Dupuis, Christine Guillot-Proulx, Gordon Drysdale, Fabio Belli, Harry Will, Doug Craig, Jim Sartor, Frances Caldarelli, Fern Cormier, Steve Ripley, Tom Fenske, Terry Kett, Mike Petryna, Joscelyne Landry-Altmann, and Jeff MacIntyre. Dave Kilgour declined taking the pledge, but wrote, “I will pledge to work towards the development of the City of Greater Sudbury into a community that respects and protects the environment, while providing for an active and healthy lifestyle, in a city moving

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Information to make an informed choice about the municipal election in Sudbury



CLS ‘Election Primer’ Voting is the most basic form of citizen engagement. Make sure you are an informed voter in this municipal election – find out about your candidates, and make sure to vote. Voting day is Monday, October 25, 10 am – 8 pm. Find your ward, and where to vote, here: The election is an opportunity to let the candidates know what your priorities are, and to ask them about their ideas, plans, and experience. Find the list of candidates here: Click on their name for their contact information, and website for those that have one. Some candidates can also be found on Facebook. Candidates’ responses to four surveys are available on-line. These are: 1. The Good Green Questions for Candidates survey: 2. The Sudbury Cyclists Union survey: 3. The Downtown Village Development Corporation interviews and survey: 4. The Chamber of Commerce survey: Note that not all candidates responded to these surveys. The CLS invited all candidates for Council to take a Sustainable Community Pledge. Two mayoral candidates and twenty councillor candidates took the pledge. They are: John Rodriguez, Derek Young Peter Albers, Jacques Barbeau, Claude Berthiaume, Rickey Goudreau, Richard Paquette, Ron Dupuis, Christine Guillot-Proulx, Gordon Drysdale, Fabio Belli, Harry Will, Doug Craig, Jim Sartor, Frances Caldarelli, Fern Cormier, Steve Ripley, Tom Fenske, Terry Kett, Mike Petryna, Joscelyne Landry-Altmann, and Jeff MacIntyre. Dave Kilgour declined taking the pledge, but wrote, “I will pledge to work towards the development of the City of Greater Sudbury into a community that respects and protects the environment, while providing for an active and healthy lifestyle, in a city moving


towards being recognized as a world class city which embraces change and enhances the economic and social life of all of its citizens.” Dennis Gorman could not be contacted. The remainder of the candidates did not reply. You will be voting for your choice of candidate for Mayor, Councillor in your ward, and School Board Trustee for your area (divided by public, separate, French, English boards). Below, brief, unbiased information is presented for each candidate, as available. This information is taken from: (1) their platforms, where available; (2) their replies to the surveys above; (3) their public statements at the all candidates’ meeting; and for mayoral candidates (4) their replies during the Good Green Town Hall for mayoral candidates. Please note that this information is a very brief summary only. Please read the candidates’ platforms and survey replies for a complete view of their position. Also note that a candidate’s record in the community, or as an incumbent are also very important in knowing what type of representative they will be. Talk to your candidates about what past accomplishments they are proud of, how they voted on issues of importance to you, and how they have worked with community groups. Below, there is an index to help you find the information for the candidates of interest to you. Further information can be found at:,, candidate videos for some candidates: Don’t forget to get to know the candidates for trustee. School board trustees make important decisions that affect the wider community, such as school closures. Their contact information can be found at the election website along with the other candidates. There is also information here: ________________________________________________________________________ Index: Mayoral candidates: Ted Callaghan – pg.3 Zack Gauthier, Dennis Gorman – pg.4 Marianne Matichuk – pg.5 Ed Pokonzie, David Popescu – pg. 6 John Rodriguez – pg. 7 Derek Young – pg. 8 Councillor candidates: Wards 1,2,3 – pg.9 Wards 4,5 – pg.10 Wards 6,7 – pg.11 Wards 8 – pg.12


Wards 9,10 – pg.14 Ward 11 – pg.15 Ward 12 – pg.16 ______________________________________________________________________________________


Mayoral Candidates ________________________________________________________________________ Ted Callaghan Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed the Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Completed the ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: keep Greater Sudbury an affordable place to live; curtail unnecessary spending and keep taxes down, which will require making tough decisions in tough economic times; focus on core municipal services; improve communications between Council, staff, and taxpayers; enhance and nurture local businesses; and create a ‘Real Seniors Action Plan’. See the ‘news’ page of the website for more details. Key environmental priorities: water quality, lake water quality, and waste management. What does he have to say about: - Active transportation: Sustainable Mobility is recognized as a priority in his platform. He is supportive of a staff person to oversee and implement the Sustainable Mobility Plan. Recognizes personal vehicles and transit as people’s main forms of transportation. - Transit: has been on the transit committee since its creation and would like to continue working on transit. - Lake water quality: Identified as his top environmental priority. Committed to giving lake stewardship committees the resources they need to be effective. - Local food and agriculture: encourage increased investment in local food, and continue to support initiatives such as the Farmer’s Market. - Climate change: Council will need to be sensitive to the changing struggles faced by residents. - Green energy and green jobs: Supporting local businesses in being green is the best way to go. Council should be open to new opportunities for energy savings and renewable energy production, and staff should remain open to new ideas from private landowners. - Civic Engagement: improved communication between Council, staff, and voters is part of his platform. Proposes a grant development office to assist in securing grants for community projects. - Social sustainability: affordable housing is part of his platform. - A vibrant downtown: supportive. - Smart Growth: supports EarthCare’s Local Action Plan statements on urban planning, supportive of Smart Growth principles (mixed use, infilling, etc). ________________________________________________________________________


Zack Gauthier Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Ideas presented in Sudbury Star article: relax business hours by-law; extend transit hours; improve roads. What does he have to say about: Active transportation: Ranks pedestrians and transit as the highest priority. Would like to see designated bike paths along all major roads, and signage on roads. ________________________________________________________________________ Dennis Gorman ? No information available. ________________________________________________________________________


Marianne Matichuk Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete the Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey, but recentlysent in some thoughts. Completed the ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: make the city a safe and healthy place to work, live and play; improve the economy by attracting new business; make people proud of where they live; lead a movement by the people for the people. Get rid of red tape, line by line review of city spending. Boxing day shopping and de-regulation of store hours; pay freeze for council. Note: there are very few details available on her platform. Key environmental priorities: pay for green initiatives through energy efficiency savings; business incentives for green businesses; public transit; cycling infrastructure. N.B. She was unable to attend the Good Green Town Hall, and chose not to answer the written survey of Good Green Questions. Therefore we are relying on her ‘green’ press release (link above) for her environmental priorities. What does she have to say about: - Active transportation: increasing cycling options is long overdue and will lead to a healthier, happier city. However, we cannot afford these things at this time – we need to focus on attracting businesses first do that we can generate the revenue to accomplish these goals. - Transit: Need investment in transit. Would make a mayor’s advisory panel on transit to make the business case. - Green energy and green jobs: incentives for businesses for green building and local food.


Ed Pokonzie Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed the ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: bring neighbourhoods and communities together, improve transit, parks and recreation, local agriculture. Key environmental priorities: Promote and enhance the use of public transit. What does he have to say about: - Active transportation: Supports reliable funding for pedestrian crosswalks and accessibility for pedestrians, and city wide bicycle routes. - Transit: Supports reliable funding for expanding transit. - Natural environment and green spaces: Establish a municipal parks system throughout Greater Sudbury, including natural reserves and recreational areas. - Local food and agriculture: Set aside rural and urban areas for agriculture. Expand Market Square and establish satellite farmer’s markets throughout CGS. - Climate change: Not likely to be an immediate problem for CGS, but could cause a big rise in living expenses for residents. Energy independence is a goal. - Green energy and green jobs: Search for available funding for local green economy. Reward local businesses for green initiatives. Make city independent of grid. - Civic Engagement: Inclusion the basis of his ideals. ________________________________________________________________________ David Popescu Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: To encourage citizens to recognize Christ the creator. Key environmental priorities: To warn Christ rejector’s of god’s environmental curses. What does he have to say about: - Transit: use smaller buses or vans on less well-used routes; or even ‘call for service’ vans. ______________________________________________________________________________________


John Rodriguez Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed the ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: accountability and transparency; economic development and jobs; financial responsibility; community of communities; infrastructure investment; quality of life; seniors, youth and families. Green spaces, cycling infrastructure and sustainable mobility, and strengthening CAN’s are mentioned in the platform. For details, see Key environmental priorities: lake water quality; reducing the city’s carbon footprint. What does he have to say about: - Active transportation: Sustainable mobility and cycling infrastructure is part of his platform. Supports having an Advisory Committee on Sustainable Mobility. Consider all modes of transportation holistically. Supports share the road signage and paved shoulders as short term solutions for cycling infrastructure. Fund these initiatives through a 5% increase in Capital levy, and closely monitor spending on cycling and pedestrian infrastructure. - Transit: Would like to increase transit ridership – schedule and service improvements and education will help. Transit already an effective and cost competitive alternative to a car. - Natural environment and green spaces: continuing the work of the Green Space Advisory Panel is listed as part of his platform. - Lake water quality: Identified as a top environmental priority. Committed to giving lake stewardship committees the resources they need to be effective. - Local food and agriculture: Enjoys promoting local food. Proud of topsoil by-law. Will continue to support local food production on farms and community gardens. - Climate change: listed as a key environmental priority. - Green energy and green jobs: Continue to attempt to pursue opportunities for wind and solar power generation and related green jobs; continue to support green job projects through the GSDC. Interest in seeing small scale solar on city buildings. Will advocate for energy savings in city buildings/facilities. - Civic Engagement: Strengthen CAN’s. Explore opportunities to connect with the community (e.g. new technologies; easier access to Council meetings and decisions). - Social sustainability: supportive of Poverty Reduction Strategy, further work on affordable housing, and supported housing for seniors - A vibrant downtown: very supportive of a vibrant downtown where people ‘work, live and play’; commits to moving the actions from the Downtonw Master Plan forward; wants to see the school of architecture and the art gallery downtown. - Smart Growth: Smart Growth is mentioned as a key way to reduce the city’s carbon emissions, and is identified as an important goal of EarthCare’s Local Action Plan. ________________________________________________________________________


Derek Young Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Completed the ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: greater civic engagement, including empowering CANs and other volunteer groups, creating a department of civic engagement and a mayor’s youth cabinet, and improving communications; support downtown, green jobs, and local businesses; support arts, heritage and culture, including establishing a new department for these areas; invest in parks, recreation facilities, green spaces, trails, and cycling routes; a vision for a healthy, safe community; make Tom Davies more people friendly. For more details, see: Key environmental priorities: protecting green spaces and parks; pedestrian and cycling infrastructure; increase recycling; lake water quality; removing rail tracks from downtown What does he have to say about: - Active transportation: Build pedestrian friendly sidewalks and ensure timely maintenance. Include bike lanes/trails in new construction where possible. - Transit: Make transit more user friendly and ensure timely service. Improve transit terminal. Will advocate for express buses to outlying communities. Include all post-secondary institutions in U-pass program. - Lake water quality: Respect the work and recommendations of the Lake Stewardship Committees. - Local food and agriculture: Encourage local businesses to purchase local food. Follow the model of the College Boreale cafeteria. Support local farmers and food producers so they can be successful. - Climate change: A huge issue. Must be proactive in building/rebuilding infrastructure. - Green energy and green jobs: Partner with Sudbury’s colleges and universities, and organizations such as NORCAT. Restructure GSDC to support green economy. Incentive/tax relief for businesses doing retrofits, etc. - Civic Engagement: Civic engagement is the first pillar of his platform. Establish a civic engagement department, and a mayor’s youth cabinet. Empower and expand CAN’s. Improve communication. Time to move from vision to action. - Social sustainability: Poverty reduction strategy is mentioned as a priority. Must ensure we have affordable housing. - A vibrant downtown: the downtown is the heart of the city; committed to putting vision into action (downtown master plan) - Smart Growth: Try and curb urban sprawl. Remove barriers (such as parking requirements) for residential development downtown.


Ward 1 Joe Cimino (incumbent) Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. He is the acclaimed candidate for ward 1. ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 2 Peter Albers Completed part of ‘green questions’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: stable taxes, dealing with biosolids, smooth roads, meet the needs of the business community, lake water quality, healthy living Key environmental priority: lake water quality and addressing blue-green algae. Other environmental priorities: Sustainable Mobility. Jacques Barbeau (incumbent) Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 3 Claude Berthiaume (incumbent) Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Key environmental priority: Climate change – reduce carbon footprint and become a more sustainable community. Other environmental priorities: Encourage community partners of EarthCare Sudbury to take local action. Green energy for city facilities/buildings. Keeping sustainability and environmental impact top of mind during Council decisions. Andrew Fahey!/pages/Andrew-Fahey-for-Ward-3/160070387342545 Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey.


Platform: equal service to outlying communities, strengthen CANs, transparency and communication Rickey Goudreau Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 4 Evelyn Dutrisac (incumbent) Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform comments (Oct.19 town hall): working together with the community to make things happen – beautification, improve quality of life Active transportation: It is important to support modes of transportation that pollute less and contribute to a healthy lifestyle (like walking and biking). More cycling lanes are needed. Supports sharrows as short term solution for cycling infrastructure. Richard Paquette Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: Community Improvement Projects; promoting economic development; building a sustainable community (many details included); fostering good government Key environmental priority: Sustainable mobility initiatives. Other environmental priorities: Support the implementation of EarthCare’s Local Action Plan. Railway diversion as a way to revolutionize the transit system. Protect Whitewater Lake. Properly enforce topsoil by-law. Brownfield development. Active transportation: ranks walking and cycling as highest priority. Sees education, signage and sharrows as short term solutions to cycling infrastructure. ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 5 Ron Dupuis (incumbent) Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey.


He is the acclaimed candidate for ward 5. ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 6 Pete Chenier Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Christine Guillet-Proulx!/group.php?gid=143112442400678 Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union Survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: amenities in the valley; trails and recreational facilities; local farmer’s market in ward 6; public transportation; environment Key environmental priorities: biking infrastructure, public transportation, conserving natural spaces, business recycling, home energy conservation. Other environmental priorities: Local farmer’s market for ward 6. Invest in local food. André Rivest (incumbent) Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform comments (Oct.19 town hall): roads; Barry Downe extension; affordable housing and granny flats ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 7 Dave Della Vedova Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Gordon Drysdale Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform comments (Oct.19 town hall): follow Official Plan; solve traffic bottlenecks; support businesses and remove barriers; detail oriented Key environmental priorities: Reduce the burning of fossil fuel.


Other environmental priorities: Local farming and food production. Underground heat reclamation. Protecting lakes. Affordable housing near work areas so people can live near where they work. Doug Kilgour Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform comments (Oct.19 town hall): need action, not more talk; have to work together as strong communities Key environmental priorities: Conservation of energy and resources. Other environmental priorities: Lakes. Local food and agriculture. ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 8 Fabio Belli Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: being a strong voice at city hall; prioritizing road maintenance and road work; spending tax dollars wisely; attract businesses and jobs; build a sense of community; create ward 8 CAN Leo Bisson Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: proper use of tax dollars; deregulate shopping hours; sports facilities; bike paths; transit Key environmental priorities: Make it easy for homeowners to go green. Other environmental priorities: Aim for carbon neutral city buildings by 2020. Climate change and rising energy costs. Louis Delongchamp Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey.


Platform: soccer fields in arenas in neighbourhoods; a bypass in the north end; multi-event pavilion; moving merchandise by rail rather than by truck; replace water towers with a sign Ron LaPlante Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Key environmental prorities: lake water quality; Sustainable Mobility Plan; exert pressure on Vale to meet 2014 air quality standards. Other environmental priorities: Local food and agriculture. Alex Martinez Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: deal with population decline in the community Ian McCracken Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform comments (Oct.19 town hall): 2 year freeze on water and sewage rates; revenue neutral tax deferral program so seniors can stay in their home; free transit between 10 and 2; 40 km/hr speed limit on all residential streets Al Sizer Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: integrity/accountability/hard work; keep taxes to a minimum; increase senior’s tax credit; investigate user fees; roads and Maley Drive; recreational facilities; ward 8 CAN if there is enough interest Lorenzo Tripodi Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: improve quality of life; greater accountability for taxes; improve infrastructure; improve recreational facilities; support new and existing businesses Harry Will


Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 9 Doug Craig Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. In response to the SCU survey, Doug Craig wrote “My voting record is out there for the Public. I support Active living. I support Public Health..I support Green Spaces...Trail Development...and of course I would support Cycling in our City...Public Safety would always be a concern.” Jim Sartor Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: delivery of essential services to all areas of CGS in a transparent and effective manner Environmental Priorities: Run-off from tailings. Flooding of Junction Creek. Protection of drinking water. Clarification and further study of soil contamination. Waste management. Other environmental priorities: Green energy. Encourage purchasing local food. Paul Stopciati Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: attract new businesses and industry; support elderly; recreational facilities and opportunities for your; road upgrades; improve health care; ward meetings ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 10 Frances Caldarelli Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey.


Platform: continued upgrading of roads; fiscal responsibility to keep taxes down; installation of sewer and water on the south shore of Ramsey Lake; environmental protection of all our lakes; make Sudbury business friendly Environmental priorities: Protection of our lakes. Other environmental priorities: Improve transit and increase ridership. Waste management. Protecting agricultural land. Active transportation: All modes of transportation are important. Active transportation is important because it is healthy and good for the environment. We need more cycling lanes, and education for safety. Supports adding cycling lanes during road construction/repair. Fern Cormier Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey Platform: real value for tax dollars and stop wasteful spending; clean up Ramsey and Nepahwin Lakes; bike paths/walkability/transit/recreational facilities for ward 10; maintenance of public spaces; planning process that respects the environment and allows timely collaboration between citizens and developers; advancement of greenspace plan; environmentally sound policies and by-laws; reduce red tape; vibrant/clean/inviting downtown Environmental priorities: The health of Ramsey Lake. Other environmental priorities: Sustainable land use planning. Sustainable mobility – walkability and cycling infrastructure. Protection of agricultural lands. Active transportation: active transportation – walking, biking, and transit, are all interconnected and important. Supports including cycling lanes in all future roadwork projects. Steve Ripley Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Mark Signoretti Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 11


Tom Fenske Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform comments (Oct.21 town hall): ward 11 has not been respected; need to improve recreational facilities and basic infrastructure; address flooding; need to see return on investment for taxes and service charges; when making a decision, will consider “am I improving people’s health, am I improving people’s quality of life?” Terry Kett Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: infrastructure repair (roads. Sidewalks, sewer); recreation (Moonlight beach/dog park on 2nd/ complete Junction Creek Waterway Park); graffiti bylaw; traffic calming Key environmental priority: Clean up and expansion of Moonlight beach area. Other environmental priorities: Conservation of energy by the city. Municipal grants for green projects. Growing local food. Gerry Paquette Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Mike Petryna Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Joe Vairo Did not complete ‘green question’ survey. Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey. Platform comments (Oct.21 town hall): bring new ideas to move forward and make a better future for our children; make people want to live here; deal with taxes, flooding, and recreational needs ________________________________________________________________________ Ward 12 Joscelyne Landry-Altmann Complete ‘green question’ survey (Oct. 20). Did not complete Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Did not complete ‘downtown’ survey.


Key environmental priorities: conservation and alternative energy; maintaining green spaces; re-examining large road projects in light of changing circumstances and demographics Other environmental priorities: supportive green energy co-ops; sustainable transportation; green building; walkability; transit Jeff MacIntyre Completed ‘green questions’ survey. Completed Sudbury Cyclists Union survey. Completed ‘downtown’ survey. Platform: communication and engaging citizens in the process; recreational facilities; residential growth and rebuilding in the Flour Mill; strong/vibrant downtown; compete for growth/businesses; modern urban planning strategies Key environmental priorities: Sustainable mobility. Brownfield redevelopment. Other environmental priorities: Recycling and composting in the downtown. ‘Green’ certification for local businesses. Improve transit. Focus growth where there is existing infrastructure. Active transportation: All modes of transportation are important and must have safe, adequate infrastructure. Education of motorists and cyclists is also important.