clues to earth’s past

Clues to Earth’s Past

Upload: shamara-amena

Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Clues to Earth’s Past. Fossils. Remains, imprints, or traces of prehistoric organism. Permineralized remains. Fossils where the spaces inside are filled with minerals. Carbon Film. A flim of carbon can form around an organism creating a silhouette. Mold-Cast. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Clues to Earth’s Past

Clues to Earth’s Past

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Remains, imprints, or traces of prehistoric organism.


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Fossils where the spaces inside are filled with minerals

Permineralized remains

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A flim of carbon can form around an organism creating a silhouette

Carbon Film

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Mold- imprint left after hard parts of organism decay

Cast- a copy of organism made from the mold


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Fossils that are evidence of organisms activity (not organism itself)

Such as:Tracks/footprintsBurrowsTrails

Trace Fossils

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Abundant, widespread organisms that existed for a SHORT period of time.

Index Fossils

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In undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest rocks are found at the bottom, with the rocks becoming younger towards the top.

Principle of Superposition

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Relative age is how old a rock or fossil is in COMPARISON to the ages of other things.

Relative Age

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when an igneous intrusion cuts across a formation of rock, it can be determined that the igneous intrusion is younger than the rock it’s cutting through.

Igneous Intrusion

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Unconformities are when layers of rock are missing

Unconformities develop when running water or glaciers remove rock layers


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When rock layers are tilted and younger sediment layers are deposited horizontally on top of the eroded and tilted layers


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When a layer of horizontal rock is exposed and eroded before younger rocks form over it


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When sedimentary rock forms over eroded metamorphic or igneous rock


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The same rock layers can be found in different locations; FOSSILS must be used to prove that the layers match up

When the layers are too disturbed:

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Calculating the absolute age of a rock by measuring the amounts of materials in a rock and knowing the material’s half life.

Absolute Dating

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Half-Life: Time it takes for half of the atoms

in an isotope to decay

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Breaking down of an atom into a proton and an electron.

Radioactive Decay

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Uses the properties of atoms in rocks and other object to determine their ages.

Radiometric Dating

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Principle that Earth’s processes occurring today are similar to those that occurred in the past.
