cma heartbeat august 2013


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CMA is a non-profit, interdenominational organization, dedicated to reaching people for Christ in the highways and byways through motorcycling. Since its beginning in the mid 70's, CMA has had over 150,500 applicants for membership and over 1,000 chapters chartered in the United States. Also, through the CMA International Ministry, CMA is represented in other countries throughout the world.


Letters to the Editor

This last weekend, I took a brief

camping trip to Wind Creek State Park

in Alabama. My husband planned to

join me later that day after he finished

work, so I chose to go set up camp

mid‐morning. He had bought me a

new tent for law school graduation

and our anniversary and we were

excited to use it.

When I left Montgomery, the

weather was great. Unfortunately, by

the time I got to the campground, the

weather had unexpectedly taken a

turn for the worse. After I checked in

and was assigned a campsite, the gate

attendants told me I had to set up

camp immediately or forfeit my spot.

They wouldn't even let me sit in my

car for an hour until the worst of the

weather warnings expired.

Consequently, I had to set up this

new six‐person tent‐‐by myself‐‐in the

pouring rain. After over an hour of

futility, I sat down on the bumper of

my car next to what still barely even

resembled a tent. I just hung my head

in defeat. My clothes were soaked. My

spirit was crushed. My tent had over

an inch of water in the bottom.

A few minutes later, a kind lady

named Stephanie walked past my

campsite on her way to the bathhouse.

From under the edge of her umbrella,

she told me she was camping with

other CMA members and would be

right back with some help. Despite my

statement that I was okay and would

eventually figure it out, she took one

look at my twisted pile of tent poles

and mangled fabric and knew I was in

need. True to her word, less than five

minutes later, she showed up with

three strong men in full rain gear who

helped me stand up my tent and get

the rain fly attached. Hallelujah! She

also brought me a big bowl of steam‐

ing hot camp stew and even offered

me a change of dry


Other campers

had walked past me

that morning and

seen me struggling,

yet no one had

offered to help. I was

too proud to reach

out and ask for help.

That morning, your Alabama CMA

members truly embodied the

Christian spirit. They not only minis‐

tered through their good deeds, but

they also welcomed my husband and I

into their open‐air church service on

Sunday morning. Brother Randy gave

a heartfelt sermon from the book of

Isaiah that we all enjoyed.

I don't know all of their names or

how to contact them,

but could you please

help me reach out

and publicly thank

the members of the

Birmingham and Pell

City CMA chapters

(and possibly oth‐

ers) that assisted


I have attached a photo that I took

with my phone and texted to my hus‐

band shortly before help arrived. It's

as pitiful as it is hilarious.


Ashley Norgard

Montgomery, Alabama

Misty Bradley

Just a thought...A Note from the Editor

God is still in the healing

business! Norman and

Barbara Tyler, pictured

below, served as CMA Goodie Reps

from 2008 to 2012. Barb was in a

wheelchair for seven years. God

healed her and now she is walking!

She walked into the Goodie Store at

the Eastern National Rally in


“The crowd was amazed! Those

who hadn’t been able to speak

were talking, the crippled were

made well, the lame were walking,

and the blind could see again! And

they praised the God of Israel” (Matthew 15:31, NLT). CMA

Norm and Barb are members of Won byOne, chapter #877, out of Frederick,Maryland.















t 201


“Ye shall know them bytheir fruits. Do men

gather grapes of thorns, orfigs of thistles? Even soevery good tree bringethforth good fruit; but a cor‐rupt tree bringeth forth evilfruit. A good tree cannotbring forth evil fruit, nei‐ther can a corrupt treebring forth good fruit. Everytree that bringeth not forthgood fruit is hewn down,and cast into the fire.Wherefore by their fruits yeshall know them” (Matthew7:16‐20, KJV).

The Bible tells us that we shall be

known by our fruit and all over the

world CMA members are giving of

their time and money to produce good

fruit. Recently, I had the opportunity to

make a trip from the CMA

International Support Center to

Southern California and, once again, I

was reminded of what CMA is: a group

of people working on changing theworld, one heart at a time, producing

good fruit for Christ.

Kerry and I had been invited to par‐

ticipate in a CMA Run for the Son biker

weekend in Olustee, Oklahoma the

weekend before the California South

State Rally in Vista, California. We

headed to Oklahoma with the knowl‐

edge that the church’s pastor, Max

Gunn, is a CMA member and that you

better fill up with gas before you get

there because there aren’t any gas sta‐

tions in Olustee. What we experienced

in Olustee wasn’t at all what you would

expect in a town with no gas stations!

(If you don’t have plans next year for

the Run for the Son weekend, perhaps

you should consider a trip to Olustee.)

Pastor Max, his wife Jeanne, and the

local CMA members hosted over one

hundred CMA members from

Oklahoma, Texas, and a few other

states for the entire weekend.

From the

first service on

Friday night to

the closing

service on

Sunday morn‐

ing the Holy

Spirit was in

the place.

Friday night

the pews emp‐

tied out as

almost every person in the building

came to the front as their way of saying

“Here I am God, send me.” Saturday

night, we held a baptism for one per‐

son that turned into sixteen people

coming forward to recommit their

lives to Christ. That night Max and sev‐

eral others stayed in the church pray‐

ing with people until 1am Sunday. And,

the Sunday morning service was just

as powerful as, once again, the Holy

Spirit filled the building. All told at

least eighteen people received Christ

as their Lord and Savior during the

three services.

Next we headed to Colorado for a

quick visit with a CMA couple and then

on to California. That sounds a lot sim‐

pler than it was. Somehow, when

Kerry and I travel together, it’s never

as simple as it sounds. Traveling

through Colorado, we experienced all

four seasons: cold, hot, snow, and rain,

all in one day!

This was my first visit to the

California South State Rally in several

years and my first state rally where all

of the services were held in an outdoor

arena. But then again, we are talking

about sunny California where, like the

coffee cup said, 74 and sunny! The

rally was a tremendous success. Tom’s

(National Evangelist West Region)

message on passing the baton was

timely and right on target.

We intended to stay over for a few

days and attend the originating point

of the central

and southern

routes of the

Run to the

Wall, but

ended up leav‐

ing early,

though not

before we

were able to

see some of

the work that

goes into preparing for this event. The

local CMA guys and gals spend much of

the day before pre‐cooking, then they

get on‐site at 4:30am to erect the pop‐

ups and set up the grills and tables so

that they can serve the 600 or so Run

participants breakfast before the ride

gets underway at 8am. The key word

in all of that is serve, it’s what we do;

we serve so that we may earn the right

to speak.

No matter where I go, I find that all

over the world CMA members are giv‐

ing of their time and money to produce

good fruit. Thank you CMA members

for all that you do. It’s because of you

that we are changing the world, oneheart at a time. CMA

From the Director’s Heart

Trip Report on California South

John and Becky Ogden, John is the CMACEO/Chairman of the Board of Directors.

By JOHN Ogden Sr.

Evangelist Article







t 201


Is your religion like an all you can eat restaurant?

Before you answer that, let's give this some


As motorcyclists, most of us enjoy a stop at the All

You Can Eat Buffet. The choices are so varied and you

can take as much as you want of the things you like

best. There's no limit. You just have to serve yourself

and there's no waiting. Just grab a plate and take what

you want.

It's nice to be able to pick and choose the things you

like but it doesn't work out so well when you apply

that principle to your religion. Imagine there is such a

thing as Buffet Style Christianity. It is just like an All

You Can Eat restaurant except we go down the line of

what God has for us and we choose what parts of God's

plan we want.

Imagine you start at the beginning of the line and

there is a big heaping bowl of Blessings. "Ooooh", you

think, "Blessings! My favorite! I'll just take a great big

spoonful of Blessings and top it off with a ladle full of

Grace." With a smile on your face you move on to dis‐

cover a warm steaming bowl of Feel Good Sermons.

Yeah, take a big spoon full of that one. What's this? Oh,

Forgiveness. There's enough there for you but there

might only be a little bit left for the guy behind you

and you really don't feel inclined to share. So you take

it all and move on. Next up... Oh, Conviction. Now you

hesitate. Conviction leaves a bad taste in your mouth

and it always gives you heartburn so you pass on that

one. Oh yes, you know it's good for you but you try not

to think about it. Maybe next time.

You move on down the line and there's Giving.

Giving makes you feel good of course, but you know

yourself on this one. Giving feels good at first but

sometimes afterward, when you really think of what

you gave or pledged, you might regret it. It fills you up

in the moment but you worry you might be hungry

later. Maybe it's better to just pass on Giving this time.

You need something that will really stick to your ribs,

like Praise and Worship! Yeah! That's what I'm talkin'

about! Now that's the good stuff. You just can't have

too much Praise and Worship! Take two helpings of

that one.

Before you know it, your plate is full and you

haven't even gone half way down the line. You've

passed on the things that were nutritionally good for

you because they were not as appealing as the sweet

stuff and looking at your plate, you realize everything

is pretty and sweet but it all tastes pretty bland.

There's no spice, no salt, no savor.

With Buffet Christianity, you get all the happy and

good things from God, the blessings, the promises, the

assurance of heaven; but you miss the deeper truths of

God's word when you avoid the uncomfortable and

less easily digested truths of God's Word.

Many behaviors God has declared as sin are being

presented to us now as acceptable and we might be

accused of being a narrow minded, judgmental people

if we do not accept and condone the world's definition

of marriage, sexuality, morality, and truth. It's just so

much easier to over look the hard things and stick to

the things in God's Word that are easy to talk about,

easy to believe.

With Buffet Style Christianity, you can bypass the

hard things that might require you to make a stand or

suffer for your faith and your convictions, but then

where's the spice? Where's the salt? Where's that rich

wonderful aroma of sacrifice?

If we would let God fill our plates for us, we could

trust Him to find room for everything He wants for us.

If we would trust Him to choose for us, we would find

our plates are more colorful, more flavorful, and more

exciting. We would have the bread of life to wash away

the bitter after‐taste of sin. We would have joy to sea‐

son the unpalatable realities of our lives and hope to

garnish the less attractive things that end up on our


All You Can Eat Buffet and serving ourselves

sounds good when we're hungry and impatient. But

in the long run,

surrendering to

the will of God

and being will‐

ing to receive

and accept the

whole truth and

all that God has

for us will leave

us spiritually

healthy, ful‐

filled, and satis‐

fied with our

lives. CMA

By TOM Palazzolo

Buffet Style Christianity

Tom and Kathie Palazzolo oversee the WestRegion as National Evangelist.

Mountain Circuit Riders, #667,Princeton, WVSusie and I invited some of our chap‐

ter members to ride to our grand‐

daughter’s day care in Salem, VA for

show and tell. The kids enjoyed look‐

ing at the bikes and having their pic‐

tures taken on them.

Submitted by: David & Susie Bishop

Chapter Happenings06⎪s






t 201


Knights of the Light, #506, Wilmington, NCKnights of the Light chapter members enjoyed the CMA

National East Rally that was held in Fryeburg, Maine

on June 18‐23. All members returned home safely.

Submitted by Alan Curtner

Children lining up to see the bikes.

Susie & David with their granddaughter.

Sonrise Riders, #390, Williamsport, PAThis is Road Captain, Bill Stankiewicz, before getting us

lost going about four miles up a 1 1/2 lane gravel road

BURIED in dust on

"Run for the Son"

day, at the Country


Lewisburg, PA.

Then he tells us to

turn around!?!?!

WOW!! ☺Submitted by Ron Kelly

Victory Riders, #1073, Jena, LAVictory Riders visited the Veteran's Nursing Home at the

VA Hospital in

Pineville, LA and

delivered Valentine

cards and candy.

After visiting with

the residents some

of them came out to

look at the bikes.

It's All About JESUS.

Submitted by David Smith

Evangelist Article









By HIRAM Villaseñor


The older we get, the more

aware we become of how we

need to take care of our

physical bodies. The things that we

could do without thinking about it

when we were younger, may take

some thought and comittment,

because they don’t come as easy

anymore. We realize that we need

to take care of our bodies so they

will continue to work the way God

created them to work. We have

come to realize that what we put

into our bodies has a major effect

on how it is able to work. There is

food, and there is junk food. There

is food that builds the bones and

muscles, and there is food that

clogs the arteries. There is food

that provides energy, and there is

food that adds fat. In other words,

there is good food and bad food.

Why do we spend good money on

bad food? It’s easier, faster, and

tickles our taste buds, but we don’t

stop to think of the consequences.

The same thing holds true as we

look at our spiritual “body.”

God posed a similar question to

the children of Israel about how

they were feeding their souls. Just

as we are now, they seemed to

have been more interested in tick‐

ling their taste buds than in eating

a healthy spiritual diet. In Isaiah,

God asks them, “Why waste your

money on something that is not

real food? Why should you work

for something that does not really

satisfy you? Listen closely to me

and you will eat what is good. You

will enjoy the food that satisfies

your soul” (Isaiah 55:2, ERV).

The only place we can find this

food that is good for the soul is in

God’s word! When God’s people

turn to it constantly, hungrily feed

on it, digest it, and allow it to gen‐

erate its life‐transforming energy

in their lives – it will prosper, and

so will they. Isaiah 55:10‐13 says,

“The rain and snow come down

from the heavens and stay on the

ground to water the earth. They

cause the grain to grow, producing

seed for the farmer and bread for

the hungry. It is the same with my

word. I send it out, and it always

produces fruit. It will accomplish

all I want it to, and it will prosper

everywhere I send it. You will live

in joy and peace. The mountains

and hills will burst into song, and

the trees of the field will clap their

hands! Where once there were

thorns, cypress trees will grow.

Where nettles grew, myrtles will

sprout up. These events will bring

great honor to the Lord's name;

they will be an everlasting sign of

his power and love” (NLT). When

we come to the Lord with a humble

and repentant heart, we can par‐

take of the rich food of His word.

The food is not cheap – it’s free!

Someone else paid for it. Access to

God and His promises has been

provided and paid for, and all the

benefits are available to those who

accept them – free of charge!

God’s incredible good menu

includes an everlasting covenant,

unfailing love and mercy (Isaiah

55:3), the promise of a fruitful life

(Isaiah 55:10‐12), and a “glorious”

existence (Isaiah 55:5). But the

only way to really get all the bene‐

fits of this outstanding menu is to

not eat any wrong thinking “junk

food.” “Let the wicked change their

ways and banish the very thought

of doing wrong. Let them turn to

the LORD that he may have mercy

on them. Yes, turn to our God, for

he will forgive generously” (Isaiah

55:7, NLT).

Just as important as the proper

food and exercise is to the physical

body, spiritual food and exercise is

essential for a healthy, energetic

spiritual life. When the arteries of

the soul are clogged through a bad

spiritual diet, cardiac arrest of the

spirit happens. Instead of beating

regularly and powerfully with love

for God, the heart becomes cold

and heavy, the flow of energy is

slowed or stops completely, and

spiritual activity stops. There’s a

better way, through a healthy diet

of divinely provided “food that is

good for the soul.” So think clearly,

and eat wisely. CMA

Hiram and Sharon Villaseñor oversee theRocky Mountain Region as National Evangelist.







t 201

3CMA Rally

Member Article







t 201


The call came late Saturday

night. “Uncle Gene passed away

this afternoon,” my younger

sister said. We both were in shock, as

Uncle Gene always seemed to be in

good health and good spirits! In fact,

he died while trimming the grass in

his manicured backyard; his body

found by a boy from the neighbor‐

hood. Talking with my dad the next

day, while sharing memories, we

cried together over the phone. “I don’t

think I can come to the funeral, Dad.

I’m so sorry,” although it seemed such

a feeble thing to say.

The next day, another phone call,

and my dad’s twin sister who had

passed away a few months earlier,

was going to be honored in the family

cemetery lot, the day after Uncle

Gene’s memorial service. Two‐for‐

one! Plus, it had been two years since

I had seen my Dad, and his health

wasn’t good. I was feeling an urgency,

like from God, to make the effort, and

take the time to be with my Dad and

all the cousins at this occasion.

Realizing the distance was a bit

daunting; I wondered if I could really

ride that far. Economically, the car

gets 30‐some mpg, and the bike 50‐

ish, so the decision from that perspec‐

tive made ‘cents’. Yes, I was a bit nerv‐

ous, but I knew the route, the cities

along the way, and that if this was

God’s will and timing, He would be

with me.

So, what does one do when there’s

no radio to listen to and there’s plenty

of time to ponder? There’s plenty of

time to PRAY! It is interesting that

when GOD created the human brain

with two distinct halves, that design

enables a person to have separate

thoughts; unity AND variety! Perhaps

you have experienced a similar phe‐

nomenon; being engrossed in deep

thinking while doing a hands‐on task.

I’m no brain expert, but have studied

it somewhat as an educator, and it is

fascinating! The human brain is capa‐

ble of doing so much more than we

imagine or enable ourselves. I believe

that God created the brain, and also

gave the Scripture to ‘PRAY WITH‐

OUT CEASING’ because He knew it

was possible!

What a joy it is to have lots of time

to pray! The old time hymn, ‘Sweet

Hour of Prayer’ is hardly sung these

days in churches, and most folks are

too rushed to pray and meditate any‐

way. Not so, on a long road trip,

whether by car or motorcycle. I

encourage you to turn the radio off,

and talk and listen to what God wants

to tell you. My motorcycle trip was

wonderful! A time of enjoying God’s

presence and seeing His marvelous

creation as I rode across the moun‐

tains and the plains!

Early on, one prayer request was

answered quickly. The forecast for

Missouri & Kansas was for hot sun;

being a Midwestern gal, I know what

hot is, and I really didn’t want to bake.

So I asked God for overcast skies, but

quickly modified that request to over‐

cast skies but NO RAIN. I felt a bit

guilty for being so picky! (LOL)

Specific prayer = specific answers!It was awesome, riding in a mile of

cloud shadow and then a mile of sun‐

shine! I thought of the Scripture about

God providing a cloud as His People

went from Egypt to the Promised

Land! And yes, God graciously

answered my needy prayer; best of

all, it was a testimony to my cousins of

God answering prayer; glorifying

Him. The miles flowed quickly and

smoothly as prayers ascended

upward. What a delight, praying for

many needs of family, of friends, for

CMA, our church, and beyond, literal‐

ly around the world!

The highest gift we can give one

another is to pray for each other, lift‐

ing up needs beyond ourselves. Your

circle of influence that is possible

through prayer can literally encircle

the world! Pray for people that you

don’t know who are being ministered

to through CMA’s Run for the Son

partners. GOD is in the business of

changing lives through the The Jesus

Film Project®, Missionary Ventures

International, and Open Doors! So as

you work on your daily tasks, rather

than allowing your brain to wander

around mindlessly, take your

thoughts captive (2 Corinthians

10:5b), and pray without ceasing (I

Thessalonians 5:17). CMA


Jodonna Trout is a member of the Peacemakerschapter #674 of Boone, North Carolina.

CMA has many areas that we minis‐

ter in, many lives are touched by

our ministry. We should never

think that God wants us to only minister

to motorcyclists; yes that is our main

focus, but God will use us wherever we

are willing. This article, written by a

member, is a good example of how God

uses us when we are willing.

Jesus said to Simon Peter, “…but whenyou are old, you will stretch out yourhands, and others will dress you and takeyou where you don't want to go” (John

21:18b, NLT).

Chances are if you are reading this

article, you have a love for motorcycles.

With this in mind, imagine with me 20 or

perhaps 30 years down the road. Your

health situation has changed drastically

and you find yourself sitting in a nursing

home. After all, no one knows what

tomorrow brings. You have plenty of

time to sit and think, not much else to do.

Your mind is always racing back to the

days of those fantastic rides, the places

you have seen, and the people you met

along the way and all because of owning

a motorcycle. Now, the motorcycle is

long gone and all that remains would be

a few pictures on the wall of a place

where you really didn’t want to live.

At Golden Living we, the Missouri

River Riders, have a ‘golden opportunity’

to bring back some good memories and

share Jesus, all at the same time. We live

only three hours from Sturgis and the

‘big rally’ is big even for the capitol city of

South Dakota. For the past two years we

have been having a mini Sturgis at

Golden Living Nursing Home here in

Pierre. Many will leave the confinements

of their tiny rooms and with great effort

come outside to see the bikes. We ride to

the nursing home where residents are

given bandanas and opportunities to

have their pictures made with the bike of

their choice. Some have even gone so far

as to climb aboard for a more authentic

photograph. Getting them off again pres‐

ents somewhat of a challenge. With our

leathers, chaps, and iron steeds we

spend quality time visiting with each

person and hearing their stories as well.

One man, well into his nineties, shared

how he was a member of a 1% MC. He

left the club when he became a follower

of Jesus Christ realizing that 100% of

Jesus is better than anything else. He

remembered seeing a vivid CMA pres‐

ence in many rides.

When all is said and done, we leave

the nursing home only to return with

5x7 prints of them and the bikes. Often

they are framed and hung on the wall of

their room when we return. What a won‐

derful reminder of the extraordinary day

and amazingly we are blessed even

more. Don’t you just love that about God?

We must all be willing to go and serve,

God will use us. Sturgis is a wide open

ministry field, but so is the work place,

our family, the grocery store, and even

nursing homes. CMA

Ministry Opportunities Abound

Evangelist Article







t 201


By ROGER Wilson

Roger and Rayleen Wilson oversee the NorthCentral Region as National Evangelist.

Goodie Corner

Riding Gear & Gloves ___ NEW! Men’s Microfiber Pants, black S-2X $39.95

___ PolarTec Shirt S, L-XL $39.95

___ PolarTec Pants S-XL $39.95

___ Riding Jacket, black S-5X $100

___ Rain Jacket, black w/ red and white stripe

S-5X $35.50

___ Rain Pants, black S-5X $34

___ Xtreme Riding Jacket S-5X $250

___ Ladies Xtreme Riding Jacket XS, M, XL-2X


___ Air Mesh Jacket 44-4650-54


___ Ladies Air Mesh Jacket XS, S L-3X


___ Air Mesh Pants 28-46 $123.50

___ Leather Pants 32-42 $245.50

___ Fast Lane One-Piece Riding Suit w/ CE Armor

46, 48 $650

___ Neckband $16.50

___ Under Shirt L XL 2X 3X 4X


___ Under Pants S M L XL 2X 3X


___ Deerskin Outseam Gloves w/ embossed logo XXS XS S M L


___ Deer/Buffalo Gauntlet Gloves w/ embossed logo XS S


___ Deerskin Fingerless Gloves w/ embossed logo S M L


___ Tall Coconut Socks M $19.50

Vests ___ Air Mesh Vest S, L-5X $77

___ Yellow Reflective Vest S-M $30

___ Leather Shawl, black w/ trim, medium leather patch, one size Trim Colors Choose One: Yellow Blue Black Red


___ Denim Vest Extenders $7

___ Vest Extenders w/ CMA Logo for snaps $8

To order: check item, write in quantity and circle size. Carry Goodie total to reverse side. ItEms IN REd aRE aVaIlablE oNly to thosE mEmbERs Who haVE complEtEd thE mINIstRy tEam couRsE oR WERE mEmbERs pRIoR to maRch 1, 1997.

cma decals ___ 8¼” $8.50 ___ 5¼” $6.25

___ 3½” $3.25 ___ 2½” $2.50

___ 2½” Colored Decal, die-cut, clear background Choose One: White Silver Black Orange Blue Yellow Green Red


___ 5” Colored Decal, die-cut, clear back- ground Choose One: White Silver Black Blue Red


___ 2ft Logo Decal $60

___ Flame Decal (3” x11”) $8

___ 18" Flame Decal $10

___ Black & Gold Graphics Package Includes 4 Decals


___ HD Road Glide Graphics Package $169.95

___ Riding for the Son 8" Decal $4

___ “It is Finished” Decal (3”) $3

___ On Track for Jesus Decal Choose One: White Black


___ “Christian Motorcyclists Assoc.” Silver Windshield Legend, etched look


___ Fast Lane Windshield Decal Choose One: Black Red Blue Green Yellow


___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Decal $8

___ Silver Windshield Legend $14.50

shirts & Jacketscheck online at for our complete listing of shirts and Jackets! ___ NEW! Ladies Island Time, teal S-4X $20

___ NEW! Ladies Coral Shirt, embroi- dered cmausa on front w/ butterfly

XS-4X $24.95

___ NEW! Ladies Polo, navy, embroi- dered logo on front

XS-4X $29.95

___ NEW! Ladies Americana, black S-3X $20

___ NEW! Ladies Raspberry Glitter, l/s, logo on back

S-2X $20

___ NEW! Ladies 3/4 Khaki Embroi- dered w/ brown logo on front/back

XS, S2X, 4X


___ Ladies 3/4 Red Embroidered w/ black logo on front

L, 3X-4X $39.50

___ Ladies Riding for the Son Shirt, navy XL-4X $22.50

___ Ladies Abide Shirt, black M-2X $20

___ Ladies Butterfly 3/4 Shirt, white M-L $24.95

___ Ladies Butterfly S/S Shirt, white L $24.95

___ Ladies Lasting Peace T-Shirt, Lavender

S-XL $18

___ Ladies Flower Power T-Shirt S-3X $18

___ Ladies Overspray L/S Shirt S, XL, 2X $20

___ Ladies Polo, black, silver embroidered logo on front

S, L-2X $35

___ Ladies Vintage Shirt, lt. blue S $18

___ Ladies L/S Mini Check Dress S-3X $54

___ NEW! Men’s Polo Shirt, brown, embroidered logo on front

S-2X $34.95

___ NEW! American Flag Dickies® Shirt l/s, black

S-XL $34.95

___ NEW! Men’s L/S Brown Embroidered w/ khaki logo on front/back

S-M $43.50

___ NEW! Mirocfiber Shirt, l/s, black S-3X $34.95

___ Mens L/S Red Embroidered w/ black logo on front

S, 3X 3XT


___ Unity Shirt w/ CMA patches S-M, 3X $25

___ Men's Polo, black, silver em- broidered logo on front

S-M $35

___ Men's Mini Check L/S Dress S, M 2X-4X


___ Patriotic Eagle Dickies® S/S Shirt, gray

S-3X $35

___ Dickies® L/S Navy w/ Flame detail on sleeve

M, 2X $36.50

___ NEW! Hope for the Highway T-Shirt, navy

S-4X $18

___ NEW! Badge T-Shirt, navy S-4X $18

___ NEW! Neon Pink CMA Logo T-Shirt S-4X $18

___ NEW! Cutout Flame V-Neck T-Shirt, black

S-3X $20

___ NEW! In God We Trust T-Shirt, black S-XL3X, 4X


___ Tribal Tie-Dye T-Shirt S-XL $20

___ Black 2-in-1 T-Shirt w/ Gray CMA/Red Flames Logo

M-XL $20

___ Motocross, orange S-2X $39.50

___ Hatfield Shirt, red S-4X $18

___ My Chains Are Gone, white M-XL $18

___ Road Warrior L/S T-Shirt, gray S-XL $20

___ Weapons Of Our Warfare, gray S-L, 4X $18

___ Ride the World, l/s, brown S-XL $20

___ Here If You Need Us L/S, orange S $20

___ CMA on Fire T-Shirt, black S-L $18

___ Gray Mircofiber Shirt, short sleeve button up

S-M 2X


___ CMAUSA Bike T-Shirt, charcoal blue S-3X $18

___ Rebel w/ a Cause T-Shirt, gray S-XL, 3X $18

___ God Speaks T-Shirt, navy S-L $18

___ Embossed Logo T-Shirt w/ pocket, black

S-L 3X


___ Old School T-Shirt, brown S-XL $18

___ Tribal Ride T-Shirt, green S, M $18

___ POW-MIA T-Shirt, black, POW logo, Memorial, Isaiah 49:16



___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Shirt, gray

S-2X $6

___ CMA Logo L/S Shirt, logo on front/back white black

S-5X $19

___ CMA Logo T-shirts, full color logo on front/back white black red blue gray

S-5X $18

___ White Flame T-shirt S-XL, 5X $18

___ Metal Stamp S/S Henley S $6

___ Fully Alive Kids T-Shirt YS-YXLAL


___ KIDS Road Warrior L/S T-Shirt, gray, youth sizes

YM-YXL $18

___ CMA Kids Green “Ride Shirt” S-L $14

___ NEW! Color Logo Hoodie, black S-3X $41.95

___ NEW! Victory in Jesus Hoodie, black S-2X $43.95

___ Lounge Pants, black L-2X $34.50

___ Ladies Fleece Jacket, green, embroid. logo front/back

XL-3X $77.00

caps & headwraps ___ NEW! Ivy Cap S/M L/XL $20

___ NEW! Gears Headwrap $22

___ Flair Hair Visor $18.50

___ Black/White Ladies Cap $15.25

___ Pink/Brown Distressed Ladies Cap $15.25

___ Black/Orange Mens Cap $15.25

___ CMA Beanie, black $11.95

___ CMA Beanie, pink $11.95

___ CMA Custom Buff® $24.95

___ Black/Red Cap w/ Red Outline $15.25

___ CMA Kids, royal blue and black $18.50

___ "Folding" Cap, black $18

___ Silver Tribal Low Crown Cap, black $17.50

___ Silver Tribal Low Crown Cap w/ Liquid Metal, black


___ Black Skull Duragg $15

___ Black Duragg w/ Silver Logo $12.50

___ Pink Duragg w/ Black Logo $12.50

___ Youth Movement Flat Bill Cap Fitted: S/M L/XL


___ Navy/Tan Flex® Fit Cap $15

___ Black “Light Up” Cap, low crown $20

___ Fast Lane w/ Bike Black Cap $15

___ Ladies Chocolate Cap $10

___ Ladies Rhinestone Cross Cap, Army Style $19.50

___ Ladies Red Pocket Leather Logo Cap $6

___ Ladies Aqua Sparkle Visor $8

___ Ladies Purple Flex Visor $3

___ Ladies Pink Rose Visor $3

___ Ladies Purple “Lady CMA” Duragg $5

Personalized Items (Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery)Be sure to fill out the personalized section below! PLEASE PRINT


___ Personalized Cloth Name Tag (6 wks delivery) (No more than 8 letters) __________________


___ Personalized Leather Name Tag (6 wks delivery) (No more than 7 letters) __________________


___ 2” Laser Name Tag $8.75

___ 2” Laser Name Tag w/ magnets $9.75

___ CMA Laser Name Tag, 3”, Yellow plasitc, has lasered CMA logo and your name


___ CMA Laser Name Tag w/ magnets, 3” $12.50

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ pin back, 2” $10.75

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ magnets, 2” $12.50

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ pin back, 3” $12.25

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ magnets, 3” $15.25

Laser and Metal Name Tags are allowed up to 4 lines, not 2” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___ CMA Name Tag Dangles (Chapter Name, Officer Positions, etc.)

___________________________ ___________________________

1 Line2 Lines


Banners ___ NEW! CMA Support Banner 4’ x 6’ $30

___ NEW! CMA Support Banner 2’ x 3’ $20

___ Booth Banner and Table Skirt Set $275

___ Vertical Banner Set, 6 Banners $200

___ Table Skirt Banner $100

___ Vertical Banners 26” x 60” Dual Goldwing Harley Supermoto Dirt Bike Quad


___ Fast Lane Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Veterans Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ CMA Highway Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Ladies Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Youth Movement Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Bike Blessing Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Logo with Flames Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ It Is Finished Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ It’s All About Jesus Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Heart of CMA Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ Kids Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ CMA White Logo Banner 3’ x 2’, hang from top


___ “Here if you need us.” Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ “CMA Welcomes You” Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ CMA “Blessing of the Bikes” 1½’ x 4’ $60

___ CMA “Blessing of the Bikes” 3’ x 2’ $60

___ CMA Service Banner 2’ x 2’ $55

___ Fast Lane Banner 4’ x 6’, collage $200

___ Youth Movement Banner 4’ x 6’, racers $200

___ CMA Kids Ministry Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ Ladies Banner 4’ x 6’, Isaiah 49:16 $200

Books ___ NEW! Ride Guide, paperback $19.95

___ NEW! Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes $12.95

___ NEW! How to Forgive... $15.95

___ NEW! Counceling Through Your Bible Handbook $17.95

Patches & Pins

___ It’s All About Jesus Patch $5.00

___ Changing the World... Patch $4.50

___ 21/2” CMA Kids Patch $4.50

___ It Is Finished Patch (21/2” x 3”) $4.50

___ “100% for Jesus” Patch $4.50

___ “Here if you need us.” Patch $4.50

___ “Jesus is #1” Leather Patch $14.95

___ “Jesus is #1” Cloth Patch $4.50

___ Bible/Cross Leather w/ CMA Patch $14.95

___ Bible/Cross Cloth w/ CMA Patch $4.50

___ “Jesus is my Road King” Patch $4.50

___ Flame Patch w/ CMA Logo $4.50

___ CMA-USA Flag Cloth Patch $4.50

___ U.S.A. Cloth Map Patch (2” x 3”) $3.50

___ U.S.A. Cloth Map Patch (4” x 6”) $5

___ U.S.A. Leather Map Patch (4” x 6”) $17.50

___ Ladies Wing Logo Patch $4.50

___ Ladies Tribal Flame Patch $4.50

___ Fast Lane Dual Sport Patch $5

___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Patch $5

___ Vest Guideline Cloth Patch Set, Large Backpatch, 3” Patch, CMAUSA Patch


___ 2” Cloth Logo Patch $4.50

___ 3” Plastic Logo Patch $6

___ Medium Plastic Back Patch $9

___ Large Plastic Back Patch $12

___ 3” “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $10

___ Medium “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $21.50

___ Large “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $22.50

___ CMAUSA “Leather Look” Patch, PVC $10

___ “Leather Look” Vest Guideline Patch Set, Large Backpatch, 3” Patch, CMAUSA Patch


___ 3” Cloth Logo Patch (3” x 4”) $6.50

___ Medium Cloth Back Patch (5” x 6”) $17

___ Large Cloth Back Patch (9” x 10”) $19

___ Medium Leather Back Patch (5” x 6”) $42

___ Large Leather Back Patch (9” x 10”) $49.50

___ Ministry Team Cloth Rocker Team __________________________


___ Ministry Team Leather Rocker Team __________________________


___ Ministry Team Cloth Year Patch $5

___ Ministry Team Leather Year Patch $6

___ Ministry Team Pin (Not specific) $5

___ Prayer Warrior Pin $5.50

___ MPB Commemorative Gift Pin $50.00

___ It Is Finished Pin $5

___ Small CMA Logo Pin $5.50

___ Larger CMA Logo Pin $7

___ Flame Logo Pin $5.50

___ Hidden JESUS Pin $3

___ Chapter Officers Pewter Lapel Pin Choose One: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Road Captain


___ Cloth Chapter Officers Patch Choose One: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Road Captain


___ Cloth Patch Choose One: Chapter State Coordinator Area Rep


Miscellaneous Items ___ NEW! Logo Stickers 5 pack (80 Qty) $8

___ NEW! Insect Repellent Spray $3.50

___ NEW! License Plate Frame for Motorcycle, chrome


___ NEW! Messenger Bag, java $19.95

___ NEW! Denim Embossed Apron, black $20

___ CMA Suspenders, black $22.95

___ Absorbent Coasters w/ logo, set of 4 $20.95

___ Stoneware Mug (new shape) $19.50

___ Black Coffee Cup $10

___ CMA Custom Pop Up Booth Tent $385

___ Tervis® Tumbler w/ Logo Patch, 24 oz $19.95

___ Leather Journal, cover w/ lined journal $29.95

___ Ride Brite Travel Kit Includes: Motorcycle Wash, Chrome & Metal Polish, Surface Treatment & Sealant, Leather Cleaner & Treatment, Microfiber Cloth


___ Koolgator Neck Cooler $9.50

___ Motorcycle Hitch Hider $10.50

___ Auto Hitch Hider $10.50

___ Regional Map Refrigerator Magnet $2.50

___ It's All About Jesus Bumper Sticker $5

___ Ride Brite One Step Bike Wash

8 oz32 oz

$10 $15

___ CMA Roller Ball Ink Pen $2.50

___ Nicaragua Knife w/ Leather Case $175

___ CMA Logo Bronze Plaque $75

___ Nicaragua Cord Wrapped Knife w/ Leather Case


___ Denim Purse 6.5” x 7” w/ Strap $12.50

___ Stoneware Mug, black $19.50

___ CMA Tumbler w/ straw, clear $11.50

___ Leather Checkbook Cover, black $22.50

___ Leather Bible Cover $60

___ Leather Key Whip $13

___ Chrome Embossed Logo Emblem $12

___ Rubber Beverage Coaster, logo $4.25

___ Diamond Finish Car License Plate $10.50

___ Women’s CMA Bling Bandana black white


___ Mousepad w/ World Map art $8.00

___ It Is Finished Pendant $10.00

___ It Is Finished Earrings $10.50

___ CMA Page Clip $9

___ Carabiner $8.50

___ Money Clip w/ logo $7

___ Denim Embossed Apron $20

___ White Angel Bear $12

___ Camo Bear $11

___ Yellow Support Ribbon Magnet $10

___ CMA Youth Movement Bracelets Choose One: Glow Red Black


___ Reflective Armband w/ lights, green $7

___ Black Sunglasses w/ safety lens $14

___ CMA Traveler Backpack Choose One: Yellow Black


___ CMA Jumbo Hauler, yellow $110.00

___ CMA Tool Pouch Choose One: Silver Yellow Black


___ Logo Stamped Notebook [no pen sale] $9.50

___ Pocket Business Card Holder $2.50

___ Wooden Note Pad Holder, walnut $28

___ CMA Car/Trailer Logo Magnet $14

___ CMA Logo Flag, 3’ x 5’, white $79

___ CMA Antenna Flag, hem, 9”x6” $13

___ Devotional Book by John Ogden Sr. $6.50

___ “Hope for the Highway” New Testament Bible, NIV


$4 ea$3 ea

___ “Spoke-N-Word” Gospel of John



___ God’s Promise Book $4

___ If My People Book $3

___ Spanish “Hope for the High- way” New Testament Bible



$5 ea$4 ea

$3.50 ea

ToolBox ItemsTract 1-13, Sold in packs of 100 for $9 1. ___ The Right Road 2. ___ He Would Have Ridden A Motorcycle 3. ___ Let Those Who Ride Decide 4. ___ Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About A Motorcyclist 5. ___ Got Control? (Sport Bike Tract)

6. ___ No Fear (Sport Bike Tract)

7. ___ Ultimate Moto (Youth Tract, follow the leader)

8. ___ Lasting Peace (Active Military Tract)

9. ___ You Are Special (Ladies’ Tract)

10. ___ In Control (ATV Tract)

11. ___ Right Trail (ATV Tract)

12. ___ Caution: Bridge Out (Dual Sport Tract)

13. ___ What Would Jesus Ride?

____ Thank You Tract 100/$11.25

____ Closer Look Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ POW/MIA Tract 100/$9.00

____ Cherished, Ladies’ Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ You Are Loved, Ladies’ Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ Wounded, Veterans Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ Ragg Tracts (Natural color) 50/$31.25

____ Spanish Ragg Tracts (Natural color) 25/$20

____ Spanish Bike Blessing 25/$13

____ The Right Road (Spanish) 25/$9

____ He Would Have Ridden A Motorcycle (Spanish) 25/$9

____ Have You Prepared Your Ride Plan? (Spanish) 25/$9

____ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About a Motorcyclist (Spanish)


____ Healthy Heart Tract [Blood Pressure] 50/$9.00

____ NEW! Kids Coloring Book 25/ $13.50

____ Pre-school Tract 100/$11.25

____ Kids Tract 100/$11.25

____ Fast Lane Variety Tract Pack $7.50

Music & DVD’s ___ Riding with the King CD Tract 5 pack $14

___ We’re Coming Down the Highway Now, Will Segraves

CD $15

___ Flood Over Me CD, Jerry Williams $15

___ CMA Is Back In Town CD, D. Hill $6.50

___ CMA Promotional Music Videos DVD $7.50

___ South Africa Promo DVD $5

___ NEW! LRP Forgiveness $10

___ NEW! LRP Anger $10

___ NEW! LRP Fear $10

___ NEW! From Protect and Serve... Curtis Clements DVD


___ Spiritual Growth Bible Study Set $22

___ For Mature Audiences Only DVD $10

___ Lifelines for Living DVD (Hope for the Heart) $4

____ Text Message Tract 100/$9

____ Youth Movement Variety Tract Pack Riders Checklist, Avoid the Crash, Text Message, Pick Your Line, Protective Gear


____ We Missed You Postcards 10/$2.50

____ Vision Statement Bookmark 10/$3.50

____ SPF 15 Sunscreen Packets 10/$6

____ Emery Boards 10/$3.50

____ Salvation Band Bracelet Tract 25/$12

____ Collapsible Fan Tract $4

____ Coin Tract (Set of 25) $8.50

____ Kickbags for Kids Tract 5/$7

____ Mirror Tract (Set of 10) $11

____ NEW! World Map Info Brochure 25/ $12.95

____ 4 Color Information Brochure, application not included

25/ $950/ $14

____ Iron Mountain Postcards, 3 designs 30/$10

____ Ladies’ Note Cards, folded, 4 color 10/$6.75

____ Thank You Note Cards, blank 25/$9.50

____ RFS Memorial Cards 25/$8

____ RFS Thank You Cards 25/$9

____ CMA Christmas Cards 25/$15

____ 2013 Biker Blessing Decals & Cards 50/$8

____ Youth Biker Blessing, stars 50/$9.50

____ Decision Cards 50/$4

____ “New Believers” Tri-Fold 50/$10

____ Born Again Birth Certificate 50/$5

____ Fast Lane Brochure w/ pictures 25/$9

____ Youth Movement Info Brochure 25/$10

____ CMA Membership Certificate $5

____ CMA Appreciation Certificate 25/$4.50

____ CMA Handbook, CD ROM $5

____ Non-Personalized CMA Business Cards, plan of salvation on back


____ Personalized CMA Business Cards, 14 different graphics to choose from, available online only at, more info call 501.376.8436

Prices vary with quantity

____ New Forming Chapter Poster 5/$7.50

____ “Take A Ride With Us” Poster 5/$7.50

____ “The Bag” 11x15 100/$21

____ Prayer Request Forms, 2 pads of 50 $5

____ Java Cup Sleeves 50/$6

____ Gospel Cups, 8 oz. paper cups 50/$91000/$70

____ Kickstand Coasters w/ CMA Logo, phone number, website, “John 10:10”, Choose One: Black Orange Red Blue Yellow Lime Pink


____ Kids Helium Balloons w/ CMA Kids Logo 50/$11.75

____ CMA Balloons w/ CMA Logo 50/$12

Ministry Team Training Material

Ministry Teams (Choose One) Children’s First Aid Hospitality

Mechanical Music Prayer Prison Servants’ Women’s Youth

___ Ministry Team DVD Set, 3 DVDs & Workbook $22

___ Ministry Team Basic DVD’s 1 & 2 $11

___ Team DVD Team ____________________ $5

___ Ministry Team Workbook $6

___ Hearing Impared Servants Ministry Team DVD Set, (Includes: 3 DVDs & Workbook)


___ Youth Movement DVD (12-18 yrs. old) $5

___ Youth Movement Workbook (12-18 yrs. old) $4

___ CMA Kids Patch and DVD Set (8-12 yrs. old) $10

___ 2012 Growing Healthy Chapters AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2012 Better Together YM AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops YM AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops YM AMT Workbook $4.50

___ Evangelism YM AMT Workbook $4.50

___ Spanish Youth Movement Workbook $4

ORDER $ _________ ORDER TOTal $ _________ Send a year’s subscription of the CMa HeartBeat for only $20 $ _________ Sales Tax (Please see notice*)

$ _________ ORDER SUB-TOTal


$10 $20 $50 Donation to CMa $ _________ Gift Certificate $5 $10 $25 $50 $ _________ Please accept my gift for the Iron Mountain Development $ _________ Please accept my gift for the Support Center Multi-Purpose Building $ _________ Please accept my gift to CMa $ _________ Please accept my gift for RFS $ _________ DONaTION SUB-TOTal


$ _________ TOTal aMOUNT ENClOSED

SHIPPING INFORMaTIONShip to address: ______________________________


Name: _______________________________________

Member #: ____________________________________

E-mail Address: ________________________________

Daytime Phone Number: _________________________

My check is enclosed payable to CMA

Discover VISA MasterCard

Card #: _________/_________/_________/_________

Expires: ________/_________

Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please Note: CMA will mail receipts for your tax deductible gifts annually, rather than monthly.

Thank you for your support!

___ Youth Movement Info DVD $6

___ Off-Road, MX, ATV Ministry DVD $7.50

___ Ordinary to Extraordinary Women DVD $7.50

___ Relationships DVD $7.50

___ Street Bike Ministry 101 DVD $6.50

___ Ragg Tract Al DVD $10

___ Magdalena Film DVD $6

___ Jesus Film Audio CD $4

___ Real Freedom the JESUS film DVD, biker version



___ RFS 2013 DVD $5.50

___ What Can Jesus Do? DVD 5 Pack $14

___ Discipleship DVD by Kerry Gibson $6.50

___ Life Changing Stories DVD #1, with Kerry Gibson and John Ogden, Sr.


___ Life Changing Stories DVD #2, with Kerry Gibson and Gary Wadding


___ Four Elements of a Healthy Chapter and Forming a CMA Chapter DVD


Send Order Form to:Christian Motorcyclists Association

PO Box 9, Hatfield, AR 71945Send check, money order, or credit card information with order. Please include your membership number on any orders. We cannot fill or-ders without payment (credit card orders may be placed by calling 1-800-300-6530; Discover, VISA or MasterCard). The 800 number is for orders only. For questions about an order, please call 870-389-6196. Prices are subject to change without notice. We accept fax orders with credit card information. Fax number 1-870-389-6199. Ordering online is availble at

*SalES TaX aPPlIES TO THE FOllWING STaTES: al, aR, Fl, Ga, IN, Il, KY, la, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, NE, NV, NC, ND, OK, Pa, RI, WV

ToolBox Items

Order FOrm

Banners (continued)

___ Ladies Banner 4’ x 6’, Isaiah 49:16 $200

___ CMA Custom Chapter Banner 4’ x 6’ (Must send in chapter patch, 3 weeks)


CMa logo Fine Jewelry

Visit or call the orderline at 1-800-300-6530







t 201

3Mail-In Pre-Registrtaion

Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________

Membership #(s): _____________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________

Phone: (______)_______________________________ (______)_______________________________

E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

Changing of the Colors Rally

Opening Service with John Ogden Sr. CMA CEO/Chairman

WednesdayRegistration OpenGoodie Store OpenRally Welcome Service 7:00 p.m.

DailyRegistration Services & SeminarsKidz for Christ & Youth services Praise & WorshipGoodie Store & Vendors

Saturday Parade & Bike Games

Run for the Son 5K Fun Run/Walk

For driving directions & more informa-tion, visit:

Lodging and area information is avail-able at:

PAYMENT: Enclosed is: ❑ Check/Money Order ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard ❑ Discover

Expires: __________ Card #:Signature: _____________________________

Pre-registration prices include applicable sales tax.ON-SITE REGISTRATION FEES (includes taxes):• Adults (age 18+) $21.50 each • Children (age 4-17) $10.75 each • Age 3 & under FREE (no rally pin)• $54 maximum for Immediate Family with MAX 2 adults

You do not have to be a member to attend.

Get Connected!

Check out CMA’s newLivestream site and share the rally with your friends

CMA E-NewslettersWeekly Devotional, Fast Lane, YouthMovement, New Products, HeartBeat

Monthly Bible

Join a ChapterFor fellowship, growth, and ministry

opportunities with likeminded

2014 Run for the SonNationwide

Saturday, May 3,

Changing of the Colors RallyIron MountainHatfield, AR

October 16-20Postmark September 25 • Online October 2

❑ Individual Registration:____ # Adults (age 18+) x $18.50____ # Children (age 4-17) x $9.25

OR❑ Family Registration $43.00:

Immediate family only Max 2 adults____ # Adults (age 18+) ____ # Children (age 4-17)

Pre-Pay Camping Packages❑ Tent primitive $22.00 total❑ Tent electric $35.00 total

• Valid for Tuesday-Saturday nights.• 5 nights for the price of 4!• Camping is available by the night

upon arrival at Registration.• Tent sites are not assigned and

are first-come, first-serve.

RV by reservation only.Contact Chris Benner, [email protected].

COLORS Total Amount $ ___________

Pre-registration is NON-REFUNDABLE.FIRST PRIORITY for rally pins

to those who pre-register.

Mail: CMA c/o EventsPO Box 9

Hatfield, AR 71945Online:

Any questions can be directed to the CMA National Events Department at (870)389-6196 option 7 or to [email protected].

Ladies Conference















t 201

3State Rallies

STATE DATE LOCATION CONTACT PHONEColorado August 2-4 Niwot Chris Bright 970-587-9844Kansas August 2-4 Hutchinson Mike Bright 620-212-3270Ohio August 2-4 Washington Court House GR Niver 740-994-0348Nevada August 8-11 Gardnerville Greg Hubbard 775-790-4019Alabama August 9-11 Talladega David Hall 256-270-7459Indiana August 15-18 Camby Jay Wilber 812-499-3395Montana August 15-18 Lewistown Larry Banister 406-728-8914Arkansas August 16-18 Harrison Danny Beene 870-260-6021Georgia August 16-18 Toccoa Eric Shumans 912-269-3272New York August 16-18 Voorheesville Ralph Witt 315-822-3611Oregon August 16-18 Madras Cliff Roper 503-539-8885Minnesota August 23-25 Alexandria Mike Irwin 763-425-3438Missouri August 23-25 Roach Brad Barton 573-576-8216West Virginia August 23-25 Ripley Kevin Wright 304 375-4980Wyoming August 23-25 Gillette Ray Mapel 307-682-0984Michigan August 30-September 2 Sebewaing Dale Rohelier 248-515-7883Arizona September 5-8 Heber Sam Trevino 928-925-7980Illinois September 6-8 Wapella Doug Johnson 630-878-2801Kentucky September 6-8 Brandenburg James Collins 270-382-2688South Carolina September 6-8 Pickens Norm Moore 843-607-0446Nebraska September 13-14 Lexington Jim Reier 308-237-0458Mississippi September 13-15 West Stanley Beech 601-580-4488Tennessee September 13-15 Burns Dan Neal 615-758-9773Louisiana September 20-22 Eunice Clayton Davis 318-858-0825North Carolina September 20-22 Black Mountain Charlie Morgan 828-243-8883Virginia September 20-22 Christiansburg Jim Palmer 540-616-9772Florida September 27-29 Fruitland Park Mark Cooley 904-655-7872

Build relationships with CMA members from around your state, meet the National Evangelist for yourregion, network with other chapters – and experience the vision of CMA! Invite friends, neighbors, andother motorcycle organizations for worship, fellowship, fun, and more! Additional details will be avail-able on each state website, go to and follow the link to your state’s page.

Short-term mission trips enable you to personally experience missions and return home to bear fruit. CMAteams present motorcycles to indigenous pastors who are involved in planting and growing churches throughouttheir country. These motorcycles are provided by Run for the Son and show you directly how they are used togrow God’s Kingdom phenomenally! You will encourage and be encouraged by pastors and fellow Christianswho are overcoming persecution and trials to glorify our Heavenly Father. Your life and ministry will not be thesame once you experience hands on missions.

Contact Missy Parmenter at the CMA Support Center at (870) 389-6196 ext. 226 or email [email protected], tosign up as standby or receive additional information. While the November teams are currently full, there could bechanges to the teams and those on standby will have the opportunity to join.

Evangelist Article







t 201


Recently I had the opportunity to take a ride with the

local CMA chapter. It was a great ride. The weather

was perfect. We took the back roads and it was just

beautiful. There are some great roads to ride in

Mississippi. As we were riding, I started to notice crosses

by the road. Not just a few but one every so many miles for

far too many miles. It saddened me because we know each

of these crosses represents a life that was lost at that spot.

Even though the ride was great, each cross touched my

heart. Those crosses stood for someone’s husband, wife,

child, mother, father or friend – a life that was now over

here on earth.

I went on enjoy‐

ing the ride and

the time spent at

the rally with

friends. However,

along with a few

others, I left a little

early and headed

back home. Once

again we took the

back roads. It was

great. Everyone

who rides knows

the feeling of free‐

dom as the wind

blows in your face.

You can feel and smell all the things around you. You

become aware of God’s wonderful work in making our

great land.

Again I started noticing the crosses by the road, but this

time God touched my heart and I could feel the cry of the

Lord at each and every cross. I could feel Him in my spirit

saying “They didn’t know, they didn’t know.” I questioned

what God was saying to me and I felt His response. “They

didn’t know this would be their last drive, they didn’t

know this would be their last day on earth. Their families

didn’t know they would never be able to touch, hug, and

kiss their loved one again. They would never again be able

to tell them they loved them – they didn’t know.”

I can feel that pain first hand. You see, my father was

killed when I was thirteen. My dad hit a bridge on Highway

13 on his way home. When I hugged my dad goodbye that

day, I didn’t know that would be my last hug.

At 13 you don’t give your parents too much time. I

wished I had more time for him now, but I didn’t know. I

do know my dad was saved. He was saved even though he

had a drinking problem and could be mean when he drank.

My dad had confessed Jesus as his Lord and when he was‐

n’t drinking he was a wonderful man. God loved my dad in

spite of his weaknesses.

How many of the crosses by the road stand for someone

who confessed Jesus as the Lord of their life? How many

had asked Jesus to forgive their sins and come into their


None of us know the time or place when our life on

earth will end. None of us know when we’ll die, but we all

will. None of us know when we’ll go home; the question is

which home will you go to, Heaven or Hell? The choice is

yours; no one can make that choice for you. You will die,

you will stand before God, and you will give an accounting

for the choices you made, and you will spend eternity in

either Heaven or Hell. It’s your choice!

As I saw those crosses by the road, as I passed by some,

I could feel God’s tears. I could hear Him cry “It’s too late

for that one; they didn’t know. They didn’t know that ever‐

lasting life is with Me.”

In John 11:25‐26, Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrec-tion and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die,he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shallnever die. Do you believe this?” (NKJV).

And in John 3:16‐17 we read; “For God so loved theworld that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoeverbelieves in Himshould not perishbut have ever-lasting life. ForGod did not sendHis Son into theworld to con-demn the world,but that theworld throughHim might besaved.” (NKJV).


By DEBBIE Gibson

“For God so loved theworld that He gave Hisonly begotten Son, thatwhoever believes in Him

should not perish buthave everlasting life. For

God did not send HisSon into the world to

condemn the world, butthat the world through

Him might be saved”(John 3:16-17, NKJV).

Kerry and Debbie Gibson serve CMA asNational Evangelist.







t 201

3RFS Network

RFS Mileage ChallengeHere’s how it works.

• They select an Official Mileage Keeper and Challenge


• The Monthly Mileage Challenge is a year‐long

contest. We start at the December regular chapter

meeting but you can start anytime during the year.

• Each motorcyclist who wishes to participate will

have their mileage logged before each monthly


• The Challenge is divided into 2 competitions:

♦ Monthly Mileage Competition

♦ End of Year Overall Mileage Winner

• If you wish to participate in the monthly competition

a $2.00 donation will be collected each month at the

time of your mileage log.

• If there is inclement weather the honor system will

be used.

• Riders will inform Mileage Keeper of mileage at

meeting instead of Mileage Keeper actually checking

the speedometer. (remember the honor system)

• If a meeting is canceled, riders must notify Mileage

Keeper of mileage within 24 hours of scheduled,

meeting by phone or email. The donation will be

collected at the next regularly scheduled monthly


• To be eligible to win the monthly competition you

must have participated and logged your previous

month's mileage with the official at the last meeting

(Log beginning mileage in February and ending

mileage in Mar, etc.).

• The February winner will be awarded in April;

March winner will be awarded in May, etc. to allow

time for mileage calculation.

• To be eligible for the End of Year Mileage Contest

you must be present at both first and last log‐ins


♦ Participate every month in challenge, or

♦ Participate in at least 50% of monthly loggings


♦ Donate $2 for every missed month, or

♦ Compete in less than 50% of the monthly log‐

gings and donate $24 on top of whatever month‐

ly donations you have already made.

100% of donations will go towards Run for the Son for

the chapter, and each member's donation will be counted

individually towards their Run for the Son total.

The End of Year Award will be given at the chapter

Christmas dinner. CMA


Let Johnny know what your chapter is doing.Johnny and Sandra Upton, National RFS Team Lead

[email protected]

John Ogden Sr.870-389-6196

August 2-4Kansas State Rally

Hutchinson, KS

August 5-13Ministry Partner’s Trip

Sturgis, SD

Charles Hale903-796-6692

Ray Burns785-582-4011

August 2-4Kansas State Rally

Hutchinson, KS

Bob Sandburg209-586-4419

Lyle Herman701-663-8699

August 4-7Black Hills Motorcycle Classic

Sturgis, SD

Chet Upp479-394-1014

Tim and Sherry Bernard live in

Boise, Idaho where they own

and operate Happy‐Trails, a

high quality manufacturer and seller

of adventure motorcycle gear. They

are both actively involved in CMA and

serve as Area Reps, with a primary

focus on Fast Lane.

Tim and Sherry grew up in the

same neighborhood and went to the

same school. As a pre teen, Tim had a

morning paper route that he ran on

his Dad’s Mustang trail bike, which he

still has today. Sherry, having a crush

on Tim, says she would “get up early

every day just to watch him ride by.”

Later, at the ripe old age of 13, Tim

got his own bike, a Honda Sport 50.

Sherry, not knowing just how to get

Tim’s attention, says she would steal

his motorcycle key. I asked her if she

ever gave them back, she said “no but

I did give him a hint that it was me by

asking him why he left his key in the

bike.” Tim’s answer; “why would I

take it out?”

Sherry must have somehow man‐

aged to get Tim’s attention because

they were married in December of

1969. Oh, and their first date was on

one of those Mustang trail bikes.

In the early 1980’s, Tim and Sherry

purchased a Drive Line shop and by

1985 Tim was building, owning, and

racing sprint cars. But as anyone who

has ever raced knows, that is an

expensive hobby and was sucking all

the money out of Tim and Sherry’s

business. By the end of 1986, some‐

thing had to give. As Tim tells it,

Sherry said something to the effect of

“either the cars go or I go.” Tim

stopped building and racing cars, but

the Drive Line shop remained and

served as a support

platform for what

was yet to come.

In 1988, Tim

was elected the

president of a

local ATV club

and during his

involvement with

that group he

started bumping

into some of the

local single track

bikers. Being a

‘lifetime’ trail rider anyway, he start‐

ed talking to them about their bikes

and the issues of riding trails. One of

the things that kept coming up was

the need for hauling chainsaws,

pulaski’s, and shovels on state and

federal trail bikes that were being

used to maintain trails. As a result of

that need, Tim designed the racks,

carriers, and soft luggage necessary

for the “Trail Rangers” to clear the

back country trails.

The local trail riders started buying

KLR’s and something was needed to

keep the soft saddlebags they were

using from getting caught up in the

rear wheel spokes. So Tim, always

thinking, decided to design and build

something to fix that problem; but

why stop there? Tim designed and

built racks to keep the bags out of the

wheels, but he also started designing

and building skid plates and highway

pegs for the local dirt bike communi‐

ty. And, he thought, since he was

building the racks; why not sew up

some soft bags as well? Out of that

beginning has grown the business of


Tim and Sherry had a business

and what they considered to be a

good marriage but there was still

something missing. In December of

1995 one of their friends had a snow‐

mobile accident and was killed. At

the funeral they saw

and experienced

the joy that can

only come from

God during a

time like this, by

seeing it in oth‐

ers. Their friend’s

brother held up

an old, tattered,

Bible and said

“this is what my



Somehow in that simple statement

Tim and Sherry felt what they had

been missing and they wanted it. Not

really knowing how to ‘get it’ they

did the only thing they could think of;

they started searching for someone

to take them to church.

Someone invited them to a New

Beginnings class where Tim found

what he was searching for when he

prayed the prayer of salvation and

accepted Jesus as his personal Lord

and Savior. It took Sherry a little

longer but the change in Tim drew her

in and before long she too accepted


Like Jesus promised, they have had

their share of problems. Before their

salvation, while in her mid thirties,

Sherry was diagnosed with lupus. Her

doctor told her what she should do

but she ignored him and the lupus

manifested. In the early 90’s, she was

actually bed‐ridden and Tim would

sometimes have to carry her to their

car. During this time, like so many

other people, Sherry would ask God

Happy Trails

Evangelist Article







t 201


By KERRY Gibson

(continue on page 24)

Kerry and Debbie Gibson serve CMA asNational Evangelist.

Tim and Sherry Bernard serve as Area Repsfor Idaho.







t 201

3continue Evangelist

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A Dream House in The Mountains!Best Deal In The USA!

“why, what have I done to deserve

this?” But after accepting Christ her

strength started coming back. In fact

it seemed to double every day.

In 1999, a friend invited them to

attend a CMA event where they found

a place that combined their love of

motorcycles and their love of Christ; a

place where they could use their pas‐

sions and serve Christ. Tim’s passion

has always been off‐road but he

bought a Goldwing so that he and

Sherry could ride together and partic‐

ipate in CMA. But in 2000, God

touched Tim and Sherry to sell the

Goldwing and give the money to RFS.

They did!

Of course the days when you had to

ride a street bike if you wanted to be

really active in CMA are long gone.

Today it doesn’t matter what or

where you ride. Just ask Tim or

Sherry; they’ll tell you this, “if you

want to serve God and ride a motorcy‐

cle (or quad), CMA has a place for

you.” CMA

(continued from page 23)

Does God want us to have a

happy life? And how does our


definition of

happiness relate

to His ultimate

purpose for our

life? Most all of

us desire to

have the happy

day to day life, but this often gets

confused with a wanting for more

things, more popularity, and more

pleasure. Jesus deals with this sub‐

ject in a sermon given to a listening

crowd on a hillside. (Matthew 5‐8) It

seems Jesus’ definition of true happi‐

ness might be greatly different than

what we see on television commer‐


The “blessings” that Jesus offers

are total contradictions to how our

culture understands happiness and

joy. How can a person find happiness

in poverty, hunger, mourning, or per‐

secution? These seem like probable

causes for unhappiness to most of

our ears; but the follower of Christ

can truly experience inner joy and

contentment through poverty in spir‐

it. In connection with the Spirit of

Christ, we experience His peace

when we suffer. While bearing His

name, we look past present persecu‐

tions to the future reward of the

faithful. Jesus says that the humble

heart has the key

to abundant life

and happiness. He

promises all the

joy that heaven

has to offer which

is much more

than the trouble

and hardships that we can expect

here on earth.

As members of the Christian

Motorcyclists Association, we

embrace our “other worldliness.” We

know we are different; our lives

transformed by Christ’s love, our

actions redefined by His purposes.

We no longer look for happiness in

the same des‐

perate places.

Our joy now

comes from our

humble service

and our growing

closeness with

Jesus. We wear

our CMA back

patch with

heads held high

because we

understand it

loudly proclaims

our connection

to Jesus.

Whatever opposition may come as a

result of shining our light for Christ,

we shine it brightly, we hold it firmly,

and serve others humbly. This is the

happy life! This is the blessed life of a

soldier in the Kingdom of God! CMA

Youth Movement







t 201


Jerod and Jennifer McPherson oversee theCMA Youth Movement as National Evangelist.

By JEROD McPherson

It seems Jesus’ defini-tion of true happiness

might be greatly differentthan what we see ontelevision commercials.







t 201

3FLame On

For Sale 26 ft Gulf Stream.

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$15,000Call Gil at


The Christian Motorcyclists Association does not endorse or pro-mote any of the contents of the classified advertisements,nor arethey responsible for the validity, condition, or accuracy of anyadvertised product.

Classified AdsAMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants,

Oil & Filters for Motorcycle, Cars, & Trucks Wholesale Prices.

AMSOIL Dealer Ken & Nobie Morehead Taylor, AR.1-800-583-1645 [email protected]

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t 201



Available online at a downloadable .pdf of the HeartBeat Media Kit

or you can contact [email protected] for more advertising information.

If you have a motorcycle or motorcycle related itemyou would like to buy, sell, or trade please e-mail it

to [email protected]. All classified submis-sions must be less than 20 words, are subject toapproval by the HeartBeat Editor, and will run for

two months only. No photos allowed. Pricing variesdepending on ad length. Contact the HeartBeat

Editor for more details.

BLOOD STONE PINS Home Front Warriors, CMA Chapter #377

$2.00 each or 12 for $18.00, plus shippingEmail: [email protected]

(please indicate “Bloodstones” on subject line.)Phone: (479) 234-1621










MISSISSIPPIStanley Beech SC 601-428-4823Richard Donahou AR 662-487-3656Wayne Downey AR 228-224-0833Rodney Harrell AR 662-809-2095Randy Lackey AR 601-953 6920Ronnie Lay AR 601-278-5079Andrew & Banita Ford AR 228-229-6923MISSOURIBradley Barton SC 573-576-8216Cy Knight AR 417-394-2278Mark Mayo AR 816-344-6409Ty Ramey AR 573-736-3145Mark Shelton AR 636-346-2289Robert Shouse AR 816-254-5036Chet Smith AR 417-850-0279Gene Smith AR 660-287-0031Craig White AR 314-303-3199David & Joanne Barclay AR 573-732-4236Kenny & Traci Jarman AR 417-830-4925MONTANALarry S. Banister SC 406-728-8914Stephen Douglas AR 406-249-4749Marty Malone AR 406-281-2017NEBRASKAJim Reier SC 308-237-0458Leon Anderson AR 308-631-7186Jim Hale AR 402-209-0413Tommy Tejcka AR 308-927-3925Darryl & Laura Price AR 402-292-7772NEVADAGreg Hubbard SC 775-790-4019Paul Schmitt AR 702-465-2678NEW ENGLAND NORTH (NH, VT)Peter Helgerson SC 603-726-7120Buck West AR 603-744-0337NEW ENGLAND SOUTH (CT, MA, RI)Gordon Rowe SC 508-839-4670Bill Hegenauer AR 203-270-1668Raymond Jackson AR 401-636-0646NEW JERSEYPaul Sokol SC 201-784-1063Sandy Meyers AR 856-404-7181Jeffrey Wolinsky AR 908-222-3286NEW MEXICORoy Morrow SC 505-860-4566Mo Gomez AR 432-894-7980Pete Feldner AR 505-281-5537Jerry Spicher AR 505-917-0672Chuck Tipton AR 505-856-5578NEW YORKRalph Witt SC 315-822-3611Robert Anton AR 631-499-4552Marshall Bedford AR 315-668-7005Jim Moore AR 845-266-3259Herb White AR 585-323-2171Mark & Diane Dunning AR 585-728-9905NORTH CAROLINADavid Richey SC 704-888-5502Ronnie Gilliam AR 919-853-3976Charlie Morgan AR 828-696-0859David Oates AR 828-697-1974Hank Richard AR 910-333-2009Bobby Seymour AR 704-932-9254NORTH DAKOTAJeff Bahr SC 701-642-6041John Butman AR 701-337-5497Sven Hauge AR 701-572-9195Mark Knudsen AR 701-474-5555

ALABAMADavid Hall SC 256-270-7459Michael Darling AR 256-412-2970Terry Gable AR 850-248-9737Keith Harless AR 205-281-1543Chester Holyfield AR 256-783-4823John Loyd AR 251-942-1377Donnie Shavers AR 706-324-6294Terry White AR 205-672-9340ALASKAJon Boone SC 907-688-3983ARIZONASam Trevino SC 928-925-7980Kiven Hardison AR 520-227-0783Randall Heath AR 623-293-8257Roger Sauter AR 480-221-2728Brian & Kimberly Loyd AR 520-248-3617ARKANSASDanny Beene SC 870-260-6021Kerry Baker AR 870-561-3978Ernest Bearden AR 870-514-9720Denver Dennis AR 479-495-2807Jerry Harris AR 870-741-5593James Jones AR 870-862-9353Charles McCool AR 479-495-7845Ross Scalise AR 501-428-6620Jim & Martha Atchison AR 479-963-1450CALIFORNIA NORTHJerry Sutton SC 707-354-1225Brian Davis AR 707-987-0157Ace Enderlin AR 510-774-2173John Hoppstetter AR 510-886-3670Donald Leedy AR 530-347-6211Bill Moss AR 559-871-1802John O’Mara AR 530-647-2501Bill & Becky McKenzie AR 559-970-7946CALIFORNIA SOUTHMike Ferry SC 619-890-1743John Alford Jr. AR 858-486-5398Steven Fay AR 619-825-0481Eric Gilbert AR 760-248-2444COLORADOBill Chartier SC 303-659-4363Rick Chartier AR 303-426-5105James Clark AR 719-392-7352Charles Compton AR 970-674-1272Bobby Gill AR 719-859-3405Beal Trahan AR 303-808-5988Brad Tutor AR 970-641-2117Chuck Noland AR 970-420-1391DELAWAREBud Timmons SC 302-732-6440Joseph Caignon AR 302-738-6380FLORIDAMark Cooley SC 904-655-7872Bill Clardy AR 904-261-4269Adrian Goodrich AR 305-797-0903Wayne Metcalf AR 941-725-2766Randy Paul AR 904-501-7026David Vanderklay AR 352-382-5764John West AR 352-266-1277Bob Wimmer AR 850-627-6773Rick & Angie Smith AR 386-566-3165GEORGIAEric Shumans SC 912-269-3272Cliff Finney AR 404-578-8073Bobby Grimes AR 678-986-4708Mark Joiner AR 229-886-2124Terry Kleeblatt AR 770-845-9890Doug Ray AR 706-259-1932Barry Walker AR 770-253-5680HAWAIIRichard Murray SC 808-870-9085

IDAHOGregory Leichliter SC 208-342-7222Tim Bernard AR 208-362-5064Tony Everts AR 208-944-0665Fritz & Marnie Houser AR 208-602-3721ILLINOISDoug Johnson SC 630-878-2801Leo Koulouris AR 815-469-3504Ron Nichols AR 630-898-2529Mark Small AR 309-241-4053Ted Williams AR 618-534-0068Rick Wisely AR 618-684-4058Thomas & Vickie Martinez AR 270-804-0979INDIANAJay Wilber SC 812-499-3395Mike Bischoff AR 513-520-7284Phil Bontrager AR 574-354-1616Dave Long AR 765-795-3193Joe Rogers AR 765-413-7473Bob & Sharon Carrell AR 317-894-1965IOWACary Klatt SC 712-295-5781Bob Baldwin AR 712-873-5028Mark Cornick AR 319-754-8076Roger Plath AR 515-275-4452Brian & Julaine Bidleman AR 515-955-1455KANSASMike Bright SC 620-431-7454Brian Adcock AR 785-742-7744Michael Benzel AR 620-348-3955Ron Harper AR 913-788-7505Rod Keen AR 785-461-5783Jeff Miller AR 785-434-2558Heath Pressnell AR 316-347-9360Kelly & Natalie Klubek AR 620-365-6447KENTUCKYJames Collins SC 270-382-2688Curtis Daniels AR 606-314-1070Rod Hoffman AR 270-563-9983Chris Wallace AR 270-703-0178Noble & Barbara Abendroth AR 270-884-7255LOUISIANAJim Owens SC 318-255-4764Clayton Davis AR 318-347-4944Michael Hukins AR 318-452-3423Gary Lorio AR 225-261-1250Melvin Warren AR 318-428-8435MAINETerry Melanson SC 207-354-0555Dan Bernard AR 207-447-9704MARYLANDPeter Colombo SC 301-779-5377Samuel Bowers AR 301-842-2026Dean Clutts AR 240-577-1085Dan Lavelle AR 240-674-4121MICHIGAN LOWERMike Dewey SC 616-363-3618Jeff Ansley AR 616-893-0044Rodney Greene AR 517-548-2438Robert Miller AR 810-797-5445Dale Rohelier AR 248-542-4867Mark Sheler AR 810-841-3737Paul Sprunger AR 517-485-4731Gary Truitt AR 517-250-1501Jeff Wheeler AR 231-775-0570MICHIGAN UPPERJames Sayatovich SC 906-281-7179MINNESOTAMike Irwin SC 763-425-3438David Adams AR 651-766-8060Kevin Brase AR 952-446-1837Duane Hooge AR 507-831-3290Dave McLellan AR 763-533-0410Mike Ray AR 218-390-2850Todd & Nikki Donnay AR 320-492-4758


Curtis & Carole ClementsVice President

Evangelistic Outreach870-389-6196 ext. 247

Kerry & Debbie GibsonNational Evangelist

601.927.8705August 1-31

Support CenterHatfield, AR

Tom & Kathie PalazzoloWest Region 1435.563.3688

August 9-11Nevada State Rally

Topaz Lake, NV

August 16-18Oregon State Rally

Madras, OR

August 27-31California South Chapter Visits

Hiram & Sharon VillaseñorRocky Mountain Region 2

505.334.8879August 2-4

Colorado State RallyNiwot, CO

August 5-11Sturgis Bike Week

Devil’s Tower & Hulett, WY

August 15-18Montana State Rally

Lewiston, MT

continue VillaseñorAugust 23-25

Wyoming State RallyGillette, WY

Roger & Rayleen WilsonNorth Central Region 3

641.226.0106August 4-10

Sturgis Bike WeekDevil’s Tower & Hulett, WY

August 15-18Indiana State Rally

Camby, IN

August 23-25Minnesota State Rally


August 30-Sep 2Michigan State Rally

Sebewaing, MI

John Jr. & Holly OgdenSouth Central Region 4870.389.6196 ext. 301

August 2-4Kansas State Rally

Hutchinson, KS

August 5-8Sturgis Bike Week

Sturgis, SD

August 9-11Big Dog RallyRidgway, CO

continue OgdenAugust 16-18

Arkansas State RallyHarrison, AR

August 23-25Missouri State Rally

Roach, MO

Rick & Eileen SteffyNortheast Region 5

717.733.1537August 2-4

Ohio State RallyWashington Court House

August 16-18New York State Rally

Voorheesville, NY

August 23-25West Virginia State Rally

Ripley, WV

Randal & Lisa TebeauSoutheast Region 6

706.745.1311August 3

Jacksonville Biker BashJacksonville, NC

August 9-11Alabama State RallyShocco Springs, AL

August 16-18Georgia State Rally

Toccoa, GA

Jerod & Jennifer McPhersonYouth Movement Evang.870.389.6196 ext. 233

OHIOG. R. Niver SC 740-994-0348Keith Burke AR 330-385-3277Jeff Fisher AR 419-343-6506Tom Martin AR 330-563-4221Bud Perry AR 740-286-5385Chris Surface AR 513-232-6407Rex & Mary Gilbert AR 419-657-6038OKLAHOMAGene Karn SC 580-334-6331Steve Brackeen AR 405-570-7796Gene Haddock AR 918-682-4741Mike McGovern AR 580-286-9342Richard Wagnon AR 580-323-6321Charles & Tonya Davis AR 405-640-3607OREGONCliff Roper SC 503-539-8885Marc Christensen AR 541-890-1232Barry Jarrett AR 503-591-8052Ty Stephenson AR 541-980-8016Douglas South AR 541-997-8451PENNSYLVANIADale Brubaker SC 814-224-5177Dick Ackerman AR 724-433-6345Allen Brooks AR 570-836-5030John Fleece AR 717-625-7193Ken Knapp AR 814-437-1751Jim Quoss AR 717-244-6041SOUTH CAROLINANorm Moore SC 843-607-0446Ralph Coggins AR 864-266-7027Wray Matthews AR 843-509-8001Retta Sundblad AR 864-855-3674SOUTH DAKOTAGary Smithers SC 605-291-9536Bart Blake AR 605-270-2313Barry Eberhard AR 605-363-3956Yvette Philipsen AR 605-347-2298Jeff & Nancy Eley AR 605-754-6065TENNESSEEJonathan Allgood SC 615-830-3183Arthur Gibson AR 423-361-4579Gary Holt AR 865-228-0907Richard Landess AR 423-877-9825Pontiac Lowry AR 901-682-6331Mike Norris AR 931-761-3810Michael & Julie Hearne AR 931-314-5559TEXAS NORTHEASTJoe Bishop SC 903-513-6378Thomas Barber AR 254-749-1248Jeffrey Coker AR 903-238-6202Robert DuMond AR 817-905-6538Rick Gentry AR 972-635-6448Marty Johnston AR 817-988-8069Randy Miller AR 512-259-4701Thomas Osburn AR 903-450-3634Jerry Spraggins AR 936-559-8499Danny Sullivan AR 214-287-1005TEXAS SOUTHEASTEugene Johnson SC 361-729-6493Rob Bayman AR 713-553-6981Art Brown AR 210-633-2123Meredith Jordan AR 361-290-1046Nancy Logan AR 956-862-5958Vernon Osborn AR 281-356-9225Bobby Pudwill AR 832-341-2388Dana & Jane Futrell AR 713-542-3660TEXAS WESTCharles Grady SC 940-723-2948Daniel Comalander AR 432-687-4595David Mason AR 806-292-5562Bob McClain AR 325-642-6265Mike Negri AR 940-592-2854Kevin & Jene Phillips AR 940-733-6707Tim & Donna Reich AR 254-442-1422

UTAHBob Stringham SC 801-885-0222Roger Cannon AR 801-731-5238Jon Fellenz AR 435-730-0088VIRGINIAJim Palmer SC 540-674-4478Kimberly Collins AR 276-328-3631David Miller AR 540-362-3962Lenny Stowell AR 757-420-4411Doug Surges AR 540-439-0529Sam Uhlenbrock AR 757-420-9065WASHINGTONLee Scholes SC 206-538-2488

Marvin Astin AR 360-437-9307Scott Dickerson AR 360-424-4543Rob Gutierrez AR 509-539-9942Timothy McCart AR 509-981-6181Dana Pieze AR 360-340-7547Gene & Pam Myers AR 509-586-9947

WEST VIRGINIAKevin Wright SC 304-375-4980Rick Burkey AR 304-863-3204Tim Hudnall AR 304-824-2993Gene Lambert AR 304-567-2048Thomas E. Roberts AR 304-727-8821WISCONSINRalph Sorenson SC 414-881-7578John Clark AR 715-943-2591Tom Duerst AR 920-487-4234Steve Gorder AR 608-987-3790John Haydin AR 608-547-0246Mark Schwacher AR 414-322-6500Jan Reed AR 715-463-5951WYOMINGRay Mapel SC 307-682-0984Jeff Randall AR 307-421-5961
