cmc2012 building a meaningful learning about metrology with cmaps

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  • 7/30/2019 Cmc2012 Building a Meaningful Learning About Metrology With Cmaps




    Abstract. This article relates the experiences with CMap that have been made by the Capacitating Center of Inmetro. As

    interface of learning enviroment, as evaluation tools of learning or as tool to detecting changing in mental model of students, on

    all those dimensions we have being applied the methodology of the Conceptual Maps, we intended to create a meaningful

    learning in the metrology domain.

    Category: Poster

    1 Introduction

    The Capacitating Center of National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology of the Federative Republic

    of Brazil - Inmetro/Cicma has a role of promote distance education activities related with the teaching about

    metrology and quality conformity, through out the Brazilian Metrological System through its network the Ipems

    in all Brazilians states.

    With goal to research new teaching approaches, part of Cicma's team has employed the concept maps as

    strategies to promote meaningful learning in three pilot projects of teaching experiments: the use of Cmap as

    learning evaluation tool (Correia at alli, 2010); the use of the Cmap to detect change of patterns of mental

    model; and the use of the Cmap as interface of content acess on a Learning Management Content System

    (Cans and Novak, 2000).

    2 Using Cmap as learning evaluation tool

    The activity proposed for the use of Conceptual Maps is related to the theme the History of the quantities and

    base units of the International System of Units and require of students to develop concept maps based on

    information from a collection of posters translated at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL / UK) related to

    each International System of Units as weight (kg), eletricity (A), dimension (m), time (s), luminosity (cd),

    temperature (K) and amount of a substance (mol).

    The first experiment is related to the development of a pattern of evaluation of learning using CMaps. After

    deliver the content about International System Units through the banner translated from NPL, we suggested to

    high school students in a public school in Rio de Janeiro, was suggested to them to develop conceptual maps

    about the content to which they were exposed.

    To grade the result of conceptual maps made by those students we compared what they did with conceptualmaps produced by experts of metrology from Inmetro. We try seeing the differences between the patterns of

    Cmap, the concepts used, the relation between them and their organization in hierarchies.

    This first experiment was presented at the Fourth International Conference on Concept Mapping (2010), entitled

    Concept Maps in the History of Definitions SI Base Units: The Collaborative Learning Proposal for the

    Teaching of Metrology.

    We reproduce below in the Figure1 a sample of conceptual map made by an expert in metrology of Inmetro.

  • 7/30/2019 Cmc2012 Building a Meaningful Learning About Metrology With Cmaps


    3 Using Cmap to detect change of patterns of mental model

    The second experiment is related to the research about if we can change the mental model of student about their

    Views of Nature of Science (VNOS). Using also posters with contents related physics and the metrology, we

    worked their understanding about those contents exposed, demanding to them elaborating conceptual maps in

    order to organize their understanding about the content learned. From the conceptual map made by them we didtry to detect if happened some pattern of metal model change in students conceptions about their views of nature

    of sciences.

    Figure 1. Time Unit Concept Mapping by an expert. (Alves at alli, 2010)

    The results of this research were presented in Historian Scientiarum III: 3rd Congress of History of Sciences

    and Techniques and Epistemology (2010) under the title A Meaningful Learning The History of Basil of SI


    The development of this research now is being done with students of undergraduate course in Engineering on

    discipline The Fundamentals of Metrology and Conformity Assessment of two important Brazilian public

    universities (and UFSCar UFRJ) and presented at the 13th Seminar on the History of Science and Technology

    (September 2012) under the title "Does the Meaningful Learning about History of the Definition of Quantities

    and Units of Base of SI influences the Change of View on the Nature of Science? The use of Cmaps on this

    context is to detect change of patterns of mental model.

    At Capacitating Center of Inmetro the methodology of the application of concept maps have been used as a tool

    for evaluating the learning on classes theme Intellectual Property and Innovation, mandatory for students in

    third year of technical courses in metrology. The results were presented at the Third Meeting Enapid Academic

    Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development (2010) under the title A Proposal for Dissemination of

    Intellectual Property Rights in Technical High School in Metrology.

    4 Using Cmap as interface of content access on a Learning Management Content System

    The third use of Cmap by the CICMA is related its utilization as interface of the content in one course on aLearning Management Content System. Not only the course is introduced by a conceptual map but the several

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    activities of course will demand to students working with conceptual maps. Basically the content exposed isvideos linked in each concept of Conceptual Map Interface. The students will be able to develop their own

    interface using the videos content on their own and organizing them on a new arrangement, doing their ownmeaning.

    The content introduced on this course is International Vocabulary (VIM) of Metrology. With about 144 terms

    and most of them related and derived between them, it makes the idea how complex it is. The latest edition ofInternational Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) to try deal with this complexity created their own the conceptual

    maps as annex of edition.

    Figure 2. Concept diagram for part of Clause 4 around metrological properties

    Of a measuring instrument or a measuring system. (VIM, 2012)

    The Figure 2 demonstrates the complexity of relation between the concepts of the VIM. The

    VIM is for sure an of the most important tool of metrology. Its domain is what make someone

    an expert on metrology and the goal of this experience is make it easy to happens and

    promote a meaningful learning of those concepts.

    5 Conclusion

    As conclusion of this communication we can say assertively that we have promoted the use

    of conceptual map on the certainty of the results we have been reached. On the side of

    students we feel them motivated for do something that is not so trivial but also something

    more playful and to us, as researchers and teachers, by the satisfaction that we have to reach

    to the ours goals that is to promote the meaningful learning (Novak, 2008).

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    Alves, Luciana e S.; Xavier, Carolina T. de A.; Cardoso, Carlos A.; Meneses Junior, Klinger G.; Claro, Tatiana

    R.; Bernardes, Amrico T.(2010). Concept Maps in the History of Definitions SI Base Units: ACollaborative Learning Proposal for Teaching of Metrology. Conference on Concept Mapping, Volume II,

    Chile. Jaime Snchez, Alberto J. Caas, Joseph D. Novak, editors.

    Caas, A. J., Novak, J. D. (2000). Itineraries Capturing Instructorss Experience Using Concept Map asLearning Object Organizers. Paper presented 4th International Conference on Concept Mapping J.Snchez,

    A.J.Caas, J.D.Novak, Eds. Via del Mar, Chile, 2010.

    Correia, Paulo R. M.; Silva, Amanda C.; Romano Junior, Jerson G. (2010). Mapas conceituais como ferramentade avaliao na sala de aula. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fsica, v. 32, n. 4, 4402.

    Novak, J. D. (1998). Learning, creating, and using knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schoolsand Corporations. Mahweh, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    ___________________(2012) International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts andassociated terms (VIM). JCGM, BIMP, 3rd edition.