cmhr 523_chaptersummaries

PG 0 CMHR 523 | HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Textbook Chapter Summaries [10 Best Submissions] Professor Anne Hardacre Ruth Tupe 500199176

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Textbook Chapter Summaries!



[10 Best Submissions]

Professor Anne Hardacre

Ruth Tupe 500199176

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Chapter 1: The Strategic Role of HRM 1. Describe how the external environment influences HR.

Organizations are often faced with complex and dynamic issues, that can directly or indirectly influence

an organization in every aspect. These influences fall into 5 major categories: Economic Conditions,

Labour Market Issues, Government, Technology, and Globalization. As changes occur in these

categories, organizations must be able to react, respond, and redirect their strategy to counterbalance

the negative effects of: a slow world economy, increased global market, changes in employee

legislation, union demands, and even technological advances.

Since people are the driving force of an organization, they must be able to quickly act in light of these

changes. This implies that as issues arise, the workforce will require the right tools to respond; whether

it is continuing education, new training, a change in roles and responsibilities, etc.

HR MUST provide these tools, as they are bridge between management and the employees to

establish organizational objective. Thus, it is HR's role to ensure the organization best equips their

employees to confidently work through these inevitable challenges. HR can assist in implementing

these strategies and in turn, transforms their role as a strategic partner in an organization's success.

2. Explain why HR is a profession.

HR became a designated profession because of the human resources movement; a philosophy that

recognizes that people are instrumental to an organization and therefore it is important to focus on their

needs and how to increase productivity and performance.

This ideology began in the 1900s and slowly evolved and developed over the years through four major

phases. The first phase first recognized the importance of personnel administration as part of HR. This

includes payroll, hiring, firing, etc. The second phase was a response to the industrial revolution; as

workers felt overworked, unions were formed to represent their voice to management. As a result, legal

compliance became part of HR responsibilities along with orientation, performance appraisals, and

employee relations. The third phase added government legislation to the mix as human rights and

employee rights were established and passed. Lastly, the fourth phase encompassed the notion to

strategically manage human capital and resources.

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As the HR role evolved over the years, its importance and relevance has also grown making it an

integral part of the organization. It is now a designation similar to other professions such as Chartered

Accountants and Engineers and is becoming a more dynamic and challenging role for professionals.

3. Describe how internal environmental factors influence HR.

The internal environment is defined by 2 major forces that dynamically act within an organization; the

organizational culture and organizational climate. The culture encompasses the values and beliefs of the

organization and is reinforced throughout the mission statement, employee manuals, guidelines,

training, orientation, etc. Since the culture creates the essence of the organization, it shapes and

defines the employees' perception, direction, and actions. Therefore HR must learn to understand

these attitudes as they directly influence the workforce. The climate is developed as a direct result of

the culture established. An atmosphere is created that reflects the culture and directly sets the setting

employees must work under. Knowing this, HR must understand these forces to be able to relate with

employees but also to re-align them to organizational objectives.

4. What is Strategic HR?

Strategic HR refers to leveraging human capital to effectively compete in the growing global market. It is

developed from the notion that an organization's workforce is the newest competitive advantage.

Implementing strategic HR is being able to consider internal strengths/weaknesses against external


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Chapter 2: The Changing Legal Emphasis 1. Provide 3 examples of prohibited grounds for discrimination in employment in Canadian jurisdictions.

Race and Colour:

Marginalizing people of race and colour is considered discrimination because it is based on cultural prejudice.

Age: This can be considered discrimination if an employee is falsely judged for assumed to behave a certain way simply based on age stereotypes. A person should be measured by their ability.

Religion: Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, every person should have the freedom to believe in any religion. Disrespecting this right counts as discrimination.

2. Explain how 'diversity management' differs from 'employment equity' and explain three reasons for embracing workforce diversity.

Employment equity is an obligation organizations must keep to comply with the law. Diversity

Management is strategically managing employee talent. There are many advantages to embracing

unique talents of a diverse workforce. Employees may be able to speak different languages and

communicate with potential customers or suppliers or partners around the world, employees might

have their own business networks that would provide an opportunity to expand, and lastly, employees

can provide ethnic insights and cultural cues that can be relevant for international business practices

and product development in other countries.

3. Identify the steps in implementing an employment equity program and the importance of each step.

Step 1: Senior Management

Commitment & Support

It is important to lead by example, if expectations and standards are

set by top level management, this will influence and trickle down to the


Step 2: Data Collection

and Analysis

It is important to have an objective system to measure and analyze

performance towards organizational goals and objectives.

Step 3: Employment

Systems Review

It is also important to consider the overall effect the program will have

on employees and what actions must be taken to counterbalance

these effects (i.e. updating employee manuals).

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Step 4: Plan Development

Having a plan maps out the direction and the timelines for your

organization. It is a tool to anticipate logistics but also to set goals and

measure whether they have been met.

Step 5: Implementation

It is critical that the execution is effective, timely, and also done within

a realistic framework and timeline. This also ultimately affects how

employment equity will be adopted by the organization.

Step 6: Monitoring,

Evaluating, and Revising

Feedback and reflection is important to correct mistakes but seeks

opportunities for improvement. The organization must make a

commitment to continually improve the system.

4. What is systemic discrimination? What is reasonable accommodation? What is undue hardship? What is a BFOR? Systemic Discrimination Patterns of behaviour, policies, practices that are embedded within

the structure of an organization which disadvantage or perpetuate barriers for people.

Reasonable Adjusting policy or practices to enable employees to do their work

Accommodation without discrimination.

Undue Hardship Unjust work given to employees, therefore the employer is expected to

comply with the human rights legislation to prevent this.

BFOR Bonafide Occupational Requirement, which is a justifiable reason for

discrimination based on business necessity or an expectation clearly outlined to an employee. In return,

this clause protects employers from employees who may use their constitutional rights as an excuse for

their poor work performance.

5. Explain the purpose of employment standards legislation. Essentially, the employment standards legislations are an active pursuit to uphold the human rights

charter. Implementing proactive programs allow special interest groups such as women, Aboriginals,

visible minorities, and persons with disabilities to exercise their rights and make grounds for change in

the workplace.

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Chapter 4: Designing and Analyzing Jobs 1. Critical Thinking Question – Question #5 Identify all of the reasons why getting the job analysis and resulting job description and specifications correct is important to both an organization and its employees. What would be the impact if incorrect information was included?

Job analysis helps identify the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of each job, the human attributes

(knowledge, skills, abilities), and how to perform it. Without this process, there would not be accurate

context to even begin human resource planning. It provides the background for writing job

descriptions, specifications, compensation, job design, just to name a few. It is also important that this

analysis is conducted with accuracy so that HR can accurately forecast the needs of the organization

and take action to compensate for them. There are different categories in the job analysis, which are

the following:

Human Resource


The knowledge of skills and qualifications of internal employees which

allows the organization to identify which jobs can be staffed internally and

which ones will require external recruitment.

Recruitment & Selection Determines which type of person the organization needs to recruit and hire.

Job Evaluation: Wage &


To determine the skills, physical and mental demands, responsibilities and

working conditions drive the value of jobs.

Performance appraisal

The criteria used to assess performance must be directly related to the

duties & responsibilities of the job identified through the job analysis

process. If the job is more complex, employees and supervisors mutually

agree to objectives for the review period

Labour relations

Unions utilized the jobs descriptions as a basis for classifying jobs and

bargaining over wages, performance criteria and working conditions. Once

approved any changes may need to be negotiated.

Training, development &

career management

Comparing the skills and knowledge of the employees to the requirements

of the job allows the company to develop training programs to close and

skill gaps

Job design Allows the organization to ensure all the required jobs / tasks are being

completed. In addition, it aids in avoiding overlap of duties

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The negative impact: It would not provide the direction and context needed to properly plan for human

resources within the organization. Furthermore it could create chaos and disorganization because the

organization would not be able to find the right people to fulfill the roles, and consequently not have the

appropriate system to give them accurate compensation and support systems for them to succeed

and grow in the organization. Some examples of these consequences include, high turnover rate, loss

of profits, inefficient operations, inadequate pay, and low engagement.

!#2. Case Incident “What is a Human Resource Consultant to Do.” Develop a sample Job Description for the position of administrative assistant for the owner. !Job Description: Administrative Assistant

Position: Administrative Assistant


Northern Ontario

Reports to: President


September 25, 2011

Job Summary:

The Administrative Assistant contributes to the efficient day-to-day operations of the President’s office,

and supports the work of management, other staff, and any other clerical duties to support the


Overview of Duties & Responsibilities

! Support the President in day-to-day management of his/her schedule by co-ordinating calendars,

arranging appointments, anticipating scheduling conflicts and successfully resolving them.

! Organizing meetings for the President by assessing and seeking out the most appropriate venue.

Including booking of conference rooms, audio equipment and refreshments if required. Tracking

and following up on invites.

! Coordinate all travel requirements for the President ensuring flights, car rentals, and

accommodations are reserved and coordinated with calendar requirements. Conflicts or issues

need to be anticipated and successfully resolved.

! Provide administrative support to the President by answering telephone calls, processing

expense statements, gathering statistical information, preparing reports and coordinating any

stationary requirements.


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Primary Duties & Tasks

Reception Office Administration Provide Board Support

! Answer general phone inquiries in a professional and courteous manner

! Direct phone inquires to the appropriate staff member

! Reply to general information requests with the accurate information

! Greet visitors to the organization in a professional and friendly manner

! Use computer word processing, spreadsheet, and database software

! Forward general e-mails to the appropriate staff member

! Relay voice mail from the general mailbox to the appropriate staff member

! Data entry and upkeep of the organization's databases, ensuring a high accuracy

! With management staff, assist with the timely distribution of material to the Board

! Support the Board with meeting, travel and other arrangements !

! Other duties may be assigned as necessary

Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities)

Proficiency in the use of computer programs for: Proficiency in the use of office equipment: ! Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Outlook, Excel) ! ! Database Management (FileMaker Pro) ! Internet/Browsing/Research

! Computer Software ! ! Voice messaging systems ! Fax !/ Photo copier

Personal Characteristics

The Administrative Assistant will demonstrate competence in the following areas:

! Relationships: Maintain positive working relationships with others, both internally and externally. ! Communication: Excellent oral and written communication skills. ! Needs Assessment: Anticipate, understand, and respond to the needs of members and other

clients to meet or exceed their expectations. ! Teamwork: Work cooperatively and effectively with others to set goals, resolve problems, and

make decisions to enhance organizational effectiveness; ability to undertake self-directed tasks when necessary.

! Organization: Excellent time management skills; attention to detail; the capacity to prioritize by assessing situations to determine urgency; develop a work schedule, set goals, create/ implement actions plans and monitor progress; and ability to make clear, timely decisions

Working Conditions

!The Administrative Assistant will work from the LePage offices located at 40 Main St, 35 hours / week,

Monday through Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM. The Administrative Assistant will be entitled to 15 days of paid

vacation time per year. Occasional overtime may be required; compensation will be in the form of time

of in lieu as negotiated with management. Salary: $38,000 per hour (dependent on qualifications).

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3. Differentiate among job enlargement, job rotation, and job enrichment and provide an example of each.

Job Enlargement Job Rotation Job Enrichment

Also known as horizontal loading

is a technique to alleviate

boredom by assigning them

more responsibilities in a job.

This engages employees and

also draws out a wider range of

skills for the employee.

An alternative technique to

reduce monotony by creating a

system to allow employees to

have different positions and

within the organization. This

expands their understanding of

the company’s operations.

Also known as vertical loading is

providing opportunities for

employees to have more

meaningful tasks and satisfying

their career objectives and


An example would be expanding

the job of an intern at a

Magazine, rather than just

having print design

responsibilities, you can assign

them to update the company

website so they gain digital

design experience.

An example would be in a

volunteer organization, rather

than just assigning a volunteer

one role, you allow them to

fundraise, create marketing

materials, and also lead teams.

This will empower them and

make them more effective.

An example would be to allow

an salesperson in a retail store

who has great speaking ability

and people skills to run a training

session; since they have first

hand experience but also they

can feel like an integral part of

the store.

4. Qualitative methods for collective job analysis data and benefits !

Method Benefit

Observation Third party observer has an unbiased opinion than individuals who may have reasons for distorting facts and information

Questionnaire Inexpensive, the structured questions allows you to make sense of the information and draw out hard data, and can also focus the information you are trying to extract

Diary/Log Very detailed account of personal observations and thoughts, it is great for recording a long job cycle to understand the process stages

Individual Interview

Opportunity to explain the need for and the functions of job analysis, quick and simple to collect data, can draw out more information than surveys and can ask open ended questions that give you an idea of behaviours and skills, more expressive, interactive

Group Interview Good for open-ended problem solving as it facilitates collaboration, reliability can be better because group members cross check and vouch for each other

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Chapter 8: Orientation & Training The five steps in the Training and Development Process for: Junior Graphic Designer, Photoshop Editor (Close Cropper) at a Magazine 1. NEEDS ANALYSIS Task List

Close Crop Photos 1.1 Open/Locate File on server 1.2 Give file a meaningful systematic name 1.3 Save it on the client side server and a back-up copy 1.4 Resize the photo to proper resolution 1.5 Adjust brightness, contrast, colour correction 1.6 Use Magic Wand or selection tools to outline subject 1.7 Modify pixel selection to set initial crop 1.8 Move image to the Extract Tool Editor 1.9 Refine pixels around subject using erase tool for refined finish Complete Job Ticket 2.1 Go on server to record completed task 2.2 Save file on client server 2.3 Send email to client for review, CC the Creative Director

When and How


Close Cropping Photos occurs approximately 10 times a day but can vary

depending n the size of the job, but the complete Job Ticket Function exactly

corresponds to this number of cropped photos

Quantity & Quality of


Tolerance of 0.05px outer glow around the subject in photo


Knowledge Required

For tasks 1.2-1.9 ! Proficient in Adobe Photoshop CS5

For task 1.6-1.9 ! Advanced image manipulation

For tasks 2.1-2.3 ! Using the Kodak Server

Where it is learned On the job for all tasks

Performance Analysis Must be able to modify an image within 10-20 minute time frame and also the

quality must not be noticeable against a plain white background

Training Objectives Able to understand photo/pixel relationship and how that affects image

reproduction. Develop close attention to detail, quality, and consistency.

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2. Instructional Design Job Instructional


Employee must complete the “Photoshop Essentials” in house training course that outlines the key steps and key points when cropping an image. There is a certain function and set of steps to follow and because it is a specialized skill, it cannot just be observed and learned simply by on the job training.



After the employee has completed the course, it is also important to be guided under a mentor who will prevent bad habits from occurring. Photoshop is a program that provides many avenues to achieve a photo effect however there is one best method to preparing files for print reproduction and to maintain quality. This must be monitored.

Computer Based


This is optional but could give the employee focused training. The Photoshop Essentials book has an included DVD tutorial set which allows individuals to practice these skills on their own time.

3. Validation and Implementation Validated by Creative


This training program should be signed off by the Creative Director to ensure that the program encompasses all the necessary skills that the Creative Director would need from a Photoshop cropper.

Validated by

Prepress Operators

It would be valuable to receive feedback fro mthe Prepress department, they handle all digital image files and process them for printing. They are the experts at determining quality. A pilot program test should be run and the operators will look at the quality of the images and the method of instruction and give their opinions and make modifications accordingly.

Training by Prepress


As they are the individuals who are mostly monitoring this process, the responsibility should be set to this department to properly train graphic designers the expectations for digital photo reproduction. Choose a trainer in the department that has great teaching ability, patience, and also expertise.

3. Evaluation of Training

Semi-Annual Review

A performance review of all newly trained graphic designers should occur on their knowledge and technical ability in editing photos. Furthermore, the final output quality on the magazine should also be reviewed by the Creative Director and Prepress Operators.

Modifying Training

Program (Ongoing

Repetition of Steps

2-4 until necessary

Likely, modifications and changes to the program will occur because the software is often updated and new methods of cropping may be created.

Therefore, the program will have to modify to teach these new competencies and also ensure that the theoretical concepts of photo reproduction is

reinforced. Repeat steps 2-4 continuously to ensure it is tested and validated.

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Chapter 10: Developing Effective HR Please review the performance management system and do #1, 2, 3 questions from the case 'A Performance Dilemma' - on page 296 of the text. (Hint: you must know every aspect of the performance management process with an emphasis on the performance appraisal interview--for example, how should it be conducted effectively?) 1. Discuss the performance management process highlighted in the chapter and how it will aid

Brenda in creating this new performance appraisal system for her employer?

The performance management process has five major phases and its important to incorporate each

step as they all provide an excellent framework for assessing performance. The following steps are:

Step 1: Defining Performance Expectations

This the first step as it provides the expectations and goals that not only define the job tasks but essentially reflects how their job contributes to the overall success of the business. A job description is a good start to list duties. Furthermore, measurable standards such as sales quotas will assist in clarifying the expectations.

Step 2: Providing Ongoing Coaching and Feedback

The next is facilitate performance improvement by providing coaching and feedback. Open two-way communication need to occur to assess the progression towards goals. Also, the manager must foster employee ownership and control over the outcomes of these goals.

Step 3: Performance Appraisal and Evaluation Discussion

There must be a formalized method to structure and record the performance of every employee. Evaluation should be done at a specified time interval (i.e.quarterly) and a value to rate the level of performance. Qualitative and quantitative data will be good information to record performance accurately.

Step 4: Determine Performance Rewards/ Consequences

These incentives are designed to reward good performance but also deter poor performance. Some examples are bonuses, wage increase/decreases, benefits, perks or rewards. Furthermore the details of these rewards/consequences should be documented and clearly outlined for all employees.

Step 5: Career Developments Discussion

This is to provide guidance for an employee’s career progress within the company. Discussion about personal goals and how it could align with company objectives will be a good start. Providing resources such as courses or training opportunities will assist in this process as well.

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2. Discuss and suggest the type of appraisal methods that Brenda should recommend the

company utilize.

Behaviourally Anchored

Rating Scales (BARS) This would be a great appraisal method to implement as it combines the

benefits of narrative, critical incident and quantified ratings. It also sets a

scale to expected/unexpected performances using narrative examples.

Critical Incident Method This is crucial as a preventative measure to prevent counterproductive,

unwanted work behaviours and attitudes that can deteriorate the

organization and have negative effects. These should not be taken

lightly and should always be documented.

Computerized and Web-

Based Performance


This method will provide an efficient and organized way to keep track of

the employee’s performance and workflow. Supervisors to easily keep

track of an employee’s workflow and processing by using EPM.

Management by

Objectives Method


The manager can exercise leadership and guidance by setting

measurable goals for employees and review them throughout the year.

This can assist in developing the skills and talents of the employee and

not necessarily just focus on quantitative results.

3. Discuss the rating errors that Brenda must be aware of and how these can be avoided.

Unclear Performance Standards – A common error in the graphic rating scale since goals are

open to interpretation. The definition of good performance can differ among supervisors. Succinctly

describing these expectations is a good way to avoid this subjectivity.

Halo Effect – What may happen is the manager can unintentionally rate all traits similarly if the

employee is friendly. One must be wary about their relationship with their employees and not let that

bias their opinion. Having more than one supervisors’ opinion can help avoid this.

Central Tendency – There can be a tendency to select the average choices rather accurately

assessing the actual value. This distorts the actual performance of the employee. Ranking can help

avoid this issue and keep track of high and low performers.

Str ict/Leniency Problem – This can greatly affect rating scales as well but it is the opposite of

central tendency. Again, the main recommendation is to rank employees. In this problem supervisors

rating employee either at the top or the bottom of the rating scale.

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Appraisal Bias – Individual characteristics such as race, gender, age, can affect the rating. This is a

violation under the human rights legislation and also provides inaccurate feedback. Being aware of this

issue and supervisor training is highly recommended.

Recency Effect – Occurs when ratings are just based on the current performance rather than a full

view of the entire year’s performance. Objectivity is the key point to avoiding this issue and being

perceptive and having a bird’s eye view of the situation.

S imi lar-To-Me Bias – Bias against employees who have similar characteristics as themselves. This

is discriminatory and very subjective. Treating employees as equals and using the performance

measures as a basis for assessment can help.

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Chapter 9: Career Development Critical Thinking Question: How do you think employees are going to respond to the focus on career planning discussed in the text, given the emphasis in recent years on "being in charge of your own career"

In general, I believe that this concept is the best way to foster people potential within an organization

and can deliver some incredible results. Especially in such a competitive global market, the idea of

treating workers as career professionals changes the perspective of employees in an organization.

Employee Perspective

Most employees would positively respond to focusing on career planning rather than just their job. The

appeal is that people have the opportunity to reach their potential and pursue their aspirations. It also

provides more avenues for exploration on how to apply their skills in different settings. It would also

motivate the individual to do above and beyond their expected role knowing that one day, they would

be given the opportunity to overcome a new challenge. For example, a graphic designer might develop

the experience to become a Creative Project Manager, given they have also the skills to organize and

coordinate with different departments. This would challenge the employee to apply their skills and

overcome new challenges to further refine that skill and become a more valuable asset.

Management Perspective

I believe that management could use this strategy helps foster talent and challenge employees. First it

would engage workers by preventing their job from becoming repetitive and monotonous. It would also

encourage managers to be more intuitive with their workforce; by viewing them as an individual not just

an employee with a role and to critically assess their fit within the organization. To maximize employee,

the manager can rotate them in different positions and make a career path within the company.

Challenges and Other Considerations As an HR Professional, facilitating this career planning can pose many challenges and is not exactly a

formulated science. There must be a balance of meeting the interest of the employee and the interest

of the company. There must also be good transition systems for employees to move positions within

the organization and help adjust to these changes. Constant counseling should be provided to assist

employees and reviews and assessments can help document the successes of these transitions.


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Chapter 13: Employee Benefits & Services Critical Thinking Question: You are the HR consultant to a small business with about 40 employees. Currently, the business offers only the legal minimum number of days for vacation and paid holidays and the legally mandated benefits. Develop a list of other benefits that you believe should be offered, along with your reasons for suggesting them.

Health-Care/Medical Insurance

This is providing insurance at a group rate that the firm chooses for the entire company. A variety of packages are available from insurance companies; therefore you can choose a package the meets the needs of most of the employees.

This is perhaps one of the most valuable benefits you can provide for employees as many of them have families and medical costs can get heavy. The government only covers the basic necessities for healthcare therefore this would cover specialized medical needs. It also one considered a cornerstone in all benefit programs offered at most companies. If it is within reason, you could provide full coverage packages. More often than not, a lower rate is provided to employees including deductible expenses for drug plans.

Life Insurance

This is also considered a basic necessity for employees, in fact most employers provide group life insurance plans. This provides coverage for employees regardless of health and physical condition.

You can either provide Accidental death and dismemberment coverage or critical illness insurance or both. This type of coverage is important to provide because health concerns tend to become a larger burden for aging people. It also provides coverage for those who travel and need out-of-country treatment or perhaps allowing employees to afford activities they would not have been able to do before. This sends the message that you care about the well-being and work-life balance of your employees. Highly recommended.

Long-Term Disability

This will provide compensation for loss of income or protection for those who suffer from a long-term illness or injury that isn’t necessarily work related. Based on the rising disability medical condition of Canadian workers, it would be highly recommended to provide this benefit. Not only will this show how much you care about the well-being of your employees but a broader message can be sent as well. Your company can be proactive in managing persons with disabilities and avoid discriminating them from equal opportunity.

Retirement Benefits

This is a great incentive to maintain employee commitment to the company as it is a reward for long service to the company. It would be recommended to implement a defined contribution pension plan, which defines a periodic contribution. It will likely save costs and also provide the most benefits to the most committed to the organization. However, communication must be strong to ensure employees are supportive of the decisions made about their contributions, make a commitment to educate your workforce about how this program will work and affect employees’ futures.

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Chapter 12: Pay-for-Performance/Incentives Case Question: 2. Discuss the types of compensation programs and plans available to Marilyn to motivate and retain her existing staff There are many types of compensation programs to use but it is important to consider the nature of the

work and the context of the situation. Since these are just boutique employees, this would fall under the

employee compensation category. There are 2 basic options, either implementing a Standard Hour

Plan or Team or Group Incentive Plans. Incentives based on performance would be favourable to

Marilyn because she believes in fairness and does not show favourtism. This would be the more

objective approach, however, this can have some negative effects and the staff may not work together

to increase sales. The alternative is having a group incentive plan where it is a win/win situation. If the

entire group meets a sales quota then an bonus will be awarded. This is probably the best program as

it encourages a positive working environment, which will affect the customer experience and the

employees’ attitudes towards the customer. This would likely increase productivity and sales.

Required Activities:

B5) Develop an incentive plan for one of the following positions: used-car salesperson, web designer or HR Manager. Post your incentive plan and provide feedback to at least one colleague’s plan acting as the manager who will have to implement this plan with his/her work group.

Incentive Plan for Web Designer

Post a case study competition to improve the website of a certain company and set out certain criteria

that the website must meet, such as having a video component or an animation sequence. Participants

must also pitch their idea and be able to present it as if they were showing the actual client. Deadlines

and evaluation criteria will be posted and a panel of judges will score each submission. The winner will

be chosen as the creative direction for the client and will participate in the management of the project.

The incentive here is for web designers to actively apply their skills and foster their talent. It is also

designed to teach them how to develop creative briefs and actively think about the needs of the client

when creating websites for them. This is a win-win situation as it develops the employee but also

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provides management an idea of the talents of each individual. It also presents an opportunity for

feedback and evaluation so that all applicants, despite not having won, can gain something out of the


B6) Recognition can take many forms. Prepare a list of some forms of recognition that would be motivational for your generation and explain why you have chosen them. In your posting name the generation.

Superlatives (Awards) – These are great because everyone is merited for being who they are and it

recognizes their best qualities. It fosters a team environment and positive affirmation. For example,

“Most Punctual” or “Best Photoshop Editor”, etc.

Gift Certificates/Rewards – Providing a valuable experience outside from monetary gain would be more

meaningful when recognizing someone who has done a great job. If the employees value going out to

restaurants than that would be a great motivational gift but by facilitating the team to celebrate

successes together, this prevents jealousy and resentment.

New iPhone or Software – This is probably one of the most expensive expenses for some employees

and it is a necessity for their job so this would be the perfect way to treat a good employee but it would

also encourage them to be productive and to keep up with the latest technologies.

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Chapter 16: Labour Relations Critical Thinking Questions (pg.461) 2. If supervisors communicate effectively with employees, deal with their concerns, and treat them fairly, employees are far less likely to be interested in forming or joining a union.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? I definitely agree with this statement because these actions demonstrate to workers that they are

treated fairly and their concerns are not taken lightly. Open, constructive, two-way communication

fosters an environment of trust and strengthens the relationships between management and

employees. As long as employees feel that their voice is representative and they have an influence to

improve the conditions of the work environment, then there is no need to established a formalized

method to negotiate these changes through the union. In the same way, if employees communicate in

a respective and constructive manner, they will be responsive and try to maintain the relationship. This

is completely dependent upon the behaviour of both parties for this to be successful.

Critical Thinking Questions: (pg. 462) 2. What are the primary reasons why people unionize?

1. Perceived inequities in wages and treatment

2. Job Security

3. General Job Dissatisfaction (work hours, conditions, benefits, wages)

4. Unfair practices by management in policies, administration, etc.

5. Lack of representation and the fair opportunity to express opinions about work

6. Lack of opportunity for advancement

7. Unions have a reputation of being effective in creating change and having influence

8. Balance powers between management and workers

3. Should a union wish to organize LearnInMotion employees, what are the 5 steps in the labour relations process a union must go through?

1. Employees decide to seek collective representation. 2. Union organize a campaign to make themselves known 3. Union is certified and recognized 4. Negotiation of a collective agreement with management 5. Day to day contract administration

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Chapter 17: Managing HR in Global Business Critical Thinking Question: 1. Based on this chapter and the case incident, compile a list of 10 international HR mistakes Mr. Fisher has made so far

It seems that Mr. Fisher made presumed that his previous strategy in opening distribution centers

would equally be successful. Opening a business in a new country has major implications on how

business dealings change, work/employee standards, and also market and culture differences. His

major mistakes and failures are as follows:

1. Failure to conduct research to develop a European HRM Strategy

This initial step would have prevented many of the problems Mr. Fisher is facing if he understood what

kind of preparation and planning is needed to open a new distribution center in Europe. This would of

given context to opening up his business and would given cues to change his strategy accordingly

2. Failure in training and orientation of Expatriates for their position overseas

In this situation, the expatriates were poorly trained in handling the opening of new distribution centers.

First, they should be assessed for their adaptability in such an extreme situation. Secondly, they should

of been acquainted with the culture and the challenges they would face, such as language barriers and

cultural norms. Furthermore, they should have been provided training to deal with all these situations.

3. Did not properly compensate/provide relocation strategies for Expatriates

Not only were they poorly prepared but also they were not given enough compensation to live

adequately in their situations, especially with the new stresses and strains of starting up a distribution

center. This has further strain on the already altered mental/emotional state of the Expatriate and in

turn, affects their overall performance. Providing counseling, assigning them a mentor, and maintaining

communication lines could of assisted and prevented them from making poor mistakes (being in debt).

4. Failure to understand Legal Systems/International Relations

There should have been written employment agreements. This is a direct violation of Germany and

Belgiums labour/employee laws and regulations. It shows a lack of consideration of the employees who

were hired as staff for the distribution centers.

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5. Failure to develop global partnerships to help start his business

This would have been a strategic movie to actually flourish his business overseas by seeking the advice

and guidance of a fellow company in the respective regions. 6. Failure to implement a Global HR System to interconnect the two continents

This could of provided the HR Department in Canada to assist in these transitions and changes. By

providing a system to accurately track the dealings overseas and also establish a communication link,

this could have provided more support for the operations in Belgium and Germany. 7. Failure to find international managers to assist in Germany and Belgium

Poor candidate identification for this position was a large consequence. The company should of spent

time finding and scouting appropriate managers. Blindly putting advertisements in local newspapers is

a passive approach and more often than not lead to finding “lost souls”

8. Lack of Performance Appraisals for Global Managers This system would of given flags of concern before the situation would escalate to an emergency state.

This would give quantitative and qualitative information on the success of the operations. 9. Failure to understand economic systems Did not know how to viably run a business with the different economic environment and operate with

good financial sense. They ran into debt and also had to cut their workforce which is completely

counterproductive. 10. Lack of understanding of the Cultural Barriers/Factors It seems there’s a disconnect of understanding the culture in Belgium and Germany. Cross-cultural

research would have been a huge benefit in understanding the market and the environment.