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OSI model - Cross-layer functions

1 management functions, i.e. functions that permit to configure, instantiate,

monitor, terminate the communications of two or more entities: there is a specific

application layer protocol, common management information protocol (CMIP) and its corresponding service, common

management information service (CMIS), they need to interact with every layer in

order to deal with their instances.

Network management - Technologies

1 A small number of accessory methods exist to support network and network device

management. Access methods include the SNMP, command-line interface (CLIs), custom

XML, CMIP, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Transaction Language 1,

CORBA, NETCONF, and the Java Management Extensions (JMX). Internet service providers

(ISP) use a technology known as deep packet inspection in order to regulate network

congestion and lessen Internet bottlenecks.

Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects

1 The Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects (GDMO) is a

specification for defining managed objects of interest to the

Telecommunications Management Network for use in CMIP.

Common Management Information Protocol

1 CMIS/CMIP is the network management protocol specified by the ISO/OSI Network management model and is further defined by the

ITU-T in the X.700 series of recommendations.

Common Management Information Protocol

1 CMIP models management information in terms of managed

objects and allows both modification and performing actions on managed

objects. Managed objects are described using GDMO (Guidelines

for the Definition of Managed Objects), and can be identified by a distinguished name (DN), from the

X.500 directory.

Common Management Information Protocol

1 CMIP also provides good security (support authorization, access control, and security logs) and

flexible reporting of unusual network conditions.

Common Management Information Protocol - Services implemented

1 The management functionality implemented by CMIP is described under CMIS services.

Common Management Information Protocol - Deployment

1 CMIP is implemented in association with the ACSE and ROSE protocols. Both are Layer 7 OSI protocols (Application Layer). ACSE is

used to manage associations between management applications (i.e. manage

connections between CMIP agents). ROSE is employed for all data exchange interactions.

Besides the presence of these Layer 7 protocols, CMIP assumes the presence of all

OSI layers at lower levels but does not explicitly specify what these should be.

Common Management Information Protocol - Deployment

1 There have been some attempts to adapt CMIP to the TCP/IP protocol

stack. Most notable is CMOT contained in RFC 1189 (detailing

CMIP over TCP). Other possibilities include RFC 1006 (which provides an ISO transport service on top of TCP), and CMIP over LPP (a presentation

layer protocol that can run on top of TCP or UDP).

Common Management Information Protocol - Deployment

1 There is also a form of CMIS that is developed to operate directly on top of

the LLC sublayer. It is called the LAN/MAN Management Protocol (LMMP),

formerly it was the Common Management Information Services and

Protocol over IEEE 802 Logical Link Control (CMOL). This protocol does away with the need for the OSI stack as is the

case with CMIP.

Common Management Information Protocol - History

1 CMIP is supported mainly by telecommunication devices.

Representational state transfer - CMIP

1 The notable non-restful aspect of CMIP is the M_ACTION operation

although, wherever possible, designers of management

information bases (MIBs) would typically endeavour to represent

controllable and stateful aspects of network equipment through


Education in Israel - Textbooks

1 Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace


Simple Network Management Protocol - Version 1

1 The '80s design of SNMP V1 was done by a group of collaborators who

viewed the officially sponsored OSI/IETF/NSF (National Science

Foundation) effort (HEMS/CMIS/CMIP) as both unimplementable in the

computing platforms of the time as well as potentially unworkable

United Nations Relief and Works Agency - UNRWA and the Palestinian curriculum

1 However, in an exchange with CMIP Brown notes my criticism that CMIP's work is

'tendentious and highly misleading' was made before CMIP issued its 2001 report

and could hardly have referred specifically to it.[

Professor Nathan Brown's reactions to CMIP's letter to UNRWA and CMIP's

responses to Professor Brown]

FCAPS - History

1 This protocol is called common management

information protocol (CMIP)

FCAPS - The five areas of function of the model

1 The FCAPS model can be seen as bottom-up or network-centric. The FAB model looks at the processes

more from top-down, is customer/business-centric. The two

standards that have emerged are Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) by IETF and

Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) by ITU-T.

University for Peace - Around the world

1 The European Centre for Peace and Development (ECPD) in Belgrade,

Serbia; the World Centre for Training and Research in Conflict Resolution

(WCCR) in Bogotá, Colombia; and the World Centre for Research for Peace (CMIP) in Montevideo, Uruguay, have

developed close links with their respective governments while being

key UPEACE partners in areas of common interest

Teaching credential

1 Requirements vary from state to state.[


WRlbnRpYWxzp_li=p_topview=1 Teacher certification] U.S

Global warming hiatus

1 Fifteen-year-long hiatus periods are common in both the observed and CMIP5 historical GMST time series, Box TS.3: Climate Models and the

Hiatus in Global Mean Surface Warming of the Past 15 Years, IPCC,

Climate Change 2013: [

Technical Summary], p

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report - Models

1 Most of the CMIP5 and Earth System Model (ESM) simulations for AR5 WRI were performed with prescribed CO2

concentrations reaching 421 ppm (Representative Concentration Pathways|RCP2.6), 538 ppm

(RCP4.5), 670 ppm (RCP6.0), and 936 ppm (RCP 8.5) by the year 2100

Common management information service

1 It defines the service interface that is implemented by the Common

Management Information Protocol (CMIP) as specified in

[ ITU-T Recommendation X.711,

ISO/IEC International Standard 9596-1]

Common management information service

1 Note the term CMIP is sometimes used erroneously when CMIS is

intended. CMIS/CMIP is most often used in telecommunication

applications, in other areas Simple Network Management Protocol|SNMP

has become more popular.

Common management information service - Management association services

1 To transfer (computing)|transfer management information between open systems using

CMIS/CMIP, peer connections, i.e., associations, must be established. This

requires the establishment of an Application layer association, a Session layer

telecommunication connection|connection, a Transport layer connection, and, depending

on supporting telecommunication|communications technology, Network layer

and Link layer connections.

Antisemitism in the Arab world - Saudi Arabia

1 Saudi Arabian government officials and state religious leaders often promote the idea that Jews are

conspiring to take over the entire world; as proof of their claims they

publish and frequently cite The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as

factual.[ CMIP report: The Jews in World History according to the Saudi


Layered protocol - Cross-layer functions

1 * Management functions, i.e. functions that permit to configure, instantiate, monitor, terminate the

communications of two or more entities: there is a specific

application-layer protocol, common management information protocol

(CMIP) and its corresponding service, common management information

service (CMIS), they need to interact with every layer in order to deal with

their instances.

Telecommunications Management Network

1 For communication between Operations Systems and NEs

(Network Elements), it uses the Common management information

protocol (CMIP) or Mediation devices when it uses Q3 interface.


1 METAFOR has created tools for practical use of the CIM, e.g., the Coupled model intercomparison

project|CMIP5 questionnaire for input and creation of CIM documents. External groups, e.g., the Earth

System Grid|Earth Systems Grid, are also writing tools for CIM content.

METAFOR - METAFOR and the CMIP5 metadata questionnaire

1 The CMIP5 questionnaire is an ambitious metadata collection tool

and will help scientists to provide the most comprehensive metadata of

any climate model inter-comparison project. It aims to collect enough

detail to allow users to easily:


1 * Common management information protocol|'C'ommon 'M'anagement

interface protocol (CMIP) 'O'ver TCP-IP | 'T'cpip, an architecture for

managing a network remotely as defined in RFC 1189 (a revised

version of RFC 1095)

Australian Centre for the Moving Image - Games Lab

1 In 2003, ACMI commissioned Selectparks to produce an interactive game-based, site specific installation called AcmiPark, which was exhibited

in the Games Lab. AcmiPark replicates and abstracts the real world architecture of Federation

Square. It also houses highly innovative mechanisms for

interactive, multiplayer sound and musical composition.

Climate modelling - Climate models

1 When studying climate change, climate scientists use the standard

protocol Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Since Earth's radiation balance plays a key

role as climate driver, it is crucial when modeling the climate system.

especially for regional climate.

Climate modelling - Climate models on the web

1 * [ CMIP:

Coupled Model Intercomparison Project]

Federation Square - ACMI – Australian Centre for the Moving Image

1 In 2003, ACMI commissioned SelectParks to produce an interactive game-based, site specific installation called AcmiPark. AcmiPark replicates

and abstracts the real world architecture of Federation Square. It

also houses highly innovative mechanisms for interactive, multi-

player sound and musical composition.

Isolation transformer - Supplying power to ships

1 This can be avoided by using an isolation transformer with the

primary and case connected to shore earth, and the secondary floating.

[ Boat installation, connected to shore earth and

secondary floating] A metal safety screen between primary and

secondary is connected to shore earth; in the event of a fault current

in the primary (due, e.g., to insulation breakdown) it will cause

the fault current to return and trip a shore-based circuit breaker rather

than making the hull live.

Genetic research into dyslexia - Overview

1 Several genes have been linked to dyslexia, including DCDC2 and

KIAA0319 on chromosome 6, DYX1C1 on chromosome 15, ROBO1, DYX3, the language-disorder candidate gene CMIP, and several others