co-cathedral saint joseph - co-cathedral of saint joseph september 10th, 2017...

e Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph September 10th, 2017 Septiembre 10 de 2017 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-638-1071 - Fax: 718-398-2410 [email protected] StJosephBrooklyn @StJoseph_BK MASS SCHEDULE HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday/Domingo 9:00am - English 10:30am - Spanish 12:000pm - English Weekdays/Días Entre Semana 8:00am - English 9:00am - Spanish OFFICE HOURS HORARIO DE OFICINA Mon-Fir/Lun-Vier: 9am - 6pm Sat-Sun/Sab-Dom: 9am-4pm Closed/Cerrada: 12pm-1pm (Lunch) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ADORACION EUCARISTICA Friday/Viernes: 9am - 7pm NOCTURNAL ADORATION/ ADORACION NOCTURNA First Friday 9:00am - Saturday 7:00am/ Primer Viernes 9:00am - Sábado 7:00am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado 3:00-4:00pm (or by appointment) THIS WEEK AT ST. JOSEPH´S - ESTA SEMANA EN SAN JOSÉ Tue 9/12 Estudio Bíblico “Vivamos la Eucaristía” @ 7:00 PM – White Room Fri 9/15 Youth Group meeting CATHEDRAL STAFF PARISH RECTOR e Reverend Monsignor Kieran E. Harrington [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR e Reverend Charles P. Keeney [email protected] DEACON Deacon Fausto Duran [email protected] DEACON/RCIA DIRECTOR Deacon Manuel H. Quintana [email protected] PARISH SECRETARY Ms. Clara Martinez [email protected] CCD DIRECTOR Ms. Jessica Figueroa faithformation@StJosephs - PASTORAL ASSOCIATE AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTER Mother Maria Amador, PCM [email protected] PRETEEN, YOUTH AND SENIOR CITIZEN MINISTER Sister Heidi Delgadillo, PCM [email protected] MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Alejandro Zuleta [email protected] contra de nosotros! Yo no puedo ayu- dar, pero pienso en aquellos quienes están indocumentados, en particular los “soñadores”, en el contexto de las lecturas de hoy. Los Estados Unidos es un país de leyes y la ley debe ser obe- decida. Sin embargo, la ley está desti- nada a servir a nuestro bien común. Tenemos que reconocer que en este caso la ley se quebrantó, aun al mismo tiempo reconocer que hacer que los niños sean responsables cuando ape- nas podían escoger lo correcto y lo in- correcto, es a la vez inmoral e injusto. Además, la ley misma no es inmutable y está destinada a adaptarse a las nece- sidades cambiantes. Nuestra oración como cristianos esta semana debe ser para la reconciliación con nuestros vecinos, podemos confiar en el poder de nuestras oraciones porque el Padre nunca niega lo que dos o tres piden en su nombre, que Dios los bendiga. HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS NO ENDUREZCÁIS VUESTROS CORAZONES. Today’s readings are meant to challenge you and me. e responsorial Psalm is “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Love is to be for the other. Christians are called to love – even when the other may be against us! I cannot help but think of those who are undocumented, particularly ‘dreamers,’ in the context of these readings. America is a country of laws and the law must be obeyed. Nevertheless, the law is meant to serve our shared common good. We must acknowledge that laws were broken, yet at the same time recognize that to hold children accountable when they could barely choose right and wrong is both immoral and unjust. Moreover, the law itself is not unchangeable and is meant to adapt to changing needs. Our prayer as Christians this week ought to be for reconciliation with our neighbors. We can be confident in the power of our prayers because the Father never denies what two or three ask in His name. May God bless you. Las lecturas de hoy están destinadas a desafiarnos a usted y a mí. El salmo responsorial es: “Si hoy escucháis su voz, no endurezcáis vuestros corazo- nes.” El amor es ser para el otro. Los cristianos están llamados a amar, ¡in- cluso cuando el otro puede estar en

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Page 1: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph September 10th, 2017 ... La ley se resume en el mandamien- ... Iris Lovato, 1ª Lectura; y Anabelle

The Co-Cathedral of Saint JosephSeptember 10th, 2017Septiembre 10 de 2017

856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238718-638-1071 - Fax: [email protected] StJosephBrooklyn @StJoseph_BK


Sunday/Domingo 9:00am - English 10:30am - Spanish 12:000pm - English

Weekdays/Días Entre Semana 8:00am - English 9:00am - Spanish

OFFICE HOURSHORARIO DE OFICINA Mon-Fir/Lun-Vier: 9am - 6pm Sat-Sun/Sab-Dom: 9am-4pm Closed/Cerrada: 12pm-1pm (Lunch) EUCHARISTIC ADORATIONADORACION EUCARISTICA Friday/Viernes: 9am - 7pm NOCTURNAL ADORATION/ ADORACION NOCTURNA First Friday 9:00am - Saturday 7:00am/ Primer Viernes 9:00am - Sábado 7:00am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado 3:00-4:00pm (or by appointment)


Tue 9/12 Estudio Bíblico “Vivamos la Eucaristía” @ 7:00 PM – White Room Fri 9/15 Youth Group meeting

CATHEDRAL STAFF PARISH RECTORThe Reverend Monsignor Kieran E. [email protected]

PAROCHIAL VICARThe Reverend Charles P. [email protected]

DEACONDeacon Fausto [email protected]

DEACON/RCIA DIRECTORDeacon Manuel H. [email protected]

PARISH SECRETARYMs. Clara [email protected]

CCD DIRECTORMs. Jessica Figueroafaithformation@StJosephs -


PRETEEN, YOUTH AND SENIOR CITIZEN MINISTERSister Heidi Delgadillo, PCM [email protected] DIRECTORMr. Alejandro [email protected]

contra de nosotros! Yo no puedo ayu-dar, pero pienso en aquellos quienes están indocumentados, en particular los “soñadores”, en el contexto de las lecturas de hoy. Los Estados Unidos es un país de leyes y la ley debe ser obe-decida. Sin embargo, la ley está desti-nada a servir a nuestro bien común. Tenemos que reconocer que en este caso la ley se quebrantó, aun al mismo tiempo reconocer que hacer que los niños sean responsables cuando ape-nas podían escoger lo correcto y lo in-correcto, es a la vez inmoral e injusto. Además, la ley misma no es inmutable y está destinada a adaptarse a las nece-sidades cambiantes. Nuestra oración como cristianos esta semana debe ser para la reconciliación con nuestros vecinos, podemos confiar en el poder de nuestras oraciones porque el Padre nunca niega lo que dos o tres piden en su nombre, que Dios los bendiga.


Today’s readings are meant to challenge you and me. The responsorial Psalm is “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Love is to be for the other. Christians are called to love – even when the other may be against us! I cannot help but think of those who are undocumented, particularly ‘dreamers,’ in the context of these readings. America is a country of laws and the law must be obeyed. Nevertheless, the law is meant to serve our shared common good. We must acknowledge that laws were broken, yet at the same time recognize that to hold children accountable when they could barely choose right and wrong is both immoral and unjust. Moreover, the law itself is not unchangeable and is meant to adapt to changing needs. Our prayer as Christians this week ought to be for reconciliation with our neighbors. We can be confident in the power of our prayers because the Father never denies what two or three ask in His name. May God bless you.

Las lecturas de hoy están destinadas a desafiarnos a usted y a mí. El salmo responsorial es: “Si hoy escucháis su voz, no endurezcáis vuestros corazo-nes.” El amor es ser para el otro. Los cristianos están llamados a amar, ¡in-cluso cuando el otro puede estar en

Page 2: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph September 10th, 2017 ... La ley se resume en el mandamien- ... Iris Lovato, 1ª Lectura; y Anabelle


First ReadingThe Son of Man is appointed as guardian of Israel. (Ezekiel 33:7-9)

Responsorial PsalmIf today you hear his voice, if today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts, harden not your hearts. (Psalm 138:1-3,6,8)

Second ReadingThe Law is summarized in the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself.(Romans 13:8-10)

Gospel Reading Jesus teaches his disciples how to settle disputes in the Church. (Matthew 18:15-20)

10 Monday - Lunes: Ez 33:7-9/Rom 13:8-10/Mt 18:15-20

11 Thuesday - Martes: Col 1:24—2:3/Lk 6:6-11

12 Wednesday – Miercoles: Col 2:6-15/Lk 6:12-19

13 Thurday – Jueves: Col 3:1-11/Lk 6:20-26

14 Friday – Viernes: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14 (441)/Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35

15 Saturday - Sabado: 1 Tm 1:15-17/Lk 6:43-49



Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle AVigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo A

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lecturaEl Hijo del Hombre es nombrado guardián de Israel. (Ezequiel 33: 7-9)

Salmo responsorialOjalá escuchen hoy su voz: “No endurezcan su corazón”. (Salmo 138: 1-3,6,8)

Segunda LecturaLa ley se resume en el mandamien-to de amar a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. (Romanos 13: 8-10)

Lectura del EvangelioJesús enseña a sus discípulos cómo resolver las disputas en la Iglesia. (Mateo 18: 15-20)

Has been an indescribable experience having Pope Francis in Colombia, specially in my hometown, Villavicencio. Pope Francis has invited my country to follow now a new path of reconciliation and peace and Colombia wants to respond to his invitation. Our Catholic faith is alive! -

Ha sido una experiencia indescriptible tener al Papa Francisco en Colombia, especialmente en mi ciudad natal, Vi-llavicencio. El Papa Francisco ha invi-tado a mi país a seguir ahora un nuevo camino de reconciliación y Colom-bia quiere responder a su invitacion. ¡Nuestra fe católica está viva!

Pope Francis’ Vist to Colombia Visita del Papa Francisco a Colombia

Page 3: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph September 10th, 2017 ... La ley se resume en el mandamien- ... Iris Lovato, 1ª Lectura; y Anabelle


MINISTERS / MINISTROS 9:00 Mass Helpers of St. Joseph: Tina Perryman; Mariela

Shaw; Karl Arthur; and Joseph xKwiatkowski Lectors: Jessica Figueroa, 1st Reading; and Eric Ver,

2nd Reading Misa 10:30 Ayudantes de San José: Lida Wickham; Hilda Tallez;

Gabriela Zarate; Caritina & Ignacio López; y José-Luis & Marielena Palacios

Lectoras: Iris Lovato, 1ª Lectura; y Anabelle López, 2ª Lectura

Noon Mass Helpers of St. Joseph: Marlene Cordero Burgos;

Nancy Cardinale; Ray Cordero; and Yvonne Laborde

Lectors: Sue Rozinski, 1 st Reading; and Tom Rozinski, 2 nd Reading



TEMPORADA está CERCA1. September 17th and 24th are the two sign-up Sundays

to be part of the Third season of Arise./ Septiembre 17 y 24 serán los dos Domingos de inscripción para la Tercera temporada de Levántate.

Se reiniciarán en Septiembre 1.


Children’s Faith FormationSunday 10:30 - 11:45 A.M. (Undercroft)

D.O.C Youth .Group (9th grade +)Friday 6:30 PM. (Undercroft)

Young Adults GroupCont. Dave Plisky - [email protected]

Girl Scouts1st & 3rd Friday 6pm (White Room)Call: Bettyann Hassan (917 664 6086)

Adult Faith Formation/ Formación en la Fe para AdultosSundays/Domingos 1:30 P.M. (Rectory) Ministerio de Familias OrantesViernes 7-9 P.M. (Iglesia)

Catequesis para AdultosDomingos 11:30 A.M. (Salon Blanco)

Seasonal Bible Studies Contact Deacon Manuel - [email protected]

Children Choir Practice / Practica Coro de Niños Wednesday @ 5:15 PM

Messages from Pope Francis in ColombiaMensajes del Papa Francisco para Colombia

“ ”

Vine hasta aquí para decirles que no están solos”

“Todo esfuerzo de paz sin reconciliación es un fracaso”

“Les pido que escuchen a los pobres, a los que sufren

I came here to tell you that you are not alone”“

“Any peace effort without reconciliation

is a failure”“I ask you to listen

to the poor, to those who suffer

Page 4: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph September 10th, 2017 ... La ley se resume en el mandamien- ... Iris Lovato, 1ª Lectura; y Anabelle


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CALENDAR UPDATE The Faith Formation registrations for 2017-2018 are open.

Please sign-up in person or at

Hundres of Catholics gathered at Citi Field to celebrate the joy of being Catholics and the richness of our faith. - Cientos de católicos se reunieron en Citi Field para ce-lebrar el gozo de ser católicos y la riqueza de nuestra fe.


Eucharist celebrated by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

Sr. Maria Bello, PCM, catching the first pitch of the game.

Hna. Maria Bello, PCM, atrapando el primer lanzamiento del partido.

Group of Saint Joseph attending 2017 Catholic Day