cobb county board of education board meeting agenda …

Cobb County Board of Education Board Meeting Agenda Monday, February 3, 2014 (Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014) 1. 6:00 p.m. - Call to Order 2. Executive Session 3. Motion to Reconvene from Executive Session 4. 7:00 p.m. - Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Mr. Sweeney 5. Board Recognitions - Rescheduled to Thursday, February 27, 2014 Board Meeting 6. Public Comment 7. Approval of Minutes Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Board Work Session 8. Board Business Report on Save Our Schools (SOS) Initiative (Mrs. Angelucci) Facilities and Technology Citizens Oversight Committee Annual Report Facilities and Technology Citizens Oversight Committee Board Liaison Appointment and Board Member Appointments to Committee (Mrs. Angelucci) SPLOST IV Replacement Schools (for potential action) (Mrs. Angelucci) 9. Approval of Agenda 10. Superintendent Superintendent’s Report Items Requiring Action following Executive Session (if any) 1. Personnel 2. Legal 3. Land 4. Student 11. Board Agenda Items a. The following agenda items were previously discussed at the Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Board Work Session CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #1 - Recommendation for Authorization to Dispose of School District Generated Surplus Furnishings and Equipment

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Page 1: Cobb County Board of Education Board Meeting Agenda …

Cobb County Board of Education

Board Meeting Agenda

Monday, February 3, 2014

(Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014)

1. 6:00 p.m. - Call to Order

2. Executive Session

3. Motion to Reconvene from Executive Session

4. 7:00 p.m. - Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Sweeney

5. Board Recognitions - Rescheduled to Thursday, February 27, 2014 Board Meeting

6. Public Comment

7. Approval of Minutes

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Board Work Session

8. Board Business

Report on Save Our Schools (SOS) Initiative (Mrs. Angelucci)

Facilities and Technology Citizens Oversight Committee Annual Report

Facilities and Technology Citizens Oversight Committee Board Liaison

Appointment and Board Member Appointments to Committee (Mrs. Angelucci)

SPLOST IV Replacement Schools (for potential action) (Mrs. Angelucci)

9. Approval of Agenda

10. Superintendent

Superintendent’s Report

Items Requiring Action following Executive Session (if any)

1. Personnel

2. Legal

3. Land

4. Student

11. Board Agenda Items

a. The following agenda items were previously discussed at the Wednesday,

January 15, 2014 Board Work Session


CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #1 - Recommendation for Authorization to

Dispose of School District Generated Surplus Furnishings and Equipment

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CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #2 - Recommendation for the Approval of Georgia

Department of Education Capital Outlay Project Closeout for various schools


DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #1 – Recommendation for Authorization to Award

RFP 12-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School


DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #2 – Recommendation for Authorization to

Award RFP 13-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School


DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #3 – Recommendation for Authorization to

Award RFP 14-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School


DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #4 – Recommendation for Approval of

Funding for Effectiveness Systems Implementation

DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #5 - Recommendation for Approval of the

Revised 2014 Board Meeting Schedule

12. Ownership Linkage – Board Newsletter

13. Board Member Comments

14. Adjourn

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The Cobb County Board of Education met in a Board Work Session at 514 Glover Street on

Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 8:30 a.m. with the following members present: Messrs. Banks,

Morgan, Scamihorn, Stultz, Sweeney, Wheeler, Mrs. Angelucci, and Dr. Hinojosa, Executive


All official meetings of the Cobb County Board of Education conform to state law and are open to

the public. The minutes of this meeting are available for public review anytime during the regular

office hours or on our website:


Board Chair Angelucci read the following statement before calling the meeting to order:

“We are, as a District, as a Board, at a critical crossroads - the Cobb County School District and

this Board has to decide if we are going to carry out the mission that we have been charged with.

Our job starts and stops with the classroom - it is our overriding duty to protect it. We must not lose

one more teacher. Those classrooms, that classroom teacher, parapros, nurses, custodians, bus

drivers, crossing guards; everything that lends to nurturing, developing and educating our students

must be our absolute number one priority. The rest is supportive to that cause. Our direction, our

mission, our goal, our vision and our budget is single-minded; to fully fund and support the 107,000

students that attend schools in Cobb. Anything less is unacceptable.

The Superintendent shared that our situation is expected to improve, our tax digest is recovering;

slowly, but recovering. There are assurances that the governor will come to school districts' aid

and the picture is looking less bleak than anticipated. I am confident that the budget will reflect

these positives. Of one thing I am certain; Cobb cannot continue losing any more teachers. We must

decrease class sizes. Furlough days and the 180 school day calendar must be restored.

We will work together to arrive at a budget that fits the constructs of these crucial items - I am also

confident that the Superintendent and District staff are committed to the same single-minded

direction, mission, and goal. As your board, we will work together and obligate ourselves to making

it happen.” END OF STATEMENT

CALL TO ORDER – Mrs. Angelucci called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. and led the group in

the Pledge of Allegiance.

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Dr. Hinojosa presented Mr. Scamihorn a gavel plaque in appreciation for his dedication and hard

work as 2013 Board Chair.

PUBLIC COMMENT – Nine (9) speakers addressed the Board.

Superintendent’s Report Item moved – Dr. Hinojosa requested the Comprehensive Annual

Financial Report (CAFR) presentation by Adam Fraley, Partner, Mauldin & Jenkins Certified

Public Accountants, LLC be moved ahead of #3. - Approval of Minutes. Mr. Johnson introduced

Mr. Adam Fraley. Mr. Fraley presented results of annual audit. The district received an unmodified

opinion (clean opinion). Discussion ensued and the Board asked questions for clarification of the

information provided in both the CAFR and the Annual Audit Agenda.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - A motion was made by Mr. Sweeney, seconded by Mr. Scamihorn,

and unanimously approved by the Board to approve the minutes of the Wednesday, December 11,

2013 Board Meeting, the Thursday, December 19, 2013 Called Meeting and the Tuesday, January

7, 2014 Called Meeting. Motion carried 7-0.


White Paper for Accreditation – (Mrs. Angelucci)

o Mrs. Krause presented information included in white paper for accreditation

o Mrs. Angelucci requested a separate called Board strategy meeting for more in depth


o Dr. Hinojosa indicated that there will be more information on how to proceed after

we hear more on HB 327.

July 2014 Board Meeting Dates (Mrs. Angelucci)

o A motion was made by Mr. Stultz, seconded by Mr. Wheeler and unanimously

approved by the Board to add approval of revised 2014 board meeting schedule to

include two July Board Meeting dates as a discussion item for the January 30 night

board meeting. Motion carried 7-0.

Board Member Appointments to the Facilities and Technology Citizens Oversight

Committee (Mrs. Angelucci)

o Board Members will name their appointees at the January 30 night board meeting

SPLOST IV Replacement Schools – postponed

District Transportation Policy Relating to HB251 – (Mr. Stultz)

o Administration will review/rewrite the rule to address this issue and submit to legal

for review and bring back findings to the Board

Alternative Initiative to Academic Audit – (Mr. Morgan)

o Administration will bring back a timeline in a Board Update on the status of

implementing/accomplishing the following four (4) items Mr. Morgan proposed to

yield more gains to student achievement


Forced Placements

Summer Bridge Program

Human Capital Decisions/Principal Autonomy

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o Mr. Scamihorn asked for data on the success of Ombudsman program –

Administration will submit a report to the Board in a Board Update

o Mr. Morgan wants to create an accountability system for parents in the south part of

the district

Mr. Morgan and Mrs. Angelucci will talk offline to discuss

Administrative Rule KM-R, Visitors to School – (Mr. Morgan)

o Administration will report back to the Board after gathering input from Elementary

School Principals who do not allow parents to walk their students to class at the start

of the school day

Durham Middle School Council Recommendation for Middle School Media


o Durham Middle School Council submitted a proposal for the Board’s consideration

which asks for an increase in the allotment for the media paraprofessional in each of

the CCSD middle schools from part time (.60) to full-time (1.0), effective for the

2014-2015 school year.

o Board Chair approved and signed a letter to the Durham Middle School Council

stating that the request has been reviewed and duly noted for future discussions.


A motion was made by Mr. Sweeney, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and unanimously approved by the

Board to convene to Executive Session at 12:19 p.m. for Land, Legal and/or Personnel issues.

Motion carried 7-0.


A motion was made by Mr. Sweeney, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and unanimously approved by the

Board to reconvene from Executive Session at 3:21 p.m. Motion carried 7-0.


PERSONNEL REPORT Administration recommended approval of the Personnel Report and as amended in the Addendum

and section II and III as presented in Executive Session including:

Personnel Matters including:

i. Section I – Principal Level and High Positions - None

ii. Section II – Below Principal Level Positions

1. Dr. Brent E. Johnson, Assistant Principal, Lindley Middle School,

resignation effective December 20, 2013

2. Sheleta H. Young, Reassigned from Assistant Principal, Lost

Mountain Middle School to Assistant Principal, Lindley Middle

School, effective January 6, 2014

iii. Section III – Position Evaluation Recommendation

1. Downgrade due to restructure of position from Principal, Academic

Division, Adult Education Department, Principal Annual Salary

Schedule, Rank CH66, to Supervisor, Academic Division, Adult

Education Department, Annual Central Office Personnel Salary

Schedule, Rank CS16. Proposed restructure of this position at a total

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salary and benefit cost of $126,602.00 will result in an overall savings

of $16,188.00 The financial costs of the proposed position will be

funded by 50% General Funds and 50% Grant Funds.

A motion was made by Mr. Stultz seconded by Mr. Sweeney and unanimously approved by the

Board to approve the Personnel Report and Section I, Section II, Section III, and Addendum as

discussed in Executive Session. Motion carried 7-0.

Legal - Mr. Doyle, Gregory, Doyle, Calhoun & Rogers - in the matter of the Development

Authority Bond Validation proceedings - the Board can consider a motion for counsel to respond to

the offers that were made as outlined in Executive Session.

A motion was made by Mr. Scamihorn, seconded by Mr. Wheeler and unanimously approved by

the Board for counsel to proceed as stated by Mr. Doyle. Motion carried 7-0.


Superintendent Final Evaluation (Mrs. Krause)

Mrs. Krause presented final results of the 2013 Superintendent Evaluation


Revised Superintendent Evaluation Instrument for 2014 (Mrs. Krause)

Committee consisting of Mrs. Angelucci, Mr. Scamihorn, Mr. Morgan, Dr. Huff and

Mrs. Krause has a DRAFT for consideration; however, they are waiting until the

final release of CCRPI data are received from the state.


The Board discussed the following Agenda Items. These items will be brought forth for a vote at

the Thursday, January 30, 2014 Board Meeting.

AGENDA ITEM #1 - Recommendation for Authorization to Dispose of School

District Generated Surplus Furnishings and Equipment

Without objection this item was placed on the Consent Agenda for the Thursday,

January 30, 2014 Board meeting

AGENDA ITEM #2 – Recommendation for Approval of Georgia Department of

Education Capital Outlay Project Closeout for various schools

Without objection this item was placed on the Consent Agenda for the Thursday,

January 30, 2014 Board meeting

AGENDA ITEM #3 – Recommendation for Authorization to Award RFP 12-14,

Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School Project

Without objection this item was placed on the Discussion Agenda for the Thursday,

January 30, 2014 Board meeting

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AGENDA ITEM #4 - Recommendation for Authorization to Award RFP 12-14,

Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School Project

Without objection this item was placed on the Discussion Agenda for the Thursday,

January 30, 2014 Board meeting

AGENDA ITEM #5 - Recommendation for Authorization to Award RFP 12-14,

Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School Project

Without objection this item was placed on the Discussion Agenda for the Thursday,

January 30, 2014 Board meeting

AGENDA ITEM #6 - Recommendation for Approval of Funding for Effectiveness

Systems Implementation

Without objection this item was placed on the Discussion Agenda for the Thursday,

January 30, 2014 Board meeting

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – A motion was made by Mr. Sweeney, seconded by Mr. Scamihorn

and unanimously approved by the Board to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 7-0.


Board Members commented on various events happening throughout the District, county, state, and


Mr. Scamihorn requested Administration give an update on Career Academies. Mr.

Ragsdale and Mrs. Krause will work together to provide this information to the Board.

ADJOURN – Without objection, the meeting adjourned at 5:07 p.m.

________________________________ ___________________________________


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Monday, February 3, 2014 Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014

TOPIC: CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #1 - Recommendation for Authorization to Dispose of School District Generated Surplus Furnishings and Equipment BACKGROUND: Through normal operations, the district generates surplus furnishings and equipment due to damage and obsolescence on a regular basis. Items that are no longer needed by a school or department but are still in good condition and re-usable are made available to other schools and departments at no charge. Items that are no longer usable in the District are declared surplus. State Law requires School Board approval for District Property to be designated as surplus under §20-2-520 of the Georgia Code of Laws. The need to dispose of these items in an efficient, cost effective and expeditious manner is imperative to the district. Items are currently stored in the District warehouse that have been deemed surplus. A complete list of current surplus items is on file in the Superintendent’s office or on the District’s website under Meeting Agenda Items. All items listed are no longer of use by the District.

Methods available to dispose of surplus items include: Public auction Sealed bid or private sale The State of Georgia Department of Administrative Services on-line and public auction services Sale to other public school districts at costs equal to previous auction results On line auctions Negotiated contracts

Upon Board approval of the attached lists, the Financial Services Division will dispose of this surplus in a manner that is the most cost effective and efficient for the district as outlined in Administrative Rule DO-R. Acceptable methods of disposal will be continually reviewed to maximize our return on investment


1. Approve the recommendation for authorization to dispose of school district generated surplus furnishings and equipment as detailed in the list on file in the Superintendent’s office.

2. Do not approve the recommendation for authorization to dispose of school district

generated surplus furnishings and equipment as detailed in the list on file in the Superintendent’s office.


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SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATION: Approve the recommendation for authorization to dispose of school district generated surplus furnishings and equipment as detailed in the lists on file in the Superintendent’s office.

COSTS: The District will receive revenue for the disposal of these items. The revenues received will assist in deferring labor costs for management of the disposal process. RATIONALE: The disposing of surplus in a timely manner will reduce labor costs and maximize return on investment.

DATA SOURCES: Brad Johnson Alisa Morningstar Howard Siggelko


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1 of 1 Surplus RecapBAI_SurplusSummaryList_011514

# Description Qty Unit Explanation1 Misc classroom furniture 450 ea Damaged- reviewed by H. Siggelko2 Misc office furniture 60 ea Damaged- reviewed by H. Siggelko3 Cafeteria Tables 12 ea Damaged- reviewed by H. Siggelko4 Kindergarten furniture 100 ea Damaged- reviewed by H. Siggelko5 Non-Inventoried Misc Equipment 40 pallets Damaged- reviewed by H. Siggelko6 Non-Inventoried FNS Equipment 3 pallets DamagedObsolete- reviewed by B. Thompson7 Inventoried Technology** 242 ea Damaged/Obsolete, reviewed by Technology Dept8 Inventoried Maintenance** 7 ea Damaged/Obsolete, reviewed by J. Mitchell9 Inventoried CTAE** 8 ea Damaged/Obsolete, reviewed by A. Kovachi

10 Inventoried Misc** 1 Damaged/Obsolete, reviewed byH. Siggelko11 Inventoried FNS** 23 ea Damaged/Obsolete, reviewed by B. Thompson12 Textbooks/Media Center Books 6 pallets Off Adoption/Obsolete, reviewed by K. Long

** Detail on file in the Superintendent's office

Surplus Furniture and Equipment for Auction or Disposal as of 12/20/2013

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Date ItemGross Sales

Price Actual Revenue Cost (%)8/16/2013 Yard Maintenance Equipment $ 640.00 $ 411.01 35.8%8/16/2013 Assorted Copiers $ 1,225.00 $ 979.67 20.0%8/16/2013 Assorted Stack Chairs $ 305.00 $ 193.51 36.6%8/16/2013 LCD Monitors $ 1,313.00 $ 1,053.44 19.8%8/16/2013 Assorted Copiers $ 3,659.00 $ 2,908.28 20.5%8/16/2013 Assorted Copiers $ 1,730.00 $ 1,307.13 24.4%8/16/2013 Assorted Maps $ 687.53 $ 498.44 27.5%8/16/2013 Student Response Kits $ 960.00 $ 712.97 25.7%8/16/2013 Assorted Copiers $ 1,225.00 $ 618.75 49.5%8/16/2013 Lawn Maintenace Equipment $ 685.00 $ 495.75 27.6%8/16/2013 LCD Monitors $ 1,025.00 $ 812.72 20.7%8/16/2013 File Cabinets $ 129.50 $ 56.98 56.0%8/16/2013 Student Response Kits $ 698.88 $ 495.75 29.1%8/16/2013 Assorted AV Carts $ 158.50 $ 79.89 49.6%10/9/2013 Ice Makers $ 710.00 $ 515.50 27.4%10/9/2013 Hobart Slicers $ 232.50 $ 138.34 40.5%10/9/2013 Hobart Slicer and Choppers $ 430.00 $ 294.34 31.5%10/9/2013 Hobart Choppers $ 450.00 $ 310.14 31.1%10/9/2013 Hobart 1612 Slicers $ 331.55 $ 216.57 34.7%10/9/2013 Commercial Refrigerators $ 237.50 $ 142.29 40.1%10/9/2013 Kettles $ 261.22 $ 161.03 38.4%10/9/2013 Kettles $ 202.50 $ 114.64 43.4%10/9/2013 Projection Screens $ 112.50 $ 43.55 61.3%12/9/2013 Assorted Printers and Office Equip $ 565.55 $ 401.40 29.0%12/9/2013 Copiers $ 338.00 $ 219.07 35.2%12/9/2013 Advance HR2800 Scrubbers $ 456.00 $ 315.40 30.8%12/9/2013 Olympic Kilns $ 125.50 $ 53.87 57.1%12/9/2013 Olympic Kilns $ 202.50 $ 114.87 43.3%12/9/2013 Carpet Cleaners $ 152.50 $ 75.05 50.8%12/9/2013 Proofers and Warmers $ 810.00 $ 594.39 26.6%12/9/2013 Fryers $ 260.00 $ 159.96 38.5%12/9/2013 Gas Ranges $ 199.99 $ 112.79 43.6%12/9/2013 Condiment Carts $ 199.99 $ 102.56 48.7%12/9/2013 Milk Coolers $ 365.00 $ 243.00 33.4%12/9/2013 Ovens and Steamers $ 227.50 $ 134.29 41.0%12/9/2013 Convection Ovens $ 765.00 $ 558.84 26.9%12/9/2013 Plastic Condiment Carts $ 202.50 $ 104.77 48.3%12/9/2013 Plastic Condiment Carts $ 202.50 $ 104.77 48.3%12/9/2013 Serving Lines $ 202.49 $ 114.54 43.4%12/9/2013 Misc Kitchen Items $ 1,080.00 $ 807.65 25.2%12/9/2013 Assorted Wood Kindergarten Items $ 541.11 $ 382.10 29.4%

24,305.31$ 17,160.01$ 29.4%Auction/Misc

7/11/2013 Marietta Recycling 596.00$ 596.00$ 0.0%

FY 2014 YTD Surplus Sales Revenue

Subtotal Online Sales

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Date ItemGross Sales

Price Actual Revenue Cost (%)

FY 2014 YTD Surplus Sales Revenue

7/15/2013 Marietta Recycling 484.80$ 484.80$ 0.0%7/16/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 2,400.00$ 2,400.00$ 0.0%7/23/2013 Marietta Recycling 1,120.00$ 1,120.00$ 0.0%7/29/2013 Marietta Recycling 484.00$ 484.00$ 0.0%8/5/2013 Marietta Recycling 884.00$ 884.00$ 0.0%8/9/2013 Marietta Recycling 528.00$ 528.00$ 0.0%

8/19/2013 Marietta Recycling 786.00$ 786.00$ 0.0%8/19/2013 Marietta Recycling 237.00$ 237.00$ 0.0%8/22/2013 Follett 9,380.00$ 9,380.00$ 0.0%8/26/2013 ReWorx 8,798.10$ 8,798.10$ 0.0%8/28/2013 Marietta Recycling 501.00$ 501.00$ 0.0%8/30/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 2,050.00$ 2,050.00$ 0.0%9/5/2013 Milleninium Pallets 520.00$ 520.00$ 0.0%9/6/2013 Marietta Recycling 621.50$ 621.50$ 0.0%

9/13/2013 Marietta Recycling 260.70$ 260.70$ 0.0%9/16/2013 Marietta Recycling 251.90$ 251.90$ 0.0%9/17/2013 Milleninium Pallets 370.00$ 370.00$ 0.0%9/24/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 30,100.00$ 30,100.00$ 0.0%9/26/2013 Marietta Recycling 268.40$ 268.40$ 0.0%10/2/2013 Marietta Recycling 233.20$ 233.20$ 0.0%10/3/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 12,920.00$ 12,920.00$ 0.0%10/4/2013 Marietta Recycling 262.90$ 262.90$ 0.0%

10/10/2013 IMS Electronics 16,382.09$ 16,382.09$ 0.0%10/11/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 9,160.00$ 9,160.00$ 0.0%10/11/2013 Milleninium Pallets 500.00$ 500.00$ 0.0%10/11/2013 Marietta Recycling 338.80$ 338.80$ 0.0%10/22/2013 Marietta Recycling 295.90$ 295.90$ 0.0%10/31/2013 Marietta Recycling 292.80$ 292.80$ 0.0%11/4/2013 Milleninium Pallets 520.00$ 520.00$ 0.0%

11/11/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 22,400.00$ 22,400.00$ 0.0%11/14/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 4,780.00$ 4,780.00$ 0.0%11/15/2013 ReWorx 260.47$ 260.47$ 0.0%11/15/2013 IMS Electronics 2,286.16$ 2,286.16$ 0.0%11/20/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 14,640.00$ 14,640.00$ 0.0%11/22/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 25,400.00$ 25,400.00$ 0.0%11/22/2013 Marietta Recycling 321.20$ 321.20$ 0.0%12/2/2013 IMS Electronics 2,556.40$ 2,556.40$ 0.0%12/2/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 25,500.00$ 25,500.00$ 0.0%12/4/2013 Americas Auto Auctions 1,490.00$ 1,490.00$ 0.0%12/9/2013 Marietta Recycling 308.00$ 308.00$ 0.0%

12/13/2013 ReWorx 1,915.80$ 1,915.80$ 0.0%227,710.43$ 220,565.13$ 3.1%Total All Surplus Sales

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Quantity ClassDesc PropertyTag Serial Number Purchase DateTechnology

1 CAMCORDER/PALMCORDER 1569532 14096 2/1/19971 CAMERA- TV/VCR KIT 1801186 17251588 3/1/19981 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1658893 8VLKW31 1/9/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1659565 CSCNW31 1/23/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1662226 G1WSF41 3/4/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1666264 48DTZ41 6/18/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1665174 2XGRW41 6/24/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1668063 H5B7351 6/29/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1666166 9YZF451 8/9/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1668568 513MK51 9/7/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1668887 DWFMK51 9/16/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1670322 D6XDM51 9/20/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1669679 5WRHL51 10/18/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1669681 CVRHL51 10/18/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1671524 HD9LK51 12/10/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1671528 CD9LK51 12/10/20041 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1674102 CV1F461 1/3/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1672844 2VC3G61 1/13/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1673509 6DTDG61 1/25/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1674153 GGNWP61 2/15/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1674154 JFNWP61 2/15/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1674155 7GNWP61 2/15/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1674284 BZ4NR61 3/3/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1676505 3CR3W61 3/10/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1675582 F41PX61 4/13/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1675586 741PX61 4/13/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1675587 941PX61 4/13/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1677501 6SDPB71 6/9/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1677509 8VDPB71 6/9/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1677521 DTDPB71 6/9/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1677522 5VDPB71 6/9/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1676115 H5SR571 6/16/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1677431 8G9J971 8/11/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1681526 8KKWP71 8/11/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1681528 GKKWP71 8/11/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1682440 B3HQP71 8/11/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1681696 9W3RP71 8/12/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1666027 9851S71 9/1/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1802690 8PL5M81 11/28/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1802694 G8JWP81 11/28/20051 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1812848 CKVV6B1 6/27/20061 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1811287 F3VQ7B1 7/24/20061 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1812840 8JP6LB1 8/17/20061 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1813091 5R37QB1 9/29/20061 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1817687 QP65012SVUW 1/26/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1821540 8Z8GPC1 4/13/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1821564 JY8GPC1 4/13/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1829161 BTZXTC1 5/22/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1829163 G60YTC1 5/22/2007

January 2014 Inventoried SurplusPicked Up and Verified10/31/2013 through12/20/2013

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Quantity ClassDesc PropertyTag Serial Number Purchase Date

January 2014 Inventoried SurplusPicked Up and Verified10/31/2013 through12/20/2013

1 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1829214 370YTC1 5/22/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1829256 4WZXTC1 5/22/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1827371 371KVC1 6/4/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1827425 JVDKVC1 6/4/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1827465 HP2KVC1 6/4/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1827528 21DKVC1 6/4/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1831265 95680D1 6/27/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1831292 H6680D1 6/27/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1831351 CCWX0D1 6/27/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1831352 59WX0D1 6/27/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1831372 DFWX0D1 6/27/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1832116 45FPYC1 8/8/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1835938 2JYR5D1 8/16/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1836017 JZ8S5D1 8/16/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1842857 790KJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1843824 7HFGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1843836 4LFGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1843839 5FFGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1843881 HQFGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1843932 4KFGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1843940 1DFGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1843947 F4HGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1844000 9LFGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1844004 B3HGJD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1854731 4KJQLD1 10/30/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1854740 2GJQLD1 10/30/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1847005 BFYGPD1 11/8/20071 COMPUTER- DESKTOP 1856305 7KVX5F1 1/3/20081 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1803577 FVX7P81 11/9/20051 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1813150 J1JMQ91 4/13/20061 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1814789 3H8Y5B1 6/27/20061 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1813502 1XH4HB1 9/19/20061 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1813511 20J4HB1 9/19/20061 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1817504 4B7DKC1 2/27/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1833722 2KN1YC1 6/18/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1832451 C1BG2D1 7/13/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840857 W8722B0XYA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840862 W87229RTYA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840864 W87229H8YA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840870 W8722B3LYA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840871 W8722B3NYA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840884 W8722B6VYA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840909 W8722B38YA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840910 W87229J3YA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840912 W87229PEYA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1840916 W8722B85YA3 9/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1842775 CX6ZLD1 10/2/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1855056 9JVZND1 10/30/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1854934 W8734Y54Z5W 11/7/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1855978 DC8VWD1 11/7/2007

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Quantity ClassDesc PropertyTag Serial Number Purchase Date

January 2014 Inventoried SurplusPicked Up and Verified10/31/2013 through12/20/2013

1 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1855986 W873615LZ5W 11/7/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1847648 56KG1F1 11/20/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1855050 H6HZDD1 11/26/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1855085 47HZDD1 11/26/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1853331 DCHG1F1 11/27/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1848128 6CS2PD1 12/6/20071 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1870047 4FPPQH1 12/9/20081 COMPUTER- LAPTOP 1874627 R9Z01572 1/29/20101 COMPUTER- TABLET 1906879 DMPHWFLODVD1 6/28/20121 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 2500028 4H5200DUTJD 12/12/20051 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 2500124 4H5200AWTJD 12/12/20051 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 2500203 4H5200C8TJD 12/12/20051 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 3NP6V91 3NP6V91 3/28/20061 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 92Y8V91 92Y8V91 3/28/20061 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 35D23C1 35D23C1 1/8/20071 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 85JXFD1 85JXFD1 10/9/20071 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 1853620 3MN4WD1 10/25/20071 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 9CM9JD1 9CM9JD1 10/25/20071 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 1870006 6RPPQH1 12/9/20081 COMPUTER-TEACHER LAPTOP 1870009 5NPPQH1 12/9/20081 COPIER 1809390 CIL510961 3/29/20061 COPIER 1809400 CIL510964 3/29/20061 COPIER 1809401 CIL510172 3/29/20061 COPIER 1807055 CIB612617 5/5/20061 COPIER 1807056 CIB612605 5/5/20061 COPIER 1807057 CIB612673 5/5/20061 COPIER 1807058 CIB612588 5/5/20061 COPIER 1807064 CIB612654 5/5/20061 COPIER 1807066 CIB612572 5/5/20061 COPIER 1857004 CIA726154 12/10/20071 COPIER 1863322 CIJ735278 12/10/20071 COPIER 1863366 CIJ735275 12/10/20071 MASTER DUPLICATOR- ELECTRIC 1643469 C3932115035 1/27/20031 MIXER- AUDIO/VIDEO 1564172 83A00273 12/1/19981 PRINTER- INK JET 1555063 US75D1314S 1/1/19981 PRINTER- INK JET 1601561 MY0AC1104G 4/1/20011 PRINTER- INK JET 1602666 MX11B1D0PP 5/1/20011 PRINTER- INK JET 1613570 MY13E1C0F8 10/1/20011 PRINTER- INK JET 7015338 MY12C1C0R9 11/1/20011 PRINTER- INK JET 1621876 MY21G1D0VR 5/21/20021 PRINTER- INK JET 1632525 MY21V190D8 5/21/20021 PRINTER- INK JET 1627138 MY2311B2VK 8/15/20021 PRINTER- INK JET 1641145 MY244192V3 9/19/20021 PRINTER- INK JET 1630453 MY27T1CO7K 11/5/20021 PRINTER- INK JET 1641069 MY2AN1Q0K7 2/4/20031 PRINTER- INK JET 1638502 MY2AGF14QT 2/13/20031 PRINTER- INK JET 1638507 MY2AGF14Q3 2/13/20031 PRINTER- INK JET 1639109 U56581L2N657709 2/21/20031 PRINTER- INK JET 1645452 MY2CLR10TT 4/14/20031 PRINTER- INK JET 1656144 MY37LF64MY 10/2/2003

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Quantity ClassDesc PropertyTag Serial Number Purchase Date

January 2014 Inventoried SurplusPicked Up and Verified10/31/2013 through12/20/2013

1 PRINTER- INK JET 1654561 MY29Q293JK 10/9/20031 PRINTER- INK JET 1661653 51231603993 3/8/20041 PRINTER- INK JET 1679592 MY4802B0VF 3/28/20051 PRINTER- INK JET 1678786 MY54KD41PJ 6/30/20051 PRINTER- INK JET 1678793 MY4CND230V 6/30/20051 PRINTER- INK JET 1679476 MY52H3B1NB 9/13/20051 PRINTER- INK JET 1804097 MY55J3B09K 11/15/20051 PRINTER- INK JET 1814388 MY5BR5P0HF 8/8/20061 PRINTER- INK JET 1823562 MY6CJ041DY 5/2/20071 PRINTER- LASER 3000935 USQC003963 5/1/19991 PRINTER- LASER 1625499 JPB3165052 6/11/20021 PRINTER- LASER 1644855 CNCN106528 3/3/20031 PRINTER- LASER 1670205 CNBGH61057 8/24/20041 PRINTER- LASER 1670204 CNBGD656627 10/21/20041 PRINTER- LASER 1672293 7210R3V 1/10/20051 PRINTER- LASER 1672297 7210R4B 1/10/20051 PRINTER- LASER 1681766 PMY101140 8/8/20051 PRINTER- LASER 1682344 PMY103818 8/11/20051 PRINTER- LASER 1803821 PMY102966 10/5/20051 PRINTER- LASER 1807262 CNC5BW0K3 3/28/20061 PRINTER- LASER 1822782 CNWCH40611 5/8/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1840799 940T03B 9/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1840848 940T66H 9/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860395 940T6BX 11/8/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860417 940T60Y 11/8/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860422 940T6C5 11/8/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860428 940T6CB 11/8/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1854874 6218PPT 11/12/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1854887 6218W3B 11/12/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1854916 6218P32 11/12/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1854648 940T69C 11/26/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1857038 940TBNG 12/10/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1852259 621K3FR 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1852299 621GKFH 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1852305 621K3TW 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1852323 621KVLC 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1855394 940T975 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1855411 621MGY4 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1855426 621K4NC 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1855471 940TBMW 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860593 621KVXV 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860616 621KYCC 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860631 621KTP2 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860638 621KTRT 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860648 621KTDB 12/20/20071 PRINTER- LASER 1860176 940T4KN 1/4/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1860192 940T4V4 1/4/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1860199 621KX15 1/4/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1860210 621MF8X 1/4/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1860234 621R0FB 1/16/2008

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Quantity ClassDesc PropertyTag Serial Number Purchase Date

January 2014 Inventoried SurplusPicked Up and Verified10/31/2013 through12/20/2013

1 PRINTER- LASER 1860246 940TF43 1/16/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1860282 621R1DG 1/16/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855597 621T85C 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855605 621T88K 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855606 621T1H3 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855611 621T86M 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855613 621T85L 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855614 940TF6T 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855631 621T83V 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855633 621T7PL 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855636 621T1KF 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855641 621T7D8 2/19/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1858512 621THZG 3/13/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1860091 940TF82 3/13/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1860331 940TP1K 3/13/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1865604 7925M78 4/22/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1859735 622399F 4/23/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1859762 62239CL 4/23/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1859772 6223F82 4/23/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1859776 6223F90 4/23/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1861430 7927X2X 4/28/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1861452 940TN5M 4/28/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1861496 6220D8C 4/28/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1861504 6220D7Y 4/28/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1863814 940TP1Y 4/28/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1864325 940TXXZ 4/29/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1862532 940TF0P 7/1/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1864106 6223GB3 7/1/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1864108 622361W 7/1/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1855662 621T869 9/26/20081 PRINTER- LASER 1868851 62306Z2 12/10/20081 PROJECTOR- VIDEO 1657864 1016916 12/2/20031 PROJECTOR- VIDEO 1657891 1016857 12/2/20031 PROJECTOR- VIDEO 1660913 G3K011076 12/16/20031 PROJECTOR- VIDEO 1682034 RT5D011767 6/30/20051 PROJECTOR- VIDEO 1811252 GYSG641038F 6/23/20061 PROJECTOR- VIDEO 1866763 97599111 8/25/20081 PROJECTOR- VIDEO 1867986 PD16803368SU0 8/29/20081 SATELLITE DISH VALUE460 10/13/20051 SCANNER- FULL PAGE 1605858 P1310200055 7/1/20011 SCREEN- INTERACTIVE WHITE BOARD 1681895 5209838-137 8/15/20051 SCREEN- INTERACTIVE WHITE BOARD 1873901 745740086 4/24/20091 SCREEN- INTERACTIVE WHITE BOARD 1883817 C0911200594 2/8/2010

242 Total TechnologyTransportation

1 AUTOMOBILE- FOUR DOOR GV04580 2MEFM74V78X607683 11/15/20071 BUS- 35/36 PASSENGER GV13939 1HVBBACM5SH612233 9/1/19941 TRUCK- VAN G072515 1HTLDUXN6FHA39878 7/1/19901 TRUCK- VAN G155799 1FDWE35L9YHB67224 7/1/20001 TRUCK- VAN G155723 1FTRE142X1HA03081 1/1/2001

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Quantity ClassDesc PropertyTag Serial Number Purchase Date

January 2014 Inventoried SurplusPicked Up and Verified10/31/2013 through12/20/2013

1 TRUCK- VAN GV03743 1FTNE24W96HA49113 9/2/20051 TRUCK- VAN GV04041 1FTRE14W26DA49473 5/22/20061 TRUCK- VAN GV0060C IFDWE3FL0CDA54972 5/23/20121 TRUCK- VAN GV0056C 1FDWE3FLXCDA70953 6/4/20129 Total Transportation

Maintenance1 BUFFING MACHINE- HIGH SPEED 1648685 646404A0402ABFG 4/1/20021 EXTRACTOR- CARPET/FLOOR 1581471 1327064 11/1/19991 EXTRACTOR- CARPET/FLOOR 1666961 614000-10193604 8/5/20041 FLOOR CLEANER/SCRUBBER 1583811 TMC260026QP1247 11/1/19991 FLOOR CLEANER/SCRUBBER 1561438 BR25000010870CT 12/1/19981 FLOOR CLEANER/SCRUBBER 1534441 1219 11/1/19991 LAWNMOWER- RIDING 1668164 32404 8/5/20047 Total Maintenance

FNS1 COOLER- ICE CREAM 1553857 84535102M 3/1/19981 COOLER- ICE CREAM 1553858 84535110M 3/1/19981 COOLER- ICE CREAM 1560151 87271706M 6/1/19991 COOLER- ICE CREAM 1806446 87271702M 6/1/19991 COOLER- ICE CREAM 1806448 87170411M 6/1/19991 COOLER- MILK 1629615 97C2026 10/1/19971 COOLER- MILK 1605161 101172702M 1/17/20021 GRILL- QUARTZ 1682230 E54746 4/12/20051 GRILL- SMOKER 1594782 4845 3/1/19981 ICE MACHINE- W/ICE BIN 1584288 J06838L 2/1/20001 OVEN- CONVECTION 1592152 102595RA001B 1/1/19961 REFRIGERATOR- COMMERCIAL 1007570 32551638 6/1/19911 REFRIGERATOR- COMMERCIAL 1645681 321050550 3/1/19981 TABLE- CONDIMENT DISPENSER 1563321 9/1/19981 TABLE- CONDIMENT DISPENSER 1635051 8/24/20021 TABLE- SERV HOT FOOD 304036 I.D. 8-79 3/1/19791 TABLE- SERV HOT FOOD 257487 K87B2088 11/1/19871 TABLE- SERV HOT FOOD 1003532 C90B2503 6/1/19901 TABLE- SERVING 1522127 67719206M 6/1/19961 VERTICAL CUTTR/MIXER 23692 7312634 1/1/19731 VERTICAL CUTTR/MIXER 301491 3785763 9/1/19801 VERTICAL CUTTR/MIXER 1200051 71738402 11/1/19911 WALK-IN COOLER AND FREEZER 1681154 5060579 7/29/2005

23 Total FNSCTAE

1 SEWING MACHINE- COMPUTERIZED 1524312 640033466 11/1/19961 SEWING MACHINE- COMPUTERIZED 1870900 620133437 11/1/19961 SEWING MACHINE- COMPUTERIZED 1870901 640033449 11/1/19961 SEWING MACHINE- COMPUTERIZED 1521557 640034365 4/1/19971 SEWING MACHINE- COMPUTERIZED 1521559 640034392 4/1/19971 SEWING MACHINE- COMPUTERIZED 1521561 640034410 4/1/19971 SEWING MACHINE- COMPUTERIZED 1648467 640034412 4/1/19971 SEWING MACHINE- COMPUTERIZED 1570790 820150105 4/1/19998 Total CTAE

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Quantity ClassDesc PropertyTag Serial Number Purchase Date

January 2014 Inventoried SurplusPicked Up and Verified10/31/2013 through12/20/2013

Miscellaneous1 BINDING MACHINE 1605069 0601-00534 8/1/20011 Total Miscellaneous

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Monday, February 3, 2014 Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014

TOPIC: CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 2 - Recommendation for the Approval of Georgia Department of Education Capital Outlay Project Closeout for various schools

BACKGROUND: In order to receive the final payment of State Capital Outlay Funds allocated for the schools noted below it is necessary that the Cobb County Board of Education provide a Certificate of Resolution to the Georgia Department of Education which certifies that all accounts for labor, materials and services for each project’s construction have been paid in full and that there are no claims of any nature outstanding, either liquidated or disputed.


1. Adopt the Certificate of Resolution, have it executed by the Superintendent and

the Board Chairman, and submit the certificate to the State Department of Education for final payment of State funds due on this project.

2. Do not adopt the Certificate of Resolution, have it executed by the Superintendent

and the Board Chairman, and submit the certificate to the State Department of Education for final payment of State funds due on this project.

SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Certificate of Resolution, have it executed by the Superintendent and the Board Chairman, and submit the certificate to the State Department of Education for final payment of State funds due on this project.

COST: The following are the maximum available reimbursements from the Georgia Department of Education: Bryant Elementary School (Renovations/Modifications)-(State #14-633-024) Remaining Balance Due from Georgia Department of Education: $625,328.00 Lassiter High School (Addition/Modification)-(State #10-633-045) Remaining Balance Due from Georgia Department of Education: $119,981.70 King Springs Elementary School (Addition)-(State #10-633-044) Remaining Balance Due from Georgia Department of Education: $32,524.80 Lewis Elementary School (Renovations/Modifications)-(State #14-633-022) Remaining Balance Due from Georgia Department of Education: $240,676.00


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RATIONALE: The funds will reimburse the Cobb County School District for cost already incurred on this project and allow the active construction file with Department of Education to be closed.

DATA SOURCES: Chris Ragsdale Nick Parker Glen Brown Bonnie Tedder Board Attorney


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Monday, February 3, 2014 Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014

TOPIC: DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #1 - Recommendation for Authorization to Award RFP 12-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School Project.

BACKGROUND: Teasley Elementary School is scheduled to receive a three story addition which will contain twenty (20) new instructional units as well as the relocation of their existing administrative and pupil services areas. The existing facility will be renovated and include an expansion of the kitchen and cafeteria as well as a new gymnasium building. SPLOST Management has worked closely with Procurement Services to develop RFP 12-14, a solicitation for construction services utilizing the Construction Manager at Risk project delivery method. An evaluation committee composed of representatives from Procurement Services and SPLOST Management evaluated the proposals related to the evaluation criteria identified in the RFP. The evaluation criteria consider both cost and non-cost factors. Following the evaluation and scoring process outlined in the RFP, the evaluation committee is recommending the award of the contract to the highest scoring vendor. Fifty eight (58) vendors were invited to respond. The solicitation was posted on the Cobb County School District Current Solicitation website and advertised on local public television stations, channels 23 and 24. RFP 12-14, Closing date and time: Thursday, October 24, 2013, 3:00 PM Number of responders/bidders: Eighteen (18) Vendor with highest evaluation score: Balfour Beatty Construction


1. Accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 12-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School Project to Balfour Beatty Construction, Atlanta, GA.

2. Do not accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 12-14,

Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School Project to Balfour Beatty Construction, Atlanta, GA.

SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: Accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 12-14, Construction Manager (CM)


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at Risk for Teasley Elementary School Project to Balfour Beatty Construction, Atlanta, GA. COST:

The estimated cost to be: Preconstruction Service Phase Fee = $10,000.00 CM Construction Phase Fee (proposed CM construction phase fee as a percentage of the Cost of Work) = 1.125%

To be taken from accounts: 0100-201-2330-6211-7202-0138, General Fund 0308-245-4238-MISC-7203-0138-1978, SPLOST III Budgeted: Yes

RATIONALE: Award of the construction services contract at this time will allow the design of the project to move forward in a timely manner

DATA SOURCE: Chris Ragsdale Nick Parker Travis Alford Kynthia Gaines Henry Gomez Daphne Griffin Alisa Morningstar Chris McSpadden


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RFP 12-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor is outlined in bold. Page 1 of 4







Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225 17 24 23 21 25

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350 50 50 48 48 45

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150 80 140 140 95 148

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150 108 111 101 102 106

Non-Cost Subtotal375 255 325 312 265 324

5 COST125 125 79 49 58

TOTAL500 450 390 314 382

The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible) = Score.

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RFP 12-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor is outlined in bold. Page 2 of 4


Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150

Non-Cost Subtotal375

5 COST125


The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible) = Score.






22 25 20 20 23

42 48 50 50 45

103 113 140 133 145

82 85 77 56 119

249 270 287 259 332

70 84 63

340 371 395

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RFP 12-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor is outlined in bold. Page 3 of 4


Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150

Non-Cost Subtotal375

5 COST125


The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible) = Score.





20 23 19 25 21

50 45 45 45 50

150 75 123 65 66

75 109 68 95 104

295 252 255 230 241



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RFP 12-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Teasley Elementary School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor is outlined in bold. Page 4 of 4


Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150

Non-Cost Subtotal375

5 COST125


The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible) = Score.





25 25 25

46 50 48

45 145 138

76 101 110

192 321 321

62 49

383 370

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Monday, February 3, 2014 Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014

TOPIC: DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #2 - Recommendation for Authorization to Award RFP 13-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School Project.

BACKGROUND: Walton High School is scheduled to receive a replacement facility. SPLOST Management has worked closely with Procurement Services to develop RFP 13-14, a solicitation for construction services utilizing the Construction Manager at Risk project delivery method.

An evaluation committee composed of representatives from Procurement Services and SPLOST Management evaluated the proposals related to the evaluation criteria identified in the RFP. The evaluation criteria consider both cost and non-cost factors. Following the evaluation and scoring process outlined in the RFP, the evaluation committee is recommending the award of the contract to the highest scoring vendor. Fifty eight (58) vendors were invited to respond. The solicitation was posted on the Cobb County School District Current Solicitation website and advertised on local public television stations, channels 23 and 24. RFP 13-14, Closing date and time: Thursday, October 24, 2013, 3:00 PM Number of responders/bidders: Twelve (12) Vendor with highest evaluation score: Gilbane Building Company


1. Accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 13-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School Project to Gilbane Building Company, Atlanta, GA.

2. Do not accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 13-14,

Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School Project to Gilbane Building Company, Atlanta, GA.

SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: Accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 13-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School Project to Gilbane Building Company, Atlanta, GA.


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COST: The estimated cost to be: Preconstruction Service Phase Fee = $0.00

CM Construction Phase Fee (proposed CM construction phase fee as a percentage of the Cost of Work) = 1.75%

To be taken from accounts: 0100-201-2330-6211-7202-0511, General Fund 0313-245-4511-MISC-7203-0511-9005, SPLOST IV Budgeted: Yes RATIONALE: Award of the construction services Contract at this time will allow the design of the project to move forward in a timely manner

DATA SOURCE: Chris Ragsdale Nick Parker Travis Alford Kynthia Gaines Henry Gomez Daphne Griffin Alisa Morningstar Chris McSpadden


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RFP 13-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor outlined in bold. Page 1 of 3






Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225 17 24 23 21 25

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350 50 50 48 48 48

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150 75 135 135 98 110

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150 92 95 101 132 109

Non-Cost Subtotal375 234 304 307 298 292

5 COST (WALTON ONLY)125 125 70 50 43

TOTAL500 429 376 347 335

The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible ) = Score.

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RFP 13-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor outlined in bold. Page 2 of 3


Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150

Non-Cost Subtotal375



The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible ) = Score.






25 23 23 20 19

48 50 45 50 45

125 145 140 130 118

93 140 103 75 76

291 358 311 275 258

66 86 58 63

356 444 369 338

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RFP 13-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Walton High School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor outlined in bold. Page 3 of 3


Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150

Non-Cost Subtotal375



The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible ) = Score.




25 25

50 48

150 130

117 78

342 281

56 33

398 314

Page 33: Cobb County Board of Education Board Meeting Agenda …


Monday, February 3, 2014 Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014

TOPIC: DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #3 - Recommendation for Authorization to Award RFP 14-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School Project.

BACKGROUND: Wheeler High School is scheduled to receive facilities improvements as part of SPLOST IV including a new gymnasium, new performing arts theater, new home side stadium seating, and various athletic facility improvements. SPLOST Management has worked closely with Procurement Services to develop RFP 14-14, a solicitation for construction services utilizing the Construction Manager at Risk project delivery method.

An evaluation committee composed of representatives from Procurement Services and SPLOST Management evaluated the proposals related to the evaluation criteria identified in the RFP. The evaluation criteria consider both cost and non-cost factors. Following the evaluation and scoring process outlined in the RFP, the evaluation committee is recommending the award of the contract to the highest scoring vendor.

Fifty eight (58) vendors were invited to respond. The solicitation was posted on the Cobb County School District Current Solicitation website and advertised on local public television stations, channels 23 and 24. RFP 14-14, Closing date and time: Thursday, October 24, 2013, 3:00 PM Number of responders/bidders: Fifteen (15)

Vendor with highest evaluation score: Balfour Beatty Construction


1. Accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 14-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School Project to Balfour Beatty Construction, Atlanta, GA.

2. Do not accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 14-14,

Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School Project to Balfour Beatty Construction, Atlanta, GA.

SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: Accept the recommendation for authorization to award RFP 14-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School Project to Balfour Beatty Construction, Atlanta, GA.


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The estimated cost to be: Preconstruction Service Phase Fee = $10,000.00 CM Construction Phase Fee (proposed CM construction phase fee as a percentage of the Cost of Work) = 1.125%

To be taken from accounts: 0100-201-2330-6211-7202-0509, General Fund 0313-245-4509-MISC-7203-0509-9018, SPLOST IV

Budgeted: Yes

RATIONALE: Award of the construction services Contract at this time will allow the design of the project to move forward in a timely manner.

DATA SOURCE: Chris Ragsdale Nick Parker Travis Alford Kynthia Gaines Henry Gomez Daphne Griffin Alisa Morningstar Chris McSpadden


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RFP 14-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor outlined in bold. Page 1 of 3







Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225 17 24 23 21 25

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350 50 50 48 48 45

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150 80 140 140 103 143

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150 104 103 101 112 118

Non-Cost Subtotal375 251 317 312 283 331

5 COST125 125 70 60 56

TOTAL500 442 382 343 387

The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible) = Score.

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RFP 14-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor outlined in bold. Page 2 of 3


Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150

Non-Cost Subtotal375

5 COST125


The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible) = Score.







25 25 23 20 23

48 48 50 50 45

95 113 115 133 145

109 101 108 56 87

277 286 296 259 300

48 66 68 62

325 352 364 362

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RFP 14-14, Construction Manager (CM) at Risk for Wheeler High School ProjectBest and Final Offer Evaluation Scores

Recommended vendor outlined in bold. Page 3 of 3


Item #

1 Firm Overview, Spec T&C Section 4.225

2 Financial Information, Spec T&C Section 4.350

3 Project Approach, Spec T&C Section 4.4150

4 Project Experience, Spec T&C Section 4.5150

Non-Cost Subtotal375

5 COST125


The non-cost portion of proposals (total of items 1 – 4) can receive a maximum of 375 points. Only non-cost proposals that receive 262.5 points (70% of total non cost score) or more will make it to the competitive range. Offerors in the competitive range will have the accompanying cost evaluated and be invited to participate in interviews/presentations.

Cost Evaluation Formula: (Lowest Price/Current Price) x Points Possible) = Score.






20 19 25 25 25

50 45 45 50 48

150 125 65 150 138

75 84 95 101 126

295 273 230 326 337

65 41 61 50

360 314 387 386

Page 38: Cobb County Board of Education Board Meeting Agenda …


Monday, February 3, 2014 Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014

TOPIC: DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #4 – Recommendation for Approval of Funding for Effectiveness Systems Implementation BACKGROUND: The Cobb County School District must implement the new Cobb Keys for Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System for the 2014-2015 school year. A major component of this implementation is the development of Student Learning Objectives (SLO) for all non-tested subjects. Every course that does not have an EOCT or a CRCT, as well as 3rd grade, will need to have a growth goal and assessment designed and implemented for the 2014-2015 school year and will count as a component of a teacher’s evaluation. ALTERNATIVES:

1. Approve the funding request for Effectiveness Systems Implementation 2. Do not approve the funding request for Effectiveness Systems Implementation SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve funding request for Effectiveness Systems Implementation.

COST: Amount: $1,000,000.00 Fund: General Fund Budgeted: No RATIONALE: July 1, 2014 implementation is required by HB 244.

DATA SOURCE: Michael Shanahan


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Monday, February 3, 2014 Rescheduled from Thursday, January 30, 2014

TOPIC: DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEM #5 - Recommendation for Approval of the REVISED 2014 Board Meeting Schedule

BACKGROUND: The attachment to this agenda item is the REVISED 2014 list of dates indicating the second Wednesday and the fourth Thursday as meeting dates, unless otherwise noted and two Board Meeting dates in July. ALTERNATIVES:

1. Approve the REVISED 2014 Board Meeting Schedule. 2. Do not approve the REVISED 2014 Board Meeting Schedule.



RATIONALE: Approval of this agenda item conforms to Board policy.

DATA SOURCES: Board Members


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Wednesday, January 15, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, February 12, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, February 27, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, March 12, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, March 27, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, April 16, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, April 24, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, May 14, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, June 11, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit)


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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, July 31, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, August 13, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, August 28, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, September 10, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, October 8, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (optional) 7:00 p.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) 11:30 a.m. Executive Session (optional) *Wednesday, January 14, 2015 8:30 a.m. Public Comment (30-minute limit) *2015 Board meeting dates will be set by the Board at a Called Meeting on Tuesday, January 6, 2015.