cocos2d: past, present and future

cocos2d past, present, future by Ricardo Quesada v0.1 Sunday, April 8, 12

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cocos2d past, present and future.cocos2d for iPhone, cocos2d-x, cocos2d-html5


Page 1: Cocos2d: past, present and future

cocos2dpast, present, future

by Ricardo Quesada


Sunday, April 8, 12

Page 2: Cocos2d: past, present and future

History of cocos2d

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• PyWeek:

• A game in one week in python

• 2005, 2006, 2007: Games

• Engine from scratch for each entry

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• Feb-2008

• Python gathering in Los Cocos, Córdoba, Argentina

• “Los cocos” was born based on our PyWeek experience

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PyCamp 2008Sunday, April 8, 12

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• March 2008: v0.1

• “Los cocos” is renamed to “cocos2d”

• Lighting Talk in PyCon 2008

• Talk in EuroPython 2008

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• Jun-2008: v0.1

• Objective-c

• Same design as cocos2d Python

• Dec 2008: +40 games on AppStore

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PyCamp 2009

• cocos2d editor

• A world editor for cocos2d-python written in cocos2d-python

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More cocos2d ports

• ShinyCocos: Ruby bindings

• cocos2d-Android: Java based

• cocosNet: Mono based

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New cocos2d logo

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• First tools for cocos2d:

• Zwoptex

• Particle Designer

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Particle Designer

• Without PD:

• ~2 hours to have a nice effect

• With PD:

• ~10 minutes to have a much better effect

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#1 Paid App

• StickWars:

• First cocos2d game to be #1 Top Paid App in the US App Store

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• cocos2d-iPhone ported to Mac

• Idea: create a cocos2d-iPhone world editor in cocos2d (similar as PyCamp 2009)

• “Games for Mac” was a “collateral feature”

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• cocos2d-x

• C++ port

• Cross Device: Android and iOS

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More Ports: Javascript

• cocos2d ported to Javascript

• Canvas Based

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More Tools

• More cocos2d tools / editors

• Texture Packer

• Glyph Designer

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Books, Resources

• Books dedicated to cocos2d

• Resources:

• Many samples

• Tutorials

• Training courses

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• “Integrated” editors started to appear:

• CocoShop (SceneDesigner)

• CocosBuilder

• Sprite Helper / Level Helper

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Objective-c X-Platform

• Objective-C cross compiler toolchain

• App Portable

• Noodle Cake

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• cocos2d in C# for XNA

• Based on cocos2d-x

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• cocos2d-x port to Javascript

• Early stage

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cocos2d-x devconSunday, April 8, 12

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• Games

• Interactive Books

• Photo / Graphics applications

• +3500 Apps (iOS + Android)

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cocos2d familySunday, April 8, 12

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• stable, mature engines:

• cocos2d-iphone, cocos2d-x

• Early development:

• cocos2d-html5, JS bindings for cocos2d-x

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Good tools / editors

• Spritesheet editors

• Particle editors

• Font editors

• Tilemap editors

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Integrated Editors

• CocosBuilder

• Basic “integrated editor”

• Not yet a complete world editor

• Experimental cocos2d-x support

• No scripting support yet

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Scripting Language

• Javascript

• Alpha version for cocos2d-x

• Not yet available for cocos2d-iphone (in research)

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What do YOU need ?

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cocos2d future

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What do you need ?

• Faster development time

• Quality games (no crashes, leaks, fast)

• Prototyping tools

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Faster Dev. Time (I)

• With more and better editors

• Data is portable

• It is faster to generate data than code

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Faster Dev. Time (II)

• With scripting language:

• Javascript

• If performance is not good enough:

• Develop the game in native

• and optionally add JS bindings to native

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Better Quality

• Again with more and better editors

• MORE data and LESS code

• Less code == Less bugs

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Prototyping tools

• Scripting language + world editor

• Test ideas quickly

• Discard the “bad” ones

• Further develop the “good” ones

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Planned features for cocos2d in 2012

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Javascript bindings

• Javascript bindings for:

• cocos2d-x

• cocos2d-iphone

• Same JS API for cocos2d-x, cocos2d-iphone, cocos2d-html5

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cocos2d JS API

A 100% JS game could be “native” or “web”

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World Editor

• WYSIWYG Editor (CocosBuilder)

• Compose / Test scene

• Actions editor

• Scripting support with Javascript

• Support for cocos2d iOS, X, HTML5

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Thank you.Questions ?

Sunday, April 8, 12