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Code Sanitary


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Page 2: Code Sanitary

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CONTENT:This General Instruction prescribes minimum requirements for compliance with, and implementation of, theSaudi Aramco Sanitary Code. It contains the following information:



This instruction defines responsibilities, principles and practices for the implementation of sanitaryrequirements that are designed to protect public health and the environment, thereby increasingproductivity and minimizing associated curative medical costs.


a) Saudi Aramco's Environmental Protection Policy Statement (INT-5)

The Company will assure that its operations do not create undue risks to the environment or publichealth, and will conduct its operations with full concern for the protection of the land, air and waterfrom harmful pollution. The Company will promote environmentally sound waste disposal practicesand cost effective waste minimization through source reduction, reuse and recycling.


1. In all its activities, the Company will meet the standards specified by the Kingdom'senvironmental regulations. Where there are no established standards, guidelines will bedeveloped which are compatible with the Kingdom's objective of environmental protection.The Company will cooperate and participate with government and industry, as appropriate, inthe development of effective environmental control programs and regulations.

2. It is the responsibility of each organization to assure that its facilities are designed andoperated in compliance with the established corporate Environmental Protection Policy andthat they do not present unnecessary risks to the environment or public health.

b) Local Enterprise Support Policy Statement (ADM-5)

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In support of local enterprise, Saudi Aramco will actively promote and foster the development of theSaudi Arabian business community with specific emphasis on the manufacturing sector. In thisregard,

Saudi Aramco will preferentially purchase materials, products and services from local sourceswhenever specifications and quality are compatible with established company standards on a reliablebasis and at competitive prices.


1. Saudi Aramco will encourage industrial development in Saudi Arabia by promoting theestablishment and/or expansion of sound and viable privately owned manufacturing concernsand other sectors of the local business community, which will provide goods and services toSaudi Aramco, Government Agencies, other companies and the general public.

2. Saudi Aramco may assist local enterprise by providing services including technical advice andinformation related to Saudi Aramco as a potential market, as appropriate.


All management functions, including business line and associated management, will comply withSaudi Aramco Sanitary Code and Saudi Arab Government requirements applicable to the design,operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment. When conformity with any Saudi AramcoSanitary Code imposed requirements would not be practicable or cost effective, a grant of variancewill be sought. Reviews for compliance with this General Instruction will be performed on a periodicbasis.

3.1 Corporate Management will ensure that Operating and Business Plans reflect, and are consistentwith, Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirements.

3.2 Executive and General Management will assure that their operations and facilities are designed,operated and maintained in compliance with Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirements andprovide the required directions in support of Saudi Aramco's Environmental Protection Policy.

3.3 Managers will ensure that their facilities are operated and maintained in a way that protects theenvironment and the health and welfare of employees, and, where applicable, the general public.Concessionaires and contractors will be monitored to ensure that the services they perform, and/or the goods they provide, are in conformity with applicable the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Codestandards and Saudi Arab Government regulations.

3.4 Manager, Environmental Protection Department (EPD) will recommend policy onEnvironmental Health issues, counsel Management on the development and interpretation of

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Environmental Health programs and policies and monitor compliance with the Saudi AramcoSanitary Code requirements.

3.5 Chief, Preventive Medicine Services Division (PMSD) will recommend policy onEnvironmental Health issues as they relate to Saudi Aramco Medical Organization (SAMSO)and Medical Designated Facilities and counsel Medical Management on the development andinterpretation of Environmental Health Policies and Programs. PMSD will enforcerequirements of this General Instruction in SAMSO facilities, and where applicable, throughcontractual requirements in Medical Designated Facilities. PMSD will provide an annual reporton the state of compliance for SAMSO facilities, to the Manager, EPD.

3.6 Project Proponents, Facility Planners and Project Managers will ensure that, during theplanning, design and construction of new or modified facilities, the applicable EnvironmentalHealth requirements of the Company and Saudi Arab Government are met. In particular,submission of plans in compliance with Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code and in accordance withany other applicable company or Saudi Arab Government requirements. Guidance on therequirements to approve plans/projects required by the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, andpreparation of environmental assessments shall be obtained from the Manager, EPD.

3.7 Superintendents and Supervisors will actively provide supervision and training required topromote sound public health and hygienic practices by employees; and cooperate withEnvironmental Health Unit to conduct periodic inspections of their facilities, equipment, andwork areas to detect and correct unhealthful conditions and unhygienic acts.

3.8 All Employees will comply with applicable public health rules and regulations; perform theirduties and work in a manner which will not endanger themselves, their fellow workers, or thegeneral public; and will be alert to unhealthful conditions and correct or report them asappropriate.


The following principles and practices will govern the compliance with, and implementation of, theSaudi Aramco Sanitary Code

4.1 Health risks to employees, dependents and the general public will be minimized throughapplication of best available environmental health practices as per the Saudi Aramco SanitaryCode and Saudi Arab Government health requirements and directives such as, Saudi Arab Laborand Workmen Law, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arab Standards Organization, Meteorologicaland Environmental Protection Agency or other government regulations. Saudi AramcoEngineering Standards will be met in the design, construction, modification, operation andmaintenance of facilities and equipment. When conformity with Saudi Aramco imposedrequirements would not be practical or cost effective, a grant of variance will be sought.

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4.2 Operating standards and instructions will be provided to control public health risks whichcannot be feasibly eliminated through design. Compliance with Environmental Health practicesand procedures will be consistently enforced.

4.3 Employees will be protected against exposure to diseases and public health hazards which areimpracticable to eliminate, through proper use of personal protective equipment and periodicenvironmental monitoring.

4.4 Inspections will be periodically conducted by Environmental Health staff to detect and correctunsanitary practices and conditions. Environmental Health will notify the appropriate SaudiAramco Organizations such as PMSD, Loss Prevention, Fire Department on major issuesrelating to occupational exposure, safety or fire protection respectively.

4.5 Education and training of employees will be conducted to ensure that staff and management areaware of the requirements of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code and perform work in accordancewith the provision of the Code.

4.6 Qualification, experience and job skills of employees will be consistent with assigned tasks,enabling them to work without endangering their own health or the health of others.

4.7 Community health will be vigorously promoted to encourage and assist employees to protectthemselves and their families from disease and injury while at home, at recreation, or whereverthey may be.

4.8 Reviews for compliance with this General Instruction will be performed on a periodic basis.Review teams will include representatives from Environmental Protection Department and theproponent organization and will include appropriate expertise and be sufficiently independent ofthe operation being reviewed to assure credibility and effectiveness.

4.9 A 'State of the Environment' report incorporating major programs covered by the Saudi AramcoSanitary Code will be generated annually and forwarded to Corporate Management highlightingachievements, areas of concern and recommendations.


5.1 When circumstances render a particular Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirement impractical,an individual or firm may submit an application to Manager, EPD to request a grant of varianceto that Code requirement. In Saudi Aramco facilities, the application must be submitted bydepartmental manager or above. In SAMSO facilities an application for a 'Grant of Variance'may be submitted to Chief, PMSD. PMSD will obtain the approval of Manager, EPD.

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5.2 If the requested grant of variance involves new construction, remodeling or structuralalterations, properly prepared plans and specifications for such construction, remodeling, oralteration shall be submitted with the application. The plans and specifications shall indicate theproposed layout, arrangement, and construction materials of work areas, and the type and modelof proposed fixed equipment and facilities.

5.3 Environmental Health will review all facts, plans and specifications within a reasonable periodof time (depending on the complexity of the variance). The tentative variance agreement, ifapproved, will be transmitted to the applicant through the Saudi Aramco proponent. Until suchtime as the written, tentative variance agreement is received, the requirements of the SaudiAramco Sanitary Code must be adhered to and construction, remodeling or alteration thatincorporate the proposed variance must not be undertaken.

5.4 Environmental Health will schedule inspections during and after completion of work to evaluatethe degree to which the applicant has complied with the intent and detail of the tentativevariance agreement, and the extent to which the tentative variance agreement has impacted theenvironment or public health.

5.5 If inspections reveal that the intent and detail of the tentative variance agreement have beencomplied with and the tentative variance has not adversely impacted the environment or publichealth, then Environmental Health will transmit, in writing, the "approved" variance agreementthrough the proponent organization.

5.6 Should the applicant fail to continue to comply with the variance, or if unforeseen consequencesof the variance should adversely impact the environment or public health, then EnvironmentalHealth will void the variance and the applicant will cease and desist all activities that were thesubject of the original application requesting that variance be granted and will ensure that allapplicable Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirements are satisfied with respect to suchactivities.

Recommended:Manager, Environmental Protection Department


Executive Director, SAMSOVice President, Engineering ServicesSenior Vice President, Engineering And Operations Services

Approved: President & Chief Executive Officer

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APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF VARIANCE OF SAUDI ARAMCO SANITARY CODE REQUIREMENT _________________________________________________________________________________________________Facility Description (Name, Address, Contract Number if Applicable, BI Number, Etc). _________________________________________________________________________________________________Standard Affected1 & Variance Requested2 (Use another sheet if needed) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Justification3 (Use another sheet if needed) _________________________________________________________________________________________________Statement of Intent4

I/We hereby agree to comply with the intent and detail of the variance, if granted, now and for as long as the variance is in effect and I/We also hereby agree to cease and desist should unforseen consequences of the variance adversely impact the environment or public health as advised by Environmental Health. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Originator’ Name5: Title: Signature ________________ Date: / / / Manager (or above): Title: Signature ________________ Date: / / / Originator’s Organization Address Telephone Number __________________________________________________________________________________________________Notes: 1. Specify relevant sub-section(s) of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code. 2. If the request involves constructional work of any kind detailed plans and specifications shall be submitted along with the

application. In the case of plant and machinery operating plans and procedures should also be submitted. 3. Provide such technical facts which demonstrate that the variance will not adversely impact the environment or affect the

health and wellbeing of Saudi Aramco employees and their dependents or that of the public. (Use reverse side of application form if additional space required).

4. Before an application for variance can be considered all applicants must sign as read the statement of intent. 5. *For SAMSO Facilities application will be routed through PMSD. _________________________________________________________________________________________________For use by EHU/ECD/EPD & PMSD (For SAMSO Facilities)


Date Received / /

Control #



Signature: Title: Date:

Signature: Title: Gen. Supervisor, ECD Date:



Signature: Title: Supervisor, EHU Date:

Signature: Title: Manager, EPD Date:

Signature: Title: Chief, PMSD (*For SAMSO Facilities) Date:

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PREFACE…………………………………………………………………….GENERAL INSTRUCTION # 0151.006……………………………………..WAIVER FORM……………………………………………………………...TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………..



SASC-S-01 WATER……………………………………………………………… 1



SASC-S-04 FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS………………………………………... 80


SASC-S-06 DAIRY FARMS AND PLANTS……………………………………. 144


SASC-S-08 HOUSING…………………………………………………………… 191

SASC-S-09 MARINE VESSELS………………………………………………… 206

SASC-S-10 HEALTH CARE FACILITIES……………………………………… 213

SASC-S-11 COMMERCIAL LAUNDRIES……………………………………... 274

SASC-S-12 PLACES OF EMPLOYMENT……………………………………… 301


SASC-S-14 BARBERS AND BEAUTY SHOPS……………………………….... 349


SASC-S-16 SCHOOLS…………………………………………………………... 375


SASC-S-18 PUBLIC HEALTH NUISANCES………………………………….. 398

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No. Page

1. General Requirements………………………………………………………. 32. Water Source and Protection Of The Water Supply………………………... 33. Water Wells………………………………………………………………… 54. Water Storage Tanks, Equipment, Plumbing, Hoses and Compressed Air… 85. Cross Connection Control…………………………………………………... 96. Disinfection General………………………………………………………... 117. Disinfection by Chlorine……………………………………………………. 118. Disinfection of Water Wells………………………………………………... 159. Disinfection of New Water Lines…………………………………………... 1610. Protection and Disinfection of Newly Constructed Water Mains…………... 2011. Disinfection Procedures When Cutting Into or Repairing Existing Mains…. 2112. Disinfection of Water Storage Tanks…………..……………………….…... 2213. Transportation of Potable Water……………………………………………. 2314. Physical and Chemical Water Quality Requirements………………….…… 2515. The Coliform Rule………………………………………………………….. 2716. Fluoride……………………………………………………………………... 30

SASC-S-02Sanitary Wastewater and Sewerage Systems

No. Page

1. Engineering Design…………………………………………………………. 362. Protection of Water Supplies……………………………………………….. 363. Wastewater Pump Stations………………………………………………….. 384. Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Systems…………………………………… 395. Sanitary Wastewater Effluent Discharge & Reuse Requirements………….. 566. Disposal/Reuse of Sanitary Wastewater Sludge & Associated Wastes…….. 627. Public Toilets…………………………………………………………..…… 628. Industrial Waste/Wastewater Treatment & Disposal……………………….. 639. Responsibilities……………………………………………………………... 6910. Waste Manifest Form……………………………………………………….. 70

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SASC-S-03Solid Waste Management

No. Page

1. Detailed Plans and Specifications…………………………………………... 722. Required Approvals………………………………………………………… 723. Supervision of Sites………………………………………………………… 724. Required Records for Sites…………………………………………………. 725. Storage and Collection……………………………………………………… 736. Storage, Collection & Transfer Device and Vehicles………………………. 737. Facilities for Cleaning Storage, Collection & Transfer Devices & Vehicles. 738. Control of Drainage & Runoff From Sites………………………………... 739. Control of Leachate…………………………………………………………. 7410. Restrictions Associated with Groundwater…………………………………. 7411. Monitoring Wells…………………………………………………………… 7412. Access Roads Fencing……………………………………………………… 7413. Fencing……………………………………………………………………… 7414. Screening……………………………………………………………………. 7415. Fire Protection & Control…………………………………………………... 7416. Signs & Rules……………………………………………………………….. 7517. Control of Nuisances and Health Hazards………………………………….. 7518. Salvaging & Scavenging……………………………………………………. 7519. Handling of Special Types of Waste………………………………………... 7620. Special Factors Pertinent to the Sanitary Landfill Method of Waste

Disposal …………………………………………………………………….. 7621. Incineration of Solid Waste…………………………………………………. 7722. Composting Method of Waste Disposal……………………………………. 7823. Sludge Disposal Method……………………………………………………. 78

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SASC-S-04Food Establishments

No. Page

1. Application to Operate a Food Establishment……………………………… 822. Inspections………………………………………………………………….. 853. General Requirements………………………………………………………. 864. Personnel……………………………………………………………………. 875. Poisonous or Toxic Materials………………………………………………. 896. Pest Control………………………………………………………………… 907. Control of operation………………………………………………………… 918. Facility Design and Construction (General) ……………………………... 929. Floors……………………………………………………………………….. 9310. Walls, Ceilings and Appurtenances………………………………………… 9311. Doors and Windows………………………………………………………… 9412. Illumination…………………………………………………………………. 9513. Ventilation…………………………………………………………………... 9514. Plumbing and Cross Connection Control…………………………………… 9515. Water………………………………………………………………………... 9716. Sewage……………………………………………………………………… 9817. Toilets, Showers and Handwashing (General)……………………………… 9818. Handwash Basins and Handwashing……………………………………….. 10019. Changing Areas and Lockers……………………………………………….. 10120. Ambient Storage Facilities………………………………………………….. 10121. Refrigerated Storage………………………………………………………... 10322. Garbage and Refuse………………………………………………………… 10423. Janitors Closet……………………………………………………………… 10524. Cleaning and Preventive Maintenance……………………………………… 10625. Equipment and Utensils (General)………………………………………….. 10726. Transportation………………………………………………………………. 10927. Cleaning and Sanitization of Equipment…………………………………… 11028. Mechanical Cleaning and Sanitization……………………………………… 11229. Handling Foods, Ingredients and Packaging……………………………….. 11430. Ingredients………………………………………………………………….. 11531. Food Preparation and Processing………………………………………….. 11732. Packaging and Labeling…………………………………………………….. 11833. Storage of Finished Goods………………………………………………….. 11934. Food Display and Service…………………………………………………... 11935. Single Service Articles……………………………………………………… 11936. Quality Standards…………………………………………………………… 12037. Mobile Food Establishments……………………………………………….. 12038. Temporary Food Establishments…………………………………………… 12139. Ice Plants…………………………………………………………………… 12240. Marine Vessel Galleys……………………………………………………… 124

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SASC-S-05Food Manufacturing, Processing and Packaging

No. Page

1. Application by Food Manufacturers or Processors for Environmental HealthApproval……………………………………………………………………... 125

2. Inspections…………………………………………………………………… 1263. General Requirements……………………………………………………….. 1264. Good Manufacturing Practice……………………………………………….. 1275. Grounds……………………………………………………………………… 1286. Plant Construction and Design………………………………………………. 1287. Sanitary Operations………………………………………………………….. 1298. Sanitary Facilities and Control………………………………………………. 1299. Equipment and Utensils……………………………………………………... 13010. Processes and Controls………………………………………………………. 13111. Specific Requirements for Raw Meat/Poultry Possessing Plants…………… 13312. Special Requirements for Water Bottling and Beverage Manufacturing

Plants ……………………………………………………………………….. 138

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SASC-S-06Dairy Farms and Plants

No. Page

1. Application to Operate a Dairy Farm establishment……………………….. 1462. Inspections………………………………………………………………….. 1483. Control of Operation………………………………………………………... 1484. The Examination of Milk and Milk Products………………………...…….. 1505. Abnormal Milk……………………………………………………………… 1516. Standards for Milk and Milk Products………………………………......….. 1517. Animal Health………………………………………………………………. 1528. Cowyard…………………………………………………………………….. 1529. Insect and Rodent Control…………………………………………………... 15310. Milking Barn, Stable or Parlor……………………………………………… 15311. Transfer and Protection of Raw Milk………………………………………. 15412. Milkhouse or Milkroom…………………………………………………….. 15413. Cooling Raw Milk…………………………………………………………... 15414. Transportation of Raw Milk ………………………………………………... 15515. Equipment and Containers………………………………………………….. 15516. Piping………………………………………………………………….……. 15517. Cleaning of Pipelines………………………………………………….……. 15618. Protection from Contamination…………………………………………….. 15619. Pasteurization Temperature Requirements…………………………………. 15720. Batch Pasteurization………………………………………………………... 15721. (HTST) Continuous Flow Pasteurization………………………………...… 15922. Pasteurization Employing Regenerative Heating……………………….…... 16323. U.H.T. (Ultra High Temperature)……………………………………….….. 16524. Temperature Recording Charts……………………………………………... 16525. Equipment Tests and Examinations……………………………………...…. 16626. Cooling of Milk……………………………………………………………... 16627. Packaging………………………………………………………………….... 16628. Vehicles……………………………………………………………………... 16729. Residual Bacterial Counts (Packaging)………………………………….….. 16730. Appendix 1 – Introduction to the HTST Pasteurization System……………. 168

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SASC-S-07Camps and Communal Living Facilities

No. Page

1. Inspection Requirements……………………………………………………. 1712. General Considerations……………………………………………………... 1713. General construction Requirements, Ventilation and Lighting……………... 1734. Potable Water……………………………………………………………….. 1765. Drinking water Fountains…………………………………………………… 1786. Sewage……………………………………………………………………… 1797. Dormitories……………………………………………………………...….. 1798. Toilet Rooms, Shower Rooms, Handwashing (General)…………………… 1809. Toilet Rooms and Toilets…………………………………………………… 18110. Handwashing Facilities……………………………………………………... 18111. Shower Rooms……………………………………………………………… 18212. Laundry Rooms………………………………………………...……….….. 18213. Garbage and Refuse....................................................................................... 18314. Insect and Rodent Control............................................................................. 18515. Swimming Pools.........................................................................................… 18716. Barber Shops.................................................................................................. 18717. Kitchens and Food Facilities.......................................................................... 18718. Vessel Crew Accommodations...................................................................... 18719. Mobile Homes................................................................................................ 188

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No. Page

1. Housing Inspections.................................................................................…... 1912. Location......................................................................................................… 1923. General Considerations..............................................................................…. 1924. Minimum Floor Space Requirements........................................................…. 1935. General Construction Requirements............................................................... 1936. Ventilation and Air Conditioning...........................................................…… 1957. Illumination.................................................................................................… 1968. Potable Water Systems................................................................................… 1979. Sewage........................................................................................................… 19910. Toilets, Showers and Handwashing Facilities (General)............................... 20011. Toilet Rooms...............................................................................................… 20112. Handwashing Facilities...............................................................................… 20213. Shower Rooms............................................................................................… 20214. Laundry Rooms and Laundry....................................................................…. 20315. Garbage and Refuse...................................................................................…. 20316. Insect and Rodent Control..........................................................................…. 20417. Kitchens.......................................................................................................... 205

SASC-S-09Marine Vessels

No. Page

1. Scope................................................................................................………... 2062. Responsibilities............................................................................................... 2073. Potable Water System (Domestic Fresh Water).........................................…. 2074. Waste Management......................................................................................... 2085. Food Service..............................................................................................…. 2096. Crew Accommodation...............................................................................…. 2097. Marine Vessel Galleys...............................................................................…. 210

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SASC-S-10Health Care Facilities

No. Page

1. Physical Plant and Utilities.........................................................................… 2142. Operational Requirements...........................................................................… 2503. Safety.............................................................................................................. 2634. Fire Safety....................................................................................................... 2675. Solid Waste Disposal..................................................................................… 2676. Pest Control.................................................................................................… 2697. Environmental Sampling.............................................................................… 2708. Medical Manufacturing Plants....................................................................… 2709. Medical Storage Facilities (Includes Vendor-Operated Facilities)................. 271

SASC-S-11Commercial Laundries

No. Page

1. Inspection of Laundries Employee Communal Living Accommodation.............…. 2762. General Considerations......................................................................................…… 2773. General Design and Construction Considerations..............................................…... 2804. Ventilation and Air Conditioning.......................................................................…… 2835. Illumination........................................................................................................…… 2836. Water Systems...............................................................................................………. 2847. Sewage................................................................................................................…... 2868. Toilet Rooms, Shower Rooms and Handwashing Facilities (General)................…. 2879. Toilet Rooms...................................................................................................……... 28810. Handwashing Facilities....................................................................................…….. 28911. Shower Rooms...................................................................................................…… 28912. Changing Areas..................................................................................................…… 29013. Lunch Rooms and Kitchens............................................................................…….. 29014. Garbage and Refuse...........................................................................................…… 29115. Insect and Rodent Control....................................................................................….. 29216. Laundry Equipment...........................................................................................……. 29317. Soiled Linen Sorting and Handling....................................................................…… 29418. Washing................................................................................................................…. 29419. Clean Linen and Dry Cleaning...........................................................................…… 29620. Vehicles................................................................................................................….. 29621. Laundry Depots.................................................................................................……. 29622. Safety Shower and Eyewash.............................................................................……. 29723. Quality Assurance.............................................................................................……. 297

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SASC-S-12Places of Employment

No. Page

1. Inspections..........................................................................................……… 3022. General Considerations.......................................................................……… 3023. General Construction Requirements...................................................……… 3034. Ventilation...........................................................................................……… 3055. Illumination.........................................................................................……… 3056. Potable Water System.........................................................................……… 3067. Sewage................................................................................................……… 3088. Toilet Rooms, Shower Rooms, Handwashing Facilities ...................…….… 3099. Toilet Rooms.......................................................................................……… 31010. Handwashing.......................................................................................……… 31011. Shower Rooms....................................................................................……… 31112. Changing Areas and Locker Rooms...................................................……… 31113. Retiring Rooms for Women................................................................……… 31214. Garbage and Refuse Facilities............................................................………. 31215. Insect and Rodent Control..................................................................………. 31416. Lunch Rooms and Kitchens................................................................……… 315

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SASC-S-13Swimming Pools, Wading Pools and Spas

No. Page

1. Proposed Design Factors for New or Remodeled Pools.....................……… 3192. Plans and Specifications.....................................................................………. 3193. Loading Stress and Structural Stability..............................................………. 3204. Construction Materials (General)…………………………………………… 3205. Size and Design Criteria.....................................................................……… 3206. Stairways, Ladders and Handrails..........................................……………… 3217. Decks and Walkways........................................................................……….. 3228. Illumination and Electrical Requirements..........................................………. 3229. Water Supply......................................................................................………. 32310. Sewer System...................................................................................………... 32311. Specifications for Recirculation Systems...........................................……… 32312. Shower Rooms, Dressing Rooms and Toilets....................................………. 33613. Refuse.............................................................................................………… 34014. Miscellaneous Requirements..............................................................……… 34015. Lifesaving Equipment, First Aid and Telephone..............................……….. 34016. Supervision ..........................................................................................……... 34117. Supervision of Bathers........................................................................……… 34118. Water Quality and Testing (Physical Parameters)..............................……… 34219. Water Quality and Testing (Chemical Parameters)...........................………. 34320. Water Quality and Testing (Microbiological Parameters)..................……… 34521. Spa pools...........................................................................................……….. 345

SASC-S-14Barbers and Beauty Shops

No. Page

1. General Requirements.........................................................................……… 3492. Cleaning and Disinfection...................................................................……… 3503. Hair Care and Beauty Products..........................................................………. 3514. Personnel............................................................................................………. 3515. General Sanitation and Hygiene.........................................................……… 352

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SASC-S-15Indoor an Outdoor Recreation Areas and Facilities, Including Camp

Grounds, Beaches and Marinas

No. Page

1. Inspection and Compliance with Code Requirements – Responsibilities..…. 3542. Location...................................................................................................…... 3553. General Considerations...............................................................................… 3554. Fires and Cooking and Eating Facilities in Outdoor Recreation Areas.....…. 3565. Roads, Parking Areas and Walks............................................……………… 3566. Construction Requirements for Floors.....…………………………………... 3577. Construction Requirements for Walls and Ceilings.................................…... 3578. Construction Requirements for Doors, Windows and Screening...............… 3589. Ventilation Requirements..........................................................................…. 35910. Illumination Requirements.........................................................................…. 35911. Toilet Rooms, Shower Rooms, Handwashing Facilities (General)...........…. 36012. Toilet Rooms and Toilets.........................................................................…... 36113. Handwashing Facilities..............................................................................…. 36214. Shower Rooms and Showers.......................................................................… 36215. Laundry Rooms............................................................................................... 36316. Potable Water System..................................................................................... 36317. Sewage............................................................................................................ 36718. Garbage and Refuse........................................................................................ 36819. Insect and Rodent Control..........................................................................…. 37020. Recreation Villas and Communal Housing..................................................... 37121. Swimming Pools............................................................................................. 37222. Food Facilities................................................................................................. 37223. Natural Swimming Areas................................................................................ 372

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No. Page

1. Inspection of Schools.........................................................................………. 3752. General Considerations......................................................................………. 3763. General Construction Requirements..................................................………. 3774. Ventilation and Air Conditioning.......................................................……… 3795. Illumination........................................................................................……… 3806. Potable Water System.........................................................................……… 3807. Sewage................................................................................................……… 3838. Toilet, Showers and Handwashing Facilities (General).....................………. 3839. Toilet Rooms.......................................................................................……… 38410. Handwashing Facilities.......................................................................……… 38511. Shower Rooms....................................................................................……… 38512. Changing Areas and Lockers..............................................................……… 38613. Retiring Rooms for Women................................................................……… 38614. Garbage and Refuse............................................................................……… 38615. Insect Rodent and Vermin Control.....................................................……… 38816. Lunch Rooms and Kitchens................................................................……… 390

SASC-S-17Insects, Rodents and Other Insects of

Public Health Significance

No. Page

1. General...............................................................................................………. 3922. Responsibilities for insect, rodent and vermin control......................……… 3943. Structural Plans for Schools and Food Establishments.......................……… 3944. General Structural Requirements........................................................……… 3945. Sewage ................................................................................................……... 3956. Garbage and Refuse............................................................................……… 3957. Pesticides............................................................................................………. 397

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SASC-S-18Public Health Nuisances

No. Page

1. General...............................................................................................………. 3992. Special Public Health Nuisances.....................................................………… 399

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Water, SASC-S-01




Water is a fundamental necessity for life. Protection of this natural resource is an essential health requisite. If thewater supply is not protected, the spread of water-borne communicable disease and degradation of the quality of lifeare imminent. The costs in terms of illness and lost time from work could be severe. This Section specifies thepublic health requirements necessary for the maintenance of a hygienic, safe and wholesome water supply.NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with appropriate referenced documents listed at theend of this Code Section.


Air Break: A physical separation, which may be a low inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the fixtures,appliances or devices indirectly connected.

Air Gap: (1) In a water supply system, it is the unobstructed vertical distance through the atmosphere between thelowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture or other device in the flood-levelrim of the receptacle. (2) The unobstructed vertical distance between the inlet from the potable water system andthe flood level rim of the non-potable water system, for a safe air gap, must be equal to at least twice the insidediameter of the inlet pipe.

Bottled Drinking Water: All water, which is sealed in bottles, packages or other containers and offered for sale forhuman consumption.

Chemically Treated: Any water that has been chemically treated. The treatment may range from simple addition ofchlorine to kill bacteria to multiple chemical applications to render it non-corrosive and/or non-scaling or to removecertain physical or chemical pollutants

Chlorine Residual: The amount of chlorine in all forms (total) or HOCl (free) remaining in treated water to ensuredisinfection for a certain period of time.

Coliform Group Bacteria: (1) A group of bacteria predominantly inhabiting the intestines of man or animal, but alsooccasionally found elsewhere. It includes all aerobic and facultative anaerobic, Gram negative, non-spore formingbacilli that ferment lactose with production of gas. (2) A group of organisms, which include Escherichia coli.

Contamination, Water: The direct or indirect introduction into water of microorganisms, chemicals, wastes orwastewater.

Demineralized: Water from which mineral salts (anions and cations) have been removed by passage through ion-exchange resins. The ion-exchange process is frequently referred to as de-ionization or demineralization, and isused to manufacture low TDS water for make-up in boiler systems and for numerous other applications.

Desalinated: Water from which most of the dissolved salts have been removed by one of the desalinationprocesses (e.g. reverse osmosis, electrodialysis or flash evaporation).

Disinfect: To kill infectious microorganisms by physical or chemical means. Some bacterial spore formingorganisms may survive the process, but all other microorganisms are reduced to insignificant levels or eliminatedcompletely.

ED water: The product water from an electro-dialysis (ED) desalination process.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): An agency of the US Federal Government, formed in 1970, which hasthe responsibility for ensuring that governmental, residential, commercial and industrial waste-disposal activities donot adversely impact the physical environment.Filter: A device made of porous material, through which a fluid is passed, to separate from it matter held insuspension.

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Fire Water: Any water (fresh, well, sea) contained in a piping system or storage tank and normally intended toprovide water for extinguishing fires. The source of the fire water shall be identified.

Groundwater: That part of the subsurface water that is in the zone of saturation.

Hard water: Any water containing more than 60 mg/L calcium and/or magnesium expressed ascalcium/magnesium carbonate

Hypochlorite: in its sodium salt form, the active bleaching ingredient in liquid chlorine bleach.

Liquid Chlorine Bleach: A solution of sodium hypochlorite, a highly active oxidizing agent. Liquid chlorine bleachis also called household bleach and is commonly distributed as an approximately five percent solution of sodiumhypochlorite.

mg/L: Milligrams per liter, which is the metric equivalent of parts per million (ppm).

Microorganisms: Generally any living microscopic things (too small for the naked eye). This includes bacteria,yeasts, simple fungi, algae, etc. Some of these produce disease in man, animals and plants.

Most Probable Number (MPN): (1) That number of organisms per unit volume that, in accordance with statisticaltheory, would be more likely than any other number to yield the observed test result with the greatest frequency. (2)A laboratory technique for enumerating bacteria consisting of statistical evaluation of growth or no growth in multipledilutions of water or wastewater.

Potable Drinking Water: Water at the consumer tap that is wholesome and which meets the chemical, physicaland microbiological section as outlined in SASC-S-01

Raw Water: In Saudi Aramco terminology, raw water means water that has not undergone treatment. This waternormally contains less than 5,000 mg/l TDS and is used extensively in Saudi Arabia for domestic purposes.

Residual Chlorine: The free chlorine, which remains in solution after the demand has been satisfied.

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): Total solids dissolved in water. TDS is expressed in mg/L. Frequently expressedas parts per million (ppm).

Utility Water: Water containing, normally less than 5000mg/L TDS, used in process facilities (as opposed to rawwater used in domestic facilities

Vacuum Breaker: A device for relieving a vacuum or partial vacuum formed in a pipeline, preventingbacksiphonage.

Water Hardness: Soluble metal salts, principally those of calcium and magnesium, sometimes including iron andmanganese that, when present in water in significant levels, can create scaling problems. ,

Water Supply System: Includes the waterworks and auxiliaries for collection, treatment, storage and distribution ofthe water from the sources of supply to the free-flowing outlet of the consumer.

Well: An artificial excavation, complete with piping and inert materials at such a depth as to penetrate water yieldingrock or soil, and allow the water to flow or be pumped to the surface.

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1.1 Raw or Utility Water (also see SAES-S-040): Water that is satisfactory for ablution, bathing, brushingteeth, cooking, eyewashes, hand washing, laundry, ware-washing, and other domestic/utility purposes.Raw water must comply with bacteriological requirements and be chlorinated. When the intended useof potable water is other than drinking, the chemical quality of the water must be inherently free fromacute health hazards, but need not comply with the stringent chemical quality parameters required toprotect the most sensitive individual from chronic health risks associated with lifetime consumption ofdrinking water. Additionally, the Manager, Environmental Protection Department (EPD) may imposeadditional, more stringent requirements on a specific water use when he deems it necessary to protecthealth.Note that a water well must possess chemical quality characteristics free from acute health hazards to be designated as aSaudi Aramco potable water well. Water supplied from all known Saudi Aramco developed potable water wells can, therefore,be used forany potable purpose (except drinking), including feed stock to advanced water treatment systems. Water from other than SaudiAramco developed potable water wells, such as sea water used for hand washbasins and showers aboard marine vessels,shall be evaluated by EPD to verify that the water is likely to be substantially free from acute health hazards before thewater is used for domestic/utility purposes.

1.2 Drinking Water (Sweet Water): Water that has no objectionable tastes or odors and meets all waterquality requirements as defined in Table 9. Drinking water shall normally contain less than 500 mg/ltotal dissolved solids. Water which otherwise meets all sections and has a total dissolved solidsconcentration not exceeding 1500 mg/l may be approved for drinking water on a case-by-case basis.

1.3 Water Distribution System (see SAES-S-040): A network of water distribution piping, water boosterstations, valves, controls and all appurtenances carrying or supplying water to the discharge end ofisolation valves. Such systems may supply drinking, raw water for domestic/utility purposes or potableraw water for combined domestic/utility and fire fighting purposes. Note that most Saudi Aramcocommunities, industrial areas and plants are provided with two separate water distribution systems, i.e.a small system supplying de-mineralized drinking water and a large domestic/utility/fire water systemsupplying properly chlorinated or disinfected non de-mineralized raw water (commonly referred to as"raw water").

1.4 Fire Water Distribution System: Fire water need not be raw or drinking water quality if distributed in aseparate, independent water distribution system that is used for no purpose other than fire fighting, i.e.the water from the separate, independent fire water system is not used for ablution, domesticpurposes, drinking, eyewashes, personal hygiene or any other domestic/utility purpose. If the “firewater” is distributed in a system that also provides properly chlorinated or disinfected water for ablution,bathing, brushing teeth, cooking, eyewashes, hand washing, laundry, ware-washing, or other domesticor personal hygiene purpose, then the quality of the fire water must be equal to that required for thehighest intended use, i.e. potable water use. In this case, “Fire Water” is a misnomer and the systemshould be referred to as a “raw or utility water distribution system.”Note that Saudi Aramco does not normally provide a third water distribution system dedicated exclusively to fire fighting. This isconfusing when discussing systems that are primarily required for fire fighting in a plant and are only secondarily used fordomestic/utility purposes. The key determinant, however, is that the system must provide water of a quality adequate for thehighest intended use.


2.1 The water supply shall be obtained from the most desirable feasible source. Every reasonableeffort shall be made to prevent or control pollution of the source. If the source is not adequatelyprotected by natural means, the supply shall be adequately protected by treatment.

2.2 Water shall be obtained, conveyed, treated, stored and distributed in a closed system that isprotected from contamination.

2.3 Minimum separation distances between sources of contamination and water wells and water linesshall be as indicated in Table 1 below.

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TABLE 1Minimum Horizontal Separation Distances

Minimum Distance To Be Maintained From: Water Wellsm(ft)

Water Linesm(ft)

• Sewer Lines 15 (50) 3a(10)• Septic Tank/Grease Traps 15 (50) 3 (10)• Disposal Field 30 (100) 3 (10)• Seepage Pit 45 (150) 3 (10)• Areas Irrigated with Reclaimed Wastewater 150 (500) 15b(50)• Reclaimed Water Line 15 (50) 3a(10)• Sewage Treatment Plants (on-shore) 150 ( 500)• Sewage Lift Stations (on-shore) 90 (300)

a - In the event that these separation distances can not be met, see SAES-S-010.b - This buffer zone applies to spray irrigation areas only.

2.4 Sewer line crossings with potable water lines shall comply with the requirements of SAES-S-010,Sanitary Sewers.

2.5 Saudi Aramco’s EPD shall conduct a sanitary survey of a water system at the time the watersystem is constructed, or when any part of an existing water source, water treatment plant or waterdistribution system is altered, extended, upgraded, changed or substantially repaired.

2.5.1 Sanitary surveys provide an additional line of defense against contamination. Their function isto identify possible health risks that may not be apparent from water sample results alone.

2.5.2 The sanitary survey involves planning, surveying and reporting. Planning shall include a detailed review of system records to determine ifinorganic chemical, organic chemical, microbiological and radiological maximumcontaminant levels (MCLs), as well as the system's monitoring record, complywith standards. The sanitary survey may include interviews with system supervisors andoperators and very detailed evaluations of the source, treatment, distributionsystem and management/operations. Findings shall be discussed with the SaudiAramco proponent and system personnel at the conclusion of the survey.

2.6 The Manager, EPD, shall approve all new water supplies. Approval of water supplies shall bedependent, in part, upon:

2.6.1 Adherence to rules and regulations designed to prevent development of health hazards.

2.6.2 Adequate protection of the water quality throughout all parts of the system as demonstratedby sanitary surveys.

2.6.3 Proper operation of the water supply system under the responsible charge of conscientious,trained and competent personnel.

2.6.4 Adequate capacity to meet peak demands without development of low-pressure conditions orother health hazards.

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2.6.5 The use of the "best available technology" (BAT) to ensure compliance with the TotalColiform Rule. These include, but are not limited to: Protection of wells by appropriate placement and construction. Maintenance of a disinfectant residual of a minimum of 0.5ppm throughout thedistribution system. Proper maintenance of the distribution system, including appropriate pipereplacement and repair procedures, main flushing programs, proper operationand maintenance of storage tanks and reservoirs, and continual maintenance ofpositive water pressure in all parts of the distribution system. Filtration and disinfection if surface water is used as a supply.

2.6.6 The use of the "best available technology" (BAT) to ensure compliance with inorganicchemical, organic chemical and radiological contaminant MCLs. These include theprocesses outlined in Tables 2 and 3.

2.6.7 Records of laboratory examinations showing consistent compliance with applicable MCLs, aswell as system records showing compliance with monitoring requirements.

2.6.8 Records of equipment operation and maintenance, quantities of product water produced,types and amounts of chemicals used, and pH and chlorine residual.

TABLE 2Best Available Technology (BAT) for Inorganic Contaminants

Contaminant Best Available TechnologyAsbestos Coagulation-filtration*; direct and diatomite filtration; corrosion controlBarium Ion exchange; lime softening*; reverse osmosis; electrodialysisCadmium Ion exchange; reverse osmosis; coagulation-filtration*; lime softening*Chromium Coagulation-filtration*; ion exchange; lime softening (Cr III only)*; reverse osmosisMercury Granular activated carbon; coagulation-filtration*; lime softening*; reverse osmosisNitrate Ion exchange; reverse osmosis; electrodialysisNitrite Ion exchange; reverse osmosisSelenium Activated alumina; lime softening*; coagulation-filtration (Se IV only)*; reverse

osmosis; electrodialysis* Coagulation-filtration/lime softening is not BAT for small systems for variances unless treatment is currently in place

where Mercury influent concentrations are <10 µg/L


The following public health factors pertinent to water well development are meant to supplement goodengineering practice, not redefine it. The construction and operational requirements presented are based onexperience with potable water wells for the majority of conditions prevailing in Saudi Arabia. In unusualcircumstances where these requirements are not reasonable, specific deviation may be approved by SaudiAramco’s EPD if an alternative approach will provide equivalent public health protection. In othercircumstances where these requirements do not provide adequate protection against hazards, requirementsmore rigid in one or more aspects may be necessary for specific situations,Such as a recommendation that mercury sealed pump motors be replaced by mechanically sealed pumpmotors to prevent contamination of the water source.

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TABLE 3Best Available Technology (BAT) for Organic Contaminants

Best Available TechnologyContaminant Granular

Activated CarbonPacked-towerAeration

Polymer AdditionPractices

Acrylamide XAlachlor XAldicar XAldicarb sulfone XAldicarb sulfoxide XAtrazine XCarbofuran XChlordane X2,4-D XDibromochloropropane (DBCP) X Xo-Dichlorobenzene X Xcis-1,2-Dichloroethylene X Xtrans-1,2-Dichloroethylene X X1,2-Dichloropropane X XEpichlorohydrin XEthylene dibromide (EDB) X XEthylbenzene X X XHeptachlor XHeptachlor epoxide XLindane XMethoxychlor XMonochlorobenzene X XPCBs XPentachlorophenol XStyrene X X2,4,5-TP (silvex) XTetrachloroethylene X XToluene X XToxaphene XXylenes (total) X X

3.1 Wells shall be located at an adequate distance from potential sources of contamination andgenerally in areas not subject to flooding (refer to Table 1and sub-section 3.5).

3.2 All wells shall be drilled by contractors who are well versed in well construction; able toconstruct a well that will provide safe potable water, and who are able to do this in a manner that willnot prove hazardous to the underground waters.

3.3 During interruptions of construction before installation of the well pump, the well opening shallbe closed with a cover welded to the casing to prevent entrance of contamination or debris.Precautions shall also be taken to effectively close the well hole opening temporarily during overnightshutdowns.

3.4 Drill muds, formation stabilizers, grout, water and all other materials used in the construction of thewell shall be free from sewage contamination and shall be handled so that they do not becomecontaminated during construction of the well. All annular packing material consisting of sand or gravelused in packed wells shall be properly designed, sorted and graded and shall come from gravelsources free from sewage contamination, shall be washed with a water free from sewagecontamination and containing a chlorine residual of 50 mg/L, and shall be so handled that it will notbecome contaminated before placing in the well.

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3.5 Where wells are subject to flooding, suitable protection against this hazard must be provided. Thewell casing shall be extended to terminate above the maximum floodwater elevation; or if asubmersible type of pump installation is used, the well casing shall be provided with a watertight seal atthe surface to exclude floodwaters.

3.6 Well casings shall be steel or other metal of satisfactory physical properties and condition. Thegauge of well casing shall be adequate, depending upon type of casing (single or double), diameter ofcasing, and depth of well, to ensure structural stability and soundness during construction and for thelife of the well. All well casing seams (longitudinal joints) shall be welded. Joints in the casing shall beeither screw coupled or welded. Stovepipe type of casing is permissible if double thickness withstaggered joint casing is used, and the inner and outer casings are processed to exact fit so the innercasing shall fit to the outer casing with a tolerance not to exceed 0.25 millimeters (1/100 of an inch).Where no conductor casing is used, tight joints must be provided in the casing above the level of thehighest perforations.

3.7 All drilled wells shall have a conductor casing to exclude upper level waters. Different situationsof underground formation will necessitate different kinds of protection.

3.7.1 Where porous formations are continuous from the surface to 15 meters (50 feet) or more,the perforations shall be located as remote as possible from the surface, and casing jointsshall be constructed to be tight above the perforations because the conductor casing in thesituation will not protect against contamination originating at the surface. Protection must besecured by locating the well away from sewers and sewage disposal Any upper waterbearing zone above the target interval shall be isolated from other water bearing zones thatare penetrated by a cement slurry seal of the well annular space to prevent crosscontamination between water bearing zones that are penetrated.. Further, all reasonableefforts shall be made to control sewers and sewage in the immediate environment.

3.7.2 Where impervious formations are continuous from the surface to 15 meters (50 feet) ormore, a conductor casing shall extend to 15 meters (50 feet) unless there is some likelihoodthat sewage is disposed of through deep cesspools to a porous formation lying below thisdepth. In this case, extending the conductor pipe through such porous formations to the nextlower impervious formation shall provide additional protection.

3.7.3 Where alternate strata of porous and impervious formations exist, a conductor casing shallextend to a minimum depth of 15 meters (50 feet) and shall extend through at least the firstporous formation lying below the 15 meters (50 feet) level. If there is a likelihood of lowerporous formations being contaminated from nearby sewage or other waste disposal, then theconductor casing shall extend through such lower porous formations into an underlyingimpervious formation.

3.8 The annular space between the casing and the conductor casing shall be filled with cement orconcrete grout so placed that this material completely fills the annular space and provides a watertightseal. The sand or gravel packing material shall be separated from overlying cement grout with a properfiner grained seal followed by a cement grout throughout the remainder of the annular space. Allgrouting shall be performed by adding the mixture from the bottom of the space to be grouted towardthe surface in one continuous operation. Sufficient annular space shall be provided to permit aminimum thickness of 5.1 centimeters (2 inches) of grout. The minimum diameter of the annular spaceshall be a minimum of 5.1 centimeters (2 inches) per side of the well. Packed wells require the use ofcentralizers within the screened interval to ensure that the well is properly centered in the borehole.

3.9 It is desirable that the uppermost perforations of the well casing be located below an imperviousstratum. Where impervious strata are nonexistent or 15 meters (50 feet) or more from the surface,perforations shall be deep enough to prevent entry by shallow surface waters. In no event shallperforations be closer than 15 meters (50 feet) to the ground surface.

3.10 The well casing shall extend above ground level and through a pump house floor slab or a pumpblock. The slab or block shall extend at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) above the surrounding ground

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level. It shall be impervious, free from cracks and a minimum of 1.2 meters (4 feet) in diameter. Thetop of the casing shall be sealed to effectively exclude such materials as windblown dust, any animalsand insects, pump drippage, rain, water, etc. as follows:

3.10.1 If the well pump is set directly over the casing, the pump base shall fit tightly on the pumpblock or slab.

3.10.2 If the pump is offset from the well casing, the annular ring between the well casing and thepump suction pipe shall be closed by a tight seal which can be removed as necessary toprovide maintenance of the pump elements.

3.10.3 Where the casing is sealed by the metal pump base, all holes in the pump base shall betightly closed. Adequate means shall be provided to transmit or transfer drippage frompacking glands away from the pump base and well casing.

3.10.4 If a submersible pump is used, the above ground piping shall be flanged to the casing. Theflange shall be sealed to the casing.

3.11 Access openings into the well casing for air release, lubrication, disinfection, or for any otherpurpose necessary for maintenance and operation of the well are permitted, but must terminate abovethe flood water level. These openings shall be protected against entry by any animals, insects,extraneous water, pump drippage, and other contaminating matter, by caps, screens, or down-turned“U” bends, as suitable for the given situation.

3.12 The pump discharge piping shall be located above ground. In the event of a below grounddischarge, there shall be a positive, water-tight seal between the discharge pipe and the well casing,and such connection shall be easily accessible for inspection. This will require a pit which will besubject to limitations as noted below:

3.12.1 The use of well pits (and below-ground discharge pipes), shall be prohibited on newinstallations. In no case shall a well pit be used in areas subject to flooding or where the pitextends to a depth below the water table. The pit shall be water tight, constructed ofmonolithic, reinforced concrete. The top of such a pit shall be covered either with a concreteslab or with a house of equivalent watertight construction.

3.13 The blow-off or drain line from the pump discharge shall be located where there is not possibility ofwater entering the well from the blow-off or drain line.

3.14 Oil and water used for lubrication of the pump and pump bearing shall be of satisfactorybacteriological quality so as not to impair the quality of water drawn from the well.

3.15 A sample tap, in proper working condition shall be provided on the discharge line so that water,representative of the water in the well, may be drawn for laboratory analysis.


4.1 All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap, which shall be in working order.Where a tankered supply is used, secondary raw and drinking water storage tanks in remote areasshall be drained, visually inspected, internally sanitized by application of a chlorine solution or otherapproved means at least every 12 months. Records shall be kept of the dates of inspections,procedures to be followed, disinfectants used and the strength of the disinfecting solution.

4.2 Vents shall be of the gooseneck type or roof ventilator type, protected to prevent possible entry of dust,any animals, insects, or any contaminants, with the opening protected by 16-mesh or finer corrosionresistant screening.

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4.3 Roof hatch openings shall have a raised curbing of at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) in height, andthe cover shall overlap and terminate in a downward direction for at least 5 centimeters (2 inches), witharrangements for keeping it locked in place.

4.4 Overflows shall be provided with hinged flap valves.

4.5 Equipment, devices, filters, and all other water treatment or conditioning apparatus, shall beoperated, inspected and serviced or replaced according to the manufacturer's instructions andspecifications, and shall not be operated beyond their rated capacity. All such equipment shall bemaintained in a clean and sanitary condition and, if necessary, shall be sanitized by application of achlorine solution or by other approved means. Where any of the above are used in remote locationsare appropriate manufacturer’s instructions shall be kept on site as part of that sites OperatingProcedures.

4.6 If hoses are used for conveying potable water, they shall be dedicated, constructed of safematerials, shall have a smooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose, and shall be clearlyidentified as to their use. Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outletfittings, as well as hose fittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hosesshall be stored and used to be kept free of contamination.

4.7 Compressed air used to pressurize the potable water system shall be filtered or otherwise treatedto render it free of dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly located andmaintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removable forcleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil-free air.

5 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL5.1 Cross Connection Control -The implementation of these requirements for the effective control of

cross-connections depends on the full cooperation of the water purveyor (ex: Area UtilitiesDepartment), EPD, and the consumer. Each has its responsibilities and each must carry out its phaseof a coordinated cross-connection control program in order to prevent pollution or contamination of thepotable water supplies. The responsibilities of each are outlined hereafter.

5.2 Responsibility: EPD

5.2.1 EPD has the primary responsibility for promulgating and enforcing laws, rules, regulations,and policies to be followed in carrying out an effective cross-connection control program.Further EPD has the responsibility of insuring that the water purveyor operates the publicwater system free of actual of potential sanitary hazards, including unprotected crossconnections. Also, EPD has responsibility of insuring that the water purveyor provides anapproved water supply at the point of delivery to the consumer's water system and, further,that the purveyor installs, tests, and properly maintains an approved backflow-preventionassembly on the service connections.

5.2.2 EPD has the primary responsibility of insuring that the consumer's potable water system isprovided with an approved water supply and that its potable water system(s) is maintainedfree of sanitary hazards, including unprotected cross connections.

5.3 Responsibility: Water Purveyor5.3.1 Under this cross-connection control requirement the water purveyor has the primary

responsibility to prevent water from unapproved sources, or any other substance, enteringthe public water supply system. The water purveyor is prohibited by these requirements frominstalling or maintaining a water service connection to a consumer's water system within itsjurisdiction where a health, system, plumbing or pollution hazard exists, or will probablyexist, unless the public water supply is protected against backflow by an approved assemblyinstalled at the service connection (point of delivery).

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5.3.2 The water purveyor's responsibility begins at the source and includes all of the publicwater distribution system, including the service connection, and ends at the point of deliveryto the consumer's water system(s). In addition, the water purveyor shall exercise reasonablevigilance to insure that the consumer has taken the proper steps to protect the publicpotable water system. To insure that the proper precautions are taken the water purveyor isrequired to determine the degree of hazard to the public potable water system. When it isdetermined that a backflow-prevention assembly is required for the protection of the publicsystem the water purveyor shall require the consumer, at the consumer's expense, to installan approved backflow-prevention assembly at each service connection, to test immediatelyupon installation and annually or more often in those instances where successiveinspections indicate repeated failure, to properly repair and maintain such assembly orassemblies and to keep adequate records of each test and subsequent maintenance andrepair, including materials or replacement parts.

5.3.3 The purveyor has the responsibility to not only review building plans and inspect plumbing asit is installed; but it has the explicit responsibility of preventing cross connections from beingdesigned and built into the structures within its jurisdiction. Where the review of buildingplans suggests or detects the potential for cross connections being made an integral part ofthe plumbing system the plumbing official has the responsibility under most building codesfor requiring that such cross connection practices be either eliminated or provided withapproved backflow-prevention equipment.

5.3.4 The purveyor responsibility begins at the point of service (the downstream side of the meter)and carries throughout the entire length of the customer's water system. The plan inspectorshould inquire about the intended use of water at any point where it is suspected that a crossconnection might be made or where one is actually called for by the plans. When such isdiscovered it should be mandatory that a suitable, approved backflow- prevention assemblybe required by the plans and properly installed.

5.3.5 The purveyor has further primary responsibility of preventing pollutants and contaminantsfrom entering his potable water system(s) or the public potable water system. Theconsumer's responsibility starts at the point of delivery from the public potable water systemand includes all of his water systems. The purveyor shall install, operate, test, and maintainapproved backflow-prevention assemblies as directed by EPD.

5.3.6 The purveyor shall maintain accurate records of tests and repairs made to backflow-prevention assemblies and provide the water purveyor and health agency having jurisdictionwith copies of such records. The records shall be on forms approved by the water purveyorand/or health agency having jurisdiction and shall include the list of materials or replacementparts used. Following any repair, overhaul, re-piping or relocation of an assembly theconsumer shall have it tested to insure that it is in good operating condition and will preventbackflow. A certified backflow-prevention assembly tester shall make tests, maintain, andrepair backflow-prevention assemblies.

5.3.7 When requested by EPD, the water purveyor shall be responsible for conformance with allapplicable requirements pertaining to cross-connection control; for the installation, operation,and use of all water piping systems, backflow-prevention assemblies, and water-usingequipment on the premises; and for the avoidance of unprotected cross connections.

5.3.8 In the event of accidental pollution or contamination of the public or the consumer's potablewater system due to backflow on or from the consumer's premises, the purveyor promptlytake steps to confine further spread of the pollution or contamination within the system andshould notify EPD of the condition. The purveyor shall take appropriate measures to free thewater system(s) of any pollutants or contaminants.

5.4 Responsibility: Certified Backflow-Prevention Assembly Tester

5.4.1 A backflow-prevention assembly tester will have the following responsibilities:

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11 The tester will be responsible for making competent inspections and for repairing oroverhauling backflow-prevention assemblies and copy reports of such repair toEPD. The tester shall include the list of materials or replacement parts used. Thetester shall be equipped with and be competent to use all the necessary tools,gauges, manometers, and other equipment necessary to properly test, repair, andmaintain backflow-prevention assemblies. It will be the tester's responsibility toinsure that original manufactured parts are used in the repair or replacement ofparts in a backflow-prevention assembly. It will be the tester's further responsibilitynot to change the design, material or operational characteristics of an assemblyduring repair or maintenance without prior approval of the approving authority. Acertified tester shall perform the work and be responsible for the competency andaccuracy of all tests and reports.


6.1 Water shall be disinfected by chlorination or other means or methods of equal efficiencyaccording to Best Available Technology in the killing or removal of organisms capable of causinginfection. When chlorination is employed, a sufficient amount of chlorine shall be added to the water tomaintain a measurable free chlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 parts per million) atall points in the distribution system from which water may be withdrawn. The maximum chlorineresidual should not exceed 3.0 mg/L (3.0 ppm).

6.2 Disinfection shall not be considered as a substitute for good design (see SAES-S-110), soundconstruction, or proper operation. Where ground water meets all standards of safety, disinfectionaffords partial protection against chance contamination in the distribution system and contamination ofthe source of supply.

6.3 Plans detailing sanitary features of the water supply system and proposed methods ofdisinfection shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco’s EPD for review prior to construction or modificationof a water system.


7.1 The forms of chlorine that may be used in all disinfection operations are gas chlorine, sodiumhypochlorite solution and calcium hypochlorite granules or tablets. The chemical shall be selected afterdue consideration of pumping rates, type of water supply, chlorine demand, and pH of water, cost ofequipment and the toxicity and availability of the chemical.

7.1.1 Chlorine is a gas at standard temperatures and pressures. In commercial usage, the gas iscompressed, liquefied and packaged in steel containers to facilitate handling and shipping.The liquid chlorine readily vaporizes back to the gaseous state when drawn from thecontainer. The net weight of chlorine liquid contained in a commercial cylinder is usually 45.4kilograms (100 pounds), 68.1 kilograms (150 pounds) or 909 kilograms (1 ton). One liter ofwater weighs 1 kilogram. Mixing 1 kilogram of chlorine with 1,000,000 liters of water equatesto 1 milligram of chlorine per liter of water (1 part per million).

7.1.2 Gas chlorine shall be used only: a) in combination with appropriate gas-flow chlorinators andejectors to provide a controlled high-concentration solution feed to the water to bechlorinated; b) under the direct supervision of a person who is familiar with the physiological,chemical and physical properties of chlorine, and who is trained and equipped to handle anyemergency that may arise; and c) in accordance with appropriate safety practices designedto protect employees and the public.

7.1.3 Sodium hypochlorite is available in liquid form in glass, rubber-lined, or plastic containerstypically ranging in size from 1 to 32 liters (1 quart to 8.5 gallons). Sodium hypochloritecontains approximately 5 percent to 15 percent available chlorine, but care must be used incontrol of conditions and length of storage to minimize its deterioration. (Available chlorine is

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expressed as a percent of weight when the concentration is 5 percent or less, and usually asa percent of volume for higher concentrations. Percent X 10 = grams of available chlorine perliter of hypochlorite).

7.1.4 Calcium hypochlorite is available in granular form or in approximately 5 gram tablets, andcontains approximately 65 percent available chlorine by weight. The material shall be storedin a cool, dry and dark environment to minimize its deterioration.

7.2 Automatic proportioning chlorinators, gas or hypochlorite, shall be installed wherever the rate offlow is not constant and personnel are not available to manually adjust the chlorinator in response tochanges in the flow.

7.3 Reliability: Chlorination equipment capable of applying chlorine continuously shall be selected andinstalled. Installed spares shall be provided for all critical equipment. Gas chlorination shall beprovided from dual cylinders with automatic switch over.

7.4 The capacity of the chlorinator shall be such that a free chlorine residual of at least 0.5milligrams per liter can be attained in the water after a contact time of at least 30 minutes. Thiscondition must be attained even when maximum flow rates coincide with anticipated maximum chlorinedemands.

7.5 A spare parts kit shall be available for all chlorinators to replace parts that are subject to wear andbreakage.

7.6 The minimum chlorine contact time shall be 30 minutes.

7.7 Tables 4, 5 and 6 provide guidance in the preparation of chlorine solutions when using sodiumhypochlorite liquids or calcium hypochlorite granules/tablets as the chlorine source.

7.8 Equipment shall be available for measuring residual chlorine. The equipment shall be accurate to0.1 milligrams per liter (0.1 parts per million) in the range below 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 parts permillion) and to approximately 25 percent above 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 parts per million). Anautomatic chlorine residual analyzer and recorder should be provided for water systems that use largeamounts of chlorine over relatively short periods of time.

TABLE 4Guide to Preparation of Chlorine Solutions Using 5% Laundry Bleach as the Chlorine Source

Amount of hypochlorite laundry Bleach (Parts permL mL mL mL L L oz oz oz qt Gal Gal Million)0.1 0.2 2.0 20.0 0.2 2.0 - - 0.3 0.1 0.2 2.0 1 mg/L0.5 1.0 10.0 100.0 1.0 10.0 - - 1.3 0.4 1.0 10.0 5 mg/L1.0 2.0 20.0 200.0 2.0 20.0 - 0.3 2.6 0.8 2.0 20.0 10 mg/L5.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 10.0 100.0 0.13 1.3 12.8 4.0 10.0 100.0 50 mg/L10.0 20.0 200.0 2000.0 20.0 200.0 0.26 2.6 25.6 8.0 20.0 200.0 100 mg/L20.0 40.0 400.0 4000.0 40.0 400.0 0.51 5.1 51.2 16.0 40.0 400.0 200 mg/L30.0 60.0 600.0 6000.0 60.0 600.0 0.77 7.7 76.8 24.0 60.0 600.0 300 mg/L

That Must be Added to the Following Volumes of Water ToProduce

5 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 The AboveLiters Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. Chlorine


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TABLE 5Guide to Preparation of Chlorine Solutions Using 15% Hypochlorite Liquid as the Chlorine Source

Amount of 15% Sodium Hypochlorite Liquid (Parts permL mL mL mL L L oz oz oz qt Gal Gal Million)- - 0.7 6.7 - 0.7 - - 0.1 - 0.1 0.7 1 mg/L- 0.3 3.3 33.3 0.3 3.3 - - 0.4 0.1 0.3 3.3 5 mg/L0.3 0.7 6.7 66.7 0.7 6.7 - 0.1 0.9 0.3 0.7 6.7 10 mg/L1.7 3.3 33.3 333.3 3.3 33.3 0.04 0.4 4.3 1.3 3.3 33.3 50 mg/L3.3 6.7 66.7 666.7 6.7 66.7 0.09 0.9 8.5 2.7 6.7 66.7 100 mg/L6.7 13.3 133.3 1333.3 13.3 133.3 0.17 1.7 17.1 5.3 13.3 133.3 200 mg/L10.0 20.0 200.0 2000.0 20.0 200.0 0.26 2.6 25.6 8.0 20.0 200.0 300 mg/L

That Must be Added to the Following Volumes of Water ToProduce

5 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 TheAbove

Liters Liters Liter Liters Liters Liters Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. ChlorineResiduals

TABLE 6Guide to Preparation of Chlorine Solutions Using 70% Hypochlorite Granules/Tablets as the Chlorine

SourceAmount of 70% Hypochlorite Granules/Tablets (Parts per

gm gm gm gm kg kg oz oz oz oz lb lb Million)- - - 1.4 - - - - - 0.2 0.12 1.2 1 mg/L- - 0.7 7.1 - 0.7 - 0.01 0.1 1.0 0.6 6.0 5 mg/L- - 1.4 14.3 - 1.4 - 0.02 0.2 1.9 1.2 11.9 10 mg/L- 0.7 7.1 71.4 0.7 7.1 0.01 0.1 1.0 9.5 6.0 59.6 50 mg/L0.7 1.4 14.3 142.9 1.4 14.3 0.02 0.2 1.9 19.1 11.9 119.2 100 mg/L1.4 2.9 28.6 285.8 2.9 28.6 0.04 0.4 3.8 38.2 23.9 238.5 200 mg/L2.1 4.3 42.9 428.6 4.3 42.9 0.06 0.6 5.7 57.2 35.8 357.7 300 mg/L

That Must be Added to the Following Volumes of Water ToProduce

5 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 TheAbove

Liter Liter Liters Liters Liters Liters Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. ChlorineResiduals

7.9 A water supply with ample quantity and pressure shall be available for operating the chlorinator orhypochlorinator. The water supply shall be protected from backsiphonage of superchlorinated water.Where a booster pump is required, duplicate equipment shall be provided.

7.10 A hypochlorinator shall be provided if calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite is used asthe disinfecting agent. The hypochlorinator, a positive displacement type chemical feed pump thatinjects the chlorine solution into the waterline, shall be equipped with the following features:

7.10.1 Sufficient capacity to feed the required amount of chlorine solution required per day againstthe maximum back pressure developed at the point of injection.

7.10.2 A positive displacement design that prevents the backsiphonage of the chlorine solution intothe waterline from the solution container.

7.10.3 Controls for pre-setting and varying the rate of flow.

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7.10.4 A solution container of a minimum capacity of 76 liters (20 gallons) capacity for eachdischarge head and of a material appropriate for transferring chlorine solutions. In thoseinstances where the dry chemical is mixed with water for solution, an additional containershall be provided so the mixed solution may be siphoned or decanted into the primary feedtank to prevent the chemical feeder from becoming plugged due to undissolved chemical.Separate solution containers shall be provided for each chemical used.

7.11 The following facilities shall be provided if gas chlorination equipment is used:

7.11.1 Separate rooms for cylinders and for equipment are desirable at all installations and shall beprovided for large installations. The rooms shall be located above ground level and shallpermit easy access to all equipment.

7.11.2 Chlorine is heavier than air and will settle to the floor when a leak occurs. The storage andfeed rooms shall be provided with a ventilation system capable of exchanging one completevolume of room air every two minutes. The air outlet from the room shall be located at floorlevel. The air outlet shall exhaust to the outside and not be re-circulated. The exhaust outletshall be positioned such that exhausted air does not contaminate air inlets to any building orany area used by people. Make-up air shall be drawn into the room from the outsideatmosphere through louvered inlets located at ceiling level. The temperature of the make-upair shall not adversely affect the operation of the chlorination equipment.

7.11.3 The vent hose from the chlorinator shall be sloped upward and shall discharge to the outsideatmosphere. The vent outlet shall be positioned such that escaping chlorine gas does notcontaminate air inlets to any building or any area used by people.

7.11.4 All electrical wiring and devices shall comply with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards. Theroom light shall be on the same switch as the room ventilator and shall be located outside theroom at the entrance.

7.11.5 A clear, transparent window shall be installed in the door of the chlorinator room to permit thechlorinator to be viewed without entering the room.

7.11.6 Some method of leak detection shall be available to the operator at all times. A bottle ofammonium hydroxide is useful for finding chlorine leaks in chlorine system. Containers ofammonia and chlorine shall be stored in separate rooms.

7.11.7 A canister-type gas mask designed for chlorine gas shall be provided at all installationswhere chlorine gas is stored, handled or used. The gas mask shall be stored outside theroom(s) where chlorine is stored, handled or used. A self-contained breathing apparatus isrecommended in lieu of a canister-type gas mask for all installations where chlorine gas isused, and is required for those installations where 909 kg (one-ton) cylinders are used.Multiple gas masks/self-contained breathing units are required if storage, handling and/orusage areas are separated by more than 61 meters (200 feet).

7.11.8 Scales shall be provided for weighing in-use chlorine cylinders. As noted in sub-section 7.1.1of this Code Section, the concentration of chlorine in the water can be calculated directlybased upon the amount of chlorine used per volume of water treated. The scale provides aninstant check on the amount of chlorine fed to the water at any time. At larger facilities,scales of the indicating and recording type are recommended. A standard platform scale isadequate for smaller treatment facilities. Safety chains shall be provided on scales for allupright containers.

7.11.9 The 45.4 kilograms (100 pounds) and 68.1 kilograms (150 pounds) chlorine cylinders mustbe stood on end to provide a void space into which the liquid chlorine can vaporize before itis drawn from the container. If a cylinder were to fall over and the valve were to be shearedoff, residual amounts of liquid chlorine would spew from the cylinder and vaporize to form a

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life threatening cloud of toxic chlorine gas. Safety racks or other mechanisms shall beprovided to prevent all full, in-use and empty containers from tipping over.

7.11.10 Nine hundred and nine kilogram (1 ton) cylinders are recommended where chlorine usageexceeds 68 kilograms (150 pounds) per day.

7.11.11 All gas chlorine cylinders shall be shielded from direct sunlight or from overheating from anysource, either while in storage or use.


Water wells (or other water source) and collection, conveyance, treatment, storage and distribution systems,or parts thereof, which are newly constructed, have been repaired or have otherwise become contaminated,shall be thoroughly disinfected before being used or returned to service. The water shall be purged of all butnormal residual amounts of disinfectant (less than 3 milligrams per liter [3 parts per million] if chlorine is used todisinfect the system) before a sample for bacteriological testing is collected.

8.1 The well shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign substances, including tools, timbers, rope, anddebris of any kind, cement, oil, grease, joint dope, and scum. The casing pipe shall be thoroughlyswabbed using 10% sodium carbonate solution or alternative cleaner approved by Manager EPD, toremove oil, grease, or joint dope.

8.2 In any disinfection procedure, the residual chlorine concentration in the well shall be at least 10milligrams per liter (10 parts per million) after 24 hours or 50 milligrams per liter (50 parts per million)after 3 hours contact time.

8.3 The following formula shall be used to calculate the volume of water in the well hole:

V = d² X 0.041 X (D - S)Where V = Volume of water in well in gallons

d = Diameter of well hole measured in inchesD = Depth of well in feetS = Static water depth when well is not in use, in feet

8.4 Based on the volume of water calculated in sub-section 8.3 of this Code Section, the amount ofliquid or granular chlorine needed to produce two times the chlorine residual required in sub-section8.2 of this Code Section shall be calculated using Tables 2, 3 and 4 of this Code Section as a guide.

8.5 Disinfection of non-flowing wells:

8.5.1 Liquid chlorine solution shall be poured into the well (chlorine granules and tablets may bedissolved in water and used in the same manner as liquid chlorine). If possible, the chlorinesolution shall be poured onto the interior casing wall and allowed to flow down the casing intothe water below. The well shall then be agitated with a bit, bailer or the pump to mix andspread the chlorine solution throughout the water, the object being to force chlorinated waterinto all water bearing formations by rapid agitation. If possible, the water column shall belifted to the surface several times to cover all interior well surfaces with the chlorinated water.The chlorinated water shall not be discharged from the well, but allowed to fall back down thewell (this will force chlorinated water into the formation). For non-flowing wells a slug ofchlorine shall be applied to the well head and pushed into the formation with a slug of waterfrom the well.

8.5.2 In lieu of using a chlorine solution, the required amount of granular/tablet chlorine compound,such as HTH or Perchloron, may be placed in a perforated pipe container capped at bothends to which a weighted cable is attached. The mechanism shall be lowered into the wellwater and moved up and down at various levels in the water, preferably from the bottom ofthe water column to the top of the water column. After all chlorine compound is dissolved, the

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water column shall be lifted and allowed to fall back down the well as outlined in sub-section8.5.1 of this Code Section.

8.6 Artesian wells generally require no disinfection. Nevertheless, the bacterial quality of the well will besampled by Saudi Aramco’s EPD after the completed well has flowed to waste for at least 24 hour.Should the well exceed bacterial limits, Saudi Aramco’s EPD, Saudi Aramco Groundwater Division andthe proponent shall agree upon the best available method to disinfect the well.

8.7 All exterior parts of pumps and equipment which will be placed in a well after the disinfectionprocess, and which might come in contact with the water in the well, shall be thoroughly cleaned,wetted, and rinsed with a 250 ppm chlorine solution before they are placed in the well.


9.1 Precautions shall be taken to protect pipe interiors, fittings and valves against contamination duringconstruction of water mains. Pipe delivered to the construction site shall be capped if not received inthis condition and racked above the ground so as to minimize entrance of foreign material. When pipelaying is not in progress, as, for example, at the close of the day's work, all openings in the pipelineshall be closed by watertight plugs (rodent-proof plugs may be used where it is determined thatwatertight plugs are not practicable and where thorough cleaning will be performed by flushing or othermeans). Joints of all pipes in the trench shall be completed before work is stopped.

9.2 Cleaning and Swabbing: If dirt enters the pipe and Saudi Aramco’s EPD determines that it will not beremoved by flushing, the interior of the pipe shall be cleaned by mechanical means and then shall beswabbed with a 1 percent hypochlorite disinfecting solution. Cleaning with a swab or "go-devil" shouldbe undertaken only when such an operation will not force mud or debris into pipe-joint spaces.

9.3 Wet-Trench Construction: If it is not possible to keep the pipe and fittings dry during construction,every effort shall be made to assure that any of the water that may enter the pipe-joint spaces containsan available chlorine concentration of approximately 25 milligrams per liter. This may be accomplishedby adding calcium hypochlorite granules or tablets to each length of pipe before it is lowered into a wettrench or by treating the trench water with hypochlorite tablets.

9.4 Flooding by storm or accident during construction: If the main is flooded during construction, itshall be cleared of the floodwater by draining and flushing with potable water until the main is clean.The section exposed to the floodwater shall then be filled with chlorinated potable water that, at the endof a 24-hour holding period, will have a free chlorine residual of not less than 25 milligrams per liter.The chlorinated water may then be drained or flushed from the main. After construction is completed,the main shall be disinfected using the continuous-feed or slug method.

9.5 Three methods of water main chlorination are permitted, i.e. tablet, continuous feed and slugmethods.

9.6 The tablet method consists of placing calcium hypochlorite granules and tablets in the water main asit is being installed and filling the main with potable water when installation is completed. This methodmay be used only if the pipes and appurtenances are kept clean and dry during construction.

9.6.1 During construction, calcium hypochlorite granules shall be placed at the upstream end of thefirst section of pipe, at the upstream end of each branch main, and at 500-ft intervals. Thequantity of granules shall be as shown in Table 7. WARNING: This procedure must not beused on solvent-welded plastic or on screwed joint steel pipe because of the danger of fire orexplosion from the reaction of the joint compounds with the calcium hypochlorite.

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TABLE 7Grams/Ounces of Calcium Hypochlorite Granules to be placed

at Beginning of Main and at Each 500-ft IntervalPipe Diameter Calcium Hypochlorite Granules

centimeters inches grams ounces10.2 4 14.2 0.515.2 6 32.0 1.120.3 8 56.7 2.030.5 12 127.8 4.540.6 16 (and larger) 226.8 8.0

9.6.2 During construction, 5 gram (0.2 ounce) calcium hypochlorite tablets shall be placed in eachsection of pipe and also one such tablet shall be placed in each hydrant, hydrant branch, andother appurtenance. The number of tablets required for each pipe section shall comply withguidelines listed in Table 8. The tablets shall be attached by an approved adhesive. Thereshall be no adhesive on the tablet except on the broad side attached to the surface of thepipe. Attach all the tablets inside and at the top of the main, with approximately equalnumbers of tablets at each end of each pipe length. If the tablets are attached before thepipe section is placed in the trench, the top of the pipe shall be marked for easy installation.

TABLE 8Number of 5 Gram Calcium Hypochlorite Tablets

Required for Dose of 25 mg/L (25 parts per million)Pipe Length of Pipe Section

Diameter 4.0m 20ft 5.5m 18ft 6.1m 20ft 9.1m 30ft 12.2m 40ftcm in Number of 5 Gram (0.2 ounce) Hypochlorite Tablets10.1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 115.2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 220.3 8 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 425.4 10 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 530.5 12 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 7 740.5 16 4 4 6 6 7 7 10 10 13 13Based on 3.25 g available chlorine per tablet; any portion of tablet rounded to next higher number.

9.6.3 Filling and contact.: When installation has been completed, the main shall be filled with waterat a rate such that water within the main will flow at a velocity no greater than 30.5centimeters per second (1 foot per second). Precautions shall be taken to assure that airpockets are eliminated. This water shall remain in the pipe for at least 24 hours. The tabletmethod shall yield a chlorine residual of at least 25 milligrams per liter (25 parts per million)24 hours after the time at which the main was filled with water. Valves shall be positioned sothat the strong chlorine solution in the treated main will not flow into water mains in activeservice.

9.7 The continuous-feed method of water main disinfection consists of placing calcium hypochloritegranules in the main during construction (optional), completely filling the main to remove all air pockets,flushing the completed main to remove particulates, and filling the main with potable water chlorinatedso that after a 24 hour holding period in the main there will be a free chlorine residual of not less than10 milligrams per liter (10 parts per million).

9.7.1 If deemed necessary by Saudi Aramco’s EPD, calcium hypochlorite granules shall be placedin pipe sections as specified in sub-section 9.6.1 of this Code Section. The purpose of thisprocedure is to provide a strong chlorine concentration in the first flow of flushing water thatflows down the main. This procedure is recommended particularly where the type of pipe issuch that this first flow of water will flow into annular spaces at pipe joints.

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9.7.2 Before being chlorinated, the main shall be filled to eliminate air pockets and shall be flushedto remove particulates. The flushing velocity in the main shall not be less than 76 centimetersper second (2.5 feet per second) unless Saudi Aramco’s EPD determines that conditions donot permit the required flow to be discharged to waste. Note that flushing is no substitute forpreventive measures during construction. Certain contaminants, such as caked deposits,resist flushing at any feasible velocity. In mains of 61 centimeters (24 inches) or largerdiameter, an acceptable alternative to flushing is to broom-sweep the main, carefullyremoving all sweepings prior to chlorinating the main.

9.7.3 Chlorinating the main using the continuous-feed method: Water from the existing distribution system or other approved source of supplyshall be made to flow at a constant, measured rate into the newly laid water main.In the absence of a meter, the rate may be approximated by methods such asplacing a Pitot gauge in the discharge or measuring the time to fill a container ofknown volume. At a point not more than 3 meters (10 feet) downstream from the beginning of thenew main, water entering the new main shall receive a dose of chlorine fed at aconstant rate such that the water will have not less than 25 milligrams per liter (25parts per million) free chlorine. The chlorine concentration shall be measured atregular intervals. During the application of chlorine, valves shall be positioned so that the strongchlorine solution in the main being treated will not flow into water mains in activeservice. Chlorine application shall not cease until the entire main is filled withsuperchlorinated water. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the main for atleast 24 hours, during which time all valves and hydrants in the treated sectionshall be operated to ensure disinfection of the appurtenances. At the end of this24-hour period, the treated water in all portions of the main shall have a residualof not less than 10 milligrams per liter (10 parts per million) free chlorine. Direct-feed chlorinators, which operate solely from gas pressure in the chlorinecylinder, shall not be used for application of liquid chlorine. (The danger of usingdirect-feed chlorinators is that water pressure in the main can exceed gaspressure in the chlorine cylinder. This allows a backflow of water into the cylinder,resulting in severe cylinder corrosion and escape of chlorine gas.) The preferredequipment for applying liquid chlorine is a solution- feed, vacuum-operatedchlorinator and a booster pump. The vacuum-operated chlorinator mixes thechlorine gas in solution water; the booster pump injects the chlorine gas solutioninto the main to be disinfected. Hypochlorite solutions may be applied to the watermain with a gasoline or electrically powered chemical- feed pump designed forfeeding chlorine solutions. Feed lines shall be of such materials and strength asto safely withstand the corrosion caused by the concentrated chlorine solutionsand the maximum pressures that may be created by the pumps. All connectionsshall be checked for tightness before the solution is applied to the main.

9.8 The slug method of water main disinfection consists of placing calcium hypochlorite granules in themain during construction, completely filling the main to eliminate all air pockets, flushing the main toremove particulates, and slowly flowing through the main a slug of water dosed with chlorine at aconcentration of 100 milligrams per liter (100 parts per million). The slow flow ensures that all parts ofthe main and its appurtenances will be exposed to the superchlorinated water for a period of not lessthan 3 hours.

9.8.1 Preliminary flushing. Same as sub-section 9.7.2 of this Code Section.

9.8.2 Placing calcium hypochlorite granules. Same as sub-section 9.6.1 of this Code Section.

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9.8.3 Chlorinating the main: Same as sub-section of this Code Section. At a point not more than 3 meters (10 feet) downstream from the beginning of thenew main, water entering the new main shall receive a dose of chlorine fed at aconstant rate such that the water will have not less than 100 milligrams per literfree chlorine. To ensure that this concentration is provided, the chlorineconcentration shall be measured at regular intervals. Chlorine shall be applied continuously and for a sufficient period to develop asolid column, or "slug," of chlorinated water that will, as it moves through themain, expose all interior surfaces to a free chlorine concentration ofapproximately 100 milligrams per liter (100 parts per million) for at least 3 hours. The free chlorine residual shall be measured in the slug as it moves through themain. If at any time it drops below 50 milligrams per liter (50 parts per million), theflow shall be stopped, chlorination equipment shall be relocated at the head of theslug, and, as flow is resumed, chlorine shall be applied to restore the free chlorinein the slug to not less than 100 milligrams per liter (100 parts per million). As the chlorinated water flows past fittings and valves, related valves andhydrants shall be operated so as to disinfect appurtenances and pipe branches.

9.9 After the applicable retention period the superchlorinated water shall be flushed from the main untilchlorine measurements show that the concentration in the water leaving the main is not greater than 3milligrams per liter (3 parts per million). NOTE: In the planning stage of the project, the potentialenvironmental impacts associated with the disposal of the superchlorinated water shall be consideredand appropriate plans shall be developed to properly mitigate adverse effects. The disposal plan shallbe developed in consultation with EPD.

9.10 Bacteriological tests:

9.10.1 Standard Conditions: After final flushing and before the water main is placed in service, asample or samples shall be collected for bacteriological analysis. Samples shall be tested toverify the absence of coliform organisms (a heterotrophic plate count [HPC] of less than 500CFU/ml may also be required by Saudi Aramco’s EPD. At least one sample shall be collectedfrom the end of a new main and one from each branch. If the main is extremely long,samples shall be collected along the length of the line as well as at its end.

9.10.2 Special Conditions: If, during construction, trench water has entered the main, or if in theopinion of Saudi Aramco’s EPD, excessive quantities of dirt or debris have entered the main,bacteriological samples shall be taken at intervals of approximately 61 meters (200 feet) andshall be identified by location. Samples shall be taken of water that has stood in the main forat least 16 hours after final flushing has been completed.

9.10.3 Sampling Procedure: Samples for bacteriological analysis shall be collected in sterile bottlestreated with sodium thiosulfate. No hose or fire hydrant shall be used in collection ofsamples. A corporation cock may be installed in the main with a copper-tube gooseneckassembly. After samples have been collected, the gooseneck assembly may be removedand retained for future use.

9.11 If the initial disinfection fails to produce satisfactory bacteriological samples, the main may bere-flushed and shall be re-sampled. If check samples show the presence of coliform organisms, thenthe main shall be re-chlorinated by the continuous-feed or slug method of chlorination untilsatisfactory results are obtained. High velocities in the existing system, resulting from flushing the newmain, may disturb sediment that has accumulated in the existing mains. When check samples aretaken, it is recommended that water entering the new main also be sampled.

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NOTE: All samples returned from the laboratory that state confluent bacterial growth/too numerous to count (CBG/TNTC) ortoo numerous to count/no coliform (TNTC/NC) shall be considered invalid and must be re-sampled at the next availableopportunity.


10.1 The following procedures apply primarily when mains are wholly or partially dewatered. After theappropriate procedures noted below have been completed, the main may be returned to service priorto completion of bacteriological testing in order to minimize the time customers are out of water. Leaksor breaks that are repaired with clamping devices while the mains remain full of pressurized waterpresent little danger of contamination and require no disinfection.

10.1.1 Trench Treatment: When an old main is opened, either by accident or by design, theexcavation will likely be wet and may be badly contaminated from nearby sewers. Liberalquantities of hypochlorite applied to open trench areas will lessen the danger from suchpollution. Tablets have the advantage in such a situation because they dissolve slowly andcontinue to release hypochlorite as water is pumped from the excavation.

10.1.2 Swabbing with Hypochlorite Solution: The interiors of all pipe and fittings (particularlycouplings and sleeves) used in making the repair shall be swabbed or sprayed with a1 percent hypochlorite solution before they are installed.

10.1.3 Flushing: Thorough flushing is the most practical means of removing contaminationintroduced during repairs. If valve and hydrant locations permit, flush towards the hydrantclosest to the work location by discharging via the hydrant one direction at a time (opposingvalve closed) each from both locations. Flushing shall be started as soon as the repairs arecompleted and shall be continued until discolored water is eliminated.

10.1.4 Slug Chlorination: Where practical, in addition to the procedures above, a section of main inwhich the break is located shall be isolated, all service connections shutoff, and the sectionflushed and chlorinated as described in sub-section 9.8 of this Code Section, except that thedose may be increased to as much as 300 milligrams per liter (300 parts per million) and thecontact time reduced to as little as 15 minutes. After chlorination, flushing shall be resumedand continued until discolored water is eliminated and the water is free from noticeablechlorine odor.

10.1.5 Sampling: Bacteriological samples shall be taken after repairs are completed to provide arecord for determining the procedure's effectiveness. If the direction of flow is unknown,samples shall be taken on each side of the main break. If positive bacteriological samplesare recorded, Saudi Aramco’s EPD shall evaluate the situation and recommend correctiveactions. Daily sampling shall be continued until two consecutive negative samples arerecorded.

10.2 Special procedure for caulked tapping sleeves:

10. 2.1 Tapping sleeves are used to avoid shutting down the main to be tapped. After the tap ismade, it is impossible to disinfect the annulus without shutting down the main and removingthe sleeve. The space between the tapping sleeve and the tapped pipe is normally 1.3centimeters (0.5 inches), more or less, so that as little as 100 milligrams of calciumhypochlorite powder per square foot will provide a chlorine concentration of over 50milligrams per liter (50 parts per million).

10.2.2 Before a tapping sleeve is installed, the exterior of the main to be tapped shall be thoroughlycleaned/disinfected and the interior surface of the sleeve shall be dusted with calciumhypochlorite powder.


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After construction, repairs and painting have been completed, the interiors of all water storage tanks shallbe disinfected before they are placed in service (NOTE: Water storage tanks shall be painted in accordancewith the Saudi Aramco Standards).

11.1 High Concentration Method: After paint has thoroughly dried and cured, the tank shall be filled slowlyto the overflow level with potable water to which enough chlorine has been added to produce aconcentration of 25 milligrams per liter (25 parts per million) in the full tank.

11.1.1 The chlorine, either as sodium or calcium hypochlorite, or chlorine gas, shall be introducedinto the water as early during the filling operation as possible. Early introduction of chlorine isessential because the filling action is depended upon to agitate and evenly mix the chlorinewith the total volume of water in the tank.

11.1.2 A simple and effective method of adding dry chlorine to the tank is to mix the hypochloritegranules with the minimum amount of water required to produce a slurry and then use theslurry as a liquid.

11.1.3 Liquid chlorine compounds, including slurries, should be poured into the tank through theclean-out or inspection manhole in the lower course of a stand-pipe shell, or in the base ofthe riser pipe of an elevated tank. The inspection manhole cover shall then be bolted intoplace and the filling of the tank started. If no bottom manhole is available, the chlorinesolution shall be poured into the tank through the roof manhole.

11.1.4 If chlorine gas is used, a special tap can be provided in the clean-out manhole cover and thegas/water mixture pumped into the tank as the filling is started.

11.1.5 The chlorinated water shall be retained in the tank for at least 24 hours, during which time allvalves shall be operated several times to ensure disinfection of the appurtenances. At theend of this 24-hour period, the treated water in all portions of the tank shall have a residual ofnot less than 10 milligrams per liter (10 parts per million) free chlorine.

11.1.6 After the holding period, the superchlorinated water in the tank shall be completely drained towaste or the water may be partially de-chlorinated with sodium bisulfite.

11.1.7 After refilling and before the tank is placed in service, a sample for bacteriological analysisshall be collected from the tank. Note that the residual chlorine level shall be no higher than 3milligrams per liter (3 parts per million) when the sample is collected. Samples shall be collected in sterile bottles treated with sodium thiosulfate. Nohose, valve or outlet other than the tank sample tap shall be used in collection ofsamples. The sample shall be tested to verify the absence of coliform organisms and aheterotrophic plate count [HPC] of 500 CFU/mL or less.

11.1.8 If the initial disinfection fails to produce satisfactory bacteriological samples, the tank may beemptied and refilled. Water from the refilled tank, as well as water from the source supply,shall be tested. If check samples show the presence of coliform organisms in the tank butnot in the source supply, then the tank shall be re-chlorinated by the "high concentrationmethod." If test results from the source supply show it to be contaminated with coliformbacteria, then the source of the problem shall be identified and corrected. After correction isverified by bacteriological testing, the tank shall be emptied and refilled. Water from therefilled tank shall be tested to verify the absence of coliform bacteria. If check samples showthe presence of coliform organisms in the tank, then the tank shall be re-chlorinated by the"high concentration method."

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11.2 Low Concentration Method: If the tank is large and management concludes that an alternative to thedisinfection method described in sub-section 11.1 of this Code Section is required to avoid draining thesuperchlorinated water to waste, the following method shall be used:

11.2.1 Calculate the amount of chlorine required producing 2 milligrams per liter (2 parts per million)chlorine residual when the tank is full.

11.2.2 Add a small amount of water (1/25th the volume) and the calculated amount of chlorine tothe tank. This will produce 50 milligrams per liter (50 parts per million) chlorine residual in thewater in the bottom of the tank.

11.2.3 Hold the small amount of water containing the 50 milligrams per liter (50 parts per million)chlorine residual for 24 hours before adding more water to the tank.

11.2.4 Fill the tank to capacity after the 24 holding period. This will dilute the superchlorinated waterfrom 50 to 2 milligrams per liter (50 to 2 parts per million). Hold the 2 milligrams per liter (2parts per million) water in the filled tank for an additional 24 hours.

11.2.5 After the additional 24 hour holding period and before the tank is placed in service, a samplefor bacteriological analysis shall be collected from the tank. Samples shall be collected in sterile bottles treated with sodium thiosulfate. Nohose, valve or outlet other than the tank sample tap shall be used in collection ofsamples. The sample shall be tested to verify the absence of coliform organisms and aheterotrophic plate count [HPC] of 500 CFU/mL or less.

11.2.6 If the initial disinfection fails to produce satisfactory bacteriological samples, the tank may beemptied and refilled. Water from the refilled tank, as well as water from the source supply,shall be tested. If check samples show the presence of coliform organisms in the tank butnot in the source supply, then the tank shall be re-chlorinated by the "high concentrationmethod." If test results from the source supply show it to be contaminated with coliformbacteria, then the source of the problem shall be identified and corrected. After correction isverified by bacteriological testing, the tank shall be emptied and refilled. Water from therefilled tank shall be tested to verify the absence of coliform bacteria. If check samples showthe presence of coliform organisms in the tank, then the tank shall be re-chlorinated by the"high concentration method."

11.2.7 After satisfactory bacteriological results are obtained, the tank may be put into servicewithout draining the water.


12.1 The person or department operating the potable water transportation equipment is responsible forcompliance with the requirements of this Code Section.

12.2 Any tank wagon, tank truck, tank car, container or other equipment used for conveyance of potablewater for drinking or domestic uses shall meet the following design and construction requirements:

12.2.1 Tanks and containers intended to hold potable water shall be so constructed that everyportion of the interior can be easily inspected and cleaned.

12.2.2 Piping, valves, and permanent or flexible connections shall be accessible and easy todisconnect for cleaning.

12.2.3 The inlet or opening to every tank or container shall be constructed so that no foreignmaterial likely to contaminate the water can enter.

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12.2.4 Filling points and outlet connections of tanks and containers shall be constructed andprotected so that no foreign material likely to contaminate or pollute the water can come incontact with the inlet or outlet.

12.2.5 Transfer hoses shall be constructed of safe materials, shall have a smooth interior surface,shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identified as to their use. Caps andkeeper chains shall be provided for water inlet and outlet fittings, as well as hose fittings. Allsuch fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hoses shall be stored and used soas to be kept free of contamination.

12.3 If the tank wagon, tank truck, tank car, container or other equipment used for the conveyance ofpotable water for drinking or domestic uses has carried any substance other than potable water ormilk, it shall be steam cleaned or treated by a method approved by Saudi Aramco EPD prior to use asa potable water transport container. Tanks and containers that have been used to transport sewage, orany other substance which might leave a toxic or hazardous residue after the cleaning procedure, shallnot be used to transport potable water under any circumstances.

12.4 Sufficient chlorine shall be added to the water at the time the tank/container is filled to produce aresidual of not less than 0.5 milligrams per liter after 30 minutes of contact.


13.1 Water shall not contain impurities in concentrations, which may be hazardous to the health of theconsumers. It shall not be excessively corrosive to the water supply system. Substances used in itstreatment shall not remain in the water in concentrations greater than required by good operatingpractices. Substances which may have deleterious physiological effects, or for which physiologicaleffects are not known, shall not be introduced into the system in a manner which would permit them toreach the consumer.

13.2 The physical and chemical quality of drinking water shall comply with requirements outlined inTable 9.

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TABLE 9Drinking Water MCLGs(Maximum Contaminant Level Goals), MCLs (Maximum Contaminant Levels),

and SMCLs (Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels)

Contaminant Drinking Water Health EffectsMCLGmg/L


SMCLsmg/L orUnit Noted

Physical CharacteristicsColor units Aesthetic, not health effect 15 CUThreshold odor number Aesthetic, not health effect 3 TONTurbidity Aesthetic, not health effect 5 TU

InorganicsArsenic Skin cancer 0.05Antimony Decreases longevity, Blood effects 0.006 0.006Aluminum Aesthetic, not health effect 0.2Asbestos (fibers longer than 10 microns) Benign tumors 7 million

fibers/L7 millionfibers/L

Barium Circulatory system effects 2 2Berylium Bone/lung effects, cancer risk 0.004 0.004Cadmium Kidney effects 0.005 0.005Chloride Aesthetic, not health effect 250Chromium Gastrointestinal effects 0.1 0.1Copper * - See sections 14.2 & 14.3 Vomiting, Wilson's disease 1.3 TT aCyanide Spleen/brain/liver effects 0.2 0.20Fluoride (see Table 14) Aesthetic, not health effect 2 4Foaming agent (MBAS) Aesthetic, not health effect 0.5Hydrogen sulfide Aesthetic, not health effect ND by ConsumerIron Aesthetic, not health effect 0.3Lead * - See sub-sections 14.2 & 14.3 Neurological, circulatory, growth, gestational effects Zero TT aManganese Aesthetic, not health effect 0.05Mercury Kidney effects 0.002 0.002Nickel Nervous system, liver effectsNitrate Methemoglobinemia 50 (as NO3) 50 (as NO3)Nitrite Methemoglobinemia 0.1(as NO2) 0.1(as NO2)Total nitrate/nitrite 10 (as N) 10 (as N)

pH Aesthetic, not health effect 6.5 - 8.5Thallium Kidney, liver, brain, intestine effects 0.0005 0.002Selenium Neurological effects 0.05 0.05Silver Aesthetic, not health effect 0.1Sodium Circulatory system, aesthetic 0.20Sulfate Aesthetic, not health effect 250Total dissolved solids (TDS) Aesthetic, not health effect 500Zinc Stomach distress, aesthetic 1 5

Phenols Aesthetic, not health effect 0.001Volatile organics (solvents)

1,1-Dichloroethylene Liver, kidney effects 0.007 0.0071,1,1-Trichloroethane Liver effects 0.20 0.201,2-Dichloroethane Probable cancer Zero 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane Probable cancer Zero 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane Kidney/, liver effects 0.003 0.0051,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Kidney, liver effects 0.07 0.07Benzene Known carcinogen Zero 0.005Carbon tetrachloride Probable cancer Zero 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Nervous system, liver, kidney effects 0.07 0.07Ethylbenzene Liver, kidney effects 0.7 0.7Monochlorobenzene Liver, kidney, respiratory, nervous system effects 0.1 0.1o-Dichlorobenzene Nervous system, lung, liver, kidney effects 0.6 0.6 para-Dichlorobenzene Liver, kidney effects 0.075 0.075Dichloromethane Cancer risk Zero 0.005Styrene Possible cancer, liver, nervous system effects 0.1 0.1trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene Nervous system, liver, kidney effects 0.1 0.1Tetrachloroethylene Probable cancer Zero 0.005Toluene Nervous system, lung, liver effects 1 1Trichloroethylene Probable cancer Zero 0.005Vinyl chloride Known carcinogen Zero 0.002Xylenes (total) Central nervous system effects 10 10

Synthetic Organic Compounds2,3,7,8-TCDD (Dioxin) Cancer risk Zero 0.000000032,4-D (Formula 40) Liver, kidney effects 0.07 0.072,4,5-TP (Silvex) Liver, kidney effects 0.05 0.05Acrylamide Probable cancer Zero TTAlachlor (Lasso) Probable cancer Zero 0.002Aldicarb (Temik) Nervous system toxicity 0.001 DelayedAldicarb sulfone Nervous system toxicity 0.001 DelayedAldicarb sulfoxide Nervous system toxicity 0.001 DelayedAtrazine (Atranex, Crisazine) Nervous system, liver, heart 0.003

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TABLE 9 - ContinuedDrinking Water MCLGs(Maximum Contaminant Level Goals), MCLs (Maximum Contaminant Levels),

and SMCLs (Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels)

Contaminant Drinking Water Health EffectsMCLGmg/L


SMCLsmg/L orUnit Noted

Synthetic Organic Compounds -ContinuedCarbofuran (Furadan4F) Nervous system, reproductive 0.04 0.04Chlordane Nervous system effects, probable cancer Zero 0.002Dalapon Kidney, liver effects 0.20 0.20Di (2-ethylhexyl) adipate Liver, reproductive effects 0.40 0.40Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) Probable cancer Zero 0.0002Diethylhexyl Phthlate Cancer risk Zero 0.006Dinoseb Thyroid, reproductive organ effects 0.007 0.007Diquat Ocular, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal effects 0.02Endothall Liver, kidney, gastrointestinal, reproductive

effects0.10 0.10

Endrin Liver, kidney, heart effects 0.002 0.002Ethylenedibromide (EDB) Probable cancer Zero 0.00005Epichlorohydrin Probable cancer Zero TTGlyphosate Liver, kidney effects 0.70 0.70Heptachlor (H34, Heptox) Probable cancer Zero 0.0004Heptachlor epoxide Probable cancer Zero 0.0002Hexachlorobenzene Cancer risk Zero 0.001Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HEX) Kidney, stomach effects 0.05 0.05Lindane Neurological, liver, kidney effects 0.0002 0.0002Methoxyclor (DMDT, Marlate) Central nervous system effects 0.04 0.04Oxamyl (Vydate) Kidney effects 0.20 0.20PAHs Cancer risk Zero 0.0002PCBs Probable cancer, reproductive effects Zero 0.0005Pentachlorophenol Organ and central nervous system effects,

cancer Zero 0.001

Picloram Kidney, liver effects 0.50 0.50Simazine Cancer risk 0.004 0.004Toxaphene Probable cancer Zero 0.003

Total Pesticides Probable cancer 0.005Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) Probable cancer Zero 0.08

RadioactivityGross Alpha Emitters Cancer risk Zero 0.1Bq/L**Gross Beta Emitters Cancer risk Zero 0.5Bq/LRadium 226 Cancer risk Zero 0.5Bq/LRadium 228 Cancer risk Zero 0.5Bq/LUranium Cancer risk/kidney effects Zero 0.020mg/L

a TT- Treatment Technique- Should copper or lead exceed action levels, treatment technique must be implemented to reduce concentrations below action levels.* Measured in the ninetieth percentile at the consumer's tap.** Bq/L Becquerel per liter, 1 Bq==27Pico Curie

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13.3 Raw water quality standards will be in general compliance with the requirements in Table 9,however, specific requirements will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

13.4 The 90th percentile concentrations for lead and copper (measured at the consumers tap) shall notexceed 0.015 mg/L lead and 1.3 mg/L copper. Concentrations exceeding these action limits willrequire treatment technology to be implemented to reduce the levels of these contaminants below theaction levels.


14.1 The frequency of monitoring shall comply with requirements outlined in Table 10 except for lead andcopper, which are stated in sub-sections 13.2 and 13.3 of this Code Section.

14.2 All water systems serving a population of 100 or more shall be sampled for lead and copperfrom a specific number of sites (see Table 11) once every six-months. Samples (1 L) of first-draw tap water must be taken from the cold sweet water tap in the kitchen. Water must beallowed to stand motionless in plumbing pipes for at least 6 hours before sample collection. If high-risklocations -- facilities in which lead solder has been installed, facilities that have lead pipes and facilitiesthat have lead service lines -- are identified, these sites shall be included.

14.3 Systems that meet the lead and copper action levels or maintain optimal corrosion control treatmentfor two consecutive six-month monitoring periods may reduce the number of tap sampling sites andcollection frequency to once a year. Systems that meet the lead and copper action level or maintainoptimal corrosion control treatment for three consecutive years may reduce tap sampling sites andcollection frequency to once every three years.

TABLE 10Compliance Monitoring Requirements

Contaminant Base Monitoring FrequencyTriggers



Triggers Return to BaseFrequency*

Groundwater GroundwaterInorganics

Asbestos 1 sample every 9 yearsNitrate Annual sample >50% of MCL Quarterly Minimum of 4 samples

<MCLNitrite 1 initial sample. If <50% of

MCL, further monitoringdiscretionary

>50% of MCL Quarterly Minimum of 4 samples<MCL

Other Inorganics 1 sample every 3 years >MCL Quarterly Minimum of 2 samples<MCL

Copper/lead See Text Sec 13.2, 13.3

Volatile OrganicCompounds

Quarterly for 1 year. Annualafter 1 year of no detection.Every 3 years after 3 rounds ofno detection.

>MCL Quarterly Minimum of 2 samples <MCL

Synthetic OrganicCompounds

4 quarterly samples every 3years. Systems >3,300 - reduceto 2/year every 3 years after 1round of no detection.Systems <3,300 - reduce to 1sample every 3 years after 1round of no detection

Detection Quarterly Reduce to annual ifminimum of 2 samples <MCL

Radioactive Nuclides 1 Sample every year >MCL Quarterly 2 Consecutive samples<MCL

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TABLE 11Tap sampling requirements for lead and copper

System Size Number of Sampling Sites Number of Sampling SitesPopulation Initial Base Monitoring Reduced Monitoring

>100,000 100 50 10,001 to 100,000 60 30 3,301 to 10,000 40 20 501 to 3,300 20 10

101 to 500 10 5 100 5 5

14.4 Radioactive Contaminants monitoring

14.4.1 For the purpose of monitoring radioactivity concentrations in drinking water, internationallyacceptable analysis protocols shall be used such as ISO or US EPA protocols.

14.4.2 The required sensitivity of the radio analysis is defined in terms of a detection limit, which is the minimum contaminant concentration that can be measures at the 95% confidence level.

14.4.3 To determine compliance with radioactivity contaminants limits as specified by table 9 thedetection limit of the analysis protocol shall not exceed 30% of the corresponding MCLspecified in table 9.

14.4.4 If the radioactive contaminant MCL specified in table 9 was exceeded, the RadiationProtection Unit/ECD/EPD shall be consulted to determine the necessary remedialmeasures.

14.4.5 If more than one radioactive nuclide is detected in a water sample, the combined effectsshall be considered in decisions/recommendations pertinent to the water quality.

14.4.6 Screening for radioactive contaminants shall be conducted as shown in the following flow chart

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15 THE COLIFORM RULE (Potable Water)

15.1 Coliforms are one of a group of microbiological contaminants regulated by this Code Section.Total coliforms, which include the fecal coliforms, are usually not pathogenic. However, their presencein drinking water indicates the potential presence of pathogens associated with waterborne diseaseoutbreaks. In particular, the presence of fecal coliforms in drinking water indicates that an urgent publichealth problem may exist.

15.2 The Total Coliform Rule is based on the presence or absence of total coliforms in a given sample,not on an estimate of the specific number of coliforms. All samples testing positive for total coliformsshall be followed by repeat sampling and tested further to determine whether fecal coliforms arepresent.

15.3 The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total coliforms is stated in terms of a certain percentageof positive sampling results per month. Specifically, to be in compliance:

15.3.1 No more than 5 percent of the monthly samples can test positive if 40 or more samples areanalyzed each month; or no more than one sample per month can test positive if fewer than40 samples are analyzed per month.

15.3.2 The following points are also important: a) the minimum sample size is 100 milliliters; and b)all positive coliform samples, including repeat samples, must be used in compliancecalculations.

DetermineGross AlphaGross Beta

Determine Ra-226 and Ra-228

Compliance with Guidelines-No further Action

DetermineK-40 and subtract

Determine totalUranium

Determine Ra-228

Contact RPU

Determineother BetaEmitters

Denotes unaccounted alpha particles requiring further nuclide assessmentGuidelines Value exceeded

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15.4 A public water system has 25 or more service connections or regularly serves 40 people 60 ormore days per year. For regulatory purposes, public water systems are divided into two categories --community and non-community systems. Community systems serve water to a resident population.Non-community systems serve either transient populations, such as a bus stop, or non-transientpopulations, such as schools, hospitals, or factories that are not served by a community system.

15.5 The number of samples to be analyzed is determined by the size of the population served by thewater system as shown in Table 12. Different rules govern community water systems and non-community water systems.

TABLE 12Sampling Requirements Based On Population

Minimum Number of Samples Minimum Number of Samplesof Population Served Per Month of Population Served Per Month40 - 1000 1 12,901 to 17,200 151,001 to 2,500 2 17,201 to 21,500 202,501 to 3,300 3 21,501 to 25,000 253,301 to 4,100 4 25,001 to 33,000 304,101 to 4,900 5 33,001 to 41,000 404,901 to 5,800 6 41,001 to 50,000 505,801 to 6,700 7 50,001 to 59,000 606,701 to 7,600 8 59,001 to 70,000 707,601 to 8,500 9 70,001 to 83,000 808,501 to 12,900 10 83,001 to 96,000 90

96,001 to 130,000 100

15.6 The minimum sampling requirement is per Table 12. This "minimum" may be reduced by SaudiAramco’s EPD under certain conditions. First, the system has to demonstrate a history of no coliformcontamination. Second, the results of a sanitary survey conducted by Saudi Aramco’s EPD must verifythat the system is supplied solely by a protected groundwater source and that it is free of sanitarydefects. If both these conditions are met, Saudi Aramco’s EPD may reduce its sampling frequency to aminimum of once a quarter.

15.7 Non-community water systems are required to analyze a minimum of one sample per quarter.However, if such a system uses unfiltered water, it must sample at the same frequency as acommunity water system of a like size, or at least once a month.

15.8 The following test methods are approved for total coliform: a) the multiple-tube fermentationtechnique; b) the membrane filter technique; c) the presence-absence (P-A) coliform test; and d) theColilert system (MMO-MUG test). Regardless of the method selected, a 100 milliliters (4 ounce)standard sample shall be used. The protocols for the multiple-tube fermentation, membrane filter, andpresence-absence techniques are given in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water andWastewater. APHA, AWWA, WPCF. Washington, D.C. (latest edition).

15.9 The Total Coliform Rule also addresses the problem of interference by heterotrophic bacteria -- abroad class of organisms that use organic nutrients for growth -- in total coliform analysis. Because thepresence of coliforms in drinking water indicates the possible presence of pathogens, the masking ofcoliforms by high levels of heterotrophic bacteria can prevent the detection of a potential public healththreat. Three conditions indicate that high levels of heterotrophic bacteria are present.

15.9.1 Using the multiple-tube fermentation technique, the coliform sample produces a turbidculture in the absence of gas production.

15.9.2 Using the membrane filter technique, the sample produces a confluent growth or a colonynumber that is too numerous to count. ("Confluent growth" means continuous bacterial

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growth covering the entire filtration area of a membrane filter or a portion of the membranefilter in which the bacterial colonies are not discrete. "Too numerous to count" means that thetotal number of bacterial colonies exceeds 200 on a 47-mm-diameter membrane filter usedfor coliform detection.)

15.9.3 Using the P-A test, the sample produces a turbid culture in the absence of an acid reaction(an acid reaction is indicated when the medium changes to a yellow color).

Should any of these outcomes occur, the coliform sample is invalid. If the sample is declaredinvalid, another water sample shall be collected from the same location as the originalsample and submitted to the laboratory within 8 hours of collection (or up to 30 hours if thesample is maintained between 0-4°C [32-39°F]).

15.10 Water systems can be in violation of the monthly MCL for total coliforms in two ways:

15.10.1 If the number of total coliform-positive samples exceeds 5.0 percent of the monthly sampleswhen 40 or more samples are analyzed or if more than one sample is positive when lessthan 40 samples are analyzed; and

15.10.2 If there is a combination of: a) a coliform-positive original sample that is also positive for fecalcoliform (or Escherichia coli [E. coli]) followed by a positive coliform repeat sample; or b) acoliform-positive original sample followed by a coliform-positive repeat sample that is alsopositive for fecal coliform or E. coli.

15.10.3 Saudi Aramco’s EPD may invalidate a sample if it can be demonstrated that thecontamination is limited to the service connection and that the distribution system isunaffected. Also, Saudi Aramco’s EPD may declare a sample invalid if the laboratory agreesthat it made an error or Saudi Aramco’s EPD determines that there are mitigatingcircumstances which justify the change.

15.11 If total coliforms are detected in any sample, the following measures shall be taken immediately:

15.11.1 The coliform-positive sample shall be analyzed to determine whether fecal coliforms arepresent. Alternatively, the coliform-positive sample may be tested for E. coli.

15.11.2 Repeat samples shall be collected. The number of repeat samples shall be determined bythe size of the population served as indicated in Table 13.

15.11.3 If coliforms are detected in any repeat sample, another set of repeat samples shall becollected from the same location unless Saudi Aramco’s EPD determines that some othersampling scheme is indicated.

15.11.4 If coliforms are detected in any original or repeat sample and the sample is validated bySaudi Aramco’s EPD, a minimum of five routine samples shall be collected from the systemthe next month it is in operation unless the system serves more than 4,100 persons. If thesystem does serve more than 4,100 persons, it is already routinely collecting five samplesper month.

TABLE 13Repeat Sampling Requirements Based On Population

System SizeNumber

of Repeats*Number of Routine Samples NextMonth

No community water system 4 5/month for 1 more monthCommunity water system40 to 1,000 4 5/month for 1 more month

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1,001 to 2,500 3 5/month for 1 more month2,501 to 3,300 3 5/month for 1 more month3,301 to 4,100 3 5/month for 1 more month>4,100 3 See Table 12

* Number of repeat samples in the same month for each coliform-positive routine sample.

15.11.5 If any original or repeat sample is coliform-positive, that result counts as a positive result incompliance calculations, and the system has to determine whether the coliforms in thesample(s) include fecal coliforms. Presence of fecal coliforms or E. coli in a repeat sampleconstitutes an acute violation.

15.12 Coliform contamination requires quick corrective actions, e.g. mains shall be flushed, disinfectionshall be increased and treatment processes shall be improved.

15.13 The Total Coliform Rule does not allow for variances and exemptions.

16 FLUORIDE - Recommended fluoride control ranges for drinking water provided to various Saudi Aramcocommunities by month based upon the monthly average of maximum daily air temperatures are presentedin Table 14.

TABLE 14Recommended Fluoride Control Ranges for Drinking Water *

Abqaiq/Udhailiyah Dhahran Ras Tanura/RabighMonth Low Opt High Low Opt High Low Opt High

mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/LJanuary 0.85 0.90 1.20 0.85 0.90 1.20 0.85 0.90 1.20February 0.75 0.80 1.10 0.75 0.80 1.10 0.85 0.90 1.10March 0.65 0.70 0.90 0.75 0.80 1.00 0.75 0.80 1.00April 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.65 0.70 0.80 0.65 0.70 0.80May 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.55 0.60 0.70June 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.55 0.60 0.65July 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.55 0.60 0.65August 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.55 0.60 0.65September 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.55 0.60 0.70October 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.65 0.70 0.75November 0.65 0.70 0.80 0.65 0.70 0.80 0.65 0.70 0.80December 0.75 0.80 0.90 0.75 0.80 0.90 0.75 0.80 1.00

• Temperatures are from official Saudi Aramco data for 48 years from 1950 to 1998.


1. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards 1998 Edition.2. Freedman, Ben, Sanitarians Handbook.3. Johnson Division, University of Oregon Press Inc., “Groundwater and Wells”, 19754. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, U.S.E.P.A., CFR 1990, Part 141,

1990; FR 1990/915. World Health Organization (WHO): “International Standards for Drinking Water”.6. Salvato, Joseph, Environmental Engineering and Sanitation.7. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Consumers Guide, 1998 Edition8. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA, AWWA,

WPCF. Washington, D.C. (latest edition)

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This Section contains the operation and maintenance requirements for the treatment and disposal of sanitaryand industrial wastewaters in Saudi Aramco. NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction withthe applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards and any referenced documents listed at the endof this Code Section.



EPD Environmental Protection DepartmentHMA Hazardous Material AdvisorLPD Loss Prevention DepartmentMEPA Meteorology & Environmental Protection AdministrationMSO Material Supply OrganizationOM Operating ManualPCBs Polychlorinated BiphenylsRCSHF Reclamation Chemicals Storage and Handling FacilitySAES Saudi Aramco Engineering StandardSAMSO Saudi Aramco Medical Services OrganizationSO Storehouse OperationsTCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching ProcedureTEL Tetraethyl Lead


Acidity: Quantitative capacity of aqueous solutions to react with hydroxide ions to a designated pH.Measured by titration, with a standard solution of a base to a specified end point. Usually expressedas milligrams per liter of calcium carbonate.

Activated Carbon: Carbon “activated” by high-temperature heating with steam or carbon dioxide,producing an internal porous particle structure. Total surface area of granular activated carbon isestimated to be 1,000m2/gm.

Alkalinity: Capacity of water to neutralize acids, imparted by the water’s content of carbonates,bicarbonates, hydroxides, and occasionally borates, silicates, and phosphates. Expressed inmilligrams per liter of equivalent calcium carbonate.

Anaerobic Waste Treatment: Waste stabilization brought about by the action of microorganisms inthe absence of air or elemental oxygen. Usually refers to waste treatment by methane fermentation.

Approved Facility: Any waste management facility approved by EPD.

Backwash: Process by which water is forced through a filtration bed in the direction opposite to thenormal flow (usually upward). During backwashing, the granular bed expands, allowing materialpreviously filtered out to be washed away.

Bioassay: Assay method using a change in biological activity as a qualitative or quantitative meansof analyzing the response of biota to industrial wastes and other wastewaters. Viable organisms, suchas live fish or daphnia, are used as test organisms.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): Measure of the concentration of organic impurities inwastewater. The amount of oxygen required by bacteria while stabilizing organic matter under aerobic

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conditions, expressed in milligrams per liter, is determined entirely by the availability of material in thewastewaters to be used as biological food and by the amount of oxygen utilized by themicroorganisms during oxidation.

Biological Oxidation: Process in which living organisms in the presence of oxygen convert theorganic matter contained in wastewater into a more stable or mineral form.

Buffer: Any combination of chemicals used to stabilize the pH or alkalinities of solutions.

Chlorination: Application of chlorine to water or wastewater, generally for the purpose ofdisinfections, but frequently for accomplishing other biological or chemical results.

Chlorine Contact Chamber: Detention basin in which a liquid containing diffused chlorine is held fora sufficient time to achieve a desired degree of disinfection.

Chlorine Demand: Difference between the amounts of chlorine added to the wastewater and theamount of residual chlorine remaining at the end of a specific contact time. The chlorine demand forgiven water varies with the amount of chlorine applied, time of contact, temperature, pH, and natureand amount of impurities in the water.

Clarification: Any process or combination of processes to reduce the concentration of suspendedmatter in a liquid.

Coagulation: Process by which chemicals (coagulants) are added to an aqueous system, to renderfinely divided, dispersed matter with slow or negligible settling velocities into more rapidly settlingaggregates. The coagulants neutralize forces that cause dispersed particles to repel each other.

Comminution: Process of cutting and screening solids contained in wastewater flow before it entersthe pumps or other units in the treatment plant.

Denitrification: Chemically bound oxygen in nitrate or nitrate ions stripped away by microorganisms,producing nitrogen gas, which can cause floc to rise in the final sedimentation process. An effectivemethod of removing nitrogen from wastewater.

Detention Time: Average period of time a fluid element is retained in a basin or tank beforedischarge.

Dual Media Filtration: Filtration process that uses a bed composed of two distinctly different granularsubstances (such as anthracite coal and sand), as opposed to conventional filtration through sandonly.

Electrical Conductivity: Reciprocal of the resistance in ohms measured between opposite faces of acentimeter cube of an aqueous solution at a specified temperature. Expressed as microhms percentimeter in degrees Celsius.

Food to Microorganism Ratio (F/M): Aeration tank loading parameter. Food may be expressed inpounds BOD added per day to the aeration tank; microorganisms may be expressed as mixed liquorvolatile suspended solids (MLVSS) in the aeration tank.

Freeboard: Vertical distance from the top of a tank, basin, column, or wash trough (in the case ofsand filters) to the surfaces of its contents.

Grease Skimmer: Device for removing floating grease or scum from the surface of wastewater in atank.

Grit Chamber: Detention chamber or an enlargement of a sewer, designed to reduce the velocity offlow of the liquid, to permit the separation of mineral from organic solids by differential sedimentation.

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Hardness: Characteristic of water imparted by salts of calcium, magnesium, and iron (such asbicarbonates, carbonates, sulfates, chlorides, and nitrates), which causes curdling of soap, depositionof scale in boilers, damage in some industrial processes, and sometimes objectionable taste. It maybe determined by a standard laboratory procedure or computed from the amounts of calcium,magnesium, iron, aluminum, manganese, barium, strontium, and zinc, and is expressed as equivalentcalcium carbonate.

Hydraulic loading: Quantity of flow passing though a column or packed bed, expressed in the unitsof volume per unit time per unit area; e.g., ga./min/ft2 (m3/m2.s).

Influent: Wastewater or other liquid (raw or partially treated) flowing into a reservoir, basin, treatmentprocess, or treatment plant.

Landfarming: A controlled disposal process that uses naturally occurring bacteria to biodegrade non-leaded oily sludges in soil.

Leaded Oily Sludge: Any oily sludges, whether solid or semi-solid, collected from leaded gasolineand tetraethyl lead tanks and vessels containing 100 mg/Kg total lead or greater.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): Measure of the oxygen-consuming capacity of inorganic andorganic matter present in water or wastewater, expressed as the amount of oxygen consumed from achemical oxidant in a specific test. It does not differentiate between stable and unstable organicmatter and thus, does not necessarily correlate with biochemical oxygen demand.

Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid (MLSS): Concentration of suspended solids carried in the aerationbasin of an activated sludge process.

Mixed Liquor: Mixture of activated sludge and wastewater undergoing activated sludge treatment inthe aeration tank.

Neutralization: Reaction of acid or alkali with the opposite reagent until the concentrations ofhydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the solution are approximately equal.

Nitrification: Conversion of nitrogenous matter to nitrates.

Non-Leaded Oily Sludge: Any oily sludge, whether solid or semi-solid, containing less than 100mg/Kg total lead.

Non-Settleable Sludge: Suspended matter that does not settle or float to the surface of water in aperiod of 1 hour.

Organic Nitrogen: Nitrogen combined in organic molecules, such as protein, amines, and aminoacids.

Oxidation Pond or Lagoon: Basin used for retention of wastewater before final disposal, in whichbiological oxidation of organic material is affected by natural or artificially accelerated transfer ofoxygen to the water from air.

Oxidation: Addition of oxygen to a compound. More generally, any reaction involving the loss ofelectrons from an atom.

Oxygen Uptake Rate: Amount of oxygen utilized by an activated sludge system during a specifictime period.

Parshall Plume: Calibrated device developed by Ralph Parshall for measuring the flow of liquid in anopen conduit, which consists essentially of a contracting length, a throat, and an expanding length. Asill, over which the flow passes at critical depth, is located at the throat. The upper and lower headsare individually measured at a definite distance from the sill. The lower head need not be measured

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unless the sill is submerged more than about 67 percent.

Physical-Chemical Treatment: (PCT) Plant Treatment sequence in which physical and chemicalprocesses are used to the exclusion of explicitly biological process (including incidental biologicaltreatment obtained on filter media or absorptive surfaces). In this sense, a PCT scheme is asubstitute for conventional biological treatment. A PCT scheme following an existing biological plantmay, by contrast, be termed simply a tertiary plant, although it is also a PCT in a general sense.

Polyelectrolyte: Chemicals consisting of high molecular weight molecules with many reactive groupssituated along the length of the chain. Polyelectrolytes react with the fine particles in the waste andassist in bringing them together into larger and heavier masses for settling.

Primary Settling Tank: First settling tank for the removal of settleable solids through whichwastewater is passed in a treatment works.

Primary Treatment: 1) First (sometimes only) major treatment in a wastewater treatment works,usually sedimentation; or 2) removal of a substantial amount of suspended matter, but little or nocolloidal and dissolved matter.

Raw Sludge: Settled sludge promptly removed from sedimentation tanks before decomposition hasmuch advanced. Frequently referred to as undigested sludge.

Recirculation Rate: Rate of return of part of the effluent from a treatment process to the incomingflow.

Sanitary Sewer: Sewer that carries liquid and water-carried human waste from residences,commercial buildings, industrial plants, and institutions, together with minor quantities of storm,surface, and groundwater(s) that are not admitted intentionally. Significant quantities of industrialwastewater are not carried in sanitary sewers.

Screen: Device with openings, generally of uniform size, used to retain or remove suspended orfloating solids in flowing water or wastewater and to prevent them from entering an intake or passinga given point in a conduit. The screening element may consist of parallel bars, rods, wires, grating,wire mesh, or perforated plate; the openings may be of any shape, although they are usually circularor rectangular. Also a device used to segregate granular material, such as sand, crushed rock, andsoil, into various sizes.

Secondary Settling Tank: Tank through which effluent from some prior treatment process flows forthe purpose of removing settleable solids.

Secondary Wastewater Treatment: Treatment of wastewater by biological methods after primarytreatment by sedimentation.

Sedimentation: Process of subsidence and deposition of suspended matter carried by water,wastewater, or other liquids, by gravity. Usually accomplished by reducing the velocity of the liquid tobelow the point at which it can transport the suspended material. Also called settling.

Skimming Tank: Tank so designed that floating matter will rise and remain on the surface of thewastewater until removed, while the liquid discharges continuously under certain walls or scumbaffles.

Sludge Age: In the activated sludge process, a measure of the length of time (expressed in days) aparticle of suspended solids has been undergoing aeration. Usually computed by dividing the weightof the suspended solids in the aeration tank by the daily addition of new suspended solids havingtheir origin in the raw waste.

Sludge Volume Index (SVI): Numerical expression of the settling characteristics of activated sludge.The ratio of the volume in milliliters of sludge settled from a 1,000-ml sample in 30 minutes to the

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concentration of mixed liquor in milligrams per liter multiplied by 1,000.

Stabilization Pond: Type of oxidation pond in which biological oxidation of organic matter is effectedby natural or artificially accelerated transfer of oxygen to the water from air.

Submerged Weir: Weir that, when in use, results in the water level on the downstream side rising toan elevation equal to or higher than, the weir crest. The rate of discharge is affected by the tailwater.Also called drowned weir.

Suspended Solid: Solids that float on the surface of, or are in suspension in, water, wastewater, orother liquids, and that are largely removable by laboratory filtering. Also the quantity of materialremoved from wastewater in a laboratory test, as prescribed in Standard Methods for the Examinationof Water and Wastewater and referred to as non-filterable residue.

Total Organic Carbon (TOC): Measure of the amount of organic material in a water sample,expressed in milligrams per liter of carbon. Measured by Beckman carbonaceous analyzer or otherinstrument in which the organic compounds are catalytically oxidized to CO2 and measured by aninfrared detector. Frequently applied to wastewaters.

Turbidity: Condition in water or wastewater caused by the presence of suspended matter, resultingin the scattering and absorption of light rays. Measure of fine suspended matter in liquids. Analyticalquantity, usually expressed in Jackson turbidity units (Jtu) or Nephelometric turbidity units (NTU’s),determined by measurements of light diffraction.

Turbulent Flow: Flow of a liquid past an object so that the velocity at any fixed point in the fluidvaries irregularly. Type of fluid flow in which there is an unsteady motion of the particles and themotion at a fixed point varies in no definite manner. Sometimes called eddy or sinuous flow.


Wastewater shall be treated and disposed of by processes that meet the design requirements inSAES-A-104 “Wastewater Treatment, Reuse, and Disposal”.

Copies of the preliminary and detailed engineering reports, design drawings, and specificationsprepared in accordance with SAES-A-104 shall be submitted to the Manager, EnvironmentalProtection Department, (EPD) for review and approval.


2.1 Minimum Separation Distances

2.1.1 Minimum horizontal separation distances between sewerage components and watersystems shall be as indicated in Table 1.

2.1.2 Sewer line crossing with potable water lines shall comply with the requirements ofSAES-S-010, Sanitary Sewers.

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TABLE 1Minimum Horizontal Separation Distances

Minimum Distance To Be Maintained From: Water Wellsm(ft)

Water Linesm(ft)

Sewer LinesSeptic Tank/Grease TrapsDisposal FieldSeepage PitAreas Irrigated with Reclaimed WastewaterReclaimed Water LineSewage Treatment Plants (onshore)Sewage Lift Stations (onshore)

15 (50)15 (50)30 (100)45 (150)150 (500)15 (50)150 (500)90 (300)

3a(10)3 (10)3 (10)3 (10)15b(50)3a(10)

a -In the event that these separation distances can not be met, see SAES-S-010.b - This buffer zone applies to spray irrigation areas only.

2.2 Water Supply and Prevention of Cross Connections

2.2.1 Water Supply: An adequate supply of potable water under pressure that complieswith requirements described in SASC-S-01 shall be provided for sanitary and drinkingpurposes, use in the laboratory, and for general cleaning duties around the plant. Thedesign and construction of all plumbing shall comply with the requirements of theSaudi Aramco Plumbing Code, SAES-S-060. Where it is not possible to providepotable water from a public water supply, separate water well may be provided. Thelocation, design, construction and quality of water obtained from the well shall complywith SASC-S-01. Since the plant operators and visitors will use this water supply forsanitary and drinking purposes, it shall be plumbed as outlined above.

2.2.2 Prevention of Cross Connections: Cross connecting the potable water supply withany non-potable or other water supply of questionable quality is prohibited. The useof water in a wastewater treatment plant is a necessity, but special precautions arerequired to protect the potable water supply. In this regard, two separate watersystems must be provided which are not physically connected in any way; i.e., a plantpotable water system and a plant non-potable water system. Backflow Prevention: Atmospheric vacuum breakers shall be installed forall potable water wash down hoses. Reduced pressure backflow devices(RPBDs) or air gap and break tank shall be installed on all potable waterlines serving wastewater lift stations and wastewater treatment plantsunless a totally separate non-potable water system using reclaimed wateris installed for all cleaning requirements and chemical make-up waterrequirements. The RPBD should be installed with adequate space tofacilitate maintenance and testing. Adequate clearance from the floor,ceiling, and walls must be provided to facilitate the removal of the reliefvalve. An RPBD shall not be installed in a pit below ground level. TheRPBD must be inspected regularly for indication of failure. Separate Non-Potable Water System: Where water from a separatepotable water supply is used to provide make-up water to the non-potablewater system, then the potable water must be discharged to a break tankwith an air gap of at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) above the maximumwater level, or the overflow outlet of the tank, whichever is higher. Separate Non-Potable Water System Using Reclaimed Wastewater: Ifbreak tank shall not be required between the source of reclaimedwastewater and the wastewater treatment plant.

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38 Non-potable water systems shall be properly color-coded as identified inTable 2 of SAES-A-104. All outlets from a non-potable water system shall be posted with permanentsigns and logos (artist's drawing), in Arabic and English, indicating that thewater is non-potable and is not safe for drinking.


3.1 Wastewater pump stations shall not be subject to flooding. A suitable superstructure,preferably located off the right of way of streets and alleys to collect the stormwater shall beprovided. The station shall be readily accessible.

3.2 Pump systems shall be designed to handle unexpected downtime. Design of the pumpfacility shall incorporate ease of maintenance and repair. The design of the pumps shall be inaccordance with SAES-S-010.

3.3 Each pump station shall have at least two units of the same capacity. The capacity ofeach must exceed the expected maximum wastewater flow. If more than two pumps areprovided, the capacity of the pump system must be such that with one pump out of service,the capacity of the remaining pumps exceeds the expected maximum wastewater flow. Eachpump shall have a separate suction.

3.4 Pneumatic ejector-type pump stations require at least two pneumatic ejectors unlessthe ejector pot has been located in a dry well with all parts accessible for the repair of leaks. Ifthe ejector pot forms the lower part of the lift, two pots shall be required.

3.5 Pumps handling raw wastewater shall be preceded by readily accessible bar racks withclear openings not exceeding 5 centimeters (2 inches) unless pneumatic ejectors are used orspecial devices are installed to protect the pumps from clogging or damage. Where the sizeof the installation warrants, a mechanically cleaned bar screen with a grinder or comminutiondevice shall be used. Where screens are located below ground, convenient facilities shall beprovided for handling screenings.

3.6 Adequate ventilation shall be provided for all lift stations. Where the pump pit is belowthe ground surface, mechanical ventilation is required and arranged to ventilate the dry welland the wet well independently. There shall be no interconnections between the wet well andthe dry well ventilating systems. In pits over 4.5 meters (15 feet) deep, multiple inlets andoutlets shall be used. Dampers shall not be used on exhaust or fresh air ducts and finescreens and other obstructions in the air ducts shall be avoided to prevent clogging.

3.7 There shall be no physical connection between any potable water supply and awastewater pump station, which under any conditions might cause contamination of thepotable water supply. If a potable water supply is brought to the pump station, it must complywith conditions stipulated in SASC-S-01

3.8 Alarm systems shall be provided for all pump stations. The alarm shall be activated incases of power failure, pump failure, or any cause of pump station malfunction. Where amunicipal facility of 24-hour attendance is not available, pump station alarms shall betelemetered. Where no such facility exists, an audiovisual device shall be installed at thestation for external observation.

3.9 Force mains shall be a minimum of 10 centimeters (4 inches) in diameter. Air releasevalves shall be provided on lines at all peaks in elevation.

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4.1 General

4.1.1 Industrial wastewater and stormwater run-off shall not be mixed with sanitarywastewater prior to treatment. The streams may be combined after treatment, prior todisposal.

4.1.2 Hauling of raw sewage from holding tanks will not normally be considered anacceptable method of waste disposal unless specifically approved by Manager, EPD.

4.1.3 All outside areas shall be kept free of nuisances and safety hazards (refer to SASC-S-18).

4.1.4 All on-shore treatment units shall be located a minimum of 150 meters (500 feet)from any residential areas, camp areas, or office areas.

4.1.5 All treatment plants and holding ponds shall be surrounded by a Saudi Aramco TypeV Security fence.

4.1.6 Routine housekeeping of buildings and grounds shall be included in the operators’regular daily responsibilities. All buildings and equipment should be routinelycleaned. Doors, windows, walls and other areas should be kept clean, dry, and ingood repair. Outside grounds should be mowed regularly with the grass clippingsremoved promptly. Equipment and piping should be cleaned and painted as requiredfor appearance and identification purposes.

4.1.7 The direction of prevailing winds shall be considered when selecting the plant site.

4.1.8 Effluent quality requirements for wastewater treatment plants shall conform toapplicable requirements as outlined in: (1) Table 3 of this section; (2) SAES-A-103,Marine Wastewater Discharges; (3) SAES-A-104, Wastewater Treatment, Reuse,and Disposal; (4) Meteorology & Environmental Protection Administration Standards;(5) Jubail or Yanbu Royal Commission Standards; and (6) Al Hasa Irrigation andDrainage Authority (HIDA).

4.1.9 All municipal wastewater treatment plants shall be operated in accordance with thelatest version of “Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants” published bythe US Water Environmental Federation (WEF). All industrial wastewater treatmentplants shall be operated in accordance with the latest versions of the applicableindustrial manuals (e. g. API instructions).

4.1.10 Exceptions to Table 1 of SAES-A-104 requirements may be granted on a case-by-case basis for sanitary wastewater that is discharged into an evaporation pond, whichmeets the design requirements of Standard 8.1 of SAES-A-104.

4.1.11 Sanitary sewage discharged more than 4 nautical miles from shore does not need tobe treated to meet Table 1 requirements; it shall be comminuted and disinfected priorto discharge in accordance with SAES-A-103.

4.1.12 Discharges to the land are not permitted unless written approval is obtained.

4.1.13 Sanitary wastewater sludge shall be stabilized (aerobic digestion) prior to drying insludge drying beds. Dried sludge shall be disposed of in an approved sanitary landfilldesigned as per SAES-S-007 and operated as per Section SASC-S-03.

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4.1.14 All sanitary wastewater reuse applications must be designed and installed as perSAES-A-104. Adequate control measures must be taken to prevent inappropriatealterations in the piping that could result in cross connections with potable water. Allwarning signs, backflow preventors, and cross connection control measures shall bemaintained as originally designed. The minimum horizontal separation distancesbetween sewerage components and wastewater system shall be in accordance toTable 1 of this instruction.

4.1.15 For any waste or mixture of wastes not specifically mentioned in this instruction or inthe event of incidents involving wastes, the treatment and disposal method must beapproved by Manager, EPD.

4.2 Preliminary Treatment

4.2.1 All sanitary wastewater treatment plants shall have bar screens, mesh screens,and/or comminutors. Bar screens shall be located upstream of the grit chambers andshall be readily accessible at all times to allow inspection and maintenance.

4.2.2 A stairway and/or ladder shall be provided for access if bar screens, mesh screens,or comminutors are located one or more meters below or above ground level.Equipment shall be provided to transfer the screenings to ground elevation.

4.2.3 In order to provide for drainage of the screenings, manually cleaned bar screens shallbe constructed having 30 degrees to 60 degrees slope to a horizontal platform. Thebar spacing shall be from 25 to 40 millimeters for manually cleaned screens. Themechanically cleaned screens shall have spacing as small as 10 millimeters.

4.2.4 An accessible platform shall be provided for the manually cleaned screening facilities.The operators to rake screenings shall use the platform. A drainage system shall beprovided for the platform.

4.2.5 Auxiliary manually cleaned screens shall be provided where mechanically operatedscreening devices are used. The design shall include provisions for automaticdiversion of the entire wastewater flow through the auxiliary screens if the regularunits fail.

4.2.6 Grit removal equipment shall be provided for all sanitary wastewater treatment plantsand shall be located upstream of pumps and comminuting devices.

4.2.7 Equipment to wash the grit shall be provided unless the grit is handled in such amanner as to prevent odors and fly nuisance. The grit collecting chambers shall beinstalled with the capability to be dewatered.

4.2.8 The screenings and grit shall be stored in covered containers.

4.2.9 The screenings and the grit shall be disposed of in a sanitary landfill that is approvedby EPD

4.3 Primary Treatment

4.3.1 The waste oil and the oily sludges resulted from the operation of the separators shallbe disposed of in a waste disposal facility that is approved by the Manager,EPD

4.3.2 Waste oil or wastewater containing oil shall be stored in either an above ground tankwith secondary containment or in a lined pit (or sump). The liner for the pit (or sump)shall be as a minimum 30-mil high-density polyethylene. The sump or the pit shall be

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constructed of reinforced concrete.

4.3.3 Equalization shall be installed in wastewater treatment plants in order toprotect the biological system from fluctuations in organics, pH, flow rates, andtoxic substances.

4.3.4 Equalization tanks having a detention time of more than two hours shall havemixers. The air shall be supplied at a rate of 1.25 to 2.0 ft3/103 gal. /min.(0.01 to 0.015 m3/min.).

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4.3.5 Each sedimentation basins shall be provided with walkways with guard rails along theperimeter. A stairway shall be installed for sedimentation basins with vertical wallsterminating one or more meter above or below ground level.

4.3.6 Sedimentation basins shall be provided with scum baffles and a means for collectionand disposal of the separated scum into the sludge digester. Sedimentation basinsdesigned for flow rates less than 100 cubic meters per day shall have hydraulicskimming provided that the scum pick-up is capable of removing scum from the entireoperating surface of the sedimentation basin. Sedimentation basins designed for flowrates of 100 cubic meters per day or more shall be equipped with mechanicalskimmers.

4.3.7 Sedimentation basin access platforms shall have a pressure hose and hose rack forcleaning the effluent weirs.

4.3.8 Mechanical skimmers shall be equipped with a means to automatically clean theweirs. Brushes or scraper blade to be attached to the end of the skimmer can beused for this service.

4.3.9 Mechanical sludge collecting equipment shall be provided for sedimentation unitswith a design flow equal to or greater than 100 cubic meters per day and shall haveprovisions for individual inspection and sampling.

4.3.10 A smooth wall finish and a hopper bottom slope of not less than 60 degrees shall beprovided for sedimentation basins that are not equipped with mechanical sludgecollecting equipment.

4.4 Secondary Treatment

4.4.1 The activated sludge process may be used where the wastewater is amenable tobiological treatment; some of the modified processes require a greater degree ofattention and operating supervision. These requirements shall be considered whenproposing this type of treatment.

4.4.2 Biological wastewater treatment ponds (facultative ponds) and associated equipmentshall be designed to meet the wastewater disposal requirements in Table 3 of thisinstruction unless the wastewater will be disposed in an evaporation pond.Discharges to an evaporation pond do not need to meet the Table 3 requirementsprovided the treatment pond is designed and operated according to Standard SAES-A-104 and approval is granted by Manager, EPD.

4.4.3 Pond-based wastewater treatment shall only be used in remote areas. Considerationshall be given to such factors as prevailing winds, pond configuration, soil conditions,use of effluent, and distance to populated areas.

4.4.4 Facultative ponds shall either be preceded by facilities for primary treatment of theraw sewage or shall include a minimum of two ponds in series. The first pond shallbe used for solids separation and biological treatment and the second pond shall befor biological treatment only.

4.4.5 Oily wastewater shall be pretreated for removal of free oil before discharge to thebiological treatment system.

4.4.6 A tank-based activated sludge process is the preferred treatment method where thewastewater is amenable to biological treatment.

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4.4.7 Extended aeration and oxidation ditches are the preferred activated sludge treatmentmethods; other methods may be used as per the approval of the Manager, EPD.

4.4.8 Extended aeration is the preferred method when high effluent quality and ammoniaremoval is required. Extended aeration shall be used in applications where a highprobability of shock loads exists.

4.4.9 The oxidation ditch may be used where treatment needs are similar to those forextended aeration. All oxidation ditch systems shall provide final clarification andreturn sludge capability equal to that required for the extended aeration system.Provision shall be made to easily vary the immersion depth of the rotor for flexibility ofoperation.

4.4.10 If the design flow exceeds 1000 cubic meters per day (250,000 gallons per day), thetotal aeration tank volume shall be divided among two or more units, each capable ofindependent operation.

4.4.11 Equipment for measuring return sludge, excess sludge, and air shall be provided inactivated sludge plants having a design flow of 7500 cubic meters per day or more.

4.4.12 Aeration tanks shall be constructed of reinforced concrete or steel unless approved bythe Materials Engineering and Corrosion Control Division.

4.4.13 Aeration tank equipment in contact with wastewater shall be constructed of 316stainless steel unless approved by the Materials Engineering and Corrosion ControlDivision.

4.4.14 Surface mechanical aerators are the preferred type of aerators for wastewatertreatment systems that treat greater than 3800 cubic meters per day. Mechanicalaeration devices shall be of such capacity to provide oxygen transfer to and mixing ofthe vessel contents equivalent to that provided by compressed air.

4.4.15 The diffuser systems shall have devices for removing and replacing diffusers withoutde-watering the tank. They shall also have non-clog diffusers for all systems usingintermittent aeration.

4.4.16 The diffuser systems shall have individual diffuser header assemblies with air controlvalves. The diffuser head control valves shall allow for throttling of the airflow.

4.4.17 The air diffuser system, including piping, shall be capable of delivering 150 percent ofdesign air requirements.

4.4.18 The blower/compressor units shall be equipped with automatic reset and restartmechanisms to place the units back in operation after periods of power outage.

4.4.19 Air filters shall provide for a flow rate of 120 percent of the design requirements.

4.4.20 The requirements for the secondary sedimentation units are the same as those forprimary sedimentation units. The secondary sedimentation units shall have dualskimmers or heavy-duty full-length skimmers.

4.5 Tertiary Treatment

4.5.1 The flocculation equipment shall be designed and operated in order to obtain

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optimum floc growth, control of deposition of solids, and prevent floc destruction atpeak hourly flow.

4.5.2 Polymers are to be used as flocculation aids and shall be introduced into a flash mixtank upstream of a flocculation tank or into the flocculation zone using severalalternate input points.

4.5.3 Air flotation units shall not be used to treat sanitary wastewater. If the units are usedfor industrial wastewater they shall be located downstream of the gravity oil/waterseparators and equalization equipment.

4.6 Chemical Treatment

4.6.1 Chemical addition equipment shall be provided in cases where the pH of thedischarge is outside of the pH range in Table 3 of this instruction or in cases whereconventional gravity settling or biological treatment is not able to treat the dischargeto Table 1 of SAES-A-104 concentrations.

4.6.2 Chemical treatment systems shall be of multiple-unit flexibility to allow for operationaladjustments in chemical feed point locations, chemical feed rates, and use ofalternative chemicals.

4.6.3 The chemical dosage required shall be the minimum necessary to bring aboutoptimum treatment. The choice of treatment chemical(s) shall be based upon thecharacteristics of the raw wastewater, the quality requirement of the final effluent andthe economics of the process.

4.6.4 Coagulation feed systems shall be provided with standby feeders, adequate chemicalstorage and conveyance facilities, adequate reserve chemical supply, and automaticdosage control.

4.6.5 In instances where only pH correction is needed, holding tanks and metering pumpsmay be used when pH adjustment is required. Other simple pH control system witheither acid or base addition can be used when gradual mixing will not provide asufficient buffering capacity.

4.6.6 Selection of chemical feed points shall be based on the type of chemicals used, thetype of wastewater treatment process, the reaction times, and the type ofcomponents in use. There shall be flexibility in feed point location with multiple feedpoints.

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4.6.7 The dry chemical feeders shall be equipped with a mixing tank which is capable ofproviding a minimum 5-minute retention time at the peak hourly flow rate.Polyelectrolyte feed installations shall be equipped with multiple solution vessels andtransfer piping.

4.6.8 Mixing of the chemicals shall be accomplished using a large diameter low speedmixer. Flash mixing shall be provided for chemicals such as polymers, metal saltsand pH control chemicals. The flash mixer shall have a mean temporal velocitygradient, G (sec.), of at least 800. The detention period shall be at least 30 secondsat peak hourly flow.

4.6.9 Secondary spill containment shall be provided around all chemical feed systemcomponents.

4.6.10 An adequate supply of treatment chemicals shall be provided at the treatment plant.

4.6.11 The liquid storage tanks and tank fill connections shall be located within a secondaryspill containment structure.

4.6.12 Bag or drum storage shall be located near the solution make-up point with trolleys inorder to provide for the convenient movement of drum or bag.

4.6.13 Platforms, ladders and railings shall be provided as necessary to afford convenientand safe access to all filling connections, storage tank entry locations, and measuringdevices.

4.6.14 Containment areas shall be sloped into a sump area and shall not contain floor drainsthat drain into a sewer.

4.6.15 Chemical precipitation sludge shall be disposed of in a facility approved by theManager, EPD.

4.6.16 Eye washes and safety showers shall be provided in areas where chemicals arebeing handled.

4.6.17 Chemical feed equipment and storage facilities shall either be constructed ofcorrosion-resistant materials or have a protective coating as approved by theMaterials Engineering and Corrosion Control Division.

4.7 Wastewater Filtration

4.7.1 Convenient access to the component of the filters shall be provided at the treatmentplants for cleaning and maintenance.

4.7.2 The backwash rate shall be adequate to fluidize each media layer a minimum of 20percent.

4.7.3 Waste filter backwash waters shall be returned to the inlet of the wastewatertreatment plant. Filtered water shall be used as the source of backwash water.

4.7.4 Selection of media size shall depend on the filtration rate selected, the type oftreatment provided for the filter influent, the filter configuration and the effluent qualityobjectives. The manufacturers of the filters should approve the use of local sand.

4.7.5 A manual override for operating equipment and critical valves shall be provided ifautomatic control is used.

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4.7.6 The distribution of the backwash air through the under drain system shall be uniform.

4.7.7 The filter shall be equipped with water troughs, a means of measurement and controlof the backwash rate, equipment for indicating filter head loss, surface wash or airscouring equipment, a positive means of shutting off flow to the filter beingbackwashed, and filter influent and effluent sampling points.

4.7.8 Adequate pumping capacity shall be available with the largest unit out ofservice, where waste backwash water is returned for treatment by pumping.

4.7.9 The rate of return of waste filter backwash water to the treatment units shall not exceed 15 percent of the design flow rate to the treatment units.

4.7.10 Filtration rates shall not exceed 110 liters per minute per square meter (3 gallons perminute per square foot) for single media (sand) filters, 150 liters per minute persquare meter for dual media filters, and 190 liters per minute per square meter formulti-media filters (based on the design flow rate applied to the filter units).

4.7.11 Intermittent sand filters shall be protected from surface wash and blowing sand.

4.7.12 Gravity or pressure type filters shall be used for wastewater filtration.

4.8 Sludge Handling

4.8.1 The sludge pipe to the beds shall terminate at least 30 centimeters (12 inches) abovethe surface and be arranged so that it shall drain. Concrete splash plates for thepercolation-type beds shall be provided at sludge discharge points.

4.8.2 Provision shall be made to maintain sufficient continuity of service so sludge may bede-watered without accumulation beyond storage capacity.

4.8.3 If it is proposed to de-water or dispose of sludge by other methods, a detaileddescription of the process and design data shall accompany the plans. The finalquality of the de-watered sludge must be such that the disposal of the dried sludgedoes not create a health hazard.

4.8.4 Filtrate from de-watering units shall be returned to the process for adequate treatment.

4.9 Grease Traps

4.9.1 Grease traps shall be provided for communal kitchens catering to 10 or more

4.9.2 Grease traps should normally be located within 9 meters (30 feet) of the plumbingfixtures served to prevent congealing of the grease in the lines.

4.9.3 Grease traps shall be maintained in efficient operating condition by regular removalof accumulated grease and sediment.

4.9.4 The minimum capacity of the grease trap shall be equal to the maximum volume ofwater used in the kitchen during a mealtime period or as specified in latest edition ofthe Uniform Plumbing Code, whichever is greater. An estimate of 9.5 to 11.3 liters(2.5 - 3.0 gallons) of water per meal served can be used to determine the requiredvolume.

4.9.5 Grease removed from the grease trap shall be disposed in an approved sanitarylandfill.

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4.10 Onsite Disposal Systems (Holding Tanks, Septic Tanks and Disposal Fields)

4.10.1 General Onsite disposal systems include holding tanks, septic tanks, absorptionbeds, seepage pits, and evapotranspiration beds. Onsite disposal systemsare only acceptable at locations with less than 30 employees where noconnection to a sanitary sewer is available, and the systems are designedper Standard 12 of SAES-A-104. The Manager, EPD, may allow facilitieswith greater than 30 employees conditional approval for the use of anonsite disposal system on a case-by-case basis. (Any wastewater beingtrucked off-site for disposal must be treated in an approved wastewatertreatment plant). All onsite disposal systems (with the exception of holding tanks) shall bepreceded by a septic tank designed in accordance with Standard 12 ofSAES-A-104, Wastewater Treatment, Reuse, and Disposal. Septic tanks with disposal to absorption beds or seepage pits are notacceptable in areas where the ground water is within 1.5 meters (5 feet) ofthe surface. Septic tanks shall be maintained in efficient operating condition by regularremoval of accumulated sediment and sludge. Absorption beds, seepage pits, and evapotranspiration beds shall beroutinely inspected to ensure proper operation. Any evidence of surfacecontamination with wastewater must be investigated and the underlyingcause corrected immediately. Effluent from septic tanks contains a high level of pathogenic bacteria andshall not be considered safe. Appropriate safety precautions such as theuse of protective clothing (e.g., gloves and overalls) shall be used whencontact with the tank contents is unavoidable. Roof drains, foundation drains and drainage from other sources producinglarge intermittent or constant volumes of clear water shall not be piped intothe septic tank or absorption area. Such large volumes of water will stir upthe contents of the tank and carry some of the solids into the outlet line; thedisposal system following the septic tank will likewise become flooded orclogged, and may fail. Drainage from garage floors, or other sources of oilywaste, shall also be excluded from the septic tank. Toilet paper substitutes should not be flushed into a septic tank. Papertowels, newspaper, wrapping paper, rags, and sticks may not decomposein the septic tank, and are likely to lead to clogging of the plumbing anddisposal system. Adequate venting is obtained through the building plumbing if the septictank and the plumbing are designed and installed in accordance withSAES-A-104 and SAES-S-060. A separate vent on a septic tank is notnecessary. A chart showing the location of the septic tank and disposal system shouldbe placed at a suitable location in the facility served by such a system. Thechart should contain brief instructions as to the inspection andmaintenance required. The chart should assist in acquainting operators ofthe necessary maintenance that septic tanks require, thus forestalling

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failures by assuring satisfactory operation. Abandoned septic tanks shall be filled with earth or rock. Septage and portable toilet wastes shall be disposed of at an approvedwastewater treatment system designed as per SAES-A-104. Any facility using off-site disposal of wastewater shall maintain records thatcan demonstrate that the wastewater shipments were received by theapproved wastewater treatment system (Saudi Aramco 9564).

4.10.2 Percolation Tests

Percolation tests shall be performed to determine the suitability of the soil forabsorption/seepage type systems. Results from the percolation tests shall be used inconjunction with the standards in SAES-A-104, Wastewater Treatment, Reuse, andDisposal to develop the design of the absorption bed or seepage pit. The Manager,EPD, must approve all percolation test procedures and results. Percolation testprocedures are as follows: Number and Location of Tests: Six or more tests shall be made inseparate test holes spaced uniformly over the proposed soil absorptionfield. Type of Test Hole: Dig or bore a hole, with horizontal dimensions from 10to 30 centimeters (4.0 to 12 inches) and vertical side to the depth of theproposed absorption trench. In order to save time, labor, and volume ofwater required per test, the holes can be bored with a 10 centimeters (4.0inches) auger. Preparation of Test Hole: Carefully scratch the bottom and sides of thehole with a knife blade or sharp pointed instrument in order to remove anysmeared soil surfaces and to provide a natural soil interface into whichwater may percolate. Remove all loose material from the hole. Add 5.0centimeters (2.0 inches) of coarse sand or fine gravel to protect the bottomfrom scouring and sediment. Saturation and Swelling of the Soil: It is important to distinguish betweensaturation and swelling. Saturation means that the void spaces betweensoil particles are full of water. This can be accomplished in a short period oftime. Swelling is caused by intrusion of water into the individual soilparticle. Swelling is a slow process, especially in clay-type soil, and is thereason for requiring a prolonged soaking period. Carefully fill the hole withclear water to a minimum depth of 30 centimeters (12 inches) over thegravel. In most soils, it is necessary to refill the hole by supplying a surplusreservoir of water, possibly by means of an automatic siphon, to keepwater in the hole for at lease 4.0 hours and preferably overnight. Determinethe percolation rate 24 hours after water is first added to the hole. Thisprocedure is to insure that the soil is given ample opportunity to swell andto approach the condition it will be in during the wettest season of the year.Thus, the test will give comparable results in the same soil, whether madein a dry or in a wet season. In sandy soils containing little or no clay, theswelling procedure is not essential. Percolation-rate measurement: With the exception of sandy soils,percolation-rate measurements shall be made on the day following theprocedure described under item above.

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If water remains in the test hole after the overnight swelling period, adjustthe depth to approximately 15 centimeters (6.0 inches) over the gravel.From a fixed reference point measure the drop in water level over a 30-minute period. This drop is used to calculate the percolation rate.

If no water remains in the hole after the overnight swelling period, add clearwater to bring the depth of water in the hole to approximately 15centimeters (6.0 inches) over the gravel. From a fixed reference point,measure the drop in water level at approximately 30-minute intervals for4.0 hours, refilling 15 centimeters (6.0 inches) over the gravel asnecessary. The drop that occurs during the final 30-minute period is usedto calculate the percolation rate. The drops during prior periods provideinformation for possible modification of the procedure to suit localcircumstances. In sandy soils or other soils in which the first 15centimeters (6.0 inches) of water seeps away in less than 30 minutes, afterthe overnight swelling period, the time interval between measurementsshall be taken as 10 minutes and the test run for one hour. The drop thatoccurs during the final 10 minutes is used to calculate the percolation rate.

4.10.3 Cleaning of Septic Tanks

Septic tanks shall be cleaned before too much sludge or scum is allowed toaccumulate. If either the sludge or scum approaches too closely to the bottom of theoutlet device, particles will be scoured into the disposal field and will clog the system.Eventually, when this happens, liquid may break through to the ground surface, andthe wastewater may back up in the plumbing fixtures. When a disposal field isclogged in this manner, it is not only necessary to clean the tank, but it also may benecessary to construct a new disposal field. There are wide differences in the rate that sludge and scum willaccumulate from one system to the next. Tanks should be inspected atleast once a year. The depth of sludge and scum should be measured inthe vicinity of the outlet baffle. The tank should be cleaned if either: a) thebottom of the scum mat is within approximately 7.5 centimeters (3.0inches) of the bottom of the outlet device; or b) sludge comes within thelimits specified in Table 2.

TABLE 2Allowable Sludge Accumulation

Liquid Depth75 cm (2.5ft) 90 cm (3.0 ft) 120 cm (4.0 ft) 150 cm (5.0 ft)Liquid Capacity of

Septic Tank Distance From Bottom of Outlet to Top of SludgeLiters Gallons cm in cm in cm in cm in2835340037807560




32.5225.020.010.0 Scum can be measured with a stick to which a weighted flap has beenhinged, or with any other suitable device. The stick is forced through themat, the hinged flap falls into a horizontal position, and the stick is raiseduntil resistance from the bottom of the scum is felt. A long stick wrapped with rough, white toweling and lowered to the bottomof the tank will show the depth of sludge and the liquid depth of the tank.

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The stick should be lowered behind the outlet device to avoid scumparticles. After several minutes, if the stick is carefully removed, the sludgeline can be distinguished by sludge particles adhering to the toweling. Cleaning is usually accomplished by pumping the contents of the tank into atank truck. Septic tanks should not be washed or disinfected after pumping.A small residual of sludge should be left in the tank for seeding purposes.When a large septic tank is being cleaned, care shall be taken not to enterthe tank until it has been thoroughly ventilated and gases have beenremoved to prevent explosion hazards and asphyxiation of workmen.Preferably, workmen required to enter the tank should wear self-containedbreathing apparatus. If not available, a stout rope shall be tied around theworkman's chest under his armpits, with the other end held above groundby another person(s) strong enough to pull him out if any gas remaining inthe tank should overcome him. The material removed may be buried in an approved sanitary landfill or,with permission of the proper authority, emptied into a sanitary sewersystem. Sludge should never be emptied into storm drains or dischargeddirectly into any stream or watercourse. Waste shipments shall bemanifested to the disposal location as per Standard 6.0 of GI 430.001.

4.10.4 Holding Tanks Holding tanks for wastewater may only be used by facilities with less than30 employees and no connection to a sanitary sewer is available. TheManager, EPD, must approve design drawings and specifications ofholding tanks. Holding tanks must be pumped out at intervals of sufficient frequency toprevent overflow of the contents onto the ground adjacent to the tank. Adesignated representative of a camp or facility served by the tank mustmaintain a written record of these pumping intervals to ensure thisrequirement is met.

410.4.3 Any holding tanks which have overflowed, or otherwise have created anodor or public health nuisance, must be immediately reported to EPD. Contents removed from holding tanks must be disposed of in an approvedseptage receiving facility or other approved wastewater treatment facility.The disposal contractor must provide, when requested by EPD, proof ofproper disposal by submission of the Waste Manifest Form (Saudi Aramco9564) as a requirement for continuing to provide waste disposal service atSaudi Aramco facilities

4.11 Operation and Maintenance of Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Plants

All wastewater treatment plants shall be operated and maintained in manner that: (1) risks topublic health and the environment are minimized, and (2) all applicable standards areachieved. Note: that the following Section is not intended to replace a detailed operations andmaintenance manual. In all cases, the original equipment manufacturer’s operation andmaintenance instructions should be followed.

4.11.1 Operation and Maintenance Manuals: All plants shall provide and maintainOperation and Maintenance manuals at the site. All new plants shall submitOperation and Maintenance manuals to the Manager, EPD, for review and approval.The degree of complexity of the operation and maintenance manual shall be asrequired by the complexity of the wastewater treatment system. A suggested table of

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contents for operation and maintenance manuals follows:• Description of Process• Description of Facilities• Operation and Control• Laboratory Testing• Records• Preventive Maintenance Program• References

4.11.2 No wastewater may be disposed of to the marine environment if it does not meet theMEPA discharge requirements in Table 3 of these instructions. Discharges toevaporation ponds and other approved discharge locations must meet Table 3 ofthese instructions; however, the Manager, EPD, may waive specific dischargerequirements on a case-by-case basis. No desert dumping of wastewater ispermitted.

4.11.3 Record keeping: The maintenance of good records is essential to the efficient andorderly operation of any treatment plant. Only by maintaining clear and conciserecords of operation will past experiences be of assistance in guiding futureoperations. Sanitary wastewater treatment plants shall be sampled per theinstructions shown on Table 5 of this document. At a minimum, the records should include the daily operators log,laboratory reports, and maintenance activities. The daily operating logshould note any unusual conditions, routine operational and maintenanceactivities, etc. Sanitary wastewater treatment facilities shall maintain daily records ofinfluent and effluent flow rates to aid staff in ensuring that design flow ratesare not exceeded and to warn of possible process upsets.

4.11.4 Wastes discharged shall at no time contain substances in concentrations toxic tohuman, animal, plant or fish life. The wastes discharged shall not contain phenols,cresols, or any other substances in concentration sufficient to impart objectionabletastes, odors, or foaming to usable waters.

4.11.5 Disinfection: All wastewater treatment plants which discharge effluent or reuseeffluent on land must provide disinfection to achieve the required bacteriologicaleffluent water quality requirements as identified in sub-section 6 of this CodeSection Chlorination facilities shall be operated to provide an effluent total residualchlorine concentration of at least 1.0 mg/L (1.0 ppm) after a contact time ofat least 30 minutes at peak hourly flow. The operator for all wastewatertreatment plants shall maintain daily records of total effluent chlorineresidual levels. Other disinfection processes require approval of the Manager ,EPD. Whereother processes are proposed, the design report shall include evidence ofsuccessful disinfection under similar conditions.

4.11.6 Removal, Handling And Storage of Screenings and Grit Screenings and grit shall be wasted, dried, and disposed of in a landfillapproved by the Manager, EPD.

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52 Screenings and grit that are temporarily stored on the premises shall bebagged or stored in covered containers. Handling of screenings and grit should only be performed with appropriateprotective clothing such as gloves and coveralls. Routinely monitor equipment such as traveling bar screens, comminutors,etc. for proper operation. Lubricate all equipment as recommended by theoriginal equipment manufacturer.

4.11.7 Waste Facultative Ponds Facultative ponds shall be maintained to eliminate weeds, floating grease,floating mats of algae and scum, etc. These materials provide harboragefor insects, which can act as disease vectors. Breeding insects in theponds can be treated with an appropriate pesticide such as Abate. Weedscan be manually removed from the dike areas or carefully sprayed with anherbicide taking care not to poison the pond. Floating materials can beremoved by vacuum truck and disposed of at an approved landfill. A minimum of 0.75 to 1.0 meter (2.5 - 3.0 feet) water depth should bemaintained in ponds to prevent rooting of plants and minimize odors. Odors resulting from temporary overloading of a pond system may be ableto be mitigated by the addition of sodium nitrate in quantities of 11.2 gramsper cubic meter (100 pound per acre). The sodium nitrate should be spreadevenly across the lagoon. Routine maintenance for permanent facultative ponds requires periodicremovals of accumulated solids, removal of floating materials, correction ofbank erosion, and routine clearing of shrubs and grasses from the dikearea. The Manager, EPD, shall approve disposal of dredged solids.Protective clothing such as gloves and coveralls should be worn whenworking with wastewater or sludge.

4.11.8 Activated Sludge Treatment Process A well operated activated sludge system will generally be brown in colorand should have an "earthy" odor. Maintain at least 2.0 mg/L (2.0 ppm) of dissolved oxygen under allconditions of loading in all parts of the aeration tanks except immediatelybeyond the inlet. Monitor the aeration basin dissolved oxygen level daily. Adark blackish color may indicate an anaerobic condition caused by low air.Increase the air to maintain the dissolved oxygen in the appropriate range. Maintain sufficient velocity of movement and turbulence to bring sludgeparticles into intimate contact with all portions of the wastewater and toprevent deposition of solids on the tank bottom. Inspect aeration system frequently to ensure the proper operation ofblowers or mechanical aerators. Clean blower air filters regularly. Routinelycheck belt tensioning and alignment. Check equipment oil levels routinelyand lubricate equipment as recommended by the original equipmentmanufacturer. Perform all other preventive maintenance as recommendedby the original equipment manufacturer. Monitor the aeration basin total suspended solids levels daily through

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either laboratory determination of total suspended solids, throughmonitoring the 30 minute settled sludge volume in a one liter graduatedcylinder, or with the sludge volume index (SVI). A good operating rule ofthumb is to maintain enough sludge in the aeration system to record 300-500 mL for the 30-minute settled sludge volume with adjustment asnecessary to cope with process upsets, presence of filamentousorganisms, and other variations on a plant-by-plant basis. Clean floating sludge and scum from the clarifier surface daily. Floatingsludge can normally be forced to settle with a water spray. Scum may haveto be removed manually with a net or other skimming device. Any materialsremoved from the surface should be placed in the plant digester or ondrying beds for dewatering with ultimate disposal to an approved landfill.Check the functioning of the return sludge system to ensure it is functioningcorrectly. Take corrective action as required. Routinely check oil levels ofthe equipment and perform preventive maintenance as recommended bythe original equipment manufacturer.

4.11.9 Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC): A rotating biological contactor consists of aseries of closely spaced circular disks of polystyrene or polyvinyl chloride. The disksare partially submerged in wastewater and rotated slowly through it. All RBC’s mustbe preceded by preliminary treatment to remove rags and other trash and primarytreatment for the removal of solids and oils and greases. Maintain preliminary and primary treatment units in good working order. Observe and record the appearance of the biomass routinely. Note anyunusual changes in the appearance of the biomass. Monitor and record the dissolved oxygen concentration in the first stageroutinely. Dissolved oxygen concentrations below 0.5 mg/L (0.5 ppm) in thefirst stage are an indicator that the facilities are overloaded. Routinely perform all preventive maintenance as recommended by theoriginal equipment manufacturer. Monitor the temperature of the contactorshaft bearings. Listen for unusual noises from all rotating equipment.Check lubricant levels in all rotating equipment. Ensure chain drives arewell lubricated. Check belt drives for alignment and tensioning. Clean floating sludge and scum from the clarifier surface daily. Floatingsludge can normally be forced to settle with a water spray. Scum may haveto be removed manually with a net or other skimming device. Any materialsremoved from the surface should be placed in the plant digester or ondrying beds for dewatering with ultimate disposal to an approved landfill.Routinely check oil levels of the equipment and perform preventivemaintenance as recommended by the original equipment manufacturer.

4.11.10 Aerobic Sludge Digestion: All sludge shall be stabilized prior to dewatering. A welldigested sludge will drain rapidly, dry faster, and will not generate an obnoxious odor.Operation and maintenance of aerobic sludge digestors is similar to operation ofactivated sludge systems. Ensure adequate and even distribution of air to provide oxygen for solidsdigestion and for solids mixing. Maintain a minimum of 1.0 mg/L (1.0 ppm) dissolved oxygen in thedigester.

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54 Concentrate digested sludge by turning off the air for approximately 4.0hours prior to decanting supernatant back to the wastewater treatmentsystem. Ensure proper operation of upstream oil and grease removal equipmentsuch as grease traps. Excessive levels of oil and grease levels in thewastewater can cause problems in the aerobic digester and in sludgedrying beds. Oil and grease are oxidized slowly and can be concentrated inthe digester. Too much oil and grease in digested sludge results in asludge with poor dewatering characteristics and which is likely to generateodors as it dries.

4.11.11 Sludge Drying Beds: - Normal Operating Procedures: Sludge drying beds are arelatively simple method of sludge dewatering. Sludge dewatering is required prior tofinal disposal of digested sludge to an approved sanitary landfill. flow of liquid sludge into bed. Stop flow when the liquid isapproximately 20 to 30 centimeters (8 to 12 inches) deep through out thebed. Do not apply new sludge on top of a layer of dry sludge. Inspect the beds every few days noting any odors or insect problems.Remove any weed growth. When sludge is dry (normally up to three weeks depending on weather anddepth of sludge) remove the sludge taking care not to damage the sandand gravel layers. Remove as little sand with the sludge as possible.Sludge can be removed by shovel or forks at a moisture content of 60 to 70percent, but if it is allowed to dry to 40 percent moisture, it will weigh onlyhalf as much and is still easy to handle. If the sludge gets too dry (10 to 20percent moisture) it will be dusty and will be difficult to remove because itwill crumble as it is removed. After the sludge is removed, inspect the bed, rake the surface of the sandto level it and to remove any debris, and add make up sand if necessary.The bed is ready for the next application of sludge. All sludge beds produce some odor when in operation; however, obnoxiousodors are generally not a problem unless the sludge being dewatered isinsufficiently stabilized or there are excessive levels of oil and grease in thesystem. Odor control should begin at the source. Inspect the digester toensure a minimum dissolved oxygen concentration of 1.0 mg/L (1.0 ppm).Increase the aeration if necessary. Inspect the system for signs ofexcessive oil and grease such as grease balls in the aeration basin andashing (small gray floating globules of grease) in the secondary clarifier. Ifgrease is a problem, eliminate the source of oil and grease. If operationalconstraints prevent the elimination of the odors at the source, chemicalmasking agents may be sprayed at the sludge beds or the pH of thedigester contents can be raised to 12 for three hours prior to disposal to thebeds. Raising the pH to 12 with sodium hydroxide or hydrated lime shouldinhibit the biological reactions, which are responsible for producing theodors. Flies may be a problem in certain areas and seasons and shall becontrolled by destruction of breeding and use of traps and poisons. The flymay be controlled most effectively in the larva stage. Borax or calciumborate applied to the surface of the sludge will kill the larvae. Neitherchemical is dangerous to man or to domestic animals. These chemicals

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can be sprinkled on the sludge, especially in the cracks of the drying cake.Other chemicals sometimes used are chloride of lime and sulfate of iron.The adult fly can be killed by spraying. Fly trapping is particularly suited foroutdoor conditions. A satisfactory form of trap consists of a conical, gauze-covered structure leading into a larger space in which poisoned bait isplaced.

4.12 Safety

4.12.1 General: Adequate provision must be made to protect operators and visitors fromhazards. A brief outline of some of the major safety considerations is givenbelow. Contact the Loss Prevention Department regarding detailedrequirements for gas piping, and safety features of chlorine installations.See also SAES-A-104, Wastewater Treatment, Reuse, and Disposal. Wastewater discharges must be disinfected to meet the dischargestandards as shown in MEPA, SAES-A-l03, SAES-A-104 and thisdocument, as applicable. The hazards of disinfectants must be consideredin the design. Chlorination: Chlorination facilities shall be designed to provide at least 30minutes at peak hourly flow. The contact structure may be a tank or acombination of tank and out fall sewer. The structure must be baffled toprevent short-circuiting. The chlorine feed equipment shall be oversized tomeet emergency situations. Where other disinfection processes areproposed, the design report shall include evidence of successfuldisinfection under similar conditions.

4.12.2 Gas Chlorination Facilities Detailed safety handling, storage instructions and procedures shall beincluded in all operation and maintenance manuals for plants usingchlorine gas. A chlorine gas detection system with alarm shall be provided in the vicinityof the gas storage cylinders. A leakage test kit, consisting of ammonia, water and swab, or otheracceptable chlorine detector, shall be provided in a clearly marked location. At least one self contained, air type, breathing apparatus which provides a30 minute air supply, such as manufactured by Scott Aviation Company,shall be provided and hung in a conspicuous place outside the chlorinationroom. Larger installations must also have several canister-type masks. Airpacks shall be inspected regularly to ensure proper functioning. A mechanism for flushing the eyes with potable water shall be in closeproximity to the chlorination facility. Operation of the eyewash shall be bymeans of a push bar. Gas chlorine cylinders shall be shielded from direct sunlight or fromoverheating above 60 oC (140oF) from any source, either while in storageor in use. Safety chains must be provided to hold the cylinders securely upright, bothon the scales and in storage areas.

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56 Leak repair kits shall be provided for the type of gas cylinder used. Kits areavailable for 100 and 150 pound cylinders, one-ton cylinders, and tankcars. Operator training shall be provided annually in the proper response actionsto be followed in the event of an accidental chlorine leak. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) or Chemical Hazard Bulletins(CHBs) shall be posted in a conspicuous location. A separate house or room at or above ground level must be providedexclusively for chlorination purposes. If the chlorination space is a part of alarger building, the door of the chlorination area must open to the outside ofthe building and must be outward-opening. The door shall have a 30 by 30centimeters (12 by 12 inches) “one-light” window to allow observance ofconditions in the room prior to entering. Sufficient ventilation shall be provided to allow one complete air change inthe chlorination room every two minutes. The exhaust duct must take in airfor exhausting within 30 centimeters (12 inches) of the floor level. Alouvered fresh air intake must be provided to serve as a make-up airsupply when the exhaust fan is operating. This intake shall be located inthe ceiling or near ceiling level. The exhaust fan must be wired toautomatically activate when the light is turned to the “ON” position. Thelight switch shall be located outside the room. As an additional safetyfactor, a pressure-type switch shall be located in the door to thechlorination room, which shall activate the exhaust fan automatically whenthe door is opened in case the operator fails to turn on the light switch. Theexhaust outlet shall be directed away from the fresh air intake and awayfrom other occupied areas.

4.12.3 Hypochlorination Systems Detailed safety handling, storage instructions and procedures shall beincluded in all operation and maintenance manuals. A safety shower with an eye wash mechanism for flushing the eyes withpotable water shall be located in close proximity to the dosing facility.Operation of the eyewash shall be by means of a push bar. Calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite are strong oxidants andmust be stored safely in a cool and dry location. Operator training shall be provided annually in the proper response actionsto be followed in the event of an accidental hypochlorite spill. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) or Chemical Hazard Bulletins(CHBs) shall be posted in a conspicuous location.

4.12.4 Lifesaving Buoys and Rescue Poles shall be provided adjacent to large bodies ofwastewater.

4.12.5 Sanitary Facilities and Personal Hygiene: Sanitary facilities shall be provided at all manned wastewater treatmentplants per Section SASC-S-12 ‘Places of employment’. Ensure that:

• Toilet facilities are clean and in good repair.

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• Hand washing and shower facilities are clean and in good repair.• For permanent plants with design flows greater than 1000 cubic meters

per day (264,000 gpd), a separate changing/locker room or enclosureis provided and that it is kept clean and in good repair. Employees at wastewater plants shall wear clean protective overalls,footwear and gloves as necessary. Employees must wash their handsregularly, particularly before smoking or eating.


5.1 General Requirements

5.1.1 Toxic Wastes: The wastes discharged shall at no time contain substances inconcentrations toxic to human, animal, plant or fish life.

5.1.2 Objectionable Wastes: The wastes discharged shall not contain phenols, cresols, orany other substances in concentration sufficient to impart objectionable tastes, odors,or foaming to usable waters.

5.1.3 Maximum Allowable Limits: The minimum effluent quality standards for sanitarywastewater discharges are presented in Table 3 (or the most recent revision ofMeteorology and Environmental Protection Administration standards or the standardsof the Yanbu or Jubail Royal Commission, depending upon the location of thedischarge). Additional requirements for effluent reuse are presented in sub-section5.2. EPD will monitor these standards on a monthly or quarterly basis, througheffluent sample collection and analysis.

5.1.4 Discharges of untreated wastewater to the land are not permitted. Discharges oftreated wastewater to the land require written approval from the Manager, EPD.

5.1.5 The Table 3 limits do not apply to wastewater treatment systems which discharge toproperly designed, lined evaporation ponds and to onsite wastewater treatmentsystems. All exceptions to Table 3 requirements must receive approval from theManager, EPD.

5.1.6 Sanitary sewage from offshore facilities that is discharged more than 4 nautical milesfrom shore does not need to meet Table 3 requirements; it shall be comminuted anddisinfected prior to discharge.

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TABLE 3 - Effluent Discharge Limitations (1)

Jubail RoyalCommission Limit (3)

Yanbu RoyalCommission Limit (4)

Pollutant (2) MEPA Limit MaximumMonthlyMean Maximum


Physical -Chemical PollutantsFloatable None None None None NonepH Units 6-9 6-9 6-9 6-9 6-9Total SuspendedSolids (TSS) 15 mg/L 25 mg/L 10 mg/L 15 mg/L 8 mg/LTemperature (5) +10°C - (5) (5)

Turbidity 75 NTU (6) 75 NTU 50 NTU 15 NTU 8 NTUDissolved Oxygen - 2.0 mg/L min. - 4 mg/L min. 5 mg/L min.Salinity - - - + 2 ppt + 1 ppt


mg/L(30 day mean)

mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

Aluminum - 25 15 25 15Ammonia (as N) 1.0 3 1 3 1Arsenic 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1Barium - 2.0 1.0 2 1Cadmium 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01Chlorine (residual) (7) 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.3 <0.2Chromium (total) 0.1 1.0 0.1 1 0.1Cobalt - 2.0 0.1 2 0.1Copper 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2Cyanide 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05Fluoride - 25 15 25 15Lead 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1Manganese - 1.0 0.2 1 0.2Mercury 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.005 0.001Nickel 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2Phosphates(total, as P) (7)

1.0 2 1 2.0 1.0

Sulfide - 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05Zinc 1.0 5.0 2.0 5 1

Organic Pollutants mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/LBiochemical OxygenDemand (BOD5) 25 50 25 30 15Chemical OxygenDemand (COD) 150 350 150 200 75Total Organic Carbon(TOC) 50 150 50 150 50Total KjeldahlNitrogen (TKN) 5 10 5 5 2.5Total ChlorinatedHydrocarbons 0.1 - - 0.5 2.5Oil & Grease (8) 8 15 8 10 8Phenols 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.1Biological Pollutants (9)

MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mLTotal Coliform 1000 (30-day

geometric mean)2400 1000 2400 1000

Notes:(1) Royal Commission Standards shall apply to Saudi Aramco facilities within the Royal Commission jurisdictions. See

SAES-A-103, Appendices I and II for Royal Commission boundary maps.(2) See SAES-A-103, Table B for analytical methods.(3) Limits taken from Engineering Manual, Jubail Royal Commission, 1988.

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(4) Limits taken from Environmental Protection Manual, Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu/Yanbu Project, Madinat YanbuAl-Sinaiyah, 1991.

(5) To be determined on a case-by-case basis.(6) Nephelometric Turbidity Units. Also to be determined on a case-by case basis in areas deemed by EED to be biologically

sensitive.(7) Not applicable for wastewater reuse applications or discharge into evaporation ponds. For Jubail R.C. area, this value should read

Phosphorus reported as total P(8) Not to exceed 15 mg/L in any individual discharge.(9) Most probable number

5.1.7 Reuse of treated effluent requires written approval of the Manager, EPD.

5.1.8 Appropriate advisory signs in Arabic and English shall be permanently posted at allreclaimed wastewater surface impoundments, storage tanks, irrigation areas,reclaimed water outlets, etc.

5.1.9 All reclaimed wastewater lines and appurtenances shall be clearly marked as such.

5.1.10 To preclude interchange of hoses on potable and reclaimed water lines, where hosebibs are present on potable and reclaimed water lines, different size hose bibs shallbe used.

5.1.11 Any potable water service connection shall be separated by an air gap of at least 15cm (6 inches) and shall be approved by the Manager, EPD.

5.1.12 Tanker trucks used to haul reclaimed wastewater shall be clearly marked in Arabicand English that the water is sewage effluent and is unsafe for drinking or washing.

5.1.13 Reclaimed wastewater shall not be ponded without the written approval of theManager, EPD, and other concerned Departments.

5.1.14 Irrigation of areas with unrestricted access to the public shall only be irrigated whenthe facilities would not be in use by the public, such as between 9 PM and 6 AM.

5.2 Requirements Applicable to Marine Discharges of Sanitary Wastewater

Each installation shall be reviewed by EPD and other concerned organizations to determinethe need for more restrictive discharge requirements than those specified in Table 3. Thisanalysis will be based upon proximity to recreational waters or shellfish beds, quantity andquality of effluent to be discharged, depth of receiving waters, and distance from shoreline.These regulations apply to all installations discharging sanitary wastewater effluent intomarine environments. Sanitary wastewater discharges shall be in accordance with therequirements of Table 3 and SAES-A-103, Marine Wastewater Discharge Standard and themost recent MEPA Environmental Protection Standards, and/or Standards of the RoyalCommission.

5.2.1 Bacteriological Objectives for Recreational Waters: Recreational areas aremarine areas specifically designated by Saudi Aramco or other authorities for watercontact sports (swimming, diving, etc.) or other areas used for such purpose by thegeneral public. Within these areas the following bacteriological objectives shall bemaintained throughout the water column: Samples of water from each samplingstation shall have a most probable number of coliform organisms less than l, 000 per100 milliliters (10 per milliliter) provided that no more than 20 percent of the samplesat any sampling station in any 30 day period exceed 1,000 per 100 milliliters (10 permilliliter), and provided further that no single sample, when verified by a repeatsample taken within 48 hours, shall exceed 10,000 per 100 milliliters (100 permilliliter).

5.2.2 Bacteriological Objectives for Shellfish Areas: At all areas where shellfish may beharvested for human consumption, the following bacteriological objectives shall be

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maintained throughout the water column: The median total coliform concentrationshall not exceed 70 per 100 milliliters, and not more than 10 percent of the samplesshall exceed 230 per 100 milliliters.

5.2.3 Physical and Chemical Objectives for Water: The minimum effluent qualityrequirements for marine discharges of treated sanitary wastewater are listed in Table3. In cases of conflict between SASC-S-02 and any other recognized Standard(MEPA, Royal Commission, SAES-A-103), the most restrictive standard shall apply.

5.2.4 Principles for Management of Wastewater Discharges to Marine Environments:Wastewater management systems that discharge into the marine environments mustbe designed and operated in a manner that shall maintain the indigenous marine lifeand preserve a healthy and diverse marine community. Dilution: Outfalls and diffusion systems must be designed to achieve rapidinitial dilution and effective dispersion to minimize concentrations ofsubstances not removed by treatment. Location of Discharges: The discharge locations must be determinedafter a detailed assessment of the oceanographic and biologicalcharacteristics of the location to assure that:

• Pathogenic organisms and viruses are not present in areas whereshellfish are harvested for human consumption or in areas used forswimming or other body-contact sports.

• Natural water quality conditions are not altered in areas designated asbeing of special biological significance.

• Maximum protection is provided to the marine environment. Areas of Special Biological Significance: Waste shall be discharged asufficient distance and depth from areas designated as being of specialbiological significance to assure maintenance of natural water qualityconditions in those areas. Sludge: The discharge of municipal and industrial waste sludge or digestersupernatant directly to the ocean without further treatment, is prohibited. Bypassing: The bypassing of untreated waste to the sea is prohibited. Sewer Outfalls: Body-contact sports or the harvesting of shellfish shall notbe allowed in the vicinity of a sewer outfall. The restricted area shall bedetermined after extensive bacteriological and/or viral studies have beencompleted and reviewed by EPD.

5.3 Requirements Applicable to No-Discharge Systems for Sanitary Wastewater

Wastewater discharged to lined evaporation ponds shall receive primary treatment in afacultative stabilization pond at a minimum and may be exempt from meeting some of theeffluent quality requirements given in Table 3 of this sub-section. Exceptions to the Table Irequirements may be granted on a case-by-case basis by the Manager, EPD. Wastewatertreated in an existing sanitary wastewater treatment plant prior to discharge to the pond shallreceive a minimum of secondary treatment. Stabilization pond sizing shall be per therequirements of SAES-A-104. The public health impacts of other methods of disposal will beevaluated on a case-specific basis.

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5.4 Reuse of Treated Wastewater

5.4.1 General All sanitary wastewater reuse applications must be designed and installedas per SAES-A-104, Standard 13. Reuse of treated effluent requires written approval of the Manager, EPD.

5.4.2 Reuse of Treated Wastewater within Family Communities Reuse practice within Saudi Aramco family communities includes spray-bubbler and drip irrigation of unrestricted areas such as parks, playgroundsand landscape shrubbery and spray irrigation of restricted areas (sprayfields). All wastewater to be used for irrigation in unrestricted areas shall be a well-oxidized, tertiary treated effluent. Tertiary treatment shall mean effluentfrom a secondary treatment plant such as activated sludge, which hassubsequently been coagulated, clarified, filtered and disinfected. All wastewater to be used for irrigation in restricted areas shall be a welloxidized, filtered, disinfected effluent. All restricted areas shall be providedwith a Saudi Aramco Type V security fence with lockable gates. Aminimum buffer zone of 2 times the diameter of the largest spray irrigationpattern shall be provided between the nearest spray gun and the perimeterfence. Bacteriological and Viral Quality: The total coliforms as determined bythe Multiple Tube Fermentation Method (MPN) shall normally be less than2.2 colonies per 100 ml. sample and shall not exceed 23 colonies per 100ml. on any individual grab sample. Effluent to be reused for irrigation inunrestricted areas shall be free from enteric viruses. Facility effluent will besampled and analyzed on a random basis, at the discretion of EPD, toensure compliance with the enteric virus standard. Residual Chlorine Concentration: A total chlorine residual of at least0.50 mg/L (0.5 ppm) shall be maintained in all parts of the irrigation systemat all times. Effluent Water Quality For Unrestricted Areas: Effluent to be reused, asirrigation water in unrestricted areas shall meet the requirements in sub-section 5.1.3 except as noted below:• BOD5 < 10 mg/L• TSS < 5 mg/L• Turbidity < 2.5 NTU 30 Day Avg/ 5.0 NTU Maximum Daily Effluent Water Quality For Restricted Areas: Effluent to be reused asirrigation water in restricted, spray irrigation areas, shall meet therequirements of sub-section 5.1.3 except as noted below:

• BOD5 < 20 mg/L• TSS < 15 mg/L• Turbidity < 10 NTU 30 - Day Avg/ 15 NTU Maximum Daily

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62 Special Effluent Monitoring Requirements: Wastewater treatment plantsproducing effluent to be reused within family communities shall beequipped with a continuous recording turbidimeter and a continuousrecording residual chlorine analyzer. Minimum effluent monitoringfrequencies for other parameters are as indicated in Table 4. Records forturbidity and residual chlorine shall be provided upon request to EPD.Records for other parameters shall be available for review at the treatmentplant.

TABLE 4Minimum Monitoring Requirements for FacilitiesProducing Reclaimed Wastewater in Family and Non-Family Communities

Parameter FrequencyEffluent BODEffluent CODEffluent TSSEffluent TKNEffluent NH3

3 x / Week1 x / WeekDaily1 x / Week1x / Week

5.4.3 Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Non-Family Communities, Camps and IndustrialAreas These requirements apply to the reuse of wastewater for irrigation oflandscape shrubbery, plants, grasses, and trees within all non-family,residential and industrial areas and camps. All wastewater to be used for irrigation in work camps and non-familycommunities and other restricted areas shall be a well-oxidized, tertiarytreated effluent as described in sub-section 5.4.2 of this Code Section. Bacteriological and Viral Quality: The total coliforms as determined bythe Multiple Tube Fermentation Method (MPN) shall normally be less than2.2 colonies per 100 ml. sample and shall not exceed 23 colonies per 100ml. on any individual grab sample. Effluent to be reused for irrigation innon-family communities, work camps and industrial areas shall be freefrom enteric viruses. Facility effluent will be sampled and analyzed on arandom basis, at the discretion of EPD, to ensure compliance with theenteric virus standard. Residual Chlorine Concentration: A total chlorine residual of at least0.50 mg/L (0.5 ppm) shall be maintained in all parts of the irrigation systemat all times. Effluent Water Quality: Effluent to be reused as irrigation water inunrestricted areas in non family camps and industrial areas shall meet therequirements in Table 3 except as noted below:

• BOD5 < 10 mg/L Maximum Day• TSS < 15 mg/L Maximum Day• Turbidity < 10 NTU Maximum


6.1 Sanitary Wastewater - Sludge

6.1.1 Sanitary wastewater sludge shall be stabilized (aerobic digestion) prior to drying in

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sludge drying beds. Dried sludge shall be disposed in an approved sanitary landfilldesigned as per SAES-S-007 and operated as per SASC-S-03.

6.1.2 Because of the nature and public health risks of the material, dried sludge fromwastewater treatment plants may only be reused with the specific written permissionof EPD. Each application shall be reviewed on an individual basis. The followingregulations shall apply, if permission is granted. The sludge must be well mixed with sand at the time of using. There must be a cover layer of 12 to 18 centimeters (4.8 to 7.2 inches) ofsand over the mixed sludge. The sludge must not be stored where it is readily accessible to the public. The sludge must not be stockpiled for periods of more than 24 hours. Persons handling sludge shall wash their hands frequently, particularlybefore smoking or eating. Liaison with wastewater works supervisors on points and times ofcollection of the sludge must be undertaken.

6.2 Sanitary Wastewater - Grit & Screenings

Screenings and grit shall be washed, dried, bagged (or stored in a covered container) anddisposed in an approved sanitary landfill designed as per SAES-S-007.

6.3 Sanitary Wastewater - Oil & Grease

Oil & Grease collected in a sanitary wastewater treatment system shall be disposed in anapproved landfill designed as per SAES-S-007.

6.4 Septage / Portable Toilet Waste

Septage and portable toilet wastes shall be disposed at an approved wastewater treatmentsystem.


7.1 Permanent Public Toilets

The plumbing fixtures, piping, and the required number of fixtures shall be in accordance withSAES-S-060. The building shall be fly-tight, easily cleanable, with the floors sloped to thedrain. Plugged toilets, wash basins, and defective flush tanks shall be immediately servicedand maintained in good operating condition at all times. The facilities shall be cleaned daily oras often as necessary.

7.2 Temporary Public Toilets

7.2.1 Temporary public toilets (temporary hammams) shall be used for a period notexceeding 90 days. After that time period a water carriage disposal system shall beinstalled unless the Manager, EPD, authorizes a waiver of the time period in writing.

7.2.2 The only type of temporary public toilet that will be considered for use is the purpose-built, portable chemical toilet that is provided by a contractor who specializes in themaintenance and services of portable chemical toilets. Depending on thecircumstances, the Manager, EPD, may approve the use of portable chemical toilets

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owned by Saudi Aramco if the toilets will be maintained and serviced by a contractorwho has the specialized equipment and trained personnel required to perform thework in a safe and sanitary manner. Purpose-built, portable chemical toilets shall be designed and constructedsuch that the enclosure is structurally safe, screened, has easily cleanablefloors and walls, and is adequately ventilated. The walls, floors and all fittingsshall be made of nonabsorbent, smooth, easily cleanable materials, such asfiberglass or stainless steel. Purpose-built, portable chemical toilets shall be thoroughly cleaned at leastonce daily. The holding tank shall be emptied and serviced at least onceweekly, or as often as is necessary to ensure that the capacity of the tank isnever exceeded.

7.2.3 In emergency situations in remote locations (i.e. major pipeline leak requiring a largenumber of employees in a remote area), EPD may approve the use of properlyconstructed and operated field-type toilets until proper portable toilets can bedelivered to the site.


8.1 General

8.1.1 All industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants shall be operated in accordancewith the latest approved industrial standards related to the facility. ThisSection applies to wastewater disposal systems that discharge to ponds,injection wells and marine waters. Wastewater disposal to absorptiontrenches, seepage pits and evapotranspiration wastewater disposal fields arecovered in sub-section 4.3. The Manager, EPD, shall approve any dischargeof wastewater to ponds or marine waters. The Manager, EPD, withconcurrence of the Chief Hydrologist; General Supervisor, Facilities &Projects, PE&FOD; shall approve any discharge of wastewater to injectionwells. Industrial wastewater treatment plants shall be sampled per theinstructions shown on Table 5 of this document.

8.1.2 Industrial wastewater shall be treated in a process that will achieve thedischarge limits shown in Table 3 of this document.

8.1.3 No discharge of an oil-based drilling fluid is allowed. Other discharges shallcomply with Table 3 requirements except as allowed in SAES-A-103.

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TABLE 5.Wastewater monitoring frequency

Parameter Gas PlantDischarges






Flow rate D D D D DTemperature D D D D DTurbidity D D D MpH D D D D DO&G M D D W MTSS M M M M MBOD M M M MCOD M M M MTOC M M M M M MTKN M M M MPhenols M M MNH3N M MC12 M M MCadmium M M YChromium M M YCopper M M YLead M M YZinc M M YSulfite M MPO4-P MTotal Coliform M M M M

8.1.4 Exceptions to the Table 3 requirements may be granted on a case-by-casebasis for industrial wastewater that is discharged into an evaporation pondthat meets the design requirements of Standard 14.2 of SAES-A-104.

8.1.5 Wastewater disposal to an injection well must be approved on a case-by-case basis. EPD shall be contacted for guidance on the actions necessary toobtain approval.

8.1.6 Off-site disposal of industrial wastewater must be approved. It shall betransported and treated by an approved carrier and facility, respectively.Manifest records shall be kept to assure that the waste arrives at theintended waste disposal facilities.

8.1.7 Discharges to the land are not permitted unless written approval is obtained.

8.1.8 Industrial wastewater shall not be discharged into a sanitary sewer systemwithout prior approval.

8.1.9 The discharge of untreated wastewater is prohibited, except for high TDSwastewater meeting Table 1 of SAES-A-104 requirements, hydrotest waterdisposed of per GI-432.000, and injected wastewater when approved by theappropriate organizations.

8.1.10 Dilution of a wastewater discharge shall not be used to meet effluentdischarge limitations.

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8.2 Hydrotest Water

SAEP-327, “Disposal of Wastewater from Cleaning, Flushing, and Hydrostatic Tests” controlsthe management of hydrotest water.

8.3 Oily Waste / Wastewater

Oily waste shall be characterized through chemical analysis for total oil and grease, lead andother heavy metals (e.g., cadmium, chromium, etc.) prior to disposal. Mixing of leaded andnon-leaded oily wastes is not permitted.

8.3.1 Non-Leaded Oily Sludge: Non-leaded oily sludge contains less than 100 mg/kg oftotal lead or less than 5 mg/L of TCLP lead. Collection and Transport: These wastes shall be collected andtransported in such a manner to ensure that no leakage or spillage takesplace during collection and transportation activities. Oily sludges shall betransported in tanker trucks, vacuum trucks, dump trucks or drums. Thewaste manifest in GI 430.001 (Standard 6) shall be utilized for all wasteshipments. Storage: Oily sludges shall be disposed of immediately after generation. Iflogistics prevent the immediate transport to disposal facilities, storage isallowed for a maximum of 90 days. Storage is allowed in containers suchas drums, tanks, lined pits, and lined ponds (as per SAES-A-104 Standard7.1.4). Above ground storage requires spill containment. Treatment: As much as is economically feasible, oil shall be recoveredfrom non-leaded oily sludges and wastewaters. For this purpose, readilyavailable and cost effective technologies, such as gravity separation andcentrifugation, shall be utilized. Disposal: Oily sludge shall only be disposed of at an approved oily wastelandfarm that has been designed as per SAES-A-104 Standard 11.5.Disposal of oily sludge requires advanced coordination with the disposalfacilities. To avoid unnecessary storage of oily sludge, facilities shallcontact disposal sites at least 30 days prior to shipment.

8.3.2 Non-Leaded Oily Water: Non-leaded oily water contains less than 100 mg/L of totallead or less than 5 mg/L of TCLP lead. Collection and Transport: Oily water shall be collected and transported insuch a manner to ensure that no leakage or spillage takes place duringcollection and transportation activities. Oily water shall be transported intanker trucks or vacuum trucks. The waste manifest requirements in GI430.001 (Stqandard6) shall be followed. Treatment: Oily water shall be treated to minimize oil content and tomaximize recovery of oil prior to disposal. Oil removal shall beaccomplished through the use of a gravity oil/water separator designed asper SAES-A-104, Standard, or by other approved methods. If thefinal discharge of the oily water is to the marine environment, the treatmentsystem must achieve effluent oil and grease content less than 8 mg/L. Disposal: After treatment, recovered oil shall be recycled (e.g. slopsystem, blending with crude, refining). Treated oily water shall be sent forfinal disposal to an approved evaporation pond, landfarm, injection well, ormarine outfall.

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8.3.3 Leaded Oily Waste / Sludge (TEL tank wastes, gasoline tank sludge and any oilywastes that contain lead concentrations in excess of 100 mg/kg total lead are definedas leaded oily wastes.) Leaded oily waste poses serious health hazards and hasadverse environmental impacts if not handled properly. Special precautions must betaken during cleanup, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal operations.EPD and Loss Prevention Department should be contacted to advise on properprecautionary measures.

Note: If a waste contains over 100-mg/kg total lead and the TCLP derived lead concentration is less than 5mg/L, the waste shall be disposed of at an approved landfarm. Leaded sludges and oily wastewaters from TEL storage vessels must bedisposed of at an approved incineration facility. Other leaded oily sludgeshall be managed according to the following: Collection and Transport: Leaded oily sludge shall be collected andtransported in such a manner to ensure that no leakage or spillage takesplace during collection and transportation activities. Containers used duringcollection and transportation shall be limited to sealed drums, vacuumtrucks and closed tanker trucks. Storage: Storage of leaded sludge is not permitted. If logistics prevent theimmediate transport to disposal facilities, short-term storage is permittedwith the approval of EPD. Leaded sludge shall be transported to anapproved disposal facility. Treatment: Leaded sludge shall be treated in an approved leaded wasteweathering area designed as per SAES-A-104, Standard Disposal: Treated leaded sludge shall be collected and either bedisposed of at an approved landfarm or a Class I Landfill. EPD shalldetermine the proper disposal method based on the lead and oil content.

8.3.4 Leaded Oily Water Collection and Transport: Leaded oily water shall be collected andtransported in such a manner to ensure that no leakage or spillage takesplace during collection and transportation activities. Containers used duringcollection and transportation shall be limited to sealed drums, vacuumtrucks and closed tanker trucks. Treatment: Leaded oily water shall be treated to recover product prior tofinal disposal of the wastewater. Product recovery is accomplished throughthe use of a gravity oil/water separator designed as per SAES-A-104,Standard, or by other approved methods. If simple oil/waterseparation does not provide sufficient treatment to eliminate floating oil inevaporation ponds, the ponds must be designed to provide additionaltreatment (SAES-A-104 Standard 7.1.2) and oil removal equipment (e.g.floating booms, skimmers) must be provided for the ponds. Disposal: The wastewater from the separator shall be disposed of in anapproved evaporation pond (designed as per SAES-A-104, Standard 14.2)or disposed at an approved incineration facility.

8.3.5 Other Industrial Waste

For any industrial wastewater or mixture of wastes not mentioned in this Section, or

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in the event of incidents involving wastes, EPD shall be contacted for advice.

8.4 Industrial Wastewater Discharges

8.4.1 Discharges to Marine Environment from Onshore Facilities: Industrialwastewater shall be treated in a process that will achieve the discharge limits shownin Table 3.

8.4.2 Discharges to Marine Environment from Offshore Facilities: No discharge of anoil-based drilling fluid is allowed. Other marine discharges shall comply with Table 3requirements, except as allowed in SAES-A-103. Land-based wastewater treatment systems with discharges into the marineenvironment shall be designed to meet the discharge standards in SAES-A-103 and the most recent MEPA Environmental Protection Standardsand/or Royal Commission Standards, whichever are applicable. The location of a discharge into the marine environment shall be located ata distance from shore such that proper mixing can take place. Effluentdiffusers shall be used to provide for rapid mixing of the wastewaterdischarge. Manager EPD, may add additional restrictions if the dischargewill be located in an area of special biological significance

.8.4.3 Discharges to an Evaporation Pond: Exceptions to the Table 3 requirements may

be granted by EPD on a case-by-case basis for industrial wastewater that isdischarged into an evaporation pond that meets the design requirements of Standard14.2 of SAES-A-104. A minimum of one upgradient and two downgradient groundwatermonitoring wells shall be installed around disposal ponds unless otherwiseapproved by the General Supervisor, EED. The quality of the effluent discharged from wastewater treatment plantsinto lined evaporation ponds shall comply with the criteria set in Table 1 ofSAES-A-104 and shall at no time contain substances in concentrationstoxic to human, animal, plant or fish life. Sanitary wastewater dischargesthat have been treated in a properly designed and operated facultativestabilization pond may be discharged into an evaporation pond withoutmeeting all of the Table 1 requirements. The Manager, EPD, may grantexceptions to the requirements on a case-by-case basis. Evaporation ponds shall be sized to maintain a minimum depth of 0.75meters and a minimum freeboard of 0.6 meters, based on minimum andmaximum operating depths. Multiple ponds in a series configuration maybe used to maintain this minimum depth. The pond embankment walls shall be compacted thoroughly andcompaction details shall be included in the construction specifications. Theinterior and exterior slopes of the embankment wall shall not be steeperthan 1 meter vertical for every 3 meters horizontal. Systems to protect embankment walls from wave action shall be provided. The pond's drainage system shall be designed to exclude surface waterfrom all ponds. The pond design shall provide access areas for truck traffic and the

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removal of weeds around the pond. These areas shall be cleared andmaintained for a distance of at least 5 meters from the outside edge of thepond embankment walls. This requirement shall be included in theOperating and Maintenance Manual. The use of multiple cells in pond systems is required when the ponds havean area of 6300 square meters (6 acres) or more. The design of the pondsor cells shall allow operational flexibility, permitting parallel or seriesoperation and allowing one or more of the ponds or cells to be taken out ofservice without affecting the operation of the remaining ponds. Ponds shall be surrounded with a Type V fence, as specified SAES-M-006 Evaporation ponds for the disposal of treated effluent shall have a 30-milhigh-density polyethylene liner or, if compatible with the effluent, may belined with 0.5 meters of compacted marl (with a permeability of 1x10-5cm/sec or less). The Manager EPD may make exemptions to these liningrequirements.

8.4.4 Discharges to an Injection Well: Wastewater disposal to an injection well must beapproved on a case-by-case basis. EPD shall be contacted for guidance on theactions necessary to obtain approval. An Injection Well Proposal shall be prepared and submitted with thePreliminary Engineering Report prior to approval of an injection well forwastewater disposal. After approval of the Preliminary Engineering Report and Injection WellProposal, a Detailed Engineering Report shall be prepared covering thetreatment system details. Injected wastewater shall meet the quality requirements specified on acase-by-case basis by the Manager, EPD, with concurrence of the ChiefHydrologist. Produced water (and desalter water) may be injected into any reservoirfrom which hydrocarbons are produced without approval. Produced water (and desalter water) may be injected into any formationcontaining groundwater exceeding 40,000 mg/L total dissolved solids(TDS) with the approval of the General Supervisor, EED and concurrenceof the Chief Hydrologist. All engineering reports are required for the injection of produced water (anddesalter water) into any formation containing groundwater having less than40,000 mg/L TDS with the approval of the Manager, EPD, and theconcurrence of the Chief Hydrologist.

8.4.5 Discharges to an Off-Site Facility: Off-site disposal of industrial wastewater mustbe approved by EPD. It shall be transported and treated by an approved carrier andfacility, respectively. Manifest records shall be kept to assure that the waste arrives atthe intended waste disposal facilities.

8.4.6 Discharges to Land Areas: Discharges to the land are not permitted unless writtenapproval is obtained from EPD.

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8.4.7 Discharges to Sanitary Sewers: Industrial wastewater shall not be discharged intoa sanitary sewer system without prior approval from EPD and applicable treatmentsystem operator.


9.1 Wastewater Generators

9.1.1 Contracts for treatment, transportation and disposal of sanitary and industrialwastewater shall be separate from all other general service contracts. All contractsfor wastewater disposal shall be prepared by the waste generator, in conjunction withthe Contracting Department, reviewed by EPD and procured by the ContractingDepartment (for long form contracts) or waste generator according to establishedSaudi Aramco Contracting Manual Policies and Procedures.

9.1.2 Waste generators shall contact EPD to obtain a list of all approved company andprivate contractors wastewater disposal facilities, (e.g. wastewater treatment plants,evaporation ponds, incinerators, landfarms, weathering areas, etc.).

9.1.3 Prior to awarding any wastewater hauling contract, proponents and/or ContractingDepartment shall, in consultation with EPD, ensure that:

• The terms and conditions of the contract comply with applicable Saudi Aramcostandards and requirements.

• An approved wastewater treatment facility has agreed to accept the wastewater(in writing).

• The hauling contractor is capable of executing the contractual terms/conditions• The hauling manifest is utilized by the hauling contractor and the receiving


9.1.4 Waste generators are responsible for managing and budgeting funds associated withwastewater treatment and disposal.

9.2 EPD

9.2.1 Provide environmental consulting and technical services to all Companyorganizations that generate wastes. This includes services and studies in the areasof wastewater, air emissions, solid and hazardous waste disposal, and groundwatermonitoring.

9.2.2 Survey contractors’ facilities to ensure compliance with all pertinent environmentalregulations and standards.

9.2.3 Advise Corporate Management and all Company organizations on waste issuesaffecting the environment and occupational health.

9.3 Loss Prevention Department

9.3.1 Assist Company organizations in identifying and resolving safety issues associatedwith waste generation, handling, and disposal.

9.3.2 As the Responsible Standardization Agent for Class-21 safety materials, assistproponents in determining appropriate personal protective equipment, labels, andsigns.

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9.4 Material Supply/Storehouse Operations

Storehouse Operations (SO) is the company contact point for handling of redundant, spent, andexpired chemicals. The HMA or designate approves the disposition of these chemicals sent toSO’s reclamation facilities.

9.5 Lab Research & Development Center

Provide specialized technical service support for air, ground and surface water qualityassessment and hazardous waste characterization.


A waste manifest form (Attachment III of G.I. 430.001) shall be used to track the generation,transport, treatment, and final disposal of all wastewater and waste covered by this Section. The formis available at all Stationery Units


1. APHA, AWWA and WPCF: “Standard Methods for the Examination ofWater and Wastewater”, Edition 19, 1995.

2. Environmental Protection Standards, Document No 1401-01/1402H,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Meteorology and Environmental ProtectionAdministration

3. Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code 19964. Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards5. “Sludge handling and conditioning operations manual” United States

Environmental Protection Agency, 19786. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare “Manual of Septic Tank

Practice”, 19727. “Irrigation with reclaimed Municipal Wastewater- a guidance Manual”

California State Water Resources Control Board, 1984

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Inadequate solid waste collection, storage and disposal practices are a nuisance, hazardous to health andthey adversely impact the environment. This Section specifies the public health requirements, limitations andprocedures pertinent to treatment, storage, collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste. Compliance withthese requirements will protect the public health and welfare while preserving the quality of the air, water and land.NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with appropriate referenced documents listed at theend of this Code Section and Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard SAES-S-007.


Composting: Controlled microbial degradation of organic waste yielding a nuisance-free product of potential valueas a soil conditioner.

Cover Material: Granular material, generally soil that is used to cover compacted solid waste in a sanitary landfill,generally free of large objects that would hinder compaction and free of organic content that would be conducive tovector harborage, feeding and/or breeding.

Hazardous Solid Waste; Solid waste that may, by itself or in combination with other solid waste, be infectious,explosive, poisonous, highly flammable, caustic, toxic, or otherwise dangerous or injurious to human, plant or animallife.

Incinerator: Any device used for the burning of refuse where the factors of combustion, i.e. temperature, retentiontime, turbulence; and combustion air, can be controlled.

Landfill Gas: A by-product of the digestion by microorganisms of putrescible matter present in the waste depositedin landfill sites. The gas is predominantly methane (64%) together with carbon dioxide (34%) and traceconcentrations of vapors and other gases.

Landfill, sanitary: (1) A method of disposing of refuse on land without creating nuisances or hazards to publichealth or safety, by utilizing the principles of engineering to confine the refuse to the smallest practical area, toreduce it to the smallest practical volume, and to cover it with a layer of earth at the conclusion of each day’soperation or at such more frequent intervals as may be necessary. (ASCE definition). (2) A sanitary landfill is asystem for final disposal of solid waste on land, in which the waste is spread and compacted on an inclined,minimized working face in a series of cells and a daily cover of earth is provided so that no hazard or insult to theenvironment results.

Leachate: The result of liquid seeping through a landfill and, by doing so extracting substances from the depositedwaste.

Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): The lower percentage by volume of a mixture of explosive gases in air that willpropagate a flame at 25°C at atmospheric pressure.

Modified landfill: The disposal of solid waste by compaction in or upon the land and the covering of all wastesdeposited with earth or other approved cover material at specific designated intervals, but not each operating day.

Open burning: Uncontrolled burning of wastes in the open or in an open dump.

Scavenging: The uncontrolled picking of materials by animals or humans.

Sludge: Means any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from a municipal commercial or industrialwastewater treatment plant or air pollution control facility exclusive of the treated effluent from a wastewatertreatment plant.

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Solid waste: Means any garbage, or refuse, or sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatmentplant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded material including solid, liquid, semi-solid or containedgaseous material resulting from commercial, mining and agricultural operations, and from community activities butdoes not include solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows, or regulated hazardous materials.


Before a new treatment facility/disposal site is established, constructed or operated, and before anexisting site is substantially altered, expanded or modified, the proponent shall submit all data and reportsrequired by SAES-S-007 together with a detailed operating plan and timetable for implementation to theEnvironmental Protection Department (EPD) for review, concurrence and approval. The operating plan shallinclude the proposed method and sequence of site development, utilization and operation, procedures formonitoring and reporting any environmental effects resulting there from and address the design criteriaspecified by SAES-S-007. The design study shall address the provision of composite liners, leachatecollection and gas management systems in Class I and II landfill sites.


2.1 The proponent shall receive written approval for the site study and operating plan from EPDbefore beginning construction, modification or operation of a treatment facility/disposal site. Theproponent shall ensure that the approved plans and specifications, including any conditions orlimitations attached thereto, are implemented.

2.2 EPD, on application, may approve a variance, of any requirements of this Code Section, whencircumstances at the treatment facility/ disposal site, operating procedures or other conditionindicate that the purpose and intent of this Code Section can be achieved through equally effectivemethods that do not adversely impact public health or the environment. Waivers to any engineeringstandards must be reviewed and concurred by Manager, EPD for any public health related issues.


Every landfill, incinerator, composting plant and other solid waste processing and disposal facilityshall be operated under the close supervision of a responsible individual who is thoroughly familiar with theestablished operating procedures, including a) the types of wastes that are approved for disposal in thefacility; b) the individuals/agencies authorized to deposit waste in the facility; c) air, dust, flood, noise,vermin, landfill gas and water control concepts and methods; d) the flow and processing of waste fromreceipt to final disposition; e) keeping of records; and f) site safety and general sanitation.


4.1 EPD may require such records and reports as are considered to be reasonably necessary toensure compliance with this Code Section.

4.2 Waste Manifests specified by GI 430.001 must be retained at the waste disposal/treatment facilityfor inspection by EPD.

4.3 An operating record stating the quantity of each waste delivery must be maintained by everyincineration plant and waste treatment facility. Combustion conditions, waste analyses, monitoringand testing carried out must be logged daily.

4.4 Records must be available for inspection by EPD.


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5.1 Storage and collection of waste shall be conducted in a way that prevents a) vermin breedingand harborage; b) conditions conducive to transmission of disease to man or animals; c) hazards toworkers, users and the public; d) air, noise and water pollution; e) objectionable odors, dust,unsightliness and nuisance conditions, f) corrosion or wear of storage containers, and g) accidentalspillage or leakage during storage or transport.

5.2 Hazardous wastes shall be disposed of in accordance with the Materials Supply OrganizationInstruction, CU 13.1’ Processing of Hazardous Material’.


6.1 The containment compartment of storage, collection and transfer devices and vehicles shallbe made of durable, impervious materials and shall be designed to provide a watertight tank withsmooth and easily cleanable surfaces. The containment compartment and appurtenances theretoshall be cleaned at least once weekly to prevent propagation of odors, insects, rodents or othernuisance conditions (more often if necessary).

6.2 Storage, collection and transfer devices and vehicles shall be loaded and operated so as toprevent dropping, leaking, sifting, blowing or other escape of waste from the device or vehicle.Storage containers shall be covered when not in immediate use.

6.3 Collection and transfer devices and vehicles carrying loads that are likely to blow from thecontainment compartment shall have a cover which is either an integral part of the device orvehicle, or which is a separate cover of suitable material with fasteners designed to secure all sidesof the cover to the device or vehicle. The cover shall be used while in transit.


7.1 If storage, collection and transfer devices and vehicles are cleaned on the site after they areemptied, the following minimum facilities shall be provided: a) live steam or hot water delivered at aminimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) witha minimum flow of at least 3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute); and b) a floor or pavementconstructed of a smooth, easily cleanable, non-absorbent material, such as sealed concrete, whichis properly sloped to a holding basin or disposal system that complies with requirements outlined inSAES-A-104.

7.2 Storage, collection, transfer equipment and vehicles that are used for toxic or hazardouswaste, shall not be used for ordinary solid waste.


8.1 All disposal sites, e.g. sanitary landfills, incinerators, composting plants and sludgedisposal sites, shall be designed, located, sloped or protected so that rainfall, contaminatedsurface water run-off and other surface water drainage will be diverted around or away from theoperational area of the site. Any water which, comes into contact with waste, is leachate and shallbe collected and treated in the manner specified in paragraph 9 below.

8.2 The surface contours of the site shall be maintained such that surface water runoff will not flowinto or through the site.

8.3 Sanitary landfills, sludge disposal sites and composting plants that may be subject to floodingshall, be protected by dikes that are impervious to the passage of water and are designed toprevent erosion and washout of operational and disposal areas of the site.

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Leachate production shall be minimized. If there is any likelihood or evidence to indicate that leachate willpollute groundwater or the environment, then leachate shall be collected, treated or otherwise controlled in amanner approved by EPD


10.1 The vertical distance between the bottom of a sanitary landfill, composting site or sludgedisposal site and the maximum water table elevation shall be restricted to a distance thatprevents leachate from entering the groundwater.

10.2 Wastes that will decompose shall not be deposited in areas of the disposal site that are directly orindirectly connected with the restricted groundwater zone. Uncontaminated rock, dirt, brick,concrete rubble and similar materials that will not decompose may be placed in the restrictedgroundwater zone.


11.1 To properly assess compliance with approved plans and conditions of operation, EPD may requiremonitoring wells to be installed at the boundaries of waste disposal sites, including sanitary landfills,composting plants and sludge disposal sites, to monitor the effect of the disposal process on usablegroundwater resources and detect gas migration from landfill sites. Monitoring wells shall bedesigned and operated to detect the movement of groundwater and gas migration. If not equippedwith continuous monitoring equipment, monitoring wells must be constructed in a manner tofacilitate the ready collection of samples.

11.2 EPD may require monitoring for explosive gases at least quarterly. Records must be maintainedof all gas measurements.

11.3 If the gas level exceeds 25% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) the operator must immediatelynotify EPD.


All-weather roads shall be provided from the highway to the disposal sites, as well as within the disposalsite. Roads shall be designed and maintained to prevent traffic congestion, traffic hazards, dust and noisepollution.


13.1 Access to a sanitary landfill that is not attended on a twenty-four hour per day basis shall becontrolled by means of lockable gates. The site shall be completely enclosed by a perimeter fence,unless, access is adequately controlled by the natural terrain features of the site.

13.2 Access to an incinerator, composting plant, and sludge disposal site shall be controlled bymeans of a complete perimeter fence and lockable gates.


As far as is practicable, the active waste disposal site shall be screened or blocked from public view.


15.1 Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with design and operating plans approved by theChief Fire Prevention Engineer.

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15.2 All reasonable precautions, such as segregation of combustible wastes and early removal of“hot spots", shall be taken to prevent accidental ignition or spontaneous combustion of waste at asanitary landfill. Hot or burning materials, or any materials likely to cause a fire, shall be depositedtemporarily at a safe distance from the fill area and shall not be included in the landfill operationuntil the fire hazard is eliminated.

15.3 Where necessary and practicable, a pressurized fire water system and appropriate fire fighting equipment shall be provided at the site. If not practicable, a supply of water provided in

fire water drums equipped with appropriate buckets, a stockpile of earth or other means recommended by the Chief Fire Prevention Engineer shall be available to extinguish such fires as may occur. The use of mechanical equipment such as a bulldozer may be utilized for such purposes, providing that machinery is operated in a safe manner by person(s) qualified and trained in the use of such equipment.

15.4 Open burning of waste at a sanitary landfill site is prohibited.

15.5 Immediate action shall be taken to extinguish and control the spread of fire occurring at or in thevicinity of any waste disposal site or waste treatment facility. The Fire Master at the nearest SaudiAramco facility must be notified immediately a fire is out of control.


Clearly visible, legible signs, written in Arabic, English and other appropriate language statingdisposal site rules shall be erected at the site entrance and wherever necessary to ensure adequatecompliance with the approved operating plan. As a minimum, signs shall contain the following information:a) name of facility and owner; b) emergency phone number of attendant; c) permitted materials; and d)hours of operation during which wastes will be received for disposal. Depending of the type of wastedisposal site and degree to which access is restricted, additional signs may be required, e.g. a sign warningherdsmen of the hazards to animals and human beings should animals graze on garbage.


17.1 Blowing debris shall be controlled such that the entire disposal site is free of litter.

17.2 Dust and odors shall be controlled.

17.3 Insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled. The control program shall be based on properhandling and disposal of waste to prevent attraction, propagation and harborage of vectors andpests. Trapping, baiting and insecticide spraying may be required to control insects, rodents andvermin, which are inadvertently delivered to the site in waste. The services of a competent personor firm shall be retained to carry out periodic surveys and implement eradication and controlmeasures.

17.4 Any condition that could promote the transmission of disease to man or animals shall becontrolled.

17.5 Protection and conservation of the air, water and land environment over, on, under andaround the disposal site shall be emphasized. This shall include prevention, control andtreatment of discharges, emissions and other factors, which could degrade the environment orcreate a public health hazard/nuisance.


Salvaging or scavenging shall be controlled so as not to interfere with optimum disposal site operationand not to create unsightly conditions or vector harborage. All salvaged materials shall be removed fromthe disposal site at the end of each operating day, unless some other recycling or storage program isauthorized in the operating plan approved by EPD. Food products, garbage, hazardous materials,

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containers used for hazardous materials and furniture and bedding with concealed filling shall not besalvaged from a disposal site.


19.1 Large dead animals or bulk animal waste, sewage sludge, septic wastewater, hospital wasteand other materials which may be hazardous or difficult to manage shall not be deposited at adisposal site unless special provisions for such disposal are included in the operating plan approvedby EPD

19.2 No toxic or hazardous waste shall be deposited at any disposal site without prior written approvalof EPD. A program shall be implemented for detecting and preventing the disposal of toxic orhazardous waste and other non-approved waste. The program will make provision for the randominspection of incoming loads, maintenance of records and staff training. EPD must be notifiedimmediately if non-approved wastes are received at the site. In general, toxic or hazardous wasteshall be properly contained and stored pending reclamation or final disposal, at a facility specificallydesigned for this purpose. Refer to GI 430.001, Waste Management and Materials SupplyOrganization instruction, CU 13.1 Processing of Hazardous Material, for requirements in relation tothe classification, manifesting and handling of difficult and hazardous wastes.

19.3 Large quantities of waste oil, grease, oil sludge or oil-soaked waste shall not be placed in anydisposal site unless the disposal site is specifically designed and approved for the disposal of suchwaste, and designated as an ‘oil waste disposal site’ and special precautions are taken to preventfires and to protect and conserve the air, water and land environment in accordance with theoperating plan approved by EPD.

19.4 Whole, scrap tires shall not be disposed of in Company operated sanitary or construction wastelandfill sites. Tires that have been suitably shredded may be disposed of in landfill sites. Proponentorganizations are responsible for the proper disposal of all scrap and used tires. Upon request,proponent organizations shall furnish EPD with documentation verifying proper disposal.

19.5 Containers holding liquid must not be placed in a landfill site unless the container is small in sizesimilar to that typically found in household waste.

19.6 Sanitary landfills incorporating large quantities of combustible materials shall be sectionedinto cells by earth dikes designed to prevent the spread of fire between cells. Equipment shall beprovided of sufficient size and design to densely compact materials included in the landfill.


20.1 Approved types of landfills:

20.1.1 The sanitary landfill method of waste disposal according to the operating plan approved byEPD and other concerned agencies.

20.1.2 The modified landfill method of waste disposal if it is determined by EPD and otherconcerned agencies that special circumstances, such as climate, geographic area, sitelocation, nature or quantity of waste material to be landfilled or population density justifiesless than daily compaction and cover. Note that modified landfills shall be located at least0.4 kilometers (0.25 miles) from the nearest existing residence or commercialestablishment other than those used by the landfill operator.

20.1.3 Open dumps and burn-pits are prohibited.

20.2 Adequate quantities of cover material shall be available to provide for daily cover of the activewaste cells at the end of each operating day and for final cover and phased restoration of the site.The consistency of the final cover material shall be such that it can be compacted, and that the

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compacted cover material is not prone to cracking and that the compacted cover material willminimize percolation of surface water.

20.3 Sufficient equipment, including provision of auxiliary or standby equipment which isadequate to operate a landfill site including placement, compaction and covering of waste under allanticipated weather and soil conditions shall be available at all times.

20.4 Methods of operation:

20.4.1 Unloading of waste on the site shall be confined to the smallest area practicable. The areaof exposed waste material on the active landfill face shall be kept to a minimum.

20.4.2 Waste shall be spread on a slope no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical and compactedin layers not to exceed 61 centimeters (2 feet) in depth up to maximum cell height. Eachlayer shall be covered with not less than 15 centimeters (6 inches) of compacted covermaterial.

20.4.3 A layer of not less that 61 centimeters (2 feet) of compacted cover material, in addition tointermediate cover material, shall be placed over the completed fill following the finalplacement of waste. The final cover shall be graded to prevent cracking, erosion andponding of water.

20.5 Closure of landfills:

20.5.1 Before a landfill may be closed or abandoned to further use, all waste at the disposal siteshall be covered, compacted and graded according to requirements outlined in sub-section20.4.3 of this Code Section. The site shall be restored in a manner approved in writing byEPD.

20.5.2 A maintenance program for continued control of erosion, repair and stabilization of thecompacted cover material shall be provided until the completed fill has stabilized to thepoint where maintenance is no longer required. Groundwater and landfill gas monitoringshall continue post closure, until the site has stabilized.


21.1 All incineration equipment and air pollution control appurtenances shall comply with airpollution control rules and regulations and emission standards of Saudi Aramco and theMeteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA).

21.2 The delivery of waste shall be coordinated with the producers and transporters to ensure that asteady stream of waste is received for incineration. Too little or too much waste can adverselyimpact the handling capabilities of the facility and the efficiency of the incineration process. Ingeneral, waste shall be incinerated as it is received. Accumulation of waste shall be kept to aminimum.

21.3 All waste that is not incinerated upon delivery to the site shall be confined to a designated stagingarea. Special provisions shall be made to handle and contain waste stored in the staging area.Note that hospital and other potentially hazardous waste shall be properly contained untilincinerated according to the operating plan approved by EPD.

21.4 Accumulation of ashes and residues shall be kept to a minimum.

21.5 Ashes and residues in a cold state shall be disposed of in an approved landfill or handledotherwise in accordance with a written plan approved by EPD.

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21.6 During start up and shut down waste must not be fed into the incinerator unless it is operatingwithin its design specification for temperature and air feed rate.

21.7 Automatic cut-off devices must be installed to prevent wastes being fed into the incinerator whenthe operating temperature and combustion gas conditions are outside the design specification.

21.8 Combustion temperature and waste feed rate must be monitored on a continuous basis. Carbonmonoxide must be monitored on a continuous basis at a point in the incinerator downstream of thecombustion zone and prior to release to atmosphere.

21.9 The incinerator and associated equipment (pumps, valves and pipes) must be subject to athorough visual inspection at least daily, for leaks, spills and fugitive emissions. Daily inspectionlogs must be maintained and made available for inspection as required by paragraph 4.3 above.

21.10 The emergency waste feed cut-off system and associated alarms must be tested at least dailyto verify operability. A daily inspection log must be maintained and made available for inspection asrequired by paragraph 4.3 above.


22.1 All compostable waste shall be subjected to complete processing in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's operating instructions.

22.2 Facilities and procedures shall be provided for handling, recycling or disposing of wastes that are non-biodegradable by composting.

22.3 An adequate supply of water shall be available for plant operation and cleaning purposes. Thereshall be no direct connection between a potable water supply and any processing plant orequipment or cross-connection with any unsafe or questionable water supply, sewerage system orany source of pollution that might contaminate or otherwise degrade the potable water supply.

22.4 Composting operations shall not be located in odor-sensitive areas. Odors shall be maintained atthe lowest levels practicable.

22.5 Provisions shall be made to effectively collect, treat and dispose of leachate or drainage fromstored compost and the composting operation.

22.6 Compost shall be removed from the composting plant site as frequently as possible, but not laterthan one year after treatment is completed.

22.7 Composted waste offered for use by the general public shall contain no pathogenic organisms,shall be relatively odor-free and shall not endanger public health or safety.

22.8 All waste delivered to the composting plant shall be placed in the compost stream or confined toa designated staging area prior to composting. Stored waste shall be handled according torequirements outlined in sub-section 5.1 of this Code Section. The volume of stored waste shall bekept to minimum.

22.9 Residues shall be handled according to requirements outlined in sub-sections 8 and 9 of this CodeSection. Accumulation of residues shall be kept to a minimum.


23.1 Prohibited methods of sludge disposal:

23.1.1 Septic tank waste and raw sewage sludge shall not be disposed of by land spreadingunless specifically approved in writing by EPD.

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23.1.2 Except for heat-treated sewage sludge, sewage sludges, including septic tank wasteand raw sewage sludges, shall not be: a) used as fertilizer on root crops, vegetables, lowgrowing berries or fruits that may be eaten raw; b) applied to land later than one year priorto planting where vegetables are to be grown; c) used on grass or shrubbery in publicareas; or d) be given or sold to the public.

23.1.3 Sewage sludge shall normally have a minimum solids content of 30% prior to disposal in alandfill. Sludge will be considered at 30% when it is in the form of a dry cake. Liquidsludges shall not be deposited in landfills except according to the operating plan approvedby EPD.

23.2 Operation of sludge disposal sites:

23.2.1 Sludge lagoons shall be located at least 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) from the nearest existingresidence or commercial establishment other than those used by the lagoon operator orattendant.

23.2.2 Sludge shall not be spread on land where natural run-off could carry a residue into surfaceor ground waters.

23.2.3 If non-digested sludge is spread on land within 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) of residence,community or public use area, it shall be plowed under the ground, buried or otherwiseincorporated into the soil within five (5) days after application.

23.2.4 Lagoons shall be designed and constructed in accordance with SAES-A-104.

23.2.5 Water or sludge shall not be pumped or otherwise removed from a lagoon, except according to a written plan approved by EPD.


1. State of California, “California Solid Waste Management”, 1973.2. USEPA 40 CFR Ch.1: Parts; 258 - “Criteria For Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, 7-1-99 Edition

264 - “ Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste treatment, Storage andDisposal Facilities. 1987/97

3. UK, Department of the Environment, Waste Management Paper 26B “Landfill DesignConstruction and Operational Practice, 1995.

4. Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, 1996.5. GI 430.001 “Waste Management General Instruction”6. SAES-S-007 “Solid Waste Landfill Standard”, 1998.7. SAES-A 104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Disposal 20018. CU 13.1 “Processing of Hazardous Material”

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This Section specifies public health requirements for food establishments. Compliance with facility and equipmentSections, temperature control and prevention of contamination, and good hygiene and handling practices, willprotect Saudi Aramco employees and their dependents from the threat of foodborne illness. NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with referenced documents listed at the end of this Code Section.


Adulterate: To make impure by the addition of a foreign, inferior, or harmful substance.

Bactericidal Soap: A soap containing a chemical, which kills bacteria.

Bakery: Any room, building, premises or place which is used or operated for commercial baking, preparing,manufacturing, processing or packaging of bakery products. It includes all rooms of a bakery in which bakeryproducts or ingredients are stored or handled.

Beverage: Liquid for drinking, including water.

Blast Chiller: Equipment designed to cool food rapidly after cooking. Usually employs a combination of cooled airand rapid air circulation (movement) over the products.

Chilled Display Unit: Food display unit with facility to keep food at reduced temperature.

CIP: “Cleaned in place” by the circulation or flowing by mechanical means through a piping system of a detergentsolution, water rinse, and sanitizing solution onto or over equipment surfaces that require cleaning. CIP does notinclude the cleaning of equipment such as band saws, slicers or mixers that are subjected to in-place manualcleaning without the use of a CIP system.

Contamination: The introduction (into food or water) of unwanted, undesirable materials including microorganisms,chemicals or foreign bodies.

Comminuted: Reduced in size by methods including chopping, flaking, grinding, or mincing.It includes fish or meat products that are reduced in size and restructured or reformulated such as formed roastbeef, ground beef or a mixture of 2 or more types of meat that have been reduced in size and combined, such assausages.

Cook Chill: System of food preparation in which food is prepared in advance to be reheated several days later.Strict control of chilled storage temperature is needed if the food is to remain safe.

Cook Freeze: System of food preparation in which food is prepared in advance and then deep frozen. If properlypackaged the food may be kept for several months with no loss of quality.

Coved: Rounded finish to the junction between walls and floors, or between two walls, to make cleaning easier.

Critical limit: The maximum or minimum value to which a physical, biological, or chemical parameter must becontrolled at a critical control point to minimize the risk that the identified food safety hazard may occur.

Cross Contamination: The transfer of bacteria from contaminated (normally raw) food to other foods. This may beby: 1) Direct contact by foods stored next to each other; 2) Drip from contaminated food stored above other food; 3)Food handlers who handle contaminated food and then other food; 4) Equipment and work surfaces used first forcontaminated food and then other food.

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Defrost System: Refrigeration system for a freezer consisting of a blower evaporator coil, heating unit and controls.Electric type employs heating elements; hot gas type uses heat exchanger to remove frost from the coil and allowcondensate to flow to the drain pan under the coil.

Detergent: Technically, any cleansing agent. In popular usage, washing and cleaning agents with a compositionother than soap that clean by much the same mechanisms as soap. A cleaning agent, as soap; any of numeroussynthetic water soluble or liquid organic preparations that are chemically different from soaps, but are able toemulsify oils, hold dirt in suspension, and act as wetting agents.

Disinfectant: A chemical or physical agent that kills pathogenic microorganisms (see 'disinfect' above).

Food-contact surface: A surface of equipment or a utensil, with which food normally comes into contact; or asurface of equipment or a utensil from which food may drain, drip, or splash into a food, or onto a surface normallyin contact with food.

Food Processing Plant: A commercial operation that manufactures, packages, labels, or stores food for humanconsumption and does not provide food directly to a consumer.

Food Preservative: Any substance which is capable or inhibiting, retarding or arresting the growth ofmicroorganisms, or any deterioration of food due to microorganisms, or of masking the evidence of any suchdeterioration.

Food Service Establishment: Any place where food is prepared and intended for individual portion service andincludes the sites at which individual portions are provided. The term includes any such place regardless of whetherconsumption is on or off the premises and regardless of whether there is a charge for the food. The term alsoincludes delicatessen-type operations that prepare sandwiches intended for individual portion service. The termdoes not include private homes where food is prepared or served for individual family consumption, retail foodstores, the location of food vending machines and supply vehicles.

Foreign Body: Materials or objects from the building, equipment, people, environment or previous production runwhich may contaminate the food.

Hermetically Sealed: Sealed so that air and other contaminants cannot enter the pack in which the product iscontained, e.g. a can, thereby preventing deterioration.

Ice: The product, in any form, obtained as a result of freezing water by natural, mechanical or artificial means.

Ice Dispenser: A floor, counter or wall mounted stationary ice storage bin with motor driven agitator and conveyormechanism, or gravity feed, that dispenses a measure of ice (cubed or crushed) through a discharge chute into acontainer at working level.

Insect-Proof Screens: Fine mesh screens of gauge no less than 6 per linear centimeter (16 per linear inch) fitted towindows and occasionally other openings to prevent the entry of flying insects such as flies into the building.

Packaged: Bottled, canned, cartooned, securely bagged, or securely wrapped, whether packaged in a foodestablishment or in a food processing plant.

Personal Hygiene: Those protective measures, primarily within the responsibility of the individual, which promotehealth and limit the spread of infectious diseases transmitted through food, water, air, or by direct contact. Theseprotective measures include: keeping the body clean by sufficiently frequent soap and water baths; wearing cleanclothes and good grooming; washing hands in soap and water immediately after voiding bowels or bladder, aftercontact with any potential contamination, and always before eating.

Pest: Any unwanted animal that can or does enter a food premises and may live in the premises or the food, e.g.rats, mice, insects, and birds.

Poisonous or Toxic Materials: Substances that are not intended for ingestion. Included in 4 categories:

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1) Cleaners and sanitizers, which include cleaning and sanitizing agents and agents such as caustics, acids, dryingagents, polishes, and other chemicals; 2) Pesticides, which include substances such as insecticides androdenticides; 3) Substances necessary for the operation and maintenance of the establishment such as nonfoodgrade lubricants and personal care items that may be deleterious to health; and 4) Substances that are notnecessary for the operation and maintenance of the establishment and are on the premises for retail sale, such aspetroleum products and paints.

Potentially Hazardous Food or Ingredient: Signifies any food, which consists of, in whole or part, milk or milkproducts, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, or other ingredient, including synthetic ingredients capable ofsupporting rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic organisms.

Probe: Part of the temperature measuring equipment that is affected (heated or cooled) by the temperature of thesurroundings. This then produces an electrical signal, which is converted by the thermometer into a numericalfigure for the temperature of the surroundings.

Ready-To-Eat Food: Food that is in a form that is edible without washing, cooking or additional preparation by thefood establishment or the consumer and that is reasonably expected to be consumed in that form.

Sanitizer: An agent, usually chemical, that reduces the number of bacterial contaminants to safe levels asdetermined by public health requirements. The term sanitizing generally refers to inanimate objects (particularlyfood related utensils, equipment, and surfaces) and implies providing a satisfactory condition of cleanliness inaddition to a safe bacterial level. Thus, detergent sanitizers combine cleaning and sanitizing. The same kinds ofcompounds that provide disinfecting action in cleansers and hard surface cleaners also contribute sanitizingcapability.

Single Service Articles: Articles intended by the manufacturer, and generally recognized by the public, as being forone usage only, then discarded. Such articles include cups, containers, lids, closures, plates, knives, forks, spoons,stirrers, paddles, straws, napkins, wrapping materials, toothpicks, and similar articles designed for one-time, oneperson use.

Sous-vide: Prepared recipe dishes that have been sealed in a vacuum pack and then heat-treated and cooled forchilled storage and distribution.

Temperature Measuring Device: A thermometer, thermocouple, thermistor, or other device that indicates thetemperature of food, air, or water.


1.1 Any person, company or Saudi Aramco organization, either separately or jointly, desiring to sell orgive food, beverage or ice intended for human consumption to the Saudi Aramco population shallmake a written application through the appropriate Saudi Aramco proponent organization as outlined insub-section 1.2 of this Code Section.

1.2 Submission of written application:

1.2.1 A Saudi Aramco organization proposing to operate a food establishment that will becontrolled by Saudi Aramco, including Saudi Aramco facilities operated by concessionaires,contractors and self-directed groups, shall submit their application to Saudi AramcoEnvironmental Protection Department (EPD). As a minimum, the application shall includethe following: The name, address and telephone number of each applicant. The exact location of the existing/proposed food establishment. The type of food establishment.

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83 The design, materials and layout of work and support areas, and the type, modeland arrangement of fixed equipment. The methods and vehicles that will be used to transport food. For temporary food establishments the date of commencement of operationsshall be given. Whenever a Saudi Aramco food establishment is to be constructed, an existingSaudi Aramco structure is converted to use as a food establishment, or wheneverany Saudi Aramco food establishment is remodeled or altered, properly preparedplans and specifications for such construction, conversion, remodeling oralteration shall be submitted during the planning phase of the proposed project. The signatures of all applicants.

1.2.2 Owners of privately operated food manufacturers, vendors, warehouses and foodestablishments wishing to conduct business with Saudi Aramco shall apply through SaudiAramco EPD, except for water and ice manufacturers who shall apply through PurchasingDepartment, in accordance with their procedures. Formalities as required by other involvedSaudi Aramco departments such as Contracting Department or Community ServicesDepartment shall be followed as dictated by protocol.

1.3 Only those products, goods and services specifically defined in the application will beconsidered, but the evaluation process will assess ALL factors that could directly or indirectly affectproducts, goods and services offered to Saudi Aramco.

1.4 After receiving a written application from a Saudi Aramco organization or written notice from thefood manufacturer, vendor, food establishment or warehouse, or in the case of water and icemanufacturers through Saudi Aramco Purchasing Department, requesting that a food establishment beevaluated, Saudi Aramco EPD shall, as appropriate:

1.4.1 Review the terms of the application according to the requirements of the Saudi AramcoSanitary Code to verify that the application is complete and valid.

1.4.2 Review plans and specifications.

1.4.3 Inspect the food establishment to ensure that the facility, management, supervisors andsystems in place are in full compliance with this and other relevant Sections of the SaudiAramco Sanitary Code. If Saudi Aramco EPD finds that the premises are in full compliance with the SaudiAramco Sanitary Code, apart from minor discrepancies, EPD shall giveconditional ‘approval’. If it is found that the facility meets all Saudi AramcoSanitary Code Sections, EPD shall ‘approve’ the facility or, in the case of waterand ice manufacturers, recommend to the Purchasing Department that the facilitybe ‘approved’.

1.5 If Saudi Aramco EPD find that the products, goods and services; the operating methods, practicesand procedures; or equipment and facilities proposed in the application do not comply with therequirements of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, then EPD will not ‘approve’ the facility, or in the caseof water and ice manufacturers forward pertinent findings to the Saudi Aramco proponent organizationor Purchasing Department with the recommendation of not ‘approving’ the facility. Until such time thatthe food establishment is ‘approved’ Saudi Aramco shall not accept products, goods or services,whether offered for sale or as a gift, from the non-compliant applicant.

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1.6 When a conditional ‘approval’ is granted, outstanding deficiencies must be corrected within aspecified time frame.

1.6.1 If significant new deficiencies have not developed and all conditional deficiencies are correctedby the required date, i.e. the food establishment achieves compliance with provisions of thisCode Section, Saudi Aramco EPD will ‘approve’ the facility or in the case of water and icemanufactures recommend to the proponent Organization or Purchasing Department that thefacility be ‘approved’.

1.6.2 If the applicant fails to correct identified deficiencies within the specified time frame, or ifsignificant new deficiencies have developed since the original inspection, Saudi Aramco EPDwill suspend the ‘approval’, or issuance of a ‘warning notice’.

1.7 After a facility has been ‘approved’, a NEW APPLICATION is required:

1.7.1 Prior to any proposed addition, alteration, conversion, expansion or modification to thephysical facility or any change in the ownership, location, physical facility, equipment, processor procedure related to products, goods or services offered to Saudi Aramco.

1.7.2 Prior to any proposed addition of products, goods or services to be offered to Saudi Aramco.

1.8 If an ‘approved’ food establishment fails to submit a new application, prior to making a changedefined in sub-section 1.7 of this Code Section, Saudi Aramco EPD shall rescind the ‘approval’, or inthe case of water and ice manufacturers recommend to the proponent, or Purchasing Department thatthe original "approval" is rescinded.

1.9 If an ‘approved’ food establishment fails to continue to comply with the requirements of this CodeSection:

1.9.1 EPD may send a ‘Warning Notice’, or in the case of water and ice manufacturers,recommend to the proponent Organization or Purchasing Department that the offendingCompany be sent a ”Warning Notice”.

1.9.2 If EPD determines that deficiencies are of a nature that there is a serious risk to health, or alladministrative efforts have failed to have the deficiencies corrected, then EPD will issue a‘Suspension Notice’, or in the caser of water and ice manufacturers, recommend to theproponent Organization or Purchasing Department that the offending Company be sent a“Suspension Notice” and all food purchases be suspended until such time that the Companyis re-instated on the ‘approved’ list.

1.10 EPD Definition of "approved’:

1.10.1 The approval by EPD of a food establishment indicates that, at the time of inspection, thestructure, products, practices, procedures and associated equipment and facility, as stated inthe application, complied with all requirements of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code.

1.10.2 As noted in sub-section 1.11.1, of this Code Section, the "approval" is valid only for thespecific person, location, processes, facilities, products, goods and services included in theapplication.

1.10.3 “Approval” by EPD indicates only that the food establishment complies with all Saudi AramcoSanitary Code requirements and does not imply or suggest approval or acceptance of theproducts or services by Saudi Aramco Purchasing Department, or any other Saudi Aramcoorganization or affiliated concessionaire, contractor, vendor or other agency.

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1.11 "Objections" and "voiding" of "approvals" by Saudi Aramco EPD:

1.11.1 All "approvals" are based on a substantial body of evidence that verifies compliance withrequirements of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code. When the terms of the original applicationare found to be devoid of such substantive verification, this "void" is reported by SaudiAramco EPD to the Saudi Aramco proponent organization, or Purchasing Department whodirectly or indirectly controls the products, goods or services provided by the deficient wateror ice manufacturer. For all other food manufacturers, vendors, food establishments EPDwill notify such Companies directly of the ‘void’

1.11.2 With respect to food, beverage and ice, the protection of the health of Saudi Aramcoemployees and their dependents is the responsibility of the Saudi Aramco proponentorganization that directly or indirectly controls the provision of associated products, goodsand services. If Saudi Aramco EPD informs a proponent that a Saudi Aramco foodestablishment does not comply with the requirements of the Saudi AramcoSanitary Code, it is the proponent’s responsibility, directly or in conjunction withthe contracting agency, to ensure that required corrective actions areimplemented. If Saudi Aramco EPD informs a proponent Organization or PurchasingDepartment in the case of water and ice manufacturers, that a non-SaudiAramco operated establishment indirectly controlled by the proponent, orPurchasing Department does not comply with the requirements of the SaudiAramco Sanitary Code, it is the proponent's responsibility, in conjunction withPurchasing Department to take whatever action is required to protect SaudiAramco employees and dependents from potentially hazardous products, goodsand services provided by the deficient food establishment.


2.1 Saudi Aramco EPD will inspect each food establishment as often as is deemed necessary to ensurethat the food establishment is in compliance with this Code Section. The food establishmentmanagement shall cooperate with Saudi Aramco EPD during inspections and ensure that deficienciesreported shall be corrected in a timely manner.

2.2 If Saudi Aramco EPD finds that a food establishment does not comply with one or morerequirements of this Code Section, it shall report the violation(s) to the Saudi Aramco proponent and/orin the case of water and ice manufacturers, Purchasing Department. Depending on the significance ofthe public health risk and past experience with the manufacturer's/vendor's compliance, EPD shall takeone of the following steps:

2.2.1 Recommend compliance by Saudi Aramco EPD’s next unannounced inspection; or

2.2.2 Issue a “Warning Notice” to the manufacturer, vendor or supplier, or In the case of water andice manufacturers recommend through Purchasing Department that a “Warning Notice’ beissued by a specific date; or

2.2.3 Issue a “Suspension Notice” to the manufacturer, supplier or vendor, or in the case of waterand ice manufacturers recommend that Purchasing Department issue a “SuspensionNotice”.

2.3 Food establishment management shall conduct periodic (at least weekly) "in-plant" sanitationinspections. Records of these inspections, as well as follow-up actions, shall be kept on file. Thereports shall be made available to Saudi Aramco EPD representatives at the time of each inspection.

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3.1 The food establishment, and all parts of the facility used directly or indirectly in connection with theoperation of the food establishment, shall be kept free of public health nuisances (see SASC-S-18).The building(s) shall be used for no other purpose. The building shall be located as far away fromobjectionable odors, smoke, dust, or other contaminants as is possible. The building shall not belocated in an area subject to flooding.

3.2 Only persons necessary to the operation and maintenance of the food establishment shall beallowed to enter the food establishment. All such necessary persons shall comply with therequirements outlined in sub -section 4 of this Code Section.

3.3 Only articles necessary to the operation and maintenance of the food establishment shall bestored in the food establishment or on any part of the facility used directly or indirectly in connectionwith the operation of the food establishment.

3.4 No laundry operation shall be conducted in the toilet or shower rooms; utility or janitor's closets; orany area where ingredients and packaging are stored; ingredients and food are manufactured,processed, packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen, stored or served; equipment and utensils arewashed and stored; or where food or food contact surfaces are exposed. If laundry operations areconducted on the premises, the laundry shall be located in a building separate from the foodestablishment or, if sharing a common wall with the food establishment, all doors to the laundry shallopen to the outside, i.e. no door shall connect the laundry to the food establishment. In all cases, theventilation system for the laundry shall be separate and independent of the food establishment system.

3.5 Clean uniforms shall be stored in a clean, dry place protected from contamination. After use, or whenthey become soiled, damp or unclean, uniforms shall be placed in a nonabsorbent container orwashable laundry bag where they shall be held until they are removed for laundering. Laundrycontainers and bags shall be cleaned or washed when emptied.

3.6 No operation of the food establishment shall be conducted in any room used as living or sleepingquarters. If living or sleeping quarters are provided on the premises, they shall be located in a buildingseparate from the food establishment or, if sharing a common wall with the food establishment, alldoors to these quarters shall open to the outside, i.e. no door shall connect the living and sleepingquarters to the food establishment. In all cases, the ventilation system for the living and sleepingquarters shall be separate and independent of the food establishment ventilation system.

3.7 Live animals, including those intended for slaughter, shall be excluded from all portions of the foodestablishment and all parts of the property used directly or indirectly in connection with the operation ofthe food establishment. Animals shall not be slaughtered in any food establishment other than a SaudiArab Government approved slaughterhouse.

3.8 "No Smoking" signs shall be posted and maintained in storage, preparation, handling, processing,warewashing, manufacturing, packaging, retail sales and similar areas.

3.9 All public entrances, exits, corridors and stairways shall be properly illuminated. Fire exits shall beprovided with illuminated exit signs equipped with emergency power sources. Public entrances, exits,corridors, stairways, fire exits and fire escapes shall be kept free of obstructions. Illumination levels willmeet the necessary requirements of the Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard SAES-P-123.

3.10 Hawking of food on Saudi Aramco premises is prohibited.

3.11 The use, sale or storage of Genetically Modified (GM) foods of animal origin, or products manufactured or prepared from animals fed GM material is prohibited.

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3.11.2 The importation of (GM) foods of animal origin or products containing ingredients ofanimals fed on GM matter is prohibited

3.11.3 GM food of plant origin (fruits and vegetables) may be imported, used, stored or sold providing that all such food is clearly labeled in both Arabic and English that the food

contains ingredients that are genetically modified


4.1 Personnel shall have a valid photo identification card in their possession that identifies them as anemployee of the food establishment. Identification cards are not transferable.

4.2 Personnel shall have a valid medical examination certificate.

4.2.1 As a minimum, all personnel shall be given a physical health examination prior tocommencement of employment, when required by illness or injury and whenever requestedby Saudi Aramco EPD. The medical examination shall be equivalent to, and completed withthe same thoroughness as, those conducted by the Saudi Aramco Medical ServicesOrganization.

4.2.2 All medical examinations shall be conducted in a medical clinic or hospital approved by theSaudi Arab Government for food handler examination and by a physician licensed by theSaudi Arab Government. Validity of the Health Certificate shall be for a period of 1 year or asstated by the Saudi Arab Government.

4.2.3 As a minimum, the examination shall include stool analysis (ova and parasites, as well asbacterial tests for Salmonella sp., Shigella sp. and Cholera), blood test for Hepatitis A. Theextent of the examination may be expanded at the discretion of Saudi Aramco EPD but as aminimum will fulfill the requirements of the Saudi Arab Government ‘food handlerexamination’.

4.2.4 The medical examination report shall include a statement, signed by the licensed physicianconducting the examination, declaring that the individual is physically fit to perform hisassigned duties as a food handler and is free of chronic skin ailment, communicable diseaseor other condition that could promote the transmission of foodborne illness.

4.2.5 A copy of the employee's medical examination, with a photograph of the employee attached,shall be kept on file at his work site. The results of medical examinations shall be availablefor review by authorized Saudi Aramco representatives prior to and throughout theindividual's employment by the food establishment.

4.3 Any employee who is ill, has an infection, diarrhea, cuts on his hands, or other condition, nomatter how minor, that could promote the transmission of foodborne illness SHALL NOT be allowed towork in ANY food facility in ANY capacity. The employee shall be removed from duty and referred to alicensed physician for evaluation. An explanation of the employee's duties and a specific request thathe be examined and tested for communicable disease or other condition that could promote thetransmission of foodborne illness shall be submitted to the physician. The employee shall not beallowed to return to duty until:

4.3.1 He has been examined and found to be free of communicable disease or other conditionsthat could promote the transmission of foodborne illness.

4.3.2 He has been treated and is free of communicable disease or other condition that couldpromote the transmission of foodborne illness.

4.3.3 A statement signed by the examining/treating physician to the effect that the employee hasbeen examined/treated and is free of communicable disease or other condition that couldpromote the transmission of foodborne illness is in the employee's file at his work site. This

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report shall be available for review by authorized Saudi Aramco representatives and, if sorequested, a copy of the report shall be transmitted to Saudi Aramco EPD.

4.3.4 If a foodborne illness is suspected, food establishment management and/or the treatingphysician shall immediately report the case to any of the following Saudi Aramcorepresentatives:

Manager, EPD. General Supervisor, ECD Supervisor, Environmental Health Unit

4.4 An on-the-job food sanitation-training program shall be developed, implemented and documented.This shall be an ongoing program designed to teach personnel the food sanitation principles andpractices required by this Code Section and to encourage them to achieve the highest possiblehygienic Sections in their personal habits and in the workplace. Seminars, lectures, films and postersshall be introduced to emphasize the importance of food handling under hygienic conditions andprecautions required to prevent contamination of foods.

4.5 Personnel shall maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and shall conform to goodhygienic practices, whenever handling, preparing or serving food.

4.6 Food handlers shall shower or bathe daily. In this respect, adequate and suitable facilities with hotand cold water, showers and/or baths must be available at employees’ accommodation. (SASC-S-07)

4.7 Personnel shall thoroughly wash their hands and the exposed portions of their arms beforestarting work; after using the toilet; after touching their ears, nose, mouth or hair; after handling anyfood waste or refuse; before and after any cleaning procedure; after handling raw meat, poultry, fish,fruit or vegetables; before moving from a raw food preparation area to any other area; after smoking,eating or drinking; and during work as often as necessary to keep hands clean. They shall keep theirfingernails clean and trimmed.

4.8 Personnel shall not eat, drink, spit, clean their nose, chew gum or use tobacco in any form whilein areas where ingredients and packaging are stored; ingredients and food are manufactured,processed, packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen, stored or served; equipment and utensils arewashed and stored; or where food or food contact surfaces are exposed. Personnel shall eat, usetobacco and chew gum in designated areas only, not food preparation areas, during non-work periodsonly. An area shall not be designated as a dining or tobacco use area if eating or the use of tobaccomight result in contamination of packaging, ingredients, food, equipment, utensils or food contactsurfaces.

4.9 Personnel shall be provided with, and be required to wear, neat, clean, light colored uniformsthat are changed at least daily. Clothing that is used once and then discarded is permissible.

4.10 Personnel shall be provided with and required to wear clean and sound gloves, boots and otherprotective clothing, when deemed necessary.

4.11 Personnel shall be provided with, and be required to wear, clean hair restraints that effectivelycontain the hair on their head, as well as facial hair, if applicable.

4.12 Personnel shall wear closed shoes, preferably steel-toed safety shoes. Open sandals and bare feetshall be prohibited in all rooms where food is stored, prepared or served.

4.13 Personnel shall remove all jewelry while preparing or handling ingredients, food and food contactsurfaces.

4.14 Personnel shall not sleep or lie in areas where ingredients and packaging are stored; food ismanufactured, processed, packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen, stored or served; equipment iswashed or stored; or where food contact surfaces are exposed.

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4.15 Personnel shall handle soiled tableware in a way that avoids contamination of hands. Conversely,personnel shall handle clean tableware in a way that prevents contamination of the tableware.

4.16 The person in charge shall be responsible for assuring that personnel comply with the requirementsof this Code Section. He shall demonstrate knowledge of the principles and practices critical to foodprotection and sanitation, such as the proper sources of food, safe time and temperature relationshipsfor potentially hazardous foods, the elements of good personal hygiene, proper handling techniques,approved warewashing procedures, storage and use of toxic items, and control of insects, rodents andother vermin.

4.17 Food handlers shall be provided with, and wear, suitable disposable gloves, when handling,preparing or serving foods that are not to be further processed, e.g. salad vegetables, sandwiches,cooked meats etc. Food handlers, similarly, will wear disposable gloves on serving lines whenhandling cutlery, crockery or dispensing food. All food handlers required to wear such protectivegloves shall handwash prior to applying gloves and will discard the gloves immediately after leaving thework area, after touching any surface that is liable to be contaminated or after touching any part of hisexposed skin, hair or mouth.NOTE: The use of disposable gloves is not a substitute for good personal hygiene and proper hand washing. Disposablegloves must be considered contaminated once they have come into contact with any working surface (including refrigeratorhandles, drawer handles etc) and shall be discarded accordingly.


5.1 Only those poisonous or toxic materials specifically designed for use in food establishments, suchas approved sanitizing agents and pesticides that are required for proper maintenance and operationof the facility shall be present in the food establishment.

5.2 Detergents, sanitizers, caustics, acids, lubricants and other chemicals shall not be stored above ormingled with food, food contact surfaces, equipment or utensils. This requirement does not prohibit theconvenient location and availability of cleaning and sanitizing agents in warewashing areas.

5.3 Containers of poisonous or toxic materials, including detergents, sanitizing agents, insecticides androdenticides, shall be specifically and plainly labeled as to the contents and as to its hazardous natureand instructions for use. Material Safety Data Sheets shall be available on all hazardous materialsused or stored in the facility. Poisonous or toxic materials shall be stored in their original, labeledcontainer except that cleaning agents and sanitizers may be removed from bulk drums of greater than38 liters (10 gallons) and placed in properly labeled, purpose-made smaller containers that can bemore easily managed in the workplace (the use of empty food containers for this purpose is expresslyprohibited). The working containers shall be identified with the common name and intended use of thecleaning agent or sanitizer.

5.4 Poisonous or toxic materials shall be stored in locked cabinets or rooms that are used for no otherpurpose. They shall not be stored in areas where packaging, ingredients, food, equipment or utensilsare stored; where food is stored, prepared, processed, cooked, packaged, chilled, frozen or served; orwhere warewashing takes place. Sanitizing agents and cleaning compounds shall not be stored in thesame cabinet or area of a locked room where insecticides, rodenticides or other poisonous or toxicmaterials are kept. None of these products shall be stored in a way that causes contamination oradulteration of food, food contact surfaces, utensils or equipment (extreme care shall he taken to avoidsuch adulteration/contamination).

5.5 Sanitizing agents, cleaning compounds and other chemicals intended for use on food contactsurfaces shall not be used in a way that contaminates or leaves a toxic residue on packaging,ingredients, food, equipment, utensils or other food contact surfaces; that is hazardous to personnel;nor in a way that is not in compliance with the manufacturers' instructions printed on the label.

5.6 Poisonous or toxic materials not intended for use on food contact surfaces shall not be used in away that directly or indirectly contaminates food contact surfaces. They shall not be used in a way that

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contaminates or leaves a toxic residue on packaging, ingredients, food, equipment, utensils or otherfood contact surfaces; that is hazardous to personnel; or in a way that is not in compliance with themanufacturers' instructions printed on the label.

5.7 Personal medications shall not be kept in areas where packaging, ingredients, food, equipment,utensils or other food contact surfaces are stored or used.

5.8 First aid supplies shall be stored and used in a way that does not contaminate packaging,ingredients, food, equipment, utensils or other food contact surfaces.


6.1 All outside pest breeding places, as well as all inside harboring and hibernating spots, shall be underperiodic control. Regular surveys should be conducted to detect the presence of insects/rodents.Experienced Pest Control personnel who are fully familiar with survey techniques using traps, andother survey tools should carry out surveys. Areas along fences, around buildings, at loading docks,under stored materials, in and around refuse facilities, as well as floors, walls, ceilings, bucketelevators and conveyors in the building, shall be inspected frequently to detect the presence of insects,rodents and other vermin. Preventive control measures are preferable to eradication campaigns.

6.2 The food establishment shall be designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and operated toprevent the entrance and harborage of insects, rodents, animals, birds and other vermin, as well asenvironmental contaminants such as smoke and dust. Effective measures, such as excluding,inspecting and exterminating, shall be used to minimize the entry, presence and propagation of vermin,both inside and outside of the food establishment.

6.3 All floor drains shall be properly trapped and provided with a tight fitting metal cover withperforations no greater than 13 millimeters (0.5 inch) diameter.

6.4 There shall be no openings in exterior walls, foundations, basements, and roofs that admit insects,rodents or other vermin. Openings for pipes, conduits and other utility services in foundations orexterior walls, floors or roofs shall be closed solidly by metal sheeting, concrete or other imperviousmaterial. If metal sheeting is used to seal holes around pipes, conduits and other opening, it shallextend at least 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) beyond all sides of the opening.

6.5 All pesticides used in and around the food establishment shall be registered with, and approvedfor use in food establishments, by the Saudi Arab Government. Pesticides should be of low toxicity forhumans.

6.6 Pesticides shall be dispensed and handled by authorized, properly trained personnel.Pesticides shall only be used when necessary, i.e. when there is evidence of pest activity. Pesticideswill be applied with the utmost of care and only by qualified personnel. Only those pesticides that areapproved for use in the food facilities will be permitted.

6.7 Pesticides shall not be applied in areas where food handling, warewashing or other suchoperations are in progress or in a way that contaminates packaging, ingredients, food, equipment,utensils or other food contact surfaces. As a precautionary measure after application of pesticides, thefood contact surfaces of potentially contaminated equipment and utensils shall be thoroughly cleanedto remove residues.

6.8 Fly electrocution devices, if used, shall be designed to have "escape- resistant" trays. They shall beinstalled so that dead insects are prevented from falling on food and food contact surfaces. Trays shallbe emptied into an outside refuse container at least once each day.

6.9 Bait stations shall be tamper-proof by having locking devices fitted and shall have installed baitingrods that hold the bait securely in place. Bait stations shall be used in non-food handling areas only andshall be restricted to rodenticides falling within the anticoagulant group.

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6.10 Trapping is the preferred method of rodent control inside a food establishment. Tracking powdersshall not be used inside a food establishment.


7.1 The operator of the food establishment shall carry out a ‘Food Safety Risk Assessment’ bydeveloping an appropriate and effective HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan. Theplan shall: 1) Identify any steps in the operation that are critical to food safety; 2) Make provisions forincorporating adequate safety controls into the operations; and 3) Include monitoring of controlprocedures to ensure continuing effectiveness.

7.2 The following seven HACCP principles shall be followed:• Carry out a hazard analysis;• Identify critical control points (CCPs);• Establish critical limits for each CCP;• Implement monitoring procedures at each CCP;• Develop corrective action procedures in the event that critical limits are exceeded;• Incorporate an effective record keeping system into the plan;• Develop procedures to verify that the system is working;

With respect to the above, the following guidelines are provided:

7.2.1 Assemble a HACCP team: to develop an effective HACCP plan it is essential to assemble aHACCP team that has the expertise and knowledge to determine the full scope of the plan.The scope should describe which segment of the food chain is involved and the generalclasses of hazards to be addressed (e.g. does the plan cover all foods, all hazards or onlyselected classes).

7.2.2 Describe the product: develop a full description of the product. This should include relevantsafety information such as ingredients, physical and chemical structure (including pH, watercontent etc), description of processes such as cooking, freezing, brining, smoking, storagerequirements during the various stages of processing, and any other relevant informationregarding the safe handling of the ingredients and final product

7.2.3 Construct a process flow diagram (PFD): a PFD is essential to show all processes of the foodpreparation chain from delivery of the raw ingredients, to the use by the final consumer. Theflow diagram should show all steps of the entire operation. When applying HACCP,consideration should be given to steps preceding and following the specified operation.

7.2.4 Onsite confirmation: it is important before proceeding further to confirm that the processes asdescribed in the PFD are correct. At this stage, necessary changes to the PFD should bemade where appropriate.

7.2.5 List all potential hazards associated with each step, consider any measures to controlidentified hazards. (Principle 1) The HACCP team shall list all of the hazards that may bereasonably expected to occur at each step from primary production, processing,manufacture, and distribution until the point of consumption. The HACCP team shall identifythose hazards in the plan, which must be eliminated or reduced in order to produce safe food. Wherever possible the following should be included:

• The likely occurrence of the hazards and severity of their adverse health effects;• The qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the presence of hazards;• Survival or multiplication of microorganisms of concern;• Production or persistence in foods of toxins, chemicals or physical agents;

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• Conditions which could lead to the above. The HACCP team then should considerwhat control measures, if any, can be applied for each hazard identified.

7.2.6 Determine CCPs (principle 2). In order to prevent the hazards of food poisoning, or physicalor chemical contamination it is necessary to identify CCPs. A CCP point is a step in thepreparation, handling or storage of food, which has to be carried out to ensure that the hazardis either eliminated or reduced to a safe level. Here, the following two questions are to beconsidered: Is there a hazard at this step? Is it necessary to control the hazard at this step, orwill a subsequent step eliminate or reduce the hazard to an acceptable limit?

7.2.7 Establish critical limits for each CCP (principle 3). This step involves establishing a criterionthat must be met for each preventive measure associated with a CCP. Critical limits can bethought of as boundaries of safety for each CCP and may be set for preventive measuressuch as temperature, time, physical dimensions, water content, pH and available chlorine.Critical limits must be based on recognized Standards such as regulatory Standards,scientific literature, experimental studies and consultation with experts.

7.2.8 Establish a monitoring system for each CCP (principle 4). Monitoring is a planned sequenceof observations or measurements to assess whether a CCP is under control and to producean accurate record for use in further verification procedures. There are three main reasonsfor monitoring: It tracks the system’s operations so that a trend towards a loss of control canbe recognized and corrective action can be taken to bring the process back into controlbefore a deviation occurs. It indicates when a loss of control and a deviation have actuallyoccurred, when corrective action must be taken, and It provides written documentation foruse in verification of the HACCP plan. Instrumentation used for monitoring critical limits must be carefully calibrated foraccuracy. Records of calibration must be kept as part of the HACCP plandocumentation

7.2.9 Establish corrective actions (principle 5). Specific corrective actions shall be developed foreach CCP in the system to deal with deviations when they occur. The corrective actions mustbe clearly defined and be specific for that CCP. For example: “If the temperature of thefood falls below 60ºC (145ºF) it must be reheated to over 74ºC (165ºF) in its entirety for aminimum of 3 minutes. If the temperature of the food falls below 60ºC (145ºF) again then itmust be discarded”.

7.2.10 Establish documentation and record keeping (principle 6). Efficient and accurate recordkeeping is essential to the application of a HACCP system. Documentation and recordkeeping shall be appropriate to the nature and size of the operation, but should include:Hazard Analysis, CCP determination, Critical limit determination, CCP monitoring activities,deviations and associated corrective actions, temperature records and employee training

7.2.11 Establish verification procedures (principle 7). Verification and auditing methods, proceduresand tests, including random sampling and analysis, can be used to determine if the system isworking. The frequency of verification shall be sufficient to confirm that the system is workingeffectively. Examples of verification activities can include: Review of the HACCP systemsand documents to ensure that the plan is being followed. Review of CCP records anddetermination of correct actions being taken when deviations occur, independent auditing,random sampling, visual inspections of operations to observe if CCPs are under control


8.1 The exterior walking and driving areas shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, or other materialsthat have been effectively treated to facilitate maintenance and to minimize dust. If subject to floodingor accumulation of water, exterior walking and driving surfaces shall be graded to drain.

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8.2 The food establishment shall be enclosed in a building consisting of floors, walls and overheadstructures that comply with the minimum requirements prescribed by this Code Section. The size ofthe building shall be compatible with the purpose intended without crowding of equipment, personnelor materials. It shall include sufficient space for storage of both raw materials and finished products.The design shall allow sufficient space for maintenance and cleaning operations and for soundhygienic control at all stages of production.

8.3 The food establishment shall be so designed as to apply hygienic operation in a regulated flowin the process lines, from the arrival of raw materials to the complete processing of the finishedproduct. Different food establishment operations shall be conducted independently of each other, asapplicable. Separate areas shall be provided for each of the following functional categories: a)maintenance; b) water treatment; c) dry storage of nonperishable ingredients and packaging; d) bulkstorage of goods; e) cold storage of perishable ingredients and products; f) manufacturing, processing,packaging, preparing (bakery, meat, vegetables, etc.), cooking and serving; g) warewashing andstorage; h) product holding, storage and shipping; i) laboratory; j) toilet and dressing areas; and k)storage of refuse prior to final disposal; l) retail sales outlets; and m) general offices. Where this is notfeasible, the various operations shall be located in a way that does not contribute to crosscontamination or interfere with one another.


9.1 Floors of all rooms where perishable ingredients are stored; ingredients and food aremanufactured, processed, packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen, stored or served; equipmentand utensils are washed and stored; food or food contact surfaces are exposed; as well as floors indressing rooms, locker rooms, toilet rooms and vestibules; shall be constructed of non-slippery, non-toxic, sealed concrete, terrazzo, ceramic tile or other equally impervious material that is not affected byweak acids, alkalis or steam; shall be finished such that they are smooth, free from crevices and pitsand are easily cleanable; and shall be properly sloped to a trapped drain. These floor surfaces shall becoved at the juncture of the floor and wall, as well as at the wall and ceiling, with a 10 millimeter (3/8inch) minimum radius coving. The coving material shall extend up the wall at least 10 centimeters (4inches). All materials shall be properly grouted and sealed.

9.2 Floors of all other rooms, including those where nonperishable dry ingredients, packaging materialsand nonperishable finished products are stored, shall comply with the above specifications, exceptfloor drains need not be provided. Coving of wall/floor junctions is desirable, but is not mandatory ifjunctions can be kept clean.

9.3 Floors of walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall be graded to drain all parts of each floor to theoutside through a wastepipe, doorway, or other opening.

9.4 Mats and duckboards are prohibited, except as permitted in Section SASC-S-9.

9.5 Utility lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on floors.

9.6 Carpeting, if used, shall be of closely woven construction, properly installed, easily cleanable andmaintained in good repair. Carpeting is prohibited in rooms where ingredients and food aremanufactured, processed, packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen, stored or served; equipmentand utensils are washed and stored; food or food contact surfaces are exposed; as well as in dressingrooms, locker rooms, toilet rooms and vestibules.


10.1 Walls, ceilings and non-supporting partitions, including all appurtenances thereto, of rooms whereperishable ingredients are stored; ingredients and food are manufactured, processed, packaged,prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen, stored or served; equipment and utensils are washed and stored;food or food contact surfaces are exposed; as well as floors in dressing rooms, locker rooms, toilet

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rooms and vestibules; shall have a durable, nonabsorbent, smooth, washable, light colored and easilycleanable surface. They shall not support the accumulation of dirt, condensation or mold development.The use of rough or unsealed and unfinished building materials, such as brick, concrete blocks andwooden beams, is prohibited in these rooms. Concrete or pumice blocks used for interior wallconstruction shall be finished and sealed to provide a smooth, easily cleanable surface.

10.2 Studs, joists and rafters shall not be exposed in rooms outlined above. If exposed in other rooms ofthe food establishment, they shall be properly finished to provide a smooth, easily cleanable surface.

10.3 All surfaces shall be continuous, easily cleanable and free from cracks, crevices and open joints.

10.4 Conduits, pipes and cables shall be properly ‘chased’ into the structure of the building whereverpracticable. When otherwise installed conduits, pipes and cables shall be kept to a minimum, properlyprotected and covered with a material that will facilitate easy cleaning.

10.5 Wall or ceiling mounted light fixtures, vent covers, fans, decorative materials, equipment andappurtenances shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning, shall be designedand constructed to facilitate cleaning, shall be made of easily cleanable materials, and shall bemaintained in good repair.


11.1 All openings to the outside shall have solid doors or glazed windows that shall be kept tightly closedwhen not in use. Doors, windows and appurtenances thereto, shall be designed and constructed toavoid accumulation of dirt and shall be finished such that they are smooth, nonabsorbent and easilycleanable.

11.2 All outer doors shall be tight fitting and self-closing. All doors, including sliding or folding types,shall be constructed so that the space between the lower edge of the door and the threshold does notexceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inch). The space between sections of folding and sliding doors, whenclosed, shall not exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inch). All exposed edges of the lower 20.3 centimeters (8inches) of wooden doors and jambs serving exterior entrances, or any other door easily accessible torodents shall be protected by covering such edges of doors and jambs with metal sheeting that cannotbe gnawed through.

11.3 All ventilation and other non-window openings that cannot be solidly sealed and that remainaccessible to insects and rodents shall be appropriately screened by grills, hardware cloth or othermaterial capable of precluding the entrance of insects, rodents and other vermin. Note that the swing-type louvered flaps that automatically close when an exhaust or ventilation fan is switched off aredeemed to be acceptable screening if they are kept clean and in good repair.

11.4 Effective means shall be provided to prevent entrance of flies when outside doors must beopened for immediate passage through the door. This shall be deemed satisfied when all outside dooropenings are fitted with properly operated air curtain devices or other equally effective means forimpeding the entry by flies. Note that these devices are designed to hamper, not completely stop, themovement of flies through a door. They do not block entry by crawling insects, rodents, animals orother vermin; and they do not hold cool air in or keep hot air, dust smoke and other potential sources ofcontamination out of the food establishment. Provision of such devices does not in any way reduce theneed for solid, tight-fitting, self-closing doors that are kept tightly closed when not in immediate use.

11.5 Openable windows shall be provided with suitable screens made of non- corrosive materials anddesigned in such a way as to facilitate their cleaning and maintenance (screening shall not be less thansix mesh per centimeter {16 mesh per inch}). Note that the desert environment of Saudi Arabia is verydusty and subject to high temperatures and extreme temperature shifts. Opened windows represent acontamination hazard and are likely to tax ventilation and temperature control systems. It isrecommended that windows not be opened except to air the building in response to a specificemergency situation. Openable windows shall be kept tightly closed at all other times.

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12.1 Shatter-proof protective light shields designed to contain broken glass from exploding electric lightbulbs shall be provided for all artificial lights fixed and suspended over areas where ingredients andpackaging are stored; food is manufactured, processed, packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen,stored or served; equipment and utensils are washed or stored; and food contact surfaces areexposed.

12.2 The levels of illumination, whether from natural or artificial sources, shall be provided as perrequirements in Table 1. In all cases, illumination shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensityto avoid discoloration, shadows and strong glare. Illumination shall meet the requirements of SAES-P-123, Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

TABLE 1Illumination

Illumination Levels Required*Area to be Illuminated Lux Foot candlesDesk in office 320 30Dining room 320 30Food service area 540 50Hallway 110 10Packaging areas 215 20Processing at work surface/preparation areas

540 50

Stairway 110 10Storage areas 215 20Warewashing area 540 50All other indoor areas 110 10Walk in chiller/freezers 110 10Dry good stores 110 10Buffets/salad bars 220 22Handwashing areas 220 22Toilets 220 22

• Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor, unless otherwise stated.


13.1 Ventilation shall be provided to remove gases, odors, steam, excessive heat, grease, vapors andsmoke from the food establishment. Ventilation systems shall be installed and operated according toStandards equivalent to those outlined in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

13.2 Intake air ducts shall be designed and maintained to prevent the entrance of dust, dirt and othercontaminating materials. Grills, hardware cloth or other material capable of precluding entrance ofinsects and rodents shall appropriately screen all ventilation openings. Note that automatic fanventilation openings are acceptable for rodent stoppage if the fan covering is maintained in goodrepair.

13.3 Positive air pressure shall be required between clean areas and less clean areas. A clean area isdefined as an area where foods are manufactured, processed, packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled,frozen or stored.


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14.1 Plumbing shall be designed, sized and installed according to Standards equivalent to the SaudiAramco Plumbing Code. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be operated and maintained in a waythat prevents contamination. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be kept clean, operative and in goodrepair.

14.2 The water supply to any kitchen, processing or manufacturing area, and food preparation room or toany potable water faucet shall be adequately protected against back siphonage and backflow ofcontaminated water. In a system where there is the potential for backflow or back siphonage of water,no hose will be fitted to the faucet unless a suitable back flow prevention device is installed.

14.3 There shall be no cross connection between the potable water supply and any unsafe orquestionable water supply, sewerage system or any source of pollution that might contaminate orotherwise degrade the potable water supply.

14.4 There shall be no direct physical connection between the sewerage system and any drainoriginating from equipment that contains food or food equipment and utensils.

14.4.1 Drainage from equipment, refrigeration units and other equipment shall be discharged to afloor sink, funnel drain or evaporator basin. An air gap of at least twice the inner diameter ofthe discharge outlet shall be provided between the discharge outlet and the flood-level rim ofthe receiving drain/basin.

14.4.2 Dishwashing machines may be connected directly to the sewer immediately downstreamfrom a floor drain or they may be drained through an approved indirect connection.

14.4.3 Indirect waste receptors shall be located to be readily accessible for inspection and cleaning.

14.5 Where a carbonating device is installed on equipment, the integrity of the water supply to thedevice shall be protected against contamination by carbon dioxide or carbonic acid by being acompletely enclosed system, with air gap or proper effective check valves installed between the twosystems.

14.6 A non-potable water system is permitted only for purposes such as air conditioning and fireprotection. There shall be no connection whatsoever between a potable water supply and a non-potable water supply unless there is no other alternative. Where a connection does exist themaximum protection shall be installed between the two systems in the provision of a reduced pressureback flow preventor or other devices approved by EPD upon application/request.

14.7 Piping systems, exclusive of food establishment process and product systems shall be color-coded.Non-toxic paints shall be used (the use of paints containing lead shall be avoided). The following color-coding scheme is recommended:

TABLE 2Piping System Color-Code

Piping System Base ColorIdentifyingColor Stripe

Chilled Water Blue 1-GrayChlorine, Gas and Liquid Yellow 1-Oxide RedCondensate Water Blue 1-White

Distilled and Demineralized Water Blue 1-AluminumRaw Water Blue 1-BlackSea, Salt or Brine Water Blue 1-YellowTreated (any process) Blue 1-Oxide Red

Note: HVAC lines and electrical conduits are not color-coded but are painted the same color as the backgroundconstruction

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15.1 Water shall be obtained, conveyed, treated, stored and distributed in a closed system. Design,construction, maintenance and operational Standards, as well as quality criteria, shall comply withrequirements equivalent to those outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code and Standardsreferenced in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

15.2 Water wells (or other water source) and collection, conveyance, treatment, storage and distributionsystems, or parts thereof, which are newly constructed, have been repaired or have otherwise becomecontaminated, shall be disinfected according to requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of thisCode before being used. The supply shall be purged of all but normal residual amounts of disinfectant(less than 3.0 milligrams per liter if chlorine is used to disinfect the system) before a sample forbacteriological testing is collected.

15.3 All water not provided directly by pipe to the food establishment from the source shall betransported in a bulk water transport system that is used for no other purpose. Hauled water shall bedelivered directly to the closed water system at the food establishment. The bulk water transportsystem shall comply with requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code.

15.4 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. Tanks shall bedesigned with openings that permit visual inspection of the tank and provide access for cleaning anddisinfection. All openings shall be covered. Covers shall overlap openings, be sloped so they are self-draining and shall be provided with gaskets and devices for securing them in place. All openings in thetop of the tank shall be flanged upward to form a curb that prevents surface water from enteringopenings. Vents and overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall be screened toprevent entry by birds and other animals. All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap.

15.5 All potable water supplied to the food establishment shall be disinfected by chlorination or othermeans or methods of equal efficacy in the killing or removal of organisms capable of causing infection.When chlorination is employed, a sufficient amount of chlorine shall be added to the water to maintaina chlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 parts per million) at all points in thedistribution system from which water may be withdrawn.

15.6 Cold running water shall be delivered to all equipment that uses water. Additionally, hot water shall beprovided to all hand washbasins, showers and warewashing facilities. Water shall be delivered at aminimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with aminimum flow of at least 3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). The temperature of hot water shallequal or exceed 49°C (120°F).

15.7 Sufficient taps and hoses shall be provided to support food establishment operations. A hose usedfor conveying potable water to water storage tanks shall be constructed of safe materials, shall have asmooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identified as to its use.Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outlet fittings, as well as hosefittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. The hose shall be stored and usedso as to be kept free of contamination.

15.8 Water treatment equipment, devices, filters, or any other water treatment or conditioning apparatus,shall be made of safe materials; shall be designed to be disassembled for periodic replacement ofactive elements/media, cleaning and service; shall be operated, inspected and serviced according tothe manufacturers' instructions and specifications; and shall not be operated beyond their ratedcapacity. All such equipment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and, if necessary,shall be sanitized by approved means.

15.9 Steam used in contact with food or food contact surfaces shall be produced from potable water andshall be free from any harmful materials or additives.

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15.10 Drinking water fountains and associated requirements:

15.10.1 Drinking fountains, if provided, shall be approved angle-jet type and shall be provided with anadequate supply of water under pressure.

15.10.2 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from drinking fountains and faucets shall bedischarged to the sewerage system through approved drains to prevent impoundment ofwater, creation of mud holes or other nuisance conditions.

15.10.3 Open containers from which water must be dipped or poured, such as barrels, pails or tanks,whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited.

15.10.4 Where single service paper cups are provided, cups shall be dispensed from a sanitarydevice designed for this purpose and a waste receptacle shall be provided for disposal ofused cups.

15.10.5 The common drinking cup is prohibited.


16.1 Sewage and all liquid wastes shall be disposed of according to requirements equivalent to thoseoutlined in Section SASC-S-02 of this Code. Pit latrines, outhouses and other non- water-carriedsewage disposal methods are prohibited.

16.2 Sewage shall be discharged to a municipal sewerage system. Where no such system is available,sewage shall be discharged to a suitable treatment and disposal facility that is sized, constructed,maintained and operated according to requirements equivalent to those outlined in Section SASC-S-02of this Code.

16.3 Floor drains and sewer pipes shall be large enough to carry off all wash and wastewater andsanitary sewage. Sufficient clean-out places shall be provided in sewer drainpipes.

16.4 If used, grease traps shall be located so they are easily accessible for cleaning.


17.1 Sufficient individually accessible toilet and handwashing facilities shall be provided, as appropriate.They shall be designed and located to permit simultaneous use.

TABLE 3Numbers and Types of Fixtures Required

Number of personsemployed in the foodestablishment

Number of toilets andurinals*

Number of hand washbasins

From 1 to 10 1 1From 11 to 20 2 2From 21 to 30 3 3From 31 to 50 4 4From 51 to 60 6 6From 61 to 70 7 7More than 70 one for each 10 additional

personsone for each 10 additionalpersons

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TABLE 4Minimum Space Required for Each Type of Installation

Installation MinimumWidth


Minimum Space PerUnit

Hand washbasin 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

Shower cubical 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Shower stall 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Toilet compartment 80 cm 105 cm 1.5 m2

Urinal 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

17.2 Urinals may be substituted for water closets on a one to one basis, except that the number of waterclosets may not be reduced to less than two-thirds of the number required. Toilet rooms, and whereprovided, shower rooms, shall be completely enclosed. They shall be designed, constructed andmaintained according to Sections outlined in this Code.

17.3 Toilet and handwashing facilities shall be accessible and conveniently located for employees use.Facilities are not considered to be readily accessible if an employee is required to climb more than onefloor-to-floor flight of stairs or if they are located more than 61 meters (200 feet) from the locationwhere the employee normally works.

17.4 Entrance/exit doors to toilet rooms and shower rooms shall be tight fitting, self-closing and shall bekept closed when not in immediate use. Toilet room/shower room doors shall not open directly intoareas where ingredients and packaging are stored; ingredients and food are manufactured, processed,packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen, stored or served; equipment and utensils are washed andstored; or where food or food contact surfaces are exposed. An exception to the above requirement isif there is provided an intervening ventilated space between the entrance to the toilet and an entranceto a food room. The intervening ventilated space shall be exhausted to the outside through its ownmechanical exhaust system independent of the food establishment ventilation system, or thetoilet/shower room ventilation system.

17.5 Walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have light colored, smooth,easily cleanable surfaces. Ceilings shall be at least 2.1 meters (7 feet) high as measured to the lowestprojection from the ceiling. The junctions between the walls and floors shall be sealed and coved. Thewalls in toilet compartments and next to handwashing facilities shall be impervious to water, detergentsand disinfectants and tiled to a minimum of 1.2 meters (4 feet). The walls in shower compartmentsshall be lined with glazed ceramic tiles or other suitable, continuous, easily cleanable surface to aminimum of 1.8 meters (6 feet)

17.6 The walls or partitions between toilet/shower compartments may be less than the height of the roomwalls, but the tops shall not be less than 1.8 meters (6 feet) from the floor. If partitions are used, thebottoms of the partitions shall be raised at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) above the floor. In situationswhere a raised partition is not desirable, such as partitions separating eastern style toilet fixtures wherea raised partition may not afford suitable privacy, partitions shall be placed on a continuous raisedmasonry or concrete base at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) high, or a properly designed andconstructed wall that joins the floor shall be provided.

17.7 Floors shall be constructed of durable materials, which are slip- resistant, smooth, easily cleanable,and impervious to water, detergents and disinfectants (carpeting is prohibited). Floors shall be slopedto trapped floor drains. The junctions between floors and walls shall be sealed and coved.

17.8 Each toilet fixture (water closet) shall occupy a separate compartment.

17.8.1 Toilet bowls shall be set entirely free and open from all enclosing structures and shall be soinstalled that the space around the fixture can be easily cleaned. This does not prohibit theuse of wall-hung toilets.

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17.8.2 Every western-type toilet shall be made of substantial materials having a smooth,nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. They shall be fitted with a hinged, open-front seat. Aholder supplied with toilet tissue shall be provided in each toilet compartment.

17.8.3 Every eastern-type toilet shall be made of substantial material having a smooth,nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. Each toilet compartment shall be provided with a watertap for washing (and a supply of toilet paper with holder, where indicated). Water taps ineastern toilet compartments shall be fitted with appropriate backflow prevention devicesdesigned to protect the water distribution system from contamination.

17.8.4 Covered waste receptacles shall be provided in all toilet compartments used by women.

17.9 Toilet room handwashing facilities shall comply with the same requirements as those outlined insub-section 18 of this Code Section

17.10 Each shower fixture (shower bath) shall occupy a separate compartment. The compartment shall becomposed of a cubical with a bench and a clothes hook and a separated shower stall. The visualprivacy of the bather shall be maintained. Privacy curtains, if used, shall be of easily cleanable materialand kept clean.

17.10.1 Shower floors shall be self-draining. The design shall preclude the flow of water into adjacentareas.

17.10.2 Shower floors shall be slip-resistant or be provided with impervious, non-slip mats. Ifimpervious mats are used, they shall be cleaned, sanitized and air dried at least once daily.Mats shall not be kept on the shower floor when not in use.

17.10.3 Showers shall be supplied with water at a temperature of at least 32°C (90°F) at a rate of atleast 11.4 liters (3 gallons) per minute. Thermostatic, tempering or mixing valves shall beinstalled to prevent scalding of bathers. Any slow-closing faucet used, shall provide a flow ofwater for at least 30 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

17.11 All facilities shall be well ventilated and free of excessive condensation. They shall be suitablycooled or heated. They shall be provided with mechanical ventilation systems capable of providing theequivalent of five air changes per hour. At least 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from theoutside. Note that the requirements regarding the circulation of air from clean to "less clean" areas maydictate that an independent mechanical ventilation system be provided. If this is not feasible,mechanical extract fans may be used in lieu of the required mechanical ventilation system. Extract fansshall be capable of exhausting 1 cubic meter (35 cubic feet) of air per minute for each toilet, urinal,shower or hand washbasin installed.

17.12 The storage of ingredients, equipment, utensils or single service articles in toilet rooms, showerrooms, handwashing areas or vestibules is prohibited.

17.13 Legible signs made of durable materials directing all users to wash their hands after using thetoilet/urinal shall be posted in every toilet room (in Arabic, English and other appropriate languages).


18.1 Conveniently located, accessible handwash basins shall be provided for food handlers to washhands. As a minimum all food handlers in food production areas, processing areas, food preparationor packaging areas, and those persons engaged in cooking, serving or ware-washing should haveaccess to conveniently located handwash basins. EPD will determine, on a case-by-case basis,whether handwash basins are conveniently located, adequate or accessible. Sinks that are used forfood preparation, utensil washing and janitor sinks are not considered acceptable as substitutes forhandwash basins.

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18.2 Where there are adequate food preparation and ware-wash sinks, EPD may permit the use of afood preparation sink to be used for hand washing purposes provided that the sink is dedicated forhand washing only, has a sign indicating that the sink is for hand washing only and there areextenuating circumstances for not providing a proper handwash sink.

18.3 Hand washing facilities that are constructed or remodeled shall be provided with tempered waterfrom a self-closing combination or premixing faucet that supplies warm water for a minimum of 15seconds while both hands are free for washing and rinsing (also refer to water supply requirements insub-section 15 of this Code Section). A foot, knee or elbow operated combination or premixing faucetmay be substituted for a self-closing faucet. The manually operated, stem-type hot and cold mixingvalves currently installed in existing facilities shall be scheduled for remodeling at the earliest possibledate.

18.4 Hand washing cleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers at or next tohand washbasins at all times (common towels are prohibited). A refuse container lined with adisposable plastic bag shall be provided next to paper towel dispensers. The refuse container need notbe covered if used on a continuing basis for nothing other than the disposal of paper towels.


19.1 A changing area, separate from toilet rooms and food related areas, shall be provided wherever thework performed involves exposure to excessive dirt, heat, fumes, vapor or moisture.

19.2 Where the process in which the worker is engaged is such that his work clothing becomes wetor has to be washed between shifts, provision shall be made to ensure that such clothing is dry beforereuse.

19.3 Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be provided and used for the storage of employee's streetclothing and personal belongings. Since a clean uniform must be worn each day, facilities for storingwet uniforms for reuse are not required.

19.4 Hooks or a rail fitted with captive hangers shall be provided for hanging aprons and other reusableprotective clothing. The hooks/hangers shall be sufficiently spaced to allow free air circulation aroundall items when all hooks/hangers are used.

19.5 Shoe/boot racks shall be provided for proper air-drying of shoes and boots. The racks shall besufficiently spaced to allow free air circulation around all items when all hooks/racks are used.

19.6 Clothes shall not be hung in any area other than those areas specifically designated in sub-section19 of this Code Section.


20.1 Non-refrigerated storage facilities:

20.1.1 Adequate and suitable space, fixed shelving and movable storage dollies, skids, racks andopen-ended pallets shall be provided to accommodate orderly, uncluttered, off-the-floorstorage of all dry goods, packaging materials and products.

20.1.2 Fixed shelving shall be designed and made of (or finished with) materials that are durable,smooth, impervious and easily cleanable. The bottom shelf of a fixed shelving unit shall beraised at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) above the floor. In warehouses and large drystores, as a minimum, an aisle 60cm (2 feet) but preferably 90cm (3 feet) shall be providedbetween walls and fixed shelving units, and between fixed shelving units running parallel toeach other.

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20.1.3 Movable dollies, skids, racks and open-ended pallets may rest directly on the floor if thestorage device can be moved easily by hand operated or motorized moving equipment. Ifused, movable dollies, skids, racks or open-ended pallets shall be placed at least 46centimeters (18 inches) away from all walls.

20.1.4 Temperatures in dry goods and non-refrigerated ‘ambient’ food stores shall be maintained atbelow 30°C (86°F).

20.2 Non-refrigerated storage practices:

20.2.1 Dry goods, packaging materials and products shall be stored in an orderly, uncluttered, off-the-floor manner on fixed shelving or on movable dollies, skids, racks or open-ended palletsin a way that allows access for proper cleaning, ventilation, stock rotation and pest controlactivities, and that protects stored items from contamination.

20.2.2 Dry goods, packaging materials and products shall not be stored under exposed sewer linesor in areas subject to flooding, drainage, overhead leakage, condensation or other physical,bacterial or chemical contaminants. They shall be protected from contamination andadulteration by all agents, including dust, coughs and sneezes, insects, vermin, toxicsubstances, unclean equipment and utensils.

20.2.3 An easily distinguishable first-in first-out stock rotation system, such as expiry dateplacarding of pallets, shall be used in the facility to avoid using outdated stock. The first- infirst-out system shall identify and use supplies that will expire first, not those that werereceived first.

20.2.4 All stored items shall be examined regularly for signs of damage, pest infestation and toensure that they are used before they expire. Unusable items, e.g. blown, severely dentedand seam damaged cans, as well as outdated items, shall be discarded. If such items mustbe held until they have been written-off, a separate area shall be designated and utilized forstorage of damaged and/or outdated stock. Damaged and/or outdated stock shall beremoved from the premises expeditiously to avoid mixing with regular stock.

20.2.5 Stored foods, whether raw or prepared, if removed from the containers they were received in,shall be enclosed in clean, covered, food-grade containers that have been used for nopurpose other than food storage. Bulk storage containers and container covers shall be labeled to identify storedfoods by their common names. The use of cloth towels or plastic bags ascontainer covers is prohibited. Properly designed and constructed plastic or stainless steel scoops shall beprovided for bulk ingredient/ food dispensing. Cans and garden shovels are notacceptable substitutes for proper scoops. Scoops shall be jabbed into the bulkfood item with the handle up for storage.

20.2.6 Foods not subject to further washing or cooking shall be protected from contamination byfoods requiring washing or cooking, e.g. washed fruit shall be stored separately fromunwashed fruit.

20.2.7 After a fire, flood, power outage or other disaster that might result in the contamination offood or that might prevent potentially hazardous food from being held at requiredtemperatures, the person in charge shall immediately contact Saudi Aramco EPD. Onreceiving notice of this occurrence, EPD shall take whatever action is required to protectpublic health.

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21.1 Refrigerated storage facilities:

21.1.1 Sufficient and adequate, conveniently located refrigeration/freezer units shall be provided toaccommodate orderly, uncluttered, off-the-floor storage of all ingredients and products onshelves and racks that comply with requirements outlined in sub-section 25 of this CodeSection. Each refrigerator/freezer shall be designed to include at least one built-intemperature indicating device that is accurate to ±1°C (±2°F). The temperature-sensingprobe shall be located to measure the air temperature in the warmest part of the unit. Thetemperature display device shall be positioned so that it is easily readable, preferably built-into the outside face of the refrigerator/freezer unit at eye level.

21.1.2 Where cook-chill is practiced a commercial blast chiller shall be provided to reduce thetemperature of hot foods rapidly to below 5°C (41°F). Where cook-freeze is practiced, acommercial blast freezer shall be provided to reduce the temperature of hot foods rapidly tobelow -18°C (0°F).

21.1.3 Refrigeration units shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of 5°C (41°F) or below at alltimes under maximum load/use conditions.

21.1.4 Freezer units shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of -18°C (0°F) or below at alltimes under maximum load/use conditions.

21.2 Refrigerated storage practices:

21.2.1 All foods requiring refrigeration shall be maintained at a temperature of 5°C (41°F) or below.The temperature of frozen food shall be maintained at -18°C (0°F) or below.

21.2.2 If a separate refrigeration unit is used to rapidly cool foods from hot/warm temperatures to5°C (41°F) or below, cooled foods shall be transferred immediately to a Section holdingrefrigeration unit for routine storage. This is required to ensure that adequate space andcapacity is available for rapid cooling of hot/warm foods.

21.2.3 Temperature gauges of refrigerators chill display cabinets and freezers shall be checked aminimum of twice daily, 8 – 12 hour intervals but preferably thrice daily and the temperaturerecorded on a log sheet. Log sheets to be kept at the facility for a minimum of 6 months. Inopen chill display cabinets food product temperatures shall also be checked on a daily basisand the temperature recorded. Checking of food temperature may be by the use of anapproved commercial ‘Infra-red’ directional thermometer or by the use of a sanitized probethermometer.

21.2.4 Refrigerators and freezers shall not be over stocked. All items shall be stored in an orderly,uncluttered, off-the-floor manner on shelves or racks.

21.2.5 The free circulation of air shall be maintained in refrigerators and freezers. Stored items shallnot be placed in front of the cooling unit.

21.2.6 Freezers shall be defrosted regularly.

21.2.7 Food shall not be stored in contact with undrained ice.

21.2.8 Stored foods, whether raw or processed, if removed from the original containers, shall beenclosed in clean, covered, food-grade containers that have been used for no purpose otherthan food storage. Additionally, frozen foods shall be adequately wrapped to avoid freezerburn.

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21.2.9 Cloth, toweling and other fabrics shall not be used to cover containers, except that speciallycared for towel covers essential to the leavening of dough may be permitted if suitablealternative materials are unavailable for this unique process.

21.2.10 All raw foods considered as potentially contaminated shall be totally segregated in storagefrom cooked and ready to eat foods. Wherever practical, separate refrigerators, suitablylabeled, shall be provided. Where it is unavoidable to store raw and cooked foods together inthe same refrigerator then raw foods shall be placed on the lowest shelves in the refrigerator.All possible steps shall be taken to prevent cross contamination in the refrigerator. Raw andcooked foods shall be totally segregated and there shall be no risk of drips or spillage fromraw foods contaminating cooked and ready to eat foods.

21.2.11 Containers shall be arranged in the refrigerator/freezer to provide for unrestricted heattransfer through the container walls. Containers subject to rapid cooling shall be looselycovered during the cooling period so as not to restrict airflow to the surface of the food.Cooled containers shall be tightly covered.

21.2.12 Ice that has been used for cooling stored food; food containers or food utensils shall not beused for human consumption.


22.1 Garbage and refuse facilities:

22.1.1 Prior to removal from the premises all garbage and refuse shall be stored in a way thatmakes it inaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin. Outside storage of garbage orrefuse in open piles or in any container other than an approved garbage or refuse containeris prohibited. Inside storage of waste in open piles on the floor of the garbage/refuse storageroom is prohibited, but waste may be stored in properly closed, heavy duty plastic bags thatmay be stacked on the floor of a properly designed and constructed refuse facility.

22.1.2 A garbage/refuse storage room, whether located outside or inside the food establishment,shall be large enough to store the garbage/refuse containers that accumulate betweendisposal periods. Walls, ceilings and all attachments thereto, shall be constructed of smooth,easily cleanable, nonabsorbent materials. The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easilycleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped to atrapped drain. The structure shall be insect and rodent-proof. The entrance door to the roomshall be fitted with an air curtain device. The storage room shall be kept clean andmaintained in good repair. Additionally, garbage/refuse storage rooms shall not be locatedinside a food facility unless they are refrigerated to 5°C (41°F) or less.

22.1.3 All dedicated garbage rooms shall be of adequate size to accommodate refuse generatedfrom the food establishment that accumulates between collection periods.

22.1.4 Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers, lugger boxes andcompactor systems after they are emptied. As a minimum, the facility shall be provided withhot running water delivered at a minimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms per squarecentimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least 3.8 liters per minute.A floor constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealedconcrete, that is properly sloped to a trapped drain connected to the sewerage system.

22.2 Garbage and refuse containers:

22.2.1 Approved garbage and refuse containers shall include Standard 115 liters (30 gallons) steelgarbage cans, modified 210 liters (55 gallons) steel drums, purpose-built lugger boxes andcompactor systems. All such containers shall be made of durable, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable materials that are impervious to attack by insects, rodents and other vermin. They

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shall be designed and constructed so that they do not leak. Drain plugs, where required, shallbe in place at all times except during cleaning.

22.2.2 Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight- fitting lids, doors or covers. The lids, doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall bekept in the closed position when not in immediate use. Refuse containers that are being actively used in the food facility need not becovered. Refuse containers shall be covered when not being actively used. Filledrefuse containers shall be covered and removed from the food establishment tothe refuse storage facility.

22.2.3 The cover and the outside surface of the 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) andsmaller containers shall be labeled with the word "GARBAGE" or "REFUSE." Once used asgarbage or refuse container, the lid and container shall not be used for any other purpose,especially food preparation or storage.

22.2.4 The 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) and smaller containers shall be lined withheavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate removal of refuse.

22.2.5 Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. There shall be a sufficientnumber of approved containers to hold all the garbage and refuse that is produced at thework site and to accommodate the total amount accumulated in the refuse holding facilitybetween disposal periods.

22.2.6 After being emptied, each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergenton the inside and outside in a way that does not contaminate food, equipment, utensils orfood preparation areas.

22.2.7 Refuse equipment and containers shall not, by their location or installation, create a nuisanceor prevent cleaning of adjacent space.

22.3 Garbage and refuse disposal:

22.3.1 Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and theattraction of insects and rodents.

22.3.2 Waste shall be removed to the disposal facility in a purpose- built refuse transport vehicle.

22.3.3 All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal sanitary landfill. Open dumps and burn pits areprohibited.


23.1 A room, area, or cabinet separated from areas where ingredients and packaging are stored;ingredients and food are manufactured, processed, packaged, prepared, cooked, chilled, frozen,stored or served; equipment and utensils are washed and stored; or where food or food contactsurfaces are exposed shall be provided for the storage of cleaning equipment and supplies, e.g. mops,buckets, brooms, cleansers and waxes.

23.2 The food establishment shall be equipped with at least one of the following to be used exclusivelyfor general cleaning purposes and for the disposal of mop bucket wastes and other liquid wastes: a) aone compartment, nonporous janitorial sink; or b) a slab, basin, or floor constructed of concrete orequivalent material, curbed and sloped to a drain. Such systems shall be connected to a properlytrapped drain, provided with a hot and cold water supply through a mixing valve, and the water supplyprotected against back siphonage.

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24.1 A single individual shall be assigned responsibility for the cleanliness of the food establishment.This individual shall have assistant personnel, all of whom are well trained on the assembling and useof special cleaning tools and the safe and effective use of detergents and disinfectants. At least one ofthese assistants shall be capable of assuming his responsibilities should he be absent from the foodestablishment. All personnel shall be aware of the hazards of contamination.

24.2 A cleaning and preventive maintenance program shall be developed and implemented. Forpurposes of this Code Section, non-food contact surfaces of some large equipment, e.g. conveyerlines, outer surfaces of washing machines, outer surfaces of ovens and outer surfaces of refrigerationunits, are part of the physical facility and shall be subject to programmed cleaning as well as routineequipment cleaning.

24.2.1 The program shall identify all physical facilities, both inside and outside the foodestablishment. Each individual facility shall be assessed as to how it might contribute to thecontamination of ingredients, products, equipment, utensils and other food contact surfaces.After this is completed, assess how cleaning and maintenance of each individual facility canmost effectively reduce or prevent contamination. Formulate specific cleaning/maintenancepolicies, procedures and methods designed to reduce the risk of contamination.

24.2.2 The completed program shall include a manual that lists all facilities; the cleaning and/ormaintenance needs unique to each facility; the specific equipment, tools and chemicals, aswell as the step by step procedures and methods required to complete each cleaning and/ormaintenance task; and the name of the individual(s) responsible for completing the task.

24.3 A cleaning schedule shall be developed and implemented. The schedule shall outline the frequencythat all facilities identified in the cleaning program will be cleaned. Specific dates and times shall beassigned to daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly cleaning cycles.

24.4 Maintenance and cleaning tools, such as brooms, mops, buckets, vacuum cleaners, shall be storedin a way that prevents contamination of ingredients, equipment, utensils and products; and in a waythat expedites cleaning of the maintenance equipment facility (refer to sub-section 22 of this CodeSection).

24.5 The cleaning of mops and similar cleaning tools, and the disposal of mop water and similar liquidwastes in food preparation sinks, hand washbasins and warewashing facilities, are prohibited (refer tosub-section 22 of this Code Section).

24.6 Single-use, disposable paper towels shall be used for cleaning food contact surfaces. If multi-use,disposable paper cloths are used for cleaning non-food contact surfaces, they shall be rinsedfrequently in an approved sanitizing solution, stored in that solution between uses and shall be used forno other purpose. If hypochlorite solution is used the concentration of available chlorine shall not beless than 100 parts per million. The disposable paper cloth shall be replaced as often as is necessary.

24.7 All facilities shall be kept clean, in good repair and free of insects, rodents and objectionableodors. All toilet, shower and handwashing fixtures, and adjacent floors and walls subject to splash,shall be cleaned with detergent, rinsed and then sanitized with a 0.3 to 0.6 percent hypochloritesolution, or equivalent, at least once daily.

24.8 Dustless methods shall be used, such as vacuum cleaning, wet cleaning, or the use of dust-arrestingsweeping compounds on floors.

24.9 High level cleaning of ceilings, gantries, rafters and light fixtures requires special access equipmentthat shall be available, either in the food establishment or through an agreement with a company thatprovides such equipment when needed.

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24.10 Cleaning, except emergency cleaning, shall be done during periods when the least amount ofequipment, ingredient and product is exposed, such as after the day's production is completed.


25.1 All new and replacement equipment shall meet or be equivalent to applicable U.S. NationalSanitation Foundation (NSF) Standards or, in the absence of applicable NSF Standards, be approvedby Saudi Aramco EPD.

25.2 Equipment components, such as doors, seals, hinges and fasteners, shall be kept intact, tight andadjusted according to the manufacturers' specifications and good engineering practices.

25.3 All machines shall be designed to perform their functions with minimal operator assistance. Ifoperators must perform a task manually, the machine shall be designed such that manual operationmay be performed without the operator or his clothing touching food contact surfaces or the product.

25.4 Color-coded knife handles and matching cutting boards shall be provided for different foodpreparation activities. This is required to minimize and control cross contamination (also see sub-section 31.5 of this Code Section). Where color coded knives and boards are provided the followingrecognized color scheme is recommended:

Red - Raw meats productsYellow - Cooked meat productsWhite - Bakery/Dairy productsGreen - Salad vegetablesBrown - Raw vegetablesBlue - Raw fish

25.5 Materials:

25.5.1 All equipment and utensils shall be made of, repaired with and finished with safe, nontoxic,corrosion resistant, nonabsorbent materials which are resistant to denting, buckling, pitting,chipping and crazing. Materials shall not impart odors, color or taste, nor contribute to thecontamination of food.

25.5.2 Food contact surfaces shall not contain lead, antimony or cadmium; whether it be containedin the base metal alloy or it is plated onto the surface of the base metal.

25.5.3 The use of solder containing antimony, cadmium or lead for repairing food equipment isprohibited. All solder used shall be specifically formulated for repair of food equipment andshall be composed of safe materials and be corrosion resistant.

25.5.4 Galvanized metal shall not be used as a food contact surface.

25.5.5 Cast iron shall not be used for utensils or food contact surfaces of equipment, except thatcast iron may be used as a heated cooking surface for grills and griddles, and as a utensilserving surface if the utensil is used as part of an uninterrupted cooking process fromcooking through service.

25.5.6 Copper and copper alloys shall not be used for acid foods or for fittings or tubing downstreamfrom either a check valve or a backflow device exposed to carbon dioxide. Equipment madeof copper or its alloys shall be plated with tin so that foods shall not directly contact thecopper or copper alloy metal.

25.5.7 Hardwood, such as maple may be used for baker's tables or butchers blocks. The use ofwood as a food contact surface under any other circumstance is prohibited, except that woodmay be used for shipping crates that only contact fresh, whole fruits and vegetables.

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25.5.8 Glass, plastic and rubber or rubber-like materials are permitted for repeated use as foodcontact surfaces if they: a) are resistant under normal conditions of use to scratching,scoring, decomposition, crazing, chipping and distortion; b) are of sufficient weight andthickness to permit cleaning and sanitizing by normal dishwashing methods; c) are free offormaldehyde or any other substance that can affect the characteristics of the food itcontacts; and d) they comply with all other requirements outlined in sub-section 25 of thisCode Section.

25.5.9 Conveyor belts shall be made of suitable, easily cleanable, nonabsorbent materials.

25.6 Design and fabrication:

25.6.1 All equipment and utensils shall be designed and fabricated for durability under conditions ofnormal use. Food contact surfaces, as well as non-food contact surfaces that requirefrequent cleaning or are exposed to splash or food debris, shall be designed and fabricatedto be smooth and easily cleanable; free of breaks, open seams, cracks, chips, pits andsimilar imperfections; and free of unnecessary ledges, projections and difficult-to-cleaninternal corners and crevices. Threads shall be designed to facilitate cleaning. Ordinary "V"type threads are prohibited.

25.6.2 Unless designed for in-place cleaning, food contact surfaces shall be accessible for cleaningand inspection by one of the following methods: a) cleaning and inspection withoutdisassembly; b) cleaning and inspection after disassembly without the use of tools; or c)cleaning and inspection after disassembly with the use of simple tools kept available near theequipment, such as a mallet, a screwdriver or an open-ended wrench.

25.6.3 Cutting or piercing parts of package openers shall be readily removable for cleaning.

25.6.4 Sinks and drain boards shall be self-draining.

25.6.5 Equipment requiring unsafe lubricants shall be designed and constructed so that the lubricantcannot leak, drip or be forced onto a food contact surface.

25.6.6 Ventilation hoods and devices shall be designed to prevent condensate from dripping intoingredients, products, or onto food contact surfaces. Filters, if used, shall be readilyremovable for cleaning and replacement. Ventilation equipment shall be properly operatedand maintained.

25.6.7 Unless water-tight joints are provided, all piping, thermometers, rotary shafts and other partsextending into a food container shall be collared with a condensation, drip or dust sealingapron.

25.6.8 Equipment shall be self-draining. The drain shall comply with requirements outlined in sub-section 14.4 of this Code Section.

25.6.9 Equipment and utensils fitted with blades, saws or other sharp-edged cutting tools shall beguarded and otherwise designed to protect operators from injury.

25.7 Location and installation:

25.7.1 Food equipment and food contact surfaces shall not be located in a locker room, toilet room,toilet room vestibule, garbage room, mechanical room, bedroom, or under an exposed sewerline, exposed non-potable water line, leaking water line, a surface where water condenses,any surface that drips, an open stairwell or under any other potential source of contamination.

25.7.2 Aisles and working spaces between units of equipment and between equipment and wallsshall be unobstructed and of sufficient width to permit personnel to perform their duties

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readily without contamination of ingredients, products or food contact surfaces by clothing orpersonal contact.

25.7.3 Equipment that is placed on a table or counter unless portable shall be sealed to the table orcounter or mounted on legs at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) high. All equipment shall beinstalled to facilitate cleaning of the equipment and adjacent areas.

25.7.4 Equipment is not portable within the meaning of this Code Section unless: a) it is small andlight enough to be moved easily by one person; and b) it has no utility connection, or has autility connection that can be disconnected quickly, or has a flexible utility connection line ofsufficient length to permit the equipment to be easily moved for cleaning.

25.7.5 Floor mounted equipment, unless readily movable, shall be installed in one of the followingways: a) sealed to the floor; b) installed on a raised platform of concrete or other smoothmaterial in a way that prevents liquids or food debris from seeping or settling underneath,between, or behind the equipment in spaces that are not open for cleaning and inspection; orc) installed on legs at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) off the floor, except that verticallymounted floor mixers may be elevated as little as 10 centimeters (4 inches) off the floor if nopart of the floor under the mixer is more than 15 centimeters (6 inches) from the cleaningaccess.

25.7.6 Unless sufficient space is provided for ease of cleaning between and behind each unit offloor mounted equipment, the space between it and adjoining equipment and between it andadjacent walls shall be closed. If exposed to seepage, the equipment shall be sealed to theadjoining equipment or adjacent walls.

25.8 Only safe food grade lubricants shall be used on equipment designed to receive lubrication ofbearings and gears on, or within, a food contact surface.

25.9 A three-compartment sink with two integral drain boards, accessory drain boards and drying racksshall be provided. Sink compartments and drain boards shall be large enough to accommodate thelargest object cleaned. Hot and cold potable water that complies with requirements outlined in sub-section 14 of this Code Section shall be provided to each sink compartment through a mixing valve.


26.1 All food, food products, drink and drink products transported to or between food establishmentsshall be protected by individually wrapped cartons, cases or crates, packaged so as to properlysafeguard them from dust, dirt, filth, droplet infection, contamination, pollution, tastes, odor or othernoxious substances.

26.2 All perishable foods shall be transported in a way that protects them against deterioration, spoilage orlowering of quality. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that they reach their destination in the samequality and sanitary condition as when they were loaded on the vehicle. Refrigerated vehicles shall beused to transport chilled foods. Hot foods shall be transported in insulated containers that keep themhot.

26.3 All vehicles used to transport food shall be so constructed and operated as to protect their contentsfrom contamination and to ensure that required temperature limits, if applicable, are maintained. Theyshall not be used for any purpose other than the transport of food. They shall be kept clean and ingood repair.

26.4 Where cooked or chilled foods are transported between sites in containers that meet therequirements of this Code, prior to leaving the preparation site the temperature of all hazardous foodsshall be checked with an accurate thermometer and the temperatures recorded. When the food arrivesat the destination site the temperature of hazardous foods shall be checked by a competent, trainedfood services supervisor and the temperatures recorded. Throughout transportation, delivery andserving chilled food must be maintained at 5°C (41°F) or below and hot foods at 60°C (140°F) or

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above. If, when checked, the temperature of the food is greater than 5C (41F) or below 60C (140F)then it must be consumed within 2 hours.


27.1 The cleaning frequency of equipment and utensils shall be based on the temperature conditionsduring processing operations, type of ingredients (whether hazardous or non-hazardous foods), anddegree of processing and potential exposure to contamination. The frequency of cleaning andsanitization shall be increased as the ambient temperature increases, the amount of processingincreases, etc.

27.1.1 Utensils and food-contact surfaces that are not used continuously shall be cleaned andsanitized: a) after a substantial interruption in their continuous use, and b) after each periodof use.

27.1.2 Food-contact surfaces of mixers, production line, processing or continuously operatingequipment shall be cleaned and sanitized: a) after a substantial interruption in the operation;b) throughout the day at intervals required to eliminate food temperature hazards and toreduce food particle accumulation; and c) at the end of each day's production.

27.1.3 The food-contact surfaces of cooking devices shall be cleaned at least once per day exceptthat this shall not apply to hot oil cooking equipment and hot oil filtering systems.

27.1.4 Utensils and food contact surfaces of equipment not specified shall be cleaned and sanitizedat a frequency based upon the type of food, temperature, risk of contamination and theamount of food particle accumulation. In general, such items shall be cleaned and sanitizedafter each period of use or at least once every four (4) hours.

27.1.5 Non-food contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned as frequently as is necessary tokeep surfaces free of accumulated dust, dirt, food particles and other soil. Refer toprogrammed cleaning schedules for physical facilities discussed in sub-section 24.2 of thisCode Section.

27.1.6 The boxes, baskets and other receptacles in which food establishment products aretransported shall be maintained in good repair and kept free of accumulated dust, dirt,insects, rodents and other contamination.

27.2 Soiled equipment, utensils, etc shall be handled in a way that precludes contamination of cleaneditems with soiled items.

27.3 Dry cleaning methods such as scraping, brushing or vacuuming shall be used to removeaccumulations of dust or dry food particles from surfaces that contact only dry, non-potentiallyhazardous food. Sanitization of those surfaces is not required. Equipment used in dry cleaningmethods shall not be used for any other purpose.

27.4 Multi-use dishes, utensils, pots/pans and disassembled parts of food contact equipment shall besubjected to the successive steps of washing, rinsing and sanitizing in a three compartment sink orwarewashing machine. When cleaning in sinks or warewashing machines is impractical, e.g. when theequipment is too large or is fixed, cleaning shall be done by alternate methods. Alternative proceduresshall provide for all three steps of the warewashing process.

27.5 Utensils and equipment shall be disassembled to permit access to internal food contact surfaces.

27.6 Dishes, utensils, pots/pans and disassembled parts shall be pre-flushed and/or pre-scraped and,when necessary, pre-soaked to remove gross food particles and soil. Fixed equipment shall beflushed, scraped or rough cleaned, as appropriate, to remove gross food particles and soil.

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27.7 Cleaning agent(s) shall be applied to all food contact surfaces to remove food particles and soil, e.g.hand swabbing while immersed in a hot detergent solution (35°C [95°F] or hotter) in the firstcompartment of a three compartment sink; mechanical cleaning as outlined in sub-section 28 of thisCode Section; application of high pressure detergent sprays or low pressure foams on fixedequipment; or by other task specific cleaning method.

27.8 Washed items shall be rinsed with hot water (35°C [95°F] or hotter) to remove cleaning agents andflush away abrasives (note that there may be special situations where the rinse and sanitizationprocess is combined in one step [see sub-sections 27.9 and 27.9.7 of this Code Section). If using athree-compartment sink, immerse each item in the hot rinse water contained in the second sinkcompartment, turning and agitating the item as it is placed in the rinse water.

27.9 Rinsed equipment and utensils shall be sanitized by one of the following methods (note thatsanitizers and detergent-sanitizers shall be of the type which does not require a potable water rinseand they shall not be used in a concentration which exceeds the maximum concentration indicated bythe manufacturers' label instructions):

27.9.1 Contact with a solution of 100 milligrams per liter (100 parts per million) residual chlorine for30 seconds. Large vessels and fixed equipment may be sprayed with a solution containingnot less than 100 milligrams per liter residual chlorine (100 parts per million) that is allowed tostand for at least 30 seconds before the equipment is used. Items shall not be rinsed andshall be allowed to air dry.

27.9.2 Contact with hot water at a temperature of at least 77°C (170°F) for 30 seconds. When thismethod is used, the following facilities shall be provided and used: a) an integral heatingdevice or fixture installed in or under the sanitizing compartment of the sink that is capable ofmaintaining the water temperature in the sink at 77°C (170°F) or above; and b) dish basketsof such size and design to permit complete immersion of the equipment and utensils in thehot water.

27.9.3 Contact with a solution of 12.5 milligrams per liter (12.5 parts per million) available iodine forone minute. Iodine based chemical sanitizers shall be used only in solutions which have a pHof 5.0 or less, unless the container label specifies a higher pH limit of effectiveness.

27.9.4 Contact with a quaternary ammonium solution at a concentration and a contact timeindicated by the manufacturers' label instructions. Quaternary ammonium compounds shallbe used only in water with 500 milligrams per liter (500 parts per million) hardness or less.

27.9.5 Exposure to clean steam that is free from harmful materials or additives while enclosed in asteam cabinet or closed tank, piping network or other such closed system. Equipment andutensils shall be exposed to steam in the closed system for at least 15 minutes at atemperature of at least 82°C (180°F) or for at least five minutes at a temperature of at least93°C (200°F).

27.9.6 Exposure to an enclosed jet of clean, live steam that is free from harmful materials oradditives for not less than one minute.

27.9.7 When a detergent-sanitizer is used in the first compartment of a two-compartment sink, thesame detergent-sanitizer shall be used to sanitize in the second compartment (note thatchlorine may be used as the sanitizer in the second sink compartment in lieu of thedetergent-sanitizer if it is used in accordance with the requirements outlined in sub-section27.9.1 of this Code Section). If the detergent-sanitizer is a chlorine based compound, thechlorine concentration and contact time of the sanitizing solution shall comply with therequirements outlined in sub-section 27.9.1 of this Code Section. If the detergent- sanitizer isa non-chlorine based compound, the concentration of the sanitizing solution shall comply withthe limits indicated by the manufacturers' label instructions, the contact time shall beincreased from 30 seconds to one minute and the sanitizing solution shall be at atemperature of at least 24°C (75°F).

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27.10 All cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils shall be allowed to air dry in a self-drainingposition on approved, properly protected hooks or racks.

27.11 Testing equipment and materials shall be provided to adequately measure applicable chemical,temperatures and other pertinent parameters. For example, a numerically scaled indicatingthermometer accurate to ±1°C (±2°F) shall be provided to check water temperatures.

27.12 All cleaned and sanitized equipment; pans, apparatus and utensils shall be handled so as to beprotected from contamination. Cleaned items shall be handled in a way that precludes crosscontamination with soiled items. Spoons, knives and forks shall be touched only by their handles.Cups, glasses and bowls shall be handled without contact with inside surfaces or with surfaces thatcontact the user's mouth.

27.13 Cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils shall be stored in a way that protects them fromcontamination. Cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils and movable equipment shall be storedat least 46 centimeters (18 inches) above the floor in a clean, dry location that protects them fromcontamination by splash, dust and other means. The food contact surfaces of fixed equipment shallalso be protected from contamination.

27.14 Cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils shall not be stored in a locker room, toilet room,toilet room vestibule, garbage room, mechanical room, bedroom, or under an exposed sewer line,exposed non- potable water line, leaking water line, a surface where water condenses, any surface thatdrips, an open stairwell or under other potential source of contamination.

27.15 In-Place Cleaning (CIP): Pipes, tubes, valves and lines intended for in- place cleaning shall bedesigned and fabricated so: a) cleaning and sanitizing solutions can be circulated throughout a fixedsystem using an effective cleaning and sanitizing regimen; b) cleaning and sanitizing solutions willcontact all interior food contact surfaces; c) in-line thermometers are located to measure the leastheated sections of the line; d) the system is self-draining and can be evacuated completely; and e) theequipment can be dismantled for interior inspection and microbiological sampling.

27.16 Wherever practical, stored utensils shall be covered or inverted. Facilities for the storage ofspoons, knives and forks shall be provided and shall be designed to present the handle to theemployee or customer.

27.17 Tableware should be set prior to serving a meal only if glasses and cups are inverted, and knives,forks and spoons are wrapped or otherwise covered. All unused preset tableware shall be collected forwashing and sanitizing after the meal period.


28.1 Mechanical cleaning and sanitizing may be done by spray-type or immersion-type warewashingmachines, or other device if it can be proved to thoroughly clean and sanitize a specific item or class ofitems. Such machines and devices shall be installed and maintained in good repair according to themanufacturers' instructions. All equipment shall display the U.S. National Sanitation Foundation "Sealof Approval" or comply with requirements equivalent to the U.S. National Sanitation Foundation'sSections for mechanical warewashing machines.

28.2 Warewashing machines and their auxiliary components shall be operated in accordance with themanufacturers' instructions.

28.3 Warewashing machine conveyors shall be accurately timed to assure proper exposure times duringwash, rinse and sanitizing cycles in accordance with the specifications attached to the machines.

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28.4 Detergents, sanitizing agents and other chemicals shall be automatically dispensed to the variouscompartments of the machine. Automatic dispensers shall be properly installed, operated andmaintained.

28.5 The pressure of water supplied to a spray-type dishwashing machine shall not be less than 1kilogram per square centimeter (15 pounds per square inch) or more than 1.8 kilograms per squarecentimeter (25 pounds per square inch) measured in the water line immediately adjacent to themachine. A 6.3 millimeters (0.25 inch) IPS valve shall be provided immediately upstream from the finalrinse control valve to permit checking the flow pressure of the final rinse water.

28.6 Separate, easily readable, numerically scaled, indicating thermometers accurate to ±2°C (±3°F)shall be provided to indicate water temperature in each tank of the machine and the temperature of thefinal rinse water as it enters the manifold.

28.7 Staging tables and racks shall be of adequate size for the proper handling of soiled pans. They shallbe located so they do not interfere with the proper use of the dishwashing facilities.

28.8 If necessary, items shall be scraped and soaked prior to being washed in the warewashingmachine.

28.9 After precleaning, items shall be loaded into racks, trays or baskets or onto conveyors in a self-draining position that will expose each item to the unobstructed spray from all cycles.

28.10 The temperature of the wash water in spray-type ware-washers shall not be less than: a) 74°C(165°F) in a single-tank, stationary-rack, single temperature machine; b) 71°C (160°F) in a single-tank,conveyor machine; c) 65.6°C (150°F) in a single-tank, stationary-rack, dual temperature machine; d)65.6°C (150°F) in a multi-tank, conveyor machine; e) 65.6°C (150°F) in a single-tank, pot, pan andutensil washer (stationary or moving rack; or f) 50°C (120°F) in a spray-type glass washer.

28.11 Rinse water tanks shall be protected by baffles or other effective means to minimize the entry bywash water into the rinse water. Washed items shall be rinsed free of particulate matter, detergent andabrasives with potable water.

28.12 When machines use hot water for sanitization, rinse waters shall be kept clean. The temperatureof the primary rinse water shall be maintained at not less than 71°C (160°F) and the temperature of thefinal rinse water shall not be less than 82°C (180°F) except that the temperature shall be 74°C (165°F)in a single-tank, stationary rack, single temperature machine. The temperature of the primary rinseshall be measured in the rinse compartment tank and the temperature of the final rinse water shall bemeasured at the manifold.

28.13 The suggested schedule for cleaning and sanitizing dishwashing, bottle washing and otherwarewashing machines is outlined in Table 5.

TABLE 5Suggested Schedule and Procedure for Cleaning and Sanitizing

Dishwashing, Pan Washing, Bottle Washing and Warewashing MachinesPart of Machine to be


Frequency ofCleaning

Cleaning Procedure

Prerinse Compartment Twice daily Inspect and flush if foreign matter has accumulated orbad odor present.

Weekly Drain and remove foreign matter.Flush with hot water.Sanitize with 100 ppm chlorine solution with 4 hourcontact time.

Caustic SodaCompartments

Each time recharged Drain and remove foreign matter

Flush thoroughly with hot water

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Wash Compartments Each time recharged Drain and remove foreign matter.Flush thoroughly with hot water.

Screens/Pans Daily Remove debris, flush, air dryInside Brushes Twice daily Inspect and flush with hot water.

Weekly Inspect and flush with hot water.Sanitize with 25 ppm chlorine solution allowingovernight contact time.Drain and leave to dry.

Rinse Compartments Twice daily Inspect jets and remove any material clogging jets.Daily Drain and flush with hot water.

Drain and leave to air dry.Weekly Drain and flush with hot water.

Sanitize with 100 ppm chlorine solution with 4 hourcontact time.Drain and leave to air dry.

Entire Machine As required De-scale machine.


29.1 Raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall be obtained from sources thatproduce such items in purpose-built food establishments under sanitary conditions and according togenerally accepted industry practices. They shall be unadulterated, wholesome and free from spoilage,filth or other contamination. They shall be safe for human consumption. They shall have a fresh,wholesome flavor and odor and shall be sound and have a normal appearance. All foods, ingredientsand raw materials shall be maintained within a temperature range that is considered optimum formaximum shelf life. Potentially hazardous food shall be maintained at or below 5°C (41°F) or above60°C (140°F) at all times. They shall be at a safe temperature when received. They shall be handledand processed according to requirements outlined in this Code Section.

29.2 All raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall obtained from reputable sourcessuch as those vendors currently on the Saudi Aramco Approved Vendors List or those approved byEPD.

29.3 Only those raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials packed in the originalmanufacturers' labeled container shall be received and used.

29.3.1 The label shall honestly represent the package contents in accordance with Saudi ArabGovernment Sections. The label must list all additives. The item is misbranded if the labelingis false or misleading in any way or the package contains a chemical preservative not statedon the label.

29.3.2 The dates of production and expiration shall be recorded on the packaging.

29.4 Raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall not be accepted:

29.4.1 If they contain decomposed, toxic or extraneous substances that will not be removed toacceptable levels by normal food establishment procedures of sorting, preparation orprocessing.

29.4.2 If the packaging in which they are received exhibits signs of damage, contamination,deterioration, spoilage or intentional tampering which may have rendered the contents unsafeand unfit for use.

29.5 If raw materials, foods, ingredients or packaging materials are inadvertently received and then defectsoutlined in sub-section 29.4 of this Code Section are discovered, the offending item(s) shall besegregated, audited, written-off and disposed of in accordance with the organization's Sectionoperating procedures.

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29.6 Raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall be stored in a manner that protectsthem against contamination, infestation and quick deterioration. Stores and their doors and windowsshall be constructed so as to prevent entrance of rodents. If rodents are present, stores shall becompletely emptied and the rodent infestation shall be eliminated. The store shall be tightly closed toprevent reentry by rodents.

29.7 Raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall be protected at all times, includingwhile being manufactured, processed, cooked and packaged, from contamination. They shall beprotected against contamination resulting from the addition of, or cross contamination with, unsafe orunapproved foods, ingredients and additives.

29.8 Prior to introduction into the processing line, or at a convenient point within it, raw materials andingredients shall be inspected, sorted and selected as required to remove unsuitable materials. Suchsteps shall be carried out under hygienic conditions so that only sound and clean raw materials andingredients shall be processed.

29.9 Raw materials shall be washed as needed to remove dust or other contaminants. Water used for suchpurposes shall not be recirculated unless suitably treated.


30.1 Water: The quality of water used in the food establishment shall conform to requirements equivalent tothose described in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code. If water is used for conveying raw materials, itshall also comply with Section SASC-S-01 of this Code.

30.2 All sweeteners, preservatives, anti-oxidants, acids, flavorings, emulsifiers, stabilizers and coloringagents shall comply with the relevant Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) Standards. Nofood additives other than those approved by SASO shall be permitted.

30.3 All food additives, including preservatives, anti-oxidants, flavoring, emulsifiers, stabilizers andcoloring agents shall be stored in suitable, sealed, easily cleanable containers, or their originalpackaging, until opened. Once opened, remaining food additives shall be transferred to containerswith lids that are properly labeled.

30.4 Acids and flavors: Citric, tartaric, or other edible organic acids and their salts may be used in foodestablishment products. Acids and flavors shall be stored in suitable containers, properly labeled andprotected against contamination.

30.5 Colors: Only caramel, U.S. certified coal tar and approved vegetable colors, shall be used in foodestablishment products. Note that the use of coloring agents in bread products is prohibited.

30.5.1 All colors shall be prepared in small batches.

30.5.2 All color solutions shall be boiled for at least two minutes immediately before being added tothe product.

30.5.3 Color solutions shall be stored in a dark place.

30.6 Eggs: Only clean, whole eggs with shells intact and without cracks or checks, or pasteurized eggproducts, shall be used.

30.6.1 Eggs and pasteurized egg products shall be obtained from Saudi Aramco approved sources.They shall be delivered to the food establishment in refrigerated vehicles. The internaltemperature of eggs and pasteurized egg products shall not exceed 5°C (41°F) at the timethey are off-loaded from the refrigerated vehicle. Note that properly packaged dried eggproducts are exempt from these temperature requirements.

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30.6.2 Upon receipt, all eggs and egg products shall be placed in approved refrigeration equipmentand held at a temperature equal to or less than 5°C (41°F) until used. This requirement iswaived if the eggs or egg products will be used as an ingredient in a food that will achieve atime/temperature relationship adequate to pasteurize the entire volume of the processed foodwithin two hours of receipt of the eggs or egg products.

30.6.3 Eggs and egg products shall only be used as an ingredient in foods, which are heated. Theheating process shall achieve a time/temperature relationship adequate to pasteurize theentire volume of the processed food. Eggs and egg products shall not be added to the foodafter the food has been pasteurized.

30.6.4 Eggs and egg products that will be served directly, i.e. not incorporated as an ingredient in aprocessed food, shall be heated to 74°C (165°F) or higher before being served. Dried eggsand dried egg products shall be reconstituted before they are heated.

30.7 Pasteurized milk and milk products:30.7.1 Only pasteurized milk and milk products shall be used, or intended for use or for sale, in

whole or in part, for human consumption.

30.7.2 All pasteurized milk and milk products, including condensed evaporated or dried milk, shallcomply with requirements outlined in SASC-S-06 of this Code for grade "A" pasteurized milk(requires an average bacterial plate count not exceeding 20,000 per cubic centimeter orgram). A specific exception to this requirement is permitted in the case of a pasteurized milkor milk product that will be used as an ingredient in a food that will be processed andpasteurized in a commercial food plant, i.e. the maximum bacterial plate count may beincreased to 50,000 per cubic centimeter or gram if the pasteurized milk or milk productcomplies with all other grade "A" quality Standards (note that the exception may be increasedto a maximum bacterial plate count of 100,000 per cubic centimeter or gram in the case ofcream).

30.7.3 All pasteurized milk and milk products shall have an internal temperature of not more than5°C (41°F) when delivered to the food establishment (condensed, evaporated and UHT milkare exempt from this temperature requirement).

30.7.4 All pasteurized milk and milk products shall, upon receipt, be placed in approved refrigeratorsand held at a temperature equal to or less than 5°C (41°F) until used. This is not required ifthe milk or milk product will be used as an ingredient in a food that will achieve atime/temperature relationship adequate to pasteurize the entire volume of the food within twohours of receipt of the milk or milk product.

30.7.5 Dry milk products shall only be used as an ingredient in foods, which are heated. The heatingprocess shall achieve a time/temperature relationship adequate to pasteurize the entirevolume of the processed food. Dry milk ingredients shall not be added to the food after thefood has been pasteurized.

30.7.6 Dried milk and dried milk products that will be served directly, i.e. not incorporated as aningredient in a processed food, shall be reconstituted and then heated to 74°C (165°F) orhigher before being served.

30.8 Ice intended for human consumption or that may contact ingredients; water or food contact surfacesshall be produced in accordance with requirements outlined in sub-section 39 of this Code Section.

30.9 Compressed air used in the food, beverage or ice production process shall be filtered or otherwisetreated to render it free of dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly locatedand maintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removablefor cleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil-free air.

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31.1 Food shall be processed and prepared with the least possible manual contact, with suitable utensilsand on surfaces that, prior to use, have been cleaned and sanitized. Utensils may be placed in the foodwith the handle extended or laid flat on a clean portion of the food preparation table or cookingequipment during brief pauses in preparation.

31.2 The time that potentially hazardous foods are between 5°C (41°F) and 60°C (140°F) shall be keptto a minimum. During cooking, the time taken to increase the temperature from 5°C to 60°C (41°F -140°F) shall be undertaken as quickly as practicable without ‘simmering’ or slow cooking.

31.2.1 Potentially hazardous foods that are displayed for service shall be maintained at over 60°C(140°F) at all times.

31.2.2 Potentially hazardous foods that are normally sold ‘cold’ shall be kept at below 5°C (41°F)except foods that are consumed within 2 hours of preparation from ingredients that havebeen maintained at or below 5°C (41°F) i.e. sandwiches that have been prepared usingingredients that are potentially hazardous may be exempt from the temperature controlrequirement providing they are consumed within 2 hours of preparation.

31.2.3 Any potentially hazardous food that is not kept within the temperature requirements of therequirements will be discarded after a period of 2 hours outside of the requiredtemperatures. Foods that are to be chilled after cooking must be chilled as quickly aspossible after final cooking and preparation. A blast chiller or blast freezer shall be used forchilling and freezing of such food products.

31.2.4 Other methods of quick cooling such as placing the product in thin layers/flat trays orportioning of large joints of meat and placing in chiller or freezer may be acceptable ifapproved by EPD.

31.3 Raw fruits and raw vegetables shall be washed thoroughly before being cooked. Those to beprocessed raw shall be sanitized in a solution containing 100 milligrams per liter (100 parts per million)residual chlorine with a minimum contact time of 10 minutes.

31.4 Separate utensils shall be used for raw and cooked ingredients or, if this is not possible, they shallbe thoroughly cleaned and sanitized between each use. Color-coding is the recommended method ofkeeping utensils separate, e.g. different colored knife handles and cutting boards for different activities.

31.5 All reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the contamination or cross contamination offood whilst being prepared. Separate areas, equipment and cutting surfaces shall be available for thevarious activities undertaken in the kitchen. Where a single food preparation surface is the only oneavailable, all necessary steps shall be taken to prevent cross contamination. Proper disinfectiontechniques shall be practiced, and in this event separate color coded boards and utensils shall beprovided.

31.6 Frozen food shall be thawed by one of the following methods only:31.6.1 Approximately 24 to 48 hours in advance of planned cooking time, place the frozen food in a

refrigerator operating at a temperature of 5°C (41°F) or less.

31.6.2 As part of the continuous uninterrupted regular cooking process, i.e. by continuously cookingfrom the frozen state until the food is thoroughly cooked. (This refers to frozen food items,which, according to manufacturer’s instructions, may be cooked directly from frozen).

31.6.3 Thaw food in a microwave oven and immediately transfer to regular cooking units as part of acontinuous cooking process.

31.6.4 Thaw food in a microwave oven when the entire uninterrupted cooking process takes placein the microwave oven.

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31.7 Food that requires cooking will be cooked to heat all parts of the food to a temperature of at least63°C (145°F) except that:

31.7.1 Roast beef may be cooked to an internal temperature of 60°C (140°F).

31.7.2 Poultry, poultry stuffing, stuffed meat and all precooked frozen food shall be cooked to heatall parts of the food to at least 74°C (165°F) with no interruption of the cooking process.

31.8 Food that was cooked and then refrigerated shall be reheated quickly to a center temperature of atleast 74°C (165°F) for a minimum of 15 seconds before being placed in a hot holding unit for use.Steam tables or other hot food holding units are neither designed to, nor are they capable of, rapidlyheating food to a center temperature of 74°C (165°F) in 30 minutes. Attempting to use hot holdingequipment for reheating food is strictly prohibited.

31.9 Dried milk, reconstituted dried milk, dried-milk products, dried eggs, and dried-egg products that willbe served directly, i.e. not incorporated as an ingredient in a processed food, shall be heated to 74°C(165°F) for a minimum of 15 seconds or higher before being served (see sub-section 30 of this CodeSection).

31.10 Non-dairy products may be reconstituted on the premises only when they will be prepared and storedin sanitized, covered containers not exceeding 3.8 liters (1 gallon) in capacity and are rapidly cooled to5°C (41°F) or below after preparation.


32.1 Every commercial product that is sold, offered for sale, or held for sale shall have a protectivewrapping, or other packaging.

32.2 Packaging materials shall be non-absorbent, tasteless and odorless and shall assure convenientprotection of the product against contamination. Packaging materials shall not contain substances thatcause objectionable organoleptic changes in the product, that render the product toxic or thatadversely affect the product in any way.

32.3 Packaging materials shall be protected from contamination during storage and production. They shallbe kept in a clean, dry place until used. Handling shall be minimized.

32.4 Packaging shall be carried out under suitable hygienic conditions. The packaging shall protect theproduct from contamination and infestation.

32.5 Processed products prepared for sale, or those distributed during processing or packaging, shall becoded to enable identification of lots and their production date, so that a specified lot that may havebecome contaminated or unfit for the purpose of its intended use shall be segregated. Labeling of foodproducts shall comply with the latest edition of Saudi Arab Standards Organization Standard #1,Labeling of Prepackaged Foods.


33.1 The finished product shall be stored under such conditions as to preclude contamination orproliferation of microorganisms. The product shall be protected against deterioration or damage topackaging. The product shall be stored in a way that does not interfere with processing, production orpackaging operations.

33.2 During storage, periodic inspection shall be carried out on the finished product to ensure that it is fitfor human consumption and that it complies with the Standard specifications of the finished product.

33.3 Store rooms shall be rodent-proof, moisture free and air conditioned and refrigerated, as appropriate,per the requirements of sub-sections 20 and 21 of this Code Section.

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33.4 The finished product shall be transported under such conditions as to preclude contamination orproliferation of microorganisms. The product shall be protected against deterioration or damage topackaging. Transport vehicles shall comply with requirements outlined in sub-section 26 of this CodeSection.


34.1 Potentially hazardous foods shall be kept at a temperature of 5°C (41°F) or lower, or at atemperature of 60°C (140°F) or higher during display and service.

34.2 Food on display shall be protected from consumer contamination by the use of easily cleanable,counter-protector devices, display cases and similar equipment, as well as other means of protection.

34.3 Suitable utensils shall be used by employees and provided to consumers who serve themselves toavoid unnecessary contact with food. Between uses during service, utensils shall be stored in the foodcontainers with the food they are being used to serve; clean and dry; or in running water.

34.4 Ice for consumer use shall be dispensed by automatic, self-service ice dispensing machines or by afood service employee. Food service employees shall dispense ice with scoops, tongs, or other icedispensing utensils. Ice dispensing utensils and receptacles shall be protected from contaminationduring service and storage.

34.5 Condiments, sugar, seasonings and dressings for self-service use shall be provided only in individualpackages or from dispensers that protect their contents. Milk and milk products for drinking purposesshall be provided to the consumer in an unopened, commercially filled package not exceeding 1 liter(1.06 quart) in capacity, or served from an approved bulk milk dispenser. Once served to a consumer,individual portions of food shall not be served again.


Single-service articles shall be commercially packaged for individual use or shall be available to theconsumer from a dispenser in a way that prevents contamination of surfaces that may contact food orthe user's mouth. Single- service articles shall be used only once. Handling of single-service articles inbulk should be conducted in a way that protects them from contamination. Single-service articles shallbe stored above the floor on clean shelves and in closed containers that protect them fromcontamination.


36.1 Carbonated beverages and non-carbonated juices:

36.1.1 Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) shall not exceed 100 bacteria per milliliter.

36.1.2 Most Probable Number (MPN) of coliform bacteria shall not exceed 2.2 per 100 milliliters.

36.1.3 Yeasts and molds shall not exceed 20 per milliliter.

36.2 Ice-cream and frozen desserts:

36.2.1 Heterotrophic Plate Count (SPC) shall not exceed 50,000 bacteria per gram.

36.2.2 Coliform bacteria shall not exceed 10 per gram.

36.2.3 Phosphatase shall be less than 1 microgram per gram if milk or milk products are used as aningredient.

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36.2.4 Yeasts and molds shall not exceed 10 per gram if cultured milk products are used as aningredient.


37.1 Mobile food establishments shall comply with the requirements of this Code Section, includingapplication and inspection requirements outlined in sub-sections 1 and 2 of this Code Section. Exceptas otherwise provided in this Section, Saudi Aramco EPD may impose additional requirements toprevent hazards and protect health, may prohibit the sale of some or all potentially hazardous foods,and when no health hazard will result, may waive or modify requirements of this Code Section relatingto physical facilities (requirements outlined in sub-sections 37.2 through 37.7 of this Code Section shallnot be waived).

37.2 Running water and central sewage are not required for a mobile food unit which serves only foodthat was prepared and packaged in individual servings which are transported and stored as required bythis Code Section. Beverages served in such a mobile unit must not be potentially hazardous and mustbe dispensed from covered urns; other protected equipment or in commercially packaged individualserving containers. For those mobile food units not provided with water or adequate cleaning facilities,all equipment and utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized at a central food serviceestablishment at least once each day.

37.3 A mobile food unit requiring a water system shall have a potable water system under pressure. Thesystem shall be of sufficient capacity to furnish enough hot and cold water for food preparation,equipment and utensil cleaning and sanitization and hand washing in accordance with therequirements of this Code Section. All water distribution pipes and tubing shall be constructed andinstalled in compliance with the general requirements of Section SASC-S-01 of this Code. The waterinlet shall be located in a position that prevents contamination by waste discharges, road dust or othersources. The water inlet shall be provided with a transition connection of a size or type that preventsconnection to any other service.

37.4 Mobile food units shall provide only single-service articles for use by the consumer.

37.5 If liquid waste results from operation of a mobile food unit, it shall be stored in permanently installedretention tanks that are at least 50 percent larger than the water supply tank. Liquid wastes shall not bedischarged from the retention tank when the mobile food unit is in motion. Utility service connectionsfor waste disposal shall be of a different size or type than those used for supplying potable water to themobile food unit. Waste connections shall be located below the level of water connections to precludecontamination of the potable water system.

37.6 Mobile food units shall operate from an approved base commissary or other fixed food serviceestablishment that is constructed and operated in compliance with the requirements of this CodeSection.

37.7 An enclosed service building separated from the base commissary operations shall be provided forsupplying and maintaining mobile food units. The service area shall be constructed and operated incompliance with the requirements of this Code Section.

37.7.1 Potable water transfer equipment shall be stored and handled in a way that protects thewater and equipment from contamination.

37.7.2 The mobile food unit liquid waste retention tank, where used, shall be thoroughly flushed anddrained each time the mobile food unit is serviced. All liquid waste shall be discharged to asanitary sewage disposal system. The flushing and draining area for liquid wastes shall beseparate from the area used for loading and unloading of food and related supplies.

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38.1 A temporary food service establishment shall comply with the requirements of this Code Section,except as otherwise provided in this Section. Saudi Aramco EPD may impose additional requirementsto protect against health hazards related to the conduct of temporary food service establishments, mayprohibit the sale of some or all potentially hazardous foods, and when no health hazard will result, maywaive or modify requirements of this Code Section, except those requirements of sub-sections 38.2through 38.12 of this Code Section.

38.2 Self-directed groups, service organizations or anyone else preparing and/or handling food for publicconsumption shall present the following details prior to "approval" from Saudi Aramco EPD: a) type offood; b) origin of food; c) methods of storage, transportation and preparation; d) date of preparation;and e) proposed date of consumption.

38.3 Only those potentially hazardous foods requiring limited preparation, such as hamburgers andfrankfurters, which require seasoning and cooking, shall be prepared or served by temporary foodestablishments permitted under the provisions of sub-sections 38.1 and 38.2 of this Code Section. Thepreparation or service of other potentially hazardous foods, including pastries filled with cream orsynthetic cream, custards and similar products, and salads or sandwiches containing meat, poultry,eggs or fish, is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply, however, to any potentially hazardous foodthat has been prepared and packaged under conditions meeting the requirements of this CodeSection, is obtained in individual servings, is stored at a temperature of 5°C (41°F) or below or at atemperature of 60°C (140°F) or above in facilities that meet the requirements of this Code Section.

38.4 Ice that is consumed or that contacts food or food contact surfaces shall have been made underconditions meeting the requirements of sub-section 39 of this Code Section. The ice shall be obtainedonly in chipped, crushed, or cubed form and in single-use, food-grade plastic or wet-strength paperbags filled and sealed at the point of manufacture.

38.5 Equipment shall be located and installed in a way that facilitates cleaning the establishment and thatprevents food contamination. Food contact surfaces of equipment shall be protected fromcontamination by consumers and other contaminating agents. All necessary steps shall be taken toprevent consumers contaminating food or food contact surfaces.

38.6 Sufficient potable water shall be available in the establishment for cleaning and sanitizing utensilsand equipment and for hand washing. A heating facility located on the premises and capable ofproducing enough hot water for these purposes shall be provided.

38.7 The storage of packaged food in contact with water or undrained ice is prohibited, although cans orbottles of non-hazardous beverages may be so stored when the water contains at least 100 milligramsper liter (100 parts per million) of available chlorine and is changed often enough to keep both thewater and containers clean.

38.8 Liquid waste shall be disposed of in accordance with Sections equivalent to those outlined in SASC-S-02 of this Code.

38.9 A facility shall be provided for employee/operator hand washing. Where water under pressure isunavailable, the facility shall consist of at least a basin, warm water, soap and individual paper towels.

38.10 Floors shall be made of concrete, tight wood, asphalt, or other easily cleanable material.

38.11 Walls and ceilings of food preparation areas shall be constructed in a way that prevents the entranceof insects and rodents. Ceilings shall be made of wood, canvas, or other material that protects theinterior of the establishment from the weather. Screening material used for walls shall be at least sixmesh per centimeter (16 mesh per inch). This Section does not prohibit outdoor cooking where theoperation is conducted in a sanitary manner.

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38.12 Service openings, if any, shall not be larger than is necessary for the particular operation conducted.These openings shall be provided with tight-fitting solid or screened doors or windows or shall beprovided with fans installed and operated to restrict the entrance of flying insects. Doors and windows,if any, shall be kept closed when not in use.


39.1 Production of ice in automatic ice making machines is a very limited process. An automatic iceplant is a food establishment and shall comply with the requirements of this Code Section, except asotherwise provided in this Section. Saudi Aramco EPD may waive or modify requirements of this CodeSection when no health hazard will result (requirements outlined in sub-sections 39.2 through 39.17 ofthis Code Section shall not be waived).

39.2 The "general requirements" outlined in sub-section 3 of this Code Section shall apply.

39.3 The "personnel" requirements outlined in sub-section 4 of this Code Section shall apply except:

39.3.1 The on-the-job food sanitation training program may be limited to personal hygiene,equipment handling, proper packaging techniques and storage of packaging and filled icebags.

39.3.2 Requirements pertaining to bathing and wearing of masks are relaxed.

39.3.3 Uniform and hair restraint requirements are limited to individuals that fill ice bags or work withice contact surfaces.

40.3.4 Requirements pertaining to jewelry and handling soiled tableware are not applicable.

39.4 All requirements pertaining to poisonous or toxic materials; general facility design andconstruction; floors; walls, ceilings and appurtenances thereto; doors, windows and ventilationopenings; illumination; ventilation; plumbing and cross connection control; water; and sewage areapplicable.

39.4.1 Ice shall be made from potable water that complies with requirements outlined in SectionSASC-S-01 of this Code.

39.4.2 Ice shall be free of rust and other foreign materials and shall meet the same bacteriological,chemical and physical Sections of quality as for drinking water as outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code.

39.5 Requirements pertaining to toilets and toilet room hand washing facilities apply, but showers are notrequired. Separate handwashing facilities are not required in the packaging area if the toilet roomhandwashing facilities are readily accessible. The requirement for a dressing area and lockers isrelaxed.

39.6 Requirements pertaining to non-refrigerated storage facilities and practices are limited topackaging materials.

39.7 Requirements pertaining to refrigerated storage facilities and practices are relaxed. Freezer unitsneed not be maintained at any required temperature as long as the unit keeps the ice solidly frozen (asevidenced by the fact that bags in which ice is stored remain dry).

39.8 Requirements pertaining to garbage and refuse facilities are relaxed. Refuse facilities shallcomply with Sections applicable to any other place of employment (see Section SASC-S-12 of thisCode).

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39.9 Requirements pertaining to the janitor's closet and cleaning and preventive maintenance ofphysical facilities are generally applicable.

39.10 General requirements pertaining to equipment and utensils apply. Requirements pertaining tospecialized equipment and installations do not apply, except that an eye wash sink is required in thearea where large refrigeration units area maintained.

39.11 In response to Company-wide practice, requirements pertaining to transportation of ice do not apply.

39.12 Requirements pertaining to cleaning and sanitization of equipment apply.

39.13 Requirements pertaining to mechanical cleaning and sanitization; ingredients (other than water);raw materials handling; and preparation and processing (other than prevention of contamination) donot apply.

39.13.1 Ice, while being manufactured, processed, packaged, stored and transported, shall beprotected from contamination.

39.13.2 Hands shall not come into direct contact with the ice when other methods of handling can beused. If ice must be touched with the hands, clean/sanitized rubber gloves or disposableplastic gloves shall be worn.

39.14 Packaging requirements apply, but labeling requirements are not applicable.

40.14.1 Ice shall not be processed or packaged on open platforms or on trucks or other vehiclesused for delivery.

40.14.2 Ice shall be packaged in single-use, food-grade plastic or wet- strength paper bags.Packaging shall not impart odors, color or taste, nor contribute to the contamination of ice.

39.15 Requirements pertaining to the storage of the finished product apply.

39.16 Requirements pertaining to food display and service and single-service articles (other than icebags) do not apply.

39.17 Requirements pertaining to laboratory control methods and specialized product quality Standardsapply.


Refer to Code Section SASC-S-09 ‘Marine Vessels’ sub-section 7.

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1. ‘The Prevention of Food Poisoning’ Jill Trickett (3rd Edition) Stanley Thorne’sPublishers, Cheltenham, England

2. ‘Industry Guide to Good Hygiene Practice’ ‘Baking Guide’ Chadwick House Group Ltd.,London, England

3. ‘HACCP Standard for Food Business’. A complete management system for hazardanalysis. STS Ltd., Farnham, Surrey, England

4. ‘HACCP A practical approach’ Sara Mortimore and Carol Wallace. Chapman and Hall(Publishers), London, England

5. ‘The 1997 Codex Alimentarius - Food Standards Program’ Codex Alimentarius, Rome,Italy.

6. ‘HACCP Reference Book’ National Restaurant Association, The Educational Foundation- Chicago, USA

7. ‘Food Safety - Questions and Answers’ Food Safety Advisory Center, London, UK8. ‘Health Service Catering Hygiene’ UK Dept. of Health, HMSO

10. UK Department of Health guide ‘General Temperature Regulations’11. UK Department of Health guide ‘Assured Safe Catering’

12. UK Department of Health guide ‘Guide to the 1995 Food Hygiene Regulations’13. UK Department of Health guide ‘Food Hazards and Your Business’

14. UK Department of Health article ‘A guide to Food Hazards and Your Business’15. UK Department of Health article ‘A guide to the General Food Hygiene Regulations 1995’

16. USFD Administration ‘Seafood HACCP Regulations.’17. USFDA Article ‘Application of HACCP to Retail Food Systems’

18. USFDA Article ‘Food Additives’19. USFDA Article ‘Sulfites Safe for Most – Dangerous for Some’

20. USFDA Article ‘Monosodium Glutamate’21. Australian Food Council fact sheet ‘Australian Safe Food’

22. USFDA Food Consumers report ‘HACCP a State of the Art Approach to Food Safety’

23. Industry Guide to ‘Good Hygiene Practices’ ‘Catering Guide’ HMSO London, England24. US Department of Health and Human Services ‘1997 FOOD CODE’

25. ‘Managing Food Safety - A HACCP principles guide for operators of food establishmentsat the retail level’ USFDA

26 Guidebook for the preparation of HACCP plans’. US Dept of Agriculture

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Inadequate solid waste collection, storage and disposal practices are a nuisance, hazardous to health andthey adversely impact the environment. This Section specifies the public health requirements, limitations andprocedures pertinent to treatment, storage, collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste. Compliance withthese requirements will protect the public health and welfare while preserving the quality of the air, water and land.NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with appropriate referenced documents listed at theend of this Code Section and Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard SAES-S-007.


Composting: Controlled microbial degradation of organic waste yielding a nuisance-free product of potential valueas a soil conditioner.

Cover Material: Granular material, generally soil that is used to cover compacted solid waste in a sanitary landfill,generally free of large objects that would hinder compaction and free of organic content that would be conducive tovector harborage, feeding and/or breeding.

Hazardous Solid Waste; Solid waste that may, by itself or in combination with other solid waste, be infectious,explosive, poisonous, highly flammable, caustic, toxic, or otherwise dangerous or injurious to human, plant or animallife.

Incinerator: Any device used for the burning of refuse where the factors of combustion, i.e. temperature, retentiontime, turbulence; and combustion air, can be controlled.

Landfill Gas: A by-product of the digestion by microorganisms of putrescible matter present in the waste depositedin landfill sites. The gas is predominantly methane (64%) together with carbon dioxide (34%) and traceconcentrations of vapors and other gases.

Landfill, sanitary: (1) A method of disposing of refuse on land without creating nuisances or hazards to publichealth or safety, by utilizing the principles of engineering to confine the refuse to the smallest practical area, toreduce it to the smallest practical volume, and to cover it with a layer of earth at the conclusion of each day’soperation or at such more frequent intervals as may be necessary. (ASCE definition). (2) A sanitary landfill is asystem for final disposal of solid waste on land, in which the waste is spread and compacted on an inclined,minimized working face in a series of cells and a daily cover of earth is provided so that no hazard or insult to theenvironment results.

Leachate: The result of liquid seeping through a landfill and, by doing so extracting substances from the depositedwaste.

Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): The lower percentage by volume of a mixture of explosive gases in air that willpropagate a flame at 25°C at atmospheric pressure.

Modified landfill: The disposal of solid waste by compaction in or upon the land and the covering of all wastesdeposited with earth or other approved cover material at specific designated intervals, but not each operating day.

Open burning: Uncontrolled burning of wastes in the open or in an open dump.

Scavenging: The uncontrolled picking of materials by animals or humans.

Sludge: Means any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from a municipal commercial or industrialwastewater treatment plant or air pollution control facility exclusive of the treated effluent from a wastewatertreatment plant.

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Solid waste: Means any garbage, or refuse, or sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatmentplant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded material including solid, liquid, semi-solid or containedgaseous material resulting from commercial, mining and agricultural operations, and from community activities butdoes not include solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows, or regulated hazardous materials.


Before a new treatment facility/disposal site is established, constructed or operated, and before anexisting site is substantially altered, expanded or modified, the proponent shall submit all data and reportsrequired by SAES-S-007 together with a detailed operating plan and timetable for implementation to theEnvironmental Protection Department (EPD) for review, concurrence and approval. The operating plan shallinclude the proposed method and sequence of site development, utilization and operation, procedures formonitoring and reporting any environmental effects resulting there from and address the design criteriaspecified by SAES-S-007. The design study shall address the provision of composite liners, leachatecollection and gas management systems in Class I and II landfill sites.


2.1 The proponent shall receive written approval for the site study and operating plan from EPDbefore beginning construction, modification or operation of a treatment facility/disposal site. Theproponent shall ensure that the approved plans and specifications, including any conditions orlimitations attached thereto, are implemented.

2.2 EPD, on application, may approve a variance, of any requirements of this Code Section, whencircumstances at the treatment facility/ disposal site, operating procedures or other conditionindicate that the purpose and intent of this Code Section can be achieved through equally effectivemethods that do not adversely impact public health or the environment. Waivers to any engineeringstandards must be reviewed and concurred by Manager, EPD for any public health related issues.


Every landfill, incinerator, composting plant and other solid waste processing and disposal facilityshall be operated under the close supervision of a responsible individual who is thoroughly familiar with theestablished operating procedures, including a) the types of wastes that are approved for disposal in thefacility; b) the individuals/agencies authorized to deposit waste in the facility; c) air, dust, flood, noise,vermin, landfill gas and water control concepts and methods; d) the flow and processing of waste fromreceipt to final disposition; e) keeping of records; and f) site safety and general sanitation.


4.1 EPD may require such records and reports as are considered to be reasonably necessary toensure compliance with this Code Section.

4.2 Waste Manifests specified by GI 430.001 must be retained at the waste disposal/treatment facilityfor inspection by EPD.

4.3 An operating record stating the quantity of each waste delivery must be maintained by everyincineration plant and waste treatment facility. Combustion conditions, waste analyses, monitoringand testing carried out must be logged daily.

4.4 Records must be available for inspection by EPD.


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5.1 Storage and collection of waste shall be conducted in a way that prevents a) vermin breedingand harborage; b) conditions conducive to transmission of disease to man or animals; c) hazards toworkers, users and the public; d) air, noise and water pollution; e) objectionable odors, dust,unsightliness and nuisance conditions, f) corrosion or wear of storage containers, and g) accidentalspillage or leakage during storage or transport.

5.2 Hazardous wastes shall be disposed of in accordance with the Materials Supply OrganizationInstruction, CU 13.1’ Processing of Hazardous Material’.


6.1 The containment compartment of storage, collection and transfer devices and vehicles shallbe made of durable, impervious materials and shall be designed to provide a watertight tank withsmooth and easily cleanable surfaces. The containment compartment and appurtenances theretoshall be cleaned at least once weekly to prevent propagation of odors, insects, rodents or othernuisance conditions (more often if necessary).

6.2 Storage, collection and transfer devices and vehicles shall be loaded and operated so as toprevent dropping, leaking, sifting, blowing or other escape of waste from the device or vehicle.Storage containers shall be covered when not in immediate use.

6.3 Collection and transfer devices and vehicles carrying loads that are likely to blow from thecontainment compartment shall have a cover which is either an integral part of the device orvehicle, or which is a separate cover of suitable material with fasteners designed to secure all sidesof the cover to the device or vehicle. The cover shall be used while in transit.


7.1 If storage, collection and transfer devices and vehicles are cleaned on the site after they areemptied, the following minimum facilities shall be provided: a) live steam or hot water delivered at aminimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) witha minimum flow of at least 3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute); and b) a floor or pavementconstructed of a smooth, easily cleanable, non-absorbent material, such as sealed concrete, whichis properly sloped to a holding basin or disposal system that complies with requirements outlined inSAES-A-104.

7.2 Storage, collection, transfer equipment and vehicles that are used for toxic or hazardouswaste, shall not be used for ordinary solid waste.


8.1 All disposal sites, e.g. sanitary landfills, incinerators, composting plants and sludgedisposal sites, shall be designed, located, sloped or protected so that rainfall, contaminatedsurface water run-off and other surface water drainage will be diverted around or away from theoperational area of the site. Any water which, comes into contact with waste, is leachate and shallbe collected and treated in the manner specified in paragraph 9 below.

8.2 The surface contours of the site shall be maintained such that surface water runoff will not flowinto or through the site.

8.3 Sanitary landfills, sludge disposal sites and composting plants that may be subject to floodingshall, be protected by dikes that are impervious to the passage of water and are designed toprevent erosion and washout of operational and disposal areas of the site.

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Leachate production shall be minimized. If there is any likelihood or evidence to indicate that leachate willpollute groundwater or the environment, then leachate shall be collected, treated or otherwise controlled in amanner approved by EPD


10.1 The vertical distance between the bottom of a sanitary landfill, composting site or sludgedisposal site and the maximum water table elevation shall be restricted to a distance thatprevents leachate from entering the groundwater.

10.2 Wastes that will decompose shall not be deposited in areas of the disposal site that are directly orindirectly connected with the restricted groundwater zone. Uncontaminated rock, dirt, brick,concrete rubble and similar materials that will not decompose may be placed in the restrictedgroundwater zone.


11.1 To properly assess compliance with approved plans and conditions of operation, EPD may requiremonitoring wells to be installed at the boundaries of waste disposal sites, including sanitary landfills,composting plants and sludge disposal sites, to monitor the effect of the disposal process on usablegroundwater resources and detect gas migration from landfill sites. Monitoring wells shall bedesigned and operated to detect the movement of groundwater and gas migration. If not equippedwith continuous monitoring equipment, monitoring wells must be constructed in a manner tofacilitate the ready collection of samples.

11.2 EPD may require monitoring for explosive gases at least quarterly. Records must be maintainedof all gas measurements.

11.3 If the gas level exceeds 25% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) the operator must immediatelynotify EPD.


All-weather roads shall be provided from the highway to the disposal sites, as well as within the disposalsite. Roads shall be designed and maintained to prevent traffic congestion, traffic hazards, dust and noisepollution.


13.1 Access to a sanitary landfill that is not attended on a twenty-four hour per day basis shall becontrolled by means of lockable gates. The site shall be completely enclosed by a perimeter fence,unless, access is adequately controlled by the natural terrain features of the site.

13.2 Access to an incinerator, composting plant, and sludge disposal site shall be controlled bymeans of a complete perimeter fence and lockable gates.


As far as is practicable, the active waste disposal site shall be screened or blocked from public view.


15.1 Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with design and operating plans approved by theChief Fire Prevention Engineer.

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15.2 All reasonable precautions, such as segregation of combustible wastes and early removal of“hot spots", shall be taken to prevent accidental ignition or spontaneous combustion of waste at asanitary landfill. Hot or burning materials, or any materials likely to cause a fire, shall be depositedtemporarily at a safe distance from the fill area and shall not be included in the landfill operationuntil the fire hazard is eliminated.

15.3 Where necessary and practicable, a pressurized fire water system and appropriate fire fighting equipment shall be provided at the site. If not practicable, a supply of water provided in

fire water drums equipped with appropriate buckets, a stockpile of earth or other means recommended by the Chief Fire Prevention Engineer shall be available to extinguish such fires as may occur. The use of mechanical equipment such as a bulldozer may be utilized for such purposes, providing that machinery is operated in a safe manner by person(s) qualified and trained in the use of such equipment.

15.4 Open burning of waste at a sanitary landfill site is prohibited.

15.5 Immediate action shall be taken to extinguish and control the spread of fire occurring at or in thevicinity of any waste disposal site or waste treatment facility. The Fire Master at the nearest SaudiAramco facility must be notified immediately a fire is out of control.


Clearly visible, legible signs, written in Arabic, English and other appropriate language statingdisposal site rules shall be erected at the site entrance and wherever necessary to ensure adequatecompliance with the approved operating plan. As a minimum, signs shall contain the following information:a) name of facility and owner; b) emergency phone number of attendant; c) permitted materials; and d)hours of operation during which wastes will be received for disposal. Depending of the type of wastedisposal site and degree to which access is restricted, additional signs may be required, e.g. a sign warningherdsmen of the hazards to animals and human beings should animals graze on garbage.


17.1 Blowing debris shall be controlled such that the entire disposal site is free of litter.

17.2 Dust and odors shall be controlled.

17.3 Insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled. The control program shall be based on properhandling and disposal of waste to prevent attraction, propagation and harborage of vectors andpests. Trapping, baiting and insecticide spraying may be required to control insects, rodents andvermin, which are inadvertently delivered to the site in waste. The services of a competent personor firm shall be retained to carry out periodic surveys and implement eradication and controlmeasures.

17.4 Any condition that could promote the transmission of disease to man or animals shall becontrolled.

17.5 Protection and conservation of the air, water and land environment over, on, under andaround the disposal site shall be emphasized. This shall include prevention, control andtreatment of discharges, emissions and other factors, which could degrade the environment orcreate a public health hazard/nuisance.


Salvaging or scavenging shall be controlled so as not to interfere with optimum disposal site operationand not to create unsightly conditions or vector harborage. All salvaged materials shall be removed fromthe disposal site at the end of each operating day, unless some other recycling or storage program isauthorized in the operating plan approved by EPD. Food products, garbage, hazardous materials,

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containers used for hazardous materials and furniture and bedding with concealed filling shall not besalvaged from a disposal site.


19.1 Large dead animals or bulk animal waste, sewage sludge, septic wastewater, hospital wasteand other materials which may be hazardous or difficult to manage shall not be deposited at adisposal site unless special provisions for such disposal are included in the operating plan approvedby EPD

19.2 No toxic or hazardous waste shall be deposited at any disposal site without prior written approvalof EPD. A program shall be implemented for detecting and preventing the disposal of toxic orhazardous waste and other non-approved waste. The program will make provision for the randominspection of incoming loads, maintenance of records and staff training. EPD must be notifiedimmediately if non-approved wastes are received at the site. In general, toxic or hazardous wasteshall be properly contained and stored pending reclamation or final disposal, at a facility specificallydesigned for this purpose. Refer to GI 430.001, Waste Management and Materials SupplyOrganization instruction, CU 13.1 Processing of Hazardous Material, for requirements in relation tothe classification, manifesting and handling of difficult and hazardous wastes.

19.3 Large quantities of waste oil, grease, oil sludge or oil-soaked waste shall not be placed in anydisposal site unless the disposal site is specifically designed and approved for the disposal of suchwaste, and designated as an ‘oil waste disposal site’ and special precautions are taken to preventfires and to protect and conserve the air, water and land environment in accordance with theoperating plan approved by EPD.

19.4 Whole, scrap tires shall not be disposed of in Company operated sanitary or construction wastelandfill sites. Tires that have been suitably shredded may be disposed of in landfill sites. Proponentorganizations are responsible for the proper disposal of all scrap and used tires. Upon request,proponent organizations shall furnish EPD with documentation verifying proper disposal.

19.5 Containers holding liquid must not be placed in a landfill site unless the container is small in sizesimilar to that typically found in household waste.

19.6 Sanitary landfills incorporating large quantities of combustible materials shall be sectionedinto cells by earth dikes designed to prevent the spread of fire between cells. Equipment shall beprovided of sufficient size and design to densely compact materials included in the landfill.


20.1 Approved types of landfills:

20.1.1 The sanitary landfill method of waste disposal according to the operating plan approved byEPD and other concerned agencies.

20.1.2 The modified landfill method of waste disposal if it is determined by EPD and otherconcerned agencies that special circumstances, such as climate, geographic area, sitelocation, nature or quantity of waste material to be landfilled or population density justifiesless than daily compaction and cover. Note that modified landfills shall be located at least0.4 kilometers (0.25 miles) from the nearest existing residence or commercialestablishment other than those used by the landfill operator.

20.1.3 Open dumps and burn-pits are prohibited.

20.2 Adequate quantities of cover material shall be available to provide for daily cover of the activewaste cells at the end of each operating day and for final cover and phased restoration of the site.The consistency of the final cover material shall be such that it can be compacted, and that the

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compacted cover material is not prone to cracking and that the compacted cover material willminimize percolation of surface water.

20.3 Sufficient equipment, including provision of auxiliary or standby equipment which isadequate to operate a landfill site including placement, compaction and covering of waste under allanticipated weather and soil conditions shall be available at all times.

20.4 Methods of operation:

20.4.1 Unloading of waste on the site shall be confined to the smallest area practicable. The areaof exposed waste material on the active landfill face shall be kept to a minimum.

20.4.2 Waste shall be spread on a slope no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical and compactedin layers not to exceed 61 centimeters (2 feet) in depth up to maximum cell height. Eachlayer shall be covered with not less than 15 centimeters (6 inches) of compacted covermaterial.

20.4.3 A layer of not less that 61 centimeters (2 feet) of compacted cover material, in addition tointermediate cover material, shall be placed over the completed fill following the finalplacement of waste. The final cover shall be graded to prevent cracking, erosion andponding of water.

20.5 Closure of landfills:

20.5.1 Before a landfill may be closed or abandoned to further use, all waste at the disposal siteshall be covered, compacted and graded according to requirements outlined in sub-section20.4.3 of this Code Section. The site shall be restored in a manner approved in writing byEPD.

20.5.2 A maintenance program for continued control of erosion, repair and stabilization of thecompacted cover material shall be provided until the completed fill has stabilized to thepoint where maintenance is no longer required. Groundwater and landfill gas monitoringshall continue post closure, until the site has stabilized.


21.1 All incineration equipment and air pollution control appurtenances shall comply with airpollution control rules and regulations and emission standards of Saudi Aramco and theMeteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA).

21.2 The delivery of waste shall be coordinated with the producers and transporters to ensure that asteady stream of waste is received for incineration. Too little or too much waste can adverselyimpact the handling capabilities of the facility and the efficiency of the incineration process. Ingeneral, waste shall be incinerated as it is received. Accumulation of waste shall be kept to aminimum.

21.3 All waste that is not incinerated upon delivery to the site shall be confined to a designated stagingarea. Special provisions shall be made to handle and contain waste stored in the staging area.Note that hospital and other potentially hazardous waste shall be properly contained untilincinerated according to the operating plan approved by EPD.

21.4 Accumulation of ashes and residues shall be kept to a minimum.

21.5 Ashes and residues in a cold state shall be disposed of in an approved landfill or handledotherwise in accordance with a written plan approved by EPD.

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21.6 During start up and shut down waste must not be fed into the incinerator unless it is operatingwithin its design specification for temperature and air feed rate.

21.7 Automatic cut-off devices must be installed to prevent wastes being fed into the incinerator whenthe operating temperature and combustion gas conditions are outside the design specification.

21.8 Combustion temperature and waste feed rate must be monitored on a continuous basis. Carbonmonoxide must be monitored on a continuous basis at a point in the incinerator downstream of thecombustion zone and prior to release to atmosphere.

21.9 The incinerator and associated equipment (pumps, valves and pipes) must be subject to athorough visual inspection at least daily, for leaks, spills and fugitive emissions. Daily inspectionlogs must be maintained and made available for inspection as required by paragraph 4.3 above.

21.10 The emergency waste feed cut-off system and associated alarms must be tested at least dailyto verify operability. A daily inspection log must be maintained and made available for inspection asrequired by paragraph 4.3 above.


22.1 All compostable waste shall be subjected to complete processing in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's operating instructions.

22.2 Facilities and procedures shall be provided for handling, recycling or disposing of wastes that are non-biodegradable by composting.

22.3 An adequate supply of water shall be available for plant operation and cleaning purposes. Thereshall be no direct connection between a potable water supply and any processing plant orequipment or cross-connection with any unsafe or questionable water supply, sewerage system orany source of pollution that might contaminate or otherwise degrade the potable water supply.

22.4 Composting operations shall not be located in odor-sensitive areas. Odors shall be maintained atthe lowest levels practicable.

22.5 Provisions shall be made to effectively collect, treat and dispose of leachate or drainage fromstored compost and the composting operation.

22.6 Compost shall be removed from the composting plant site as frequently as possible, but not laterthan one year after treatment is completed.

22.7 Composted waste offered for use by the general public shall contain no pathogenic organisms,shall be relatively odor-free and shall not endanger public health or safety.

22.8 All waste delivered to the composting plant shall be placed in the compost stream or confined toa designated staging area prior to composting. Stored waste shall be handled according torequirements outlined in sub-section 5.1 of this Code Section. The volume of stored waste shall bekept to minimum.

22.9 Residues shall be handled according to requirements outlined in sub-sections 8 and 9 of this CodeSection. Accumulation of residues shall be kept to a minimum.


23.1 Prohibited methods of sludge disposal:

23.1.1 Septic tank waste and raw sewage sludge shall not be disposed of by land spreadingunless specifically approved in writing by EPD.

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23.1.2 Except for heat-treated sewage sludge, sewage sludges, including septic tank wasteand raw sewage sludges, shall not be: a) used as fertilizer on root crops, vegetables, lowgrowing berries or fruits that may be eaten raw; b) applied to land later than one year priorto planting where vegetables are to be grown; c) used on grass or shrubbery in publicareas; or d) be given or sold to the public.

23.1.3 Sewage sludge shall normally have a minimum solids content of 30% prior to disposal in alandfill. Sludge will be considered at 30% when it is in the form of a dry cake. Liquidsludges shall not be deposited in landfills except according to the operating plan approvedby EPD.

23.2 Operation of sludge disposal sites:

23.2.1 Sludge lagoons shall be located at least 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) from the nearest existingresidence or commercial establishment other than those used by the lagoon operator orattendant.

23.2.2 Sludge shall not be spread on land where natural run-off could carry a residue into surfaceor ground waters.

23.2.3 If non-digested sludge is spread on land within 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) of residence,community or public use area, it shall be plowed under the ground, buried or otherwiseincorporated into the soil within five (5) days after application.

23.2.4 Lagoons shall be designed and constructed in accordance with SAES-A-104.

23.2.5 Water or sludge shall not be pumped or otherwise removed from a lagoon, except according to a written plan approved by EPD.


1. State of California, “California Solid Waste Management”, 1973.2. USEPA 40 CFR Ch.1: Parts; 258 - “Criteria For Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, 7-1-99 Edition

264 - “ Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste treatment, Storage andDisposal Facilities. 1987/97

3. UK, Department of the Environment, Waste Management Paper 26B “Landfill DesignConstruction and Operational Practice, 1995.

4. Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, 1996.5. GI 430.001 “Waste Management General Instruction”6. SAES-S-007 “Solid Waste Landfill Standard”, 1998.7. SAES-A 104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Disposal 20018. CU 13.1 “Processing of Hazardous Material”

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Food Manufacturing, Processing and Packaging, SASC-S-05




This Section specifies requirements for food manufacturers, processors and/or packers. These requirements,where applicable, are in addition to the ‘general’ requirements of Section SASC-S-04 ‘Food Establishments’.

Food manufacturers and processors covered by this Section include: meat processors, both raw and cooked,poultry slaughterhouse and processors, bakeries, juice and beverage producers, both carbonated and non-carbonated, confectioners, frozen vegetable processors, food canneries, fish and shellfish processors and foodpackers.Note: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with appropriate referenced documents listed at theend of this Code Section.

DEFINITIONS: – Refer also to glossary at the beginning of SASC-S-04.

Acid Foods or Acidified Foods: Foods that have an equilibrium pH of 4.6 or below

Batter: A semi fluid substance, usually composed of flour and other ingredients, into which principal components offood are dipped or with which they are coated, or which may be used directly to form bakery foods.

Blanching: Except for tree nuts and peanuts, means a prepackaging heat treatment of foodstuffs for a sufficienttime and at a sufficient temperature to partially or completely inactivate the naturally occurring enzymes and toeffect other physical or biochemical changes in the food.

Carcass: The commercially prepared or dressed body of any animal intended for human food.

Disinfection Unit: A container for sanitizing knives, cleavers, and hand held saws and other hand held tools usedduring slaughter, dressing, boning, portioning or meat cutting operations.

Lot: The food produced during a period of time indicated by a specific code.

Meat/poultry Processing Plant: A commercial plant that slaughters, processes, supplies or stores meat or meatproducts or poultry or poultry products. It may be one or more buildings and includes barns, holding pens,slaughtering facilities, meat/poultry processing rooms, cold stores and freezers.

Microorganisms: Means yeasts, molds, bacteria, and viruses and includes, but is not limited to, species havingpublic health significance. The term "undesirable microorganisms" includes those microorganisms that are ofpublic health significance, that subject food to decomposition, that indicate that food is contaminated with filth.

Offal: Waste parts of a slaughtered or butchered animal.

Plant: The building or facility, or parts thereof, used for or in connection with the manufacturing, packaging,labeling, or holding of human food.

Processing: Steps in the manufacture, preparation and packaging of a food product into its final form.

Production Room: The room or area in which processing occurs.


1.1 Owners of privately operated food manufacturers wishing to conduct business with Saudi Aramcoshall apply through Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD) accordance with

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procedures. (Exception for ’Concessionaire Contracts’) Water and ice manufacturers shall applythrough Saudi Aramco Purchasing Department as per their procedures

1.2 All such applicants shall comply with relevant requirements of sub-section 1 of SASC-S-04.


2.1 Once approval has been granted, Saudi Aramco EPD will conduct, from time to time, inspections ofthe plant, operations and facility as deemed necessary.

2.2 If Saudi Aramco EPD finds that a food manufacturer, processor or packer does not comply with one ormore requirements of any relevant Sections of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, then action as detailedin SASC-S-04 sub-section 2 will be implemented.(Warning or Suspension).


3.1 The food manufacturer, processor or packer shall comply with all of sub-sections in SASC-S-4 ‘FoodEstablishments’ and SASC-S-05 ‘Food Manufacturing, Processing and Packaging’, where applicable.

3.2 Quality Assurance, and Quality Control procedures, protocols and operating plans shall bedocumented.

3.3 ‘Good Manufacturing Practice’ shall be followed at all times. Recognized ‘Good ManufacturingPractices’ in the food industry are the procedures that identify, control or eliminate hazards resulting in aquality, safe product, free of harmful microorganisms, chemicals or foreign bodies.

3.4 Food manufacturers, processors and packers shall implement HACCP (Hazard Analysis CriticalControl Point) operating systems or other recognized ‘Quality System’ to assess food hazards,determine critical control points and implement monitoring procedures. Requirements of SASC-S-04,sub-section 7 ‘Control of Operations’ shall be followed. A fully documented system is required.

3.5 Only food additives such as preservatives, flavorings, coloring agents, anti-oxidants, emulsifiers,stabilizers, anti-caking agents etc. that are approved and used in accordance with Saudi ArabGovernment SASO Standards shall be permitted.

3.6 A written ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ (SOP) shall be developed for the use, and application, ofall food additives used. The SOP shall describe fully the composition of the additive, storageconditions, methods of mixing and application to the food. Product information such as toxicity, handlingprocedures, personal protective equipment to be used when handling the substances and otherpertinent information shall also be included in the SOP.

3.7 Labeling of all food products shall meet the requirements of the Saudi Arab Government SASOStandards and:

3.7.1 All packaged food items shall display a 'Principle Display Panel' that is large enough toaccommodate all relevant information clearly and conspicuously.

3.7.2 The principle display panel shall display the following information:• Identify the common or usual name of the product.• List the ingredients of the food by common or usual names in descending order of

predominance by weight.• The name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer and/or distributor.• List all food additives by their common or usual name, chemical name or recognized 'E'


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3.8 Date codes, including date of production and date of expiry shall be included on all packaging andmeet the requirements of the Saudi Arab Government SASO Standards. Re-labeling or re-dating ofproducts that have not been processed shall be deemed as inappropriate. Date of production of foodsthat have simply being‘re-packaged’ shall display original production date. Simply portioning of foods,also, is not considered ‘processing’ so therefore original production date must be displayed on newpackaging. ‘Processing’ shall include one of the following: pasteurization or sterilization by cooking,autoclaving, heat-treating, irradiation or other method of treatment to remove all pathogenic organismsfrom the food, change of composition of the food to extend the shelf life by the addition of approved orGRAS (generally recognized as safe) preservatives or other food additives, or other processesapproved by EPD.



4.1 Plant Management shall take all reasonable measures and precautions to ensure the following:

4.1.1 Any person who, by medical examination or Supervisory observation, is shown to have, orappear to have, an illness or lesion including boils, sores, or infected wounds, or any otherabnormal source of microbial contamination by which there is a reasonable possibility offood, food contact surfaces or food packaging materials becoming contaminated, shall beexcluded from any operation, which may result in such contamination, until the condition iscorrected. Personnel shall be instructed to report such health conditions to theirSupervisors.

4.1.2 All persons working in direct contact with food, food contact surfaces, and food packagingmaterial shall conform to hygiene practices while on duty to the extent necessary to protectagainst contamination of food and shall: Wear outer garments suitable to the operations in a manner that protects againstthe contamination of food, food contact surfaces, or food packaging materials. Maintain adequate personal cleanliness. Handwash thoroughly and as necessaryto protect against contamination with undesirable organisms in an adequate handwashing facility before starting work, after re-entering the working area afterbreaks and at any other time when the hands may have become soiled orcontaminated. Remove all unsecured jewelry and other objects that might fall into food,equipment or containers and remove hand jewelry that cannot be adequatelysanitized during periods in which food is manipulated by hand. Wear, where appropriate, in an effective manner, hairnets, headbands, caps,beard covers or other effective hair restraints. Store clothing, or other personal belongings in areas other than where food isexposed or where equipment or utensils are stored or washed. Abstain from eating food, chewing gum, using tobacco or drinking beverages inplaces where foods are stored, manufactured or prepared and in areas whereutensils or equipment are washed.

4.2 Education and Training. Personnel responsible for Quality Control/Quality Assurance shall have abackground of education or experience, or combination thereof, to provide a level of competencynecessary for production of clean and safe foods. Food handlers and Supervisors shall receiveappropriate training on proper food handling techniques and food protection principles and shall beinformed of the danger of poor personal hygiene and insanitary practices.

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4.3 Supervisor. Supervisors shall be competent, experienced and hold necessary certificationdemonstrating that they are fully cognizant with good food hygiene practices, appropriate foodmanufacturing procedures and capable of effective supervision including personal and food hygienetraining.


5.1 The grounds about a food plant, under the control of the operator shall be kept in a condition that willprotect against the contamination of food. The method for adequate maintenance of grounds shallinclude, but not necessarily be limited to:

5.1.1 Properly storing equipment, necessary litter and waste, and cutting weeds or grass withinthe immediate vicinity of the plant buildings or structures that may contribute an attraction,breeding place or harborage for pests.

5.1.2 Maintaining roads, yards and parking lots so that they do not constitute a source ofcontamination in areas where food is exposed

5.1.3 Adequately draining areas that may contribute to contamination to food by seepage, foot-borne filth, or providing breeding places for pests.

5.1.4 Operating systems for waste management and waste disposal in an adequate manner sothat they do not constitute a source of contamination in areas where food is exposed.

5.1.5 Where grounds in the immediate vicinity are not in the control of the operator, the operatorshall, through inspections and appropriate control methods, take steps to prevent pests, dirtand filth entering the premises.


6.1 Plant buildings and structures shall be suitable in size, construction and design to facilitatemaintenance and sanitary operations for the specific food manufacturing operations undertaken at theplant. The plant shall:

6.1.1 Provide sufficient space for such placement of equipment as is necessary for the productionof food without creating congested, unsafe, crowded or hazardous conditions.

6.1.2 Provide sufficient space for the proper storage of equipment, raw ingredients and finishedproducts necessary for the maintenance of sanitary operations and the production of safefood.

6.1.3 Permit the taking of proper precautions to reduce or eliminate the potential forcontamination of food, food contact surfaces or food packaging materials withmicroorganisms, chemicals, filth or other extraneous materials.

6.1.4. Be constructed in such a manner that all walls, floors and ceilings can be adequatelycleaned and kept clean and in good repair; that drip or condensate from fixtures, ducts andpipes does not contaminate food, food contact surfaces or food packaging materials andthat aisles or working spaces are provided between equipment and walls and areunobstructed and of adequate width to permit employees to perform their duties and toprotect against contaminating food or food contact surfaces with clothing or personalcontact.

6.1.5 Provide adequate lighting as per SASC-S-04, sub-section 12, Table I.

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6.1.6 Provide safety type light bulbs, shatter proof diffusers, fixtures, skylights or other glasssuspended over exposed food in any step of preparation or otherwise protect against foodcontamination in case of glass breakage.


7.1 Buildings, fixtures, and other physical facilities of the plant shall be maintained in a sanitarycondition and shall be kept in repair sufficient to prevent food from contamination. Cleaning andsanitizing of utensils and equipment shall be conducted in a manner that protects against contaminationof food, food contact surfaces, or food packaging materials.

7.2 Substances used in cleaning and sanitizing shall be safe and adequate under the conditions of use.

7.3 Only the following toxic materials shall be used or stored in a plant where food is processed orexposed:

• Those required maintaining clean and sanitary conditions;• Those necessary for use in laboratory testing procedures;• Those necessary for plant and equipment maintenance and operations;• Those necessary for use in the plant’s operations.

7.4 Toxic cleaning compounds, sanitizing agents, and pesticide chemicals shall be identified, held, andstored in a manner that protects against contamination of food, food contact surfaces, or food packagingmaterials.

7.5 No pests shall be allowed in any area of a food plant. Effective measures shall be taken to excludepests from food processing areas and to protect against the contamination of food on the premises bypests. The use of insecticides or rodenticides is permitted only under precautions and restrictions thatwill protect against the contamination of food, food contact surfaces, and food packaging materials.

7.6 All food contact surfaces, including utensils and food contact surfaces of equipment, shall becleaned as frequently as necessary to protect against contamination of food.

7.7 Food contact surfaces used for manufacturing or holding low moisture food shall be in a dry,sanitary condition at the time of use. When the surfaces are wet cleaned, they shall, when necessary,be sanitized and thoroughly dried before subsequent use.

7.8 In wet processing, when cleaning is necessary to protect against the introduction of microorganismsinto food, all food contact surfaces shall be cleaned and sanitized before use and after any interruptionduring which the food contact surfaces may have become contaminated. Where equipment and utensilsare used in a continuous production operation, the utensils and food contact surfaces of the equipmentshall be cleaned and sanitized as necessary.

7.9 Non food contact surfaces of equipment used in the operation of food plants shall be cleaned asfrequently as necessary to protect against contamination of food.


8.1 Each plant shall be equipped with adequate sanitary facilities and accommodations,including, but not limited to:

8.1.1 Water supply. The water supply shall be sufficient for the operations intended and shall bederived from an approved source. The water supply in all respects, shall meet requirementsof SASC-S-01.

8.1.2 Sewage disposal. Sewage disposal shall be made into an adequate sewerage system ordisposed of through other adequate means.

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8.1.3 Toilet facilities. Each plant shall provide its employees with adequate, readily accessibletoilet facilities that meet, in full, requirements of SASC-S-04, sub-section 17.

8.1.4 Hand washing facilities shall be provided as necessary and comply in full with SASC-S-04, sub-section 18. Readily understandable signs directing employees handling unprotectedfood, unprotected food packaging materials, of food contact surfaces to wash and, whereappropriate, sanitize their hand before they start work, after each absence from post of duty,and when their hands may have become soiled or contaminated. These signs may beposted in the processing room(s) and in all other areas where employees may handle suchfood, materials, or surfaces.

8.1.5 Refuse receptacles that are constructed and maintained in a manner that protects againstcontamination of food. Rubbish and any offal shall be so conveyed, stored, and disposed ofas to minimize the development of odor, minimize the potential for the waste becoming anattractant and harborage or breeding place for pests, and protect against contamination offood, food contact surfaces, water supplies, and ground surfaces.


9.1 All plant equipment and utensils shall be so designed and of such material and workmanship as tobe adequately cleanable, and shall be properly maintained. The design, construction, and use ofequipment and utensils shall preclude the adulteration of food with lubricants, fuel, metal fragments,contaminated water, or any other contaminants. All equipment shall be so installed and maintained asto facilitate the cleaning of the equipment and of all adjacent surfaces. Food contact surfaces shall becorrosion resistant. They shall be made of non-toxic materials and designed to withstand theenvironment of their intended use and the action of food, and, if applicable, cleaning compounds andsanitizing agents. Food contact surfaces shall be maintained to protect food from being contaminatedby any source, including unlawful indirect food additives.

9.2 Seams on food contact surfaces shall be smoothly bonded or maintained so as to minimizeaccumulation of food particles, dirt, and organic matter and thus minimize the opportunity for growth ofmicroorganisms.

9.3 Equipment that is in the manufacturing or food handling area and that does not come into contactwith food shall be so constructed that it can be kept in a clean condition.

9.4 Holding, conveying, and manufacturing systems, including gravimetric, pneumatic, closed, andautomated systems, shall be of a design and construction that enables them to be maintained in anappropriate sanitary condition.

9.5 Each freezer and cold storage compartment used to store and hold food capable of supportinggrowth of microorganisms shall be fitted with an indicating thermometer, temperature measuringdevice, or temperature recording device so installed as to show the temperature accurately within thecompartment, and shall be fitted with an automatic control for regulating temperature or with anautomatic alarm system to indicate a significant temperature change in a manual operation.

9.6 Instruments and controls used for measuring, regulating, or recording temperatures, pH, acidity,water activity, or other conditions that control or prevent the growth of undesirable microorganisms infood shall be accurate and adequately maintained, and adequate in number for their designated uses.

9.7 Compressed air or other gases mechanically introduced into food or used to clean food contactsurfaces or equipment shall be treated in such a way that food is not contaminated with unlawfulindirect food additives.

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10.1 All operations in the receiving, inspecting, transporting, segregating, preparing, manufacturing,packaging, and storing of food shall be conducted in accordance with adequate sanitation principles.Appropriate quality control operations shall be employed to ensure that food is suitable for humanconsumption and that food-packaging materials are safe and suitable. Overall sanitation of the plantshall be under the supervision of one or more competent individuals assigned responsibility for thisfunction. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure that production procedures do notcontribute contamination from any source. Chemical, microbial, or physical material testingprocedures shall be used where necessary to identify sanitation failures or possible foodcontamination.

10.2 Raw materials and other ingredients shall be inspected and segregated or otherwise handled asnecessary to ascertain that they are clean and suitable for processing into food and shall be storedunder conditions that will protect against contamination and minimize deterioration. Raw materialsshall be washed or cleaned as necessary to remove soil or other contamination. Water used forwashing, rinsing, or conveying food shall be safe and of adequate sanitary quality. Water may bereused for washing, rinsing, or conveying food if it does not increase the level of contamination of thefood. Containers and carriers of raw materials shall be inspected on receipt to ensure that theircondition has not contributed to the contamination or deterioration of food.

10.3 Raw materials and other ingredients shall either not contain levels of microorganisms that mayproduce food poisoning or other disease in humans, or they shall be pasteurized or otherwise treatedduring manufacturing operations so that they no longer contain levels that would cause the product tobe harmful.

10.4 Raw materials, other ingredients and rework shall be held in bulk, or in containers designed andconstructed so as to protect against contamination and shall be held at such temperature and relativehumidity and in such a manner as to prevent the food deteriorating.

10.5 Frozen raw materials and other ingredients shall be kept frozen. If thawing is required prior to use,it shall be done in a manner that prevents the raw materials and other ingredients from becomingcontaminated or adulterated.

10.6 Liquid or dry raw materials and other ingredients received and stored in bulk form shall be held ina manner that protects against contamination.

10.7 Equipment and utensils and finished food containers shall be maintained in an acceptablecondition through appropriate cleaning and sanitizing, as necessary. Insofar as necessary, allequipment shall be taken apart for thorough cleaning.

10.8 All food manufacturing, including packaging and storage, shall be conducted under suchconditions and controls as are necessary to minimize the potential for the growth of microorganisms,or for the contamination of food.

10.9 Work in process shall be handled in a manner that protects against contamination.

10.10 Effective measures shall be taken to protect finished food from contamination by raw materials,other ingredients, or refuse. When raw materials, other ingredients, or refuse are unprotected, theyshall not be handled simultaneously in a receiving, loading or shipping area if that handling couldresult in contamination of food. Food transported by conveyor shall be protected againstcontamination as necessary.

10.11 Equipment, containers, and utensils used to convey, hold, or store raw materials, work in process,rework, or food shall be constructed, handled, and maintained during manufacturing or storage in amanner that protects against contamination.

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10.12 Effective measures shall be taken to protect against the inclusion of metal or other extraneousmaterial in food. Compliance with this requirement may be accomplished by using sieves, traps,magnets, electronic metal detectors, and other suitable effective means.

10.13 Food, raw materials, and other ingredients that are to be destroyed shall be disposed of in amanner that protects against the contamination of other food.

10.14 Mechanical manufacturing steps such as washing, peeling, trimming, cutting, sorting andinspecting, mashing, dewatering, cooling, shredding, extruding, drying whipping, defatting, andforming shall be performed so as to protect food against contamination. Compliance with thisrequirement may be accomplished by providing adequate physical protection of food fromcontaminants that may drip, drain, or be drawn into the food. Protection may be provided by adequatecleaning and sanitizing of all food contact surfaces, and by using time and temperature controls at andbetween each manufacturing step.

10.15 Heat blanching, when required in the preparation of food, shall be affected by heating the food tothe required temperature, holding it at this temperature for the required time, and then either rapidlycooling the food or passing it to subsequent manufacturing without delay. Thermophilic growth andcontamination in blanchers should be minimized by the use of adequate operating temperatures andby periodic cleaning. Where the blanched food is washed prior to filling, water used shall be safe andof adequate sanitary quality.

10.16 Batter, sauces, gravies, dressings, and other similar preparations shall be treated or maintained insuch a manner that they are protected against contamination. Compliance with this requirement maybe accomplished by any effective means, including one or more of the following:

• Using ingredients free of contamination• Employing adequate heat processes where applicable• Using adequate time and temperature controls• Providing adequate physical protection of components from contaminants that may

drip, drain, or be drawn into them.• Cooling to an adequate temperature during manufacturing

10.17 Filling, assembling, packaging, and other operations shall be performed in such a way that thefood is protected against contamination. Compliance with this requirement may be accomplished byany effective means, including:

• Use of a quality control operation in which the critical control points are identifiedand controlled during manufacturing.

• Adequate cleaning and sanitizing of all food contact surfaces and food containers• Using materials for food containers and food packaging materials that are safe• Providing physical protection from contamination, particularly airborne

contamination• Using sanitary handling procedures

10.18 Food such as, but not limited to, acid and acidified food, that relies principally on the control of pHfor preventing the growth of undesirable microorganisms shall be monitored and maintained at a pH of4.6 or below. Compliance with this requirement may be accomplished by any effective means,including employment of one or more of the following practices:

• Monitoring of pH of raw materials, food in process and finished food.• Controlling the amount of acid or acidified food added to low acid food.

10.19 When ice is used to contact with food, it shall be made from water that is safe, of adequate sanitaryquality that meets SASC-S-01, and shall be used only if it has been manufactured in accordance withcurrent good manufacturing practice as outlined in this part.

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10.20 Food manufacturing areas and equipment used for manufacturing human food shall not be used tomanufacture non-human food, animal feed or inedible products, unless there is no risk to human food.

10.21 Storage and transportation of finished food shall be under conditions that will protect food againstphysical, chemical, and microbial contamination as well as against deterioration of the food and thecontainer.

10.22 National Food Manufacturers on Saudi Aramco’s list of ‘Approved’ manufacturers or vendorsshall not use ‘Genetically Modified’ (GM) foods of animal origin, or of animals fed GM foods in themanufacturer of any food product. Nor shall any food, or food product containing GM products ofanimal origin be permitted to be stored, handled or packaged within the food facility.

10.23 GM foods of plant origin (fruits and vegetables), may be used in the manufacture of foods, or sold without further treatment, modification or change providing that the food or food product containing any GM material of plant origin is clearly labeled in both Arabic and English, indicating that the food contains such material.


In addition to all requirements of SASC-S-04 and general requirements and good manufacturing practices inthis Section, raw meat/poultry processing plants shall meet the following:

11.1 Premises:

11.1.1 The premises shall present a clean and orderly appearance, be well drained and free ofenvironmental conditions and/or materials that are a nuisance or a hazard to sanitation.

11.1.2 Outside areas shall be free of weeds, debris and unused equipment and materials.

11.1.3 Solid and liquid waste shall be stored in such a manner that they do not create nuisance orare a health hazard.

11.2 Construction of buildings:

11.2.1 The building(s) shall be large enough to accommodate the entire operation withoutcompromising good sanitary practices.

11.2.2 Floors, walls and ceilings shall be constructed of materials that can be kept clean, sanitaryand in good repair.

11.2.3 Overhead wiring, pipes, hangers and ducts shall be constructed or appropriately enclosedto prevent contaminants such as dust, paint or other debris from falling on food or foodcontact surfaces.

11.2.4 Exterior openings, including doors, windows, conveyor openings, pipe openings and ventsshall be in good repair and be equipped with screens or other effective means to preventthe ingress of insects, birds and/or other animals.

11.2.5 Screen doors, where fitted, shall open outwards, and be self-closing.

11.2.6 Meat or poultry processing rooms shall not open directly into barns, stables, living quarters,toilet rooms, garages, retail sales stores, or maintenance shops.

11.2.7 Separate facilities shall be provided, where applicable, for:

� Dry goods (non-food) and packaging materials� Dry goods (food)

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� Finished products� Cleaning chemicals

11.3 Toilet rooms, dressing rooms, hand washing:

11.3.1 Toilets shall be provided in accordance with SASC-S-04 sub-section 17.

11.3.2 Toilet rooms shall be conveniently located, constructed of materials that can be easily andsatisfactorily cleaned and sanitized.

11.3.3 Toilet rooms shall be separately ventilated to the outside. Extracted air from toilet roomsshall not be recirculated.

11.3.4 Toilet rooms shall not open directly to any food room or area where components or productsare processed or stored.

11.4 Livestock pens:

11.4.1 Livestock pens, ramps, unloading chutes, curbs and runways shall be of such construction,materials and finish that they can be readily and easily cleaned.

11.4.2 Pens shall be provided with a water supply with well-located hose connections equippedwith back flow prevention devices.

11.4.3 Adequate curbing of an impervious material, a minimum of 12 inches (30.48cm) shall beinstalled around the borders of the pens to confine liquid waste.

11.4.4 Water troughs, or devices, with suitable overflows shall be located over, or next to, pen floordrains.

11.4.5 A separate pen shall be provided to isolate sick animals.

11.4.6 Holding pens shall be well ventilated, well lit and adequate in size to perform antemorteminspection.

11.4.7 Livestock pens shall be cleaned daily.

11.5 Holding and shackling pens:

Holding and shackling pens shall be located outside of, or effectively separated from, the slaughteringarea by a full height partition of impervious material to avoid dust, odor and contamination of theslaughtering area.

11.6 Slaughtering area:

11.6.1 Adequate facilities shall be provided for slaughtering operations. Construction and materialsin the slaughtering area shall be such that all surfaces can be readily and easily cleanedand sanitized.

11.6.2 Beef shall be dressed on either a moveable rail system or cradles and hoists.

11.6.3 Sheep, goats and veal shall be slaughtered on either a manual or mechanical rail system.

11.6.4 Poultry shall be inverted, shackled and slaughtered over a bleed trough.

11.6.5 Handwash basin(s) shall be installed in the slaughtering area. The handwash basin shallhave hot and cold water through a mixer valve at a minimum temperature of 45°C (105°F).The faucets to the handwash basin shall be operated by means other than the hands.

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11.6.6 A cold water supply shall be provided in the 'dressing' area for washing carcasses. Thewater used for washing carcasses shall contain a minimum of 20mg/L of available chlorine.

11.6.7 Areas for de-horning, skinning, evisceration and head, carcass and offal inspection shall beprovided. Materials and surface in all areas shall be easily cleanable.

11.7 Lighting:

11.7.1 Each and every room in the plant shall have sufficient natural and/or artificial lighting for thepurpose for which it is to be used. Sufficient lighting shall be present in all areas to permitadequate visibility for cleaning and sanitary inspection of operations. (See Table I).

11.7.2 Lights in production areas and other rooms where food is processed, stored, or chilled shallbe fitted with protective shields or diffusers or be so constructed that they will not shatter ifbroken.

11.7.3 The following levels of light, whether from natural sources or artificial sources, shall beprovided. (Table 1) Light shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity to avoiddistortion, shadows and strong glare.

Table IIllumination

Area to be illuminated Illumination levels required*

Lux Foot CandlesPens 215 20Stairways 110 10Storage Areas 110 10Processing Areas (Boning/Portioning) 540 50Hallway 110 10Slaughtering 320 30Eviscerating 320 30Inspection area (QA/QC) 540 50Locker room/toilets 215 20Coolers/chillers 215 20

* Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor

11.8 Ventilation and humidity:

11.8.1 Humidity shall be regulated with ventilation or air movement to control condensation,objectionable odors and mold growth.

11.8.2 Air for ventilation shall be adequately filtered or directed outside as appropriate to preventcontamination.

11.8.3 Ventilation systems shall be clean and maintained in good repair at all times.

11.8.4 All openable windows shall be fitted with mesh screen to prevent flying insects entering thebiding when the widows are left open.

11.9 Water supply:

The water supply shall meet all requirements of Section SASC-S-01.

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11.10 Disposal of waste:

11.10.1 Liquid waste shall be conveyed to a public sewer system through enclosed piping or shallbe disposed of in an alternate sewage system such as septic tanks.

11.10.2 Liquid waste from the plant shall not be disposed of in such a manner that it can causecontamination of the land, water table, streams, camel troughs, or water wells.

11.10.3 All solid and liquid waste shall be placed in suitable covered receptacles convenientlylocated throughout the plant premises.

11.10.4 Waste offal and putrescible waste shall be stored in an air-conditioned room that is onlyused for the purpose of holding such material. The temperature of the room shall bemaintained at or below 10°C (48°F).

11.10.5 All solid waste material removed from the premises shall be done so in a hygienic mannerthat does not cause nuisance from odor, flies or spillage.

11.10.6 All liquid and solid waste removed from the premises shall be disposed of at an approvedmunicipality treatment plant, landfill or disposal site. It is the responsibility of the facilitymanagement to ensure that all wastes are properly handled and disposed of or otherwisetreated.

11.10.7 Waste food material that is contaminated or 'unfit' for human consumption shall be stored inwaterproof containers that are colour coded and bear the words 'unfit for humanconsumption'.

11.10.8 All waste containers/receptacles shall be thoroughly cleaned, steam cleaned or sanitizedregularly.

11.11 Toilet/dressing rooms and hand washing facilities:

11.11.1 A suitable changing/locker room shall be provided for staff to change into coveralls/workingclothes.

11.11.2 All process workers shall be provided with a locker for storing personal clothing, boots, andcoveralls.

11.11.3 The locker room shall be located adjacent or conveniently near a toilet/washroom soworkers can hand wash prior to commencing work.

11.11.4 A sign shall be displayed in the locker room; changing room and toilet room reminding staffto hand wash before entering food production or slaughtering areas.

11.11.5 Handwash sinks shall be provided in accordance with SASC-S-04 sub-section 18.

11.11.6 Hot and cold water from a mixer valve shall be provided to all handwash sinks. Minimumtemperature of the hot water shall be not less than 105°F (45°C).

11.11.7 Soap and soap dispenser (liquid or powder) shall be provided at hand wash sinks. Sanitarysingle service towels or hot air blower type hand dryer shall be provided and convenientlylocated in all toilet rooms.NOTE: Warm air hand dryers shall not be the sole means of hand drying in employee lavatories.

11.11.8 Toilet rooms and fixtures, dressing and changing rooms and hand washing facilities shall bemaintained in a clean orderly manner.

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11.11.9 Toilet rooms, dressing and changing rooms shall not be used for storage of cleaningequipment.

11.11.10 Dressing and changing rooms/locker rooms shall be separated from toilet rooms but mayadjoin one another

11.12 Construction and repair of equipment and utensils:

11.12.1 Equipment and utensils shall be designed, constructed and used to preclude adulteration offood with toxic lubricants, fuel, metal fragments, contaminated water or other contaminants.

11.12.2 Lubricants used on product handling and processing equipment shall be 'food-grade' andnon-toxic and used sparingly in a manner that prevents contamination of food or foodcontact surfaces.

11.12.3 All equipment and utensils shall be of such material and workmanship to be smooth, easilycleanable and durable. All materials shall be non-absorbent and corrosion resistant.

11.12.4 Food contact surfaces and solder shall not contain antimony, bismuth, brass, copper,cadmium, lead, zinc and/or other toxic materials.

11.12.5 Equipment shall be located in a manner that provides adequate space for cleaning,maintenance and inspection.

11.13 Cleaning and sanitizing:

11.13.1 Methods used for cleaning and sanitizing shall not contaminate nor adulterate food/foodproducts.

11.13.2 Cleaning and sanitizing chemicals shall be properly labeled and stored.

11.13.3 Cleaning and sanitizing chemicals shall be used as prescribed by the manufacturer.

11.13.4 If water alone is used as a sanitizer, it must be not less than 170°F (77°C) with a minimumcontact time of 30 seconds.

11.13.5 All personnel employed in cleaning and sanitizing shall be properly trained in suchprocedures.

11.13.6 A cleaning schedule detailing all surfaces, pieces of equipment and items to be cleaned andsanitized shall be developed. The cleaning schedule shall detail the methods andfrequencies of cleaning and sanitizing all areas and the equipment and materials to beused.

11.14 Disinfection units

11.14.1 Disinfection units shall be constructed of rust resistant metal and shall be of sufficient sizefor complete immersion of saws, knives, cleavers and other tools in water at a minimum of170°F (77°C).

11.14.2 Disinfection units shall be installed in all locations where meat/poultry is slaughtered,processed, cut or sawn.

11.14.3 Disinfection units shall be heated by electricity, steam or centrally heated water.

11.15 Cooling/refrigeration:

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11.15.1 Chill rooms shall be free of objectionable odors and mold, and maintained in a sanitarycondition.

11.15.2 Chill rooms and freezers shall be capable of maintaining temperatures and humiditynecessary for the preservation of the food being stored or processed.

11.15.3 Chill rooms shall be maintained at 40°F (4°C) or below.

11.15.4 Meat processing rooms i.e. where raw meat/poultry is trimmed, portioned, packaged, sliced,de-boned shall be maintained at 50°F (10°C) or below during the processing operations.

11.15.5 Frozen food storage facilities shall be maintained at 0°F (-18°C) or below

11.15.6 Frozen food storage facilities shall be adequately maintained to ensure circulation ofrefrigerated air, and shall be defrosted as frequently as necessary to maintain efficiency.

11.15.7 Chill rooms and freezers shall be equipped with a thermometer graded in not more than 2°F(1°C) divisions and with an accuracy of + or - 2°F (1°C) throughout the specified scalerange.

11.16 Control of insects, birds, rodents and other animals:

Insects, birds, rodents and other animals shall be excluded from all areas of the facility.Effective measures for the control of insects, birds, rodents and other animals shall alwaysbe maintained.

11.17 Vehicles and transportation facilities:

11.17.1 Vehicles and transportation equipment shall be constructed and operated to protectcontents from contamination and deterioration.

11.17.2 Vehicles for transporting meat, meat products, poultry and poultry products shall becompletely enclosed and refrigerated. Vehicles used for transporting frozen food productsshall operate at 0°C (-18°F), or below and vehicles for transporting chilled foods shalloperate at 4°C (40°F) or below.

11.17.3 Refrigerated and freezer vehicles shall be fitted with continuous temperature chart records,which shall be used whenever chilled or frozen foods are stored or are being transported.Charts will be retained for a minimum period of 6 months.

11.17.4 Vehicles used for transporting meat/meat products, poultry and poultry products shall not beused for carrying trash, garbage, or other materials that could cause contamination to foodat any time.


In addition to all requirements of SASC-S-04 and general requirements and good manufacturing practicesin this Section, water bottling and beverage manufacturers shall meet the following:

12.1 Premises:

Shall meet the general requirements as for raw meat/poultry processing plants subs-section 12.1 ofthis Code Section.

12.2 Construction of buildings:

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Structure of buildings shall meet general requirements as for raw meat/poultry processing plant sub-sections 11.2.1 through 11.2.5 and 11.2.7 of this Code Section.

12.3 Toilet room, dressing room, hand washing:

Facility shall meet general requirements as for raw meat/poultry processing plants sub-sections 11.3.1to 11.3.4 of this Code Section.

12.4 Apparatus and testing equipment:

12.4.1 A metal stem-type, numerically scaled indicating thermometer with a range from -18°C (0°F)to 104.5°C (220°F) and accurate to ±1°C (±2°F) at all temperatures within the range shall beprovided and used to measure temperatures. An electronic digital thermometer equippedwith a metal probe of equal range and accuracy may be used in conjunction with, or in placeof, the mechanical indicating thermometer.

12.4.2 Where the facility treats and chlorinates water, an approved test kit shall be provided tomeasure the concentration of residual chlorine in the treated water. The test kit shall have arange from at least 0.0 to 2.5 milligrams per liter (0.0 to 2.5 parts per million) and asensitivity of at least 0.1 milligram per liter.

12.4.3 Acid and sugar hydrometers, graduated measuring devices and other laboratory apparatusshall be provided as needed.

12.4.4. Alkali and caustic soda testing equipment or devices for measuring the strength of thesoaker solutions employed in bottle washing shall be provided as needed.

12.4.5 If product is carbonated, an apparatus for measuring the degree of carbonation of hefinished product shall be provided.

12.5 Syrup-making equipment, if provided:

12.5.1 All vats, jar, vessels, tanks, pipelines, filters and other apparatus employed in mixing,conveying or storing ingredients and syrup shall be constructed of stainless steel or othersuitable material resistant to corrosion by the action of ingredients and syrup. The use ofgalvanized iron, lead, zinc, copper, brass, or other potentially deleterious material isprohibited.

12.5.2 All apparatus, equipment and utensils employed in syrup making shall comply with thegeneral requirements as per SASC-S-04 sub-section 25 and shall be designed andconstructed so that they are self-draining and so they can be readily flushed, cleaned andsanitized.

12.5.3 All vessels, tanks, jars and vats shall be provided with suitable covers to protect themagainst dust, dirt, insects and other sources of contamination.

12.5.4 Mixing shall be by mechanical means only. The mixing mechanism shall be designed,constructed and operated to prevent contamination of the syrup.

12.5.5 Filter elements shall be single-service and shall be stored in a clean, dry place.

12.6 An eyewash designed for flushing the eyes with potable water shall be provided in close proximity toareas where water is chlorinated, hazardous chemicals are used and equipment containing hazardouschemicals is maintained. If circumstances warrant, a safety shower shall also be provided. Operationof the eyewash and safety shower shall be by means of a simple push bar, pull ring or step pad.

12.7 Special equipment and procedures for washing returnable bottles:

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12.7.1 If returnable bottles are used, bottles shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized immediatelybefore they are filled by means of an automatic mechanical bottle washing machine (bottlesthat are washed and then stored empty shall be rewashed immediately before they arefilled). Washing bottles by hand, except as a preliminary step prior to mechanical bottlewashing, is prohibited.

12.7.2 The capacity of the bottle washing machine shall be equal to or greater than the capacity ofthe bottle-filling machine.

12.7.3 The wash and rinse compartments shall be fitted with thermometers, preferably of therecording type.

12.7.4 Bottle washing and inspection: Unclean bottles shall be exposed to a three percent alkali solution (known as thesoaker solution) containing not less than 60 percent caustic soda (sodiumhydroxide), for a period of not less than five minutes at a temperature of not lessthan 55°C (131°F), or to an equivalent cleansing and sanitizing process. Thestrength of this solution shall be checked at least twice daily and shall bemaintained at the desired concentration by adding more cleaning compound asneeded. The soaker solution shall be completely changed as often as isnecessary to ensure that bottles are properly cleaned. Bottles shall be rinsed free of all caustic soda with potable water prior to filling. All bottles leaving the washing machine shall be carefully inspected. Improperlycleaned or otherwise defective bottles shall be removed.

12.8 Handling foods, ingredients and packaging

12.8.1 Raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall be gained from sources thatproduce such items in purpose-built food establishments under sanitary conditions andaccording to generally accepted industry practices. They shall be unadulterated, wholesomeand free from spoilage, filth or other contamination. They shall be safe for humanconsumption. They shall be delivered to the food establishment in a vehicle that complieswith the requirements of SASC-S-04 sub-section 27.

12.8.2 Locally manufactured raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall beobtained from manufacturers and vendors currently on the Saudi Aramco ‘Approved’National Manufacturers and Vendors List. Imported raw ingredients or products shall beimported from Countries that are recognized by EPD as acceptable.

12.8.3 Only those raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials packed in the originalmanufacturers' labeled container shall be received and used.

12.8.4 The label shall honestly represent the package contents in accordance with Saudi ArabGovernment Standards. The label must list all additives. The item is misbranded if thelabeling is false or misleading in any way or the package contains a chemical preservativenot stated on the label.

12.8.5 The dates of production and expiration shall be recorded on the packaging.

12.9 Raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall not be accepted:

12.9.1 If they contain decomposed, toxic or extraneous substances’,

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12.9.2 If the packaging in which they are received exhibits signs of damage, contamination,deterioration, spoilage or intentional tampering which may have rendered the contents unsafeand unfit for use.

12.10 Raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall be stored in a manner that protectsthem against contamination, infestation and deterioration.

12.11 Raw materials, foods, ingredients and packaging materials shall be protected at all times, includingwhile being manufactured, processed, cooked and packaged, from contamination.

12.12 Prior to introduction into the processing line, or at a convenient point within it, raw materials andingredients shall be inspected, sorted and selected as required to remove unsuitable materials. Suchsteps shall be carried out under hygienic conditions so that only sound and clean raw materials andingredients shall be processed.

12.13 Raw materials shall be washed as needed to remove dust or other contaminants. Water used forsuch purposes shall not be recirculated unless suitably treated.

12.14 Compressed air used in the food, beverage or ice production process shall be filtered or otherwisetreated to render it free of dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly locatedand maintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removablefor cleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil-free air.

12.15 Preparation of syrups:

12.15.1 Syrups shall be prepared, processed and stored in a way that prevents contamination andadulteration.

12.15.2 Syrups shall be clarified by mechanical filtration.

12.15.3 Wherever feasible and practicable, syrups shall be heated to boiling for not less than fiveminutes to destroy potentially pathogenic microorganisms and substantially reduce overallmicrobial population.

12.15.4 Finished syrups shall not be handled or exposed to the air, dust or other potential sources ofcontamination, but shall be conveyed to final mixing or storage tanks through a closed,clean, sanitized and properly protected system of pipes and pumps. The system shall bedesigned for in place cleaning (CIP) or shall be designed so that it can be easily dismantledfor cleaning.

12.16 Bottle filling, capping and associated practices:

12.16.1 Bottles shall be filled and capped with automatic machinery.

12.16.2 The operator or his clothing shall not come in contact with the inner surface of the bottle orcap, or any portion of the machinery that comes in contact with the inner surface of the bottleor cap. Caps that have been touched on the inner surface by the operator shall bediscarded. Bottles that have been touched on the inner surface shall be rejected, emptiedand reprocessed as a dirty bottle. The delivery tube or orifice of the filling equipment shall beprotected from manual contact, dust, insects, rodents and other contamination.

12.16.3 The delivery tube or orifice of filling equipment shall be designed so that condensation ormoisture is diverted from the normal filling position of the container receiving the product.

12.16.4 Imperfectly capped bottles shall be rejected, emptied and reprocessed as a dirty bottle.

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12.16.5 In the case of bottled beverages and other clear liquids, the final package (capped bottle)shall be inspected to detect the presence of any foreign objects in the bottles.

12.16.6 Caps shall be stored in a special compartment or cabinet that is used for no other purposeand that is maintained free from dust, flies, vermin and other sources of contamination andpollution

12.17 Storage of finished goods

12.17.1 The finished product shall be stored under such conditions as to preclude contamination orproliferation of microorganisms. The product shall be protected against deterioration ordamage to packaging. The product shall be stored in a way that does not interfere withprocessing, production or packaging operations.

12.17.2 During storage, periodic inspection shall be carried out on the finished product to ensure thatit is fit for human consumption and that it complies with the standard specifications of thefinished product.

12.17.3 Store rooms shall be rodent-proof, moisture free and air conditioned and refrigerated, asappropriate.

12.17.4 The finished product shall be transported under such conditions as to preclude contaminationor proliferation of microorganisms. The product shall be protected against deterioration ordamage to packaging. Transport vehicles shall comply with requirements outlined in sub-section 26 of SASC-S-04.

12.18 Laboratory Controls and Quality Requirements

12.18.1 Food plants shall have a laboratory to carry out tests necessary to assure the safety ofproducts.

12.18.2 EPD shall periodically take samples representative of the water, ice, ingredients andproducts used by Saudi Aramco. These shall be analyzed to monitor the safety of food,beverages and ice provided to Saudi Aramco employees and their dependents.

12.18.3 The following bacteriological Standards shall apply: Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) shall not exceed 100 bacteria per milliliter. Most Probable Number (MPN) of coliform bacteria shall not exceed 2.2 per 100milliliters. All Ultra heat treated (UHT) products shall have a HPC of <1 bacteria per ml and<1 coliform per ml. Yeasts and molds shall not exceed 20 per milliliter.

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1. ‘The Prevention of Food Poisoning’ Jill Trickett (3rd Edition) StanleyThornes Publishers, Cheltenham, England

2. ‘HACCP Standard for Food Business’ A complete managementsystem for hazard analysis STS Ltd., Farnham, Surrey, England

3. ‘HACCP A practical approach’ Sara Mortimore and Carol Wallace.Chapman and Hall (Publishers), London, England

4. ‘The 1997 Codex Alimentarius - Food Standards Program’ CodexAlimentarius, Rome, Italy.

5. ‘HACCP Reference Book’ National Restaurant Association, TheEducational Foundation - Chicago, USA

6. Food Safety - Questions and Answers’ Food Safety Advisory Center,London, UK

7. ‘Health Service Catering Hygiene’ UK Dept. of Health, HMSO8. UK Department of Health guide -‘General Temperature Regulations’9. UK Department of Health guide - ‘Assured Safe Catering’10. UK Department of Health guide -‘Guide the 1995 Food Hygiene

Regulations’11. UK Department of Health guide -‘Food Hazards and Your Business’12. UK Department of Health article - ‘A guide to Food Hazards and Your

Business’13. UK Department of Health article -‘A guide to the General Food

Hygiene Regulations. 1995’14. USFD Administration - ‘Seafood HACCP Regulations.’15. USFDA Article -‘Application of HACCP to Retail Food Systems’16. USFDA Article - ‘Food Additives’17. USFDA Article - ‘Sulfites Safe for Most – Dangerous for Some’18. USFDA Article - ‘Monosodium Glutamate’19. Australian Food Council fact sheet ‘Australian Safe Food’20. USFDA Food Consumers report - ‘HACCP a State of the Art

Approach to Food Safety’21. Industry Guide to ‘Good Hygiene Practices’ ‘Catering Guide’ HMSO

London, England22. US Department of Health and Human Services ‘1997 FOOD CODE’23. ‘Managing Food Safety - A HACCP principles guide for operators of

food establishments at the retail level’ USFDA

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SASC-S- 06

DAIRY FARMS AND PLANTSDairy farms and milk plants are food manufacturing plants and this Code Section is simply an extension of SectionsSASC-S-04 and SASC-S-05. As such, this Section expands upon, but does not repeat, public health standards that arerequired by Sections SASC-S-04 and SASC-S-05. Dairymen, operators and regulatory agencies shall, therefore,comply with all three Code Sections. NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with appropriatereferenced documents listed at the end of this Section.


Adulterate: To make impure by the addition of a foreign, inferior, or harmful substance.

Bonnet: - The diversion valve housing, which contains the valve actuating mechanism on an HTST pasteurizing unit.

Booster Pump: An optional auxiliary pump used to assist another pump.

Centrifugal Pump: – A pump consisting of an impeller fixed on a rotating shaft and enclosed in a casing, and havingan inlet and a discharge connection. The rotating impeller creates pressure in the liquid by the velocity derived fromcentrifugal force.

Clarifier: – A machine, which removes foreign matter from milk by centrifugal force.

Clean-in-place, (CIP): – CIP refers specifically to the cleaning and sanitizing of food processing equipment and pipingin its assembled condition by recirculation of the necessary rinse, detergent, and sanitizing solutions under appropriateconditions of time, temperature, detergency, and physical action. CIP systems are now present to some extent inpractical every food and dairy processing plant.

Combine: – Add to or mix completely, i.e. combines these ingredients with the other ones.

Constant Level Supply Tank: – A tank situated in such a way as to provide a constant supply to the high temperatureshort time pasteurizer system.

Deflector Plate: – In a high temperature short time pasteurizer, a plate designed to route the flow of milk throughgroups of plates (passes) in the regenerator.

Enzymes: A large class of complex proteinaceous molecules, which act as catalysts in biochemical reactions.

Flavored Milk or Milk Products: – Milk and milk products to which have been added a flavor and/or sweetener.

Frozen Dessert: – Any clean, frozen or partially frozen combination of two or more of the following: milk or milkproducts, eggs or egg products, sugars, fruit or fruit juices, candy, nuts, meats, or other harmless and wholesome foodproducts, flavors, color, or harmless stabilizer and shall be deemed to include ice cream, frozen custard, ice milk, milksherbet, ices and other similar products.

Grade ‘A’ Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products: – Milk and milk products that were produced, processed andpasteurized in conformance with standards equivalent to those outlined in the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code. Thesestandards are in conformance with the latest edition of the United States Public Health Service Grade ‘A’ PasteurizedMilk Ordinance.

Hermetically Sealed Container: – A container that excludes the passage of gas or of microorganisms. A containerthat prevents the re-entry of microbes, thereby preventing spoilage from external sources after the container has beensealed. The canned food should remain unspoiled indefinitely if properly heat processed, and if the seal remains intact.

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Homogenized Milk: – Milk which has been treated to ensure breakup of the fat globules to such an extent that, after48 hours of quiescent storage at 4.0 degrees C (40 degrees F), no visible cream separation occurs in the milk, and thefat percentage of the top 100 ml of milk in a liter, or of proportionate volumes in containers of other sizes, does not differby more than 10% from the fat percentage of the remaining percentage of the top A container that excludes thepassage of gas or of microorganisms. A container that prevents the re-entry of microbes, thereby preventing spoilagefrom external sources after the container has been sealed. The canned food should remain unspoiled indefinitely ifproperly heat processed, and if the seal remains intact.

Laban: – A fluid product resulting from the souring, by lactic acid producing bacteria or similar culture, of pasteurizedskim milk, pasteurized low fat milk, or whole milk and has a titratable acidity of not less than 0.5%, expressed as lacticacid.

Labneh: – Fermented milk resulting from concentrating full cream yogurt by removing a suitable amount of whey fromit. The maximum acidity level determined as lactic acid shall not exceed 2.5%. Edible salt shall not exceed 1.5%.The minimum fat level shall be at least 7% and total solids not fat shall be 15%.

Low Fat Milk: – Milk from which a sufficient portion of milk has been removed to reduce its milk fat content to not lessthan 0.5% and not greater than 2.0%.

Metering Pump: – A positive displacement type pump which controls the rate of flow through the high pressure shorttime pasteurizer to ensure that ever particle of product is held for the minimum legal holding time in the holding tube.

Milk: – The lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of healthy cows, whichcontains not more than 8.5% milk solids-not-fat or the normal percentage produced in a commingled milk sample fromthe specific herd in questions and not 3.0% milk fat (milk fat r butterfat is the fat of milk.). The word milk shall beinterpreted to include goat milk.

Milk Products: – Includes cream, light cream, coffee cream, table cream, whipping cream, light whipping cream, heavycream, heavy whipping cream, whipped cream, whipped light cream, sour cream, cultured sour cream, half-and-half,sour half-and-half, cultured half-and-half and reconstituted or recombined milk and milk products, concentrated milkproducts, skim milk, low fat milk, fortified milk and milk products, vitamin D milk and milk products, homogenized milk,flavored milk or milk products, laban, yogurt, labneh, cottage cheese, and cultured milk. This definition is not intendedto include such products as sterilized milk and milk products hermetically sealed in a container and so processed,before or after sealing, as to prevent microbial spoilage, or evaporated milk, condensed milk, butter, ice cream and otherfrozen desserts, dry milk products (except as defined herein) or cheese, except when combined with other substancesto produce any pasteurized milk or milk product defined herein.

Milk Products & Milk, (Frozen Desserts): – Used in mix or frozen desserts shall include milk, cream, frozen cream,fluid skim milk, butter, sweetened evaporated skim milk, sweetened and unsweetened condensed milk, sweet creambuttermilk, sweet cream condensed buttermilk, or any of these products from which lactose has been wholly or partiallyremoved.

Orifice: – (1) A flow restrictor of sanitary design which may be installed in the diversion line if needed to maintainapproximately equal pressures during diverted flow as those pressures which occur during forward flow. It providesbackpressure approximately equal to that developed in the cooling section. (2) The entrance or outlet of any cavity ofthe body. (3) Any foramen, meatus or opening.

Pasteurization: – the process of heating every particle of milk or milk product in properly designed and operatedequipment to specific temperature for a specified period of time and holding it continuously at or above that temperature.

Pesticide: Any chemical used to control animal/plant growth.

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Phosphatase: An enzyme occurring in milk. The standard time/temperature relationship of the pasteurization processis sufficient to inactivate this enzyme. Presence of the enzyme in pasteurized milk is, therefore, evidence of inadequatepasteurization.

Reconstituted or Recombined Milk and Milk Products: Milk or milk products defined in this Section which resultfrom the recombining of milk constituents with potable water.

Sour Cream or Cultured Sour Cream: Fluid or semi fluid cream resulting from the souring, by lactic acid producingbacteria or similar culture, or pasteurized cream, which contains not less than 0.5% acidity expressed as lactic acid.Sour cream contains not less than 18% milk fat.

Standard Methods: An assembly of analytical techniques and descriptions commonly accepted in water andwastewater treatment or procedures in milk and food testing.

Steam: (1) To cook food with the hot gas that rises above the boiled water. (2) Vaporized water, usually under pressurefrom a power plant or waste heat boiler.

Ultra-pasteurized: The term to describe a dairy product that has been thermally processed at or above 138°C (280°F)for at least two seconds, either before or after packaging, so as to produce a product which has an extended shelf lifeunder proper storage conditions.

Whipped Cream: Cream into which air or gas has been incorporated.

Whipping Cream: Cream which contains not less than 30% milk fat.

Yogurt: A cultured milk product, which contains the lactic acid producing bacterial Lactobacillus bulgaricus andStreptococcus thermophilus. It shall be pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized prior to the addition of bacterial culture andbulk flavoring material. Yogurt before addition of flavors or bulk flavors contains not less than 8.25% milk solids not fat,and has a titratable acidity of not less than 0.9%, expressed as lactic acid.


1.1 Any person, company or Saudi Aramco organization, either separately or jointly, desiring to sell orgive milk, or milk products intended for human consumption to the Saudi Aramco population shall make awritten application through the appropriate Saudi Aramco proponent organization as outlined in sub-section1.2 of this Code Section.

1.2 Submission of written application:

1.2.1 Owners of privately operated dairies, milk and milk product vendors, warehouses and dairy farmswishing to conduct business with Saudi Aramco shall apply through Saudi AramcoEnvironmental Protection Department (EPD). Formalities as required by other involved SaudiAramco departments such as Contracting Department or Community Services Department shallbe followed as dictated by protocol. Applications to EPD shall include the following information: The name, address and telephone number of each applicant. The exact location of the existing/proposed food establishment. The type of food establishment. The design, materials and layout of work and support areas, and the type, model andarrangement of fixed equipment.

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147 The methods and vehicles that will be used to transport food. For temporary food establishments the date of commencement of operations shallbe given. Whenever a Saudi Aramco food establishment is to be constructed, an existingSaudi Aramco structure is converted to use as a food establishment, or wheneverany Saudi Aramco food establishment is remodeled or altered, properly preparedplans and specifications for such construction, conversion, remodeling or alterationshall be submitted during the planning phase of the proposed project. The signatures of all applicants.

1.3 Only those products, goods and services specifically defined in the application will beconsidered, but the evaluation process will assess ALL factors that could directly or indirectly affectproducts, goods and services offered to Saudi Aramco.

1.4 After receiving a written application from a Saudi Aramco organization or written notice from the milk,milk product manufacturer, dairy, vendor, warehouse or dairy farm Saudi Aramco EPD shall, asappropriate:

1.4.1 Review the terms of the application according to the requirements of the Saudi Aramco SanitaryCode to verify that the application is complete and valid.

1.4.2 Review plans and specifications.

1.4.3 Inspect the food establishment to ensure that the facility, management, supervisors andsystems in place are in full compliance with this and other relevant Sections of the SaudiAramco Sanitary Code. If Saudi Aramco EPD finds that the premises are in full compliance with the SaudiAramco Sanitary Code, apart from minor discrepancies, EPD shall give conditional‘approval’. If it is found that the facility meets all Saudi Aramco Sanitary Coderequirements shall ‘approve’ the facility.

1.5 If Saudi Aramco EPD find that the products, goods and services; the operating methods, practices andprocedures; or equipment and facilities proposed in the application do not comply with the requirements ofthe Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, then EPD will not ‘approve’ the facility. Until such time that the foodestablishment is ‘approved’ Saudi Aramco shall not accept products, goods or services, whether offered forsale or as a gift, from the non-compliant applicant.

1.6 When a conditional ‘approval’ is granted, outstanding deficiencies must be corrected within aspecified time frame.

1.6.1 If significant new deficiencies have not developed and all conditional deficiencies are corrected bythe required date, i.e. the food establishment achieves compliance with provisions of this CodeSection; Saudi Aramco EPD will ‘approve’ the facility.

1.6.2 If the applicant fails to correct identified deficiencies within the specified time frame, or ifsignificant new deficiencies have developed since the original inspection, Saudi Aramco EPD willsuspend the ‘approval’, or issuance of a ‘warning notice’.

1.7 After a facility has been ‘approved’, a NEW APPLICATION is required:

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1.7.1 Prior to any proposed addition, alteration, conversion, expansion or modification to the physicalfacility or any change in the ownership, location, physical facility, equipment, process orprocedure related to products, goods or services offered to Saudi Aramco.

1.7.2 Prior to any proposed addition of products, goods or services to be offered to Saudi Aramco.

1.8 If an ‘approved’ food establishment fails to submit a new application, prior to making a changedefined in sub-section 1.7 of this Code Section, Saudi Aramco EPD shall rescind the ‘approval’

1.9 If an ‘approved’ food establishment fails to continue to comply with the requirements of this CodeSection:

2.9.1 EPD may send a ‘Warning Notice’ requiring corrective action

1.10 EPD Definition of "approved’:

1.10.1 The approval by EPD of a food establishment indicates that, at the time of inspection, thestructure, products, practices, procedures and associated equipment and facility, as stated inthe application, complied with all requirements of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code.

1.10.2 As noted in sub-section 1.10.1., above, the "approval" is valid only for the specific person,location, processes, facilities, products, goods and services included in the application.

1.10.3 “Approval” by EPD indicates only that the food establishment complies with all Saudi AramcoSanitary Code requirements and does not imply or suggest approval or acceptance of theproducts or services by Saudi Aramco Purchasing Department, or any other Saudi Aramcoorganization or affiliated concessionaire, contractor, vendor or other agency.


2.1 Saudi Aramco EPD will inspect each dairy farm and/or milk plant as often as is necessary to ensure thatthe dairy farm and/or milk plant is in compliance with this, and other relevant Code Sections. It is assumedthat dairy farm and/or milk plant management will cooperate fully with Saudi Aramco EPD duringinspections and ensure that deficiencies are corrected within the time limit established by Saudi AramcoEPD.

2.2 If Saudi Aramco EPD finds that a dairy farm and/or milk plant does not comply with one or morerequirements of this or other relevant, Code Sections, it shall either:

2.2.1 Recommend that the dairy farm and/or milk plant comply with Saudi Aramco EPD writtenrecommendations by the next unannounced inspection; or

2.2.2 Issue a warning notice requiring compliance by a specific date; or

2.2.3 Issue a suspension notice

2.3 Dairy farm and/or milk plant management shall conduct periodic "in-plant" sanitationinspections (at least weekly). Records of these inspections, as well as follow-up actions, shall be kepton file. The reports shall be made available to Saudi Aramco EPD representatives at the time of eachinspection.


3.1 The operator of the food establishment shall carry out a ‘Food Safety Risk Assessment’ bydeveloping an appropriate and effective HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan. The plan

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shall: 1) Identify any steps in the operation that are critical to food safety; 2) Make provisions forincorporating adequate safety controls into the operations; and 3) Include monitoring of control proceduresto ensure continuing effectiveness.

3.2 The following seven HACCP principles shall be followed:? Carry out a hazard analysis;? Identify critical control points (CCPs);? Establish critical limits for each CCP;? Implement monitoring procedures at each CCP;? Develop corrective action procedures in the event that critical limits are exceeded;? Incorporate an effective record keeping system into the plan;? Develop procedures to verify that the system is working;

With respect to the above, the following guidelines are provided:

3.2.1 Assemble a HACCP team: to develop an effective HACCP plan it is essential to assemble aHACCP team that has the expertise and knowledge to determine the full scope of the plan. Thescope should describe which segment of the food chain is involved and the general classes ofhazards to be addressed (e.g. does the plan cover all foods, all hazards or only selectedclasses).

3.2.2 Describe the product: develop a full description of the product. This should include relevant safetyinformation such as ingredients, physical and chemical structure (including pH, water contentetc), description of processes such as cooking, freezing, brining, smoking, storage requirementsduring the various stages of processing, and any other relevant information regarding the safehandling of the ingredients and final product

3.2.3 Construct a process flow diagram (PFD): a PFD essential to show all processes of the foodpreparation chain from delivery of the raw ingredients, to the use by the final consumer. The PFDshould show all steps of the entire operation. When applying HACCP, consideration should begiven to steps preceding and following the specified operation.

3.2.4 Onsite confirmation: it is important before proceeding further to confirm that the processes asdescribed in the flow diagram are correct. At this stage, necessary changes to the flow diagramshould be made where appropriate.

3.2.5 List all potential hazards associated with each step, consider any measures to control identifiedhazards. (Principle 1) The HACCP team shall list all of the hazards that may be reasonablyexpected to occur at each step from primary production, processing, manufacture, anddistribution until the point of consumption. The HACCP team shall identify those hazards in theplan, which must be eliminated or reduced in order to produce safe food. Wherever possible the following should be included:? The likely occurrence of the hazards and severity of their adverse health effects;? The qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the presence of hazards;? Survival or multiplication of microorganisms of concern;? Production or persistence in foods of toxins, chemicals or physical agents;? Conditions, which could lead to the above. The HACCP team then should consider

what control measures, if any, can be applied for each hazard identified.

3.2.6 Determine CCPs (principle 2). In order to prevent the hazards of food poisoning, or physical orchemical contamination it is necessary to identify CCPs. A CCP is a step in the preparation,handling or storage of food, which has to be carried out to ensure that the hazard is eithereliminated or reduced to a safe level. Here, the following two questions are to be considered: Is

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there a hazard at this step? Is it necessary to control the hazard at this step, or will asubsequent step eliminate or reduce the hazard to an acceptable limit?

3.2.7 Establish critical limits for each CCP (principle 3). This step involves establishing a criterion thatmust be met for each preventive measure associated with a CCP. Critical limits can be thoughtof as boundaries of safety for each CCP and may be set for preventive measures such astemperature, time, physical dimensions, water content, pH and available chlorine. Critical limitsmust be based on recognized standards such as regulatory standards, scientific literature,experimental studies and consultation with experts.

3.2.8 Establish a monitoring system for each CCP (principle 4). Monitoring is a planned sequence ofobservations or measurements to assess whether a CCP is under control and to produce anaccurate record for use in further verification procedures. There are three main reasons formonitoring: It tracks the system’s operations so that a trend towards a loss of control can berecognized and corrective action can be taken to bring the process back into control before adeviation occurs. It indicates when a loss of control and a deviation have actually occurred, whencorrective action must be taken, and it provides written documentation for use in verification ofthe HACCP plan. Instrumentation used for monitoring critical limits must be carefully calibrated foraccuracy. Records of calibration must be kept as part of the HACCP plandocumentation

3.2.9 Establish corrective actions (principle 5). Specific corrective actions shall be developed for eachCCP in the system to deal with deviations when they occur. The corrective actions must beclearly defined and be specific for that CCP. For example: “If the temperature of the food fallsbelow 60ºC (145ºF) it must be reheated to over 74ºC(165ºF) in its entirety for a minimum of 3minutes. If the temperature of the food falls below 60ºC (145ºF) again then it must be discarded”.

3.2.10 Establish documentation and record keeping (principle 6). Efficient and accurate record keepingis essential to the application of a HACCP system. Documentation and record keeping shall beappropriate to the nature and size of the operation, but should include: Hazard Analysis, CCPdetermination, Critical limit determination, CCP monitoring activities, Deviations and associatedcorrective actions, Temperature records and Employee training

3.2.11 Establish verification procedures (principle 7). Verification and auditing methods, procedures andtests, including random sampling and analysis, can be used to determine if the system isworking. The frequency of verification shall be sufficient to confirm that the system is workingeffectively. Examples of verification activities can include: Review of the HACCP systems anddocuments to ensure that the plan is being followed. Review of CCP records and determination ofcorrect actions being taken when deviations occur, independent auditing, random sampling,visual inspections of operations to observe if CCPs are under control


4.1 Collection of samples:

4.1.1 Samples of milk and milk products from dairy retail stores, food service establishments, grocerystores, and other places where milk and milk products are sold shall be examined periodicallyas determined by Saudi Aramco EPD.

4.1.2 During any consecutive six month period, at least four samples of raw milk for pasteurization orultra-high temperature treatment shall be taken from each producer and four samples of raw milkfor pasteurization or ultra-high temperature treatment shall be taken from each milk plant after

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receipt of the milk by the milk plant and prior to pasteurization or ultra-high temperaturetreatment.

4.1.3 During any consecutive six-month period, at least four samples of pasteurized or ultra-hightemperature treated milk and at least four samples of each milk product defined in the approvedapplication shall be taken from every milk plant. Samples of milk and milk products shall betaken while in possession of the producer or distributor at any time prior to final delivery.

4.2 Examination of milk and milk products:

4.2.1 Required bacterial counts, somatic cell counts, and cooling temperature checks shall beperformed on raw milk for pasteurization or ultra-high temperature treatment. In addition,antibiotic tests on each producer's raw milk or commingled raw milk shall be conducted at leastfour times during any consecutive six-month period. When commingled milk is tested, allproducers shall be represented in the sample. All individual sources of raw milk shall be testedwhen test results on the commingled raw milk are positive.

4.2.2 Required bacterial counts, coliform determinations, antibiotic tests, phosphatase tests andcooling temperature checks shall be performed on pasteurized or ultra-high temperature treatedmilk and milk products.

4.3 Response to positive samples:

4.3.1 Whenever two of the last four consecutive bacterial counts, somatic cell counts, coliformdeterminations or cooling temperature checks, taken on separate days, exceed requirementsoutlined in Table 1, Saudi Aramco EPD shall transmit a written warning notice to the Company.The warning notice shall remain in effect so long as two of the last four consecutive samplesexceed standards. An additional sample shall be taken within 21 days of the sending of suchwarning notice, but not before the lapse of three days. A suspension notice shall be issuedwhenever the standard is exceeded by three of the last five bacterial counts, somatic cellcounts, coliform determinations or cooling temperature checks.

4.3.2 Whenever a phosphatase test is positive, the cause shall be determined. Where the cause isimproper pasteurization the problem shall be corrected and any milk or milk products involvedshall not be offered for sale.

4.3.3 Whenever an antibiotic or pesticide residue test is positive, the cause shall be investigated andthe problem shall be corrected. An additional sample shall be taken and tested for antibiotic orpesticide residues. No milk shall be offered for sale until a follow-up sample indicates that themilk is free of, or below actionable levels, for antibiotic or pesticide residues.

4.4 All sampling procedures and required laboratory examinations shall be in substantial compliancewith the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products of the American PublicHealth Association and the latest edition of Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of OfficialAnalytical Chemists. Examinations and tests shall be conducted to detect adulterants, includingpesticides, as Saudi Aramco EPD shall require.


5.1 Cows, which show evidence of the secretion of abnormal milk in one or more quarters, based uponbacteriological, chemical or physical examinations, shall be milked last or with separate equipment. Themilk obtained from these cows shall be discarded.

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5.2. Cows treated with, or cows which have consumed, chemical, medicinal or radioactive agentswhich are capable of being secreted in the milk and which, in the judgment of Saudi Aramco EPD, may bedeleterious to human health, shall be milked last or with separate equipment. The milk obtained fromthese cows shall be discarded.


All Grade "A" raw milk for pasteurization or ultra-high temperature treatment and all Grade "A"pasteurized or ultra-high temperature treated milk and milk products shall be produced, processed, pasteurized orultra-high temperature treated according to the sanitary requirements outlined in SASC-S-04 and this CodeSection. They shall conform to the bacteriological, chemical and temperature requirements outlined in table 1.

TABLE 1Chemical, Bacteriological, and Temperature Standards

Type of Milk or MilkProduct

Parameters to beExamined


Grade "A" Raw Milkfor Pasteurization or

Temperature Cooled to 5°C (41°F) or less within two hours after milking


Bacterial Levels Individual producer's milk not to exceed 100,000/mL prior to comminglingwith other producers' milk. Not to exceed 300,000/mL as commingled milkprior to pasteurization/ultra-high temperature treatment.

Antibiotics No zone greater than or equal to 16 mm (0.63 in) with the Bacillusstearothermophilus disc assay method

Somatic Cell Count Individual producer milk not to exceed 1,500,000/mLGrade "A" Temperature Cooled to 5°C (41°F) or less and maintained thereatPasteurized andUltra-High

Bacterial Levels* Not to exceed 20,000/mL. Ultra-high temperature milk and milk productsshall be less than 1.0/mL.

Temperature Milk andMilk Products

Coliform Not to exceed 10/mL. In the case of bulk milk transport tank shipments,not to exceed 100/mL.

Phosphatase *** Less than 1.0 µg/mL by the Scharer Rapid Method or equivalent.Antibiot ics No zone greater than or equal to 16 mm (0.63 in) with the Bacillus

stearothermophilus disc assay method.Yeast and Molds** Not to exceed 10/gm in cultured products.

* Not applicable to cultured products. ** Not applicable to other than cultured products. *** Not applicable to UHT dairyproducts.


7.1 The herd shall be given tuberculin tests (T.B) once every two years. A qualified veterinarian shall makeall tests and re-tests. Positive reactors shall be removed from the farm. For tuberculosis test purposes, theherd is defined as all adult cattle 24 months of age and over, including any commingled beef animals.Dairy cattle less than two years of age and already milking shall be included in the herd test.

7.2 All milk intended for pasteurization shall be from herds participating in a Brucellosis ring-testing(BRT) program, which is conducted at least once each year. Herds with positive milk ring results shallhave the appropriate follow-up.

7.3 All reactors disclosed by paired blood sample agglutination tests or other confirmative test methodsshall be removed immediately from the farm. Saudi Aramco shall not purchase the milk from herdsresiding on farms where positive reactors are kept.

7.4 A certificate identifying each animal, signed by a veterinarian, shall be filed as directed by SaudiAramco EPD.

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The cow yard shall be graded and sloped to one end of the yard. It shall have no standing pools of water oraccumulations of organic wastes. In loafing or cattle-housing areas, cow droppings and soiled bedding shall beremoved, or clean bedding added, at sufficiently frequent intervals to prevent the soiling of the cow's udder andflanks. Feeding shall be conducted in a concreted area and waste feed shall be removed either by automaticflushing or daily hosing of the entire area. Goats, camels and sheep shall be kept out of the cowyard.


9.1 Manure shall be handled in a way that prevents insect breeding, e.g.:

9.1.1 Spread directly on the fields; or

9.1.2 Stored for not more than four days in a pile on the ground surface and then spread on the fields;or

9.1.3 Stored for not more than seven days in an impervious floored bin, or on an imperviously curbedplatform, and then spread on the fields; or

9.1.4 Stored in a tightly-screened and trapped manure shed; or

9.1.5 Effectively treated with larvicide; or

9.1.6 Disposed of by ponding in a manner, which controls insect breeding.

9.2 Manure stacks in loafing areas, stables without stanchions, pen stables, resting barns, wanderingsheds, and free-stall housing shall be properly bedded and managed to prevent fly breeding.


10.1 A milking barn, stable, or parlor shall be provided on all dairy farms in which the milking herd shall behoused during milking time operations. The following is required in addition to design, construction,operation and maintenance requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-04 of this Code:

10.1.1 Sufficient floor space to accommodate all animals without overcrowding shall be provided, e.g.walkways and feedways accessible.

10.1.2 Separate stalls or pens shall be provided for horses, calves and bulls.

10.1.3 Dust-tight covered boxes, bins or separate storage facilities for ground, chopped, orconcentrated feed shall be provided.

10.1.4 Goats, camels and sheep shall be kept out of milking areas.

10.2 Milking shall be conducted in the milking barn, stable or parlor.

10.2.1 The flanks, bellies, udders, teats and tails of all milking cows shall be free from visible dirt. Allbrushing shall be completed prior to milking. The udders and teats of all milking cows shall becleaned and treated with a sanitizing solution just prior to the time of milking, and shall berelatively dry before milking. Wet hand milking is prohibited. The hair on the udders shall be ofsuch length that it is not incorporated with the teat in the inflation during milking.

10.2.2 Surcingles, milk stools and anti-kickers shall be kept clean and stored above the floor.

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10.2.3 Handwashing shall be emphasized.


Raw milk shall be transferred immediately from the milking barn, stable, or parlor to the milkhouse throughsanitary piping. No milk shall be strained, poured, transferred or stored unless it is protected fromcontamination.

11.1 Equipment and operations shall be so located within the milking barn and milkhouse as toprevent overcrowding and contamination of cleaned and sanitized containers, equipment and utensils bysplash, condensation, or manual contact.

11.2 During processing, pipelines and equipment used to contain or conduct milk shall be effectivelyseparated from tanks or circuits containing cleaning and/or sanitizing solutions.

11.3 All milk, which has overflowed, leaked, been spilled, or improperly handled, shall be discarded.

11.4 All product-contact surfaces of containers, equipment, and utensils shall be covered or otherwiseprotected to prevent the access of insects, dust, condensation and other contamination. All openings,including valves and piping attached to milk storage and transport tanks, pumps or vats, shall be cappedor otherwise properly protected. Gravity type strainers in the milkhouse do not have to be covered. Milkpipelines used to convey milk from pre-coolers to the farm bulk tank must be fitted with effective dripdeflectors.

11.5 Whenever air under pressure is used for the agitation or movement of milk, or is directed at a milk-contact surface, it shall be free of oil, dust, rust, excessive moisture, extraneous materials, and odors, andshall otherwise comply with applicable standards.

11.6 Antibiotics and medicines shall be stored in such a manner that they cannot contaminate the milkcontact surface of the equipment, containers or utensils.


A milkhouse or milkroom of sufficient size shall be provided in which the cooling, handling and storing of milk,and the washing, sanitizing and storing of milk containers and utensils will be conducted. The following is requiredin addition to design, construction, operation and maintenance requirements outlined in Sections SASC-S-04 andSASC-S-05:

12.1 There shall be no direct opening into any barn, stable, or into a room used for domestic purposes,except that a direct opening between the milkhouse and milking barn, stable, or parlor is permitted when atight-fitting, self-closing, solid door(s) hinged to be single or double acting is provided.

12.2 If the transfer of milk from a bulk-holding/cooling tank to a transport tank is through a hose port locatedin the milkhouse wall, the port shall be equipped with a tight-fitting door which shall be kept closed whennot in use.

12.3 When a transportation tank is used for the cooling and storage of milk on the dairy farm, such a tankwill be provided with a suitable shelter for the receipt of milk. Such a shelter shall be adjacent to, but not apart of, the milkroom and shall comply with the requirements of the milkroom with respect to construction,light, drainage, insect and rodent control, and general maintenance.

12.4 A three compartment sink of adequate size to wash all pieces of disassembled equipment which are notroutinely cleaned and sanitized during cleaning-in-place (CIP) procedures shall be provided in themilkhouse.

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Raw milk for pasteurization or ultra-high temperature treatment shall be cooled to 5°C (41°F) or lesswithin two hours after milking. The milk shall be maintained at that temperature until delivery. Re-circulated coldwater used in plate or tubular coolers or heat exchangers must be from a safe source and protected fromcontamination. Such water shall be tested at least twice each year and shall comply with the bacteriologicalrequirements of SASC-S-01 of this Code.


Vehicles used to transport milk from the dairy farm to the milk plant or receiving station shall be constructedof stainless steel and operated to protect their content from heat and contamination. If required, vehicles shall beparked under sunshades to reduce the heat load on the refrigeration equipment. Vehicles shall be kept clean,inside and out. The vehicle shall not be used to transport any substance other than milk.


15.1 All milk contact surfaces of multi-use containers and equipment shall consist of stainless steel ofthe ANSI 300 series or equivalent metal or approved heat resistant glass or plastic or rubber or rubber-likematerials.

15.2 Where a rotating shaft is inserted through a surface with which milk or milk products come into contact,the joint between the moving and stationary surfaces shall be close fitting. Where a thermometer ortemperature-sensing element is inserted through a surface with which milk or milk products come intocontact, a pressure-tight seal shall be provided ahead of all threads and crevices.

15.3 All openings in covers of tanks, vats, separators, etc. shall have raised edges, or shall otherwise beprotected from the entrance of surface drainage. Condensation-diverting aprons shall be provided as closeto the tank or vat as possible on all pipes, thermometers, or temperature sensing elements, and otherequipment extending into a tank, bowl, vat, or distributor, unless a watertight joint is provided.

15.4 Milk cans shall have umbrella-type covers.

15.5 Strainers, if used, shall be of perforated metal design, and so constructed as to utilize single-servicestrainer media. Multiple-use woven material shall not be used for straining milk. An exception may bemade to this requirement when, for functional reasons inherent to the production of certain milk products,such as buttermilk, whey, and dry milk products, a woven material is more practical than perforated metal.However, woven material parts shall be mechanically cleaned by such methods that thoroughly clean thewoven material and do not contaminate the product.

15.6 Wing nuts, bayonet locks, and similar devices shall be used whenever possible in lieu of bolts andnuts, to promote easy disassembly.

15.7 There shall be no threads used in contact with milk or milk products except where needed for functionaland safety reasons, such as in clarifiers, pumps, and separators. Such threads shall be designed tofacilitate cleaning. Ordinary "V" type threads are prohibited.


16.1 All sanitary piping, connection and fittings shall consist of stainless steel of the ANSI 300 series orequivalent metal or approved heat resistant glass. Approved plastic, or rubber and rubber-like materials,may be used for gaskets, sealing applications, and for short flexible takedown jumpers or connectionswhere flexibility is required for essential or functional reasons.

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16.2 All interior surfaces of demountable piping, including valves, fittings, and connections are designed,constructed, and installed to permit inspection and drainage.

16.3 All cleaned-in-place milk pipelines and return-solution lines shall be rigid, self-draining, and sosupported to maintain uniform slope and alignment. Return solution lines shall be constructed of materialsthat comply with specifications outlined in sub-section 16.1 above. If gaskets are used, they shall be self-positioning, shall be made of materials that comply with specifications outlined in sub-section 16.1 above,and shall be designed, finished, and applied to form a smooth, flush interior surface. If gaskets are notused, all fittings shall have self-positioning faces designed to form a smooth, flush interior surface. Allinterior surfaces of welded joints in pipelines shall be smooth and free from pits, cracks or inclusions.

16.4 Each cleaning circuit shall have access points for inspection in addition to the entrances and exits.These may be valves, removable sections, fittings, or other means or combinations that are adequate forinspection of the interior of the line. These access points shall be located at sufficient intervals todetermine the general condition of the interior surfaces of the line.

16.5 No alteration or addition shall be made to any welded milk pipeline system without prior application and"approval".


17.1 Pipelines and/or equipment designed for cleaning-in-place (CIP) shall meet the following requirements:

17.1.1 An effective cleaning and sanitizing regimen for each separate cleaning circuit shall be followed.

17.1.2 During processing, pipelines and equipment used to contain or conduct milk and milk productsshall be effectively separated from tanks or circuits containing cleaning and/or sanitizingsolutions.

17.1.3 An accurate temperature-recording device shall be installed in the return solution line to recordthe temperature and time during which the line or equipment is exposed to cleaning andsanitizing. Temperature recording charts shall be identified, dated, and retained for three months.

17.2 A three compartment sink of adequate size to wash all pieces of disassembled equipment which are notcleaned and sanitized as part of the cleaning-in-place (CIP) process shall be provided in the milk plant.


18.1 Only culinary-grade air and steam shall be used.

18.2 Receiving and dump vats shall be completely covered, except during washing and sanitizing, and whenmilk is being dumped. Where strainers are used, the cover for the vat opening shall be designed to coverthe opening with the strainer in place.

18.3 All milk or milk products or ingredients, which have been spilled, overflowed, or leaked, shall bediscarded.

18.4 Milk and milk products drained from processing equipment at the end of a run, or collected from adefoamer system which does not continuously return such product to the filler bowl, shall be repasteurizedonly if such milk or milk products are handled in a sanitary manner and maintained at 5°C (41°F) or less.When the handling and/or refrigeration of such milk and milk products is not in compliance with thisrequirement, they shall be discarded. Returned packaged milk and milk products shall not berepasteurized for Grade "A" use.

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18.5 During processing, pipelines and equipment used to contain or conduct milk products shall beeffectively separated from tanks or circuits containing cleaning, and/or sanitizing solutions.

18.6 All product contact surfaces of containers, equipment, and utensils shall be covered or otherwiseprotected to prevent the access of insects, dust, condensation, and other contamination. All openings,including valves and piping attached to milk storage and transport tanks, pumps, or vats, etc. shall becapped or otherwise properly protected. The application of suitable filters to the manholes of transporttanks during unloading shall be considered satisfactory.

18.7 Standardization is done before the pasteurization process is started, unless pasteurized milk or milkproducts are used for standardization. Such pasteurized milk products shall be protected againstcontamination. In no case shall pasteurized milk or milk products be standardized with unpasteurized milkunless the standardized product is subsequently pasteurized. Standardization of Grade "A" milk and milkproducts with milk and milk products of other than Grade "A" quality is prohibited.

18.8 The processing of goods and/or drinks other than Grade "A" milk and milk products are performed topreclude the contamination of such milk and milk products.

18.9 Pasteurized milk shall not be strained or filtered except through a perforated metal strainer. Multiple-use woven material shall not be used for straining milk.


19.1 Standard pasteurization requires that every particle of milk or milk product be heated in properlydesigned and operated equipment to one of the temperatures given in the following table and then heldcontinuously at or above that temperature for at least the corresponding time specified:

Temperature in Degrees TimeCelsius Fahrenheit

63* 145 30.00 mins72* 161 15.00 secs89 191 1.00 secs90 194 0.50 secs90 201 0.10 secs96 204 0.05 secs100 212 0.01 secs

* If the fat content of the milk product is 10% or more, or if it contains added sweeteners, the specified temperature shall be increased by 3°C (5°F)

19.2 Ultra-high temperature treatment requires that every particle of milk or milk product be heated inproperly designed and operated equipment to 138°C (280°F) or above and held at that temperature for atleast two seconds, either before or after packaging, so as to produce a product which has an extendedshelf life under proper storage conditions.

19.3 All indicating and recording thermometers used in connection with pasteurization or ultra-hightemperature milk or milk products shall be accurate to within ±0.2°C (±0.5°F) throughout specified scalerange. All recording thermometer charts shall comply with all the applicable requirements of sub-section23 of this Code Section.


20.1 Time, temperature and holding controls for batch pasteurizers:

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20.1.1 The vat shall be provided with adequate agitation, operating throughout the holding period. Nobatch of milk or milk product shall be pasteurized unless it covers a sufficient area of the agitatorto ensure adequate agitation.

20.1.2 The pasteurizer shall be so designed that the simultaneous temperature difference between themilk or milk product at the center and the coldest milk or milk product in the vat will not exceed0.5°C (1°F) at any time during the holding period.

20.1.3 Each batch pasteurizer shall be equipped with both an indicating and a recording thermometer.The thermometers shall read not less than the required pasteurization temperature throughoutthe required holding period. The plant operator shall check daily the temperature shown by therecording thermometer against the temperature shown by the indicating thermometers; thiscomparison shall be noted on the recording thermometer chart. The recording thermometer shallnot read higher than the indicating thermometer. No batch of milk or milk products shall bepasteurized unless it is sufficient to cover the bulbs of both the indicating and the recordingthermometers.

20.1.4 Assurance of minimum holding periods: Batch pasteurizers shall be operated so that every particle of milk product will beheld at not less than the minimum pasteurization temperature continuously for atleast 30 minutes. When milk or milk products are raised to pasteurizationtemperature in the vat, and cooling is begun in the vat simultaneously with or beforethe opening of the outlet valve, the recorder chart shall show at least 30 minutes atnot less than minimum pasteurization temperature. When milk or milk products arepreheated to pasteurization temperature before entering the vat, the recorder chartshall show a holding period of at least 30 minutes at not less than the minimumpasteurization temperature plus the time of filling from the level of the recorder bulb.When cooling is begun in the holder after the opening of the outlet valve, or is doneentirely outside the holder, the chart shall show at least 30 minutes at not less thanthe minimum pasteurization temperature plus the time of emptying to the level of therecording thermometer bulb. When the recorder time interval on the recorder chart at the pasteurizationtemperature includes filling and/or emptying time, such intervals shall be indicatedon the recorder chart by the operator, by removing the recording thermometer bulbfrom the milk for a sufficient time to depress the pen, or by turning cold water intothe vat jacket at the end of the holding period, or by inscribing the holding time onthe chart. The filling time and the emptying time for each holder so operated shall bedetermined by EPD representative, initially and after any change which may affectthese times. No milk shall be added to or removed from the holder after the start of the holdingperiod.

20.2 Airspace heating:

20.2.1 Means shall be provided and used in batch pasteurizers to keep the atmosphere above the milkand milk products at a temperature at least 3°C (5°F) higher than the minimum requiredtemperature of pasteurization during the holding period.

20.2.2 Each batch pasteurizer shall be equipped with an airspace thermometer. The surface of the milkor milk product shall be at least 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) below the bottom of the thermometerbulb when the vat is in operation.

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20.2.3 The temperature shown by the airspace thermometer shall be recorded on the recordingthermometer chart each time the pasteurizer is in operation.

20.3 Design and installation of valves and connections:

20.3.1 Valves and pipeline connections shall meet the requirements of sub-section 16 of this CodeSection.

20.3.2 All pipelines and fittings shall be so constructed and so located that leakage will not occur.Dependence shall not be placed on soldered joints to prevent leakage.

20.3.3 To prevent clogging and to promote drainage, all leak-protection grooves shall be at least 5millimeters (0.2 inches) wide, and at least 2.5 millimeters (0.1 inches) deep at the center.Mating grooves shall provide these dimensions throughout their combined length whenever thevalve is in, or approximately in, the fully closed position. All single-leak grooves, and all mating-leak grooves when mated, shall extend throughout the entire depth of the seat, so as to divertleakage occurring at all points throughout the depth of the seat, and so as to prevent airbindings. Washers or other parts shall not obstruct leak-protector grooves.

20.3.4 A stop shall be provided on all plug-type outlet valves and on all plug-type inlet valves in order toguide the operator in closing the valve so that unpasteurized milk may not inadvertently bepermitted to enter the outlet line or the holder, respectively. The stop shall be designed so thatthe plug will be irreversible when the plug is provided with any grooves or their equivalent, unlessduplicate, diametrically opposite grooves are also provided. In the case of two-way, plug-typevalves (i.e. those having only one inlet and one outlet), a 180 degree stop, or any combination ofstops permitting two fully closed positions, may be substituted for a 90 degree stop, providedthat there are no air-relief grooves in the plug and that all leak grooves are located symmetricallywith respect to the valve inlet. Stops shall be designed so that the operator cannot turn the valvebeyond the stop position either by raising the plug or by any other means.

20.3.5 Outlet valves, in addition to the requirements listed above, shall be designed to prevent theaccumulation of unpasteurized milk in the milk passages of the valve when the valve is in anyclosed position.

20.3.6 All inlet pipelines and outlets from vat pasteurizers shall be equipped with leak-protector valves.Installations not equipped with leak-protector inlet valves shall be accepted when the piping is soarranged that only one vat can be connected to the inlet at a time, and such piping isdisconnected during the holding and emptying periods.

20.3.7 Inlet and outlet connections, other than through close-coupled valves, shall not enter or leave thepasteurizer below the level of the milk inside.

20.3.8 In cases where the inlet line enters the holder above the milk level, and in which the inlet linemay be submerged and thus prevent its complete emptying when the inlet valve is closed, theinlet line shall be provided with an automatic air-relief or vent, located either at the valve orelsewhere, and designed to function in every closed position of the valve. A vent may beprovided by drilling a hole at least 3 millimeters (0.125 inches) in diameter in the vat pipe, belowthe vat cover, but above the maximum milk level.

20.3.9 All leak-protector valves shall be installed in the proper position to ensure the function of theleak-diversion device. Inlet valves shall not be located in vertical pipelines unless they can beinstalled so that one of the groove systems is at the lowest level of the valve; and pipelinesbetween the inlet valve and the pasteurizer shall be as short as practicable and shall be slopedto drain.

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20.3.10 All outlet valves shall be kept fully closed during filling, heating, and holding periods; and all inletvalves shall be kept fully closed during holding and emptying periods.

21 (HTST) CONTINUOUS FLOW PASTEURIZATION (see further explanation in Appendix I)

21.1 All indicating thermometers and recorder/controller instruments and devices used in connectionwith the high temperature, short time (HTST) continuous flow pasteurization of milk or milk products shallcomply with specifications set forth in sub-section 19.3 and sub-section 24 of this Code Section.

21.2 Automatic milk-flow controller:

21.2.1 Each high temperature, short time (HTST) continuous flow pasteurization system shall beequipped with an automatic milk-flow control device of the diversion type which complies with thefollowing definition, specifications, and performance requirements:

21.2.2 The term "automatic milk-flow controls" shall mean those safety devices which control the flow ofmilk in relation to the temperature of the milk; heating medium; and/or pressure, vacuum or otherauxiliary equipment. Milk-flow controls shall not be considered as part of the temperature controlequipment. Milk-flow controls shall be of the flow-diversion type which automatically cause thediversion of the milk in response to a substandard pasteurization temperature. At substandardtemperatures, flow-diversion devices return the milk to the raw milk side of the heating systemcontinuously until required pasteurization temperatures are obtained. After requiredpasteurization temperatures are obtained, the automatic milk-flow control device restores forwardflow through the pasteurizer.

21.3 All flow-diversion devices used in continuous pasteurizers shall comply with the following or equallysatisfactory specifications:

21.3.1 Forward flow of sub-temperature milk due to the omission or looseness of the connecting clipshall be prevented by one of the following or by any other equally satisfactory means: Making the valve and its actuating mechanism integral. Where there is a connecting device, by making it impossible to assemble the valveand its actuating mechanism in a way that will function other than properly. Where there is a connecting device which may be omitted or shaken loose, byproviding for pushing instead of pulling the valve to the diverted position. By designing the system so that the pump will shut down when the milk is below thepasteurization temperature and the valve is not in the fully diverted position;

21.3.2 When a packing gland is used to prevent leakage around the actuating stem, it shall not bepossible to tighten the stem-packing nut to such an extent as to prevent the valve from assumingthe fully diverted position.

21.3.3 A leak escape shall be installed on the forward-flow side of the valve seat. However, whenbackpressure is exerted on the forward-flow side of the valve seat while the milk flow is beingdiverted, the leak escape should lie between two valve seats, or between two portions of thesame seat, one upstream and the other downstream from the leak escape. The leak escapeshall be designed and installed to discharge all leakage to the outside, or to the constant-leveltank through a line separate from the diversion line. When leakage is discharged to the constant-level tank, a sight glass shall be installed in the leak escape line to provide a visual means ofleak detection.

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21.3.4 The closure of the forward-flow seat shall be sufficiently tight so that leakage past it will notexceed the capacity of the leak escape device, as evidenced when the forward-flow line isdisconnected; and, in order that proper seating may not be disturbed, the length of theconnecting rod shall not be adjustable by the user.

21.3.5 The flow-diversion device shall be so designed and installed that failure of the primary motivatingpower shall automatically divert the flow of milk.

21.3.6 The flow-diversion device shall be located downstream from the holder. The flow sensor shall belocated not more than 46 centimeters (18”) upstream from the flow-control device.

21.3.7 The pipeline from the diversion port of the flow-diversion device shall be self-draining and shall befree of restrictions or valves unless such restrictions or valves are so designed that stoppage ofthe diversion line cannot occur.

21.3.8 When it is used, the pipeline from the leak detector port of the flow-diversion device shall be self-draining and shall be free of restrictions or valves, unless such restrictions or valves are sodesigned that stoppage of the leak detector line cannot occur.

21.4 Milk-flow controller instrumentation shall comply with the following requirements:

21.4.1 The thermal limit controller shall be set and sealed so that forward flow of product cannot startunless the temperature at the controller sensor is above the required pasteurization temperatureas defined in sub-section 19 of this Code Section for the milk or milk product and the processused, nor continue during descending temperatures when the temperature is below the requiredpasteurization temperature. The seal shall be applied by Saudi Aramco EPD representative after testing andshall not be removed without immediately notifying a Saudi Aramco EPDrepresentative. The system shall be so designed that no milk can be bypassed around the controllersensor that shall not be removed from its proper position during the pasteurizationprocess. The cut-in and cut-out milk temperatures, as shown by the indicating thermometer,shall be determined at the beginning of each day's operation and entered upon therecorder chart daily by the plant operator.

21.4.2 Manual switches for the control of pumps, or other devices which produce flow through the holder,shall be wired so that the circuit is completed only when milk is above the required pasteurizationtemperature as defined in sub-section 19 of this Code Section, or when the diversion device is inthe fully diverted position.

21.5 Holding tube:

21.5.1 Holders shall be designed to provide for the holding of every particle of milk or milk product for atleast the time required in sub-section 19 of this Code Section for the milk or milk product andthe process used.

21.5.2 The holder shall be so designed that the simultaneous temperature difference between thehottest and coldest milk in any cross section of flow at any time during the holding period willnot be greater than 0.5°C (1°F). This requirement may be assumed to have been satisfied

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without test in tubular holders of 18 centimeters (7 inches) of smaller diameter, which are free ofany fittings through which the milk may not be thoroughly swept.

21.5.3 No device shall be permitted for short-circuiting a portion of the holder to compensate forchanges in rate of milk flow. Holding tubes shall be installed so that sections of pipe cannot beleft out, resulting in a shortened holding time.

21.5.4 The holding tube shall be arranged to have a continuously upward slope in the direction of flow ofnot less than 2 centimeters per meter (0.25 inches/foot).

21.5.5 Supports for tubes shall be provided to maintain all parts of holding tubes in a fixed position, freefrom any lateral or vertical movement.

21.5.6 The holder shall be so designed that no portion between the inlet and the flow-controltemperature sensor is heated.

21.6 An indicating thermometer shall be located as near as practicable to the temperature sensor of therecorder/controller, but may be located a short distance upstream from the latter where milk between thetwo thermometers does not differ significantly in temperature.

21.6.1 The temperature shown by the recorder/controller shall be checked daily by the plant operatoragainst the temperature shown by the indicating thermometer. Readings shall be recorded onthe chart. The recorder/controller shall be adjusted to read no higher than the indicatingthermometer.

21.6.2 The recorder/controller charts shall comply with the applicable provisions of sub-section 22 ofthis Code Section.

21.7 The pump(s) and other equipment, which may produce, flow through the holder shall be locatedupstream from the holder. Pumps and other flow-promoting devices may be located downstream from theholder if means are provided to eliminate negative pressure between the holder and the inlet to suchequipment. When vacuum equipment is located downstream from the holder, an effective vacuum breaker,plus an automatic means of preventing a negative pressure in the line between the flow-diversion deviceand the vacuum chamber, shall be provided.

21.7.1 The speed of pumps or other flow-promoting devices governing the rate of flow through the holdershall be so controlled as to ensure the holding of every particle of milk or milk product for at leastthe time required in sub-section 19 of this Code Section. In all cases, the motor shall beconnected to the metering pump by means of a common drive shaft, or by means of gears,pulleys, or a variable-speed drive, with the gear box, the pulley box, or the setting of the variablespeed protected in such a manner that the holding time cannot be shortened without detectionby the Saudi Aramco EPD representative. This shall be accomplished by the application of asuitable seal(s) after testing by the Saudi Aramco EPD representative. Such a seal shall not bebroken without immediately notifying Saudi Aramco EPD. This provision shall apply to allhomogenizers used as timing pumps. Variable speed drives used in connection with themetering pump shall be so constructed that wearing or stretching of the belt results in aslowdown, rather than a speed-up, of the pump. The metering or timing pump shall be of thepositive displacement type.

21.7.2 The holding time shall be taken to mean the flow of the fastest particle of milk, at or above therequired pasteurization temperature as defined in sub-section 19 of this Code Section for themilk or milk product and the process used, through the holder section; i.e. that portion of thesystem that is outside of the influence of the heating medium, that slopes continuously upwardin the downstream direction, and that is located upstream from the flow-diversion device. Testsfor holding time shall be made when all equipment and devices are operated and adjusted to

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provide for maximum flow. When a homogenizer is located upstream from the holder, theholding time shall be determined with the homogenizer in operation with no pressure on thehomogenizer valves. Where bypass lines are provided, either upstream or downstream from themetering pump, the holding time shall be tested with both the regular and bypass line open,unless the bypass valve is so designed that both lines cannot be open at the same time. Theholding time shall be tested during both forward and diverted flow. If necessary to lengthen theholding time during diverted flow, an identifiable restriction may be placed in the vertical portion ofthe diversion pipeline. When vacuum equipment is located downstream from the holder, theholding time shall be tested with the metering pump operating at maximum flow and the vacuumequipment adjusted to provide for the maximum vacuum. The holding time shall be tested in bothforward and diverted flow by Saudi Aramco EPD initially, semiannually thereafter, after anyalteration or replacement that may affect the holding time, and whenever the seal of the speedsetting has been broken.

21.8 Means shall be provided to preclude the backup and overflow of water from the vacuum condenserto the vacuum chamber when a water feed line is connected to a vacuum condenser and the vacuumcondenser is not separated from the vacuum chamber by a physical barrier. This provision may besatisfied by the use of a safety shutoff valve located on the water feed line to the vacuum condenser that isautomatically actuated by a control which will shut off the influent water if, for example, the condensatepump stops and the water level rises above a predetermined point in the vacuum condenser. This valvemay be actuated by water, air, or electricity, and shall be so designed that failure of the primary motivatingpower will automatically stop the flow of water into the vacuum condenser.


22.1 Pasteurizer systems employing milk-to-milk regenerative heating with both sides closed to theatmosphere shall comply with the following or equally satisfactory specifications:

22.1.1 Regenerators shall be constructed, installed, and operated so that pasteurized product in theregenerator will automatically be under greater pressure than raw milk in the regenerator at alltimes.

22.1.2 The pasteurized product, between its outlet from the regenerator and the nearest pointdownstream open to the atmosphere, shall rise to a vertical elevation of 30 centimeters (12inches) above the highest raw milk level downstream from the constant-level tank and shall beopen to the atmosphere at this or a higher elevation.

22.1.3 The overflow of the top rim of the constant level raw milk tank shall always be lower than thelowest milk level in the regenerator.

22.1.4 No pump or flow-promoting device which can affect the proper pressure relationships within theregenerator shall be located between the pasteurized outlet from the regenerator and the nearestdownstream point open to the atmosphere.

22.1.5 No pump shall be located between the raw milk inlet to the regenerator and the raw milk supplytank unless it is designed and installed to operate only when milk is flowing through thepasteurized product side of the regenerator and when the pressure of the pasteurized product ishigher than the maximum pressure produced by the pump. This may be accomplished by wiringthe booster pump so that it cannot operate unless: a) the metering pump is in operation; b) theflow-diversion device is in forward-flow position; and c) the pasteurized product pressure exceeds0.071 kilograms per square centimeter (1 pound per square inch) the maximum pressuredeveloped by the booster pump. Pressure gauges shall be installed at the raw milk inlet to theregenerator and the pasteurized product outlet of the regenerator or the outlet of the cooler.

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22.1.6 The motor, casing and impeller of the booster pump shall be identified, and such records thereofmaintained as directed by EPD. All electric wiring interconnections should be in permanentconduit (except that rubber covered cable may be used for final connections), with no electricalconnections to defeat the purpose of any provisions of this Code Section.

22.1.7 All raw milk in the regenerator will drain freely back into the constant-level raw milk tank whenthe raw milk pump(s) are shut down and the raw milk outlet from the regenerator isdisconnected.

22.1.8 When vacuum equipment is located downstream from the flow-diversion device, means shall beprovided to prevent the lowering of the pasteurized product level in the regenerator during periodsof diverted flow or shutdown. An effective vacuum breaker, plus an automatic means of preventinga negative pressure, shall be installed in the line between the vacuum chamber and thepasteurized product inlet to the regenerator.

22.1.9 When the differential pressure controller is installed and wired to control the flow-diversiondevice, the raw product booster pump may be permitted to run at all times provided that themetering pump is in operation.

22.2 Milk-to-water-to-milk regenerators with both the milk and the heat-transfer water in the raw milk sectionclosed to the atmosphere shall comply with the following or equally satisfactory specifications:

22.2.1 Regenerators of this type shall be so designed, installed, and operated that the heat-transfer-medium side of the regenerator in the raw milk section will, automatically, be under greaterpressure than the raw milk side at all times.

22.2.2 Only potable water shall be used in the heat-transfer system. The water shall be stored in acovered tank, which is open to the atmosphere. The elevation of the water shall be at least 30centimeters (12 inches) higher than any raw milk level downstream from the constant-level tank.The heat-transfer water between its outlet from the regenerator and the nearest pointdownstream open to the atmosphere shall rise to a vertical elevation of at least 30 centimeters(12 inches) above any raw milk in the system and shall be open to the atmosphere at this or ahigher elevation.

22.2.3 The heat-transfer water circuit shall be full of water at the beginning of the run, and all loss ofwater from the circuit shall be automatically and immediately replenished whenever raw milk ispresent in the regenerator.

22.2.4 The overflow of the top rim of the constant level raw milk tank shall always be lower than thelowest milk level in the raw milk section of the regenerator. The regenerator shall be designedand installed so that all raw milk shall drain freely back to the upstream supply tank when theraw milk pumps are shut down and the raw milk line is disconnected from the regenerator outlet.

22.2.5 No pump shall be located between the raw milk inlet to the regenerator and the raw milk supplytank, unless it is designed and installed to operate only when water is flowing through the heat-transfer section of the regenerator, and when the pressure of the heat-transfer water is higherthan the pressure of the raw milk. This may be accomplished by wiring the booster pump sothat it cannot operate unless: a) the heat-transfer water pump is in operation; and b) the heat-transfer water pressure exceeds by at least 0.07 kilograms per square centimeter (1 pound persquare inch) the raw milk pressure in the regenerator. Pressure gauges shall be installed at theraw milk inlet and the heat-transfer water outlet of the regenerator. The accuracy of the requiredpressure gauges shall be checked by the regulatory agency on installation, quarterly thereafter,and following repair or replacement.

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23 U.H.T. (Ultra-High Temperature)

23.1 The chemical, physical and bacteriological standards for Grade "A" raw milk utilized to produce ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk and milk products shall conform with the requirements stipulated in sub-section 6 of this Code Section.

23.2 Only Grade "A" milk powder and butterfat shall be used to produce UHT milk products.


All temperature-recording charts shall be preserved for a period of three months. The use of such charts shallnot exceed the time limit for which they are designed. Overlapping of recorded data shall be a violation of this item.

24.1 Batch pasteurizer recording charts shall contain the following information:

24.1.1 The name of the milk plant and the date.

24.1.2 Number or location of recorder when more than one is used.

25.1.3 Extent of holding period, including filling and emptying times when required (see sub-section 20of this Code Section).

24.1.4 Reading of airspace thermometer within the holding period at a given time or reference point asindicated on the chart (see sub-section 20 of this Code Section).

24.1.5 Reading of indicating thermometer within the holding period at a given time or reference point asindicated on the chart (see sub-section 20 of this Code Section).

24.1.6 Quarterly, the initials of the regulatory agency opposite the required readings of the indicatingthermometer and airspace thermometer (see sub-section 20 of this Code Section).

24.1.7 Semi-annually, the time accuracy of the recorder, as determined by Saudi Aramco EPD

24.1.8 Amount and name of pasteurized milk or milk product represented by each batch or run on thechart.

24.1.9 Record of unusual occurrences.

24.1.10 Signature or initials of operator.

24.2 High temperature, short time pasteurizer recording thermometer charts shall contain all theinformation specified in sub-section 24.1 above, except reference to holding period (including filling andemptying), and reference to airspace thermometers, may be omitted. The following additional informationis required:

24.2.1 A record of the time during which the flow diversion device is in the forward-flow position.

24.2.2 The cut-in and cut-out milk temperatures recorded daily by the operator at the beginning of therun, and initialed quarterly by the regulatory agency.

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Saudi Aramco EPD shall perform the indicated tests on the instruments and devices initially on installation, andat least once each six months thereafter, and whenever any alteration or replacement is made which may affectthe proper operation of the instrument or device.


All raw milk and milk products shall be maintained at 5°C (41°F) or less until processed. All pasteurizedmilk and milk products, except those to be cultured, shall be cooled immediately prior to filling or packaging inapproved equipment to a temperature of 5°C (41°F) or less. All pasteurized milk and milk products shall be storedat a temperature of 5°C (41°F) or less. On delivery vehicles, the temperature of milk and milk products shall notexceed 5°C (41°F). Every room or tank in which milk or milk products are stored shall be equipped with anaccurate thermometer.


27.1 Packaging of milk products shall be in single service containers.

27.2 All milk and milk products, including concentrated milk and milk products, shall be packaged atthe plant where final pasteurization is performed. Such packaging shall be done without undue delayfollowing final pasteurization.

28.3 All packaging shall be done on approved mechanical equipment. The term "approved mechanicalequipment" shall not be interpreted to exclude manually operated machinery.

27.4 Packaging machines shall be designed to minimize the need for adjustment during operation.

27.5 Packaging machine supply tanks and bowls shall have covers, which are constructed to prevent anycontamination from reaching the inside of the filler tank or bowl. All covers shall be in place duringoperation.

27.6 A drip deflector shall be installed on each filler valve. Such drip deflector shall be designed and adjustedto divert condensation away from the open container.

27.7 Container in-feed conveyors to automatic packaging machines shall have overhead shields to protectthe packages from contamination. Such shields shall extend from the forming unit discharge to the fillingunit and from the filling unit to the closure unit.

27.8 Container-fabricating materials, such as paper stock, foil, wax, plastic, etc. shall be handled in asanitary manner and protected against undue exposure during the package assembly operation.

27.9 Packaging machine floats shall be designed to be adjustable without removing the cover.

27.10 The filler pipe of all bottling and packaging machines shall have an apron or other approved deviceas close to the filler bowl as possible to prevent condensation or drip from reaching the inside of the fillerbowl.

27.11 Filling cylinders on packaging machines shall be protected from contamination by the use of overheadshields. When any lubricant is applied to the filler pistons, cylinders, or other milk contact surfaces, thelubricant shall be nontoxic, sterile, and shall be sparingly applied in a sanitary manner.

27.12 Closing of packages:

27.12.1 The closing of milk and milk product containers shall be done in a sanitary manner on approvedmechanical closing equipment. The term "approved mechanical closing equipment" shall not

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exclude manually operated machinery. Hand-capping is prohibited except in the case of 11 liters(3 gallons) or larger containers where suitable mechanical equipment for the closing of suchcontainers is not available, and then only if the required application is submitted and the reviewand inspection procedure proves to Saudi Aramco EPD that the proposed method of closingsuch large containers eliminates all possibility of contamination.

27.12.2 All mechanical closure mechanisms shall be designed to minimize the need for adjustmentduring operation.

27.12.3 Packages, which have been imperfectly closed, shall be emptied immediately into approvedsanitary containers. Such milk or milk products shall be protected from contamination,maintained at 5°C (41°F) or less, and subsequently repasteurized or discarded.

2712.4 All closures shall protect the pouring lip of multi-use containers to at least the greatest diameter.Single-service containers shall be so constructed that the product and the pouring and openingareas are protected from contamination during handling, storage and when the containers areinitially opened.

27.12.5 Closures shall be handled in a sanitary manner.


In addition to requirements outlined in sub-section 26 of SASC-S-04, all vehicles used for transportationof pasteurized milk and milk products shall be constructed and operated so that the milk and milk products aremaintained at 5°C (41°F) or less. If required, vehicles shall be parked under sun shades to reduce the heat load onthe refrigeration equipment.


The residual bacteria count of multi-use and single-service containers used for packaging pasteurized milkand milk products shall not exceed one per mL of capacity or not over one colony per square centimeter (50colonies per 8 square inches) of product-contact surface in three out of four samples taken at random on a givenday. All multi-use and single-service containers shall be free of coliform organisms.

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30.1 Public health significance:

30.1.1 Pasteurization, at this time, is the most practical means of insuring a consistently safe milksupply. Pasteurized milk is now one of our safest foods; but when contaminated, it may becomethe most dangerous because milk is a perfect medium for bacterial growth.

30.1.2 The high temperature short time (HTST) pasteurizer unit is designed with safeguards to preventhuman error or equipment malfunction. These safeguards are necessary to ensure pasteurizationof every particle of milk.

30.1.3 The heating and the cooling regeneration features of the HTST unit offer important efficiencies byconserving heat, refrigeration, space, and time requirements.

30.1.4 Carefully selected temperature and time relationships (one is as important as the other) arerequired to destroy pathogenic or disease-producing bacteria and coliform microorganisms foundin raw milk. Emphasis must be placed on the fact that pasteurization should not be considered asubstitute for good sanitary practices.

30.2 Milk flow through basic HTST pasteurization system:

30.2.1 Raw milk, in a constant level supply tank at approximately 5°C (41°F), is sucked into theregenerator section of the HTST pasteurizer.

30.2.2 In the regenerator section, the cold raw milk is warmed to approximately 57.2°C (135°F) by hotpasteurized milk flowing in a counter current direction on the opposite sides of thin stainlesssteel plates.

30.2.3 In turn, the hot pasteurized milk, at least 71.7°C (161°F), is cooled to approximately 32°C (90°F)by the cold raw milk.

30.2.4 The warm raw milk, which is still under suction, passes through a positive displacement timingpump.

30.2.5 The timing pump, having pulled the milk from the constant level supply tank, delivers the milkunder pressure through the rest of the HTST pasteurization system.

30.2.6 Warm raw milk is pumped through the heater section where hot water on the sides of thinstainless steel plates opposite the milk heats the milk to a temperature of at least 71.7°C(161°F).

30.2.7 The milk, now at pasteurization temperature, and under pressure, flows through the holding tube.

30.2.8 The maximum velocity of the milk through the tube, predetermined by adjusting the maximumspeed of the timing pump and the length of the tube, is such that each particle of milk is held inthe holding tube for at least 15 seconds.

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30.2.9 Located at the end of the holder are two thermometers, one an indicating thermometer and one arecorder controller. The milk passes the bulbs of both these instruments.

30.2.10 The milk then passes into the flow diversion valve which automatically assumes a forward flowposition if the milk passes the recorder controller bulb at 72.2°C (162°F) or higher. The valveautomatically assumes the diverted flow position if the milk passes the recorder controller bulbbelow 71.7°C (161°F).

30.2.11 Improperly heated milk flows through the diverted flow line back to the raw milk constant levelsupply tank.

30.2.12 The heated milk flows through the forward flow line to the regenerator section where it heats thecold raw milk and is simultaneously cooled to approximately 32°C (90°F).

30.2.13 The warm pasteurized milk passes through the cooling section where coolant (opposite thepasteurized milk) cools the milk to a temperature of 5°C (41°F) or below. The coolant may berefrigerated water, nontoxic food-grade propylene glycol, or a combination of the two.

30.2.14 The cold pasteurized milk then passes to a storage tank or vat to await packaging.

30.3 Heat exchangers:

30.3.1 The heat exchanger plates are constructed of seamless stainless steel with synthetic rubbergaskets bonded to the plates.

30.3.2 The gaskets are impervious to absorption.

30.3.3 The number of plates used must be adequate to provide a maximum number of counter currentstreams and turbulent flow.

30.3.4 No bypass or short circuits around the plates are permitted, except automatically controlledvalves for startup, as may be provided in accordance with the USPHS Pasteurized MilkOrdinance and Code.

30.3.5 The raw product passage baffle plate is drilled to permit drainage of raw product.

30.4 Requirements for the holding tube:

30.4.1 The velocity of a constant column of liquid flowing through a tube will increase upon decreasingthe diameter of the tube. The holding tube is required to continuously slope upwards from theinlet of the holding tube to the flow diversion valve, to preclude the entrapment of air. Such airentrapment has the effect of decreasing tube diameter and increasing product velocity.

30.4.2 To prevent variance in the slope of the holding tube, the tube supports should be permanentlyfixed.

30.4.3 Shortening the holding tube will decrease holding time. No short-circuiting of the tube ispermitted. In the case of holding tubes which form a loop, short sections of pipe on opposingsides shall be of unequal length to prevent omitting a section.

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1. Saudi Arabian Standards Organization, “Standards for Pasteurized Milk”,1977.

2. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products”, 15th Ed., 1985.3. US Public Health Services:4. “Food Service Sanitation Manual”, PHS Pub. #934, 1962.5. “Grade ‘A’ Pasteurized Milk Ordinance”, 1978.

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Camps and Communal Living Facilities, SASC-S-07




Communal living facilities shall provide for the basic health needs of each individual housed therein. If the operator ofa communal living facility should fail in this responsibility, one ill individual can spread a communicable disease to allsusceptible individuals living in the facility. Individuals who are ill can spread diseases in Saudi Aramco workplacesand communities, as well as to the general public. The costs in terms of pain and suffering and lost-time from workcould be incalculable. This Section specifies the public health requirements necessary to the maintenance ofhygienic, safe camps and communal living facilities. NOTE: Whilst it is the intention of this Section to regulateliving conditions in communal facilities, it is not always practicable to comply in all respects due to thediverse nature of the accommodation and premises used (e.g. trailers, villas, apartments, etc.) Considerationmust be given to the nature of the accommodation, the location, number of residents and what is areasonable expectation taking into account the practicalities of compliance and the duration the communalfacilities will be occupied. Where circumstances render a particular Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirementimpractical, an individual or firm may request, in writing, that Environmental Protection Department (EPD)grant a variance specific to that sub-section requirement. All sub-sections should be read in conjunctionwith appropriate referenced documents listed at the end of this Code Section.


Bedding, Animal: Material, usually organic, which is placed on the floor surface of livestock buildings for animalcomfort to absorb urine and other liquids and thus promote cleanliness.

Camp, Aramco: Any of the residential compounds established by Saudi Aramco to house individuals and/or families.

Campsite: Any specific area within an organized campground or other recreation area which is used for overnightstays by an individual, family, group or other similar entity.

Cesspool: A lined, or partially lined, covered underground pit into which household wastewater is discharged.Solids are collected in the pit and liquids seep through the bottom and sides into the surrounding soil. Sometimescalled leaching cesspool.

Chemical Closet: A toilet facility where the waste is not discharged to the sewer, but is collected in a containercharged with a chemical solution for the purpose of disinfecting and deodorizing the waste until it is removed.

Domestic Wastewater: Wastewater derived principally from dwellings, business buildings, institutions, and the like.It may or may not contain groundwater, surface water, or storm water.

Habitable Room: A room occupied by one or more persons for living eating, sleeping or working purposes. It doesnot include bathrooms, toilet facilities, laundries, storage areas, corridors and other such spaces.

Mobile Home/Recreational Vehicle: Means a transportable dwelling unit containing plumbing, waste disposal andelectrical conveniences.

Mobile Home/Recreational Vehicle Park: means a plot of ground divided into spaces under the ownership ormanagement of one person for the purposes of renting two or more mobile homes and/or recreational vehicles ormobile home/recreational vehicle spaces for dwelling or sleeping purposes.

Private Residential Swimming Pool: Any swimming pool under the control of a Saudi Aramco community resident,the use of which is limited to the family members and invited guests of the resident. (The design, construction andoperation of such pools are not subject to the provisions of these requirements).

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Service Building: Means a structure, housing, toilet, lavatory, shower and such other facilities as may be requiredby these rules and regulations.

Sewer Connection: The connection consisting of all pipes, fittings and appurtenances from the drain outlet of themobile home or recreational vehicle to the inlet of the corresponding sewer riser pipe of the sewerage system servingthe mobile home/recreational vehicle park.

Sewer Riser Pipe: That portion of the sewer lateral which extends vertically and terminates above ground elevationto allow hook-up with the mobile home or recreational vehicle sewer connection,

Small Camp: A self-contained living area designed to support the basic needs of the individuals housed therein.Contractor camps, rig camps, drilling camps and holiday camps are examples of small camps.


1.1 Proponent organizations shall inspect all communal living facilities for which they are responsible asoften as is necessary to ensure compliance with the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code. All inspections shallbe recorded and such records shall be made available to Saudi Aramco Environmental ProtectionDepartment (EPD) upon request.

1.2 Saudi Aramco EPD shall inspect communal living facilities routinely according to requirements outlinedin Saudi Aramco General Instructions 2.718 and 0151.006, as well as the Saudi Arab Government LaborLaw. A written report will be provided to the proponent organization.

1.3 Prior to commencement of any contractor service the proponent organization shall obtain concurrencefrom the Manager, EPD that the Contractor’s communal housing accommodation complies with SaudiAramco Sanitary Code requirements.

1.3.1 The proponent organization shall submit to the Manager, EPD, detailed plans andspecifications for any new or substantially modified camp or communal living accommodationfor review and concurrence. Prior to the commencement of any contractor service theproponent organization shall arrange for an inspection of the proposed employee housing inconjunction with EPD to ensure that the accommodation has been constructed in accordancewith approved plans and specifications and complies with Saudi Aramco Sanitary Coderequirements.


2.1 To ensure that all dormitories, habitable rooms, toilet rooms, shower rooms, hand washing facilitiesand service buildings are maintained in a clean condition, a person, or persons shall be appointed toensure that proper cleaning is being carried out. A master-cleaning schedule shall be developed, andimplemented. This schedule shall identify areas to be cleaned, persons responsible and materials andequipment to be used. A checklist and system for monitoring the efficiency of the cleaning scheduleshould also be developed and used.

2.2 The site shall be well drained and shall not be located in an area subject to periodic flooding, nor locatedin such a manner as to permit contamination of a private or public water supply, nor located adjacent tomarshes, railroads, stockyards, industrial sites, pipelines or other such areas which would constitute ahealth or safety hazard.

2.3 All areas shall be kept free of nuisance and safety hazards (see Section SASC-S-18 of this code.)

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2.4 Live animals, including those intended for slaughter, shall be excluded from the premises. Animalsshall not be slaughtered in any place other than a Saudi Arab Government approved slaughterhouse.

2.5 Driveways, parking areas and access walkways to portables and link ways between portables andcommunal facilities in trailer parks shall be suitably paved and drained to provide an all weather surface.

2.6 Preventive Maintenance Program is considered to be essential in ensuring that standards aremaintained. Regular Preventive Maintenance Inspections must be conducted and documentation kepton findings and action taken to correct deficiencies.

2.7 Fire Safety shall be in accordance with standards equivalent to those specified in Inspection, Testingand Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment (G.I. # 1781.00).

2.7.1 Fire extinguishers suitable for all classifications of fire must be provided in kitchens. Additionalfire extinguishers should be provided in hallways or other convenient locations where dormitoryblocks are separate from the kitchens or are large enough where the kitchen extinguisher is noteasily accessible.

2.7.2 Fire Plans - need to be posted in each floor where there are a large number of dormitory roomsand where escape is via a corridor and stairway. These should show locations of stairs, fireexits and fire extinguishers.

2.7.3 Smoke Alarms - Smoke alarms should be provided in Kitchens/Dining Areas. They must alsobe provided in Common Corridors where dormitory blocks are large.

2.7.4 Fire Risks - Deficiencies including faulty electric equipment, overloaded sockets, jointedcables, gas cylinders inside buildings and improper materials used for connection gas cylindersto cookers, e.g. rubber tubing instead of rigid metal tubing and approved threaded connectionsneed to be addressed.


3.1 Floors:

3.1.1 The floors of dormitories shall be constructed of durable, smooth and easily cleanablematerials. Carpeting, if used, shall be designed for heavy use, shall be of closely wovenconstruction, shall be properly installed, shall be easily cleanable and shall be maintained ingood repair and in a clean condition at all times.

3.1.2 The floors of kitchens, laundry rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms andhandwashing facilities shall have smooth, hard, easily cleanable surfaces that are non - slip,and impervious to water, detergents and disinfectants (carpeting is prohibited in these areas).These floors shall be sloped to properly trapped floor drains and the junctions between thefloors and walls shall be coved and sealed.

3.1.3 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on floors. If exposed, theyshall be installed in a way that does not obstruct cleaning.

3.1.4 Floor mats and duckboards are prohibited in wet areas, e.g. kitchens, laundry rooms, showerrooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities.

3.2 Walls and Ceilings:

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3.2.1 Walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have light colored,smooth, easily cleanable surfaces. In addition, the walls in toilet and shower rooms shall beImpervious to water, detergents and disinfectants to a minimum height of 1.2 meters (4 feet) intoilet rooms and 1.8 meters (6 feet) in shower rooms. The junctions between the floors andwalls in kitchens, laundry rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashingfacilities she all be coved and sealed (see sub-section 3.1.2. of this Code Section)

3.2.2 The use of rough or unsealed and unfinished building materials, such as brick, concrete blocksand wooden beams, is prohibited in habitable rooms, toilet rooms and shower rooms.

3.2.3 Studs, joists and rafters shall not be exposed in habitable rooms, toilet rooms and showerrooms.

3.2.4 Covering materials, such as sheet metal, linoleum and vinyl, shall be attached and sealed towall and ceiling surfaces so that they leave no open spaces, cracks or sharp edges and befitted so that the entire surface is easily cleanable.

3.2.5 Acoustical paneling may be utilized providing it is installed not less than 1.8 meters (6 feet)above the floor. Any perforations shall not penetrate the entire depth of the panel, shall not begreater than 3 millimeters (0.13 inches) in any dimension, and shall not comprise more than 25percent of the exposed panel surface. The paneling shall otherwise meet the requirements ofthis Code Section.

3.2.6 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on walls and ceilings. Ifexposed, they shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning.

3.2.7 Wall or ceiling mounted light fixtures, vent covers, fans, decorative materials, equipment andappurtenances shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning, shall bedesigned and constructed to facilitate cleaning, shall be made of easily cleanable materialsand shall be maintained in good repair. All such equipment should be installed and operated insuch a manner that there is no risk to injury. All moving parts should be adequately guardedand all electrical wiring and connections be installed to current, recognized Saudi Aramcoelectrical standards.

3.2.8 The ceilings in all habitable rooms shall be at least 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) high as measured tothe lowest projection from the ceiling. All such equipment should be installed and operated insuch a manner so that there is no risk to injury. All moving parts should be adequatelyguarded and all electrical wiring and connections installed to current recognized Saudi Aramcostandards.

3.2.9 The ceilings in hallways, corridors, bathrooms and water closet rooms shall be at least 2.1meters (7 feet) high as measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling.

3.2.10 The walls or partitions between toilet/shower compartments may be less than the height of theroom walls, but the tops shall not be less than 1.8 meters (6 feet) from the floor. If partitionsare used, the bottoms of the partitions shall be raised at least 20 centimeters (8 inches) abovethe floor. In situations where a raised partition is not desirable, such as partitions separatingeastern style toilet fixtures where a raised partition may not afford suitable privacy, partitionsshall be placed on a continuous raised masonry or concrete base at least 15 centimeters (6inches) high, or a properly designed and constructed wall that joins the floor shall be provided.

3.3 Doors, Windows and Screening:

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3.3.1 All openings to the outside shall be provided with solid doors or glazed windows that shall bekept tightly closed when not in use (excludes passageways between rooms within an enclosedbuilding). If outside openings are appropriately protected from the entry by insects and rodentsaccording to the requirements outlined in sub-section 3.3.4 of this Code Section, solid doorsand glazed windows may be considered to be "in use" if they are left open to ventilate thestructure.

3.3.2 All outer doors and screen doors shall be tight-fitting and self-closing. All doors and screendoors, including sliding or folding types, shall be constructed so that the space between thelower edge of the door and the threshold does not exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches). Thespace between sections of folding and sliding doors, when closed, shall not exceed 6.4millimeters (0.25 inches). All exposed edges of the lower 20.3 centimeters (8 inches) of doorsand jambs that are made of materials through which rodents could gnaw, especially outerdoors and doors known to be accessible to rodents, shall be protected by covering such edgesof doors and jambs with metal sheeting that cannot be gnawed through.

3.3.3 All outer doors of dormitories, kitchens, laundry rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utilityrooms and handwashing facilities shall be fitted with self-closing screen doors that openoutwards. Saudi Aramco EPD may accept other effective fly control devices, e.g. air curtains inlieu of screen doors. If applicable, the bottoms of screen doors shall be covered with metalsheeting in accordance with sub-section 3.3.2 of this Code Section.

3.3.4 All open able outer windows of dormitories, kitchens, laundry rooms, shower rooms, toiletrooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities which are not solidly closed and are accessibleto insects and rodents, shall be appropriately screened by grills, hardware cloth or othermaterial capable of precluding the entry by insects and rodents. The effective mesh size ofscreening material shall not be less than 6 meshes per centimeter (16 mesh per inch).

3.3.5 Internal windowsills, if any, shall be sloped downward and away from the window to preventaccumulation of filth, eliminate resting sites for insects and rodents and to discouragepersonnel from using sills as shelving.

3.3.6 Doors, windows and appurtenances thereto, shall be designed and constructed to avoidaccumulation of dirt and shall be finished such that they are smooth, nonabsorbent and easilycleanable. Doors, windows, as well as appurtenances thereto, shall be kept clean andmaintained in good repair.

3.4 Ventilation and air conditioning:

3.4.1 The temperature in all habitable rooms and other rooms in which personnel live and work shallbe controlled by mechanical means and maintained at a level conducive to the healthfulperformance of the activity conducted in the area.

3.4.2 All habitable rooms and public corridors shall be sufficiently ventilated by means of natural ormechanical ventilation. The requirement is deemed satisfied when it can be demonstrated thatthe ventilation system exchanges at least two volumes of air per hour in all habitable roomsand public corridors. If mechanical ventilation is used, at least one fifth of the air supply shallbe taken from the outside.

3.4.3 All shower rooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms and similar areas shall be well ventilated andfree of excessive condensation. They shall be suitably cooled or heated. They shall beprovided with mechanical ventilation systems capable of providing the equivalent of five airchanges per hour. At least 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from the outside. If thisis not feasible, mechanical exhaust fans may be used in lieu of the required mechanicalventilation system. Exhaust fans shall be capable of exhausting 1 cubic meter (35 cubic feet)

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of air per minute for each toilet, urinal, shower, and hand washbasin or laundry sink/washingmachine installed.

3.4.4 All ventilation and other non-window openings that cannot be solidly sealed and that remainaccessible to insects and rodents shall be appropriately screened by grills, hardware cloth orother material capable of precluding the entry by insects, rodents and other vermin. Note thatthe swing-type louvered flaps that automatically close when an exhaust or ventilation fan isswitched off are deemed to be acceptable screening if they are kept clean and in good repair.

3.5 Illumination:

3.5.1 The following levels of illumination, whether from natural or artificial sources, shall be provided.In all cases, light shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity to avoid discoloration,shadows and strong glare. Also refer to lighting requirements outlined in SAES-P-123, SaudiAramco Engineering Standards.

TABLE 1Illumination

Illumination Levels Required*Area to be Illuminated Lux Footcandles

Athletic/sports competition As appropriate to sportEye level above hand washbasin 540 50Food Service area 540 50General play/work areas 320 30Hallway 110 10Kitchen 540 50Shower/toilet block 215 20Sleeping room 160 15Stairway 110 10All other indoor areas 110 10

* Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor


4.1 Water shall be obtained, conveyed, treated, stored and distributed in a closed system. Design,construction, maintenance and operational standards, as well as quality criteria, shall comply withrequirements equivalent to those outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code and standards referencedin Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

4.2 Adequate potable water for the needs of the communal living facility shall be obtained from themunicipal water supply. If a municipal water supply is not available, then water shall be obtained from anadequate, easily accessible source that has been properly located and protected to ensure that waterobtained is of a safe and sanitary quality. All necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that undergroundor surface contamination is prevented from reaching the source. Facilities shall be operated andmaintained by competent individuals. No part of the system shall be used for any other purpose.

4.3 Water wells (or other water source) and collection, conveyance, treatment, storage and distributionsystems, or parts thereof, which are newly constructed, have been repaired or have otherwise becomecontaminated, shall be thoroughly disinfected according to requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01of this Code before being used. The supply shall be purged of all but normal residual amounts ofdisinfectant (less than 3 milligrams per liter if chlorine is used to disinfect the system) before a samplefor bacteriological testing is collected.

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4.4 All water not provided directly by pipe to the communal living facility from the source shall betransported in a bulk water transport system that is used for no other purpose. At the time water isobtained from the approved source, enough chlorine shall be added to the water in the bulk watertransport system to create a 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 to 1.5 parts per million) free chlorineresidual. Hauled water shall be delivered directly to the closed water system at the communal livingfacility. The bulk water transport system shall comply with requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01of this Code.

4.5 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. Tanks shall bedesigned with openings that permit visual inspection of the tank and provide access for cleaning anddisinfection. All openings shall be covered. Covers shall overlap openings, be sloped so they are self-draining and shall be provided with gaskets and devices for securing them in place. All openings in thetop of the tank shall be flanged upward to form a curb that prevents surface water from enteringopenings. Vents and overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall be screened to prevententry by birds and other animals. All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap.

4.6 Plumbing with emphasis on cross connection control:

4.6.1. Plumbing shall be designed, sized and installed according to standards outlined in SaudiAramco Engineering Standards. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be operated andmaintained in a way that prevents contamination. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be keptclean and in good repair.

4.6.2 The potable water system shall be designed and constructed to prevent the possibility ofbackflow. Devices to protect against backflow and backsiphonage shall be installed on allwater outlets and equipment where an air gap of at least twice the inner diameter of the wateroutlet, and in any event the air gap shall not be less than 25mm between the water outlet andthe flood-level rim of the receiving drain or receiving basin of the drain fixture, and whereverelse backflow or backsiphonage may occur. A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unless abackflow prevention device is installed.

4.6.3 There shall be no cross connection between the potable water supply and any unsafe orquestionable water supply, sewerage system or any source of pollution that might contaminateor otherwise degrade the potable water supply.

4.6.4 There shall be no direct physical connection between the sewerage system and any drainoriginating from equipment that contains food or food equipment and utensils. Drainage from refrigeration units and other equipment shall be discharged to a floorsink, funnel drain or evaporator basin. An air gap of at least twice the inner diameterof the discharge outlet shall be provided between the discharge outlet and the floodlevel rim of the receiving drain/basin. Dishwashing machines may be connected directly to the sewer immediatelydownstream from a floor drain or they may be drained through an approved indirectconnection. Indirect waste receptors shall be located to be readily accessible for inspection andcleaning.

4.6.5 A non-potable water system is permitted only for purposes such as air conditioning and fireprotection. It shall not be directly or indirectly connected with the potable water system. Waterfrom the system shall not be used for any domestic purpose. The piping of the non-potablewater system shall be durably identified so that it is readily distinguishable from piping thatcarries potable water.

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4.7 All potable water supplied to the communal living facility shall be from a Municipal supply, oralternatively from a source approved by Manager, EPD, and be disinfected by chlorination or othermeans of equal efficiency in the killing or removal of organisms capable of causing infection. Whenchlorination is employed a sufficient amount of chlorine shall be added to the water to maintain achlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 parts per million) at all points in the distributionsystem from which water may be withdrawn.

4.8 Hot and cold potable water shall be provided to all hand washbasins, showers, warewashing facilitiesand laundry facilities. The hot water heating system shall be capable of producing a constant flow of hotwater at a temperature of at least 50°C (122°F) Specific requirements pertinent to the hot and/ortempered water discharged from each class of fixture are outlined in appropriate Standards.

4.9 If hoses are used for conveying potable water, they shall be constructed of safe materials, shall havea smooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identified as to its use.Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outlet fittings, as well as hosefittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hoses shall be stored and used soas to be kept free of contamination. A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unless a backflowprevention device is installed.

4.10 Water treatment equipment, devices, filters, or any other water treatment or conditioning apparatus,shall be made of safe materials, shall be designed to be disassembled for periodic replacement of activeelements/media, cleaning and service, shall be operated, inspected and serviced according to themanufacturer’s instructions and specifications, and shall not be operated beyond their rated capacity. Allsuch equipment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and, if necessary, shall besanitized by application of a chlorine solution or by other approved means.

4.11 Compressed air used to pressurize the potable water system shall be filtered or otherwise treated torender it free of dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly located andmaintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removable forcleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil- free air. Oil-free air shall be produced by a method equivalent to one of the following: a) useof carbon ring piston compressor; b) use of an oil-lubricated compressor with effective provision forremoval of oil vapor; or c) high-pressure, water-lubricated or non-lubricated blowers.

4.12 Records of equipment operation and maintenance, quantities of product water produced, types andamounts of chemical added to treated water, pH and chlorine residual maintained shall be kept in a logbook. The logbook shall be available for review by authorized Saudi Aramco representatives at all times.

4.13 The biological and chemical quality of the water after treatment shall be as good as, or better than, itwas before treatment.


5.1 Drinking fountains, if provided, shall be approved angle-jet type and shall be provided with anadequate supply of water under pressure.

5.2 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from drinking fountains and faucets shall be dischargedto the sewerage system through approved drains to prevent impoundment of water, creation of mudholes or other nuisance conditions.

5.3 Open containers from which water must be dipped or poured, such as barrels, pails or tanks, whetheror not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited.

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5.4 Where drinking water is from dispensers, such as ‘igloos’, single service paper cups shall beprovided. Cups shall be dispensed from a sanitary device designed for this purpose and a wastereceptacle shall be provided for disposal of used cups.

5.5 The common drinking cup is prohibited.


6.1 Sewage shall be collected, treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements equivalent tothose specified in Section SASC-S-02 of this Code and those outlined in the Saudi Aramco EngineeringStandards. Where a public sewer system is available, all plumbing fixtures and building sewers shall beconnected to it. In no case shall sewage or liquid waste of any type be discharged or otherwise disposedof on the surface of the ground, or into any well, cave, open ditch or reservoir until it has been properlytreated and the disposal method has been approved by Manager, EPD. Pit latrines, outhouses and othernon-water-carried sewage disposal methods are prohibited.

6.2 Floor drains and sewer pipes shall be large enough to carry off all wastewater and sanitary sewage.Sufficient clean-out places shall be provided in sewer drainpipes.

6.3 Grease traps, if used, shall be located so they are easily accessible for cleaning.

6.4 All sewer pipes or drains through which rodents may pass shall be closed with a properly secured,perforated metal or iron cover. Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters (0.5 inches) indiameter.

6.5 Defective sewer pipes, traps, drains and vents shall be repaired or replaced promptly andprofessionally. Crude repairs with wood, tape or metal strips are unsatisfactory.


7.1 General:

7.1.1 All outside premises, floors, hallways, carpets on floors, walls, ceilings and appurtenancesshall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times. Each room shall be completely cleanedafter each change of occupancy. Common areas shall be cleaned at least once daily.

7.1.2 No cooking shall be undertaken in any room of a habitable structure unless such room wasspecifically designed for this purpose and the use of such room for cooking is approved bySaudi Aramco EPD.

7.1.3 Noise levels in habitable rooms shall conform to the standards outlined in SAES-A-105, SaudiAramco Engineering Standards.

7.1.4 Hallways, entrances to fire escapes and stairways must be kept free of obstructions.

7.2 Floor space in sleeping rooms shall be allocated at a rate of not less than 4.6 square meters (50square feet) per occupant, preferably 6.5 square meters (70 square feet) per occupant.

7.3 Furnishings:

7.3.1 A bed, mattress, mattress pad and pillow shall be provided for each occupant. All bedding andlinen shall be clean, sanitary and in good repair.

7.3.2 At least one table, chair and reading lamp shall be provided for each sleeping room.

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7.3.3 All curtains, carpeting, furniture and other furnishings shall be clean, sanitary and in goodrepair.

7.4 A storage closet or cabinet shall be provided for storing the clothing and other personal items of eachoccupant.

7.5 A refuse container shall be provided for each habitable room.


8.1 Toilets, urinals, showers, hand washbasins and utility sinks shall be designed to be easilycleanable. They shall be cleaned at least once daily, shall be kept free of objectionable odors and shallbe maintained in good repair. All fixtures and walls and floors subject to splash, shall be cleaned with anapproved detergent, rinsed and than sanitized with a 0.3 to 0.6 percent hypochlorite solution (3000 to6000 ppm) or equivalent disinfectant approved by EPD

8.2 Toilet and shower rooms shall be conveniently located at a distance of not more than 61 meters(200 feet) from the farthest habitable room or one floor to floor height of stairs and shall be accessible atall times the location shall be plainly marked by signs in Arabic and English.

8.3 Shower rooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms, handwashing facilities and other such service areasshall be separated from food preparation and sleeping rooms by a self-closing, tight-fitting door. Thestorage of food, equipment, utensils or personal articles in such areas is prohibited.

8.4 Toilets, hand washbasins and showers shall be separately installed to be individually accessibleand to permit simultaneous use.

8.5 Open-bay, military barracks-type toilet and shower arrangements are permitted, but are notrecommended.

8.6 Hand washbasins and other sinks, faucets and hydrants not specifically designed and approved forsuch use, shall not be used for cleaning or preparing food or for washing dishes or utensils.

8.7 The number of shower, toilet/urinal and hand washbasin fixtures required per numbers of personshoused in the communal living facility is outlined in Table 2.

TABLE 2Numbers and Types of Fixtures Required

Number of persons housed in thecommunal living facility

Number ofshowers/baths

Number of toiletsand urinals*

Number of handwashbasins

From 1 to 6From 7 to 10From 11 to 20From 21 to 40From 41 to 60From 61 to 80From 81 to 100More than 100


one per 10additional persons


one per 10additional persons


one per 10additional persons

* Where 10 or more men are housed urinals should be provided. Urinals may be substituted for water closets on a one to one basis,

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except that the number of water closets shall not be reduced to less than two-thirds of the number specified in Table 2 (see sub-section 9.3 of this Code Section). This clause does not apply to communal living facilities provided for females.

8.8 The minimum size of, and floor space allotted for, toilets, hand washbasins, urinals and showers shallbe as follows:

TABLE 3Minimum Space Required for Each Type of Installation

Installation MinimumWidth


Minimum Space PerUnit

Hand washbasin 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

Shower cubical 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Shower stall 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Toilet compartment 80 cm 105 cm 1.5 m2

Urinal 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

8.9 All facilities shall be well ventilated (see sub-section 3.4.3 of this Code Section).

8.10 Legible signs made of durable materials directing all users to wash their hands after using thetoilet/urinal shall be conspicuously posted in every toilet room (in Arabic, English and other appropriatelanguages).


9.1 Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed to ensure that an individual’s need for privacy does notinterfere with his commitment to personal hygiene.

9.2 The entrance to a toilet room shall be provided with a door(s) according to requirements outlined insub-section 3.3 of this Code Section.

9.3 Urinals shall be provided according to requirements outlined in Table 2 of this Code sub-section. Notethat 60 centimeters (24 inches) of trough urinal space is considered to be equivalent to one urinal.

9.4 Toilet bowls shall be set entirely free and open from all enclosing structures and shall be so installedthat the space around the fixture can be easily cleaned. This does not prohibit the use of wall-hungtoilets.

9.5 Every western-type toilet shall have a hinged, open-front seat made of substantial material having asmooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. A holder supplied with toilet tissue shall be provided ineach toilet compartment.

9.6 Every eastern-type toilet shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable finish. Each toilet shall be provided with a water tap for washing (and a supply of toilet paperwith holder, where indicated). Water taps provided for eastern-type toilets shall be fitted with appropriatebackflow prevention devices designed to protect the water distribution system from contamination (seesub-section 4.6.2 of this Code Section).

9.7 Covered waste receptacles shall be provided in all toilet compartments used by women.

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10.1 Adequate handwashing facilities shall be conveniently located adjacent to toilet facilities. Note that 60centimeters (24 inches) of a trough hand washbasin space is considered to be equivalent to one handwashbasin. Also note that laundry tubs and service sinks are not acceptable substitutes for handwashbasins.

10.2 Tempered running water shall be provided to each hand washbasin. Water shall be tempered bymeans of a mixing valve or combination faucet. Water shall be delivered at a minimum pressure of atleast 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). The temperature of the water discharged from the tap shallbe at least 37°C (98.6°F) but not less than 50°c (122°F). Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide aflow of water for at least 15 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

10.3 If residents are provided with personal supplies of handwashing cleanser and their own towels,then these need not be provided adjacent to handwashing facilities. If not provided, handwashingcleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers at or next to hand washbasins atall times (common towels are prohibited). Mechanical hot air blowers for drying the hands may besubstituted for paper towels.

10.4 A refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bag shall be provided next to handwashing facility.The refuse container need not be covered.


11.1 Shower rooms shall be completely enclosed. Individually enclosed shower stalls are not required withinthe shower room, but are recommended to ensure that an individual's need for privacy does not interferewith his commitment to personal hygiene. It is recommended that each shower fixture occupy a separatecompartment. The compartment should be composed of a cubical with a bench and a clothes hook anda separated shower stall. The visual privacy of the bather should be maintained. Privacy curtains, ifused, shall be of easily cleanable material and kept clean.

11.2 Showers shall be designed and constructed to be self-draining and to preclude the flow of water intothe dressing area space.

11.3 Shower floors shall be skid-resistant or be provided with non-slip, impervious mats. Where imperviousmats are used, they shall be cleaned and air dried at least once daily and shall not be kept on theshower floor when not in use. Wooden racks (duckboards) over shower floors are prohibited).

11.4 Showers shall be supplied with water through thermostatic, tempering or mixing valves at atemperature of at least 37°c (98.6°F), but not more than 50° (122°F) at a rate of at least 11.4 liters (3gallons) per minute. Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 30 secondswithout the need to reactivate the faucet.

11.5 If individual shower compartments are not provided, the shower room shall include a dressingarea. The dressing area shall be equipped with a bench and clothes hooks.


12.1 Where a contractual obligation exists, employee uniforms shall be laundered either in a CommercialLaundry approved by Manager, EPD, or in a laundry provided by the contractor which is designed andoperated in accordance with requirements outlined in the Laundry Section, SASC-S-11 of this Code, Ifthe latter option is chosen, a qualified and experienced laundry operator must be appointed to overseelaundering.

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12.1.1 In addition to the aforementioned requirement provision must be made available for staff tolaunder personal items of clothing and bedding. All laundering must be undertaken in aseparate room designated for this purpose.

12.2 Where a laundry is provided for personal linen only, a minimum of two washers and two dryers must beprovided for each 50 occupants or part thereof.

12.3 All laundry equipment shall be installed, operated and maintained according to the manufacturer'sinstructions. Sorting tables, storage racks and other surfaces that contact linen shall be made ofsubstantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. All equipment and facilitiesshall be kept clean and in good repair.

12.4 Washing machines shall be supplied with hot water at a temperature of at least 66°C (150°F) at arate of at least 11.4 liters (3 gallons) per minute. This is likely to require a separate booster water heaterfor the laundry room.

12.5 Soiled linen and clothing:

12.5.1 Soiled linen and clothing shall be sorted and processed in an area separate from that used tosort, iron, process and store cleaned linen and clothing. Sorting soiled items on a clean floor ispreferable to sorting them on the same table used for cleaned items.

12.5.2 Sheets, pillowcases, washable undergarments and colorfast work clothes shall be washed inhot water in a washing machine. The machine shall be set for the longest wash/rinse cycle, hotwater wash, heavy/regular action, and appropriate load size. The wash formula shall includeheavy-duty laundry detergent, and commercial laundry bleach, both of which shall be used inaccordance with the manufacturer's instructions and per the design criteria of the washingmachine being used.

12.5.3 All heavily soiled items, e.g. mops and oily work clothing, shall be washed separately.

12.5.4 All other clothing and delicate items shall be processed according to the maker'srecommendations.

12.5.5 Cloth bags used to contain soiled items shall be washed along with their contents.

12.6 Cleaned Linen and Clothing:

12.6.1 Washed sheets, pillowcases, undergarments and work clothes shall be tumbled dry on the hotcycle. All other clothing and delicate items shall be processed according to the maker'srecommendations.

12.6.2 After drying, it is recommended that sheets, pillowslips and undergarments be ironed to reducebacterial counts.

12.6.3 Cleaned items shall be protected from contamination.


13.1 Garbage and refuse storage facilities:

13.1.1 Prior to removal from the premises, garbage and other refuse shall be stored in a way thatmakes it inaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin. Outside storage of garbage orrefuse in open piles or in any container other than an approved garbage or refuse container is

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prohibited, e.g. storage in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Inside storage of waste in openpiles on the floor of the garbage/refuse storage room is prohibited. Heavy-duty plastic bagsmay be stacked on the floor of a properly designed and constructed refuse storage room if thewaste contained therein is satisfactorily sealed in the bag, i.e. the bag does not represent an"open pile".

13.1.2 The garbage/refuse storage room, if provided, shall be large enough to store allgarbage/refuse containers that accumulate between disposal periods. Walls, ceilings and allattachments thereto, shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent,easily cleanable finish. The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable,nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped to a trapped,covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system. The structure shall be insect- androdent-proof, including the provision of a solid door designed to preclude the entry by rodents.Additionally, a screen door that opens outward, an air curtain device or other effective meansof excluding flies shall be provided. The storage room shall be kept clean and maintained ingood repair.

13.1.3 The floor of an outside garbage/refuse storage area shall be constructed of a smooth, easilycleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete or machine laid asphalt; and shallbe large enough to accommodate the garbage/refuse containers that accumulate betweendisposal periods.

13.1.4 Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers, lugger boxes andcompactor systems after they are emptied. As a minimum, the facility shall be provided withhot running water delivered at a minimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms per squarecentimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least 3.8 liters per minute (1gallon per minute). The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable, nonabsorbentmaterial, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped to a trapped, covered drainthat is connected to the sewerage system.

13.2 Garbage and Refuse Containers:

13.2.1 Approved garbage and refuse containers shall include standard 115 liters (30 gallons) steelgarbage cans, modified 210 liters (55 gallons) steel drums, purpose-built lugger boxes andcompactor systems. All such containers shall be made of durable, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable materials that are impervious to attack by insects, rodents and other vermin. Theyshall be designed and constructed so that they do not leak. Drain plugs, where required, shallbe in place at all times except during cleaning.

13.2.2 Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight- fitting lids, doors or covers. The lids, doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall be keptin the closed position when not in immediate use. Refuse containers that are being actively used in the facility need not be covered.Refuse containers shall be covered when not being actively used. Filled refusecontainers shall be covered and removed from the facility to the refuse storagefacility. The cover and the outside surface of the 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30gallons) and smaller containers shall be labeled with the word "GARBAGE" or"REFUSE." Once used as a garbage or refuse container, the lid and container shallnot be used for any other purpose, especially food preparation or storage.

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13.2.3 The 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) and smaller containers shall be lined withheavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate removal of refuse.

13.2.4 Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. There shall be a sufficientnumber of approved containers to hold all the garbage and refuse produced and toaccommodate the total amount accumulated in the refuse holding facility between disposalperiods.

13.2.5 Periodically, each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergent on theinside and outside in a way that does not contaminate water, food or the environment.

13.2.6 Refuse equipment and containers shall not, by their location or installation, create a nuisanceor prevent cleaning of adjacent space.

13.3 Garbage and Refuse Disposal:

13.3.1 Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and theattraction of insects and rodents, but not less than twice per week.

13.3.2 Waste shall be removed to the disposal facility in a purpose- built refuse transport vehicle.

13.3.3 All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal or approved sanitary landfill. Open dumps andburn-pits are prohibited.

13.4 Garbage and Refuse Disposal in Remote Locations:

13.4.1 Drilling rigs oftentimes operate in remote locations where municipal sanitary landfills areunavailable. Open dumping in these areas supports the breeding of flies and rodents and theydirectly threaten the health of rig employees. In these unique cases, the only suitablealternative method of garbage and refuse disposal is controlled incineration.

13.4.2 If garbage and refuse must be burned at a remote location, it shall not be burned in a pit, butshall be burned in an incinerator. The incinerator can be as simple as an oil drum with bothends removed and several lengths of "rebar" forming a grate pattern approximately one footfrom the bottom of the drum. The drum, grate side down, is raised approximately 25centimeters (10 inches) off the ground by placing it on concrete blocks, rocks, or othernonflammable supports in a way that steadies the drum, but does not close the bottom of thedrum. A small amount of refuse is placed in the incinerator on the rebar grate and isignited. The heat from the fire will rise and draw air in from the open bottom of thedrum. The temperature of the fire will increase as the rising heat draws more air infrom the bottom of the drum and the cycle will repeat itself as more fuel is added.The disposal cycle simply involves controlled addition of garbage and refuse to thetop of the incinerator until all waste is consumed. The ashes that fall through the grate, along with cans and bottles, shall beshoveled into a collection drum. When the collection drum is full, it shall betransported to a Saudi Aramco sanitary landfill for disposal or the contents shall beburied beneath two feet of compact soil. If burned waste is buried, the burial siteshall be dry, not subject to flooding and shall not permit contamination of private orpublic water supplies. The area around the incinerator shall be kept clean and orderly. The incinerator is atool, not a toy, and its safe use shall be emphasized.

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186 The area around the incinerator shall be kept clean and orderly. The incinerator is atool, not a toy, and its safe use shall be emphasized.


14.1 The communal living facility shall be designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and operatedto prevent the entry and harborage of insects, rodents, animals, birds and other vermin, as wellas environmental contaminants, such as smoke and dust. Effective measures, such as excluding,inspecting and exterminating, shall be used to minimize the entry, presence and propagation of vermin,both inside and outside of the communal living facility.

14.2 All buildings, structures and associated facilities shall be insect- and rodent-proofed, freed ofvermin before occupancy and shall be maintained in an insect and rodent free condition.

14.3 All sewer or drain openings shall be closed with a properly secured perforated metal cover.Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 12.7 millimeters (0.5 inches) in diameter.

14.4 There shall be no openings in exterior walls, foundations, basements, and roofs that admitinsects, rodents or other vermin. Openings for pipes, conduits and other utility services in foundations orexterior walls, floors or roofs shall be closed solidly by metal sheeting, concrete or other imperviousmaterial. If metal sheeting is used to seal holes around pipes, conduits and ducts, it shall extend at least7.6 centimeters (3 inches) beyond all sides of the opening.

14.5 No contractor, employee, operator or occupant shall place, leave, dump or permit to accumulate anygarbage or trash in any building, or on any premises or open lot, in a manner that will afford food andharborage for insects and rodents.

14.6 No contractor, employee, operator or occupant shall accumulate, or permit the accumulation of, anylumber, pipes, boxes, barrels, bricks, stones or construction material on any premise or open lot unlesssuch material is stored on racks 30 centimeters (1 foot) above the ground.

14.7 Control of harmful or annoying insects, rodents and other pests, including control of breeding sites(e.g. standing water), shall be the responsibility of the operator and/or proponent responsible for thecommunal living facility.

14.8 The presence of lice, bedbugs, fly larvae, rodents or any other vermin, or the traces, droppings,trails, runs or other evidence of the presence of such vermin, shall be evidence of the presenceof filth and unsatisfactory sanitary conditions. Environmental Health will report such evidence to theoperator and/or proponent and they shall take immediate action to control the infestation. They shallreport the results of their control activities to Saudi Aramco EPD within 72 hours of receipt of thenotification.

14.9 Whenever conditions inside, outside or under any building or structure, or on any premise or openlot, provide such extensive harborage for insects and rodents that normal control measures are likely tobe ineffective, Saudi Aramco EPD shall prepare a report with corrective recommendations for action bythe Saudi Aramco proponent responsible for the communal living facility. The proponent shall ensurethat the deficiencies are corrected immediately.

14.10 The pest control program shall encompass all areas outside and inside the communal living facility.Areas along fences, around buildings, under stored materials, in and around refuse facilities, as well asfloors, walls and ceilings in buildings, shall be inspected frequently to detect the presence of insects,rodents and other vermin. Preventive control measures are preferable to eradication campaigns.

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14.10.1 Insects, rodents and other vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breeding and harboragesources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of buildings and structures, proper storageof materials, extermination, and by other approved control methods.

14.10.2 Pesticides shall be dispensed and handled by authorized, properly trained personnel.Restricted-use pesticides shall be applied by a qualified pest control operator.

14.10.3 Pesticides shall not be applied in areas where food handling, warewashing or other suchoperations are in progress or in a way that contaminates food equipment, utensils or other foodcontact surfaces.

14.10.4 Fly electrocution devices, if used, shall be designed to have "escape-resistant" trays. Theyshall be installed so that dead insects are prevented from falling on food and food contactsurfaces. Trays shall be emptied into an outside refuse container at least once each day.

14.10.5 Bait stations shall be tamper-proof or covered or, if open, maintained so that the rodenticide iskept within the station. If used inside a kitchen, bait stations shall be used in non- foodhandling areas only and are restricted to rodenticides falling within the anticoagulant group.

14.10.6 Exclusion is the preferred method of rodent control inside a kitchen. If this fails and rodentsmust be exterminated, trapping is recommended. Tracking powders shall not be used inside akitchen.


Swimming pools and natural swimming areas shall be operated, maintained and used in compliance withrequirements equivalent to those specified in Section SASC-S-13 of this Code.


Barber shops shall be operated and maintained in compliance with requirements equivalent to those specifiedin Section SASC-S-14 of this Code.


17.1 In Communal Living Facilities where meals are catered, all meals shall be prepared in a kitchenwhich meets the design, construction and materials of structures and equipment, as well as the generaloperating methods and procedures used to store, handle and protect food, equipment and utensils, asspecified in Section SASC-S-04 of this code.

17.2 Where self-catering kitchens are provided and used, the design, construction and installation ofequipment shall also comply with requirements equivalent to those specified in Section SASC-S-04 ofthis Code

17.2.1 Self catering kitchens shall be provided with a minimum of the following:

Refrigerator space - 1/2 cubic foot per occupant.Freezer space - 1/2 cubic foot per occupant.Dry food storage space-3 cubic feet per occupant.Cooking facilities - 1 Burner per 6 occupants.(Extractor canopy necessary where multiple burners provided)Warewashing facilities - 1 Large double sink withdraining boards per 25 occupants or part thereof.Food preparation sinks - 1 Large preparation sink

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per 25 occupants or part thereof.Hand washing facilities - 1 Wash basin with hot andcold water, hand cleanser, single use towels and dispensers.Dining facilities - Sufficient tables and chairsto accommodate 50% of the residents.


Refer to Code Section SASC-0S-09 ‘Marine Vessels’


19.1 Defined as transportable dwelling units suitable for occupancy and containing the same water supplyand waste as immobile housing and shall comply with requirements specified in this Section. A LandUse Permit shall be obtained before using Saudi Aramco land.

19.2 General layout

19.2.1 The mobile home or recreational vehicle park shall be located on a well-drained site and shallbe so situated and maintained as not to create a public health hazard or nuisance.

19.2.2 Each mobile home or recreational vehicle space shall be numbered or designated by suitablemeans.

19.2.3 Access roads shall be provided to each mobile home or recreational vehicle space. Accessroads shall be surfaced with crushed rocks, aggregate road base, blacktop, concrete or othersuitable material.

19.3 Service buildings

19.3.1 Service buildings shall be adequately equipped with flush-type toilet fixtures, lavatories andshowers with hot and cold water provided.

19.3.2 Service buildings shall be located not more than 200 feet from any camping vehicle andgreater than 20 feet from any mobile home, recreational vehicle or camping vehicle.

19.3.3 Each mobile home/recreational vehicle park serving camping vehicles shall have at least oneservice building. Service buildings shall have a minimum of one toilet, shower and lavatoryfor each sex for each ten camping vehicle sites up to the first 30 sites. One additional toilet,shower and lavatory shall be provided for every additional ten camping spaces.

19.3.4 If laundry facilities are provided, the room containing them shall be separate from the toiletrooms and shall have an exterior entrance, be air conditioned and have an electricalmechanical exhaust fan or a window that opens and have hot and cold water.

19.3.5 Service buildings shall be provided with toilet paper and lavatory facilities shall be providedwith soak and paper towels.

19.3.6 The interior finish of service building walls shall be moisture-resistant to a minimum height offour (4) feet to facilitate washing and cleaning. The interior finish of walls and ceilings inshower areas shall be moisture resistant.

19.3.7 The floors shall be constructed of material impervious to water and be easily cleanable. Anytoilet building having flush-type toilets shall be provided with a floor drain in the toilet room.

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19.4 Water supply

19.4.1 An accessible, adequate, safe and potable supply of water shall be provided in each mobilehome or recreational vehicle park. For all new construction where a public supply of water ofsatisfactory quantity, quality and pressure is available, connection shall be made thereto andits supply used exclusively and shall comply with requirement outlined in Section SASC-S-01of this code. When a satisfactory public water supply is not available, a private water supplysystem shall be developed and used as approved by Manager, EPD.

19.4.2 Individual water connections having a minimum of three-quarters inch diameter andconsisting of a water riser pipe designed to prevent contamination from entering the waterpipe and located at least three feet from any sewer pipe shall be provided at each mobilehome/recreational vehicle space. Water connections shall be equipped with an approvedantisiphon backflow prevention device.

19.4.3 Each water connection shall be equipped with a shut off valve not subject to flooding.

19.4.4 An approved source of water must be available within 100 feet of any camping vehicle space.

19.4.5 Each mobile home/recreational vehicle park water distributing system shall be so designedand maintained as to provide a pressure of not less than 20 pounds per square inch with aminimum flow of one gallon per minute at each mobile home or recreational vehicle space.

19.4.6 The water supply system shall be designed and constructed to provide a minimum of 100gallons per day per space.

19.5 Sewage disposal

19.5.1 All sewage and waste water from mobile homes/recreational vehicles, service buildings andall other buildings shall be drained to a sewage collection system and discharged to a publicsewage treatment plant. When a public sewerage system is not available, the method for thesanitary disposal of liquid waste shall be submitted to the Manager, EPD for approval.

19.5.2 All sewer lines shall be located in trenches of sufficient depth to be free of breakage fromtraffic or other vehicle movements and shall be separated from the park water supply systemat a safe distance as determined by SASC-S-02.

19.5.3 The sewer lines shall be constructed of materials complying with Saudi Aramco Engineeringstandards

19.5.4 The sewer riser pipe shall be a minimum of 4-inch diameter and extend above groundelevation and be capped with a threaded cap when not in use.

19.5.5 The sewer connection shall have a minimum diameter of at least three inches and the slopeof any portion thereof shall be at least one-fourth inch per foot toward the sewer riser pipe.All joints shall be watertight. All materials used for sewer connection between mobilehome/RV and the sewer riser pipe for any mobile home/RV remaining in space of sixty (60)days or more shall be semi-rigid, corrosion resistant, non-absorbent, durable and have asmooth inner surface. “Flex” hose is for temporary sewage disposal only to empty sewagefrom a holding tank to an approved sewage disposal system.

19.5.6 The sewer riser pipe shall be protected from movement by being encased in a concrete slabnot less than three and one-half (3 ½) inches in thickness and surrounding the inlet not lessthan six (6) inches on any side, or by equivalent protection as determined by Manager, EPD.

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19.5.7 Cleanouts shall be provided at the upper terminal of each sewer main or branch. Cleanoutsshall be installed at intervals not exceeding 100 feet along any straight run or portion thereoffor a collection system connected to a public sewerage system and not exceeding 50 feetalong any straight run or portion thereof for a collection system connected to a privatesewerage system.

19.6 Solid waste

19.6.1 The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the mobile home/recreational vehicle parkshall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breedingareas, accident, fire hazard or air pollution.

19.6.2 Where individual refuse collection is not available, refuse shall be stored in fly tight,waterproof, rodent proof containers. All mobile home/recreational vehicle or camping vehiclespaces shall be located not more than 150 feet from a refuse container. Containers shall bemaintained on raised wash down pads.

19.7 Animal control

19.7.1 Reasonable measures shall be taken to control rodent and insect infestations.

19.7.2 Potential rodent and insect habitat shall be eliminated from the park.

19.7.3 Dogs and other pets are not permitted to commit any nuisance within the mobilehome/recreational vehicle park.

REFERENCES:1. Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, 1996.2. Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.3. SA Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment (GI # 1781.00).4. Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) Standards 313 and 315.5. Health Regulations Governing Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Parks- NEVADA -

USA, 1995.

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Housing, SASC-S-08




This Section describes the public health requirements and specifications for housing. An individual's place ofresidence is all encompassing, affecting every aspect of his life, health and well being. This Section specifies thepublic health requirements necessary for the maintenance of hygienic, safe Saudi Aramco provided housing. NOTE:All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with referenced documents listed at the end of this CodeSection.


Bedding, Animal: Material, usually organic, which is placed on the floor surface of livestock buildings for animalcomfort to absorb urine and other liquids and thus promote cleanliness.

Camp, Aramco: Any of the residential compounds established by Saudi Aramco to house individuals and/orfamilies.

Cesspool: A lined, or partially lined, covered underground pit into which household wastewater is discharged.Solids are collected in the pit and liquids seep through the bottom and sides into the surrounding soil. Sometimescalled leaching cesspool.

Chemical Closet: A toilet facility where the waste is not discharged to the sewer, but is collected in a containercharged with a chemical solution for the purpose of disinfecting and deodorizing the waste until it is removed.

Combined Sewage: Combination of sanitary sewage and storm water.

Combined Sewer: A sewer intended to receive both wastewater and storm or surface water.

Common Sewer: A sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights.

Domestic Wastewater: Wastewater derived principally from dwellings, business buildings, institutions, and thelike. It may or may not contain groundwater, surface water, or storm water.

Habitable Room: A room occupied by one or more persons for living eating, sleeping or working purposes. Itdoes not include bathrooms, toilet facilities, laundries, storage areas, corridors and other such spaces.

House Connection: building sewer or house sewer in plumbing, the extension from the building drain to the publicsewer or other place of disposal.

Housekeeping Cart: Cart with one or more semi- or fully-enclosed compartments for clean linen, acompartmented tray at the top for supplies, a cloth hamper for soiled linen and a waste receptacle.

Housing: A structure containing one or more housing units in which an individual or family is, or individuals and/orfamilies are, sheltered from the elements on a temporary or permanent basis.

Private Residential Swimming Pool: Any swimming pool under the control of a Saudi Aramco communityresident, the use of which is limited to the family members and invited guests of the resident. (The design,construction and operation of such pools are not subject to the provisions of these requirements).


1.1 The Saudi Aramco proponent organization and/or operator of housing facilities shall ensure thathousing facilities comply with the terms of this Code Section and that they are kept free of nuisancesand safety hazards (see Section SASC-S-18 of this Code). They shall inspect all housing for which

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they are responsible as often as is necessary to ensure compliance with the Code. All violations of theCode, nuisance conditions identified, as well as actions taken to correct problems noted, shall bedocumented. Inspection records shall be maintained in a permanent file and the file shall be madeavailable to Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD) upon request.

1.2 Saudi Aramco EPD will inspect public areas within multi-unit housing structures, dormitories,guesthouses, hotels and associated services facilities routinely. Saudi Aramco EPD will also inspectefficiency dwelling units, apartments, townhouses, single-family residences and other residential unitson request. A written report will be provided to the proponent organization.

1.3 Whenever a nuisance or violation of this Code is observed by any agency, resident or individualother than the Saudi Aramco proponent/operator, it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco EPD. SaudiAramco EPD will ensure that the Saudi Aramco proponent and/or operator of the housing are aware ofthe problem and shall provide assistance as required.

1.4 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they havedeveloped. For example, insects, rodents, vermin and other such nuisances shall be controlled byelimination of breeding and harborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing ofstructures, proper storage of materials, and by other approved control methods.


The site on which housing is located shall be well drained and shall not be located in an area subject toperiodic flooding. Housing shall not be located adjacent to marshes, railroads, stockyards, industrial sites,pipelines or other such areas, which constitute a health or safety hazard.


3.1 Every housing unit, including all furnishings, equipment and fixtures provided by Saudi Aramco,regardless of housing classification, shall be in good repair, in a clean and sanitary condition and freeof insects, rodents and other vermin before it is assigned. All temporary housing will be properlyinspected, repaired, cleaned and freed of pests between each occupancy. Public areas of multi-unithousing shall be cleaned at least once daily and shall also be maintained in good repair, in a sanitarycondition and free from insect, rodent and vermin harborages. Note that all public porches, walkways,garages, sheds, outbuildings, as well as all outside premises, yards, gardens and other areas that areaccessible to the public, are subject to these requirements.

3.2 Guest houses, halls, hotels, inns and other temporary housing facilities shall provide each occupantwith a clean bed, mattress, mattress pad and blanket, all of which were inspected and were found to befree of vermin, urine and fecal matter before they were issued. Clean sheets, pillowcases and towelsshall be supplied twice weekly and each time the bed or room is reassigned.

3.3 All badly worn or torn bedding, furniture, chairs, upholstered pieces, carpeting, drapes or otherfurnishings provided by Saudi Aramco which are not readily cleanable shall be repaired or replaced.

3.4 In general, each adult occupant of a temporary or permanent housing unit, regardless of housingclassification, shall be provided with a storage closet or cabinet for his/her personal items. The floorspace occupied by the storage closet or cabinet represents a separate space requirement and shallnot be calculated as being part of the required floor space allocation.

3.5 A systematic procedure shall be established for collection and disposal of solid wastesassociated with multi-unit housing.

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3.6 Food shall not be cooked in any habitable room unless such room was specifically designed forthis purpose and the use of such room for cooking is approved by Saudi Aramco EPD. An efficiencyliving unit is an example of a habitable room in which cooking is permitted.

3.7 All kitchens referred to in this Code Section shall comply with the minimum requirements specified inSection SASC-S-04 of this Code. Interpretation of Section SASC-S-04 of this Code will be rigidlyadhered to in the case of dormitories where large numbers of individuals prepare their food collectively.Interpretation of Section SASC-S-04 of this Code in regards to efficiency living units, apartments,townhouses and single-family residences is limited to basic design criteria and sanitary considerationsbetween occupancies.

3.8 Noise levels in habitable rooms shall conform to the standards outlined in SAES-A-105, Saudi AramcoEngineering Standards.

3.9 All public entrances, exits, corridors and stairways shall be properly illuminated. Fire exits shall beprovided with illuminated exit signs equipped with emergency power sources. Public entrances, exits,corridors, stairways, fire exits and fire escapes shall be kept free of obstructions.

3.10 All housing designed to include occupancy of children shall be provided with sufficient yard spaceand/or outdoor play areas for children residing therein.

3.11 Live animals, including those intended for slaughter, shall be excluded from the premises. Animalsshall not be slaughtered in place other than a Saudi Arab Government approved slaughterhouse.


4.1 Dormitory sleeping rooms shall be allocated floor space at a rate of not less than 4.6 square meters(50 square feet) per occupant, preferably 6.5 square meters (70 square feet) per occupant.

4.2 Sleeping rooms in guesthouses, halls, hotels, and inns shall be allocated 12 square meters (130square feet) of floor space per occupant.

4.3 The minimum floor area allocated for an efficiency living unit shall be not less than 20.4 squaremeters (220 square feet). An additional 9.3 square meters (100 square feet) of floor area shall beprovided for each occupant of such a unit in excess of two occupants per unit.

4.4 Apartments shall be allocated 18.6 square meters (200 square feet) of floor space per occupant.

4.5 Every townhouse/single family residence shall have at least one room which shall have not lessthan 14 square meters (150 square feet) of floor area. Other habitable rooms shall have an area of notless than 6.5 square meters (70 square feet).


5.1 Floors:

5.1.1 The floors of housing units, including public corridors, shall be constructed of durable,smooth and easily cleanable materials. Carpeting, if used, shall be designed for heavy use,shall be of closely woven construction, shall be properly installed, shall be easily cleanableand shall be maintained in good repair and in a clean condition at all times.

5.1.2 The floors of kitchens, laundry rooms, shower/bath rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms andhandwashing facilities shall have smooth, hard, easily cleanable surfaces that are imperviousto water, detergents and disinfectants. Junctions between the floors and the walls shall becoved and sealed.

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5.1.3 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on floors. If exposed, theyshall be installed in a way that does not obstruct cleaning.

5.1.4 Floor mats and duckboards are prohibited in wet areas, e.g. kitchens, laundry rooms, showerrooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities.

5.2 Walls and Ceilings:

5.2.1 Walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have light colored,smooth, easily cleanable surfaces. In addition, the walls in toilet and shower rooms shall beimpervious to water, detergents and disinfectants to a minimum height of 1.2 meters (4 feet)in toilet rooms and 1.8 meters (6 feet) in shower rooms. The junctions between the floors andwalls in kitchens, laundry rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashingfacilities shall be coved and sealed (see sub-section 5.1.2 of this Code Section).

5.2.2 The use of rough or unsealed and unfinished building materials, such as brick, concreteblocks and wooden beams, is prohibited in habitable rooms, toilet rooms and shower rooms.

5.2.3 Studs, joists and rafters shall not be exposed in habitable rooms, toilet rooms and showerrooms.

5.2.4 Covering materials, such as Formica, sheet metal, linoleum and vinyl, shall be attached andsealed to wall and ceiling surfaces in a way that leaves no open spaces or cracks.

5.2.5 Acoustical paneling may be utilized providing it is installed not less than 1.8 meters (6 feet)above the floor. Any perforations shall not penetrate the entire depth of the panel, shall notbe greater than 3 millimeters (0.13 inches) in any dimension, and shall not comprise morethan 25 percent of the exposed panel surface. The paneling shall otherwise meet therequirements of this Section.

5.2.6 Wall or ceiling mounted light fixtures, vent covers, decorative materials, fans, equipment andappurtenances shall be designed to facilitate cleaning, shall be made of easily cleanablematerials, shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning and shall bemaintained in good repair.

5.2.7 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on walls and ceilings. Ifexposed, they shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning.

5.2.8 The ceilings in all habitable rooms shall be at least 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) high as measured tothe lowest projection from the ceiling.

5.2.9 The ceilings in hallways, corridors, bathrooms and water closet rooms shall be at least 2.1meters (7 feet) high as measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling.

5.2.10 The walls or partitions between toilet/shower compartments may be less than the height ofthe room walls, but the tops shall not be less than 1.8 meters (6 feet) from the floor. Ifpartitions are used, the bottoms of the partitions shall be raised at least 20 centimeters (8inches) above the floor. In situations where a raised partition is not desirable, such aspartitions separating eastern style toilet fixtures where a raised partition may not affordsuitable privacy, partitions shall be placed on a continuous raised masonry or concrete baseat least 15 centimeters (6 inches) high, or a properly designed and constructed wall that joinsthe floor shall be provided.

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5.3 Doors, windows and screening:

5.3.1 All openings to the outside shall be provided with solid doors or glazed windows that shall bekept tightly closed when not in use (excludes passageways between rooms within anenclosed building). If outside openings are appropriately protected from the entry by insectsand rodents according to the requirements outlined in sub-section 5.3.4 of this Code Section,solid doors and glazed windows may be considered to be "in use" if they are left open toventilate the structure.

5.3.2 All outer doors and screen doors shall be tight-fitting and self-closing. All doors and screendoors, including sliding or folding types, shall be constructed so that the space between thelower edge of the door and the threshold does not exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches). Thespace between sections of folding and sliding doors, when closed, shall not exceed 6.4millimeters (0.25 inches). All exposed edges of the lower 20.3 centimeters (8 inches) ofdoors and jambs that are made of materials through which rodents could gnaw, especiallyouter doors and doors known to be accessible to rodents, shall be protected by coveringsuch edges of doors and jambs with metal sheeting that cannot be gnawed through.

5.3.3 All outer doors serving exterior entrances to public corridors, kitchens, dining rooms, laundryrooms, shower/bath rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall befitted with self-closing screen doors that open outwards. Saudi Aramco EPD may acceptother effective fly control devices, e.g. air curtains in lieu of screen doors. If applicable, thebottoms of screen doors shall be covered with metal sheeting in accordance with sub-section5.3.2 of this Code Section.

5.3.4 All openable windows which are not solidly closed and are accessible to insects and rodentsshall be appropriately screened by grilles, hardware cloth or other material capable ofprecluding the entry by insects and rodents. The effective mesh size of screening materialshall not be less than 6 mesh per centimeter (16 mesh per inch).

5.3.5 Doors, windows and appurtenances thereto, shall be designed and constructed to avoidaccumulation of dirt and shall be finished such that they are smooth, nonabsorbent andeasily cleanable. Doors, windows, as well as appurtenances thereto, shall be kept clean andmaintained in good repair.


6.1 The temperature in all habitable and other rooms in which personnel live and work shall bemaintained at a level conducive to the healthful performance of the activity conducted in the area.

6.2 All habitable rooms and public corridors shall be sufficiently ventilated by means of natural ormechanical ventilation. The requirement is deemed satisfied when it can be demonstrated that theventilation system exchanges at least two volumes of air per hour in all habitable rooms and publiccorridors. If mechanical ventilation is used, at least one fifth of the air supply shall be taken from theoutside.

6.3 All kitchens, laundry rooms, shower/bath rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashingfacilities shall be well ventilated and free of excessive condensation. They shall be suitably cooled orheated. They shall be provided with mechanical ventilation systems capable of providing the equivalentof five air changes per hour. At least 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from the outside. If thisis not feasible, mechanical exhaust fans may be used in lieu of the required mechanical ventilationsystem. Exhaust fans shall be capable of exhausting 1 cubic meter (35 cubic feet) of air per minute foreach toilet, urinal, shower, and hand washbasin or laundry sink/washing machine installed.

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6.4 All ventilation and other non-window openings that cannot be solidly sealed and that remainaccessible to insects and rodents shall be appropriately screened by grilles, hardware cloth or othermaterial capable of precluding the entry by insects, rodents and other vermin. Note that the swing-typelouvered flaps that automatically close when an exhaust or ventilation fan is switched off are deemedto be acceptable screening if they are kept clean and in good repair.

6.5 All private kitchens shall be provided with an approved mechanical ventilation system fittedinside a hood placed over the stove, the design and specifications of which shall be compatible with thestove used. Screening over exhaust opening shall be easily removable for cleaning.


7.1 For the purpose of determining illumination requirements, a room may be considered as a portionof an adjoining room when one-half of the area of the common wall joining them is open and providesan opening of not less than one-tenth of the floor area of the interior room or 2.3 square meters (24.7square feet), whichever is greater.

7.2 All habitable rooms shall be provided with natural illumination by means of windows or skylights, thearea of which shall be not less than one- tenth of the floor area of such rooms and be a minimum of 1square meter (10 square feet). If an engineering analysis of environmental factors indicates that therequired window area will adversely impact the air conditioning system during the high temperaturesexperienced during the summer months in Saudi Arabia, then the window area may be reduced toachieve an efficient balance between the natural illumination requirement and air conditioningrequirement.

7.3 The following levels of illumination, whether from natural or artificial sources, shall be provided indormitories, hotels, guesthouses, as well as in public areas/facilities. Note that the residents ofefficiency units, apartments, townhouses and single family housing units are normally expected toprovide their own light fixtures in living and sleeping rooms, but Saudi Aramco shall adequatelyilluminate kitchens, laundry rooms, toilet rooms and bath/shower rooms according to requirementslisted in Table 1. Illumination shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity to avoid discoloration,shadows and strong glare. Also refer to illumination requirements outlined in SAES-P-123, SaudiAramco Engineering Standards.

TABLE 1Illumination

Illumination Levels Required*Area to be Illuminated Lux Footcandles

Dining room 320 30Desk in dormitory living room 320 30Dormitory living room - general 160 15Eye level above hand washbasin 540 50Food service area 540 50Hallway 110 10Kitchen 540 50Shower/toilet block 215 20Sleeping room 160 15Stairway 110 10All other indoor areas 110 10

* Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor

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8.1 Water shall be obtained, conveyed, treated, stored and distributed in a closed system. Design,construction, maintenance and operational standards, as well as quality criteria, shall comply withrequirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code and standards referenced in Saudi AramcoEngineering Standards.

8.2 Enough potable water for the needs of the occupants shall be obtained from the community watersupply. If a community water supply is not available, then water shall be obtained from an adequate,easily accessible source that has been properly located and protected to ensure that water obtained isof a safe and sanitary quality. The source shall be constructed in a way that prevents underground orsurface contamination from reaching the source. Facilities shall be operated and maintained bycompetent individuals. No part of the system shall be used for any other purpose.

8.3 Water wells (or other water source) and collection, conveyance, treatment, storage and distributionsystems, or parts thereof, which are newly constructed, have been repaired or have otherwise becomecontaminated, shall be thoroughly disinfected according to requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code before being used. The supply shall be purged of all but normal residual amounts ofdisinfectant (less than 3 milligrams per liter [3 parts per million] if chlorine is used to disinfect thesystem) before a sample for bacteriological testing is collected.

8.4 All water not provided directly by pipe to the housing complex from the source shall betransported in a bulk water transport system that is used for no other purpose. At the time water isobtained from the approved source, enough chlorine shall be added to the water in the bulk watertransport system to yield 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 to 1.5 parts per million) free chlorineresidual. Hauled water shall be delivered directly to the closed water system at the housing complex.The bulk water transport system shall comply with requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of thisCode.

8.5 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. Tanks shall bedesigned with openings that permit visual inspection of the tank and provide access for cleaning anddisinfection. All openings shall be covered. Covers shall overlap openings, be sloped so they are self-draining and shall be provided with gaskets and devices for securing them in place. All openings in thetop of the tank shall be flanged upward to form a curb that prevents surface water from enteringopenings. Vents and overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall be screened toprevent entry by birds and other animals. All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap.

8.6 Plumbing with emphasis on cross connection control:

8.6.1 Plumbing shall be designed, sized and installed according to standards outlined in SaudiAramco Engineering Standards. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be operated andmaintained in a way that prevents contamination. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall bekept clean and in good repair.

8.6.2 The potable water system shall be designed and constructed to prevent the possibility ofbackflow. Devices to protect against backflow and backsiphonage shall be installed on allwater outlets and equipment where an air gap of at least twice the inner diameter of thewater outlet and in any event the air gap shall not less than 25mm between the water outletand the flood-level rim of the receiving drain or receiving basin of the drain fixture, andwherever else backflow or backsiphonage may occur. A hose shall not be attached to afaucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.

8.6.3 There shall be no cross connection between the potable water supply and any unsafe orquestionable water supply, sewerage system or any source of pollution that mightcontaminate or otherwise degrade the potable water.

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8.6.4 There shall be no direct physical connection between the sewerage system and any drainoriginating from equipment that contains food or food equipment and utensils. Drainage from refrigeration units and other equipment shall be discharged to afloor sink, funnel drain or evaporator basin. An air gap of at least twice the innerdiameter of the discharge outlet shall be provided between the discharge outletand the flood level rim of the receiving drain/basin. Dishwashing machines may be connected directly to the sewer immediatelydownstream from a floor drain or they may be drained through an approvedindirect connection. Indirect waste receptors shall be located to be readily accessible for inspectionand cleaning.

8.6.5 A non-potable water system is permitted only for purposes such as air conditioning and fireprotection. It shall not be directly or indirectly connected with the potable water system.Water from the system shall not be used for any domestic purpose. The piping of the non-potable water system shall be durably identified so that it is readily distinguishable frompiping that carries potable water.

8.7 All potable water supplied to housing shall be disinfected by chlorination or other means ormethods of equal efficiency in the killing or removal of organisms capable of causing infection. Whenchlorination is employed, a sufficient amount of chlorine shall be added to the water to maintain achlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 parts per million) at all points in the distributionsystem from which water may be withdrawn.

8.8 Hot and cold potable water shall be provided to all hand washbasins, showers, warewashing facilitiesand laundry facilities. The hot water heating system shall be capable of producing a constant flow ofhot water at a temperature of at least 49°C (120°F). Specific requirements pertinent to the hot and/ortempered water discharged from each class of fixture are outlined in appropriate Standards.

8.9 If hoses are used for conveying potable water, they shall be constructed of safe materials, shallhave a smooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identified as toits use. Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outlet fittings, as well ashose fittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hoses shall be stored andused so as to be kept free of contamination. A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unless a backflowprevention device is installed.

8.10 Drinking water fountains and associated requirements.

8.10.1 Drinking fountains, if provided, shall be approved angle-jet type and shall be provided with anadequate supply of water under pressure, and shall be designed and constructed in a way toprevent electric shock.

8.10.2 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from drinking fountains and faucets shall bedischarged to the sewerage system through approved drains to prevent impoundment ofwater, creation of mud holes or other nuisance conditions.

8.10.3 Open containers from which water must be dipped or poured, such as barrels, pails or tanks,whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited.

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8.10.4 Where single service paper cups are provided, cups shall be dispensed from a sanitarydevice designed for this purpose and a waste receptacle shall be provided for disposal ofused cups.

8.10.5 The common drinking cup is prohibited.

8.11 Compressed air used to pressurize the potable water system shall be filtered or otherwise treated torender it free of dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly located andmaintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removable forcleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil- free air. Oil-free air shall be produced by a method equivalent to one of the following: a) useof carbon ring piston compressor; b) use of an oil-lubricated compressor with effective provision forremoval of oil vapor; or c) high-pressure, water-lubricated or non-lubricated blowers.

8.12 If a water treatment plant is provided:

8.12.1 It is suggested that the following piping system be adopted. Non-toxic paints shall be used(the use of paints containing lead shall be avoided.

TABLE 2Piping System Color-Code

Piping System Base ColorIdentifying

Color StripeChilled Water Blue 1-GrayChlorine, Gas and Liquid Yellow 1-Oxide RedCondensate Water Blue 1-WhiteDistilled and Demineralized Water Blue 1-AluminumRaw Water Blue 1-BlackSea, Salt or Brine Water Blue 1-YellowTreated (any process) Blue 1-Oxide Red

Note: HVAC lines and electrical conduits are not color-coded but are painted the same color as the backgroundconstruction.

8.12.2 Equipment, devices, filters, and all other water treatment or conditioning apparatus, shall bemade of safe materials, shall be designed to be disassembled for periodic replacement ofactive elements/media, cleaning and service, shall be operated, inspected and servicedaccording to the manufacturer's instructions and specifications, and shall not be operatedbeyond their rated capacity. All such equipment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitarycondition and, if necessary, shall be sanitized by application of a chlorine solution or by otherapproved means.

8.12.3 Records of equipment operation and maintenance, quantities of product water produced,types and amounts of chemicals added to treated water, pH and chlorine residual maintainedshall be kept in a log book. The logbook shall be available for review by authorized SaudiAramco representatives at all times.

8.12.4 The bacteriological and chemical quality of the water after treatment shall be as good as, orbetter than, it was before treatment.


9.1 Sewage shall be collected, treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements outlined inSection SASC-S-02 of this Code and those outlined in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards. Where apublic sewer system is available, all plumbing fixtures, building sewers and vents shall be connected toit. In no case shall sewage or liquid waste of any type be discharged or otherwise disposed of on thesurface of the ground, or into any well, cave, open ditch or reservoir until it has been properly treated

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and the disposal method has been approved by Saudi Aramco EPD. Pit latrines, outhouses and othernon-water-carried sewage disposal methods are prohibited.

9.2 Floor drains and sewer pipes shall be large enough to carry off all wastewater and sanitarysewage. Sufficient clean-out places shall be provided in sewer drainpipes.

9.3 Grease traps, if used, shall be located so they are easily accessible for cleaning.

9.4 All sewer pipes or drains through which rodents may pass shall be closed with a properly secured,perforated metal or iron cover. Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters (0.5 inches) indiameter.

9.5 Defective sewer pipes, traps, drains and vents shall be repaired or replaced promptly andprofessionally. Crude repairs with wood, tape or metal strips are unsatisfactory.


10.1 Properly designed and constructed toilet, shower and hand washbasin facilities shall be providedwithin each housing unit. All facilities shall be easily cleanable. With regards to dormitories, guesthouses and other communal housing facilities, toilet, shower and hand washbasin fixtures may beprovided in common rooms shared by all residents. All common facilities shall be cleaned at least oncedaily, shall be kept free of objectionable odors and shall be maintained in good repair. All fixtures,walls and floor subject to splash, shall be cleaned with an approved detergent, rinsed and thensanitized with 03 to 06 percent hypochlorite solution (3000 to 6000ppm) or equivalent disinfectantapproved by Manager EPD

10.2 Toilet and shower rooms shall be conveniently located at distance of not more than 61 meters(200 feet) from the farthest habitable room or on the same floor level and shall be accessible at alltimes The location shall be plainly marked by signs in Arabic or English.

10.3 Toilets, showers and hand washbasins shall be separately installed to be individually accessibleand to permit simultaneous use.

10.4 Laundry rooms, shower/bath rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shallbe separated from food preparation and sleeping rooms by a self-closing, tight-fitting door. The storageof food, equipment, utensils or personal articles in such areas is prohibited.

10.5 Hand washbasins and other sinks, faucets and hydrants not specifically designed and approved forsuch use, shall not be used for cleaning or preparing food or for washing dishes, utensils or clothing.

10.6 All facilities shall be well ventilated (see sub-section 6 of this Code Section).

10.7 Legible signs made of durable materials directing all users to wash their hands after using thetoilet/urinal shall be conspicuously posted in every toilet room (in Arabic, English and other appropriatelanguages).

10.8 The following number of showers/baths, toilets/urinals and hand washbasins shall be provided foroccupants living in dormitories, hotels, guesthouses and other communal housing facilities.

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TABLE 3Numbers and Types of Fixtures Required

Number of persons housed inthe communal living facility

Number ofshowers/baths

Number of toiletsand urinals*

Number of handwashbasins

From 1 to 6 1 1 1From 7 to 10 2 2 2From 11 to 20 4 4 4From 21 to 40 6 6 6From 41 to 60 8 8 8From 61 to 80 10 10 10From 81 to 100 12 12 12More than 100 one per 10

additional personsone per 10

additional personsone per 10

additional persons* Where 10 or more men are employed, urinals should be provided. Urinals may be substituted for water closets on a one to

one basis, except that the number of water closets shall not be reduced to less than two-thirds of the number specified inTable 3

10.9 The minimum size of, and floor space allotted for, toilets, hand washbasins, urinals and showersshall be as follows:

TABLE 4Minimum Space Required for Each Type of Installation

Installation MinimumWidth


Minimum SpacePer Unit

Hand washbasin 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

Shower cubical 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Shower stall 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Toilet compartment 80 cm 105 cm 1.5 m2

Urinal 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

10.10 Open-bay, military barracks-type shower arrangements are permitted, but are not recommended.


11.1 Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed. Individually enclosed toilet compartments are required intoilet rooms provided for communal housing facilities.

11.2 The entrance to a toilet room shall be provided with a door(s) according to requirements outlined insub-section 5.3 of this Code Section.

11.3 Urinals shall be provided according to requirements outlined in Table 3 of this Code Section. Note that60 centimeters (24 inches) of trough urinal space is considered to be equivalent to one urinal.

11.4 Toilet bowls shall be set entirely free and open from all enclosing structures and shall be soinstalled that the space around the fixture can be easily cleaned. This does not prohibit the use of wall-hung toilets.

11.5 Every western-type toilet shall have a hinged, open-front seat made of substantial material having asmooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. A holder supplied with toilet tissue shall be provided ineach toilet compartment.

11.6 Every eastern-type toilet shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable finish. Each toilet shall be provided with a water tap for washing (and a supply of toilet paperwith holder, where indicated). Water taps provided for eastern-type toilets shall be fitted with

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appropriate backflow prevention devices designed to protect the water distribution system fromcontamination (see sub-section 8.6.2 of this Code Section).

11.7 Covered waste receptacles shall be provided in all toilet compartments used by women.


12.1 Adequate handwashing facilities shall be conveniently located adjacent to toilet facilities. Note that60 centimeters (24 inches) of a trough hand washbasin space is considered to be equivalent to onehand washbasin. Also note that laundry tubs and service sinks are not acceptable substitutes for handwashbasins.

12.2 Tempered running water shall be provided to each hand washbasin. Water shall be tempered bymeans of a mixing valve or combination faucet. Water shall be delivered at a minimum pressure of atleast 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). The temperature of the water discharged from the tap shallbe at least 32°C (90°F). Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 15seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

12.3 If a personal supply of handwashing cleanser and towels is not provided to each resident of adormitory, hotel, guest house or other communal housing facility, then handwashing cleanser andsingle-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers at or next to hand washbasins at all times(common towels are prohibited). Mechanical hot air blowers for drying the hands may be substitutedfor paper towels. Note that this requirement does not apply to private housing units where the residentis expected to provide his own handwashing cleanser and towels.

12.4 A refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bag shall be provided next to hand washbasinsprovided in dormitories, hotels, guesthouses and other communal housing facilities. The refusecontainer need not be covered.


13.1 Communal shower rooms provided within dormitories, guesthouses and other communalhousing facilities shall be completely enclosed. Individually enclosed shower compartments shall beprovided in the shower room. The compartment shall be composed of a cubical with a bench and aclothes hook and a separated shower stall. The visual privacy of the bather shall be maintained. Privacycurtains, if used, shall be of easily cleanable material and kept clean.

13.2 Showers shall be designed and constructed to be self-draining and to preclude the flow of water intoadjacent areas.

13.3 Shower floors shall be skid-resistant. Floor racks (duckboards) are prohibited.

13.4 Showers shall be supplied with water through thermostatic, tempering or mixing valves at atemperature of at least 37°C (98.6°F) but not more than 50°C (122°F) at a rate of at least 11.4 liters (3gallons) per minute. Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 30 secondswithout the need to reactivate the faucet.


14.1 Laundry rooms shall be completely enclosed.

14.2 All laundry equipment shall be installed, operated and maintained according to the manufacturer'sinstructions. Sorting tables and other surfaces that contact clothing shall be made of substantial

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material having a smooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. All equipment and facilities shall bekept clean and in good repair.

14.3 Washing machines shall be supplied with hot water at a temperature of at least 66°C (150°F) at arate of at least 11.4 liters (3 gallons) per minute. This is likely to require a separate booster waterheater for the laundry room.


15.1 Garbage and refuse storage facilities:

15.1.1 Prior to removal from the premises, garbage and other refuse shall be stored in a way thatmakes it inaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin. Outside storage of garbage orrefuse in open piles or in any container other than an approved garbage or refuse containeris prohibited, e.g. storage in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Inside storage of waste in openpiles on the floor of the garbage/refuse storage room is prohibited. Heavy-duty plastic bagsmay be stacked on the floor of a properly designed and constructed refuse storage room ifthe waste contained therein is satisfactorily sealed in the bag, i.e. the bag does not representan "open pile".

15.1.2 The garbage/refuse storage room, if provided, shall be large enough to store allgarbage/refuse containers that accumulate between disposal periods. Walls, ceilings and allattachments thereto, shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent,easily cleanable finish. The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable,nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped to a trapped,covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system. The structure shall be insect- androdent-proof, including the provision of a solid door designed to preclude the entry byrodents. Additionally, a screen door that opens outward, an air curtain device or othereffective means of excluding flies shall be provided. The storage room shall be kept cleanand maintained in good repair.

15.1.3 Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers, lugger boxes andcompactor systems after they are emptied. As a minimum, the facility shall be provided withhot running water delivered at a minimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms per squarecentimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least 3.8 liters per minute(1 gallon per minute). The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable,nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped to a trapped,covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system.

15.1.4 The floor of an outside garbage/refuse storage area shall be constructed of a smooth, easilycleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete or machine laid asphalt; andshall be large enough to accommodate the garbage/refuse containers that accumulatebetween disposal periods.

15.2 Garbage and refuse containers:

15.2.1 Approved garbage and refuse containers shall include standard 115 liters (30 gallons) steelgarbage cans, modified 210 liters (55 gallons) steel drums, purpose-built lugger boxes andcompactor systems. All such containers shall be made of durable, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable materials that are impervious to attack by insects, rodents and other vermin. Theyshall be designed and constructed so that they do not leak. Drain plugs, where required, shallbe in place at all times except during cleaning.

15.2.2 Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight- fitting lids, doors or covers.

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204 The lids, doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall bekept in the closed position when not in immediate use. Refuse containers that are being actively used in the facility need not be covered.Refuse containers shall be covered when not being actively used. Filled refusecontainers shall be covered and removed from the facility to the refuse storagefacility.

15.2.3 The cover and the outside surface of the 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) andsmaller containers shall be labeled with the word "GARBAGE" or "REFUSE." Once used as agarbage or refuse container, the lid and container shall not be used for any other purpose,especially food preparation or storage.

15.2.4 The 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) and smaller containers shall be lined withheavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate removal of refuse.16.2.5 Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. There shall be asufficient number of approved containers to hold all the garbage and refuse produced and toaccommodate the total amount accumulated in the refuse holding facility between disposalperiods.

15.2.5 Periodically, each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergent on theinside and outside in a way that does not contaminate water, food or the environment.

15.2.6 Refuse equipment and containers shall not, by their location or installation, create a nuisanceor prevent cleaning of adjacent space.

15.3 Garbage and refuse disposal:

15.3.1 Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and theattraction of insects and rodents, but not less than twice per week.

15.3.2 Waste shall be removed to the disposal facility in a purpose- built refuse transport vehicle.

15.3.3 All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal sanitary landfill. Open dumps and burn-pits areprohibited.


16.1 Housing shall be designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and operated to prevent theentry and harborage of insects, rodents, animals, birds and other vermin, as well as environmentalcontaminants, such as smoke and dust. Effective measures, such as excluding, inspecting andexterminating, shall be used to minimize the entry, presence and propagation of vermin, both insideand outside of the housing unit.

16.2 All buildings, structures, associated facilities and individual housing units shall be insect- androdent-proofed, freed of vermin before occupancy and shall be maintained in an insect, rodent andvermin free condition.

16.3 There shall be no openings in exterior walls, foundations, basements, ground or first floors, or roofsthat will admit insects, rodents or other vermin. Openings for pipes, conduits and other utility servicesin foundations or exterior walls, floors or roofs accessible to insects and rodents shall be closed solidlyby metal, concrete or other impervious material. If metal sheeting is used to seal holes around pipes,conduits and ducts, it shall extend at least 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) beyond all sides of the opening.

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16.4 All sewer or drain openings shall be closed with a properly secured perforated metal cover.Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 12.7 millimeters (0.5 inches) in diameter.

16.5 Control of insects, rodents and other vermin, including control of breeding sites (e.g. artificialbodies of water), shall be the responsibility of the proponent, operator and/or occupant of the housing.

16.6 The presence of lice, bedbugs, fly larvae, rodents or any other vermin, or the traces, droppings,trails, runs or other evidence of the presence of such vermin, shall be evidence of the presence of filthand unsanitary conditions. Saudi Aramco EPD will report such evidence to the occupant and/orproponent and they shall take immediate action to control the infestation. They shall report the resultsof their control activities to Saudi Aramco EPD within 72 hours of receipt of the notification.

16.7 The operator or occupant of housing shall not place, leave, dump or permit to accumulate anyrefuse or trash in the structure or on the premises in a manner that will afford food and harborage forinsects, rodents or other vermin.

16.8 The operator or occupant of housing shall not accumulate, or permit the accumulation oflumber or other such material on the premises unless such material is stored on racks 30 centimeters(12 inches) above the ground.

16.9 Whenever conditions inside, outside or under any building or structure, or on any premises oropen lot, provide such extensive harborage for insects and rodents that normal control measures arelikely to be ineffective, Saudi Aramco EPD shall prepare a report with corrective recommendations foraction by the responsible Saudi Aramco proponent. The proponent shall ensure that the deficienciesare corrected immediately.

16.10 The pest control program shall encompass all areas outside and inside the housing units. Areasalong fences, around buildings, under stored materials, in and around refuse facilities, as well asfloors, walls and ceilings in buildings, shall be inspected frequently to detect the presence of insects,rodents and other vermin. Preventive control measures are preferable to eradication campaigns.

16.10.1 Insects, rodents and other vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breeding andharborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of buildings and structures,proper storage of materials, extermination, and by other approved control methods.

16.10.2 Pesticides shall be dispensed and handled by authorized, properly trained personnel.Restricted-use pesticides shall be applied by a qualified pest control operator.

16.10.3 Pesticides shall not be applied in areas where food handling, warewashing or other suchoperations are in progress or in a way that contaminates food equipment, utensils or otherfood contact surfaces.


The design, construction and materials of structures and equipment, as well as the general operatingmethods and procedures used to store, handle and protect food, equipment and utensils, shall complywith requirements equivalent to those specified in Section SASC-S-04 of this Code.


1. Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, 1996.2. Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.3. SA Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment (GI # 1781.00).4. Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO)- Sub Sections 313 and 415.

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Marine Vessels, SASC-S-09




Marine vessels provide a unique living environment due to the very limited space. The health and well being of thecrew and passengers could easily be compromised if basic principles of personal hygiene and general sanitationwere not followed. In this Section vessel specifications are required, that when incorporated into the planning,design, construction and operation of any vessel will help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and foodborneillnesses. Note: All Code Sections should be read in conjunction with appropriate referenced documentslisted at the end of this Section.


Berth: A bed or bunk enclosed by partitions or curtains that provide privacy for sleeping.

Bunker: A compartment, bin or tank used for storage, normally for liquids.

Bunkering: To fill a ship’s bunker.

Bunker Station: Hoses, connecting devices and other fittings, on a vessel or ship for transferring liquids to thebunker.

Crew Accommodation: Includes sleeping rooms, mess rooms, hospital, sanitary and recreation facilities, providedfor the use of a marine vessel crew.

Domestic Fresh Water: Water used for drinking, cooking, the washing of cooking and eating utensils, and waterused for general cleaning and bathing. Is also known as potable water.

Galley: The kitchen or an area with facilities in which meals are prepared on a ship.

Mess Room: A location designed and designated for consuming food and drink. May also be referred to as amess.

Rating: A member of the crew other than an officer.


1.1 These requirements are applicable to all new and existing Saudi Aramco owned vessels or anyvessel on hire, leased or sub-leased, to Saudi Aramco; to include but not limited to, supply or taxiboats, tugs, offshore drilling rigs, jack-up barges, work barges, and other special purpose vessels.

1.2 Offshore fixed platforms are excluded from this Section.

1.3 Compliance with this Section does not exclude any vessel from having to comply with otherSections of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code (SASC), specific Corporate General Instructions,Saudi Arabian government standards or International Maritime regulations as promulgated by suchregulatory authorities as the International Maritime Organization (IMO); International LabourOrganization (ILO); International Association of Classification Societies (IACAS).

1.4 Any conflict between this Code Section and other governing codes, standards or rulesrequires compliance with the most restrictive.

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2.1 It is the duty of the Marine Department to inform the Manager, Environmental ProtectionDepartment (EPD) of any newly hired, purchased or constructed vessel prior to its entering servicewith the Marine Department.

2.2 EPD shall routinely inspect all vessels and provide a written report to the Marine Department.Samples will be taken of water, ice, ingredients, beverages and food, as necessary to monitorenvironmental health aspects aboard the vessel.

2.3 The Marine Department shall provide EPD written summaries of corrective actions taken for anydeficiency noted on inspection reports.

2.4 The Proponent Organization shall ensure that the sanitary design of the vessel incorporatesmaterials that are durable, smooth, light in color and impervious to moisture. The installation ofequipment, fixtures and furnishings shall be specified to make all areas easily cleanable.

2.5 The Marine Department shall ensure that all food served aboard the vessel are from SaudiAramco approved sources (see Section SASC-S-04 of this Code).

2.6 The Master, or his designate shall make daily inspections of the galley, washrooms andaccommodation.

2.7 The Master is responsible for ensuring that sanitary conditions conform to the requirements of thisCode Section; insect and rodent infestations aboard the vessel are eradicated; and copies ofpertinent SASC Sections are kept aboard the vessel.


3.1 Any potable water appurtenances, water treatment facilities (water distillation units orreverse osmosis systems), shall be installed and maintained in accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions and Section SASC-S-01.

3.2 Potable water bunker stations shall be installed and maintained in conformance with SectionSASC-S-01 on all vessels.

3.3 Hoses used for conveying potable water shall be constructed of safe materials, shall have asmooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identified as to itsuse. Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outlet fittings, as well ashose fittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hoses shall be kept freeof contamination when stored and used.

3.4 All vessels shall utilize an approved potable water disinfection method pursuant to Section SASC-S-01.

3.5 The boundaries of potable water tanks shall be segregated from all other tanks holdingsubstances other than potable water by the use of cofferdams or void spaces. In no case shallpotable water tank boundaries be used to separate potable water tanks from non-potable watertanks.

3.6 Manholes on potable water tanks shall be fitted with raised coamings to prevent the introductionof contaminants.

3.7 All items that penetrate the potable water tank shall be coated or constructed with a materialapproved for use in potable water tanks.

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3.8 Pipes carrying sewage or other non-potable liquids shall not pass through potable water tanksunless these pipes are contained within a continuous water or oil tight steel pipe duct, constructedwith all welded joints and seams.

3.9 Potable water piping shall not pass through sewage tanks. Potable water piping that passesthrough other tanks holding non-potable liquids shall be contained within a continuous water or oiltight steel pipe duct, constructed with all welded joints and seams.

3.10 The vent of a potable water tank shall not be used for or connected to the vent of a non-potableliquid.

3.11 Only potable water shall be served to galleys, accommodation showers and sinks.

3.12 Seawater inlets for potable water makers shall be located forward of all overboard wastewater ornon-potable liquid waste discharge outlets.

3.13 Every scullery sink, mechanical warewasher, ice maker, clothes washer, drinking fountain,etc. which require water of high clarity, shall be fitted with a filter to remove sediment stirred upduring "vessel roll".


4.1 Pollution prevention and the management of both liquid and solid wastes aboard vesselsshall comply with the requirements of IMO MARPOL 73/78.

4.2 Discharge of sewage into the sea is prohibited, except when:

4.2.1 The ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using a system approved bythe Administration pursuant to IMO regulations, at a distance of more than 4 nautical milesfrom the nearest land; or

4.2.2 The ship is discharging raw sewage at a distance of more than 12 nautical miles from thenearest land; or

4.2.3 The ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant (STP) which has beencertified by the Administration pursuant to IMO regulations; and carries a valid InternationalSewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (1973); and the sewage effluent does not producevisible floating solids in, nor cause discoloration of the surrounding water.

4.3 A sewage-holding tank shall be fitted on all vessels not fitted with a sewage treatment plant, forthe storage of sewage while within prescribed distances from land as described in paragraphs 4.2.1and 4.2.2. Such vessels shall be equipped with a pipeline leading to the exterior, convenient for thedischarge of sewage to a reception facility in compliance with IMO MARPOL Annex IV, Regulation11.

4.4 Raw sewage discharged from holding tanks shall not be discharged instantaneously, but at amoderate rate when a vessel is proceeding at not less than 4 knots.

4.5 Toxic or hazardous wastes, industrial or oily wastes shall never be discharged into any part ofa vessel's sewerage system. Special purpose slop tanks are required for such wastes.

4.6 Direct discharges from culinary sink fitted with garbage grinders, mechanical warewashersand clothes washing machines may be excluded from connection to the sewage treatment plant.

4.7 Excluding discharges from STP’s and sewage holding tanks, all wastes, whether generatedaboard or transferred to any vessel, shall be transported to an appropriate transfer site for

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disposal at an EPD approved location. The dumping of solid waste or discharging of any hazardouswaste into the marine environment is prohibited. Wastes should be properly segregated and storedto prevent pollution.


5.1 All food services - galley, food stores, etc. shall comply with Section SASC-S-04 of this Code indesign, construction, operation and maintenance. Special requirements are found in subsection 7,Marine Vessel Galleys.


6.1 Operation and maintenance of accommodation, to include, but not be limited to, cabins,toilets/showers, mess rooms, recreation rooms, gangways, laundry, recreational areas, shallcomply with this Code subsection.

6.2 Design and construction of crew accommodation shall specifically comply with applicable ILOConventions 90, 92, 133, 144 & 147.

6.3 Cabins for seamen, passengers and officers shall be cleaned at least weekly, by thoroughvacuuming or by other methods that minimize airborne contaminants. Areas to be included arefloors/carpets, curtains and upholstery. Special attention should be given to crevices, cracks androlled seams. Frequent detailed cleaning will help to eliminate ectoparasites which may beintroduced in luggage or clothing.

6.4 Deckhead ventilation grills shall be kept free of dirt and fiber accumulation.

6.5 Passageway and cabins floors shall be mopped frequently and stripped periodically to removestains and wax accumulation.

6.6 Crew and passengers shall be assigned individual towels and bed linen which shall be changedand laundered at least weekly.

6.7 Bedding shall be cleaned as needed, but not less than once every 3 months; at which time themattress is rotated.

6.8 The practice of "hot bedding", where crewmembers working opposite shifts use the same bed,shall be prohibited.

6.9 All furnishings and materials shall be kept clean and in good repair.

6.10 All areas of the lavatory and change room shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized at leastonce each day. These shall be thoroughly washed with detergent, rinsed and then disinfected withapproximately a 0.5 percent hypochlorite solution, or with an equivalent substitute.

6.11 Any vessel without an assigned nurse shall carry an approved medicine chest for which readilyunderstandable instructions are provided.

6.12 First-Aid and other medical supplies shall be kept in the original packaging until used. Productsrequired to be kept refrigerated or frozen shall be stored at 2°C to 8°C (35.6°F to 46°F) or –20°C to–10°C (-4°F to 14°F). Items outdated shall be disposed of properly.

6.13 A recreation area appropriately furnished and supplied shall be provided for crew andpassengers. Mess rooms may serve this purpose when television, video cassette players, tablegames, library, etc. are provided.

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6.14 Mechanical clothes washing and drying appliances shall be installed in every vessel. Thenumber of appliances shall satisfactorily meet the needs of the crew, so that linens and bedding canbe laundered at the frequency assigned in this Section. Linen shall be tumbled dried to reducebacterial colonization.

6.15 The number of water closets, washbasins and showers on any vessel shall meet therequirements of ILO Conventions as specified in paragraph 6.2.

6.16 No more than 2 ratings or 1 officer shall be placed in a sleeping room.

6.17 The floor area per person of sleeping rooms shall conform to the requirements specified in ILOConventions adopted in paragraph 6.2, but in no case shall the floor area be less than 2.75 sq. m.(29.6 sq. ft.).

6.18 Berths in common sleeping rooms shall be fitted with side curtains and with a small lampmounted at the head.

6.19 Adequate provisions for the storage of personal affects and clothing shall be made pursuantto ILO Conventions as specified in paragraph 6.2.

6.20 Crew accommodation shall be adequately illuminated in conformance with ILO Conventions asspecified in paragraph 6.2.


7.1 Marine vessel galleys (herein referred to as galleys) are food establishments which have specialconsiderations due to space limitations, dictated by the tonnage rating of the vessel. Galleys shallcomply with the requirements of this Code Section.

7.2 Food Handling Practices

7.2.1 Serving potentially hazardous, “leftover food” from a previous day’s meal is prohibited.

7.2.2 Ice utensils - scoops, shall not be stored inside the ice machine, directly in contact with theice. Scoops may be stored on hooks or other attachments provided above the level of ice,or kept in a solution of 100 ppm chlorine outside the ice machine.

7.2.3 Condensate or accumulated ice shall not contact foods or ingredients.

7.2.4 Prepared foods, placed in the chiller, to be served later, shall be labeled with the date ofpreparation and discarded if not used within 48 hours.

7.2.5 Refreezing of any foods, once thawed, is prohibited.

7.2.6 Stored ice, intended for human consumption, shall not be used to cool food, foodcontainers or food utensils.

7.2.7 Due to the logistics of supplying foodstuffs to vessels, the Master or his representative shallinspect all food items and ingredients to ensure the quality of the foodstuffs. Food suppliesnot held in conformance with the temperature requirements in Section SASC-S-04 of thisCode or foods that appear adulterated shall be rejected and reported to EPD.

7.2.8 Boxes, baskets or other receptacles which are used to transfer foodstuffs from the pier tothe vessel or from one vessel to another, shall be kept clean and in a safe condition.

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7.3 Equipment and Design

7.3.1 Walk-in cold stores shall be provided an audible alarm, which when activated from inside aclosed walk-in, can be heard in the galley.

7.3.2 Exhaust ducts over galley ranges in which grease or fat is likely to accumulate shall have afixed means for extinguishing a fire with the activation device located outside the galley; befitted with readily removable grease filters or traps; and have suitably located hatches forinspection/cleaning.

7.3.3 The furnishing and floor area of mess rooms for officers and for ratings shall conform to therequirements of ILO Conventions specified in paragraph 6.2.

7.3.4 Available at all times for use by the crew, without requiring entry into the galley, shall be arefrigerator of sufficient capacity for the intended use, and facilities for dispensing hotbeverages and cool water.

7.4 Galleys and Related Housekeeping

7.4.1 Decks, bulkheads, deckheads, fixtures and equipment shall be kept clean and free of foodresidue and debris and routinely cleaned in accordance with a written schedule. Areas ofhigh use or traffic are to be scheduled for more frequent cleaning.

7.4.2 Cleaning of spills, appliances and equipment shall be done as soon as possible after thespill or after use.

7.4.3 Duckboards in dry stores and walk-in chiller/freezers shall be made of durable and easilycleanable materials and removed at least weekly, before restocking if possible.

7.4.4 Counters surfaces, cabinets, shelves and drawers shall be wiped down at least once perday.

7.4.5 Water closets, washbasins and other fixtures shall be cleaned and disinfected at least onceeach day. These shall be thoroughly washed with detergent, rinsed and then disinfectedwith approximately a 0.5 percent hypochlorite solution, or with an equivalent substitute.

7.4.6 Mop wastewater shall not be discarded through culinary or warewash sinks, at washbasinsor shower drains. Water closets are acceptable for disposal of such wastewater.

7.4.7 A written cleaning schedule shall be drafted and implemented which describes in detail theequipment or appliance to be cleaned, the frequency of cleaning, and the procedure to befollowed. The chemicals and tools to accomplish the task shall be specified, as well as thestep-by-step procedure and method required to properly clean and sanitize each item. TheMaster shall check the effectiveness of the schedule.

7.4.8 As far as possible, a single individual shall be assigned to clean. This should be his primaryduty. This person should be fully trained in the use of cleaning/sanitizing chemicals andtechniques necessary to accomplish this task.

7.4.9 Cleaning tools and appliances, such as brooms, mops, buckets and vacuum cleaners shallbe provided, stored and used in a manner which prevents contamination of food,ingredients and food contact surfaces.

7.4.10 Routine cleaning shall be done during periods when food preparation activities are least. Tominimize contamination, dustless cleaning methods, such as damp mopping and wipingshall be used.

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7.4.11 Because galleys are inherently difficult to clean, due to shelf rails, spill lips and captureequipment; a vacuum cleaner shall be provided and used, exclusively for routine cleaningactivities in the galley.


1. U.S. Public Health Service, CDC: “Vessel Sanitation Program Operations Manual”,2000 (Draft)

2. U.S. Public Health Service, CDC: “Recommended Shipbuilding ConstructionGuidelines for Cruise Vessels Destined to Call on U. S. Ports”, May 1999

3. Title 46: Code of Federal Regulations, Shipping4. U.S. Code: Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters5. International Maritime Organization: “MARPOL 73/78”, 1991 Edition6. International Labour Organization (ILO): “Convention Concerning Crew

Accommodation on Board Ship”, Convention No. 133, 1970.7. U.K. Department of Transportation: “Merchant Shipping Notice”, No. M.1214 &

M12168. Lloyds Register of Shipping Classification Rules: “ Structure Design” - Part 3,

Chapter 39. Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment: “Protocol

Concerning Marine Pollution”10. Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, 5th Edition

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Health Care Facilities, SASC-S-10




This Section describes the public health requirements and specifications for medical facilities, including all inpatientand outpatient medical and dental facilities operated and/or contracted by the Saudi Aramco Medical ServicesOrganization (SAMSO), medical manufacturing plants and medical storage facilities. This Section specifies thosesanitary and infection control practices and procedures that will result in a safe, clean, and infection free facility forpatients, staff and visitors. NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with appropriate referenceddocuments listed at the end of this Section.


Antiseptic: Chemical germicide used to remove microorganisms from skin.

Autoclaving: Sterilization by steam under pressure.

Cytotoxic waste: Any waste that is produced as a result of preparing or administering cytotoxic (chemotherapeutic)drugs.

Disinfectant (in a medical facility): Chemical germicide used to remove pathogenic microorganisms with theexception of bacterial spores, from inanimate objects.

Environment of Care: The physical environment in which medical care is provided. A health care facility mustprovide a safe, accessible, effective, and efficient environment. This includes provisions for life safety (firedetection, response and suppression systems), safety, security, internal and external emergency preparedness,hazardous materials and waste, medical equipment and utility systems.

Hazardous chemical waste: Chemical waste that may be a physical hazard, a health hazard, or both a physicaland health hazard. Includes combustible liquids, compressed gases, explosives, organic peroxide, pyrophoricmaterials, unstable (reactive) materials, and water reactive materials. Health hazards include materials that arecarcinogens or suspected carcinogens, toxins, irritants, corrosives, sensitizers, agents which act on thehematopoietic system, and agents which damage the lungs, skin, eyes or mucous membranes.

HEPA filters: High efficiency particulate air filters that remove up to 99.97% of particles greater or equal to 0.3microns in diameter. They are very efficient at removing bacteria since most bacteria are present in colony-formingunits (CFU) that are larger than 1 micron in size.

Infectious waste: Includes laboratory cultures and stocks; pathological waste; human blood, blood products andbody fluids; contaminated and unused sharps (needles, syringes, lancets, pipettes, scalpel blades, blood vials,needles with attached tubing, and broken or unbroken glassware); and isolation waste.

Medical waste: Any waste that is generated at a medical facility or research laboratory.

Nosocomial infection: An infection that is not present or incubating in the patient at the time of admission to ahospital, but that develops while the patient is hospitalized.

Regulated medical waste: Waste from a medical facility or research laboratory that may be infectious, cytotoxic,radioactive, or may otherwise present an actual or potential hazard to human health or the environment whenimproperly handled, transported, treated or disposed of.

Standard precautions: A set of practices designed to reduce the risk of transmission of bloodborne pathogens, aswell as other pathogens from recognized and unrecognized sources of infection (moist body substances).Standard precautions is the primary tool for successful infection control in a medical facility and includes proper

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handwashing; use of gloves, masks, eye protection/face shields and gowns; proper care of patient care equipment;environmental controls; proper use and disposal of sharps; proper handling of soiled linen; and proper placement ofpatients.

Sterilization: Complete elimination or destruction of all forms of microbial life, including spores.

Unregulated medical waste: All medical wastes that are not covered in the listing of regulated medical waste.


1.1 Facility Design and Construction

1.1.1 General Considerations The primary reference for health care facility design and construction isGuidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities,American Institute of Architects Academy of Architecture for Health and USDepartment of Health and Human Services, American Institute of ArchitectsPress, latest edition. The design and construction standards listed below aretaken from these Guidelines, and are included here because they impact oninfection control and safety. The Guidelines apply to new construction;however, at the time of renovation or modification of existing facilities, everyeffort shall be made to comply, insofar as practical, with all applicable sectionsof the Guidelines, and with appropriate sections of National Fire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA) 101, covering New Health Occupancies. The facility shall have adequate space to satisfy functional needs. All rooms, offices and areas within the facility shall be numbered and properlylabeled as to their function. Signs used throughout the facility shall beconsistent in color and format. An adequate number of directional signs inArabic and English shall be posted to prevent confusion and provide propertraffic control throughout the facility. Entrance to, and utilization of all areas, in Saudi Aramco health care facilitiesshall be restricted to those individuals who are "authorized" according to thewritten policies and procedures for the specific area. Access for patients with disabilities shall be provided for all buildings. Facilitiesfor the disabled shall be provided in all inpatient and outpatient areas. Clean and soiled areas shall be separated.

1.1.2 Nursing Units (Medical and Surgical)

Patient Rooms1.1.2.1 In newly constructed patient rooms shall have a minimum of 9.29 Square

meters (100 square feet) of clear floor area per bed in multiple-bed rooms and11.15 square meters (120 square feet) of clear floor area for single-bed rooms,exclusive of toilet rooms, closets, lockers, wardrobes, alcoves or vestibules.Refer to Guidelines noted above for other space requirements. Each patient room shall have a window in accordance with Standard 7.28.A10of Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals and Health CareFacilities

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215 Handwashing facilities shall be provided to serve each patient room. Thesehandwashing facilities shall be located in the toilet room. In all newconstruction an extra sink for handwashing shall be located in all hospitalrooms and shall be located outside cubicle curtains to facilitate handwashingaccess. Each patient shall have access to a toilet room without having to enter thegeneral corridor area. One toilet room shall serve no more than four beds andno more than two patient rooms. The toilet room shall contain a water closetand a handwashing facility, and the door shall swing outward or be doubleacting. Each patient shall have within his or her room a separate wardrobe, locker orcloset suitable for hanging full-length garments, and for storing personaleffects. In multiple-bed rooms, visual privacy from casual observation by otherpatients and visitors shall be provided for each patient. The design for privacyshall not restrict patient access to the entrance, lavatory or toilet.

Service Areas Handwashing facilities shall be conveniently accessible to the nurse station,medication station and nourishment center. One handwashing fixture mayserve several areas if convenient to each. Toilet rooms shall be conveniently located for staff use. Staff lounge facilities shall be provided. Secure closets or cabinet compartments for personal articles shall be locatedin or near the nurse station, or in the staff lounge or changing room. A clean workroom or clean supply room shall be provided. If the room is usedfor preparing patient care items, it shall contain a work counter, a handwashingfixture, and storage facilities for clean and sterile supplies. If the room is usedonly for storage and holding as part of a system for distribution of clean andsterile materials, the work counter and handwashing fixture may be omitted.Soiled and clean workrooms or holding rooms shall be separated and have nodirect connection. A soiled workroom or soiled holding room shall be provided. This room shallbe separate from the clean workroom. The soiled workroom shall contain aclinical sink (or equivalent flushing-rim fixture) for cleaning of bedpans, and ahandwashing sink. These fixtures shall have both a hot and cold mixingfaucet. The room shall have a work counter and space for separate coveredcontainers for soiled linen and waste. Rooms used only for temporary holdingof soiled material may omit the clinical sink and work counter. If the flushing-rim clinical sink is eliminated, facilities for cleaning bedpans shall be providedelsewhere. A medication preparation area shall be provided and shall be under visualcontrol of the nursing staff. It shall contain a work counter a sink adequate forhandwashing, refrigerator, and locked storage for controlled drugs.

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216 Each nursing unit shall designate an area for clean linen storage. This may bewithin the clean workroom, a separate closet or an approved distributionsystem on each floor. If a closed cart system is used storage may be in analcove. It must be out of the path of normal traffic and under staff control. A nourishment station shall be provided with sink, work counter, refrigerator,storage cabinets and equipment for hot and cold nourishments betweenscheduled meals. The nourishment station shall include space for trays anddishes used for nonscheduled meal service. Provisions and space shall beincluded for separate temporary storage of unused and soiled dietary trays notpicked up at mealtime. Handwashing facilities shall be in or immediatelyaccessible from the nourishment station. Each nursing unit shall have equipment to provide ice for treatments andnourishment. Ice-making equipment may be in the clean work room/holdingroom or at the nourishment station. Ice intended for human consumption shallbe from self-dispensing icemakers. Appropriate rooms or alcoves shall be provided for storage of patient careequipment as required by the functional program. Its location shall notinterfere with the flow of traffic. Storage space for stretchers and wheelchairs shall be provided in a strategiclocation, without restricting normal traffic. When individual bathing facilities are not provided in patient rooms, there shallbe at least one shower and/or bathtub for each 12 beds without such facilities. Space shall be provided for emergency equipment that is under direct controlof nursing staff, such as a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR or “Crash”)cart. This space shall be located in an areas appropriate to the functionalprogram, but out of normal traffic. One housekeeping room shall be provided for each nursing unit or nursingfloor. It shall be directly accessible from the unit or floor and may serve morethan one nursing unit on a floor. Housekeeping closets shall be kept lockedwhen not in use. At least one housekeeping room per floor shall contain aservice sink or floor receptor and provisions for storage of supplies andhousekeeping equipment. Note: This housekeeping room may not be used for otherdepartments and nursing units that require separate housekeeping rooms.

Airborne Infection Isolation Room At least one airborne infection isolation room shall be provided. Amultidisciplinary group designated for that purpose should base the number ofairborne infection isolation rooms on an infection control risk assessment.These rooms may be located within individual nursing units and used fornormal acute care when not required for isolation cases, or they may begrouped as separate isolation unit. Each room shall contain only one bed andshall comply with the following: Each airborne infection isolation room shall have an area for handwashing,gowning and storage of clean and soiled materials located directly outside orimmediately inside the entry door to the room.

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217 Airborne infection isolation room perimeter walls, ceiling and floors, includingpenetrations, shall be sealed tightly so that air does not infiltrate theenvironment from the outside or from other spaces. Such rooms shall beunder negative pressure with no return air plenums. (See Table 1.) Airborne infection isolation rooms shall have self-closing devices on all roomexit doors. Separate toilet, bathtub or shower, and handwashing facilities shall beprovided for each airborne infection isolation room. Airborne infection isolation rooms may be used for noninfectious patients whennot needed for patients with airborne infectious disease.

Protective Environment Room The infection control risk assessment may require protective environmentrooms if the hospital cares for patients with extreme susceptibility to infection,e.g., immunosuppressed patients with prolonged granulocytopenia, mostnotably bone marrow recipients; burn patients; or solid-organ transplantrecipients and patients with hematological malignancies who are receivingchemotherapy and are severely granulocytopenic. These rooms are notintended for use with patients diagnosed with HIV infection or AIDS unlessthey are also severely granulocytopenic. Should protective environmentrooms be required they shall adhere to ventilation requirements in Table 1below. In addition to positive air pressure, all supply air must pass throughHEPA filters with 99.97 percent efficiency for particles >3µm in size.

Seclusion Room At least one seclusion room shall be provided in the facility for patientsneeding close supervision for medical and/or psychiatric care. Each roomshall be for single occupancy; shall be located to permit staff observation of theentrance, preferably adjacent to the nurse station; and each shall be designedto minimize the potential for escape, hiding, injury or suicide. If vision panelsare used for observation of patients, the arrangement shall insure patientprivacy and prevent casual observation by visitors and other patients. Theseclusion room shall be inspected by the Nursing Supervisor and SafetyOfficer prior to each occupancy.

1.1.3 Critical Care Units

General Considerations The location shall offer convenient access from essential departments andservices as defined by the functional program. It shall be located so that themedical emergency resuscitation teams may be able to respond promptly toemergency calls within minimum travel time. The location shall be arranged toeliminate the need for through traffic. In new construction, where elevator transport is required for critically illpatients, the size of the cab and mechanisms and controls shall meet thespecialized needs. Each patient space, whether separate rooms, cubicles or multiple bed space,shall have a minimum of 13.94 square meters (150 square feet) of clear floor

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area with a minimum headwall width of 3.66 meters (12 feet) per bed,exclusive of anterooms, vestibules, toilet rooms, closets, lockers, wardrobesand/or alcoves. Refer to Guidelines for additional requirements regardingspace, visual access, monitoring of patients, storage and medication stations,and service spaces. Nurse call systems shall be provided in accordance with sub-section1.1.27.53. Handwashing fixtures shall be convenient to nurse stations and patient bedareas. There shall be at least one handwashing fixture for every three beds inopen plan areas, and one in each patient room. The fixture should be locatednear the entrance to the patient cubicle or room, should be sized to minimizesplashing water onto the floor, and should be equipped with hand-freeoperable controls. At least one airborne infection isolation room shall be provided. A housekeeping room shall be provided within or immediately adjacent to thecritical care unit, and shall not be shared with other nursing units ordepartments. It shall contain a service sink or floor receptor and provisionsfor storage of supplies and housekeeping equipment.

Coronary Critical Care Unit Each coronary patient shall have a separate room for acoustical and visualprivacy. Each coronary patient shall have access to a toilet in the room.

Pediatric Critical Care At least one airborne infection control room shall be provided, with provisionsfor observation of the patient. Refer to Guidelines for additional requirements.

Newborn Intensive Care Units (NICU) The NICU shall have a clearly identified entrance and reception area forfamilies. The area shall permit visual observation and contact with all trafficentering the unit. A scrub area shall be provided at each public entrance topatient care areas of the NICU. All sinks shall be hands-free operable andlarge enough to contain splashing. At least one door to each room must be large enough to accommodateportable X-ray equipment. There should be efficient and controlled access to the unit from Labor andDelivery, Emergency Room or other referral entry points. Provision shall be made for indirect lighting and high-intensity lighting in allnurseries. The central control station shall have convenient access to handwashingfacilities.

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219 Each patient care space shall contain a minimum of 9.29 square meters (100square feet) excluding sinks and aisles. Aisles with a minimum width of 0.91meter (3 feet) shall be provided adjacent to each patient care space. An airborne infection isolation room is required in at least one level of nurserycare. The room shall be enclosed and separated from the nursery unit withprovision for observation of the infant from adjacent nurseries or controlareas. A consultation/demonstration/breast feeding or pump room shall be providedconvenient to the unit. A sink, counter, refrigerator, freezer and storagefacilities shall be conveniently located nearby. One housekeeping room shall be provided for the unit, directly accessible,and dedicated exclusively for the NICU. See Guidelines for additional NICU requirements.

1.1.4 Newborn Nurseries Hospitals having 25 or more postpartum beds shall have a separate nurserythat provides continuing care for infants requiring close observation, forexample, those with low birth weight. Minimum floor space per infant in thisobservation nursery shall be 4.65 square meters (50 square feet), exclusive ofauxiliary work areas, with provisions for at least 1.22 meters (4 feet) betweenand at all sides of bassinets. Normal newborn infants shall be housed in nurseries that comply with therequirements below. Location shall be convenient to the postpartum nursingunit and obstetrical facilities. Each nursery shall contain at least one hands-free operable sink for each eightinfant stations. Glazed observation windows shall be provided to permit viewing of infants frompublic areas, workrooms and adjacent nurseries. A consultation/demonstration/breast feeding or pump room shall be providedconvenient to the nursery. A sink, counter, refrigerator, freezer and storagefacilities shall be conveniently located nearby. An airborne infection isolation room is required in or near at least one level ofnursery care. The room shall be enclosed and separated from the nursery unitwith provisions for observation of the infant from adjacent nurseries or controlareas. Each full-term nursery shall contain no more than 16 infant stations. Theminimum floor area shall be 2.23 square meters (24 square feet) for eachinfant station, exclusive of auxiliary work areas. When a rooming-in program isused, the total number of bassinets provided in these units may beappropriately reduced, but the full-term nursery may not be omitted in itsentirety from any facility that includes delivery services. Hospitals may replace traditional nurseries with infant holding nurseries inpostpartum and labor-delivery-recovery-postpartum (LDRP) units. Floor spaceand other requirements shall be as required for full-term nurseries. Holding

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nurseries should be next to the nurse station on these units and shall be sizedto accommodate the percentage of newborns that do not remain with theirmothers during the postpartum stay. Each nursery rooms shall be served by a connecting workroom. SeeGuidelines for workroom requirements. When infant formula is prepared on-site, direct access from the formulapreparation room to any nursery room is prohibited. The room may be locatednear the nursery or at other appropriate locations in the hospital, but mustinclude the following: A separate room for preparing infant formulas is required. It shall containwarming facilities, refrigerator, work counter, formula sterilizer, storagefacilities and a handwash sink. Cleanup facilities for washing and sterilizing supplies shall be provided. Thisarea shall contain a handwash sink, bottle-washing facilities, work counter andsterilization equipment. If a commercial infant formula is used the separate clean up and preparationrooms may be omitted. The storage and handling may be done in the nurseryworkroom or in another appropriate room in the hospital that is convenientlyaccessible at all hours. A housekeeping services room shall be provided for the exclusive use of thenursery unit.

1.1.5 Pediatric Unit Maximum room capacity shall be four patients. Space requirements forpediatric patient beds shall be the same as for adult beds. Additionalprovisions for hygiene, toilets, sleeping and personal belongings shall beincluded where the program indicates that parents will be allowed to remainwith young children. Each nursery room serving pediatric patients shall contain no more than eightbassinets; each bassinet shall have a minimum clear floor area of 3.72 squaremeters (40 square feet). Each room shall have a handwash sink operablewithout hands, a nurses emergency call system and a glazed viewing window. At least one airborne infection isolation room shall be provided in eachpediatric unit. See Guidelines for additional requirements for pediatric nursery units.

1.1.6 Psychiatric Nursing Unit Windows or vents in psychiatric units shall be arranged and located so thatthey can be opened from the inside to permit venting of combustion productsand to permit any occupant direct access to fresh air in emergencies. Theoperation of operable windows shall be restricted to inhibit possible escape orsuicide. See Guidelines for additional window requirements. Sub-section 1.1.2 of this Code Section shall apply to patient rooms inpsychiatric nursing units except as follows:

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221 A nurses call system is not required, but if it is included, provisions shall bemade for easy removal or for covering of call button outlets. Bedpan-flushing devices may be omitted from patient room toilets. Handwashing sinks are not required in patient rooms. A bathtub or shower shall be provided for each six beds not otherwise servedby bathing facilities within the patient rooms. See Guidelines for requirements for service areas in psychiatric nursing units. At least one airborne infection isolation room shall be provided in thepsychiatric unit. The room designated for isolation in the psychiatric unit maybe the seclusion room with appropriate safety precautions. there shall be at least one seclusion room for up to 24 beds or a major fractionthereof. Each room shall be for only one patient and shall have an area of atlest 5.57 square feet (5.57 square meters) and shall be constructed to preventpatient hiding, escape, injury or suicide. Refer to Guidelines for additionalseclusion room requirements.

1.1.7 Surgical Suites The number of operating rooms and recovery beds and the sizes of serviceareas shall be based on the expected surgical workload. The surgical suiteshall be located and arranged to prevent unrelated traffic through the suite. When bronchoscopy is performed on persons who are known or suspected ofhaving pulmonary tuberculosis, the procedure room shall meet the airborneinfection isolation room ventilation requirements. When invasive procedures are performed on persons who are known orsuspected of having airborne infectious disease, these procedures should notbe performed in the operating suite. They shall be performed in a roommeeting airborne infection isolation ventilation requirements or in a spaceusing local exhaust ventilation. If the procedure must be performed in the ORsuite, see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelinesfor Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health CareFacilities. General operating rooms shall have a minimum clear area of 37.16 squaremeters (400 square feet) exclusive of fixed or wall-mounted cabinets and built-in shelves, with a minimum of 6.10 meters (20 feet) clear dimension betweenfixed cabinets and built-in shelves; and a system for emergencycommunication with the surgical suite control station. Rooms for cardiovascular, orthopedic, neurological and other specialprocedures that require additional personnel and/or large equipment shall havea minimum clear area of 55.74 square meters (600 square feet), with aminimum of 6.10 meters (20 feet) clear dimension exclusive of fixed or wall-mounted cabinets and built-in shelves. See Guidelines for further informationon room requirements for specialized procedures, including open-heartsurgery, orthopedic surgery, cystoscopic and other endo-urologicalprocedures.

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222 Post-Anesthetic Care Units (PACUs, or Recovery Rooms) shall have aminimum of 7.43 square meters (80 square feet) for each patient bed and atleast 1.22 meters (4 feet) of clearance between patient beds and betweenpatient bedsides and adjacent walls. One handwash sink with hands-free controls shall be provided for every fourPACU beds. Service areas, except for the enclosed soiled workroom and housekeepingroom, may be shared with obstetrical facilities if the functional program reflectsthis concept. Service areas, when shared with delivery rooms, shall bedesigned to avoid the passing of patients or staff between the operating roomand the delivery room areas. Two scrub positions shall be provided near the entrance to each operatingroom. Two scrub positions may serve two operating rooms if both are locatedadjacent to the entrance of each operating room. Scrub facilities shall bearranged to minimize splatter on nearby personnel, medical equipment orsupply carts. Scrub sinks should be recessed into an alcove out of the maintraffic areas and outside the sterile core. An enclosed soiled workroom shall be provided for exclusive use of thesurgical suite. The room shall not have direct connection with operating roomsor other sterile activity rooms. A clean workroom shall be provided. Storage for sterile supplies must beseparated from this space. Soiled and clean workrooms or holding roomsshall be separated. An operating room suite design with a sterile core must provide for no crosstraffic of staff and supplies from the decontaminated/soiled areas to thesterile/clean areas. The use of facilities outside the OR forsoiled/decontaminated processing and clean assembly and sterile processingshall be designed to move the flow of goods and personnel from dirty toclean/sterile without compromising universal precautions or aseptic techniquesin both departments. Medical gas storage facilities shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 99. Staff clothing changing areas shall be arranged to encourage a one-way trafficpattern so that personnel entering from outside the surgical suite can changeand move directly into the surgical suite. Housekeeping facilities shall be provided for the exclusive use of the surgicalsuite. Air sampling to determine staff exposure to waste anesthesia gases shall beconducted at least annually.

1.1.8 Obstetrical (OB) Facilities The OB unit shall be located and designed to prohibit non-related trafficthrough the unit. When delivery and operating rooms are in the same suite,access and service arrangements shall be such that neither staff nor patientsneed to travel through one area to reach the other.

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223 A postpartum room shall have a minimum of 9.29 square meters (100 squarefeet) of clear floor area per bed in a multi-bed room and 11.15 square meters(120 square feet) of clear floor area in single-bed rooms. These areas shall beexclusive of toilet rooms, closets, alcoves or vestibules. In multi-bed roomsthere shall be a minimum clear distance of 1.22 meters (4 feet) between thefoot of the bed and the opposite wall, 0.91 meter (3 feet) between the side ofthe bed and the nearest wall, and 1.22 meters (4 feet) between beds. Thereshall be a maximum of two beds per room. Handwash facilities shall be provided in each patient room. In multi-bed roomsthe handwash sink shall be located outside of the patient’s cubical curtains sothat it is accessible to staff. Clean and soiled workrooms and a housekeeping room shall be provided forthe exclusive use of the OB suite. See Guidelines for additional requirementsfor support services for OB. Caesarian/Delivery rooms shall have a minimum clear floor area of 33.45square meters (360 square feet) with a minimum dimension of 4.88 meters (16feet) exclusive of built-in shelves or cabinets. There shall be at least one suchroom in every OB suite. Delivery rooms shall have a minimum clear area of 27.87 square meters (300square feet) exclusive of fixed cabinets and built-in shelves. An emergencycommunication system shall be connected with the obstetrical suite controlstation. Infant resuscitation shall be provided within the Caesarian/delivery rooms anddelivery rooms. Refer to Guidelines for space requirements. Six single orthree duplex electrical outlets shall be provided for the infant in addition to thefacilities required for the mother. A minimum of two labor beds shall be provided for each caesarian/deliveryroom. In facilities having only one caesarian/delivery room, two labor roomsshall be provided. Labor-delivery-recovery (LDR) rooms may be substitutedfor labor rooms. Space requirements for labor rooms are listed in Guidelines.Each labor room shall contain a handwash sink and have access to a toilet.One toilet room may serve two labor rooms. At least one shower for patientsin labor shall be provided. Each recovery room shall contain at least two beds and include a handwashsink. LDR rooms may be substituted for recovery rooms. Delivery procedures may be performed in labor-delivery-recovery rooms orlabor-delivery-recovery-postpartum (LDRP) rooms when birthing conceptsrequire these facilities. See Guidelines for requirements for LDR and LDRProoms. Two scrub positions shall be provided adjacent to the entrance to eachcaesarian/delivery room. Refer to Guidelines for additional service arearequirements.

1.1.9 Emergency Service Emergency rooms entrances shall be at grade level, well marked, illuminatedand covered, with direct access from public roads for ambulance and vehicle

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traffic. Entrance and driveway shall be clearly marked. If a raised platform isused for ambulance discharge, a ramp for pedestrian and wheelchair accessshall be provided. Reception, triage and control station shall be located to permit staffobservation and control of access to the treatment area, pedestrian andambulance entrances and the public waiting area. The triage area requires special consideration. As the point of entry andassessment for patients with undiagnosed and untreated airborne infections,the triage area shall be designed and ventilated to reduce exposure of staff,patients and families to airborne infectious diseases. If determined by theinfection control risk assessment, one or more separate, enclosed spacesdesigned and ventilated as airborne infection isolation rooms shall be required.Facilities for safe decontamination of patients exposed to hazardous materialsmust be provided. Public waiting areas may also require special measures to reduce the risk ofairborne infection and may include enhanced general ventilation similar toinpatient requirements for airborne infection isolation rooms. See Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines for Preventing theTransmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities. Examination rooms shall have a minimum floor area of 11.15 square meters(120 square feet). When treatment cubicles are in open multiple-bed areas,each cubicle shall have a minimum of 7.43 square meters (80 square feet) ofclear floor space, and shall be separated from adjoining cubicles by curtains.Handwashing facilities shall be provided for each four treatment cubicles ormajor fraction thereof in multiple-bed areas. Trauma/cardiac rooms for emergency procedures, including emergencysurgery, shall have at least 23.28 square meters (250 square feet) of clearfloor space. Doors leading from the ambulance entrance to the cardiac traumaroom shall be a minimum of 1.52 meters (5 feet) wide to simultaneouslyaccommodate stretchers, equipment and personnel. Scrub stations shall be located in or adjacent and convenient to each traumaan/or orthopedic room. Communication shall be available to poison control information and toambulance service. When there are more than eight treatment areas, a minimum of two toiletfacilities, with handwashing facilities in each toilet room, will be required. A housekeeping room shall be provided for exclusive use of the emergencyservice. Twenty-four-hour security shall be provided for the emergency room and itsentrance. At least one airborne infection isolation room shall be provided. At least one holding/seclusion room of 11.15 square meters (120 square feet)shall be provided. This room shall allow for security, patient and staff safety,patient observation, and soundproofing.

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225 Refer to Guidelines for additional emergency services design requirements.

1.1.10 Technical Imaging Suite Most imaging requires radiation protection. Appropriate radiation protectionrequirements shall be incorporated into the specifications andbuilding/renovation plans by a certified physicist or other qualified expert.Where protected alcoves with view windows are required, a minimum of 0.45meter (18 inches) between the view window and the outside partition edgeshall be provided. Radiation protection elements shall meet the requirementsof the King Abdul Aziz Center for Science and Technology (KAACST). Specialventilation systems are required when xenon-133 gas is utilized.

Angiography The procedure room should be a minimum of 37.16 square meters (400square feet). A viewing area shall be provided and should be a minimum of3.05 meters (10 feet) in length. A scrub sink located outside the staff entry to the procedure room shall beprovided for use by staff.

Computerized Tomography (CT) Scanning A patient toilet, convenient to the procedure room, shall be provided,If it is directly accessible to the scan room it shall be located so that a patientmay leave the toilet without having to reenter the scan room.

Mammography Each X-ray room shall include a shielded control alcove. This area shall beprovided with a view window designed to provide full view of the examinationtable and patient at all times, including full view of the patient when the table isin the tilt position or the chest X-ray is being utilized. For mammographymachines with built-in shielding for the operator, the alcove may be omittedwhen approved by a certified physicist or other radiation protectionprofessional.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) A control room shall be provided with full view of the MRI and should be aminimum of 9.29 square meters (100 square feet).

Ultrasound A patient toilet, accessible from the procedure room and from the corridor,shall be provided.

Support Spaces The hospital infection control risk assessment must determine on the necessityof providing special measures in patient waiting areas to reduce the risk ofairborne infection transmission. Airborne infection isolation rooms may berequired. Refer to CDC Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission ofMycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities.

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226 Toilet rooms with handwashing facilities shall be provided convenient to thewaiting rooms and shall be equipped with an emergency call system.Separate toilets with handwashing facilities shall be provided with directaccess from each radiographic/fluoroscopic room so that patients may leavethe toilet without having to reenter the R&F room. Rooms used onlyoccasionally for fluoroscopic procedures may utilize nearby patient toilets ifthey are located for immediate access. Handwashing facilities shall be provided within each procedure room unlessthe room is used only for routine screening such as chest X-rays where thepatient is not physically handled by the staff. Handwashing facilities shall beprovided convenient to the MRI room, but need not be within the room.

Cardiac Catheterization Lab (Cardiology) The procedure room shall be a minimum of 37.16 square meters (400 squarefeet) of clear floor space. Scrub facilities with hands-free operable controls shall be provided adjacent tothe entrance of procedure rooms, and shall be arranged to minimize incidentalsplatter on nearby personnel, medical equipment or supplies. Staff changing areas shall be provided and arranged to ensure a traffic patternso that personnel entering from outside the suite can enter, change theirclothing, and move directly into the cardiac catheterization suite. Clean and soiled workrooms and a housekeeping room shall be provided. Refer to Guidelines for additional requirements for the Technical ImagingSuite.

1.1.11 Nuclear Medicine A certified physicist or other qualified radiation protection professional shallspecify the type, location and amount of radiation protection to be installed.These specifications shall be incorporated into the plans. Floors and walls should be constructed on materials that are easilydecontaminated in case of radioactive spills. If radiopharmaceutical preparation is performed on-site, an area adequate tohouse a radiopharmacy shall be provided with appropriate shielding. SeeGuidelines for other safety-related requirements. All radiation protection elements shall meet the standards of KAACST. Thisshall include facilities for long-term storage and disposal of radioactivematerials.

Radiotherapy Suite A certified physicist or other qualified radiation protection professional shallspecify the type, location and amount of radiation protection to be installed forcobalt, linear accelerators and simulation rooms. These specifications shall beincorporated into the plans. Layouts shall provide for preventing the escape ofradioactive particles. Openings into cobalt rooms and linear accelerators,

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including doors, ductwork, vents and electrical raceways and conduits, shall bebaffled to prevent direct exposure to other areas of the facility. Exam rooms for each treatment room shall have a minimum of 9.29 squaremeters (100 square feet) and shall be equipped with a handwashing facility. A housekeeping room shall be provided.

1.1.12 Laboratory Suite Refrigerated blood storage facilities for transfusions shall be equipped withtemperature-monitoring and alarm signals. Chemical safety shall be addressed including provision of emergency shower,eyewash stations and appropriate storage for flammable liquids. Facilities and equipment for terminal sterilization of contaminated specimensbefore transport (autoclave) shall be provided. (Terminal sterilization is notrequired for specimens that are incinerated on site. If radioactive materials are used facilities shall be available for long-termstorage and disposal of these materials. Refer to NFPA code requirements applicable to hospital laboratories. A qualified Chemical Hygiene Officer shall develop and implement aLaboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan.

1.1.13 Rehabilitation Therapy Department Reception and control stations shall have visual control of waiting and activitiesareas. Patient toilets shall have handwashing facilities accessible to wheelchairpatients. Wheelchairs and stretchers shall be stored out of traffic while patients areusing the services. Individual physical therapy treatment areas shall have privacy screens orcurtains and shall have a minimum of 6.51 square meters (70 square feet) ofclear floor area. Handwashing facilities for staff shall be provided either within or at eachtreatment space. One handwashing facility may serve several treatmentstations.

1.1.14 Renal Dialysis Unit Individual patient treatment areas shall contain at least 7.43 square meters (80square feet). There shall be at least a 1.22-meter (4-foot) space between bedsan/or lounge chairs. Handwashing facilities shall be convenient to the nurse’s station and patienttreatment areas. There shall be at least one handwashing facility serving no

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more than four stations. These shall be uniformly distributed to provide equalaccess from each patient station. The open unit shall be designed to provide privacy for each patient. The number and need for required airborne infection isolation rooms shall bedetermined by an infection control risk assessment. If home training is provided in the unit a private treatment area of at least 11.15square meters (120 square feet) shall be provided for patients who are beingtrained to use dialysis equipment at home. Separate handwashing facilitiesshall be provided. An examination room with handwashing facilities shall be provided with at least9.29 square meters (100 square feet) of floor space. Clean and soiled workrooms shall be provided. See Guidelines for details. If dialyzers are reused, a reprocessing room is required. A housekeeping room shall be provided for the exclusive use of the unit. If required by the functional program, an equipment repair and breakdownroom shall be provided and be equipped with a handwashing facility, deepservice sink and counter. The water treatment equipment shall be located in an enclosed room. A patient toilet with handwashing facilities shall be provided. A waiting room, toilet room with handwashing facilities, drinking fountain,public telephone and seating accommodations for waiting periods shall beavailable or accessible to the dialysis unit. Those chemical disinfectants possessing the least hazardous properties shallbe used to disinfect dialysis machines.

1.1.15 Respiratory Therapy Service All cough-inducing procedures performed on patients who may have infectiousMycobacterium tuberculosis shall be performed in rooms using local exhaustventilation devices, e.g., booths or special enclosures with discharge HEPAfilters and exhaust directly to the outside. These procedures may also beperformed in a room that meets the ventilation requirements for noxious gas orairborne infection control. Physical separation shall be provided between receiving and cleaning soiledmaterials and storage of clean equipment and supplies. Appropriate localexhaust ventilation shall be provided if glutaraldehyde or other noxiousdisinfectants are used in the cleaning process.

1.1.16 Pharmacy Handwashing facilities shall be provided within each separate room whereopen medication is handled.

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229 If IV solutions are prepared in the Pharmacy, a sterile work area with laminar-flow workstation designed for product protection shall be provided. Thelaminar-flow system shall include a nonhydroscopic filter rated at 99.97percent (HEPA), as tested by DOP tests, and have a visible pressure gaugefor detection of filter leaks or defects.Refer to NSD 49 for the DOP test protocol.

1.1.17 Dietary Facilities Food service facilities and equipment shall conform to the standards in SASC-S-04 of this code, with the standards of the National Sanitation Foundation,and other appropriate codes. Appropriate food preparation workspaces shall be provided for foodpreparation, cooking and baking, and shall be as close as possible to trayassembly and dining. Additional spaces shall be provided for thawing andportioning. A patient tray assembly area shall be located within close proximity to the foodpreparation and distribution areas. A cart distribution system shall be provided with spaces for storage, loading,distribution, receiving and sanitizing of the food service carts. The cart trafficshall be designed to eliminate any danger of cross-circulation betweenoutgoing food carts and incoming, soiled carts, and the cleaning and sanitizingprocess. Cart circulation shall not be through food processing areas. An area for receiving, scraping and sorting soiled tableware shall be adjacentto ware washing and separate from food preparation areas. Ware washing facilities shall be designed to prevent contamination of cleanwares with soiled wares through cross-traffic. The clean wares shall betransferred for storage or use in the dining area without having to pass throughfood preparation areas. Pot washing facilities including multi-compartment sinks of adequate size forintended use shall be provided convenient to the using service. Supplementalheat for hot water to clean pots and pans may be by booster heater or bysteam jet. A food waste storage room shall be conveniently located to the foodpreparation and ware washing areas but not within the food preparation area.It shall have direct access to the hospital’s waste collection and disposalfacilities. Handwashing fixtures that are operable without the use of hands shall belocated conveniently accessible at locations throughout the unit and at or neareach segregated food preparation area. Toilets and lockers shall be provided for the exclusive use of the dietary staff.They shall not open directly into the food preparation areas, but must be inclose proximity to them. Housekeeping rooms shall be provided for the exclusive use of the dietarydepartment.

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230 Ice making equipment shall be of a type that is convenient for service andeasily cleaned. It shall be provided for both beverages and food products(self-dispensing equipment) and for general use (storage-bin type equipment). Provision shall be made for protection of food delivered to insure freshness,retention of heat and cold, and avoidance of contamination. Mechanical devices shall be heavy duty, suitable for the use intended, andeasily cleaned. Walk-in chillers, freezers and refrigerators shall be capable of maintainingtemperatures stated in Section SASC-S-04 of this code. Interior temperaturesshall be indicated digitally so as to be visible from the exterior. Controls shallinclude audible and visible high and low temperature alarm. Time of alarmshall be automatically recorded. Walk-in units may be lockable from outside but must have a releasemechanism for exit from inside at all times. Interiors shall be adequatelylighted, and lights shall be shielded. All shelving shall be corrosion resistant,easily cleaned, and constructed and anchored to support a loading of at least45 kg (100 pounds) per 30 cm (12 inches) of linear shelving space. All cooking equipment shall be equipped with automatic shut-off devices toprevent excessive heat buildup. Under-counter conduits, piping and drains shall be arranged as to not interferewith cleaning of floors. Fire suppression systems, canopy hoods and associated ducting that serviceshot cooking areas shall be degreased semi-annually in accordance with NFPAstandards.

1.1.18 Central Services The soiled workroom (decontamination area) shall be physically separatedfrom all other areas of the department and shall be under negative airpressure. Sufficient workspace shall be provided to handle the cleaning andinitial disinfection/sterilization of all medical/surgical instruments andequipment. Pass-through doors and washer/sterilizer decontaminators shoulddeliver items into the clean processing area. A clean assembly/workroom shall be provided for terminal sterilizing of medicaland surgical equipment and supplies and shall be under positive air pressure. A room for sterile storage shall be provided and shall include provisions forventilation, humidity and temperature control. Special ventilation systems shall be installed where ethylene oxide gas isutilized. Air sampling shall be conducted at least annually to determinepotential staff exposure to ethylene oxide gas.

1.1.19 General Stores

General storage room shall be provided with a total area of not less than 1.86 squaremeters (20 square feet) per inpatient bed. Additional storage for outpatient facilities shall

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be provided with a total area of not less than 5 percent of the total area of the outpatientfacilities.

1.1.20 Linen Services Provisions shall be made for storing and processing of clean and soiled linenbased on the needed of the facility. A separate room shall be provided for receiving and holding soiled linen untilready for pickup or processing. A central clean linen storage and issuing room shall be provided. Cart storage areas shall be provided that are out of the flow of traffic. Handwashing facilities shall be provided in each area where unbagged, soiledlinen is handled. Laundry processing equipment shall be laid out to permit an orderly workflowand minimize cross-traffic that might mix clean and soiled operations. Illumination levels shall meet the requirements listed in Table 6A. Soiled linen rooms and linen chute rooms shall comply with the following:Walls, floors and ceilings shall be easily cleanable. Doors shall be self-closing.Outer doors shall be kept closed and locked. Doors for linen chute rooms shallclose automatically, and linen chute doors shall close and latch automatically.Soiled linen storage rooms shall be provided with a separate ventilation systemexhausting to the outside. The room shall be under negative air pressure inrelation to adjacent areas.

1.1.21 Housekeeping Services In addition to the housekeeping rooms required in certain departments,sufficient housekeeping rooms shall be provided throughout the facility asrequired to maintain a clean and sanitary environment. Each shall contain afloor receptor or service sink and storage space for housekeeping equipmentand supplies. There shall be a minimum of one housekeeping room for eachfloor. Adequate facilities shall be provided for storage of all equipment and supplies,including housekeeping carts and powered equipment. Housekeeping cartsshall not block corridors, doorways, and fire extinguishers or otherwise interferewith traffic flow.

1.1.22 Facilities for Cleaning and Sanitizing Carts

Facilities shall be provided to clean and sanitize carts serving the Central ServiceDepartment, Dietary Facilities and Linen services. These facilities may be centralized ordepartmentalized.

1.1.23 Employee Facilities

Lockers, lounges and toilets that meet the needs of the facility shall be provided foremployees, volunteers and contractor personnel.

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1.1.24 Engineering Service and Equipment Areas Sufficient space shall be included in all mechanical and electrical equipmentrooms for proper maintenance of equipment. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers shall be provided in electrical equipmentareas. Hazardous materials shall not be stored in mechanical or equipment rooms. Air filters that service hazardous locations shall be changed by staff wearingapproved personal protective equipment (PPE).

1.1.25 Outpatient Facilities General-purpose examination rooms shall have a minimum floor area of 7.43square meters (80 square feet), excluding vestibules, toilets and closets, andshall be fitted with a handwashing sink. Special-purpose examination rooms shall be designed and outfitted toaccommodate procedures and equipment used, and shall be fitted with ahandwashing sink. Treatment rooms for minor surgical and cast procedures shall have a minimumfloor area of 11.15 square meters (120 square feet) and shall be fitted with ahandwashing sink. Observation rooms for the isolation of suspect or disturbed patients shall havea minimum floor area of 7.43 square meters (80 square feet) and shall beconvenient to a nurse or control station. An examination room may bemodified to accommodate this function. A toilet room with sink should beimmediately accessible. Refer to Guidelines for additional requirements for outpatient facilities.

1.1.26 General requirements for Details and Finishes

Doors Minimum door size for inpatient bedrooms in new work areas shall be 1.12meters (3 feet 8 inches) wide and 2.13 meters (7 feet) high to provideclearance for movement of beds and other equipment. Existing doors not lessthan 86.36 centimeters (2 feet 10 inches) wide may be considered foracceptance where function is not adversely affected and replacement isimpractical. Doors to other rooms used for stretchers (including hospitalwheeled-bed stretchers) and/or wheelchairs shall have a minimum width of86.36 centimeters (2 feet 10 inches). While these standards are intended foraccess by patients and patient equipment, size of office furniture and otherrequirements shall also be considered. Doors shall not be painted with oil-based paint that emits volatile organiccompounds (VOC’S). All doors between corridors, rooms or spaces subject to occupancy, exceptelevator doors, shall be of the swing type. Manual or automatic sliding doorsmay be exempt from this requirements where fire and other emergency exiting

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requirements are not compromised and where cleanliness of surfaces can bemaintained. Linen and refuse chutes shall comply with NFPA standards.

Grab Bars Grab bars shall be provided in all patient toilets, showers, bathtubs and sitbaths at a wall clearance of 3.81 centimeters (1½ inches). Bars, includingthose that are part of such fixtures as soap dishes, shall be sufficientlyanchored to sustain a concentrated load of 113.4 kilograms (250 pounds).

Cubicle Curtains Cubicle curtains and draperies shall be noncombustible or flame-retardant.

Mattresses, Upholstery Materials provided by the facility for finishes and furnishings, includingmattresses and upholstery, shall comply with NFPA 101.

Floors Floors shall be constructed of smooth, durable material; shall be soconstructed as to be easily cleanable; and shall be kept clean and in goodrepair. The wall/floor junctions shall be coved and sealed. In all rooms inwhich water is routinely discharged to the floor, or in which floors are subjectedto flood-type cleaning, floors shall be of nonabsorbent materials, shall besloped to drain and shall be provided with properly installed, trapped floordrains. Floors subject to traffic while wet such as shower and bath areas,kitchens and similar work areas shall have a nonslip surface. In new construction or major renovation work, the floors and bases of alloperating rooms and any delivery rooms used for caesarean sections shall bemonolithic and joint free. The floor and wall bases of kitchens, soiledworkrooms and other areas subject to frequent wet cleaning shall also behomogeneous, but may have tightly sealed joints.

Walls and Ceilings Walls, ceilings and partitions of all rooms and areas shall be kept clean and ingood repair. All walls and partitions shall be easily cleanable, shall havewashable surfaces and should be light colored. In dietary and food preparation areas, wall construction, finish and trim,including the wall/floor junctions, shall be free of insect- and rodent-harboringspaces. In operating rooms, delivery rooms for C-sections, isolation rooms and sterileprocessing rooms, walls and ceilings shall be free of fissures, open joints, orcrevices that may retain permit passage of dirt particles. Ceilings, including exposed structure in areas normally occupied by patients orstaff in food-preparation and food-storage areas, shall be cleanable withroutine housekeeping equipment. Acoustic and lay-in ceiling, where used,shall not interfere with infection control.

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234 Interior finishing materials shall comply with the flame-spread limitations andthe smoke-production limitations indicated in NFPA 101. This does not applyto minor quantities of wood or their trim (see NFPA 101) or to wall coveringless than four millimeters thick applied over a non-combustible base.

Elevators All hospitals having patient facilities or critical services located on other than thegrade-level entrance floor shall have electric or hydraulic elevators. In theabsence of an engineered traffic study the following guidelines for number ofelevators shall apply: At least one hospital-type elevator shall be installed when 1 to 59 patient bedsare located on any floor other than the main entrance floor. Two hospital-type elevators shall be installed when 60 to 200 patient beds arelocated on floor other than the main entrance floor, or where the major inpatientservices are located on a floor other than those containing patient beds. At least three hospital-type elevators shall be installed where 201 to 350patient beds are located on floors other than the main entrance floor, or wherethe major inpatient services are located on a floor other than those containingpatient beds. For hospitals with more than 350 beds, the number of elevators shall bedetermined from a study of the hospital plan and the expected verticaltransportation requirements. See Guidelines for further elevator requirements, particularly for testing andmaintenance elements.

Waste Systems Facilities shall be provided for sanitary storage and treatment or disposal ofwaste using techniques acceptable to the appropriate health and environmentauthorities. The functional program shall stipulate the categories and volumesof waste for disposal and shall stipulate the methods of disposal for each.

1.1.27 Mechanical Requirements

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems All rooms and areas used for patient care in the facility shall have provisionsfor ventilation. The facility shall meet the standards for air quality, control of airflow, air pressure differentials, temperature, humidity, smoke control andrequirements for specific hospital units as described in 1) Guidelines forDesign and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities, AmericanInstitute of Architects Academy of Architecture for Health and US Departmentof Health and Human Services, American Institute of Architects Press, latestedition; and 2) 1999 ASHRAE Handbook: Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Applications Chapter 7 Health Care Facilities, Chapter 13Laboratories, and Chapter 30 Kitchen Ventilation, American Society ofHeating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia,U.S.A; and the latest Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards. Where there is a

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conflict between ventilation requirements in these guidelines, the moststringent standard shall apply. For quick reference, ventilation systems should be designed and balancedaccording to the requirements shown in Table 1 below. These ventilationrates should be used only as model standards; they do not preclude the use ofhigher, more appropriate rates. Refer to the requirements noted in for more complete information.

TABLE 1General pressure relationships and ventilation of hospital areas (1)

Function Space PressureRelationshipTo AdjacentAreas(2)

Minimumair changesof outdoor airper hour(3)

MinimumTotal airChangesPer hour (4)

All airexhausteddirectly tooutdoors(5)

Airrecirculatedwithinroom (6)

Surgery and Critical CareOperating rooms(8)

(all outdoor air system)P 15 (7) 15 Yes No

(recircualting air system) P 5 25 Optional NoDelivery room (8) Optional No(all outdoor air system) P 15 15 Optional No(recirculating air system) P 5 25 Optional NoRecovery room (8) E 2 6 Optional NoCritical and intensive care P 2 Optional NoTrauma room (9) P 5 15 Optional NoBronchoscopy, sputumCollection and pentamidineAdmin N 2 12 Yes NoEndoscopy E 2 6 Optional NoAnaesthesia gas storage E Optional 8 Yes NoNursingPatient room E 2 4 Optional OptionalToilet room N Optional 10 Yes NoNewborn nursery suite P 5 12 Optional NoIsolation (airborne pre-cautions) (10) N 2 12 Yes NoProtective environment room P 2 15 Yes OptionalIsolation anteroom N 2 10 Yes NoLabor/Delivery/RecoveryAnd Postpartum E 2 4 Optional OptionalPatient Corridor E 2 4 Optional OptionalDiagnostic and TreatmentExamination/TreatmentRoom ± 2 6 Optional OptionalMedical Room P 2 4 Optional OptionalPhysical Therapy andHydrotherapy N 2 6 Optional OptionalSoiled Utility Room N 2 10 Yes NoClean Utility Room P 2 4 Optional Optional

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TABLE 1 (Continued)General pressure relationships and ventilation of hospital areas (1)

Function Space PressureRelationshipTo AdjacentAreas (2)

Minimumair changesof outdoor airper hour (3)

MinimumTotal airChangesPer hour (4)

All airexhausteddirectly tooutdoors (5)

Airrecirculatedwithinroom (6)

AncillaryRadiologyX-ray (Diagnostic andtreatment) + 2 6 Optional OptionalDarkroom N 2 10 Yes NoLaboratoryGeneral N 2 6 Yes NoBiochemistry P 2 6 Optional NoCytology N 2 6 Yes NoGlass Washing N Optional 10 Yes OptionalHistology N 2 6 Yes NoMicrobiology N 2 6 Yes NoNuclear Medicine N 2 10 Yes NoPathology N 2 6 Yes NoSerology P 2 6 Optional NoSterilizing N Optional 10 Yes NoAutopsy Room N 2 12 Yes NoPharmacy P 2 4 Optional OptionalSterilizing And SupplyEtO Sterilizing Room N Optional 10 Yes NoSterilizer Equipment Room N Optional 10 Yes NoDecontamination Room N 2 6 Yes NoClean Workroom/SterileStorage P 2 4 Optional OptionalAdministrationAdmitting And WaitingRooms N 2 6 Yes OptionalServiceFood Preparation Area ± 2 10 Yes NoWarewashing N Optional 10 Yes NoDietary Day Storage ± Optional 2 Optional NoLaundry, general N 2 10 Yes NoSoiled linen sorting andStorage N Optional 10 Yes NoClean linen storage P 2 (optional) 2 Optional OptionalLinen and trash chute room No Optional 10 Yes NoBedpan room N Optional 10 Yes NoBathroom N Optional 10 Optional NoJanitor Closet N Optional 10 Optional No


P = Positive N = Negative E = Equal + = Continuous directional control not required

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Table 1 Notes

1. The ventilation rates in this table cover ventilation for comfort, as well as for asepsis and odor control inareas of acute care hospitals that directly affect patient care, and are determined based on health carefacilities being predominantly "no smoking" facilities. Where smoking may be allowed, ventilation rates willneed adjustments. Areas where specific ventilation rates are not given in the table shall be ventilated inaccordance with ASHRAE Standard 62-1999 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (ContinuousMaintenance Standard). Specialized patient care areas, including organ transplant units, burn units andspecialty procedure rooms, shall have additional ventilation provisions for air quality as may be appropriate.

2. Design of the ventilation system shall, insofar as possible, provide that air movement is from "clean to lessclean" areas. Areas that do require continuous control are noted with “P” or “N” to indicate the requireddirection of air movement in relation to the space named. Where continuous directional control is notrequired, variations should be minimized, and in no case should a lack of directional control allow thespread of infection from one area to another.

3. To satisfy exhaust needs, replacement air from outside is necessary. Table 1 does not attempt to describespecific amounts of outside air to be supplied to individual spaces except for certain areas such as thoselisted. Distribution of the outside air, added to the system to balance required exhaust, shall be as requiredby good engineering practice. Minimum outside air quantities shall remain constant while the system is inoperation.

4. Total air changes indicated should be either supplied or, where required, exhausted. Number of airchanges may be reduced when the room is unoccupied; if provisions are made to ensure that the numberof air changes indicated is reestablished any time the space is utilized. Adjustments shall includeprovisions so that the direction of air movement shall remain the same when the number of air changes isreduced. Areas not indicated as having continuous directional control may have ventilation systems shutdown when space is unoccupied and ventilation is not otherwise needed.

5. Air from areas with contamination and/or odor problems shall be exhausted to the outside and notrecirculated to other areas. Note that individual circumstances may require special consideration for airexhaust to outside, e.g., an intensive care unit in which patients with pulmonary infection are treated, androoms for burn patients.

6. Recirculating HEPA filter units used for infection control (without heating or cooling coils) are acceptable.

7. For operating rooms, 100% outside air should be used only when codes require it and only if heat recoverydevices are used.

8. Areas using anesthetic gases require both local exhaust (scavenging) systems for waste anesthetic gasesas well as general ventilation.

9. The term trauma room as used here is the operating room space in the emergency department or othertrauma reception area that is used for general initial treatment of accident victims. The first aid room and/or“emergency room” used for initial treatment of accident victims may be ventilated as noted for the“treatment room”. The operating room within the trauma center that is routinely used for emergencysurgery should be treated as an operating room. Treatment rooms used for cryosurgery procedures withnitrous oxide shall contain provisions for exhausting waste gases.

10. The infectious disease isolation room described in these guidelines is to be used for isolating the airbornespread of infectious diseases such as measles, varicella or tuberculosis. The design of airborne infectionisolation rooms should include the provision for normal patient care during periods not requiring isolationprecautions. Supplemental recirculating devices may be used in the patient room to increase theequivalent room air exchanges; however, such recirculating devices do not provide the outside airrequirements. Air from TB isolation and treatment rooms in new or renovated facilities should not

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be recirculated into the general ventilation. In existing facilities where this is unavoidable HEPAfilters must be installed in the exhaust duct leading from the room to the general ventilation systemto remove infectious organisms and particulates the size of droplet nuclei. Rooms with reversibleairflow provisions for the purpose of switching between protective environment and aII functions are notacceptable.

11. Protective isolation rooms are used for immunocompromised patients. The protective environment airflowdesign specifications protect the patient from common environmental airborne infectious organisms, e.g.,Aspergillus spores. These special ventilation areas shall be designed to provide directed airflow from thecleanest patient care area to less clean areas. These rooms shall be protected with HEPA filters at 99.97percent efficiency for a 0.3 µm sized particle in the supply airstream. These interrupting filters protectpatient rooms from maintenance-derived release of environmental organisms from the ventilation systemcomponents. Recirculation HEPA filters can be used to increase the equivalent room air exchanges.Constant volume airflow is required for consistent ventilation for the protected environment. If the facilitydetermines that airborne infection isolation is necessary for protective isolation patients, an anteroomshould be provided.

12. Food preparation areas shall have ventilation systems that have an excess air supply for positive pressurewhen hoods are not in operation. The number of air changes may be reduced or varied to any extentrequired for odor control when the space is not in use. Minimum total air changes per hour should be thatrequired to provide proper makeup air to kitchen exhaust systems. All central ventilation or air conditioning systems shall be equipped with filters withefficiencies equal to, or greater than, those specified in Table 2. Where two filterbeds are required, filter bed no. 1 shall be located upstream of the air conditioningequipment and filter bed no. 2 shall be downstream of any fan or blowers. Filterefficiencies shall be average. Filter frames shall be durable and proportioned toprovide an airtight fit with the enclosing ductwork. All joints between filtersegments and enclosing ductwork shall have gaskets or seals to provide a positiveseal against air leakage. A manometer shall be installed across each filter bedhaving a required efficiency of 75 percent or more, including hoods requiring HEPAfilters.

TABLE 2Filter efficiencies for central ventilation and air conditioning systems in general hospitals

Area designation Minimum numberOf filter beds

Filter efficiencies, %

Filter BedNo. 1a

Filter BedNo. 2a

Filter BedNo. 3b

Orthopedic operating room;bone marrow transplant;organ transplant.Protective environment room





General procedure operating rooms;delivery rooms; nurseries; intensivecare units; all other areas for inpatientcare, treatment and diagnosis, andthose areas providing direct serviceor clean supplies such as sterile andclean processing.Laboratories; sterile storage



90 -

- -

Administrative; bulk storage; soiledHolding areas; food preparation areas;Laundries 1 25 - -

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Table 2 Notes: a Based on ASHRAE Standard 52-1. b Based on DOP test. c HEPA filters at air outlets.Note: Additional roughing or prefilters should be considered to reduce maintenance required for main filters. Fresh air intakes shall be located at least 7.62 meters (25 feet) from exhaustoutlets of ventilating systems, combustion equipment stacks, medical-surgicalvacuum systems, plumbing vents, or areas that may collect vehicular exhaustor other noxious fumes. Prevailing winds and proximity to other structuresmay require greater distances. Each space routinely used for administering inhalation anesthetic andinhalation analgesia shall be served by a scavenging system to vent wastegases. Gases from the scavenging system shall be exhausted directly to theoutside. Refer to Guidelines for additional requirements. Ducts that penetrate construction intended to protect against X-ray, magnetic,RFI or other radiation shall not impair the effectiveness of the protection. Laboratory hoods shall meet the following general standards:

• Have an average face-velocity of at least 0.38 meters per second (75 feetper minute) and a maximum of 0.76 meters per second (150 feet perminute).

• Be connected to an exhaust system to the outside that is separate fromthe building exhaust system.

• Have an exhaust fan located at the discharge end of the system.

• Have an exhaust duct system of noncombustible corrosion-resistantmaterial as needed to meet the planned usage of the hood. Laboratory hoods shall meet the following special standards:

• Fume hoods, and their associated equipment in the air stream, intendedfor use with other strong oxidants, shall be constructed of stainless steel orother material consistent with special exposures, and be provided with awater wash and drain system to permit periodic flushing of duct and hood.

• In new construction and major renovation work, each biological safetycabinet (BSC) used to process infectious or radioactive materials shallhave a minimum face velocity of 0.45 – 0.56 meters per second (90-110feet per minute) with suitable static-pressure-operated dampers andalarms to alert staff of fan shutdown. Biological safety cabinets forinfectious materials also have filters with a 99.97 percent efficiency in theexhaust stream, and be designed and equipped to permit the saferemoval, disposal and replacement of contaminated filters. Filters shall beas close to the hood as practical to minimize dust contamination. Note:Requirements for fume hoods and biological safety cabinets vary according to the proceduresconducted within the hood or cabinet. Each facility shall fully investigate the applicablerequirements prior to using the hood or cabinet. Exhaust hoods handling grease-laden vapors in food preparation centers shallcomply with NFPA 96. All hoods over cooking ranges shall be equipped withgrease filters, fire extinguishing systems, and heat-actuated fan controls.Cleanout openings shall be provided every 6.10 meters (20 feet) in thehorizontal exhaust duct systems serving these hoods. Note: There should be no

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horizontal runs of ducts serving range hoods, since this makes it difficult to degrease the ductworkfrom the roof down, and may cause leakage of caustic degreasing solutions into the facility. wherenecessary horizontal runs should be kept to an absolute minimum. The ventilation system for anesthesia storage rooms shall conform to therequirements of NFPA 99. The space that houses ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilizers should be designed to:

• Provide a dedicated point source local exhaust system with adequatecapture velocity (i.e., with a minimum capture velocity of 1.02 meters persecond [200 feet per minute]) to allow for the most effective installation ofan air handling system, i.e., exhaust over sterilizer door, atmosphericexhaust vent for safety valve, exhaust at sterilizer, drain and exhaust forthe aerator, and multiple load station.

• Provide exhaust in EtO source areas such as service/aeration areas.

• Ensure that general airflow is away from sterilizer operators.

• Provide a dedicated exhaust duct system for EtO. The exhaust outlet tothe atmosphere should be at least 7.62 meters (25 feet) away from any airintake.

• An audible and visual alarm shall activate in the sterilizer work area, and a24-hour staffed location, upon loss of airflow in the exhaust system. Boiler rooms shall be provided with sufficient outdoor air to maintain equipmentcombustion rates and to limit workstation temperatures. Boiler rooms shall be located and constructed so as not to place thefacility at catastrophic risk. Gravity exhaust may be used where conditions permit, for nonpatient areassuch as boiler rooms and central storage. Plant maintenance shall be responsible for regular inspection, cleaning orreplacement of all filters installed in heating, air conditioning and ventilatingsystems, as necessary to maintain the systems in normal operating condition.The efficiency of the replacement filters shall be at least equal to the efficiencyrating of the replaced filters. Note that if the efficiency of the replacement filteris greater than the original, this could affect air supply and may necessitatefurther engineering controls. All ducting and exhaust fans servicing hazardous locations shall be stenciledwith a warning of hazardous contaminants. Ducting shall be stenciled every 3meters (9.8 feet). Examples of warning labels include: “Warning: ductingcontains ethylene oxide”; “Warning: ducting contains bioaerosols”; “Warning:ducting contains radioactive material”; “Warning: exhaust fan number EF- 21services Radiology Room 128-1”. All staff who change contaminated filters, or who work on ductwork or exhaustfans that handle contaminants, shall wear personal protective equipmentapproved for those contaminants. All contaminated filters shall be processed and disposed of as hazardouswaste.

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241 A written record of inspection, cleaning or replacement shall be regularlymaintained and available for inspection. The record shall include a descriptionof the filters originally installed and the criteria established by the manufactureror supplier to determine when replacement or cleaning is necessary. Following filter replacement or cleaning, the installation shall be visuallyinspected for torn media and bypass in filter frames by means of a flashlight orequivalent, both with fans in operation and stopped. Tears in filter media andbypass in filter frames shall be eliminated in accordance with themanufacturer’s directions. A written manual on maintenance of heating, air conditioning and ventilationsystems shall be adopted by each health care facility and a maintenance logshall be maintained.

Plumbing and Other Piping Systems Unless otherwise specified all plumbing systems shall be designed andinstalled in accordance with the US National Standard Plumbing Code. All piping shall be identified, and all valves shall be tagged. A valve scheduleshall be maintained showing location of controls for shutoff. General handwashing facilities used by medical and nursing staff and alllavatories used by patients and food handlers shall be fitted with valves thatcan be operated without hands. Single lever or wrist blade devices may beused. Blade handles used for this purpose shall not exceed 11.43 cm (4½inches) in length. Handles on clinical sinks shall be at least 15.24 cm (6inches long). Freestanding scrub sinks and lavatories used for scrubbing inprocedure rooms shall be fitted with foot, knee or ultrasonic controls (no singlelever wrist blades). Showers and tubs shall have nonslip walking surfaces. The installation, testing and certification of nonflammable medical gas, air andvacuum systems shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 99. Transfer of gas from one cylinder to another by health care facility personnel isprohibited except when authorized by the Medical Organization. All anesthesia machines and related equipment shall be so constructed thatconnections for different gases are not interchangeable. Vaporizer bottles used with oxygen equipment shall be sterilized after eachuse. Only sterile fluids shall be used in vaporizer bottles and the bottles shallbe changed at least every 24 hours.

Water Supply Hot and cold water shall be provided for all areas and at sufficient pressure tooperate all fixtures and equipment during maximum demand. Hot water at aminimum of 49°C (120°F) shall be provided to Dietary Services. Hot water aminimum of 71°C (160°F) shall be provided to laundry services. Hot water forshowers and bathing shall not exceed 43ºC (110ºF).

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242 The water supply shall be from an approved source and shall comply with thecriteria listed in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code. If there is a well on site,sanitary conditions shall meet these same criteria. Piping and outlets for non-potable water shall be clearly identified. Solders containing lead shall not be used on potable water lines. The water supply shall be protected from contamination, with no crossconnections, back flow or back siphonage. Vacuum breakers shall be installedon hose bibs and on supply nozzles for connection of hoses or tubing inlaboratories, laundries, janitor sinks, bedpan-flushing attachments and similarfixtures. The quality of purchased water shall be monitored. Chlorine residual shall bechecked daily and bacteriological tests shall be done monthly. Drinking water facilities shall be of sanitary design, kept clean, and properlyregulated. All multi-use utensils used for service of water in patients rooms,including glasses, pitchers and drinking tubes, shall be easily cleanable andshall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized daily and before being used bysucceeding individuals. In new construction, it is recommended that wall-mounted drinking fountains be installed to facilitate cleaning (refer to SectionSASC-S-01 of this Code). An emergency water supply shall be available or a written plan shall bedeveloped. The plan should describe the exact water storage capacity of thefacility, phone numbers of water suppliers, and procedures to be used tosample and test any water that may be purchased in the event of anemergency.


. Ice shall be from an approved source and shall be handled, transported, stored

and dispensed so as to protect it from contamination. Ice crushers, buckets, other containers and scoops shall be kept clean andshall be stored and handled in a sanitary manner. Facilities for the making orstorage of ice shall be kept clean and in good repair and shall be located so asto be protected from the elements, splash, drip, dust, vermin, othercontamination and from use by unauthorized persons. Ice machines shall besanitized following maintenance.

Dialysis Water Systems In closed loop systems the water treatment system for hemodialysis shallinclude provision for continuously circulated water supply. The quality of water used for any dialysis system shall be monitored to assureit is physically, chemically and biologically compatible with currentlyrecommended dialysis techniques and that it meets water quality standards. A complete chemical analysis of source water and reverse osmosis (RO)product water shall be done at least once per year. Chemical contaminantsshall not exceed levels indicated in Table 3 except when otherwise directed bythe physician in charge of dialysis.

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TABLE 3Maximum contaminant levels for dialysis water systems

Contaminant Maximum allowable levelmg/L

Aluminum 0.01Arsenic 0.005Barium 0.1Cadmium 0.001Calcium 2.0Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate) 5.0Chlorine (free) 0.5Chloramine 0.1Chromium 0.014Copper 0.1Fluoride 0.2Lead 0.005Magnesium 4.0Magnesium (as Magnesium Carbonate) 16.0Mercury 0.0002Nitrate 2.0Potassium 8.0Selenium 0.09Silver 0.005Sodium 70.0Sulfate 100Zinc 0.1 Microbiological testing of the water system shall be done monthly and shallinclude testing for coliform organisms, a heterotrophic plate count (HPC),endotoxin test, and testing for nontuberculous mycobacteria. The final ROproduct water shall be sampled. The following standards shall apply:

• HPC (Heterotrophic Plate Count): Water used to prepare dialysis fluidsshall have an HPC not greater than 200 CFU/ml. Dialysis fluid at theend of dialysis shall have an HPC not greater than 2000 CFU/ml.

• Water used to prepare dialysis fluids shall be free of endotoxins.

• Nontuberculous mycobacteria: Water used to prepare dialysis fluids, aswell as dialysis fluid at the end of dialysis shall have no mycobacteriaorganisms. Routine monitoring should include the following:

Pretreatment performance checks: In order to insure a long life for ROmembranes, the proper operation of pretreatment components should beconfirmed as a matter of routine. The following pretreatment checks should beconducted:

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Component Measurement FrequencyAcid feed pH DailyCation blend pH DailyCarbon filter Free chlorine DailyWater softener Total hardness Daily/weeklyUltrafilter Pressures and flow rates

Silt density indexMonthly

Depth filter Delta P DailyManganese green sandFilter

Iron (dissolved) Weekly

Routine water quality monitoring: Parameters subject to wide, short-termfluctuations should be monitored daily, particularly if they pose an acute risk to patients(e.g., chloramines) or equipment (e.g., pH and free chlorine). The following routinemonitoring should be conducted:


Measurement Sample MinimumFrequency

PH RO feed water DailyFree chlorine

• Polyamide w/carbon• Thin film composite

With carbon• Cellulose acetate

w/carbon w/o carbon



Post-carbonRO feed and product water




Chloramines Final product water DailyConductivity –RO RO product water Continuous


Resistivity DI product water Continuous(checkdaily)

Bacteria Final product waterdialysate

Complete chemicalanalysis

Source water and ROProduct water

Once peryear Test results shall be recorded and reported to the physician in charge ofdialysis and to the nursing supervisor. Follow-up action shall be taken onunsatisfactory results. Written procedures and schedules shall be developed and implemented forcleaning, disinfection and preventive maintenance of the water system anddialysis equipment.

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Sewage Disposal Sewage and other liquid wastes shall be disposed of in a public sewer systemor, in the absence of a public sewer system, by a sanitary sewage disposalsystem constructed in accordance with the provisions outlined in SASC-S-02of this Code, with no unsanitary or nuisance conditions resulting. Grease traps and plaster traps, if used, shall be located so they are easilyaccessible for cleaning. Insofar as is possible, drainage piping shall not be installed within the ceiling orexposed in operating and delivery rooms, nurseries, food preparation centers,food serving facilities, food storage areas, central services, EDP areas,electrical closets and other sensitive areas. Where exposed overhead pipingin these areas is unavoidable, special provisions shall be made to protect thespace below from leakage, condensation or dust particles.

Electrical Standards All electrical material and equipment, including conductors, controls andsignaling devices, shall be installed in compliance with applicable sections ofNFPA 70 and NFPA 99. All electrical receptacles shall be tension-testedsemiannually in accordance with NFPA 99.

Lighting Lighting throughout the facility, whether from natural or artificial sources, shallbe adequate for the tasks performed. Illumination shall be evenly distributedand of sufficient intensity to avoid discoloration, shadows and strong glare. The following recommended illumination levels for health care facilities aretaken from The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES)Handbook:

TABLE 6ARecommended illumination categories and levels for health care facilities

Type of Activity Illumination Category Foot-Candles Reference Work Plane

Public spaces with darksurroundings

A 3

Simple orientation ofshort, temporary visits

B 7.5 General lightingthroughout spaces

Working spaces wherevisual tasks are onlyoccasionally performed

C 15

Performance of visualtasks of high contrast orlarge size

D 30

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TABLE 6A (continued)Recommended illumination categories and levels for health care facilitiesType of activity Illumination

categoryFoot-Candles Reference work plane

Performance of visual task ofmedium contrast or small size E 75 Illumination on taskPerformance of visual tasks oflow contrast or very small size F 150Performance of visual tasks oflow contrast and a very smallsize over a prolonged period

G 300

Performance of veryprolonged and exacting visualtasks

H 750Illumination on taskObtained by acombination of general

Performance of very specialvisual tasks of extremely lowcontrast and small size

I 1500and local (supplemental)lighting

TABLE 6BRecommended illumination categories for health care facilities

Area Category Area CategoryAmbulance E Cytoscopy EAnesthesia E Dental suiteGeneral autopsy E General DTable autopsy G Instrument tray EMorgue D Oral cavity HMuseum E Prosthetic laboratory, general DCardiac function lab E Prosthetic laboratory, workbench ECentral sterile supply FGeneral inspection E Recovery room, general CInspection F Recovery room, emergency exam EAt sinks E Dialysis unit FGeneral work areas D Elevators CSterile storage D EKG and specimen roomCorridors General B Nursing areas, days C On equipment C Nursing areas, night B Emergency outpatient Operating areas: delivery, General E recovery and lab suites Local F and service E Endoscopy roomsCritical care areas General General C Peritoneoscopy, culdoscopy D Examination E Examination and treatment roomsSurgical task lighting H General DHandwashing F Local ECytoscopy rooms E Eye surgery FFood service areas E PharmacyFrature room General E General E Alcohol vault D Local F Laminar flow bench FInhalation therapy D Night light A

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TABLE 6B (continued)Recommended illumination categories for health care facilities

Area Category Area CategoryLaboratories Parenteral solution room D Specimen collecting E Physical therapy Tissue laboratories F Gymnasiums D Microscopic reading room D Tank rooms D Gross specimen review F Treatment cubicles D Chemistry rooms E Postanaesthesia recovery roomBacteriology rooms General E General E Local H Reading culture plates F Pulmonary function laboratories E Hematology E Radiology suiteLinens Diagnostic section Sorting soiled linen D General A Central (clean) linen room D Waiting area A Sewing room general D Radiographic/ fluoroscopic room A Sewing room work area E Film sorting F Linen closet B Barium kitchen ELobby C Radiation therapy sectionLocker rooms C General BMedical illustrator studio F Waiting area BMedical records E Isotope kitchen, general ENurseries Isotope kitchen, benches E General C Computerized radiomography section Observation/treatment E Scanning room BNursing stations Equipment maintenance room E General D Solarium Desk E General C Corridors, day C Local for reading D Corridors, night A Stairways C Medication station E Surgical suiteObstetric delivery Operating room, general F Labor rooms Operating room task light 2500fc General C Scrub room F Local E Instrument and sterile supply room D Birthing rooms F Clean up rooms. Instruments E Delivery areas Anesthesia storage C Scrub general F Surgical induction room E General C Surgical holding area E Delivery table task light 2500fc Toilets C Resuscitation G Utility room D Post delivery recoveryroom

E Waiting area

Occupational therapy General C Work areas, general D Local for reading D Work tables or benches EPatient rooms General B Critical examination E Observation A Reading/toilets D

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248 Shatterproof protective light shields designed to contain broken glass fromexploding electric light bulbs shall be provided for all artificial lights fixed andsuspended over examination and treatment areas and formula and drugpreparation areas. Auxiliary lighting shall be readily available at all times.

Nurses Calling System Each patient room shall be served by at least one calling station for two-wayvoice communication. Each bed shall be provided with a call device. Two calldevices serving adjacent beds may be served by one calling station. Callsshall activate a visible signal in the corridor at the patient’s door, in the cleanworkroom, in the soiled workroom, medication area, charting area, clean linenstorage, nourishment room, equipment/treatment rooms, and at the nursingstation of the nursing unit. In multi-corridor nursing units, additional visiblesignals shall be installed at corridor intersections. In rooms containing two ormore calling stations, indicating lights shall be provided at each station.Nurses calling systems at each calling station shall be equipped with anindicating light which remains lighted as long as the voice circuit is operating. A nurses emergency call system shall be provided at each inpatient toilet,bath, sits bath and shower room. A nurse’s emergency call shall be accessibleto a collapsed patient lying on the floor. Inclusion of a pull cord will satisfy thisrequirement. The emergency call shall be designed so that a signal activatedat a patient’s calling station will initiate a visible and audible signal distinct fromthe regular nurse calling system that can be turned off only at the patientcalling station. The signal shall activate an enunciator panel at the nursestation, a visible signal in the corridor at the patient’s door, and at other areasdefined by the functional program. Provisions for emergency calls are alsorequired in outpatient and treatment areas where patients may be subject toincapacitation.

` In areas such as critical care, recovery and pre-op, where patients are underconstant visual surveillance, the nurses call may be limited to a bedside buttonor station that activates a signal readily seen at the control station. A staff emergency assistance system for staff to summon additional assistanceshall be provided in those areas designated in Guidelines. In critical care units, recovery and pre-op, the call system shall includeprovisions for an emergency code resuscitation alarm to summon assistancefrom outside the unit. Patient toilet rooms within the Technical Imaging Suite and in renal dialysisshall be equipped with a nurse’s emergency call.

Fire Alarm All health care facilities shall be provided with a fire alarm system inaccordance with NFPA 101 and NFPA 72.

1.2 Utilities Management

(Note: This requirement applies to contracted Designated Medical Facilities only.)

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1.2.1 A Utilities Management Program shall be implemented to assure operational reliability;assess special risks, and respond to failures of utility systems that support the patient careenvironment. Utilities include systems for electrical distribution; emergency power;heating, ventilation and air conditioning; plumbing; boiler and steam; vertical and horizontaltransport; medical gas; medical or surgical vacuum; and communication systems.

1.2.2 Written criteria shall be used to identify critical operating components of utility systems forlife support, infection control, environmental support, equipment support andcommunication systems.

1.2.3 A reliable emergency power system shall be provided for all critical operating components.The system shall have an appropriately sized power source with adequate fuel storage.There shall be a documented program of preventive maintenance and inspections.

1.2.4 Generators shall be tested for 30 minutes per month under load using one of the followingmethods, in accordance with NFPA 110: Under operating temperature conditions or at not less than 30 percent of theemergency power system nameplate rating. Loading that maintains the minimum exhaust gas temperatures asrecommended by the manufacturer.

1.2.5 Load tests of generator sets shall include complete cold starts.

1.2.6 Electrical receptacles that are served by emergency power shall be clearly identified.

1.2.7 The emergency power system shall provide electricity to at least the following: alarmsystems; emergency communications; emergency care areas; operating rooms; recoveryrooms; intensive care and other special care units; obstetrical delivery rooms; newbornnurseries; blood storage facilities; medical air compressors; medical/surgical vacuumsystems; egress illumination and exit signs; one elevator; and the ethylene oxide exhaustventilation system.

1.2.8 A current, accurate and unique inventory shall be maintained of all equipment that is part ofthe Utilities management Program.

1.2.9 Operational plans to control risks and reduce failures shall be in place for each major utility.Maintenance programs shall be designed to eliminate system failures. Plans shalldescribe clear responsibilities when failures do occur. Users and operators of utilities shallbe trained in normal and emergency procedures.

1.2.10 Utility systems shall be tested and maintained at established intervals. Parameters andperformance criteria shall be specified, and the frequency of testing shall reflect thenumber of problems reported. All tests and inspections shall be documented.

1.2.11 In the area of electrical safety, testing should be performed on the following: electricalreceptacles in patient care areas; ground fault circuit breakers; circuit breaker panels; line-powered housekeeping equipment; kitchen equipment; laundry equipment; and powertools.

1.2.12 A current, complete set of drawings and documents shall show the distribution of eachutility system. These should include locations of all valves/controls for partial and completeshutoff of the utility; a description of how each utility failure will affect patient care;

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operating procedures for key controls; and a method for notification of staff in affectedareas.

1.2.13 Emergency shutoff controls shall be accessible; clearly labeled and visible; inspected atleast annually; and included in training of maintenance staff.

1.2.14 The Utilities Management Program shall be used to identify and document utility problems,failures and user errors that are or may be a threat to the patient environment. Thefollowing types of incidents require monitoring: utility failures, design errors or lack ofmaintenance; and user errors, misconnections or failure to monitor equipment. Allcorrective action shall also be documented.

1.2.15 The Utilities Management Program shall also have a monitoring and evaluation process.All failures and errors shall be reported to the Safety Officer or Quality AssuranceCoordinator on a timely basis. Summary reports should identify recurrent problems ortrends. The Safety Committee and other key staff shall review reports and makerecommendations based on this review. Recommendations shall be distributed to allaffected individuals. Actions shall be documented and monitored for effectiveness. Thereshall be feedback between the Safety Committee and the hospital staff.


2.1 Central Supply Services

2.1.1 A person qualified by training and experience and approved by the Infection ControlCommittee shall be designated to be in charge of Central Supply Services. The CSSSupervisor shall be a member of the Infection Control Committee.

2.1.2 All decontamination, cleaning, and sterilization of instruments, equipment and suppliesshall be performed in Central Service.

2.1.3 Written policies and procedures shall be developed and implemented for all departmentsand services with instructions for preparing items for transport to CSS.

2.1.4 CSS shall operate under an established set of written policies and procedures.

2.1.5 There shall be complete separation between the decontamination area and areas whereclean items are wrapped, sterilized, stored and dispensed. Instrument flow shall be from“dirty” to “clean”, and traffic controls shall be in place.

2.1.6 Ventilation shall be in accordance with requirements described in Table 1 above.

2.1.7 Sterilization time and temperature cycles shall follow those generally accepted as effectiveby the industry. Gravity displacement cycles: 133ºC to 135ºC (270ºF to 275ºF) for 10 to 15minutes, or 121ºC (250ºF) for 15-30 minutes. Pre-vacuum cycles: 133ºC to 135ºC (270ºF to 275ºF) for 3 to 4 minutes. Dry heat sterilizers: 170ºC (340ºF) @ 60 minutes, or 160ºC (320ºF) @ 120minutes, or 150ºC (300ºF) @ 150 minutes. Consult equipment manufacturer recommendations for equipment using othersterilization procedures.

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2.1.8 Use of flash sterilizers shall be limited to urgent situations that preclude use of othersterilizer methods. The following time/temperature cycles are generally recommended forflashing instruments and shall be implemented in written procedures:

Gravity cycles: 132ºC (270ºF) @ 3 minutes for non-porous loads (routine metal instruments). 132ºC (270ºF) @ 10 minutes for any load containing cannulated instruments,or loads with more than ten instruments.

Prevacuum cycles: 132ºC (270ºF) @ 3 minutes for non-porous loads. 132ºC (270ºF) @ 4 minutes for mixed items.

2.1.9 All sterilizing procedures shall be monitored in accordance with CSS policies andprocedures and current standards. Biological indicators (live bacterial spores) shall be shall be used to teststerilizers at least once per week, preferably daily. Biological indicators shall be used after initial sterilizer installation and afterany major repairs. Biological indicators shall be included with each load containing implants. Chemical indicators shall be used for each item or pack to be sterilized. Daily function (Bowie-Dick) residual air tests shall be used in the first cycle ofeach day on high-speed prevacuum sterilizers. Sterilizer records shall be maintained and kept for one year and shall includeload list contents of each load; daily function test; result of spore test; graph orprintout recording chart showing exposure time and temperature; preventivemaintenance records; name of operator. Lot control numbers consisting of date of sterilization, sterilizer number, andsterilizer cycle number shall be placed on each item to be sterilized. A system of retrieval and reprocessing of supplies shall be implemented whensterilization procedures have failed. Notification is made of attendingphysicians when patient exposure is known and an occurrence variance reportis completed. Each hospital-wrapped and sterilized medical item shall be labeled with eitheran expiration date, or a statement such as “Sterile unless integrity of packageis compromised”. Where “event-related shelf life” is implemented for sterilizeditems, storage conditions, handling and rotation practices shall be closelymonitored. All sterile items shall be protected from contamination duringtransport and storage. Personal protective equipment shall be provided to CSS personnel working indecontamination. This shall include heavy duty rubber or plastic gloves; facemask covering mouth and nose, changed when damp; protective eyewear

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(goggles or face shield); waterproof aprons; and approved containers forsharps. Eye/face protection shall be worn wherever paracetic acid is in use, and aneye wash station shall be located in the immediate vicinity. Handwashing facilities and antiseptic soap shall be conveniently located in ornear decontamination, sterilization and toilet facilities. A documented preventive maintenance program shall be implemented for allprocessing equipment. Two sets of housekeeping equipment shall be provided for CSS, one fordecontamination and one for clean areas. Where ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization is used, safety and health hazardsshall be addressed.

• Responsibility for EO sterilization and aeration shall be assigned toqualified staff.

• CSS and maintenance staff shall be informed, through a documentedtraining program, of the hazards associated with exposure to EO, of theareas and tasks in which there is potential exposure, and symptoms ofexposure. Specific aeration requirements shall be established for each category of gas-sterilized items to eliminate the hazard of toxic residue. Ventilation in EO areas meets the requirements listed in Table 1. In addition,the following requirements shall be met:

• EO sterilizers shall be vented out of the workplace and to the outsideatmosphere, to an emission control system, or to a sanitary floor drain.

• EO sterilizers shall be interlocked with the exhaust ventilation system sothat the sterilizers shut down whenever the ventilation system fails. Anindicator (light) shall show that the ventilation system is working beforeattempts are made to restart the sterilizer. Each facility using EO shall appoint an emergency team responsible fordeveloping and implementing written emergency response procedures for EOleaks and spills. A medical surveillance program shall be implemented to monitor the health ofemployees working in EO areas or who may otherwise be exposed to EO,such as maintenance staff. Employees who are exposed to EO at or above alevel of 0.5 ppm for at least 30 days per year shall be examined annually.Employees who receive less exposure shall be examined at the time ofemployment and at termination. Medical examinations shall include:

• Medical and work histories, with emphasis on symptoms related torespiratory, blood, nervous, and reproductive systems, the eyes and skin.

• Physical examination with emphasis on the above areas.

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• Complete blood count to include at least a white cell count, differential cellcount, red cell count, hematocrit, and hemoglobin measurement.

• Any laboratory test or other investigative procedure that the examiningphysician deems necessary.

2.2 Clean Utility and Linen Room

2.2.1 Outer doors shall be properly labeled. There shall be physical separation between cleanand soiled utility rooms.

2.2.2 Linen, medications and equipment shall be stored on clean shelves, racks or cabinets andbe protected from contamination. Clean and sterile items shall not be stored under sinks.

2.2.3 Linen warmers shall be used only for their designated purpose and not for storing orheating food.

2.2.4 An adequate supply of regular linen bags, color-coded contaminated linen bags and water-soluble plastic liners shall be available.

2.2.5 Soiled equipment, soiled linen or soiled utensils shall not be stored in clean utility and linenrooms.

2.3 Dental Facilities

The standards for inpatient and outpatient facilities also apply to dental facilities. Reference shouldbe made to Dental Department policies and procedures, particularly OM-DPP 15-1 through 15-5.

2.4 Dietary Services

2.4.1 All aspects of food handling, preparation and service shall comply with the provisions inSection SASC-S-04 of the Code.

2.4.2 All food service staff shall have valid medical certificates in accordance with Ministry ofHealth requirements. Physical examinations shall be conducted at the time of hire, afterreturn from vacation and when otherwise indicated after illnesses or suspected foodborneoutbreaks. These examinations shall include chest X-ray, blood test (CBC and HBV),urinalysis, stool culture and ova and parasites, and general physical examination.

2.4.3 The hospital shall develop and implement a hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP)program which a) identifies food and procedures most likely to cause illness or injury; 2)establishes procedures to reduce risks of foodborne illness or injuries; and 3) monitorspractices and procedures to ensure all food is safe.

2.4.4 A documented self-inspection program shall be implemented to monitor food serviceoperations.

2.4.5 Food service staff shall receive orientation and in-service training in proper food handlingpractices, sanitation, safety and personal hygiene.

2.4.6 Any food that is stored after preparation or delivery to inpatient care areas shall be doneaccording to written policy.

2.4.7 Separate refrigerators shall be provided for patient and staff food in-patient care areas.Kitchen and individual unit refrigerators shall have thermometers, and the temperaturesshall be checked and recorded in accordance with Ministry of Health guidelines.

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2.4.8 Perishable foods not consumed shall be discarded in a timely manner. A written policy forperishable foods shall be developed and implemented. The policy shall address storageconditions, shelf life, signs or spoilage, expired items and methods of disposal for eachtype of food.

2.4.9 Ward food carts shall be designed, operated and maintained in a clean, sanitary mannerwith appropriate temperature controls for hot and cold food.

2.4.10 Tube feedings shall be prepared according to an approved written procedure.

2.4.11 Infant formula shall be prepared according to an approved written procedure. Powderedformula shall be reconstituted utilizing pre-packaged, single-use containers of sterilewater. Once mixed it shall be immediately recapped and agitated until thoroughly mixed.It shall be fed to infants as soon as possible after preparation but within four hours if keptat room temperature, and within 24 hours if kept refrigerated. Bacteriological monitoring ofinfant formula quality shall be conducted monthly if formula is prepared in the facility.Refer to sub-section 7 for sampling standards. Specific infection control guidelines areoutlined in the NICU/PICU Infection Control OM.

2.4.12 Accommodations for SAMSO food service contractor employees shall be maintained in aclean, safe, sanitary condition; shall comply with all provisions of the Saudi AramcoSanitary Code, Section SASC-S-07; and shall be subject to periodic inspections byEnvironmental Compliance Division (ECD).

2.5 Examination and Treatment Rooms

2.5.1 Furniture, including examination tables and chairs, shall be easily cleanable.

2.5.2 Cloth sheets and pillowcases shall be changed between patients unless roll paper is used.

2.5.3 Cubicle curtains shall be changed according to the established schedule for the area.

2.6 Housekeeping Services

2.6.1 The healthcare facility shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary and safe condition.Environmental surfaces, furniture, curtains and ventilation grills shall be cleaned anddisinfected as required.

2.6.2 A person qualified by training and experience shall be assigned as supervisor ofHousekeeping Services.

2.6.3 Sufficient housekeeping staff shall be provided to maintain the facility in a clean, sanitaryand safe condition.

2.6.4 An orientation and training program shall be in place for all housekeeping staff and shallinclude cleaning techniques, infection control and safety.

2.6.5 Housekeepers shall wear clean uniforms daily and maintain good personal hygiene.

2.6.6 A master cleaning schedule shall be developed and implemented for all areas. Thisschedule serves as the operating manual for Housekeeping services and includes detailedinformation on staffing requirements, cleaning schedules, cleaning techniques, andequipment required for all areas of the facility.

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2.6.7 Written policies and procedures shall be developed and implemented for the following:

• All housekeeping tasks;• Self-inspection program;• Mixing of solutions;• Use and cleaning of equipment;• Safety;• Reporting needle stick injuries;• Employee health program;• Cleaning of blood spills;• Cleaning of hazardous waste spills;• Waste handling procedures;• Responding to flood emergencies;• Role of Housekeeping in fire safety and evacuation;• Use of housekeepers for porter service;• Role of housekeepers in reporting maintenance deficiencies and pest problems;

2.6.8 Supplies, including hand soap, antiseptic soap, paper towels, toilet paper, anddisinfectants, shall be provided where required.

2.6.9 Sufficient supplies and equipment shall be provided to housekeepers to perform allcleaning tasks.

2.6.10 Approved cleansers and disinfectants shall be mixed, labeled and used in accordance withmanufacturer or Housekeeping instructions.

2.6.11 A hazardous materials and waste communication program shall be in place for all staff. Amaster file of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or equivalent shall be maintained for allhazardous materials in use.

2.6.12 Personal protective safety equipment shall be provided to housekeepers.

2.6.13 Safety policies and procedures shall be followed at all times, including the use of wet floorsigns, cones and ropes whenever floors are wet mopped. One-half of corridors shall bemopped at a time to provide a passageway, and the wet half shall be clearly identified andsurrounded with a physical barrier.

2.6.14 Separate color-coded supplies and equipment shall be used for clean and dirty areas andfor critical care areas.

2.6.15 Equipment shall be kept clean and maintained.

2.6.16 Housekeeping closets shall be maintained in a clean, organized and safe condition.

2.6.17 Mop heads are changed and laundered daily.

2.6.18 Healthcare facility grounds and external surroundings are clean and free of nuisances.

2.6.19 Accommodations for housekeeping staff shall be maintained in a clean, safe, sanitarycondition; shall comply with all provisions of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, SectionSASC-S-07; and shall be subject to periodic inspections by ECD.

2.7 Infection Control

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2.7.1 The SAMSO Infection Control Manual shall be the primary reference for infection controlpolicies and procedures. Individual departments, services or units shall develop andimplement specific infection control policies and procedures that define responsibilities andactivities related to their needs.

2.7.2 The policy of “Standard Precautions” as defined by the US Centers for Disease Controland Prevention (CDC) shall be implemented throughout the facility.

2.7.3 Toilets, handwashing and bathing facilities shall be adequate in number, convenientlylocated, readily accessible, and kept clean and in good repair. See sub-section 1.27.20 fordesign requirements for handwashing facilities.

2.7.4 Handwashing and bathing facilities shall be supplied with hot and cold water undersufficient pressure through a mixing faucet, or as otherwise specified in this Code. Soapand paper towels shall be provided through wall-mounted dispensers. Soap dispensersshall be cleaned on a regular basis and before refilling.

2.7.5 Use of bar soap is not recommended except for patient use. If used, it shall be placed inself-draining racks. Small bars are preferable.

2.7.6 Antiseptic soap shall be provided in appropriate dispensers in those areas where it isrequired. Liquid antiseptic products such as “Hibiscrub” shall not be utilized directly frombottles to hands but shall be dispensed by an approved dispensing device to preventcontamination. Refillable plastic squeeze bottles shall not be used.

2.7.7 Cleaning and disinfection procedures shall follow current recommended practice and shallbe consistent throughout the facility. There shall be a review of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization agents,procedures and schedules by infection control staff. All units shall have a cleaning/disinfection schedule which lists equipment andsurfaces not cleaned by Housekeeping Services and which is cleaned and/ordisinfected by the unit. The schedule shall list items to be cleaned, chemicals tobe used, proper concentration/mixing directions, frequency of cleaning, andpersons responsible for each task. Glutaraldehyde (Cidex) shall not be used in SAMSO facilities. Other effectivesubstitutes are available. Antiseptics such as Savlon, Hibiscrib, Hibitane and similar products designed foruse on skin are not formulated for use on hard surfaces and are not to be used.

2.7.8 The healthcare facility shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary and safe condition. Housekeeping Services shall develop and implement infection control policiesand procedures covering all Housekeeping operations. This shall include apolicy and procedures for cleaning up blood spills. Lockers, cabinets and refrigerators shall be kept clean. Food shall be storedunder sanitary conditions and consumed in designated places. Shelf anddrawer liners shall not be used.

2.7.9 Adequate engineering controls are in place to include properly ventilated isolation facilities;filtered air to critical areas; biological safety cabinets where required; quality controls forlaminar flow cabinets; and separation of clean and dirty areas.

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2.7.10 Accommodations for hospital staff shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary and safe manner.

2.8 Isolation Rooms

2.8.1 Correct isolation policies and procedures shall be implemented in order to provide therequired level of isolation for patients with communicable disease.

2.8.2 Room entry shall be through a work area that provides for aseptic control. This shallinclude facilities that are separate from patient care areas for handwashing, gowning andstorage of protective clothing and other clean, sterile and soiled materials.

2.8.3 Handwashing facilities shall be provided as described in sub-section Suppliesof antiseptic soap and paper towels shall be available at all times.

2.8.4 Refer to OM-4-1 Isolation Precautions in the SAMSO Infection Control Manual (ICM) fordetails on isolation requirements.

2.9 Laboratory/Blood Bank

2.9.1 The Laboratory and Blood Bank shall develop and implement infection control and safetypolicies and procedures that adhere to current recommended practice.

2.9.2 A Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Officer shall be appointed and a Laboratory ChemicalHygiene Plan shall be developed which addresses all safety issues in the Laboratory.

2.10 Linen Services and Laundry

2.10.1 The supply of clean linen shall meet the needs of all units in the facility.

2.10.2 Clean linen shall be transported, handled and stored so that it is protected fromcontamination.

2.10.3 Cloth sheets and pillowcases shall be changed between patients and as needed.

2.10.4 Linen carts used for clean and soiled linen shall be clearly identified by color-coding orlabels and shall be covered.

2.10.5 Soiled linen shall be bagged or put into carts at the location where it is used. Soiled linenshall not be pre-rinsed or sorted in patient care areas.

2.10.6 Soiled linen shall be handled as little as possible and with minimum agitation. Soiled linen should not be counted by hand; where this is not possible, gloves, masks andcover gowns shall be used.

2.10.7 Handwashing facilities shall be located in all areas where soiled linen is handled.

2.10.8 Loose linen shall not be sent down linen chutes.

2.10.9 All linen from isolation rooms and linen which is contaminated with blood, excreta or bodyfluids, or which is otherwise considered to be infectious, shall be placed in color-codedlaundry bags.

2.10.10 Soiled linen that is wet with blood or body fluids shall be placed and transported in bagsthat prevent leakage.

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2.10.11 Pillows and mattresses shall be free of rips and tears and shall have washable covers.

2.10.12 Linen warmers shall not be used for food storage.

2.10.13 Laundry services, whether on-site or contracted shall meet the requirements of SectionSASC-S-11 of this Code.

2.11 Medication Rooms

2.11.1 Only authorized personnel shall be allowed in the medication room.

2.11.2 Internal and external medications shall be stored separately.

2.11.3 A first-in first-out rotation system shall be used. Outdated medications shall be removedimmediately.

2.11.4 Medication refrigerators shall be provided with easily readable, accurate thermometers,shall be kept clean, and shall be used only for storage of medications. A refrigerator logshall be maintained with temperatures checked and logged once daily. For specificinformation refer to SAMSO Nursing policies and procedures NPP-R-1 Refrigerators andFreezers and NPP-MED-4 Medication/Biologicals Storage.

2.11.5 Medication carts, shelves, drawers and other equipment shall be kept clean and organized.

2.11.6 A handwashing sink with hot and cold water under sufficient pressure, soap and papertowels shall be provided.

2.12 Morgue

2.12.1 Healthcare facilities shall maintain a well ventilated, well lighted area designatedas the morgue. Refrigeration units for human remains shall be maintained at a maximumtemperature of 7ºC (45ºF). The temperature shall be checked and logged once daily.

2.12.2 Personnel transporting bodies shall wear suitable personal protective equipment (masks,gloves and gowns) and dispose of these in appropriate waste containers and laundrybags.

2.12.3 Air sampling to determine staff exposure to formaldehyde gas shall be conducted at leastannually.

2.13 Newborn Nursery

2.13.1 The minimum floor area per infant shall be 4.64 square meters (50 square feet), exclusiveof auxiliary work areas. A distance of 1.22 meters (4 feet) shall be maintained betweenand at all sides of bassinets.

2.13.2 Access to the Nursery shall be restricted to authorized personnel in appropriate attire.Provisions shall be in place to prevent abductions.

2.13.3 Equipment and procedures shall be in place to safely and rapidly transport infants in theevent of evacuation, e.g., “papoose pockets”.

2.13.4 Specific policies and procedures shall be implemented for identification of infants.

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2.13.5 Isolettes and bassinets shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between patients andwhen soiled. Phenolic-based disinfectants shall not be used in nurseries because of therisk of hyperbilirubinemia in infants exposed to phenolics.

2.13.6 Individual personal care items such as hair combs and brushes, and thermometers (unlessdisposable plastic covers are used), shall be provided for each infant.

2.14 Nourishment Rooms

2.14.1 Outer doors shall be properly labeled and kept closed.

2.14.2 Freezers and refrigerators shall be equipped with thermometers. Temperatures shall bechecked and logged at least once daily. Chilled food shall be kept at 5ºC (41ºF) or below,and frozen food shall be kept at -18ºC (0ºF) or below.

2.14.3 Food not requiring refrigeration shall be stored in impermeable, sealed containers withtight-fitting lids.

2.14.4 All nourishments shall be routinely checked to ensure that products are not outdated orspoiled.

2.14.5 Stoves, countertops, cabinets and drawers shall be kept clean and sanitary. Shelf anddrawer liners shall not be used.

2.14.6 Late patient trays shall be stored in appropriate racks until returned to the kitchen.

2.14.7 Ice machines shall be maintained in good repair.

2.14.8 Handwashing facilities with hot and cold water under pressure, soap and paper towelsshall be provided.

2.15 Outpatient Services

2.15.1 Operational standards for inpatient areas shall also apply to outpatient areas.

2.15.2 The number of examination and treatment rooms shall meet the needs of the facility.

2.15.3 Laboratory, Radiology and Pharmacy Services shall be readily available to the OutpatientService.

2.15.4 Flexible endoscopes and other patient care equipment shall be processed in CSSD and inaccordance with current infection control guidelines

2.15.5 If outpatient surgery is performed in the Outpatient Services area, facilities shall include: Appropriately equipped and staffed operating room and post-anesthesiarecovery room. Appropriate means to control infection, electrical and mechanical failure, fire andexplosion. Appropriate instruments and equipment for anesthesia, emergencycardiopulmonary resuscitation and other life support systems.

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260 An operating room located so that it does not directly connect with a corridorused for general traffic. Entry and exit shall be controlled with respect topersonnel, patients and material. Construction of the operating room shall comply with provisions of NFPA 99(Health Care Facilities).

2.15.6 Portable oxygen cylinders shall secured on carts or to walls, or placed in tripods. Alloxygen cylinders shall be stored in an upright position.

2.15.7 The pressure of oxygen cylinders shall be checked and logged at least once daily. The logshall show actual cylinder working pressure. Cylinders shall be changed when thepressure reaches 500 pounds per square inch (psi) or less.

2.16 Patient Rooms

2.16.1 Sheets and pillowcases shall be changed daily, between patients, and as needed.

2.16.2 Beds, tables, light fixtures, telephone and other furniture shall be kept clean and in goodrepair.

2.16.3 Cubicle curtains shall be kept clean, in good repair, and changed upon patient discharge.

2.16.4 Toilets and bathing facilities shall be cleaned and disinfected at least once daily.

2.16.5 Waste receptacles shall be emptied as required and cleaned and sanitized daily. Color-coded plastic liners shall be used throughout the facility as described in sub-section 5.8.1of this Code Section.

2.16.6 Bedpans shall be cleaned in designated areas and not in bathtubs or hand sinks.

2.17 Pharmacy

2.17.1 The Pharmacy Director shall supervise all drug preparation and storage areas in thefacility. The Pharmacy Director or designee shall conduct documented monthlyinspections of all areas where medications are prepared, stored, administered ordispensed. Irregularities shall be reported in accordance with SAMSO Pharmacy OM-2Monthly Pharmacy Inspection of User Unit.

2.17.2 Controlled drugs shall be secured and use shall be documented.

2.17.3 Medications and other pharmaceuticals shall be stored in an organized manner in well-illuminated areas protected from contamination.

2.17.4 Antiseptics, disinfectants and drugs for external use shall be stored separately frominternal and injectable medications.

2.17.5 First-in first-out system of stock rotation shall be used. Expiry dates shall be clearlymarked on products. Expired items shall be removed immediately and stored in adesignated location.

2.17.6 Multi-dose vials, ointments and oral medications shall be dated with the date first used orwhen the seal is broken, and shall expire at the earliest of the following dates: a)manufacturer’s expiry date; b) the date/time limit set at the time the medication wasreconstituted; c) standard limits established by Pharmacy and the Therapeutic Committee.

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2.17.7 Items requiring refrigeration shall be stored at a temperature of 2ºC to 8ºC (35.6ºF to46.4ºF). Frozen drugs shall be stored at -20ºC to -10ºC (-4ºF to 14ºF). Polio vaccine shallbe stored at -20ºC (-4ºF) or below. Chart recorders and alarm systems shall be provided,and temperatures shall be checked and recorded at least once daily. Vaccine refrigeratorsshall be connected to an emergency power source.

2.17.8 Equipment and containers used in the formulation of products shall be cleaned prior to use.

2.17.9 If IV solutions are prepared in the Pharmacy a sterile work area shall be provided with alaminar-flow bench and hood. The laminar-flow system shall include a high efficiencyparticulate air (HEPA) filter with an efficiency of at least 99.97 percent and have a visiblepressure gauge for detection of leaks or defects. Laminar-flow hoods shall be checked foroperational efficiency and be certified annually by a qualified inspector.

2.17.10 Chemotherapy drug waste shall be managed in accordance with SAMSO MedicalHousekeeping Services OM-17 Waste Management. Cytotoxic drugs shall be formulatedonly in a National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) listed biological safety cabinet (BSC), ClassII Type B2, with 100 per cent exhaust. The BSC shall be tested and certified every sixmonths in accordance with NSF Standard 49.

2.18 Rehabilitation Services

2.18.1 Hydrotherapy tanks, filters and auxiliary equipment shall be cleaned and disinfectedbetween patients. Vacuum breakers or other approved backflow preventers shall beprovided on all incoming water lines to the tanks.

2.18.2 Non-disposable equipment and other items that come in contact with the patient shall becleaned and disinfected between patients.

2.18.3 If linen is used, it shall be changed between patients.

2.18.4 Disposal of dressings, bandages and other infectious waste shall comply with infectioncontrol guidelines.

2.19 Soiled Utility Rooms

2.19.1 Soiled utility rooms shall not be used for storage of clean or sterile items, late patient traysor for clean procedures.

2.19.2 Temperatures of specimen refrigerators in soiled utility rooms shall be checked and loggedonce daily. Clinical specimens shall be stored at a temperature of 2ºC to 8ºC (35.6ºF to46.4ºF). All clinical specimens shall be removed within 24 hours.

2.19.3 Portable cabinets such as “C-lockers” used for storing soiled instruments and equipmentshall be closed and locked when full.

2.19.4 Cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing solutions shall be mixed and used in accordance withmanufacturer’s instructions and established guidelines.

2.20 Special Care Areas

2.20.1 Burn Unit Hubbard tanks, stretchers and other equipment shall be cleaned and disinfectedbetween patients in accordance with established procedures. Vacuum breakers

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or other approved backflow preventers shall be provided on all incoming waterlines to the tanks. Necessary traffic controls shall be in place. The air supply serving the unit shall be filtered with high efficiency particulateair (HEPA) filters having an efficiency of 99.97 percent. The unit shall be underpositive air pressure, with five air changes per hour. The ambient airtemperature shall be maintained at a minimum of 26.6ºC (80ºF).

2.20.2 Emergency Services Ambulances shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Oxygen cylinder pressure shall be checked and logged daily. Sterile water shallbe used in humidifiers, and humidifier water shall be changed daily. Humidifiercontainers shall be changed and sterilized after each use. A stock list of supplies shall be established, checked and logged daily and aftereach ambulance run. No expired items shall be present. An ambulance driver checklist shall be completed daily. Preventive maintenance for ambulances shall be performed and documented.

2.20.3 Hemodialysis Unit Refer to sub-section 1.27.30 for requirements for the dialysis water treatmentsystem. Written infection control policies and procedures shall be implemented.

2.21 Staff Lounges and Locker Rooms

2.21.1 Facilities shall be kept clean and organized. Personal items shall be stored in lockers.

2.21.2 Food items, particularly perishable food, shall be stored in refrigerators, not in lockers orcabinets. Refer to SAMSO APP-11 Consumption of Food in SAMSO Facilities.

2.21.3 Refrigerators shall be provided with thermometers, maintained at a temperature of 5ºC(41ºF) or below, kept clean and defrosted regularly.

2.22 Technical Imaging (Radiology) and Nuclear Medicine

2.22.1 Policies and procedures shall indicate proper safety precautions against radiation hazards.This shall include adequate shielding for patients, personnel and facilities as well asappropriate storage, use and disposal of radioactive materials.

2.22.2 Body shields used to protect patients and staff shall be maintained in good condition. Theyshall be stored on racks when not in use so as not to cause cracking of the lead shielding.

2.22.3 All X-ray producing equipment and nuclear medicine equipment shall be inspected at leastannually for radiation protection and performance compliance.

2.22.4 Personnel working in radiation areas shall be monitored monthly for radiation exposure byuse of film badges.

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2.22.5 X-ray tables and equipment that comes in contact with patients shall be disinfectedbetween patients. If cloth linen is used it shall be changed between patients.

2.22.6 Positioning sponges shall be covered with a washable surface and maintained in goodcondition.

2.22.7 Film developers shall be provided with vacuum breakers or other approved backflowpreventers. Vacuum breakers shall be located at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) abovethe overflow rim of the film developer.

2.22.8 Areas where GI series X-rays are taken shall be cleaned and disinfected daily. Linen shallbe double-bagged using a water-soluble plastic liner and a color-coded soiled linen bag.

2.23 Tub and Shower Rooms

2.23.1 Tub and shower rooms shall be well ventilated and free of excessive condensation.

2.23.2 Showers and tubs shall be cleaned and disinfected between patients.

2.23.3 Grab bars shall be provided for each tub, shower and sitz bath.

2.23.4 Plastic, rather than wood or metal, shower chairs shall be used.

2.24 Waiting Areas

2.24.1 Furniture in waiting areas shall be of easily cleanable, nonabsorbent design.

2.24.2 Housekeeping cleaning schedules for waiting areas and public toilets shall provide thenecessary frequency to maintain these areas in a clean, sanitary condition.


3.1 Environment of Care (Safety) Program

3.1.1 An Environment of Care (EC) Program shall be established to a) provide a physicalenvironment free of hazards to patients, staff and visitors; and b) manage staff activities toreduce the risk of human injury. The program shall include the following components: Policies and procedures shall be established and approved which give authorityto a responsible individual (EC Officer or Safety Officer) to intervene wheneverconditions pose an immediate threat to life, health or property. A system shall be established for reporting to the EC (Safety) Committee allaccidents and safety/security incidents involving patients, visitors, staff andproperty. The EC Committee’s conclusions, recommendations, action taken andmonitoring effectiveness shall be reported at least bi-monthly to appropriateindividuals. There shall be an on-going Hazard Surveillance Program that includes activesearches for safety hazards and a response to product safety recalls. Safety policies and procedures shall be written and implemented for alldepartments and services and shall be reviewed at least every three years.

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Safety policies shall pay special attention to hazards related to the ages ofpatients served. Policies and procedures for Security Management shall be established. Procedures shall be in place for identifying all patients, staff andvisitors. Specific policies and procedures shall be established for identificationof infants, for restricted access to labor and Delivery and Nurseries,and for prevention of abductions. Procedures shall be in place for controlled access to sensitive areasthat are defined by the Security management Program. Procedures and facilities shall be established to deal with disoriented,emotionally disturbed and violent individuals. Specific personnel have been assigned responsibility for security.

3.1.2 A reliable call mechanism/alarm system, using both visible and audible signals, shall beprovided between the nurse’s stations and locations where patients may be left unattendedsuch as patient rooms, toilets and bathing areas.

3.1.3 Grab bars, anchored to sustain a load of 113.4 kg (250 lbs) and a wall clearance of 3.8 cm(1.5 inches), shall be provided in all patient toilets, showers, bathtubs and sitz baths.

3.1.4 Slips and falls from slippery floors are a major source of injuries in health care facilities.Wet floor signs, ropes and cones shall be used by Housekeeping staff whenever floors arewet mopped. One half of corridors shall be mopped at a time to provide a thoroughfare,and the wet half of the floor shall be clearly identified and blocked. Floor wax with anti-slipproperties shall be used.

3.1.5 Medical gas, air and vacuum systems, electrical systems, ventilation systems, materials,electrical equipment, and laboratories shall meet the requirements of the NFPA 99Standard for Health Care Facilities to minimize the hazards of fire, explosion andelectricity.

3.1.6 Written procedures for testing and maintaining piped medical gas systems shall includecross-connection, contamination and pressure testing when the system is installed,modified or repaired. Established intervals for testing and maintaining piped medical gassystems shall include alarms, valves, automatic pressure switches, flexible connectors andoutlets.

3.1.7 There shall be specific written policies and procedures for compressed gases andflammable liquids, since these present special hazards. A quality assurance program shall be established to assure purity of compressedgases. Procedures shall be developed to test gases prior to acceptance fromvendors. Criteria shall be established for purity levels

. A written policy and procedure shall be established for loss of piped oxygen and

surgical vacuum systems.

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265 Handling and storage of medical compressed gas cylinders shall conform toUnited States National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 99, Standard forHealth Care Facilities. Compressed gas cylinders shall be stored upright, labeled, and with valveprotection caps on until placed in service. Cylinders, whether full, empty, orconnected to a manifold, shall be chained to a wall or secured in a cart or tripod. The pressure of oxygen cylinders shall be checked and logged daily. All anesthesia machines and related equipment shall be so constructed thatconnections for different gases are not interchangeable. Transfer of gas from one cylinder to another by health care personnel isprohibited except when approved by the Medical Organization. Storage areas shall be well ventilated. Oxygen cylinders shall be stored in anupright position. All flammable liquids shall be labeled. Quantities in excess of 10 gallons shall bestored in approved flammable storage cabinets or storage rooms. Eye wash stations, fire blankets and absorbent neutralizing materials shall beavailable in the Laboratory and other areas where spills may occur.

3.1.8 Specific guidelines shall be established for the use of lasers and laser safety.

3.1.9 A program shall be established to protect personnel from ionizing radiation.

3.1.10 Safety/security-related information shall be provided during new hire orientation (no laterthan 30 days after employment) and annually as part of continuing education for allemployees. Subjects shall include general safety; department safety; specific job-relatedhazards; accidents, injury and hazard reporting; smoking regulations; and electrical safety(use of extension cords, frayed cords, broken outlets, broken prongs). Results of incidentreport investigations shall be used in safety education.

3.1.11 The safety program shall be evaluated annually and reviewed as necessary.

3.2 Environment of Care (Safety) Officer

3.2.1 An EC (Safety) Officer, qualified by experience and education, shall be appointed andresponsible for development, implementation and monitoring of the Safety managementProgram.

3.2.2 The EC Officer shall manage a surveillance system that collects and analyzes data for theEC Committee. This includes: Active searches for safety hazards by conducting at least semiannualdocumented surveys of all areas of the hospital (annual surveys of non-patientcare areas). Establishing an incident reporting system which triggers investigation of allincidents involving property damage; occupational illness; or patient, personnelor visitor injury.

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266 Establishing a safety surveillance program involving personnel throughout thefacility to identify hazards and unsafe practices. Reviewing published and internal reports of failures, hazards, use errors andother deficiencies related to safety management (physical and chemicalhazards), life safety management (fire prevention), equipment management(safe medical devices), and utilities management (emergency power). Reviewing summaries of other monitoring activities (quality improvement,infection control).

3.3 Environment of Care (Safety) Committee

An EC Committee composed of representatives of administration, clinical services and supportservices shall be established. The Committee shall meet at least every other month to analyzeidentified safety management issues and to develop or approve recommendations for resolvingthem. Committee actions and recommendations shall be routed to appropriate departments andservices.

3.4 Hazardous Materials and Waste Management (HAZMAT) Program

3.4.1 A HAZMAT Program shall be established to identify and control hazardous materials andwastes. Policies, procedures and written criteria shall be established for procuring,identifying, handling, storing, using, and disposing of hazardous materials fromreceipt through use and hazardous wastes from generation to final disposal. A program shall be established to handle and dispose of clinical,chemotherapeutic, radioactive and infectious wastes, including physical hazardssuch as glass and needles. A program shall be established to monitor use and disposal of hazardous gasesand vapors. Procedures shall be developed to protect staff from the hazard of wasteanesthetic gases. Leak test procedures shall be established. Scavengingsystems or adequate air exchange rates shall be in place. Proper work practicesshall be used. Anesthesia areas shall be monitored for exposure levels.Exposed staff shall be monitored through annual physical exams. Hazardous materials and wastes shall be labeled. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be available for all hazardouschemicals in the facility and shall be filed in all areas where hazardous materialsare located. Policies and procedures shall be developed for clean up of spills, includingblood, mercury and cytotoxic waste spills. Hazardous waste storage and processing areas shall be separated from patientcare, food preparation and food serving areas. Personnel managing or coming into contact with hazardous materials or wastesshall receive appropriate training to include signs of toxicity, use of MSDS files,protective equipment and clothing, and proper emergency response.

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267 Reports of hazardous materials and waste monitoring programs and incidentreports shall be reported to and reviewed by the Safety Committee.

3.5 Emergency Preparedness Program (Disaster Plan)(Note: This Requirements applies to contracted Designated Medical Facilities only.)

A written Disaster Plan shall be established to manage the consequences of natural disasters orother emergencies that disrupt the hospital’s ability to provide care and treatment, both within theorganization and in the surrounding community. Refer to SAMSO APP- 62-6 SA-DHC ExternalDisaster Emergency Preparedness Plan.

3.5.1. Procedures shall be established to deal with power, communication and other systemfailures including verification that critical clinical areas still function.

3.5.2. A reliable method shall be established for notifying staff of emergencies. Staff lists shall bekept current and a callback system shall be maintained. Medical, nursing and supportservices shall be included.

3.5.3 If a community-wide disaster plan exists the facility’s role in the plan shall be defined.Plans shall be in place for total facility evacuation and alternative care site; sources foressential utilities; emergency communication system; and radioactive/chemicaldecontamination and isolation facilities.

3.5.4 Plans shall be established for management of patients including movement or relocation ofpatients; providing essential staff services and equipment; and controlling patientinformation and records.

3.5.5 Plans shall address the management of space, supplies, utilities, communication andsecurity.

3.5.6 All personnel with assigned roles in the emergency plan shall have documented trainingand be able to describe their roles.

3.5.7 Emergency plan shall be implemented twice a year as a drill or actual emergency, and allprocedures shall be tested. The facility’s performance shall be evaluated and reported tothe Safety Committee.


Healthcare facilities shall comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 99 HealthcareFacilities; the NFPA Life Safety Code; and SAMSO APP-62-7 SAMSO Internal Emergency PreparednessPlan.


5.1 Handling, storing, transport and disposal of solid waste, including hazardous waste, shall bedone in a safe and sanitary manner.

5.2 All solid wastes shall be disposed of with sufficient frequency and in such a manner toprevent nuisance conditions.

5.3 Waste containers shall be provided where needed. Containers shall be clean and liners shallbe used. Covered waste containers shall be provided in female toilets.

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5.4 Waste bags shall be tied securely and removed when ¾ full.

5.5 Solid wastes containing food or other putrescible materials shall, prior to disposal be kept inleak-proof garbage containers with plastic liners, and be kept covered with tight-fitting lids whenfull, stored, or not in continuous use.

5.6 All dry rubbish, including scrap paper, cardboard boxes and packing crates, shall be stored incontainers, rooms, or designated areas in an orderly manner.

5.7 The rooms, enclosures, designated areas and containers used shall be adequate for thestorage of all solid wastes accumulating on the premises. Adequate cleaning facilities shall beprovided, and each containers, room or designated area shall be cleaned after removal of waste.

5.8 Regulated medical waste shall be segregated from regular waste and clearly identified throughuse of color-coded plastic bags and/or containers to assure that waste receives appropriatehandling and treatment. Refer to Guide to the Management of Medical Waste in the EasternProvince by General Directorate of Health Affairs in the Eastern Province, 1998.

5.8.1 Regulated medical waste shall be segregated from the general waste stream at the point ofgeneration. The following colors shall be used for plastic waste bags:

• General waste: blue or black• Infectious waste: yellow or red• Cytotoxic waste: orange• Chemical waste: yellow, metal, leak-proof, container• Radiological waste: yellow• Expired medications: yellow• Contaminated and unused sharps: yellow or red sharps boxes

5.8.2 All bags containing regulated medical waste shall be sufficiently strong to prevent ripping,tearing or bursting under normal conditions of use.

5.8.3 All bags used for regulated medical waste shall have the international biohazard symbol, theword “Biohazard”, and the name and address of the medical facility in Arabic and English.

5.8.4 Used and unused sharps, (needles and syringes, lancets, scalpels and razor blades) shallbe disposed of in rigid, puncture-proof, leak-proof plastic sharps disposal boxes clearlylabeled “Contaminated Sharps” and with the biohazard label. Cardboard containers are notpermitted. Sharps containers shall be placed in all areas where sharps are used. Sharpsboxes shall be closed and sealed when 2/3 full, shall be securely taped shut andincinerated or otherwise disposed of in a safe, sanitary manner.

5.8.5 While in storage, regulated medical waste shall be maintained in a nonputrescent state,using cooled air-conditioned storage rooms when necessary. Storage time shall beminimized and shall not exceed 24 hours. Storage areas shall be clearly identified asbiohazardous areas with restricted access.

5.8.6 Infectious waste includes the following items:

• Laboratory cultures and stocks.• Pathological waste.• Human blood, blood products and body fluids. This includes liquid waste human

blood; blood products; items contaminated with blood and body fluids, or items that

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were contaminated with blood that are now caked with dried blood. Includes serum,plasma and other blood components and their containers.

• Contaminated and unused sharps.• Isolation waste. Includes any waste generated from communicable diseases isolation


5.8.7 Cytotoxic waste is any waste that is produced as a result of preparing or administeringcytotoxic (chemotherapeutic) drugs. Cytotoxic waste shall be incinerated at a minimumtemperature of 1009ºC (1850ºF).

5.8.8 Treatment and disposal methods and transportation requirements are described in theMinistry of Health Guidelines.

5.9 If laboratory waste is autoclaved, biological indicators (spore tests) shall be used to monitorautoclaving processing. The following time and temperature cycles shall be used:

5.9.1 For gravity flow autoclaves:

• 121ºC (250ºF) at 15 psig for a residence time of 60 minutes.• 135ºC (275ºF) at 31 psig for 45 minutes.• 149ºC (300ºF) at 52 psig for 30 minutes.

5.9.2 For vacuum autoclaves laboratory waste should be subjected to at least three vacuumpurges to purge the autoclave of air and autoclaved at:

• 121ºC (250ºF) at 15 psig for 45 minutes.• 135ºC (275ºF) at 31 psig for 30 minutes.

5.10 Personnel handling any kind of hazardous waste shall be informed of potential health andsafety hazards and shall be trained accordingly.


6.1 Insects, rodents and other pests shall be effectively controlled.

6.2 Measures shall be taken to prevent entrance of pests into the facility. This shall include:

• Insect- and rodent-proofing all buildings to the extent possible through the use of self-closingdoors, closed windows, screens of a mesh size of no less than 6 mesh per centimeter (16mesh per inch), air curtains, and other appropriate methods.

• Inspection of incoming materials.• Prompt reporting of pest sightings.

6.3 The premises shall be kept clean, organized and free of litter. Efforts shall be taken to eliminatefly and mosquito breeding areas, rodent harborages and undrained areas on the premises.

6.4 SAMSO staff shall not attempt to use pesticides to control insects or pests. All complaints shallbe referred to Medical Housekeeping Services who will document the problem and refer thecomplaint to Community Services Pest Control Unit. Medical Housekeeping shall maintain a log ofpest complaints, shall identify areas of concern, and shall submit maintenance requests asrequired.

6.5 Only pesticides approved for use in medical and food facilities by the Saudi Arab Governmentand EPD shall be used in health care facilities.

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6.6 Pesticides shall not be applied in food or patient care areas without prior notification andapproval of the supervisor in charge.

6.7 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be provided to the hospital.


The following environmental sampling standards shall apply. Refer to SAMSO Infection control ManualOM-7-1 Environmental Control in SAMSO Facilities; the Environmental Health Procedure Manual; andother Sections of this Code.

7.1 Water and ice: See SASC-S-01.

7.2 Distilled water: Coliform bacteria: See SASC-S-01Heterotrophic plate count (SPC): 1000 per ml maximumHeterotrophic plate count (SPC): 500 per ml recommended

7.3 Hemodialysis fluids:

Water used to prepare dialysis fluids: 200 per ml SPCDialysis fluid: 2000 per ml SPC

7.4 Infant formula: Coliform bacteria: <1 per 100 mlSPC 25 per ml

7.5 Rodac plates: Satisfactory cleaning/disinfection: <5 colonies per plateInefficient cleaning/disinfection: >10 colonies per plate

7.6 Settle plates (blood agar plates) in laminar flow cabinets:

Plates exposed inside cabinet: No growth.Plates exposed outside cabinet: Growth expected

7.7 Surface swabs: Satisfactory cleaning/disinfection: < 2 colonies/sq cm

7.8 Rinses: Specific standards not established.


8.1 Medical manufacturing plants shall follow good manufacturing practice (GMP) in accordancewith recognized manufacturing standards of the industry. The plant shall maintain on site allstandards, specifications and operating procedures that are applicable to those products. If the plantis manufacturing products under license from another company, both the licensor and licensee shallensure that products meet the standards of the licensor.

8.2 A documented quality assurance (QA) program shall be in place. This shall include thefollowing as applicable: certificates of quality or purity for raw materials; assessments of vendors ifcomponents or raw materials are manufactured products; raw materials/components inspectionprogram; batch documentation; internal and external audits; records of environmental monitoring andsampling; records of maintenance on HVAC systems and other equipment; traceability formsidentifying by part number all components and packing materials used in each batch; documentationof rejection rates; disposal of rejects; retention of samples.

8.2.1 A customer complaint file shall be maintained with documentation of action taken.

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8.2.2 Plants shall be designed, constructed and operated so that all items, from raw materials tofinished products, are protected from contamination. Plants shall have environmentalcontrols in place including all necessary physical barriers, clean rooms and requiredventilation. Environmental sampling shall be conducted as appropriate.

8.2.3 Employees shall wear protective clothing as appropriate and shall follow all requiredaseptic procedures.

8.2.4 A maintenance program shall be in place to include an inventory of all equipment, apreventive maintenance program; and labeling of all utility and product piping systems.

8.2.5 Water supplies shall meet applicable quality standards and be protected fromcontamination.

8.2.6 Sewage and wastewater shall be disposed of in a safe, sanitary manner with no unsanitaryor nuisance conditions existing.

8.2.7 Toilets and handwashing facilities shall be provided as required.

8.2.8 Lighting shall meet industry standards for illumination.

8.2.9 Waste shall be managed and disposed of in a safe, sanitary manner.

8.2.10 The plant shall have a safety program in place. Employees handling hazardous materialsor wastes shall receive appropriate training in the hazards, Symptoms of exposure, use ofMaterial Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), protective clothing and equipment, and properemergency response. MSDS for all hazardous materials shall be maintained on site.

8.2.11 The plant shall have a pest control program in place. Measures shall be taken to prevententrance of pests into the plant.

8.2.12 Employee accommodations shall be maintained in a safe, sanitary manner.


9.1 The facility shall be designed, constructed and operated so that medical supplies are protectedfrom contamination.

9.2 The temperature within the storage facilities shall be maintained at 30ºC (86ºF) or below toensure proper shelf life of products. Products requiring refrigeration shall be stored in appropriaterefrigeration units that have accurate thermometers. A temperature log shall be maintained andtemperatures shall be recorded at least once daily. Temperature chart recorders shall be providedwhenever vaccines are stored. The acceptable temperature range for refrigerators is 2ºC to 8ºC(35.6ºF to 46.4ºF), and for freezers -20ºC to -10ºC (-4ºF to 14ºF). Polio vaccine shall be stored at -20ºC (-4ºF) or below.

9.3 The premises shall be free of insects, rodents and all other animals. All outer openings shall beinsect- and rodent-proofed.

9.4 If the services of a pest control contractor are being used, or if insecticides and/or rodenticidesare being utilized in any manner at the facility, a list of the chemicals shall be submitted to Manager,EPD for a determination of their acceptability.

9.5 All products shall be stored at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) above the floor on clean racks,shelves or pallets and approximately 45 centimeters (18 inches) away from walls to allow access forproper cleaning, ventilation, stock rotation and pest control activities.

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9.6 An easily distinguishable first-in first-out stock rotation system, such as expiry date placardingof pallets, shall be utilized in the facility to avoid dispensing outdated stock.

9.7 A separate area shall be designated and utilized for storage of damaged and/or outdated stock.Damaged and/or outdated stock shall be removed from the premises as soon as possible to avoidmixing with regular stock.

9.8 Refuse shall be stored in insect- and rodent-proof containers covered with tight-fitting lids.Containers shall be lined with plastic bags if practical. Refuse shall be removed from the premisesdaily.

9.9 The interior and exterior areas of the facility shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary manner withno accumulation of refuse or litter.

9.10 The facility shall be free of nuisances and hazards.

9.11 The floors, walls and ceilings of the facility shall be constructed of materials that can be easilycleaned.

9.12 Flush-type toilet facilities shall be available and maintained in a clean, sanitary condition.Handwashing facilities with hot and cold water at sufficient pressure, soap and paper towels shall beprovided for employees at the facility.

9.13 Lighting and ventilation in the facility shall be adequate as described in sub-section 1.1.27.

9.14 Staff living quarters shall be completely separated from the facility. There shall be no smoking oreating in drug storage areas.

9.15 All toxic chemicals and pesticides shall be clearly marked and stored separately from medicalsupplies.

9.16 Fire extinguishers and other necessary fire prevention devices shall be available at strategicareas of the facility.

9.17 Flammables or other substances that emit toxic fumes or gases shall be stored in rooms withappropriate exhaust fans.

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REFERENCES1. Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, 2000 Edition. Joint Commission on

Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Oakbrook Terrace IL, USA.2. Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities, 1996-97 Edition.

American Institute of Architects Academy of Architecture for Health and US Department ofHealth and Human Services, American Institute of Architects Press, Washington, D.C., USA.

3. 1999 ASHRAE Handbook: Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Applications. “Chapter 7Health Care Facilities, Chapter 13 Laboratories, and Chapter 30 Kitchen Ventilation”.American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta,Georgia, USA.

4. Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health CareFacilities, 1994. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, USA.

5. The Illuminating Engineering Society Handbook, “Lighting for Health Care Facilities”, 1985Edition. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES), New York, NY, USA.

6. US National Standard Plumbing Code.1993 Edition. Building Officials and Code AdministratorsInternational, Inc. (BOCA), Country Club Hills, IL, USA.

7. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 1999 Edition. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,MA, USA.

8. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code, 1999 Edition. National Fire Protection Association,Quincy, MA, USA.

9. NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial CookingOperations, 1998 Edition. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, USA.

10. NFPA 99 Standard for Health Care Facilities, 1999 Edition. National Fire ProtectionAssociation, Quincy, MA, USA.

11. NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, 2000 Edition. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA,USA.

12. NFPA 110 Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, 1999 Edition. National FireProtection Association, Quincy, MA, USA.

13. NSF International Standard 49 – 1992: Class II (Laminar Flow) Biohazard Cabinetry. NSFInternational, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

14. AAMI Standards and Recommended Practices, Volume 3, Dialysis, 1998 Edition. Associationfor the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

15. A Manual on Water Treatment for Hemodialysis, July 1989 Edition. Centers for Devices andRadiological Health, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, US Dept of Healthand Human Services, Rockville, MD, USA.

16. Radiation Protection Standards. King Abdul Aziz Center for Science and Technology, Riyadh,KSA.

17. Guide to the Management of Medical Waste in the Eastern Province. General Directorate ofHealth Affairs in the Eastern Province, 1998.

18. SAMSO Infection Control Manual.19. OM-4-1 Isolation Precautions.20. OM-5-2 Sharps Disposal Policy.21. OM-5-3 Handling of Soiled and Clean Linen.22. OM-7-1 Environmental Control in SAMSO Facilities.23. OM-8-1 Sterilization.24. Guideline for Handwashing and Hospital Environmental Control, 1985.25. SAMSO APP-11 Consumption of Food in SAMSO Facilities.26. SAMSO APP-62 Series Environment of Care Program.27. SAMSO APP-94 SAMSO Environmental Health Inspections.28. SAMSO Medical Housekeeping Services OM-17 Waste Management (chemotherapy drug

waste).29. SAMSO TM-24 Food Handler Requirements.30. SAMSO TM-30 Safe Handling of Cytotoxic Drug Waste.31. SAMSO NPP-R-1 Refrigerators and Freezers and NPP-MED-4 Medication/Biologicals Storage.32. Environmental Health Procedure Manual.

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Provision of clean, properly sanitized linen and dry cleaned articles is an essential requisite for all hospitals,institutions and communities. If soiled and contaminated linen are not properly handled the risk of spread ofcommunicable disease to persons handling such linen is greatly increased. If linen and dry cleaned articles are notproperly processed, they cannot be placed back in service. This Section specifies the public health requirementsnecessary for the maintenance of hygienic laundries capable of providing properly processed and protected linenand dry cleaning. NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with appropriate referenceddocuments listed at the end of this Section.


Alkali: A chemical substance (such as a hydroxide or carbonate of sodium or potassium), which reacts with andneutralizes an acid.

Alkalinity: A quantitative measure of the capacity of liquids or suspensions to neutralize strong acids or to resistthe establishment of acidic conditions. Alkalinity results from the presence of bicarbonates, carbonates,hydroxides, volatile acids, salts, and occasionally of borates, silicates and phosphates. Numerically it isexpressed in terms of the concentration of calcium carbonates that would have an equivalent capacity toneutralize strong acids; a property of water-soluble substances or mixtures causing the concentration ofhydroxyl ions (OH-) in water solutions to be higher than the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+).

Bacteriostasis: Inhibition of growth, but not killing, of bacteria by chemicals such as some dyes andsulfonamides.

Bacteriostat: A chemical agent, which under defined conditions induces bacteriostasis.

Bacteriostatic: A chemical agent, which has the ability to inhibit growth but not kill bacteria.

Biodegradable: Waste material, that is capable of being broken down by bacteria into basic elements. Mostorganic waste, such as food remains and paper, is biodegradable.

Biodegradability: The capability of organic matter to be decomposed by biological processes.

Bleach: A product that will clean, whiten, brighten and remove stains from fabrics; it also removes stains onhard surfaces and is bactericidal.

Bleaching: A process for removing soils and stains from textile fabrics and hard surfaces by chemical oxidationor reduction.

Cleaning: (1) Removal, by scrubbing and washing as with water, soap or suitable detergent, or by vacuumcleaning, of infectious agents and of organic matter from surfaces on which and in which infectious agents mayfind favorable conditions for surviving or multiplying. Cleaning must precede disinfection and sterilization. (2)The process employed to free a surface from food residues, dirt, grease or other objectionable matter and/orextraneous material.

Communicable Disease: An illness due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products which arises throughtransmission of that agent or its products from an infected person, animal, or inanimate reservoir to asusceptible host, either directly or indirectly through an intermediate plant or animal host, vector, or theinanimate environment.

Company Hygiene Policy: A policy that describes procedures to be adopted in a laundry facility to ensure that

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linen is protected from risk of contamination throughout processing storage and distribution. This will includelinen handling as well as personal hygiene and infection control policies and procedures.

Detergent: Technically, any cleansing agent. In popular usage, washing and cleaning agents with acomposition other than soap that clean by much the same mechanisms as soap. A cleansing agent, as soap;any of numerous synthetic water-soluble or liquid organic preparations that are chemically different from soaps,but are able to emulsify oils, hold dirt in suspension, and act as wetting agents.

Detergent/Chemical Dispenser: Device Mounted on or adjacent to a commercial washing machine that willautomatically dose the machine with a premeasured amount of detergent/chemical.

Dirt: filthy or soiling substance (as mud, dust, or grime); excrement.

Disinfectant: (1) An agent that frees from infection by destroying harmful bacteria but not necessarily allbacterial spores. (2) A chemical or physical agent that kills pathogenic microorganisms (See ‘disinfect’ inglossary).

Fabric Softener: A laundry additive that gives fabrics a soft feel and smooth surface, reduces static electricityand wrinkling and makes ironing easier.

Germicide Any material that kills germs. The term germicide is essentially synonymous with bactericide, but itmay be somewhat broader in the range of its coverage, and somewhat less precise. A substance capable ofkilling certain microorganisms.

Germicidal: A chemical agent, which under defined conditions, is capable of killing bacteria, and some othermicroorganisms but not necessarily bacterial spores.

Hand Cleanser A product designed primarily for cleaning the hands, usually with emphasis on removing oils,grease, and other occupational soils.

Hazardous Medical Linen: Linen from Isolation Rooms, Emergency Rooms, Operating and Delivery Roomswhich is heavily soiled with blood, excretions or secretions.

Hypochlorite: In its sodium salt form, the active bleaching ingredients in liquid chlorine bleach.

Hypochlorite Bleach: A group of strong oxidizing agents, all of which have one or more chlorine atoms in theirmolecule. Liquid chlorine bleach is commonly sold as an approximately five per cent solution of sodiumhypochlorite. As a laundry additive, liquid chlorine bleach removes stains, aids in soil removal, whitens,disinfects, and deodorizes. Dry forms of chlorine bleach include chlorinated isocyanurates and chlorinatedtrisodium phosphate. They are used as the bleaching ingredient in products marketed in dry form, such ascleansers and automatic dishwasher detergents. Neither liquid nor dry chlorine bleach should be used on silks,woolens, dyes sensitive to hypochlorite, and certain stains such as rust, which can be set by hypochlorite.Chlorine bleach deactivates enzymes found in laundry detergents or laundry aids.

Infectious/Communicable disease: A clinically manifest disease of man or animal resulting from an infection.

Laundering: The process of cleaning and refurbishing fabrics, which includes sorting, washing with an aqueoussolution of laundry products, rinsing, water extraction, and drying.

Laundry Detergent: A product containing a surfactant and other ingredients, formulated to clean and care forthe many different fabrics in the family wash.

Laundry Sour: Various acid compounds are used in institutional laundries to condition the load of fabrics beingwashed to a desirable degree of acidity, important to finishing operations that follow.

Linen Cart: Cart for storage of clean linen. May be semi or fully-enclosed.

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Linen Hamper: 1) Stationary or mobile metal cabinet with hinged metal cover. (2) Stationary or mobileframework with round cloth bag or cloth sides, ends and bottom.

Optical Brightener/Whitener: Synonyms for fluorescent whitening agent, the preferred term in relation tosoaps and detergents.

Process Water: Water within a process that comes in contact with end products or with materials incorporatedinto end products.

Proponent Organization; The Saudi Aramco Department/Division which is responsible for the operation of afacility or for a contract or service provided to Saudi Aramco by an outside contractor or concessionaire.

Soap: The product formed by the saponification or neutralization of fats, oils, waxes, rosins, or their acids withorganic or inorganic bases. (American Society for Testing & Materials definition). This definition of soap coversa wide range of compositions, but in the area of consumer products, soap usually means the sodium orpotassium salt of animal fat or a combination of vegetable oil and animal fat. The principal fats and oils used aretallow and coconut oil. In common usage, the word soap is also employed generically to describe any washingproduct that is preponderantly soap or depends on soap for its primary function. Thus toilet and laundry bars,light duty flakes and granules, and all-purpose made products are all termed soap, if soap is their baseingredient.

Sodium Hypochlorite: A water solution of sodium hydroxide and chlorine, in which sodium hypochlorite is theessential ingredient.

Soil: Something that spoils or pollutes (such as food residues, refuse, dirt, sewage or dung).

Stain/Stained: A visible discoloration. A stain may be one or more relatively small spots or a fairly large area ofdiscoloration. Instructions are available from many sources for removing stains from washable fabrics. Amongtechniques are presoaking and other pretreatment bleaching and special use of detergent or of specialmaterials appropriate to the particular stain.

Steam: Vaporized water, usually under pressure from a power plant or waste heat boiler.

Suds; A mass of bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid by agitation. Most soap products sud fairly readilyand voluminously, provided there is sufficient agitation and an excess of soap over that required to overcomethe hardness of the water. Detergents vary widely in sudsing properties.

Water Softener: An agent that inactivates or removes water hardness minerals, principally calcium andmagnesium and to a lesser degree, iron and manganese. There are three basic ways to soften water in thehome: mechanical water softeners; packaged chemical water softeners; and built detergents.


1.1 Proponent organizations shall inspect laundries and associated communal living facilities they controlas often as is necessary to ensure compliance with this Code Section. All inspections shall be recordedand such records shall be made available to Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD)upon request.

1.2 Saudi Aramco EPD shall have the right to inspect all laundries and associated communal livingfacilities at all reasonable times to check the standards of hygiene and evaluate compliance with theSaudi Aramco Sanitary Code in accordance with Saudi Aramco General Instruction 0151.006. A writtenreport will be provided to the proponent organization.

1.3 Contractual requirements, remedies and penalties may supplement this Code Section, but shall notsupersede or negate Code requirements. Medical Linen Services Contracts shall stipulate therequirement for contractors to comply with this Code Section.

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2.1 Personnel:

2.1.1 The laundry shall develop, implement and document adequate guidelines in good personalhygiene and laundry processing procedures. The guidelines shall be communicated toemployees as part of a continuous in-service training program. This program must be designedto ensure that all hygienic recommendations are understood. Saudi Aramco EPD shall have theright to review such guidelines.

2.1.2 Personnel shall have a valid photo identification card in their possession that identifies them asan employee of the laundry. Identification cards are not transferable.

2.1.3 All laundry personnel shall be free from communicable disease.

2.1.4 Personnel shall have a valid medical examination certificate. As a minimum, all personnel shall be given a physical health examination prior tocommencement of employment, when required by illness or injury, when required bySaudi Arab Government Agencies and whenever requested by Saudi Aramco EPD.The medical examination shall be equivalent to, and completed with the samethoroughness, as those conducted by the Saudi Aramco Medical ServicesOrganization. All medical examinations shall be conducted in a medical clinic or hospital located inSaudi Arabia by a physician licensed by the Saudi Arab Government. The medical examination report shall include a statement, signed by the licensedphysician conducting the examination, declaring that the individual is physically fit toperform his duties as a laundry worker and is free from communicable disease. A copy of the employee’s medical examination, with a photograph of the employeeattached shall be kept on file at his work site. The results of medical examinations shallbe available for review by authorized Saudi Aramco representatives prior to andthroughout the individual’s employment by the laundry. Any employee who is ill or exhibits symptoms of any communicable disease shall beremoved from the facility and be referred to and be examined by a licensed physician.The employee shall not be permitted to resume work until he is found to be free ofcommunicable disease or any other condition that could promote the spread of acommunicable disease. Symptoms and conditions include: infected wounds on thehands and arms; skin rashes; diarrhea; fever; chills; profuse sweating; etc.

2.1.5 Personnel shall be thoroughly trained qualified and receive continuous in-service training in allaspects of the specific tasks assigned to them. Each employee shall have an individual documented training record.

2.1 5.2 Training records shall record the work procedures/topics against which the employeehas been trained Employees shall only undertake work for which they have been trained.

2.1.6 Personnel shall be provided with a sufficient number of light colored uniforms to permit dailychanging. Clothing that is used once and then discarded is permissible. Uniforms shall be wornduring laundry processing activities and shall be laundered when they become soiled and at theend of each shift worked.

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2.1.7 Personnel shall be provided with and required to wear clean hair restraints that effectivelycontain the hair on their head, as well as facial hair, if applicable.

2.1.8 Personnel shall wear closed shoes, preferably steel-toed safety shoes. Open sandals and barefeet shall be prohibited.

2.1.9 Personnel shall be provided with and required to wear clean heavy duty rubber gloves, suitablemasks, shoe covers, cover gowns and other protective clothing, as necessary, when handlingcontaminated and soiled linen from medical facilities.

2.1.10 Personnel shall not apply their fingers to their mouth, eyes, ears, nose, hair, scalp, feet orprivates, nor shall they eat, drink, spit, clean their nose, chew gum or use tobacco in any formwhile in areas where clean or soiled linen is stored, sorted, washed, processed, packaged, orshipped.

2.1.11 All personnel shall follow documented hand washing and changing procedures approved byManager, EPD. Personnel shall thoroughly wash their hands and the exposed portions of theirarms: before starting work with clean linen; after using the toilet; after touching their ears, nose,mouth or hair; after handling refuse; before and after any cleaning procedure; after handlingsoiled linen; before moving from a dirty area to a clean area; before and after smoking, eatingor drinking; and during work as often as necessary to keep hands clean. They shall keep theirfingernails clean and trimmed.

2.1.12 No watches or jewelry shall be worn in processing areas.

2.1.13 Personnel shall maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and shall conform to goodhygienic practices, e.g. daily bathing, frequent hand washing and by keeping fingernails cleanand trimmed.

2.1.14 Personnel shall not sleep or lie in areas where clean or soiled linen is stored, sorted, washed,processed, packaged or shipped.

2.1.15 A Company Hygiene Policy shall be drafted and implemented. The policy shall be supplied andexplained to all employees. Signs shall be placed at appropriate points in the laundry thatinform staff of hygiene requirements, garment changing and hand washing procedures.

2.1.16 A Health Questionnaire shall be supplied to and be completed by all employees and visitors.This shall consist of questions regarding their general health and shall emphasize therequirement for anyone suffering from a sore throat, cough, fever or recent vomiting/diarrhea toreport this in the questionnaire. Facility management shall have the final decision as to whetheremployees or visitors enter the laundry.

2.1.17 The proprietor shall be responsible for assuring that personnel comply with the requirements ofthis Code Section. He shall demonstrate knowledge and apply the principles and practicesoutlined in this Code Section.

2.1.18 Employees shall be housed in suitable communal living facilities provided with such basicamenities as bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, laundry facilities and air conditioned sleepingquarters which comply with the general requirements of Section SASC-S-07, Camps andCommunal Living Facilities, Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code.

2.2 Housekeeping

2.2.1 A “Master Sanitation Schedule” shall be developed and used in all laundries. This scheduleshall be fully documented and be available for audit and review by Saudi Aramco EPD.

2.2.2 All laundries, both inside and outside, including all furnishings, equipment and fixtures, shall be

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in good repair, in a clean and safe condition and free from insects, rodents and other vermin.2.2.3 All laundry areas shall be properly cleaned at least once daily and more frequently if


2.2.4 The floor of every workroom shall be maintained in a clean and, so far as possible, a drycondition. Where wet processes are used, drainage shall be maintained and dry standingplaces shall be provided where practicable. The floors in the soiled linen receiving and sortingrooms shall be mopped with a germicidal solution at least once daily. Wash areas utilized forprocessing hospital linen shall also be treated daily with a germicidal solution. Clean areas ofthe laundry shall be damp mopped at least once weekly.

2.2.5 Sorting bins, tables, and other furniture in clean areas shall be maintained in good conditionand cleaned daily with germicidal solution.

2.2.6 Shelves, closets, racks or rails where clean linen is stored shall be cleaned on a regular basiswith a germicidal solution.

2.2.7 The inside compartments of trucks and soiled linen carts shall be sanitized at least once eachday and shall be steam cleaned at least once each week.

2.2.8 All changing rooms, toilet rooms, shower rooms, handwashing facilities, utility rooms andassociated facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times. They shall be free fromvermin and objectionable odors. All fixtures and floors, as well as walls subject to splash, shallbe cleaned with an approved detergent, rinsed and then sanitized with a 0.3 to 0.6 percenthypochlorite solution (3,000 to 6,000 milligrams per liter or 3,000 to 6,000 parts per million), orother equivalent germicidal solution approved by Saudi Aramco EPD, at least once daily.Materials, maintenance and cleaning equipment shall be properly stored.

2.2.9 Cleaning and sweeping shall be conducted in such a manner as to minimize the contaminationof the air with dust and shall be done outside of working hours, if practicable.

2.2.10 All cleaning and sanitizing solutions shall be non tainting and food grade. Staff shall receivedocumented training, including necessary safety precautions in the mixing and use of cleaningchemicals.

2.2.11 Non linting single use wipes and filtered air vacuum cleaners shall be used in the clean area ofthe laundry. Cleaning equipment shall not itself introduce contamination or foreign bodies intothe area.

2.2.12 Separate cleaning equipment, including disposable materials shall be provided for use incleaning soiled linen sorting areas, toilet rooms and linen processing areas to minimize the riskof cross contamination. Where possible, this equipment and materials shall be color coded toidentify the area in which they have been designated for use.

2.3 Food shall not be stored, processed or cooked in any room unless such room was specificallydesigned for this purpose and the use of such room for cooking is approved by EPD.

2.4 All entrances, exits, corridors and stairways, as applicable, shall be properly illuminated. Fire exitsshall be provided with illuminated exit signs equipped with emergency power sources. Entrances, exits,corridors, stairways, fire exits and fire escapes shall be kept free from obstructions.

2.5 Live animals, including those intended for slaughter, shall be excluded from the premises.

2.6 All materials shall be stored either on storage shelves or on movable wooden pallets. The laundryoperator shall not accumulate rags, fabric or other items in a manner that presents a fire hazard or allowsrodent and insect harborage.

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3.1 Plant Design and Layout

3.1.1 The laundry site, if practicable, shall not be located in an area subject to periodic flooding oradjacent to marshes, railroads, stockyards, industrial sites, pipelines or other such areas thatwould constitute a health or safety hazard.

3.1.2 The walking and driving surfaces of all areas outside the physical facility shall be surfaced withconcrete, asphalt or similar material effectively treated to facilitate maintenance and tominimize dust. These surfaces shall be well drained and kept clean.

3.1.3 The laundry, and all parts of the property around the laundry, shall be kept free from publichealth nuisances and safety hazards (see Section SASC-S-18 this Code). Whenever anyagency, employee or individual other than the Saudi Aramco proponent observes a nuisanceor violation of this Code, it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco EPD. Saudi Aramco EPD willensure that the laundry operator and/or the Saudi Aramco proponent is aware of the problemand shall provide assistance as required.

3.1.4 The laundry shall be separated into soiled and clean areas by a floor to ceiling barrier,preferably located in such a position that washing machines can be incorporated into it. Wherethis is not possible, floor to ceiling physical barriers shall be provided to separate areas of thelaundry dealing with dry disinfected work from those dealing with unprocessed, soiled, washedor damp disinfected work. Access between areas shall be via either automatic or self-closingswing doors and airflow shall be from the cleanest to the dirtiest areas of the plant. Thelaundry shall be designed to facilitate processing in a manner where flow is in a straight linefrom the dirty to the clean side of the operation, with no crossover and no clean linen beingtransported/dispatched through any soiled linen handling area.

3.1.5 Where washing machines are incorporated into a barrier wall, they shall be designed withseparate interlocking doors on opposite sides of the barrier for loading and unloading. Allwater, steam and chemical connections shall be on the soiled side of the barrier. All drainageshall be on the soiled side of the barrier and means shall be provided to prevent the accidentalof drainage water through the barrier or the washing machines to the clean side. Washingmachine drainage vents shall be closed before the clean side door is opened. Washingmachine air vents shall be on the soiled side of the barrier and be fitted with a device that willclose off the vent when the clean side door is open.

3.1.6 Staff access to the clean linen side of the operation shall involve them passing through achanging room that incorporates hygienic hand washing facilities. Access to toilet facilitiesfrom the clean area shall only be via a controlled barrier crossing.

3.2 Floors:

3.2.1 Floors shall be constructed of durable, non-slip, smooth and easily cleanable materials.

3.2.2 The floors of wet work areas, kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility roomsand handwashing facilities shall have smooth, hard, easily cleanable surfaces that areimpervious to water, detergents and disinfectants. These floors shall be sloped to properlytrapped floor drains and the junctions between the floors and the walls shall be coved andsealed.

3.2.3 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on floors. If exposed, theyshall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning.

3.2.4 Floor mats and duckboards are prohibited in kitchens, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utilityrooms and handwashing facilities.

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3.3 Walls and ceilings:

3.3.1 Walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have light colored,smooth, easily cleanable surfaces. In addition, the walls in wet work areas, toilet rooms andshower rooms shall be impervious to water, detergents and disinfectants to a minimum heightof 1.2 meters (4 feet) in wet work areas and toilet rooms and 1.8 meters (6 feet) in showerrooms. The junctions between the floors and walls in wet work rooms, kitchens, lunch rooms,shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall be coved and sealed(see sub-section 4.2.2 of this Code Section).

3.3.2 The use of rough or unsealed and unfinished building materials, such as brick, concreteblocks and wooden beams, is prohibited in wet work rooms, kitchens, lunch rooms, showerrooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities.

3.3.3 Studs, joists and rafters shall not be exposed in wet workrooms, kitchens, lunch rooms,shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities.

3.3.4 Covering materials, such as Formica, sheet metal, linoleum and vinyl, shall be attached andsealed to wall and ceiling surfaces in a way that leaves no open spaces or cracks.

3.3.5 Acoustic paneling may be utilized providing it is installed not less than 1.8 meters (6 feet)above the floor. Any perforations shall not penetrate the entire depth of the panel, shall not begreater than 3 millimeters (0.13 inches) in any dimension, and shall not comprise more than25 percent of the exposed panel surface. The paneling shall otherwise meet the requirementsof this Section.

3.3.6 Wall or ceiling mounted light fixtures, vent covers, decorative materials, fans, equipment andappurtenances shall be designed to facilitate cleaning, shall be made of easily cleanablematerials, shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning and shall bemaintained in good repair.

3.3.7 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on walls and ceilings. Ifexposed, they shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning.

3.3.8 The ceilings in all habitable rooms shall be at least 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) high as measured tothe lowest projection from the ceiling.

3.3.9 The ceilings in hallways, corridors, shower rooms, toilet rooms and utility rooms shall be atleast 2.1 meters (7 feet) high as measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling.

3.3.10 The walls or partitions between toilet/shower compartments may be less than the height of theroom walls, but the tops shall not be less than 1.8 meters (6 feet) from the floor. If partitionsare used, the bottoms of the partitions shall be raised at least 20 centimeters (8 inches) abovethe floor. In situations where a raised partition is not desirable, such as partitions separatingeastern style toilet fixtures where a raised partition may not afford suitable privacy, partitionsshall be placed on a continuous raised masonry or concrete base at least 15 centimeters (6inches) high, or a properly designed and constructed wall that joins the floor shall be provided.

3.4 Doors, windows and screening:

3.4.1 Separate delivery and exit doors shall be provided.3.4.2 A self-closing door shall be provided between the soiled and clean areas

.3.4.3 All exterior entrances to the laundry shall be provided with solid doors or glazed windows that

shall be kept tightly closed when not in use (excludes passageways between rooms within anenclosed building). Additional ventilation shall be provided if employees persistently open outerdoors to freshen or cool the air within the laundry.

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3.4.4 All exterior entrances to kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms andhandwashing facilities shall be fitted with self-closing screen doors that open outwards (ascreen door is not required if the solid door is self-closing and opens outward, the area is fullyair conditioned alleviating the need for propping the solid door open and employees arerequired to keep doors closed). The bottoms of screen doors shall be covered with metalsheeting in accordance with sub-section 15.5 of this Code Section. Other effective fly controldevices, e.g. air curtains, may be used in lieu of screen doors.

3.4.5 All outer doors and screen doors shall be tight-fitting and self-closing. All doors and screendoors, including sliding or folding types, shall be constructed so that the space between thelower edge of the door and the threshold does not exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches). Thespace between sections of folding and sliding doors, when closed, shall not exceed 6.4millimeters (0.25 inches). All exposed edges of the lower 20.3 centimeters (8 inches) of doorsand jambs that are made of materials through which rodents could gnaw, especially outerdoors and doors known to be accessible to rodents, shall be protected by covering such edgesof doors and jambs with metal sheeting that cannot be gnawed through.

3.4.6 All openable windows which are not solidly closed and are accessible to insects and rodentsshall be appropriately screened by grilles, hardware cloth or other material capable ofprecluding the entry by insects and rodents. The effective mesh size of screening materialshall not be less than 6 mesh per centimeter (16 mesh per inch).

3.4.7 Doors, windows and appurtenances thereto, shall be designed and constructed to avoidaccumulation of dirt and shall be finished such that they are smooth, nonabsorbent and easilycleanable. Doors, windows, as well as appurtenances thereto, shall be kept clean andmaintained in good repair.

3.5 Where practical, and in all newly constructed or renovated laundries, separate rooms shall be providedfor: a) storing and sorting soiled linen; b) for processing, washing and ironing linen; c) for pressing orotherwise finishing linen; and d) for storing clean linen.

3.6 A planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule shall be developed and implemented for all processingand support equipment. All Preventive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance shall be documented.

3.7 A plan shall be developed to deal with an Internal Disaster such as fire or loss of a utility such as wateror electrical power. Contingency measures shall be addressed in this plan and it shall be kept availablefor audit and scrutiny by Saudi Aramco EPD.

4 VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING4.1 Ventilation shall be provided to remove gases, odors, steam, excessive heat, grease, vapors,

smoke and other contaminants from the workplace. Ventilation systems shall be installed and operatedaccording to standards equivalent to those outlined in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard (SAES-K-001). Ventilation systems shall be maintained in efficient working order.

4.2 Air flow shall be from the area where clean linen is kept (“cleanest area”) to the area where soiled linen is kept(“soiled area”). Smoke tests may be conducted during inspections.

4.3 “Soiled areas” shall be under negative air pressure and shall be ventilated with 10 room-volumes ofclean air per hour, vented directly to the external atmosphere, with no recirculation.

4.4 Intake air ducts shall be designed and maintained to prevent the entrance of dust, dirt, and othercontaminating materials. All ventilation openings shall be appropriately screened by grilles, hardwarecloth or other material capable of precluding entrance of insects and rodents. Note that automatic fanventilation openings are acceptable for rodent stoppage if the fan covering is maintained in good repair.All intake air duct filters shall be cleaned and/or changed to a documented schedule as recommendedby the filter manufacturer.

4.5 The temperature in all rooms in which personnel work shall be maintained at a level conducive to

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the healthful performance of the activity conducted in the area. In new and substantially renovatedfacilities, the temperature shall be maintained at or below 29°C (84°F).

4.6 All habitable rooms and corridors shall be sufficiently ventilated by means of natural or mechanicalventilation. The requirement is deemed satisfied in corridors, offices and similar areas when it can bedemonstrated that the ventilation system exchanges at least two volumes of air per hour (if mechanicalventilation is used, at least 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from the outside). The rate atwhich the air volume is exchanged in work areas subject to gases, odors, steam, excessive heat,grease, vapors, smoke and other contaminants will be a function of the activity and degree of healthrisk.

4.7 All shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall be provided withmechanical ventilation systems capable of providing the equivalent of five air changes per hour. Atleast 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from the outside. If this is not feasible, mechanicalexhaust fans may be used in lieu of the required mechanical ventilation system. Exhaust fans shall becapable of exhausting 1 cubic meter (35 cubic feet) of air per minute for each hand washbasin/sink,shower, toilet and urinal installed.

4.8 All kitchens shall be provided with a mechanical ventilation system fitted inside a hood placed overthe stove, the design and specifications of which shall be compatible with the stove used. Screeningover exhaust openings shall be easily removable for cleaning. Kitchens and dining areas shall have airconditioning systems capable of ensuring that the room receives between twelve and fifteen airexchanges per hour. At least 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from the outside.

4.9 The practice of opening windows or doors to supplement ventilation in processing areas shall beprohibited. Sufficient air conditioning equipment and mechanical extractors shall be installed to controltemperature and airflow in these areas.

5 ILLUMINATIONThe following levels of illumination, whether from natural or artificial sources, shall be provided in laundries.Illumination shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity to avoid discoloration, shadows and strongglare. Also, refer to illumination requirements outlined in SAES-P-123, Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

TABLE 1Illumination

Illumination Levels Required*Area to be Illuminated Lux FootcandlesDesk in office 320 30Hallway 110 10Kitchen 540 50Laundry work area 750 70Lunch room 320 30Shower/toilet block 215 20Stairway 110 10All other indoor areas 110 10

* Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor

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6.1 Water for both processing and drinking purposes shall be obtained, conveyed, treated, stored anddistributed in a closed system. Design, construction, maintenance and operational standards, as well asquality criteria, shall comply with requirements outlined in SASC-S-01 of this Code and standardsreferenced in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards-SAES-S-40, Saudi Aramco Water Systems and SAES-S-60, Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code.

6.2 Enough processing and drinking water for laundry operations and the needs of the employeesshall be obtained from the community water supply. If a community water supply is not available, or toohigh in dissolved solids to make it palatable. then water shall be obtained from an adequate, easilyaccessible source that has been properly located and protected to ensure that water obtained is of asafe and sanitary quality and is approved by Saudi Aramco EPD. The source shall be constructed in away that prevents underground or surface contamination from reaching the source. Facilities shall beoperated and maintained by competent individuals. No part of the system shall be used for any otherpurpose.

6.3 Water wells (or other water source) and collection, conveyance, treatment, storage and distributionsystems, or parts thereof, which are newly constructed, have been repaired or have otherwise becomecontaminated, shall be thoroughly disinfected according to requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01of this Code before being used. The supply shall be purged of all but normal residual amounts ofdisinfectant (less than 3 milligrams per liter [3 parts per million] if chlorine is used to disinfect thesystem) before a sample for bacteriological testing is collected.

6.4 All water not provided directly by pipe to the laundry from the source shall be transported in a bulkwater transport system that is used for no other purpose. At the time water is obtained from theapproved source, enough chlorine shall be added to the water in the bulk water transport system tocreate a 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 to 1.5 parts per million) free chlorine residual. Hauled watershall be delivered directly to the closed water system at the work place. The bulk water transport systemshall comply with requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code.

6.5 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. Tanks shall bedesigned with openings that permit visual inspection of the tank and provide access for cleaning anddisinfection. All openings shall be covered. Covers shall overlap openings, be sloped so they are self-draining and shall be provided with gaskets and devices for securing them in place. All openings in thetop of the tank shall be flanged upward to form a curb that prevents surface water from enteringopenings. Vents and overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall be screened to prevententry by birds and other animals. All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap.

6.6 Plumbing with emphasis on cross connection control

6.6.1 Plumbing shall be designed sized and installed according to standards outlined in SaudiAramco Engineering Standards. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be operated andmaintained in a way that prevents contamination. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall bekept clean and in good repair.

6.6.2 The potable water system shall be designed and constructed to prevent the possibility ofbackflow. Devices to protect against backflow and backsiphonage shall be installed on allwater outlets and equipment unless an air gap of at least twice the inner diameter of thewater outlet (when not affected by side walls) and at least three times (when affected byside walls) is provided between the water outlet and the flood-level rim of the receivingdrain or receiving basin of the drain fixture, and wherever else backflow or backsiphonagemay occur. A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unless a backflow prevention device isinstalled.

6.6.3 There shall be no cross connection between the potable water supply and the processwater supply or any other unsafe or questionable water supply, sewerage system or any

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source of pollution that might contaminate or otherwise degrade the potable water supply.

6.6.4 There shall be no direct physical connection between the sewerage system and any drainoriginating from equipment that contains laundry.

6.6.5 A non-potable water system is permitted only for purposes such as air conditioning and fireprotection. It shall not be directly or indirectly connected with the potable water system.Water from the system shall not be used in any laundry process or for any domesticpurpose. The piping of the non-potable water system shall be durably identified so that it isreadily distinguishable from piping that carries potable water.

6.7 All potable water supplied to laundries shall be disinfected by chlorination or other means ormethods of equal efficiency in the killing or removal of organisms capable of causing infection. Whenchlorination is employed, a sufficient amount of chlorine shall be added to the water to maintain chlorineresidual in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 to 1.5 parts per million) at all points in thedistribution system from which water may be withdrawn.

6.8 Hot and cold potable water shall be provided to all hand washbasins, showers and kitchen sinks.The domestic hot water heating system shall be capable of producing a constant flow of hot water at atemperature of at least 49°C (120°F). (Specific requirements pertinent to the hot and/or tempered waterdischarged from each class of fixture are outlined in appropriate Standard).

6.9 Hot water shall be provided to all laundry equipment requiring water. The hot water heating systemshall be capable of producing a constant flow of hot water at a temperature of at least 71°C (160°F).

6.10 If hoses are used for conveying potable water, they shall be constructed of safe materials, shallhave a smooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identified as toits use. Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outlet fittings, as well ashose fittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hoses shall be stored andused so as to be kept free from contamination.

6.11 Drinking water fountains and associated requirements:

6.11.1 Drinking fountains, if provided, shall be approved angle-jet type and shall be provided within adequate supply of water under pressure.

6.11.2 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from drinking fountains and faucets shall bedischarged to the sewerage system through approved drains to prevent impoundment ofwater, creation of mud holes or other nuisance conditions.

6.11.3 Open containers from which water must be dipped or poured, such as barrels, pails ortanks, whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited.

6.11.4 The use of the common drinking cup is prohibited.

6.11.5 Where single service paper cups are provided, cups shall be dispensed from a sanitarydevice designed for this purpose and a waste receptacle shall be provided for disposal ofused cups.

6.12 Compressed air used to pressurize the potable water system shall be filtered or otherwise treated torender it free from dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly located andmaintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removable forcleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil- free air. Oil-free air shall be produced by a method equivalent to one of the following: a) useof carbon ring piston compressor; b) use of an oil-lubricated compressor with effective provision forremoval of oil vapor; or c) high-pressure, water-lubricated or non-lubricated blowers.

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6.13 If a water treatment plant is provided:

6.13.1 It is suggested that the following piping system be adopted. Non-toxic paints shall be used(the use of paints containing lead shall be avoided.)

TABLE 2Piping System Color-Code

Piping System Base ColorIdentifying Color

StripeChlorine, Gas and Liquid Yellow 1-Oxide RedDistilled and Demineralized Water Blue 1-AluminumTreated (any process) Blue 1-Oxide Red

Note: HVAC lines and electrical conduits are not color-coded but are painted the same color as the background construction.

6.13.2 Equipment, devices, filters, and all other water treatment or conditioning apparatus, shall bemade of safe materials, shall be designed to be disassembled for periodic replacement ofactive elements/media, cleaning and service, shall be operated, inspected and servicedaccording to the manufacturer’s instructions and specifications, and shall not be operatedbeyond their rated capacity. All such equipment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitarycondition and, if necessary, shall be sanitized by application of a chlorine solution or byother approved means.

6.13.3 Records of equipment operation and maintenance, quantities of product water produced,types and amounts of chemicals added to treated water, pH and chlorine residualmaintained shall be kept in a log book. The logbook shall be available for review byauthorized Saudi Aramco representatives at all times.

6.13.4 The biological and chemical quality of the water after treatment shall be as good as, orbetter than, it was before treatment.

6.14 If a Water Softener is provided:6.14.1 Process water shall, as a minimum, be tested daily for Total Hardness. Continuous

monitoring is preferred.


7.1 Sewage shall be collected, treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements equivalentto those outlined in Section SASC-S-02 of this Code. Where a public sewer system is available, allplumbing fixtures, building sewers and vents shall be connected to it. In no case shall sewage or liquidwaste of any type be discharged or otherwise disposed of on the surface of the ground, or into any well,cave, open ditch or reservoir until it has been properly treated and the disposal method has beenapproved by Saudi Aramco EPD. Pit latrines, outhouses and other non-water-carried sewage disposalmethods are prohibited.

7.2 Floor drains and sewer pipes shall be large enough to carry off all wastewater and sanitary sewage.Sufficient clean-out places shall be provided in sewer drainpipes.

7.3 Grease traps, if used, shall be located so they are easily accessible for cleaning.

7.4 All sewer pipes or drains through which rodents may pass shall be closed with a properlysecured, perforated metal or iron cover. Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters (0.5inches) in diameter.

7.5 Defective sewer pipes, traps, drains and vents shall be repaired or replaced promptly andprofessionally. Crude repairs with wood, tape or metal strips are unsatisfactory.

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8.1 Every laundry shall be provided with properly designed and constructed toilet, shower and handwashbasin facilities.

8.2 Toilet and handwashing facilities shall be readily accessible and open to personnel at all times.Facilities are not considered to be readily accessible if an employee is required to climb more than onefloor-to- floor flight of stairs or if they are located more than 61 meters (200 feet) from the locationwhere the employee normally works.

8.3 Toilets, showers and hand washbasins shall be separately installed to be individually accessible andto permit simultaneous use.

8.4 Shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall be separated from thelaundry, kitchens and sleeping rooms by a self-closing, tight-fitting door. The storage of food,equipment, utensils or personal articles in such areas is prohibited.

8.5 Hand washbasins and other sinks, faucets and hydrants not specifically designed and approved forsuch use, shall not be used for washing laundry, preparing food or for washing dishes or utensils.

8.6 All facilities shall be well ventilated (see sub-section 4 of this Code Section).

8.7 Legible signs made of durable materials directing all users to wash their hands after using thetoilet/urinal shall be conspicuously posted in every toilet room (in Arabic, English and other appropriatelanguages).

8.8 The following number of showers, toilets/urinals and hand washbasins shall be provided per Table3:

TABLE 3Numbers and Types of Fixtures Required

Number of Showers * Number of Toilets ** Number of Washbasins ***Employees male female Employees male female Employees male female

1 to 15 1 1 1 - 15 1 1 1 – 10 1 116 – 30 2 2 16 - 35 2 2 11 – 20 2 231 – 45 3 3 36 - 55 3 3 21 – 30 3 346 – 60 4 4 56 - 75 4 4 31 – 40 4 461 – 75 5 5 76 - 100 5 5 41 – 50 5 576 –90 6 6 51 – 60 6 6

91 – 105 7 7 61 – 70 7 771 – 80 8 881 – 90 9 991 – 100 10 10

> 105 one per 15 additional > 100 one per 30 additional > 100 one per 10 additionalPersons persons Persons

* One shower shall be provided for every 15 workers, or portion thereof, exposed to excessive heat or to skin contamination withpoisonous, infectious or irritating materials.

** Where 10 or more men are employed, urinals should be provided. Urinals may be substituted for toilets on a one to one basis, exceptthat the number of toilets shall not be reduced to less than two-thirds of the number specified in Table 3. This clause does not applyto facilities provided for females.

*** At least one hand washbasin shall be provided for every 10 employees or portion thereof, up to 100 persons, and one handwashbasin for each additional 15 persons or portion thereof. Where employees are exposed to skin contamination with poisonous,infectious or irritating materials, the number of hand washbasins provided shall be increased to one for every 5 employees.

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8.9 The minimum size of, and floor space allotted for, toilets, hand washbasins, urinals and showers shall be asfollows:

TABLE 4Minimum Space Required for Each Type of Installation

Installation MinimumWidth


Minimum SpacePer Unit

Hand washbasin 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2Shower cubical 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2Shower stall 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2Toilet compartment 80 cm 105 cm 1.5 m2Urinal 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2


9.1 Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed. Each toilet fixture shall be individually enclosed within itsown compartment within the toilet room (does not apply to urinals). This is required to ensure that anindividual’s need for privacy does not interfere with his commitment to personal hygiene.

9.2 The entrance to a toilet room shall be provided with a door(s) according to requirements outlined insub-section 3.3 of this Code Section.

9.3 Urinals shall be provided according to requirements outlined in Table 3 of this Code Section. Notethat 60 centimeters (24 inches) of trough urinal space is considered to be equivalent to one urinal.

9.4 Toilet bowls shall be set entirely free and open from all enclosing structures and shall be so installedthat the space around the fixture can be easily cleaned. Wall-hung toilets are not prohibited.

9.5 Every western-type toilet shall have a hinged, open-front seat made of substantial material having asmooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. A holder supplied with toilet tissue shall be provided ineach toilet compartment.

9.6 Every eastern-type toilet shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent,easily cleanable finish. Each toilet shall be provided with a water tap for washing (and a supply of toiletpaper with holder, where indicated). Water taps provided for eastern-type toilets shall be fitted withappropriate backflow prevention devices designed to protect the water distribution system fromcontamination (see sub-section 6.6.2 of this Code Section).


10.1 Adequate handwashing facilities shall be provided in accordance with Table 3, sub-section 8.8 ofthis Code Section and be conveniently located adjacent to toilet facilities. When trough sinks andcircular wash basins are provided with individual faucets, 60 centimeters (24 inches) of lineal troughsink or 45 centimeters (18 inches) of a circular basin shall be considered as equal to one handwashbasin. Also note that utility sinks are not acceptable substitutes for hand washbasins.

10.2 In addition to the handwashing facilities required in sub-section 10.1 of this Code Section, a handwashbasin and changing area shall be provided at the exit of the soiled linen sorting area and at theentrance to the clean linen area (see sub-section 12.2 of this Code Section). Germicidal handwashingsoap, individual, disposable paper towels and a lined garbage receptacle for storing towel waste shallbe provided at these handwashing facilities. Employees shall change their protective clothing and washtheir hands before they leave the soiled linen sorting area.

10.3 Tempered running water shall be provided at each hand washbasin. Water shall be tempered bymeans of a mixing valve or combination faucet. Water shall be delivered at a minimum pressure of atleast 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least

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3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). The temperature of the water discharged from the tap shallbe at least 32°C (90°F). Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 15seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

10.4 A handwashing cleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers at or next tohand washbasins at all times (common towels are prohibited). Mechanical hot air blowers for drying thehands may be substituted for paper towels.


11.1 Showers shall be provided as employees may be exposed to skin contamination with infectious andirritating materials.

11.2 Shower rooms shall be completely enclosed. Each shower fixture shall be individually enclosed in aseparate compartment within the shower room. The compartment shall comprise of a cubical with abench and a clothes hook and a separated shower stall. The visual privacy of the bather shall bemaintained. Privacy curtains, if used, shall be of an easily cleanable material and be kept clean.

11.3 Showers shall be designed and constructed to be self-draining and to preclude the flow of water intoadjacent areas.

11.4 Shower floors shall be skid-resistant. Floor racks (duckboards) are prohibited.

11.5 Showers shall be supplied with water through thermostatic, tempering or mixing valves at atemperature of at least 32°C (90°F), but not more than 49°C (120°F), at a rate of at least 11.4 liters (3gallons) per minute. Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 30 secondswithout the need to reactivate the faucet.

11.6 If individual shower compartments are not provided, the shower room shall include a dressing area.The dressing area shall be equipped with benches and clothes hooks.


12.1 A general changing area shall be provided because the work performed involves exposure toexcessive heat and moisture.

12.2 A separate changing area shall be provided at the exit of the soiled linen sorting area and at theentrance to the clean linen area. Employees shall change uniforms when they leave the soiled area orenter the clean area and when they become soiled.

12.3 Where the process in which the worker is engaged is such that his work clothing becomes wet orhas to be washed between shifts, provision shall be made to ensure that such clothing is dry beforereuse.

12.4 Lockers shall be provided in the general changing area for the storage of employee’s street clothingand personal belongings, shall be constructed of easily cleanable, corrosion resistant materials andshall not have sharp edges. Lockers shall be vented. Lockers shall be set either on solid masonrybases 13 centimeters (5 inches) high or on legs so that locker bottoms are at least 25 centimeters (10inches above the floor). Lockers shall not be permitted in any production area.

12.5 Hooks or a rail fitted with captive hangers shall be provided for hanging wet reusable protectiveclothing between uses. The hooks/hangers shall be sufficiently spaced to allow free air circulationaround all items when all hooks/hangers are used.

12.6 Shoe/boot racks shall be provided for proper air-drying of wet shoes and boots between uses. Theracks shall be sufficiently spaced to allow free air circulation around all items when all hooks/racks areused.

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13.1 If employees are required to lunch on the premises, an adequate space suitable for that purposeshall be provided. The space provided for the lunchroom shall conform to the requirements outlined inTable 5 and shall be based on the maximum number of persons using the room at any one time.

TABLE 5Minimum Space Required For Lunch Rooms

Number of persons Minimum space per person25 and less 0.8 m


26 to 74 0.7 m2

75 to 149 0.6 m2

150 to 499 0.5 m2

500 and more 0.4 m2

13.2 If a kitchen is provided, the design, construction and materials of structure and equipment, as well asthe general operating methods and procedures used to store, handle and protect food, equipment andutensils, shall comply with requirements equivalent to those specified in Section SASC-S-04 of thisCode.

13.3 Box lunches, if provided shall be prepared and transported to the workplace from a kitchen and in amanner that satisfies the terms of Section SASC-S-04 of this Code.

13.4 An adequate number of waste receptacles shall be provided and shall be used by employees forthe disposal of all waste food and materials (refer to sub-section 14.2 of this Code Section).

13.5 Employees shall not be permitted to store, prepare or eat food in any location where linen ishandled, or where there are any toxic materials or hazardous substances present that may be injuriousto their health.


14.1 Garbage and refuse storage facilities:

14.1.1 Prior to removal from the premises, garbage and other refuse shall be stored in a way thatmakes it inaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin. Outside storage of garbage orrefuse in open piles or in any container other than an approved garbage or refuse containeris prohibited, e.g. storage in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Inside storage of waste inopen piles on the floor of the garbage/refuse storage room is prohibited. Heavy-duty plasticbags may be stacked on the floor of a properly designed and constructed refuse storageroom if the waste contained therein is satisfactorily sealed in the bag, i.e. the bag does notrepresent an “open pile”.

14.1.2 The garbage/refuse storage room, if provided, shall be large enough to store allgarbage/refuse containers that accumulate between disposal periods. Walls, ceilings andall attachments thereto, shall be made of substantial material having a smooth,nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easilycleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped toa trapped, covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system. The structure shall beinsect- and rodent-proof, including the provision of a solid door designed to preclude theentry by rodents. Additionally, a screen door that opens outward, an air curtain device orother effective means of excluding flies shall be provided. The storage room shall be keptclean and maintained in good repair.

14.1.3 Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers, lugger boxes andcompactor systems after they are emptied (this facility need not be provided on the

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premises if the waste hauler provides this service at another location). As a minimum, thefacility shall be provided with hot running water delivered at a minimum pressure of at least1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of atleast 3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). The floor shall be constructed of a smooth,easily cleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properlysloped to a trapped, covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system.

14.1.4 The floor of an outside garbage/refuse storage area shall be constructed of a smooth,easily cleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete or machine laid asphalt;and shall be large enough to accommodate the garbage/refuse containers that accumulatebetween disposal periods.

14.2 Garbage and refuse containers:14.2.1 Approved garbage and refuse containers shall include standard 115 liters (30 gallons) steel

garbage cans, modified 210 liters (55 gallons) steel drums, purpose-built lugger boxes andcompactor systems. All such containers shall be made of durable, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable materials that are impervious to attack by insects, rodents and other vermin.They shall be designed and constructed so that they do not leak. Drain plugs, whererequired, shall be in place at all times except during cleaning.

14.2.2 Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight- fitting lids, doors or covers. The lids, doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall bekept in the closed position when not in immediate use. Refuse containers that are actively being used in the facility need not be covered.Refuse containers shall be covered when not actively being used. Filled refusecontainers shall be covered and removed from the facility to the refuse storagefacility.

14.2.3 The cover and the outside surface of the 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) andsmaller containers shall be labeled with the word “GARBAGE” or “REFUSE.” Once used asa garbage or refuse container, the lid and container shall not be used for any otherpurpose, especially food preparation or storage

.14.2.4 The 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) and smaller containers shall be lined with

heavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate removal of refuse.

14.2.5 Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. There shall be a sufficientnumber of approved containers to hold all the garbage and refuse produced and toaccommodate the total amount accumulated in the refuse holding facility between disposalperiods.

14.2.6 Periodically, each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergent on theinside and outside in a way that does not contaminate water, food or the environment.

14.2.7 Refuse equipment and containers shall not, by their location or installation, create anuisance or prevent cleaning of adjacent space.

14.3 Garbage and refuse disposal:14.3.1 Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and the

attraction of insects and rodents, but not less than twice per week.

14.3.2 Waste shall be removed to the disposal facility in a purpose- built refuse transport vehicle.

14.3.3 All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal sanitary landfill, or by any other method approved byManager, EPD. Open dumps and burn-pits are prohibited.

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15.1 The laundry operator is responsible for controlling insects, rodents and other vermin, includingcontrol of breeding sites, e.g. artificial bodies of water.

15.2 The presence of fly larvae, rodents or other vermin, or the traces, droppings, trails, runs or otherevidence of the presence of such vermin, shall be evidence of filth and unsanitary conditions. Whensuch conditions exist, the laundry operator shall take immediate action to control the infestation.When notified by Saudi Aramco EPD of such conditions, the laundry operator shall report the resultsof his control activities to Saudi Aramco EPD within 72 hours of receipt of the notification.

15.3 Buildings shall be designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and operated to prevent the entryand harborage of insects, rodents, animals, birds and other vermin, as well as environmentalcontaminants, such as smoke and dust. Effective measures, such as excluding, inspecting andexterminating, shall be used to minimize the entry, presence and propagation of vermin, both insideand outside of the building.

15.4 All buildings, structures and associated facilities shall be insect- and rodent-proofed, freed ofvermin before occupancy and shall be maintained in an insect, rodent and vermin free condition.

15.5 There shall be no openings in exterior walls, foundations, basements, ground or first floors, orroofs which will admit insects, rodents or other vermin. Openings for pipes, conduits and other utilityservices in foundations or exterior walls, floors or roofs accessible to insects and rodents shall beclosed solidly by metal, concrete or other impervious material. If metal sheeting is used to seal holesaround pipes, conduits and ducts, it shall extend at least 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) beyond all sidesof the opening.

15.6 All ventilation and other non-window openings that cannot be solidly sealed and that remainaccessible to insects and rodents shall be appropriately screened by grilles, hardware cloth or othermaterial capable of precluding the entry by insects, rodents and other vermin. Note that the swing-type louvered flaps that automatically close when an exhaust or ventilation fan is switched off aredeemed to be acceptable screening if they are kept clean and in good repair.

15.7 All sewer or drain openings shall be closed with a properly secured perforated metal cover.Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters (0.5 inches) in diameter.

15.8 Employees shall not place, leave, dump or permit to accumulate any refuse or trash in thestructure or on the premises in a manner that will afford food and harborage for insects, rodents orother vermin.

15.9 Employees shall not accumulate, or permit the accumulation of lumber or other such material onthe premises unless such material is stored on racks 30 centimeters (12 inches) above the ground.

15.10 The pest control program shall encompass all areas outside and inside the laundry. Areas alongfences, around buildings, under stored materials, in and around refuse facilities, as well as floors,walls and ceilings in buildings, shall be inspected frequently to detect the presence of insects, rodentsand other vermin. Preventive control measures are preferable to eradication campaigns.

15.10.1 Insects, rodents and other vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breeding andharborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of buildings and structures,proper storage of materials, extermination, and by other approved control methods.

15.10.2 Pesticides shall be dispensed and handled by authorized, properly trained personnel. Aqualified pest control operator shall apply restricted-use pesticides.

15.10.3 Pesticides shall not be applied in areas where food handling, warewashing or other suchoperations are in progress or in a way that contaminates food equipment, utensils or other

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food contact surfaces.

15.11 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they have developed.For example, insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breeding andharborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of structures, proper storage ofmaterials and by other approved control methods. Desperate campaigns to rid buildings, structuresand premises of established infestations are undesirable and therefore potential problems must beaddressed before infestations become established.


16.1 All laundry equipment shall be of appropriate design and capacity for the job intended. Theequipment shall be made of suitable materials and properly constructed. The surfaces of equipmentshall be smooth and easily cleanable.

16.2 All laundry equipment shall be properly installed, maintained and operated. Equipment shall be in

good repair and shall be kept clean and free from outside grease.

16.3 Accurate thermometers shall be installed on all washing machines.

16.4 Documented preventive maintenance shall be completed for all machinery.

16.5 The inner compartments of clean linen storage sets and soiled linen carts shall be smooth, easilycleanable and nonabsorbent. The use of canvas liners shall be restricted to soiled linen carts, andonly if the canvas liner is removable for laundering


17.1 Soiled linen shall be separated from clean linen as it is transported to and from the laundry. Acompletely different set of clean and soiled linen delivery and pick up carts, baskets or othercontainers shall be provided. Soiled and clean linen carts, baskets and other containers shall becolor-coded and/or identified in a distinct and separate way, maintained separately and used only fortheir designated purpose.

17.2 In regards to medical linen, the laundry operator shall provide a separate set of washable plasticlaundry tubs, which are suitably marked for sorting medical linen. These tubs shall be usedexclusively for sorting Saudi Aramco Medical Services linen.

17.3 Hazardous linen designated by color-coded linen bags shall be separated upon delivery to thelaundry and washed separately from other linen. Hazardous linen shall not be removed from the linenbag until it is placed in the washer. Placement of hazardous linen will be performed by using the baseof the outer bag to push the inner water-soluble bag into the washer and then placing the outer (color-coded) bag in behind it.

17.4 All heavily soiled items, such as mops and step-off mats shall be washed separately.

17.5 Cloth bags for soiled linen require the same handling as their contents.

17.6 All surgical gowns and surgical linen shall be washed separately. To prevent lint problems, greentowels shall be washed separately.

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18.1 Only bacteriostatic detergents shall be used for medical linen. Before use, Saudi Aramco EPDshall approve detergents.

18.2 The laundry operator shall use the wash formulas listed in Tables 6 and 7. Additional rinses may beconducted at lower temperatures. There will be no steam introduced directly on the linen. Water shallbe heated to the required temperature outside of the wash wheel. Saudi Aramco EPD, prior to use,shall approve any alternative wash formula.

18.3 Washing and at least one rinse of the hospital linen wash formula shall include a watertemperature of 66°C (151°F) for a period of between 14 and 18 minutes, depending on the loadingfactor. Alternatively, the temperature can be raised to 71°C (160°F) for a period of between 7 and 11minutes. Indicating thermometers shall register these temperatures for the established duration andpre-programmable machines shall be set to achieve this.

18.4 Contaminated/hazardous linen and surgical work items shall be washed for a full 11 minutes at atemperature of 71°C (160°F).

18.5 There practical, chemical dispensers shall be utilized, either to provide a measured dosehydraulically or by means of a pre-measured dose placed in a dispenser mounted on the machineand which is automatically mixed with water entering the machine at the relevant stage of the washcycle. Weights of each chemical shall be determined by the chemical supplier based on theclassification of the linen being processed and the weight of the load.

TABLE 6Washing Formula Specifications

Break (with or without Alkali) Low temperature pre-wash designed to avoid fixing stains,which can be caused by an immediate hot water wash.

Detergent Approved commercial detergent that consists of a soap and/orsynthetic surfactant alkali, bleaching agent, optical whitener andsuspending agent.

Bleach Commercial hypochlorite or peroxide bleach depending on thematerial being laundered.

Laundry Sour Sodium bisulfate, sodium bifluoride or oxalic acid (compoundswhich are designed to neutralize alkalinity).

Fabric Softener A commercially approved softener and anti static agent.

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TABLE 7Minimum Hospital Wash Formula for Contaminated/Hazardous Linen

(Formula per 45 kilos or 100 lbs)

Description Amount to add(grams)

Water (liters) Temperature(°C)


Break (Alkali)


As per chemicalmanufacturer’sinstructions

As per machine andchemical manufacturer’sinstructions

43/49 split4



As per chemicalmanufacturer’sinstructions

As per machine andchemical manufacturer’sinstructions

7111or more



As per chemicalmanufacturer’sinstructions

As per machine andchemical manufacturer’sinstructions

60 or less6-10



As per machine andchemical manufacturer’sinstructions

60 or less2



As per machine andchemical manufacturer’sinstructions

60 or less1



As per chemicalmanufacturer’sinstructions

As per machine andchemical manufacturer’sinstructions



BacteriostatAs per chemicalmanufacturer’sinstructions

As per machine andchemical manufacturer’sinstructions

Variable Variable

Drain 1

Extract (Slow)

Extract (Fast)



18.6 The bleaching process in the wash cycle shall, if hypochlorite bleach is used, be at a temperatureof less than 60°C (140°F) to avoid fabric damage. The bleaching process shall be for duration ofbetween 6 and 10 minutes. Items stained with chloro-hexidine products shall not be bleached inhypochlorite bleach as this will result in permanent staining. An oxygen bleach shall be used for thispurpose and for bleaching all colored fabrics. When hypochlorite bleach is used, an antichlor shall beadded following the rinses at the end of the bleaching phase of the wash cycle.

18.7 All stained or repaired linen shall be relaundered.

18.8 Any linen that has stains that cannot be removed shall be returned separately to the SaudiAramco Proponent Organization or customer with an explanation as to why the stain could not beremoved.


19.1 All clean linen shall be handled as little as possible and shall be completely wrapped before beingstored.

19.2 Clean linen shall be kept completely separate from soiled linen during transportation, processingand storage.

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19.3 Sheets, bed spreads, pillow slips, patient and doctor gowns, pajamas, scrub dress, and other lightgarments shall be ironed on a press or flat-work iron to reduce total bacterial counts and to eliminatewrinkles.

19.4 All finished linen and dry cleaning shall be returned clean and neat and shall be subject to abacteria count audit. Clean and neat is defined as free from stains, lint and wrinkles, tears or holes.Linen rewashed but not free from stains shall be returned to the laundry.

19.5 All clean linen and dry cleaning shall be well wrapped and covered to protect it fromcontamination when delivered.

19.6 Staff handling, or those exposed to, dry cleaning chemicals shall be provided with, and wear,suitable protective clothing when handling such chemicals.

19.7 Material Data Sheets/Chemical Hazard Bulletins shall be displayed in all areas where dry cleaningchemicals are stored, used or handled.

19.8 ‘No smoking’ notices shall be displayed in areas where dry cleaning chemicals are stored or used.

19.9 Dry cleaning chemicals shall be stored in a safe manner, protected from sunlight and away fromall other materials. Appropriate notices shall be displayed indicating the flammable nature of thechemicals and suitable fire-fighting equipment shall be provided in a location that is easily accessiblefor use in emergencies


Delivery vehicles shall have storage compartments that are easily cleanable, tightly enclosed and maintained ingood repair. Delivery vehicles that are used to transport soiled linen shall be cleaned and sanitized immediatelythereafter. Clean and soiled linen shall not be transported together in a truck unless appropriately designedseparate compartments are available on the truck.

21 LAUNDRY DEPOTS21.1 Laundry depots provided on Saudi Aramco facilities for the purposes of receiving and dispatching

personal linen shall meet the following general design and operating criteria:

21.1.1 They shall be designed to receive linen from the public through one door and dispatch dirtylinen and receive clean linen through another.

21.1.2 Adequate shelving and hanging racks shall be provided for storing clean linen and theseshall be maintained clean.

21.1.3 Separate and adequate facilities shall be provided for storing soiled linen This shall bedeemed satisfied, if suitable linen containers/hampers are provided.

21.1.4 Suitable procedures shall be implemented to identify individual customer’s linen.

21.1.5 Employees shall have access to toilet, handwashing facilities and a drinking water supply.These shall either be located within the laundry depot, or nearby, should the depot belocated in a Saudi Aramco Concessionary Facility.

21.1.6 The laundry depot shall be provided with adequate ventilation/air conditioning according tostandards equivalent to those outlined in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard (SAES-K-001).

21.1.7 The laundry depot shall be illuminated in accordance with the requirements outlined inTable 1.

21.1.8 The laundry depot shall be provided with garbage storage facilities and garbage shall bedisposed of in accordance with requirements outlined in sub-section 14 of this CodeSection.

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22.1 A safety shower and eyewash shall be provided in the process area. The safety shower is foremergency use only and is separate and distinct from the domestic shower baths required in sub-section 12 of this Code Section.

22.2 Fire extinguishers suitable for Classes 1,2 and 3 Type fires shall be provided in all rooms wherelinen is handled processed, in workshops, mechanical rooms and in any employeekitchen/lunchroom.


23.1 Laundries shall develop and implement a Quality Assurance Program that shall meet therequirements of ISO 9002 Quality Assurance Standard. The standard shall be designed to ensurethe maintenance of quality positively by carefully controlling processing rather than by relying solelyon testing the final product.

23.1.1 A clear quality policy statement shall be drafted which shall testify to the ownerscommitment and intent to make quality a top priority and company-wide culture.

23.1.2 Clear assignment of personal responsibility for implementation of quality systems shall beincluded. The necessary authority must be vested in named persons.

23.1.3 The whole management operating and validation system shall be detailed in a QualityManual, which cites working documents such as management procedures, workinstructions, process monitoring forms and product test forms.

23.1.4 The issuing, revision and updating of documents shall follow a defined control procedure.

23.1.5 The defining of Saudi Aramco’s contract requirements and reviewing of requirements shallconform to a set procedure.

23.1.6 Selection of suppliers and procedures for verification of the product conformance tospecifications are necessary. The control of production materials, their traceability andprocedures for recording and dealing with non-conformances are an important lever onquality control and as such shall be included in the program.

23.1.7 A controlled series of documented work instructions shall be provided. The monitoring ofall processes, their ongoing documented verification, as well as records of plant conditionshall form a continuous documented system. Equipment control and preventivemaintenance with records are included to comprise a complete traceable system so thatany product non-conformances can always be related back to processes actually used andtheir current status and conformity to specifications. Copies of work procedures shall bedisplayed at relevant workstations.

23.1.8 All process changes shall be fully controlled, authorized and documented.

23.1.9 Records of product conformance tests at chosen points in the process and on the finishedproduct shall be maintained.

23.1.10 Definite procedures which deal with verification of corrective action in cases of supplies,process or product non-conformance are a vital part of the quality system and shall bedeveloped and implemented.

23.1.11 Many documents, such as inspection and test procedures and instructions, workInstructions and operating procedures, will need to be visible to staff but it is important not

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to make the system over bureaucratic. An index of all such documents as well as their useand detailed application shall be included in the quality manual.

23.1.12 Quality records, such as inspection and test reports, process validation reports andmaintenance reports, shall be kept for the duration of any Laundry Services Contractagreed with any Saudi Aramco Proponent Organization.

23.1.13 The correct training of staff is vital to the Quality Assurance. Training requirements formanagement, technical and production staff, covering all relevant activities, procedures andtests, shall be documented. Training records of all staff and the work procedures againstwhich they have been trained shall be maintained. Effectiveness of training andrequirements for re-training shall be regularly reviewed and actions recorded.

23.1.14 Regular internal audits of the functioning of the company’s quality system shall be carriedout. The people responsible for the audits and the precise scope of checks shall bedefined. Audits should be done by staff not doing the actual work being audited. Theaudits are the mechanism for steering the system and ensuring that control is maintained,guaranteeing the long-term satisfaction of the customer.

23.1.15 The Quality Assurance Manual shall include policies on glass, needles, foreign bodies andthe use of medical dressings used by laundry staff

23.2 Microbiological Monitoring

23.2.1 Quality Assurance principles shall be used to identify critical control points. Critical controlpoints shall be monitored for microbiological contamination and the frequency ofmonitoring; action and alert levels shall be established for each point and resultsdocumented.

23.2.2 On-site microbiological sampling of surface and airborne contamination shall be carried outat regular intervals.

23.2.3 A proven microbiological challenge test shall be used to validate thermal disinfection in thewash cycle and the results documented.

23.2.4 All rinse water shall be of proven microbiological standard.

23.2.5 All microbiological and QA records shall be available for inspection and audit by SaudiAramco EPD.

23.2 Glass Policy

23.3.1 All sources of glass shall be listed and wherever possible, glass shall be protected in sucha way that if breakage occurs, glass fragments will be retained.

23.3.2 Regular auditing shall be conducted to check for breakages or damage and results shall bedocumented.

23.3 Needle Policy

23.4.1 A documented policy shall be developed and implemented which deals with needles usedin repair of garments and other laundered items. This policy shall be designed to track theintroduction use and disposal of every needle in order to avoid entrapment of needles orneedle fragments in garments and other items being returned.

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23.4.2 Documentation shall be audited regularly to ensure that all needles are being accountedfor.

23.5 Foreign Object Policy

23.2.1 A documented policy shall be developed and implemented which deals with foreign objects,particularly sharp objects and surgical instruments received by the laundry in soiled linenbags and particularly when their presence results in a sharps related injury to a laundryemployee. The laundry shall log any incident and report back to Saudi Aramco EPD. SaudiAramco EPD shall investigate all such incidents and instigate necessary corrective action toavoid recurrences.

23.5.2 Documentation shall be maintained on site of all incidents where foreign objects arereceived in incoming soiled linen for audit by Saudi Aramco EPD.

23.6. Medical Adhesive Plaster Policy

23.6.1 Plasters that are colored blue shall be issued to the laundries dedicated first aider who shalllog to whom they are issued. Supervisors shall check all operatives entering and leavingthe processing areas and shall maintain a log of operatives wearing or issued with plasters.

23.6.2 The log shall be kept available on site for audit by Saudi Aramco, EPD.

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1 Laundry & Linen Service, Planning Design and Operation – The Division of BuildingTechnology, CSIR in Association with The Fabric Care Research Association U.K.,Published by Division of Building Technology CSIR. P.O. Box 395 Pretoria 001, SouthAfrica.

2 Laundering Workwear for the High Care Section of the Food Industry, Published by TheFabric Care Research Association, Forest House Laboratories, Knaresborough RoadHarrogate, north Yorkshire HG2 7LZ England, U.K.

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This Section prescribes the public health requirements and specifications necessary to the maintenance of asanitary, safe workplace (the control of toxic materials in the workplace is regulated by Industrial Hygiene). NOTE:All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with the appropriate referenced documents listed at the endof this Section.


Available Chlorine: A measure of the total oxidizing power of chlorinated hypochlorites.

Backsiphonage: The flowing back of used, contaminated or polluted water from a plumbing fixture or vessel into awater supply pipe due to negative pressure in that pipe.

Blackwater (Sanitary Sewage): Wastewater from toilets, urinals, etc. as distinguished from graywater fromlaundries, car washes, etc..

Chlorinated: Water to which chlorine or hypochlorites have been added to disinfect, control taste and odor andprevent the growth of algae or other organisms.

Chlorine Residual: The amount of chlorine in all forms (total) of HOCl (free) remaining in treated water to insuredisinfection for a certain period of time.

Decontamination: The removal of pathogenic microorganisms from objects so that they are safe to handle.

Free Chlorine Residual: The application of chlorine or chlorine compounds to water or wastewater to produce afree available chlorine residual through the destruction of ammonia compounds.

Gray Water: Wastewater from laundries, car washes, distinguished from sewage from toilets, showers,urinals, etc..

Hypochlorite: In its sodium form, the active bleaching ingredient in liquid chlorine bleach.

Potable Drinking Water: Water at the consumer tap that is wholesome and which meets the chemical, physicaland microbiological standard as outlined in SASC-S-01.

PPM (Parts Per Million): A unit of concentration replaced by mg/L in solution.

Residual Chlorine: The free chlorine which remains in solution after the demand has been satisfied.RO Product water from reverse osmosis (RO) desalinization.

TDS (total dissolved solids): Total solids dissolved in water.

Unsanitary: One or more factors in a man’s physical environment that affect ones health or survival that are notbeing properly controlled.

Utility Water: In Saudi Aramco terminology, utility water systems are used in process facilities as opposed to rawwater systems used in domestic facilities. Water normally contains less than 5,000 mg/L TDS.

Vacuum Breaker: A device for relieving a vacuum formed in pipeline, thereby preventing backsiphonage.

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1.1 Proponent organizations shall inspect workplaces they control as often as is necessary to ensurecompliance with this Code Section. All inspections shall be recorded and such records shall be madeavailable to Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD) upon request.

1.2 Saudi Aramco EPD will routinely inspect places where persons are directly or indirectly engagedin work for Saudi Aramco. Inspections will be conducted according to requirements outlined in SaudiAramco General Instructions 2.718 and 0151.006, as well as the Saudi Arab Government Labor Law.A written report will be provided to the proponent organization.


2.1 The site, if practicable, shall not be located in an area subject to periodic flooding or adjacent tomarshes, railroads, stockyards, industrial sites, pipelines or other such areas which would constitutea health or safety hazard.

2.2 The walking and driving surfaces of all areas outside the physical facility shall be surfaced withconcrete, asphalt or similar material effectively treated to facilitate maintenance and to minimize dust.These surfaces shall be well drained and kept clean.

2.3 All areas shall be kept free of nuisances and safety hazards (see Section SASC-S-18 of thisCode). Whenever a nuisance or violation of this Code is observed by any agency, employee orindividual other than the Saudi Aramco proponent, it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco EPD. SaudiAramco EPD will ensure that the Saudi Aramco proponent is aware of the problem and shall provideassistance as required.

2.4 Housekeeping:

2.4.1 All places of employment, both inside and outside, including all furnishings, equipment andfixtures shall be in good repair, in a clean and sanitary condition and free of insects, rodentsand other vermin.

2.4.2 The floor of every workroom shall be maintained in a clean and, so far as possible, a drycondition. Where wet processes are used, drainage shall be maintained and dry standingplaces shall be provided where practicable.

2.4.3 All dressing rooms, toilet rooms, shower rooms, handwashing facilities, utility rooms andfacilities shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times. They shall be free from flies andobjectionable odors. All fixtures and floors, as well as walls subject to splash, shall becleaned with an approved detergent, rinsed and then sanitized with a 0.3 to 0.6 percenthypochlorite solution (3,000 to 6,000 milligrams per liter), or other equivalent disinfectantapproved by Saudi Aramco EPD, at least once daily. Materials, maintenance and cleaningequipment shall be properly stored.

2.4.4 Cleaning and sweeping shall be conducted in such a manner as to minimize thecontamination of the air with dust and shall be done outside of working hours, if practicable.

2.5 Expectorating upon the walls, floors, stairs or any other area within the workplace is prohibited.

2.6 Food shall not be cooked in any room unless such room was specifically designed for this purposeand the use of such room for cooking is approved by Saudi Aramco EPD.

2.7 Noise levels shall conform to standards in SAES-A-105, Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

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2.8 All entrances, exits, corridors and stairways shall be properly illuminated. Fire exits shall beprovided with lighted exit signs equipped with emergency power sources. Entrances, exits, corridors,stairways, fire exits and fire escapes shall be kept free of obstructions.

2.9 Live animals, including those intended for slaughter, shall be excluded from the premises. Animalsshall not be slaughtered in a place other than a Saudi Arab Government approved slaughterhouse.

2.10 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they havedeveloped. For example, insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breedingand harborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of structures, proper storage ofmaterials and by other approved control methods. Desperate campaigns to rid buildings, structuresand premises of established infestations are undesirable and must be avoided.


3.1 Floors:

3.1.1 Floors shall be constructed of durable, smooth and easily cleanable materials. Carpeting, ifused, shall be designed for heavy use, shall be of closely woven construction, shall beproperly installed and shall be maintained in good repair and in a clean condition at alltimes.

3.1.2 The floors of kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms andhandwashing facilities shall have smooth, hard, easily cleanable surfaces which areimpervious to water, detergents and disinfectants (carpeting is prohibited in these areas).These floors shall be sloped to properly trapped floor drains and the junctions between thefloors and the walls shall be coved and sealed.

3.1.3 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on floors. If exposed, theyshall be installed in a way that does not obstruct cleaning.

3.1.4 Floor mats and duckboards are prohibited in wet areas, e.g. kitchens, shower rooms, toiletrooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities.

3.2 Walls and ceilings:

3.2.1 Walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have light colored,smooth, easily cleanable surfaces. In addition, the walls in toilet and shower rooms shall beimpervious to water, detergents and disinfectants to a minimum height of 1.2 meters (4feet) in toilet rooms and 1.8 meters (6 feet) in shower rooms. The junctions between thefloors and walls in kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms andhandwashing facilities shall be coved and sealed (see sub-section 3.1.2 of this CodeSection).

3.2.2 The use of rough or unsealed and unfinished building materials, such as brick, concreteblocks and wooden beams is prohibited in kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toiletrooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities.

3.2.3 Studs, joists and rafters shall not be exposed in kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toiletrooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities.

3.2.4 Covering materials, such as Formica, sheet metal, linoleum and vinyl, shall be attached andsealed to wall and ceiling surfaces in a way that leaves no open spaces or cracks.

3.2.5 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on walls and ceilings. Ifexposed, they shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning.

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3.2.6 Wall or ceiling mounted light fixtures, vent covers, decorative materials, fans, equipmentand appurtenances shall be designed to facilitate cleaning, shall be made of easilycleanable materials, shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaningand shall be maintained in good repair.

3.2.7 Acoustical paneling may be utilized providing it is installed not less than 1.8 meters abovethe floor. Any perforations shall not penetrate the entire depth of the panel, shall not begreater than 3 millimeters in any dimension, and shall not comprise more than 25 percentof the exposed panel surface. The paneling shall otherwise meet the requirements of thisSection.

3.2.8 The ceilings in all habitable rooms shall be at least 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) high as measuredto the lowest projection from the ceiling.

3.2.9 The ceilings in hallways, corridors, shower rooms, toilet rooms and utility rooms shall be atleast 2.1 meters (7 feet) high as measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling.

3.2.10 the walls or partitions between toilet/shower compartments may be less than the height ofthe room walls, but the tops shall not be less than 1.8 meters (6 feet) from the floor. Ifpartitions are used, the bottoms of the partitions shall be raised at least 20 centimeters (8inches) above the floor. In situations where a raised partition is not desirable, such aspartitions separating eastern style toilet fixtures where a raised partition may not affordsuitable privacy, partitions shall be placed on a continuous raised masonry or concretebase at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) high, or a properly designed and constructed wallthat joins the floor shall be provided.

3.3 Doors, Windows and Screening:

3.3.1 All exterior entrances to corridors, habitable rooms, kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms,toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall be provided with solid doors orglazed windows which shall be kept tightly closed when not in use (excludes passagewaysbetween rooms within an enclosed building). If outside openings are appropriately protectedfrom the entry by insects and rodents according to the requirements outlined in sub-sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.4 of this Code Section, solid doors and glazed windows may beconsidered to be "in use" if they are left open to ventilate the structure.

3.3.2 All exterior entrances to kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility roomsand handwashing facilities shall be fitted with self-closing screen doors which openoutwards (a screen door is not required if the solid door is self-closing and opens outward,the area is fully air conditioned alleviating the need for propping the solid door open and theoperational nature of the facility is such that employees are required to keep doors closed,e.g. facilities within industrial plants. The bottoms of screen doors shall be covered withmetal sheeting in accordance with sub-section 3.3.3 of this Code Section. Other effective flycontrol devices, e.g. air curtains, may be used in lieu of screen doors.

3.3.3 All outer doors and screen doors shall be tight-fitting and self-closing. All doors and screendoors, including sliding or folding types, shall be constructed so that the space between thelower edge of the door and the threshold does not exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches).The space between sections of folding and sliding doors, when closed, shall not exceed 6.4millimeters (0.25 inches). All exposed edges of the lower 20.3 centimeters (8 inches) ofdoors and jambs that are made of materials through which rodents could gnaw, especiallyouter doors and doors known to be accessible to rodents, shall be protected by coveringsuch edges of doors and jambs with metal sheeting that cannot be gnawed through.

3.3.4 All openable windows which are not solidly closed and are accessible to insects androdents shall be appropriately screened by grills, hardware cloth or other material capableof precluding the entry by insects and rodents. The effective mesh size of screeningmaterial shall not be less than 6 mesh per centimeter (16 mesh per inch).

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3.3.5 Doors, windows and appurtenances thereto, shall be designed and constructed to avoidaccumulation of dirt and shall be finished such that they are smooth, nonabsorbent andeasily cleanable. Doors, windows, as well as appurtenances thereto, shall be kept cleanand maintained in good repair.


4.1 Ventilation shall be provided to remove gases, odors, steam, excessive heat, grease, vapors, smokeand other contaminants from the workplace. Ventilation systems shall be installed and operatedaccording to standards equivalent to those outlined in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (e.g.SAES-K-30).

4.2 Intake air ducts shall be designed and maintained to prevent the entrance of dust, dirt, and othercontaminating materials. All ventilation openings shall be appropriately screened by grilles, hardwarecloth or other material capable of precluding entrance of insects and rodents. Note that automatic fanventilation openings are acceptable for rodent stoppage if the fan covering is maintained in goodrepair.

4.3 The temperature in all habitable and other rooms in which personnel work shall be maintained ata level conducive to the healthful performance of the activity conducted in the area.

4.4 All habitable rooms and corridors shall be sufficiently ventilated by means of natural ormechanical ventilation. The requirement is deemed satisfied in corridors, offices and similar areaswhen it can be demonstrated that the ventilation system exchanges at least two volumes of air perhour (if mechanical ventilation is used, at least one fifth of the air supply shall be taken from theoutside). The rate at which the air volume is exchanged in shops, high activity work areas and areassubject to gases, odors, steam, excessive heat, grease, vapors, smoke and other contaminates willbe a function of the activity and degree of health risk.

4.5 All kitchens, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall beprovided with mechanical ventilation systems capable of providing the equivalent of five air changesper hour. At least 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from the outside. If this is not feasible,mechanical exhaust fans may be used in lieu of the required mechanical ventilation system. Exhaustfans shall be capable of exhausting 1 cubic meter (35 cubic feet) of air per minute for each handwashbasin/sink, shower, toilet and urinal installed.

4.6 All kitchens shall be provided with a mechanical ventilation system fitted inside a hood placedover the stove, the design and specifications of which shall be compatible with the stove used.Screening over exhaust openings shall be easily removable for cleaning.


The following levels of light, whether from natural or artificial sources, shall be provided in workplaces. Lightshall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity to avoid discoloration, shadows and strong glare. Alsorefer to Illumination requirements outlined in SAES-P-123, Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

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TABLE 1Illumination

Illumination Levels Required*Area to be Illuminated Lux FootcandlesDining room 320 30Desk in dormitory living room 320 30Dormitory living room - general 160 15Eye level above hand washbasin 540 50Food service area 540 50Hallway 110 10Kitchen 540 50Shower/toilet block 215 20Sleeping room 160 15Stairway 110 10All other indoor areas 110 10

* Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor


6.1 Water shall be obtained, conveyed, treated, stored and distributed in a closed system. Design,construction, maintenance and operational standards, as well as quality criteria, shall comply withrequirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code and standards referenced in Saudi AramcoEngineering Standards.

6.2 Enough potable water for the needs of the employees shall be obtained from the communitywater supply. If a community water supply is not available, then water shall be obtained from anadequate, easily accessible source which has been properly located and protected to ensure thatwater obtained is of a safe and sanitary quality. The source shall be constructed in a way thatprevents underground or surface contamination from reaching the source. Facilities shall be operatedand maintained by competent individuals. No part of the system shall be used for any other purpose.

6.3 Water wells (or other water source) and collection, conveyance, treatment, storage and distributionsystems, or parts thereof, which are newly constructed, have been repaired or have otherwisebecome contaminated, shall be thoroughly disinfected according to requirements outlined in SectionSASC-S-01 of this Code before being used. The supply shall be purged of all but normal residualamounts of disinfectant (less than 3 milligrams per liter [3 parts per million] if chlorine is used todisinfect the system) before a sample for bacteriological testing is collected.

6.4 All water not provided directly by pipe to the work place from the source shall be transported ina bulk water transport system which is used for no other purpose. At the time water is obtained fromthe approved source, enough chlorine shall be added to the water in the bulk water transport systemto create a 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 to 1.5 parts per million) free chlorine residual. Hauledwater shall be delivered directly to the closed water system at the work place. The bulk watertransport system shall comply with requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code.

6.5 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. Tanks shall bedesigned with openings which permit visual inspection of the tank and provide access for cleaningand disinfection. All openings shall be covered. Covers shall overlap openings, be sloped so they areself-draining and shall be provided with gaskets and devices for securing them in place. All openingsin the top of the tank shall be flanged upward to form a curb that prevents surface water from enteringopenings. Vents and overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall be screened toprevent entry by birds and other animals. All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap.

6.6 Plumbing with emphasis on cross connection control:

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6.6.1 Plumbing shall be designed, sized and installed according to standards outlined in SaudiAramco Engineering Standards. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be operated andmaintained in a way which prevents contamination. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall bekept clean and in good repair.

6.6.2 The potable water system shall be designed and constructed to prevent the possibility ofbackflow. Devices to protect against backflow and backsiphonage shall be installed on allwater outlets and equipment where an air gap of at least twice the inner diameter of thewater outlet is not provided between the water outlet and the flood-level rim of the receivingdrain or receiving basin of the drain fixture, and wherever else backflow or backsiphonagemay occur. A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unless a backflow prevention device isinstalled.

6.6.3 There shall be no cross connection between the potable water supply and any unsafe orquestionable water supply, sewerage system or any source of pollution which mightcontaminate or otherwise degrade the potable water supply.

6.6.4 There shall be no direct physical connection between the sewerage system and any drainoriginating from equipment which contains food or food equipment and utensils.

6.6.5 A non-potable water system is permitted only for purposes such as air conditioning and fireprotection. It shall not be directly or indirectly connected with the potable water system.Water from the system shall not be used for any domestic purpose. The piping of the non-potable water system shall be durably identified so that it is readily distinguishable frompiping that carries potable water.

6.7 All potable water supplied to places of employment shall be disinfected by chlorination orother means or methods of equal efficiency in the killing or removal of organisms capable of causinginfection. When chlorination is employed, a sufficient amount of chlorine shall be added to the waterto maintain a chlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 parts per million) at all points inthe distribution system from which water may be withdrawn.

6.8 Hot and cold potable water shall be provided at all hand washbasins, showers and kitchen sinks.The hot water heating system shall be capable of producing a constant flow of hot water at atemperature of at least 49°C (120°F). Specific requirements pertinent to the hot and/or temperedwater discharged from each class of fixture are outlined in appropriate Standards.

6.9 If hoses are used for conveying potable water, they shall be constructed of safe materials, shallhave a smooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identified as toits use. Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outlet fittings, as well ashose fittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hoses shall be stored andused so as to be kept free of contamination. A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unless abackflow prevention device is installed.

6.10 Drinking water fountains and associated requirements

6.10.1 Drinking fountains, if provided, shall be approved angle-jet type and shall be provided withan adequate supply of water under pressure.

6.10.2 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from drinking fountains and faucets shall bedischarged to the sewerage system through approved drains to prevent impoundment ofwater, creation of mud holes or other nuisance conditions.

6.10.3 Open containers from which water must be dipped or poured, such as barrels, pails ortanks, whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited.

6.10.4 Where single service paper cups are provided, cups shall be dispensed from a sanitarydevice designed for this purpose and a waste receptacle shall be provided for disposal ofused cups. The common drinking cup is prohibited.

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6.11 Compressed air used to pressurize the potable water system shall be filtered or otherwise treated torender it free of dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly located andmaintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removable forcleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil- free air. Oil-free air shall be produced by a method equivalent to one of the following: a)use of carbon ring piston compressor; b) use of an oil-lubricated compressor with effective provisionfor removal of oil vapor; or c) high-pressure, water-lubricated or non-lubricated blowers.

6.12 If a water treatment plant is provided:

6.12.1 It is suggested that the following piping system be adopted. Non-toxic paints shall be used(the use of paints containing lead shall be avoided.

TABLE 2Piping System Color-Code

Piping System Base Color Identifying Color StripeChilled Water Blue 1-GrayChlorine, Gas and Liquid Yellow 1-Oxide RedCondensate Water Blue 1-WhiteDistilled and Demineralized Water Blue 1-AluminumRaw Water Blue 1-BlackSea, Salt or Brine Water Blue 1-YellowTreated (any process) Blue 1-Oxide Red

Note: HVAC lines and electrical conduits are not color-coded but arePainted the same color as the background construction.

6.12.2 Equipment, devices, filters, and all other water treatment or conditioning apparatus shall bemade of safe materials, shall be designed to be disassembled for periodic replacement ofactive elements/media, cleaning and service, shall be operated, inspected and servicedaccording to the manufacturer's instructions and specifications, and shall not be operatedbeyond their rated capacity. All such equipment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitarycondition and, if necessary, shall be sanitized by application of a chlorine solution or byother approved means.

6.12.3 Records of equipment operation and maintenance, quantities of product water produced,types and amounts of chemicals added to treated water, pH and chlorine residualmaintained shall be kept in a log book. The log book shall be available for review byauthorized Saudi Aramco representatives at all times.

6.12.4 The biological and chemical quality of the water after treatment shall be as good as, orbetter than, it was before treatment.


7.1 Sewage shall be collected, treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements outlined inSection SASC-S-02 this Code and those outlined in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards. Where apublic sewer system is available, all plumbing fixtures, building sewers and vents shall be connectedto it. In no case shall sewage or liquid waste of any type be discharged or otherwise disposed of onthe surface of the ground, or into any well, cave, open ditch or reservoir until it has been properlytreated and the disposal method has been approved by Saudi Aramco EPD. Pit latrines, outhousesand other non-water-carried sewage disposal methods are prohibited except as permitted in sub-section 8.10 of this Code Section.

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7.2 Floor drains and sewer pipes shall be large enough to carry off all wastewater and sanitarysewage. Sufficient clean-out places shall be provided in sewer drain pipes.

7.3 Grease traps, if used, shall be located so they are easily accessible for cleaning.

7.4 All sewer pipes or drains through which rodents may pass shall be closed with a properlysecured, perforated metal or iron cover. Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters indiameter.

7.5 Defective sewer pipes, traps, drains and vents shall be repaired or replaced promptly andprofessionally. Crude repairs with wood, tape or metal strips are unsatisfactory.


8.1 Every place of employment shall be provided with properly designed and constructed toilet, showerand hand washbasin facilities which are separate for each sex.

8.2 Toilet and handwashing facilities shall be readily accessible and open to personnel at all times.Facilities are not considered to be readily accessible if an employee is required to climb more thanone floor-to- floor flight of stairs or if they are located more than 61 meters (200 feet) from thelocation where the employee normally works.

8.3 Toilets, showers and hand washbasins shall be separately installed to be individually accessibleand to permit simultaneous use.

8.4 Shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall be separated fromfood preparation and sleeping rooms by a minimum of a double set of doors incorporating anintervening vestibule which is exhausted to the outside through its own mechanical exhaust systemthat is independent of the food preparation and sleeping rooms. Complete separation of these areasis preferred.

8.5 Hand washbasins and other sinks, faucets and hydrants not specifically designed and approved forsuch use, shall not be used for cleaning or preparing food or for washing dishes, utensils or clothing.

8.6 All facilities shall be well ventilated (see sub-section 4 of this Code Section).

8.7 Legible signs made of durable materials directing all users to wash their hands after using thetoilet/urinal shall be conspicuously posted in every toilet room (in Arabic, English and otherappropriate languages).

8.8 The following number of showers, toilets/urinals and hand washbasins shall be provided:

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TABLE 3Numbers and Types of Fixtures Required

Number of Showers* Number of Toilets** Number of Washbasins***employees male female employee

smale female employee

smale female

1 to 15 1 1 1 - 15 1 1 1 - 10 1 116 to 30 2 2 16 - 35 2 2 11 - 20 2 231 - 45 3 3 36 - 55 3 3 21 - 30 3 346 - 60 4 4 56 - 75 4 4 31 - 40 4 461 - 75 5 5 76 - 100 5 5 41 - 50 5 576 - 90 6 6 51 - 60 6 691 - 105 7 7 61 - 70 7 7

71 - 80 8 881 - 90 9 991 - 100 10 10

>105 one per 15 additionalpersons

>100 one per 30 additionalpersons

>100 on per 10 additionalpersons

* One shower shall be provided for every 15 workers, or portion thereof, exposed to excessive heator to skin contamination with poisonous, infectious or irritating materials.

** Where 10 or more men are employed, urinals should be provided. Urinals may be substituted fortoilets on a one to one basis, except that the number of toilets shall not be reduced to less thantwo-thirds of the number specified in Table 3. This clause does not apply to facilities provided forfemales.

*** At least one hand washbasin shall be provided for every 10 employees or portion thereof, up to100 persons, and one hand washbasin for each additional 15 persons or portion thereof. Whereemployees are exposed to skin contamination with poisonous, infectious or irritating materials, thenumber of hand washbasins provided shall be increased to one for every 5 employees.

8.9 The minimum size of, and floor space allotted for, toilets, hand washbasins, urinals and showersshall be as follows:

TABLE 4Minimum Space Required for Each Type of Installation

Installation MinimumWidth


Minimum Space PerUnit

Hand washbasin 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2Shower cubical 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2Shower stall 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2Toilet compartment 80 cm 105 cm 1.5 m2Urinal 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

8.10 When chemical closets are required to support a transitory place of employment, they shall be of atype approved by the Saudi Aramco EPD and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition.


9.1 Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed. Each toilet fixture shall be individually enclosed within itsown compartment within the toilet room (does not apply to urinals). This is required to ensure that anindividual's need for privacy does not interfere with his commitment to personal hygiene.

9.2 The entrance to a toilet room shall be provided with a door(s) according to requirements outlined insub-section 3.3 of this Code Section.

9.3 Urinals shall be provided according to requirements outlined in Table 3 of this Code Section. Notethat 60 centimeters (24 inches) of trough urinal space is considered to be equivalent to one urinal.

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9.4 Toilet bowls shall be set entirely free and open from all enclosing structures and shall be soinstalled that the space around the fixture can be easily cleaned. This does not prohibit the use ofwall-hung toilets.

9.5 Every western-type toilet shall have a hinged, open-front seat made of substantial material havinga smooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. A holder supplied with toilet tissue shall be providedin each toilet compartment.

9.6 Every eastern-type toilet shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent,easily cleanable finish. Each toilet shall be provided with a water tap for washing (and a supply oftoilet paper with holder, where indicated). Water taps provided for eastern-type toilets shall be fittedwith appropriate backflow prevention devices designed to protect the water distribution system fromcontamination (see sub-section 6.6.2 of this Code Section).

9.7 Covered waste receptacles shall be provided in all toilet compartments used by women.


10.1 Adequate handwashing facilities shall be conveniently located adjacent to toilet facilities. Whentrough sinks and circular wash basins are provided with individual faucets, 60 centimeters (24 inches)of lineal trough sink or 45 centimeters (18 inches) of a circular basin shall be considered as equal toone hand washbasin. Also note that utility sinks are not acceptable substitutes for hand washbasins.

10.2 Tempered running water shall be provided to each hand washbasin. Water shall be tempered bymeans of a mixing valve or combination faucet. Water shall be delivered at a minimum pressure of atleast 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of atleast 3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). The temperature of the water discharged from thetap shall be at least 32°C (90°F). Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for atleast 15 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

10.3 Handwashing cleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers at or nextto hand washbasins at all times (common towels are prohibited). Mechanical hot air blowers fordrying the hands may be substituted for paper towels.

10.4 A refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bag shall be provided next to hand washbasins.The refuse container need not be covered.


11.1 Showers shall be provided if employees are exposed to skin contamination with poisonous,infectious or irritating materials.

11.2 Shower rooms shall be completely enclosed. Each shower fixture shall be individually enclosed in aseparate compartment within the shower room. The compartment should be composed of a cubicalwith a bench and a clothes hook and a separated shower stall. The visual privacy of the bathershould be maintained. Privacy curtains, if used, shall be of an easily cleanable material and keptclean.

11.3 Showers shall be designed and constructed to be self-draining and to preclude the flow of waterinto adjacent areas.

11.4 Shower floors shall be skid-resistant. Floor racks (duckboards) are prohibited.

11.5 If individual shower compartments are not provided, the shower room shall include a dressingarea. The dressing area shall be equipped with benches and clothes hooks.

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11.6 Showers shall be supplied with water through thermostatic, tempering or mixing valves at atemperature of at least 32°C (90°F), but not more than 49°C (120°F), at a rate of at least 11.4 liters (3gallons) per minute. Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 30 secondswithout the need to reactivate the faucet.


12.1 Changing areas shall be provided wherever the work performed involves exposure to excessive dirt,heat, fumes, vapor or moisture, or when employees are exposed to poisonous, infectious or irritatingmaterials.

12.2 Where employees' work clothes are exposed to contamination with poisonous, infectious orirritating materials, facilities shall be provided in changing rooms so that street and work clothes willnot be stored in contact with each other.

12.3 Where the process in which the worker is engaged is such that his work clothing becomes wet orhas to be washed between shifts, provision shall be made to ensure that such clothing is dry beforereuse.

12.4 Lockers, if provided for the storage of employee's street clothing and personal belongings, shall beconstructed of easily cleanable, corrosion resistant materials and shall not have sharp edges.Lockers shall be vented. Lockers shall be set either on solid masonry bases 13 centimeters (5inches) high or on legs so that locker bottoms are at least 25 centimeters (10 inches above the floor).

12.5 Hooks or a rail fitted with captive hangers shall be provided for hanging wet reusable protectiveclothing between uses. The hooks/hangers shall be sufficiently spaced to allow free air circulationaround all items when all hooks/hangers are used.

12.6 Shoe/boot racks shall be provided for proper air drying of wet shoes and boots between uses. Theracks shall be sufficiently spaced to allow free air circulation around all items when all hooks/racksare used.


13.1 Where 10 or more women are employed at any one time, at least one retiring room shall beprovided, with the understanding that it is to be used only for rest and emergencies and not forsmoking or recreational purposes. Where less than 10 women are employed and a formal retiringroom is not furnished, some equivalent space shall be provided which can be properly screened forprivacy and made suitable for use by female employees.

13.2 Retiring rooms shall be conveniently located, exclusively used by women, and open to themduring all working hours.

13.3 Retiring rooms shall be furnished with one bed or couch for the first 10 to 50 female employees.One additional bed or couch shall be provided for every 100 female employees, or portion thereof, inexcess of the original 50 female employees.


14.1 Garbage and refuse storage facilities:

14.1.1 Prior to removal from the premises, garbage and other refuse shall be stored in a way thatmakes it inaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin. Outside storage of garbage orrefuse in open piles or in any container other than an approved garbage or refuse containeris prohibited, e.g. storage in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Inside storage of waste inopen piles on the floor of the garbage/refuse storage room is prohibited. Heavy duty plasticbags may be stacked on the floor of a properly designed and constructed refuse storage

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room if the waste contained therein is satisfactorily sealed in the bag, i.e. the bag does notrepresent an "open pile".

14.1.2 The garbage/refuse storage room, if provided, shall be large enough to store allgarbage/refuse containers which accumulate between disposal periods. Walls, ceilings andall attachments thereto, shall be made of substantial material having a smooth,nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easilycleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped toa trapped, covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system. The structure shall beinsect- and rodent-proof, including the provision of a solid door designed to preclude theentry by rodents. Additionally, a screen door that opens outward, an air curtain device orother effective means of excluding flies shall be provided. The storage room shall be keptclean and maintained in good repair.

14.1.3 Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers, lugger boxes andcompactor systems after they are emptied (this facility need not be provided on thepremises if the waste hauler provides this service at another location). As a minimum, thefacility shall be provided with hot running water delivered at a minimum pressure of at least1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of atleast 3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). The floor shall be constructed of a smooth,easily cleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properlysloped to a trapped, covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system.

14.1.4 The floor of an outside garbage/refuse storage area shall be constructed of a smooth,easily cleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete or machine laid asphalt;and shall be large enough to accommodate the garbage/refuse containers that accumulatebetween disposal periods.

14.2 Garbage and refuse containers:

14.2.1 Approved garbage and refuse containers shall include standard 115 liters (30 gallons) steelgarbage cans, modified 210 liters (55 gallons) steel drums, purpose-built lugger boxes andcompactor systems. All such containers shall be made of durable, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable materials which are impervious to attack by insects, rodents and other vermin.They shall be designed and constructed so that they do not leak. Drain plugs, whererequired, shall be in place at all times except during cleaning.

14.2.2 Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight- fitting lids, doors or covers. The lids, doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall bekept in the closed position when not in immediate use. Refuse containers that are being actively used in the facility need not be covered.Refuse containers shall be covered when not being actively used. Filled refusecontainers shall be covered and removed from the facility to the refuse storagefacility.

14.2.3 The cover and the outside surface of the 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) andsmaller containers shall be labeled with the word "GARBAGE" or "REFUSE." Once used asa garbage or refuse container, the lid and container shall not be used for any otherpurpose, especially food preparation or storage.

14.2.4 The 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) and smaller containers shall be lined withheavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate removal of refuse.

14.2.5 Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. There shall be a sufficientnumber of approved containers to hold all the garbage and refuse produced and to

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accommodate the total amount accumulated in the refuse holding facility between disposalperiods.

14.2.6 Periodically, each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergent on theinside and outside in a way that does not contaminate water, food or the environment.

14.2.7 Refuse equipment and containers shall not, by their location or installation, create anuisance or prevent cleaning of adjacent space.

14.3 Garbage and refuse disposal:

14.3.1 Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and theattraction of insects and rodents, but not less than twice per week.

14.3.2 Waste shall be removed to the disposal facility in a purpose- built refuse transport vehicle.

14.3.3 All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal sanitary landfill. Open dumps and burn-pitsare prohibited.


15.1 The proponent is responsible for controlling insects, rodents and other vermin, including control ofbreeding sites, e.g. artificial bodies of water.

15.2 The presence of fly larvae, rodents or other vermin, or the traces, droppings, trails, runs or otherevidence of the presence of such vermin, shall be evidence of filth and unsanitary conditions. SaudiAramco EPD will report such evidence to the proponent and the proponent shall take immediateaction to control the infestation. They shall report the results of their control activities to SaudiAramco EPD within 72 hours of receipt of the notification.

15.3 Buildings shall be designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and operated to prevent theentry and harborage of insects, rodents, animals, birds and other vermin, as well as environmentalcontaminants, such as smoke and dust. Effective measures, such as excluding, inspecting andexterminating, shall be used to minimize the entry, presence and propagation of vermin, both insideand outside of the building.

15.4 All buildings, structures and associated facilities shall be insect- and rodent-proofed, freed ofvermin before occupancy and shall be maintained in an insect, rodent and vermin free condition.

15.5 There shall be no openings in exterior walls, foundations, basements, ground or first floors,or roofs which will admit insects, rodents or other vermin. Openings for pipes, conduits andother utility services in foundations or exterior walls, floors or roofs accessible to insects and rodentsshall be closed solidly by metal, concrete or other impervious material. If metal sheeting is used toseal holes around pipes, conduits and ducts, it shall extend at least 7.6 centimeters (3 inches)beyond all sides of the opening.

15.6 All ventilation and other non-window openings that cannot be solidly sealed and that remainaccessible to insects and rodents shall be appropriately screened by grilles, hardware cloth or othermaterial capable of precluding the entry by insects, rodents and other vermin. Note that the swing-type louvered flaps that automatically close when an exhaust or ventilation fan is switched off aredeemed to be acceptable screening if they are kept clean and in good repair.

15.7 All sewer or drain openings shall be closed with a properly secured, perforated metal cover.Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters (0.5 inches) in diameter.

15.8 Employees shall not place, leave, or permit to accumulate any refuse or trash in the structure or onthe premises in a manner which will afford food and harborage for insects, rodents or vermin.

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15.9 Employees shall not accumulate, or permit the accumulation of lumber or other such material onthe premises unless such material is stored on racks 30 centimeters (12 inches) above the ground.

15.10 The pest control program shall encompass all areas outside and inside the place of employment.Areas along fences, around buildings, under stored materials, in and around refuse facilities, as wellas floors, walls and ceilings in buildings, shall be inspected frequently to detect the presence ofinsects, rodents and other vermin. Preventive control measures are preferable to eradicationcampaigns.

15.10.1 Insects, rodents and other vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breeding andharborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of buildings and structures,proper storage of materials, extermination, and by other approved control methods.

15.10.2 Pesticides shall be dispensed and handled by authorized, properly trained personnel.Restricted-use pesticides shall be applied by a qualified pest control operator.

15.10.3 Pesticides shall not be applied in areas where food handling, warewashing or other suchoperations are in progress or in a way that contaminates food equipment, utensils or otherfood contact surfaces.


16.1 In all places where employees are permitted to lunch on the premises, an adequate spacesuitable for that purpose shall be provided (note that a separate lunch room is required if employeesare exposed to injurious dusts, toxic materials or other hazardous substances and they cannot berequired to lunch away from the premises). The space provided for the lunch room shall conform tothe requirements outlined in Table 5 and shall be based on the maximum number of persons usingthe room at any one time.

TABLE 5Minimum Space Required For Lunch Rooms

Number of persons Minimum space per person25 and less 0.8 m2

26 to 74 0.7 m2

75 to 149 0.6 m2

150 to 499 0.5 m2

500 and more 0.4 m2

16.2 If a kitchen is permitted, the design, construction and materials of structure and equipment, as wellas the general operating methods and procedures used to store, handle and protect food, equipmentand utensils, shall comply with requirements equivalent to those specified in Section SASC-S-04 ofthis Code.

16.3 An adequate number of waste receptacles shall be provided and shall be used by employees forthe disposal of all waste food and materials (refer to sub-section 14.2 of this Code Section).

16.4 Employees shall not be permitted to store, prepare or eat food in any location where there arepresent any toxic materials or hazardous substances that may be injurious to their health.


1. Freedman, B., Sanitarians Handbook2. Salvato, J., Environmental Engineering and Sanitation

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Man is at risk each time he consumes or has bodily contact with water. The spread of such diseases astyphoid and paratyphoid fever, amoebic dysentery and bacillary dysentery through contaminated drinking water iswell documented and the potential exists for the spread of these diseases through contact with contaminatedswimming pool water. In addition, the swimming pool and associated facilities frequently play a role in thetransmission of infections of the eye, ear, nose and throat, as well as athlete's foot, impetigo and other dermatoses.

The equipment and chemicals used to treat swimming pool water are potentially hazardous and they must beoperated and used properly to prevent illness and injury. The water, wet surfaces, ladders and diving boardsrepresent unique hazards that require regulation.

The manner in which public swimming pools are designed, constructed, operated, maintained, evaluated andregulated is of significant public health concern. The following Sections address these concerns and must beconsidered in relation to all public swimming pools operated by or for Saudi Aramco. Note: All sub-sectionsshould be read in conjunction with appropriate referenced documents listed at the end of this Section.


Air Break: A physical separation which may be a low inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the fixtures,appliances or devices indirectly connected.

Air Gap: (1) In a water supply system, it is the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere betweenthe lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture, or other device and the flood-level rim of the receptacle. (2) The unobstructed vertical distance between the inlet from the potable water systemand the flood level rim of the non-potable water system for a safe air gap must be equal to at least two times theinside diameter of the inlet pipe.

Alkali: A chemical substance (such as a hydroxide or carbonate of sodium or potassium) which reacts with andneutralizes an acid.

Alkalinity: A quantitative measure of the capacity of liquids or suspensions to neutralize strong acids or to resistthe establishment of acidic conditions. Alkalinity results from the presence of bicarbonates, carbonates, hydroxides,volatile acids, salts, and occasionally of borates, silicates and phosphates. Numerically it is expressed in terms ofthe concentration of calcium carbonates that would have an equivalent capacity to neutralize strong acids; aproperty of water soluble substances or mixtures causing the concentration of hydroxyl ions (OH-) in water solutionsto be higher than the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+).

Available Chlorine: A measure of the total oxidizing power of chlorinated lime and hypochlorites.

Backflow: The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supplyof water from any source or sources other than its intended source. (1) Backflow connection: (a) backflowconnection or condition is any arrangement whereby backflow can occur and (b) any arrangement of pipes, pumps,or other devices whereby backflow can occur. (2) Backflow preventer - device for a water supply pipes to preventthe backflow of water into the water supply system from the connections on is outlet end. Also see 'vacuumbreaker'.

Backwash: Reversal of flow through a sand filter to remove captured material causing head loss.

Bacteria: Minute, one-celled (unicellular), microscopic plant-like organism which lacks chlorophyll and multiplies byfission. Single-celled organisms, microscopic in size which possess rigid cell walls and when motile have flagella.The cell nucleus is not surrounded by a membrane. There are three major groups: true bacteria, actinomycetes,and budding bacteria. Some are capable of causing human, animal or plant diseases. Some are important insewage or refuse stabilization.

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Bacteria, Aerobic: Bacteria that require the presence of free (dissolved or molecular) oxygen for their metabolicprocesses. Oxygen in chemical combination will not support aerobic organisms.

Bacteria, Anaerobic: Bacteria that do not require the presence of free or dissolved oxygen for metabolism. Strictanaerobes are hindered or completely blocked by the presence of dissolved oxygen and in some cases by thepresence of highly oxidized substances such as sodium nitrates and perhaps sulfates.

Bacteria, Facultative: Bacteria that can exist and reproduce under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions.

Bactericide: A chemical agent which under defined conditions is capable of killing bacteria, but not necessarilybacterial spores.

Bacteriostat: A chemical agent which under defined conditions inhibits growth of bacteria.

Balance Tank: A reservoir of water between the pool itself and the rest of the circulation system; maintains aconstant pool water level and supply to the pump.

Breakpoint Chlorination: Addition of chlorine to water or wastewater until the chlorine demand has been satisfiedand further additions result in a residual that is directly proportional to the amount added beyond the breakpoint.

Chlorine bleach: A group of strong oxidizing agents, all of which have one or more chlorine atoms in theirmolecule. Liquid chlorine bleach is commonly sold as an approximately five per cent solution of sodiumhypochlorite. As a laundry additive, liquid chlorine bleach removes stains, aids in soil removal, whitens, disinfects,and deodorizes. Dry forms of chlorine bleach include chlorinated isocyanurates and chlorinated trisodiumphosphate. They are used as the bleaching ingredient in products marketed in dry form, such as cleansers andautomatic dishwasher detergents. Neither liquid nor dry chlorine bleach should be used on silks, woolens, dyessensitive to hypochlorite, and certain stains such as rust, which can be set by hypochlorite. Chlorine bleachdeactivates enzymes found in laundry detergents or laundry aids.

Chlorine Demand: The quantity of chlorine absorbed by sewage (or water) in a given length of time.

Chlorine Residual: The amount of chlorine in all forms (total) or HOCl (free) remaining in a treated water to ensuredisinfection for a certain period of time.

Coliform Group Bacteria: (1) A group of bacteria predominantly inhabiting the intestines of man or animal, but alsooccasionally found elsewhere. It includes all aerobic and facultative anaerobic, Gram-negative, non-spore formingbacilli that ferment lactose with production of gas. Also included are all bacteria that produce a dark, purplish-greencolony with metallic sheen by the membrane-filter technique used for coliform identification. The two groups are notalways identical, but they are generally of equal sanitary significance. Refer to 'Standard Methods for theExamination of Water and Wastewater'. (2) A group of organisms which includes Escherichia coli.

Contact Tank: A tank in which dissolved ozone reacts with contaminants in the water. It may have a series ofcompartments or a single, large chamber with internal piping or baffles to inhibit short circuiting of the water system.

CT value: Ozone concentration in mg/ l (ppm) multiplied by contact time in minutes.

Disinfectant: (1) An agent that frees from infection by destroying harmful bacteria but not necessarily all bacterialspores. (2) A chemical or physical agent that kills pathogenic microorganisms (See 'disinfect' above).

Filtration: Process of filtering. A process of removing particulate mater from a liquid by passing it through a filter.

Hard Water: Any water containing more than 60 mg/L calcium and magnesium expressed as calcium carbonate. Ifused as a definition, this term shall be accompanied by additional description providing general details of the watersource and composition. Hardness is caused by any multivalent metal ion, including iron, aluminum and silicon.Water that contains alkaline metal ions, mainly calcium and magnesium, at levels above 60 ppm is generally

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regarded as being hard, but this definition is arbitrary. Hardness may alter the effectiveness of many disinfectants,detergents and soaps.

Hypochlorite: In its sodium salt form, the active bleaching ingredient in liquid chlorine bleach.

Microorganisms: Generally any living microscopic things (too small to be visible to the naked eye). This includesthe bacteria, actinomycetes, yeasts, simple fungi, some algae, rickettsiae, spirochetes, slime molds, protozoa andsome simple multicellular organisms. Some produce disease in man, animals or plants. Some are used to stabilizesolid waste (composting) and sewage.

Milligrams per liter (mg/L): A unit of the concentration of water or wastewater constituent. It is 0.001g of theconstituent in 1,000 ml of water. It has replaced the unit formerly used commonly, parts per million, to which it isapproximately equivalent, in reporting the results of water and wastewater analysis.

Most Probable Number (MPN): (1) That number of organisms per unit volume that, in accordance with statisticaltheory, would be more likely than any other number to yield the observed test result or that would yield the observedtest result with the greatest frequency. Expressed as density of organisms per 100 ml. Results are computed fromthe number of positive findings of coliform group organisms resulting from multiple portion decimal dilutionplantings. (2) A laboratory technique for enumerating bacteria consisting of statistical evaluation of growth or nogrowth in multiple dilutions of a water or wastewater.

Oxidation-Reduction Potential: (ORP) - The potential required to transfer electrons from the oxidant to thereductant and used as a qualitative measure of the state of oxidation in wastewater treatment systems.

Ozonated: Water to which ozone (O3) has been added to disinfect, control taste and odor, and/or prevent thegrowth of algae and other organisms. Ozonation is an alternative to chlorination.

Ozone: A molecule consisting of 3 atoms of elemental oxygen (O). A powerful oxidizer and disinfectant.

Ozone Destructor: A device for destroying ozone in air before discharge to atmosphere i.e. in “off-gasses”. It canbe destroyed in a number of ways including:

i) Passing through an oven and heating to > 350º C for at least 5 seconds.ii) Irradiating with ultra-violet light at a wavelength of 254 nanometers.iii) Passing the off-gas through a bed of granular activated charcoal (GAC).iv) Passing the off-gas through a bed of manganese dioxide catalyst material.

Pathogen: Any infective agent capable of producing disease; may be a virus, rickettsia, bacterium, protozoan, etc.A specific causative agent (as a bacterium or virus) of disease.

PH: Chemical symbol expressing the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH scale runs from zero tofourteen, with seven indicating neutrality. The numbers increase as alkalinity increases and decrease as acidityrises. The logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration. The concentration is the weight of hydrogenions, in grams, per liter of solution. Neutral water, for example, has a pH value of 7.0 and a hydrogen ionconcentration of 0.0000001.

Private Residential Swimming Pool: Any swimming pool under the control of a Saudi Aramco communityresident, the use of which is limited to the family members and invited guests of the resident. (The design,construction and operation of such pools are not subject to the provisions of these requirements).

Public Swimming Pool: Any swimming pool, other than a private residential swimming pool, intended to be usedcollectively by numbers of persons for swimming, diving or recreational bathing, operated by or for Saudi Aramco.

Soda Ash: A common name for a commercial form of anhydrous (without water) sodium carbonate.

Soft (water): A vague term. Normally considered to be water containing less than 60 mg/L calcium, magnesium,and other metallic ions that react with soap or other sanitizing compounds. If used as a definition, this term shall beaccompanied by additional description providing general details of the water source and composition.

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Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC): With regard to food microbiology, a specific culture procedure used toquantitate the number of viable, aerobic microorganisms in milk. As with "Aerobic Plate Count (APC)", the results ofthis test are often times misinterpreted to mean "total numbers" of viable, aerobic microorganisms in the analyticalunit of milk. In fact, the test is based upon the assumption that each microorganism or group of microorganismspresent in the analytical unit will, when mixed with the nutrient medium employed, form visible colonies whenincubated for a specified time and temperature. Such methods do not result in a count of "total numbers", but giveonly an estimate of those microorganisms or clumps of microorganisms which are capable of growing into visiblecolonies under the conditions of the test.

TDS (total dissolved solids): Total solids dissolved in water. TDS is preferably expressed in mg/L. Frequentlyexpressed as parts per million (ppm) which is essentially equivalent to mg/L.

Vacuum breaker: A device for relieving a vacuum or partial vacuum formed in a pipeline, thereby preventingbacksiphonage.


A report, which should be written by a design engineer, shall accompany all plans for complete systems andwill give all data upon which the design is based and shall include all conditions which may in any way affectthe design or operation of the swimming pool.

1.1 Maximum number of swimmers, non-swimmers and casual users (e.g. sunbathers who might usethe swimming pool sporadically) expected daily.

1.2 Number and type of diving boards and platforms.

1.3 Source of water supply to be used.

1.4 Manner of disposal of sanitary sewage, backwash and drain water.

1.5 The method of swimming pool water treatment to be adopted and a description of each unit in thesystem.

1.6 The method of disinfection, the quantity of disinfectant per million parts of water and the method ofapplication.

1.7 Pool volume, circulation rate and turnover period.


The plans for the swimming pool shall include the above general design factors which define the currentproposal, as well as information pertaining to areas which are reserved for future extensions. The proponentmust also submit detailed plans that adequately define design specifications, construction criteria, equipment,materials, processes and operational considerations, showing longitudinal and transverse profiles of the entireplant, individual areas within the plant, as well as specific process units and pieces of equipment andappurtenances thereto.

Specifications for the construction of a new or original swimming pool will accompany the plans. Specificationsmay be omitted for extensions of existing pools, provided that those extensions are to be constructed inaccordance with specifications filed previously with original plans.

If the plans are solely for the extension of an existing pool, or the addition of splash pools and/or waterslides oan existing system, only such information as is necessary for the comprehension of the plans shall be required.This information, in general, must conform to the above requirements for a complete system. Changes to anexisting system shall not be made without prior consultation with Manager, Environmental ProtectionDepartment (EPD).

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All swimming pools shall be designed and constructed to withstand all anticipated loading for both full andempty conditions. A hydrostatic relief method will be provided in areas having a high water table. The designengineer will be responsible for certifying the structural stability and safety of the pool.


Swimming pools, and all appurtenances thereto, shall be constructed of materials which are inert, non-toxic to man, impervious and permanent; which can withstand the design stresses; which will provide a tighttank with a smooth and easily cleanable surface, or to which a smooth, easily cleanable surface finish can beapplied; and which will be finished in white or a light color. Sand or earth bottoms are not permitted.


5.1 For purposes of computing user loading, those portions of the swimming pool 1.5 meters (5 feet) orless in depth will be designated as "non-swimmer" areas. Portions of the swimming pool over 1.5meters (5 feet) in depth will be designated as "swimmer" areas.

5.1.1 Non-swimmers: 0.9 square meters (10 square feet) of pool water surface area shall beprovided for each non-swimmer expected at the time of maximum load.

5.1.2 Swimmers: 2.2 square meters (24 square feet) of pool water surface area shall be providedfor each swimmer expected at the time of maximum load.

5.1.3Casual Users: Computed user loading for pools with extensive deck areas for lounging or sunbathing shall be evaluated with regard to similar facilities currently in operation.

5.1.4 Diving Area Factor: 28 square meters (300 square feet) of pool water surface area shall bereserved around each diving board or diving platform, and this area shall be added to userloading calculations to determine the total pool surface area required in the final design.

5.1.5 The maximum design bathing load shall be known and displayed on a plate in the plant room andconspicuously by the pool.

5.2 No limits are specified for length and width of swimming pools except that swimming pools usedfor competition should meet the requirements for diving areas as outlined in sub-section 5.8.

5.3 The shape of the swimming pool shall be such that the circulation of pool water and control ofswimmers' safety are not impaired. Consideration shall be given to shape from the standpoint of safetyand the need to facilitate supervision of bathers using the pool.

5.4 The slope of the bottom of any portion of the pool having a water depth of less than 1.5 meters (5feet) shall not be more than 30.5 centimeters in 3.7 meters (1 foot in 12 feet) and side slope shall beuniform. In portions of the pool with a depth greater than 1.5 meters (5 feet), the slope shall not exceed30.5 centimeters in 1.2 meters (1 foot in 4 feet). See Table 1.

5.5 The minimum depth of water in the swimming pool shall be 91 centimeters (3 feet) except for specialpurpose pools, or for restricted or recessed areas in general pools which are set aside primarily for theuse of children. Such areas, when included as part of the swimming pool, shall be separated from theswimming pool proper by means of a safety line supported by buoys attached to the side walls.

5.6 The maximum depth at the shallowest end of the swimming pool shall not exceed 105 centimeters (3feet 6 inches) except for competitive or special purpose swimming pools.

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TABLE 1Minimum Depths and Clearances for Diving Area***

Height ofdiving boardabove water

Dimensions Water depth Section dimensions

Level D-1 D-2 D-3 A B C E F46 cm minimum 214cm 244cm 229cm 76cm 214cm 61cm 152cm 183cm76 cm minimum 244cm 260cm 244cm 76cm 244cm 92cm 152cm 183cm100 cm minimum 260cm 275cm 244cm 122cm 275cm 152cm 183cm 275cm300 cm minimum 305cm 336cm 305cm 152cm 305cm 152cm 214cm 366cm*** Pool wall and floor dimensions, as well as required clearances, shall not be less than those outlined in

this table.

5.7 Depth of water shall be plainly marked at, or above the water surface, on the vertical wall of theswimming pool and on the edge of the deck or walk, next to the swimming pool, at maximum andminimum points (wading pools and spas are exempt from this requirement). Also at the points of breakbetween the deep and shallow portions and at intermediate 30.5 centimeters (1 foot) increments ofdepth in the shallow end. They should be spaced at not more than 7.6 meters (25 feet) intervalsmeasured peripherally. The depth in the diving areas shall be appropriately marked. Depth markersshall be in numerals 10.2 centimeters (4 inches) minimum height and of a color contrasting with theirbackground. Where depth markers cannot be placed on the vertical walls above the water level, othermeans shall be used which are plainly visible to persons in the swimming pool.

5.8 In order to incorporate necessary safety into the construction of the diving area, the dimensionsin Table 1 shall be the minimum allowed in sizing diving areas.

5.8.1 Walls of a swimming pool in the diving area shall be either vertical for water depths of at least1.8 meters (6 feet); or vertical for a minimum distance of 91 centimeters (3 feet) beneath thewater level, below which the wall may be curved to the bottom with a radius not greater than 1.5meters (5 feet) and not greater than the difference between the depth at that point and thevertical side depth.

5.8.2 At least 4.5 meters (15 feet) of unobstructed headroom shall be provided above diving boards.

5.9 Wading facilities for children shall be physically separated from the main pool. Wading pools shallbe served by the pool or separate recirculation system with turnover rates of once every 1 hour.


6.1 All stairways, step-hole ladders, ladders, handrails, guardrails, diving boards, diving platformsand supports shall be of substantial construction and of sufficient structural strength to accommodatemaximum loading under continuous use conditions. They shall be made of corrosion resistantmaterials, that are non-toxic, durable, easily cleanable and of non-slip design. They shall not have anysharp edges, be designed in a way that can entrap bathers; represent tripping hazards, or beotherwise unsafe.

6.2 A stairway, step-hole ladder, or ladder shall be provided at the shallow end of the swimming pool, ifthe vertical distance from the bottom of the pool to the deck or walkway is over 61 centimeters (2 feet).A ladder or step-hole ladder shall be provided at the deep portion of the swimming pool. If the pool isover 7.6 meters (25 feet) wide, such ladders or step-hole ladders, shall be installed on each side of thepool.

6.3 Stairway steps leading into the swimming pool shall be of non-slip design, have a minimum tread of30.5 centimeters (12 inches) and have a maximum rise or height of 25.4 centimeters (10 inches).Stairways shall be designed so that they may be cleaned readily and steps shall be sloped toward thepool to prevent the accumulation of dirt thereon. Handrails shall be provided on both sides of stairways

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and shall extend over the edge of the deck. There shall be no abrupt drop-offs or submergedprojections into the pool unless guarded by handrails.

6.4 Step-hole ladders shall be of non-slip design, have a minimum tread of 12.7 centimeters (5 inches)and have a minimum width of 36 centimeters (14 inches). Step-hole ladders shall be designed so thatthey may be cleaned readily and step-holes shall be sloped toward the pool to prevent theaccumulation of dirt thereon. Step-hole ladders shall be provided with handrails at the top of bothsides, extending over the coping or edge of the deck.

6.5 Ladders shall be equipped with non-slip rungs. All ladders shall be designed to provide a handholdand will be rigidly installed. The clearance between any ladder and the pool wall shall not be greaterthan 12.7 centimeters (5 inches), nor less than 7.6 centimeters (3 inches). There shall be a handrail atthe top of both sides of the ladder, which extends over the coping or edge of the deck.

6.6 Diving platforms and diving boards shall be provided with access stairways or ladders, equippedwith handrails, if they are more than 1 meters (3.3 feet) high. The actual diving platform or diving boardshall be protected with guardrails if it is more than 1 meter (3.3 feet) high.


7.1 A continuous deck at least 1.2 meters (4 feet) wide and preferably 3.1 meters (10 feet) or morewide, shall extend completely around the swimming pool. The deck shall be made of an impervious,easily cleanable material with a non-slip surface. The deck shall be sloped away from the pool to adrain at a grade of 6.4 to 9.5 millimeters (0.25 to 0.38 inches) per each lineal 30.5 centimeters (1 foot).Deck drains shall not be connected to the recirculation system.

7.2 As a minimum, two water faucets shall be installed for cleaning the deck, one at each end of thepool enclosure. All faucets shall be provided with backflow prevention devices. Hoses shall beconstructed of safe materials, shall have a smooth interior surface and shall be used for no purposeother than cleaning the swimming pool. Hoses shall be stored and used so as to be kept free ofcontamination.

7.3 The walking and driving surfaces of all areas outside the swimming pool enclosure shall besurfaced with concrete, asphalt or similar material effectively treated to facilitate maintenance and tominimize dust. These surfaces shall be well drained and kept clean.

7.4 The swimming pool site, including areas outside the swimming pool enclosure, shall be well drainedand shall not be located in an area subject to periodic flooding.

7.5 Deck-level pool channels shall be drained not less than once per month (by reducing the pool waterlevel marginally). The channels shall then be cleaned by flushing out with 10 mg/l chlorinated waterwhich can return to the balance tank. The tank itself should be drained at least twice per year, anydebris cleaned out and its inner surfaces brushed and flushed down with 10 mg/l chlorinated waterwhich can return to the circulation system via the filters.


8.1 All electrical wiring, equipment and appurtenances thereto shall be designed, constructed,installed, operated and maintained in accordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

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8.2 No overhead electrical wiring shall pass within 6.1 meters (20 feet) of any swimming pool.If the swimming pool is used at night, artificial illumination shall be provided according to therequirements presented in Table 2. Illumination shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity toavoid discoloration, shadows and strong glare. Underwater illumination shall be placed to illuminate allportions of the pool, including the bottom, which shall be readily visible without glare.

TABLE 2Illumination

Illumination Levels Required**Area to be Illuminated Lux Footcandles

Deck areas and diving boards 645 60Underwater illumination*Minimum 320 30Preferred 645 60All other indoor areas 215 20

* Measured at pool water surface.** Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor

8.3 Shatterproof protective light shields designed to contain broken glass from exploding electric lightbulbs shall be provided for all light fixtures suspended over areas where bare feet are exposed.


9.1 The water supply serving the swimming pool and all plumbing fixtures, including drinking fountains,hand washbasins and showers, shall meet the requirements of Section SASC-S-01 of the SaudiAramco Sanitary Code.

9.2 All portions of the water distribution system serving the swimming pool and auxiliary facilities shallbe protected against backflow. Water introduced into the pool, or surge tank, shall be supplied throughan approved air gap. Alternatively, a fresh water inlet may be submerged in the pool or make-up tank,if protected by a properly installed and tested vacuum breaker, approved by Saudi Aramco EPD.


10.1 The sanitary sewer serving the swimming pool and auxiliary facilities, including bathhouse, lockerroom and related accommodations, shall discharge to the public sewer system wherever possible.Where no such sewer system is available, the connection shall be made to a suitable disposal plantdesigned, constructed and operated in accordance with requirements of Section SASC-S-02 of theSaudi Aramco Sanitary Code.

10.2 There shall be no direct physical connection between the sanitary sewer system and any drainfrom the swimming pool or recirculation system. Any swimming pool, or gutter drain overflow from therecirculation system, when discharged to the sanitary sewer system, will connect through a suitable airgap to preclude the possibility of backup of sewage or waste into the swimming pool piping system.

10.3 Valves and/or pumps used for draining swimming pools shall be sized or controlled to prevent thesurcharging of the sewer.

10.4 If large quantities of chlorinated or super-chlorinated water are to be discharged to the sewer system,the manager of the relevant S.T.P. shall be notified in advance of any such discharge.

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A recirculation system consisting of water conditioning, disinfection equipment and other necessary accessoryequipment shall be provided.

11.1 The recirculation system shall be designed to clarify and disinfect the entire volume of swimmingpool water in 6 hours or less, thus providing a minimum turnover rate of at least 4 times in 24 hours.The recirculation rate shall be increased to provide a 4 hour turnover for swimming pools subject toheavy bather loads. The turnover rate in a wading pool shall be once every 1 hour. The turnover rate ina spa pool shall be once every 1/2 hour (30 minutes).

11.2 Piping shall be designed to give a reasonable amount of friction loss and to carry the required quantityof water at a maximum velocity not to exceed 3.0 meters (10 feet) per second through PVC piping;except that the water velocity shall not exceed 2.5 meters per second (8 feet per second) in all suctionpiping and copper piping. Piping shall be made of non-toxic materials, resistant to corrosion and ableto withstand operating pressures. It is suggested that the following piping system be adopted. Non-toxic paints shall be used (the use of paints containing lead shall be avoided.

TABLE 3Piping System Color-Code

Piping System Base Color Identifying Color StripeChilled Water Blue 1-GrayChlorine, Gas and Liquid Yellow 1-Oxide RedDistilled and Demineralized Water Blue 1-AluminumTreated (any process) Blue 1-Oxide Red

Note: HVAC lines and electrical conduits are not color-coded but are painted the same color asthe background construction.

11.3 Strainers shall be provided in the recirculation piping just prior to the pumps. Strainers shall preventhair, lint and other foreign materials from reaching the pumps and filters. Strainers shall be resistant tocorrosion, have openings of not more than 3.2 millimeters (0.125 inches) in size, provide a free flowarea of at least 4 times the area of pump suction line and be readily accessible for frequent cleaning.Whenever the pumps are re-started

11.4 A vacuum cleaning system shall be provided. When it is an integral part of the recirculation system,a sufficient number of connections shall be located in the walls of the swimming pool at least 20.3centimeters (8 inches) below the water line. All waste from vacuuming operations shall bypass thefilters and be discharged directly to the sewerage system through an appropriate air gap.

11.5 Rate-of-flow indicators, reading in liters per minute, shall be installed and located on the pumpdischarge pipe to the filters, the return line from the skimmers or gutter drains, the main drain line fromthe swimming pool, the drain line from the children's wading pool, and the drain line from the spa sothat the rate of recirculation (and backwash rate where applicable) may be checked. The indicatorsshall be capable of measuring flows of at least one and one half times the design flow rate, shall beaccurate within 10 percent of the true flow and shall be easy to read.

11.6 Pumps shall be of adequate capacity to provide the required number of turnovers of swimming poolwater as specified in sub-section 11.1, of this Code Section, and, whenever possible, shall be locatedto eliminate need for priming. If the pump or suction piping is located above the overflow level of thepool, the pump shall have a priming device. The pump or pumps will be capable of providing flowadequate for the backwashing of filters where required. Under normal conditions, the pump or pumpsshall supply the recirculation rate of flow at a dynamic head of at least 18.5 meters (60 feet). Dataplates shall be permanently affixed to the pumps.The pump header which consolidates flow from the skimmers (or surge tank drain) and various drainand vacuum lines shall be designed to ensure that suction is proportionately distributed.

11.7 A fixed thermometer shall be installed in the recirculation line at the heater outlet (if applicable).

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11.8 At least one drain/return outlet shall be provided at the deepest point of the swimming pool to permitthe pool to be completely and easily emptied and to return the required quantity of pool water to thefilter system for treatment. Multiple drain/return outlets shall be provided where the width of the pool ismore than 6.1 meters (20 feet). In such cases, outlets shall be spaced not more than 6.1 meters (20feet) apart nor more than 3 meters (10 feet) from the side walls. The connection between thedrain/return outlet and the discharge pipe shall be fitted with a cup sink which is recessed into the floorof the pool. The cup sink shall be covered by a proper grating which is installed flush with the bottom ofthe pool. The cup sink shall be large enough to accommodate a grating that provides for passage ofwater through grate openings equivalent to at least 4 times the cross-sectional area of the dischargepipe or provides sufficient area so that the maximum velocity of the water passing through the gratewill not exceed 45.7 centimeters (1.5 feet) per second. The spacing between grate mesh/openingsshall not exceed 1.3 centimeters (0.5 inches). The drain/return outlets in the bottom of the pool shallbe plainly marked by a black or contrasting circle, unless the outlet grating is of a conspicuouscoloring.

11.9 The main drain/return outlet(s) described in Section 11.8 above shall be capable of recirculating thatportion of the pool water that does not flow into the overflow gutters or skimmers.

11.9.1 In general, pools designed with overflow gutters will recirculate all water that passes through thegutter drain and the main drain/return outlet(s). When this is the case, the flow through the maindrain/return outlet(s) and the gutter drain shall be adjusted so that 50 percent of the recirculatedwater passes through the main drain/return outlet(s) and 50 percent passes through the gutterdrain. In the rare case where a pool with an overflow gutter is designed such that all waterflowing into the gutter drain is discharged to waste, then 100 percent of the water in the poolmust be recirculated through the main drain/return outlet(s).

11.9.2 For pools provided with skimmers, the flow through the main drain/return outlet(s) andskimmers shall be adjusted so that at least 35 percent of the recirculated water passes throughthe main drain/return outlet(s) and 65 percent flows through the skimmers.

11.10 Water returned to the swimming pool from the recirculation system shall be injected through aseries of inlets so located to produce uniform circulation of water and to facilitate the maintenance ofa uniform disinfectant residual throughout the entire volume of swimming pool water without existenceof dead spots.

11.10.1 The minimum number of inlets shall be calculated by dividing the swimming pool perimeterlength in meters by 4.6 (divide feet by 15), or the minimum number of inlets for a swimmingpool having a volume of 249,480 liters (66,000 gallons) or less may be based on one inlet foreach 22,680 liters (6,000 gallons), or fraction thereof, of pool volume. In any case, anadequate number of inlets shall be provided, properly spaced and located, to accomplishcomplete and uniform circulation of water and maintenance of uniform disinfectant residualsthroughout the entire pool volume.

11.10.2 Inlets shall be submerged at least 30.5 centimeters (12 inches) below the water level.Multiple inlets shall be provided on opposite sides of the swimming pool when the distanceacross any portion of the pool is more than 4.6 meters (15 feet).

11.10.3 Each inlet shall be designed as an orifice subject to adjustment, or shall be provided with anindividual gate valve or similar device to permit adjustment of water flow, to obtain the bestcirculation of pool water.

11.10.4 Water velocity in the pipe serving an individual inlet shall be between 1.2 meters (4 feet) and3.7 meters (12 feet) per second. The inlet piping system shall be designed such that thetotal hydraulic friction loss amongst all inlets is no more than 91.4 centimeters (3 feet) ofhead.

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11.10.5 Inlets shall not project more that 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) beyond the pool wall surface. Inletsin the pool bottom shall be flush with the floor. Exposed surfaces of inlets shall not havesharp edges.

11.11 Overflow gutters (if applicable) are permitted on swimming pools provided that they meet thefollowing specifications. Note that the design concept of overflow gutters will be drastically differentdepending on whether water spilling into the gutter will be returned to the recirculation system ordischarged to waste.

11.11.1 The design shall minimize the need for make-up water while maximizing the removal of fforeign materials floating on top of the water.

11.11.2 The overflow gutter, drains and piping shall be designed to rapidly remove the overflow watercaused by wave action, other causes produced by the maximum pool bather load and, ifapplicable, recirculation displacement.

11.11.3 The gutter shall extend completely around the pool except at steps or recessed ladders. Theopening into the gutter beneath the coping shall be not less than 10 centimeters (4 inches)wide with a depth of at least 7 centimeters (3 inches).

11.11.4 The overflow gutter shall be provided with outlet drains located 3 meters (10 feet) to 4.6meters (15 feet) apart. The minimum diameter of outlet drain pipes shall be no less than 5.1centimeters (2 inches). The connection between the outlet drain and the discharge pipe shallbe fitted with a cup sink which is recessed into the bottom of the gutter. The cup sink shallbe covered by a proper grating which is installed flush with the bottom of the gutter. The cupsink shall be large enough to accommodate a grating that provides for passage of waterthrough grate openings equivalent to at least one and one half times the cross-sectionalarea of the discharge pipe.

11.11.5 The gutter shall be designed to prevent entrance or entrapment of bathers' arms and legs.

11.11.6 The edge or lip of the overflow gutter shall serve as a handhold. The overflow edge or lipshall be rounded and not thicker than 6.4 centimeters (2.5 inches).

11.11.7 Additional criteria specific to an overflow gutter connected to the recirculation system: Overflow gutters shall not be connected directly to the recirculation system, butshall be discharged to a properly designed surge tank, which in turn is connectedto the recirculation pumps. The overflow gutter shall be capable of continuously removing 50 percent or moreof the recirculated water and returning it to the surge tank.

11.11.8 Additional criteria specific to an overflow gutter not connected to the recirculation system,but discharged directly to drain. As noted in sub-section 10.2 of this Code Section, thereshall be no direct physical connection between the sanitary sewer system and any drainfrom the swimming pool or recirculation system. An air gap shall be provided if the gutterdrain is to be discharged directly to the sanitary sewer system.

11.11.9 Nothing in this Section shall preclude the use of the modified gutter drain system known asthe roll-out or deck level type swimming pool. If a modified gutter drain is used, overflowrates and curbing handholds shall be designed to conform to the general provision relatingto gutter drain systems. Approval by Saudi Aramco EPD shall be based on a detailed reviewof design and construction features and evaluated in respect to the proposed use of thepool.

11.12 Skimmers (if applicable) are permitted on public swimming pools provided approved handholds areinstalled and sufficient motion to the pool water is induced by the pressure of return inlets. Note that

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handholds shall consist of bull-nosed coping not over 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) thick for the outer 3.8centimeters (1.5 inches), or an equivalent approved handhold. The handholds shall be no more than22.9 centimeters (9 inches) above the normal water line.

11.12.1 At least one skimming device shall be provided for each 46.5 square meters (500 square feet) of water surface area or fraction thereof.

11.12.2 Skimmers shall be located to minimize interference with each other and to ensure maximumskimming action. The location of skimmers shall be such that the prevailing wind enhancesskimming action and precludes creation of wind generated dead spots.

11.12.3 Skimming devices shall be built into the pool wall and shall be made of sturdy, corrosionresistant materials. The top of the skimmers and skimmer covers shall be flush with the deck.

11.12.4 The piping and other pertinent components of skimming equipment shall be designed for atotal capacity of 65 to 80 percent of the required filter flow of the recirculation system, and noskimmer shall be designed for a flow-through rate of less than 114 liters (30 gallons) perminute or 14.4 liters (3.8 gallons) per minute per 2.5 lineal centimeters (1 lineal inch) of weir.

11.12.5 The skimmer weir shall be automatically adjustable and shall operate freely with continuousresponse to variations in water level over a range of at least 10 centimeters (4 inches). Theweir shall be of such buoyancy and design to operate at all flow variations as described insub-section 11.11.4 and to accommodate the volume and velocity of the water that will passover the weir at maximum load.

11.12.6 An easily removable and cleanable basket or screen through which all overflow water mustpass shall be provided to trap large solids.

11.12.7 Skimmer covers shall be fitted with data plates. Data plates shall be of a permanent natureand so located and inscribed as to be easily read and understood.

11.12.8 The skimmer shall be provided with a device to prevent air lock in the suction line. If anequalizer pipe is used to prevent air lock in the suction line, it must provide an adequateamount of water for pump suction if the water of the swimming pool drops below the weirlevel. It must be sized to meet the capacity requirements of the filter and pump and will in nocase be less than 5 centimeters (2 inches) in diameter. The pipe will be located at least 30centimeters (1 foot) below the lowest overflow level of the skimmer. It shall be provided with avalve or equivalent device that will remain tightly closed under normal operating conditions,but will automatically open when the water level drops as much as 5 centimeters (2 inches)below the lowest weir level. If any other device, surge tank or arrangement is used, asufficient amount of water for pump suction must be assured.

11.13 All filter systems, regardless of type (cartridge, sand, diatomite), shall meet the followingrequirements (as tested and certified by the manufacturer):

11.13.1 The filter and all component parts shall be of such materials, design and construction towithstand normal, continuous use without significant deformation, deterioration, corrosion orwear which could adversely affect filter operation. All orifices or other openings will bedesigned to maintain an approximate constant area and shall be non-clogging. Wheredissimilar metals which might set up galvanic electric currents are used in the filters, provisionshall be made to resist electrolytic corrosion.

11.13.2 The tank and its integral parts will be designed for a working pressure of 3.5 kilograms persquare centimeter (50 pounds per square inch) with a safety factor of 4 to 1. When themaximum shutoff head of the pump used with the filter tanks exceeds 3.5 kilograms persquare centimeter (50 pounds per square inch), the tank shall be designed for this head witha 4 to 1 safety factor.

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328 Tanks shall be tested for soundness and leakage at a pressure of 150 percent ofthe working pressure. Pressure vessels containing filter media, cartridges or elements, and allpermanent components, shall be watertight to one and one half times theworking pressure and shall show no evidence of failure after being subjected to20,000 low-high pressure cycles of 0.0 to 2.1 kilograms per square centimeter(0.0 to 30 pounds per square inch) at a temperature of 22.8°C (73°F). The dwelltime at the minimum and maximum pressures shall be not less than twoseconds. Following cyclic pressure test, the vessel must not burst at a hydrostaticpressure of less than 50 percent of the design burst. The initial pressure drop through any filter operating at the design flow rate andmeasured from the filter housing inlet to the filter housing discharge shall notexceed 0.2 kilograms per square centimeter (3 pounds per square inch).

11.13.3 Filter tanks shall be designed to withstand the pressure developed by the weight of the watercontained therein, with a safety factor of one and one-half. Vacuum filters that may be closedduring part of their cycle shall, in addition, be designed to withstand the crushing pressuredeveloped under a vacuum of 63.5 centimeters (25 inches) of mercury with a safety factor ofone and one-half.

11.13.4 The filter plant will be provided with pressure, vacuum or compound gauges that are requiredto indicate the condition of the filter. Gauges will be located on the influent and effluent side ofthe filter and at any other required location within the system. If possible, all gauges shall beplumbed with extensions so that they can be clustered in one location at the same elevation.

11.13.5 Where the design of the filter permits accumulation of air in the top of the housing, the filtertank shall be equipped with an air release valve connected at the top of the tank that willexpel air which enters the filter tank. A means shall be provided to permit the manualoperation of the air release valve.

11.13.6 In vacuum type filter installations where the circulation pump is 2 horsepower or higher, anadjustable high vacuum automatic shutoff should be provided to prevent damage to the pumpby cavitation.

11.13.7 All filter components which require servicing shall be accessible and available for inspectionand repair when installed according to manufacturer's instructions. Adequate openings intothe housing with removable covers shall be provided. Sand filter tanks shall be provided witha covered access opening of not less than a standard 28 by 38 centimeters (11 by 15 inches)manhole.

11.13.8 Provision shall be made for draining the filter.

11.13.9 Where needed, means shall be provided for adding chemicals ahead of the filters.

11.13.10 Each filter shall be fitted with a data plate. Data plates shall be of a permanent nature and solocated and inscribed as to be easily read and understood.

11.13.11 In those cases where smaller filter units are installed in series to provide required filtrationcapacity, filters shall be plumbed such that one unit may be taken out of service for cleaningand maintenance while the other unit(s) is still in operation.

11.13.12 Filters shall be cleaned per manufacturer's recommendations. If the manufacturer'srecommendations should not prove satisfactory for the local conditions, then the filters shallbe cleaned when the head loss between the inlet and outlet of the filter is greater than 0.2kilograms per square centimeter (3 pounds per square inch). Where filters are cleaned bybackwashing, this shall be carried out in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions ( and

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at least once per week). Care must be taken not to reduce significantly the depth of water inthe pool if bathers are in it. Backwashing shall continue until backwash water is clear. Afterbackwashing the normal flow shall be restarted but the filter shall run to waste for a fewminutes.

11.13.13 Filter media shall be replaced as per manufacturer’s instructions, and at least every 5 years.

11.14 Sand filters:

11.14.1 The design filtration rate of a standard rapid sand filter shall be a maximum of 122 liters perminute per square meter (3 gallons per minute per square foot) of bed area at time ofmaximum head loss with sufficient area to meet the design rate of flow required by theprescribed turnover. The design filtration rate for high rate sand filters shall be in excess of203 liters per minute per square meter, but not in excess of 1017 liters per minute persquare meter (5 gallons per minute per square foot, but not in excess of 25 gallons perminute per square foot) of bed area at time of maximum head loss with sufficient area tomeet the design rate of flow required by the prescribed turnover.

11.14.2 The system shall properly distribute incoming water during the filter cycle to prevent anyappreciable movement or channeling of filtering media at the design flow rate. It shallproperly collect water during backwash cycle and have a combined area at least equivalentto that of the backwash effluent piping.

11.14.3 The system shall provide adequate flow and distribution to uniformly expand the filtering bedduring backwashing, and to uniformly collect the filtered water during the filter cycle. With theexception of filters employing the dome or similar type under-drain having openings 4.8millimeters (0.19 inches) or larger. All components of the lower distribution system shall bereplaceable through the manhole opening provided in the filter tank.

11.14.4 Filter media: The filter media and supporting material shall be non-toxic and shall impart nocolor, taste, or odor to the pool water. The filter media and supporting material shall not migrate during the filter cycleand shall remain reasonably flat and level when operated at the design flow rate. The filter bed shall not break down or channel in the filter cycle when subjected toa 1.1 kilograms per square centimeter (15 pounds per square inch) pressuredifferential across the filter bed. Filter sand shall be made of a hard, sharp silicon material free of carbonates orother foreign material and shall be screened to provide an effective size between0.4 and 0.6 millimeters (0.016 and 0.022 inches) with a uniformity coefficient notexceeding 1.75. Depth of filter sand shall be adequate to perform the function forwhich it is intended; however, in no case shall it be less than 50.8 centimeters(20 inches) for rapid rate type and 30.5 centimeters (12 inches) for high rate typefilters. The sand shall be of proper gradation and weight so there will be no medialost in the backwash operation using a rate of 610 liters per minute per squaremeter (15 gallons per minute per square foot) of filter area, or the manufacturer'srecommended backwash flow rate.The sand shall be capable of being thoroughly cleaned when backwashed per themanufacturer's specifications. Anthracite having an effective size between 0.6and 0.8 millimeters (0.024 and 0.032 inches) with a uniformity coefficient of notgreater than 1.8 may be used in lieu of the sand. Where gravel is used to support the filter sand, it shall be a rounded material,free of limestone and clay, and shall consist of at least four layers properly

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graded to prevent intermixing. The total bed depth shall be adequate to performthe function for which it is intended; however, in no case shall it be less than 50.8centimeters (20 inches) above the lower distribution openings. A reduction in thisdepth or elimination of gravel may be permitted where equivalent performanceand service has been demonstrated. At least 30.5 centimeters (12 inches), and preferably 45.7 centimeters (18inches), of freeboard will be provided between the upper surface of the filtermedia and the lowest portion of the pipes or drains which serve as overflowsduring backwashing. Sand filter systems shall be provided with a backwash sight glass on the wastedischarge line.

11.15 Diatomite filters:

11.15.1 The filter should be designed and constructed so as to preclude the introduction ofappreciable quantities of filter-aid into the pool during pre-coating operations. The septashall be constructed to be resistant to rupture under conditions of the maximum differentialpressure between influent and effluent which can be developed by the recirculation pump(s).The septa will also have the strength to resist any additional stresses developed by thecleaning operation.

11.15.2 Sufficient filtering area will be provided to meet the design pump capacity as required bysub-section 11.6, of this Code Section. Filtering area, where fabric is used, should bedetermined on the basis of effective filtering surfaces as created by the septum supports,with no allowances for areas of impaired filtration, such as board supports, folds, or portionswhich may bridge the area.

11.15.3 Pressure filters: The design rate of filtration shall not be greater than 82 liters per minute persquare meter (2 gallons per minute per square foot) of effective filtering surface withoutcontinuous body feed and not greater than 102 liters minute per square meter (2.5 gallonsper minute per square foot) with continuous body feed.

11.15.4 Vacuum filters: The design rate of filtration shall not be greater than 41 liters per minute persquare meter (1 gallon per minute per square foot) of effective filtering surface withoutcontinuous body feed and not greater than 61 liters per minute per square meter (1.5 gallonsper minute per square foot) with continuous body feed.

11.15.5 Where body feed is provided, the device shall be dependable, accurate within 10 percentand shall be capable of continually feeding within a calibrated range adjustable from 82 to244 liters per minute per square meter (2 to 6 gallons per minute per square foot) at thedesign capacity of the recirculation pump(s).

11.15.6 All filters shall be equipped for cleaning by one or more of the following methods: a)backwashing; b) air-pump assisted backwashing; c) spray wash (mechanical or manual);and/or d) agitation. Provision shall be made for completely and rapidly draining the filter.

11.16 Cartridge filters: cartridge type filters shall be demonstrated to produce an effluent at least equal tothat produced by a sand type filter.

11.16.1 All internal components shall be designed and constructed to ensure that foreign materialscannot bypass the cartridges or high permeability element. All internal components must beable to withstand a continuous differential operating pressure between influent and effluentof not less than 5.3 kilograms per square centimeter (75 pounds per square inch) forpressure units and 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) forvacuum units. Where units are designed for pressure backwashing, all components of the

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filter element shall be designed to withstand the pressure differential developed duringbackwashing without permanent damage or deformation.

11.16.2 When reverse flow backwashing is not provided, there shall be a clearance of at least 6.4millimeters (0.25 inches) between the tank and cartridges and between adjacent cartridges.There shall be an adequate distance between pleats at the outside diameter of pleatedcartridges to permit filtration.

11.16.3 Sufficient filtering area shall be provided to meet the design pump capacity as required bysub-section 11.6, of this Code Section. Filtering area should be determined on the basis ofeffective filtration area with no allowances for areas of impaired filtration.

11.16.4 A suitable baffle or other device shall be installed in the filter tank to prevent the full force ofincoming water from impacting directly against the effective filter area during filteringoperations.

11.16.5 In multi-cartridge units, devices shall be provided to securely fasten cartridges together aswell as to align stacked cartridges to provide proper sealing and maintain proper clearancebetween adjacent cartridges. These devices shall not obstruct the filter area.

11.16.6 The design rate of filtration shall not be greater than 122 liters per minute per square meter(3 gallons per minute per square foot) of effective filtration area for depth type cartridgefilters, nor greater than 16 liters per minute per square meter (0.4 gallons per minute persquare foot) with surface type cartridge filters.

11.16.7 Cartridges should be replaced after each use unless the manufacturer specifically indicatesthat they may be washed and reused. Some cartridge filter systems are designed forbackwashing in place. Some reusable cartridges must be removed from the filter tank andwashed by hand. In either case, the cleaning method shall satisfactorily removeaccumulated dirt from the filtering surface. Cleanable cartridge filters should be discardedand replaced by new cartridge filters when successive runs or cycles are reduced to 75percent of the run obtained with new cartridge filters.

11.16.8 Means of removal of the wash water and dislodged dirt from the filter tank shall be providedto prevent the accumulation of waste matter in the filter tank and connecting pipework.

11.17 Disinfectant and chemical feed systems required to disinfect the pool water and regulate pH andother chemical parameters shall be provided as an integral part of the recirculation system. Feedsystems shall comply with the following requirements:

11.17.1 Feed systems shall be of sturdy construction and materials which will withstand wear,corrosion or attack by disinfectant solutions, vapors and/or other chemicals.

11.17.2 Feed systems shall not be adversely affected by repeated, regular adjustments or otherconditions anticipated in the use of the devices.

11.17.3 Feed systems shall be of such size, design, and material that they may be disassembledeasily for cleaning and maintenance.

11.17.4 Feed systems shall be designed and constructed to preclude stoppage from chemicalsintended to be used or foreign materials that may be contained therein.

11.17.5 Feed systems should be of the positive displacement type.

11.17.6 Feed systems shall incorporate failure-proof safety features so that the disinfectant orconcentrated doses of other chemicals cannot feed directly into the swimming pool, the poolpiping system, water supply system, or the swimming pool enclosure under any type offailure of the equipment or its maintenance.

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11.17.7 The disinfectant feed system shall be capable of supplying the equivalent of 0.454 kilograms(1 pound) of chlorine per 24 hours for each 37,850 liters (10,000 gallons) of indoorswimming pool capacity and 0.454 kilograms (1 pound) per 8 hours for each 37,850 liters(10,000 gallons) of outdoor swimming pool capacity under conditions of operation to beanticipated at the proposed installation. Disinfectants shall be dosed before the filters in thecirculation system, to avoid the inadvertent mixing of acids and disinfectant, and to reducethe bacterial colonization of the filters. pH adjusting chemicals shall be dosed downstreamfrom the filters - where possible, after the heat exchanger. (NB. It is important thatdisinfectants and pH value adjusting chemicals are well mixed with the water at the point ofdosing.)

11.17.8 The disinfectant feed system shall be equipped with a graduated, clearly marked dosageadjustment to provide flows from full capacity to 10 percent of such capacity. The deviceshall be capable of continuous delivery within 10 percent of the dosage at any setting.

11.17.9 When disinfectant and/or other chemicals are introduced at the suction side of the pump, thefeed system shall be designed to prevent air lock of the pump or recirculation system.

11.17.10 Disinfectant and chemical feeding devices shall be fitted with data plates. Data plates shallbe of a permanent nature and so located and inscribed as to be easily read and understood.Disinfectant and acid tanks shall be:- Clearly labeled. Provided with a supply of water for making up solutions. Separated by bunds which will contain 110% of contents of each tank and soprevent mixing should a leak develop. Pipelines carrying solutions of disinfectant shall also be clearly labeled. (Colorcoded chlorine line yellow, acid line red).

11.17.11 Dosing pumps shall be fitted as close to the point of injection as possible.

11.17.12 When compressed chlorine gas is used to disinfect swimming pool water, the followingadditional features shall be provided: The chlorine cylinders and chlorinator equipment shall be located in separate,well ventilated rooms. Such rooms shall not be below ground level and shall beprovided with forced draft vents located no more than one foot above the floorwhich terminate out-of-doors. The control switches for the ventilation systems(one for the chlorine cylinder room and one for the chlorinator equipment room)shall be located outside each room and shall be clearly marked -- "Turn OnBefore Entering". The doors to the rooms shall not open to the swimming poolenclosure, but should open to the outside. The chlorinator equipment shall be of rugged design and construction, capableof withstanding wear without developing leaks. The chlorinator will be a solutionfeed type, capable of delivering chlorine at its maximum rate without releasinggas to the atmosphere. The chlorinator shall be designed to prevent thebackflow of water into the chlorine cylinder. Chlorine cylinders shall be anchored to prevent their falling over. Valveprotection hoods shall be kept in place except when the cylinders are connectedto the chlorinator. A valve system wrench shall be maintained on the chlorinecylinder while it is in use so that the gas supply can be shut off quickly in thecase of an emergency. Chlorine gas cylinders shall not be stored in direct

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sunlight, next to heaters or in areas subject to extreme heat loads. Note that thisis very important because the cylinders are fitted with fusible plugs which willmelt at 71°C (160°F). The chlorine feeding device shall be designed so that it will automatically stopthe flow of chlorine gas when the water supply is interrupted, the system isdamaged or the feeding device or other part of the system fails due to wear,corrosion or other fault. As a back-up safety system, the chlorine feeding deviceshall also be fitted with a line that will conduct leading chlorine gas away fromthe swimming pool enclosure to the out-of-doors should the automatic chlorineshut-off fail to work. A gas mask (note that a properly maintained Scott AirPak may be used in lieu ofa gas mask) designed for use in a chlorine atmosphere and of a type approvedby Saudi Aramco EPD shall be provided. In addition, replacement canistersshall be provided and a record shall be kept of gas mask usage to ensure thatthe mask will be serviceable when needed. The gas mask (or Scott AirPak)shall be kept in a closed cabinet, accessible without a key, and located outsidethe rooms in which chlorine cylinders and/or chlorinator equipment is situated. A chlorine gas leak detector shall be provided. The leak detector shall be storednext to the gas mask outside the chlorination rooms. Installation of gas chlorinator equipment, and operation thereof, shall be carriedon by and under the supervision of personnel experienced with installation andoperation of such equipment.

11.17.13 When a hypochlorite solution is used to disinfect pool water, the following additionalrequirements shall apply to the hypochlorinator equipment: The hypochlorinator shall feed the chlorine solution into the system in a positivemanner under all conditions of pressure in the recirculation system, withoutartificial constriction of the pump suction line whether this line be under pressureor vacuum. The hypochlorinator shall be fitted with a device that regulates the chlorine feedrate to ensure that a constant feed is provided despite variation in the backpressure generated by the recirculation system. The hypochlorinator shall be designed to prevent backflow from the recirculationsystem to the solution container and to reduce to a minimum the entry into theswimming pool of free calcium released from calcium hypochlorite. Thehypochlorinator shall be designed to prevent siphoning of hypochlorite solution fromthe hypochlorite solution vat into the recirculation system when the recirculationpump and hypochlorinator are both turned off. Hand dosing of chemicals and disinfectants shall not be carried out whilepatrons are using the pool

11.18 Disinfection by ozone

11.18.1 Staff shall be properly trained in the safe use of ozone generating equipment and in theappropriate emergency procedures, including first aid precautions for exposure to ozone andelectric shock where corona discharge systems are used.

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11.18.2 Appropriate warning signs shall be displayed on ozone plant access doors, or in thepassageway leading to the plant room. Notices shall include information on the type ofozone generation equipment in use.

11.18.3 Plant operating controls, including a shutdown control shall be situated outside the plantroom.

11.18.4 The ozone disinfecting system for each pool shall be designed to cope with the specifiedbathing load of the pool. The bather load at each pool shall be clearly indicated within theplant room. This bather load shall be controlled to match the disinfection and filtrationsystem installed at each pool.

11.18.5 Materials used for piping, valves, gaskets, pump diaphragms and sealant shall be resistantto electrolytic corrosion and chemical attack.

11.18.6 Contact Time (CT) Values. The concentration (C, in mg/l) of dissolved ozone multiplied bythe time (T, in minutes) of contact between the dissolved ozone and the water being treatedgives a “CT Value”. This value is used as an index to the effectiveness of the disinfectionprocess. In order to achieve proper disinfection a CT value of 1.6 or greater is required. (Forexample, a dissolved ozone concentration of 0.8 mg/l in contact with water for 2 minutesgives a CT value of 0.8 x 2 = 1.6).

11.18.7 Where only a percentage of the flow rate is treated as opposed to the total flow rate of thesystem (so-called slipstream ozonation ), a minimum of 20% of the flow rate shall be dosed.

11.18.8 A disinfectant residual, e.g. hypochlorite, shall be provided after ozonation (and deozonation)as the water will not contain enough residual disinfectant to prevent cross-infection within thepool itself. A minimum of 0.5 ppm free chlorine residual shall therefore be maintained. ThepH shall be maintained at between 7.2 and 7.8.

11.18.9 Pipes carrying different materials (ozone/air, ozone/water, for example), shall be identifiableby color-coding or by naming. The system must be immediately understood by all theworkers in the area. Tanks shall be identified by purpose (e.g.. ‘reaction tank’) and by theircontents.

11.18.10 Piping systems shall be: Kept as short as possible to minimize leaks Appropriately braced Protected from shock or vibration Able to withstand the system pressures Pressure tested before being placed into operation

11.19 Corona Discharge Systems.

11.19.1 Ozone generators shall be clearly marked with legible and permanent identification showing: Manufacturer and/or supplier Method of ozone generation Model number and serial number

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335 Year of construction Type of supply gas Ozone production in grams/hour or kilograms/day (rated capacity) Ozone concentration (% weight or ppm) Feed-gas flow rates Electrical requirements

11.19.2 Ozonators shall incorporate shut off devices which shall automatically shut down the plant under the following abnormal conditions: Air drier failure Cooling water failure Loss of vacuum Circulation pump failure Excess or low electrical power Airflow failure Water backflow detected Door open/panel removed Low feed-gas supply High temperature of ozone generator module Over temperature of the high voltage transformer

11.19.3 Off-gasses from the reaction tank shall pass through an ozone destructor before beingvented to atmosphere. Gasses leaving the destructor shall be discharged away from any airintakes or work locations. The pipe to the destructor shall be approved for carryingozone/air mixtures and have sealed joints. It shall incorporate a water trap for collection anddischarge of any liquid escaping the reaction tank or condensation forming in the line.

11.19.4 Where the ozonator operates under positive pressure, the following additional safeguards: The ozonator shall be fitted with a fail-safe device which automatically shutsdown the plant when the concentration of O3 in the atmosphere reaches >0.3ppm (or lower). Visual and audible alarms shall be actuated when the concentration of O3 in theatmosphere reaches 0.1ppm (or lower). Sensory equipment installed to monitor the above levels of O3 shall be regularlytested and calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

11.20 Deozonation

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11.20.1 All traces of ( toxic) ozone shall be removed from the treated water before it enters the pool.This can be achieved by passing the water through suitable filtration media such asgranular activated carbon (GAC) having a microporous surface of at least 1000m2/g, and abed depth of not more than 0.5m; or inactivated heat-treated anthracite or coal which has alower adsorbent area of less than 500m2/g, and a bed depth of not more than 0.7m.Velocity of water flow through the filter media shall be maintained between 33 and37m/h.

11.20.2 Where Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) probes are used to eliminate overdosing, theabove filtration is not required. In these cases the ORP system shall be fitted with automaticshut- off devices (factory-) set to activate at pre-determined levels.

11.21 The use of alternative equipment and/or recirculation systems not covered by this Code may beapproved by Saudi Aramco EPD if available facts indicate that the system will perform as well as, orbetter than, systems permitted by the Code Section.


12.1 Design and layout of bathhouse:

12.1.1 A dressing room shall be provided adjacent to the shower facilities.

12.1.2 The layout of bathhouse shall be such that the bathers, on leaving the dressing room, mustpass the toilets and showers en route to the swimming pool.

12.1.3 A bathhouse that will be used simultaneously by both sexes shall be divided into two partsseparated by a permanently fixed partition that totally blocks the view from either side to theother. One side of the partitioned bathhouse shall be permanently designated for males andthe other side shall be permanently designated for females. The entrances and exits shallbe screened to break line of sight. All facilities, except for urinals, shall be providedseparately for both sexes.

12.1.4 The entrances and exits from the bathhouse to the pool should be located at the shallowend of the pool.

12.2 Dressing rooms shall be equipped with benches, clothes hooks and lockers.

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Lockers shall be constructed of easily cleanable, corrosion resistant materials and shall not havesharp edges. Lockers shall be properly vented. Lockers will be set either on solid masonry bases12.7 centimeters (5 inches high) or on legs so that locker bottoms are at least 25.4 centimeters (10inches above the floor).

12.3 Cleanliness and sanitation: All dressing rooms, toilet rooms, shower rooms, handwashing facilities,utility rooms, hallways and associated facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times.They shall be free from flies and objectionable odors. All fixtures and floors, as well as walls subject tosplash, shall be cleaned with an approved detergent, rinsed and then sanitized with a 0.3 to 0.6percent hypochlorite solution (3,000 to 6,000 milligrams per liter or 3,000 to 6,000 parts per million),or other equivalent disinfectant approved by Saudi Aramco EPD, at least once daily. Materials,maintenance and cleaning equipment shall be properly stored.

12.4 Pest control: Facilities shall be designed, constructed, equipped and maintained to prevent theentrance and harborage of insects, rodents and other vermin. Control methods shall includeelimination of breeding and harborage sites, pest proofing of buildings, proper sanitary practices andother approved methods.

12.5 All electrical wiring, equipment and appurtenances thereto shall be designed, constructed,installed and maintained in accordance with the Saudi Aramco Electrical Code.

12.6 All structural elements and plumbing shall be designed, constructed, installed and maintained inaccordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

12.7 Illumination:

12.7.1 The following levels of illumination, whether from natural or artificial sources, shall beprovided. In all cases, illumination shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity toavoid discoloration, shadows and strong glare.

TABLE 4Illumination

Illumination Levels Required**Area to be Illuminated Lux Footcandles

Mirrors above hand washbasins* 320 30Exercise rooms 540 50All other indoor areas 215 20

* Measured at the mirror.** Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor

12.7.2 Shatterproof protective light shields designed to contain broken glass from explodingelectric light bulbs shall be provided for all light fixtures suspended over areas where barefeet are exposed.

12.8 Ventilation: All rooms shall have sufficient ventilation to keep them free of excessive heat, steam,condensation and other environmental factors conducive to the growth of microorganisms anddevelopment of odors. They shall be suitably cooled or heated. They shall be provided withmechanical ventilation systems capable of providing the equivalent of five air changes per hour. Atleast 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from the outside. If this is not feasible, mechanicalextract fans may be used in lieu of the required mechanical ventilation system. Extract fans shall becapable of exhausting 1 cubic meter (35 cubic feet) of air per minute for each toilet, urinal, shower orhand washbasin installed.

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12.9 Walls, partitions, doors, ceilings and appurtenances thereto:

12.9.1 Walls, including non-supporting partitions, and ceilings shall be made of durable, lightcolored, smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable materials, free from cracks and openjoints. The use of brick, concrete blocks, wood or other rough or unfinished buildingmaterials is prohibited. Exposed studs, joists and rafters shall be properly finished toprovide a durable, nonabsorbent, smooth and easily cleanable surface. Walls and ceilings,including doors, windows, skylights and similar closures, shall be kept clean and in goodrepair.

12.9.2 The walls shall be finished with ceramic tile, stainless steel, fiberglass or other waterproofmaterial to a height of not less than 1.2 meters (4 feet) in toilet rooms and handwashingfacilities, and to a height of not less than 1.8 meters (6 feet) in shower rooms. The angleformed by the floor and side walls shall be of watertight construction and shall be coved tofacilitate cleaning.

12.9.3 The walls or partitions between dressing rooms, toilet fixtures and showers may be lessthan the height of the room walls, but the tops shall not be less than 1.8 meters (6 feet)from the floor and the bottoms of partitions shall terminate at least 25.4 centimeters (10inches) above the floor. In situations where a raised partition is not desirable, such aspartitions separating eastern style toilet fixtures, partitions shall be placed on a continuousraised masonry or concrete base at least 12.7 centimeters (5 inches) high, or a properlydesigned and constructed wall that joins the floor shall be provided.

12.9.4 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on walls or ceilings.Exposed utility service lines and pipes, light fixtures, vent covers, wall mounted fans andsimilar equipment attached to walls and ceilings shall be properly designed and constructedof materials that are durable and easily cleanable, shall be installed in a way that does notobstruct or prevent cleaning and maintenance, and shall be kept clean and in good repair atall times.

12.9.5 Doors and door jambs shall be properly designed and constructed of materials that aredurable and easily cleanable and shall be kept clean. Worn or damaged doors and doorjambs shall be repaired to preclude entrance of insects and rodents and afford privacy.

12.10 Floors shall be made of durable, impervious, easily cleanable materials which extend upward ontothe walls at least 12.7 centimeters (5 inches). The junction between the wall and floor shall be coved.Floors shall have a smooth, non-slip surface; shall be maintained in good repair; and shall be keptclean and sanitized. Floors made of grouted tiles shall be so constructed to minimize exposedgrouting. Floors shall be sloped to properly designed and constructed, trapped drains that areconnected to the sanitary sewer system. Bath mats, duck boards or other porous material shall notbe used on floors.

12.11 The water supply system shall deliver water at a minimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms persquare centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) and at a minimum flow of at least 3.8 liters (1 gallon)per minute at all outlets and fixtures except that at least 11.4 liters (3 gallons) per minute is requiredat all shower outlets.

12.12 Toilets, urinals, hand washbasins, showers and drinking fountains shall be provided on thebasis of the following fixture schedule:*

TABLE 5Numbers and Types of Fixtures Required

Type of fixture Number required for males Number required for femalesToilet 1/60 1/40Urinal 1/60 noneHand washbasin 1/60 1/60Shower 1/40 1/40Drinking fountain ** **

* Fixture schedules shall be increased for swimming pools at school or similar locations wherebather load peaks are reached on a regular basis.

** Drinking Fountain: Minimum of one adult-height and one child-height drinking fountain to belocated in swimming pool area.

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TABLE 6Minimum Space Required for Each Type of Installation

Installation MinimumWidth


Minimum Space PerUnit

Hand washbasin 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m²Shower cubical 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m²Shower stall 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m²Toilet compartment 80 cm 105 cm 1.5 m²Urinal 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m²

12.13 Toilet facilities:

12.13.1 Toilets shall be adequate and conveniently located near the entrance/exit to the bathhouseand shall be accessible to bathers at all times.

12.13.2 Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed and shall have tight fitting, self-closing doors.Such doors shall not be left open except during cleaning or maintenance.

12.13.3 Each toilet (water closet) shall occupy a separate enclosure within the toilet room.

12.13.4 Toilet enclosures shall be provided with a toilet paper holder or dispenser and a supply oftoilet paper.

12.13.5 Covered refuse containers shall be provided in toilet enclosures used by women.

12.13.6 Western style toilets shall be set entirely free and open from all enclosing structures andshall be so installed that the space around the fixture can be easily cleaned (this provisiondoes not prohibit the use of wall-hung type toilet fixtures). Western toilets shall have ahinged, open-front seat made of durable, nonabsorbent, smooth, easily cleanable material.

12.13.7 Eastern style toilet fixtures shall be set in the floor of the toilet enclosure. The floor areasurrounding the eastern style toilet fixture shall be sloped toward the toilet fixture. Easternstyle toilets shall be provided with a water tap. Such a water tap shall not be crossconnected with the toilet fixture. All hose connections in eastern toilets shall be providedwith suitable backflow prevention devices.

12.14 Handwashing facilities: Note that janitor's sinks and utility sinks are not acceptable substitutes forhand washbasins.

12.14.1 Hand washbasins shall be located within or immediately adjacent to all toilet rooms.

12.14.2 Each hand washbasin shall be provided with running water. Handwashing facilities that areconstructed or remodeled shall be provided with tempered water from a self-closingcombination or premixing faucet that supplies warm water for a minimum of 15 secondswhile both hands are free for washing and rinsing (also refer to water supply requirementsin sub-section 9 of this Code Section). The manually operated, stem-type hot and coldmixing valves currently installed in existing facilities should be scheduled for remodeling atthe earliest possible date.

12.14.3 Handwashing cleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers at ornext to hand washbasins at all times (common towels are prohibited). Mechanical hot airblowers for drying the hands may be substituted for paper towels. Where paper handtowels are used, a refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bag shall be providednext to paper towel dispensers. The refuse container need not be covered.

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12.15 Shower facilities:

12.15.1 An adequate number of properly maintained showers shall be provided to ensure that allswimmers have the opportunity to wash their bodies before they enter the pool. If privateshower stalls are provided, privacy curtains, if used, shall be of easily cleanable materialand kept clean.

12.15.2 Showers shall be supplied with water through thermostatic, tempering or mixing valves at atemperature of at least 32°C (90°F), but not more than 49°C (120°F), at a rate of at least11.4 liters (3 gallons) per minute. Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of waterfor at least 30 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

12.15.3 Shower stalls shall be not less than 76 by 76 centimeters (30 by 30 inches) in area.

12.15.4 The surface of shower floors shall be finished with a non-slip material. Bath mats, duckboards or other porous material shall not be used on shower floors.

12.15.5 Shower floors shall be self-draining. The design shall preclude the flow of water intoadjacent areas.

12.16 Drinking water fountains shall be provided.

12.16.1 Drinking fountains shall be approved angle-jet type and shall be provided with an adequatesupply of water under pressure.

12.16.2 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from drinking fountains and faucets shall bedischarged to the sewerage system through approved drains to prevent impoundment ofwater, creation of mud holes or other nuisance conditions.

12.16.3 Open containers from which water must be dipped or poured, such as barrels, pails ortanks, whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited.

12.16.4 Where single service paper cups are provided, cups shall be dispensed from a sanitarydevice designed for this purpose and a waste receptacle shall be provided for disposal ofused cups. The common drinking cup is prohibited.


13.1 A sufficient number of durable, easily cleanable, nonabsorbent, leak-proof, insect-proof and rodent-proof, covered refuse containers shall be provided next to the entrance to the swimming pool, in theswimming pool enclosure and in appropriate areas of the bathhouse. Refuse containers shall be linedwith plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements. Containers shall be maintained in a clean andsanitary condition at all times.

13.2 Plastic bags containing refuse shall not be stored in the swimming pool area in other than theapproved refuse containers described in sub-section 13.1 of this Code Section.

13.3 Refuse shall be collected and removed from the swimming pool area at least once every other day.


14.1 Food and drink shall not be permitted in the immediate area of the swimming pool, dressing roomsor decks surrounding the pool.

14.2 Management shall inspect swimming pool facilities and equipment as often as is necessary toensure compliance with this Code.

14.3 Spitting upon the walls, floors or decks is prohibited.

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14.4 The use of a common foot bath in any area of the swimming pool complex is prohibited.

14.5 Bulk stocks of chemicals, cartridge filters and other expendable materials shall be properly storedin a place other than the swimming pool. Only articles necessary to the immediate operation andmaintenance of the swimming pool shall be stored on the premises. Cleaning materials and poolchemicals shall be kept separate.

14.6 Playground equipment, when provided for children, shall be designed for safety, maintained in goodrepair and located in an area away from the swimming pool which is free of hazards.

14.7 A janitorial sink supplied with hot and cold water shall be provided (see sub-section 12.11 of this Code Section). Adequate storage space for housekeeping materials and equipment shall beprovided.


15.1 An elevated lifeguard platform or chair shall be provided for swimming pools operated primarily forunorganized use and having a water surface area of more than 209 square meters (2,250 squarefeet). In pools with 371 square meters (4,000 square feet) or more of water surface area, additionalelevated platforms or chairs shall be provided. They shall be located to provide a clear, unobstructedview of the pool bottom in the area under surveillance.

15.2 Not less than one unit of lifesaving equipment shall be provided for every public swimming pool.One unit of lifesaving equipment shall consist of the following:

15.2.1 A float board or ring buoy not more than 31 centimeters (15 inches) in diameter to which a13 meters (60 feet) length of 4.8 millimeters (0.2 inches) rope shall be attached.

15.2.2 A life pole or shepherd's hook type of pole having blunted ends with a minimum length of3.7 meters (12 feet).

15.2.3 A separate throwing line of 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches) rope with a length not less thanone and one half times the maximum width of the pool.

15.3 A standard first aid kit shall be provided at each swimming pool.

15.4 Lifesaving equipment and first aid kits shall be mounted in conspicuous, readily accessible placesaround the swimming pool deck, at lifeguard chairs, or elsewhere, their functions plainly marked.They shall be kept in good repair and properly stocked. Bathers or others shall not be permitted totamper with, remove from established locations, or use lifesaving equipment for any purpose otherthan for a lifesaving or related emergency situation.

15.5 There shall be a telephone readily accessible to every swimming pool. The telephone number of thenearest Emergency Receiving Room (ERR) shall be posted near the telephone.


16.1 Every swimming pool shall be operated under the close supervision of a competent, trainedperson who is familiar with this Code Section, as well as all phases of pool operation, including thewater treatment plant, making of routine control tests, keeping of records, pool safety and generalsanitation. EPD may require a certificate of competency obtained through attendance and successfulcompletion of a swimming pool operator's training course as evidence of compliance with this CodeSection.

16.2 Proper operating records, which may include the following as required by EPD, shall be kept daily:

16.2.1 Total and peak bather loads.

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16.2.2 Volume of fresh water and amounts of chemicals added.

16.2.3 Operating periods of the recirculation pumps and filters and corresponding rate of flowmeter readings.

16.2.4 Disinfectant residuals, pH readings and other chemical parameters measured, as well asphysical conditions measured.

16.2.5 Maintenance, servicing and replacement (and malfunctioning) of equipment, includingarecord of when filters are cleaned.

16.2.6 Unusual incidents, safety violations and injuries. 16.2.7 A manual of safety and operational instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS`s,)

Chemical Hazard Bulletins (CHB`s) and any risk assessments shall be kept on the premises.


17.1 One or more instructors, lifeguards, or equally qualified attendants shall be on duty at the poolside at all times when the pool is open and in use by the public (it is recommended that one lifeguardbe provided for each 75 persons in the swimming pool). Lifeguards should have satisfactorilycompleted courses in first aid and CPR, as well as a senior course of instruction in life saving andwater safety. The lifeguard shall be in full charge of the bathers and have authority to enforce all rulesand regulations pertaining to safety and sanitation.

17.2 Lifeguards assigned to the pool shall not be subject to duties that would distract their attention from proper observation and supervision of persons in the pool area, or that would preventimmediate assistance for persons in distress in the water.

17.3 Lifeguards shall wear distinguishing suits or emblems so that they may be easily identified bypersons using the swimming pool.

17.4 Bathers shall comply with, and the lifeguard shall enforce, the following rules and regulations:

17.4.1 All persons using the swimming pool shall take a cleansing shower bath, using warm waterand soap, and thoroughly rinsing off all soap suds, before entering the swimming poolenclosure. Sun bathers are not exempt and they must take additional cleansing shower toremove all oils, lotions and creams each time they enter the water, even if only for a shortdip. A bather leaving the pool to use the toilet shall take another cleansing shower bathbefore returning to the pool enclosure.

17.4.2 Any person having an infectious or communicable disease shall be excluded from a publicswimming pool. Persons having any considerable area of exposed subepidermal tissue,open blisters or open wounds shall be warned that these are likely to become infected andinstructed not to use the pool.

17.4.3 Spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the swimming pool shall be prohibited.

17.4.4 No running, boisterous or rough play, except supervised water sports, shall be permitted inthe pool, on the decks, diving boards, floats, platforms, or in dressing rooms, shower roomsor any other area.

17.4.5 All bathers shall wear an acceptable type of swimming attire while using the pool. Use ofarticles of clothing other than swimming attire is prohibited,

17.5 Suitable signs, written in Arabic and English, embodying the above personal regulations andinstructions, shall be posted in all dressing rooms, the pool enclosure and in all pool offices.

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18.1 The swimming pool water shall have sufficient clarity at all times so that a black disc, six inchesin diameter, is readily visible when placed on a white field at the deepest point of the swimming pool.Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute grounds for immediate closure of the swimming pool.

18.2 Visible dirt on the bottom of the pool, as well as scum and floating matter on the water surface,shall be removed at least once every 24 hours (more frequently if necessary) by vacuuming,skimming flushing or other effective means. Emergency measures shall be implemented immediatelyin the case of contamination of pool water by feces, blood or vomit, or excess chemicals. Suchmeasures shall include:

18.2.1 Clear the pool of people immediately

18.2.2 Maintain disinfectant levels at the top of the recommended range

18.2.3 Smaller pools (and wading pools) can be emptied and cleaned; larger pools shall bevacuumed and swept

18.2.4 Add a coagulant; filter for 3 turnover cycles

18.2.5 Backwash as recommended for the filter; only then reopen the pool.

18.3 The temperature of the swimming pool water shall be maintained below 29°C (84°F) to retard thegrowth of algae; and above 24ºC ( 75º F) to minimize corrosion.


19.1 Chemicals used to control the quality of swimming pool water shall be demonstrated to be non-toxicto man in the concentrations used. Specialized chemicals used to control algae in swimming pools,other than chlorinated compounds specifically formulated for this purpose, shall be approved by EPD.

19.2 An accurate and complete record of all tests to measure the pH, alkalinity, TDS, residualconcentration of disinfectant and cyanuric acid shall be maintained by pool attendants. A ‘hard-copy’of records shall be maintained for a period of not less than 1 month for EPD review if needed.

19.3 Pools, when in use, shall be continuously disinfected by a chemical which imparts an easilymeasurable, freely available residual.

19.3.1 When chlorine is used to disinfect pool water, a free residual of at least 0.5 milligrams perliter (0.5 parts per million) chlorine shall be maintained throughout the pool. If cyanuric acidis used to stabilize the chlorine, a free residual of at least 1.5 milligrams per liter (1.5 partsper million) chlorine shall be maintained throughout the pool. The level of combinedchlorine should not exceed one-third of the total chlorine present.

19.3.2 EPD may accept disinfecting materials or methods other than chlorine when they havebeen adequately demonstrated to provide a satisfactory residual effect which is easilymeasured and to be otherwise equally as effective under conditions of use as the chlorineconcentration required (e.g. the free residual concentration of bromine would have to be 1milligram per liter (1 part per million) to equal the disinfecting power of 0.5 milligrams perliter (0.5 parts per million) of free residual chlorine). The disinfectant shall not be dangerousto public health, create objectionable physiological effects or impart toxic properties to thewater.

19.3.3 An approved test kit shall be provided at each pool to measure the concentration of thedisinfectant in the pool water. For halogens, the test kit shall have a range from at least 0.0to 2.5 milligrams per liter (0.0 to 2.5 parts per million) and a sensitivity of at least 0.1

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milligrams per liter (0.1 parts per million). Range and sensitivity specifications fordisinfectants other than halogens shall be determined by EPD at the time the alternatemethod of disinfection is approved.

19.3.4 The concentration of free residual disinfectant in pool water shall be measured before theswimming pool is opened each day, at least once every three hours during periods of lowusage and at least once hourly during periods of high usage.

19.3.5 Where levels of free chlorine above 3.0 milligrams per liter (3.0 ppm) are recorded,chlorination shall be reduced. Where levels above 5.0 milligrams per liter (5.0ppm) arerecorded, chlorination shall be stopped immediately. In the event of free chlorine levelsreaching above 10.0 milligrams per liter (10.0 ppm) bathing shall cease until levels arebrought down to within recommended parameters.

19.3.6 In the event of no detectable chlorine residual, the test shall be repeated in several differentareas of the pool. If no chlorine is found, the pool shall be closed to the public until aresidual of 0.5ppm (minimum) is detected throughout the pool.

19.4 Cyanuric acid:

19.4.1 It is recommended that a concentration of 40 milligrams per liter (40 parts per million), butnot less than 25 milligrams per liter (25 parts per million) nor more than 100 milligrams perliter (100 parts per million), of cyanuric acid be maintained in chlorinated swimming poolwater to stabilize the chlorine and resist the decomposing effects of sunlight.

19.4.2 The concentration of cyanuric acid shall be measured at least once per month during thewinter, once per week during the summer, or whenever there is a problem with maintaininga stable chlorine residual.

19.4.3 An approved cyanuric acid test kit with a range from at least 20 to 100 milligrams per liter(20 to 100 parts per million) and a sensitivity equivalent to at least the LaMotte Model EC-5Cyanuric Acid Test Kit shall be provided if cyanuric acid is used.

19.5 pH:

19.5.1 The pH of the pool water shall be maintained at not less than 7.2 and not over 8.2, with theoptimum being in the range between 7.4 to 7.6.

19.5.2 The pH of the pool water shall be measured at least once every three hours during periodsof low usage and at least once hourly during periods of high usage; and whenever there isa problem with maintaining a stable chlorine residual.

19.5.3 An approved pH test kit with a range of at least 6.6 to 8.4 and a sensitivity of at least 0.2 pHunits shall be provided at each swimming pool.

19.6 Alkalinity:

19.6.1 The alkalinity of the swimming pool water shall be at least 50 milligrams per liter (50 partsper million), but not more than 250 milligrams per liter (250 parts per million), the optimumrange being 80 to 120 milligrams per liter (80 to 120 parts per million).

19.6.2 The alkalinity of the pool water shall be determined in all cases where there is a problemwith maintaining a stable pH or chlorine residual; and in any case not less than once perweek.

19.6.3 An approved alkalinity test kit with a range of at least 0.0 to 200 milligrams per liter (0.0 to200 parts per million) and a sensitivity of at least 10 milligrams per liter (10 parts per million)shall be provided at each swimming pool.

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19.7 Calcium hardness:

19.7.1 The calcium hardness of the swimming pool water shall be at least 80 milligrams per liter(80 parts per million), but not more than 500 milligrams per liter (500 parts per million), theoptimum range being 200 to 250 milligrams per liter (200 to 250 parts per million) forplaster lined pools or 175 to 225 milligrams per liter (175 to 225 parts per million) for allother types of non-plaster lined pools.

19.7.2 The calcium hardness of the pool water shall be measured in all cases where there is aproblem with corrosion of metal (low calcium hardness suspected) or calcium scale build-up on pool surfaces, filters and/or equipment (high calcium hardness suspected); and inany case not less than once per week.

19.7.3 An approved calcium hardness test kit with a range of at least 20 to 500 milligrams per liter(20 to 500 parts per million) and a sensitivity of at least 20 milligrams per liter (20 parts permillion) shall be provided at each swimming pool.

19.8 Total dissolved solids

19.8.1 The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentration of pool water shall not exceed 1000 ppmabove the level of the feed water, up to a maximum of 3000 ppm as measured byelectronic conductivity meter.


20.1 Not more than 15 percent of the samples covering any considerable period of time shall:

20.1.1 Exceed 200 bacteria per milliliter as determined by the heterotrophic plate count (SPC)method.

20.1.2 Show positive results (confirmed test) for coliform organisms in any of the five 10 milliliterportions of a sample as determined by the most probable number (MPN) method, orexceed 1 coliform organism per 100 milliliters of a sample when the membrane filtermethod is used.

20.2 Samples shall be collected and examined according to requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code.


A spa pool is a self-contained body of warm water designed for sitting in as opposed to swimming. Therelatively small volume of water in relation to bather load, combined with a raised temperature and agitation ofthe water, makes considerable demands on the disinfection and filtration systems. Careful management bycompetent trained staff is therefore essential to ensure that the water quality does not deteriorate.

21.1 Design criteria : spa pool design features.

21.1.1 Conventional (Rim) Type – Water level 150-200mm (6”-8”) below top. Overflow (DeckLevel) Design – Maintains water level at constant height, excess water is transferred tobalance tank.

21.1.2 Surfaces shall be free from defects and/or projections and designed to facilitate drainingand cleaning.

21.1.3 Overflow channels and balance tanks shall be accessible and easy to clean. The Cleaningprocedures detailed in sub-section 7.5 of this Code Section shall be followed.

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21.1.4 All steps into the spa together with the surrounding area shall be of a non-slip pattern

21.1.5 All spas shall have a suitable hand rail fitted to aid entry and exit to the spa

21.2 Filtration

21.2.1 The pump from the balance tank on a deck-level spa pool shall be automaticallydesigned to stop in the event of low water levels in the balance tank. The heater andchemical dosing units shall be adequately interlocked to fail-safe in the event that waterstops circulating.

21.2.2 In conventional (rim) spas water is drawn directly from the spa via a skimmer and a lowsuction point. All suction outlets shall be duplicated to reduce the risk of entrapment of hairor any part of bather’s bodies. Fittings shall be of an anti-vortex design for the samereason. If separate suction pipes are run to the plant room these shall be fitted with suctionvalves which shall be open while the pump is running.

21.2.3 Maintenance and operation of filters shall be carried out in strict accordance withmanufacturer’s instructions. Filters shall be backwashed on a daily basis.

21.2.4 Spa pools shall be on a separate filtration system from any swimming pool located at thesame facility.

21.2.5 Strainer baskets shall be examined daily, cleaned if necessary and in any case cleanedonce each week.

21.2.6 Air for the air massage system shall be from a satisfactory source. Input air filters shallbe inspected and cleaned regularly.

21.3 Design capacity

21.3.1 For each bather there shall be a minimum surface area of 0.37m² (4 ft²) and a minimumvolume of water of 250 liters (55 gallons).

21.4 Design bather load

21.4.1 The design bather load is the maximum number of bathers who use the spa in any onehour, each hour consisting of 3 x 15 minute bathing sessions, each followed by a 5 minuterest period. The design bather load shall be 10 times the capacity of water in the spasystem when measured in cubic meters.

21.4.2 As a general rule 30 liters/day/bather entry, or 50% of the water in the spa system,whichever is the greater volume, shall be replaced each day.

21.5 Turnover rates

21.5.1 There shall be a maximum water turnover time of 30 minutes. The turnover time is thetime taken for the entire pool water volume to pass through the filters and treatment plantand back to the pool.

21.6 Dehumidification of indoor spas

21.6.1 The operation of jets/airblowers shall be controlled by timers to limit the operation to nomore than 10 minutes when the bath has been vacated.

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21.6.2 Air ventilation shall be provided by a unit which works in 2 directions and is capable ofresisting the potentially corrosive and humid spa pool atmosphere.

21.6.3 A spa pool cover shall be used overnight, unless the pool is emptied.

21.6.4 In the case of a large spa pool or a pool operated in a confined space, a wall-mounteddehumidifier shall be provided.

21.7 Advice to users

21.7.1 The following shall be in the area of the spa pool: A wall clock clearly visible from the pool A notice pointing out the recommended immersion time The maximum number of persons permitted in the pool at any one time.

21.7.2 A notice shall also be clearly displayed near the pool advising users of the following: Do not wear sun tan lotions or skin creams in the spa pool Shower before entering the spa, and again after using the spa pool Do not exceed 15 minutes immersion per day Do not exceed the maximum number of bathers permitted in the pool Do not let children use the spa without supervision Do not use a spa after a heavy meal If suffering from disease of the heart and circulation, skin conditions,immunosuppressed, or subject to fits, or if taking drugs affecting thecardiovascular or nervous systems, seek medical advice before bathing in spapools.

21.8 Water quality and testing ( physical parameters)

21.8.1 The temperature of spa water shall be not more than 40ºC (104ºF).

21.8.2 Visible dirt, as well as scum and floating matter on the surface, shall be removed as oftenas is necessary and at least once every 24 hours by vacuuming, skimming, flushing orother effective means.

21.9 Water quality and testing (chemical parameters)

21.9.1 Chemicals used to control the quality of spa water shall be demonstrated to be non-toxicto man in the concentrations used. Specialized chemicals used to control algae in spapools, other than chlorinated compounds specifically formulated for this purpose, shall beapproved by Saudi Aramco EPD.

21.9.2 An accurate and complete record of all tests to measure the temperature, pH, alkalinity,TDS, residual concentration of disinfectant and cyanuric acid shall be maintained by poolattendants. A ‘hard-copy’ of all test results shall be maintained at the pool fro a minimum of1 month for EPD review if necessary

21.9.3 Chemical parameters shall be kept within the ranges specified in Table7.

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TABLE 7Spa Pool Chemical Parameters

Parameter Range Frequency ofMeasurement

Chlorine (Free) 3 - 5 mg/l (ppm) nlt* every 2 hoursChlorine (Combined) <1 mg/l nlt every 2 hoursBromine ( Total ) 4 - 6 mg/l (ppm) nlt every 2 hoursPh 7.2 - 7.8 nlt every 2 hoursTemperature <40° C dailyT.D.S. < 1500mg/l dailyAlkalinity weeklyHardness weeklyCyanuric Acid <200 mg/l weekly

* not less than

21.10 Water quality and testing ( microbiological parameters)

21.10.1 No sample shall : Exceed 100 colonies/ml (24 hours at 37° C), and preferably < 10 cfu/Ml Show positive results for coliform organisms and Escherichia coli in 100mLs Show positive results for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 100mL.

21.10.2 Samples shall be collected and examined according to requirements outlined in SectionSASC-S-01 of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code

REFERENCES :1. Pool water guide - The Treatment and Quality of Swimming Pool Water. 1995

Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group. (HMSO)2. Ozone water treatment systems for swimming pools - A National Survey. 1986 Sports

Council/PWTAG3. Standard for residential swimming pools - National Spa and Pool Institute 1988.4. Pool manager’s handbook - Olin/hth Chemicals.5. Corona discharge ozone systems: Application guidelines-commercial pools & spa

pools - Del industries6. Public bathing places regulations - State of Nevada7. Hygiene for spa pools - Public health laboratory service. HMSO 19948. The professional pool maintenance manual - Terry Tamminen, 19959. Uniform swimming pool, spa and hot tub code - International association of plumbing

and mechanical officials. 199110. Health and safety standards of swimming pools enforced by local authorities -

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health,11. 1991 Southern Building Code Congress: "Southern Standard Swimming Pool Code",

1974.12. State of Texas, Texas State Department of Public Health: Rules and Regulations for

Public Water Supply Systems", 1973"13. Uniform Building Code" and "Uniform Plumbing Code", (Saudi Aramco Engineering


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Barber and Beauty Shops, SASC-S- 14




This Section describes the public health requirements for barber and beauty shops. Compliance with facility andequipment requirements, as well as good operating practices, will safeguard operators and customers from thepotential spread of communicable disease. NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction withreferenced documents listed at the end of this Section.


All Purpose Detergent: A powder or liquid detergent suitable both for laundering and for other householdcleaning.

Beauty Bar: A toilet bar used primarily for cleansing of the skin and complexion care.

Closed: Without openings large enough for the entrance of insects. An opening of 0.8 mm (1/32 inch) or less is'closed'

Coat: To cover with something, i.e. coat the chicken with breadcrumbs.

Disinfect: To kill infectious microorganisms outside the body by chemical or physical means. Some bacterialspore forming organisms may survive the process, but all other microorganisms are reduced to insignificantlevels or eliminated completely.

Easily Cleanable: Readily accessible, made of such material and finish, and fabricated such that all surfacescan be washed and sanitized, and that residues may be effectively removed, by normal cleaning methods.

Hot Water: Potable water that meets the specific temperature requirement appropriate for the facility.

Hot Water Booster: Electric, steam or gas heated insulated tank or coil used to raise the incoming hot waterfrom house temperature to sanitizing temperature, as required by code. Booster may be mounted insidehousing or at end of warewashing machine, under warewashing table, or may be remotely located.

Liquid Chlorine Bleach: A solution of sodium hypochlorite, a highly active oxidizing agent. Liquid chlorinebleach is also called household bleach or simply liquid bleach, and is commonly distributed as an approximatelyfive per cent solution of sodium hypochlorite.

Vacuum Breaker: A device for relieving a vacuum or partial vacuum formed in a pipeline, thereby preventingbacksiphonage.


1.1 Floors shall be constructed of smooth, impervious and easily cleanable materials.

1.2 Walls and ceilings shall have a smooth, washable, light colored surface.

13 Doors and windows: All openings to the outside shall have tight-fitting, self-closing, solid doors orglazed windows that preclude the entrance of insects and rodents. All outer doors and windows thatwill remain open shall be screened. Screen doors shall be self-closing and shall open outwards.

1.4 Illumination: A minimum of 755 Lux (70 foot-candles) of natural and artificial illumination measured76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor shall be provided in all areas where the customer is servedor instruments are cleaned and sanitized.

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1.5 Ventilation: All rooms shall be sufficiently ventilated to keep them free of excessive heat, steam andcondensation in accordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (e.g. SAES-K-30).

1.6 Water Supply: Hot and cold running water which complies with requirements equivalent to thoseoutlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code shall be provided to all hand washbasins and sinks.

1.7 Sewage shall be disposed of in accordance with requirements equivalent to those outlined in SectionSASC-S-02 of this Code.

1.8 Plumbing fixtures shall be properly trapped and vented in accordance with standards equivalent tothe Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code. A vacuum breaker shall be provided between any fixture equippedwith a hose and the water supply line.

1.9 Both handwashing facilities and separate hair care sinks shall be provided. Janitor's sinks andutility sinks, if provided, are not acceptable substitutes for either hand washbasins or hair care sinksand shall not be used as such.

1.9.1 Handwashing facilities that are constructed or remodeled shall be provided with temperedwater from a self-closing combination or premixing faucet which supplies warm water for aminimum of 15 seconds while both hands are free for washing and rinsing. A foot, knee orelbow operated combination or premixing faucet may be substituted for a self-closing faucet.The manually operated, stem-type hot and cold mixing valves currently installed in existingfacilities should be scheduled for remodeling at the earliest possible date.

1.9.2 Handwashing cleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers locatednext to hand washbasins (common towels are prohibited). The supply of cleanser and papertowels shall be maintained at all times. A refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bagshall be provided adjacent to paper towel dispensers. The refuse container may be used forcombined disposal of paper towels and barber/beauty wastes and shall, therefore, becovered (preferably with a pedal activated lift-lid).

1.10 Storage cabinets, shelves, drawers, etc. shall be provided to properly segregate and store equipment,supplies, hair care products, clean linen, etc. Cleaning materials and chemicals shall be storedseparately from hair care and beauty products.

1.11 No portion of a barber/beauty shop shall be used as sleeping or living quarters.

1.12 The barber/beauty shop, and all parts of the property used directly or indirectly in connection withthe operation of the shop, shall be kept free of public health nuisances (see Section SASC-S-18).


2.1 Brushes, clips, combs, rollers, scissors, tweezers, and other hair care or beauty instrumentsand accessories which have been used on a customer, or soiled in any manner, shall be placed in aproperly labeled receptacle provided for the purpose; such instruments and accessories shall not beused on another customer until they have been properly cleaned and disinfected. Brushes areprohibited for the application of shaving foams or creams. (Refer to sub-section 5.13 of this CodeSection)

2.1.1 Combs, brushes, etc. shall be cleaned with soap (or detergent) and hot water (minimumtemperature of 49°C {120°F}) to remove all foreign matter that might harbor bacteria.

2.1.2 Combs, brushes, hair accessories, tweezers, scissors, and other non-electric instrumentsshall be disinfected by immersion for at least 2.0 minutes in a solution containing at least

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1,000 milligrams per liter (1,000 parts per million) of a quaternary ammonium compound, or asolution containing at least 500 milligrams per liter of calcium hypochlorite.

2.1.3 Immersion in other effective disinfectant which is used in accordance with the manufacturer’srecommendations may be permitted by Environmental Protection Department (EPD) if theproduct is specifically designed for disinfection of hair care instruments and is generallyrecognized as being safe and non-hazardous to humans.

2.2 Manicure instruments shall be disinfected prior to each use by the method described in sub-section2.1 above. Instruments or attachments which cannot be properly disinfected shall be disposed ofimmediately after use.

2.3 Clippers, vibrators, and other electrical instruments that touch a customer's skin, hair or clothing,shall be disinfected prior to each use. The method of disinfection recommended by the manufacturershall be followed.

2.4 For disinfection of instruments that cannot otherwise be sterilized by solutions, other suitablemeans must be provided such as an ultraviolet sterilizer. Equipment must be installed and operated inaccordance with manufacturer’s instructions and approved by EPD.


3.1 All lotions, powders, soaps, cosmetics, creams, oils, liquids, ointments, or any other substance,shall not contain toxic or injurious acids, metals or other chemicals.

3.2 All bottles and containers used shall be distinctly and correctly labeled to disclose their contents.All bottles containing poisonous substances shall be additionally and distinctly marked as such, andshall be stored separately.


4.1 Operators shall have a valid photo identification card in their possession that identifies them asbeing a barber, beautician, cosmetologist or related practitioner. Identification cards are nottransferable.

4.2 Operators shall be thoroughly trained and qualified in all aspects of the specific tasks assigned tothem.

4.3 No operator shall be permitted to carry any instrument or supplies in or on a garment or uniform.

4.4 Operators shall have a valid medical examination certificate.

4.4.1 As a minimum, all operators shall be given a physical health examination prior tocommencement of employment, whenever necessitated by illness or injury and wheneverrequested by Saudi Aramco EPD. Operators shall have an additional chest x-ray every twoyears thereafter. The medical examination shall be equivalent to, and completed with thesame thoroughness, as those conducted by the Saudi Aramco Medical ServicesOrganization.

4.4.2 All medical examinations shall be conducted in an approved Saudi Arabian clinic or hospitalby a physician licensed by the Saudi Arab Government.

4.4.3 As a minimum, the examination shall include a chest x-ray, routine urinalysis, blood pressuremeasurement, stool analysis (ova and parasites, as well as bacterial tests for Salmonella sp.

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and Shigella sp.), and examination for skin disease. The extent of the examination may beexpanded at the discretion of Saudi Aramco EPD.

4.4.4 The medical examination report shall include a statement, signed by the licensed physicianconducting the examination, declaring the individual to be in good physical condition for hisassigned duties and free of all communicable diseases and conditions which can betransmitted from person to person.

4.4.5 A copy of the operator's medical examination, with a photograph of the operator attached,shall be kept on file at his work site. The results of all medical examinations shall be availablefor review by authorized Saudi Aramco representatives prior to and throughout theindividual's employment by the barber/beauty shop.

4.5 Any operator who is ill, has a respiratory infection, skin disease or any other condition, which couldbe transmitted from person to person, shall be removed from duty and referred to a physician licensedby the Saudi Arab Government for evaluation. An explanation of the operator's duties and a requestthat he be specifically evaluated and cleared of all illnesses or conditions which could be transmittedfrom person to person shall be submitted to the physician. The operator shall not be allowed to returnto duty until:

4.5.1 He has been examined and found to be free of disease/condition that could transmitted fromperson to person.

4.5.2 He has been treated and is now free of disease/condition that could be transmitted fromperson to person.

4.5.3 A statement signed by the examining/treating physician to the effect that the operator hasbeen examined/treated and is free of communicable disease or other condition which couldbe transmitted from person to person is in the operator's file at his work site. This report shallbe available for review by authorized Saudi Aramco representatives and, if so requested, acopy of the report shall be transmitted to Manger, EPD.

4.6 An operator that voluntarily reports a suspected disease/condition shall NOT be subject topunishment, e.g. loss of earnings.

4.7 Operators shall not prepare or consume food, or use tobacco in any form, in any area of thebarber/beauty shop. Operators shall eat and use tobacco in designated areas during non-work periodsonly.

4.8 Operators shall wear neat, clean, light colored uniforms that are changed at least daily. Clothingthat is used once and then discarded is permissible.

4.9 Operators shall maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and shall conform to goodhygienic practices.

4.10 Operators shall thoroughly wash their hands and the exposed portions of their arms before startingwork; before and after each customer; after using the toilet; after touching their ears, nose, mouth orhair; before and after any cleaning procedure; after smoking, eating or drinking; and during work asoften as necessary to keep hands clean. They shall keep their fingernails clean and trimmed.


5.1 Operators shall refuse service to any customer afflicted with a visible skin rash, lice, etc. Theoperator shall recommend that the afflicted customer report to his physician for evaluation.

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5.2 Barber/beauty shops shall be properly maintained and shall be kept clean and in a sanitarycondition at all times. Fixtures, such as hand washbasins, hair care sinks and barber/beauty chairs,shall be lightly cleaned after each customer and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized at the end ofeach workday. Physical facilities and equipment, such as floors, walls, doors, windows, cabinets,shelves, mirrors, waiting room chairs, etc. shall be cleaned on a regularly scheduled basis.

5.3 Straightedge or other multi-use razors are strictly and categorically prohibited. Only single-usedisposable razors and razor blades shall be used. A new disposable razor or razor blade shall be usedfor each customer. After use on one customer, the razor or razor blade shall be discarded. If razorblades are used, the blade holder shall not be used on another customer until it has been properlycleaned and disinfected.

5.4 No common article may be used on any person except the temporary cover placed over clothing.The temporary cover shall not touch any skin about the face or neck. This shall be accomplished byplacing a clean cloth, towel or single-use disposable soft paper guard around the customer's necklinebefore the temporary cover is wrapped around the customer's neck.

5.5 There shall be as many separate clean towels, cloth neck guards and cloth headrest covers foreach customer as may be required for service to the customer. Once used, towels, cloth neck guardsand cloth headrest covers shall not be reused for another customer until they have been washed anddried.

5.6 Clean towels, cloth neck guards, cloth headrest covers and temporary covers shall be stored in aclean, dry place protected from contamination.

5.7 After use, or when they become soiled, damp or unclean, towels, cloth neck guards, clothheadrest covers and temporary covers shall be placed in a nonabsorbent container or washablelaundry bag where they shall be held until they are removed for laundering. Towels, cloth headrestcovers and protective covers shall be washed and dried at the end of each workday (more often ifnecessary). Laundry containers and bags shall be cleaned or washed when emptied.

5.8 The headrest shall be covered with a clean cloth or a single-use disposable paper towel prior to useby each customer.

5.9 Alum or other material used to stop the flow of blood shall be applied in powdered or liquid formonly.

5.10 No powder puff, sponge or wet or dry duster shall be used in any barber or beauty shop.

5.11 All supplies which come in direct contact with a customer that cannot be disinfected (forexample, cotton pads, emery boards, and paper neck strips) shall be disposed of in a waste receptacleimmediately after use.

5.12 Hair cuttings shall be removed from the floor immediately after each customer and shall be placed ina refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bag. The refuse container shall be covered,preferably with a pedal activated lift-lid.

5.13 Brushes or other applicators, shall not be used for the application of shaving foams, creams orlotions to any part of the body including the face, neck or head of customers

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Page 386: Code Sanitary

Indoor and Outdoor Recreation SASC-S-15




This Section describes the public health requirements and specifications for indoor and outdoor recreation areasand facilities, including beaches, campgrounds and marinas. NOTE: All sub-sections should be read inconjunction with appropriate referenced documents listed at the end of this Section.


Public Beach: Any beach area used by the public for recreational purposes.

Total Coliform: The term total coliform bacteria refer to a number of gram-negative bacteria includingEscherichia, Klebsiella, Citrobacter, and Entrobacter. All f these organisms are associated with feces of warm-blooded animals. They may also be present in soil.

Fecal Coliform: Are sub group of total coliform group, able to grow at 44.5 °C. The organisms are used asindicators of fecal contamination.

Life Preserver: A buoyant belt to be worn when in the water

Lifeboat: A boat, used to save swimmers.

Oar: A shaft of wood, broad at one end, for rowing a boat.

Oarlock: A U- shaped oar rest on the side of a boat.


1.1 The Saudi Aramco proponent organization and/or operator of recreation areas and facilities shallensure that they comply with the terms of this Code Section and that they are kept free of public healthnuisances and safety hazards (see Section SASC-S-18 of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code). Theyshall inspect all recreation areas and facilities for which they are responsible as often as is necessaryto ensure compliance with the Code. All violations of the Code, nuisance conditions identified, as wellas actions taken to correct problems noted, shall be documented. Inspection records shall bemaintained in a permanent file and the file shall be made available to Saudi Aramco EnvironmentalProtection Department (EPD) upon request.

1.2 Saudi Aramco EPD will inspect recreation areas and facilities routinely. A written report will beprovided to the proponent organization.

1.3 Whenever a nuisance or violation of this Code is observed by any agency, resident or individualother than the Saudi Aramco proponent/operator, it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco EPD. SaudiAramco EPD will ensure that the Saudi Aramco proponent and/or operator of the recreation area orfacility are aware of the problem and shall provide assistance as required.

1.4 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they havedeveloped. For example, insects, rodents, vermin and other such nuisances shall be controlled byelimination of breeding and harborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of structures,proper storage of materials, and by other approved control methods, not by application of pesticidesafter insects, rodents and vermin have established a harborage.

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The site on which a recreation area or facility is located shall be well drained and shall not be subject toperiodic flooding. Recreation areas and facilities shall not be located adjacent to marshes, railroads,stockyards, industrial sites, pipelines or other such areas, which constitute a health or safety hazard.


3.1 All outdoor recreation areas shall be designed and used to provide sufficient space for intendedactivities, vehicles, sanitary facilities and appurtenant equipment.

3.2 The number of users shall be limited to that number for which the physical facilities were designed.

3.3 All outdoor recreation facilities shall be clearly marked and identified as to their intended use.Individual signs need not be posted at each site if the intended use of facilities is all similar, there isonly one controlled entrance through which all users must pass and the rules governing the use of thefacilities is conspicuously posted at this controlled entrance.

3.4 All outdoor recreation sites shall be more than 7.6 meters (25 feet) from a public highway right-of-way.

3.5 The density of outdoor recreation sites shall not be more than 25 per 4,050 square meters (25 peracre) excluding roads, buildings and other common use areas.

3.6 Outdoor recreation sites shall be designed and constructed to provide adequate support forvehicles and equipment and to prevent ruts and low spots. Outdoor recreation sites provided withpaved parking areas for vehicles or camping vehicles, or for erection or use of camping equipment,shall be designed to provide for safe and easy placement and removal of such vehicles andequipment.

3.7 Users of recreation areas shall maintain all facilities and sites in a clean and safe condition.Refuse shall be deposited in containers provided for this purpose or removed from the site by the user,and shall not be deposited on the ground.

3.8 No permanent or semi-permanent structures, such as cabins, lean-tos, sheds or buildings, shall beerected by users on outdoor recreation sites. Temporary structures, such as canvas awnings,screened enclosure, or platforms, which are classified as being portable and temporary, such as anormal camping tent, may be erected by users, but must be removed when the recreation site isvacated.

3.9 All electrical wiring, equipment and appurtenances thereto shall be designed, constructed, installedand maintained in accordance with the Saudi Aramco Electrical Code.

3.10 All structural elements and plumbing shall be designed, constructed, installed and maintained inaccordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

3.11 All buildings, including all furnishings, equipment and fixtures, as well as all outside premises, yardsand playgrounds, shall comply with the general requirements of this Code and shall be maintained ingood repair, in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and free of insects, rodents and other vermin.

3.12 All entrances, exits, corridors, stairways and fire exits shall be properly lighted. Fire exits shall beprovided with lighted exit signs equipped with emergency power sources. Entrances, exits, corridors,stairways, fire exits and fire escapes shall be kept free of obstructions.

3.13 Play equipment, when provided, shall be designed for safety, located in an area free of hazards andmaintained in good repair.

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3.14 All food facilities referred to in this Code Section shall comply with the minimum requirements ofSASC-S-04 of this Code.

3.15 Liquid petroleum gas, fuel oil, gasoline and other flammable liquids shall be handled and used ina safe manner and as approved by the Saudi Aramco Fire Prevention Engineer. Fuels, fuel storageand fuel dispensing equipment shall be properly installed, maintained in a safe condition and used in amanner to prevent pollution from spillage. A shut-off valve shall be installed immediately upstreamfrom the hose and nozzle for emergency use. Where fuel oils are dispensed, provisions shall be madeto contain and remove accidental spillage to minimize pollution.

3.16 All areas shall be kept free from accumulation of refuse and any health, fire or safety hazards.

3.17 Solid and liquid waste shall not be discharged or otherwise disposed of on the surface of the ground,in the Arabian Gulf or Red Sea, or into any dry or wet stream bed, reservoir, spring, well, cave, openditch or any other area not specifically approved for waste disposal by Saudi Aramco EPD.

3.18 Hand washbasins, faucets, hydrants or other water outlets not specifically designated for thepurpose shall not be used for cleaning fish or food, or for washing dishes, utensils, clothing or otherarticles.

3.19 Dogs and other pets shall be kept under control and shall not be permitted to run unattended or bepermitted to become nuisances.


4.1 In general, open fires are not permitted in any recreation area operated or controlled by SaudiAramco. Fires are permitted only in facilities, which have been provided for such purpose, and thenonly if an assessment of prevailing conditions indicates that the fire will not represent a fire or safetyhazard.

4.2 Fire places, fire pits, charcoal braziers, wood burning stoves or other cooking facilities, shall belocated, constructed, maintained and used to minimize fire hazard and smoke nuisance in the outdoorrecreation area and neighboring properties.

4.3 Tables shall be of durable, non-tip construction and finished with smooth, readily cleanable, weatherresistant material.


5.1 All recreation areas and facilities shall be provided with adequate and safe walks, roads andparking areas.

5.2 Safe entrance and exit of pedestrian and vehicular traffic shall be provided. Pedestrians shallhave the right.

5.3 Roads and parking spaces shall be located and constructed for safe movement of vehicular andpedestrian traffic and shall be graded and surfaced where necessary to maintain proper drainage andto minimize dust.

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5.4 Roads shall not be less than the widths specified in table 1:

TABLE 1Roads and Parking Spaces

Type of Road Width of RoadMeters Feet

Entrance road* 7.3 24One traffic lane 3.0 10Two traffic lane 6.1 20Parallel parking lane 3.0 10

* Unless separate exit provided.

5.5 A sufficient number of parking spaces shall be provided in all recreational areas, includingcampgrounds, marinas, etc., for automobiles, camping or recreational vehicles, boats, trailers andother appurtenant equipment at the rate of at least one space for each such vehicle anticipated duringpeak periods.


6.1 Floors of recreation buildings shall be constructed of durable materials, the surfaces of which areslip-resistant, smooth, easily cleanable and washable. Carpeting, if used, shall be designed for heavyuse, shall be of closely woven construction, shall be properly installed, shall be easily cleanable, andshall be maintained in good repair, free of vermin and in a clean condition at all times.

6.2 The floors of kitchens, laundry rooms, shower/bath rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms andhandwashing facilities shall have smooth, durable, easily cleanable surfaces that are impervious towater detergents and disinfectants (carpeting is prohibited in these areas). These floors shall besloped to properly trapped floor drains and the junctions between the floors and the walls shall becoved and sealed.

6.3 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on floors. If exposed, they shall beinstalled in a way that does not obstruct cleaning.

6.4 Floor mats and duckboards are prohibited in wet areas, e.g. kitchens, laundry rooms, showerrooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities.

6.5 Floors shall be kept clean and in good repair.


7.1 The minimum height of ceilings shall be as follows:

7.1.1 The height of ceilings in auditoriums, gymnasiums and shops shall be compatible withplanned activities.

7.1.2 The height of ceilings in general recreational rooms, administrative offices and similar areasshall be at least 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) high as measured to the lowest projection from theceiling.

7.1.3 The ceilings in hallways, laundry rooms, shower/bath rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms andhandwashing facilities shall be at least 2.1 meters (7 feet) high as measured to the lowestprojection from ceiling.

7.2 Walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have light colored, smooth,easily cleanable surfaces. In addition, the walls in toilet and shower rooms shall be impervious to

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water, detergents and disinfectants to a minimum height of 1.2 meters (4 feet) in toilet rooms and 1.8meters (6 feet) in shower rooms. The junctions between the floors and walls in kitchens, laundryrooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall be coved and sealedby a smooth, durable material with an impervious, cleanable surface

7.2.1 The use of rough or unsealed and unfinished building materials, such as brick, concreteblocks and wooden beams, is prohibited in habitable rooms, toilet rooms and shower rooms.

7.2.2 Studs, joists and rafters shall not be exposed in habitable rooms, toilet rooms and showerrooms.

7.2.3 Covering materials, such as Formica, sheet metal, linoleum and vinyl, shall be attached andsealed to wall and ceiling surfaces in a way that leaves no open spaces or cracks.

7.2.4 Acoustical paneling may be utilized providing it is installed not less than 1.8 meters (6 feet)above the floor. Any perforations shall not penetrate the entire depth of the panel, shall notbe greater than 3 millimeters (0.13 inches) in any dimension, and shall not comprise morethan 25 percent of the exposed panel surface. The paneling shall otherwise meet therequirements of this Section.

7.2.5 Wall or ceiling mounted light fixtures, vent covers, decorative materials, fans, equipment andappurtenances shall be designed to facilitate cleaning, shall be made of easily cleanablematerials, shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning and shall bemaintained in good repair.

7.2.6 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on walls and ceilings.If exposed, they shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning.

7.2.7 The walls or partitions between toilet/shower compartments may be less than the height ofthe room walls, but the tops shall not be less than 1.8 meters (6 feet) from the floor. Ifpartitions are used, the bottoms of the partitions shall be raised at least 20 centimeters (8inches) above the floor. In situations where a raised partition is not desirable, such aspartitions separating eastern style toilet fixtures where a raised partition may not affordsuitable privacy, partitions shall be placed on a continuous raised masonry or concrete baseat least 15 centimeters (6 inches) high, or a properly designed and constructed wall thatjoins the floor shall be provided.


8.1 All openings to the outside shall be provided with solid doors or glazed windows that shall be kepttightly closed when not in use (excludes passageways between rooms within an enclosed building). Ifoutside openings are appropriately protected from the entry of insects and rodents according to therequirements outlined in sub-section 8.4 of this Code Section, solid doors and glazed windows may beconsidered to be "in use" if they are left open to ventilate the structure.

8.2 All outer doors and screen doors shall be tight fitting and self-closing. All doors and screen doors,including sliding or folding types, shall be constructed so that the space between the lower edge of thedoor and the threshold does not exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches). The space between sections offolding and sliding doors, when closed, shall not exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches). All exposededges of the lower 20.3 centimeters (8 inches) of doors and jambs that are made of materials throughwhich rodents could gnaw, especially outer doors and doors known to be accessible to rodents, shallbe protected by covering such edges of doors and jambs with metal sheeting that cannot be gnawedthrough.

8.3 All outer doors serving exterior entrances to public corridors, kitchens, dining rooms, laundryrooms, shower/bath rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall be fitted withself-closing screen doors that open outwards. Saudi Aramco EPD may accept other effective fly control

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devices, e.g. air curtains in lieu of screen doors. If applicable, the bottoms of screen doors shall becovered with metal sheeting in accordance with sub-section 9

8.4 All open able windows which are not solidly closed and are accessible to insects and rodents shall beappropriately screened by hardware cloth or other material capable of precluding the entry by insectsand rodents. The effective mesh size of screening material shall not be less than 6 meshes percentimeter (16 mesh per inch).

8.5 Doors, windows and appurtenances thereto, shall be designed and constructed to avoidaccumulation of dirt and shall be finished so that they are smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable.Doors, windows, as well as appurtenances thereto, shall be kept clean and maintained in good repair.


9.1 The temperature in all indoor recreation buildings in which people play and work shall bemaintained at a level conducive to the healthful performance of the activity conducted therein.

9.2 All habitable rooms and public corridors shall be sufficiently ventilated by means of natural ormechanical ventilation. The requirement is deemed satisfied when it can be demonstrated that theventilation system exchanges at least two volumes of air per hour in all habitable rooms a publiccorridors. If mechanical ventilation is used, at least one fifth of the air supply shall be taken from theoutside.

9.3 All kitchens, laundry rooms, shower/bath rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashingfacilities shall be well ventilated and free of excessive condensation. They shall be suitably cooled orheated. They shall be provided with mechanical ventilation systems capable of providing theequivalent of five air changes per hour. At least 20 percent of the air supply shall be taken from theoutside. If this is not feasible, mechanical exhaust fans may be used in lieu of the required mechanicalventilation system. Exhaust fans shall be capable of exhausting 1 cubic meter (35 cubic feet) of air perminute for each toilet, urinal, shower, and hand washbasin or laundry sink/washing machine installed.

9.4 All ventilation and other non-window openings that cannot be solidly sealed and that remainaccessible to insects and rodents shall be appropriately screened by, hardware cloth or other materialcapable of precluding the entry by insects, rodents and other vermin. Note that the swing-typelouvered flaps that automatically close when an exhaust or ventilation fan is switched off are deemedto be acceptable screening if they are kept clean and in good repair.

9.5 All kitchens shall be provided with an approved mechanical ventilation system fitted inside ahood placed over the stove, the design and specifications of which shall be compatible with the stoveused. Filters over air intakes shall be easily removable for cleaning.


10.1 All areas shall be properly illuminated. Illumination shall be well diffused and properly distributed toreduce shadows, glare and contrast, especially in areas where sports activities are conducted.

10.2 The following levels of illumination, whether from natural or artificial sources, shall be provided. Alsorefer to illumination requirements outlined in SAES-P-123, Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

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TABLE 2Illumination

Illumination Levels Required*Area to be Illuminated Lux Footcandles

Athletic/sports competition As appropriate to sportEye level above hand washbasin 540 50Food Service area 540 50General play/work areas 320 30Hallway 110 10Kitchen 540 50Shower/toilet block 215 20Sleeping room 160 15Stairway 110 10All other indoor areas 110 10

* Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor


All recreational areas and facilities shall be provided with adequate, properly designed and constructed, andconveniently located shower rooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms, handwashingfacilities and utility/service areas in accordance with the projected level of use and types of activitiesperformed.

11.1 Toilet and shower rooms shall be conveniently located at a distance of not more than 91 meters(300 feet) from the activity served and the location shall be plainly marked by signs in Arabic andEnglish

11.2 Toilets, hand washbasins and showers shall be separately installed to be individually accessibleand to permit simultaneous use.

11.3 Shower rooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms, handwashing facilities and other such serviceareas shall be separated from food preparation and sleeping rooms by a self-closing, tight-fittingdouble door. The storage of food, equipment, utensils or personal articles in such areas is prohibited.

11.4 Open-bay, military barracks-type shower arrangements are permitted, but are not recommended.

11.5 Hand washbasins and other sinks, faucets and hydrants not specifically designed and approved forsuch use, shall not be used for cleaning or preparing food or for washing dishes or utensils.

11.6 The number of shower, toilet/urinal and hand washbasin fixtures required per numbers of personsaccommodated at dependent campgrounds, beaches, marinas and similar recreational facilities follow.If the numbers required by the Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code should prove to be more restrictive thanthese, then the more restrictive figure shall be used.

11.6.1 At least one toilet, one hand washbasin and one shower per each sex for every 30 personsexpected to use a dependent campground.

11.6.2 At Saudi Aramco beaches, at least one toilet, one hand washbasin and one shower per eachsex for every 30 picnic spaces, or for each boat launching and retrieving ramp lane,whichever is greater.

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11.6.3 At least one toilet and one hand washbasin per each sex for every 30 picnic spaces at alocation other than an Saudi Aramco beach.

11.6.4 At least one toilet and one hand washbasin per each sex for each 100 persons in arecreational area having concentrated numbers of people.

11.7 The minimum size of, and floor space allotted for, toilets, hand washbasins, urinals and showersshall be as follows:

TABLE 3Minimum Space Required for Each Type of Installation

Installation MinimumWidth


Minimum Space PerUnit

Hand washbasin 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

Shower cubical 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Shower stall 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Toilet compartment 80 cm 105 cm 1.5 m2

Urinal 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

11.8 Urinals and hand washbasins shall be installed at heights convenient for use by children andadults. At least 25 percent of the urinals and hand washbasins provided should be installed 30centimeters (12 inches) below standard height.

11.9 All facilities shall be well ventilated (see sub-section 9.3 of this Code Section).

11.10 All shower rooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms, handwashingfacilities, utility/service rooms, and associated facilities shall be kept clean and in good repairat all times. They shall be free from flies and objectionable odors. All fixtures and floors, as well aswalls subject to splash, shall be cleaned with an approved detergent, rinsed and then sanitized with a0.3 to 0.6 percent hypochlorite solution (3,000 to 6,000 milligrams per liter or 3,000 to 6,000 parts permillion), or other equivalent disinfectant approved by Saudi Aramco EPD, at least once daily.Materials, maintenance and cleaning equipment shall be properly stored.

11.11 Legible signs made of durable materials directing all users to wash their hands after using thetoilet/urinal shall be conspicuously posted in every toilet room (in Arabic, English and other appropriatelanguages).


12.1 Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed. Individually enclosed toilet compartments are not requiredwithin the toilet room, but are recommended to ensure that an individual's need for privacy does notinterfere with his commitment to personal hygiene.

12.2 The entrance to a toilet room shall be provided with a door(s) according to requirements outlined insub-section 8.3 of this Code Section.

12.3 Urinals may be substituted for up to one-third of the number of toilets required for men. Men's toiletrooms hereafter constructed shall include urinals where more than two toilets are required. Sixty cm(24 inches) of a trough urinal shall be considered the equivalent of one urinal (see sub-section 11.7 ofthis Code Section).

12.4 Toilet bowls shall be set entirely free and open from all enclosing structures and shall be soinstalled that the space around the fixture can be easily cleaned. This does not prohibit the use ofwall-hung toilets.

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12.5 Every western-type toilet shall have a hinged, open-front seat made of substantial material having asmooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. A holder supplied with toilet tissue shall be provided ineach toilet compartment.

12.6 Every eastern-type toilet shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent,easily cleanable finish. Each toilet shall be provided with a water tap for washing (and a supply of toiletpaper with holder, where indicated). Water taps equipped with ablution hose, provided for eastern-typetoilets shall be fitted with appropriate backflow prevention devices designed to protect the waterdistribution system from contamination.

12.7 Covered sanitary waste receptacles shall be provided in all toilet compartments used by women.

12.8 For temporary public toilets (see SASC-S-02 sub-section 7.2)


13.1 Adequate handwashing facilities shall be conveniently located adjacent to toilet facilities. Note that60 centimeters (24 inches) of a trough hand washbasin space is considered to be equivalent to onehand washbasin. Also note that laundry tubs and service sinks are not acceptable substitutes for handwashbasins.

13.2 Each hand washbasin shall be provided with running water. If hot water is provided, water shallbe tempered by means of a mixing valve or combination faucet. Water shall be delivered at a minimumpressure of at 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flowof at least 3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flowof water for at least 15 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

13.3 Handwashing cleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers at or next tohand washbasins at all times (common towels are prohibited). Mechanical hot air blowers for dryingthe hands may be substituted for paper towels. Where paper hand towels are used, a refusecontainer lined with a disposable plastic bag shall be provided next to paper towel dispensers. Therefuse container need not be covered.

13.4 Hand washbasin areas shall be provided with clothes hooks.


14.1 Shower rooms shall be completely enclosed. Individually enclosed shower stalls are not requiredwithin the shower room, but are recommended to ensure that an individual's need for privacy does notinterfere with his commitment to personal hygiene. It is recommended that each shower fixture occupya separate compartment. The compartment should be composed of a cubical with a bench and aclothes hook and a separated shower stall. The visual privacy of the bather should be maintained.Privacy curtains, if used, shall be of easily cleanable material and kept clean.

14.2 Showers shall be designed and constructed to be self-draining and to preclude the flow of waterinto the dressing area space.

14.3 Shower floors shall be skid-resistant or be provided with non-slip, impervious mats. Whereimpervious mats are used, they shall be cleaned and air dried at least once daily and shall not be kepton the shower floor when not in use. Wooden racks (duckboards) over shower floors are prohibited).

14.4 Showers shall be supplied with water through thermostatic, tempering or mixing valves at atemperature of at least 37°C (98°F) but not more than 50°C (122°F) at a rate of at least 11.4 liters (3gallons) per minute. Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 30 secondswithout the need to reactivate the faucet.

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14.5 If individual shower compartments are not provided, the shower room shall include a dressingarea. The dressing area shall be equipped with a bench and clothes hook.

14.6 Body liquid soap via dispenser shall be provided at each shower compartment. Solid bar soap forpublic use is not recommended


15.1 Laundry rooms shall be completely enclosed

15.2 All laundry equipment shall be installed, operated and maintained according to the manufacturer'sinstructions. Sorting tables and other surfaces that contact clothing shall be made of durable materialhaving a smooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. All equipment and facilities shall be kept cleanand in good repair.

15.3 Washing machines shall be supplied with hot water at a temperature of at least 66°C (150°F) at arate of at least 11.4 liters (3 gallons) per minute. This is likely to require a separate booster waterheater for the laundry room.


16.1 Water shall be obtained, conveyed, treated, stored and distributed in a closed system. Design,construction, maintenance and operational standards, as well as quality criteria, shall comply withrequirements equivalent to those outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code and standardsreferenced in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (see sub-section 16.6 of this Code Section).

16.2 Enough potable water for the needs of the recreation area or facility shall be obtained from themunicipal water supply. If a municipal water supply is not available, then water shall be obtained froman adequate, easily accessible source that has been properly located and protected to ensure thatwater obtained is of a safe and sanitary quality. The source shall be constructed in a way that preventsunderground or surface contamination from reaching the source. Facilities shall be operated andmaintained by competent individuals. No part of the system shall be used for any other purpose. Thefollowing minimum volumes of water shall be provided:

16.2.1 Approximately 380 liters (100 gallons) per day per individual recreation site provided withindividual water connections and where flush toilets are used in a camping vehicle or in aservice building.

16.2.2 Approximately 280 liters (75 gallons) per day per individual recreation site where faucets areprovided in common and centralized flush toilets are provided in a service building.

16.3 Water wells (or other water source) and collection, conveyance, treatment, storage and distributionsystems, or parts thereof, which are newly constructed, have been repaired or have otherwise becomecontaminated, shall be thoroughly disinfected according to requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code before being used. The supply shall be purged of all but normal residual amounts ofdisinfectant (less than 3 milligrams per liter [3 parts per million] if chlorine is used to disinfect thesystem) before a sample for bacteriological testing is collected.

16.4 All water not provided directly by pipe to the recreation area or facility from the source shall betransported in a bulk water transport system, which is used for no other purpose. At the time water isobtained from the approved source, enough chlorine shall be added to the water in the bulk watertransport system to create 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 to 1.5 parts per million) free chlorineresidual. Hauled water shall be delivered directly to the closed water system at the work place. The

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bulk water transport system shall comply with requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of thisCode.

16.5 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. Tanks shall bedesigned with openings that permit visual inspection of the tank and provide access for cleaning anddisinfections. All openings shall be covered. Covers shall overlap openings, be sloped so they are self-draining and shall be provided with gaskets and devices for securing them in place. All openings in thetop of the tank shall be flanged upward to form a curb that prevents surface water from enteringopenings. Vents and overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall be screened toprevent entry by birds and other animals. All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap.

16.6 Plumbing with emphasis on cross connection control:

16.6.1 Plumbing shall be designed sized and installed according to standards outlined in SaudiAramco Engineering Standards. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be operated andmaintained in a way that prevents contamination. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall bekept clean and in good repair.

16.6.2 The potable water system shall be designed and constructed to prevent the possibility ofbackflow. Devices to protect against backflow and backsiphonage shall be installed on allwater outlets and equipment where an air gap of at least twice the inner diameter of thewater outlet but in any case the air gap shall not be less than 25mm between the wateroutlet and the flood-level rim of the receiving drain or receiving basin of the drain fixture, andwherever else backflow or backsiphonage may occur. A hose shall not be attached to afaucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.

16.6.3 There shall be no cross connection between the potable water supply and any unsafe orquestionable water supply, sewerage system or any source of pollution that mightcontaminate or otherwise degrade the potable water supply.

16.6.4 There shall be no direct physical connection between the sewerage system and any drainoriginating from equipment that contains food or food equipment and utensils. Drainage from refrigeration units and other equipment shall be discharged to afloor sink, funnel drain or evaporator basin. An air gap of at least twice the innerdiameter of the discharge outlet shall be provided between the discharge outletand the flood level rim of the receiving drain/basin. Dishwashing machines may be connected directly to the sewer immediatelydownstream from a floor drain or they may be drained through an approvedindirect connection. Indirect waste receptors shall be located to be readily accessible for inspectionand cleaning.

16.6.5 A non-potable water system is permitted only for purposes such as air conditioning and fireprotection. It shall not be directly or indirectly connected with the potable water system.Water from the system shall not be used for any domestic purpose. The piping of the non-potable water system shall be durably identified so that it is readily distinguishable frompiping that carries potable water.

16.7 All potable water supplied to the recreation area or facility shall be disinfected by chlorinationor other means or methods of equal efficiency in the killing or removal of organisms capable ofcausing infection shall disinfect facility. When chlorination is employed, a sufficient amount of chlorineshall be added to the water to maintain a chlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 partsper million) at all points in the distribution system from which water may be withdrawn.

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16.8 Water shall be delivered at a minimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least 3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute).The temperature of hot water shall equal or exceed 50 °C. (122 °F) Hot and cold potable water shallbe provided to all showers, ware washing facilities and laundry facilities. The hot water heating systemshall be capable of producing a constant flow of hot water at a temperature of at least 5O° C. (122° F)Specific requirements pertinent to the hot and/or tempered water discharged from each class of fixtureare outlined in appropriate Standards.

16.9 If hoses are used for conveying potable water, they shall be constructed of safe materials, shallhave a smooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identified as toits use. Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outlet fittings, as well ashose fittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hoses shall be stored andused so as to be kept free of contamination. A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unless abackflow prevention device is installed.

16.10 Drinking water fountains and associated requirements:

16.10.1 Drinking fountains, if provided, shall be approved angle-jet type and shall be provided withan adequate supply of water under pressure. Drinking water facilities should be located notmore thane 61 meters (200feet) from the recreation facilities.

16.10.2 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from drinking fountains and faucets shall bedischarged to the sewerage system through approved drains to prevent impoundment ofwater, creation of mud holes or other nuisance conditions.

16.10.3 Open containers from which water must be dipped or poured, such as barrels, pails ortanks, whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited. If an igloo can is provided, itshould be located not more than 61 meters (200 feet) from recreational facilities. The igloomust be cleaned and sanitized whenever refilled.

16.10.4 Where single service paper cups are provided, cups shall be dispensed from a sanitarydevice designed for this purpose and a waste receptacle shall be provided for disposal ofused cups. The common drinking cup is prohibited.

16.11 Compressed air used to pressurize the potable water system shall be filtered or otherwise treated torender it free of dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly located andmaintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removable forcleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil-free air. Oil-free air shall be produced by a method equivalent to one of the following: a) useof carbon ring piston compressor; b) use of an oil-lubricated compressor with effective provision forremoval of oil vapor; or c) high-pressure, water-lubricated or non-lubricated blowers.

16.12 If a water treatment plant is provided:

16.12.1 It is suggested that the following piping system be adopted. Non-toxic paints shall be used(the use of paints containing lead shall be avoided. (Table 3)

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TABLE 3Piping System Color-Code

Piping System Base ColorIdentifying

Color StripeChilled Water Blue 1-GrayChlorine, Gas and Liquid Yellow 1-Oxide RedCondensate Water Blue 1-WhiteDistilled and Demineralized Water Blue 1-AluminumRaw Water Blue 1-BlackSea, Salt or Brine Water Blue 1-YellowTreated (any process) Blue 1-Oxide Red

Note: HVAC lines and electrical conduits are not color-coded but are painted the same color as the backgroundconstruction.

16.12.2 Equipment, devices, filters and all other water treatment or conditioning apparatus, shall bemade of safe materials, shall be designed to be disassembled for periodic replacement ofactive elements/media, cleaning and service, shall be operated, inspected and servicedaccording to the manufacturer's instructions and specifications, and shall not be operatedbeyond their rated capacity. All such equipment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitarycondition and, if necessary, shall be sanitized by application of a chlorine solution or by otherapproved means.

16.12.3 Records of equipment operation and maintenance, quantities of product water produced,types and amounts of chemicals added to treated water, pH and chlorine residualmaintained shall be kept in a log book. The logbook shall be available for review byauthorized Saudi Aramco representatives at all times.

16.12.4 The biological and chemical quality of the water after treatment shall be as good as, or betterthan, it was before treatment.

16.13 Special considerations:

16.13.1 Where water connections are provided at each campsite and there are individual waterconnections, the riser pipe shall be at least 13 millimeters (0.5 inches) in size and shallextend at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) vertically above the ground elevation. It shall beequipped with a 13 millimeters (0.5 inches) valve outlet with a threaded male spigot forattaching a standard garden hose.

16.13.2 Where individual water connections are not provided, common-use water faucets shall beconveniently accessible and located not more than 46 meters (150 feet) from any campsite.If a hose is provided to fill water-holding tanks, the installation shall be designed such that nopart of the hose may touch the ground.

16.13.3 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from faucets and drinking fountains shall bedischarged to approved drains to prevent impoundment of water, creation of mud holes orother nuisance conditions.

16.13.4 The plumbing provided for a camping vehicle waste tank station shall consist at least a 19millimeters (0.75 inches) pipe and valve outlet fitted with an appropriate hose. The plumbingshall be protected against the hazards of backflow and backsiphonage by an approvedbackflow prevention device located downstream from the shutoff valve.

16.13.5 At marine water stations, hoses used for filling potable water holding tanks for boats shall beequipped with a backflow prevention device installed downstream from the shutoff valve onthe riser pipe. The mechanism to which the fill hose is connected shall be designed such thatthe fill hose does not touch the marina water or deck when not in use.

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No boat, which is equipped with a toilet, shall discharge human waste into areas of the sea used forswimming or other body contact sports. The drains shall discharge to a sewerage system or a retention tankfor disposal by approved means.

17.1 Sewage shall be collected, treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements equivalent tothose specified in Section SASC-S-02 of this Code and those outlined in the Saudi AramcoEngineering Standards. Where a public sewer system is available, all plumbing fixtures and buildingsewers shall be connected to it. In no case shall sewage or liquid waste of any type be discharged orotherwise disposed of on the surface of the ground, or into any well, cave, open ditch or reservoir untilit has been properly treated and the disposal method has been approved by the Saudi Aramco EPD.Pit latrines, outhouses and other non-water-carried sewage disposal methods are prohibited.

17.2 Floor drains and sewer pipes shall be large enough to carry off all wastewater and sanitarysewage.

17.3 Grease traps, if used, shall be located so they are easily accessible for cleaning.

17.4 All sewer pipes or drains through which rodents may pass shall be closed with a properlysecured, perforated metal or iron cover. Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters (0.5inches) in diameter.

17.5 Defective sewer pipes, traps, drains and vents shall be repaired or replaced promptly andprofessionally. Crude repairs with wood, tape or metal strips are unsatisfactory.

17.6 The sewerage system shall be provided with sufficient clean-out places to properly service thesewer drain pipes in the event they become clogged. Clean-outs or manholes shall be provided at theupper end of each main sewer line, at intersections of two or more sewer lines, at changes in grade oralignment of more than 45 degrees and at intervals of not more than 122 meters (400 feet).

17.7 Sewage collection lines shall be laid in trenches of sufficient depth to protect them againstbreakage from traffic, ground movement, agricultural activity, or other sources of damage and shall beseparated from the water supply system by a horizontal distance of 3 meters (10 feet) and a verticalelevation of 61 centimeters below water lines at crossing points unless pressure sewers are used.

17.8 The sewer lines shall be constructed of approved materials with adequate vents, watertightjoints and sufficient clean-outs.

17.9 Sewers shall be installed at a grade of at least 3 millimeters per 30 centimeters (0.125 inches perfoot) to ensure a velocity of 61 centimeters per second (2 feet per second) when flowing full.Horizontal drainage lines connecting with other horizontal drainage lines shall enter through 45-degree"Y" branches or other combinations of equivalent sweep.

17.10 Defective sewer pipes, traps, drains or other plumbing shall be repaired or replaced promptlyand professionally. Crude repairs with wood, tape or metal strips are not satisfactory.

17.11 Special considerations pertinent to modern campgrounds and camping vehicles equipped withplumbing fixtures:

17.11.1 A properly trapped and vented sewer riser pipe with an outside diameter of 7.6 centimeters(3 inches) shall be provided at each modern independent campsite. When the campsite isnot occupied, the sewer riser pipe shall be adequately covered.

17.11.2 A camping vehicle equipped with plumbing fixtures shall not be permitted in a campgroundunless it is connected directly to the sewerage system by means of a durable, water-tight,

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flexible, readily cleanable, nonabsorbent, corrosion resistant drain hose having an insidediameter of 7.6 centimeters (3 inches). Camping vehicles with a drain hose less than 7.6centimeters in diameter shall be connected with reducers and screw or clamp-type fittings.The sewer service connection shall be installed and maintained with a grade of not less than6.4 millimeters per 30.5 centimeters (0.25 inches per foot). This requirement may be waivedif all wastes are contained in a sewage holding tank in a self-contained camping vehicle, thedrain outlets from the camping vehicle are capped, or the drain outlets are connected to asealed container located outside the camping vehicle and facilities are available to properlyremove and dispose of sewage from the sealed container.

17.11.3 A sanitary waste station shall be provided for each 100 campsites, or fraction thereof, notequipped with individual sewer connections.

17.11.4 Flushing sinks or other means of disposal shall be provided for disposal of liquid wastes fromself-contained portable toilets. It is recommended that the flushing sinks be easily accessibleand located at a distance of not more than 61 meters (200 feet) from any campsite. The sinkshall not be located in a room-containing toilet; hand washbasin or bathing facilities, andtoilets shall not be used for disposal of such liquid wastes.


The storage, collection and disposal of refuse shall be performed in a manner that will minimizeaccidents, fire hazards, air pollution, odors, insects, rodents, nuisances, public health hazards and adverseenvironmental impacts.

18.1 Garbage and refuse storage facilities:

18.1.1 Prior to removal from the recreation area and facility, garbage and other refuse shall bestored in a way that makes it inaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin. Outsidestorage of garbage or refuse in open piles or in any container other than an approvedgarbage or refuse container is prohibited, e.g. storage in paper bags or cardboard boxes.Inside storage of waste in open piles on the floor of the garbage/refuse storage room isprohibited. Heavy-duty plastic bags may be stacked on the floor of a properly designed andconstructed refuse storage room if the waste contained therein is satisfactorily sealed in thebag, i.e. the bag does not represent an "open pile".

18.1.2 The garbage/refuse storage room, if provided, shall be large enough to store allgarbage/refuse containers that accumulate between disposal periods. Walls, ceilings and allattachments thereto, shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent,easily cleanable finish. The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable,nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped to a trapped,covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system. The structure shall be insect- androdent-proof, including the provision of a solid door designed to preclude the entry byrodents. Additionally, a screen door that opens outward, an air curtain device or othereffective means of excluding flies shall be provided. The storage room shall be kept cleanand maintained in good repair.

18.1.3 The floor of an outside garbage/refuse storage area shall be constructed of a smooth, easilycleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete or machine laid asphalt; andshall be large enough to accommodate the garbage/refuse containers that accumulatebetween disposal periods.

18.1.4 Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers, lugger boxes andcompactor systems after they are emptied. As a minimum, the facility shall be provided withhot running water delivered at a minimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilograms per squarecentimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least 3.8 liters per minute

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(1 gallon per minute). The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable,nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be and shall be properly slopedto a trapped, covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system.

18.2 Garbage and refuse containers:

18.2.1 Approved garbage and refuse containers shall include standard 115 liters (30 gallons) steelgarbage cans, modified 210 liters (55 gallons) steel drums, purpose-built lugger boxes andcompactor systems. All such containers shall be made of durable, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable materials that are impervious to attack by insects, rodents and other vermin. Theyshall be designed and constructed so that they do not leak. Drain plugs, where required,shall be in place at all times except during cleaning.

18.2.2 Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight-fitting lids, doors or covers. The lids, doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall bekept in the closed position when not in immediate use. Refuse containers that are being actively used in the facility need not becovered. Refuse containers shall be covered when not being actively used. Filledrefuse containers shall be covered and removed from the facility to the refusestorage facility.

18.2.3 The cover and the outside surface of the 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) andsmaller containers shall be labeled with the word "GARBAGE" or "REFUSE." Once used asgarbage or refuse container, the lid and container shall not be used for any other purpose,especially food preparation or storage.

18.2.4 The 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) and smaller containers shall be lined withheavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate removal of refuse.

18.2.5 Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. There shall be a sufficientnumber of approved containers to hold all the garbage and refuse produced and toaccommodate the total amount accumulated in the refuse holding facility between disposalperiods. A sufficient number of containers shall be provided at each service building andsanitary waste station and within 91 meters (300 feet) from each boat ramp or boat dock.Centrally located refuse containers shall be provided at the rate of one 210 Liters (55gallons) container per each five campsites, picnic tables or the equivalent if containers areprovided at individual sites.

18.2.6 Periodically, each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergent on theinside and outside in a way that does not contaminate water, food or the environment.

18.2.7 Refuse equipment and containers shall not, by their location or installation, create anuisance or prevent cleaning of adjacent space.

18.3 Garbage and refuse disposal:

18.3.1 Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and theattraction of insects and rodents, but not less than twice per week.

18.3.2 Waste shall be removed to the disposal facility in a purpose-built refuse transport vehicle.

18.3.3 All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal sanitary landfill. Open dumps and burn-pits areprohibited.

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19.1 The recreation area or facility shall be designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and operated toprevent the entry and harborage of insects, rodents, animals, birds and other vermin, as well asenvironmental contaminants, such as smoke and dust. Effective measures, such as excluding,inspecting and exterminating, shall be used to minimize the entry, presence and propagation ofvermin, both inside and outside of the recreation area and facility.

19.2 All buildings, structures and associated facilities shall be insect- and rodent-proofed, freed ofvermin before occupancy and shall be maintained in an insect and rodent free condition.

19.3 All sewer or drain openings shall be closed with a properly secured, perforated metal cover.Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 12.7 millimeters (0.5 inches) in diameter.

19.4 There shall be no openings in exterior walls, foundations, basements, and roofs that admitinsects, rodents or other vermin. Openings for pipes, conduits and other utility services infoundations or exterior walls, floors or roofs shall be closed solidly by metal sheeting, concrete or otherimpervious material. If metal sheeting is used to seal holes around pipes, conduits and ducts, it shallextend at least 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) beyond all sides of the opening.

19.5 No contractor, employee, operator or user shall place, leave, dump or permit to accumulate anygarbage or trash in any building, or on any beach, marina, campground, playground or otherrecreation area in a manner that will afford food or harborage for insects, rodents or other vermin.

19.6 No contractor, employee, operator or user shall accumulate, or permit the accumulation of, anylumber, pipes, boxes, barrels, bricks, stones or construction material on any premises or recreationarea unless such material is stored on racks 30 centimeters (1 foot) above the ground.

19.7 Control of harmful or annoying insects, rodents and other pests, including control of breedingsites (e.g. standing water), shall be the responsibility of the operator and/or proponent responsible forthe recreation area or facility.

19.8 The presence of lice, bedbugs, fly larvae, rodents or any other vermin, or the traces, droppings,trails, runs or other evidence of the presence of such vermin, shall be evidence of the presence of filthand unsatisfactory sanitary conditions. Environmental Health will report such evidence to the operatorand/or proponent and they shall take immediate action to control the infestation. They shall report theresults of their control activities to Saudi Aramco EPD within 72 hours of receipt of the notification.

19.9 Whenever conditions inside, outside or under any building or structure, or on any premises orrecreation area, provide such extensive harborage for insects and rodents that normal controlmeasures are likely to be ineffective, Saudi Aramco EPD shall prepare a report with correctiverecommendations for action by the Saudi Aramco proponent responsible for the recreation area orfacility. The proponent shall ensure that the deficiencies are corrected immediately.

19.10 The pest control program shall encompass all areas outside and inside the recreation facility orarea. Areas along fences, around buildings, under stored materials, in and around refuse facilities, aswell as floors, walls and ceilings in buildings, shall be inspected frequently to detect the presence ofinsects, rodents and other vermin. Preventive control measures are preferable to eradicationcampaigns.

19.10.1 Insects, rodents and other vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breeding andharborage sites, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of buildings and structures,proper storage of materials, extermination, and by other approved control methods.

19.10.2 Pesticides shall be dispensed and handled by authorized, properly trained personnel. Aqualified pest control operator shall apply restricted-use pesticides.

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19.10.3 Pesticides shall not be applied in areas where food handling, ware washing or other suchoperations are in progress or in a way that contaminates food equipment, utensils or otherfood contact surfaces.

19.10.4 Fly electrocution devices, if used, shall be designed to have "escape-resistant" trays. Theyshall be installed so that dead insects are prevented from falling on food and food contactsurfaces. Trays shall be emptied into an outside refuse container at least once each day.

19.10.5 Bait stations shall be tamper-proof or covered or, if open, maintained so that the rodenticideis kept within the station. If used inside a kitchen, bait stations shall be used in non-foodhandling areas only and are restricted to rodenticides falling within the anticoagulant group.

19.10.6 Exclusion is the preferred method of rodent control inside a kitchen. If this fails and rodentsmust be exterminated, trapping is recommended. Tracking powders shall not be used insidea kitchen.


20.1 Every recreational villa/communal housing unit, including all furnishings, equipment and fixturesprovided by Saudi Aramco, shall be in good repair, in a clean and sanitary condition and free ofinsects, rodents and other vermin before it is assigned. All recreational villas/communal housing unitswill be properly inspected, repaired, cleaned and freed of pests between each occupancy. Publicareas of communal units shall be cleaned at least once daily and shall also be maintained in goodrepair, in a sanitary condition and free from insect, rodent and vermin harborages. Note that all publicporches, walkways, garages, sheds, out-buildings, as well as all outside premises, yards, gardens,playgrounds and other areas which are accessible to the public, are subject to these requirements.

20.2 Recreational villas/communal housing units shall provide each occupant with a clean bed,mattress, mattress pad and blanket, all of which were inspected and were found to be free of vermin,urine and fecal matter before they were issued. Clean sheets, pillowcases and towels shall besupplied twice weekly and each time the bed or room is reassigned.

20.3 A refuse container shall be provided for each habitable room.

20.4 All badly worn or torn bedding, furniture, chairs, upholstered pieces, carpeting, drapes or otherfurnishings provided by Saudi Aramco which are not readily cleanable shall be repaired or replaced.

20.5 In general, each adult occupant of a recreational villa/communal housing unit shall be providedwith a storage closet or cabinet for his/her personal items. The floor space occupied by the storagecloset or cabinet represents a separate space requirement and shall not be calculated as being part ofthe required floor space allocation.

20.6 Sleeping rooms in communal recreational housing units shall be allocated floor space at a rate ofnot less than 4.6 square meters (50 square feet) per occupant, preferably 6.5 square meters (70square feet) per occupant.

20.7 Sleeping rooms in guesthouses shall be allocated 12 square meters (130 square feet) of floor spaceper occupant.

20.8 The minimum floor area allocated for a recreational villa shall be not less than 20.4 square meters(220 square feet). An additional 9.3 square meters (100 square feet) of floor area shall be provided foreach occupant of such unit in excess of two occupants per unit.

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20.9 A systematic procedure shall be established for collection of solid wastes associated withrecreational villas/communal housing units. Refuse shall be disposed of regularly to avoid excessiveaccumulations.

20.10 Food shall not be cooked in any habitable room unless such room was specifically designed forthis purpose and the use of such room for cooking is approved by Saudi Aramco EPD.

20.11 All kitchens provided for recreational villas/communal housing units shall comply with theminimum requirements of SASC-S-04 of this Code. Interpretation of Section SASC-S-04 of this Codewill be rigidly adhered to in the case of communal recreational housing units where large numbers ofindividuals prepare their food collectively.

14.6 Noise levels in habitable rooms shall conform to the standards outlined in SAES-A-105, SaudiAramco Engineering Standards.

20.13 All public entrances, exits, corridors and stairways shall be properly illuminated. Fire exits shall beprovided with illuminated exit signs equipped with emergency power sources. Public entrances, exits,corridors, stairways, fire exits and fire escapes shall be kept free of obstructions.

20.14 All recreational villas/communal housing units designed to include occupancy of children shallbe provided with sufficient yard space and/or outdoor play areas for children residing therein.

20.15 Live animals, including those intended for slaughter, shall be excluded from recreationalvillas/communal housing units, as well as from the premises. Animals shall not be slaughtered in aplace other than a Saudi Arab Government approved slaughterhouse.


Swimming pools shall be operated, maintained and used in compliance with requirements to those specifiedin Section SASC-S-13 of this Code.


The design, construction and materials of structures and equipment, as well as the general operatingmethods and procedures used to store, handle and protect food, equipment and utensils, shall complywith requirements equivalent to those specified in Section SASC-S-04 of this Code.

23 NATURAL SWIMMING AREAS (public beaches)

23.1 Responsibilities

23.1.1 Any Saudi Aramco organization intending to designate a specific area of a naturally occurringbody of water for water contact sports shall make a written application to Saudi Aramco EPDreceives prior approval for such activities from EPD.

23.1.2 All swimming facilities and areas of water contact sports not subject to the provisions ofSASC-S-13, within Saudi Aramco controlled premises, shall be operated and used inaccordance with the requirements of this Section and with any special condition that may bespecified on writing by the Manager, EPD to protect the health and safety of the users.

23.1.3 Saudi Aramco EPD shall monitor the water quality of areas used for water contact sports.

23.1.4 The Manager, EPD shall have the authority to close Saudi Aramco designated swimmingareas and beaches whenever water quality does not meet standards established for watercontact sports.

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23.2 Safety shall be implemented in each area.

23.2.1 Any Proponent organization designating naturally occurring areas along the Arabian Sea,Red Sea or other water impoundments for water contact sports shall equip such areas withat least one lifeboat, which shall: Be equipped with oars, oarlocks, and at least two (2) life preservers and twohundred (200) feet of rope Have the word LIFEBOAT distinctively printed or painted upon it. Be used for no purpose other than for the saving of life or for other emergencies; Be kept in good repair and readily accessible to the areas of potential use.

23.2.2 A telephone shall be readily accessible to the beach or marina with emergency telephonenumbers posted near the telephone.

23.2.3 Wireless telephone unit should be provided at the lifeguard stand for emergency use

23.2.4 A standard first aid kit shall be available for emergency use.

23.2.5 All potential subsurface or submerged hazards shall be eliminated.

23.2.6 No natural swimming or bathing area shall be maintained unless careful soundings of waterdepth and location of eddies and pools and determinations of the presence and nature ofdangerous currents or tides, sunken debris, rocks and other obstructions have been madeand recorded.

23.2.7 The Proponent shall post signs indicating, in both Arabic and English, the depth of the water location of pools or eddies and the presence and direction of strong currents.

23.2.8 Supervision of bathers: refer to Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, Section SASC-S-13

23.2.9 Warning signs should be posted in both Arabic and English when no lifeguard service isprovided “children under 14 years of the age should not use facility with out an adult inattendance.”

23.3 Water Quality

23.3.1 No sewage, sludge, grease or other physical evidence of sewage discharge shall be visibleat any time on public beaches or water contact sports areas.

23.3.2 All recreational surface waters must be aesthetically pleasing. Objectionable odors, colorsand floating debris must not be present.

23.3.3 Natural bathing areas shall not be affected by any type of community or industrial pollution.and because of the likelihood of contamination of recreational water by fecal matter,diaper-wearing infants should be prohibited from water contact. Public notification may beused to inform parents and others about the prohibition of individuals wearing diapers atthe recreational waters.

23.3.4 Recreational waters must not contain chemical that are irritating to the mucous membranesof human bodies, or that if ingested in small quantities are toxic to humans.

23.3.5 The water must meet microbiological quality standards as defined below or swimming andother water contact sports shall not be allowed.

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23.3.6 Samples of water from each sampling station at a public beach or public water-contactsports area shall have a most probable number of coliform organisms less than 1,000 per100 ml (10 per ml); provided that not more than 20 percent of the samples at any samplingstation, in any 30 day period, may exceed 1,000 per 100 ml (10 per ml), and providedfurther that no single sample when verified by a repeat sample taken within 48 hours shallexceed 10,000 per 100 ml (100 per ml).

23.3.7 Bacterial analysis shall be made in accordance with procedures recommended by the 19thedition of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater of theAmerican Public Health Association.

23.3.7 A beach or water contact sports area will be closed for use when indicator organismsexceed any of the following, when confirmed with repeat sampling within 24-48 hours. Ifconfirmation sampling and analysis are delayed, closure should proceed based on theinitial results.

Total coliform: 10000per 100 ml

Fecal coliform: 400 per 100 ml

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This Section describes the public health requirements and specifications necessary to the maintenance of a sanitary,safe school environment. NOTE: All Code Sections should be read in conjunction with appropriate referenceddocuments listed at the end of this Section.


Carpet Cleaner: Rug shampoo formulated to wet the pile of a rug and take up oily and greasy soils.

Chlorinated: Water to which chlorine or hypochlorites have been added to disinfect, control taste and odor and/orprevent the growth of algae and other organisms.

Decompose: To break up into constituent elements through chemical changes induced by enzymatic action,microbial activity etc.

Health: A state of dynamic equilibrium between an organism and its environment in which all functions of mind andbody are normal.

Insecticide: Any chemical substance used for the destruction of insects, whether applied as powder, liquid or aerosolspray: residual action is usual.

Laundering: The process of cleaning and refurbishing fabrics, which includes sorting, washing with an aqueoussolution of laundry products rinsing, water extraction and drying.

Potable Drinking Water: Water at the consumer tap that is wholesome and meets the chemical physical andmicrobiological requirements in SASC-S-01.

Sanitary: Adequately hygienic to ensure a safe, sound, wholesome product fit for human consumption.

School: In context of the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code, any permanently dedicated building or collection of buildingsin which any Saudi Aramco Organization provides instruction to employees or their dependents. This also includesSaudi Aramco Built Government schools

Toilet room: A room containing toilet facilities.

Unsanitary: One or more factors in a man’s physical environment which exercise a deleterious affect on his physicaldevelopment or health.

Vacuum Breaker: A device for relieving a vacuum or partial vacuum formed in a pipeline, thereby preventingbacksiphonage.


1.1 Proponent organizations shall inspect schools they control as often as is necessary to ensurecompliance with this Code Section. All inspections shall be recorded and such records shall be madeavailable to Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD) upon request.

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1.2 Saudi Aramco EPD will routinely inspect places where Saudi Aramco employees and theirdependents attend school. A written report will be provided to the proponent organization.


2.1 The site, if practicable, shall not be located in an area subject to periodic flooding or adjacent tomarshes, railroads, stockyards, industrial sites, pipelines or other such areas, which would constitute ahealth or safety hazard.

2.2 The walking and driving surfaces of all areas outside the physical facility shall be surfacedwith concrete, asphalt or similar material effectively treated to facilitate maintenance and to minimizedust. These surfaces shall be well drained and kept clean.

2.3 All areas shall be kept free of nuisances and safety hazards. Whenever any agency,employee, student or person other than the Saudi Aramco proponent observes a nuisance or violationof this Code, it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco proponent and/or other concerned organization, e.g.the Saudi Aramco Community Services Pest Control Unit. If the problem is not resolved immediately,then it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco EPD. Saudi Aramco EPD will, in turn, notify the SaudiAramco proponent organization and they shall take immediate action to abate the nuisance (seeSection SASC-S-18 of this Code). Saudi Aramco EPD shall provide assistance as required.

2.4 Housekeeping:

2.4.1 All schools, both inside and outside, including all furnishings, equipment and fixtures shall bein good repair, in a clean and sanitary condition and free of insects, rodents and other vermin.

2.4.2 All dressing rooms, toilet rooms, shower rooms, hand washing facilities, utility rooms andassociated facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times. They shall be freefrom flies and objectionable odors. All fixtures and floors, as well as walls subject to splash,shall be cleaned with an approved detergent, rinsed and then sanitized with a 0.3 to 0.6percent hypochlorite solution (3,000 to 6,000 milligrams per liter or 3,000 to 6,000 parts permillion), or other equivalent disinfectant approved by Saudi Aramco EPD, at least once daily.Materials, maintenance and cleaning equipment shall be properly stored.

2.4.3 Cleaning and sweeping shall be done in such a manner as to minimize the contamination ofthe air with dust and shall be done outside of school hours, if practicable.

2.5 The maximum number of pupils in any classroom shall not exceed one per 1.9 square meters(one per 20 square feet) of floor space. This section allows for passageways and a teacher. Incalculating floor area, no deduction shall be made for desks, benches or other furniture.

2.6 Playground equipment, when provided for children, shall be designed for safety, maintained ingood repair and located in an area free of hazards.

2.7 Floors shall be kept dry near water fountains and hand washbasins.

2.8 Expectorating upon the walls, floors, stairs or any other area within the school is prohibited.

2.9 Food shall not be cooked in any room unless such room was specifically designed for thispurpose and the use of such room for cooking is approved by Saudi Aramco EPD

2.10 Noise levels shall conform to the standards outlined in SAES-A-105, Saudi Aramco EngineeringStandards.

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2.11 All entrances, exits, corridors and stairways shall be properly illuminated. Fire exits shall beprovided with illuminated exit signs equipped with emergency power sources. Entrances, exits,corridors, stairways, fire exits and fire escapes shall be kept free of obstructions.

2.12 Live animals, including those intended for slaughter, shall be excluded from the premises.Animals shall not be slaughtered in a place other than a Saudi Arab Government approvedslaughterhouse.

2.13 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they havedeveloped. For example, insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breedingand harborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of structures, proper storage ofmaterials and by other approved control methods, not by desperate campaigns to rid buildings,structures and premises of established infestations.


3.1 Floors:

3.1.1 Floors shall be constructed of durable, smooth and easily cleanable materials. Carpeting, ifused, shall be designed for heavy use, shall be of closely woven construction, shall beproperly installed and shall be maintained in good repair and in a clean condition at all times.

3.1.2 The floors of kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and handwashing facilities shall have smooth, hard, easily cleanable surfaces that are impervious towater, detergents and disinfectants (carpeting is prohibited in these areas). These floors shallbe sloped to properly trapped floor drains and the junctions between the floors and the wallsshall be coved and sealed.

3.1.3 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on floors. If exposed,they shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct cleaning.

3.1.4 Floor mats and duckboards are prohibited in wet areas, e.g. kitchens, shower rooms, toiletrooms, utility rooms and hand washing facilities.

3.2 Walls and ceilings:

3.2.1 Walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have smooth, easilycleanable surfaces. The walls in toilet and shower rooms shall be impervious to water,detergents and disinfectants to a minimum height of 1.2 meters (4 feet) in toilet rooms and1.8 meters (6 feet) in shower rooms. The junctions between the floors and walls in kitchens,lunchrooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and hand washing facilities shall becoved and sealed (see sub-section 3.1.2 of this Code Section).

3.2.2 The use of rough or unsealed and unfinished building materials, such as brick, concreteblocks and wooden beams, is prohibited in kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toiletrooms, utility rooms and hand washing facilities.

3.2.3 Studs, joists and rafters shall not be exposed in kitchens, lunchrooms, shower rooms, toiletrooms, utility rooms and hand washing facilities.

3.2.4 Covering materials, such as Formica, sheet metal, linoleum and vinyl, shall be attached andsealed to wall and ceiling surfaces in a way that leaves no open spaces or cracks.

3.2.5 Acoustical paneling may be utilized providing it is installed not less than 1.8 meters (6 feet)above the floor. Any perforations shall not penetrate the entire depth of the panel, shall not be

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greater than 3 millimeters (0.13 inches) in any dimension, and shall not comprise more than25 percent of the exposed panel surface. The paneling shall otherwise meet the requirementsof this Section.

3.2.6 Wall or ceiling mounted light fixtures, vent covers, decorative materials, fans, equipment andappurtenances shall be designed to facilitate cleaning, shall be made of easily cleanablematerials, shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning and shall bemaintained in good repair.

3.2.7 Utility service lines and pipes shall not be unnecessarily exposed on walls and ceilings. Ifexposed, they shall be installed in a way that does not obstruct or prevent cleaning.

3.2.8 The ceilings in classrooms shall be at least 3 meters (10 feet) high as measured to thelowest projection from the ceiling.

3.2.9 The ceilings in administrative offices and other habitable rooms shall be at least 2.3 meters(7.5 feet) high as measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling.

3.2.10 The ceilings in hallways, corridors, shower rooms, toilet rooms and utility rooms shall be atleast 2.1 meters (7 feet) high as measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling.

3.2.11 The height of ceilings in auditoriums, gymnasiums and shops shall be compatible withplanned activities.

3.2.12 The walls or partitions between toilet/shower compartments may be less than the height ofthe room walls, but the tops shall not be less than 1.8 meters (6 feet) from the floor. Ifpartitions are used, the bottoms of the partitions shall be raised at least 20 centimeters (8inches) above the floor. In situations where a raised partition is not desirable, such aspartitions separating eastern style toilet fixtures where a raised partition may not affordsuitable privacy, partitions shall be placed on a continuous raised masonry or concrete baseat least 15 centimeters (6 inches) high, or a properly designed and constructed wall that joinsthe floor shall be provided.

3.2.13 The color and reflectivity of walls and ceilings in classrooms shall comply with the following(note that all wall and ceiling surfaces shall have a flat, non-glare finish): The color of ceilings and overhead structures shall be as light as practicable andshall have a reflection factor of at least eight (80) percent. The color of the upper two thirds of the wall height shall be a light shade and shallhave a reflection factor of at least sixty (60) percent. The lower one third of the wall height may be a darker shade than the upper wall,but shall have a reflection factor between thirty-five (35) and forty (40) percent.

3.3 Doors, windows and screening:

3.3.1 All exterior entrances to corridors, classrooms, habitable rooms, kitchens, lunch rooms,shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and hand washing facilities shall be provided withsolid doors or glazed windows that shall be kept tightly closed when not in use (excludespassageways between rooms within an enclosed building). If outside openings areappropriately protected from the entry by insects and rodents according to the requirementsoutlined in sub-sections 3.3.2 through 3.3.4 of this Code Section, solid doors and glazedwindows may be considered to be "in use" if they are left open to ventilate the structure.

3.3.2 All exterior entrances to kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility roomsand hand washing facilities shall be fitted with self-closing screen doors that open outwards

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(a screen door is not required if the solid door is self-closing and opens outward, the area isfully air conditioned alleviating the need for propping the solid door open and the operationalnature of the facility is such that students are required to keep doors closed, e.g. facilitieswithin industrial plants. The bottoms of screen doors shall be covered with metal sheeting inaccordance with sub-section 3.3.3 of this Code Section. Other effective fly control devices,e.g. air curtains, may be used in lieu of screen doors.

3.3.3 All outer doors and screen doors shall be tight-fitting and self-closing. All doors and screendoors, including sliding or folding types, shall be constructed so that the space between thelower edge of the door and the threshold does not exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches). Thespace between sections of folding and sliding doors, when closed, shall not exceed 6.4millimeters (0.25 inches). All exposed edges of the lower 20.3 centimeters (8 inches) ofdoors and jambs that are made of materials through which rodents could gnaw, especiallyouter doors and doors known to be accessible to rodents, shall be protected by coveringsuch edges of doors and jambs with metal sheeting that cannot be gnawed through.

3.3.4 All openable windows, which are not solidly closed and are accessible to insects and rodentsshall be appropriately screened by grills, hardware cloth or other material capable ofprecluding the entry by insects and rodents. The effective mesh size of screening materialshall not be less than 6 mesh per centimeter (16 mesh per inch).

3.3.5 Doors, windows and appurtenances thereto, shall be designed and constructed to avoidaccumulation of dirt and shall be finished such that they are smooth, nonabsorbent andeasily cleanable. Doors, windows, as well as appurtenances thereto, shall be kept clean andmaintained in good repair.


4.1 Ventilation shall be provided to remove gases, odors, steam, excessive heat, grease, vapors,smoke and other contaminates from the school. Ventilation systems shall be installed and operatedaccording to standards equivalent to those outlined in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (e.g.SAES-K-30).

4.2 Intake air ducts shall be designed and maintained to prevent the entrance of dust, dirt, and othercontaminating materials. All ventilation openings shall be appropriately screened by grills, hardwarecloth or other material capable of precluding entrance of insects and rodents. Note that automatic fanventilation openings are acceptable for rodent stoppage if the fan covering is maintained in good repair.

4.3 The temperature in all classrooms, habitable rooms and other rooms in which studentsstudy or work shall be maintained at a level conducive to the healthful performance of the activityconducted in the area. It is recommended that a temperature of between 21°C and 24°C (70°F and75°F) be maintained in classrooms, study halls, libraries and administrative offices.

4.4 All school buildings shall be sufficiently ventilated by means of mechanical ventilation. At leastone fifth of the air supply shall be taken from the outside. The ventilation system shall be capable ofexchanging at least nine volumes of air per hour in all classrooms; five volumes of air per hour in allkitchens, shower rooms, locker rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms, hand washing facilities, gymnasiumsand similar areas; and two volumes of air per hour in all administrative offices, libraries, habitable roomsand corridors. The rate at which the air volume is exchanged in shops, high activity work areas andareas subject to gases, odors, steam, excessive heat, grease, vapors, smoke and other contaminateswill be a function of the activity and degree of health risk.

4.5 If mechanical extract fans are provided in kitchens, shower rooms, locker rooms, toiletrooms, utility rooms and hand washing facilities, the air volume exchange rate for the mechanicalventilation system required in sub-section 4.4 may be reduced in proportion to the amount of airexhausted from these areas. If such fans are provided, they shall be capable of exhausting at least one

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cubic meter (35 cubic feet) of air per minute for each toilet, urinal, shower and hand washbasininstalled.

4.6 All kitchens shall be provided with a mechanical ventilation system fitted inside a hoodplaced over the stove, the design and specifications of which shall be compatible with the stove used.Screening over exhaust opening shall be easily removable for cleaning.


5.1 Natural light by means of windows or skylights is a preferred source of light; however, a balancebetween natural light and air conditioning load must be considered in the design of the school. If anengineering analysis indicated that a large enough window area to satisfy lighting requirements willadversely impact the air conditioning system during the high temperatures experienced during thesummer months in Saudi Arabia, then the window area may be reduced to achieve an efficient balancebetween natural lighting and air conditioning requirement. The windows provided should extend as nearto the ceiling as possible. They should extend along one side or two adjoining sides of the classroom.

5.2 The heat load generated by windows shall be controlled by screening out the direct rays ofthe sun. Venetian blinds employing reflecting and diffusing surfaces, which may be adjusted at variousangles, are recommended.

5.3 The following levels of light, whether from natural or artificial sources, shall be provided inschools. Light shall be evenly distributed and of sufficient intensity to avoid discoloration, shadows,glare and extreme contrast on surfaces. Also refer to lighting requirements outlined in SAES-P-123,Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.

TABLE 1Illumination

Illumination Levels Required*Area to be Illuminated Lux Foot-candles

Eye level above hand washbasin 540 50Gymnasium As appropriate to sportHallway/stairway 110 10Kitchen/snack bar kitchen 540 50Library 540 50Lunch room 320 30Shower/toilet/locker room 215 20Staff lounge 215 20Surface of laboratory/shop bench 1075 100Surface of secretary's desk 750 70Surface of student's desk 540 50All other indoor areas 110 10

* Measured at a distance of 76 centimeters (30 inches) above the floor6 POTABLE WATER SYSTEM

6.1 Water shall be obtained, conveyed, treated, stored and distributed in a closed system.Design, construction, maintenance and operational standards, as well as quality criteria, shall complywith requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code and standards referenced in SaudiAramco Engineering Standards.

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6.2 Enough potable water for the needs of the students shall be obtained from the communitywater supply. If a community water supply is not available, then water shall be obtained from anadequate, easily accessible source that has been properly located and protected to ensure that waterobtained is of a safe and sanitary quality. The source shall be constructed in a way that preventsunderground or surface contamination from reaching the source. Facilities shall be operated andmaintained by competent individuals. No part of the system shall be used for any other purpose.

6.3 Water wells (or other water source) and collection, conveyance, treatment, storage anddistribution systems, or parts thereof, which are newly constructed, have been repaired or haveotherwise become contaminated, shall be thoroughly disinfected according to requirements outlined inSection SASC-S-01 of this Code before being used. The supply shall be purged of all but normalresidual amounts of disinfectant (less than 3 milligrams per liter [3 parts per million] if chlorine is usedto disinfect the system) before a sample for bacteriological testing is collected.

6.4 All water not provided directly by pipe to the school from the source shall be transported ina bulk water transport system that is used for no other purpose. At the time water is obtained from theapproved source, enough chlorine shall be added to the water in the bulk water transport system tocreate 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams per litter (0.5 to 1.5 parts per million) free chlorine residual. Hauled watershall be delivered directly to the closed water system at the school. The bulk water transport systemshall comply with requirements outlined in Section SASC-S-01 of this Code.

6.5 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. Tanks shallbe designed with openings that permit visual inspection of the tank and provide access for cleaning anddisinfection. All openings shall be covered. Covers shall overlap openings, be sloped so they are self-draining and shall be provided with gaskets and devices for securing them in place. All openings in thetop of the tank shall be flanged upward to form a curb that prevents surface water from enteringopenings. Vents and overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall be screened to prevententry by birds and other animals. All water storage tanks shall be provided with a sample tap.

6.6 Plumbing with emphasis on cross connection control:

6.6.1 Plumbing shall be designed, sized and installed according to standards outlined in SaudiAramco Engineering Standards. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be operated andmaintained in a way that prevents contamination. Plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall bekept clean and in good repair.

6.6.2 The potable water system shall be designed and constructed to prevent the possibility ofbackflow. Devices to protect against backflow and backsiphonage shall be installed on allwater outlets and equipment where an air gap of at least twice the inner diameter of the wateroutlet is not provided between the water outlet and the flood-level rim of the receiving drain orreceiving basin of the drain fixture, and wherever else backflow or backsiphonage may occur.A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.

6.6.3 There shall be no cross connection between the potable water supply and any unsafe orquestionable water supply, sewerage system or any source of pollution that mightcontaminate or otherwise degrade the potable water supply.

6.6.4 There shall be no direct physical connection between the sewerage system and any drainoriginating from equipment that contains food or food equipment and utensils.

6.6.5 A non-potable water system is permitted only for purposes such as air conditioning and fireprotection. It shall not be directly or indirectly connected with the potable water system.Water from the system shall not be used for any domestic purpose. The piping of the non-potable water system shall be durably identified so that it is readily distinguishable frompiping that carries potable water.

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6.7 All potable water supplied to schools shall be disinfected by chlorination or other means ormethods of equal efficiency in the killing or removal of organisms capable of causing infection. Whenchlorination is employed, a sufficient amount of chlorine shall be added to the water to maintain achlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (0.5 parts per million) at all points in the distributionsystem from which water may be withdrawn.

6.8 Hot and cold potable water shall be provided to all hand washbasins, showers and kitchensinks. The hot water heating system shall be capable of producing a constant flow of hot water at atemperature of at least 49°C (120°F). Specific requirements pertinent to the hot and/or tempered waterdischarged from each class of fixture are outlined in appropriate Standards.

6.9 If hoses are used for conveying potable water, they shall be constructed of a safe material,shall have a smooth interior surface, shall be used for no other purpose and shall be clearly identifiedas to its use. Caps and keeper chains shall be provided for water system inlet and outlet fittings, aswell as hose fittings. All such fittings shall be capped when not in immediate use. Hoses shall bestored and used so as to be kept free of contamination. A hose shall not be attached to a faucet unlessa backflow prevention device is installed.

6.10 A sufficient number of conveniently located drinking water fountains shall be provided.

6.10.1 Drinking fountains shall be approved angle-jet type and shall be provided with an adequatesupply of water under pressure.

6.10.2 Spillage, overflow, drainage or wastewater from drinking fountains and faucets shall bedischarged to the sewerage system through approved drains to prevent impoundment ofwater, creation of mud holes or other nuisance conditions.

6.10.3 Open containers from which water must be dipped or poured, such as barrels, pails or tanks,whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited.

6.10.4 The common drinking cup is prohibited.6.10.5 Where single service paper cups are provided, cups shall be dispensed from a sanitary

device designed for this purpose and a waste receptacle shall be provided for disposal ofused cups.

6.11 Compressed air used to pressurize the potable water system shall be filtered or otherwisetreated to render it free of dust, insects and extraneous material. Air intakes shall be properly locatedand maintained. Filters shall be located upstream from the compressor and shall be easily removablefor cleaning and replacement. The blower or compressor supplying air shall be designed so that it willdeliver oil- free air. Oil-free air shall be produced by a method equivalent to one of the following: a) useof carbon ring piston compressor; b) use of an oil-lubricated compressor with effective provision forremoval of oil vapor; or c) high-pressure, water-lubricated or non-lubricated blowers.

6.12 If a water treatment plant is provided:

6.12.1 It is suggested that the following piping system be adopted. (Table 2) Non-toxic paints shall beused (the use of paints containing lead shall be avoided).

TABLE 2Piping System Color-Code

Piping System Base ColorIdentifying

Color StripeChilled Water Blue 1-GrayChlorine, Gas and Liquid Yellow 1-Oxide RedCondensate Water Blue 1-WhiteDistilled and Demineralized Water Blue 1-AluminumRaw Water Blue 1-BlackSea, Salt or Brine Water Blue 1-Yellow

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Treated (any process) Blue 1-Oxide RedNote: HVAC lines and electrical conduits are not color-coded

But are painted the same color as the background construction

6.12.2 Equipment, devices, filters, and all other water treatment or conditioning apparatus, shall bemade of safe materials, shall be designed to be disassembled for periodic replacement ofactive elements/media, cleaning and service, shall be operated, inspected and servicedaccording to the manufacturer's instructions and specifications, and shall not be operatedbeyond their rated capacity. All such equipment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitarycondition and, if necessary, shall be sanitized by application of a chlorine solution or by otherapproved means.

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6.12.3 Records of equipment operation and maintenance, quantities of product water produced,types and amounts of chemicals added to treated water, pH and chlorine residual maintainedshall be kept in a log book. The logbook shall be available for review by authorized SaudiAramco representatives at all times.

6.12.4 The biological and chemical quality of the water after treatment shall be as good as, or betterthan, it was before treatment.


7.1 Sewage shall be collected, treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements outlinedin Section SASC-S-02 of this Code and those outlined in Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards. Wherea public sewer system is available, all plumbing fixtures, building sewers and vents shall be connectedto it. In no case shall sewage or liquid waste of any type be discharged or otherwise disposed of on thesurface of the ground, or into any well, cave, open ditch or reservoir until it has been properly treatedand the disposal method has been approved by Saudi Aramco EPD. Pit latrines, outhouses and othernon-water-carried sewage disposal methods are prohibited except as permitted in sub-section 8.10 ofthis Code Section.

7.2 Floor drains and sewer pipes shall be large enough to carry off all wastewater and sanitarysewage. Sufficient clean-out places shall be provided in sewer drainpipes.

7.3 Grease traps, if used, shall be located so they are easily accessible for cleaning.

7.4 All sewer pipes or drains through which rodents may pass shall be closed with a properlysecured, perforated metal or iron cover. Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters indiameter.

7.5 Defective sewer pipes, traps, drains and vents shall be repaired or replaced promptly andprofessionally. Crude repairs with wood, tape or metal strips are unsatisfactory.


8.2 Every school shall be provided with properly designed, constructed and conveniently located toilet andhand washing facilities, which are separate for each sex. Where regular physical education classes areheld or where the courses of instruction expose students to hazardous chemicals that require them tobathe before they leave the training center, shower and locker facilities shall be provided adjacent totoilet facilities.

8.2 Toilet and hand washing facilities shall be readily accessible and open to students at all times.Facilities are not considered to be readily accessible if a student is required to climb more than onefloor-to- floor flight of stairs or if they are located more than 61 meters (200 feet) from the location wherethe student normally studies.

8.3 Toilets, showers and hand washbasins shall be separately installed to be individually accessible andto permit simultaneous use. Urinals and hand washbasins shall be installed at height convenient for useby pupils. At least half of the urinals and hand washbasins provided for grades six and below shall beinstalled at 30 centimeters (12 inches) below standard height.

8.4 Shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility rooms and hand washing facilities shall be separated fromfood preparation and sleeping rooms by a self- closing, tight-fitting door. The storage of food, equipment,utensils or personal articles in such areas is prohibited.

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8.5 Hand washbasins and other sinks, faucets and hydrants not specifically designed and approved forsuch use, shall not be used for cleaning or preparing food or for washing dishes, utensils or clothing.

9.6 All facilities shall be well ventilated (see sub-section 4 of this Code Section).

8.7 Legible signs directing students to wash their hands after using the toilet shall be conspicuouslyposted in each toilet room. The signs shall be made of durable materials and shall be written in bothArabic and English.

8.8 The following number of showers, toilets/urinals and hand washbasins shall be provided:

TABLE 3Numbers and Types of Fixtures Required

Type of Fixture Grade Level or Number RequiredAdult Classification Males Females

Toilet bowl 6 or less 1 per 30 1 per 25Toilet bowl 7 to 9/adults 1 per 40 1 per 30Urinal* All grades/adults 1 per 25 ---Hand washbasin 6 or less 1 per 35 1 per 35Hand washbasin 7 to 9/adults 1 per 40 1 per 40Shower compartment All grades/adults 1 per 40 1 per 40* Urinals may be substituted for toilets on a one to one basis, except that the number of toilets

shall not be reduced to less than two-thirds of the number specified in Table 3. This clause doesnot apply to facilities provided for females.

8.9 The minimum size of, and floor space allotted for, toilets, hand washbasins, urinals and showersshall be as follows:

TABLE 4Minimum Space Required for Each Type of Installation

Installation MinimumWidth


Minimum Space PerUnit

Hand washbasin 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

Shower cubical 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Shower stall 75 cm 75 cm 1.3 m2

Toilet compartment 80 cm 105 cm 1.5 m2

Urinal 60 cm 105 cm 1.1 m2

8.10 When chemical closets are required to support a transitory place of employment, they shall beof a type approved by the Saudi Aramco EPD and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition.


9.1 Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed. Each toilet fixture shall be individually enclosedwithin its own compartment within the toilet room (does not apply to urinals). This is required to ensurethat an individual's need for privacy does not interfere with his commitment to personal hygiene.

9.2 The entrance to a toilet room shall be provided with a door(s) according to requirementsoutlined in sub-section 3.3 of this Code Section.

9.3 Urinals shall be provided according to requirements outlined in Table 3 of this Code Section. Notethat 60 centimeters (24 inches) of trough urinal space is considered to be equivalent to one urinal.

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9.4 Toilet bowls shall be set entirely free and open from all enclosing structures and shall be soinstalled that the space around the fixture can be easily cleaned. This does not prohibit the use of wall-hung toilets.

9.5 Every eastern-type toilet shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent,easily cleanable finish. Each toilet shall be provided with a water tap for washing (and a supply of toiletpaper with holder, where indicated). Water taps provided for eastern-type toilets shall be fitted withappropriate backflow prevention devices designed to protect the water distribution system fromcontamination (see sub-section 6.6.2 of this Code Section).

9.6 Every western-type toilet shall have a hinged, open-front seat made of substantial materialhaving a smooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable finish. A holder supplied with toilet tissue shall beprovided in each toilet compartment.

9.7 Covered waste receptacles shall be provided in all toilet compartments used by women.


10.1 Adequate hand washing facilities shall be conveniently located adjacent to toilet facilities.When trough sinks and circular washbasins are provided with individual faucets, 60 centimeters (24inches) of lineal trough sink or 45 centimeters (18 inches) of a circular basin shall be considered asequal to one hand washbasin. Also note that utility sinks are not acceptable substitutes for handwashbasins.

10.2 Hand washbasins shall be installed at height convenient for use of pupils. At least half ofthe hand washbasins provided for grade six and below should be installed at 30 centimeters (12 inches)below standard height.

10.3 Tempered running water shall be provided to each hand washbasin. Water shall be temperedby means of a mixing valve or combination faucet. Water shall be delivered at a minimum pressure of atleast 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least3.8 liters per minute (1 gallon per minute). The temperature of the water discharged from the tap shallbe at least 32°C (90°F). Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 15seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

10.4 Hand washing cleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers at ornext to hand washbasins at all times (common towels are prohibited). Mechanical hot air blowers fordrying the hands may be substituted for paper towels.

10.5 A refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bag shall be provided next to handwashbasins. The refuse container need not be covered.


11.1 Showers shall be provided if students are exposed to skin contamination with poisonous, infectiousor irritating materials.

11.2 Shower rooms shall be completely enclosed. Each shower fixture shall be individually enclosedin a separate compartment within the shower room. The compartment should be composed of a cubicalwith a bench and a clothes hook and a separated shower stall. The visual privacy of the bather shouldbe maintained. Privacy curtains, if used, shall be of easily cleanable material and kept clean.

11.3 Showers shall be designed and constructed to be self-draining and to preclude the flow ofwater into adjacent areas.

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11.4 Shower floors shall be skid-resistant. Floor racks (duckboards) are prohibited.

11.5 Showers shall be supplied with water through thermostatic, tempering or mixing valves at atemperature of at least 32°C (90°F), but not more than 49°C (120°F), at a rate of at least 11.4 liters (3gallons) per minute. Any slow-closing faucet used shall provide a flow of water for at least 30 secondswithout the need to reactivate the faucet.

11.6 If individual shower compartments are not provided, the shower room shall include adressing area. The dressing area shall be equipped with benches and clothes hooks.


12.1 Changing areas shall be provided wherever the work performed involves exposure to excessivedirt, heat, fumes, vapor or moisture, or when students are exposed to poisonous, infectious or irritatingmaterials.

12.2 Where students' clothes are exposed to contamination with poisonous, infectious or irritatingmaterials, facilities shall be provided in changing rooms so that street and work clothes will not bestored in contact with each other.

12.3 Where the process in which the student is engaged is such that his clothing becomes wetor has to be washed between uses, provision shall be made to ensure that such clothing is dry beforereuse.

12.4 Lockers, if provided for the storage of student's street clothing and personal belongings, shall beconstructed of easily cleanable, corrosion resistant materials and shall not have sharp edges. Lockersshall be vented. Lockers shall be set either on solid masonry bases 13 centimeters (5 inches) high oron legs so that locker bottoms are at least 25 centimeters (10 inches above the floor).

12.5 Hooks or a rail fitted with captive hangers shall be provided for hanging wet reusableprotective clothing between uses. The hooks/hangers shall be sufficiently spaced to allow free aircirculation around all items when all hooks/hangers are used.

12.6 Shoe/boot racks shall be provided for proper air-drying of wet shoes and boots between uses.The racks shall be sufficiently spaced to allow free air circulation around all items when all hooks/racksare used.


13.1 Where 10 or more women are employed at any one time, at least one retiring room shall beprovided, with the understanding that it is to be used only for rest and emergencies and not for smokingor recreational purposes. Where less than 10 women are employed and a formal retiring room is notfurnished, some equivalent space shall be provided which can be properly screened for privacy andmade suitable for use by adult female employees.

13.2 Retiring rooms shall be conveniently located, exclusively used by women, and open to themduring all working hours.

13.3 Retiring rooms shall be furnished with one bed or couch for the first 10 to 50 adult femaleemployees. One additional bed or couch shall be provided for every 100 adult female employees, orportion thereof, in excess of the original 50 adult female employees.


14.1 Garbage and refuse storage facilities:

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14.1.1 Prior to removal from the premises, garbage and other refuse shall be stored in a way thatmakes it inaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin. Outside storage of garbage orrefuse in open piles or in any container other than an approved garbage or refuse container isprohibited, e.g. storage in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Inside storage of waste in openpiles on the floor of the garbage/refuse storage room is prohibited. Heavy-duty plastic bagsmay be stacked on the floor of a properly designed and constructed refuse storage room ifthe waste contained therein is satisfactorily sealed in the bag, i.e. the bag does not representan "open pile".

14.1.2 The garbage/refuse storage room, if provided, shall be large enough to store allgarbage/refuse containers that accumulate between disposal periods. Walls, ceilings and allattachments thereto, shall be made of substantial material having a smooth, nonabsorbent,easily cleanable finish. The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable,nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped to a trapped,covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system. The structure shall be insect androdent-proof, including the provision of a solid door designed to preclude the entry by rodents.Additionally, a screen door that opens outward, an air curtain device or other effective meansof excluding flies shall be provided. The storage room shall be kept clean and maintained ingood repair.

14.1.3 Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers, lugger boxes andcompactor systems after they are emptied (this facility need not be provided on the premisesif the waste hauler provides this service at another location). As a minimum, the facility shallbe provided with hot running water delivered at a minimum pressure of at least 1.4 kilogramsper square centimeter (20 pounds per square inch) with a minimum flow of at least 3.8 litersper minute (1 gallon per minute). The floor shall be constructed of a smooth, easily cleanable,nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete, and shall be properly sloped to a trapped,covered drain that is connected to the sewerage system.

14.1.4 The floor of an outside garbage/refuse storage area shall be constructed of a smooth, easilycleanable, nonabsorbent material, such as sealed concrete or machine laid asphalt; andshall be large enough to accommodate the garbage/refuse containers that accumulatebetween disposal periods.

14.2 Garbage and refuse containers:

14.2.1 Approved garbage and refuse containers shall include standard 115 liters (30 gallons) steelgarbage cans, modified 210 liters (55 gallons) steel drums, purpose-built lugger boxes andcompactor systems. All such containers shall be made of durable, nonabsorbent, easilycleanable materials that are impervious to attack by insects, rodents and other vermin. Theyshall be designed and constructed so that they do not leak. Drain plugs, where required,shall be in place at all times except during cleaning.

14.2.2 Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight- fitting lids, doors or covers. The lids, doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall be keptin the closed position when not in immediate use. Refuse containers that are being actively used in the facility need not be covered.Refuse containers shall be covered when not being actively used. Filled refusecontainers shall be covered and removed from the facility to the refuse storagefacility.

14.2.3 The cover and the outside surface of the 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) andsmaller containers shall be labeled with the word "GARBAGE" or "REFUSE." Once used as

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a garbage or refuse container, the lid and container shall not be used for any other purpose,especially food preparation or storage.

14.2.4 The 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) and smaller containers shall be lined withheavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate removal of refuse.

14.2.5 Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. There shall be a sufficientnumber of approved containers to hold all the garbage and refuse produced and toaccommodate the total amount accumulated in the refuse holding facility between disposalperiods.

14.2.6 Periodically, each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergent on theinside and outside in a way that does not contaminate water, food or the environment.

14.2.7 Refuse equipment and containers shall not, by their location or installation, create a nuisanceor prevent cleaning of adjacent space.

14.3 Garbage and refuse disposal:

14.3.1 Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and theattraction of insects and rodents, but not less than twice per week.

14.3.2 Waste shall be removed to the disposal facility in a purpose- built refuse transport vehicle.

14.3.3 All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal sanitary landfill. Open dumps and burn-pits areprohibited.


15.1 The Saudi Aramco proponent is responsible for implementing and enforcing the requirementsoutlined in Section SASC-S-17, Insects, Rodents and Other Vermin of Public Health Significance,Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code.

15.2 Whenever a Saudi Aramco school is to be constructed, an existing Saudi Aramco structure isconverted to use as a school, or whenever any Saudi Aramco school is remodeled or altered, properlyprepared plans and specifications for such construction, conversion, remodeling or alteration shall besubmitted to Saudi Aramco EPD during the design review process.

15.3 General considerations: (see Section SASC-S-17 of this Code)

15.3.1 The presence of bedbugs, lice, mosquitoes, fly larvae, rodents or other vermin, or the traces,droppings, trails, runs or other evidence of the presence of such vermin, equates to proof offilth and unsanitary conditions. If observed, the problem shall be reported to the SaudiAramco proponent and/or the Saudi Aramco Community Services Pest Control Unit. If theproblem is not resolved immediately, then it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco EPD. SaudiAramco EPD will, in turn, notify the Saudi Aramco proponent organization and they shall takeimmediate action to abate the nuisance.

15.3.2 All school buildings, structures and service vehicles shall be designed, constructed,maintained and operated to prevent entry, propagation and harborage of insects, rodents andother vermin. Routine survey, prevention and control programs shall be undertaken to ensurethat buildings, structures and service vehicles remain free of insects, rodents and vermin.

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15.3.3 The premises on which the above school buildings, structures and service vehicles stand, aswell as vacant lots and open areas located on Saudi Aramco schools, shall be maintained ina manner that prevents the propagation or harborage of insects, rodents or other vermin.Routine survey, prevention and control programs shall be undertaken to ensure thatpremises, vacant lots and open areas remain free of insects, rodents and vermin.

15.3.4 All schools shall be well drained. Drainage shall not be allowed to pond or otherwiseaccumulate in an uncontrolled manner that supports the propagation or harborage of insects,rodents or vermin.

15.3.5 No agency, employee, student or person shall place, leave, dump or permit to accumulateany garbage or refuse in any building, structure or vehicle, or on any premises, vacant lot oropen area in a manner that provides food or harborage for insects, rodents or other vermin.

15.3.6 No agency, employee, student or person shall accumulate, or permit to accumulate, lumber,pipes or other construction material on a premises or yard unless such material is stored atleast 30 centimeters (12 inches) above the ground or racks.

15.3.7 To prevent impoundment of water, creation of mud holes and other nuisance conditions, allspillage, overflow or drainage from a drinking fountain, faucet or other equipment or deviceshall be discharged to the sewerage system through an approved drain.

15.3.8 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they havedeveloped. For example, insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled by elimination ofbreeding and harborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of structures,proper storage of materials and by other approved control methods. Desperate campaigns torid buildings, structures and premises of established infestations are unacceptable.

15.3.9 Fly electrocution devices, if used, shall be designed to have "escape-resistant" trays. Theyshall be installed in a manner that prevents dead insects from falling on food and food contactsurfaces. Trays shall be emptied into an outside refuse container at least once each day.

15.3.10 Bait stations shall be tamper-proof or covered or, if open, maintained in a manner that keepsrodenticides within the bait station. If used inside a kitchen, snack bar or staff lounge, baitstations shall be located in non-food handling areas and only anticoagulant rodenticides shallbe used.

15.3.11 Exclusion is the preferred method of rodent control inside a kitchen, snack bar or stafflounge. If this fails and rodents must be exterminated, trapping is recommended. Trackingpowders shall not be used inside kitchens, snack bars or staff lounges.

15.3.12 No cooking shall be undertaken in any room of a school unless such room was specificallydesigned for this purpose and the use of such room for cooking is approved by Saudi AramcoEPD. Insects, rodents and other vermin are attracted by cooking odors and the availability offood and water. Unregulated "kitchens" provide ideal conditions for entry, propagation andharborage of insects, rodents and other vermin without the benefit of the specialized controlprograms required of regulated kitchens.

15.3.13 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. Allopenings shall be covered. The cover shall be provided with a gasket and a mechanism forsecuring it in place. Vents and overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall bescreened to prevent entry by birds and other animals.

15.3.14 Animals shall not be slaughtered in a place other than a Saudi Arab Government approvedslaughterhouse. Blood, offal and other animal waste attract insects, rodents and other verminand provide them with food and ideal conditions for propagation.

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15.4 Pesticides:

15.4.1 Only pesticides registered by the Saudi Arab Government and specifically designed andapproved for use in the type of facility being treated shall be present in the facility. Pesticidesused in areas where food is prepared, served or stored shall be of low toxicity for humans.

15.4.2 Pesticide containers shall be specifically and plainly labeled. The label shall: a) define allconstituents of the pesticide; b) explain the hazardous nature of the pesticide andprecautions that must be exercised when storing, handling and using the pesticide; c) thepests the product is designed to control and under what circumstances; d) instructions forapplication and safe use; and e) proper disposal methods for waste pesticides and emptycontainers. Pesticides shall be stored in their original, labeled container.

15.4.3 Pesticides shall be stored in locked cabinets or rooms that are used for no other purpose.They shall not be stored in areas accessible to children. Pesticides shall not be stored in amanner that causes contamination or adulteration of food, food contact surfaces, utensils orequipment (extreme care shall he taken to avoid such adulteration/contamination).

15.4.4 Pesticides shall not be used in a manner that: a) contaminates or leaves a toxic residue onay equipment or food contact surfaces; b) is hazardous to students, employees or otherpersons; or c) is not in full compliance with the manufacturer's instructions printed on thelabel.

15.4.5 Pesticides shall be dispensed and handled by authorized, properly trained personnel. Aqualified pest control operator shall apply restricted-use pesticides.


16.1 In all places where students and employees are permitted to lunch on the premises, anadequate space suitable for that purpose shall be provided. The space provided for the lunchroom shallconform to the requirements outlined in Table 5 and shall be based on the maximum number of personsusing the room at any one time.

TABLE 5Minimum Space Required For Lunch Rooms

Number of persons Minimum space per person25 and less 0.8 m2

26 to 74 0.7 m2

75 to 149 0.6 m2

150 to 499 0.5 m2

500 and more 0.4 m2

16.2 If a kitchen is permitted, the design, construction and materials of structure and equipment, aswell as the general operating methods and procedures used to store, handle and protect food,equipment and utensils, shall comply with requirements equivalent to those specified in Section SASC-S-04 of this Code.

16.3 An adequate number of waste receptacles shall be provided and shall be used by studentsand employees for the disposal of all waste food and materials (refer to sub-section 14.2 of this CodeSection).

16.4 Students and employees shall not be permitted to store, prepare or eat food in anylocation where here are present any toxic materials or hazardous substances that may be injurious totheir health.

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1. Freedman, Ben, Sanitarians Handbook2. Salvato, Joseph, Environmental Engineering and Sanitation

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Any insect, rodent or other vermin that promote the transmission of human or zoonotic disease that parasitize or feedupon man, or that is venomous, allergenic or otherwise harmful or hazardous to man, are of significant public healthconcern. Preventing the entry, propagation and harborage of such insects, rodents and vermin is required to protectthe public health. NOTE: All sub-sections should be read in conjunction with referenced documents listed at theend of this Section.


Camp, Aramco: Any of the residential compounds established by Saudi Aramco to house individuals or families.

Carrier: A person or animal that harbors a specific infectious agent in the absence of discernable clinical diseaseand serves as a potential source of infection.

Cesspool: A lined or partially lined covered underground pit into which household wastewater is discharged. Solidsare collected in the pit and liquids seep through the bottom and sides into the surrounding soil.

Communicable Disease: An illness due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products which arises throughtransmission of that agent or its products from an infected person, animal or reservoir to susceptible host through anintermediate plant or animal host.

Communicable Period: The time or times during which an infectious agent may be transferred directly or indirectlyfrom an infected person to another person.

Etiology Study: Of the causes of disease.

Faeces (feces): Solid waste or excrement from the gastrointestinal tract consisting of residue from food digestion andbacterial action.

Garbage: Animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and serving of foods

Herbicide: Any compound, usually a synthetic organic chemical, used to control plant growth.

Host: A person or other living animal that affords subsistence or lodgment to an infectious agent under the naturalconditions.

Infectious Disease: A clinically manifest disease of man or animal resulting from an infection.

Infestation: For persons or animals the lodgment, development and reproduction of arthropods on the surface of thebody or in the clothing. Infested articles or premises are those which harbor or give shelter to animal forms, especiallyarthropods and rodents.

Insecticide: Any chemical substance used for the destruction of insects, whether applied as powder, liquid oraerosol.

Manure: The fecal and urinary defecations of livestock and poultry.

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Open dump: The consolidation of waste from one or more sources at a central disposal site which has little or nomanagement. Some of the problems associated with open dumps are: vector breeding, fires, unsightliness, diseaseand accident potential.

Parasite: Organisms that obtain their food from the living substance of other organisms.

Pathogen: Any infective agent capable of producing disease; may be a virus, bacterium, etc. A specific cause of adisease.

Pesticide: Any chemical or substance used to control animal or plant pest problems.

Rodenticide: A chemical substance used for the destruction of rodents, generally through digestion.

Transmission of Infectious Agents: Any mechanism by which an infectious agent is spread from a source orreservoir to a person.

Unsanitary: One or more factors in a man’s physical environment that exercise a negative effect of his health,development or well being.

Vector (of disease): A living insect or animal (non-human), which transmits infectious diseases from one animal orhuman to another.

Zoonosis: A disease of animals transmissible to man. Some examples are: anthrax, bubonic plague, typhus andsome forms of salmonella.


1.1 The presence of bedbugs, lice, mosquitoes, fly larvae, rodents or other vermin, or the traces,droppings, trails, runs or other evidence of the presence of such vermin, indicates or is an indicator offilth and unsanitary conditions. If observed, the problem shall be reported to the Saudi Aramcoproponent and/or the Saudi Aramco Community Services Pest Control Unit. If the problem is notresolved immediately, then it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department,(EPD) which will, in turn, notify the Saudi Aramco proponent organization and they shall takeimmediate action to abate the nuisance (see Section SASC-S-18).

1.2 Control of insects, rodents and other vermin shall be through the implementation of Integrated PestManagement (IPM) methods, which seek long-term pest prevention by instituting pro-active measuresthat aim to prevent a pest population from reaching an unacceptable level.

1.3 IPM programs shall employ thorough inspections, routine monitoring and correct pest identificationto determine if and when control measures are called for. When applicable, preferred control methodsinclude one or more of the following and shall be utilized before undertaking chemical control: improvedsanitation, pest proofing and mechanical, cultural and biological controls. When chemicals arerequired, they shall be the least toxic available to resolve the problem, be target specific and be appliedin a manner that will have minimal impact to Saudi Aramco personnel and the environment.

1.4 All buildings, structures and service vehicles located on Saudi Aramco plants, industrialareas, communities, facilities and concessionary lands, or those otherwise controlled bySaudi Aramco, shall be designed, constructed, maintained and operated to prevent the entry,propagation and harborage of insects, rodents and other vermin. IPM programs shall be undertaken toinsure that buildings, structures and service vehicles remain free of insects, rodents and vermin.

1.5 The premises on which the above buildings, structures and service vehicles stand, as well asvacant lots and open areas located on Saudi Aramco plants, industrial areas, communities, facilitiesand concessionary lands, shall be maintained in a manner that prevents the propagation or harborage

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of insects, rodents or other vermin. IPM programs shall be undertaken to ensure that buildings,structures and service vehicles remain free of insects, rodents and vermin.

1.6 All Saudi Aramco plants, industrial areas, communities, facilities and concessionary lands, orthose otherwise controlled by Saudi Aramco, shall be well drained. Drainage shall not beallowed to pond or otherwise accumulate in an uncontrolled manner that supports the propagation orharborage of insects, rodents or vermin.

1.7 No agency, employee or person shall place, leave, dump or permit to accumulate anygarbage or refuse in any building, structure or vehicle, or on any premises, vacant lot or open area ina manner that provides food or harborage for insects, rodents or other vermin.

1.8 No agency, employee or person shall accumulate, or permit accumulation of, lumber, pipes orother construction material on a premises or yard unless such material is stored at least 30centimeters (12 inches) above the ground or racks.

1.9 To prevent impoundment of water, creation of mud holes and other nuisance conditions, allspillage, overflow or drainage from a drinking fountain, faucet or other equipment or device shall bedischarged to the sewerage system through an approved drain.

1.10 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they havedeveloped. For example, insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breedingand harborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of structures, proper storage ofmaterials and by other approved control methods. Desperate campaigns to rid buildings, structures andpremises of established infestations are undesirable and must be avoided.

1.11 Fly electrocution devices, if used, shall be designed to have "escape- resistant" trays. They shall beinstalled in a manner that prevents dead insects from falling on food and food contact surfaces. Traysshall be emptied into an outside refuse container at least once each day.

1.12 Bait stations shall be tamper-proof or covered or, if open, maintained in a manner that keepsrodenticide within the bait station. If used inside a kitchen, bait stations shall be located in non-foodhandling areas and only anticoagulant rodenticides shall be used.

1.13 Exclusion is the preferred method of rodent control inside a kitchen. If this fails and rodents mustbe exterminated, trapping is recommended. Tracking powders shall not be used inside a kitchen.

1.14 No cooking shall be undertaken in any room of a habitable structure unless such room was specificallydesigned for this purpose and the use of such room for cooking is approved by Saudi Aramco EPD.Cooking odors and the availability of food and water attracts insects, rodents and other vermin.Unregulated "kitchens" provide ideal conditions for entry, propagation and harborage of insects, rodentsand other vermin without the benefit of the specialized control programs required of regulated kitchens.

1.15 Water storage tanks shall be enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet. All openings shallbe covered. The cover shall be provided with a gasket and a mechanism for securing it in place. Ventsand overflows shall terminate in a downward direction and shall be screened to prevent entry by birdsand other animals.

1.16 Animals shall not be slaughtered in a place other than a Saudi Arab Government approvedslaughterhouse. Blood, offal and other animal waste attract insects, rodents and other vermin andprovide them with food and ideal conditions for propagation.

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The Saudi Aramco proponent is responsible for implementing and enforcing the requirements of this Code Section.


3.1 Whenever a Saudi Aramco food establishment or school is to be constructed, an existing SaudiAramco structure is converted to use as a food establishment or school, or whenever any SaudiAramco food establishment or school is remodeled or altered, properly prepared plans andspecifications for such construction, conversion, remodeling or alteration shall be submitted to SaudiAramco EPD during the design review process.

3.2 Whenever physical facilities or fixed equipment of an approved non-Saudi Aramco foodestablishment are to be remodeled, altered or changed, a "new application," including plans andspecifications, shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco EPD according to requirements outlined in SectionSASC-S-04 of this Code.


4.1 There shall be no openings in basements, foundations, exterior walls or roofs through whichinsects; rodents or other vermin may traverse. Openings around conduits, ducts, pipes and other utilityservices that pass through the walls of basements, foundations and ground and first floor exteriorsurfaces, as well as roofs, shall be closed solidly by metal, concrete or other impervious materialthrough which rodents cannot gnaw. If metal sheeting is used to seal an opening around a conduit,duct, pipe or other utility service, the metal sheeting shall extend at least 7.6 centimeters beyond allsides of the opening.

4.2 Doors, windows and screening:

4.2.1 All exterior entrances to corridors, habitable rooms, kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms,toilet rooms, utility rooms and hand-washing facilities shall be provided with solid doors orglazed windows. Doors and windows shall be kept tightly closed when not in use (excludespassageways between rooms within an enclosed building). If outside openings areappropriately protected from the entry by insects and rodents according to the requirementsoutlined in sub-sections 4.2.2 through 4.2.4 of this Code Section, solid doors and glazedwindows may be considered to be "in use" if they are left open to ventilate the structure.

4.2.2 All exterior entrances to kitchens, lunch rooms, shower rooms, toilet rooms, utility roomsand hand-washing facilities shall be fitted with self-closing screen doors (a screen door is notrequired if the solid door is self-closing and opens outward, the area is fully air conditionedalleviating the need for propping the solid door open and the operational nature of the facilityis such that employees are required to keep doors closed, e.g. facilities within industrialplants). Screen doors shall open outwards. The bottoms of screen doors shall be coveredwith metal sheeting in accordance with sub-section 4.2.3 of this Code Section. Othereffective fly control devices, e.g. air curtains, that start automatically when a door is opened,may be used in lieu of screen doors.

4.2.3 All outer doors and screen doors shall be tight-fitting and self-closing. All doors and screendoors, including sliding or folding types, shall be constructed in such a manner that thespace between the lower edge of the door and the threshold does not exceed 6.4 millimeters(0.25 inches). The space between sections of folding and sliding doors, when closed, shallnot exceed 6.4 millimeters (0.25 inches). All exposed edges of the lower 20.3 centimeters (8inches) of doors and jambs which are made of materials through which rodents could gnaw,especially outer doors and doors known to be accessible to rodents, shall be protected by

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covering such edges of doors and jambs with metal sheeting which cannot be gnawedthrough.

4.2.4 All openable windows that are not solidly closed and are accessible to insects and rodentsshall be appropriately screened by grills, hardware cloth or other material capable ofprecluding the entry by insects and rodents. The effective mesh size of screening materialshall not be less than 6 mesh per centimeter (16 mesh per inch).

4.3 Walls and ceilings:

4.3.1 Covering materials, such as Formica, sheet metal, linoleum and vinyl, shall be attached andsealed to wall and ceiling surfaces in a manner which leaves no open spaces or cracks.

4.3.2 If acoustical paneling is used, perforations shall not penetrate the entire depth of the panel,shall not be greater than 3 millimeters (0.13 inches) in any dimension, and shall not comprisemore than 25 percent of the exposed panel surface.

4.4 All ventilation and other openings which cannot be solidly sealed non-window and that remainaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin shall be appropriately screened by grilles, hardwarecloth or other material capable of precluding the entry by insects, rodents and other vermin. Note thatthe swing-type louvered flaps which automatically close when an exhaust or ventilation fan is switchedoff are deemed to be acceptable screening if they are kept clean and in good repair.

4.5 All sewer pipes or drains through which rodents may pass shall be closed with a properlysecured, perforated metal or iron cover. Perforations shall not admit a cylinder 13 millimeters (0.5inches) in diameter.

4.6 Defective sewer pipes, traps, drains and vents shall be repaired or replaced promptly andprofessionally. Crude repairs with wood, tape or metal strips will leak and are unsatisfactory.


5.1 Sewage shall be collected, treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements equivalent tothose outlined in Section SASC-S-02 of this Code. In no case shall sewage or liquid waste of any typebe discharged on the surface of the ground, open ditch or other uncontrolled area where it might pond,encourage weed growth or support the propagation or harborage of insects, rodents or other vermin.

5.2 When Saudi Aramco EPD permits the use of chemical closets in support of a transitory place ofemployment, the chemical closets shall be operated and maintained in a manner which does notattract or support the propagation of insects, rodents or other vermin.


6.1 Garbage and refuse storage facilities:

6.1.1 Prior to removal from the premises, garbage and other refuse shall be stored in a mannerwhich makes it inaccessible to insects, rodents and other vermin. Outside storage ofgarbage or refuse in open piles or in any container other than an approved garbage or refusecontainer is prohibited, e.g. storage in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Inside storage ofwaste in open piles on the floor of the garbage/refuse storage room is prohibited. Heavy dutyplastic bags may be stacked on the floor of a properly designed and constructed refusestorage room if the waste contained therein is satisfactorily sealed in the bag, i.e. the bagdoes not represent an "open pile."

6.1.2 The garbage/refuse storage room, if provided, shall be large enough to store allgarbage/refuse containers, which accumulate between disposal periods. The structure shall

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be insect and rodent-proof, including the provision of a solid door designed to preclude theentry by rodents. Additionally, a screen door, which opens outward, an air curtain device orother effective means of excluding flies, shall be provided.

6.1.3 Facilities shall be provided for cleaning garbage/refuse containers, lugger boxes andcompactor systems after they are emptied (this facility need not be provided on the premisesif the waste hauler provides this service at another location).

6.2 Garbage and refuse containers:

6.2.1 Approved garbage and refuse containers shall include standard 115 liters (30 gallons) steelgarbage cans, modified 210 liters (55 gallons) steel drums, purpose-built lugger boxes andcompactor systems. They shall be made of a durable, nonabsorbent, easily cleanablematerial through which rodents cannot gnaw. Containers shall not leak. Drain plugs, whererequired, shall be in place at all times except during cleaning.

6.2.2 Refuse equipment and containers shall be provided with tight- fitting lids, doors or covers. The lids, doors or covers of outside refuse equipment and containers shall be keptin the closed position when not in immediate use. Refuse containers, which are being actively used in the facility, need not becovered. Refuse containers shall be covered when not being actively used. Filledrefuse containers shall be covered and removed from the facility to the refusestorage facility.

6.2.3 The 210 liters (55 gallons), 115 liters (30 gallons) and smaller containers shall be lined withheavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate removal of refuse.

6.2.4 Refuse containers shall be provided where refuse is generated. There shall be a sufficientnumber of approved containers to hold all garbage/refuse produced and to accommodate thetotal amount accumulated in the refuse holding facility between disposal periods.

6.2.5 Periodically, each container shall be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergent on theinside and outside in a manner that does not contaminate water, food or the environment.

6.2.6 Refuse equipment and containers shall not, by their location or installation, create a nuisanceor prevent cleaning of adjacent space.

6.3 Garbage and refuse disposal:

6.3.1 Refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odors and theattraction of insects, rodents and other vermin, but not less than twice per week.

6.3.2 Waste shall be removed to the disposal facility in a purpose-built refuse transport vehicle.

6.3.3 All refuse shall be disposed of in a municipal sanitary landfill. Open dumps and burn-pits areprohibited.

6.4 Garbage and refuse disposal in remote locations:

6.4.1 Drilling rigs oftentimes operate in remote locations where municipal sanitary landfills areunavailable. Open dumping in these areas supports the breeding or flies and rodents and theydirectly threaten the health of rig employees. In these unique cases, the only suitablealternative method of garbage and refuse disposal is controlled incineration.

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6.4.2 If garbage and refuse must be burned at a remote location, it shall not be burned in a pit, butshall be burned in an incinerator. The incinerator can be as simple as an oil drum with bothends removed and several lengths of "rebar" forming a grate pattern approximately one footfrom the bottom of the drum. The drum, grate side down, is raised approximately 25centimeters off the ground by placing it on concrete blocks, rocks, or other nonflammablesupports in a manner that steadies the drum, but does not close the bottom of the drum. A small amount of refuse is placed in the incinerator on the rebar grate and isignited. The heat from the fire will rise and draw air in from the open bottom of thedrum. The temperature of the fire will increase as the rising heat draws more air infrom the bottom of the drum and the cycle will repeat itself as more fuel is added.The disposal cycle simply involves controlled addition of garbage and refuses to thetop of the incinerator until all waste is consumed. The ashes that fall through the grate, along with cans and bottles shall be shoveledinto a collection drum. When the collection drum is full, it shall be transported to aSaudi Aramco sanitary landfill for disposal or the contents shall be buried beneathtwo feet of compact soil. If burned waste is buried, the burial site shall be dry, notsubject to flooding and shall not permit contamination of private or public watersupplies. The area around the incinerator shall be kept clean and orderly. The incinerator Iis a tool, not a toy, and its safe use shall be emphasized.


7.1 Only pesticides registered by the Saudi Arab Government and specifically designed andapproved for use in the type of facility being treated shall be present in the facility. Pesticides used infood establishments should be of low toxicity for humans.

7.2 Pesticide containers shall be specifically and plainly labeled. The label shall: a) define allconstituents of the pesticide; b) explain the hazardous nature of the pesticide and precautions thatmust be exercised when storing, handling and using the pesticide; c) the pests the product is designedto control and under what circumstances; d) instructions for application and safe use; and e) properdisposal methods for waste pesticides and empty containers. Pesticides shall be stored in theiroriginal, labeled container.

7.3 Pesticides shall be stored in locked cabinets or rooms that are used for no other purpose.They shall not be stored in areas where packaging, ingredients, food, equipment or utensils are stored;where food is prepared, processed, cooked, packaged, chilled, frozen or served; or where ware washingtakes place. Pesticides shall not be stored in a manner, which causes contamination or adulteration offood, food contact surfaces, utensils or equipment (extreme care shall he taken to avoid suchadulteration/contamination).

7.4 Pesticides shall not be used in a manner which: a) contaminates or leaves a toxic residue onpackaging, ingredients, food, equipment, utensils or other food contact surfaces; b) is hazardous topersonnel; or c) is not in full compliance with the manufacturer's instructions printed on the label.Chemical treatments shall only be made when an inspection and/or monitoring have indicated thatthere is a pest problem and not according to a pre-determined schedule.

7.5 Pesticides hall be dispensed and handled by authorized, properly trained personnel. Aqualified pest control operator shall apply restricted-use pesticides.

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REFERENCES:1. Freedman, Ben, Sanitarians Handbook2. Salvato, Joseph, Environmental Engineering and Sanitation

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Public Health Nuisances, SASC-S-18




This Section regulates public health nuisances. NOTE: All Code Sub-Sections should be read in conjunction withreferenced documents listed at the end of this Code Section.

DEFINITIONSAir, Ambient: The surrounding environmental air.

Camp, Aramco: Any of the residential compounds established to house individuals and/or families.

Cesspool: A lined, or partially lined, covered underground pit into which household wastewater is discharged. Solidsare collected in the pit and liquids seep thorough the bottom into the surrounding soil. Sometimes called leachingcesspool.

Contamination, Water: The direct or indirect introduction into water of microorganisms, chemicals, wastes orwastewater in a concentration that makes the water unfit for the intended use.

Decompose: To break into constituent elements through chemical changes induced by enzymic action, microbialactivity, etc.

Decontamination: The removal of pathogenic organisms from objects so that they are safe to handle.

Dirt: A filthy or soiling substance (as mud, dust or grime); excrement.

Easily cleanable: Readily accessible, made of such material and finish, and fabricated such that all surfaces can bewashed and sanitized, and that all residues may be effectively removed by normal cleaning methods.

Environmental Impact: Anything impacting the environment. Significant adverse environmental impacts are ofprimary concern.

Faces (Feces): Solid waste or excrement from the gastrointestinal tract consisting of residue from food digestion andbacterial action.

Garbage: Animal and vegetable waste.

Hazardous Solid Waste: Solid waste that may, by itself or in combination with other solid waste be infectious,explosive poisonous, highly flammable caustic, toxic or otherwise dangerous, or injurious to human plant or animallife.

Health Hazard: Any condition, device practice or operation which creates, or may create a danger to the health andwell being of human beings.

Incinerator: Any device used for the burning of refuse where the factors of combustion (i.e. temperature, retentiontime, turbulence and combustion air) can be controlled.

Industrial Waste: The liquid and solid wastes from industrial processes.

Infestation: The lodgment, development and reproduction of arthropods on the surfaces of clothing or the bodies ofhumans or animals. Infested articles or premises are those that harbor or give shelter to animal forms, especiallyarthropods and rodents.

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Nuisance: Harmful, injurious, annoying, unpleasant, obnoxious or other condition potentially dangerous to human lifeor detrimental to health as determined by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD).

Open Burning: Uncontrolled burning of wastes in the open or in an open dump.

Pollutants, Air: Any solid, liquid or gaseous that tends to pollute the atmosphere.

Raw Wastewater: Wastewater before it receives any treatment.

Unsanitary: One or more of those factors in man’s physical environment, which exercise or may exercise adeleterious effect of his physical development, health and/or survival are not being properly controlled.


1.1 All areas shall be kept free of nuisances, safety hazards and other harmful, injurious, annoying,unpleasant, obnoxious or other condition potentially dangerous to human life or detrimental to health.

1.2 The proponent and/or operator of a plant, industrial area, community, facility, structure or service ofany kind conducted on Saudi Aramco concessionaire properties shall be responsible for preventing theoccurrence of nuisances and for abating nuisance conditions when they occur.

1.3 Whenever a nuisance or safety hazard is observed, it shall be reported to the Saudi Aramcoproponent and/or other responsible Saudi Aramco agency. If the problem is not resolved immediately,then it shall be reported to Saudi Aramco Environmental Protection Department (EPD). EPD will, in turn,notify the Saudi Aramco proponent organization and they shall take immediate action to abate thenuisance.

1.4 Every effort shall be made to prevent problems rather than solve them after they havedeveloped. For example, insects, rodents and vermin shall be controlled by elimination of breeding andharborage sources, proper sanitary practices, vermin proofing of structures, proper storage of materialsand by other approved control methods. .


The following conditions and/or practices are declared to be hazardous to public health and are,therefore, public health nuisances.

2.1 All polluted, decayed, unwholesome or misbranded food offered for sale or gift by Saudi Aramcooperated or approved facilities.

2.2 Whatever renders food or air, water or other environmental factor unwholesome or detrimentalto the health of human beings as determined by Saudi Aramco EPD.

2.3 Unpasteurized milk or milk products.

2.4 The use of the common, public drinking cup or roller towel.

2.5 Any attractive condition, such as a junk refrigerator/freezer, abandoned vehicle or equipment, vacantbuilding, open cesspool, deep excavation or other hazard, which may prove detrimental to unwary adultsand/or children, whether in a building, on the premises of a building or upon an unoccupied lot.

2.6 Any individual infected with a communicable disease without medical supervision by the SaudiAramco Medical Services Organization while he/she is on Saudi Aramco concessionaire properties.

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2.7 A habitable room judged to be overcrowded in accordance with requirements equivalent to thoseoutlined in pertinent Sections of this Code.

2.8 Any room judged to be improperly ventilated or illuminated in accordance with requirementsequivalent to those outlined in pertinent Sections of this Code.

2.9 Operating any facility regulated by this Code without sufficient potable water to support thedomestic needs of the operation.

2.10 Any substandard, improperly operated or unsanitary potable water production, treatment,disinfection or distribution system.

2.11 Acquisition of water from a non-approved source.

2.12 Transportation of potable water in a tanker, container or other vessel not specifically approved fortransportation of potable water.

2.13 Transportation of nonpotable water, sewage, petroleum products or any other substance other thanpotable water in a water tanker, container or other vessel specifically approved for transportation ofpotable water.

2.14 Any substandard, improperly operated or unsanitary sewerage system or sewage treatment,processing, reclamation or disposal facility.

2.15 Disposal of solid waste, hazardous waste, sewage effluent or other waste in an area not specificallyapproved, designed and operated for this purpose.

2.16 Any substandard, improperly operated or unsanitary solid or liquid waste storage, collection,transfer or transportation system.

2.17 Any substandard, improperly operated or unsanitary solid waste handling, treatment, processing,reclamation or disposal facility.

2.18 Accumulation of garbage or refuse in any building, or on any premises or open lot, in a manner thatwill afford food or harborage for insects, rodents or other vermin.

2.19 Storage of lumber, pipes, boxes, barrels, bricks, stones or other construction material on anypremise or open lot that is not properly placed on racks raised at least 30 centimeters (1 foot) above theground.

2.20 Failure to contain gases and leachate from solid waste disposal sites and effluent discharged fromsewage treatment facilities in a manner that prevents pollution of air, water and other environmentalfactors.

2.21 Failure to contain leachate from solid waste disposal sites and effluent discharged from sewagetreatment facilities in a manner that prevents the propagation and harborage of insect, rodent and othervermin.

2.22 Burning garbage or refuse on the premises in a manner other than by controlled incineration;inadequate on-site incineration of solid waste and garbage.

2.23 Any non-water carried sewage disposal system other than approved chemical closets.

2.24 Defecation or urination in other than an approved toilet while on Saudi Aramco concessionaireproperties.

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Page 436: Code Sanitary

Public Health Nuisances, SASC-S-18


2.25 A cross connection between the potable water supply and the sewerage system, a nonpotablewater system or any other potential source of contamination or pollution.

2.26 All ponds or pools of stagnant water.

2.27 The presence of lice, bedbugs, fly larvae, rodents or any other vermin, or the traces, droppings,trails, runs or other evidence of the presence of such vermin.

2.28 Any animal not specifically approved by and not under the direct surveillance of the Kennel Club.

2.29 Any improperly confined animal.

2.30 Any animal running at large.

2.31 Any dog or cat, without up-to-date immunizations.

2.32 Any animal infected with a disease that can be transmitted to human beings.

2.33 Failure to collect and properly dispose of animal droppings.

2.34 The presence of live animals of any description in a food facility.

2.35 Carcasses of animals found on Saudi Aramco concessionaire properties that are not properly buried orremoved to an approved disposal site within 24 hours.

2.36 Unclean conditions as determined by Saudi Aramco EPD.

2.37 Noise levels in excess of what is generally considered to be safe.

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