codes and conventions magazine front cover

Codes and conventions: Magazine front cover

Upload: faith-allman

Post on 18-Jan-2017



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Page 1: Codes and conventions   magazine front cover

Codes and conventions: Magazine front cover

Page 2: Codes and conventions   magazine front cover

Main image – the main image is centred and uses a direct mode of address to engage the readers.

Masthead – the masthead is at the top of the page and has a unique font. It is the biggest font on the page, attracting attention to the name of the magazine. The image covers part of the masthead which shows that the magazine is already popular and people already know its name so not all of the text is needs to be shown.

Limited colour scheme – the colours used for the background are simple so that the cover lines stand out.

Page 3: Codes and conventions   magazine front cover

Splash – the use of a splash engages the target audience. It stands out on the front cover as it is a circle so although it goes along with the colour scheme the circular shape contrasts with the bold letters.

Position statement – this isn’t used on all magazines but is used on some to promote the magazine. Most position statements are just above or below the masthead.

Cover lines – all main images are centred with cover lines. Cover lines are designed to entice the readers. Each cover lines main part is in bold and sometimes capital letters to catch the readers eye with a small snippet of the story underneath to give a teaser of the article.

Page 4: Codes and conventions   magazine front cover

Main cover line – it has its own unique font compared with the other fonts used on the cover. By positioning it at the bottom of the page it stands out and attracts the reader instantly. By being the only other text on the page that uses the same colour as the title it stands out as the most important cover line. It also cover the main image which suggests the fact it is a ‘Fashion Issue’ is more important the image.

Banner – some front covers also have a banner which might entice readers as it generally promotes something about the magazine – e.g having two covers for a weeks issue or having a free gift inside.

Date, issue no., price, barcode – the barcode is usually placed in the bottom corner of the cover so the attention is not distracted from the image or masthead. The date and price is also usually near the barcode.