coffee book

Dear Sharo n Letters of plea, confession, happy thought, meditation and promises… plus beautiful

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Post on 30-Oct-2014



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Page 1: Coffee book

Dear Sharon

Letters of plea, confession, happy

thought, meditation and promises… plus beautiful photographs

Page 2: Coffee book

Dear Sharon,

It doesn’t always take an occasion to give surprises;As it doesn’t require you an occasion to give me a good massage.

Sometimes, it just take love;And I have a lot of love for you.

I want to surprise you with this coffee book.And I’m giving it on this regular day;

With no occasion at all.Just over a cup of coffee;

Because this is a product of love.

I always wanted to give you a special coffee bookTo let you know that my coffee just tasted so good

Now that I’m drinking it every morning and every night with you…You are my only coffee mate.

And what could be more specialThan a coffee book with our wedding pictures and all my love inside it.

I wrote seven letters inside it. Please read one letter a dayTo excite you for a week.

But my hope and prayer is for you to remember them for a lifetime.

Hope you enjoy and love it.Because I enjoy and love you.

Your loving husband

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Two Letters of Plea

Dear Sharon,

I have two requests;And they are simple.

First is this-

Please do not forget the sunrise of August 28, 2009;The sunrise we both said “I do”…

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Not all sunrises are the same;

Some are made special.

This particular one is very special.

A memory of it puts me in good spirit.

I won’t forget it.I will forever

treasure it.

Your loving husband

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Dear Sharon,

My second request is for you to forever treasure every single moment of our wedding day.

I wish there’s a way we can keep every talk, every walk, every scene of that special day.

I enjoyed the atmosphere of solemnity…

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And Divinity….

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….Combined with cheerfulness.

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Treasure this moment when a simple and plain gold ring becomes more valuable than any glittering diamonds and dazzling precious gems.

Because this simple and plain gold ring represents so much more than any diamond ever could- my love and commitment for you.

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This kiss will forever be treasured.

Our first kiss as husband and wife is incomparable.I enjoyed it so much

I have to admit, it turned me on.

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…remember that our marriage goes beyond legal contract.

It is divine.

Your loving husband

“So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

- Matthew 19:6

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Dear Sharon,

I confess…

I fell in love with you again on our wedding day.

I was very much attracted to you.

I found you so beautiful even on

stolen shots.


A Letter of Confession

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A Letter of Happy Thought

Dear Sharon,

Every time I see our ring bearer and flower girls,

My heart smiles.

Why?Because our love is older than them.

It was already 8 years old

when Daniel was born.

I already have you that long…


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Dear Sharon,

Twelve years, at last, we are one.

Twelve years maybe too long for many relationships.

Some love have died; Some have been forgotten;Some have turned bitter.

Very few have lasted.Very few have waited.

Ours is one of those few.

Why?The bible has the answer-

True love waits.1 Corinthians 13:4


A Letter of Meditation

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Dear Sharon,

You were my girlfriend for 12 long years.

Although what we had was an imperfect relationship,I wouldn’t give it up for a perfect one.Because what makes me happy is not a flawless relationship,But you.Yes, I was happy for that entire 12 years.

Now that the Lord has finally made us one,I vow that I will love you… Now and forever;And love you more as we get older.

I vow that I will protect you and never harm you;Nor will I let anyone hurt you.

I vow that I will treat you with respect and be a gentleman,As if I am still courting you.

I vow that I will work hard to give you the life that you deserve-A life of plenty and not of scarcity;And that we may retire young and have plenty of time to enjoy each other.

I vow that I shall serve the Lord with you and build our family in His ways.

I vow to make this marriage perfect;But if imperfection still makes its way,I vow to never leave you for another 12 years and more;For we are inseparable.

I vow to be your husband, your friend…For richer or for poorer,In sickness and in health…‘Till death do us part


A Letter of Promise

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Dear Sharon,

You were my past…

You are my present…

You will be my future.

Your loving husband now and forever,


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