cogniance mobile services

Cogniance Mobile Services

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Cogniance Mobile Services

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• iPhone

• Android

• J2ME (MIDP2; Polish)

• Symbian

• BlackBerry

• Windows Mobile

• WAP (WML 1.x/2.x)

• FlashLite 2, 3

Mobile Platforms and Technologies

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Mobile Art & UI Design

• User Interface Design & Usability

• Controls and layouts

• Guidelines and Documentation

• BREW and FlashLite application design

• Design for IPhone and Android

• Icons Graphics

• Skins for mobile phones

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WAP Support & Integration services

Tier 1: Preparation for Go-Live

• Identification of an optimal hosting option

• Data center architecture

• Staging and production installation and verification

Tier 2: NOC infrastructure Build-Out

• Backups, monitoring system, alerts & notifications

Tier 3: Post Go-Live Release Management and Ongoing 24/7 NOC Support

• Incremental features and fixes

• Performance monitoring

• Incident resolution

• Advanced reporting

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Mobile Application Testing & QA

• Handset Application Functionality Testing

• Compatibility and Certification Testing

• Automated Testing

• Mobile Carriers and Network Testing

• Performance and Scalability Testing

• Usability & Compatibility Testing

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GIS & LBS development: CloudMade

GIS development:

• Geosearch & Routing

• Map Customization

• POIs management

• Online Mapping Tools

LBS development:

• Location Tracking

• Location Management

Platforms: • iPhone • Android • J2ME


• UI design • Art design • Iconography

VC-funded UK-based pioneer in the collaborative digital mapping space

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Mobile Virtual Network Operator: Sonopia

Social Software Functions:

• Users networks• Blogs• Comments & Rating• Search • Messages and

invitations• Calls & SMS

Mobile Platforms:• BREW• J2ME• Symbian• Flash Lite

Design:• UI design • Art design • Iconography • Color schemes

Web and Mobile Social Networking platform

24/7 NOC support

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Design • Color Schemes: Sonopia

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WAP portal: Mobile Plus Media


• Designed and built underlying technology platform from the ground up (WAP+RoR)

• The solution is architected to allow serving heavy content loads to 10,000 or more concurrent users.

• UI design • Art design • Iconography

Deployment & Integration:

• Integration with mobile carrier’s production facilities

• Delivery of Data Center

• On-going 24/7 support of the solution post-go-live

Content portal for a leading UA mobile operator Life:)

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Mobile Ads Platform: Ad Infuse

Testing & QA of Mobile Ads functionality on platforms:

• iPhone

• Android

• J2ME

• Blackberry

• Symbian

• Windows Mobile

Personalized Mobile Advertisement Platform

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iPhone Design & DevelopmentiPIA: Car Insurance Application

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iPhone Design & DevelopmentCloudMade: Mobile GIS application

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Cogniance Mobile Team

Cogniance Mobile Team

• 10 Mobile Engineers

• 3 Art & UI design experts

• 6 QA & Test engineers

• 5 Support & Integration specialists

Key factors:

• Technically savvy, creative, energized, motivated, and opinionated dedicated team

• High cultural sensitivity

• Effective communication

• Top 5% qualified staff

• Advanced to fluent English skills

• US travel-ready

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Cogniance Testimonials

“Cogniance has been an excellent development partner for Ad Infuse. By providing complete teams whose talent spans design, coding and QA, we are able to drive new products and new features to market faster. Cogniance’s flexibility and responsiveness has also been an important factor in successfully working with a fast-paced startup such as ours.”

- Carl Ludewig, Founder & CTO, Ad Infuse, San Francisco, CA

“Cogniance has enabled us to scale our design, engineering, QA, and operations extremely rapidly. Their team is talented and enthusiastic and forms a core part of our company, helping us to deliver innovative products and services to our customers worldwide. “

- Nick Black, Founder, CloudMade, London, UK

“Cogniance has shown on more than one project the ability to deliver products across the entire software development lifecycle. Moblico is particularly impressed with Cogniance's Web UI Design capabilities and more importantly to take a design and implement a solution that reflects the design. Cogniance is a wonderful company to work with and is truly one you can count on as a partner.”

- James Barnes, Founder & CTO, Moblico, Kansas City, CA

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Client representatives listed below have graciously agreed to be contacted by our selected prospective clients, with prior advanced notice from Cogniance.  

Carl Ludewig Jim Brown

CTO and Founder CTO

Ad Infuse (San Francisco) CloudMade (London)

415.315.3407 (Direct) +44 7595 367 664

415.407.2009 (Mobile) [email protected]

[email protected]


Client References

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Confidential informationContact:Michael ShraybmanEmail: [email protected]: (310) 962-1101

Information contained herein is confidential and proprietary information of Cogniance Inc.. The dissemination, use or reproduction of this information for any other purpose other than that for which the information is provided is prohibited by Cogniance Inc. except by express permission.© Copyright Cogniance Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. This document and the information contained herein (collectively, the "Information") is provided to you (both the individual receiving this document and any legal entity on behalf of which such individual is acting) ("You" and "Your") and Cogniance ("Cogniance") for informational purposes only. Cogniance is providing the Information to You because Cogniance believes the Information may be useful to You. The Information is provided to You solely on the basis that You will be responsible for making Your own assessments of the Information and are advised to verify all representations, statements and information before using or relying upon any of the Information. Although Cogniance has exercised reasonable care in providing the Information to You, Cogniance does not warrant the accuracy of the Information and is not responsible for any damages arising from Your use of or reliance upon the Information. COGNIANCE DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE INFORMATION IS ERROR-FREE. COGNIANCE IS PROVIDING THE INFORMATION TO YOU "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS." COGNIANCE DOES NOT WARRANT, BY VIRTUE OF THIS DOCUMENT, OR BY ANY COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OF TRADE OR ANY COLLATERAL DOCUMENT HEREUNDER OR OTHERWISE, AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY REPRESENTATION. COGNIANCE DISCLAIMS AND IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSES OR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR EXEMPLARY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, LOSS OF GOODWILL, COVER, TORTIOUS CONDUCT OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE PROVISION, NON-PROVISION, USE OR NON-USE OF THE INFORMATION, EVEN IF COGNIANCE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSSES OR DAMAGES.

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Passionate. Reliable. Cost-effective.