cognos analysis studio

The Ohio Department of Mental Health Office of Information Services Presents: Cognos Analysis Studio Featuring Cognos version 8

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The Ohio Department of Mental Health Office of Information Services


Cognos Analysis Studio Featuring Cognos version 8

Page 2: Cognos Analysis Studio

Cognos Analysis Studio

Intro to Cognos Analysis Studio

• Accessing Information 2 • User Interface 2

Working with a Cognos Powerplay Cube

• Performance Indicators 3 • Searching 4 • Setting Filters 5 • Workshop 1 : Create a Report 6

Nesting/Drill Down for Performance Indicators

• Nesting Performance Indicators 7 • Drill Down 8 • Zero Suppression 8 • Exporting Reports 9 • Workshop 2 : Create a Report / Export to Excel 11

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Cognos Analysis Studio

Intro to Cognos Analysis Studio

Accessing Information Cognos 8 is internet based software used by the State of Ohio (ODMH and ODADAS) to access MACSIS Claims Datamart data. It allows the user to access data via the internet without installing software on the users desktop. The screen to the right is the initial screen. It is an interface created to allow users to more easily access the data. Users click on radio buttons to select what type of data is of interest to them. When done, the “Open” button will access the data using Cognos Analysis Studio. User Interface After selecting the data of interest, Cognos Analysis Studio will open a Power Play Cube. A cube is a three-dimensional view of the data within the MACSIS Claims Datamart. The far left portion of the screen shows all of the performance indicators. This area is known as the Source Tree. The performance indicators are different depending on what cube is being viewed. All of the indicators have a small plus sign (+) to the left. This allows you to view all the sub groups for this category. The right portion of the screen shows the rows, columns and measures. A measure is the intersection of the row and column, commonly referred to as a cell. IMPORTANT: Client Count is distinct or unduplicated. This means the column and rows seem to total incorrectly. (Ex. If a client receives two procedures (Crisis Intervention and Individual Counseling) in a year, Cognos recognizes this and does not count the client twice when summarizing the data.)

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Cognos Analysis Studio Working with a Cognos Powerplay Cube

Performance Indicators Demographic categories are the heart of the MACSIS Claims Datamart. In Cognos, the demographic categories are stored as “Performance Indicators”. By using a common Windows technique of dragging and dropping the performance indicator to the appropriate row or column, users can explore the data stored with in the Power Play cube. The picture to the right demonstrates the technique used to change performance indicators. While dragging the performance indicator located on the left of the screen, the rows will become heavily shaded. When this happens, release the mouse button and the indicator will drop the object into the report. Note: Measures cannot be moved to the report. You must click on the plus sign (+) and move the items individually or as a group.

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Cognos Analysis Studio

Searching Searching for an individual data item in a list of performance indicator is a multi-step process. This is how to search within a list of Providers (in this example the Provider Cube). First you right click on the Provider folder on the left of the screen. This will allow you to select “Search (Provider)... from the popup box.

When the search is initiated a window will appear at the bottom of the screen, like this:

Type in the provider number for the provider you are looking for, click on the “Contains the keyword” button and the “Search” button. The results will appear in the box to the right. Left click on the provider when it appears. This will cause the name to be highlighted. It means you selected the provider. Now right click on the name and left click on the word “Replace”, then “Rows”, like this:

This will replace the list of provider names with the one you want.

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Cognos Analysis Studio

Setting Filters You can filter the report to focus on the SMD clients. For example, expanding the SMD dimension at the left and dragging the “Y” category to “Context” block will filter by clients who are classified as SMD.

There can be multiple filters set for the same report. Just drag the additional items and place them to the right of the last item in the “Context” block.

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Cognos Analysis Studio

Workshop 1: Create a Report

• Open the 2007 ODADAS cube from MACSIS Claims Datamart homepage in Internet Explorer.

• Move the following performance indicators on to your report. 1. Row - Procedures 2. Column – Gender

• Search the Procedures for “A-Methadone Adm”.

• Filter on SMD = Y.

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Cognos Analysis Studio

Nesting/Drill Down for Performance Indicators Nesting Performance Indicators

Nesting is done via the drag and drop feature used for changing Performance Indicators. The difference is in where you “drop” the item. In order to nest, the item needs to be dropped to the right or left of the current Performance Indicator for nesting in rows and above or below for nesting in columns. Look for a thick, black line to appear when you are in the correct zone, and drop the item.

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Cognos Analysis Studio

Drill Down

You can drill down to lower levels to see how a category is further divided, then drill back up to any level. While the top level numbers for the all the boards are one thing, drilling down to just “Franklin“ Board shows how what providers are serving this board area.

Zero Suppression

Many times you will create a report in PowerPlay that have a row of zeros for an item. This report shows procedures by Medicaid status, where Medicaid = MED”. As you can see there are some procedures that are Non Medicaid type services. When drilled down to Medicaid = “MED”, those procedures have zeros for the whole row. To clean up the report you will want to turn on “Zero Suppression”.

Click on “Settings”, “Suppress”, “Zeros and Empty Cells”. This

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Cognos Analysis Studio

changes the default which will only suppress empty cells and not cells filled with zeros. Click on a column in the report. Click on the “Zero Suppression” icon at the top. Any row that is filled with zeroes will disappear.

Exporting Report to Excel Exporting reports to Excel requires settings in Internet Explorer that may not be the default for your organization. Cognos 8 uses the default browser configurations provided by Microsoft, Netscape, and Firefox. For all browsers, you must ensure that settings are enabled for cookies and Java scripts. Additional required settings are specific to the browser. The following table shows the settings that must be enabled in the Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Browser Setting type Setting Internet Explorer Active Scripting Enable Allow Cookies Enable Scripting of JAVA Applets Enable Allow META Refresh Enable Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins Enable Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting Enable Automatic prompting for Downloads Enable File download Enable Use Pop Blocker Disable XSS Filter Disable

These settings are found in Internet Explorer within Tools – Options – Security – Custom Level. Please check with your Network Administrator before changing any internet browser settings.

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After you have a report created in Analysis Studio, transferring to Excel is just a couple button clicks away. Click the smart icon for “Run Report (Excel 2000 Format)”. (see graphic on right) A pop up window will appear asking if you want to open or save the file … select “Save”

Give the file a name and click on “Ok”. The report is now saved as an Excel spreadsheet. Note: The report is saved as is. There are no drill downs, no performance indicators, etc.

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Cognos Analysis Studio Workshop 2: Create a Report / Export to Excel

• Open the 2008 ODADAS cube from MACSIS Claims Datamart homepage in Internet Explorer.

• Move the following performance indicators on to your report. 3. Row – Procedure 4. Column – Fund Source

• Drill down into Fund Source and show the Medicaid Status.

• Suppress all zeroes on the report.

• Export the file as an Excel 2000 spreadsheet and save the file name as “2008 ODADAS – Procedures – Fund Source (Med)”

• Open the file in Excel.