cognos questions

What are non-additive facts? Best Answer: # Additive: Additive facts are facts that can be summed up through all of the dimensions in the fact table. # Semi-Additive: Semi-additive facts are facts that can be summed up for some of the dimensions in the fact table, but not the others. # Non-Additive: Non-additive facts are facts that cannot be summed up for any of the dimensions present in the fact table. What is fact less fact table? where you have used it in your project? Explain in detail about type 1, type 2(SCD), type 3 ? What is the difference between E-R modelling and Dimendional modelling? and what are semi additive facts? What is the difference between ODS and OLTP What is active data warehousing?

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Post on 26-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Cognos Questions

What are non-additive facts?



Best Answer:

# Additive: Additive facts are facts that can be summed up through all of the dimensions in the

fact table. 

# Semi-Additive: Semi-additive facts are facts that can be summed up for some of the

dimensions in the fact table, but not the others. 

# Non-Additive: Non-additive facts are facts that cannot be summed up for any of the

dimensions present in the fact table.

What is fact less fact table? where you have used it in your project?

Explain in detail about type 1, type 2(SCD), type 3 ?

What is the difference between E-R modelling and Dimendional modelling? and what are semi additive facts?

What is the difference between ODS and OLTP

What is active data warehousing?

What is the difference between datawarehouse and BI?

What are non-additive facts in detail?

Page 2: Cognos Questions

What is snapshot

Definition of datamarts?

What is the difference between Datawarehousing and BusinessIntelligence?

What is the difference between OLAP and datawarehosue

How do we maintain Primary key in Fact Table ?

Is there any option other than Surrogate key or concatenated key? 


Asked by: Reddeppa_DWH


Best Answer:

Two main reasons to generate and maintain a surrogate key on DW side:

1. If your DW has multiple sources for a dimension or fact, the PK ID fields can have same

values from different sources. The only way you can handle this is by maintaining the composite

primary key on these columns. Now lets imagine that you have some 10 dimensions in a subject

area, you would expect to have only 10 keys in the Fact, but by having the composite keys you

would endup creating 20 or more keys on the fact. This would inturn adversely affect your query


2. Another case, suppose some data migration activities take place on the source side -- which is

quite possible if the source system platform is changed or your company acquiered another

company and integrating the data etc -- if the source side architect decides to change the PK field

value itself of a table in source, then your DW would see this as a new record and insert it and

this would result in data inconsistency /discrepency between the source and DW and it could be a

nightmare to fix the issue. By having a separate surrogate key on DW side that is generated

Page 3: Cognos Questions

based on the grain of the source table (not on the IDs), you are immune to any such PK value

changes on the source side.

Let me know clearly what is the difference between hierarchies and levels

What is the difference between choosing a multidimensional database and a relational database?

What is the difference between choosing a multidimensional database and a relational database?

How many ways the data can be purged from cache

What is the difference between the Hot key and shortcut key

Page 4: Cognos Questions
Page 5: Cognos Questions

What is meant by Junk Dimension?How do you perfom while running the report?Where will

you see the time

What is meant by Junk Dimension?How do you perfom while running

the report?Where will you see the time of running report?Size of the

cube?What are the types of prompts in ReportNet?What is macro and

how it will be work?What is difference between Cognos and Cognos

ReportNet?How do you create cube in ReportNet?There are 10 facts

are there.How will you connect all?

How can I create a dynamic column name in Cognos

1.Create a calculated column which contains the information that the

header is to contain, such as "Report for year 1999" (concatenated text

and date to string sub string extraction). 2.Highlight 


Asked by: Jagan


Best Answer:

1. add a data item to the query(the query on which the report is based)

2. define an expression which u want to use for the dynamic column label

3. from the report page click on the column label

4. from properties pane look for "column label" the default would be "data item label/name"

change that to "data item value"

5. in the same pane change the "data item" property to have the data item that u created for the

column label.

What is catalog and types of catalogs in Cognos and which is better

Page 6: Cognos Questions

What is object security in framework manager?

1.What are differences between Reporter report and Explorer report?2.What are purposes of


1.What are differences between Reporter report and Explorer report?

2.What are purposes of Rollup?3.How to update the Cube

invrementally?4.Purpose of Subsets?5.How to do the Manual

Partitioning/6.Purpose of SubDimensions?7.Difference between drillup,

drilldown and Drill through?8.How to create Cube groups?9.What is the

work og PPES?10.What is Consolidation


1.How will u implement drill-thru from powerplay to impromptu?2.How will u highlighting the

data other

1.How will u implement drill-thru from powerplay to impromptu?2.How

will u highlighting the data other than conditional formatting?3.What is

4-4-5 weeks in powerplay?Why r u using this?4.Why r u using multiple

data source?and why cant u use single data source?5.How will u

improve the performance of the cube?6.How will u relate the sources

in transformer?7.Have u faced any errors while generating the models?

8.What is uniqueness error?9.What is the use of Unique property?

10.Why there is a property

What is the difference between a cascading report and drillthru report?why do we go for drill

thru report?

What is the difference between a cascading report and drillthru report?

why do we go for drill thru report?

Page 7: Cognos Questions


Asked by: suresh babu


Best Answer:


Drill Through is used to link the master & detail reports.

After putting drill through if you click on a link (e.g. Order ID 1234) in the master report then

the details will be displayed for that particular item (Order ID 1234).

Cascading prompt uses the value from the previous prompt to filter the value in the current


  For Cascading no need of two reports.If a report having two related columns (e.g. Country &

States),then we can cascade these two columns by adding two value prompts.

If you select a country (e.g INDIA),in the next prompt all the states will be displayed those

which are under INDIA.

If you want to see the details for the state Tamilnadu,then select TN from the list which will

display all the details for TN.

How can create users and permissions in Cognos

What is drill down and slicing and dicing whats the difference between them

Page 8: Cognos Questions

1.diff between drill down and drill through?2. what is meant by roll-up?3.what is meant by


1.diff between drill down and drill through?2. what is meant by roll-up?

3.what is meant by external roll-up?how to create external rollup with

example?4.what is meant by clean house command?5.what is meant

by scope?what are types?explain them6.what is meant by cube

groups?how to create cube groups?there is any simplest way to create

cube groups?7.what is meant by alternate drill down with ex?

many cubes you are created till now?9.what is the size of the present

cube?10.why you choose Ex-files

What is the size of the cube in ur project?what is the complex report u created in ur project

and explain?how

What is the size of the cube in ur project?what is the complex report u

created in ur project and explain?how dimensions u have in ur project

and how many facts?I am new to this dwh. so can anybody give the

answers to the above?

Master detailed relationship

Can you apply the Master detailed relationship between Query studio

report and report studio report? how? 

Reportnet report studio & cognos8 report studio

What are the differences between cognos reportnet 1.1 report studio

and cognos 8 report studio?  

Page 9: Cognos Questions

What is meant by Junk Dimension?

How can i schedule reports in cognos


Asked by: chim


Best Answer:

1. In Cognos Connection, Go to Public Folders or My Folders, click the schedule button for the

report you want to schedule.

2. Under frequency, select how often you want the schedule to run.

3. Under Start, select the date and time you want the schedule to start.

4. Under End, select the date and time you want to end the schedule.

5. Under Formats, click the format you want to run the output.

6. Under Languages, select the languages to select different languages.

7. Under Delivery, choose any one delivery method.

8. If you want to be prompted, under Prompt values,select the Prompt for Values checkbox.

9. Click Ok.

how to generate cubes in cognos

)create the iqd in framework manager(add measures and dimensions and then change the externaize property to iqd)2)import that iqd into transformer3)create .mdc file from it 4)create data source for that mdc file(Datasource name) 5)import the .mdc file into framework manager as datasource6)publish the package from it u can use it in anakysis studio

How to configure content store in Cognos?

Page 10: Cognos Questions

Go to Cognos Configuration

look for Content Manager

Delete the default COntent Store For SQL Server

Right Click Content manager and create a new content store

Give data base name as Oracle

Give the user id Password you created in oracle with DBA rights

Give SID of oracle database you gave when installing it.

save changes to project

Test settigs and start services 

What are complex reports?

My project migrates reports from impromptu to c8

One of the complex reports has 128 items 28 queries and it has very lengthy calculated data items. Conditional formatting was applied

Layout is not a list or crosstab it is an Invoice. I used frames Formatting involved padding alignment borders tables blocks etc

Another report was like

It had 5 to 6 joins

In impromptu we have hotfiles and picklists

Whereas in c8 we dont have hotfiles so we need to create a separate query for the items coming from the hotfiles and join this to the main query. Picklists are different kinds. If it is text picklist you create static choices for that.

Framework Manager

Page 11: Cognos Questions

What is usage property? Where do we set usage property? What is

usage property for fact and dimension tables. What are the properties

of usage property? 


By using Date Prompt . can we schedule the report ? 

What is difference between Level Span And Group Span

Let us discus about Group span first.

for Example In List Report when you have product line product type & product name as a query item. You've

product line & product type grouped Ok?Now you want to span product line as per product type(i.e. you want product line to repeat whenever new product type is listed beside it). You can click on product line & change the Goup span property

to product type. This gives you the proper result.Now you want to span product line as per product name(i.e. you want product line to repeat whenever new product name is listed beside it). In this case you have to first group the product name query item

then & then you can change Group span property of the product line to product name. Because Group span property lists the query items which are grouped in the list.

Lets discus about Level span now.

for Example In CrossTab Report when you have product line as parent node in row product type as child node of

product line & product name as child node of product type.Now you want to span product line as per product type(i.e. you want product line to repeat whenever new product type is listed beside it). You dont have Group span property in CrossTab Ok? Here you can do some trick which is called Level span. You can add one more product type as child to product

type & then cut product line from CrossTab. Then select Parent product type & change Source Type property to Data Item Value & Data Item Value property to product line. Now run the report you can see the product line level repeats whenever new product type is listed beside it. This is called a

Level Span.

Remember one more thing you can not do same kind of Level Span using dimensional model. You can do Level Span using relational model only...

Level span is there in Report Net 1.1 and Group span is there from in 8.x. Both will work same if you want to repeat a grouped item with respect to change the nested data item under it. But rather than level span group span is simple to operate and we can change the level spanning for any no. of columns easily.

Page 12: Cognos Questions

Content Store and Content Manager.

Content store is nothing but repositary which can store metadate when package published logfiles.Content Manger: The Cognos 8 service that manages the storage of customer applications including application-specific security configuration data models metrics reports and report output.

\Content Store:It's a Database belong to Cognos storage of all the reports schedules published packages everything you see in the Cognos connection portal. In short a store house of web Cognos contents.

Content Manger:The Cognos 8 service that manages the storage of customer applications including application-specific security configuration data models metrics reports and report output. Content Manager is needed to publish models retrieve or store report specifications manage scheduling information and manage the Cognos namespace.

How to pass multiple values from picklist prompt to sub report filter


How to show the data reported horizontally:(For example:)employee skill1 a1 b1 c2 d2 e2

fReport result:1

How to show the data reported horizontally:(For example:)employee

skill1 a1 b1 c2 d2 e2 fReport result:1 abc2 def

Assuming 3 records per grouped item:1. Group on employee2. Create a

running count based on the skill field.3. Create 3 calculated columns

based on the count field.Call them skill1, skill2, skill3:if (count 


Asked by: Jagan

How to show the data reported horizontally:

Page 13: Cognos Questions

(For example:)employee skill

1 a1 b1 c2 d2 e2 f

Report result:1 abc2 def

Assuming 3 records per grouped item:

1. Group on employee2. Create a running count based on the skill field.

3. Create 3 calculated columns based on the count field.Call them skill1, skill2, skill3:

if (count = 1) then (skill) else nullif (count = 2) then (skill) else nullif (count = 3) then (skill) else null

4. Create 3 more calculated columns using the maximum function. Call them maxskill1, maxskill2, maxskill3

maximum (skill1)maximum (skill2)maximum (skill3)

5. Group on employee on maxskill1 on maxskill2 on maxskill36. report employee axskill1 maxskill2 maxskill3

I feel we can use the tool functionality to achieve this as follows.

1. Create a list report having employee column2. Create a cross tab - contains emp in row and skill in column3. Provide Master Detail relationship between 'emp' of list & CT4. Hide emp of CT and format appropriately

You can see the result as

1 abc2 def

Page 14: Cognos Questions

When You Import data into catalog You have complex columns names. How do you change the

Name of those

When You Import data into catalog You have complex columns names.

How do you change the Name of those columns?

---> Select Impromptu Admin.---> Catalog----> Folders----> Edit button----> select required coloumn----> Right click ----> Rename.

In this way we can change the complex coloumn names in the database

What is the difference between the render variable and the style variable?

Render Variable: - Specify a variable based on which object can be conditionally rendered.

Style Variable: - Specify a variable based on which object can be conditionally styled.

Example for Style Variable

In a report in a list if u want to display every alternate row with particular color in this case

1) create a data item with name running-count with function "running-count" on particular unique column

2) now create one more data item as mod with functon "mod" on that running-count data item 3)create a boolean varibale with expression mod=1

4)go to the page select List column Body style5)In properties pane select Style Variable as boolean variable 6)click on YES variable and set its Foreground color as RED 7)click on No variable and set its Foreground color as Yellow

now run the report

Example for Render Variable

if the case is like you want to see the particular page in HTML or PDF or CSV format then 1)Create 3 pages in your report

2)every page conatins some specific data3)name these pages as HTML PDF CSV

4)create a String vaiable with 3 values as HTML PDF and CSV5)now in string variable put expression as .....


Page 15: Cognos Questions

when ReportOutput()='HTML' then 'HTML'when ReportOutput()='PDF' then 'PDF'when ReportOutput()='CSV' then 'CSV'


6)now go the page named HTML and select page object 7)in properties pane click on Render Variable select that string variable

8)check only HTML check box value for HTML page 9)repeat step No. 6 to step No.8 for remaining 2 pages.

now run the report :-)

hope it will answer your question .

Use this query i am retriving all years OCt data from 01-10-2004 to 30-10-2007 i need to

restrect this

Use this query i am retriving all years OCt data from 01-10-2004 to 30-

10-2007 i need to restrect this query to current date and current year

[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order month]between 01 and

to_number(to_char(current_date,'MM'))and [gosales_goretailers].

[Orders].[Order month]=to_number(to_char(current_date,'MM'))pass

polar ID

what type problems we can face in general at report runnig time

the most common problems are -

1.No Data Appears in the Report (to remove this check data source or package)

2.Unexpected or incorrect values appears in reports may be report is running with limited data

3.The report filter does not work values are not coming in filter option is not able to oprm in excel cvs or xml

Page 16: Cognos Questions

1) Report performance - Prompt page takes a long time to load or the report takes a long time to generate.2) Data is not accurate in the report.3) Ambiguous columns4) Time/date filters do not match the format of the time/date data5) Incorrect joins6) Union queries do not have the same columns names 

What are data sources to develop catalog

What are different datasources to develop models

Please explain the different stages in creating a report in cognos report net

What are the limitations of cognos reportnet?what are the enhancements in reportnet ?

Limitations:When Report Net concatenates strings locally and if any of the involved strings contain nullvalues the result of the concatenation is an empty cell or a null value. This occurs becauseReport Net requires that an expression that involves a null value return a null value.Enhancements: Creates a two-layer best practices Framework Manager model Supports BI Series 7 single sign on Does not require installation and configuration of Cognos Report Net SDK Provides an update capability to the Framework Manager model interoperability with either Report Net 1.1 or Cognos 8 by installing and configuring theAppropriate SDK components Includes regular and measure dimensions that can be used with Cognos 8 Studios









Page 17: Cognos Questions

How you drill from powerPLay to Impromptu?Explain all Steps.

goto tranformer

build the cube

right click on the cube and open properties

go to drill through tab and select your report from that browse option

The following document will walk through all steps needed in setting up drill through from PPES to IWR.

Create 3 Folders in Windows Explorer

1. On C: create a folder called C:DT2. In C:DT create another folder called Source ->

C:DTSource3. In C:DT create another folder called Publish ->


Copy the sample catalog into the Source folder

4. Copy the 'Great Outdoors Sales' into the C:DTSource folder.

Create the IQD to be used as a data source in the model

5. Open the Great Outdoors Sales in Impromptu6. Create a new report in Impromptu and include the

following columnsFrom Order & Order Details folders

-Order No-Customer Name-Order Date-Closed Date-Line No

-Product No-Product

-Order Price -Qty

-Discount -Sale Amount

Save the report - C:DTIQD.imrSave the Report as an IQD as well - C:DTIQD.iqd

Create the Impromptu Reports

7. Create new report in Impromptu and include the following columns-Order No

Page 18: Cognos Questions

-Order PriceSave the report - C:DTSourceMeasure.imr

8. Create new report in Impromptu and include the following columns-Order No

-QtySave the report - C:DTSourceCube.imr

9. Close Impromptu

Create the model in Transformer

10. Open PowerPlay Transformer11. Click File -> New

12. Go through the new model wizard-Model Name = DrillThrough

-Use IQD as the data source type-Browse to C:DTIQD.iqd

-Make sure 'Run Auto design' is checked and click Finish

Create the Cube

13. Click Edit / Insert PowerCube-PowerCube Name = DT

-General tab --> Save the cube to C:DTDT.mdc-DrillThrough tab --> Check 'Allow drill through for this

powercube'Click Add

Browse to C:DTSourceCube.imrClick OK

14. Right click the Order No measure and select properties.-DrillThrough tab --> Click AddBrowse to C:DTSourceMeasure.imr

Click OK15. Build the Cube by clicking on the Create PowerCubes


Verify the drill through works in client tools16. Open the DT.mdc in PowerPlay Client

17. When the cube is opened hit the 'Drill Through' button (+)

18. Select 'Cube' and click OK19. The Cube.imr report will open up in Impromptu

20. Go back to DT.mdc in PowerPlay Client21. Drag in the Order No measure

22. Select the Order No measure in the report and hit the 'Drill Through' button (+)

23. Select 'Measure' and click OK24. The Measure.imr report will open up in Impromptu

Create a Newsbox in Upfront to Publish the IWR Reports to

25. Login to Upfront and create a newsbox called 'DT' right in the NewsIndex

Publish the Impromptu Reports to Upfront (IWR)

26. From 'Cognos Server Administration' click 'Report

Page 19: Cognos Questions

Publishing' and login.-Click Tools --> Publish Report Set

-'ReportSet name' = DT-'IWR Server Report Set Location' = C:DTPublish

-'Source Directory' = C:DTSource-'Publish Reports to Upfront Newsbox' = DT

-Click OK-Verify that the Report Set published successfully.

Run the Reports in Upfront to verify they run OK

27. Log into Upfront and run each of the two IWR Reports verify they run without error


Publish the Cube to Upfront

28. From 'Cognos Server Administration' click 'OLAP Cubes and Reports' and login.-Click Insert --> Cube

-General Tab --> 'Name' = DT

'Cube Source' = C:DTDT.mdc-Settings Tab --> Drill Through folder -->

'Impromptu Web Reports' = Enabled'Impromptu Web Reports drill through newsbox' = //DT

'Impromptu Web Reports server' = HTTP://<servername>/cognos/cgi-bin/imrap.cgi

-Click Apply-Click OK

29. Publish the Cube to Upfront-Select the DT cube in 'PowerPlay Enterprise - Server

Administration'-Click the 'Publish to Upfront' button

-You will get a notice stating the cube has been successfully published.

Check the Drill Through in Upfront.

30. Login to Upfront31. Run the DT.mdc cube

32. Click on the 'Drill Through' button and select 'Cube'33. The 'Cube' report will run for IWR

34. Click Return35. Select the 'Order No' measure

36. Click on the 'Drill Through' button and select 'Measure'37. The 'Measure' report will run for IWR


What was the actual purpose of portfolio in cognos

Page 20: Cognos Questions

Portfolio is like a summary page. Using portfolio u can demonstrate a generated report or survey to your clients. on one single portfolio you can place the links of the report some video clips some images

and many more items.

try usng it... u will know more...

The Cognos Portfolio is ideal for presenting and packaging Impromptu reports and for combining them with information from documents produced by other products.As an application developer you can create briefing books that contain links to ImpromptuReports Power Play reports Excel spreadsheets or any other OLE client application. Use Portfolio to set up briefing books that let users view reports in a presentation style format.

What is meant by dash boards/flash cards?

1.In middle level project aprox How many Number of Dimension and Facts are exists?2.In a complex report

Actually there is no limitations for no.of dim&fat tabels for project. approximately 40+ dim tables 5+ fact tables.

Actually there is no limitations for fact and dimensions tables. That depends upon the data and the project. Normally we have 60 dimensions and 17 fact tables.

What is level span? How it is used in Cognos? what is the main advantage of level span.

Level span is used to eliminate duplictes in data in cognos it is used repeat grouped item.using levelspan we can see the grouped data group by group.

For example when country and city are both grouped you can choose to show the country name each time

-- the country changes by spanning Country by Country

Page 21: Cognos Questions

-- the city changes by spanning Country by City -- there is a new record by specifying no spanning

Spanning one grouped column by another column is helpful if the second column contains many items.

Steps Open the report that you want. Click the column for which you want to set the group span. In the Properties pane click the Group Span property and click the column you want to span.

How to Migrate reports from Cognos Impromptu 7.x to Cognos ReportNet

From Impromptu to Reportnet we use a migration tool called cattoxml which you can find after installation in cer2/../bin folder go to command prompt and give the path of the tool and say cattoxml the catalog file name (related to impromptu) and destination xml file name which would be output (you can select the location). Then use this xml file by opening it in FWM selecting datasource as external or third party or xml file if you have this option. Then create the model and its same as you do from here.

Does Cognos 8.2 have the capability to mouse over a data field to allow a field definition to appear?

For instance, excel has a note indicator that signals to the user that there is a note or text item that is displayed if you hover over the cell. I am interested in adding a similar

capability in my Cognos report design to help non-frequent data users to understand what they are looking at.

If this is a functionality, then please describe how it is done (i.e. Toolbox, etc.).

Yes Cognos 8.2 have the capability of mouse over a data field like tooltip changing colors when ever mouse move to the dataitem.

I am going to describe the tooltip. For example:Suppose we can take the list report with single item and take html item to the both sides of the item and put the below one and after that run it you can found in Cognos viewer the mouse over option.

<a title= Order number >Orderitem</a>

How can we use NVL function/Dataformat to resolve the Blank spaces in our report. Explain with navigation

Page 22: Cognos Questions

What different kinds of SQL you can write at the report level What is tabular SQL,Tabular Modal and

Performance improvement in Cognos

Performance improvement in Cognos can be done by several ways:-1) Make sure all the "Joins" and "Join strategy" are correct.2) Check for the cardinality.3) Create summary tables (one of the best approach in increasing the performance)4) Use Power play cubes as data sources

A report performance in report studio depends on how well you design the model while creating package in framework manager. In my former answer I answered what point have to be considered first and foremost while creating a package. But eventhough there are some other considerations to be followed inorder to increase performance in report studio such as:-

1) Use group spaning property if you have any repeating rows or columns.2) Run the report in pdf format rather than in html format.

Performance in executing reports

By applying the filtres to eliminate the un wanted data by using local limited local processing by using agregations for facts(numerics).

To improve the performence of the report move all the calculations and filters from report level to frame work manager.

1) Use static values or list of values in prompts when possible.2) Perform calculations on the database side.3) Limit the number of rows to be displayed at one time when possible.4) Take off the auto summarization of the query when you're only displaying attributes.5) Use the sql to do an explain plan on the query and tune the query.

explain how to create powerplay reports

Page 23: Cognos Questions

To create a powerplay report

1)You have to create a IQD file from impromptu by saving IMR report as IQD

2)Use Frame Work manager model and externalise the query subject you want to use in powerplay transformer and powerplay

When you have the IQD file published to a location such as UNC

Go to powerplay transformer model and select new

select the data source name and IQD file location either published from FM or Impromptu (saved as IQD)

You will see all the query items in the explorer then you can specify the dimensions like time and measures.

Then generate categories for the dimensions and measures .

Right click the cube and select create power cube after that view the cube in cognos powerplay explorer.

We can also publish the cube to PPES(Powerplay enterprise server)

Publish the cube to the upfront

Use powerplay web explorer to view the cube

Is it possible to create prompts directly in cognos8 BI Anlysis Studio? If so please explain the steps?

What are the precautions needed to take in real time when we deploy Reportnet project into production?

When you deploy you must consider how to handle security and whether to deploy entire content store or to deploy selected packages folders and

directory content. Other considerations relate to the database vendor bursting reports and ownership of entries.

Following points should be taken care of:

1. Security

The entries that you deploy may have security applied to them. The entries in the source environment may have access permissions that specify which users and

Page 24: Cognos Questions

groups can access them. When you deploy public folders and directory content you can choose whether to deploy these access permissions. When you deploy the

entire content store all access permissions are deployed.

2. Securing deployment archives

3. Including references to external namespaces.

How can we import stored procedures into framework manager in cognos8


Try this method

In FM right click on the Namesapace in which you want the stored procedure to be imported...Select Create->QuerySubject....

New Query subject window appears... Select the third option Stored Procedure -->Click Ok...

New Querysubject Wizard appears in that...Select the Datasource...-->Next

In the select stored procedure window select the appropriate stored procedure and click Finish ...

Define the properties for the Procedure.....

That's it and you can view the procedure as a query subject inside your namespace.

State the differences between type-in, picklist properties? which are to used at the apt suitation?advantanges

What is the Cognos report development life cycle?What are the phases involved in the report development?

1. Getting the requirements for report creation. (could be any functional document)2. Tables creation.3. Working on the framework manager for data modelling4. Starting report development according to the specifications. (can refer to any technical document) 5. Testing of report (Writing test cases etc)6. Delivering the report7. Working on change requests (if any) for the same

What is meant by MIME type in Frame Work Manager?

The format that the column value uses.

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For example if Display Type is set to picture MIME Type could be jpeg.

This property is for query items only.

Note: The MIME Type property is not used by SAP BW.

What is the difference between Calculated Measure and Measure Folder?

What is CAMID in Cognos?

CAMID stands for Cognos Access Manager ID and it represents an internal search path to the recipients. Specify search paths when you want to save burst reports in a directory. You can obtain the path in Cognos Connection. Open the

Set properties page for each recipient and click the View the search path link. Ensure that you use the proper syntax when adding recipients to the

burst table.

CAMID is used extensively during report bursting

How do you handle this DB Schema changes in our Framework manager to update

automatically our meta data

How do you handle this DB Schema changes in our Framework

manager to update automatically our meta data

I have created meta data model using Cognos FM and later source data

base column were changed but DBA was not informed the changes.

How to handle this DB Schema changes in our Framework manager to


In Framework Manager (CRN) right click on the query subject and select Update Query Subject.

In Framework Manager (Cognos 8) click on the query subject(s). Select Tools > Update Object.

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If you have custom-coded the SQL for a data source query subject then adding a new column must be done manually.

Define Dimensions, measures, Regular dimensions and Measure Dimensions

Dimension: is a broad group of description grouped together to describe a key area of a business. e.g. Product dim Customer Dim which holds all details 'bout pdt n customer respectively ......

Measure: is a numeric fact which shows a business strength. e.g. sales_quantity. it shows the amount of quantity sold....

and in report we can present measures with respect to various dim attributes like product employee customer time etc..... 

How to build a cube in Cognos 8 using Framework Manger?By using Framework Manager we can create IQD files By using IQD files we can creat cubes in powerplay

Cognos improve report performance

To improve performance of a report we can approach these method

In database level:

1)In this level to improve performance create indexes to improve the performance.

In model level :

1)you can remove loop's at that time you can improve performance at model level2)use indexes you can improve performance3)Change the property of query processing to Limited local or database only.

In report level:

1)you can reduce the calculation and conditions in the report 2) you can limit the cut copy paste operations for user's3) you can limit access no of report's at peek time you can improve performance at report level4)in the report studio query properties we can set query exccution method to concurrent.

Performance tuning in model and report level

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In report level:

1)you can reduce the calculation and condetions in the report 2) you can limit the cut copy phaste operations for user's3) you can limit access no of report's at peek time you can improve performence at report level

in model:

1)you can remove loop's at that time you can improve performence at model level2)use indexces you can improve performence

What is the difference between parameter and variable in report studioparameter is a value which we can what data will be displayed on a repport and varaible is what will changes in a report when we applying the condition. Using varaible we can cutomize reports. These are three types 1) string 2) boolean3)language

Could u explain briefly What is Static Choice? Static Choice is set of choice you provide to user for selection. These choices are manually entered in the field. E.g for value prompt when you select Radio GUI then you give choices to your users by manually entering the choices by selecting Static Choice property and clicking add new.


Repeaters are tables in which you can insert items that are repeated when you run the report. For example use repeaters to create mailing labels. To build a repeater drop the items you want in the repeater object. Then modify the properties of the repeater to obtain the results you want. For example you can specify how many repeater frames appear per page by typing values in the Across and Down properties.

What is the process of Cognos Testing1) Data checking - you need to match against data exactly what you desired

2) You need to check the data format - eg check number of decimal places date format time format

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3) Check the font size 4) Check the alignment of columns5) Check for the page breaks and page sets applied correctly or not6) Check whether conditional formatting is applied or not

How to migrate report net to cognos 8


In the cognos 8bin directory there is a tool call RSupgrade.bat we can use this command to convert Reportnet report spec to Cognos 8.

NOTE: RSUpgrade.bat / is a standalone utility that upgrades a single report specification at a time outside of the Cognos 8 environment. It is an unsupported utility.

Count & running-count

For each row this displays the quantity and a running count of the position of current row.

























Running-Count for name






Amount of time to develop a report

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How much time it will take to develop a report in real time? It depends

upon the complexity of the report, so tell me the approximate time

period for a simple list, cascading, master-detail, drill-through,..…etc? 

A report can be created in less than one minute to sometimes around 1-week.It depends on the business logic/rule that is to be incorporated into the report.All the filters prompts conditional formatting sortings calculated columns that are to be placed in a report cause to vary the total time required to develop a report before it is delivered to the client.

And after all of this also a report can be subjected to numerous changes by the client (Business user). 

Frequently faced problems in report studio

what are the frequently faced problems while developing the reports in

report studio? And how can those problems are debugged? 

Value Prompt

Hello everyone, I am using Report Studio in Report Net. I have a value

prompt that I would like to display a code number and its description.

As it is now, it will only display either the code number 

Cognos 8 Report Studio Bookmarks

Create a report with two lists.

Insert a single Data Item (Product Name) in list one.

Right click the Data Item (Product Name) in the list and go to Drill Through.

Add a new Drill Through and choose the Bookmark tab. Set Source Type to Data Item Value.Now insert some data items along with product line (Product Name Quantity Unit

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price e.t.c.)Click on product name and create section.Insert book mark by unlocking the report into the Product Name section.Set the Bookmark property for Source Type to Data Item Value.Set the Bookmark property for Data Item Value to Product Name.Note: These book marks will not work in HTML format as the page gets changed. Test it in PDF.


Repeater Object is used to repeat data in a particular order. Its mainly used for mailing lists. for example say you want the Name Address and telephone one below the other in a 3X3 table. You can drag in the repeater table set 3X1 table for Name address and phone and this information would get repeated in the 3X3 table. Your output would have three names in the first table row followed by the information.

How to perform single signon in Cognos by using URL?

State the criteria for determining whether we need to create a cube model or report model in a report

How do you pass the variable that is entered into a prompt from a Macro of a Hotfile and get the data

How to combine two crosstab reports in to single crosstab report?




Best Answer:

Cubes in a data warehouse are stored in three different modes. A relational storage model is

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called Relational Online Analytical Processing mode or ROLAP, while a Multidimensional

Online Analytical processing mode is called MOLAP. When dimensions are stored in a

combination of the two modes then it is known as Hybrid Online Analytical Processing mode or





This is the traditional mode in OLAP analysis. In MOLAP data is stored in form of

multidimensional cubes and not in relational databases. The advantages of this mode is that it

provides excellent query performance and the cubes are built for fast data retrieval. All

calculations are pre-generated when the cube is created and can be easily applied while querying

data. The disadvantages of this model are that it can handle only a limited amount of data. Since

all calculations have been pre-built when the cube was created, the cube cannot be derived from

a large volume of data. This deficiency can be bypassed by including only summary level

calculations while constructing the cube. This model also requires huge additional investment as

cube technology is proprietary and the knowledge base may not exist in the organization.  





The underlying data in this model is stored in relational databases. Since the data is stored in

relational databases this model gives the appearance of traditional OLAP’s slicing and dicing

functionality. The advantages of this model is it can handle a large amount of data and can

leverage all the functionalities of the relational database. The disadvantages are that the

performance is slow and each ROLAP report is an SQL query with all the limitations of the

genre. It is also limited by SQL functionalities. ROLAP vendors have tried to mitigate this

problem by building into the tool out-of-the-box complex functions as well as providing the

users with an ability to define their own functions.  




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HOLAP technology tries to combine the strengths of the above two models. For summary type

information HOLAP leverages cube technology and for drilling down into details it uses the

ROLAP model.  


Comparing the use of MOLAP, HOLAP and ROLAP 


The type of storage medium impacts on cube processing time, cube storage and cube browsing

speed. Some of the factors that affect MOLAP storage are:  


Cube browsing is the fastest when using MOLAP. This is so even in cases where no

aggregations have been done. The data is stored in a compressed multidimensional format and

can be accessed quickly than in the relational database. Browsing is very slow in ROLAP about

the same in HOLAP. Processing time is slower in ROLAP, especially at higher levels of



MOLAP storage takes up more space than HOLAP as data is copied and at very low levels of

aggregation it takes up more room than ROLAP. ROLAP takes almost no storage space as data

is not duplicated. However ROALP aggregations take up more space than MOLAP or HOLAP



All data is stored in the cube in MOLAP and data can be viewed even when the original data

source is not available. In ROLAP data cannot be viewed unless connected to the data source.  


MOLAP can handle very limited data only as all data is stored in the cube.