coiiiiii'mfr zlatoas · 2015. 6. 2. · i l aauca to ask m c'icce.gar; a box will do; or, whu...

TXEC FACiriO Commercial gUberttsrr (Lomnurcial THE PAOII1C ibbfrltscr IS I'tBLIillCt H KI.I5UIU AT . I'iVury H: it unlay Mornim. Honolulu, Hawaiian I.lntuU. DY DLACK & AULD. V I) ZlAtoas of yv rtvortlalnf CI I 4 Matl a Uf rlallaa. Ifl.llO a Vear. Aw ...if, . ... - s . Ppatf Biraaur.) In Nun. 'v --e rt-7-- i r 1 B, J m 3 A n. II B3.00 for a . . H M.f h Coiiiiii'Mfr i .r. .l Tw rrla akMrllia. AT.&O la III) a I rar. I t ft H 41 Si f H V H t I I Tiv Laa (( tmrtt) it) 3 a wo 4 FO t ou Ik Ot r f.rarti-- l Co v ivn of any part Abiotic .' 1 I. j 1 ntch . . 1 w I IV uo uu i ta ; s--r ma:, tttu4a !). Hawaiiaa ? lna (1 Inrtin I. . . t i 4 tJ a o lo oo pmaca a:ty. A:l Pr lac Cr Will Aw .p port charged '1 34 L:m (I mln,... 1st a T to It oo :4 vu It Oa trw p-- a- - d- -a at th yo&W, which v arias froa 4 & r.e-T.- -. t I enta aa - mmm'm puavr. A Liuas (4 Umckr)... v9 W W It M It to tt 00 I Uaartr Cotaata t 00 It OJ II II M -- V ou 40 00 IT 3cvrairrrs PavaaLt aiin I A araarc ""TkaTLTTTT ta s Third Col u ibb. 00 17 00 It 0 i 00 Ss OJ AO 00 1 .7" Coajsmraa fiia all aarta of La pasit ; U Half CuJuaa ll oo tt o m e o oo 41 M : oo tys erf Whole Coluaa It 00 w OO 4 00 T Ot 100 OO IM r.T Prntia r.i.n; in an? prt of the L'aitad Stats eo rm:t the amount of otacr'ptiaa d fee thai paper la ZT Atrertlsj;s rraklln Is tba Raereta Cniu4 ftalws, caa Iswtta otB tUapa. pay fer thetr eanls by eoc)oif CrswabscAs a Cstsa atatai PI.AIX AMD TANCY Fata Btanps Aw aaarh aaasmat aa iaf ak l pay n4 ihrtr carts wlil Isrrte4 aa twr above tab, tt the Usae said BOOK AND JOD PRINTING 7 Boaiaess Cards, taa raarais ton a laaa, are r r BILL-IIEab- a. vIJITISO. BCMJIE33 A XD ADDRESS VOL. XIX-N- O. 25. ailowsJ a tiaeoaat frvaa irxws rat, atea ar Ar iraaaimt C AK.DS printed is th high tyl f art. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, DECEMBER 19, 1S74. WHOLE NO. 969. st when pki4 seehaixH qoartrrty. The Traveler and His Friend. A (nlhrnu, Ikwl to soa A trip ll era, u tvffd 14 ukt Coenauaaton a a doesa twitad : " want a watch ; another ami foe win, A vry aperial cuk A ad tf it M or. I L aauca to ask m c'icc e.gar ; a box will do ; Or, whu you're at it. purchase two ! Another Uirtul wooJJ lika a par Of boots. -- They're ao Bach cheaper there ; A lady friend would bar him bo 5uo Ucea, " If they're nut too high j" . An"tnr Want avx of gloves, French kuia joa know, are real love ! Taos oo wartta thi ; another, Ikal A bock. bonnet, or a kal ; Enough u make Ike mtoaAj aaaa (o blfti tlie(r a mail roam Las loo" ran ta taW ami balk) repent that be Had ever Utooftt to croaa Ibe era Morcaeerr it her remarked, Before the (eotlemaa embarked, Him friend, for tear be nlf kt furgtt Their Utile errands, paialy art Thetr wahea 4owa black had while ; A aeasibkt proeeedinj ajail ; Bal aa it happened not a friend ( With one esrep(ioa) iboafnt to send The ready mooey, and 13 say, " See ! here's Ibe cash you'll hare to pay ! He easbarke sees 'Frisco, Rome, And other cities ; then comes bom Well pleased with much that met hie rye ; But haainf, somehow, u!ed to buy A eiogte China; for any friend. Etcet the one aha ihoaf bt to eenj The wherewithal. WeU, need I say That soon his aeifhboar came to pay Their (tvetiof at bis safe return. And charming heal Ik aod (also) brnra Abnl their Lit lie errands, what For earh Ike traveler bad (utf - By Joee r be said, " U makes aae oaJ To chick hat wretched lack I had For aa at sea I sat ooe dajr A rrangio in a proper way The papers y-- ao kindly sent, A (aiw arose, and off they vena Into Ih ocean, nor coald I Remember aofhl Joa bad me boy !" Bat," (rambled one, " ii that were ao. How maei It, air, yoa chanced I know ft bal fair avin'e errand era r fur Ae Qae ro whal he aWrrd wa asw C - " Faith ? ao he has, -- beyond a doubt ! A. id this U bow U cam abuat i Hit aaessoranalam chanced to hold A certain saaa of soldi fold ; A nl Ihos the paper by its veifht Escaped the elher's windy (ale . VAEIETY. Ao AtvbaroA girl liJ do wo a rope ladder, UI a horse, rode twelve mile and paid the paator lee, rather than not bayo the marriage ccremooj coiae oK. A Terra Haate cLIIJ, on being asked what ahe would da if her mother boa Id die, aaid : ' I would die, too." iiein aitked how she would die, replied : Eat mjsclf to death." Which of the Fiji Islands are joa from?" akcd a vioitor of one of iiarnum's caooibala the other da j. Tipperarj, bedad !" waa the replj of the ravenous anlhropophagiet. ! A Saratoga belle, who eiz months ago was ao languid that the Coa!d ecarceiy iupport herself at the altar, now throws a flat-iro- n fifty-fir- e feet; and hita her huahand everj time. A Farmer sent an order to a London tradesman for a clock. lie said he should prefer one made by Tempus Fugit, as all the best clocks in his neighbourhood I tad that name on the face. An epterprioiog reporter in Arkansas, who waa latelj sentenced to the State prison for horse- stealing, applied to his employers to be con- tinued on the Journal as penitentiary correspo- ndent." What do jou know the 'character of this roan?" was asked of a witness at a police court the other daj. What do 1 know of his charac- ter ! 1 know it to be unreachable, jour honour," he replied with much emphasis. When Lord Palmers ton was asked to support the bill for lesalisin? marriage with a deceased wife's sister, he said that the only advantage of the change of law would be that the man who married twice under such circumstances would not have two mothers-in-la- AEicted with the last infirmity of noble minds," a Paisley printer forsook his trade to share in the glories oi Nelson. Soon after be was afLat, be was, one black, stormy night, or- dered alert. The poor fellow, instead of at once throwing himself into the shrouds, looked up in wild dismay at the officer, and exclaimed, 44 Oi man, it wad be a temptin' o Providence to gang up there on sic a nicht !" LABcs-llaUBTKi.KS- 3. A worthy farmer was greatly exercised last year with regard to the safety of the bay crop. The weather, though often threatening, favoured his efforts till be bad succeeded in getting it safely gathered in, being in this respect more fortunate than several of his neighbours.. After seeing the last vip of straw round his stacks, he exclaimed, with a self-satisfie- d air, Noo, "in 1 ha'e gotten my hay a safe in, I think the world would be greatly the better of a guid shower." Death Btroa Dishonor. The life of an ?ditor is not always strewn with roses and free passes ; but it des our heart good to learn every now and then that the craft is worthy of the eTeat name, and that heroism is not yet dead in its ranks. In Kentucky, when a young man gets in love deep enough to speak bis sentiments in rhyme which he is sure is poetry, and which he wishe to ree in print, he loads bis shot-gu- n, aad starts for the editor of a country paper. If the editor refuses to publish hie " pome," the irate child of genius unloads his gun under the editor's ear. or in some oilier portion of his ana- tomy. To tlx; honor of the craft, be it said, a great many olten prefer death to dishonor. -- Durinzone of the earlier vUits of the Royi Familv to lUlmoral Prince Albert, dressed in a very simple manner, was crossing one of the Scotch lakes in a steamer, and was curious to cote everything relating to the management of the vessel, and among many other things the cookicg. Approaching the "galley" where a brawny Highlander was attending to the culina- ry matters, he was attracted by the savoury odours of a compound known by Scotchmen as hodge-pod'e- ," which the Highlander was preparing. What is that?" asked the Prince who was not known to the cook. Hodge-podg- e, sir," was t be. ..reply. "How is it made?" was the next question. " Why, there's mutton intil't, and turnips intil't and carrots intil't, and " " Yes, yes," said the Prince, who bad not learnt that " intil't" meant " in it," expressed by the contraction intil't." " bat what is intil't ?" Why, there's mutton intil't, and turnips intil't, and carrots intil't, and " " Yes, I see; bnt what is intil't'?" The man looked at him, and, seeing that the Prince was serious, be replied. "There 'a matron intil't, and turnips intil't, and " "Yes, certainly, I know, urged the inquirer; "but what is intil't' intil't? " " Why " jelled the Highlander, brandishing his big apoon, "amlna tellin' ye what's intil't? " Here the inter- - There's mutton intil't, and Tiew was brought to a dose by one of the Prince s passing, stepped in to ex- plain euite. who, fortunately matters to the Highlander, who opened hi. raouUa with stupid wonder at the possibility that himself should not t once have a wise ma ; like known that it was the Prince. gwinfss fails. W. G. IEWIN & Co., MISSION' ME II CHANTS. CIO.M PLANTATION AND INaCR'.NCE AGKST2. iwK Honolulu, Ii. I. ly J. MONTGOMERY, A TTORNKV AT I.AW A M SULIC1TOK ra Of riCJC .No. 8 Kaahumana Street, fcC-- 4 Of.poaite Mr. hhodea builJiDr. JOHN THOS. WATEKHOUSE, f MPOdTEIl AM DKAI.Ka IN GENERAL M. UIKCUlMIsl!, 8i3 Qoeen Bcreet, Iiooolola. lr C. BREWER & CO., ATIOM MISSION" iXI) SIIII'PINO M ER. V CHANTS flooolale, Oaha, (S3 ly) flavaiiaa Iilandi. E. HOFFHANrj, IX. D4 rjlITSICIAN AND SLItCKOX, CORNER L Merrhaot and Kaahomana 8( , near the Post-otfie- & It ALLEN & CHILLINGWORTH, KAWAIIIAK. IIAWAir WILI, CONTINUE THE GENERAL AN DISK and SIlIPflNO BLSIN-S- d al that above port, where they are prepared to furnish the Juatly cele- - required by whale ships, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. (9i2 ly) I'lUKWOOb UN HAND. ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT, c OMMISSION MERCHANT AM) HEN" KRAL SlllHI-lN- AUK.NT. Jlooolalo. Ilawaiiaa Islands Mi IRA RICHARDSON, AND DEALER IN BOOTS IMPORTER Clothinir, burnishing Ooodf, Perfumery, Corner of Fort and Merchants. lplsly Honolulu, H. I. F. T. LEWEHAN & CO., IMPORTERS Ai COMMISSION AGENTS. Dealer in General Merchandise. It 16 Qoeen St., next tithe Office of J. I. Dow art t, Kaq. (ly THOS. G. THRUM, ENGRAVER ON GOLD. SI L.VER, BRASS, I If IVORY, Ac, e. TENCIL CUTTER IN PLANTATION, s ataaiaesa and nam Plates. my 10 1 j S. B. DOLE, AT LAW. OFFICE OVER ATTORNEY corner of Fort and Merchant Street, mh21 Ilooolala. ly ED. HOITSCHLAEGEE & CO., AND COMMISSION MERC- HANTS, IMPORTERS Corner of Fort and VIerchant Streets. mhT ly THEO. H. DAVIES, (Late J anion, Green A Co.; AND COMMISSION MERC- HANT. IMPORTER AG a XT ro Lioyds and lb Liverpool Underwriter, Northern Asiarance Company, acd British and Foreign Mario loturance Company. mh21 Fire Proof Buildings, Kaanamana and Queen St. ly DE. 0. S. CUMMINGS, OM CEO PAT II 1ST, 3 FORT STREET, II Honolulu, II. I. ntil S. MAGNIN, AND DEA LER IN DRY IMPORTER AND CLOTHING, HATS JXD CJl'S, FURXISHIXQ GOODS, Etc. mh2 So. 22 Nuuaao St.. near King. ly E. G. HITCHCOCK, ATTORNET at law, IIILO, HAWAII. Billi promptly collected. fe7 ly CASTLE & COOKE, AND DEALERS IN IMPORTERS UKKCliANDIdK, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 17 No. 80 King Street, Honolulu, II. 1. ly BOLLES & CO., CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION SHIP M KKCI1A NTS. Importers sod Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen Street Honolulu, Hawaiian Ialands. Agents lor the Kauoakakai, Maaoalua and Kakaako Salt fj Work. ly DILLINGHAM & CO., AND DEALERS IN HARD-WA- R IMPORTERS K, Cutlery, Dry Goods, Paints and Oils, and General Merchandise. ap25 No. 05 King Street, Honolulu. ly CHULAN & CO., OF AND DEALERS IN IMPORTERS OOODS Of all description, and in all kinds of Pry Good. Also, con atantly on hand, a superior quality of Hawaiian Kice. 957 Nuaanu Street, Honolulu ly M. McINERNY, AND DEALER IN IMPORTER Hate, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, Pocks Cutlery, and erery description of Gent' Superior Furnishing Good. 17 Benkert's Fine Calf Dress Boots, always on hand. N. C Coas ta or Post aid Mbscbast Sratrrs. jail ly a. s. raitL. a. W. LAIXB. FRIEL & LAINE, ROCERS AND PROV ISloX DEALERS, G Family Grocery and Feed Store, S3 Fort Street, Honolulu. d20 ly WILDER & CO., TJUCCESSORS TO DOWSETT At CO. a9 Corner Fort and Qaeen St. Dealers In Lamber. Paints. Oil, Nails, Salt, and BuIIJiag ap4 Material,of every kind. ly A. W. PEIRCE & CO., (Successors to C. L. Richard. tfr Co.) CII 4NDLERS A N D G EN ER A L SHIP MERCHANT:. Honolulu. Hawaiian Island. (JaJ ly E. P. ADAMS, A CCTIONEER A-- D COMMISSION MER- - .'HINT. Qoeen Street, Hooululu, H. I. Ja3 ly F. HORN, NO. 4i HOTEL ST.. GONFECTIONER. Honolulu. diO RICHARD F. BICKERTON, -- ilERCIIANT STREET. IIONOI.CLU. 1X J. W. Austin" former Office, orer Henry M. Whitney's book store. Aeeexiaii aa' Bill Colleefral, Drafting. Book Keeping, Copying, Cutom House Business mySO and General Commission carefully executed. 3m SYMAN BROTHERS, WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL IMPORTERS, DKALfcrUJ IN Dry Good. CloUiicg. HaU rnrnUhlng Goods, Ladies' and Genu' Boots and tnr. Yankee Notions, AC., c. Caps. Snow's Building. No. 0 Merchant St. Hon Jolu. aplS ly LEWERS & DICKSON, E4LERS IN LUMBER AND BLILDIXG D 94f HateriaiS. r on ij F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., AND COMMISSION MERC- HANTS, IMPORTERS Honolulu, Hawaiian Island. 9i2 ly ' AFONG & ACHUCK, PORTERS, W IIOLES.4 LE AND RET AIL IM in Geoeral Merchandise. Fire-pro- of Store. Nuna-n-u Streets. 7 THEOD. C. HEUCK, AND COMMISSION IMPORTER (Jllj) Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. COTTON DUCK ! 'AW RENTE MANUFACTORY. AN AS-m- ent of numbers, for sale low by gnsint-s- Carts. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., AND WHOLESALE IMPORTERS Clothing, Hal, Caps. Boot and Shoes, and erery variety of Gentlemen's Superior Furnishing Ooods Store formerly occupied by W. A. Aldrich. Makee's 637 Block. Queen Street. ly M. PHILLIPS & Co., AND WHOLESALE IMPORTERS shoes. Hat. Mrn's Furnishing and Fancy Goods. (Ml ly) No. 11 Kaahumana St. Honolulu. E. 0. HALL & SON, IMPORTERS J ND DEALERS IN HARD. M. WARE, Dry Ooods, Painu, Oils, and General Merchandise. vei Corner Fort and King BU. ly BROWN & CO., MPORTRS AND DEALERS IN ALES. WI.NEi AND BflKlTB. AT WUULrALE. 0 Merchant Street, lyj Honolulu, H. I. A. I. CLCGHOa. JSO. S. (MITBItS. A. S. CLEGHORN k Co., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND M. RETAIL DEALERS IN Cenoral Merchandise, Corner Qaeen and Kaahumanu Sis., ly S'uuann 8u, and Corner Fort and Hotel Sta. THOS. G. THRUM, CJTATIONER. NEWS DEALER AND 3 BOOK BINDER, Merchant Street, Honolulu, U. I. 95S ly H. HACKFELD & Co. . ENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. G ly UONOLCLC. H. E. McLNTYRE & BROTHER, ROCERY, FEED STORE AND BAKERY, G Corner of King and Fort Streets, 968 ly Honolulu. II. I. ALFRED S. HARTWELL, 4 TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT J. SV LAW. (my30 Office orer Hoffmann's Drag Store. C. S. BARTOW, 4 CCTIONEER. SALESROOM ON Q.CEEN 943 Street, ooe door from Kaahumanu. Ij B. ribCBIB. S. BOTS. FISCHER & ROTH, IlERCIIANT TAILORS, 38 FORT ST., 11 apZS Honolulu, H. I. IJ D. N. FLITNER, ATIONTINUES IIISOLO BISISESSI.VTHE my Fire-pro- building, Kaahumana btreet. Chronometer rated by observations of the sun and stars, with a transit instrument accurately adjustea to me meridian of Honolulu. Particularattention glvento fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses ailrered and adjusted. Chart and nautical inctniment constantly on 919 hand and for aalo. , - ly BISHOP & CO., BANKERS, O NO LULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. II DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON The Bank of California San Francisco Messrs. Lees A Waller New York Tremont National Bank Boston Oriental Bank Corporation............ London Oriental Bank Corporation, payable in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckuind. " A gents for the Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York. Beceive Deposits, Discount First-clas- s Business paper, attend to Collecting, ic, ftc. mya i j , lit v ms OO King Stioot, OO , M. T. DON NELL, (MPOaTsa Aao ataarrACTUBUt or ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! a Suitable to this market. fjt XT Old Furniture repaired and Mattrasses of all de 1 wVlipUOUS wJ atut. awwsua Before bujior elewhere emu at HO ana 99 tvingtireri A Cat 1 P. D ALTON, SatlcIIc and Harness ITIakcr, Kin a STREET, HONOLULU. f Harness, Saddle 4. Shoe Letth-- V r, ConstAstly llaad. Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 919 ly W. FISCHER. Cabinet Maker and French Polisher ap26 Hotel St., near fh Drug Store of E. Strehs Co. ly E. C. ADDERLEY, Saddle and Harness Maker, CORNER cfdfUl Tart and Hotel Streets. Honolulu. vrsr- - r y Carriages Trimmed with neatness and dispatch. Island Orders attended to promptly. l' C. E. WILLIAMS, Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in 3? XT XI 3NT ITU n 33 ! (51 OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Vgsj Furniture Ware Room on Fort street; Workshop at ' the old stand. Hotel afreet, near Fort, N. B. Orders ;rom the otner isianas promptly auraura m. 952 ly WM. WEIGHT, VV ghop on the Judd Wharf, next to the Old Custom liouae. All work In my line will be executed with dispatch and guaranteed. JOT All orders from the other islands will be carefully at tended t'J-- Horse-Shoein- g and Carriage Repairing! rn Kal CABINET MAKER'S SHOP! THE UNDERSIGNED bees to notify his friends and the public generally, that he ba taken Sliop o xx Port Sta-30- , on door below tbo Government Building, wher be will b found hereafter, prepared to carry on the r ; , ; CABINET MAKER'S BUSINESS, n all ils bmnches and on the most reasorwW terra. SECOND HAND FCKNITCRE BOCGHT AND SOLD, and Repairing Done Neatly and Expeditiously. Plensc fflve htm fa Onll. ,P2S if DANIEL McCOBRISTON. McCOLCAN & JOHNSON, 3. Merrbaiait Tailors, Kaahamanu St., H. I apposite Godfrey Rhode. tpid ly C. WEST, VTirss asd Carriage Bailder, 7iaid7 KlaSt., Honolulu. Jal8 ly) Island orders promptly executed. a. sictLits. E. BISTLSB. C. SECELKEN & CO., Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers, Nsaans Street, set. Slerrhant ana usees, iivp rnvsTivTl.r O V II t NT) Stnre, Lea.1 Pipe, Oalr. Iron Pipe, Plain and Hon Bitb. etnp Cock. India Robber Hose best S-- is M lengths of 23 and 60 feet, with Coupling and Pipe con, plete. Also, a very large stock Tinware of erery descrip- tion. Johbing and Repairing done to order promptly and war- ranted. Particular attention giren to Ship Work. Thankful to the citisen of Honolulu, and the Island gen- erally, for their liberal patrons In the past, we hope by strict . . . k..i-- M. n t the . same . fne the fntnre. nt iu u w uu3iurN w in"" - - XT Order from the other Island will be carefully attended to. cnHO tr iv uu. UT1 - If ittvuutat i 'i m Mi mi mi hi MiiuM A TTTntni(iiiif wii- iirnir fw iWim- TiriivTr-Twn- rr gmir'i bujj jwwrtin wHin.nimUrt . . ' ' a - . B I 1 . . ' . 10 ' a Aw. Lha ; j la ; Ij Ac. ' e , of - n trf JAS. L. LEWIS, Cooper and Ganger, at the Old Stand, CORNER OP KING AND x B 1 1 11 1 L street. Would inform Planter, .S'lT1 aaSaWasssssssssWaWata Agents and other that be ha ON hand IOOO KEROSENE TIERCES! the BCST Containers fur Tallow r Oil. Also, Eastern Pine Molasses Barrels ! Mow on hand, ready for use and ererr other article to be found is a well regulated Cooper Soon. He hopes by attention to business to merit a continuance of the patronage which he ha heretofore enjoyed and for which ne now returos tu wanks. DAVID KEALOHA, House, Ship and Sign Painting! HOTEL STREET. H r A VINO OPENED A SUOP ON THE above street. Is prepared to do all manner of work in hia Un of business. Charges reasonable, and all work don wan neatness and dispatch. ja3 ly J. M. OAT & Co., Sailmakers. OLD CUSTOM H0CSK, FIRE-PRO- BUILDINU. On the Wharf, Foot of Nuuana Street, Hono lulu, U. I. Sails made in the Best Style and Fitted with Galranised Clue and Thimbles. Flag r all description made and repaired Thankful for past patronage, we are prepared to execute all order la our Hue, wttb diapaieu and in a satisfactory manner. lev I ly THOMAS LACK, (SCCCSS0 TO JOBS SKILL.) avr urv. cs xx iktist NO. 40 FORT STREET, i. will attend to all orders In the W J LOCK, GIN &. GENERAL REPAIR LIVE n win give special attention to cleaning, repairing and reo alating Sewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machinery and Metal Work of erery description, Blac-ksnai- t hlag, Ac ALSO. ON HAND AND FOR SALS CHEAP, A Variety of Sewing Machines, Gsas, ristsls, Shot, AmmnnltloB, MACIIINB OIL, NEEDLES, Ac, Arc. Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders, and all other extra and duplicate parts of Machine supplied on short noUce XT Bt Machine Twist, xt cols AOirr is this eisodom roa The Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. .ftf.e- V- STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR Lja Mills, Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead Catings. Machinery of Every Description made TO ORDER. Particular Attention paid to &'Ap's Blacksmlthlng. K7 Job Work executed on the shortest botica. . 949 ly - a Oa. I fat. ti 2 I a . g U H 0""SL2)53 5l5e5 Si SiMK ! CO 2 vr 5 S "B. i 15 i a mm s i PRICE LIST or-- CHELSEA LAUNDRY I HoHnLVLtr, n. I., July 7, 1873. AND AFTER THIS DATE. THE iYOL-LOWI- NQ RATES will be charged on all wcrk done at .& r T n.l.-..- - Genlleniea' Lial. Cents. While nr Polnred Shirts. Polished, each 10 White or Colored Shirts, Plain, each 8 White or Colored collars, rousneu, eacn 4 Whit or Colored Collars, Plain, each 3 ku. Cnlnrvil PnfT. Poliahed. tl nair... 4 White or Colored Cuff, Plain, pair Si White coats, eacn 12 White Pants, each f 10 White Vests, each 10 Cloth Coal. each SO Cloth Pants, each 15 Cloth Vesta, each ......12. Cndershirts, each - 6t Drawers, each - - 6i Night Shirts, each 6 Night Pants, each 6 Handkerchiefs, each........ 4 Socks or Stockings. V pair... 4 ldli. Lief. Underclothing, Plain, each .. 61 linderclothing. Starched, each Underclothing, Starched and Hated, for each Ruffle... ..10 .15 Hkin. Tucked or Fluted, land 10c. for each Ruffle) each. .25 v aiais, nam. ............................ . i Waists, Tucked or Fluted, (and 10c. for each RtUlle)each..l5 Waiats, Tucked or Fluted, and extra with lace, (and 10c IVir earn Rnfflel each - .35 Preaaea, White or Colored, Plain SO Dresaes, Tucked or Fluted, (and 10c. for earn Raffle) each. 30 Y1 - .11 - 1 : . U T&A.lln P.. I aw... . wllk . . T n irreasi a, .umcvi win, unu, uu v " . (and 2ac. for each Ruffle) each ...M Niiihl Dresaea. Plain, each 6. Night Dresses, with Fluting, each (8c. for each Ruffle) 8. Children' L.i.1. Nightgown, Plain, each Drawer, I'lain, eacn Drawers, Fluted, each 6. Walit. IMain. each 4 Skirt, Plain, each 6 Skirts, Tucked or Fluted, each, (and 10c for each Raffle)... 10 3 1: IH -- . Al . cups, r -- :m.u " Slips, Tacked or riuted, each, (aod lue lor eacn KUtuei. ... Bt Dresse. Plain, each - 8r Dresses. Tucked or Fluted, each, (and 10c for each Ruffle).. 12f Socks or Stockioga, & pair.... Si Haaselaald Li. I. Table Cloth, Large, Plain, each ...20 Table Cloths, Large, Starched, each ...85 Table Cloths, Medium, Plain, each ...12J Table Cloths, Medium, Starched, each.... ...1 Table Cloths, Sir all. Plain, each ... 61 Table Cloth, Sc 'I, Starched, each ...10 Sheets, Single, - ... et Sheet. Double n ... a Toweis, each...... ......... ............. ... st Napkin, each ... 4 Pillow Slip, Plain ... 4 Pillow Slips, Starched ... ei Pillow SUrja. Fluxed ...10 Counterpanes, Large, each ...25 Counterpanes, Small, each ...12 Blankets, Large, eacn ...20 Blankets, Medium, each ...IS Blankets. Small, each W indow Curtains, Large, each .20 Window Curtain, Medium, each......... .15 Window Curtains. Small, each............ -- 124 Mosquito Nets, each .60 MT MOTTO What I warin daiag at all, I warlai disg well. MT INTENTION TeCire Sal I. fact Ian taall MT TERMS CASH ON DELIVERV. I Respectfully Solicit the Public Pannage TT Office at II. E. McINTTRE At BRO.'S Grocery. Feea Store and Bakery, Corner of Fort and King Su. Wagon calls for all orders. 657 or W.M.WALLACE Proprietor. CHAS. T. CULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND 1GE.VT TO TIRE ICKAOWLEDGFJIEXTS FOE Ii ABO II . 052 ly Interior Ofiee, Honolulu. THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, (UMIT:d. ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWEST elauaea In the Po!L-i- of tK; r.. A rent THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y lSMfi nre and Life Pallrles J-- N THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALL v,asitAj tvr RMW9frm Trv a rru wiin DromDCittblt. J THKO. U. DAVIKS, A gaol. BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. rinE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE JL Boatoa Board of Cnderwriters. notiv Maatera of Tesaeaa and others that all bills for Repairs on Vessels, And All bills aor uenerai arerage porposea, must be appro red by toe Agent of the Boston Underwriter, who must also be represented an surreys, or suca Dill Will not De allowed. ly C. BREWKR A CO, Agents. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. TUIE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OP THE Com nan r. hare been authorised ta inanrs riaka on Cargo, Freight aid Treasure. from TTonoIulu to all port of lha world, and etc versa. "W rw ...sasr.cK TRANSATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ufllamburtr. Capital, One Million Pmssian Thaler. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN Agents of the above Company ar now ready to lWe Policies azaiast EUts sf Fire, oa Baltttligs, Mrreknwaliae at aid Faarasilare, on terms equal to those of other respectable companira. . For partiealara apply to . . M tf , H. HACKFELD A CO., Agent. IIAMHUKGII-BREME- Jf FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. miE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN L Appcinted Agents of the above Company. are prepared to insure risks againat Fire on Stone aod Brick Buildings and on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms. for particulars apply at the office of 9b1 ly F. A. SCHAEFER A-- CO. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF BOSTON, MASS. Tklrly-aa- e Tear Staadlag! ' - Policies Issued on the most favorabls Terms. The Greatest Risk tilei ca a life, $!9,000. Surplus dittribuied amung tkt member $ OMUMtly. Assets, 812,320,000 I CASTLE 1: COOKE, AGENTS 857 FOB THE HAWS ISLANDS. ly UNION INSURANCE COMFT OP SAN FRANCISCO. IYT. jC. H X 3NT 33 . INCORPOBATKD, 18J. CASTLE & COOKE, Agents , 957 ly FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. ESTABLISHED, 1809. CAPITA I. 2,000.000 Arcaraalaterl and Invested Faaal, 2,838,118 THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN AGENTS for the Bandwich Islands, and r. aothorised to Insure againit Fire upon favorable term. Risk taken in any part of the Islands on Wooden Buildings, and Merchandise stored therein, Dwelling Houses and Furni- ture, Timber, Coal. Ship in harbor with or without cargoes or unuer repair. ap iy ilt. UjrrscULAKUKR A CO. Boston Board of Underwriters ! GENTS for the Hawaiian Island, , L mh7 ly C. BREWER A CO. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters ! A GENTS rr Ike Hawaiian Island. mo. ly V. DttEWEA AW. TTOT I CE.-- M ASTERS OF VESSELS VIS-- 1 IT1NO this port In a disabled condition and insured in any ol the Boston and Philadelphia Offices must bar their reports and account duly certified to by us. mm IT C. BREWER A CO. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAMBURG- - THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN Agent of the shore Company for the 8andwich Islands, is now prepared TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE udoo the most favorable terms, On Brick, Stane, and Woadea Stare, And on Merchandise stored therein, Prirat Dwellings. Furni ture, i(C. Ail Losses adjusted and paid for here with prompt- itude. For particulars apply at the office of j31 ly THEOD. C. HEUCK, Agent. F. A. SCHAEFER, CEXT Bremen Baard ar UfaJerwritcrs. Agent Vienna Baard af Underwriters. Claims againat Insurance Companies within the Jurisdiction of the abore board of Underwriters, will bare to be certified to ty the Agent to make them valid. July THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL! '.HE PROPRIETOR WILL. SPARE NO T pains to make this 23 Xi 13 O A. TXT 17 IX OTIDIj First-Clas- s in Every Particular ! ROOMS Cl BE niD BT THE .TIGHT OS WEEK t with or without board. HALL AND LARGE ROOMS TO LET FOR Ju28 PUBLIC MEETINGS, OR SOCIETIES. ly JUST RECEIVED I! PER Robert Cowan, from Melbourne ! 10 Cases only (pints & qa&rta) of Genuine Chas. Heidseick Champagne ! PRICE. 25.00 PER CASE. 10 Cases Hennessy's "Battle-axe- " Brandy, 50 Cases Key Brand Geneva. FOR SALE BT 952 THEOj II. DAVIES. FIREWOOD! FIBEWOOD!! L1ROM EAST MAI I. FOR SALE BY V n20 BOLLAS A CO. rio.aCi:it isAiiAi'A. CUMPBELL A Tl'RTOV, I'raarlaiara. of saperior sjiiatity, now rvsniuc la aavd far sal in quantities to smt ty p1F H. UACKFKLD It CO. WAILUKU PLANTATION! WAlLtKl', Mill. CROP OF IMS by C. blAWKK Ca., Aeenta. WAIKAI'l rj.A.TATIO. ! II. Carnwell, t'rant-ieta- r SUGAR AND MOLASSES FROM THIS for sal in tots to suit purrhawrs. Apply to & ly OKO. C AlcLAAN, Afet. MAKEE PLANTATION. ULl'PALAKUA, MAUI. CROP OF 187 3 SUGAR A MOLASSES, For SaK by C. UKKWKR , Agenla. HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY ! B. LOVE & BROTHERS, Proprietor., NUUANU FTRKKT. PILOT, MEDIUmTnD NAVY RREAD, hand and atad to order. AUo, hater, Sod and Butter CracltrM, JEN Y LIND CAKKS. Ac. SHIP BREAD REBAKED oo tbe shortest notice. FAMILY BREAD, made of the Reat k.vt .ii. always on hand. fi. B.BROfT! BREAD OF THS. BEST QUJLITt V57 ly - METROPOLITAN MARKET, G. WALLER, Eina STREET. HONOLULU. WT ly WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET! rrrl f. w. d un n e . XI m; T" . PROPRIETOR. MCUANU 8TREKT. M ly RAUPARUE1 PLANTATION SUCJAU NCW COMING IN, A ND FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, BY AFONG A ACHUCK. Honolulu, June 1st, 1874. 4i ly FAMILY MARKET, E. U. BOYD, Praarieiar. Hatel Street. Choicest Meats from finest herds. Poultry, Fitb, Vegetables -, furnished to order. api ly A. 8. CLECHORN & CO., A GENTS FOR THE WAIMKA T ANN FRY, jAlly Hawaii. UOIYOIsUIsU SOAP WOUIaS ! BY W. J. RAWLINS, Manufacturer OF ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! AND Buyer of Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow ! Anal all klads al Saaa G reave. N. B.All Orders left al the Store of M, Mclnrrvy. importer ana vesier in nooie ana snoee, w. e. corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, will be thank- fully received and promptly attended to. W. J. RAWLINS, Practical Saan Bailer, Ja26 ly Leleo, Kiog 8t., Hoiiolula HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS GUEY & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers IN ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! Leleo, King Street, Honolulu. Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted ! Orders Left at Ira Ricaaraaan Baat ans) Saae Stare will meet wills aransal apll Attendance. ly SOLE AND SADDLE LEATHER, Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE, WAIMEA TANNERY C. NOTLEY. By (apA ly) A. S. CLF.0H0RN t CO., Agents. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE AT THE OLDEST TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE ! IS HONOLULU, Established in 1858. -- QJ A LARGE AMD FINE Assortment of II AVA IV A AND t y -- 1 '"'' I GERMAN ii s CIGARS! Turkish, Porto Rico and Kanasta Smoking Tobacco ! AND A LOT OF VERY FINE BRIAR WOOD PIPES! ALSO Constantly on Hand, the VEBY BEST OF CHEWING a SMOKING TOBACCO! IVIecrsclmiim Pipes, Cigar Holders, &c, &c. H. I. NOLTE. 9S8 3m Caraer Qneen anal Nnnaan Sta. v MANILA CIGARS ! SMALL LOT OF THOSE SUPERIOR A quality CIGARS, jast received. These Cigars, are like those we had about one year since, aod pronounced to be ths best article offered in this market during tbe last twenty years. Fpeeially pat op for as 200 cigars in a bos. ja3I For Bale by BOLLKS A CO. Bread ! s A LOON PILOT, CASES AND QR. CASES ( PILOT Bread Mediant do.) Crackert, aasr.rted. For Bale by BOLLES k CO. .fcrtign irtrtxstntKlj. t. 0. BBAILA, BtCAalBti J. C. MERRILL ii Co., Commission Merchants and Auctioneer! 204 tn l 200 California Street, Han Francisco. ALSO. AOK.VTS OF Tilt San Franciico and Honolulu Packets. Particular attention flrra t th aaW and purrhas of aer ahscdlse, ships' business, supply Inf whaleahlpt, BefotlaUef eaebaar. e. rr A lifrht arrtrlns at ta er t th II. sjoiait Lias of rckU. will bf orwar04 rait or OOMarwatoB. fjr Kscbang on Honolula boafhl and aotd.XS asrtacacaa Messrs. A. W. Pelrre a Co M.IIuar4ul II. Hackfcid Co , - C. Brewer a C " " UlahOf) CO Dr. a. W. M II.Mt. B. II. A lira M m lr The Anglo-Californi- an Bank, (LIMITED.) 4I CA LA. ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, CA L. LONDON OrFICK. S AMQKL COI UT NEW TOUK AOF.NTR, J. A-- W. prilOMAN a CO., SI Broad ftirert. Authorized CAPITALSTOCK, $8,000,000 WILL RECEIVE DEPOSITS). OPEN AC aak colieclioos, buy aod srll kirkant. snd Bullion, la Alunry and lasa Letters of Credit Available Uirutif boat tb world. K. tt. UN a ATM. I Msnsrers. ly ION. TKINIIART. J A. P. EVEB.ETT, Forwarding & Coramisvion Merchant 4 OS FRONT STaSCT. COBMKR CLAV, SAN FRANCISCO. Particular auntta patd I Conaignturnls of Island Pr.r.iuc. 04a ly onhlt wm. wiDaaas, w. t. Fortland, til Front Bt. Baa Francisco. LEVEBIDQE, WADHAMS & CO. W h o 1 e h a I o O io o o r m AND Forwarding and Commiision Merchant. PORTLAND, OREUON. ParUciUr ittritlta paid U CtBil(kaRli tf Pit Sanavrlen llanat I'rassM. If IIVTDIA RICE IVIIIaIa. Cor. o a k rreattat Sta. Kab I'raaelsea, (al. THE INDIA RICK MILL IIAVIMJ LNI K,Matertal Imprwvcmcnts, is now in pertrot condi- tion fur the IIEUIIG AND DRESSIXG OF PADDY TJiiclonJiiod Rico! . . In tht Iitul J'oMMtble Manner. CONSIGNMENTS OF PADDY HULLED I1I.OE! Will receive Prompt and Cartful Attention. WM. M. GREENWOOD, Oeneral Commission Merchant aad Prop'ir of India Kkee Mill. 9s3 ss Wu. Cossitt, ' Dobslb MaOLBtr, San Frauclsoo. Kuairt MaoLBar, ! Fortland, 0. - COEBITT & MACLEAY, Importers, 'tYholcsale Grocers and Commiiloii Merchant, Shippers and Dealers of Oregon Produce HAS FRANCISCO t OSes I OS California Ntrat. PORTLAND, OREGON t 1 3 ana 16 Franf.nnn 1 O V 1 1 First St. BSrcSKSCKS I W. C. Ralston, Esq., Bank of California...... ..Ban Frtinclaco Chas. deRo, ttaq. President B. F. A P. ttuaar Co. Pan Pranclaco Messrs. Croos A Co.... ..........baa Franciar Messrs. Ladd A Tiitoa, Bankers Fortland, Oroa Bank of Britlah Columbia ......Fortland, Or.a-o- ) Mvaara. L. Ooldsmilh A Co Fortland, Oregon CorbiU, Failing A Co ........Fortland. Orrcoa Messrs. Bishop A Co., Banker Ilonolulo) Caaslgnaseaf af Islaa4 Pradaee Salir lied. r ir WILLIAMS, BLANCHABD & CO., Shipping & Commission Merchant?, Xa. 218 California Street, mh28 tf SAM FBAMCIBCO. THE GRAND PAC1TIC HOTEL ! CHICAGO. The Largest and Moit Complete Hotel in the World ! T1IIE LESSEEH (WELL KNOWN AS THE of tb fe.HF.KMAN IlOl.BE befor It d Mnietion In tfc mcniorabl Conflarratioa of October tih Bad OUi, 1871,) Laka plMsur lo annoanctns; the rowiptetion of this new eoterpri, which I now open Biidrr their H:roal man atnnt lor th aeeomsnodation of foes. U AUK. HRtlN. V RICK. LESAKKa FOR TWENTY TBAItt. Chicago, Jan 1st, 1173. Jal7 THE RIDGE HOUSE ! KEALAKEKUA BA Y 1IA WAIl. THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS ARE noted to world over for their nnrivakd salubrity of I climate. Certain localities In th group ar spc. J ssBwln tally favored In this way. Tu District of Aoaa. un tb Ireward side of Hawaii, ha Ions been lamed as a place of resort tor tnvaitaa with Bronchi tat, r lung diseases. Hltblu pure and mild atmosphere, w:th It absolute freedom from storms or high winds, with Ils poroot soil which, with all It rich vegetation, retaias no dampness and yields no malaria, aod with aa on vary lug temperature tbat of th Amrrirsa or Southern European J una A IX TUB YEAR EOLND, th climate of Kona Is on of tb healthiest and most Usurious oa tbe globe. Tbe underslgrted, at his bouse at Kaawaloa.a boaae one. qaaled lo th district for se, cteanlioess, commodlonsneas, and thoroughness of furnishing. Is prepared to give boarders excellent rooms and all obtainable eotnfnrts In the way of dirt, TflEBK ABE FB.ESII KATE1 BATIIS ' on the premiaes, and ftn ca bathing within a short distance. The steamer Kilaoeaand th schooners I llama and Prlnee. run rerularly between Honolulu and the Kaawtloa landlnf. The andersigaed employs no agenU sor rmnnrrs. II is hoas spesks for itself apon Inspection. A. A. TODD. Kaawaloa, KeaUkekaa bay, Kona, Nor. 1A, 173. IMT T1IIE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR8ALE INLAND OF AiOLOKAI, to b delivered on th ueacn at naaoaaaaai, ONE STEAM BOILING OUT APPARATUS IH PERFECT ORDER, Conslstinf of Boiler, two Tat and oa Steam Pamp, Ae. Th above apparatus was manufactured In lS:a at lb Iloooiut Iron Works. ALSO At Walklkl, Island of Oaha, OMR COMPLETE Steam Apparatus for Manufac- turing of Pol I Fcr further particulars apply to CHAS. R. BISnoP.or JNO. 0. DOMINI8, 851 AOtuInUtraten of LttaU of Aaathameba T.

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  • TXEC FACiriOCommercial gUberttsrr (Lomnurcial

    THE PAOII1Cibbfrltscr

    IS I'tBLIillCtH KI.I5UIU AT .I'iVury H: it unlay Mornim. Honolulu, Hawaiian I.lntuU.

    DY DLACK & AULD. VI) ZlAtoas of yv rtvortlalnfCI I 4 Matl a Uf rlallaa. Ifl.llO a Vear. Aw ...if,. ... - s . Ppatf Biraaur.) In Nun.'v --e rt-7-- i r 1 B, J m 3 A n. IIB3.00 for a . .H M.f h Coiiiiii'Mfr i .r. .l Twrrla akMrllia. AT.&O la III) a I rar. I t ft H 41 Si f H V H t I ITiv Laa (( tmrtt) it) 3 a wo 4 FO t ou Ik Otr f.rarti-- l Cov ivn ofany partAbiotic .' 1 I. j 1 ntch . . 1 w I IV uo uu ita ; s--r ma:, tttu4a !). Hawaiiaa ? lna ( 1 Inrtin I. . . t i 4 tJ a o lo oopmaca a:ty. A:l Pr lac Cr Will Aw.p port charged '1 34 L:m (I mln,... 1st a T to It oo :4 vu It Oatrw p-- a- - d- -a at th yo&W, which v arias froa 4 & r.e-T.- -.t I enta aa - mmm'm puavr. A Liuas (4 Umckr)... v9 W W It M It to tt 00

    I Uaartr Cotaata t 00 It OJ II II M --V ou 40 00IT 3cvrairrrs PavaaLt aiin I A araarc ""TkaTLTTTT ta s Third Colu ibb. 00 17 00 It 0 i 00 Ss OJ AO 001 .7" Coajsmraa fiia all aarta of La pasit; U Half CuJuaa ll oo tt o m e o oo 41 M : ootys erf Whole Coluaa It 00 w OO 4 00 T Ot 100 OO IMr.T Prntia r.i.n; in an? prt of the L'aitad Stats eorm:t the amount of otacr'ptiaa d fee thai paper la ZT Atrertlsj;s rraklln Is tba Raereta Cniu4 ftalws, caaIswtta otB tUapa. pay fer thetr eanls by eoc)oif CrswabscAs a Cstsa atatai

    PI.AIX AMD TANCY Fata Btanps Aw aaarh aaasmat aa iaf ak l pay n4 ihrtrcarts wlil Isrrte4 aa twr above tab, tt the Usae saidBOOK AND JOD PRINTING 7 Boaiaess Cards, taa raarais ton a laaa, arer r BILL-IIEab- a. vIJITISO. BCMJIE33 A XD ADDRESS VOL. XIX-N-O. 25. ailowsJ a tiaeoaat frvaa irxws rat, atea ar Ar iraaaimtC AK.DS printed is th high tyl f art. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, DECEMBER 19, 1S74. WHOLE NO. 969. st when pki4 seehaixH qoartrrty.

    The Traveler and His Friend.A (nlhrnu, Ikwl to soaA trip ll era, u tvffd 14 uktCoenauaaton a a doesa twitad :

    " want a watch ; another amifoe win, A vry aperial cukA ad tf it M or. I L aauca to ask

    m c'icc e.gar ; a box will do ;Or, whu you're at it. purchase two !Another Uirtul wooJJ lika a parOf boots. -- They're ao Bach cheaper there ;A lady friend would bar him bo5uo Ucea, " If they're nut too high j"

    . An"tnr Want avx of gloves,French kuia joa know, are real love !

    Taos oo wartta thi ; another, IkalA bock. bonnet, or a kal ;Enough u make Ike mtoaAj aaaa(o blfti tlie(r amail roam Lasloo" ranta taW ami balk) repent that beHad ever Utooftt to croaa Ibe eraMorcaeerr it her remarked,Before the (eotlemaa embarked,Him friend, for tear be nlfkt furgttTheir Utile errands, paialy artThetr wahea 4owa black had while ;A aeasibkt proeeedinj ajail ;Bal aa it happened not a friend( With one esrep(ioa) iboafnt to sendThe ready mooey, and 13 say," See ! here's Ibe cash you'll hare to pay !He easbarke sees 'Frisco, Rome,And other cities ; then comes bomWell pleased with much that met hie rye ;But haainf, somehow, u!ed to buyA eiogte China; for any friend.Etcet the one aha ihoaf bt to eenjThe wherewithal. WeU, need I sayThat soon his aeifhboar came to payTheir (tvetiof at bis safe return.And charming heal Ik aod (also) brnraAbnl their Lit lie errands, whatFor earh Ike traveler bad (utf- By Joee r be said, " U makes aae oaJTo chick hat wretched lack I hadFor aa at sea I sat ooe dajrA rrangio in a proper wayThe papers y-- ao kindly sent,A (aiw arose, and off they venaInto Ih ocean, nor coald IRemember aofhl Joa bad me boy !"

    Bat," (rambled one, " ii that were ao.How maei It, air, yoa chanced I knowft bal fair avin'e errand era r fur AeQae ro whal he aWrrd wa asw C -" Faith ? ao he has, -- beyond a doubt ! this U bow U cam abuat iHit aaessoranalam chanced to holdA certain saaa of soldi fold ;A nl Ihos the paper by its veifhtEscaped the elher's windy (ale .

    VAEIETY.Ao AtvbaroA girl liJ do wo a rope ladder,

    UI a horse, rode twelve mile and paid thepaator lee, rather than not bayo the marriageccremooj coiae oK.

    A Terra Haate cLIIJ, on being asked what ahewould da if her mother boa Id die, aaid : ' Iwould die, too." iiein aitked how she woulddie, replied : Eat mjsclf to death."

    Which of the Fiji Islands are joa from?"akcd a vioitor of one of iiarnum's caooibala theother daj. Tipperarj, bedad !" waa the repljof the ravenous anlhropophagiet.

    ! A Saratoga belle, who eiz months ago was aolanguid that the Coa!d ecarceiy iupport herself atthe altar, now throws a flat-iro- n fifty-fir- e feet;and hita her huahand everj time.

    A Farmer sent an order to a London tradesmanfor a clock. lie said he should prefer one madeby Tempus Fugit, as all the best clocks in hisneighbourhood Itad that name on the face.

    An epterprioiog reporter in Arkansas, who waalatelj sentenced to the State prison for horse-stealing, applied to his employers to be con-tinued on the Journal as penitentiary correspo-ndent."

    What do jou know the 'character of thisroan?" was asked of a witness at a police courtthe other daj. What do 1 know of his charac-ter ! 1 know it to be unreachable, jour honour,"he replied with much emphasis.

    When Lord Palmers ton was asked to supportthe bill for lesalisin? marriage with a deceasedwife's sister, he said that the only advantage ofthe change of law would be that the man whomarried twice under such circumstances wouldnot have two mothers-in-la-

    AEicted with the last infirmity of nobleminds," a Paisley printer forsook his trade toshare in the glories oi Nelson. Soon after bewas afLat, be was, one black, stormy night, or-dered alert. The poor fellow, instead of at oncethrowing himself into the shrouds, looked up inwild dismay at the officer, and exclaimed, 44 Oiman, it wad be a temptin' o Providence to gangup there on sic a nicht !"

    LABcs-llaUBTKi.KS- 3. A worthy farmer wasgreatly exercised last year with regard to thesafety of the bay crop. The weather, thoughoften threatening, favoured his efforts till be badsucceeded in getting it safely gathered in, beingin this respect more fortunate than several of hisneighbours.. After seeing the last vip of strawround his stacks, he exclaimed, with a self-satisfie- d

    air, Noo, "in 1 ha'e gotten my hay a safein, I think the world would be greatly the betterof a guid shower."

    Death Btroa Dishonor. The life of an?ditor is not always strewn with roses and freepasses ; but it des our heart good to learn everynow and then that the craft is worthy of theeTeat name, and that heroism is not yet dead inits ranks. In Kentucky, when a young mangets in love deep enough to speak bis sentimentsin rhyme which he is sure is poetry, and whichhe wishe to ree in print, he loads bis shot-gu- n,aad starts for the editor of a country paper. Ifthe editor refuses to publish hie " pome," theirate child of genius unloads his gun under theeditor's ear. or in some oilier portion of his ana-tomy. To tlx; honor of the craft, be it said, agreat many olten prefer death to dishonor.

    -- Durinzone of the earlier vUits of the RoyiFamilv to lUlmoral Prince Albert, dressed in avery simple manner, was crossing one of theScotch lakes in a steamer, and was curious tocote everything relating to the management ofthe vessel, and among many other things thecookicg. Approaching the "galley" where abrawny Highlander was attending to the culina-ry matters, he was attracted by the savoury odoursof a compound known by Scotchmen as hodge-pod'e- ,"

    which the Highlander was preparing.What is that?" asked the Prince who was not

    known to the cook. Hodge-podg- e, sir," wast be. ..reply. "How is it made?" was the nextquestion. " Why, there's mutton intil't, andturnips intil't and carrots intil't, and "" Yes, yes," said the Prince, who bad not learntthat " intil't" meant " in it," expressed by thecontraction intil't." " bat what is intil't ?"

    Why, there's mutton intil't, and turnips intil't,and carrots intil't, and " " Yes, I see; bntwhat is intil't'?" The man looked at him, and,seeing that the Prince was serious, be replied."There 'a matron intil't, and turnips intil't, and

    " "Yes, certainly, I know, urged theinquirer; "but what is intil't' intil't? "" Why " jelled the Highlander, brandishing hisbig apoon, "amlna tellin' ye what's intil't?" Here the inter--There's mutton intil't, andTiew was brought to a dose by one of the Prince s

    passing, stepped in to ex-

    plaineuite. who, fortunately

    matters to the Highlander, who opened hi.raouUa with stupid wonder at the possibility that

    himself should not t once havea wise ma ; likeknown that it was the Prince.

    gwinfss fails.W. G. IEWIN & Co.,


    J. MONTGOMERY,A TTORNKV AT I.AW A M SULIC1TOKra Of riCJC .No. 8 Kaahumana Street,

    fcC--4 Of.poaite Mr. hhodea builJiDr.


    8i3 Qoeen Bcreet, Iiooolola. lrC. BREWER & CO.,

    ATIOM MISSION" iXI) SIIII'PINO M ER.V CHANTSflooolale, Oaha, (S3 ly) flavaiiaa Iilandi.

    E. HOFFHANrj, IX. D4rjlITSICIAN AND SLItCKOX, CORNERL Merrhaot and Kaahomana 8( , near the Post-otfie-



    WILI, CONTINUE THE GENERALAN DISK and SIlIPflNO BLSIN-S- d al thatabove port, where they are prepared to furnish the Juatly cele--

    required by whale ships, at the shortest notice and on themost reasonable terms. (9i2 ly) I'lUKWOOb UN HAND.


    Jlooolalo. Ilawaiiaa Islands Mi


    Perfumery,Corner of Fort and Merchants. lplsly Honolulu, H. I.

    F. T. LEWEHAN & CO.,IMPORTERS Ai COMMISSION AGENTS.Dealer in General Merchandise.It 16 Qoeen St., next tithe Office of J. I. Dow art t, Kaq. (ly


    S. B. DOLE,AT LAW. OFFICE OVERATTORNEY corner of Fort and Merchant Street,

    mh21 Ilooolala. ly


    HANTS,IMPORTERSCorner of Fort and VIerchant Streets. mhT ly

    THEO. H. DAVIES,(Late J anion, Green A Co.;


    Lioyds and lb Liverpool Underwriter, Northern AsiaranceCompany, acd British and Foreign Mario loturance

    Company.mh21 Fire Proof Buildings, Kaanamana and Queen St. ly

    DE. 0. S. CUMMINGS,OM CEO PAT II 1ST, 3 FORT STREET,II Honolulu, II. I. ntil


    HATS JXD CJl'S, FURXISHIXQ GOODS, Etc.mh2 So. 22 Nuuaao St.. near King. ly


    Billi promptly collected. fe7 ly


    SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS.17 No. 80 King Street, Honolulu, II. 1. ly


    Importers sod Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen StreetHonolulu, Hawaiian Ialands.

    Agents lor the Kauoakakai, Maaoalua and Kakaako Saltfj Work. ly


    Cutlery, Dry Goods, Paints and Oils, and GeneralMerchandise.

    ap25 No. 05 King Street, Honolulu. ly


    Of all description, and in all kinds of Pry Good. Also, conatantly on hand, a superior quality of Hawaiian Kice.

    957 Nuaanu Street, Honolulu ly

    M. McINERNY,AND DEALER INIMPORTER Hate, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery,

    Pocks Cutlery, and erery description of Gent' SuperiorFurnishing Good. 17 Benkert's Fine Calf Dress Boots,always on hand.

    N. C Coas ta or Post aid Mbscbast Sratrrs. jail lya. s. raitL. a. W. LAIXB.

    FRIEL & LAINE,ROCERS AND PROV ISloX DEALERS,G Family Grocery and Feed Store,S3 Fort Street, Honolulu. d20 ly

    WILDER & CO.,TJUCCESSORS TO DOWSETT At CO.a9 Corner Fort and Qaeen St.

    Dealers In Lamber. Paints. Oil, Nails, Salt, and BuIIJiagap4 Material,of every kind. ly

    A. W. PEIRCE & CO.,(Successors to C. L. Richard. tfr Co.)

    CII 4NDLERS A N D G EN ER A LSHIP MERCHANT:. Honolulu. Hawaiian Island.(JaJ ly


    .'HINT.Qoeen Street, Hooululu, H. I. Ja3 ly

    F. HORN,NO. 4i HOTEL ST..GONFECTIONER. Honolulu. diO

    RICHARD F. BICKERTON,--ilERCIIANT STREET. IIONOI.CLU.1X J. W. Austin" former Office, orer Henry M. Whitney's

    book store.Aeeexiaii aa' Bill Colleefral,

    Drafting. Book Keeping, Copying, Cutom House BusinessmySO and General Commission carefully executed. 3m


    Dry Good. CloUiicg. HaU rnrnUhlng Goods, Ladies' andGenu' Boots and tnr. Yankee Notions, AC., c.

    Caps. Snow's Building. No. 0 Merchant St. Hon Jolu. aplS ly



    HANTS,IMPORTERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Island. 9i2 ly


    PORTERS, W IIOLES.4 LE AND RET AILIM in Geoeral Merchandise. Fire-pro- of Store. Nuna-n-uStreets. 7



    of numbers, for sale low by

    gnsint-s- Carts.

    M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,AND WHOLESALEIMPORTERS Clothing, Hal, Caps. Boot and Shoes,

    and erery variety of Gentlemen's Superior Furnishing OoodsStore formerly occupied by W. A. Aldrich. Makee's

    637 Block. Queen Street. ly

    M. PHILLIPS & Co.,AND WHOLESALEIMPORTERS shoes. Hat. Mrn's Furnishing and

    Fancy Goods. (Ml ly) No. 11 Kaahumana St. Honolulu.

    E. 0. HALL & SON,IMPORTERS J ND DEALERS IN HARD.M. WARE, Dry Ooods, Painu, Oils, and General Merchandise.

    vei Corner Fort and King BU. ly


    WI.NEi AND BflKlTB. AT WUULrALE.0 Merchant Street, lyj Honolulu, H. I.

    A. I. CLCGHOa. JSO. S. (MITBItS.


    Cenoral Merchandise,Corner Qaeen and Kaahumanu Sis.,

    ly S'uuann 8u, and Corner Fort and Hotel Sta.

    THOS. G. THRUM,CJTATIONER. NEWS DEALER AND3 BOOK BINDER, Merchant Street, Honolulu, U. I.95S ly


    ALFRED S. HARTWELL,4 TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATJ. SV LAW.(my30 Office orer Hoffmann's Drag Store.


    943 Street, ooe door from Kaahumanu. Ij

    B. ribCBIB. S. BOTS.


    D. N. FLITNER,ATIONTINUES IIISOLO BISISESSI.VTHEmy Fire-pro- building, Kaahumana btreet.Chronometer rated by observations of the sun and stars,

    with a transit instrument accurately adjustea to memeridian of Honolulu. Particularattention glvento

    fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrantglasses ailrered and adjusted. Chart and

    nautical inctniment constantly on919 hand and for aalo. , - ly


    The Bank of California San FranciscoMessrs. Lees A Waller New YorkTremont National Bank BostonOriental Bank Corporation............ LondonOriental Bank Corporation, payable in Sydney, Melbourne

    and Auckuind. "A gents for the Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New

    York.Beceive Deposits, Discount First-clas- s Business paper,

    attend to Collecting, ic, ftc. mya ij

    , lit v ms

    OO King Stioot, OO, M. T. DON NELL,

    (MPOaTsa Aao ataarrACTUBUt or

    ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE !a Suitable to this market.fjt XT Old Furniture repaired and Mattrasses of all de

    1 wVlipUOUS wJ atut. awwsuaBefore bujior elewhere emu at HO ana 99 tvingtireri

    A Cat 1

    P. DALTON,SatlcIIc and Harness ITIakcr,


    f Harness, Saddle 4. Shoe Letth-- Vr, ConstAstly llaad.

    Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 919 ly

    W. FISCHER.Cabinet Maker and French Polisher

    ap26 Hotel St., near fh Drug Store of E. Strehs Co. ly

    E. C. ADDERLEY,Saddle and Harness Maker,

    CORNER cfdfUlTart and Hotel Streets. Honolulu. vrsr- -

    r y Carriages Trimmed with neatness and dispatch. IslandOrders attended to promptly. l'

    C. E. WILLIAMS,Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in

    3? XT XI 3NT ITU n 33 !(51 OF EVERT DESCRIPTION.Vgsj Furniture Ware Room on Fort street; Workshop at' the old stand. Hotel afreet, near Fort,

    N. B. Orders ;rom the otner isianas promptly auraura m.952 ly

    WM. WEIGHT,VV ghop on the Judd Wharf, next to the Old Customliouae.

    All work In my line will be executed with dispatch andguaranteed.

    JOT All orders from the other islands will be carefully attended t'J--Horse-Shoein- g and Carriage Repairing!



    bees to notify his friends and thepublic generally, that he ba taken

    Sliop o xx Port Sta-30-,on door below tbo Government Building, wher be will bfound hereafter, prepared to carry on the r ; , ;

    CABINET MAKER'S BUSINESS,n all ils bmnches and on the most reasorwW terra.


    Repairing Done Neatly and Expeditiously.Plensc fflve htm fa Onll.


    McCOLCAN & JOHNSON,3. Merrbaiait Tailors,Kaahamanu St., H. I apposite Godfrey Rhode.tpid ly

    C. WEST,VTirss asd Carriage Bailder, 7iaid7 KlaSt.,

    Honolulu. Jal8 ly) Island orders promptly executed.

    a. sictLits. E. BISTLSB.C. SECELKEN & CO.,

    Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers,Nsaans Street, set. Slerrhant ana usees,iivp rnvsTivTl.r O V II t NT)Stnre, Lea.1 Pipe, Oalr. Iron Pipe, Plain and HonBitb. etnp Cock. India Robber Hose best S-- isM lengths of 23 and 60 feet, with Coupling and Pipe con,

    plete. Also, a very large stock Tinware of erery descrip-tion. Johbing and Repairing done to order promptly and war-ranted. Particular attention giren to Ship Work.

    Thankful to the citisen of Honolulu, and the Island gen-erally, for their liberal patrons In the past, we hope by strict

    . . . k..i-- M. n t the. same. fne the fntnre.nt iu u w uu3iurN w in"" - -XT Order from the other Island will be carefully attended


    cnHO triv uu.UT1 -



    i 'i m Mi mi mi hi MiiuM A TTTntni(iiiif wii- iirnir f w iWim- TiriivTr-Twn- rr gmir'i bujj jwwrtin wHin.nimUrt

    .. ' 'a- .

    B I1 . . '



    a Aw.













    n trf

    JAS. L. LEWIS,Cooper and Ganger, at the Old Stand,

    CORNER OP KING AND xB 1 1 11 1 L street. Would inform Planter, .S'lT1

    aaSaWasssssssssWaWata Agents and other that be ha ON handIOOO KEROSENE TIERCES!

    the BCST Containers fur Tallow r Oil. Also,Eastern Pine Molasses Barrels !

    Mow on hand, ready for use and ererr other article to befound is a well regulated Cooper Soon.

    He hopes by attention to business to merit a continuance ofthe patronage which he ha heretofore enjoyed and for whichne now returos tu wanks.

    DAVID KEALOHA,House, Ship and Sign Painting!


    Hr A VINO OPENED A SUOP ON THEabove street. Is prepared to do all manner of work inhia Un of business. Charges reasonable, and all work donwan neatness and dispatch. ja3 ly


    On the Wharf, Foot of Nuuana Street, Honolulu, U. I.

    Sails made in the Best Style and Fittedwith Galranised Clue and Thimbles.

    Flag r all description made and repairedThankful for past patronage, we are prepared to execute all

    order la our Hue, wttb diapaieu and in a satisfactory manner.lev I ly


    avr urv. cs xx iktistNO. 40 FORT STREET,i.

    will attend to all orders In the W J

    LOCK, GIN &. GENERAL REPAIR LIVEn win give special attention to cleaning, repairing and reo

    alating Sewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machineryand Metal Work of erery description, Blac-ksnai- t hlag, Ac


    A Variety of Sewing Machines,Gsas, ristsls, Shot, AmmnnltloB,

    MACIIINB OIL, NEEDLES, Ac, Arc.Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders, and all other extra and

    duplicate parts of Machine supplied on short noUceXT Bt Machine Twist, xt

    cols AOirr is this eisodom roaThe Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines.

    HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO..ftf.e- V- STEAM ENGINES, SUGARLja Mills, Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead


    Machinery of Every Description madeTO ORDER.

    Particular Attention paid to &'Ap's Blacksmlthlng.K7 Job Work executed on the shortest botica. . 949 ly

    - aOa. I fat. ti 2I a . g U H

    0""SL2)53 5l5e5

    Si SiMK! CO 2 vr 5 S"B. i 15 i a

    mm s iPRICE LIST


    CHELSEA LAUNDRY IHoHnLVLtr, n. I., July 7, 1873.

    AND AFTER THIS DATE. THE iYOL-LOWI- NQRATES will be charged on all wcrk done at

    .& r T n.l.-..- -

    Genlleniea' Lial. Cents.While nr Polnred Shirts. Polished, each 10White or Colored Shirts, Plain, each 8White or Colored collars, rousneu, eacn 4Whit or Colored Collars, Plain, each 3ku. Cnlnrvil PnfT. Poliahed. tl nair... 4White or Colored Cuff, Plain, pair SiWhite coats, eacn 12White Pants, each f 10White Vests, each 10Cloth Coal. each SOCloth Pants, each 15Cloth Vesta, each ......12.Cndershirts, each - 6tDrawers, each - - 6iNight Shirts, each 6Night Pants, each 6Handkerchiefs, each........ 4Socks or Stockings. V pair... 4

    ldli. Lief.Underclothing, Plain, each .. 61linderclothing. Starched, eachUnderclothing, Starched and Hated, for each Ruffle... ..10

    .15Hkin. Tucked or Fluted, land 10c. for each Ruffle) each. .25v aiais, nam. ............................ . iWaists, Tucked or Fluted, (and 10c. for each RtUlle)each..l5Waiats, Tucked or Fluted, and extra with lace, (and 10c

    IVir earn Rnfflel each - .35Preaaea, White or Colored, Plain SODresaes, Tucked or Fluted, (and 10c. for earn Raffle) each. 30

    Y1 - .11 - 1 : . U T&A.lln P.. I aw.... wllk. . T nirreasi a, .umcvi win, unu, uu v " .(and 2ac. for each Ruffle) each ...M

    Niiihl Dresaea. Plain, each 6.Night Dresses, with Fluting, each (8c. for each Ruffle) 8.

    Children' L.i.1.Nightgown, Plain, eachDrawer, I'lain, eacnDrawers, Fluted, each 6.Walit. IMain. each 4Skirt, Plain, each 6Skirts, Tucked or Fluted, each, (and 10c for each Raffle)... 10

    3 1: IH -- . Al.cups, r --:m.u "Slips, Tacked or riuted, each, (aod lue lor eacn KUtuei. ... BtDresse. Plain, each - 8rDresses. Tucked or Fluted, each, (and 10c for each Ruffle).. 12fSocks or Stockioga, & pair.... Si

    Haaselaald Li. I.Table Cloth, Large, Plain, each ...20Table Cloths, Large, Starched, each ...85Table Cloths, Medium, Plain, each ...12JTable Cloths, Medium, Starched, each.... ...1Table Cloths, Sir all. Plain, each ... 61Table Cloth, Sc 'I, Starched, each ...10Sheets, Single, - ... etSheet. Double n ... aToweis, each...... ......... ............. ... stNapkin, each ... 4Pillow Slip, Plain ... 4Pillow Slips, Starched ... eiPillow SUrja. Fluxed ...10Counterpanes, Large, each ...25Counterpanes, Small, each ...12Blankets, Large, eacn ...20Blankets, Medium, each ...ISBlankets. Small, eachW indow Curtains, Large, each .20Window Curtain, Medium, each......... .15Window Curtains. Small, each............ -- 124Mosquito Nets, each .60

    MT MOTTO What I warin daiag at all, Iwarlai disg well.


    I Respectfully Solicit the Public PannageTT Office at II. E. McINTTRE At BRO.'S Grocery. Feea

    Store and Bakery, Corner of Fort and King Su. Wagon callsfor all orders.

    657 or W.M.WALLACE Proprietor.




    Ii ABO II .052 ly Interior Ofiee, Honolulu.


    (UMIT:d.ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWESTelauaea In the Po!L-i- of tK; r..


    lSMfi nre and Life PallrlesJ--

    N THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALLv,asitAj tvr RMW9frm Trv a rru wiin DromDCittblt.

    J THKO. U. DAVIKS, A gaol.

    BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS.rinE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THEJL Boatoa Board of Cnderwriters. notiv Maatera of Tesaeaaand others that all bills for Repairs on Vessels, And All billsaor uenerai arerage porposea, must be appro red by toe Agentof the Boston Underwriter, who must also be representedan surreys, or suca Dill Will not De allowed.

    ly C. BREWKR A CO, Agents.

    CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY.TUIE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OP THECom nan r. hare been authorised ta inanrs riaka on

    Cargo, Freight aid Treasure.from TTonoIulu to all port of lha world, and etc versa.

    "W rw ...sasr.cK


    ufllamburtr.Capital, One Million Pmssian Thaler.

    THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENAgents of the above Company ar now ready tolWe Policies azaiast EUts sf Fire, oa Baltttligs,

    Mrreknwaliae at aid Faarasilare,on terms equal to those of other respectable companira. .

    For partiealara apply to . .M tf , H. HACKFELD A CO., Agent.


    FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.miE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEENL Appcinted Agents of the above Company. are prepared

    to insure risks againat Fire on Stone aod Brick Buildingsand on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms.

    for particulars apply at the office of9b1 ly F. A. SCHAEFER A-- CO.


    OF BOSTON, MASS.Tklrly-aa- e Tear Staadlag! ' -

    Policies Issued on the most favorabls Terms.

    The Greatest Risk tilei ca a life, $!9,000.Surplus dittribuied amung tkt member $


    Assets, 812,320,000 ICASTLE 1: COOKE, AGENTS



    IYT. jC. H X 3NT 33 . INCORPOBATKD, 18J.CASTLE & COOKE, Agents ,




    CAPITA I. 2,000.000Arcaraalaterl and Invested Faaal, 2,838,118

    THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEENAGENTS for the Bandwich Islands, and r.aothorised to Insure againit Fire upon favorable term.

    Risk taken in any part of the Islands on Wooden Buildings,and Merchandise stored therein, Dwelling Houses and Furni-ture, Timber, Coal. Ship in harbor with or without cargoes orunuer repair. ap iy ilt. UjrrscULAKUKR A CO.

    Boston Board of Underwriters !GENTS for the Hawaiian Island, ,

    L mh7 ly C. BREWER A CO.

    Philadelphia Board of Underwriters !AGENTS rr Ike Hawaiian ly V. DttEWEA AW.TTOT I CE.-- M ASTERS OF VESSELS VIS-- 1

    IT1NO this port In a disabled condition and insured inany ol the Boston and Philadelphia Offices must bar theirreports and account duly certified to by us.

    mm IT C. BREWER A CO.


    THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENAgent of the shore Company for the 8andwichIslands, is now prepared TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE udoothe most favorable terms,

    On Brick, Stane, and Woadea Stare,And on Merchandise stored therein, Prirat Dwellings. Furniture, i(C. Ail Losses adjusted and paid for here with prompt-itude. For particulars apply at the office of

    j31 ly THEOD. C. HEUCK, Agent.

    F. A. SCHAEFER,CEXT Bremen Baard ar UfaJerwritcrs.Agent Vienna Baard af Underwriters.

    Claims againat Insurance Companies within the Jurisdictionof the abore board of Underwriters, will bare to be certifiedto ty the Agent to make them valid. July


    23 Xi 13 O A. TXT 17 IX OTIDIjFirst-Clas- s in Every Particular !

    ROOMS Cl BE niD BT THE .TIGHT OS WEEK twith or without board.



    Robert Cowan, from Melbourne !

    10 Cases only (pints & qa&rta) of Genuine

    Chas. Heidseick Champagne !PRICE. 25.00 PER CASE.

    10 Cases Hennessy's "Battle-axe- " Brandy,

    50 Cases Key Brand Geneva.




    rio.aCi:it isAiiAi'A.CUMPBELL A Tl'RTOV, I'raarlaiara.of saperior sjiiatity, now rvsniuc la aavdfar sal in quantities to smt typ1F H. UACKFKLD It CO.



    WAIKAI'l rj.A.TATIO. !II. Carnwell, t'rant-ieta-r

    SUGAR AND MOLASSES FROM THISfor sal in tots to suit purrhawrs. Apply to& ly OKO. C AlcLAAN, Afet.




    PILOT, MEDIUmTnD NAVY RREAD,hand and atad to order.AUo, hater, Sod and Butter CracltrM,

    JEN Y LIND CAKKS. Ac.SHIP BREAD REBAKED oo tbe shortest notice.FAMILY BREAD, made of the Reat k.vt .ii.


    V57 ly -



    rrrl f. w. d u n n e . XI m;T" . PROPRIETOR.




    AFONG A ACHUCK.Honolulu, June 1st, 1874. 4i ly

    FAMILY MARKET,E. U. BOYD, Praarieiar. Hatel Street.

    Choicest Meats from finest herds. Poultry, Fitb, Vegetables-, furnished to order. api ly


    WAIMKA T ANN FRY,jAlly Hawaii.


    W. J. RAWLINS, ManufacturerOF


    Buyer of Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow !Anal all klads al Saaa G reave.

    N. B.All Orders left al the Store of M, Mclnrrvy.importer ana vesier in nooie ana snoee, w. e. corner

    of Fort and Merchant Streets, will be thank-fully received and promptly

    attended to.W. J. RAWLINS,

    Practical Saan Bailer,Ja26 ly Leleo, Kiog 8t., Hoiiolula


    GUEY & CO.,Manufacturers and Dealers

    IN ALL KINDS OF SOAPS!Leleo, King Street, Honolulu.

    Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted !Orders Left at Ira Ricaaraaan Baat ans)

    Saae Stare will meet wills aransalapll Attendance. ly

    SOLE AND SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins,






    Established in 1858. --QJ

    A LARGE AMD FINEAssortment of


    t y -- 1 '"'' I GERMANii sCIGARS!

    Turkish, Porto Ricoand Kanasta

    Smoking Tobacco !AND A LOT OF


    Constantly on Hand, the VEBY BESTOF

    CHEWING a SMOKING TOBACCO!IVIecrsclmiim Pipes,

    Cigar Holders, &c, &c.H. I. NOLTE.

    9S8 3m Caraer Qneen anal Nnnaan Sta.v MANILA CIGARS !

    SMALL LOT OF THOSE SUPERIORA quality CIGARS, jast received. These Cigars, are likethose we had about one year since, aod pronounced to be thsbest article offered in this market during tbe last twentyyears. Fpeeially pat op for as 200 cigars in a bos.

    ja3I For Bale by BOLLKS A CO.

    Bread !s A LOON PILOT, CASES AND QR. CASES (PILOT Bread Mediant do.) Crackert, aasr.rted.

    For Bale by BOLLES k CO.

    .fcrtign irtrtxstntKlj.

    t. 0. BBAILA, BtCAalBti

    J. C. MERRILL ii Co.,Commission Merchants and Auctioneer!

    204 tn l 200 California Street,

    Han Francisco.ALSO. AOK.VTS OF Tilt

    San Franciico and Honolulu Packets.Particular attention flrra t th aaW and purrhas of aer

    ahscdlse, ships' business, supply Inf whaleahlpt, BefotlaUefeaebaar. e.rr A lifrht arrtrlns at ta er t th II.sjoiait Lias of rckU. will bforwar04 rait or OOMarwatoB.

    fjr Kscbang on Honolula boafhl and aotd.XSasrtacacaaMessrs. A. W. Pelrre a Co M.IIuar4ul

    II. Hackfcid Co , -C. Brewer a C "

    " UlahOf) CODr. a. W. MII.Mt. B. II. A lira M

    m lr

    The Anglo-Californi- an Bank,(LIMITED.)


    Broad ftirert.

    Authorized CAPITALSTOCK, $8,000,000

    WILL RECEIVE DEPOSITS). OPEN ACaak colieclioos, buy aod srll kirkant. sndBullion, la Alunry and lasa Letters of Credit AvailableUirutif boat tb world.

    K. tt. UN a ATM. I ION. TKINIIART. J

    A. P. EVEB.ETT,Forwarding & Coramisvion Merchant


    SAN FRANCISCO.Particular auntta patd I Conaignturnls of Island Pr.r.iuc.

    04a ly onhlt

    wm. wiDaaas, w. t.Fortland, til Front Bt. Baa Francisco.


    W h o 1 e h a I o O io o o r mANDForwarding and Commiision Merchant.


    ParUciUr ittritlta paid U CtBil(kaRli tfPit Sanavrlen llanat I'rassM. If

    IIVTDIA RICE IVIIIaIa.Cor. o a k rreattat Sta. Kab I'raaelsea, (al.

    THE INDIA RICK MILL IIAVIMJ LNIK,Matertal Imprwvcmcnts, is now in pertrot condi-tion fur the


    TJiiclonJiiod Rico!. . In tht Iitul J'oMMtble Manner.


    HULLED I1I.OE!Will receive Prompt and Cartful Attention.

    WM. M. GREENWOOD,Oeneral Commission Merchant aad Prop'ir of India Kkee Mill.

    9s3 ss

    Wu. Cossitt, ' Dobslb MaOLBtr,San Frauclsoo. Kuairt MaoLBar,

    ! Fortland, 0.- COEBITT & MACLEAY,

    Importers, 'tYholcsale Grocers andCommiiloii Merchant,

    Shippers and Dealers of Oregon ProduceHAS FRANCISCO t

    OSes I OS California Ntrat.PORTLAND, OREGON t

    1 3 ana 16 Franf.nnn 1 O V 1 1 First St.BSrcSKSCKS I

    W. C. Ralston, Esq., Bank of California...... ..Ban FrtinclacoChas. deRo, ttaq. President B. F. A P. ttuaar Co. Pan PranclacoMessrs. Croos A Co.... ..........baa FranciarMessrs. Ladd A Tiitoa, Bankers Fortland, OroaBank of Britlah Columbia ......Fortland, Or.a-o- )Mvaara. L. Ooldsmilh A Co Fortland, OregonCorbiU, Failing A Co ........Fortland. OrrcoaMessrs. Bishop A Co., Banker Ilonolulo)Caaslgnaseaf af Islaa4 Pradaee Salir lied.

    r ir


    Shipping & Commission Merchant?,Xa. 218 California Street,

    mh28 tf SAM FBAMCIBCO.


    The Largest and Moit Complete Hotel inthe World !

    T1IIE LESSEEH (WELL KNOWN AS THEof tb fe.HF.KMAN IlOl.BE befor It dMnietion In tfc mcniorabl Conflarratioa of October tih BadOUi, 1871,) Laka plMsur lo annoanctns; the rowiptetion of thisnew eoterpri, which I now open Biidrr their H:roal manatnnt lor th aeeomsnodation of foes.


    Chicago, Jan 1st, 1173. Jal7


    THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AREnoted to world over for their nnrivakd salubrity ofI climate. Certain localities In th group ar spc.

    JssBwln tally favored In this way. Tu District of Aoaa. un

    tb Ireward side of Hawaii, ha Ions been lamed as a place ofresort tor tnvaitaa with Bronchi tat, r lung diseases. Hltblupure and mild atmosphere, w:th It absolute freedom fromstorms or high winds, with Ils poroot soil which, with all Itrich vegetation, retaias no dampness and yields no malaria, aodwith aa on vary lug temperature tbat of th Amrrirsa orSouthern European J una A IX TUB YEAR EOLND, thclimate of Kona Is on of tb healthiest and most Usurious oatbe globe.

    Tbe underslgrted, at his bouse at Kaawaloa.a boaae one.qaaled lo th district for se, cteanlioess, commodlonsneas,and thoroughness of furnishing. Is prepared to give boardersexcellent rooms and all obtainable eotnfnrts In the way of dirt,

    TflEBK ABE FB.ESII KATE1 BATIIS 'on the premiaes, and ftn ca bathing within a short distance.The steamer Kilaoeaand th schooners I llama and Prlnee. runrerularly between Honolulu and the Kaawtloa landlnf.

    The andersigaed employs no agenU sor rmnnrrs. II is hoasspesks for itself apon Inspection. A. A. TODD.

    Kaawaloa, KeaUkekaa bay, Kona, Nor. 1A, 173. IMT

    T1IIE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR8ALEINLAND OF AiOLOKAI, to b delivered on thueacn at naaoaaaaai,


    Conslstinf of Boiler, two Tat and oa Steam Pamp, Ae. Thabove apparatus was manufactured In lS:a at lb IloooiutIron Works.

    ALSO At Walklkl, Island of Oaha, OMR COMPLETE

    Steam Apparatus for Manufac-turing of Pol I

    Fcr further particulars apply toCHAS. R. BISnoP.orJNO. 0. DOMINI8,

    851 AOtuInUtraten of LttaU of Aaathameba T.

  • I)


    1 ftBLIBIIJEDHverv Sat imU


    TAJB fumes Arrivals durlrf Ut week hart eer-.12- ta. A. AA. tn!l steamship Mikado, from flinty end New Zealand;14th. American bark Carfbaldi. from Portland en ie

    K.fc. A. A A. mail eteamp Macrrerv,. from'M rni1" Th ,Taree have been IJth. M.aedo, trranrwo; Itln, Onwar J, whaler, lo crusei 17ta, II. B.coot, r t.r.giand va Tahiti and Vilfirtkn; Jih,

    ..cgr-g.- r, r Aackland and "ylney; and the Garibaldi, A,rsongong.

    sue tc4 autoe thre hundred toco of freight tx Han"" nI oumVr f uvn(rri. TliS MacgrrgorarjugM no b-- ibas k,rt-s-- o (Mr.(-i- i fc fjoaolela mod Alarge umui of tr.:( l TWw Avt. .Aow that oar Liand trlela er CJCaiderahle fx'. a to lie iraaa-PacU- le Cner f rmv iron ea r raaciaco are tU ftta lost. Rnpwl- -wg or islaaj prcdace we qMte a felkrwseia On Saturday Wat. the2SiA alt - th R..

    .U.-T- r p op me price or ail reSoed c Ifc. thus. ' ainrniA prices. T his was

    7 T f B Irrgtiws and e ad--Vs. 7 0,1 " Jc of coarse belpaAH tetter grade, of Ilew.,.ao ,n hi. pvw. while adtow reAoioc gradee se.n to a entirely neglected The leaportaUtktwN, UrtTtry lkt, embracing T4 pkge Ha--UnVr', "0fB ' V. I. lb, work U llawa

    to oif.V IUw"ia k" kW A S0-25- c accords.Corrsa .NoHaaraiMaala Atarke worth 22ZJe.R'c IJavaaa table auotail at 7i4e

    m. ... , AtCBtaao. Norember 2th. 1474.. "r". "xwth iuuim karraviUo ReAaerr CootZ "-"- e aade a ab!poesi to tbU market. Wt- -

    Aeetl acta! reaireotenta. Priceacontinue to n rxeecdm(!r few, llj..! rtd ta atoek. and in a few .k. ...fL ruaoat, leavicf tbe market barepout or homolulu, h. i.

    ARRIV1LS.11-r- Vhr Ka Ma. Powers, from KahulaL

    it" -- hr Keool Ana. kinking f, ir.iia-- Brtt .imr M.kado, F Moore, SI d.y, fa, a,doey.' "-"- lino, Hawaii,11 kr Jaaoita. C :DaJo.t f,

    13 i?chr Maaaokkwai, Kalaoao, from iloioaa, Kauai.ia-- rhr . nI-.i,-- ,!!13 Htur Kl aoea. ilachact, frora Hawaii and Maul.

    i i i "it . Z , ' " " 'mea aoj Aoioa. Kauai.2 I """aioi, ii'.jn, 27 ari rom ct.r Fairy Vtaeen. Kaaina. from iianalet. Kaoat.... ...1 K wl- - k L'l. - a.'a,aoinaa, rrom Mabao. Maui.17 Hchr Pueokalii. Clark, from liana. Maui.Graicjer, t, da; a from aa

    at aui ti1 II UMit Tenedoa, Meuleo, from Koqa. HawaiL

    UEPiRTUREJ.De. 11 Schr Klnao, Ahaihala. fr Maliko, Maui12 Hchr Ae'ive. Puaahiva. for Kobaia and Hilo.

    a warlcn. Kalawaia. Ibr KaUapapa, Mokkal.' niaaio. noore, ir ean rranciaco.14 Simr Kilao'a. Marrbanl. for Maui and HawaiiIa t J!"" Mnrxm' a, lor Kaonakakai. MoiokaLJ. 17 , ' 1 n.ajauo. A Waioee. Maul.14 II a M B Teaedoo, Alraiea. 1t Kooa, liawaii.14 Ha wh brig Onward, fieo UiUer, to cruiae'li-H-chr Ka Mm, rower, U Kahuhii, MaaL1 hr Pauahi. Ilopa, for Hilo, Hawaii.1 J rtckr Mary tlien, Maaa, for Kobaia aad Iiilo.

    raetila Merrill. Crane, for Lahaina,MuL1 Mchr llattie, Kioto, t,t NawillwilL KauaT1 hr Keool Ana. Kauklno, for Koolau. '15 Hrbr J nam la, C Dodoo, Ihr WaiaJua.1 eVcbr I' llama. Bates. lur Kona uul Il..nrelWw,Miia,lur Koioadc Waimea, KauaI19 Schr Kama..- -, Weat. lor Koioa And WauaeA, Kauai' r airy vtueea, aaaina, fnr HanaleL Kauai.1 T ii B M s H Kcoat, Cat.r, Aw Tahiti.1 Brit atmr Macgrrgor. Urainfer, fur AacklandH Am bk GAribaldi, .Noyea, lur Uucskonf.

    V CHS EM iS PORT.ktftl.If B M'e 9 Tened., Meuien, Commander.

    H 14 M'a Reindeer, Aneoa.L'HS Tuacarora, 11 avtban, Jr.

    CNAATMaS.Bril bk Bparrowhawk, Caihuoo. diachAjlnf

    WMaLAaa.Am wh bk Art-tl- , Whitney.

    I Am wh bk Triton. Ilrpploxatooa.; Brit wh bk Adventurer, lierendeen.i am n bk A moid a, UanMry

    Am wft bk Bartaolomew Oflambl. Wlllia. ' '- -Am wb bk Joa Maxwell, llickmou, eoademncd.

    MLllOKANUl.We are indebted lo Capt F A Barker, of Russell, Ibr the k.

    loaing Information-- . The haling bark Martha, of Nw Bed.torn, arnl at AuwU cq tna 3 sf ultimo, et has 670 bar--

    b hamphwek oU. A suree aa held on ibe hinm h.Minar, the sarreyore being Captaina Folger. Barker, and Hall,and Mr Brown, the shipwright. The result waa that Ibe ship..v. mm kui aimwgnnT. i as cargo is new bekng discharged O tha porpoae aC boiding a furiaor surre.Tba haling bark John flow land waa suuken hv th M.nh.and has taken 630 barrela humpback and 60 barrels sperm oil" i.ira iss nay os isianua. snout April last. jr. Z,

    rrom atuu tic AAcfciand, w ieara of Ibe drunactioa oftwo large American ship by Br: Firange to relate, bothvsaaels were bailt in tha same year, belonged to tbe sameowner, left the same port together, with similar cargoes; bound

    iki. J"c voweia were deatroyed by fire lavtw ratine ucau wit niti two hundred mi'ea of each other,about the mom time, acd tha surviTora reached Tahiti and'the Marquesas within a few days of one another, the boats""t niro a uisuuice 01 nw outre, and both crews metla Papeete, aa.1 learnt of each other'a dlaaaier. These shins. ... .mi - ..if. a nw, anu me local, of 136A ewnea py j. n. eears Ac Co. of Boalon, and both loaded

    wica ccais from LiTerpool for Man Francisco. Siodatraaregiven. ,

    Pat tola Papeete la distress (no date) American ship EnochTaibsc, of Boston, from Baker's Island for Cork, with guanomaking eight Inches of water per hour. 8ne waa condemnedand vouUi he snad. .- Rcrtiar or STsaJnaaip Miaaao. F. Moose, Cohkajidei.

    lipped from the baoy la Johnson's Bay, Sydney, at 1.50 jw, So 21st, dischaging pilot at ZSi r a. Experienced Ireaharcesea from wiik cloudy weather for lbs first two days,when wind changed enoMealy to 8 from I hence clear weaxberami mofierale breeaea. tiighled Three Kinaa at 7 10 a Mon the liih, and passed - lien A Chirkens n at 1 a at and anchored in Auckland harbor at 6 40 a at on the 24th. Left an-chorage aad proceeded towards Uooolula al 10 a m on the27th. Al A 60 r m Dec 2d sighted liland of Maoua. FromAackland experienced unfavorable winds and bus-(tie- weatherwilk a enertased sea Ar lac but lew days, Honolululight il 10 r a Dec 11th. but was obliged lo lay ofiTand on nn-t- d

    A 40 a M next morning, having received the pilot. Mademsi lo wharf at T 14 a m. Ilaaav RiDAkLr, Pureer.

    Rkroar or SrsaatsAia Ktcoitaoi, H. Gaaixeca, Com--wtaoss. Palled from Baa Francisco on the Sth Dec al 11 b3a a. Cxpeileocad rariabla winds and weather Ihroaghout theassssye. ArriTeu in uooeiaui 1 Barwjay eight, Uec 17th.

    R. 8. Pal sols. Parser.

    IMPORTS.Kaow AccatasB Btdsit Prr Mikado, Dec. 121 h:

    A k( Bailer to Order; 100 baa Soap, 31 bags U Bark to IIHackfeaJ dt Co; 1 baJ rcalbexa UCE Williaaa.

    Fo 8aa Faasciacc Per Macjrrj or, Dec. lSlh: 9 fkfMatt lloof. 1 61 Hardware. SO AI ska And 300 qt ska I lour,A pka, 1 AiaC, 1 ak ami S rs Groceries ta Holies Ac Co; 23pkfs Mda to UoflTacblaefer A. Co; 2 cs Paper. 1 bx Ink, Id csDiuf a, a ca Pvaap and Fix tore, bndla, A ra, A bxa and Abalea MJae to Caalle Ac Cooke; 3 bbla. 10 hf bbU. 20 ca w b laker, A cs W ioe to O Roodea; 30 cs Whiskey to C Lonr; S&4nt aka Flour. 4 da do Rya Meal to E P Adams; 2w0 bf akall.oc a Loaa Broa 1M r ska and A bf ska Flour, 11 aka

    raa, and i VJ ska aad 1J cs wrorertea lo H May, 1 cse Pra-ser-ealo A Herbert; 14 pkfs Muse lo Dillinfaam Ac Co; M

    bbla Beef to C Brewer A Co; IT pkf Chines PreserTrs tow tnc Wo Chooc Ac Co; 3 pkr s Doota, 1 bx Mdse to M Meln--crayi A pars white Wood. 3 seta Axlca lo U West; litDru-s- , Ac. tJ 11 T Steele; II prs Btorea lo T H DaTiea; 21baies and A ca D Oooda to lirlnbaum At Co; 10 bxa ChineseTobacco to Cbulan Co; 1 bx Hpeeia (f i,u0) to J F.aiall; 1las, 1 dram. 1 bbi. 4 bxa. AO ca, A3 sks, 12 a.r ska. 10 qr bo.44 tiaa. A ctteata, A skis and 1 baJ brorerirs. trc, la t rel AcLain; A Ca, 2 pk(a. Id bis, IikI as. A kits, A csks and 100 sksbracerms, Ac, ; parcels) As Order; 13 es, 1 fit H usa to UHackfcld Ac Co; A pkfa. 34 ca, A has, 1 dram, A csks, 3 bbla.13 sks and 10O a r ska Uroceriea. Crockeries, dec, to r Mowman Ac Moat 1 bk Medtoasj la Tin Bts rVooff; 30 pkfs Cbi- -sesa rrasiea to tMrar Cboof) rW a.r sks Floor la Loo lSco;13 pka-s-, 7S sks and Id cs Mda to A W Psires Ac Co; 2 cs DCiusda ta 9 Marnin; A pkfs Mds to M Pbill'pa Ac Co; 10Oaa. A A sks toss mad lOO ca Prowkwswa so M Maerarhaaw

    33 cs. a kf ra, 1 cak. 1 pkf. 1 bale, 7 bxa. 1 bbt, 25 sks. 14 bjgsand AO Una Orocnries, Ac, I II B Afclntyrc x Bro 3 raMedicines la feeavrd of Uealtat 1 cae al 1 ba4 Madiciaea ta CAHreAs; A pks Msddarry u a. ii Ad-lert- 13 do do to P Dal-tn- a;

    1 caw ;artraJ(e to Taos Lack; A pkf U Goods to P ASctiaewr Ac Co; 34 cs D Conds to J T Water bouse; 7 rs MJaela E O llall A (; 3 ca Mdse to J L Lewis; A cs Hardwarea Levers ax fMrksoo; 3 ca Htnem to I f.ichardsnt); 1 Plasw taE W Lymaat 3 ca Paper ra Black A Aald; 1 bbl Gbxaa la A JCartwrif; 7 pkf s Gooda lo J H Black.

    EXPORTS.a? m . - r. . ..-- r.. VFtiili IW MhVl


    ' lWaai. 1.700 kera rHifar. M2 pes Hal's. 11 bndla 8kins. t30bnchs Banana, T bxa Befel Learns, if naiea rum, ivi najiCiffee. 1JO Aadls Wbale 1(0 oars Rir.--'Valoo Dom f ,ITS 7; For., $.a7X49; Tran., $3,617 SO.

    Foa Hjiooit Per Garibaldi. Dec. ltaj 10 ba Foo- -gna. 14 bales Fungus, 10 baa Bccha a Mer, 4 bxa Corpcr, 20ckgs OUI Copper. 10 kgs feurar.

    Valua Dotuaatic, Jl.52; Forego, f Ho 20.

    PASIEXOERS.Faaa BtoaST Per Uiaado, Dec. liih M Chaay, and 2$

    la transitu foe 0aa Francisco.Faa Hit Fa a xci scoPer Mikado. Dee. liUk E M Meyer,

    Cap D Amilh aad wile, Dr J F Morse, Wm fraierbouse,,Capt Wood.

    FaAM Wiitwm Ps7ts lr Kiiauea, TJec 13th AnionsRather. Mr O Atanfh. Res V Btuaden and wtfe, W L Wtoi,! J P Ureea, Iai.l Crownin(berx( and 79 deck.I raow Poartaso Per Garibaldi, Dec ltih Mra Thortap-so- o,

    aad i Chinamen.Foa Wiigwut Posts Per Kilauea. Dec. 14lh II R

    flitcVock. R B Rickard, C T Aioraa, Marshal W C Park. BC Aood, 43 m Botwi, Hon A G Wilder. M)r O W Marfanane.J P eiaaoa, D Crowusgtierr, and ahoot AA deck.

    Faow a Faasciaco Per Mai-- f rgor. Dee. 17ih Mr At- -' wood, Mia Atwood. Misses Wetroore, Mr Wei more, Res-Fathe-r

    Mool ion. Mr Bearse. Mr and Mrs "son. Mr Bail win,Mr Gwillio. Mrs and Mias Rowland. Mra Cartwright, MrBicets, J H Black. Master iiaxry M Black, Aad 41 lo trsaaitofor Aackland aad Sydney. . .

    Foa 0onkoia Per GarlbaMi, Dec. ltd 34 Chinamen. this city, December 13th, to lbs wife of Mr. . Roth, a


    THE PACiriOCflmmcrcialgibbcriistr.

    SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10.Her Majesit Kariolani tvct-iTe- the ladies of

    Honolulu at I jlani I'alacc on Tuee.Jaj lat. HerMajcetj waa AtteDdedon this oecaAion fcj the lion.Mra. PauaLi Eislicp and tbe lYmccu LiielilceCleghom. A large tramber ofladic arailed themaItc4 of the opfortunitj to be preacnted to tbeQuceo. j .,

    We abe iodebtcj to tbe compiler, Ilia Ex. J.S.Walker, Minister of Finance, for a cupjof a neatpamphlet of eleven pages, containing a ' State-ment of tbe Revenue and Expenditure) of tbeHawaiian Kingdom fr 13 jean, with tbe Princi-pal Items of Public Improvement and a Statementof the Public Debt." In a cats pact form, tbeMinidU-- r La here given a maas of reliable infor-mation respecting tbe financial iiistorj of theGovernment, which will prove rery valuable forreference, and which reficl9 credit npon himselffur tbe qualities of industry and pains takingresearch.

    In tbe " Resume of the principal items of ex-penditure ior public improvements," we learnthat from March, 1850, ta March, 1874, the sumof $023,230 20 has been expended in tbe erectionof government buildings and works dredging theliarbor and reclaiming sixteen acres of land ontba Esplacade Laving cost 242,127 CO of thatsum. Tbe cost of the Kilauea, Pele, Dredge andPile Driver,-o- m $163,000 swells tbe amountactuallj expended tor public improvements to$1,092,200 20. We regret that an approximatevaluation of government lands could , not havs'been furnished in this connection ; and are re-minded of tbe fact that during the last session ofthe Legislature a resolution was adopted callingnpon tbe Minister of tbe Interior to furnish aschedule of all government lands and other prop-erty, with the valuation of the same. The thenMinistry intimated that with tbe facilities attheir command, it was simply impossible tocomply with the requisition. But we believe thatan approximate valuation might be arrived at,and it certainly would be useful. The revenuefrom government lands in tbe shape of rents,amounts to about $18,000 per annum, but thereare large tracts unoccupied and at present useless,which, with some outlay lor irrigation, wouldbecome of great value, and add largely to tbesum total of tbe national wealth.

    In tbe list of public improvements accomplishedduring the past eighteen years, while all are valuable, we Dote tbe Honolulu Water ' Works, setdown as having cost $67,000, and which is turning in a revenue to the government of not farfrom two per cent, a month on the investment.

    The following is a recapitulation of the sumstotal of the first nine pages of the pamphletbefore us : '

    Rtetiftt. Erftditurt$.19&4-- 7 $ 639.041 37 690,78$ A318M-- 0 AO5.S0A 69 643,093 401MO-- 1 0O4.1SS 60 681,821 43

    OSS.OST 11 . AAd.Ool 1014r-4-- 728,817 07 A82.341 0

    31,148 M ' 834.1 AT 641WUB.... 834,112 SA 934.100 201470-1...-... 44,864 31 049.784 141972-3..- ... 1,134,523 84 1,182,411 70

    tl.147,344 8J . $7470,644 60We copy entire the carefully prepared " State--

    ment of tbe National Debt, 20th Nov. 1874,snd tbe time the same becomes due.'17S ..$16,800 041S74, Hotel Bonds .. 42,000 00

    M.800 001S77 24.400 00mi 34.300 001879 40,400 001S0 600 00mi 30,600 00182 88,400 00

    38.000 001844 74,800 001387 800 0018 10.100 001M9 1,000 001893 . 10,200 00

    $363,400 00PayaUe this Fiscal Partod. balance. .$ 4,100 00

    Short Loans . 14,800 0018,000 00

    Grand Total. 1372,300 00A , .$108,000 001E . 44,400 00

    "I""O" , ; "JJo 2 FajablA 1S7MP1883.c '. 1M.0O0 00 I"Hotel Bonds" . 42,000 00 J

    $342,400 00Debt March 31st. 1874 $W0,300 00This Fiscal Period, "E". ... S.0O0 00

    (S meotna) --A... 10.000 00MilI .... . 1,000 OO" . . . . 8,300 00Short Loans 14,800 00

    $37200 00The loregolng Keport embraces a period of eighteen years.

    which per mi ii a comprehensive range of observation daring thetime when the most notable structural improvements havetaken place withia this Kingdom. A lesser period would ex-du- de

    much of interest in respect lo publio works, whilst alarger one would embrace a time which bad little to record inrespect to internal improvement.

    THE 8ITTJATI0K IS FIJI.Quite recently we published some statements,

    from New Zealand and Australian files, indicating that there was some apprehension of troublein Fiji, of dissatisfaction with the new politicalorder of things established by Great Britain,especially on the part of Maafu, the distinguishedTongan Chief whose influence prevails over a considerable portion of tbe Fijian Archipelago. Butwe see it stated in 1 ite Colonial journals that thereis every annrance lor tbe maintenance of peacein the new Polynesian Colony. And we learnmoreover from iniormation communicateu cereby Sir James Fergusson, late Governor of NewZealand and a passeDger per Mikado en route forSan Francisco, that Prince Maafu Las given acordial adhesion to the new government. Inview of the policy that is about to be adopted, wedoubt not that the Fijians, both chiefs and people.will be well reconciled to tbe new order, becauseit will not operate much change with tbe old.

    The Chiefs will be sustained in all their ancientinfluence over the people, but without the powerto abuse or orpress. TLe Chiefs will be the Governors and Magistrates over the several islands,and efforts will be made to qualify the dominantfamilies, by superior education, to maintain In abeneficent manner the prestige of their rank.Several of the sons of Tbakombaa are now at aSydney College. On the other hand the commonFijian will be guarded in his Lie and property,and will receive due compensation for his labor.Thus the ancient feudal authority within wiselimits, and as adapted to tbe genius and conditionof the race will bo sustained; and the ImperialGovernment will not probably for some time tocome place the electoral franchise in tbe hands oftho jet savages of Fiji.

    The peace of the islands.

    wtu be preserved byA

    two ehirs of war constantly siauonea ai taegroup, and order will be maintained among tbepeople by a semi-milita- ry force ot two hundredselected natives, wbo will or course be drilled andofficered by foreigners. Thus something of tbeorder and system of government which has beenso successful in Java and the Pbillipine Islandswill be maintained in our sister Archipelago.The Fijian will preserve all bis old traditions andassociations which are not inconsistent with thewelfare and good order of tbe country; and if heimproves his condition and shows an appreciationof we have no doubt that theenlightened government which has assumed atutelary control will yield all tbe political privileges he may intelligently desire and it is to behoped will sot confer any .which are not soughtand consequently not appreciated.

    All tbe great Australian Colonies take a deepinterest in this new Colony of Poljneiia; and

    it has boon proped that their rv veml legislaturesshall proffer to the Imperial O jvernment the sumof twenty thoueanJ dollars each per annuui, as asu.idy in aid of the government and developmentof the new Colony. The AuftralaiAns are in-telligently looking fjrward to their advancementto the etatus of an Oceanic Empire. Their polit-ical future mast embrace within its scope thegroups of tbe South Pacific and the great IndianArchipelago. On their continental island and itsadjacent groups will be tbe last westward marchof Empire, until it resumes its old scat in Asia,end tbe Asglo-ScandlnaTi- an races on tbe East andon the West of tbe great ocean will divide it be-tween them. They two will also one day divideAsia. '

    In connection with this subject, we may assureour readers that the Colonies are determined intba purpose to sustain an efficient ocean steamshipline, that shall maintain communications betweenthemselves and the Pacific coust of America, viathese Islands. Thomas Russell, Esq., the encrgetic agent lor rew calami, (who was also apassenger on the Mtkado) stated that a line willbe maintained and composed of firet-cla-as oceansteaaveraH . There have been some errors of management, but which are now well understood, andwe may confidently expect that tbe Colonialsteamship line touching at this port will be main-tained. ,

    HIS MAJESTY IN CALIFORNIA.Cordial reception by Authorities and people

    : The U. 8. S. Btnicia. CAptain Hopkins, with Illslisjesty Kalakaua and Suite, which left here on tke17th ultimo, Arrived at San Francisco on tbe eveningof tbe 28th, All well, after a voyage of eleven days,which was described by the King as " really delightful," rendered so by tbe kindness and Attention ofCaptain Hopkins and his officers. The ship anchoredoff the Presidio at 9 o'clock in the evening, whereshe remained until 7 o'clock on Sunday morning,when she steamed up to the NavaI rendezvous offBraaoaa street, with the Royal Standard at thomain. As she passed Fort Alcsiraz, its guns thun-dered forth the roysl salute, and the same was firedby the Porltmonth and Saranac, lying at anchor,and dressed with flags.' At hAlf-pa- at 10, General Scho-fiel-d,

    commanding the U. S. forces in the Division ofthe PAcific, accompanied by his Aid de Camp, wenton board the Btnicia. and greeted the King warmly,having made His Majesty's acquaintance during avisit to Honolulu something over a year ago.

    At twenty minutes past 11 the royal party left theeabin of the Btnicia, and proceeded to the shore intbe ship's steam launch. His Majesty was accompa-nied by General Schofield, Minister Pierce, GovernorsDominis and Kapena, Col. Wherry and Consul Sev-erance. - As the launch steamed away for the shore,the yards of the men-of-w- ar were manned, and eachship fired twenty-on- e guns a scene never beforewitnessed in the Bay of San Francisco. Says theChroniclt of Monday :

    The city was in a glow of novel excitement yeater-da- y.It Ua't every day a King comes to San Fran-ciao-o,and she evidently bad msds op her mind to im-

    prove the occasion. , As early as 9 o'clock the streetsleading to the water front were sprinkled with peopleturning their steps toward Broadway wharf. By 10o'clock a perfect swarm crowded the thoroughfares;carriages, filled with ladies and gentlemen, and gal-lant young knights, freed for the nonce from theysrd-stic- k,

    cavorted splendidly on spirited chargers overthe cobblestones. At half-pa- st 10 all the wharves intbe vicinity ? the landing were alive with the throng.The ships lying at their berths were overrun. Boysclambered up in the rigging, and clustered like flieson the spars and masts. Broadway wharf, at whichit had been announced that His Majesty and suitewould make their landing, was closed to the public.A dense crowd surged about the gates aad madeDavis street impassable. Even Telegraph Hill hadits army of gazers.

    At a quarter-pas-t 11 o'clock the military escort.under Colonel Barnes, arrived. Ibis encouragedtbe multitude a rumor having gained currencythat the royal party would laud at the foot ofThird street. At once two guos from the LightGuard Battery were stationed on Broadway whaifand all tbe usual preparations made tor action.With tbe arrival of half-pas- t 11 came the boom andrattle from tbe ships-ot-wa- r, announcing that tbeKing bad left the Benicia and was on bis way.The excitement was Intense. The terrific reverb-erations of tbe reports as they crashed and rolledalong tbe bills moved the people to cheers. Thesteam launch of the Benicia bearing the royalparty hove in sight at twenty minutes to twelveo'clock, and tbe artillery contributed its salvos tothe universal din.

    The course of the launch indicated that Broad-way wharf would not be chosen for tbe debarka-tion, and tbe carriages which had been stationedthereon made what baste they could through analmost solid concourse to reach tbe steps betweenthe Broadway and Vallejo street wharves, whereit was evident tbe landing would take place.


    At ten minutes to twelve precisely the Kingstepped on shore and was received by Mayor Otis.As Ilia Majesty entered tbe open barouche, drawnby four horses, a faint cheer arose, but the majorityot tbe pressing people had come there only to seea Kiog and were not moved to a great oitch ofenthusiasm. The Hawaiian monarch lifted his batgracefully in response to the greeting, such as itwas, and sat down. He was shortly joined by tbeMayor, General Schofield and Mr. Severance. An-other carriage gave reception to Governors Kapenaand Dominis, Minister Pierce, and Colonel WilliamM. Wherry.


    With the striking up of the Hawaiian nationalair by tbe I'residio band the procession moved inthe following order:

    First Regiment National OuarJ.Carriage of the King, escorted by a detachment of the Fittt

    . Regiment.Carriage of the suite.

    Two guns of the Light Guard under Captain Brash.The line of march was up Vallejo to Battery ;

    along Battery to Washington; up Washington toKearnr i alonjr Kearny to Bush ; down Bush toMontgomery ( along Montgomery to Sutter ; downSutter to Saasome ; along Sansome to Market, andop Market to tbe Grand Hotel, where they arrivedat 12:25.

    Tbe streets along the route were thickly linedand the windows were alive with eager spectators.Market street in front of the Grand Hotel waspacked, and tbe half finished Palace was orna-mented with a thousand or two persons occupyingtbe embryotic bay windows. Tbey were badlytaken in, however, as the King passed in throughtbe ladies entrance on Market street instead of tbemain entrance on New Montgomery. Hence, tbevolunteer guests of the Palace Hotel caught nevera sight of His Majesty.MAYOR OTIS IXTRODCCES TBE KIXO TO THE rEOPUJ.

    His Majesty was conducted at once to hU rooms,which have already been described in the (Tirofiicfe.To allay tbe impatience of the populace, which onMarket street bad improved upon its water-fron- tenthusiasm. Mayor Otis appeared at tbe window,with tbe King by bis side, and said :

    - Fellow citizens : 1 have tbe distinguished honorof preentinir fo you His Majesty, King Kalakaua,sovereign of the Sandwich Islands. He is now tbehonored guest of our republic, and your welcomois befitting. He !. not an entire stranger to SanFrancisco, and is, I am sure, not sorry to see ourcity once more." f

    His Majesty bowed, and in company w ith theMayor retired from public view.


    Tbe King and bis suite, on their arrival at tbeNl... . ...- -. l an I. VUOVvl, were cvuuucmtu mi ruutu i- -, tue ajmruuruuiassigned to His Majesty during bis sojourn in this Bcity. The King's wake comprised a numerousretinue of gentlemen ambitious to congratulatehim on his sate arrival. The small parlor was soonthronged with them, the door being left open,everybody apparently being at liberty to enterunannounced. The King alter being introducedby Mayor Otis to the populace without, bowed afew times from the open window, and for someminutes afterwards surveyed tbe crowd below withevident Interest. A little son of Colonel Wherrywas with tbe King at tbe time. His Majesty, upon ofretiring from the window, was speedily surroundedby gentlemen 'who bad known him well in Hono-lulu. A levee of nearly two hours followed, tbevisitors in the majority ol Instances being presentedby Consul Severance, but in many cases tbeywaived the formality of an introduction, andpounced down upon His Majesty like ben hawks ofin a poultry yard. Tbe King was attired in a suit beof black broadcloth of the latest and most fashion-able cut He wore a steel-pe- a coat His Test wascut low. revealing tbe ample folds of a studlesswhits) shirt front Uia boots were of the box-to- epattern, with some filagree work of the ordinarystyle on the tips, On tbe lappel of bis coat waapinni-- d a small strip of parti-colore- d ribbon, indi-cating the royal order with which he bad been


    invested, lie wore no jewelry save three immenseplain, gold rings, one on tbe third and fourthfingers cf tbe right band and oca on the liuleGner of b'.A left bAnd, respectively. A turn downcoller a neat black tit completed his faultleAattire.

    The first day ashore His Majesty dined with bissuite in his own apartments. Daring the evening hereceived Admiral Rogers, Commandant of the MareIsland Navy Yard, and Admiral J. J. Alroy of the-- onu i'aci&o iSqaAdroa. lwtb of tbes diAUnguiAheddava! officers came down on the Vallejo boat for thespecial purpose of pa ring their respect to the Kiss:.CAptain Floyd cf the North PacI&o Steamship Company, aad Judge John Curry, formerly Chief Justiceia this State, Colonel M. Boyd aad Joha C Merrillalo called daring the evening.

    TBI TWO C0TEK50BSWert also thoroughly at Home. Governor Dominiwas greeted by a larjrs namber of acquaintances. Heis a genial, aflable gentleman, and be did an immenseamount of handshaking. He was attired in a close- -fitting blue cloth sack coat, with trousers to match,and a black soft Alfine hat On the breast of hiscoat was pinned a strip of ribbon denoting the RoyalOrder of which he was a member. Governor Dominis took A walk durinr the Afternoon And retired earlyGovernor Kapena, the young Hawaiian, was a greatfavorite with everybody. Lias tbe King, he is a gentleman of culture, speaks English as a scholar in thetongue, and is an entertaining conversationalistThis is his first vUit to the United States

    Over the GrAnd Hotel the Royal StandArd was displayed at all times when the King remained in thebuilding, being lowered only when be was out

    The daily papers each morning daring the King'sstay ia the city, devoted columns to accounts of Hisdoings snd movements, and the various demonstra-tions that were gotten up in his honor. On Mondaythe Royal Party visited Bradley & Eolofson's galleryand had their photographs taken. Some of thesereally fine pictures havs been received here. In theafternoon a formal reception was given to Gen. Schofield and Staff, Admiral Rogers and Admiral Almyand the officers of the Navy; the Federal officers andmembers of the Press; subjects of Hawaii and formerresidents of the Islands. In the evening the Cali-fornia Theatre was visited. A large crowd had col-lected in front, who received His Majesty with loadcheers when he arrived at half-pa- st 8 and entered theplace. The play waa progressing as the party camein. The business of the stage was at once stoppedand the orchestra played the Hawaiian NationalHymn, the King and suite standing in the mean-while. When it closed the royal party seated them-selves, the audience applauding. They occupied thethree dress circle boxes on the south aide.

    About 12 o'clock the King was serenaded at theGrand Hotel by the Second Regiment He showedhimself at the window and was heartily cheered, butmade no speech, though one was loudly called tor.

    Oa Tuesday the King took a morning ride throughGolden Gate Park to the Cliff House, and on his re-turn gave a levee to the lady friends of Mrs. Otis attbe Mayor's residence. In the evening, the ConsularCorps, State Officials, and members of the PioneerSociety were presented, tbe evening concluding witha serenade by the Presidio Band.

    On Wednesday the fortifications at Alcatrax werevisited, and a trip taken to the Navy Yard at MareIsland, on board the Benicia. In the evening theCalifornia Club was. visited. The member of theClub made the Royal party feel at home, all formalitydisappearing, and His Majesty indulged in a game atbilliards, " astonishing the natives by some really finematte shots.

    On Thursday the King visited the San FranciscoBoard of Brokers, and viewed the proceedings iathat Temple of Mammon for a half an hour. At 1o'clock he visited Woodward's Gardens, and inspected

    suite attended a Conoert at Piatt's Hall, afterwardshearing Shakspearian readings in the King's apart-ments at the Hotel, and the remainder of the eveningwas devoted to social conversation with a select partyof gentlemen. Says the Chronicle :

    On Friday morning the King visited tbe UnitedStates Mint. The massive and intricate machineryexcited his special wonder, and tbe beautiful finish ofthe different offices his warm admiration. Severalcoins were struck and presented to him by GeneralLa Grange as souvenirs of his visit.

    At 1 p. m. a visit was paid to the office of the West-ern Union Telegraph, where His Majesty was to beput into direct communication with President Grantand Secretajy Fish.

    KALAKAUA TO CLTS9ES.The following message from the King was trans-it ted over the wires to Washington :

    " Sis Frakcisco. Dec. 4.Kalakaua, King of the Sandwich Islands, sends

    greeting to bis great and good friend, the Presidentof the United States. He acknowledges a generousreception, characteristic of a warm-heart- ed people,and will hasten to express in person those sentimentsof sincere respect and lasting friendship entertaintoward tne rresiuent and tne great nation be soworthily represents.

    ULT99E3 TO KALAKAUA.To this the President replied thus :

    Washington, D. C, Dec. 4.The President of the United States extends the:

    cordial welcome of tbe nation to his great acd good'friend, His Royal Highness Kalakaua, on his arrival)in tbe United States, and tenders his personal con-- ..gratulations on the safety of his voyage. The Presbvjdent anticipates with great pleasure the opportunity-o- f

    a personal greeting, and - assures His Highness ofthe sincere friendship which in common with the peo-ple of the United States he entertains for His RoyalIlighness, and hopes that his journey across the con-tinent may be guided by a kind Providence.

    CHICAGO WANTS A LITTLE KOTALTT.Close upon tbe heels of this devout expression of

    Presidential good-wi- ll came this invitation from theMayor of Chicago;

    Chicago, Dec. 4.7i's Jtfajetly, the Sing of Hawaii, San Francitco:

    Ibe Mayor of the city of Chicago congratulates HisMajesty, the King of Hawaii on his safe arrival upon,the soil of the United States of America. He trusts.'soon to have the honor and pleasure of welcominghim to tbe city of Chicago. He also trusts His Maj-esty's visit to the United States will prove not onlypleasant to himself and suite, but highly useful toboth countries. I am heartily joined by the officialauthorities and by the citizens of Chicago generally.THE KIXO WILL IN DUE TIME SHINE ON THAT BENIGHTEO


    To Hit Honor, the Mayor of Chicago: Kala-laka- uathanks you for your kind congratulations, but

    regrets that he will not be able to visit your city until his return from Washington, when he hopes to ac-cept your kind invitation.

    After the sending of toe official messages the Kingand suite were shown tbe various departments of theoffice, and shortly after the party returned to theGrand Hotel. ,

    On Saturday morning His Majesty and suite lef)tbe city by the overland train. Tbe party consisted of the King. Governors Dominis and Kapena,with their servants; Minister Peircet Lieut. Com- -

    Whiting of the Benicia ; Colonel Wherry ofImander Sr.aff. and Lieut. Colonel Hubbard

    California National Guard. A special carwa9 provided for the trip.

    After leaving Oakland large crowds assembledat every important station along the routs to ratcba glimpse of His Royal Highness if possible, inmost cases they w.?re disappointed, the King keep-ing retired in an inner room in most instance awben tbe people snowed tnomseives most over-anxious to see him. At Melrose Station a verypleasant incident occarred. A delegation of bean- -tiful young ladies from Mills' Seminary, with bou- -quels auu ireu aowera iu tueir iiauua, waiteu uponthe King, and were each introduced by name.The train was delayed long enough for them to

    their floral to His wbopresent offerings Majesty,i , , . , . i r--Loanitea mem Tuosi ganautiy. several vounjf ia-fi-es

    at Mills' Seminary are natives of tbe HawaiianIslands. His iif.jesty remarked, as the train movedof, that no hon ir bad been paid bim In California

    rthat he appreciated more than this visit The spe-cial oar will be detached at some point on this aideof the Sierras to allow the party the opportunityOf passing over by daylight. After reachingOmaha tbey will go East by the Burlington route,proceeding to Washington with tbe least possibledelay. After the necessary kmount ot official re-ceiving tbey will Tisit Baltimore. Philadelphia.New York and Boston, returning in tbe due course

    events to have a food time with tbe boys in SanFrancisco before tbey return to the Islands.

    The telegraph of the 7tb. reported that His Maj-jes- typassed Ogden that morning.

    Washixutox, Dec. 6. Tbe President, in conver-sation to-da- y. stated that on the arrival of tbe King

    tbe Hawaiian Islands in Washington be wouldproperly received by tbe Government. Ar-

    rangements for bis reception would be intrusted totbe officers selected especially from the army andnavy. The President will entertain the King at agrand State dinner, at which will be present tbemembers of the Cabinet, foreign Ministers andother high official. It is expected that tbe guests to


    whom the President will invite on this occasionwill also in turn entertain the King.

    Please Biv evs) sivsrtl .n. J.k SIMNSKKMrHV mrm

    A Statae of the Great Circumnavigator.For many years, the project was agitited ia Hono-

    lulu erecting nietuc rial to Captain Cock, And tbepSliar recently placed at Kuvtloa, near the spot oawhich died, has been tbe rc?aL Bat it is satis-factory to know that At Another point in this greatocean which must 1 forever ootinected with the rec-ord of Cock's life, cur example is soon to be followed,but ou a scale of magnitude of course which puts ourlittle monument ia the shade. In a late Sydney pa-per we read :

    ' A meeting cf the Captain Cook Statae Fond com-nitt- eewas held on Tbnrsday afternoon, ia the Su-

    preme Court public chambers. : Sir Alfred Stephen,C B--, occupied the chair, and explained to the meet-ing how the committee's labors were almost At an endby the Government undertaking to erect the statuewithout seeking their The Parliamenthad voted 1,600, a similar amount having been sub-scribed by public contributions, and had employed asculptor to complete tbe statue. After considerablediscussion, it was decided adjourn the meeting un-til some definite information was received as to theintention of tbe Government, to proceed with thework, without seeking the of the com--muiec. . resolution was adopted to tbe euect thatthe Hyde Tark trustees should be waited on by adeputation, to obtain permission to erect an iron rail-ing around tbe statue."

    NOTICE.ALL. PERSONS INDEBTED TO THEfirm of liajtriden Bros., are hereby requested tooaks immediate payment to the andersirxed.

    JKD. rCKTKNAC, Assicnee.IIonorera, December lTth, Is. v9 St


    Islands. That in consequence of a late aiteraiiot. in the Cnt.toms Laws of Hew Zealand, the. dislillaUaa of Earn from Mo-lasses is prohibited.

    Ia view of which the Owners 'of a large Dis'ltierr in Aack-land, J. Z., are willing- - ta negotiate for the sale r their flan Immd Flat area, the capacity of which is 1JO0 gallon, andthe other part of the plant in proportion. All informationconcerning the Distillery-- , (which Will be aoj.l at a Low Figure)will be furnithed by

    S2ai P.T.tKXEBAN ACQ- -


    TIEFORE THE HON. A. F. J LI) I), 2ia Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of I --a a-- andKqaitr. By virtue of a decree lasulna- - out ol the Sm.rcmrCourt of Law and Kqoity of the Hawaiian Islands, in favor ofthe above named plaintiff, for $392 25, 1 shall on

    SATURDAY", the 16tls Day r JANUARY1S76, expose for sale at the Court Home Doer in Honolulu, at12 o'clock, nooo, all the rigtt, UUe and interest of WAIOKA-LKDU- A

    in and to All And singular tbe mortgaged premises setforth and described in the mortgage of complainant, as follows,via.:

    All THAT PIECE or PARCEL of LAND !Situated la YVaiwiw. Island wf Hawaii.

    and comprising 1 House Lot. 17 Kalo Patches and 2 PiafcPonds, at Olepniia, and containing an area of 3.20 acres, andmore particularly described in Royal Patent No. 3737 ;together with the BUILDINGS thereon situated and privilegesthereto pertaining, unless said decree. Interest, costs of suit,together with my lees and commissions, be previously satisfied.

    W. C. PARKE, Marshal..K. T. U'lilLU BAN, Solicitor. VCO li

    lVo. lO STORE.A GREAT VARIETY of GOODSTCISPECIAI.lVir SELECTED IN ENGLANDJkd tor tUalblMAS knu NEW TEARS PRESENTS, incluJlag a very large variety of - ... . .DOLLS, TOYS, LINENS, LAWNS, &c. !



    A Large Variety of New Goods- Fw'r Sale a Qarra Street Stare,

    Whaleanle and Retail,969 ' JOHN THOS. WATERTIOUSK.




    Choice Table Raisins,

    Nuts of all kinds,

    . Fruits of nil kinds,. - (Alden's and Cutting's)




    Smoked Beef, Bacon,Pine Apple Cheese, Cala. Cream Cheeee,

    - Fresh Cranberries, Jams and Jeliies.

    . . GUaVA JAM -- Par Excellence.A Small Lot of that Choice Tea !COACH LANTERN CANDLES!


    SILK DRESSED EXTRA FLOUR,Saiuctniag- - New and Good, Try III



    IiT idney Potatoes!GROCfiD BARLEY, and the

    Best ' Light Brown Sugar to be founcT!

    It FRI EL. Si. LANE.





    ON HAND, atF. HORN'S CONFECTIONERY,96 It , . , f . ; 49 Hotel Street.


    A Few Galls, of the .12 Year Old


    THE L.A8T OP THE HTOCK!957 3m ' For Sale by CHAS. LONG.


    NOTICE.TT VIRTUE OF POWER OF ATTOR--iltV His Excellency Richard II. Stanley is authorized

    act for ma daring my absence from this kingdom.JXO. O. DOMISrS.

    Xeoorola, November 13th, 1874. 884

    ilH --- "k' - """"inn. im.wriin i, m,,,. r.r- - - , i





    NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY !i am most iiarrr to imormnv trsemls and the roMc lo roral. that I no keiger

    :l the Jescltv atsanslaeturvd tv Cbr lUkanbate a Urre umiik-d- I VKHT DlfERlOR JKWKLHTof bit (vs. abifh I tor sale cheap. 1 have B svl4JeweUr for Mr. Kckart Ct a space cf ooe ear last past.

    Wau-bes- , Clocks, Ae . cleaned aad repaired at short noticean J satisfaction guaranteed.

    S.Ji. wAWSON.I Hk1u!o. Dee. IS, 1ST.

    FOR PICNICS !rTiIlR KALIMl PRF.MI!ES W SVVAJSVM. Va:iey, about ti-- aaflea fmsa town, ran t aired for a

    reasor.ab.'S rear-- , tor Picaw Parties, aw arpltraUoa to thsoodersjctied at tha " Haif-sa- v Hosss." direct y ets.isTiers t a cosuaaodwus aoww o tke premises, ra&iuBtf water,greea turf ana shade trrwa.

    U 3m 0. W. M ACT

    LOST.AM KMEK1LD AND DIAMOND Rl NO.II A tunable reward will be paid, tf returned tocan. kckakts

    Jeaetrj Store, Fart StreeC

    ASSIGNEE S NOTICE.AIM. CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATETa. ot Waikrr A Al'en, mast le presented to the aaAera.(ivrd

    at his o on Queen Street, in Uooolulu on or kwfore tberival Mwwwar Fewrwary ateatt Uey wta berejected and Kreer barred.

    EDWARD P. ADAMS,lii!(M of the Estate of Walker a Allea.

    Uoaoluio, Dec. 17. 1ST. SOD td

    NOTICE.UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFl'LITT infnrmt the Public that Mr. . K. HAWmiS is ao tourerhs Agent ; and that he has no Agent In Town or la the

    Country. (96a 3t) CUR. hXKART

    e7ATb n e per cent, per .month m illJ be aJJrd to a'l fctUs of mere than one quarter's standing,if not settled before the nist day of January, 1ST4.

    967 3t IKA KlCUARbOX.


    yjA cent., will b paid to tbe Creditors of Joseph &. Spencer,at the office of w. A. echaefer Co.

    6? t P. A. 8C11AKPKR, Assignee.

    A CARD.rwMIE UNDERSIGNED TENDERS RE1 efKCTi'CL Thanks to toe Public for their liberal appreciation of his efforts to apply tha wants of tte Season duringwhich Santa Clans Reigns, and to give notice that In responseta many requests, . I .... riSanta Claus' Head-quarle- rs

    WILL . ....Opon ovory I

    (Sundays excepted) from this Keening, Dec 6th, for TorsWeeks, to accommodate those who cannot conveniently selectia tne asy time.

    The rear part of the P tore has been fitted op also as a ShowItoom to display tbe Varied Assortment of Uoodsparties are free lo all parts of the Store.

    0o7 x TU03. Q. TURL M

    NOTICE.BOUGHT OF A FIRM DIBHAVING this branch of the importing business their

    stock ofFINE FRENCH WINES !

    I am now able to offer tbe same at a price conalderably belotte cost of Importation.

    667 31 OODtKKY RHODES.

    MARSHAL'S SALE !Jttmes I, Doiesrtt, Complainant, vs. a.

    W. 2ilipo Defendant.

    IEFORE THE HON. A. F. JUDD, JUSI? tice of the Supreme Court of Law and Equity of theHawaiian Islands, by virtue of a decree issuing oat of thaSupreme Court of Law and Equity of the Uaaaiiaa islands lafavor if the above named complainant for the earn of fiSA 26,I sbaii on

    SATURDAY, the 2 DAY OF JAN'Y. f 8T0,at the Court House Door, in Honolulo, Island of Oeho, "

    EXPOSE FOR SALEall the right, title and Interest of eaid defendant, lo and ta alland singular the mortgaged premises set forth and describedin tbe mortgage of complainant In this cause filedforth, and described ss follows, via.:

    All that certain tract or paroui of laud situated at K0AI,IIOOLX'ALOA, in the District of Kona, Island of Hawaii, oneof the Hawaiian Islands, and bounded as follows, vis i Com-mencing at a pile of stones oa the 8 W corner, mauka of thegovernment upper road and running North 01 esst, 13 79chains, along the Ksiwl of Koai and Palaueka, notlh 4A , cast1.75 chains: north 64 16, cast 2 64 chains: north 11. east4 76 chains; north 69 30, east S.64 chains; north 03 east7 61 chains; north 64 45, east 3.10 chains! north 61 16,east 4.84 chains; north 73 9 80, east 4.69 chains ;north 01 9 16,east 21.00 chains; north 76 SO, east 2 70 chains; north 0130, eal 4.06 chains; north 72 00, east 18.16 chains; north60 s 30, east 4 02 chains; north 05 SO, esst 4 20 chains;north 02 . east 8. 98 chains; north ei 16, east 17. IS chains)north 63 , east 1.60 chains; to a pllo tree marked B." o8 K cornrr. North 40, west 14.02 chains to a kea marked," B" on N K corner;South 6 30, west 9 4 ohalng along the kalwl of Hoai A Paki

    03 16.00670 3 is, 11.0209 o 30, 16 9307 3.3303 o 30, 6 2241 16, 7.7409 o 26004 30, 0 6960 1.6900 o 1.08Ui 45, 20007 3 1671 45 - 1.8064 o 30 0 6073 ao S 0865 o 1.9402 o 45 2 5673 0 15 4 9403" 27309 16 4 9270 o 16 8.05 to N yt corner of governal 't road ;" 9 east, 11,89 to commencement.

    Containing an area of 151 85-1- acres,' and being the sasswland described in Royal Patent. No. 2730 Issued to said defen-dant on the 3d dsy of September, 1800.

    Unless said decree. Interest, costs and my tees and commis-sions be previously satisfied.

    W. C. PARKS, Marshal. 'Honolulu, December 11th, 1874. 908


    kJOTICE IS II EREBT GIVEN TII AT TOE1 Books and the Office of tha Undersigned

    WU1 Positively be Closed for this YearOa Tharaday, December 3 t s.

    And all parties who have not paid their Taxes At that dalewill be proceeded against according to law.

    In order to prevent confusion and unnecessary delay andas the Taxes were due on t..e 30th November ult ptrties arerequested 001 to defer payment until tne last days.

    GEO. II. LUCE, Tk Collector.Tax Collector s Office, Dec. 8, 1874. 908 8t




    A Price above the Market Bate.68t P. A. SCHAECER A CO.





    Extra Pigs,Poultry, Fish,

    Wild Came.&C., &C.a

    838) Up tw Ike 234 ar Dece waster. (2t

    No. 15 Maunakea St., and No. 48 King St,CORNER STORE,

    Has For Sale CHEAP for CASH 1


    ALL RINDS OF GROCERIES, of BEST QCALITI.XT Faddy, Chiekea Fecal aael Rice Braa. XX

    always on hand.rresn POTATOES Kerrlvrd trtrj Week from !.

    868 Am



    In Serv and Single pi Well adapted lo ther season. forholiday presents.

    Ttkle, Jledlim, Desert and Tei Sptoii aad Farkg,of' - OF THE BEST QCALITT. 8t


    XT ulosjsj y r a.x w ut toCAIJi AaI SEE


    SAM (IAIS' IIE.IDHI.IIIIEIIS !Wbere may be foaad the best array of rWaamek Oaada.

    exswswsly lur the reasrvsaswts rd tswsa lataada, aaJ laackoowlsdred to be th owoiees ewer ottered,

    Consisting la part oft

    PRESENTATION BOOKS,Late Works, Juveniles iu sets.

    .MrUMifblm aud Rouiledgv', Quarto llUstrsled HoUfA tbe yeang.

    ' i s ; T"F Bwks la Pere, T ut Lt" :v" ; 1 i'4 Paper Dull. Paper Famitur.Hrrap Fid area, fori p Books.

    cH R O M AC I CA , ' "Or Fi'RTTNE TELLER, Ibe 1st est and snnst saccsssful toyout. Building, Hpelling, Ftctare Puaale aad

    KE0B1T BLOCKS, PaRLOR TIBLK CROQI IT IEuibossed Alphabet Blorts, Embossed Dueatnoee. loUa 11 ousts


    tlardea Tools, Krs of Toole la fine bsies BO traa&y article.Bass and Rubber Balls. Baas Bala.

    Ikill's Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Tables, Ac., la blackwalnut. Ten Fins, Sail Boats, Ac.

    ITIECHAaVICAIw TOYS !la BteamhnaU, Lusocsotirea, Firs Eaglnea, Uoae Carriage,

    Waguos with Figaro, Circus Riders, Ac. .

    lT The above line ft Oooda, wltli many olber asvekles areall of American saaaufartare, abtcli is a sua anise tor relia-bility and endurance. In aJiitioo to this line has been select-ed a very fine variety of

    FRENCH GOODS!Ia Tin Ware, Crockery, Dressed Dolls and pulls Heads.

    The line of Dolls consists of Force lain. Rubber, Wool andKid lo rations styles, with Asswlsaf plaster, wax, peswslala. As.Itall'e Bodies, Doll's Bhoee, eUlppere, fUovkinge, Jewelry, As.Doll Heads lu rubber, porcelain, leather and parian.

    THE NEW FRENCH DOLLSwith Parian Heads moveable with real hair, and kid arms,richly dressed Hi the latest style ; also, a few la kid bodiesuudressed) will be a Ira tare ot tha season s display Fit ICESfrom $8 to f 14.


    Boxes. Watch Bunds. Pin Cases, etc.. la shell work.Boxes and Pallettee ot Waler Colors, Toy Mslots A Caps,Drams, Fifes, Trumpets, Daoeing t liurea.Boxes (lames. Boxes Needle Work, Jumping Ropsa,Fine Checker aad Backgammon Boards, In leaihrr Solsa,

    ooe only very super lur, with divisions ft cards, chessand other games.

    1 llsmlsomaToy Cottags Dedroolu Bet, cuapkts.Black Walnut iWner and rids Brackits, Que fiulsb.Tiy Tubs and W ash Hoards, Toy Falls.Toy Trunks, RuaUe ibatra.One Pair Uandsome Figures Led a and Res prf U

    IL0R1L AD M0T1O CROSSES, l'4r.A FEW feXPERlOR . ,

    MU8lO BOXOO !Bewcted for their collections of popular airs. One tateel style

    with cither attachment.Photograph A looms for Cabinet pkMutee only also, a fewothers very chotoei priors raugiag from f8.00 IM.eO each.

    IN CHOICE STATIONERY.has been selected, Inkstands In Cut Olas, Wood and IroaBronse, Pen Wiiers, Hnonge Cups, Oold Fens, Ivory, Peartand Rubber llnlilera. Ha b her and Ivory FeaoH Cases.

    FABKK'8 PENCIL LXAUtt all sites aay parson raanow be supplied with Leads lo their pencils, oa necessity oftheir being Isid aside as useless.

    Russia Card Caere. Wallets, Portmnualee And Mem.orandum Books, Banker's Cssef and JVallrl. Just the thing forsilver certificates.. Ivory Tablets, assorted slats? Perfume Atomisers - some-thin- g


    DIARIES IN (875. IN QUITE A VARIETY 1Hymn Books, Church Services, Prayer Books and Bible,.11? The above Is but a hurried enumeration ofihemany

    articles offered this rear which have born selected exuresslv l.vthe undersigned In San Francisco from Urge rsublishmeats,and having received advantages by thas personally selecting,ine same is onnrra to tiie puone.

    ITT" Cssh Sales iirefvrred. and a liberal Jlscount allowedtherefor, when possible. -

    C7" Orders from the other ialt'vds solicited, which will meetith prompt attention.

    THOS. O. THRUM,ftdo - 18 fU.






    - 4

    CONBI6TINU OF -' 4

    LARGE PATTERNS- -. FINK PRINTS.. I v k iv.iMia, pui aim vsniTy rrinis,Heavy Dlue Denims, Orsy Coiioa Shirtings,Urey CoUoo Twills, Linen Thrills, ?heelion.W hite Cottons, Cottou Towels, Mosoulto Net,



    HEAVY. WOOLEN PONCHOS !Blue Flannels, Wh