colegiul medicilor dentisti din romania


Post on 20-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Colegiul Medicilor Dentisti din Romania
Page 2: Colegiul Medicilor Dentisti din Romania

• 21 680 974 locuitori• 42 CMD Teritoriale• 16 486 medici dentiști

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AC pentru calificările din domeniul Medicinei AC pentru calificările din domeniul Medicinei DentareDentare

• Medic Dentist• Chururgie Dento-Alveolară• Chirugie Orală și MaxiloFacială• Ortodonție• Endodonție (2012 prima promoție de medici specialiști)

• Parodontologie (2012 prima promoție de medici specialiști)

• Protetică Dentară (2012 prima promoție de medici specialiști)

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2009 – 2011 Cereri de certificate de status 2009 – 2011 Cereri de certificate de status profesional curent pentru a lucra în străinătateprofesional curent pentru a lucra în străinătate

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Solicitări IMISolicitări IMI

începând din februarie 2009: începând din februarie 2009: 20 solicitări de la AC din UE 20 solicitări de la AC din UE

FinlandFinland 22The NetherlandsThe Netherlands 88BelgiumBelgium 11FranceFrance 55SpainSpain 22SwedenSweden 11LuxembourgLuxembourg 11

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Standardizarea proceselorStandardizarea proceselor

Solicitarea IMI -> Comisia de Avizări-Acreditări-> CMD Teritorial -> Comisia de Avizări-

Acreditări-> Responsabilul IMI -> Expedierea răspunsului.

Timp estimativ: 10 – 30 zile

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1. Întârzierile în oferirea răspunsurilor cauze: date incomplete despre respectivul medic

2. Inexistența datelor la nivel central/local despre respectivul medic

cauze: baza de date CMDR nu s-a constituit prin reunirea informațiilor existente la nivel MS, CMR, DSP, ci doar prin înscrierea voluntară a medicilor dentiști în CMDR, începând din 2005

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Stabilirea unui responsabil local IMI în fiecare CMD Teritorial

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Așteptările CMDR...Așteptările CMDR...

Apariția unei rețele funcționale de baze de date interconectate, în care interogarea să se poată realiza după criteriul universal și etern valabil al Codului Numeric Personal;

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Dr. Nicolae Cazacu Dr. Nicolae Cazacu +4 0723+4 0723 240240 665 665

[email protected][email protected]

• Secretar General al CMDR începând cu data de 27 martie 2011 • Coordonator IMI în CMDR• As. univ. Disciplina Sănătate Publică, Facultatea de Medicină Dentară, UMF

“Carol Davila” București

• Master în Managementul Sistemelor de Sănătate, Universitatea București

• Medic specialist chirurgie dento-alveolară

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Vă mulțumescVă mulțumesc!!

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Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental Council

• Law no. 95/ 2006 Section XIII • Organisational Regulation• Ethical Code• Condition to practise dentistry in Romania is to become member of

Romanian Dental Council • Rights and obligations according to law 95/2006 Section XIII • The Directing Bodies of the Romanian Dental Council are:

The National General AssemblyThe National General Assembly The National Council The National Council The National Executive Bureau The National Executive Bureau

• In order to accomplish the legal prerogatives of the Romanian Dental Council, there are running the following committees: The National Council`s committeesThe National Council`s committees

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Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental Council

The National General AssemblyThe National General Assembly

• 374 delegates from 42 counties • Regular meeting once a year, usually in March• Vote the Ethical Code of Dentist• Annual budget approval

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Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental Council

The National CouncilThe National Council• 1 delegate from each county + 3 from

Bucharest + National Executive Bureau = 50 members

• Regular meeting every 2 months• Decisions published in Official Journal of

Romania are compulsory for every dentist who practise in Romania

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Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental Council

The National Executive BureauThe National Executive Bureau

PresidentPresident Prof. dr. Ecaterina IonescuProf. dr. Alexandru Bucur

3 Vicepresidents3 Vicepresidents Prof. dr. Dragoș Stanciu dr. Delia Barbu

Secretary General Secretary General As. dr. Nicolae CazacuTreasurerTreasurer dr. Mia Oltean

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Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental Council

The National Council`s CommitteesThe National Council`s Committees

Image & Foreign Relations Continuous Medical Education Legislation & Health Insurances

Professional & PostGraduate Education Studies & Strategies for Development

Social & Economical

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Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental Council

CCommittees ommittees for dental specialitiesfor dental specialitiesOral and MaxilloFacial Surgery



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Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental Council

Discipline, Ethics and Deontology Commitee

Investigates appeals made by the dentists who were judged by the Discipline, Ethics and Deontology Commitees from any county

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Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental Council25 Experts for investigating malpractice

Oral SurgeryOrthodonticsProstheticsPriodonticsPedodonticsImplantologyEndodonticsOdontology


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Questions & AnswersQuestions & Answers

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Who sets the standards? Who sets the standards?

Minister of Education Minister of Education (Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy – (Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy – Faculties of Dentistry) decide the curriculaFaculties of Dentistry) decide the curriculaMinister of Health coordinates the post Minister of Health coordinates the post

graduate specialisations in dentistry graduate specialisations in dentistry

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How many training places = schools of How many training places = schools of Dentistry are in Romania for dentistry?Dentistry are in Romania for dentistry?

1.1. BucureștiBucurești2.2. Cluj-NapocaCluj-Napoca3.3. TimișoaraTimișoara4.4. Târgu-Mureș Târgu-Mureș 5.5. IașiIași6.6. OradeaOradea7.7. CraiovaCraiova8.8. ConstanțaConstanța9.9. SibiuSibiu10.10. AradArad11.11. GalațiGalați

• Public Education: 10Public Education: 10• Private Owned: 3Private Owned: 3

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Do the training centres meet the medical Do the training centres meet the medical workforce requirements of the Romanian workforce requirements of the Romanian

health system? health system?

Definitely, yes!Definitely, yes!Although a lot of tips and tricks will be truly Although a lot of tips and tricks will be truly

acknowledged and understood during the acknowledged and understood during the first 3 years of private practise, the basic and first 3 years of private practise, the basic and most important skills are already acquired.most important skills are already acquired.

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What are the selection criteria for What are the selection criteria for entry into medical schools? entry into medical schools?

Admission exam on Admission exam on Physics Physics

Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Human BiologyHuman Biology

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Who delivers medical specialist Who delivers medical specialist training? training?

UniveristiesUniveristies’ Clinics for all specialties: ’ Clinics for all specialties: Oral and MaxilloFacial SurgeryOral and MaxilloFacial Surgery

Oral SurgeryOral SurgeryOrthodonticsOrthodonticsEndodonticsEndodonticsPeriodonticsPeriodonticsProstheticsProsthetics

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TThe progress from basic medical training to he progress from basic medical training to specialist trainingspecialist training

3 years of practice under surveillance of a highly 3 years of practice under surveillance of a highly trained specialist in the field for: trained specialist in the field for:

Oral SurgeryOral SurgeryOrthodonticsOrthodonticsEndodonticsEndodonticsPeriodonticsPeriodonticsProstheticsProsthetics

5 years of practice + completion of another 4 years of 5 years of practice + completion of another 4 years of study to become a general practitioner in Medicine to study to become a general practitioner in Medicine to

become an Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgeonbecome an Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgeon

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AAt what point in the education cycle do Romanian t what point in the education cycle do Romanian

doctors gain registrationdoctors gain registration? ?

At the end of the 6 year university study, At the end of the 6 year university study, after graduation. after graduation.

Registration procedure: Registration procedure: - Diploma of DentistDiploma of Dentist

- Certificate of Good Physical & Mental HealthCertificate of Good Physical & Mental Health- Certificate of non Judicial problems Certificate of non Judicial problems

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Who is responsible for quality assuring / accrediting Who is responsible for quality assuring / accrediting medical education and training courses?medical education and training courses?

Romanian Dental CouncilRomanian Dental CouncilContinuous Medical Education CommitteeContinuous Medical Education CommitteeProfessional and PostGraduate Education Professional and PostGraduate Education


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Next step?Next step?

Standard procedures and documents for Standard procedures and documents for recognition and certifications in order to recognition and certifications in order to facilitate mobilityfacilitate mobility