colipase and maximally activated pancreatic in normal subjects

Colipase and Maximally Activated Pancreatic Lipase in Normal Subjects and Patients with Steatorrhea K. J. GASKIN, P. R. DURIE, R. E. HILL, L. M. LEE, and G. G. FORSTNER, Gastrointestinal Division and Kinsmen Cystic Fibrosis Research Center, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, M5G 1X8, Canada A B S T R A C T Human pancreatic lipase in duodenal secretions was studied under conditions of maximal activation by porcine colipase and maximal inhibition by sodium taurodeoxycholate. In almost all samples, total lipase activity in 4 mM sodium taurodeoxycholate was activated by the addition of porcine colipase. Ac- tivation was linear until saturation by cofactor was reached, and maximum activity was greater than that obtained in the absence of bile salts. At pH 8.0 in 4 mM sodium taurodeoxycholate, lipase activity was due to pancreatic lipase in samples from normal and stea- torrheic individuals and was proportional to the con- centration of endogenous colipase in samples that could be activated by exogenous colipase. In these sam- ples, therefore, colipase activity could be conveniently assayed as the lipase activity at pH 8.0 in 4 mM sodium taurodeoxycholate. Colipase to total pancreatic lipase ratios varied widely from individual to individual and on average were significantly lower in steatorrheic patients. In individual samples, colipase secretion was stimulated by pancreozymin and secretin roughly in parallel with total pancreatic lipase, but some variation in the ratio of the two was often seen in successive collection periods. Because pancreatic lipase is usually unsaturated with respect to cofactor, lipolytic activity in duodenal secretions may be finely controlled by modulation of colipase secretion. INTRODUCTION Pancreatic lipase in its pure form is inactive in the presence of the supramicellar bile salt concentrations characteristic of human duodenal secretions (1-3), but, in life, inactivation is prevented by cosecretion of the pancreatic protein cofactor colipase. Colipases have been isolated and purified from several species (4-7), including man (8), and appear to be quite similar, each Received for publication 26 November 1980 and in re- vised form 5 October 1981. having a molecular weight of -10,000, with 100±10 amino acid residues, five disulfide bridges, and little or no carbohydrate (9). The ability to activate pan- creatic lipase depends on binding sites for both lipase (10) and lipid micelles (11), and it is thought that the cofactor functions as a bridge between the enzyme and its triglyceride substrates (12, 13). In physiological so- lutions containing 8 mM bile salt, lipase and colipase form a 1:1 complex (10). Maximum activation also occurs at a molar colipase:lipase ratio near unity (14). Colipases and pancreatic lipases are functionally in- terchangeable (10, 14, 15) in a wide range of species, including the shark (10), although minor characteris- tics of the activation process, such as pH optimum, may vary (10, 15). In duodenal secretions from 11 normal subjects after a test meal, Borgstrom and Hildebrand (16) found that lipase activity in 4 mM sodium taurodeoxycholate was 66-89% of the activity reached by the addition of ex- cess colipase. Hence, their data suggest that there was insufficient colipase in these samples to achieve com- plete activation of lipase. This observation is extremely important, because it implies that the rate of lipolysis could be regulated to a major extent by the cofactor. It is also evident that assays for pancreatic lipase in duodenal secretions, which were not carried out in the presence of excess colipase, might seriously underes- timate the amount of enzyme secreted. To study colipase:lipase interrelationships we deter- mined lipase activity in 4 mM sodium taurodeoxycho- late, with and without the addition of exogenous por- cine colipase in saturating amounts, in duodenal secretions from nine normal subjects after stimulation with pancreozymin and secretin. We have shown that lipase estimation in 4 mM sodium taurodeoxycholate without added colipase is a simple assay for endoge- nous colipase when the latter is present in subsatur- ating quantities. Maximally stimulated lipase and co- lipase determinations have been extended to duodenal secretions from patients with pancreatic insufficiency J. Clin. Invest. C) The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. * 0021-9738/82/02/0427/08 $1.00 Volume 69 February 1982 427-434 427

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Colipase and Maximally Activated Pancreatic Lipase inNormal Subjects and Patients with Steatorrhea

K. J. GASKIN, P. R. DURIE, R. E. HILL, L. M. LEE, and G. G. FORSTNER,Gastrointestinal Division and Kinsmen Cystic Fibrosis Research Center,The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, M5G1X8, Canada

A B S T R A C T Human pancreatic lipase in duodenalsecretions was studied under conditions of maximalactivation by porcine colipase and maximal inhibitionby sodium taurodeoxycholate. In almost all samples,total lipase activity in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholatewas activated by the addition of porcine colipase. Ac-tivation was linear until saturation by cofactor wasreached, and maximum activity was greater than thatobtained in the absence of bile salts. At pH 8.0 in 4mMsodium taurodeoxycholate, lipase activity was dueto pancreatic lipase in samples from normal and stea-torrheic individuals and was proportional to the con-centration of endogenous colipase in samples thatcould be activated by exogenous colipase. In these sam-ples, therefore, colipase activity could be convenientlyassayed as the lipase activity at pH 8.0 in 4 mMsodiumtaurodeoxycholate. Colipase to total pancreatic lipaseratios varied widely from individual to individual andon average were significantly lower in steatorrheicpatients. In individual samples, colipase secretion wasstimulated by pancreozymin and secretin roughly inparallel with total pancreatic lipase, but some variationin the ratio of the two was often seen in successivecollection periods. Because pancreatic lipase is usuallyunsaturated with respect to cofactor, lipolytic activityin duodenal secretions may be finely controlled bymodulation of colipase secretion.


Pancreatic lipase in its pure form is inactive in thepresence of the supramicellar bile salt concentrationscharacteristic of human duodenal secretions (1-3), but,in life, inactivation is prevented by cosecretion of thepancreatic protein cofactor colipase. Colipases havebeen isolated and purified from several species (4-7),including man (8), and appear to be quite similar, each

Received for publication 26 November 1980 and in re-vised form 5 October 1981.

having a molecular weight of -10,000, with 100±10amino acid residues, five disulfide bridges, and littleor no carbohydrate (9). The ability to activate pan-creatic lipase depends on binding sites for both lipase(10) and lipid micelles (11), and it is thought that thecofactor functions as a bridge between the enzyme andits triglyceride substrates (12, 13). In physiological so-lutions containing 8 mMbile salt, lipase and colipaseform a 1:1 complex (10). Maximum activation alsooccurs at a molar colipase:lipase ratio near unity (14).Colipases and pancreatic lipases are functionally in-terchangeable (10, 14, 15) in a wide range of species,including the shark (10), although minor characteris-tics of the activation process, such as pH optimum,may vary (10, 15).

In duodenal secretions from 11 normal subjects aftera test meal, Borgstrom and Hildebrand (16) found thatlipase activity in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate was66-89% of the activity reached by the addition of ex-cess colipase. Hence, their data suggest that there wasinsufficient colipase in these samples to achieve com-plete activation of lipase. This observation is extremelyimportant, because it implies that the rate of lipolysiscould be regulated to a major extent by the cofactor.It is also evident that assays for pancreatic lipase induodenal secretions, which were not carried out in thepresence of excess colipase, might seriously underes-timate the amount of enzyme secreted.

To study colipase:lipase interrelationships we deter-mined lipase activity in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycho-late, with and without the addition of exogenous por-cine colipase in saturating amounts, in duodenalsecretions from nine normal subjects after stimulationwith pancreozymin and secretin. Wehave shown thatlipase estimation in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholatewithout added colipase is a simple assay for endoge-nous colipase when the latter is present in subsatur-ating quantities. Maximally stimulated lipase and co-lipase determinations have been extended to duodenalsecretions from patients with pancreatic insufficiency

J. Clin. Invest. C) The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. * 0021-9738/82/02/0427/08 $1.00Volume 69 February 1982 427-434


and steatorrhea. We report that endogenous colipaseis usually insufficient to saturate pancreatic lipase, andthat the degree of saturation varies widely among in-dividuals.


Subjects. Duodenal juice was obtained from 15 patientswith steatorrhea and 9 control subjects with normal fecal fatexcretion. Four of the control subjects were paid volunteers,and their inclusion in the study was approved by the HumanExperimentation Committee, The Hospital for Sick Chil-dren, Toronto.

Pancreatic stimulation tests. Pancreatic stimulation testswere performed on all subjects. The method was quantitativeand an adaptation of a published method (17). After an over-night fast, a double-lumen tube was inserted into the duo-denum under fluoroscope control with the proximal portopening into the second portion of the duodenum and a seriesof distal ports opening near the ligament of Treitz. A non-absorbable marker solution (0.5 ml of 5% bromosulfo-phthalein in 20 ml of 5% mannitol) was infused through thelumen of the proximal port at a constant rate of 1.6 ml/min.The mixture of duodenal juice and marker was aspiratedthrough the distal ports by intermittent low Gomco suction(Gomco Thermotic Drainage Pump, Gomco Surgical Man-ufacturers Corp., Buffalo, N.Y.) into flasks on ice. A separatenasogastric tube was inserted, and gastric juice was removedby intermittent low Gomco suction throughout the test pe-riod. Duodenal juice was collected for 20 min without stim-ulation, then for three consecutive 20-min periods duringwhich an intravenous infusion of pancreozymin and secretin(Boots Pure Drug Co., Nottingham, England) was main-tained at a rate of 0.125 U/kg per min. Aspirates from eachperiod were divided into 5-ml aliquots and stored for <7 dat -20°C until analyzed.

Assays. For the estimation of fecal fat stools were col-lected for 3-5 d in a hospital ward after a minimum periodof 48 h without pancreatic enzyme supplements. Dietaryintake was allowed to vary with the appetite of the subject.Fat intake was determined by recording and weighing andreference to standard content tables. Fat output was esti-mated by the method of van der Kamer et al. (18) and wasexpressed as a percentage of fat intake.

Lipase activity was determined by titration with an au-tomatic titration system (Methrohm Ltd., Herisau, Switzer-land; Combi Titrator type 3D; components E300B, E425,E473, E402, and EA880). The assays were performed at370C in a glass mixing chamber with 5 ml of buffer solutionconsisting of 150 mMNaCl, 1 mMCaCl2, and 2 mMTris-HCI at pH 5.5-8.5 as required. 250 AI of glycerol tributyratewas used as the lipid substrate except when replaced by 250Al of pure olive oil (Bertoli, Novara, Italy). After the additionof the enzyme sample, the rate of hydrolysis was determinedby titration with 0.0025 M NaOH to a constant pH, oncelinear kinetics were established for a period of 5 min. 1 Uof lipase activity is equivalent to 1 mol of NaOHconsumed/min. Unless otherwise stated, all assays were performed atpH 8.0. To measure lipase activity in the presence of sodiumtaurodeoxycholate, 10 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate wasprepared in the usual buffer solution and diluted with bufferto obtain the required concentration. Bromosulfophthaleinwas assayed by the method of Seligson et al. (19).

Preparation of human colipase-deficient pancreatic li-pase. Duodenal juice was concentrated eightfold by lyoph-ilization and applied to a Bio-Gel P-6 (Bio-Rad Laboratories,

Richmond, Calif.) column (2 X 45 cm). The eluate was col-lected in 5-ml fractions. Fractions 6-18, containing the lipasepeak, were lyophilized to 2 ml and applied to a SephadexG-75 (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Uppsala, Sweden) column(2 X 85 cm) which was eluted with 0.01 MTris-HCI bufferpH 8.0 containing 0.5 MNaCl and 1 mMbenzamidine (20).1.2-ml aliquots were collected and assayed for lipase activityin the presence and absence of 4 mMsodium taurodeoxy-cholate. Lipase activity in aliquots 56-65 was completelyinhibited by 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate and, therefore,judged to be free of colipase.

Preparation of porcine colipase. The powdered contentsof 5 Cotazym capsules (Organon Canada Ltd., Toronto, Can-ada) were mixed in 10 ml of distilled water and centrifugedat 5,000 g for 20 min in an L 2B centrifuge (DuPont In-struments-Sorvall, DuPont Co., Newtown, Conn.). The pre-cipitate was discarded, and the supernatant was heated at80°C for 15 min, frozen, and concentrated by lyophilizationto 20 ml.


Colipase activity can be defined in operational termsas the capacity to reactivate pure pancreatic lipase inthe presence of supramicellar concentrations of bilesalt (16, 21). The porcine colipase preparation used inthese studies was therefore assessed by its ability toactivate a human colipase-deficient pancreatic lipasein the presence of bile salts (Fig. 1). As shown in Fig.1A, increasing concentrations of sodium taurodeoxy-cholate resulted in a progressive inhibition of this li-pase preparation that was complete at 4 mMsodiumtaurodeoxycholate. Porcine colipase added in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate (Fig. 1B) restored activityin a linear fashion until maximum activation wasreached. Fig. 1C shows results obtained by adding col-ipase in excess of this saturating dose to the pancreatic

= 8-E

c 6-


a 4-0-


0 2 4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

TDC(mM) Colipose(mI) + 4mMTDC




i I0 2 4


FIGUBIE 1 Inhibition of colipase-deficient pancreatic lipaseby sodium taurodeoxycholate (TDC) and activation by por-cine colipase. (A) Lipase activity in the presence of increas-ing taurodeoxycholate concentrations. (B) Lipase activity in4.0 mMtaurodeoxycholate plus increasing volumes of coli-pase. (C) Lipase activity in excess colipase (0.6 ml) withincreasing concentrations of taurodeoxycholate.

428 K. J. Gaskin, P. R. Durie, R. E. Hill, L. M. Lee, and G. G. Forstner

lipase as sodium taurodeoxycholate concentrationswere increased. Maximum lipase activity was not ob-tained until sodium taurodeoxycholate concentrationsreached the critical micellar concentration.

Fig. 2A illustrates the effect of adding increasingamounts of sodium taurodeoxycholate to a sample ofduodenal juice obtained from a patient during stim-ulation with pancreozymin and secretin. At concen-trations equal to or above the critical micelle concen-tration, lipase activity was progressively inhibited, asin the experiments depicted in Fig. 1. The lipase inthe sample therefore resembled colipase-deficient pan-creatic lipase in its sensitivity to taurodeoxycholate.Unlike the colipase-free pancreatic lipase preparation,however, residual activity in 4 mMsodium tauro-deoxycholate was appreciable, amounting to 48% ofthe starting lipase activity. The results shown in Fig.2B confirm the impression that the duodenal juice wasrelatively deficient in colipase, because in 4 mMso-dium taurodeoxycholate the lipase activity of the sam-ple was activated in a linear fashion by the additionof exogenous colipase in the same manner as the col-ipase-deficient pancreatic lipase (Fig. 1). Our initialresults indicated that the lipase activity of the majorityof the samples tested in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycho-late was increased by the addition of exogenous coli-pase. In contrast to the experience of Borgstrom andHildebrand (16), the maximum levels were alwaysgreater than those measured in the absence of addedbile salts. The maximum activity obtained by addingcolipase in the presence of 4 mMsodium taurodeox-ycholate will be referred to as total lipase to distinguishit from lipase estimations performed under other con-ditions. Total lipase provides the most accurate esti-

mate of pancreatic lipase, because activity is indepen-dent of fluctuation in endogenous colipase (16).

The origin of the residual lipase activity in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate (lipase measured withoutthe addition of exogenous colipase) was established inseveral ways. It seemed likely that residual activitywas due either to pancreatic lipase activated by en-dogenous colipase or to a second lipase with relativeresistance to bile salt. Lipases of the latter type havebeen described in lingual and gastric secretions (22).Fig. 3 illustrates the pH activity profiles obtained withcolipase-deficient pancreatic lipase (Fig. 3A) and stim-ulated duodenal juice from a patient with normal pan-creatic function (Fig. 3B) in the presence of 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate, with and without exoge-nous colipase. In the absence of exogenous colipase thecolipase-free pancreatic lipase was inhibited com-pletely by sodium taurodeoxycholate at every pH,whereas in its presence, activity gradually increasedto a maximum at pH 8.0. Thus, human pancreaticlipase is maximally activated by colipase at pH 8.0.Fig. 3B shows that the lipase activity in stimulatedduodenal juice was also maximally activated by coli-pase at pH 8.0, even though there is a shift of pHoptimum to pH 7.5. Activation by exogenous colipasewas not seen below pH 6.5, suggesting that some ofthe lipase activity at lower pH might be due to en-zymes other than pancreatic lipase. The marked in-hibition by sodium taurodeoxycholate at pH 8.0 in-dicates, however, that the dominant activity measuredat this pH is that of pancreatic lipase.

In patients with very low pancreatic lipase secretionone might expect to see greater evidence of lipases ofnonpancreatic origin in some samples. Fig. 4 shows thepH activity profile of a duodenal aspirate from a pa-






0 2 4 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6TDC mM COLIPASE (ml)

+TDC (4 mM)

FIGURE 2 Inhibition of lipase in a duodenal aspirate (duringpancreozymin-secretin stimulation) by (a) increasing con-centrations of taurodeoxycholate (TDC) and (b) activationby the addition of exogenous porcine colipase.

1 2-E







0 ..,

0~~O~~O--o-0-0--oaI I

5 6 7 8


/ * "°5 6 7 8


FIGURE 3 (A) Colipase-deficient pancreatic lipase activityin 4.0 mMtaurodeoxycholate at varying pH in the absenceof exogenous colipase (0) and in the presence of excess ex-ogenous colipase (-). (B) Lipase activity in a duodenal as-pirate (during pancreozymin-secretin stimulation) in 4.0 mMtaurodeoxycholate at varying pH in the absence of exogenouscolipase (0) and in the presence of excess exogenous colipase(0).

Colipase and Activated Pancreatic Lipase 429



.f 4

5 6 7 8pH

FIGURE 4 Lipase activity in an unstimulated duodenal as-pirate from a patient with steatorrhea, in 4.0 mMtauro-deoxycholate at varying pH. (0) No exogenous colipase;(@) excess exogenous colipase. Conditions as described inFig. 3.

tient with steatorrhea. The highest activity in the pres-ence of both sodium taurodeoxycholate and sodiumtaurodeoxycholate plus colipase occurred at pH 6.0,with little evidence of activation by colipase until pH6.5. The pH profile strongly suggests that this samplecontained a major bile salt-resistant lipase with a lowpH optimum. The activity of this lipase in 4 mMso-dium taurodeoxycholate at pH 8.0 must be extremelylow, however, because almost 80% of the total activityat this pH resulted from activation by exogenous col-ipase. Thus, even in patients with very little pancreaticsecretion, the measurement of lipase activity at pH 8.0appears to reflect predominantly pancreatic lipase.

Fig. 5 shows that lipase activity at pH 8.0 in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate is activated similarly byexogenous colipase in samples from different patients,even when containing different ratios of residual tototal lipase. In this experiment, five samples were se-


E~~ ~ l



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Exogenous Colipase (ml)

FIGURE 5 Lipase activity in stimulated duodenal aspiratesfrom five patients selected for their range of inhibition by4.0 mMtaurodeoxycholate. All samples were diluted to givea total activity per aliquot of 10 U in the presence of excessexogenous colipase. Lipase was assayed in 4.0 mMtauro-deoxycholate in the presence of increasing concentrationsof exogenous colipase.

lected in which activity in sodium taurodeoxycholatevaried from 20 to 70% of the total activity. All con-centrations were adjusted so that the total lipase (ac-tivity in the presence of excess colipase) was identical.The samples, in a constant concentration of sodiumtaurodeoxycholate (4 mM) were then activated by theaddition of increasing amounts of exogenous colipase.As shown in Fig. 5, all samples exhibited parallel ac-tivation curves over a broad range of added colipase.The increments in lipase activity per unit of addedcolipase were therefore identical, regardless of thestarting lipase activity. Because activation depends onthe molar ratio of pancreatic lipase and colipase, equalactivation per aliquot of exogenous colipase impliesthat all samples contained the same quantity of pan-creatic lipase. Further, since the total activity afteractivation by excess colipase was constant in each case,this condition would only hold if the starting activityin sodium taurodeoxycholate were due solely to pan-creatic lipase activated by endogenous colipase.

If so, lipase activity in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxy-cholate ought to be directly proportional to the en-dogenous colipase in each sample. To test this hy-pothesis, we determined the colipase content ofduodenal juice samples from seven different patientsafter heat inactivation of endogenous lipase in a man-ner similar to that described by Borgstrom and Hil-debrand (16). Pancreatic lipase in duodenal juice wasinactivated by heating at 80°C for 15 min. The abilityof these samples to activate a colipase-deficient pan-creatic lipase sample was then tested at two to fourserial dilutions. Identical aliquots were examined forresidual lipolytic activity at pH 8.0 in 4 mMsodiumtaurodeoxycholate. It is evident in the results shownin Fig. 6 that there was a very high correlation betweenresidual lipolytic activity in 4 mMsodium taurode-oxycholate and activation of the colipase-deficientpancreatic lipase, over a broad range of activity, andfurther that there was negligible patient-to-patientvariation. Measurement of lipolytic activity at pH 8.0in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate therefore reflectsendogenous colipase content accurately and constitutesa convenient quantitative estimation of endogenouscolipase, provided the latter is present in subsaturatingamounts. Activation by colipase in heat-treated sam-ples was constantly less than the activation producedby the endogenous colipase in 4 mMsodium tauro-deoxycholate, indicating that heat inactivation haddestroyed some colipase as well as pancreatic lipase.Heat inactivation may therefore introduce a system-atic error in the measurement of colipase. Inasmuchas heat inactivation was similar in all specimens, how-ever, this error is irrelevant to the choice of methods,provided one remembers that results are not directlyinterchangable.

430 K. J. Gaskin, P. R. Durie, R. E. Hill, L. M. Lee, and G. G. Forstner

E 32-E

E 16-

0 0

2 4 6 8 o1Lhpose(units,'ml) Heat inactivation

FIGURE 6 Comparison of lipase activity in 4.0 mMtauro-deoxycholate (TDC) without exogenous colipase and lipaseactivation of a colipase-deficient pancreatic lipase by anidentical aliquot of the same sample of duodenal aspirateafter its pancreatic lipase had been destroyed by heating at80°C for 15 min. Seven samples from seven patients wereused at two or three dilutions (samples from individual pa-tients have been given different symbols). The correlationbetween the two results (y = 1.68 + 2.99 x, r = 0.96) washighly significant (P < 0.001).

The day-to-day and interassay variability of the as-says for total lipase and colipase as estimated by theresidual method in sodium taurodeoxycholate is shownin Table I. Both assays showed reasonably good re-producibility over a threefold activity range in intra-day assays. The coefficient of variation for day-to-daytesting was 6.6% for total lipase and 8% for colipase.

Both assays exhibited a linear increase in the rateof lipolysis with increasing enzyme concentration overat least a fivefold range of activity. Reaction rates re-quired several minutes to achieve linearity when totallipase was measured, and occasionally required as longas 10 min when colipase was measured. Linear kineticsin both assays, once established, persisted for at least20 min.

Fig. 7A presents the mean responses to stimulationby pancreozymin and secretin of nine normal subjectsduring three 20-min periods. Output of both colipase

TABLE IAssay Variability for Total Lipase and for Colipase

Total lipase CV Colipase CV

U/ml % U/ml %

Intraday' 10.55±0.73t 6.92 13.4±0.6 4.518.5±0.8 4.532.7±2.0 6.1 46.9±2.1 4.5

Interday° 19.4±1.3 6.6 14.2±1.1 8.0

Cv, coefficient of variation.* Results based on 20 assays performed simultaneously or on con-secutive days.t ±SD.

and total lipase was stimulated in both cases. Colipaseoutput tended to increase in rough proportion to totallipase output for the group as a whole. The two in-dividual responses shown in Fig. 7B make it clear,however, that the ratio of colipase to total lipase ac-tivity was not tightly fixed from period to period.

Cumulative 1-h poststimulation results are shown inTable II for 9 normal subjects and 15 patients withsteatorrhea. Colipase and total lipase in the nine pa-tients without pancreatic disease varied over a 3.3- to4.7-fold range. The wide range was largely accountedfor by one subject, however, who had almost twice theoutput of the second most responsive individual. Li-pase activity in all of the subjects without pancreaticdisease was stimulated by the addition of exogenouscolipase. This is illustrated by the ratios of colipaseactivity to lipase activity, which varied considerablyfrom subject to subject with a mean of 0.68. Colipaseand total lipase activities were extremely low in thepatients with steatorrhea but, due to the sensitivity ofthe assay, could be measured in every case. The meancolipase secretion for the steatorrheic patients was<0.1% of the mean colipase output, and total lipasewas <0.2% of the mean total lipase in the patientswithout pancreatic disease. The mean colipase:totallipase ratio of the steatorrheic patients was signifi-cantly lower than that of the patients with normalpancreatic function.

Wehave found very few samples that have not ex-hibited some activation with exogenous colipase andonly one patient, a child with steatorrhea and very lowlipase activity, failed to exhibit activation in a majorityof the collection periods. The addition of a sample ofduodenal juice to a colipase-deficient pancreatic lipasepreparation resulted in this patient in activation of thepancreatic lipase. Colipase was therefore excreted inexcess of pancreatic lipase.

A Ba


0 20 4 0 6 0

Post stimulotion (min)

FIGURE 7 Basal and stimulated values for total lipase (0)and colipase (0). (A) Mean±SD in nine normal subjects. (B)Actual values in two representative subjects showing thevariation in colipase and total lipase outputs from period toperiod. (0), total lipase; (0), colipase.

Colipase and Activated Pancreatic Lipase 431



TABLE IITotal Lipase Activity and Colipase Activity in Normal Subjects and Patients with Steatorrhea due to Pancreatic Disease

Total lipase Colipase Colipase/total lipase

Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range Mean±SD Range


Normal subjects 22,766±11,023 9,698-45,922 15,122±7,887 9,133-30,343 0.68±0.14 0.43-0.85Steatorrheic subjects 48.3±67.7° 7-256 15.5±18.Ot 1.4-58.3 0.47±0.24" 0.10-0.94

All values in steatorrheic patients are significantly lower than those of normal subjects.P < 0.025.

I P < 0.001.

It was also of interest to determine whether acti-vation with exogenous colipase occurred when a morephysiological long-chain substrate was used as a sub-stitute for glycerol tributyrate and, further, whetheractivation occurred at a more physiological pH. Wetherefore assayed lipase activity with olive oil in thepresence of 4.0 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate withand without exogenous colipase in duodenal samplesfrom three subjects without steatorrhea. Fig. 8 showsthe results obtained over the pH range 6.5-8.5. Activ-ity below pH 6.5 could not be measured satisfactorily,because the activity with the long-chain substrate wasapproximately 10-fold lower than the activity withglycerol tributyrate. Activation by exogenous colipasewas noted at pH 6.5 and 7.0 and increased to a max-imum at pH 7.5 and 8.0. The concentration of endog-enous colipase, therefore, appears to be less than op-timal for lipolysis of long-chain triglyceride within thephysiological pH range.


Even though colipase was first described in 1963 (23)and was soon shown to be essential for preserving ly-

20 -

20- 10




6.5 7.5 8.5 6.5 7.5 8.5





I . .

-4K7586.5 7.5 8.5


FIGURE 8 Pancreatic lipase activity in 4.0 mM. Taurode-oxycholate at varying pH with (0) and without (0) exoge-nous colipase, with olive oil as the lipid substrate. Samplesfrom three patients (A, B, and C) were analyzed.

polytic activity of pancreatic lipase in the presence ofphysiological concentrations of bile salts (1, 3), onlyone previous study has estimated lipase activity inpancreatic secretion in man with the addition of suf-ficient colipase to ensure optimum activation (16). Ourwork demonstrates that pancreatic lipase from almostall samples of basal and stimulated pancreatic secre-tions, both from individuals without apparent pan-creatic disease and from patients with pancreatic in-sufficiency and steatorrhea, is inhibited by 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate and stimulated by the ad-dition of exogenous colipase, when assayed with theshort-chain triglyceride substrate tributyrine. This ob-servation may have an important physiological con-notation, because it demonstrates that secreted pan-creatic lipase is almost always unsaturated with respectto endogenous colipase. The rate of lipolysis was there-fore dependent on the amount of endogenous cofactorin the secretions, as well as on the total pancreaticlipase, and, because lipase activity increased steeplyand linearly with respect to added colipase in the un-saturated range, colipase has the potential for exertingvery fine control over the rate of lipolysis. The prob-ability that colipase might act in this manner is en-hanced by the evidence presented in this, paper thatindicates that the ratio of colipase to maximally stim-ulated lipase varies considerably in samples from dif-ferent individuals and to a minor degree in the sameindividual from secretion period to secretion period.There is, therefore, no evidence of a fixed ratio ofcolipase and pancreatic lipase that would suggest thatthe secretion of the cofactor is rigidly linked to thatof the enzyme.

Borgstrom and Hildebrand (16) obtained results thatsuggested that colipase and pancreatic lipase were se-creted in parallel in normal man. Pancreatic lipase wasmeasured in the absence of bile salts and exogenouscolipase, however, and not in the presence of excesscolipase and supramicellar bile salt concentrations, asin our studies. Although Borgstrom and Hildebrand(16) found that there was no significant difference

432 K. J. Gaskin, P. R. Durie, R. E. Hill, L. M. Lee, and G. G. Forstner

between determinations of lipase by the two methods,our results indicate that the assays can give quite dif-ferent results in individual samples. The detailed studyof exogenous colipase stimulation and bile salt inhi-bition presented in Fig. 3 provides a clear example ofthis sort, inasmuch as there is no correspondence be-tween lipase levels under the two conditions. Our re-sults indicate that both colipase and total lipase re-spond to stimulation by secretin-pancreozymin, andmean results in subjects without pancreatic disease in-dicate that the degree of stimulation is approximatelythe same over three 20-min collections. Secretion ofthe enzyme and cofactor is, therefore, roughly parallel.In individual collection periods, however, there wasoften some variation in the cofactor:enzyme ratio dur-ing a single stimulation test, as if in response to a de-gree of independent control. Lipase activity in 4 mMsodium taurodeoxycholate varied from 10 to 94% ofthe maximum activity produced by exogenous coli-pase, suggesting that endogenous colipase excretioncould exert control over the rate of lipolysis over aneightfold to ninefold control range. Because patientswith steatorrhea had the lowest ratios of colipase tototal lipase it seems quite possible that the level ofcolipase in pathological secretions might at times bethe deciding factor in determining whether fat mal-absorption occurs.

The experimental basis for these observations liesin the evidence that lipase activity in 4 mMsodiumtaurodeoxycholate at pH 8.0 is entirely due to endog-enous colipase and therefore is a measure of endoge-nous colipase. Using this assay, we have demonstratedan extremely close correlation among multiple patientswith the standard approach to measuring colipase inpancreatic secretions, which depends upon heat in-activation of endogenous pancreatic lipase and theactivation of a colipase-deficient enzyme preparationby the remaining heat-stable colipase. The heat in-activation assay is essential for detecting excess coli-pase in secretions that are saturated, but, as notedabove, saturation appears to be uncommon in humanpancreatic secretions. Our evidence also suggests thatheat inactivation has important limitations, inasmuchas -60% of the endogenous colipase appeared to bedestroyed by heat. Our conditions for heat inactivationwere slightly more vigorous than those described byBorgstrom and Hildebrand (16), but we found themnecessary to produce acceptable inactivation of lipase.Colipase may well be preserved, as suggested by Borgs-trom and Hildebrand (16), by heating at lower tem-peratures for a shorter period, but inactivation of li-pase is less complete, requiring rather large correctionfactors. There is, therefore, no absolutely satisfactoryassay for colipase in the rare instances in which it issecreted in excess.

Borgstrom and Hildebrand (16) determined colipaseactivity after heat inactivation of duodenal samples bymeasuring reactivated pancreatic lipase activity at pH7.0 rather than 8.0 because of their previous experi-ence, predominantly with rat colipase, which indi-cated that maximum activation with colipase occursat pH 6.0 (21). As we have illustrated in this paper,however, human pancreatic lipase is maximally acti-vated by porcine colipase at a pH above 7.5-8.0 forboth long- and short-chain triglyceride substrates. Sim-ilar results have been reported by Vandermeers et al.(15), using bovine colipase.

Both the assay for colipase and the assay for maxi-mally activated (total) pancreatic lipase, using theshort-chain triglyceride substrate, were extremely sen-sitive and could be extended to the measurement ofactivity in steatorrheic patients whose mean hourlyoutputs were <0.1 and <0.2% of the mean results inpatients without pancreatic disease for colipase andlipase, respectively. They, therefore, represent majoradvances over titrimetric assays using long-chain tri-glycerides, which suffer from poor linearity of productformation and insensitivity due to incomplete titrationof fatty acids (24). All 15 steatorrheic patients hadmeasurable amounts of colipase and lipase in everycollection period and all showed some response to se-cretin-pancreozymin. In these patients, as shown inFig. 4, lipase with a lower pH optimum and relativeresistance to bile salts may contribute significantly tototal lipolytic activity. Acid lipases in lingual glandsand gastric contents are completely inactive at pH 8.0(22). It is, therefore, unlikely that an acid lipase oflingual origin would contribute to the residual lipaseactivity in sodium taurodeoxycholate at this pH. Thatthe steatorrheic patients as a group had significantlylower colipase:total lipase ratios when compared withthose with normal pancreatic function is, therefore,doubly impressive.

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